Axium Crisis:修订间差异

第1行: 第1行:
* 反手…全是反手……
{{一句话| 反手…全是反手……}}
{{ 目信息
==Axium Crisis==
| 曲名=Axium Crisis
*[[Grievous Lady]]的前置解禁
| =1
| 背景=axiumcrisis
{| class="wikitable" align="center" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="5"
| 图片=Songs axiumcrisis.jpg
!colspan="4"|Axium Crisis
! scope="row"|编曲
! scope="row"|收录曲包
|colspan="4"|Vicious Labyrinth
|note编写=[[谱师列表#未确定做谱者的曲目名单及所用名义|The Monolith]]
| 画师={{lang|ja|[[画师列表#シエラ| シエラ]]}}
! scope="row"| 难度
! scope="row"| [Past]
|更新 版本=v1.5.0
! scope="row"| [Present]
! scope="row"| [Future]
| 更新时间NS=2021/05/18
| 更新版本NS=v1.0.0c
! scope="row"|  等级
! scope="row"| note数量
! scope="row"| note编写
|colspan="3" | The Monolith
! scope="row"| 时长
|colspan="4"| 2:31
! scope="row"| BPM
|colspan="4"| 170
! scope="row"|  更新 时间
|colspan="4"| v1.5.0
* 前置条件:在World模式第一章,[[World模式梯子详表#1-6|地图1-6]],第1个奖励获得
==== 移动版====
{| class="wikitable" align="center" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="5"
|PRS解禁方法=通关[[conflict]][PRS]<br>80 残片
|FTR解禁方法=通关[[conflict]][FTR]<br>180 残片
|80 Fragments
[[conflict]][PRS] 通过
|180 Fragments

===游 戏相关===
====Nintendo Switch版====
*前置条件:在世界模式第二章,[[世界模式 (Nintendo Switch版)#NS2-1|地图NS2-1]],第1个奖励获得
|PST解禁方法=游 玩[[conflict]][PST]<br>25 残片
|PRS解禁方法= 游玩[[conflict]][PRS]<br>50 残片
|FTR解禁方法= 以「AA」或以上成绩通关[[conflict]][FTR]<br>75 残片

