第1行: |
第1行: |
| { | | { |
| "songs": [ | | "packs": [ |
| { | | { |
| "idx": 0, | | "id": "extend", |
| "id": "sayonarahatsukoi", | | "section": "archive", |
| "title_localized": { | | "is_extend_pack": true, |
| "en": "Sayonara Hatsukoi" | | "is_active_extend_pack": false, |
| | "custom_banner": true, |
| | "small_pack_image": true, |
| | "plus_character": -1, |
| | "name_localized": { |
| | "en": "Extend Archive 1" |
| }, | | }, |
| "artist": "REDSHiFT", | | "description_localized": { |
| "search_title": {
| | "en": "The first collection of Arcaea's extended\nhistory across 20 songs.\n\nThe price of this Pack is adjusted if you\nhave previously obtained the majority\nof songs within it in the past.\n", |
| "ja": [ | | "ja": " ここに聳える、始まりの20曲。\n\n初代World Extendパックです。\nかつて獲得期間中だ っ た時期のあいだ、\n無料解禁を達成した楽曲数に応じて、\n本パックの値段は変動 し ます。", |
| " さよならはつこい"
| | "ko": "Arcaea의 긴 역사를\n20개의 악곡에 담은 첫번째 콜렉션입니다.\n\n해당 팩 내 악곡 보유수에 따라\n가격이 조정됩니다.", |
| ],
| | "zh-Hant": "20首歌曲,歸檔了屬於Arcaea的\n第一批更廣闊的回憶……\n\n若此前已通過其他方式獲取大部分收錄曲目,\n曲包售價會在結算時自動做出相應調整。", |
| "ko": [
| | "zh-Hans": "20首歌曲,归档了属于Arcaea的\n第一批更广阔的回忆……\n\n若此前已通过其他方式获取大部分收录曲目,\n曲包售价会在结算时自动做出相应调整。" |
| "사요나라 하츠코이"
| | } |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| "search_artist": {
| |
| "ja": [ | |
| " れ っ ど し ふと"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ko": [ | |
| " 레드시프트"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| "bpm": "178",
| |
| "bpm_base": 178,
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| "set": "base",
| |
| "purchase": "",
| |
| "audioPreview": 44494,
| |
| "audioPreviewEnd": 76853,
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| "side": 0,
| |
| "bg": "base_light",
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| "bg_inverse": "base_conflict",
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| "date": 1487980800,
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| "difficulties": [
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| { | |
| "ratingClass": 0,
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| "chartDesigner": "Nitro",
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| "jacketDesigner": "",
| |
| "rating": 1
| |
| }, | |
| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 1,
| |
| "chartDesigner": "Nitro",
| |
| "jacketDesigner": "",
| |
| "rating": 4
| |
| },
| |
| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 2,
| |
| "chartDesigner": "Toaster",
| |
| "jacketDesigner": "",
| |
| "rating": 7
| |
| },
| |
| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 4,
| |
| "chartDesigner": "Luxance + Exschwasion",
| |
| "jacketDesigner": "",
| |
| "rating": 8,
| |
| "date": 1709856000,
| |
| "version": "5.4"
| |
| }
| |
| ]
| |
| }, | | }, |
| { | | { |
| "idx": 1,
| | "id": "extend_2", |
| "id": "lostcivilization", | | "section": "archive", |
| "title_localized": { | | "is_extend_pack": true, |
| "en": "Lost Civilization"
| | "is_active_extend_pack": false, |
| },
| | "custom_banner": true, |
| "artist": "Laur vs CK", | | "small_pack_image": true, |
| "search_title": { | | "plus_character": -1, |
| "ja": [
| | "name_localized": { |
| "ろすとしびらいぜーしょん",
| | "en": "Extend Archive 2" |
| "ろすとしゔぃらいぜーしょん"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ko": [
| |
| "로스트 시빌리제이션"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| "search_artist": { | |
| "ja": [
| |
| "らうる",
| |
| "しーけー"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ko": [
| |
| "라우르",
| |
| "시케이"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| "bpm": "75 - 210", | |
| "bpm_base": 210,
| |
| "set": "base",
| |
| "purchase": "",
| |
| "audioPreview": 81142,
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| "side": 1,
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| "bg": "base_conflict", | |
| "bg_inverse": "base_light",
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| "date": 1487980808,
| |
| "version": "1.0",
| |
| "difficulties": [
| |
| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 0,
| |
| "chartDesigner": "Toaster",
| |
| "jacketDesigner": "",
| |
| "rating": 4
| |
| },
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| { | |
| "ratingClass": 1,
| |
| "chartDesigner": "Toaster",
| |
| "jacketDesigner": "",
| |
| "rating": 7
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| },
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| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 2,
| |
| "chartDesigner": "Toaster",
| |
| "jacketDesigner": "",
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| "rating": 9
| |
| },
| |
| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 3,
| |
| "chartDesigner": "Nitro affected by Nitro",
| |
| "jacketDesigner": "みしゃも + yoshimo",
| |
| "jacketOverride": true,
| |
| "rating": 9,
| |
| "ratingPlus": true,
| |
| "date": 1620691201,
| |
| "version": "3.6"
| |
| }
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| {
| |
| "idx": 2,
| |
| "id": "goodtek",
| |
| "title_localized": {
| |
| "en": "GOODTEK (Arcaea Edit)"
| |
| },
| |
| "artist": "EBIMAYO",
| |
| "search_title": {
| |
| "ja": [
| |
| "ぐっどてっく"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ko": [
| |
| "굿텍"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| "search_artist": {
| |
| "ja": [
| |
| "えびまよ"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ko": [
| |
| "에비마요"
| |
| ]
| |
| }, | | }, |
| "bpm": "190", | | "description_localized": { |
| "bpm_base": 190,
| | "en": "The second collection of Arcaea's extended\nhistory across 20 songs.\n\nThe price of this Pack is adjusted if you\nhave previously obtained the majority\nof songs within it in the past.\n", |
| "set": "base",
| | "ja": " ここに系譜を継ぐ、更なる20曲。\n\n2代目のWorld Extendパックです。\nかつて獲得期間中だった時期のあいだ、\n無料解禁を達成した楽曲数に応じて、\n本パックの値段は変動します。", |
| "purchase": "",
| | "ko": "Arcaea의 긴 역사를\n20개의 악곡에 담은 두번째 콜렉션입니다.\n\n해당 팩 내 악곡 보유수에 따라\n가격이 조정됩니다.", |
| "audioPreview": 80842,
| | "zh-Hant": "20首歌曲,歸檔了屬於Arcaea的\n第二批更廣闊的回憶……\n\n若此前已通過其他方式獲取大部分收錄曲目,\n曲包售價會在結算時自動做出相應調整。", |
| "audioPreviewEnd": 111157,
| | "zh-Hans": "20首歌曲,归档了属于Arcaea的\n第二批更广阔的回忆……\n\n若此前已通过其他方式获取大部分收录曲目,\n曲包售价会在结算时自动做 出 相应调整。" |
| "side": 0,
| | } |
| "world_unlock": true,
| |
| "bg": "base_light",
| |
| "bg_inverse": "base_conflict",
| |
| "remote_dl": true,
| |
| "date": 1487980809,
| |
| "version": "1.0",
| |
| "difficulties": [
| |
| { | |
| "ratingClass": 0,
| |
| "chartDesigner": "Nitro",
| |
| "jacketDesigner": "Koyama Mai",
| |
| "rating": 4
| |
| },
| |
| { | |
| "ratingClass": 1,
| |
| "chartDesigner": "Nitro",
| |
| "jacketDesigner": "Koyama Mai",
| |
| "rating": 6
| |
| }, | |
| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 2,
| |
| "chartDesigner": "Nitro",
| |
| "jacketDesigner": "Koyama Mai",
| |
| "rating": 9
| |
| },
| |
| { | |
| "ratingClass": 3,
| |
| "chartDesigner": "GOODTOAST",
| |
| "jacketDesigner": "出 前",
| |
| "jacketOverride": true,
| |
| "rating": 9,
| |
| "ratingPlus": true,
| |
| "date": 1590537603,
| |
| "version": "3.0"
| |
| }
| |
| ]
| |
| }, | | }, |
| { | | { |
| "idx": 3, | | "id": "base", |
| "id": "viyella", | | "section": "free", |
| "title_localized": { | | "plus_character": -1, |
| "en": "cry of viyella"
| | "custom_banner": true, |
| },
| | "cutout_pack_image": true, |
| "artist": "Laur", | | "name_localized": { |
| "search_title": { | | "en": "Arcaea" |
| "ja": [ | |
| "くらいおぶゔぃえら"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ko": [
| |
| "크라이 오브 비엘라"
| |
| ]
| |
| }, | | }, |
| "search_artist": { | | "description_localized": { |
| "ja": [ | | "en": "", |
| " らうる"
| | "ja": "" |
| ],
| | } |
| "ko": [ | |
| " 라우르"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| "bpm": "75 - 180", | |
| "bpm_base": 180,
| |
| "set": "core",
| |
| "purchase": "core",
| |
| "audioPreview": 71551,
| |
| "audioPreviewEnd": 103551,
| |
| "side": 1,
| |
| "bg": "base_conflict",
| |
| "bg_inverse": "base_light",
| |
| "remote_dl": true,
| |
| "date": 1487980811,
| |
| "version": "1.0",
| |
| "difficulties": [
| |
| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 0,
| |
| "chartDesigner": "Toaster",
| |
| "jacketDesigner": "Khronetic",
| |
| "rating": 3
| |
| },
| |
| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 1,
| |
| "chartDesigner": "Toaster",
| |
| "jacketDesigner": "Khronetic",
| |
| "rating": 6
| |
| },
| |
| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 2,
| |
| "chartDesigner": "Toaster",
| |
| "jacketDesigner": "Khronetic",
| |
| "rating": 8,
| |
| "ratingPlus": true
| |
| }
| |
| ]
| |
| }, | | }, |
| { | | { |
| "idx": 4, | | "id": "extend_3", |
| "id": "rise", | | "section": "free", |
| "title_localized": { | | "is_extend_pack": true, |
| "en": "Rise" | | "is_active_extend_pack": true, |
| | "custom_banner": true, |
| | "cutout_pack_image": true, |
| | "plus_character": -1, |
| | "name_localized": { |
| | "en": "World Extend 3" |
| }, | | }, |
| "artist": "Combatplayer", | | "description_localized": { |
| "search_title": {
| | "en": "Unlock this pack to obtain all \"World Extend\"\nsongs.\n\nFuture songs added to \"World Extend 3: Illusions\"\nwill be instantly unlocked at no cost. Limited-time\nmaps may still be played for other rewards.", |
