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Sxy62146214(讨论 | 贡献) 标签:回退 |
第65行: | 第65行: | ||
恢复意识的她,发现自己苏醒于这个飞舞着玻璃蝴蝶的地方。<br>“多么令人愉快啊,”她想,“这些美妙的图案居然能在空中移动呢。牵引着它们的丝线在哪里?”<br><br>她蹲了下来,整了整裙子,环顾四周才发现这附近没有任何丝线。那些事物,也并不是蝴蝶——<br>玻璃碎片,不依靠任何外力便飞舞于空中。“太美妙了!”她自心底赞叹道。<br><br>这些玻璃反射出了另一个纯洁的世界。她从中看见海洋、城市、火焰、光芒;美好的景象目不暇接。<br>她抬起了自己的手,试图去抓住它们,开心地笑了出来。<br><br>她并不知道这些玻璃碎片有个名字:Arcaea。<br>实际上,名字对这些过于美好的事物来说并不重要。<br>她触碰、旋转、观察它们;她靠这样来娱乐自己。这已经足够了,难道不是吗?<br><br>现在留给她的,有六个问题:何人、何事、何处、何时、何故与何情。<br>在这些疑问的包围下,她没有问出任何一个,也不想得到任何答案。Arcaea的光芒已经使她心满意足。<br>这是她与这个新世界的邂逅。}} | 恢复意识的她,发现自己苏醒于这个飞舞着玻璃蝴蝶的地方。<br>“多么令人愉快啊,”她想,“这些美妙的图案居然能在空中移动呢。牵引着它们的丝线在哪里?”<br><br>她蹲了下来,整了整裙子,环顾四周才发现这附近没有任何丝线。那些事物,也并不是蝴蝶——<br>玻璃碎片,不依靠任何外力便飞舞于空中。“太美妙了!”她自心底赞叹道。<br><br>这些玻璃反射出了另一个纯洁的世界。她从中看见海洋、城市、火焰、光芒;美好的景象目不暇接。<br>她抬起了自己的手,试图去抓住它们,开心地笑了出来。<br><br>她并不知道这些玻璃碎片有个名字:Arcaea。<br>实际上,名字对这些过于美好的事物来说并不重要。<br>她触碰、旋转、观察它们;她靠这样来娱乐自己。这已经足够了,难道不是吗?<br><br>现在留给她的,有六个问题:何人、何事、何处、何时、何故与何情。<br>在这些疑问的包围下,她没有问出任何一个,也不想得到任何答案。Arcaea的光芒已经使她心满意足。<br>这是她与这个新世界的邂逅。}} | ||
{{collapse|状态=collapsed|标题颜色=#e7e7e7|内容颜色=#f7f7f7|标题=英文剧情|内容= | {{collapse|状态=collapsed|标题颜色=#e7e7e7|内容颜色=#f7f7f7|标题=英文剧情|内容= | ||
Her first impression was that she'd awakened to a cloud of glass butterflies.<br>"How pleasant," she thought, "that these figures can move as well. Where are the strings?"<br><br>She sat onto her knees, fixed her dress, and found that there were no strings, and these were not butterflies. Glass shards, flying on their own. "Delightful!" she felt, and so she said it.<br><br>The glass reflected another world than the one in white surrounding her. In it she could see reflections of seas, cities, fires, lights; she rose her hand to scatter them, and laughed in joy.<br><br>She didn't know these pieces of glass had a name: Arcaea.<br>To tell the truth, they were so beautiful that it didn't matter the name.<br>She entertained herself by touching them, swirling them, watching them. That was enough, no?<br><br>There were six questions to ask: who, what, where, when, why, and how.<br>Of these questions, she asked none and desired no answers, content instead to bask in the glow of Arcaea.<br>This was her meeting with a new world.}} | Her first impression was that she'd awakened to a cloud of glass butterflies.<br>"How pleasant," she thought, "that these figures can move as well. Where are the strings?"<br><br>She sat onto her knees, fixed her dress, and found that there were no strings, and these were not<br>butterflies. Glass shards, flying on their own. "Delightful!" she felt, and so she said it.<br><br>The glass reflected another world than the one in white surrounding her. In it she could see reflections<br>of seas, cities, fires, lights; she rose her hand to scatter them, and laughed in joy.<br><br>She didn't know these pieces of glass had a name: Arcaea.<br>To tell the truth, they were so beautiful that it didn't matter the name.<br>She entertained herself by touching them, swirling them, watching them. That was enough, no?<br><br>There were six questions to ask: who, what, where, when, why, and how.<br>Of these questions, she asked none and desired no answers, content instead to bask in the glow of Arcaea.<br>This was her meeting with a new world.}} | ||
