
故事模式剧情详表 (移动版):修订间差异

第1,794行: 第1,794行:
Absolutely. You will all be remembered forever.<br><br>So long as I am here.}}
Absolutely. You will all be remembered forever.<br><br>So long as I am here.}}

解锁条件:购入[[Scarlet Cage]]单曲<br>解锁要求:通过[[Purgatorium]]
She kept expecting there to be more people here.<br><br>She wasn’t sure why. All around her was a white wasteland, filled with nothing but faded, ruined<br>buildings, bereft of all life—all except for her.<br><br>In these few days since waking up in this place, without any recollection of what happened before,<br>she walked quite far and explored what she could. The tattered structures did little to answer her<br>questions. Each of them was empty... and while she found the architecture itself familiar, she<br>seemed to have no memory of when she’d learned their names, their shapes, their functions.<br><br>Time and again, that was the idea she’d come back to: knowing "what", but not "why". It could be<br>the idea was just a distraction for her, something to ponder in favor of the more obvious, weightier<br>things regarding this world—and inside herself.<br><br>She had to say, though: this was certainly a bizarre and bewildering place.
She pulled her guitar’s strap tightly over her shoulder, and the questions returned. Where had she<br>gotten it? Why in the world was it with her? Despite having woken up alongside it, she couldn’t<br>answer those questions. She only knew to pluck the strings to make sounds, to hold the strings<br>over the frets to create others. To strum them in time, to create rhythms, melodies, chords,<br>harmonies. More than that, it was almost... comforting, when she held in her hands.<br><br>But why? No, she did not know why. Why didn’t she?<br><br>The sand around her—eroded over eons by water. No water here. No liquid, even. How was there<br>sand? Walking. She knew how to do that. Why? She had no answer. She never had any answers.<br><br>For what it was worth, was any of this knowledge even "memory" at all?<br>Was she "remembering" these things? Had she "forgotten" other things?<br>It seemed to her she had amnesia, but was amnesia this... selective?
Knowing things, but not knowing why that knowledge existed within her, had her deeply and<br>fundamentally upset. It made her feel like an incomplete person. Like someone had removed her<br>skin and muscles and bones and placed them into some false container, but had forgotten to put<br>in all the other important things, leaving her hollow, forgotten.<br><br>She hated not knowing.<br><br>A kaleidoscope of questions shifted and rotated in her mind. She forced herself to focus on all the<br>sudden and overwhelming turns and angles. But answers? Again, no. There were no answers.<br><br>During her barefooted expeditions (she decided early on to keep her shoes looped around her<br>neck, since the large heels were inconvenient for the terrain) she’d learned next to nothing.<br>In fact, the more she saw, the less she felt that she knew.<br><br>She hated not knowing. She knew so many things about what was around her, and yet she felt<br>like she knew nothing of herself. So much of what she saw was baffling nonsense—not least of all<br>the glass wandering through the air for seemingly no reason. Glass that showed her other people,<br>other times, other worlds. Reflections, resonating in the oddest ways. Reflections, she thought,<br>which were undoubtedly familiar.
Yet the familiarity was but a feeling. The glass never showed her in their reflections.<br>These were not scenes of a remembered past.<br>These were not memories... or, at least, they were not hers, these Arcaea. Nothing was hers.<br><br>Deep down, her emotions shifted. With that shift came a growing sense of concern, of being out of<br>place, of confusion, of faint loneliness, of something crucial being missing somewhere inside her.<br>And she didn’t like it one bit.<br><br>She started walking again. Walking always seemed to help.<br>It let her focus on what was around her instead. On what was outside.}}
解锁条件:完成[[#6-1|6-1]],购入[[Scarlet Cage]]单曲<br>解锁要求:通过[[Scarlet Cage]]
But she could only ignore that creeping feeling for so long.<br><br>Eventually, she sat down on a relatively smooth chunk of stone and anxiously ran a hand through<br>her hair. Looking back, she could see a long set of footprints through the faded sand, stretching all<br>the way to the horizon. How was it possible there was this much sand? She was starting to get sick<br>of it.<br><br>After a moment’s thought, she brought her guitar around and held it, again, in her hands.<br>And there it was again, instantly: that comfort. It was like... a reassuring parent, or a friend.<br>She sighed. Really, that was all that she needed to keep going.<br><br>Without thinking, she began to hum a tune. Her fingers strummed the strings, their quiet, tinny<br>chords adding that precious harmony to her melody. She could remember how to walk, and she<br>could remember how to play. It brought a momentary smile to her lips: how both of these acts<br>came about as natural as breathing.<br><br>Her lips turned down again a moment later, however, losing their humor. Words were coming to her<br>tongue, her teeth, her lips, wanting to be added to this song. At first they were scattered, whirling,<br>trying to form a complete, sensible picture.
And so, dressed in black and scarlet, she sang—in this world of white:<br>this colorless and seemingly infinite cage.<br><br>Gradually, her words gained volume. Her feelings roiled within her, wild, building in intensity.<br>These instinctive words weren’t new, nor were they old and forgotten.<br>They were always with her, and now they were clawing, screaming their way out of her chest.<br>Just speaking them wouldn’t be enough. They needed to be shouted, roared so that they<br>resounded in the furthest corners of this dead world. She yelled them as loud as she possibly could.<br><br>It just seemed like the right thing to do.<br><br>She shouted about confusion. She shouted about the unknown, about the bleak landscapes,<br>about the bounteous memories in tiny glass shards flitting past for brief moments before<br>disappearing again.<br><br>She shouted about—<br><br>Fear.
