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<center>To be continued...</center> | <center>To be continued...</center> | ||
===VS-1=== | |||
解锁条件:购入[[Black Fate]]曲包<br>解锁要求:通过[[Equilibrium]] | |||
====中文剧情==== | |||
光。<br>对立。<br><br>假设她们知晓对方的名字,甚至仅仅是清楚自己本人的姓名——若真如此,<br>二人自始至今的感受也会发生改变吗?<br>“光”与“对立”……存在于这片光怪陆离的世界之中,此般崇高的称呼……<br>若真如此,她们是否又会静下心来思考蕴藏于自己姓名的深层含义——也会走上截然不同的道路吗?<br><br>抑或者无论发生何种分歧、矛盾,无论曾经做出哪些抉择,在何时得到幸运的眷顾——<br>随之产生偏移的世界线,却终将收束至二人此刻的水火不容?<br><br>光并不会知晓确切的答案。她直至如今都不知道自己的名字。<br>而在这相同的前提下,对立却命中注定被自己的知识所诅咒。<br>她心中早已清楚,二人间的这场针锋相对,无论如何都会来临。<br><br>不可能会产生任何改变。原本一切就不会发生改变。<br><br>白衣少女与黑衣少女,绝不可能和睦相处。<br><br>这一切必然因果,最终只会导致—— | |||
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“呃啊!”<br><br>当面前那位宿敌将刀刃划向她时,光随之发出一声惊叫。她立刻举起手,而玻璃碎片也随之互相冲击。<br>碎片悬停于空中,闪闪发亮——丝毫没有受到损伤。<br>而透过自身碎片所倒映的景象,光终于窥见了自己那张因恐慌与痛苦而变得煞白的脸庞。<br><br>一次流露真情实意的交流——却造成了这场令人心碎的冲突。<br><br>对面那女孩的力量实在是太强了——光被冲击得缩起身子,反射般地朝后一退。<br>她的皮肤此刻已经冰凉。<br>她这才察觉到自己近乎无法呼吸。<br><br>少女充满敌意的视线已经无限接近自己。<br>望向那杀意的瞳孔,光意识到那股近乎将自己心脏撕裂的恐惧并不来源于那女孩的袭击。<br>根本不是那样……<br>并不是因为对立的刀刃已经逼迫得越来越近,转眼便要切入自己绷紧的喉咙,<br>而自己却几乎无法做出任何反抗。根本不是那样。 | |||
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光的汗水从掌心溢出,滞留于自己胸腔中的空气完全无法逃逸——<br>自己会感到恐惧——完全是因为面前这个不久之前还令自己感到怜惜的不幸之人,<br>此刻却截然变脸,彻底蜕变为另一番模样。<br><br>那女孩早已不是能够与她平心静气交谈的伙伴。<br>现在的她根本不能被称为人类。<br>她的目光是如此决然无情,就连下颚都纹丝不动。她那拼尽全力攥紧的手指,早已染上一整片鲜红。<br><br>她仅仅是一头由漆黑包裹的凶残野兽……一道由恶意堕化而成的黑影。 | |||
====英文剧情==== | |||
Hikari.<br>Tairitsu.<br><br>If they knew each other’s names, if they even knew their own, would that change how they had felt from<br>then until now? “Light” and “Conflict”... Names so lofty, in a world so bizarre, so outlandish...<br>Would they have considered the meanings, and found different paths?<br><br>Or would any divergence, any turn or taking of a choice, any circumstance or odd spin of fortune’s wheel<br>still have set the two girls into inevitable dissent and discord?<br><br>Hikari, who still does not know her name, would be unsure. Tairitsu, likewise, is however damned with<br>fateful knowledge, and knows dissent and discord between them will always be.<br><br>Nothing will change. Nothing would.<br><br>The girl in white and the girl in black cannot reconcile.<br><br>This, all of this, may only lead to— | |||
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“Ah!”<br><br>Hikari’s voice escapes her when the blade of her foe comes. She raises her hand at once, and with it,<br>glass strikes against glass. It holds, it shines—unbroken, and in her piece Hikari can see her own pale face,<br>agonized and frightened.<br><br>A heartfelt conversation has led to this—to a heart-pounding clash.<br><br>She takes a single step in retreat as her body bends from the force of the other girl’s strength.<br>Her skin goes cold; she finds she can’t breathe.<br><br>She realizes there, looking deep into the now-close eyes of the girl attacking her that her being attacked<br>is not the source of the fright clawing and gripping at her insides. It is not that, nor the fact she can<br>hardly resist as the push of Tairitsu’s blade inches her own nearer and nearer to her taut neck. | |||
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No. The sweat in her palm, the breath trapped in her lungs, it’s all because the person before her—the girl<br>who had felt to her a tragic and sorrowful figure only moments before—seems now so utterly changed.<br><br>She is not the person she’d spoken to like a fellow and friend. In fact, she doesn’t seem like a person at all.<br>Her stare is so purposeful, her jaw is unmoving, and those fingers of hers, clutched so tightly they’re now<br>stained red—<br><br>Nothing but a beast garbed in black. A shade, brimming with malice. | |||
===VS-2=== | |||
解锁条件:完成[[#VS-1|VS-1]],购入[[Black Fate]]曲包<br>解锁要求:采用[[搭档#2.对立(Tairitsu)|对立]]通过[[Antagonism]] | |||
====中文剧情==== | |||
让这一切和平终结。<br>找寻能够妥协的台阶。<br>不能变得软弱。不能变得畏缩不前。<br><br>光稳稳地抓住了这丝信念。她反击了。<br><br>她们早已自无数的回忆中目睹并体会过战争所会带来的痛苦。<br>只可惜,那些无关二人性命的记忆,归根究底无法与此刻这场货真价实的战斗相提并论。<br><br>二人临场打造的刀刃,冷酷无情地相互撞击。<br>对立的攻击只得形容为果决而精准,其中是满溢的恶毒。<br>而光的一系列行动只是透露着一种绝望的韵味。哪怕步伐只是遭受毫厘的闪失,<br>对方的致命攻击便足以夺走自己的性命。而她却仅仅是在防卫自身;她没有做出任何多余的举动。<br>若是能够不施展蛮力解决这一切,她早会刻不容缓地完成使命。<br><br>悬挂于空中的吊灯与数排长椅——这座教堂遗址之中散乱的标志性物体,成为了二人混战时的阻碍。<br>而她们则行动于这条走道之上。对立朝着光的脚部疾冲而去。<br>尽管如此,光却没有躲闪,却是举起那片曾给予她救赎的碎片,随时准备招架即将到来的上斩。 | |||
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只是斩击并未如期而至——<br>晃眼间,闪现在眼前的竟是那把漆黑的阳伞:随着刺耳的破空声,残忍地捅向她的防线。<br><br>“唔嗝、呃啊……!”<br>痛到喘不过气。整只手仿佛烈火灼烧般疼痛。小拇指——她坚信自己的小拇指一定是被折弯了。<br>异象残片瞬间便滑落出脱力的手掌。意识到自己变得手无寸铁,疼痛折磨下的她迅疾地选择朝后方闪避。<br><br>就连光自己都吃了一惊——自己居然能如此平稳地脚跟落地。<br>并未迟疑,趁此再次朝后方跃去,裙摆随着移动轨迹飞舞空中,<br>这才察觉自己在千钧一发之际躲开了对面的另一招。<br>几乎是贴着自己站立的长椅挥过,命悬一线。<br>这一场纷争,真的无法仅靠语言平息吗? | |||
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即使心中这种想法切合实际——此时的她也找不出半个合适的词语。<br>纵然她已经清楚该说些什么——届时的她也根本没有任何的发言权。<br>纵使她在此刻受到神明眷顾,获得了这两项理想的先前条件:<br>既与对手保持了足够的距离,又拥有充足的时间去准备发言——<br><br>一把崭新利刃,不知是从何处射来——<br><br>迅速地抵达了她的脸颊——<br><br>就这样,将她的脸部割伤。 | |||
====英文剧情==== | |||
Let this end peacefully.<br><br>Find common ground.<br><br>Don’t be weak. Don’t falter.<br><br>With these thoughts in mind, Hikari pushes back.<br><br>They have both seen and felt the throes of battle within near countless memories, but vicarious<br>recollections are no substitute for a genuine struggle between life and death.<br><br>Their impromptu blades meet again, entirely without grace. Tairitsu’s strikes stay vicious and direct,<br>while Hikari’s movements are desperate, forever a hair away from a harmful, fatal slip. She only defends;<br>she does nothing more. If she could stop this without violence, she’d do so in a heartbeat.<br><br>Their flurried tussle is hampered by the peculiar surroundings of the broken church: lamps and benches<br>placed under a sky. The two move between the aisles. Tairitsu darts toward Hikari’s feet, but her target<br>remains planted. Hikari lifts the piece of glass that had once served to rescue her, bracing for the rising cut. | |||
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But a cut does not come. Instead it is that black parasol: tearing up quickly through the air and cruelly into<br>her waiting guard.<br><br>“Gh...! Hah...!” she groans, panting. It feels like fire has swallowed her hand, and her small finger—she<br>swears it must have been bent. Her anomalous piece flies from her grasp, and as soon as she is without a<br>weapon, the pained girl withdraws immediately.<br><br>To her own surprise, Hikari lands after her first leap with no waver, no fall. She leaps back again, her dress<br>fluttering, and she finds herself standing atop the pews just in time to avoid another coming blow.<br>So close... Can this not be ended with words? | |||