| "ja": [ | | "ja": " 本楽曲パックを一括解禁すると、\n『World Extend 3: Illusions』の\n全ての楽曲が入手できます。\n解禁対象は、今後の配信曲すべてです。\n\nまた、楽曲以外の報酬を目的に、\n期間限定マップで遊ぶ こと も可能です。", |
| " らいず"
| | "ko": " 해당 팩을 구매하면\nWorld Extend 내 악곡 이 모두 해금됩니다.\n\n\"World Extend 3: Illusions\" 에\n추후 추가될 악곡들도 무료로 해금됩니다.\n한정 맵을 플레이하여\n다른 보상을 얻는 것도 가능합니다.", |
| ],
| | "zh-Hant": "World Extend中的全部曲目\n將在解鎖該曲包後立即開放。\n\n未來加入「World Extend 3: Illusions」的曲目\n也會立即解鎖,無需再次購買。\n對應曲目的限時地圖仍可遊玩,\n取得進度後可獲得地圖中的其他獎勵。", |
| "ko": [
| | "zh-Hans": "World Extend中的全部曲目\n将在解锁该曲包后立即开放。\n\n未来加入\"World Extend 3: Illusions\" 的曲目\n也会立即解锁,无需再次购买。\n对应曲目的限时地图仍可游玩,\n取得进度后可获得地图中的其他奖励。" |
| " 라이즈"
| | } |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| "search_artist": {
| |
| "ja": [ | |
| "こ んばっ と ぷれいやー"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ko": [ | |
| " 컴뱃플레 이 어"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| "bpm": "140",
| |
| "bpm_base": 140,
| |
| "set": "base",
| |
| "purchase": "",
| |
| "audioPreview": 54910,
| |
| "audioPreviewEnd": 82338,
| |
| "side": 0,
| |
| "bg": "base_light",
| |
| "bg_inverse": "base_conflict",
| |
| "date": 1487980803,
| |
| "version": "1.0",
| |
| "difficulties": [
| |
| { | |
| "ratingClass": 0,
| |
| "chartDesigner": "Nitro",
| |
| "jacketDesigner": "",
| |
| "rating": 2
| |
| }, | |
| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 1,
| |
| "chartDesigner": "Nitro",
| |
| "jacketDesigner": "",
| |
| "rating": 4
| |
| },
| |
| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 2,
| |
| "chartDesigner": "Nitro",
| |
| "jacketDesigner": "",
| |
| "rating": 7,
| |
| "ratingPlus": true
| |
| }
| |
| ]
| |
| }, | | }, |
| { | | { |
| "idx": 5, | | "id": "lephon", |
| "id": "lucifer", | | "section": "mainstory2", |
| "title_localized": { | | "plus_character": -1, |
| "en": "Lucifer" | | "custom_banner": true, |
| | "name_localized": { |
| | "en": "Lucent Historia" |
| }, | | }, |
| "artist": "chitose", | | "description_localized": { |
| "search_title": {
| | "en": "An old history and world has been brought up.\nA tale of guidance and insight that another must tell.\nUncover that past, and see into the soul of God...\n\n\"Lucent Historia\" details a world apart from Arcaea,\nits story unfolding across 5 new songs. And within, you\nmay find the Ascendant - 8th Seeker: \"Compassion\"...", |
| "ja": [ | | "ja": " 旧き地に纏わる歴史が、いま甦る。\nここに啓くは、導き と 天啓の物語。\n神の御霊の一端に触れ、過去を明か せ ――。\n\n異なる世界を巡る異譚『Lucent Historia』\n5つの新曲が示す、とある神の始まり。\nそれは、天賦第八究明者『慈哀』と――。", |
| " るしふぁー"
| | "ko": " 아주 오래 전 존재했던 세 계와 그 역사가, 다시금.\n또 다른 이가 전해야만 할, 인도와 혜안의 이야기.\n과거를 드러내어, 신의 영혼을 보아라.\n\n\"Lucent Historia\" 에서는 아르케아가 아닌\n또다른 세계의 이야기가 펼쳐집니다.\n다섯 개의 악곡에 걸쳐 펼쳐지는 서사시.\n그 주인공은 초월자 - 여덟 번째 추적자...\n\" 연민\".", |
| ],
| | "zh-Hant": " 一段遠古的往事被再次提起,\n快被遺忘的世界再度落入世人視野。\n引路人與洞察者的過往,須由另一位來講述。\n揭開那過去的面紗,看向祂靈魂的深處吧……\n\n《Lucent Historia》為你揭開Arcaea世界之外的篇章。\n隨五首歌曲尋找「至高:第八探索者 - 慈悲」的過往。", |
| "ko": [
| | "zh-Hans": " 一段远古的往事被再次提起,\n快被遗忘的世界再度落入世人视野。\n引路人与洞察者的过往,须由另一位来讲述。\n揭开那过去的面纱,看向祂灵魂的深处吧……\n\n《Lucent Historia》为你揭开Arcaea世界之外的篇章。\n随五首歌曲寻找“至高:第八探索者 - 慈悲”的过往。" |
| " 루시퍼"
| | } |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| "search_artist": {
| |
| "ja": [ | |
| " ち とせ"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ko": [ | |
| " 치토 세"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| "bpm": "165",
| |
| "bpm_base": 165,
| |
| "set": "base",
| |
| "purchase": "",
| |
| "audioPreview": 46545,
| |
| "audioPreviewEnd": 81454,
| |
| "side": 1,
| |
| "world_unlock": true,
| |
| "bg": "base_conflict",
| |
| "bg_inverse": "base_light",
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| "remote_dl": true,
| |
| "date": 1487980804,
| |
| "version": "1.0",
| |
| "difficulties": [
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| { | |
| "ratingClass": 0,
| |
| "chartDesigner": "Nitro",
| |
| "jacketDesigner": "",
| |
| "rating": 3
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| }, | |
| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 1,
| |
| "chartDesigner": "Nitro",
| |
| "jacketDesigner": "",
| |
| "rating": 5
| |
| },
| |
| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 2,
| |
| "chartDesigner": "Nitro",
| |
| "jacketDesigner": "",
| |
| "rating": 8
| |
| }
| |
| ]
| |
| }, | | }, |
| { | | { |
| "idx": 6,
| | "id": "epilogue", |
| "id": "fairytale", | | "section": "mainstory", |
| "title_localized": { | | "plus_character": -1, |
| "en": "Fairytale"
| | "name_localized": { |
| },
| | "en": "Silent Answer" |
| "artist": "chitose", | |
| "search_title": { | |
| "ja": [ | |
| "ふぇありーている"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ko": [
| |
| "페어리테일"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| "search_artist": {
| |
| "ja": [
| |
| "ちとせ"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ko": [
| |
| "치토세"
| |
| ]
| |
| }, | | }, |
| "bpm": "189", | | "pack_parent": "finale", |
| "bpm_base": 189, | | "description_localized": { |
| "set": "base",
| | "en": "", |
| "purchase": "",
| | "ja": "", |
| "audioPreview": 36399,
| | "ko": "", |
| "audioPreviewEnd": 68780,
| | "zh-Hant": "", |
| "side": 0,
| | "zh-Hans": "" |
| "bg": "base_light",
| | } |
| "bg_inverse": "base_conflict",
| |
| "date": 1487980801,
| |
| "version": "1.0",
| |
| "difficulties": [
| |
| { | |
| "ratingClass": 0,
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| "chartDesigner": "Toaster",
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| "jacketDesigner": "Khronetic",
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| "rating": 1
| |
| }, | |
| {
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| "ratingClass": 1,
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| "chartDesigner": "Toaster",
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| "jacketDesigner": "Khronetic",
| |
| "rating": 3
| |
| }, | |
| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 2,
| |
| "chartDesigner": "Toaster",
| |
| "jacketDesigner": "Khronetic",
| |
| "rating": 7
| |
| }, | |
| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 3,
| |
| "chartDesigner": "Nitro in Wonderland",
| |
| "jacketDesigner": "Khronetic",
| |
| "jacketOverride": true,
| |
| "rating": 9,
| |
| "date": 1590537601,
| |
| "version": "3.0"
| |
| }
| |
| ]
| |
| }, | | }, |
| { | | { |
| "idx": 7,
| | "id": "finale", |
| "id": "hearditsaid", | | "section": "mainstory", |
| "title_localized": { | | "plus_character": -1, |
| "en": "I've heard it said"
| | "name_localized": { |
| },
| | "en": "Final Verdict" |
| "artist": "Combatplayer", | |
| "search_title": { | |
| "ja": [ | |
| "あいゔはーどいっとせいど",
| |
| "あいぶはーどいっとせいど"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ko": [
| |
| "아이브 허드 잇 셋",
| |
| "아입 허드 잇 셋"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| "search_artist": {
| |
| "ja": [
| |
| "こんばっとぷれいやー"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ko": [
| |
| "컴뱃플레이어"
| |
| ]
| |
| }, | | }, |
| "bpm": "165", | | "description_localized": { |
| "bpm_base": 165,
| | "en": "The final Main Story Pack of Arcaea.\nWith this, bring about the story's end.\n\nIn addition to 4 hidden songs, Final Verdict\nrequires connection between yourself and other\nplayers to fully unlock. Like Light, like Conflict,\nhere you stand to face truly unfathomable ordeals.", |
| "set": "core",
| | "ja": "Arcaeaのメインストーリー、その最終章。\n斯くして迎える、物語の終末。\n\n隠された4曲に加えて、『Final Verdict』パック\nでは、全てを解禁するために他プレイヤーとの\n協同が必須となります。光と対立に待つような、\n底知れぬ試練がこの先、あなたを待つでしょう。", |
| "purchase": "core",
| | "ko": "Arcaea 마지막 메인 스토리 팩.\n이것으로 이야기의 끝을 맞이한다.\n\n4개의 숨은 곡을 포함해 Final Verdict은 완전히\n언락하기 위하여 자신과 타 플레이어 간의 연결을\n필요시 합니다. Light와 Conflict처럼 당신은\n상상할 수 없는 시련에 맞설 것이다.", |
| "audioPreview": 49454,
| | "zh-Hant": "Arcaea 最後的主線劇情曲包。\n在這裡,一切都將走向終結。\n\n除了四首隱藏歌曲外,你需要和其他玩家\n一起行動才能完全解鎖 Final Verdict 曲包。\n就像光與對立一樣,\n你將面臨真正深不可測的考驗。", |
| "audioPreviewEnd": 72727,
| | "zh-Hans": "Arcaea 最后的主线剧情曲包。\n在这里,一切都将走向终结。\n\n除了四首隐藏歌曲外,你需要和其他玩家\n一起行动才能完全解锁 Final Verdict 曲包。\n就像光与对立一样,\n你将面临真正深不可测的考验。" |
| "side": 0,
| | } |
| "bg": "base_light",
| |
| "bg_inverse": "base_conflict",
| |
| "remote_dl": true,
| |
| "date": 1487980812,
| |
| "version": "1.0",
| |
| "difficulties": [
| |
| { | |
| "ratingClass": 0,
| |
| "chartDesigner": "Toaster",
| |
| "jacketDesigner": "",
| |
| "rating": 3
| |
| }, | |
| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 1,
| |
| "chartDesigner": "Toaster",
| |
| "jacketDesigner": "",
| |
| "rating": 6
| |
| },
| |
| { | |
| "ratingClass": 2,
| |
| "chartDesigner": "Toaster",
| |
| "jacketDesigner": "",
| |
| "rating": 8
| |
| }
| |
| ]
| |
| }, | | }, |
| { | | { |
| "idx": 8, | | "id": "vs", |
| "id": "babaroque", | | "section": "mainstory", |
| "title_localized": { | | "plus_character": -1, |
| "en": "Babaroque" | | "name_localized": { |
| | "en": "Black Fate" |
| }, | | }, |
| "artist": "cYsmix", | | "description_localized": { |
| "search_title": {
| | "en": "A storm fast approaches.\nReconciliation may not be possible.\nIs this the only destiny afforded them?\nWhat truth will they find at the end of their paths?\n\nA continuation of the main story of Arcaea.\nIt's suggested to play other main story packs first.", |
| "ja": [ | | "ja": " 嵐は来る――すぐに近くまで。\n和解はきっと、できないかも し れない。\nこれが唯一、許される運命なのだろうか。\n選んだ道の先、二人が見出す真実とは――。\n\nArcaeaメインストーリーの続編で す 。\nここまでの物語をクリアの後、購入を推奨しま す 。", |