For that one critical moment as she played, she realized what she’d been feeling, deep down.<br>This empty world, her empty memories...<br><br>They terrified her.<br><br>Who was she? What was this quiet place? What was going to happen to her?<br>What HAD happened to her?<br><br>But she already knew that she might never know. Not here.<br><br>Her voice broke for a note, but she pushed past and forced her lungs, should they exist, to their<br>limits.<br><br>Her fingers flew madly across the six strings. She could hear it vividly in her mind, the power, the<br>weaving together of rumbles, screeches, and vibrations.<br><br>A storm of her soul and of music—a tumultuous undercurrent rushing beneath her lyrics along<br>with the simmering dread, growing into a powerful heat, which reached her eyes as well.
But somehow, in some way she couldn't pinpoint, it made her feel a little better.<br>A little less confused, a little less afraid.<br><br>After a time, the echoes of her shouting faded out. A few final plucks with her right hand, and she<br>dropped it from the strings, her work finished. Her song vanished into the bright sky, the evidence<br>it had ever happened now residing within her near-empty memories.<br><br>She put her other hand to her eyes and rubbed them, shivering, refusing to look at the heavens<br>that had taken her song away.<br><br>But then she gave a laugh. It surprised her. It was an honest laugh—and the smile of a job well<br>done. She wiped her hand on her dress and sighed to herself.<br><br>Man, she hated this place.}}

解锁条件:完成[[#6-2|6-2]],购入[[Scarlet Cage]]单曲<br>解锁要求:通过[[VECTOЯ]]
The world was no less confusing now—no less intimidating, no less empty, no less merciless.<br><br>But now, she felt like she could deal with it.<br><br>She couldn’t be sure, but she could have sworn that fear was something she was familiar with.<br>She knew things about it—how it could make your legs weak, how it could make you run away,<br>how it could prevent you from making decisions, how it could control you.<br>The fear of the unknown. The fear of failure.<br><br>And she could only assume it had been instinct that had led her to play that song.<br>Maybe she’d done it before. Maybe she’d shouted through her fear before, in much the same way.<br><br>Maybe she had. At least, now she felt like she could handle it.<br>She had a firmer grip on that twisted little emotion now.<br>If she wanted to stay sane in this baffling world, she needed to keep it in check, keep it from<br>controlling her.<br>But it would always be there.
She exhaled, then turned in her seat and carefully put her guitar aside, laying it onto the stone.<br>Then she heard a soft clink.<br><br>A small cloth bag had fallen out of her inside pocket to the stone sticking out above the sand.<br>In it were several needles, a little pair of scissors, a thimble, a few spools of thread, and a measure.<br>A sewing kit. It had been with her when she’d first woken up. She could only assume it was hers.<br><br>When she’d first found the pouch, it had just confused her. She knew what it was for, but had no<br>clue why she was carrying it. Each of the accoutrements within was, of course, "known" to her, but<br>like the guitar she carried with her... it hadn’t come with any helpful little notes explaining where<br>it came from.<br><br>But now, when she reached down to retrieve the pouch, upon seeing her sleeve, she froze.<br><br>She... knew, didn’t she? How that sleeve was made. She knew the stitches, she knew all of the folds.<br>She knew the exact colors. She knew those threads were in the sewing kit.
But any further connection escaped her. She could easily draw conclusions based on logic,<br>but her mind still felt closed. That cruel disconnect between knowledge and experience...<br>It was agonizing.<br><br>Now, though... Now she wouldn’t let herself be overwhelmed by the fear caused by that disconnect.<br>She would recognize it, use it. So what if she didn’t remember? What mattered was that she knew.<br><br>A concrete goal would certainly help, though. She didn’t have one yet, but maybe, in time,<br>she could find one.<br><br>A grin crossed her face as she started off again, still thinking of the kit which had just made her<br>shiver. Pretty convenient, huh? She could at least keep her clothing intact on this inane journey.<br>And with that thought... her outfit certainly wasn’t practical, but it was hers, and she wouldn’t<br>give it up for the world.<br><br>Yes. It was hers.<br><br>That, her guitar, and her sewing kit—in this wasteland of memory, they were all hers.
Knowing that helped a little, and a little help could go a long way.<br><br>...A few steps later, something below her caught her eye.<br><br>Footprints in the sand...<br><br>But they didn’t belong to her.<br><br>Crossing her path, leading off to the left, they were definitely a few sizes off.<br>She stared the way they headed, and saw that they disappeared behind a few gentle hills.<br><br>Another genuine, familiar grin crossed her face.<br><br>Huh...<br><br>Maybe she’d had an audience after all.}}
 解锁条件:购入[[Ephemeral Page]]曲包<br>解锁要求:通过[[Alice à la mode]]
 解锁条件:购入[[Ephemeral Page]]曲包<br>解锁要求:通过[[Alice à la mode]]
第2,013行: 第1,958行:
She'll find it.<br><br>The way back: to the one who cared for her the most in life.<br><br>And for the other...<br><br>If she cannot find him again on her journey, she knows a fragment of him will be there with her,<br>remaining in her heart. Perhaps she'll start making and never drinking tea. The thought... makes her<br>smile and laugh once again.<br><br>Alice decides then and there, feet on the ground and holding the shard of "truth" between her<br>fingers: even if she may always look forward, to the horizon that marks a new way...<br><br>...she will never, ever, forget what brought her there. }}
She'll find it.<br><br>The way back: to the one who cared for her the most in life.<br><br>And for the other...<br><br>If she cannot find him again on her journey, she knows a fragment of him will be there with her,<br>remaining in her heart. Perhaps she'll start making and never drinking tea. The thought... makes her<br>smile and laugh once again.<br><br>Alice decides then and there, feet on the ground and holding the shard of "truth" between her<br>fingers: even if she may always look forward, to the horizon that marks a new way...<br><br>...she will never, ever, forget what brought her there. }}
解锁条件:购入[[GIMME DA BLOOD]]单曲<br>解锁要求:通过[[GIMME DA BLOOD]]
A moonless night blanketed the forest, trying to smother the fires blazing throughout its sprawling<br>verdure and the village nestled within.<br><br>Crashes and screams. Horrible sounds from horrible shapes, dark against the flames. For some, the<br>smoke-filled air was inundated with panic, driving them to run as fast as their legs could carry them.<br><br>She, however, felt enveloped in something now familiar to her: an unadulterated thrill of battle.<br><br>Her obsidian-colored sword glinted as it cleaved another of the shadowy figures. They were shaped<br>like malformed beasts, running on all fours yet fighting dexterously on hind legs. Her cut severed<br>its shoulders from the rest of its body—but before it could hit the ground, the body dissipated, as<br>though becoming smoke, before rising into the air to join the smoke from the fire.