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Even if it could, she can’t even find a single word to say.<br>Even if she could, she isn’t given any chance to speak.<br>And even when, blessed, she is afforded both; gaining enough distance from her pursuer and time alone<br>to begin preparing her voice—<br><br>a new blade shoots out from nowhere—<br><br>it finds her cheek, swift—<br><br>and, just like that, it cuts, glancing across her skin. | |||
===VS-3=== | |||
解锁条件:完成[[#VS-2|VS-2]],购入[[Black Fate]]曲包<br>解锁要求:采用[[搭档#1.光(Hikari)|光]]通过[[Equilibrium]] | |||
====中文剧情==== | |||
光的呼吸节奏被再次打断。她下意识地飞速将手搭在了左脸前方。<br>移开手心,却只瞧见那抹沾染手指,玷污掌心的色彩。很不幸——她已经对种颜色十分熟悉。<br>又一次……如同彼时那般,浑身冰冷。<br><br>朝后方摔落而去的间隙,她紧紧地环抱住自己,试图硬生生地止住双臂剧烈的颤抖。<br>她咽下了嘴中聚积的唾液。<br><br>再接着,用那几近失去音量的话语声,哀求道:<br><br>“住手……”<br><br>尔后,仅是稍微响亮了些许:<br><br>“请住手……”<br><br>又一片尖锐无比的碎玻璃好似离弦之箭一般急射而来。光随之躲闪——尽管留给自己的反应时间并不超过一秒。<br>碎片眼看就要成功刺入她的上臂。幸好最终只是擦臂而过。<br><br>她终归大喊道:“请住手!!” | |||
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“我知道你的计划。”<br><br>光的动作戛然而止。片刻间,对立便着陆在距离光有足足五排远的长椅之上。<br><br>“你究竟是什么?这世界创造出来的恶魔?”对立质问道。<br><br>“什么?!”<br><br>“你根本只是那些碎片的同类。是从荒芜之地而来,专程前来猎杀我的吧?”<br><br>“我……不是!”光吼道。<br><br>“你自己也不清楚自己到底是什么……”对立喃喃自语道。<br><br>就在此时,光忽然注意到——<br>那女孩的身前身后,已经如蜂群般聚集了相当数量的Arcaea。<br>光对此格外留了心眼。届时,对立仍旧用那沉痛的话语继续低语着。<br>“但……既然能够找上我。”她道,“那你也一定不是什么好东西。” | |||
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光回想起了面前那女孩曾述说的那段过往经历。<br>她石化在了原地。她明白对立是什么意思。<br><br>“我才不是……那种……”她嘟哝道,语气中略带着防卫性。<br>又一枚碎玻璃,如同出膛子弹般掠过她的耳旁。<br><br>她紧紧闭起了自己的双眼,任由眼泪被压迫得夺眶而出。<br><br>如果她的愿望是活下来……<br><br>……那无论如何,她都不能在这一刻放弃。 | |||
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光的视线转向下方。一枚新的碎片响应着她的召唤,来到她手心之中。<br>自己居然已经能够徒手接触到碎片——对于这种过于诡异的现象,她甚至未曾留意。<br><br>整一队列的碎片也跃动着加入了自己的身后。<br><br>她抬起了头。<br><br>正是如此——尽管渴望成为挚友,却又一次对峙起面前那位女孩。 | |||
====英文剧情==== | |||
Hikari loses her breath again. Her hand flies to the left side of her face. She withdraws it, seeing that an<br>unfortunately now-familiar color has tainted her fingers—her palm. Once more... she goes cold.<br><br>Still falling back, she grips both of her arms, trying to quell their trembling.<br>She swallows the saliva filling her mouth.<br><br>And, quietly, she pleads:<br><br>“Stop...”<br><br>And only a bit louder:<br><br>“Please, stop...”<br><br>Another shard of glass drives through the air like an arrow, and she avoids it though she was given only a<br>second for its approach. It goes past where her upper arm, its target, had been.<br><br>And she shouts, “Please stop!” | |||
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“I know what you want to do.”<br><br>Hikari stops instead, and in a moment after Tairitsu lands on a row of pews five away from hers.<br><br>“What are you? A demon invented by the world?” Tairitsu asks.<br><br>“What!?”<br><br>“Are you just another fragment from a dead place, come to hound me?”<br><br>“I... No!” Hikari yells.<br><br>“You don’t know what you are, either...” Tairitsu mutters.<br><br>There, Hikari notices: a number of pieces of Arcaea are darting behind and before the other girl like<br>patrolling wasps. She eyes them warily, and Tairitsu continues to speak, voice dipped long in woe.<br>“But, if you found me,” she says, “that means you can’t be anything good.” | |||
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And Hikari, recalling what this girl had told her of her past, is brought still upon realizing that she can<br>perfectly understand what that means.<br><br>“I’m not... that...” she mumbles in defense. Another bullet of glass comes, shooting past her ear.<br><br>She shuts her eyes, forcing tears out of them.<br><br>If she is to survive...<br><br>...she cannot give up. | |||
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Eyes downcast, Hikari calls a new piece of glass to her hand, not even realizing how strange it is that she<br>can touch it now.<br><br>A troop of shards also joins her behind her back.<br><br>She lifts her head.<br><br>Like this, she once more faces the girl she wishes she could befriend. | |||
===VS-4=== | |||
解锁条件:完成[[#VS-3|VS-3]],购入[[Black Fate]]曲包<br>解锁要求:采用[[搭档#1.光(Hikari)|光]]通过[[#1f1e33|#1f1e33]] | |||
====中文剧情==== | |||
争执中的两人,不费吹灰之力地撞碎了钢制的大门,好似那仅仅是快木板。<br>此刻的黑衣少女朝着白衣少女猛冲而去。那些记忆的碎片则好似一片混沌般飞舞缠绕着二人。<br><br>反抗——却从不主动攻击。<br>尽管她已经诚心诚意地决定接受战斗,光的心中却始终存有一丝希望:这根本没有必要成为一场见血的纷争。<br>虽然如此,就算她操控这些玻璃的技巧尚未娴熟;就算她没有分毫的战斗经验——她也绝不会让步。<br><br>玻璃仓促地在她身后拼凑成一面护盾,不断地精确阻截着对立所施放的长枪的迂回背刺。<br>光此时的视线,远比玻璃碎片更加锐利。<br>她保持机警地试图压制面前的暗之少女——并争取让这场战斗和平终结。<br>通过武力。<br><br>遗憾的是,知之非难,行之不易。 | |||
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脱离了大教堂的空间限制后,此刻Arcaea的畸形山路对于对立而言只是更加方便她施展的空间。<br>她的举止彻底不再被障碍物所拘束,碎片的斩击范围也随即进一步扩宽。<br>最终,光发觉自己真正能做的也仅有全力守住最后的防线,保全自己的性命。<br><br>心跳过快。先前仅会从手心流出的汗液,如今早已渗透她的全身,造成一股恶寒。<br>好似用隐形的小刀弹飞掷来的透明匕首,在自己的喉咙与对方的长矛亲密接触前,率先将一道碎片飞速射去。<br><br>一招对应一招,应对另一招,对应再一招。<br>这使光认识到,战斗早已从混乱的暴力扭打升级至两方绝对势力的凶恶冲突。<br>若是单纯较量蛮力的话,光毫无胜算。只是,支撑着她的还有智谋与信念。这足以让光勉强招架对立的攻击。<br><br>直面身前那洪水般决堤的情感源泉,光将担任那「对立」之侧。<br>岩石或许会风化,但却不会碎裂。她会平息这一切争端。 | |||
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她们此刻是平手状态。两方所各自钦定的Arcaea,此刻正由那光滑的表面散射出光球与剧烈的光线。<br><br>确实,她们始终不相上下……直到对立改变了目标。<br>表面上正企图冲破对方防线,对立却悄无声息地将自己的碎片群重定向一番,送至了光的身体右侧。<br><br>这一举动造成的影响不可估量。在魔光闪烁般的爆炸中,光的单侧膝盖失去了平衡。<br>紧随其后,对立阴险狡诈的目光随着手中的阳伞一同朝前方刺去。<br>阳伞的尖端正指向那原本的目标部位:她对手的前额。<br><br>完全没有一丝踌躇。电光火石间的瞬息一刺。<br><br>光死死地闭上了双眼。对立皱紧了眉头。 | |||
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冲击被中途制止了。<br>并不是由于她们的任何一者。这第三股力量源自她们二人之间。<br><br>她们二人之间——是那片原先被逼出光的手掌心的异象碎片。<br>尽管面对阳伞的全力突刺,也悬停于空中纹丝不动。<br>光睁开双眼,难以置信地凝视着。<br><br>“唉!?”<br><br>“这是……”<br><br>对立举起了另一只手,顺势带起一片玻璃碎片的漩涡。<br><br>然而,光却同样未带迟疑,将手掌推向身前的异象碎片。<br>紧接着,两人身旁的每一片自由碎片都猛烈摇晃了一瞬——<br>由利刃组成的风雨接踵而至。 | |||
====英文剧情==== | |||