* 歌 在 40% 左右的最后一个长押后不要松手,有两条隐藏天地蛇。
=== 目定数===

* 本曲FTR谱面定数在v3.0.0更新后由10.6改为10.9,而v4.0.0版本中定数又改为了10.7

===== 英文原文 =====
* 本曲PRS谱面定数在v3.0.0更新后由8.3改为8.5

'''• Past'''
=== 游戏相关===
*[[Grievous Lady]]的前 置解禁
It had been a while, and so she'd grown confident.
* 是在 预览 截取三段展示 曲目
*因联 收录至CHUNITHM和Cytus II
In the time since she began she'd explored much of this glass and mirror world, and she'd gathered countless shards. Like an unending scarf they formed around her neck and trailed long behind her. Now, she stood atop a fallen tower and looked out ahead with a smile. The terrible memories of other places twisted behind her menacingly.
* 段BPM逐渐从170降到132 之后 恢复到170 ,但 选歌界面仍 显示BPM为170 而不 是132-170
*在v3.0.0 幅改标等级 之前, 本曲目为PST 5,PRS 8,FTR 9+
She was gazing at a place that had always caught her eye, but she'd refrained from ever going toward it. It was some sort of distant labyrinth turning into the sky with insane geometry. Of course, it was more glass. Of course, she could feel its filth pulsing all the way out here.
Although she still had no idea how to go about it, she intended to be rid of the terrible fragments that followed her eventually. To that end she was gathering them. She at least took comfort in having the bad all in one place. That would make clearing it away one day all the more easier. This labyrinth was particularly bad, and she felt confident in gathering its fragments too.
The maze was surrounding by a glittering and ever-shifting sea of good memories. As she made her way toward the maze, the sea parted, only a few shards coming to join the trail behind her. However, while walking the path and scattering the good shards she suddenly hesitated. Now flanked by hope, with despair before her, she chewed on her lip...and her heart wavered.
'''• Present'''
Once upon a time, surely, things had to have been better.
The girl remembered nothing. and since awaking in the world of glass she'd only ever known other memories. Because of this, she'd drawn many conclusions and had few second thoughts. She'd been assured of the idea that nothing in the glass and nothing in this world held any worth. Filth and awfulness, tears and pain, a small smile, and death.
But once upon a time, things had to have been better. Simple rules are often true: shadows are begotten from light. Shadow lurked at her back, and now she was surrounded by light.
When she'd stepped into these waves of joy and purity, she hadn't given it a second thought. She'd become so absorbed in evil that she had forgotten simple good. To be honest it was more than her heart simply wavering, now. She was overwhelmed. For every glint of hope that caught her eye on the way to the jagged maze, she paused and questioned everything. There was an answer she did not want to acknowledge, immersed in this scene of light and chaos. She didn't want to think about it. She wouldn’t allow herself to think about it.
And, before she really could, she stood before the entrance to the impossible labyrinth.
On impulse, she reached out to the better glass and memories of flowering fields came to follow around her in a ring. She didn't know why, nor if they would help.
'''• Future'''
She didn't know it, but she had a name. If she knew it, perhaps she wouldn't have entered the twisted black maze. It may have been a meaningful name that may have made her doubts much stronger. But she didn't know, she ground her teeth, and she reaffirmed her beliefs. The light from before would not shake her, the light of the flower ring would not shake her. She entered the dark structure and started tearing it apart.
Each wall pulled away was made of misery, each facet held horrors, and the corners were comprised of fear. This was a castle of iniquity. Simply put, it was grotesque. It was powerfully grotesque.
And that girl, her grin returned. This was it. Climbing through it, running through it, this was the kind of disgusting monolith that had compelled her into action in the first place. She hadn't been wrong. The glass should only be shattered. The mirrors should only be destroyed.
And as she gleefully pulled away great swathes of the maze, hallways tumbling into the air, her smile became warped. She winced; something was wrong with her head. At the heart of the maze, there was *something* worse than any memory before. She could feel it, close now, calling to her. Her enthusiasm had drained, and her progress had slowed, and she saw a wicked shard of glass turning in space, containing the memory of the end of a world.
With a hand on her face, she looked into the mirrored world. She remembered the sea of pleasant realities below her and the flowers now circling around her. She'd taken down part of the maze's roof and the walls had subsequently fallen away. Dark glass rained slowly around her, and in the distance the better memories shone brightly.
She looked into the end of the world between her fingers. She swallowed, and with newfound strength, removed the hand from her face. She reached out, and dragged the end of the world into her collection of memories. With this monolith toppled, she felt an honest and genuine surge of bliss. However terrible the memories she faced from now on would be, it couldn’t possibly matter. She was certain now that she was strong, and she would definitely destroy them all. And so, with a genuine smile and a tired laugh, she came down from the sky, and the tower along with her.
出处:[ 陈大gay] 。侵权删。
'''• Past'''
从那一刻起,她就开始探索这个充满着玻璃碎片和镜子的世界,现在她已经收集到了无数 碎片,就像一条无止境的围巾围在她的脖子上一样,远远地跟在她的身后。此时,少女站在一座倒塌的塔 ,面带微笑地看着前方,可怕的记忆在她身后疯狂地扭 着......
有一个地方吸引住了少女的眼球,但她克制住自己不要到那里去。那 一个由某些意义不明的几何图像所构成的迷宫建立 。当然,那里更多的是玻璃碎片,而且她自己也能感觉到那里全都是些充满着污秽的事物......
虽然少女现在仍然不知道该做些什么,不过她正打算摧毁她身后那些给她带来痛苦的碎片,为此,她现在正在努力地去收集它们。这样的话,当她有着足够强大的力量的时候,能更加轻松地把它们都斩草除根。最后,少女还是决定去那 迷宫,把那些碎片全都收集起来,虽然自己很不想去那个地方,但她对收集碎片还是挺有信心 ......
迷宫的周围是一片闪烁着光芒,有着许多美好记忆的碎片之海。但少女朝着迷宫走去时,这片海洋分离了来开,只剩下几个碎片加入了她身后的队列当中。少女走在路上,看着那些有着美好记忆的碎片与自己完全地隔绝开来时,她犹豫了——一边是希望,另一边则是绝望,少女咬紧了嘴唇......她的心开始 摇了起来......
'''• Present'''
在很久以前,这一切 应该是更加美好的......
少女什么也不记得,因为在这个玻璃世界 醒来的她,只见过其它的记忆,那些不属于自己的记忆。正因如此,她得出了许多没有经过大脑二次思考的结论。少女确信这个世界上没有任何其他的东西,就算有,也没有任何的价值。污秽和愤怒,眼泪和痛苦,笑容和死亡......
但是更早以前,这一切本来是还要更加美好的。简单的规则往往是正确的:阴影是生于光 中的。阴影隐藏在少女的背 ,现在的她正被光芒所包围......
每当踏上这些充满着欢乐和纯洁的波浪时,少女是那么的无忧无虑。但现在的她变得如此专注于邪恶,以至于忘记了最单纯的善良。老实说,这不仅仅是因为她的心在动摇,而是已经被邪恶所淹没了。在通往迷宫的路上,每一个闪烁着希望的光芒都会吸引住她的眼球。少女停下脚步说出了她的疑问 ,但 其中有一个答案让她难以接受,那就是她目前是处在光与混沌,两者相互存在的立场之中。少女不想去思考这句话的含义,也不允许自己去思考......
她一时冲动,向那些有着美好记忆的玻璃碎片伸出了双手,突 ,这些美好的碎片变成了一堆美丽的鲜花,一圈圈地围绕在了少女的身边。少女有些惊讶,但她不知道这是为什么,或许它们能够帮得上忙......
'''• Future'''
少女并不知道她自己也有一个名字,但如果她知道的话,说不定就不会进入这个黑暗 扭曲的迷宫了。因为这是一个意味深长的名字,让她知道的话,可能会使她的疑虑变得更加强烈。少女也 知道在不知不觉下,她已经重申了自己原本的信念。以前的光芒不会动摇她的信念,现在围绕在她身边的光芒也不会动摇她。少女进入了迷宫中,把其中的黑暗结构全部都撕裂了开来......
当少女兴高采烈地 肆破坏着这个迷宫时,她的笑容凝固了。少女停下了动作,好像有什么东西不太对劲——在这迷个宫的中心,有着比 之前 记忆更可怕的东西。少女能感觉到 十分接近,并正在呼唤着她。她平复了自己的心情,放慢脚步向那边走去,在那里,是一块有着世界末日的记忆碎片正悬浮在空中,大量的邪恶从中散发了出来......