Save for how the beasts appeared to materialize from the smoke of the forest blaze itself, she didn’t<br>know much else about them. There was little to distinguish one from another. For all she knew,<br>killing one would simply send its essence back into the clouds, only for it to come back again as<br>though nothing had happened.<br><br>As she stabbed her ornate blade into another of the shadow-beasts, she spared a glance behind her.<br><br>The villagers were nearly through the forest to the safety of the advancing forward line of some<br>nation or other.<br><br>She needed to protect them—needed to let the thrill within her run its course.<br><br>She jumped, spanning almost a field’s length in a single leap, long hair fluttering behind her, to<br>behead another beast as it raised a smoky claw to gore a fleeing farmer.<br><br>The short, muscular woman paused her escape for just a moment to offer a gesture the<br>sword-wielder wasn’t familiar with—perhaps a sign of gratitude—before scrambling away again.
It wouldn’t be much longer now. No matter where she found herself, no matter how advanced the<br>world’s technology and no matter what the philosophy of its people, she always had one objective:<br>slay, slay, slay—until, presumably, the enemy was gone.<br><br>Finally, the last straggler from the village made it to the line of spear-wielding soldiers. She could<br>see from here the sweat on the troops’ brows, the fear in their eyes… but she could see the<br>determination in their postures as well.<br><br>Letting down her sword at last, she exhaled a breath she hadn’t realized she’d kept, knowing what<br>was to come next. She felt the weariness hitting her quickly—and, once again, sooner than the last<br>time.<br><br>The world around her began to fracture, as though it had merely been a projected image made of<br>glass. She closed her eyes and smiled an empty smile. Slowly, she let the pale light engulf her...<br><br>...and welcome her back into the world of Arcaea.}}
解锁条件:完成[[#8-1|8-1]],购入[[GIMME DA BLOOD]]单曲<br>解锁要求:通过[[Bookmaker (2D Version)]]
迷尔并不知道自己的名字,即使她在来到这个死寂世界之前有什么记忆,现在也都遗失了。<br><br>一块玻璃碎片——就是这次将她卷入其中的那块——绕着她转了一圈,然后就飞向了远处。<br>从经验来看,她再也见不着它了。<br>它们叫作Arcaea——这是它们的名字,她在苏醒后就不知为何地知道这一点——<br>它们似乎展示着处于某些特定状况的纷纷世界。 <br><br>她没法触碰这些碎片,但它们能对自己起效。<br>至今以来,它们已经将自己卷入其中十多次,让她参与到各种世界和事件当中,<br>并且都有着明显相同的目标:击败——不,应该是将敌人碾碎在脚下。<br><br>在每一次的经历中,都不可避免地出现一些无法与她并肩作战的人……<br>不过,比起保护他们的念头,还是战斗的渴望更让人热血上涌。
Mir did not know her name, and if she had any memories from before this dead world to<br>remember, they were lost to her now.<br><br>A glass shard—the one that had pulled her this time—briefly spun around her before shooting<br>away into the distance. She knew from experience she wouldn’t see it again. They were called<br>Arcaea—their name a fragment of knowledge from her awakening of which she did not know the<br>origin—and they seemed to show other worlds in the midst of certain situations.<br><br>She couldn’t touch the shards, but they could act on her. Over a dozen times now, they had pulled<br>her inside, bringing her into those worlds and situations, with the apparent reason always the<br>same: to defeat—no, to crush her enemies underfoot.<br><br>Inevitably, each time, there would be those unable to fight behind her... though the idea of<br>shielding them paled in comparison to the driving, blood-racing thrill of the fight.
She was skilled with this blade she had woken up with—wherever it had come from. And something<br>told her that she was too skilled. She could clearly do things that others in these worlds couldn’t.<br>In fact, even her enemies didn’t pose much challenge for her in person-to-person combat. The true<br>challenge, she was learning, was in the protection of others.<br><br>But when she was in the fray, such concerns meant nothing to her. She reveled in the battle—let the<br>mirth of violence course through her.<br><br>That mirth, however, seemed to be draining from her more quickly after the fact, leaving naught<br>but emptiness and exhaustion that took what felt like hours, if not days, to restore. And it seemed<br>to be taking longer and longer each time.<br><br>The absence of adrenaline led her to ponder these other worlds she was being tossed into. Even<br>what had previously seemed to her to be fact, that these were other worlds at all, didn’t feel quite<br>right of late. It was almost more like... she was being shown images, ones that for some reason she<br>could act within. The answer was obvious, she sensed, as though she should have known it, yet it<br>was just beyond her grasp...