They erupt from the gate, crashing through it as if it were a pane instead of metal. Shards of memory whirl<br>around them in chaos as the girl in black lunges at the girl in white.<br><br>Pushed back, and never pushing forth; though she has chosen to fight earnestly, there is still a hope in<br>Hikari’s heart that this does not have to end in bloodshed. Yet still, even if her sway over the glass is not<br>nearly as deft, even if she is entirely unpracticed, she truly won’t give in.<br><br>Glass shields her back in a slapdash, patchwork pattern, constantly shifting to stop Tairitsu’s roundabout<br>spears from ever hitting their marks. Hikari’s eyes are sharper than that glass, ever vigilant to pin the<br>dark girl down; to end this peacefully, through force.<br><br>Nothing about it is simple, however. | |||
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Now outside the cathedral-shell, open on the misshapen roads and hills of Arcaea, Tairitsu is free.<br>Keeping close, her movements sweep and her glass flies wide. So doggedly pursued, Hikari finds all she<br>can do is cling to her desperate defense in preservation of her own life.<br><br>Her pulse is quick, and the sweat that had begun in her hands is now permeating her entire body with an<br>awful chill. Smashing an invisible knife against an invisible dagger, crashing a swift shard into a shining<br>lance flying true before it can meet her throat.<br><br>Blow for blow, for blow, for blow, she is made to realize that their battle has gone from a tussling mess of<br>violence to a vicious clash of two formidable and absolute forces. She cannot match Tairitsu’s strength,<br>but with her wits and will kept about her, she can dampen its impact.<br><br>To the torrent of emotions before her, she will be the composed counter: the stone weathered, but never<br>broken; and she will settle this. | |||
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They’re even, each holding down her position as points and rays of light shine from the smooth faces of<br>their chosen Arcaea.<br><br>They remain even, in fact, until Tairitsu shifts her focus. Instead of aiming past the other girl’s guard, with<br>no tell she decides to redirect and send down her flock on Hikari’s right side.<br><br>The impact is massive. With an explosion of glints and glamor, it forces Hikari to stumble down to a knee.<br>Then and there, glaring darkly, Tairitsu lifts and points her black umbrella, its tip revealing the intended<br>destination: the front of her opponent’s skull.<br><br>She spares no hesitation. The strike comes in an instant.<br><br>Hikari shuts her eyes. Tairitsu’s brow twists. | |||
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The thrust is stopped, but not by either of them. Instead, it is something between them.<br><br>Between them, that anomalous shard, previously forced from Hikari’s hand, stands still in the air,<br>steady as a wall, immovable against the umbrella-spike. Hikari opens her eyes and stares, disbelieving.<br><br>“Eh!?”<br><br>“That’s...”<br><br>Tairitsu lifts her other hand, a swirl of glass rising up around it.<br><br>Not hesitating either, Hikari thrusts her hand against the anomaly, and every free piece of glass<br>surrounding them sways for just a moment before a razor-sharp rainfall begins. | |||
===VS-5=== | |||
解锁条件:完成[[#VS-4|VS-4]],购入[[Black Fate]]曲包<br>解锁要求:采用[[搭档#2.对立(Tairitsu)|对立]]通过[[Dantalion]] | |||
====中文剧情==== | |||
序幕之刻,好似一场暴风。<br><br>如今这成百上千的坠落碎片均受到光的操控,却看似只是在毫无秩序地四下乱窜。<br>尽管此刻已轮到光发号施令,她却显然还没有驾轻就熟。<br><br>对立的脸上明摆着忧愤。她暂时朝后撤退起来。<br>此时的光,身形已经湮没于星罗棋布的锐利「记忆」之中。<br>她正屏气凝神地蜷缩膝盖,试图集中施展自己这股全新全异的力量。<br><br>对立迅速勘测了周身地表的情形,仰头紧盯着高空中由光制造的暴风。她将一只手掌高举过头,心中思绪涌动。<br>——若要战胜暴风,则需呼唤疾雨。<br><br>潜匿于地平线彼端的城市废墟与纯白山脉的玻璃碎片——<br>数凌千计的玻璃碎片,皆数响应着对立的号召,降临了此处。<br>相对于光手下桀骜不驯的群魔乱舞,对立的军队远远显得要更加井然有序,队列更是完美无瑕。<br><br>盘踞于纯黑之少女背后的碎片,纹理俨然是一朵巨大的玫瑰。<br>宛若旋流般,玫瑰的花瓣被一片片地剥落而下,精确而迅速地切入那层层保卫着纯白之少女的飓风。 | |||
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光因而只能挺直身躯——尽管她的心中满溢着恐惧。她被迫以包含规律的弹幕加以回击。<br><br>弧光残影,千华缭乱。相距甚远的两人卷起这场雨横风狂的宿命之争。<br>若是由数里之外加以眺望,此般景象正如对立所盼,好像两场风暴彼此间的激烈冲撞。<br>风雨相争,创造电闪雷鸣,周身汹涌起伏的黯云有如一场华丽的爆炸般,于这场战斗中螺旋相缠。<br>如同凶猛乖戾的自然力量,致使风云大乱。<br><br>在这银白渲染的波涛之下,两名女孩相互对峙。<br>燃烧于她们心中的是熊熊炽焰。<br><br>凌空齐射的碎片也无法伤及对方分毫;二人在迅速躲闪攻击的同时也并未驻守原地,<br>而是开始疾跑——疾跑于Arcaea的荒原之上,穿梭在玻璃汇聚而成的枪林弹雨之中,<br>不时回避着因爆裂而产生的高速弹片。<br>碎玻璃对二人穷追不舍。<br>碎玻璃将二人阻截于半路。<br>碎玻璃不断尝试着刺入二人的双脚,这是二人试图将对方牢牢固死在原地。 | |||
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狂怒:彻底失控的狂怒,混乱而又不失守序。<br>二人的步伐、一举一动……逐渐变得近乎同步。规律而刻板地重复着规律而刻板的动作。<br><br>闪避。<br>开火。<br>重复。<br><br>在这无法言传,压倒性的绚彩狂华之中,二人再度势均力敌。<br><br>继此之后,战斗轮到对立占据上风。 | |||
====英文剧情==== | |||
It begins like a storm.<br><br>The falling glass, now under Hikari’s command, begins to dart everywhere and every way without order.<br>Though the shards are hers to control, she cannot grasp how to truly use them for a little while.<br><br>Tairitsu, aggravation and concern plain on her face, retreats. Hikari is thus left hidden in a swarm of<br>edged memories, crouched and still as she concentrates on her newfound power.<br><br>Tairitsu surveys the land, looking to the sky and to Hikari’s storm. She holds a hand up over her head,<br>and thinks: to fight a storm, one must summon a deluge.<br><br>Thus, from distant cities and white mountains, the glass of a thousand and more memories are<br>immediately pulled by her call. Unlike Hikari’s untamed flurry, Tairitsu’s flock is a pattern,<br>immaculately composed.<br><br>Behind the girl in black, the glass assumes the shape of a giant rose, its petals falling one by one in<br>swirling descents, slicing cleanly through the squall shielding the girl in white. | |||
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And Hikari—now standing, though afraid—can only respond in patterned kind.<br><br>Bloom after bloom and chain after chain follow in their maddening, frantic, distant combat. From miles off,<br>it seems things are exactly as Tairitsu wished: a clash of two storms. Rain fighting rain, “lightning” flashing<br>throughout, and their undulating “clouds” joining the fray by bursting, spiraling, and flowing in an explosive<br>display—a sparkling tumult of furious natural powers.<br><br>And beneath the whirling and silver floods stand two girls, each with a blaze in her heart.<br><br>Each avoid volleys of shards by mere millimeters, and they begin to run as they fight rather than holding<br>their ground. Rushing through Arcaea’s plains, they cast glass artilleries and skid along the shining earth<br>as their improvised bullets fall and scatter like shrapnel. Glass pursues, glass cuts off their routes, glass<br>aims for feet in an attempt to pin the enemy in place. | |||
