

删除1,506字节 、​ 2024年11月21日 (星期四)
第1行: 第1行:
| state    = autocollapse
| name =  搭档索引
| name     模板:曲包目录
| title = [[ 搭档]]
| title    = [[ 曲包列表|曲包目录]]
| group1 = [[: 分类: 常驻搭档| 常驻搭档]]
| groupstyle = background:;
| list1
| titlestyle = background:;
  {{navbox subgroup
| listclass  = hlist
  | group1 = [[:分类:主线搭档| 主线搭档]]
| above    = [[ 文件:Icon Smartphone.png|13px|middle|link=[[Arcaea (移动版)]]]] <span style="font-size: 13px; font-weight: bold;">[[Arcaea (移动版)| 移动版]]</span>
  | list1
| group1   = 免费包
| list1    = [[Arcaea (移动版曲包)|Arcaea]]{{ ·}} [[World Extend 3]]
| group2   = 单曲
| list2    = [[Memory Archive (移动版)|Memory Archive]]{{·}} [[Extend Archive 1]]{{·}} [[Extend Archive 2]]
| group3   = 主线故事
| list3    =
    {{navbox subgroup
    {{navbox subgroup
   | group1 = ActⅠ<!--: Creation-->
    | list1 = [[ ]]{{·}} [[ 光(Zero)]]{{·}} [[ 光(Fracture)]]{{·}} [[ 光(Fatalis)]]
    | list1 = [[Eternal Core]]{{·}} [[Vicious Labyrinth]]{{·}} [[Luminous Sky]]{{·}} [[Adverse Prelude]]{{·}} [[Black Fate]]{{·}} [[Final Verdict]]<small> ([[Silent Answer]])</small>
   | list2 = [[对立]]{{·}} [[ 对立(Axium)]]{{·}} [[ 对立(Grievous Lady)]]{{·}} [[ 对立(Tempest)]]
    | group2 = ActⅡ<!--: Catastrophe-->
    | list3 = [[ 光 & 对立(Reunion)]]
   | list2  = [[Lasting Eden|Lasting Eden/Severed Eden]]<small> ([[Lasting Eden Chapter 2|Chapter 2]]{{·}}[[Shifting Veil]])</small>{{·}} [[Absolute Nihil]]{{·}} [[Lucent Historia]]
   | list4 = [[ 摩耶]]{{·}} [[ 洞烛(至高:第八探索者)]]{{·}} [[ 哀寂(至高:第六探索者)]]
| group4   = 支线 故事
  | group2 = [[:分类:支线搭档| 支线 搭档]]
| list4    = [[Crimson Solace]]{{·}} [[Ambivalent Vision]]{{·}} [[Binary Enfold]]<small> ([[Shared Time]])</small>{{·}} [[Absolute Reason]]{{·}} [[Sunset Radiance]]{{·}} [[Ephemeral Page]]<small> ([[The Journey Onwards]])</small>{{·}} [[Esoteric Order]]<small> ([[Pale Tapestry]]{{·}} [[Light of Salvation]])</small>{{·}} [[Divided Heart]]
  | list2 = [[ ]]{{·}} [[ 忘却]]{{·}} [[ 爱托]]{{·}} [[ 露娜]]{{·}} [[ ]]{{·}} [[ 爱托 & 露娜(冬日)]]{{·}} [[ 咲弥]]{{·}} [[ 群愿]]{{·}} [[ 兮娅]]{{·}} [[ 爱丽丝 & 坦尼尔]]{{·}} [[ 拉格兰]]{{·}} [[ 白姬]]{{·}}[[忘却(Apophenia)]]{{·}} [[彩梦]]
| group5   = 联动
  | group3 = [[:分类:联动搭档| 联动 搭档]]
| list5    = [[Dynamix Collaboration|Dynamix]]{{·}} <s>[[Stellights Collaboration|Stellights]]</s>{{·}} [[Lanota Collaboration|Lanota]]<small> ([[Lanota Collaboration#Collaboration Chapter 2|Collaboration Chapter 2]])</small>{{·}} [[Tone Sphere Collaboration|Tone Sphere]]{{·}} [[Groove Coaster Collaboration|Groove Coaster]]<small> ([[Groove Coaster Collaboration#Groove Coaster Chapter 2|Groove Coaster Chapter 2]])</small>{{·}} [[CHUNITHM Collaboration|CHUNITHM]]<small> ([[CHUNITHM Collaboration#Collaboration Chapter 2|Collaboration Chapter 2]]{{·}} [[CHUNITHM Collaboration#Collaboration Chapter 3|Collaboration Chapter 3]])</small>{{·}} [[O.N.G.E.K.I. Collaboration|O.N.G.E.K.I.]]