少女把 放在脸上 带着少许恐惧看着碎片里 世界——她想起了在碎片里 那片美丽 大海 也想 了围绕 在自己 身边 这些鲜花。少女拆除了迷宫的一 部分, 墙壁也随 倒塌了下来,这块黑暗的碎片慢慢地在她面前降落下来,在远处,美好的记忆碎片也在明亮地闪耀着......
*之后是三组天地5连交互,每4次为 组,起手顺序分别为右左左右-左右右左-右左右左
*40%左右的双押长条后不要松 手, 有两条闪现天地蛇,[[Heavensdoor]] 开头也有同样 配置
*之后是四组(5个双押+7连天地交互) 配置 其中天地交互 手顺序为左右右左,容易被骗手
*比较容易手癖,所以 确保 自己 有足够 实力之前建议不要尝试此谱面
*整体谱面风格与[[Shades of Light in a Transcendent Realm]]的FTR谱面相似
*中段16分交互较多,其他 部分 以蛇为主、节奏很简单 掌握了交互 后比较容易PM

[ Axium Crisis(Preview) - ak+q]<br>
[ Axium Crisis(qqmusic)]

[// suicide的PM手元]

* [// Player: suicide]
[ Krimzon_的PM手元]
{{Vicious Labyrinth曲目索引}}
[[分类:Vicious Labyrinth曲包曲目]]
[[分类: 有特殊游玩效果的曲目]]

2024年8月3日 (六) 19:57的最新版本

Axium Crisis
Songs axiumcrisis.jpg
Songs axiumcrisis.jpg




Past Present Future
80 残片
180 残片

Nintendo Switch版

  • 前置条件:在世界模式第二章,地图NS2-1,第1个奖励获得
Past Present Future
25 残片
50 残片
75 残片


Past Present Future
5.5 8.5 10.7
  • 本曲FTR谱面定数在v3.0.0更新后由10.6改为10.9,而v4.0.0版本中定数又改为了10.7
  • 本曲PRS谱面定数在v3.0.0更新后由8.3改为8.5


  • Grievous Lady的前置解禁曲
  • 是在预览中首个截取三段展示的曲目
  • 因联动收录至CHUNITHM和Cytus II
  • 本曲中段BPM逐渐从170降到132之后恢复到170,但选歌界面仍然显示BPM为170而不是132-170
  • 在v3.0.0大幅改标等级之前,本曲目为PST 5,PRS 8,FTR 9+


Future 10+

  • 前半段的三角蛇糊的难度较高,极其考验协调
  • 之后是三组天地5连交互,每4次为一组,起手顺序分别为右左左右-左右右左-右左右左
  • 40%左右的双押长条后不要松手,有两条闪现天地蛇,Heavensdoor的开头也有同样的配置
  • 之后是四组(5个双押+7连天地交互)的配置,其中天地交互起手顺序为左右右左,容易被骗手
  • 比较容易手癖,所以在确保自己有足够的实力之前建议不要尝试此谱面

Present 8


Axium Crisis(Preview) - ak+q
Axium Crisis(qqmusic)