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It is madness: frenetic madness, chaotic yet constant. Their movements soon become nearly even,<br>steady and regular.<br><br>Evade, and fire, always.<br><br>Within this overwhelming row of beauty and violence, they once again find themselves evenly matched.<br><br>And thus it is Tairitsu’s turn to gain the upper hand. | |||
===VS-6=== | |||
解锁条件:完成[[#VS-5|VS-5]],购入[[Black Fate]]曲包<br>解锁要求:采用[[搭档#2.对立(Tairitsu)|对立]]通过[[Lost Desire]] | |||
====中文剧情==== | |||
她在此处的旅途,无异于身临地狱。<br><br>自诞生以来便已然踏入地狱中心——<br>或者说,自己也许根本就没得到过踏出第一步的机会吧?<br>苏醒而来的她冒险踏入了外部的世界,但随之邂逅的苦痛与厄运好似暗潮般唐突地毁掉了她的旅途。<br>之后,那两个灾祸的象征便紧紧地跟随着她。 | |||
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简直是在开玩笑。<br><br>我可是个好女孩。她于心中自言自语。<br><br>这身漆黑的衣裙本就不该代表我的存在。这些黑暗的回忆始终折磨着我,可我又不是它们的同类。<br><br>我根本不是个「邪恶」之人。我只是个普通人,一个生于只存在邪恶的世界,因而饱受折磨的普通人。<br><br>荒谬无理。简直构成不了任何逻辑。<br>一个残忍得可怕,从根本角度上而言的无情世界。<br>一场永远无法苏醒的噩梦。<br><br>而属于我的结局,便是一场悲惨的死亡。<br><br>…… | |||
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那样的事实,那样的想法,让泪水无数次在她的眼眶满溢。<br><br>现在,这一切已经结束了。不管是什么事,已经结束了。<br><br>将这一思绪怀藏于心之际,面前那名自己想要杀害的少女正将另一块玻璃送向自己。<br>而就是在与那片玻璃擦肩而过时,她却忽然注意到了什么异常的画面。<br><br>正是数分钟前那种熟悉的,怪诞到让自己反胃的感觉。<br>好比「现实」本身失去了正确性。仿佛绝对不可能发生的场景在眼前出现。<br><br>而那特异感知的源头,几乎紧贴着自己的脸颊。 | |||
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她朝着右方看去。一枚由淡紫色点缀的,外形极度歪曲的异象碎片,映入眼帘。<br>单单是眨眼之间的相会。<br><br>却足以回答一切。<br><br>如同她所预料的一般,这枚异常的碎片所包含的并不是普通的回忆——<br>但完全超乎预料,碎片中出现了本绝不可能存在的答案。<br><br>转瞬之间,快到仅仅是碎片表面的反光与视网膜相撞——<br><br>——感受到自己的颅内就像被光芒所充溢般,一眨眼的功夫便近乎通晓了有关这世界的一切:<br>所有曾经几时存在——且必定存在的事物。一眨眼的功夫,她的脑海中便已然开朗。 | |||
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她们的名字。<br>她们的过去。<br>这个世界。<br>——存在的目的。<br>她:「光」。<br>她:「对立」。<br>「爱托」与「红」……「咲弥」与「忘却」……<br>「露娜」,以及……名字;无法计数的名字。<br><br>甚至是关乎其他世界的真相,属于其他旅行者的终点,结局、序言、完美详尽的因果:一切的一切。<br><br>以及真理。全部的事物所指向的真理,便是—— | |||
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她的身前,光短暂地止住了步伐。她察觉到了面前那名对手态度的明显转变。<br>的确有什么变化产生。<br>恐惧。<br><br>所以,真理就是如此。我已知晓真理。<br><br>对立早已目睹「现实」被禁锢的真理。而只需明白这一真理,她便会拥有力量。但若两者兼具,通晓万事……<br>通晓万事,又有什么用?<br><br>本已凝固的思绪,如同被再次强行乱搅一番。<br>那股盘踞于她胸腔内的无尽苦涩逐渐一路蔓延而上,沾染了自己的舌根,钻入牙缝之中。<br>她的嘴唇扭曲得好似一抹忧郁而感性的微笑。<br>忧郁而感性,却毫无疑问地,怪诞地——快乐。 | |||
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狂笑吧,少女。呼唤狂风暴雨吧。<br><br>此处的道路尽收人类所能拥有的最恶回忆。而存在于终点的——<br>始终都——只会是终点。<br><br>抵达终站的同时,她们两者之间的一人,必须死。 | |||
====英文剧情==== | |||
Her journey in this place has been hell.<br><br>Hell from her birth to her first steps—no, even first steps were denied to her, weren’t they? <br>She’d ventured outside of where she’d first awakened, and not long after her journey was abruptly and<br>mercilessly stopped by a torrent of misery and tragedy. Ever since then, those two things had been<br>doggedly following her. | |||
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It’s a joke.<br><br>I’m a good person, she tells herself.<br><br>I am not these dark clothes I was born with. I am not these dark memories I am tormented by.<br><br>I am not a person who is “evil”, I am an ordinary person tortured by an evil world.<br><br>Without reason, without sense.<br>A completely, horribly, cruel and merciless world.<br>A nightmare one can’t wake from.<br><br>And the ending, for me, is a pathetic death.<br><br>... | |||
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That sort of thing, that kind of thinking, has brought tears to her eyes so many times before.<br><br>Now, it’s over. No matter what, it’s over.<br><br>With that thought in mind, while she grazes past glass sent at her by the girl she is trying to kill, she notes<br>the presence of something strange.<br><br>A familiar, grotesque presence she’d felt minutes before this.<br>The feeling like reality itself has lost correctness.<br>An impossible condition made manifest.<br><br>That anomalous feeling is just beside her cheek. | |||
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She looks to her right, and the violet-tinged and grossly warped glass of an anomaly comes into her sight.<br>It is only a moment, only a whim.<br><br>Yet it tells everything.<br><br>As expected of the aberrant shard, it does not hold simple memory—but beyond expectation, it holds<br>impossible answers.<br><br>In an instant, as soon as the shine of its surface has met with her eyes—<br><br>—with a sensation that the inside of her skull has been bathed in light, almost full knowledge of the<br>world, of near everything that ever and absolutely was, unlocks vivid understanding in her mind. | |||
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Their names.<br>Their pasts.<br>This world.<br>Its purpose.<br>Her: “Hikari”.<br>Her: “Tairitsu”.<br>“Eto” and “Kou”... “Saya” and “Lethe”... “Luna”, and—names; countless names.<br><br>Even facts of other worlds, destinations of other travelers, ends, beginnings, and elaborated reasons too<br> all of it.<br><br>And the truth, the whole truth, that— | |||
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Before her, Hikari stops briefly, noticing the obvious shift in her aggressor’s demeanor.<br>There’s a change. There’s fear.<br><br>So, that’s it. That’s everything.<br><br>Tairitsu glimpsed the truth of this cage dubbed “reality”. With that truth, she’s claimed power.<br>And with both, knowing everything... Knowing everything, what exactly would change?<br><br>Her feelings curdle and churn. The endless bitterness packed in her chest flows out of it and courses<br>through her—onto her tongue, into her teeth. Her lips twist into a morose and bitterly maudlin grin.<br>Morose and maudlin, but undoubtedly, strangely, mirthful. | |||
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Laugh, girl. Call forth a Tempest.<br><br>The path here was blazed by the worst recollections of mankind,<br>and what remains at the end is,<br>and ever will be,<br>the end.<br><br>At the terminus, one of the two will die. | |||
===VS-7=== | |||
解锁条件:完成[[#VS-6|VS-6]],购入[[Black Fate]]曲包<br>解锁要求:需要解锁[[Tempestissimo]] | |||
====中文剧情==== | |||
“战斗势均力敌”——这样的美梦破灭了。与此一同瓦解的,还有光那终于开始动摇的希望。 | |||
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原本由光指引的风暴,毫无任何先兆地朝着对立的侧面刮去。阴影与光芒交错,层叠掩埋起那女孩的身姿。<br>就此碎片缠绕身体之际,她的双眼忽地紧紧闭上——而就在片刻后,当双目再次睁开之际,<br>那无数错杂的回忆,在她的背后形成了六只巨大的羽翼。 | |||
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届时,她浑身散发着对整个自然界的公然蔑视,浮于上空,<br>将尖锐的视线刺入光的瞳孔。 | |||
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单单一个眼神便足以让光心知肚明,她基本已经失去了所有胜算。<br>光曾经错以为面前那女孩是一头野兽;此刻,自己终于认清了那女孩的身份:<br>高高在上,绝对无法触及的存在。 | |||