| " ばばろっく"
| | "ko": " 빠르게 다가오는 폭풍.\n아마도 불가능해 보이는 화해.\n이것이 그들에게 주어진 유일한 운명인가?\n그 여정의 끝자락에서 발견하게 될 진리는 무엇인가?\n\n이어지는 아르케아의 메인 스 토리.\n다른 메인 스 토리 팩을 먼저 플레이 해보시길 추천드립니다.", |
| ],
| | "zh-Hant": " 一場暴風雨正呼嘯而來。\n妥協的可能性,或許並不存在。\n一切,真的只是命中註定嗎?\n在終點站等待著少女們的,究竟是怎樣的真理?\n\n韻律源點主線故事的下一篇章。\n在此之前,強烈建議先遊玩過去的故事包。", |
| "ko": [
| | "zh-Hans": " 一场暴风雨正呼啸而来。\n妥协的可能性,或许并不存在。\n一切,真的只是命中注定吗?\n在终点站等待着少女们的,究竟是怎样的真理?\n\n韵律源点主线故事的下一篇章。\n在此之前,强烈建议先游玩过去的故事包。" |
| "바바로크"
| | } |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| "search_artist": {
| |
| "ja": [ | |
| "しす みっく す"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ko": [ | |
| " 시 스 믹 스"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| "bpm": "136",
| |
| "bpm_base": 136,
| |
| "set": "base",
| |
| "purchase": "",
| |
| "audioPreview": 64411,
| |
| "audioPreviewEnd": 92647,
| |
| "side": 0,
| |
| "remote_dl": true,
| |
| "world_unlock": true,
| |
| "bg": "base_light",
| |
| "bg_inverse": "base_conflict",
| |
| "date": 1487980807,
| |
| "version": "1.0",
| |
| "difficulties": [
| |
| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 0,
| |
| "chartDesigner": "Toaster",
| |
| "jacketDesigner": "",
| |
| "rating": 3
| |
| }, | |
| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 1,
| |
| "chartDesigner": "Toaster",
| |
| "jacketDesigner": "",
| |
| "rating": 6
| |
| },
| |
| { | |
| "ratingClass": 2,
| |
| "chartDesigner": "Toaster",
| |
| "jacketDesigner": "",
| |
| "rating": 8
| |
| }
| |
| ]
| |
| }, | | }, |
| { | | { |
| "idx": 9, | | "id": "prelude", |
| "id": "memoryfactory", | | "section": "mainstory", |
| "title_localized": { | | "plus_character": -1, |
| "en": "memoryfactory.lzh" | | "name_localized": { |
| | "en": "Adverse Prelude" |
| }, | | }, |
| "artist": "Frums", | | "description_localized": { |
| "search_title": {
| | "en": "A meandering journey,\nan impossible meeting.\nOne is of light, the other conflict—\nand now their fates intertwine.\n\nFive new monumental songs stand ready,\nwherever this meeting may lead...", |
| "ja": [ | | "ja": " 果てなき旅路の最中、\n叶い得なかった邂逅。\n一方は白き少女、もう一方には黒き少女。\n―――――そして今、2つの宿命が1つに交わる。\n\nここに在りしは不朽の楽曲が5つ、\n邂逅が導くのはいずこなりや?", |
| " めもりーふぁくとりー"
| | "ko": " 정처없는 여정,\n있을 수 없는 만남.\n하나의 빛과, 또 다른 대립,\n그리고 지금, 뒤얽히는 그들의 운명.\n\n새롭게 준비된 상징적인 5곡들,\n이 만남이 이끌어가는 곳 어디든..", |
| ],
| | "zh-Hant": " 一段蜿蜒曲折的旅途,\n一場不可思議的邂逅。\n一由光芒環抱,一則纏繞紛爭——\n少女們的命運,將於此刻交織。\n\n五首重量級的全新樂曲,\n將隨這場相遇席捲而來……", |
| "ko": [
| | "zh-Hans": " 一段蜿蜒曲折的旅途,\n一场不可思议的邂逅。\n一由光芒环抱,一则缠绕纷争——\n少女们的命运,将于此刻交织。\n\n五首重量级的全新乐曲,\n将随这场相遇席卷而来……" |
| "메모리팩토리. 이즈"
| | } |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| "search_artist": {
| |
| "ja": [ | |
| " ふらむす"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ko": [ | |
| "프럼스"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| "bpm": "100",
| |
| "bpm_base": 180,
| |
| "set": "core",
| |
| "purchase": "core",
| |
| "audioPreview": 50400,
| |
| "audioPreviewEnd": 79200,
| |
| "side": 0,
| |
| "bg": "base_light",
| |
| "bg_inverse": "base_conflict",
| |
| "remote_dl": true,
| |
| "date": 1487980813,
| |
| "version": "1.0",
| |
| "difficulties": [
| |
| { | |
| "ratingClass": 0,
| |
| "chartDesigner": "Nitro",
| |
| "jacketDesigner": "Frums",
| |
| "rating": 2
| |
| }, | |
| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 1,
| |
| "chartDesigner": "Nitro",
| |
| "jacketDesigner": "Frums",
| |
| "rating": 5
| |
| },
| |
| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 2,
| |
| "chartDesigner": "Nitro",
| |
| "jacketDesigner": "Frums",
| |
| "rating": 8,
| |
| "ratingPlus": true
| |
| }
| |
| ]
| |
| }, | | }, |
| { | | { |
| "idx": 10, | | "id": "rei", |
| "id": "snowwhite", | | "section": "mainstory", |
| "title_localized": { | | "plus_character": 14, |
| "en": "Snow White" | | "name_localized": { |
| | "en": "Luminous Sky" |
| }, | | }, |
| "artist": "Puru", | | "description_localized": { |
| "search_title": {
| | "en": "The skies of Arcaea brighten overhead.\n\nExperience an intense story of light\nas Hikari journeys into the realm of\nthe mind and memories, not knowing\nof the ending that awaits her,\nnor the anomaly that could be her salvation...", |
| "ja": [ | | "ja": " 頭上に燦めくArcaeaで編まれた空。\n\nいまだ知り得ぬ終幕へと続く、光の記憶と\n心の目覚めを巡る苛烈な旅に旅立ちましょう。\n\n終焉 の 淵で待つアノマリ ー 、はたしてそれは\n彼女に と って の 救 いと なるかーー?", |
| " す のー ほわい と",
| | "ko": "Arcaea의 하늘 이 머리 위를 비춥니다\n\n그녀를 기다리고 있는 알수없는 결말,\n하지만 구원의 기회가 될 수 있는\n그녀의 이상을 향해..\n\n'히카리'와 함께 마음속에 있는,\n추억과 감정이라는 강렬한 빛을 경험해보세요\n신나고 어려운 곡들이 준비되어 있습니다", |
| "す の うほわ いと"
| | "zh-Hant": "Arcaea的天空正在頭頂閃閃發光。\n\n跟隨已經踏入精神領域的光,\n穿梭于情感與回憶之中,\n體驗那有關光明的緊張而又激烈的故事。\n她並不知曉那正靜待她的結局,\n也對那可能成為她的救贖的異象毫不知情……", |
| ],
| | "zh-Hans": "Arcaea的天空在头顶闪闪发亮。\n\n跟随已经踏入精神领域的光,\n穿梭于情感与回忆之中,\n体验那关于光明的紧张而又激烈的故事。\n她并不知晓那正静待着她的结局,\n也对那可能成为她的救赎的异象毫不知情……" |
| "ko": [ | | } |
| " 스노우 화 이 트"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| "search_artist": {
| |
| "ja": [
| |
| "ぷる"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ko": [
| |
| "푸루"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| "bpm": "150",
| |
| "bpm_base": 150,
| |
| "set": "base",
| |
| "purchase": "",
| |
| "audioPreview": 24400,
| |
| "audioPreviewEnd": 57600,
| |
| "side": 0,
| |
| "bg": "base_light",
| |
| "bg_inverse": "base_conflict",
| |
| "date": 1487980805,
| |
| "version": "1.0",
| |
| "difficulties": [
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| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 0,
| |
| "chartDesigner": "Toaster",
| |
| "jacketDesigner": "",
| |
| "rating": 2
| |
| }, | |
| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 1,
| |
| "chartDesigner": "Toaster",
| |
| "jacketDesigner": "",
| |
| "rating": 5
| |
| },
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| { | |
| "ratingClass": 2,
| |
| "chartDesigner": "Toaster",
| |
| "jacketDesigner": "",
| |
| "rating": 8
| |
| }
| |
| ]
| |
| }, | | }, |
| { | | { |
| "idx": 11,
| | "id": "yugamu", |
| "id": "relentless", | | "section": "mainstory", |
| "title_localized": { | | "plus_character": 6, |
| "en": "Relentless"
| | "name_localized": { |
| },
| | "en": "Vicious Labyrinth" |
| "artist": "Akira Complex", | |
| "search_title": { | |
| "ja": [ | |
| "りれんとれす"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ko": [
| |
| "릴렌트리스"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| "search_artist": {
| |
| "ja": [
| |
| "あきらこんぷれっくす"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ko": [
| |
| "아키라 컴플렉스"
| |
| ]
| |
| }, | | }, |
| "bpm": "174", | | "description_localized": { |
| "bpm_base": 174,
| | "en": "A tide of sorrow sweeps over the world of Arcaea.\n\nExperience Tairitsu's torments as she pursues\nthe deeper, twisted pasts that await\nas well as a treacherous anomaly\nthat lies hidden...\nFeaturing intense, challenging songs", |
| "set": "core",
| | "ja": " アーケアの世界に、悲しみの波が広がる...\n\n先に待ち受けているのは、危険な「アノマリー」。\n対立が追求するその深く、ねじれた過去を体験せよ...\n\n激しくも、挑戦的な楽曲をご用意しました", |
| "purchase": "core",
| | "ko": " 아르케아의 세계에 슬픔의 물결이 몰아치고 있습니다..\n\n타이리츠의 고통을 직면하게 된 이상현상 속에서\n뒤틀린 과거의 슬픔을 더욱 깊이 경험해보세요.\n\n혼돈 속에서 발견한 더욱 강렬하고 도전적인 악곡을 소개합니다. ", |
| "audioPreview": 44137,
| | "zh-Hant": "Arcaea的世界為憂傷所淹沒。\n隨著對立探索扭曲的塵封往事以及潛伏的惡毒異象,\n體驗她所經歷的苦難...\n\n緊湊、充滿挑戰的旋律將接踵而來。", |
| "audioPreviewEnd": 77241,
| | "zh-Hans": " 哀伤的潮汐冲刷着Arcaea的世界。\n跟随对立探索扭曲的尘封往事以及那潜伏的恶毒异象,\n体验她所经历的苦难...\n\n紧凑、挑战性极高的旋律将接踵而至。" |
| "side": 1,
| | } |
| "bg": "base_conflict",
| |
| "bg_inverse": "base_light",
| |
| "remote_dl": true,
| |
| "date": 1487980814,
| |
| "version": "1.0",
| |
| "difficulties": [
| |
| { | |
| "ratingClass": 0,
| |
| "chartDesigner": "Nitro",
| |
| "jacketDesigner": "SERXPHIS",
| |
| "rating": 4
| |
| },
| |
| { | |
| "ratingClass": 1,
| |
| "chartDesigner": "Nitro",
| |
| "jacketDesigner": "SERXPHIS",
| |
| "rating": 6
| |
| },
| |
| { | |
| "ratingClass": 2,
| |
| "chartDesigner": "Nitro",
| |
| "jacketDesigner": "SERXPHIS",
| |
| "rating": 8
| |
| }
| |
| ]
| |
| }, | | }, |
| { | | { |
| "idx": 12,
| | "id": "core", |
| "id": "shadesoflight", | | "section": "mainstory", |
| "title_localized": { | | "plus_character": -1, |
| "en": "Shades of Light in a Transcendent Realm"
| | "name_localized": { |
| },
| | "en": "Eternal Core" |
| "artist": "ak+q", | |
| "search_title": { | |
| "ja": [ | |
| "しぇーずおぶらいといんあとらんせんだんとれるむ",
| |
| "しぇいずおぶらいといんあとらんせんだんとれるむ"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ko": [
| |
| "셰이드 오브 라이트 인 어 트랜센던트 렐름",
| |
| "",
| |
| "셰이즈 오브 라이트 인 어 트랜센던트 렐름"
| |
| ]
| |
| }, | | }, |
| "search_artist": { | | "description_localized": { |
| "ja": [ | | "en": "Unlock the Eternal Core to access\nArcaea's Original Songs cache.\n\nExperience a tale of Light and Conflict\nas Tairitsu and Hikari find themselves\nin a lost, broken world.", |
| " えーけ ー ぷらすきゅ ー"
| | "ja": " オリジナル曲を開放する拡張パック\n『エタ ー ナルコア』をアンロックし\nア ー ケアの失われた世界で\n『光』と『対立』が奏でる物語を\nあなた自身の力で探求しよう!", |
| ],
| | "ko": "Arcaea의 부서져 잃어버린 세계 에 서\n'Hikari'와 'Tairitsu'가 연주하는\n'빛'과 '대립'의 이 야기를 들어주세요.\n\nArcaea의 오리지널 음악 이\nEternal Core에 수록되어 있습니다.", |
| "ko": [ | | "zh-Hant": " 解開永恆核心的封印,\n接受秘術之地Arcaea原創樂曲的洗禮。\n\n你將與對立和光一同探索一個失落的破碎世界,\n在充滿衝突的旅程往光明邁進。", |
| "에이 케 이 플러스 큐"
| | "zh-Hans": " 解开永恒核心的封印,\n探索Arcaea的宝贵原创乐曲。\n\n你将与光和对立一同探索那失落的破碎世界\n等待着你的将会是光芒与混沌的无尽纠缠。" |