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第72行: | 第72行: | ||
但是,疑问还是不可避免地来临了。<br><br>少女立于玻璃碎片的螺旋中,沉思着:“但说实话,它们究竟是什么呢?”<br>传送门入口?窗户?抑或是……回忆?<br><br>最后的猜测,“回忆”,使她一怔。“它们是回忆,”她失声说道。<br>就在这一刻,那股疑惑消失殆尽。<br><br>因为某种原因,这个地方充满了回忆。谁的回忆?又是什么回忆?她心中不能肯定。<br>但她已经停止了疑问。<br><br>因为某种原因,那些玻璃跟随着她。虽然她无法抓住它们,但碎片仍然与她形影不离。<br>一时兴起的她,决定要开始收集它们。<br><br>一片一片收集。<br>没有任何理由。}} | 但是,疑问还是不可避免地来临了。<br><br>少女立于玻璃碎片的螺旋中,沉思着:“但说实话,它们究竟是什么呢?”<br>传送门入口?窗户?抑或是……回忆?<br><br>最后的猜测,“回忆”,使她一怔。“它们是回忆,”她失声说道。<br>就在这一刻,那股疑惑消失殆尽。<br><br>因为某种原因,这个地方充满了回忆。谁的回忆?又是什么回忆?她心中不能肯定。<br>但她已经停止了疑问。<br><br>因为某种原因,那些玻璃跟随着她。虽然她无法抓住它们,但碎片仍然与她形影不离。<br>一时兴起的她,决定要开始收集它们。<br><br>一片一片收集。<br>没有任何理由。}} | ||
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But questions come inevitably.<br><br>The girl stands amidst the spiral of glass and wonders, "But really, what are these?"<br>Portals? Windows? Memories?<br><br>This last answer, "memories", strikes a chord with her. "They're memories," she says, faintly. And like that, her questions stop.<br><br>For some reason, this is a place all full of memories. Whose memories, or of what, she can't tell for certain, but her questioning has already ended.<br><br>For some reason the glass follows her. She can't hold any of it, but it comes to her nonetheless. On a whim, she decides she will begin gathering it.<br><br>Piece by piece.<br>For no reason at all.}} | But questions come inevitably.<br><br>The girl stands amidst the spiral of glass and wonders, "But really, what are these?"<br>Portals? Windows? Memories?<br><br>This last answer, "memories", strikes a chord with her. "They're memories," she says, faintly. And like that,<br>her questions stop.<br><br>For some reason, this is a place all full of memories. Whose memories, or of what, she can't tell for certain,<br>but her questioning has already ended.<br><br>For some reason the glass follows her. She can't hold any of it, but it comes to her nonetheless. On a whim,<br>she decides she will begin gathering it.<br><br>Piece by piece.<br>For no reason at all.}} | ||
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解锁条件:完成[[#1-2|1-2]],购入[[Eternal Core]]曲包<br>解锁要求:采用[[光]]通过[[PRAGMATISM]] | 解锁条件:完成[[#1-2|1-2]],购入[[Eternal Core]]曲包<br>解锁要求:采用[[光]]通过[[PRAGMATISM]] | ||
第79行: | 第78行: | ||
没有时钟的情况下,她根本不清楚多少时日已经过去了。<br>同时,新的思绪正逐渐浮现于她的脑海中。<br><br>玻璃碎片中,蕴含着美好的事物——她对此深信不疑。仔细一想,回忆会随着时间的流动不断改变,<br>但却与过去有着最亲密的联系。它可以苦涩,也可以甘甜,但她认为这两者都十分迷人。<br><br>如今,她可以瞧见自己所能见到的回忆——来自于别的场所与人们——<br>并且因它们的美而感到心旷神怡。Arcaea们闪烁着,散发着完美的光芒,在这破碎的世界里<br>显得格格不入。原本这些事物就容易博得人们的喜爱,而蕴藏其中的回忆着实使它们更惹人心爱了。<br><br>她哼唱着,双手飞扬,一边踩着破碎的小道。她带上了任何可能属于这整个世界的回忆,<br>跟在一条发光的溪流之后。这些属于一个既丑陋,又美丽的世界的回忆……<br><br>“多么好啊……”她叹息着,微笑着,陷入了宁静。这一切,看上去都太过于美好了。<br>在这里,不需要担心任何事物。<br>这美好而又简简单单的世界,只需要令人感到愉快就足够了。没错,无需多求。}} | 没有时钟的情况下,她根本不清楚多少时日已经过去了。<br>同时,新的思绪正逐渐浮现于她的脑海中。<br><br>玻璃碎片中,蕴含着美好的事物——她对此深信不疑。仔细一想,回忆会随着时间的流动不断改变,<br>但却与过去有着最亲密的联系。它可以苦涩,也可以甘甜,但她认为这两者都十分迷人。<br><br>如今,她可以瞧见自己所能见到的回忆——来自于别的场所与人们——<br>并且因它们的美而感到心旷神怡。Arcaea们闪烁着,散发着完美的光芒,在这破碎的世界里<br>显得格格不入。原本这些事物就容易博得人们的喜爱,而蕴藏其中的回忆着实使它们更惹人心爱了。<br><br>她哼唱着,双手飞扬,一边踩着破碎的小道。她带上了任何可能属于这整个世界的回忆,<br>跟在一条发光的溪流之后。这些属于一个既丑陋,又美丽的世界的回忆……<br><br>“多么好啊……”她叹息着,微笑着,陷入了宁静。这一切,看上去都太过于美好了。<br>在这里,不需要担心任何事物。<br>这美好而又简简单单的世界,只需要令人感到愉快就足够了。没错,无需多求。}} | ||