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玻璃碎片在对立的背后升起,这场面好似一张巨型的帘幕:一扇清晰的,宏光闪烁的天窗。 | |||
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位于下方的光,几乎没有任何东西可以用来抗衡即将到来的一切。至少,这就是她的第一感觉。但是……<br>不……那纯黑的少女还未拥有一切。她可以在这里活下来。必定可以!<br>那扇通往天国的窗户碎裂之际,光从中取下了二十枚记忆。 | |||
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最初,只有寥寥几枚碎片朝着她飞驰而去。可是,它们却显得极为……迂缓。<br>这让她卸下了重担。她开始在心中默念:“可能性必然存在。”<br>就好像顷刻前目睹的那一幕仅仅是这种事情:一场表演。 | |||
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如同彼时一样,光将自己稳固地防御起来,潜心贯注地抵挡着坠落而下的碎玻璃。<br>她的目光不断左右横扫,时不时地确认着那群光芒万丈的碎片正处于什么方位。<br>这让她拾回了充足的醒醒——她没有遗失任何事物。她默许一丝笑容出现在自己的脸上。 | |||
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就算迎来最坏的局势,至少她可以从这里顺利逃走。至少这并不会是属于自己的终点。 | |||
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于是,一片玻璃飞向了自己的胸口正中央。它的到来,只能被理解为试图向自己传递一则信息。<br>它的飞行速度,比她曾见到的任何Arcaea都要快上数倍。<br>正位于上方的另一名女孩,通过这片玻璃碎片,向她说道:“玩够了。” | |||
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“也不要浪费我的时间了。早点投降——然后死。” | |||
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那枚玻璃碎片从她的裙边穿透而过。而光,则望向了对立的双眼。<br>那身着黑衣的女孩,此刻正微微笑着。她的脸上,再也见不到一丝忧愤的阴云。<br>但那却是她毕生的记忆中,最恐怖的事物。 | |||
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那一枚碎片并未接触到光的身体,而是摔落在地面上。 | |||
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毁坏的天窗开始旋转起来,逐渐形成一柱倾斜的龙卷。它的血盆大口正准备将她的身体吞噬,<br>割裂了布料与皮肤,但只做到这一步为止,便飞离她的肉体。<br>这场面,显然阐释着另一则信息:在迎来结局之前,那纯黑的少女想要自己的敌人清楚一切从何而始。 | |||
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恐惧席卷了她的每个细胞。玻璃组成的激流,以庞大的数量呼啸、切割着她的身体,<br>就像被劲风牵扯般转动着身躯。她陷入了极度害怕的状态。<br>好似一尊石像,她只是呆呆地站在原地,注视着一切。 | |||
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她伫立在原地,注视着属于一个污秽世界的回忆。 | |||
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刻画着痛苦、背叛、嫉妒的回忆。 | |||
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殒命、暴虐、凋零。 | |||
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黑暗。只是纯粹的黑暗。不论这些碎片究竟反射了何处的风景……她从中都近乎见不到一丝光芒。<br>不论是多么渺小的火花,都会在转瞬间消逝。<br>那女孩,也曾将这一画面这样描述给自己。 | |||
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从苏醒以来,便一直蹂躏着她。那些污秽至极的倒影——<br>此刻,她将用相同的事物去蹂躏另一个人。 | |||
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<br> | |||
玻璃碎片将光的衣袖从里侧勾起,刺入她的长裙。<br>它们将她拉至上方——直到自己再也无法倚靠双足站立。 | |||
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<br> | |||
就像泪水已经盈眶般,那一股情感也满溢着自己的内心:在人们意识到自己即将死去时,便会来临的情感。<br>这并不是畏惧。<br>“恐怖”这种词,毫无用以形容的权利。 | |||
<br> | |||
<br> | |||
心灰意冷?满怀希望?<br>那种令她感到恐惧的,将自己拘束的感觉。 | |||
<br> | |||
<br> | |||
届时涌入她脑中的,是属于她本人的回忆。就好像她在试图寻找其中的某一段;一段显得出众的回忆——<br>一段能够告知她,自己曾在过去遭遇过类似的噩运,并且成功将其克服——如此的回忆。<br>从中,她能学到该怎样逃走。 | |||
<br> | |||
<br> | |||
并不存在。 | |||
<br> | |||
<br> | |||
黑色的风暴狂吼着侵袭着自己的躯体——不带一丝怜悯地切割着她。<br>残虐,如此单纯的意图。不断地接近、接近……<br>好似这意愿本身,就足以在她身上留下致命伤痕。 | |||
<br> | |||
<br> | |||
不可置信。 | |||
<br> | |||
<br> | |||
这样的场面,早已超脱了她从诞生至今所亲眼见证的任何事物;<br>自己亲身经历的,抑或是属于其他人的。<br>混杂着这种令人厌恶的,面对未知事物时才会出现的感觉,但又对静候着自己的事物心知肚明…… | |||
<br> | |||
<br> | |||
惊骇。<br>并不是畏惧。<br>这般惊骇的领悟。 | |||
<br> | |||
<br> | |||
这里不存在任何受她指挥的玻璃碎片。<br>随便什么,不管什么都好——异象——奇迹。<br>随便哪件事情发生了,都会是她的救命稻草。她就能趁机逃逸。她就能活下去。 | |||
<br> | |||
<br> | |||
若这般展开必然发生;此刻、此处,便是最佳时机。 | |||
<br> | |||
<br> | |||
下方的大地开始崩裂,看着就像世界本身也想要加入这场猎杀。<br>正是此刻。<br>此刻!会有一枚碎片前来拯救她! | |||
<br> | |||
<br> | |||
她真诚地祈祷着——全心全意地祷告,祈求世界的意愿,为帮助她而站到自己的身旁! | |||
<br> | |||
<br> | |||
命运女神也好,幸运之轮也罢,无论是谁——<br>纵然是捏造出一位“神明”,赐予她足以创造胜利的力量! | |||
<br> | |||
<br> | |||
哀求着。期望着。<br>紧紧握住那片曾经将你救赎的存在,再度贴在你那染血的胸前。<br>拯救的象征。象征着灵魂的赎身……它将必然——! | |||
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<br> | |||
<br> | |||
<br> | |||
又一片碎片穿透了她的身体,将那憎恶的火桩捅入了她的心脏。<br>尽管它并未直接伤及她的心脏。但它所怀揣的讯息——那终末的讯息——已经做到了。<br>从那残虐着她的女孩那里传来的,临终的讯息:简略,冷血。 | |||
<br> | |||
<br> | |||
“不。” | |||
<br> | |||
<br> | |||
那闯入光的心脏,几乎将她置于死地的利刃,届时只向她呈现出这般回忆——熊熊燃烧,吞噬一切的烈火。 | |||
<br> | |||
<br> | |||
触手可及的死亡。她的心脏猛地悸动了一下,让她意识到自己仍然活着。 | |||
<br> | |||
<br> | |||
她的瞳孔缩小,如同墨点。 | |||
<br> | |||
<br> | |||
就像那映射烈火的记忆一般,她的身体仿佛被火焰灼烧。<br>伴随着流淌于空气中的邪恶高温,灼烧着。<br>疼痛。痛苦。鲜血—— | |||
<br> | |||
<br> | |||
尝试将手伸向那可怕的伤口时,手中的救赎碎片也摔落下去。 | |||
<br> | |||
<br> | |||
接着,一枚锯齿状的碎片,从暴风雨中席卷过来,刺中了她的手背。 | |||
<br> | |||
<br> | |||
已经发不出任何声音了。 | |||
<br> | |||
<br> | |||
身体也被刺中了两次。如今,她就连呼吸也做不到了。 | |||
<br> | |||
<br> | |||
她的视线凝固于面前由不可思议的画面所组成的三重奏。 | |||
<br> | |||
<br> | |||
此般现实。如此地骇人而难以想象,但确实“如此”。 | |||
<br> | |||
<br> | |||
她的思维,也逐渐开始消逝。 | |||
====英文剧情==== | |||
The illusion of an even match shatters, and with its destruction Hikari’s hope finally begins to waver. | |||
<br> | |||
<br> | |||
Without warning, Hikari’s storm flies to Tairitsu’s side, cloaking the other girl in darkness and light.<br>As they surround her, her eyes shut for a moment—and when they open again,<br>those countless memories unfurl behind her as six gargantuan wings. | |||
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<br> | |||
Now hanging in the sky in blatant defiance of nature,<br>she lays her sharpened eyes on Hikari. | |||
<br> | |||
<br> | |||
A simple look reveals to Hikari that the path to victory has been nearly closed.<br>She had thought the girl a beast before, and now she sees her as what she is:<br>above, and nigh impossible. | |||
<br> | |||
<br> | |||
Glass rises up behind her like a gigantic sheet: a skylight, shimmering and clear. | |||
<br> | |||
<br> | |||
Below, Hikari has little to nothing to fight what will come. At least, that’s how it feels, but...<br>No... The girl in black does not have everything. This can be survived. It can!<br>Hikari takes up twenty memories as the window to the heavens breaks. | |||
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<br> | |||
At first, only a handful of shards hurtle down at her, but they do so rather... slowly.<br>It disarms her. She starts to think, "this is possible."<br>As though the elaborate display a moment ago was only that: a display. | |||
<br> | |||
<br> | |||
As before, Hikari shields herself, quickly blocking the falling glass with unshakable focus,<br>her eyes darting this way and that to keep measure of the flitting, brilliant crowd.<br>It makes her confident—she misses nothing. She allows herself a smile. | |||
<br> | |||
<br> | |||
At the least, she’ll be able to run from this. At the least, this won’t be the end. | |||
<br> | |||
<br> | |||
A single piece then flies to the middle of her chest, its delivery interpretable only as a message.<br>It had flown faster than any other piece of Arcaea she’d ever seen.<br>The girl above speaks to her through this glass shard: "Enough games." | |||