| ]
| | } |
| },
| |
| "bpm": "170",
| |
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| { | | { |
| "idx": 13, | | "id": "nihil", |
| "id": "vexaria", | | "section": "mainstory2", |
| "title_localized": { | | "plus_character": 23, |
| "en": "Vexaria" | | "custom_banner": true, |
| | "name_localized": { |
| | "en": "Absolute Nihil" |
| }, | | }, |
| "artist": "ak+q", | | "description_localized": { |
| "search_title": {
| | "en": "Reason is torn away, the sky darkens, rain falls.\nWith a quiet child to her side, she starts to believe\nin pathetic fallacy. Here, Saya's story is left in \"nihil\".\n\n5 songs signal a grim encounter. In this fierce and\nhollow battle of ideals: recall your folly and fight on.\nWith \"Absolute Reason\" ownership, Saya can Awaken.", |
| "ja": [ | | "ja": " 敗れた信条、振り始める雨。\n哀れな誤謬と無辜の子を傍らに、\n女の行き先は虚無か、それとも……\n\n5つの楽曲と新たなスト ー リ ー を収録。\nパック『Absolute Reason』の所持で\nサヤの覚醒が可能になりま す 。", |
| "うぇくさりあ",
| | "ko": " 찢겨나간 이 성. 어두워지는 하늘. 쏟아지는 비.\n곁을 지키는 조용한 소녀. 잘못된 믿음.\n사야가 맞 이 할 이야기의 끝은, \" 허무\".\n\n불온한 조우를 알리는 다섯개의 악곡.\n텅 빈 이상을 부딪히는 혈투.\n스스로의 잘못을 다시 되새기며 싸워나아가라.\n본 Pack과 \"Absolute Reason\" Pack 동시 보유자들은\n사야를 각성할 수 있습니다!", |
| "ゔぇくさりあ"
| | "zh-Hant": " 掠奪命運之時,雨滴傾瀉,天空黯然。\n文靜的孩子跟隨著她,而她成為了謬錯的信徒。\n至此,咲彌的故事僅剩「虛無」。\n\n五首曲目與一次無情的會面:短兵相接,你自詡愚者;\n但這場激烈而空洞的信仰之戰仍將繼續。\n繼《Absolute Reason》之後,你將覺醒。", |
| ],
| | "zh-Hans": " 掠夺命运之时,雨滴倾泻,天空黯然。\n文静的孩子跟随着她,而她成为了谬错的信徒。\n至此,咲弥的故事仅剩「虚无」。\n\n五首曲目与一次无情的会面:短兵相接,你自诩愚者;\n但这场激烈而空洞的信仰之战仍将继续。\n继《Absolute Reason》之后,你将觉醒。" |
| "ko": [
| | } |
| " 벡자리아",
| |
| "",
| |
| "벡사리아"
| |
| ]
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| },
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| "ja": [ | |
| " え ー け ー ぷら す きゅー"
| |
| ],
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| "ko": [ | |
| " 에 이 케 이 플러스 큐"
| |
| ]
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| "bpm_base": 180,
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| { | | { |
| "idx": 14, | | "id": "eden", |
| "id": "essenceoftwilight", | | "section": "mainstory2", |
| "title_localized": { | | "plus_character": 71, |
| "en": "Essence of Twilight" | | "custom_banner": true, |
| | "name_localized": { |
| | "en": "Lasting Eden" |
| }, | | }, |
| "artist": "ak+q", | | "description_localized": { |
| "search_title": {
| | "en": "Wrapped in the shroud of night,\nher eyes tender to the faintest glimmer,\na lone girl wakes to a bitter gift.\n\nJourney through dusk's embrace with Maya\nand experience a dazzling voyage with 5\nwinners of the \"Imagining After\" Song Contest.", |
| "ja": [ | | "ja": " 夜の毛布に包まれて、\n少女の双眸はき ら め き に揺れる。\nそれは、いつかの惨影から。\n\n楽曲コンテスト第3回\n『Imagining After』、その入賞曲5つを収録。\n追憶の夕暮れの中、マヤの道のりを見守ろう。", |
| "えっせんすおぶとわいらいと"
| | "ko": " 밤의 장막 에 싸여,\n그 눈은 희미한 반짝임조차 거부하네.\n잔인한 선물을 안고 깨어난 소녀여.\n\n5개의 \"Imagining After\" 컨테스트 우승곡을 통해,\n마야와 함께 눈부신 여정을 떠나보세요. ", |
| ],
| | "zh-Hant": " 一望無際的深沈夜幕籠罩之下,\n哪怕是一絲微弱的光亮也將刺痛她的眼睛;\n少女獨自醒來之時,殘酷的苦痛便已加諸其身。\n\n薄暮懷抱之下,五首Imagining After比賽的優勝曲目\n將與你和摩耶一同踏上這段炫彩奪目的旅程。", |
| "ko": [
| | "zh-Hans": " 一望无际的深沉夜幕笼罩之下,\n哪怕是一丝微弱的光亮也将刺痛她的眼睛;\n少女独自醒来之时,残酷的苦痛便已加诸其身。\n\n薄暮怀抱之下,五首Imagining After比赛的优胜曲目\n将与你和摩耶一同踏上这段炫彩夺目的旅程。" |
| "에센스 오브 트와일라잇",
| | } |
| "",
| |
| "엣센스 오브 트와일라잇"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| "search_artist": {
| |
| "ja": [ | |
| " えーけーぷ ら す き ゅー"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ko": [ | |
| "에 이케이 플러스 큐"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
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| "bpm": "164",
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| "bpm_base": 164,
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| }, | | }, |
| { | | { |
| "idx": 15,
| | "id": "eden_append_1", |
| "id": "qualia", | | "section": "mainstory2", |
| "title_localized": { | | "pack_parent": "eden", |
| "en": "qualia -ideaesthesia-"
| | "plus_character": -1, |
| },
| | "name_localized": { |
| "artist": "nitro", | | "en": "Lasting Eden Chapter 2" |
| "search_title": { | |
| "ja": [
| |
| "くおりあ"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ko": [
| |
| "퀄리아 아이디에테지아",
| |
| "",
| |
| "콸리아 아이디에테지아"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
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| "search_artist": { | |
| "ja": [ | |
| "ないとろ",
| |
| "にとろ"
| |
| ],
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| "ko": [
| |
| " 니트로"
| |
| ]
| |
| }, | | }, |
| "bpm": "144", | | "description_localized": { |
| "bpm_base": 144,
| | "en": "Winds cast away the dust of strife and tragedy,\nand in this storm, a voice calls down:\nArcaea will change.\n\n5 more songs from the \"Imagining After\" contest\nawait in this addition to the Lasting Eden Pack as\nyou come to find her, and rain begins to fall...", |
| "set": "base",
| | "ja": " かつての奮戦と悲劇、その名残さえ風は攫って。\n嵐が来る、嵐が来る……Arcaeaは、改竄される。\n\n楽曲コンテスト『Imagining After』より、\n5つの楽曲がLasting Edenに追加!\n\n……あなたは来た。そして今、雨は降る――。", |
| "purchase": "",
| | "ko": " 세차게 부는 바람이, 갈등과 비극의 모래를 날려보냅니다.\n휘몰아치는 폭풍 사이로 들려오는 목소리가 전합니다.\n아르케아가 변할 것이라고.\n\n\"Imagining After\" 컨테스트 우승곡 5개가 수록된\nLasting Eden 팩의 속편.\n쏟아지는 비 사이로, 그녀를 찾아온 당신...", |
| "audioPreview": 110000,
| | "zh-Hant": " 風吹散了紛爭與悲劇的塵埃,\n於這場風暴之中,一個聲音呼喚著:\nArcaea將會改變。\n\n五首Imagining After大賽的優勝曲目等待著你。\n她,也一樣。天空落下了她的「眼淚」,\nLasting Eden的Pack Append之旅,緩緩啓程……", |
| "audioPreviewEnd": 136666,
| | "zh-Hans": " 风吹散了纷争与悲剧的尘埃,\n于这场风暴之中,一个声音呼唤着:\nArcaea将会改变。\n\n五首Imagining After大赛的优胜曲目等待着你。\n她,也一样。天空落下了她的\" 眼泪\" ,\nLasting Eden的Pack Append之旅,缓缓启程……" |
| "side": 1,
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| "bg": "base_conflict",
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| "date": 1487980810,
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| "ratingClass": 0,
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| "chartDesigner": "-chartaesthesia-",
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| "jacketDesigner": "Khronetic",
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| "chartDesigner": "-chartaesthesia-",
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| "rating": 7
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| },
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| "ratingClass": 2,
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| "chartDesigner": "-chartaesthesia-",
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| "jacketDesigner": "Khronetic",
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| "rating": 9
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| }, | |
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| "ratingClass": 3,
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| "chartDesigner": "moonquay -end of chartaesthesia-",
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| }, | | }, |
| { | | { |
| "idx": 16,
| | "id": "eden_append_2", |
| "id": "pragmatism", | | "section": "mainstory2", |
| "title_localized": { | | "pack_parent": "eden", |
| "en": "PRAGMATISM"
| | "plus_character": -1, |
| },
| | "name_localized": { |
| "artist": "Laur", | | "en": "Shifting Veil" |
| "search_title": { | |
| "ja": [
| |
| "ぷらぐまてぃずむ",
| |
| "ぷらぐまてぃずむりざれくしょん"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ko": [
| |
| "프라그마티즘",
| |
| "프래그마티즘"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| "search_artist": { | |
| "ja": [ | |
| "らうる"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ko": [
| |
| "라우르"
| |
| ]
| |
| }, | | }, |
| "bpm": "174", | | "description_localized": { |
| "bpm_base": 174,
| | "en": "Not a single soul could have predicted this truth.\nThe truth is what befell.\nWhat it entails yet remains shrouded.\n\nFind 3 more songs in this addition to\nLasting Eden, all winning entries of\nthe \"Imagining After\" Song Contest.", |
| "set": "core",
| | "ja": " 誰も予期などしなかった。誰も防げはしなかった。\nただ、降り掛かった現実だけが真実で。\n\n――待つモノは、ただ、未知数。\n\n『Lasting Eden』に加わる新たな音色、\n『Imagining After』の入賞曲3つが追加。", |
| "purchase": "core",
| | "ko": " 그 누구도 예상하지 못했던 진실이 불러올 파동은\n아직 장막의 너머에...\n\nLasting Eden의 Pack Append로, \"Imagining After\"\n컨테스트 우승곡 3개가 찾아옵니다. ", |
| "audioPreview": 31724,
| | "zh-Hant": " 此般真相,無人能料。\n降臨於此的,便是真相。\n但真相昭示著的,仍為未知。\n\nImagining After大賽的另三首優勝曲目,\n現已加入Lasting Eden。", |
| "audioPreviewEnd": 67586,
| | "zh-Hans": " 此般真相,无人能料。\n降临于此的,便是真相。\n但真相昭示着的,仍为未知。\n\nImagining After大赛的另三首优胜曲目,\n现已加入Lasting Eden。" |
| "side": 0,
| | } |
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| "bg": "pragmatism",
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| "date": 1487980817,
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| "chartDesigner": "東星",
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| "jacketDesigner": " シエラ",
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| "rating": 4
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| }, | |
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| "ratingClass": 1,
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| "chartDesigner": "東星",
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| "jacketDesigner": "シエラ",
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| "rating": 8
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| }, | |
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| "ratingClass": 2,