<small> ([[O.N.G.E.K.I. Collaboration#Collaboration Chapter 2|Collaboration Chapter 2]]{{·}}[[O.N.G.E.K.I. Collaboration#Collaboration Chapter 3|Collaboration Chapter 3]])</small>{{·}} [[maimai Collaboration|maimai]]<small> ([[maimai Collaboration#Collaboration Chapter 2|Collaboration Chapter 2]])</small>{{·}} [[WACCA Collaboration|WACCA]]<small> ([[WACCA Collaboration#Collaboration Chapter 2|Collaboration Chapter 2]])</small>{{·}} [[Muse Dash Collaboration|Muse Dash]]{{·}} [[Cytus II Collaboration|Cytus II]]<small> ([[Cytus II Collaboration#Collaboration Chapter 2|Collaboration Chapter 2]])</small>{{·}} [[Rotaeno Collaboration|Rotaeno]]
  | list3 = [[ 萨菲亚]]{{·}} [[光 & 菲希卡]]{{·}} [[对立 & 托凛]]{{·}} [[光 & 赛依娜]]{{·}} [[对立 & 中二企鹅(Grievous Lady)]]{{·}} [[露娜 & 美亚]]{{·}} [[咲弥 & 伊莉莎白]]{{·}} [[玛莉嘉]]{{·}} [[咲姬]]{{·}} [[霞玛(大~宇~宙)]]{{·}} [[米露可(大~宇~宙)]]{{·}} [[Ilith & Ivy]]{{·}} [[Hikari & Vanessa]]{{·}} [[ 露娜 & 伊洛]]
| group2 = [[:分类:限时活动搭档| 限时活动搭档]]
| list2 =
  {{navbox subgroup
  | group1 = [[:分类:限时活动搭档| 原创搭档]]
  | list1 = [[依莉丝]]{{·}} [[光(夏日)]]{{·}} [[对立(夏日)]]{{·}} [[依莉丝(夏日)]]{{·}} [[迷尔]]{{·}} [[奈美]]{{·}} [[群愿(盛夏)]]{{·}} [[维塔]]{{·}} [[ 天音]]{{·}} [[红(冬日)]]{{·}} [[奈美(暮光)]]{{·}} [[Ai酱]]
  | group2 = [[:分类:联动搭档| 联动搭档]]
  | list2 = [[星]]{{·}} [[柚梅]]{{·}} [[中二企鹅]]{{·}} [[榛名]]{{·}} [[ 诺诺]]{{·}} [[潘多拉涅墨西斯(MTA-XXX)]]{{·}} [[轩辕十四(MDA-21)]]{{·}} [[DORO*C]]{{·}} [[布丽兰特]]{{·}} [[阿莱乌斯]]{{·}} [[希尔]]{{·}} [[伊莎贝尔]]{{·}} [[莉莉]]{{·}} [[ 凛可]]{{·}} [[ 刹那]]{{·}} [[ 紫黑]]{{·}} [[ 百合咲美香]]{{·}} [[ 密特拉·泰尔塞拉]]{{·}} [[ 不来方永爱]]{{·}} [[ 露恩]]{{·}} [[ 爱托 & 荷珀]]
| group3 = [[:分类:获取方式特殊的搭档| 特殊搭档]]
| list3 =
  {{navbox subgroup
  | group1 = [[:分类:Arcaea原声专辑特典搭档| 专辑搭档]]
  | list1 = [[光(Fantasia)]]{{·}} [[ 对立(Sonata)]]{{·}} [[ 咲弥(Etude)]]{{·}} [[ 爱丽丝 & 坦尼尔(Minuet)]]{{·}} [[ 对立(Elegy)]]{{·}}[[ 拉格兰(Aria)]]{{·}}[[ 维塔(Cadenza)]]
<noinclude>[[分类: 搭档 索引模板]]</noinclude>
| state    = autocollapse
| name    =
| title    = 
| groupstyle = background:;
| titlestyle = background:;
| listclass  = hlist
| above    = [[文件:Icon Nintendo switch.png|13px|middle|link=[[Arcaea (NS版)]]]] <span style="font-size: 13px; font-weight: bold;">[[Arcaea (NS版)|NS版]]</span>
| group1   = 单曲
| list1    = [[Arcaea (NS版曲包)|Arcaea]]{{·}} [[Memory Archive (NS版)|Memory Archive]]<small> ([[Memory Archive (NS版)#Memory Archive Append 1|Append 1]]{{·}} [[Memory Archive (NS版)#Memory Archive Append 2|Append 2]]{{·}} [[Memory Archive (NS版)#Memory Archive Append 3|Append 3]])</small>
| group2   = 主线故事
| list2    = [[Eternal Core]]{{·}} [[Vicious Labyrinth]]{{·}} [[Luminous Sky]]{{·}} [[Adverse Prelude]]{{·}} [[Black Fate]]{{·}} [[Final Verdict]]<small> ([[Silent Answer]])</small>
| group3   = 支线故事
| list3    = [[Crimson Solace]]{{·}} [[Ambivalent Vision]]{{·}} [[Binary Enfold]]<small> ([[Shared Time]])</small>{{·}} [[Absolute Reason]]{{·}} [[Sunset Radiance]]{{·}} [[Ephemeral Page]]{{·}} [[Esoteric Order]]<small> ([[Light of Salvation]])</small>{{·}} [[Divided Heart]]
| group4   = 联动
| list4    = [[Lanota Collaboration|Lanota]]{{·}} [[Groove Coaster Collaboration|Groove Coaster]]{{·}} [[WACCA Collaboration|WACCA]]{{·}} [[Muse Dash Collaboration|Muse Dash]]
}}<noinclude>[[分类: 曲包 索引模板]]</noinclude>