<br> | |||
<br> | |||
"And enough wasting time. Give up—and die." | |||
<br> | |||
<br> | |||
The shard cuts through her dress, and Hikari looks into Tairitsu’s eyes.<br>The girl in black is smiling now, all the sadness and anger gone from her face.<br>And it’s the most frightful thing she’s ever witnessed in her life and in her memories. | |||
<br> | |||
<br> | |||
The shard falls out without having reached her skin. | |||
<br> | |||
<br> | |||
The broken pane whirls into a side-winding tornado. Its mouth barrels down onto her,<br>slicing fabric and skin, but otherwise simply passes by.<br>In this is one more message: before the end, the girl in black wants her enemy to know where this began. | |||
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<br> | |||
Fear overwhelms her. In this riptide of glass, rushing and cutting past her in powerful amounts,<br>turning up and swirling as if pulled by a great wind, she is made absolutely afraid.<br>So petrified, she stands fast and watches. | |||
<br> | |||
<br> | |||
She stands, watching memories of a filthy world. | |||
<br> | |||
<br> | |||
Memories of pain, betrayal, envy. | |||
<br> | |||
<br> | |||
Death, suffering, and decay. | |||
<br> | |||
<br> | |||
Dark. They are only dark. Wherever it is these shards reflect... she sees little light there.<br>Whatever small sparks she sees fade away in an instant.<br>This is what the other girl described to her. | |||
<br> | |||
<br> | |||
The vile reflections of places gone that had been tormenting her since her awakening—<br>she would now use them to torment another. | |||
<br> | |||
<br> | |||
Glass hooks under Hikari’s sleeves and stabs into her skirt.<br>They drag her upward, up into a domain where she can no longer stand. | |||
<br> | |||
<br> | |||
Tears fill her eyes as an emotion fills her heart: the emotion that comes when recognizing imminent death.<br>This is not fear.<br>"Terror" is too little to describe it. | |||
<br> | |||
<br> | |||
Desperation? Hope?<br>An awful, arresting feeling. | |||
<br> | |||
<br> | |||
Her own memories run through her head. It’s as if she’s searching for one that will stand out—<br>one that will inform her that she’s come across something like this in the past,<br>and this is how to escape. | |||
<br> | |||
<br> | |||
But nothing comes. | |||
<br> | |||
<br> | |||
The black storm rages over torso, cutting with little mercy.<br>Pure torturous intent, coming closer and closer,<br>as if the intent alone would inflict a fatal wound upon her flesh... | |||
<br> | |||
<br> | |||
It is unbelievable. | |||
<br> | |||
<br> | |||
The situation is so far beyond anything she’s ever borne witness to,<br>whether in her own memories of those of others.<br>This disgusting blend of facing the unknown, yet knowing precisely what awaits her on the other side... | |||
<br> | |||
<br> | |||
Horror.<br>Not fear.<br>Horrific understanding. | |||
<br> | |||
<br> | |||
There is no control over glass for her here.<br>Something, anything—an anomaly—a miracle.<br>If something like that appeared, she could make it out. She could step away. She could live. | |||
<br> | |||
<br> | |||
If there was ever a time, it is now, and here. | |||
<br> | |||
<br> | |||
The ground below bursts, as if the world itself is rising up to join the hunt.<br>It is now.<br>Now! A shard will come to save her! | |||
<br> | |||
<br> | |||
She prays with all her being for the will of the world to fly to her side and spare her! | |||
<br> | |||
<br> | |||
For some mechanism of fate, for the wheel of fortune itself,<br>to produce a "god" that will grant her victorious power! | |||
<br> | |||
<br> | |||
Beg for it. Hope for it.<br>Hold that piece which once brought you salvation close to your bleeding chest once again.<br>That symbol of rescue, of redemption... It will surely—! | |||
<br> | |||
<br> | |||
<br> | |||
<br> | |||
Another shard pierces her body, a hateful stake driving at her heart.<br>It does not reach through, does not strike the heart itself. But its message—a final message—does.<br>One last message from the girl tormenting her: a simple, merciless message. | |||
<br> | |||
<br> | |||
"No." | |||
<br> | |||
<br> | |||
The almost lethal blade in Hikari’s breast holds the memory of a vast and all-consuming fire. | |||
<br> | |||
<br> | |||
So close to death, her heart thumps, reminding her she’s alive. | |||
<br> | |||
<br> | |||
Her pupils shrink to points. | |||
<br> | |||
<br> | |||
Like that memory of flame, her body burns.<br>It burns with a fluid, vicious heat.<br>Pain. Agony. Blood— | |||
<br> | |||
<br> | |||
Her savior shard falls from her hand as she reaches that hand for the terrible wound. | |||
<br> | |||
<br> | |||
And then, a jagged piece of glass whirls out of the tempest and finds the back of that hand. | |||
<br> | |||
<br> | |||
Sound escapes her. | |||
<br> | |||
<br> | |||
Run twice through, her breath has gone as well. | |||
<br> | |||
<br> | |||
Her gaze is steady on the trio of unthinkable sights before her. | |||
<br> | |||
<br> | |||
This reality, horrible and unimaginable as it is, nonetheless "is". | |||
<br> | |||
<br> | |||
And so her thoughts, too, begin to vanish. | |||
===VS-8=== | |||
解锁条件:完成[[#VS-7|VS-7]],购入[[Black Fate]]曲包<br>解锁要求:需要解锁[[Arcahv]] | |||
====中文剧情==== | |||
而此刻,就在彻底失去思考能力后,光的求生本能终于开始运作——那种古老,曾被遗忘的本能反应。 | |||
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<br> | |||
只是那些客观实用的求生本能,却被光悉数抛弃。它们最后也只是“开始运作”罢了。<br>她依然感到恐惧。<br>几乎是只用一根小拇指,却仍牢牢扣住的希望。 | |||
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<br> | |||
几乎是莫名其妙地,她居然成功将十枚回忆召唤至自己身旁,<br>把那些将她身体固定于半空中的细针状玻璃皆数撞开。 | |||
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<br> | |||
以如此不光彩的方式,摔落到扭曲崩裂的地面上,<br>随后,她所选中的碎片们,围着她伤痕累累的身体绕起圈来。<br>足够奇怪的是,她发现今朝的自己也同样微笑着。 | |||
<br> | |||
<br> | |||
她借助左臂将身子撑了起来。从对立的攻击中透露的敌意清晰可辨,<br>可她过于享受摧残自己敌人的肉体,<br>以至于迟迟未下任何杀手。 | |||
<br> | |||
<br> | |||
哪怕是在此刻存留于光胸腔中的碎片,<br>是那么靠近她那跳动的心脏,让她经受了那么耀眼,骇人,愤怒的烈焰——<br>哪怕已经做到这一步,却仍未致命。 | |||
<br> | |||
<br> | |||
或许这并不是对立的初衷。<br>但不管怎么回事,光清楚自己仍然活着。 | |||
<br> | |||
<br> | |||
她虚弱地送出了一波攻势,却被上方正翱翔于空的那位女孩轻而易举地扑灭。<br>光所听闻的古老回忆中,完全不存在像那女孩一般可怕的恶魔。 | |||
<br> | |||
<br> | |||
她是名副其实的女王,在这白昼的世界中统治着黑夜。<br>那丝展露着狂喜的微笑,却空虚得毋庸置疑…… | |||
<br> | |||
<br> | |||
望见这幅景象后,光也终于能体会到相同的事物:自己心中的所有情感,是如何迈向毁灭的。 | |||