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| "chartDesigner": "東星",
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| "jacketDesigner": "シエラ",
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| "rating": 10
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| },
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| { | |
| "ratingClass": 3,
| |
| "title_localized": {
| |
| |
| },
| |
| "audioOverride": true,
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| "chartDesigner": "THE LAST DREAM",
| |
| "jacketDesigner": "シエラ",
| |
| "jacketOverride": true,
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| "bg": "pragmatism3",
| |
| "rating": 11,
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| "legacy11": true,
| |
| "date": 1639008004,
| |
| "version": "3.10",
| |
| "hidden_until": "difficulty"
| |
| }
| |
| ]
| |
| }, | | }, |
| { | | { |
| "idx": 17, | | "id": "observer", |
| "id": "sheriruth", | | "section": "sidestory", |
| "title_localized": { | | "plus_character": 45, |
| "en": "Sheriruth" | | "custom_banner": true, |
| | "name_localized": { |
| | "en": "Esoteric Order" |
| }, | | }, |
| "artist": "Team Grimoire", | | "description_localized": { |
| "search_title": {
| | "en": "A girl stands, alone, at the\nvery ends of the Arcaea world,\nbeyond what anyone else has seen...\n\nFeaturing Lagrange and Charon,\nthis pack includes five winners\nof the Arcaea Song Contest 2020!", |
| "ja": [ | | "ja": " 世界の果て、前人未踏のその場所で、\n佇 む 少女が、ただひと り 。\n\nラグランジュとカロンをテ ー マに、\nArcaea楽曲コンテスト2020よ り 、\n本楽曲パックでは5つの受賞曲を収録!", |
| "しぇりだー",
| | "ko": " 한 소녀가\n누구도 보지 못한\n아르케아의 끝머리에 홀로 서있다...\n\n라 그 란지와 차론을 포함한\n이번 팩은 아르케아 송 콘테스트 2020의\n다섯 명의 우승자도 추가되 어 있습니다!", |
| "しぇりるす"
| | "zh-Hant": " 一名少女,\n在所有人都看不見的地方,\n孤零零地站在Arcaea世界的盡頭……\n\n與拉格蘭和凱倫一起,\n享受《韻律源點2020年歌曲競賽》\n帶來的五首優勝作品吧!", |
| ],
| | "zh-Hans": " 一名少女,\n在所有人都看不见的地方,\n孤零零地站在Arcaea世界的尽头……\n\n与拉格兰和卡戎一起,\n享受《韵律源点2020年歌曲竞赛》\n带来的五首优胜作品吧!" |
| "ko": [
| | } |
| "셰리다",
| |
| "셰리루스",
| |
| "셰리루트",
| |
| "셰루트",
| |
| "셰루스",
| |
| "셰리더"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| "search_artist": {
| |
| "ja": [ | |
| " ちー む ぐ り もあ",
| |
| "ち ー むぐ り もわーる"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ko": [ | |
| " 팀 그 리모 어"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
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| |
| "bpm_base": 185,
| |
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| "world_unlock": false,
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| "bg": "sheriruth",
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| "remote_dl": true,
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| "date": 1487980818,
| |
| "version": "1.0",
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| "difficulties": [
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| { | |
| "ratingClass": 0,
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| "chartDesigner": " 夜浪",
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| "jacketDesigner": "シエラ",
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| "rating": 5
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| }, | |
| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 1,
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| "chartDesigner": "夜浪",
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| "jacketDesigner": "シエラ",
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| "rating": 7
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| },
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| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 2,
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| "chartDesigner": "夜浪",
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| "jacketDesigner": "シエラ",
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| "rating": 10
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| }
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| ]
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| }, | | }, |
| { | | { |
| "idx": 18, | | "id": "observer_append_1", |
| "id": "lumia", | | "section": "sidestory", |
| "title_localized": { | | "pack_parent": "observer", |
| "en": "Lumia" | | "plus_character": -1, |
| | "name_localized": { |
| | "en": "Pale Tapestry" |
| }, | | }, |
| "artist": "sky_delta", | | "description_localized": { |
| "search_title": {
| | "en": "The tapestry extends, far, far\ninto the distance, until...\n\nDiscover three additional songs\nin this addition to Esoteric Order,\nall winners of the Arcaea Song Contest 2020!", |
| "ja": [ | | "ja": " 彼方を超えて広がる、世界と い う織物。\n遠く遠く、その果ては――。\n\nEsoteric Orderに加わ る 、\nArcaea楽曲コンテスト2020受賞曲、\n3つの新曲を目撃せよ!", |
| " るみあ"
| | "ko": " 태피 스 트리가 멀리,\n아주 먼 곳까지 이 어지는데...\n이번 Esoteric Order 팩 속에\n3가지 추가 악곡을 만나보세요.\n아르케아 송 콘테스트 2020의 우승작입니다!", |
| ],
| | "zh-Hant": " 美麗的織錦向外延伸,\n越來越遠,直到那之後……\n\n在“Esoteric Order”的附加篇章中,\n體驗《韻律源點2020年歌曲競賽》的\n另外三首優勝作品!", |
| "ko": [
| | "zh-Hans": " 美丽的织锦向外延伸,\n越来越远,直到那之后……\n\n在“Esoteric Order”的附加篇章中,\n体验《韵律源点2020年歌曲竞赛》的\n另外三首优胜作品!" |
| "루미아"
| | } |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| "search_artist": {
| |
| "ja": [ | |
| " すか い で る た"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ko": [ | |
| "스 카 이 델타"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
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| "bpm": "180",
| |
| "bpm_base": 180,
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| "set": "core",
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| "purchase": "core",
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| "audioPreviewEnd": 100000,
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| "remote_dl": true,
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| "date": 1487980815,
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| "version": "1.0",
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| { | |
| "ratingClass": 0,
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| "chartDesigner": "Nitro",
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| "jacketDesigner": "mins",
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| "rating": 2
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| }, | |
| {
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| "ratingClass": 1,
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| "chartDesigner": "Nitro",
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| "jacketDesigner": "mins",
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| "rating": 5
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| },
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| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 2,
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| "chartDesigner": "Toaster missing Nitro.",
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| "jacketDesigner": "mins",
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| "rating": 8
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| },
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| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 3,
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| "chartDesigner": "Toaster.",
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| "jacketDesigner": "mins",
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| "jacketOverride": true,
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| "rating": 9,
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| "date": 1604880000,
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| "version": "3.2"
| |
| }
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| ]
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| }, | | }, |
| { | | { |
| "idx": 19, | | "id": "observer_append_2", |
| "id": "dement", | | "section": "sidestory", |
| "title_localized": { | | "pack_parent": "observer", |
| "en": "Dement ~after legend~" | | "plus_character": -1, |
| | "name_localized": { |
| | "en": "Light of Salvation" |
| }, | | }, |
| "artist": "Cosmograph", | | "description_localized": { |
| "search_title": {
| | "en": "A divine light appears in the\nendless void, guiding the way\nback to the world of light and conflict...\n\nThree more songs, all winners of the\nArcaea Song Contest 2020, have\narrived in this addition to Esoteric Order.", |
| "ja": [ | | "ja": " 光と対立の世界へと導く、\n終わりなき虚無に、現れた天啓。\n\n『Esoteric Order』に加わる、新たな光。\nArcaea楽曲コンテスト2020、\n受賞曲か ら 新たに3曲が登場。", |
| " でめんとあふたーれじぇんど"
| | "ko": " 신성한 빛이 등장하여,\n영원한 어둠 속을 안내한다,\n다시 빛과 갈등의 세계 속으로...\n\n이번 Esoteric Order과 함께\n아르케아 송 콘테스트 2020의 우승자의 \n3가지 곡이 추가됐습니다.", |
| ],
| | "zh-Hant": " 一道神聖的光芒閃亮於無盡的虛空之中,\n指引出返迴光與對立的世界的道路……\n\n《韻律源點2020年歌曲競賽》的另外三首獲獎歌曲,\n現已作為“Esoteric Order”的附加篇章而到來!", |
| "ko": [
| | "zh-Hans": " 一道神圣的光芒闪亮于无尽的虚空之中,\n指引出返回光与对立的世界的道路……\n\n《韵律源点2020年歌曲竞赛》的另外三首获奖歌曲,\n现已作为“Esoteric Order”的附加篇章而到来!" |
| " 디멘트 애프터 레전드"
| | } |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| "search_artist": {
| |
| "ja": [ | |
| " こすもぐ ら ふ"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ko": [ | |
| " 코스모그래프"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
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| "bpm": "210",