{{collapse|状态=collapsed|标题颜色=#e7e7e7|内容颜色=#f7f7f7|标题=英文剧情|内容= | {{collapse|状态=collapsed|标题颜色=#e7e7e7|内容颜色=#f7f7f7|标题=英文剧情|内容= | ||
Without a clock, she has no sense for how many days or hours she has walked, but there is a new certainty in her head...<br><br>There is beauty in a memory, that's what she finds herself believing. Thinking about it, a memory is never certain, can change with the times, and yet is the nearest thing to a concrete piece of the past. It can be bitter or sweet, and she thinks in either case they're quite enchanting.<br><br>For now she will see what memories she can, of these other places and people, and appreciate them for their beauty. In the first place, these Arcaea flicker and glow splendidly in this strange and ruined world.<br>It's easy to fancy it all, and that they show memories makes it easier.<br><br>Humming, hands aloft, and stepping down broken paths, she brings what seems to be memories fit for an entire world with her, following behind in a shining stream. Memories of an ugly, pretty world...<br><br>"How nice..." She sighs, she smiles, and serenity becomes her, it seems, too well.<br>But there’s nothing to worry about.<br>A pleasant, simple world like this need only be pleasant. Nothing more.}} | Without a clock, she has no sense for how many days or hours she has walked, but there is a new certainty<br>in her head...<br><br>There is beauty in a memory, that's what she finds herself believing. Thinking about it, a memory is never<br>certain, can change with the times, and yet is the nearest thing to a concrete piece of the past. It can be<br>bitter or sweet, and she thinks in either case they're quite enchanting.<br><br>For now she will see what memories she can, of these other places and people, and appreciate them for<br>their beauty. In the first place, these Arcaea flicker and glow splendidly in this strange and ruined world.<br>It's easy to fancy it all, and that they show memories makes it easier.<br><br>Humming, hands aloft, and stepping down broken paths, she brings what seems to be memories fit for an<br>entire world with her, following behind in a shining stream. Memories of an ugly, pretty world...<br><br>"How nice..." She sighs, she smiles, and serenity becomes her, it seems, too well.<br>But there’s nothing to worry about.<br>A pleasant, simple world like this need only be pleasant. Nothing more.}} | ||
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解锁条件:购入[[Luminous Sky]]曲包<br>解锁要求:采用[[光]]通过[[Maze No.9]] | 解锁条件:购入[[Luminous Sky]]曲包<br>解锁要求:采用[[光]]通过[[Maze No.9]] |