Tired, she hefted her sword onto her shoulder and took a look around. White sand, as far as the<br>eye could see. A desert, drained of its color, mirroring how drained she herself felt upon returning to<br>it. The trail of footprints behind her were exactly as they were before the "spiriting away". Without<br>any wind, it was impossible to tell how much time had passed.<br><br>Not that time seemed to have much meaning here.<br><br>Another calling. Everything turned white again.<br><br>Abruptly, she stood somewhere else. Fields charred brown, smoke in the sky, makeshift fences<br>erected on land and trenches dug into the ground.<br><br>She looked around, suddenly exhausted. The callings had never happened this close together<br>before. And where were the weak ones—that throng of faceless actors on the stage, pointless yet<br>also perhaps the sole reason for being thrown into battle? More importantly, where were her<br>enemies?<br><br>Where was her fight?}}
解锁条件:完成[[#8-2|8-2]],购入[[GIMME DA BLOOD]]单曲<br>解锁要求:通过[[Illegal Paradise]]
她立刻就瘫倒在了地上,大口喘着气。<br>她的剑本来在几小时前就被扔上了天,此刻却也横着掉在她身旁, 在沙子上发出干瘪的碰撞声。<br><br>她闭着眼坐了起来,试图忘记一切,试图放空心神,试图不再理会这片纯白世界。<br><br>她来这里是干嘛的?她为什么会出现在这里?<br><br>自从她苏醒后,她的时间只足够拿来睡眠和思考自己之所以被召唤至此的问题。<br>但她缺失的记忆一直是心头挥之不去的阴霾。<br><br>她本来是想要干嘛的?<br><br>她想了又想,还是想不出来。
War.<br><br>Mir had experienced battle before—but never war.<br><br>She now watched people kill one another with deadly efficiency, run for their lives in fear, engage<br>in feats of true heroism, engage in displays of utter dishonor...<br><br>Every way she turned, she found those weaker than her. Innocent, terrified faces, and all too many<br>of them young. They would see her, then look away, as if recognizing her only as a hallucination, a<br>trick of the light. She nonetheless tried to protect them. They would then run to their deaths.<br><br>Every way she turned, she found enemies. Soldiers leveling weapons at disarmed foes. Terrible<br>armaments, disassociated from humanity, delivering death faster than she could have ever believed<br>possible. She destroyed them, and then more would appear on the other side.
She jumped to yet another group of people, blue uniforms fighting against red, before making a<br>quick judgement and taking down the red ones. Behind, those people she had just protected were<br>wiped out in an instant from a strike she hadn’t seen coming.<br><br>Fading.<br><br>Vessels soared overhead, raining pure destruction down upon the lands. The vessels bore the same<br>insignias as those in the blue uniforms. Their fire swiftly took so many lives. Were they the true<br>enemy?<br><br>Taking a deep breath, she swung her arm back. After a mere moment’s pause to take aim, she spun,<br>hurling her sword into the air with a shout. The blade screamed upward at the small formation—<br>then tore through them, sending wild oranges and reds scattering through the firmament.<br><br>Then she saw the people jumping, and realized her mistake. White flared above and behind them,<br>and their descent slowed—parachutes? But they were easy targets against the red side’s weaponry.<br><br>The thrill was fading. Quickly.
Exhaustion crept back in.<br><br>And with it, despair—hopelessness at this situation over which she seemed to hold no power.<br><br>Indecision—the uncertainty of knowing what to do after the errors she’d made, and of who it was,<br>exactly, she needed to defeat.<br><br>Fright—the fear that her decisions would lead to something even worse.<br><br>The thrill was gone.<br><br>It felt like a trusted partner had betrayed her. Left her in her moment of need. She reached out with<br>her hands, searching for it. It had to be here. She had no fuel without it. Nothing to give her the<br>strength to take another step.<br><br>Unable to find it, eventually she, like those wounded soldiers, fell to her knees.
Hours passed. The raging battle was now dwindling, leaving behind the true horror of warfare.<br><br>She put her hands over her ears to protect herself from their moans, their yells. She shut her eyes<br>to block out the sights and smells.<br><br>It’s not my fault. It’s not my fault, she told herself.<br><br>And yet... it was, still, her fault. She surely could have done something, she thought. She could<br>have changed something—anything to prevent this.<br><br>When she tried to think about what she could have done, however, she found she couldn’t.<br><br>And that process repeated, as it had done the last dozen times. She felt her nerves fraying, panic<br>setting in.<br><br>Eventually, her surroundings whitened, and she was sent back into the world of Arcaea in the same<br>manner as all the other times.
Immediately, she crumpled to the ground, breathing heavily. Her sword, which she’d thrown into<br>the air hours before, dropped down beside her, hitting the sand lengthwise with a dry clap.<br><br>She sat there, eyes closed, trying to forget, trying to make her mind go blank, trying to keep out the<br>sheer whiteness of this damned world’s sky.<br><br>What was she doing here? What did this world want from her?<br><br>Ever since her awakening, she’d only been given the time to ponder her summonings and to sleep.<br>But her lack of memories hung there in the back of her mind like a haunting phantom.<br><br>What did SHE want to do?<br><br>She thought, and thought, and realized she didn’t know.