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| "bpm_base": 210,
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| "rating": 3
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| "ratingClass": 1,
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| "chartDesigner": "Toaster",
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| "rating": 6
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| },
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| "rating": 7,
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| "ratingClass": 3,
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| "chartDesigner": "Nitro ~ABYSS~",
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| "jacketDesigner": "",
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| "jacketOverride": true,
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| "rating": 9,
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| "ratingPlus": true,
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| "date": 1597968001,
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| "version": "3.1"
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| }
| |
| ]
| |
| }, | | }, |
| { | | { |
| "idx": 20,
| | "id": "dividedheart", |
| "id": "dandelion", | | "section": "sidestory", |
| "title_localized": { | | "plus_character": 99, |
| "en": "Dandelion"
| | "name_localized": { |
| },
| | "en": "Divided Heart" |
| "artist": "Farhan", | |
| "search_title": { | |
| "ja": [ | |
| "だんでらいおん"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ko": [
| |
| "단델라이온"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| "search_artist": {
| |
| "ja": [
| |
| " ふぁるはーん"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ko": [
| |
| "파란",
| |
| "팔란"
| |
| ]
| |
| }, | | }, |
| "bpm": "169", | | "description_localized": { |
| "bpm_base": 169,
| | "en": "Under a divided sky,\nand plagued with uncertainty,\nremain steadfast and noble.\n\nJoin Shirahime on her journey\nthrough five smooth, soothing,\nand exciting new songs!", |
| "set": "base",
| | "ja": " 分かたれた空の下で、\n苛むのは割り切れない不定性。\nだからこそ貴く、胸を張る。\n\n優雅に、なだらかに、\nその道を彩る5つの新曲と共に、\n白姫(シラヒメ)の旅路を辿ろう。", |
| "purchase": "",
| | "ko": " 갈라진 하늘 아래,\n불확실성으로 괴로움에도,\n변함없고 숭고하다.\n\n시라히메, 그녀의 여행에\n동행하여 다섯 개의 잔잔한\n혹은 신나는 곡을 만나보세요!", |
| "audioPreview": 63420,
| | "zh-Hant": " 在割裂的天空下,\n飽受未知帶來的折磨,\n儘管如此,她依然堅定而高貴。\n\n在五首舒緩順滑\n而又激動人心的曲目中,\n和白姬一同踏上旅程吧!", |
| "audioPreviewEnd": 97148,
| | "zh-Hans": " 在割裂的天空下,\n饱受未知带来的折磨,\n尽管如此,她依然坚定而高贵。\n\n在五首舒缓顺滑\n而又激动人心的曲目中,\n和白姬一同踏上旅程吧!" |
| "side": 0,
| | } |
| "bg": "base_light",
| |
| "bg_inverse": "base_conflict",
| |
| "date": 1489968000,
| |
| "version": "1.0",
| |
| "difficulties": [
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| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 0,
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| "chartDesigner": "Nitro",
| |
| "jacketDesigner": "",
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| "rating": 2
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| }, | |
| {
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| "ratingClass": 1,
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| "chartDesigner": "Nitro",
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| "jacketDesigner": "",
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| "rating": 6
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| },
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| { | |
| "ratingClass": 2,
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| "chartDesigner": "Nitro",
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| "jacketDesigner": "",
| |
| "rating": 8
| |
| }
| |
| ]
| |
| }, | | }, |
| { | | { |
| "idx": 21,
| | "id": "alice", |
| "id": "anokumene", | | "section": "sidestory", |
| "title_localized": { | | "plus_character": 39, |
| "en": "Anökumene",
| | "name_localized": { |
| "ko": "Anokumene",
| | "en": "Ephemeral Page" |
| "zh-Hant": "Anokumene",
| |
| "zh-Hans": "Anokumene"
| |
| },
| |
| "artist": "Jun Kuroda", | |
| "search_title": { | |
| "en": [ | |
| "anokumene"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ja": [
| |
| " あねくめーね",
| |
| "あねくめね"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ko": [
| |
| "아네쿠메네"
| |
| ]
| |
| }, | | }, |
| "search_artist": { | | "description_localized": { |
| "ja": [ | | "en": "Reality seems constantly within reach,\nyet it can never truly be grasped...\n\nDiscover truths and falsehoods alike\nas you travel with Alice and Tenniel,\nexperiencing five brand-new stylish\nand upbeat songs along the way.", |
| "じゅんくろだ"
| | "ja": " 常に手が届きそうに思えても、\n真に現実を掴むことなど誰にも\n出来はしない。\n\n真実と虚実が入り交じる、\nアリスとテニエルの旅を追いかけよう\nスタイリッシュなアップビートを道連れに。", |
| ],
| | "ko": " 현실은 언제나 손에 닿을것만 같은 거리에,\n하지만 진정으로 이해할 수 없는...\n\n앨리스와 테니얼을 따라 함께\n진실과 거짓을 함께 발견하며\n그길을 따라 들려오는 경쾌한\n새로운 다섯가지 비트 스타일.", |
| "ko": [
| | "zh-Hant": " 現實總是看似近在咫尺,\n但卻又虛無縹緲、捉摸不定……\n\n探掘真相與謊言,\n跟隨愛麗絲和坦尼爾的腳步,\n體驗五首別具特色的動感曲目,\n並沉浸在音樂的世界當中。", |
| "준 쿠로다",
| | "zh-Hans": " 现实看似触手可及,\n却始终求之不得……\n\n在爱丽丝与坦尼尔的旅途中\n揭开真相与谎言,\n同时体验五首风格鲜明的动感乐曲,\n并沉浸在音乐的世界当中。" |
| "쥰 쿠로다"
| | } |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| "bpm": "186",
| |
| "bpm_base": 186,
| |
| "set": "base",
| |
| "purchase": "",
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| "audioPreview": 24918,
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| "audioPreviewEnd": 45563,
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| "side": 1,
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| "world_unlock": true,
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| "bg": "base_conflict",
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| "bg_inverse": "base_light",
| |
| "remote_dl": true,
| |
| "date": 1491868801,
| |
| "version": "1.0",
| |
| "difficulties": [
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| { | |
| "ratingClass": 0,
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| "chartDesigner": "Toaster",
| |
| "jacketDesigner": "Khronetic",
| |
| "rating": 2
| |
| },
| |
| { | |
| "ratingClass": 1,
| |
| "chartDesigner": "Toaster",
| |
| "jacketDesigner": "Khronetic",
| |
| "rating": 6
| |
| },
| |
| { | |
| "ratingClass": 2,
| |
| "chartDesigner": "Toaster",
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| "jacketDesigner": "Khronetic",
| |
| "rating": 9
| |
| }
| |
| ]
| |
| }, | | }, |
| { | | { |
| "idx": 22, | | "id": "alice_append_1", |
| "id": "infinityheaven", | | "section": "sidestory", |
| "title_localized": { | | "pack_parent": "alice", |
| "en": "Infinity Heaven" | | "plus_character": -1, |
| | "name_localized": { |
| | "en": "The Journey Onwards" |
| }, | | }, |
| "artist": "HyuN", | | "description_localized": { |
| "search_title": {
| | "en": "The journey of discovery is neverending...\n\nExplore three more songs by Alice's side\nin this addition to Ephemeral Page\nas the scenery of Arcaea passes by endlessly.", |
| "ja": [ | | "ja": " 探求の旅路、そこ に 終わりは訪れな い 。\n\nアリスと巡る3つの新曲。\n『Ephemeral Page』 に 加わる新たな頁。\nそしてArcaeaの情景は果 て なく流れ てい く。", |
| " いんふぃ に てぃへぶん",
| | "ko": " 탐색의 여정은 끝나지 않습 니 다...\n\n앨리스의 옆을 함께하며 \"Ephemeral Page\" 에\n추가될 3곡을 더 찾아 보세요.\n아르케아의 풍경이 끝없이 지나갈 때 말이죠.", |
| " い んふぃ にて ぃーへぶん",
| | "zh-Hant": " 探索的旅程沒有盡頭……\n\n在「Ephemeral Page」的附加內容當中,\n隨著愛麗絲的腳步共同探索其他三首曲目,\n並欣賞《韻律源點》那無窮無盡的美麗景色。", |
| "いんふぃに て ぃへゔん",
| | "zh-Hans": " 探索之旅永无止境……\n\n在“Ephemeral Page”的附加篇章中\n体验爱丽丝视角的三首歌曲\n并领略韵律源点中无尽变幻的风景。" |
| " い んふぃにてぃーへゔん"
| | } |
| ],
| |
| "ko": [ | |
| " 인피 니 티 헤븐"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| "search_artist": {
| |
| "ja": [
| |
| "ひゅん"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ko": [ | |
| " 휸",
| |
| "현"
| |
| ] | |
| },
| |
| "bpm": "160",
| |
| "bpm_base": 160,
| |
| "set": "base",
| |
| "purchase": "",
| |
| "audioPreview": 49500,
| |
| "audioPreviewEnd": 73500,
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| "side": 0,
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| "bg": "base_light",
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| "bg_inverse": "base_conflict",
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| "date": 1491868800,
| |
| "version": "1.0",
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| "difficulties": [ | |
| {
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| "ratingClass": 0,
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| "chartDesigner": "Nitro",
| |
| "jacketDesigner": "Tagtraume",
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| "rating": 1
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| },
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| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 1,
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| "chartDesigner": "Nitro",
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| "jacketDesigner": "Tagtraume",
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| "rating": 5
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| },
| |
| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 2,
| |
| "chartDesigner": "Nitro",
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| "jacketDesigner": "Tagtraume",
| |
| "rating": 7,
| |
| "ratingPlus": true
| |
| },
| |
| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 3,