<br> | |||
<br> | |||
鲜明的现实只会让她变得愈发清醒,而不是使她更加畏缩,<br>譬如她在几分钟前的心理状态——不,几秒前。<br>她开始认知起当今形势中存在的每一件事实。 | |||
<br> | |||
<br> | |||
缓慢地——或者说,是在条件允许的情况下,尽可能缓慢地认知着事态。对立的攻势,在此期间从未停歇。 | |||
<br> | |||
<br> | |||
将身体左右挪移,用仅剩的回忆去保护自己肉体最脆弱的部位。<br>同时,光观察着二人如今的战场。 | |||
<br> | |||
<br> | |||
面前的景象是如此残败不堪。现在的这里,比从前的任何时间都更像一片“荒原”。<br>被撕裂的地面,处处都只留下残亘断瓦。这里简直是一座被严重轰炸过的城镇。<br>环绕着她们二人的玻璃根本无法计数。对立所拥有的力量更是不可估量。 | |||
<br> | |||
<br> | |||
光的自身,太弱小了。<br>并不只是指代自己控制玻璃碎片的能力——衣衫褴褛的她,浑身本就受满了伤。<br>她早就没剩下多少耐力——光是疲劳便足以战胜她仅剩的神智。 | |||
<br> | |||
<br> | |||
也许她仍可能找到一场异象,但此刻只可假设她做不到。<br>所以在这之后,她又得去寻找什么?<br>她做不到。既然她做不到,那就不存在任何假设的必要。 | |||
<br> | |||
<br> | |||
于是?<br>前进的道路都彻底毁了,你还怎么向前走?<br>再者,你甚至……该向前走吗? | |||
<br> | |||
<br> | |||
玻璃闪耀着光芒,冲击着她的双肩。<br>光凝视着玻璃反射的画面。<br>所以,那个女孩现在和她一样,也能控制光芒了。那好…… | |||
<br> | |||
<br> | |||
她再度企图重新思考自己所观测到的一切。<br>她明白自己可能会死在这里,但也可能不会。<br>留给她的只有这两个可能性。知晓这一事实后,她发现自己逐渐认同了自己的命运。 | |||
<br> | |||
<br> | |||
这里确实可以是她生命的终点。 | |||
<br> | |||
<br> | |||
只需刹那间的功夫,这一切就都能落幕。<br>而每当她祈求这不要变成事实的时候,她却做不了任何事。她只能重复这样的想法:<br>“别无他路可走。” | |||
<br> | |||
<br> | |||
在丢失了思维、希望与感官之后……<br>意志是最后离开她的事物。 | |||
<br> | |||
<br> | |||
<br> | |||
<br> | |||
还没有。 | |||
<br> | |||
<br> | |||
还没有…… | |||
<br> | |||
<br> | |||
还没有……到屈服的时候。<br>不要…… | |||
<br> | |||
<br> | |||
当她将先前刺入手中的碎片狠狠拔出后,<br>燃起的纯白火舌瞬间便吞噬了她的伤口,不禁使她一阵眼花目眩。<br>她并未将手按压在自己的脖子上。 | |||
<br> | |||
<br> | |||
她显然会宁可活下去……但她并不会介意。<br>她不会介意,毕竟奇迹发生的可能性是那么渺小。 | |||
<br> | |||
<br> | |||
光直立于刀刃的狂风之中。听从她指挥的碎片,近乎不存在。<br>她已经无法再辨认出对立的脸。<br>她所身处的区域已经骚动不堪。若想让视线穿透这些碎片,实在是过于艰难。 | |||
<br> | |||
<br> | |||
最终,就在试图缓慢穿过飞舞的玻璃时,<br>她留意到风暴的某些部分正在整齐地逆旋。<br>这样不自然的怪异现象,让她自心底怀疑这是不是上面那女孩的有意之举。 | |||
<br> | |||
<br> | |||
就像是正在跳帧的视频,她如此联想。<br>尽管与自己曾遭遇的弹幕相比,这种现象并没有好坏上的区别。但它的确显得过于古怪了。 | |||
<br> | |||
<br> | |||
地面猛烈震荡起来。 | |||
<br> | |||
<br> | |||
感觉到这一迹象知识,她脱口而出一句“什……”<br>地面在……震动?<br>就在这儿? | |||
<br> | |||
<br> | |||
很有可能是地表将要再一次开裂。<br>这个念头浮现的瞬间,光便用手掌挡住脸庞,顺势用手臂护住了胸前。<br>但之后并没有任何事情发生,而她仍旧对这突发现象保持着十足的好奇心。 | |||
<br> | |||
<br> | |||
如果这不是上面那女孩的所作所为,那她也自然不会察觉到这件事——毕竟,现在的她仍在天上飞。 | |||
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现在的这片刀刃风暴之中,只存在更多的碎片正以那粗糙死板的路径呼啸翻腾。<br>她决定再将一队碎片掷入另外那名女孩的路径上。<br>那些碎片——它们轻而易举地穿透了风暴的波浪,但却忽然发出诡异的强光,接着便崩坏消逝。 | |||
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碎片本身并没有损毁……它们只是凭空消失,在原处留下了好似裂痕的空间。<br>而就在她目睹这一迹象后——就在她意识到自己看到了什么东西的那一瞬间——所有的事物都陷入了静止状态。 | |||
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在这顷刻间,那些本围绕着她盘旋的黑曜石玻璃也被牢牢牵制于原地。<br>对她而言,这幅画面是那么美不胜收。 | |||
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一抹截然不受自己意愿所控的微笑,令她的嘴角微微上扬。“多么令人愉快啊。”她这样低语道,咯咯地笑着。<br>这里存在着某种极为美丽的事物:哪怕这里很快便会立起自己的坟墓。<br>这真是奇异到令人……发笑。她的确笑出了声。她发出了如此真心诚意,却这般悲伤,这般干枯的笑声…… | |||
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只是,就在周遭的场景逐渐回归正常,流动的时间也终于回到位于上方的那名女……<br>位于……上方……<br>……天空? | |||
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一道裂痕瞬间出现于天空之上。<br>那裂缝急剧扩宽,逐渐刻画出宛若天堂般的轮廓。紧接着,那巨大的断层开始下坠。<br>更令人感到离奇的是,数百张画面正在它的表面上流窜,接连扑闪着光辉。 | |||
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整个世界都渐渐开始堕落为一片古怪的残骸。<br>光在将这一幕尽收眼底之际,脸上的微笑也变得更加满足。<br>暴风雨仍转动得极为缓慢。这幅画面——真的太梦幻了。 | |||
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那片天空——那片货真价实的天空,绝非人造物体——正在坠落。忽然完全停止,接着再度坠落,<br>好似一幅天文拼图的碎片正被某位醉酒的神明肆意移动着。 | |||
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并且……<br>注视着这幅景象……<br>她的微笑开始逐渐逝去。 | |||
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她的眼神变得冰冷,呼吸也逐渐变慢,<br>因这种灾难性的画面而点亮的微弱激情,也终于熄灭——<br>被客观思绪所完全替代。对于这场即将毁灭万物的灾难,她只传达出了单单一个词语。 | |||
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语气中带着一丝微弱的赞扬,更多的却是空洞。她说道:<br>“太美妙了”<br>就好像这个词语存在任何意义。就好像那场崩塌存在任何意义。 | |||
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就好像这世界存在任何意义。 | |||
====英文剧情==== | |||
And now, instincts begin to lurch, old and forgotten, in the wake of those thoughts. | |||
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They haven’t yet taken hold, those discarded yet practical sensibilities. They have only stirred.<br>She is still afraid.<br>She clings to hope by a little finger. | |||
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Somehow, she manages to pull on ten memories to aid her,<br>striking out the needle-glass that had been keeping her in the sky. | |||
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Ingloriously she drops to the now-deformed ground,<br>her chosen pieces afterward hovering over her crumpled, aching body.<br>Oddly enough, she finds herself smiling now, too. | |||
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She pushes herself up with her left hand. For all the enmity evident in Tairitsu’s assault,<br>she had taken too much pleasure in inflicting torture on her enemy’s body,<br>rather than inflicting any sort of mortal blow. | |||
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Even the shard now in Hikari’s chest,<br>so near to her beating heart and flickering with horrid, wrathful flame,<br>did not do the deed. | |||
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Maybe it wasn’t intended to.<br>Regardless, Hikari is still alive. | |||
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She feebly sends forth an attack, which is quickly swatted down by the girl flying above her.<br>That girl now looks worse than any described devil Hikari has heard of in old memories. | |||
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A veritable dark queen, ruling night in a world of day.<br>That ecstatic, yet obviously empty smile... | |||
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Seeing this, Hikari can feel it: how her own feelings are beginning to slip away. | |||
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Stark reality is sobering her more and more, and rather than dread it,<br>as she had been only minutes—no, seconds ago,<br>she begins instead to register each fact present to the situation. | |||
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Slowly—or, as slowly as Tairitsu will allow. Her attack is unending. | |||
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Shifting her body left and right, guarding her weakest areas with what few memories remain to her,<br>Hikari examines their field of battle. | |||
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It has been torn asunder, and now looks more a wasteland than ever before.<br>Ripped, ruined all through, like a town in the aftermath of military bombardment.<br>The glass around them is uncountable. The power Tairitsu has is immeasurable. | |||