So she turned her head to look back along the sands, gazing at the long trail of footprints<br>stretching out behind her. She wished she knew where she was going.<br><br>Unbeknownst to her, however, that trail of footprints had already been joined by another, still quite<br>far off.<br><br>But for now, she prayed. She didn’t know to whom, but she prayed regardless, hoping that she<br>would be granted just a little bit of respite, now, on these empty, white dunes.}}
 解锁条件:购入[[Esoteric Order]]曲包<br>解锁要求:通过[[Paper Witch]]
 解锁条件:购入[[Esoteric Order]]曲包<br>解锁要求:通过[[Paper Witch]]
第2,385行: 第2,274行:
Kou flies to the starlight, and at once Shirahime steps forward.<br><br>Perhaps she has forgotten her want of a kingdom.<br><br>She already knows: there are others here.<br><br>The world is vast, but she will find them.<br><br>What a crown and scepter mean is nobility, and what a noble does is draw others to her, like a<br>much-needed hearth. Maybe her blood is not noble at all.<br><br>However, it must be said: despite her whining, her wavering, and her very weak heart...<br><br>...her soul very much is.}}
Kou flies to the starlight, and at once Shirahime steps forward.<br><br>Perhaps she has forgotten her want of a kingdom.<br><br>She already knows: there are others here.<br><br>The world is vast, but she will find them.<br><br>What a crown and scepter mean is nobility, and what a noble does is draw others to her, like a<br>much-needed hearth. Maybe her blood is not noble at all.<br><br>However, it must be said: despite her whining, her wavering, and her very weak heart...<br><br>...her soul very much is.}}
解锁条件:购入[[Scarlet Cage]]单曲<br>解锁要求:通过[[Purgatorium]]
She kept expecting there to be more people here.<br><br>She wasn’t sure why. All around her was a white wasteland, filled with nothing but faded, ruined<br>buildings, bereft of all life—all except for her.<br><br>In these few days since waking up in this place, without any recollection of what happened before,<br>she walked quite far and explored what she could. The tattered structures did little to answer her<br>questions. Each of them was empty... and while she found the architecture itself familiar, she<br>seemed to have no memory of when she’d learned their names, their shapes, their functions.<br><br>Time and again, that was the idea she’d come back to: knowing "what", but not "why". It could be<br>the idea was just a distraction for her, something to ponder in favor of the more obvious, weightier<br>things regarding this world—and inside herself.<br><br>She had to say, though: this was certainly a bizarre and bewildering place.
She pulled her guitar’s strap tightly over her shoulder, and the questions returned. Where had she<br>gotten it? Why in the world was it with her? Despite having woken up alongside it, she couldn’t<br>answer those questions. She only knew to pluck the strings to make sounds, to hold the strings<br>over the frets to create others. To strum them in time, to create rhythms, melodies, chords,<br>harmonies. More than that, it was almost... comforting, when she held in her hands.<br><br>But why? No, she did not know why. Why didn’t she?<br><br>The sand around her—eroded over eons by water. No water here. No liquid, even. How was there<br>sand? Walking. She knew how to do that. Why? She had no answer. She never had any answers.<br><br>For what it was worth, was any of this knowledge even "memory" at all?<br>Was she "remembering" these things? Had she "forgotten" other things?<br>It seemed to her she had amnesia, but was amnesia this... selective?
Knowing things, but not knowing why that knowledge existed within her, had her deeply and<br>fundamentally upset. It made her feel like an incomplete person. Like someone had removed her<br>skin and muscles and bones and placed them into some false container, but had forgotten to put<br>in all the other important things, leaving her hollow, forgotten.<br><br>She hated not knowing.<br><br>A kaleidoscope of questions shifted and rotated in her mind. She forced herself to focus on all the<br>sudden and overwhelming turns and angles. But answers? Again, no. There were no answers.<br><br>During her barefooted expeditions (she decided early on to keep her shoes looped around her<br>neck, since the large heels were inconvenient for the terrain) she’d learned next to nothing.<br>In fact, the more she saw, the less she felt that she knew.<br><br>She hated not knowing. She knew so many things about what was around her, and yet she felt<br>like she knew nothing of herself. So much of what she saw was baffling nonsense—not least of all<br>the glass wandering through the air for seemingly no reason. Glass that showed her other people,<br>other times, other worlds. Reflections, resonating in the oddest ways. Reflections, she thought,<br>which were undoubtedly familiar.
Yet the familiarity was but a feeling. The glass never showed her in their reflections.<br>These were not scenes of a remembered past.<br>These were not memories... or, at least, they were not hers, these Arcaea. Nothing was hers.<br><br>Deep down, her emotions shifted. With that shift came a growing sense of concern, of being out of<br>place, of confusion, of faint loneliness, of something crucial being missing somewhere inside her.<br>And she didn’t like it one bit.<br><br>She started walking again. Walking always seemed to help.<br>It let her focus on what was around her instead. On what was outside.}}
解锁条件:完成[[#6-1|6-1]],购入[[Scarlet Cage]]单曲<br>解锁要求:通过[[Scarlet Cage]]
But she could only ignore that creeping feeling for so long.<br><br>Eventually, she sat down on a relatively smooth chunk of stone and anxiously ran a hand through<br>her hair. Looking back, she could see a long set of footprints through the faded sand, stretching all<br>the way to the horizon. How was it possible there was this much sand? She was starting to get sick<br>of it.<br><br>After a moment’s thought, she brought her guitar around and held it, again, in her hands.<br>And there it was again, instantly: that comfort. It was like... a reassuring parent, or a friend.<br>She sighed. Really, that was all that she needed to keep going.<br><br>Without thinking, she began to hum a tune. Her fingers strummed the strings, their quiet, tinny<br>chords adding that precious harmony to her melody. She could remember how to walk, and she<br>could remember how to play. It brought a momentary smile to her lips: how both of these acts<br>came about as natural as breathing.<br><br>Her lips turned down again a moment later, however, losing their humor. Words were coming to her<br>tongue, her teeth, her lips, wanting to be added to this song. At first they were scattered, whirling,<br>trying to form a complete, sensible picture.