| |
| "chartDesigner": "Nitr∞",
| |
| "jacketDesigner": "Tagtraume",
| |
| "jacketOverride": true,
| |
| "rating": 9,
| |
| "date": 1590537602,
| |
| "version": "3.0"
| |
| }
| |
| ]
| |
| }, | | }, |
| { | | { |
| "idx": 23, | | "id": "omatsuri", |
| "id": "partyvinyl", | | "section": "sidestory", |
| "title_localized": { | | "custom_banner": true, |
| "en": "Party Vinyl" | | "plus_character": 30, |
| | "name_localized": { |
| | "en": "Sunset Radiance" |
| }, | | }, |
| "artist": " モリモリあつし", | | "description_localized": { |
| "search_title": {
| | "en": "With your wish in heaven, dream a colorful dream.\nA snow field spans the night, and crossing it\nleads to dusk. So, with a festival in your heart...\n\nJoin Kanae in her Story as you trek across 6 songs:\n5 festive winners of the Arcaea Song Contest\nand 1 more song that calls to winter!", |
| "ja": [ | | "ja": " かつ て の祭事は胸に秘め、\n雪原を越え、吹雪を越え、ただ歩く。\n願 い の標、彩られた夢想はその先に。\n\nさあ、叶永の旅路を辿ろう。\nかつての楽曲コンテスト入賞曲5つに、\n新たな楽曲1つを な ぞっ て 。", |
| " ぱー て ぃゔぁ いな る",
| | "ko": " 하늘까지 닿은 기도, 알록달록한 꿈.\n밤에 펼쳐진 눈밭을 가로지르는 사 이 에,\n어느샌가 진 땅거미.\n축제를 품은, 너의 마음.\n\n6개의 악곡을 가로지르는 카나에의 모 험에 함께하세요.\nArcaea 악곡 콘테스트 우승곡 5개,\n그리고 겨울을 향해 울리는 1 개의 악곡이 담겨있습니다!", |
| "ぱー て ぃーゔぁいなる"
| | "zh-Hant": " 所求均願天遂,萬紫千紅,甜似酣夢。\n客路漫漫長夜,踏雪尋梅,漸入薄暮。\n慶典之聲,縈繞於心……\n\n在六段優美旋律的陪伴下,聽群願娓娓道來一段往事:\n五首Arcaea歌曲大賽的優勝曲目\n及這個冬日的一首新曲,重磅登場!", |
| ],
| | "zh-Hans": " 所求均愿天遂,万紫千红,甜似酣梦。\n客路漫漫长夜,踏雪寻梅,渐入薄暮。\n庆典之声,萦绕于心……\n\n在六段优美旋律的陪伴下,听群愿娓娓道来一段往事:\n五首韵律源点歌曲大赛的优胜曲目\n及这个冬日的一首新曲,重磅登场!" |
| "ko": [ | | } |
| " 파티 비닐",
| |
| "",
| |
| "파티 바 이 닐"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| "search_artist": {
| |
| "en": [
| |
| "morimori atsushi"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ko": [
| |
| "모리 모 리 아츠시"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| "bpm": "132",
| |
| "bpm_base": 132,
| |
| "set": "shiawase",
| |
| "purchase": "shiawase",
| |
| "audioPreview": 22727,
| |
| "audioPreviewEnd": 51818,
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| "side": 0,
| |
| "bg": "shiawase",
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| "remote_dl": true,
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| "date": 1494547204,
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| "version": "1.0",
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| "difficulties": [
| |
| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 0,
| |
| "chartDesigner": "Party Toaster",
| |
| "jacketDesigner": "アサヤ",
| |
| "rating": 4
| |
| },
| |
| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 1,
| |
| "chartDesigner": "Party Toaster",
| |
| "jacketDesigner": "アサヤ",
| |
| "rating": 7,
| |
| "ratingPlus": true
| |
| },
| |
| { | |
| "ratingClass": 2,
| |
| "chartDesigner": "Party Toaster",
| |
| "jacketDesigner": "アサヤ",
| |
| "rating": 9
| |
| },
| |
| { | |
| "ratingClass": 3,
| |
| "chartDesigner": "Party Exschwasion",
| |
| "jacketDesigner": "アサヤ",
| |
| "jacketOverride": true,
| |
| "rating": 10,
| |
| "date": 1671667202,
| |
| "version": "4.1"
| |
| }
| |
| ]
| |
| }, | | }, |
| { | | { |
| "idx": 24,
| | "id": "zettai", |
| "id": "flashback", | | "section": "sidestory", |
| "title_localized": { | | "plus_character": 23, |
| "en": "Flashback"
| | "name_localized": { |
| },
| | "en": "Absolute Reason" |
| "artist": "ARForest", | |
| "search_title": { | |
| "ja": [ | |
| "ふらっしゅばっく"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ko": [
| |
| "플래시백"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| "search_artist": {
| |
| "ja": [
| |
| "えーあーるふぉれすと"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ko": [
| |
| "에이알 포레스트"
| |
| ]
| |
| }, | | }, |
| "bpm": "195", | | "description_localized": { |
| "bpm_base": 195,
| | "en": "Memories are windows into realities,\nmysteries waiting to be unraveled...\n\nTake a journey in ruthless search of the ultimate\ntruth with the enigmatic Saya during five all-new,\nhardcore songs! In addition, with \"Absolute Nihil\"\nownership, Saya can Awaken!", |
| "set": "shiawase",
| | "ja": " 記憶は現実へと続く窓、\n信条は過去から続く糸、\nさあ、未知をほどいて、先へ。\n\n慈悲なき探求を兆す5つの新曲、\n真実を求め、サヤが歩む道を往こう。\n(『Absolute Nihil』所持でサヤの覚醒が可能)", |
| "purchase": "shiawase",
| | "ko": " 기억이란 현실로의 창문.\n풀리기를 기다리는 수수께끼.\n\n5개의 신곡과 함께,\n진리를 찾아 떠나는 수수께끼의 소녀,\n사야의 험난한 여정에 함께하세요\n(\"Absolute Nihil\" Pack 보유시 사야 각성 가능)", |
| "audioPreview": 88967,
| | "zh-Hant": " 記憶,是通往尚未被揭曉之\n真實與奧秘的窗戶……\n\n與一名神秘少女一起\n在一次探索究極真實的無情旅途中\n邂逅五首全新的硬核樂曲!\n在獲取《Absolute Nihil》之後,還可進一步覺醒她!", |
| "audioPreviewEnd": 108967,
| | "zh-Hans": " 记忆,是通往尚未被揭晓之\n真实与奥秘的窗户……\n\n与一名神秘少女一起,\n在一次探索究极真实的无情旅途中\n邂逅五首全新的硬核曲目!\n在获取《Absolute Nihil》之后,还可进一步觉醒她!" |
| "side": 0,
| | } |
| "bg": "shiawase",
| |
| "remote_dl": true,
| |
| "date": 1494547202,
| |
| "version": "1.0",
| |
| "difficulties": [
| |
| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 0,
| |
| "chartDesigner": "Nitro",
| |
| "jacketDesigner": "yoshimo",
| |
| "rating": 2
| |
| },
| |
| { | |
| "ratingClass": 1,
| |
| "chartDesigner": "Nitro",
| |
| "jacketDesigner": "yoshimo",
| |
| "rating": 5
| |
| },
| |
| { | |
| "ratingClass": 2,
| |
| "chartDesigner": "Nitro",
| |
| "jacketDesigner": "yoshimo",
| |
| "rating": 8,
| |
| "ratingPlus": true
| |
| }
| |
| ]
| |
| }, | | }, |
| { | | { |
| "idx": 25,
| | "id": "nijuusei", |
| "id": "flyburg", | | "section": "sidestory", |
| "title_localized": { | | "plus_character": 11, |
| "en": "Flyburg and Endroll",
| | "name_localized": { |
| "ja": "フライブルクとエンドロウル"
| | "en": "Binary Enfold" |
| },
| |
| "artist": "アリスシャッハと魔法の楽団", | |
| "search_title": { | |
| "ko": [
| |
| "플라이부르크 앤 엔드롤",
| |
| "프라이부르크토 엔도로루",
| |
| "플라이부르크와 엔드롤"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| "search_artist": {
| |
| "en": [ | |
| "arisushahha to mahou no gakudan",
| |
| "alice schach and the magic orchestra"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ja": [
| |
| " ありすしゃっはとまほうのがくだん"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ko": [
| |
| "아리스샤하토 마호노 가쿠단",
| |
| "앨리스 샤하와 마법의 오케스트라"
| |
| ]
| |
| }, | | }, |
| "bpm": "180", | | "description_localized": { |
| "bpm_base": 180,
| | "en": "Dive into unexplored, vibrant worlds\nguided by the twins ‘Eto’ and ‘Luna’.\n\nJoin ‘Eto’ in traveling distant memories\nand face ‘Luna’s merciless challenge…", |
| "set": "shiawase",
| | "ja": " 不思議な双子「エト」と「ルナ」に連れられて、\n未知で鮮烈な新世界に飛び込みましょう。\n\nエトの遠い記憶を巡る旅 と 、\nルナ の 無慈悲な試練に挑むために。", |
| "purchase": "shiawase",
| | "ko": " 쌍둥이 '에토', '루나' 와 함께\n활기찬 미지의 세계로 빠져봅시다\n\n'에토'와 함께 머나먼 추억속으로,\n그리고 '루나'의 무모한 도전...", |
| "audioPreview": 49334,
| | "zh-Hant": " 在雙子“愛托”和“露娜”的領導下\n躍入那些充滿活力的未知世界中。\n\n與愛托一起在悠遠的回憶中旅行,\n并面對露娜無情的挑戰……", |
| "audioPreviewEnd": 75081,
| | "zh-Hans": " 在双子“爱托”和“露娜”的带领下\n跃入那些充满活力的未知世界中。\n\n与爱托一起在悠远的回忆中旅行,\n并面对露娜无情的挑战……" |
| "side": 0,
| | } |
| "bg": "shiawase",
| |
| "remote_dl": true,
| |
| "date": 1494547203,
| |
| "version": "1.0",
| |
| "difficulties": [
| |
| { | |
| "ratingClass": 0,
| |
| "chartDesigner": "N",
| |
| "jacketDesigner": "アリスシャッハ と 魔法 の 楽団",
| |
| "rating": 3
| |
| }, | |
| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 1,
| |
| "chartDesigner": "N",
| |
| "jacketDesigner": "アリスシャッハと魔法の楽団",
| |
| "rating": 6
| |
| },
| |
| { | |
| "ratingClass": 2,
| |
| "chartDesigner": "NーHelix",
| |
| "jacketDesigner": " アリスシャッハと魔法の楽団",
| |
| "rating": 9
| |
| }
| |
| ]
| |
| }, | | }, |
| { | | { |
| "idx": 26, | | "id": "nijuusei_append_1", |
| "id": "nirvluce", | | "section": "sidestory", |
| "title_localized": { | | "pack_parent": "nijuusei", |
| "en": "Nirv lucE" | | "plus_character": -1, |
| | "name_localized": { |
| | "en": "Shared Time" |
| }, | | }, |
| "artist": "しーけー", | | "description_localized": { |
| "search_title": {
| | "en": "A star and moon gaze up at the day,\nwaiting for night to arrive...\n\nReunite with Eto and Luna to experience\nthree brand-new songs in this addition\nto the Binary Enfold pack!", |
| "ja": [ | | "ja": " 陽光を見上げる星と月は、\nいまだ夜を待つばかり。\n\nエトとルナの二人と今再び、\n新たにBinary Enfoldに加わる\n3つの新曲を体験せよ!", |
| "にるゔるーちぇ"
| | "ko": " 별과 달이 낮을 바라보며\n밤이 도착하길 기다린다...\n\n에토 \u0026 루나와 재회하여\nBinary Enfold 팩에 포함된\n3개의 신곡을 경험하세요!", |
| ],
| | "zh-Hant": " 一縷 星 月在 空 中凝視著,\n靜候著夜幕的降臨……\n\n和愛托與露娜再度重逢,\n一起體驗Binary Enfold曲包之上的\n三首全新曲目吧!", |
| "ko": [
| | "zh-Hans": " 一缕 星 月在 空 中凝视着,\n静候着夜幕的降临……\n\n和爱托与露娜再度重逢,\n一起体验Binary Enfold曲包之上的\n三首全新曲目吧!" |
| "너브루체"
| | } |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| "search_artist": {
| |
| "en": [ | |
| "shiikei",
| |
| "ck"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ko": [ | |
| " 시케"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| "bpm": "260",
| |
| "bpm_base": 260,
| |
| "set": "shiawase",
| |
| "purchase": "shiawase",
| |
| "audioPreview": 37216,
| |
| "audioPreviewEnd": 59370,
| |
| "side": 0,
| |
| "bg": "nirvluce",
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| "remote_dl": true,
| |
| "date": 1494547205,
| |
| "version": "1.0",
| |
| "difficulties": [
| |
| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 0,
| |
| "chartDesigner": "東星※紅空",
| |
| "jacketDesigner": "シエラ",
| |
| "rating": 2
| |
| },
| |
| { | |
| "ratingClass": 1,
| |
| "chartDesigner": " 東 星 ※紅 空",
| |
| "jacketDesigner": "シエラ",
| |
| "rating": 7
| |
| },
| |
| { | |