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Hikari herself is weak.<br>Not only in terms of strange abilities and control over glass—her body has been run ragged.<br>She doesn’t have much left before she falls from weariness alone. | |||
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Perhaps she could find an anomaly, but say she couldn’t.<br>What then?<br>She couldn’t, so "then" is "now". | |||
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So?<br>How do you go on when the way is completely obstructed?<br>Should you...? Go on? | |||
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Glass strikes her shoulder, shining with light.<br>Hikari stares into its reflection.<br>So, the other girl can control light too, now. Well... | |||
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She decides to think over what she’s observed once again.<br>She recognizes that she could die here, or she could not.<br>These are the two possibilities, and knowing that, she finds herself in acceptance. | |||
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This could be the end. | |||
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In a moment, this could all be over.<br>And while she’d rather it not, she can’t help but echo the idea:<br>"So it goes." | |||
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After thought, hope, and feeling...<br>determination is the last to fade from her. | |||
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This. | |||
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This... | |||
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This is not... a laying down of arms.<br>No... | |||
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When she pulls the shard from her hand,<br>her eyes briefly dazzled from the white flames licking up and searing closed her wound,<br>she does not press it to her neck. | |||
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She would certainly prefer to live... but she would not mind.<br>She wouldn’t mind, with the odds being so impossible. | |||
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Hikari stands in the wind of blades, barely a shard in her employ.<br>She can’t discern Tairitsu’s face anymore.<br>Her domain has become pandemonium, and seeing through it is too difficult. | |||
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Eventually, while trudging through the flying glass, Hikari notices that<br>some segments of the whirlwind are reversing in fits and starts.<br>The bizarre movement is so unnatural she genuinely wonders if the girl above her is doing it on purpose. | |||
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It’s reminiscent, she thinks, of a skipping video.<br>It isn’t any better or worse than the bullet curtains she’s been facing so far, but it is quite peculiar. | |||
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The earth quakes. | |||
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She utters a "Wha...?" as she feels it.<br>The earth, quaking?<br>Here? | |||
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It could be that the ground will break again.<br>Thinking that, Hikari shields her face and chest with her arms.<br>When nothing comes, she remains curious about the phenomenon. | |||
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If it wasn’t the girl above her, Tairitsu wouldn’t have noticed it—after all, she was flying now. | |||
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More of the blade storm is shifting and roiling in rough, rigid movements now.<br>She decides to throw a crew of glass the other girl’s way again.<br>It passes easily through the waves again, but then it suddenly turns very bright and breaks away. | |||
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The shards don’t break themselves... They vanish, and the space where they were looks as if it is cracked.<br>Once she sees this—once she recognizes what she’s seeing—everything around her enters stasis. | |||
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In this instant, the obsidian-glass which had been flying all around her is stuck fast within reality.<br>To her, it looks absolutely beautiful. | |||
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A smile crosses her lips without her wanting. "How pleasant," she whispers, chuckling to herself.<br>Something so beautiful here: where she could soon find her grave.<br>It’s so bizarre that it is... to laugh. So she does. She makes earnest yet sad, dry laughter... | |||
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But as motion gradually returns to the objects around her, and to the one above...<br>Above...<br>The sky...? | |||
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A fracture splits across it.<br>It widens, carving a shape out of heaven, and that immense segment begins to plummet.<br>Even more bizarrely, hundreds of images flash across it, blinking rapidly from one to the next. | |||
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The world begins to fall into strange ruin.<br>As Hikari bears witness to this, more satisfaction rises to her smile.<br>The storm is still slow, the image—too fantastic. | |||
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The sky—the genuine sky, not an artificial one—is falling, stopping, and falling again,<br>as if grand pieces of a celestial puzzle are being moved and switched by some befuddled god. | |||
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And...<br>watching it...<br>her smile begins to gradually recede. | |||
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The look in her eyes grows colder, her breath slows,<br>and the faint glimmer of excitement provided by this cataclysmic view is snuffed out,<br>replaced with objectivity. Her opinion on the disaster destroying all is delivered in a single word. | |||
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With a little appreciation, in a mostly hollow tone, she says, "Delightful."<br>As if the word has any meaning.<br>As if the fall has any meaning. | |||
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As if the world has any meaning. | |||
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