And so, dressed in black and scarlet, she sang—in this world of white:<br>this colorless and seemingly infinite cage.<br><br>Gradually, her words gained volume. Her feelings roiled within her, wild, building in intensity.<br>These instinctive words weren’t new, nor were they old and forgotten.<br>They were always with her, and now they were clawing, screaming their way out of her chest.<br>Just speaking them wouldn’t be enough. They needed to be shouted, roared so that they<br>resounded in the furthest corners of this dead world. She yelled them as loud as she possibly could.<br><br>It just seemed like the right thing to do.<br><br>She shouted about confusion. She shouted about the unknown, about the bleak landscapes,<br>about the bounteous memories in tiny glass shards flitting past for brief moments before<br>disappearing again.<br><br>She shouted about—<br><br>Fear.
For that one critical moment as she played, she realized what she’d been feeling, deep down.<br>This empty world, her empty memories...<br><br>They terrified her.<br><br>Who was she? What was this quiet place? What was going to happen to her?<br>What HAD happened to her?<br><br>But she already knew that she might never know. Not here.<br><br>Her voice broke for a note, but she pushed past and forced her lungs, should they exist, to their<br>limits.<br><br>Her fingers flew madly across the six strings. She could hear it vividly in her mind, the power, the<br>weaving together of rumbles, screeches, and vibrations.<br><br>A storm of her soul and of music—a tumultuous undercurrent rushing beneath her lyrics along<br>with the simmering dread, growing into a powerful heat, which reached her eyes as well.
But somehow, in some way she couldn't pinpoint, it made her feel a little better.<br>A little less confused, a little less afraid.<br><br>After a time, the echoes of her shouting faded out. A few final plucks with her right hand, and she<br>dropped it from the strings, her work finished. Her song vanished into the bright sky, the evidence<br>it had ever happened now residing within her near-empty memories.<br><br>She put her other hand to her eyes and rubbed them, shivering, refusing to look at the heavens<br>that had taken her song away.<br><br>But then she gave a laugh. It surprised her. It was an honest laugh—and the smile of a job well<br>done. She wiped her hand on her dress and sighed to herself.<br><br>Man, she hated this place.}}
解锁条件:完成[[#6-2|6-2]],购入[[Scarlet Cage]]单曲<br>解锁要求:通过[[VECTOЯ]]
The world was no less confusing now—no less intimidating, no less empty, no less merciless.<br><br>But now, she felt like she could deal with it.<br><br>She couldn’t be sure, but she could have sworn that fear was something she was familiar with.<br>She knew things about it—how it could make your legs weak, how it could make you run away,<br>how it could prevent you from making decisions, how it could control you.<br>The fear of the unknown. The fear of failure.<br><br>And she could only assume it had been instinct that had led her to play that song.<br>Maybe she’d done it before. Maybe she’d shouted through her fear before, in much the same way.<br><br>Maybe she had. At least, now she felt like she could handle it.<br>She had a firmer grip on that twisted little emotion now.<br>If she wanted to stay sane in this baffling world, she needed to keep it in check, keep it from<br>controlling her.<br>But it would always be there.
She exhaled, then turned in her seat and carefully put her guitar aside, laying it onto the stone.<br>Then she heard a soft clink.<br><br>A small cloth bag had fallen out of her inside pocket to the stone sticking out above the sand.<br>In it were several needles, a little pair of scissors, a thimble, a few spools of thread, and a measure.<br>A sewing kit. It had been with her when she’d first woken up. She could only assume it was hers.<br><br>When she’d first found the pouch, it had just confused her. She knew what it was for, but had no<br>clue why she was carrying it. Each of the accoutrements within was, of course, "known" to her, but<br>like the guitar she carried with her... it hadn’t come with any helpful little notes explaining where<br>it came from.<br><br>But now, when she reached down to retrieve the pouch, upon seeing her sleeve, she froze.<br><br>She... knew, didn’t she? How that sleeve was made. She knew the stitches, she knew all of the folds.<br>She knew the exact colors. She knew those threads were in the sewing kit.
But any further connection escaped her. She could easily draw conclusions based on logic,<br>but her mind still felt closed. That cruel disconnect between knowledge and experience...<br>It was agonizing.<br><br>Now, though... Now she wouldn’t let herself be overwhelmed by the fear caused by that disconnect.<br>She would recognize it, use it. So what if she didn’t remember? What mattered was that she knew.<br><br>A concrete goal would certainly help, though. She didn’t have one yet, but maybe, in time,<br>she could find one.<br><br>A grin crossed her face as she started off again, still thinking of the kit which had just made her<br>shiver. Pretty convenient, huh? She could at least keep her clothing intact on this inane journey.<br>And with that thought... her outfit certainly wasn’t practical, but it was hers, and she wouldn’t<br>give it up for the world.<br><br>Yes. It was hers.<br><br>That, her guitar, and her sewing kit—in this wasteland of memory, they were all hers.
Knowing that helped a little, and a little help could go a long way.<br><br>...A few steps later, something below her caught her eye.<br><br>Footprints in the sand...<br><br>But they didn’t belong to her.<br><br>Crossing her path, leading off to the left, they were definitely a few sizes off.<br>She stared the way they headed, and saw that they disappeared behind a few gentle hills.<br><br>Another genuine, familiar grin crossed her face.<br><br>Huh...<br><br>Maybe she’d had an audience after all.}}
解锁条件:购入[[GIMME DA BLOOD]]单曲<br>解锁要求:通过[[GIMME DA BLOOD]]
A moonless night blanketed the forest, trying to smother the fires blazing throughout its sprawling<br>verdure and the village nestled within.<br><br>Crashes and screams. Horrible sounds from horrible shapes, dark against the flames. For some, the<br>smoke-filled air was inundated with panic, driving them to run as fast as their legs could carry them.<br><br>She, however, felt enveloped in something now familiar to her: an unadulterated thrill of battle.<br><br>Her obsidian-colored sword glinted as it cleaved another of the shadowy figures. They were shaped<br>like malformed beasts, running on all fours yet fighting dexterously on hind legs. Her cut severed<br>its shoulders from the rest of its body—but before it could hit the ground, the body dissipated, as<br>though becoming smoke, before rising into the air to join the smoke from the fire.
Save for how the beasts appeared to materialize from the smoke of the forest blaze itself, she didn’t<br>know much else about them. There was little to distinguish one from another. For all she knew,<br>killing one would simply send its essence back into the clouds, only for it to come back again as<br>though nothing had happened.<br><br>As she stabbed her ornate blade into another of the shadow-beasts, she spared a glance behind her.<br><br>The villagers were nearly through the forest to the safety of the advancing forward line of some<br>nation or other.<br><br>She needed to protect them—needed to let the thrill within her run its course.<br><br>She jumped, spanning almost a field’s length in a single leap, long hair fluttering behind her, to<br>behead another beast as it raised a smoky claw to gore a fleeing farmer.<br><br>The short, muscular woman paused her escape for just a moment to offer a gesture the<br>sword-wielder wasn’t familiar with—perhaps a sign of gratitude—before scrambling away again.
It wouldn’t be much longer now. No matter where she found herself, no matter how advanced the<br>world’s technology and no matter what the philosophy of its people, she always had one objective:<br>slay, slay, slay—until, presumably, the enemy was gone.<br><br>Finally, the last straggler from the village made it to the line of spear-wielding soldiers. She could<br>see from here the sweat on the troops’ brows, the fear in their eyes… but she could see the<br>determination in their postures as well.<br><br>Letting down her sword at last, she exhaled a breath she hadn’t realized she’d kept, knowing what<br>was to come next. She felt the weariness hitting her quickly—and, once again, sooner than the last<br>time.<br><br>The world around her began to fracture, as though it had merely been a projected image made of<br>glass. She closed her eyes and smiled an empty smile. Slowly, she let the pale light engulf her...<br><br>...and welcome her back into the world of Arcaea.}}
解锁条件:完成[[#8-1|8-1]],购入[[GIMME DA BLOOD]]单曲<br>解锁要求:通过[[Bookmaker (2D Version)]]
迷尔并不知道自己的名字,即使她在来到这个死寂世界之前有什么记忆,现在也都遗失了。<br><br>一块玻璃碎片——就是这次将她卷入其中的那块——绕着她转了一圈,然后就飞向了远处。<br>从经验来看,她再也见不着它了。<br>它们叫作Arcaea——这是它们的名字,她在苏醒后就不知为何地知道这一点——<br>它们似乎展示着处于某些特定状况的纷纷世界。 <br><br>她没法触碰这些碎片,但它们能对自己起效。<br>至今以来,它们已经将自己卷入其中十多次,让她参与到各种世界和事件当中,<br>并且都有着明显相同的目标:击败——不,应该是将敌人碾碎在脚下。<br><br>在每一次的经历中,都不可避免地出现一些无法与她并肩作战的人……<br>不过,比起保护他们的念头,还是战斗的渴望更让人热血上涌。
Mir did not know her name, and if she had any memories from before this dead world to<br>remember, they were lost to her now.<br><br>A glass shard—the one that had pulled her this time—briefly spun around her before shooting<br>away into the distance. She knew from experience she wouldn’t see it again. They were called<br>Arcaea—their name a fragment of knowledge from her awakening of which she did not know the<br>origin—and they seemed to show other worlds in the midst of certain situations.<br><br>She couldn’t touch the shards, but they could act on her. Over a dozen times now, they had pulled<br>her inside, bringing her into those worlds and situations, with the apparent reason always the<br>same: to defeat—no, to crush her enemies underfoot.<br><br>Inevitably, each time, there would be those unable to fight behind her... though the idea of<br>shielding them paled in comparison to the driving, blood-racing thrill of the fight.
She was skilled with this blade she had woken up with—wherever it had come from. And something<br>told her that she was too skilled. She could clearly do things that others in these worlds couldn’t.<br>In fact, even her enemies didn’t pose much challenge for her in person-to-person combat. The true<br>challenge, she was learning, was in the protection of others.<br><br>But when she was in the fray, such concerns meant nothing to her. She reveled in the battle—let the<br>mirth of violence course through her.<br><br>That mirth, however, seemed to be draining from her more quickly after the fact, leaving naught<br>but emptiness and exhaustion that took what felt like hours, if not days, to restore. And it seemed<br>to be taking longer and longer each time.<br><br>The absence of adrenaline led her to ponder these other worlds she was being tossed into. Even<br>what had previously seemed to her to be fact, that these were other worlds at all, didn’t feel quite<br>right of late. It was almost more like... she was being shown images, ones that for some reason she<br>could act within. The answer was obvious, she sensed, as though she should have known it, yet it<br>was just beyond her grasp...
Tired, she hefted her sword onto her shoulder and took a look around. White sand, as far as the<br>eye could see. A desert, drained of its color, mirroring how drained she herself felt upon returning to<br>it. The trail of footprints behind her were exactly as they were before the "spiriting away". Without<br>any wind, it was impossible to tell how much time had passed.<br><br>Not that time seemed to have much meaning here.<br><br>Another calling. Everything turned white again.<br><br>Abruptly, she stood somewhere else. Fields charred brown, smoke in the sky, makeshift fences<br>erected on land and trenches dug into the ground.<br><br>She looked around, suddenly exhausted. The callings had never happened this close together<br>before. And where were the weak ones—that throng of faceless actors on the stage, pointless yet<br>also perhaps the sole reason for being thrown into battle? More importantly, where were her<br>enemies?<br><br>Where was her fight?}}
解锁条件:完成[[#8-2|8-2]],购入[[GIMME DA BLOOD]]单曲<br>解锁要求:通过[[Illegal Paradise]]
她立刻就瘫倒在了地上,大口喘着气。<br>她的剑本来在几小时前就被扔上了天,此刻却也横着掉在她身旁, 在沙子上发出干瘪的碰撞声。<br><br>她闭着眼坐了起来,试图忘记一切,试图放空心神,试图不再理会这片纯白世界。<br><br>她来这里是干嘛的?她为什么会出现在这里?<br><br>自从她苏醒后,她的时间只足够拿来睡眠和思考自己之所以被召唤至此的问题。<br>但她缺失的记忆一直是心头挥之不去的阴霾。<br><br>她本来是想要干嘛的?<br><br>她想了又想,还是想不出来。
War.<br><br>Mir had experienced battle before—but never war.<br><br>She now watched people kill one another with deadly efficiency, run for their lives in fear, engage<br>in feats of true heroism, engage in displays of utter dishonor...<br><br>Every way she turned, she found those weaker than her. Innocent, terrified faces, and all too many<br>of them young. They would see her, then look away, as if recognizing her only as a hallucination, a<br>trick of the light. She nonetheless tried to protect them. They would then run to their deaths.<br><br>Every way she turned, she found enemies. Soldiers leveling weapons at disarmed foes. Terrible<br>armaments, disassociated from humanity, delivering death faster than she could have ever believed<br>possible. She destroyed them, and then more would appear on the other side.
She jumped to yet another group of people, blue uniforms fighting against red, before making a<br>quick judgement and taking down the red ones. Behind, those people she had just protected were<br>wiped out in an instant from a strike she hadn’t seen coming.<br><br>Fading.<br><br>Vessels soared overhead, raining pure destruction down upon the lands. The vessels bore the same<br>insignias as those in the blue uniforms. Their fire swiftly took so many lives. Were they the true<br>enemy?<br><br>Taking a deep breath, she swung her arm back. After a mere moment’s pause to take aim, she spun,<br>hurling her sword into the air with a shout. The blade screamed upward at the small formation—<br>then tore through them, sending wild oranges and reds scattering through the firmament.<br><br>Then she saw the people jumping, and realized her mistake. White flared above and behind them,<br>and their descent slowed—parachutes? But they were easy targets against the red side’s weaponry.<br><br>The thrill was fading. Quickly.
Exhaustion crept back in.<br><br>And with it, despair—hopelessness at this situation over which she seemed to hold no power.<br><br>Indecision—the uncertainty of knowing what to do after the errors she’d made, and of who it was,<br>exactly, she needed to defeat.<br><br>Fright—the fear that her decisions would lead to something even worse.<br><br>The thrill was gone.<br><br>It felt like a trusted partner had betrayed her. Left her in her moment of need. She reached out with<br>her hands, searching for it. It had to be here. She had no fuel without it. Nothing to give her the<br>strength to take another step.<br><br>Unable to find it, eventually she, like those wounded soldiers, fell to her knees.
Hours passed. The raging battle was now dwindling, leaving behind the true horror of warfare.<br><br>She put her hands over her ears to protect herself from their moans, their yells. She shut her eyes<br>to block out the sights and smells.<br><br>It’s not my fault. It’s not my fault, she told herself.<br><br>And yet... it was, still, her fault. She surely could have done something, she thought. She could<br>have changed something—anything to prevent this.<br><br>When she tried to think about what she could have done, however, she found she couldn’t.<br><br>And that process repeated, as it had done the last dozen times. She felt her nerves fraying, panic<br>setting in.<br><br>Eventually, her surroundings whitened, and she was sent back into the world of Arcaea in the same<br>manner as all the other times.
Immediately, she crumpled to the ground, breathing heavily. Her sword, which she’d thrown into<br>the air hours before, dropped down beside her, hitting the sand lengthwise with a dry clap.<br><br>She sat there, eyes closed, trying to forget, trying to make her mind go blank, trying to keep out the<br>sheer whiteness of this damned world’s sky.<br><br>What was she doing here? What did this world want from her?<br><br>Ever since her awakening, she’d only been given the time to ponder her summonings and to sleep.<br>But her lack of memories hung there in the back of her mind like a haunting phantom.<br><br>What did SHE want to do?<br><br>She thought, and thought, and realized she didn’t know.
So she turned her head to look back along the sands, gazing at the long trail of footprints<br>stretching out behind her. She wished she knew where she was going.<br><br>Unbeknownst to her, however, that trail of footprints had already been joined by another, still quite<br>far off.<br><br>But for now, she prayed. She didn’t know to whom, but she prayed regardless, hoping that she<br>would be granted just a little bit of respite, now, on these empty, white dunes.}}