| "ratingClass": 2,
| |
| "chartDesigner": " 東 星 ※紅 空",
| |
| "jacketDesigner": "シエラ",
| |
| "rating": 10
| |
| }
| |
| ]
| |
| }, | | }, |
| { | | { |
| "idx": 27, | | "id": "mirai", |
| "id": "paradise", | | "section": "sidestory", |
| "title_localized": { | | "plus_character": 4, |
| "en": "Paradise" | | "name_localized": { |
| | "en": "Ambivalent Vision" |
| }, | | }, |
| "artist": "Sound Souler", | | "description_localized": { |
| "search_title": {
| | "en": "The past lies foggy and shrouded\nin a world of ambivalent memories...\nJoin Lethe to experience her conflicting\nview of the past and future world.\n\nImprove your Arcaea skills in this pack,\nbalanced for both new and experienced players.", |
| "ja": [ | | "ja": " 過去の世界は、ぼんやりとした\n思い出の霧に覆われている...\nレーテーと共に、過去と未来の世界の\n相反する時の流れを覗きに行こ う 。\n\n初心者にも経験者にも楽しめるよ う に作 ら れた\n新しいパックで、君のスキルを磨こう!", |
| " ぱらだいす"
| | "ko": " 과거의 세계에 대한 기억은\n안개처럼 흐린 기억만 남아 있습니다..\n과거와 미래의 세계가 서로 뒤바뀌는\n혼돈의 틈을 Lethe와 함께 경험해보세요.\n\n초심자부터 숙련자까지 모두가 즐길 수 있는 곡들입니다.\n새로 운 뮤직팩에서 실력을 키워보세요!", |
| ],
| | "zh-Hant": " 過去埋藏在充滿矛盾的回憶裡...\n和忘卻一同探尋時間軸的兩極——過去和未來。\n\n無論是新手還是老手,\n都能在秘術之地提升自己的技巧。", |
| "ko": [
| | "zh-Hans": " 过去的世界,埋藏在充满矛盾的回忆之中……\n和忘却一同探寻时间轴的两极——过去与未来。\n\n无论你的水平如何,\n相信你都可以在Arcaea的世界提升自己的技巧。" |
| "파라다이스"
| | } |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| "search_artist": {
| |
| "ja": [ | |
| " さ う んどそ うら ー"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ko": [ | |
| " 사 운 드 소울러"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| "bpm": "126",
| |
| "bpm_base": 126,
| |
| "set": "shiawase",
| |
| "purchase": "shiawase",
| |
| "audioPreview": 78095,
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| "side": 0,
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| "bg": "shiawase",
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| "remote_dl": true,
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| "date": 1494547201,
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| "version": "1.0",
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| "difficulties": [
| |
| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 0,
| |
| "chartDesigner": "Nitro",
| |
| "jacketDesigner": "ましろみ のあ",
| |
| "rating": 1
| |
| }, | |
| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 1,
| |
| "chartDesigner": "Nitro",
| |
| "jacketDesigner": "ましろみ のあ",
| |
| "rating": 4
| |
| },
| |
| { | |
| "ratingClass": 2,
| |
| "chartDesigner": "Nitro",
| |
| "jacketDesigner": "ましろみ のあ",
| |
| "rating": 7,
| |
| "ratingPlus": true
| |
| }
| |
| ]
| |
| }, | | }, |
| { | | { |
| "idx": 28, | | "id": "shiawase", |
| "id": "brandnewworld", | | "section": "sidestory", |
| "title_localized": { | | "plus_character": 2, |
| "en": "Brand new world" | | "name_localized": { |
| | "en": "Crimson Solace" |
| }, | | }, |
| "artist": "U-ske", | | "description_localized": { |
| "search_title": {
| | "en": "Join Kou as she explores a lost,\nyet familiar, joyful world.\n\nSee the brighter side of the world\nof Arcaea with brand new, original \nsongs in the midst of a haven\ndyed in Crimson.", |
| "ja": [ | | "ja": "ー ーそれはどこか懐かしくも楽しげで、\nしかし今は失われた世界。\n\n新規書き下ろし楽曲多数!\n紅い安息に沈んだ欠片たちをめぐりながら、\nアーケアの明るい世界を旅しましょ う 。\n新しい仲間、”紅(コウ)”と共に。", |
| "ぶらんどにゅーわーるど",
| | "ko": " 그때는 정말 따 스 하고 즐거웠던,\n하지만 지금은 기억속에만 남아있는 아름다웠던 세계..\n\n연분홍 빛으로 가득 찬\n안식의 땅이 있던 그곳에서\nArcaea의 눈부셨던 새로운 세계를 보여주기위해\n'Kou'가 당신을 기다리고 있습니다 ", |
| "ぶらんにゅーわーるど"
| | "zh-Hant": " 和紅一起探索這個仍舊帶來歡樂、\n讓你倍感熟悉的失落世界。\n\n在全新的原創曲目以及緋紅所渲染的時空裡,\n迎接秘術之地的光明。", |
| ],
| | "zh-Hans": " 和红一起探索这仍旧存在欢乐、\n会让你倍感熟悉的失落世界。\n\n在全新的原创曲目以及绯红所渲染的时空中,\n迎接Arcaea的光明。" |
| "ko": [
| | } |
| "브랜드 뉴 월드"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| "search_artist": {
| |
| "ja": [ | |
| " ゆ ー すけ",
| |
| "ゆ う すけ"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ko": [ | |
| " 유 스 케"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| "bpm": "160",
| |
| "bpm_base": 160,
| |
| "set": "base",
| |
| "purchase": "",
| |
| "audioPreview": 54401,
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| "bg": "shiawase",
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| "date": 1494547200,
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| "version": "1.0",
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| {
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| "ratingClass": 0,
| |
| "chartDesigner": "Nitro 2.0",
| |
| "jacketDesigner": "",
| |
| "rating": 2
| |
| }, | |
| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 1,
| |
| "chartDesigner": "Nitro 2.0",
| |
| "jacketDesigner": "",
| |
| "rating": 4
| |
| }, | |
| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 2,
| |
| "chartDesigner": "Nitro 2.0",
| |
| "jacketDesigner": "",
| |
| "rating": 7,
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| "ratingPlus": true
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| }
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| }, | | }, |
| { | | { |
| "idx": 29,
| | "id": "undertale", |
| "id": "dataerror", | | "section": "collab", |
| "title_localized": { | | "plus_character": -1, |
| "en": "DataErr0r"
| | "custom_banner": true, |
| },
| | "limitedSaleEndTime": 1773014400, |
| "artist": "Cosmograph", | | "name_localized": { |
| "search_title": { | | "en": "UNDERTALE" |
| "en": [
| |
| "dataerror"
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| ],
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| "ja": [
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| "でーたえらー"
| |
| ],
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| "ko": [
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| "데이타 에러",
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| "",
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| "데이터 에러"
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| },
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| "search_artist": { | |
| "ja": [ | |
| "こすもぐらふ"
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| ],
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| " 코스모그래프"
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| ]
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| }, | | }, |
| "bpm": "180", | | "description_localized": { |
| "bpm_base": 180,
| | "en": "A long time ago, a human fell into the ruins...\n\n5 iconic songs from UNDERTALE bring\nmemories flooding back.\n\nFight, or show mercy, but always remember:\nnever lose determination!", |
| "set": "single",
| | "ja": " むかしむかし、とあるいせきに落ちた、\nニンゲンとモンスターの物語。\n\nタマシイと共鳴するような、\n5つの楽曲がUNDERTALEより登場!\n\nたたかえ、こうどうせよ、みなぎるケツイをその胸に。", |
| "category": "variety",
| | "ko": " 오래 전, 한 인간이 폐허로 떨어졌다.\n\nUNDERTALE에서 건너온 5개의 악곡이,\n기억을 파도처럼 몰고 옵니다.\n\n맞서 싸우거나, 자비를 보이세요.\n넘치는 결의를, 잊지 마세요.", |
| "purchase": "dataerror",
| | "zh-Hant": " 很久很久以前,一個人類掉入了地下的遺跡⋯\n\n五首經典的UNDERTALE曲目將帶你踏上回憶之旅。\n\n戰鬥,或是仁慈,均由你來決定,但請記住:\n永遠不要喪失決心!", |
| "audioPreview": 53730,
| | "zh-Hans": " 很久很久以前,一个人类掉入了地下的遗迹⋯\n\n五首经典的UNDERTALE曲目将带你踏上回忆之旅。\n\n战斗,或是仁慈,均由你来决定,但请记住:\n永远不要丧失决心!" |
| "audioPreviewEnd": 85730,
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| "jacketDesigner": "Photonskyto",
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| "rating": 3
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| "ratingClass": 1,
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| "chartDesigner": "ToastErr0r",
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| "jacketDesigner": "Photonskyto",
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| "rating": 7
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| "ratingClass": 2,
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| "chartDesigner": "ToastErr0r",
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| "jacketDesigner": "Photonskyto",
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| "rating": 9,
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| "plusFingers": true
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| }
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| }, | | }, |
| { | | { |
| "idx": 30, | | "id": "rotaeno", |
| "id": "crosssoul", | | "section": "collab", |
| "title_localized": { | | "custom_banner": true, |
| "en": "CROSS†SOUL" | | "plus_character": 76, |
| | "name_localized": { |
| | "en": "Rotaeno" |
| }, | | }, |
| "artist": "HyuN feat. Syepias", | | "description_localized": { |
| "search_title": {
| | "en": "In the sky, worlds invert.\n\n5 captivating songs await in this collaboration\nwith Rotaeno, including one complete original,\nand a collaboration story!\n\nTogether with Luna \u0026 Ilot, travel through Aquaria!", |
| "ja": [ | | "ja": " ルナとイロといっしょにアクアを旅しよう!\nさあ、蒼穹の中、反転 し た世界へ――。\n\nRotaenoの個性 あ ふれる楽曲4つに加え、\nオリジナル新曲1つのほか、\n新たなコラボストーリーも登場!", |
| " くろすそうる"
| | "ko": " 드높은 하늘로부터,\n세상이 뒤집힙니다.\n\nRotaeno 콜라보레이션으로 등장하는,\n하나의 오리지널 악곡을 포함한 5개의 매력적인 악곡!\n콜라보 스토리까지!\n\n루나 \u0026 이로와 함께 아쿠아를 탐험해보세요!", |
| ],
| | "zh-Hant": " 世界於天空倒轉。\n\n包含一首原創新曲,五首曲目開啓全新聯動篇章。\n更有隨附全新劇情:與旋轉音律的邂逅,就此出發!\n\n跟隨著露娜和伊洛的腳步,盡情在阿古亞星探索吧!", |
| "ko": [
| | "zh-Hans": " 世界于天空倒转。\n\n包含一首原创新曲,五首曲目开启全新联动篇章。\n更有随附全新剧情:与旋转音律的邂逅,就此出发!\n\n跟随着露娜和伊洛的脚步,尽情在阿古亚星探索吧!" |
| "크로스 소울"
| | } |
| ]
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| },
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| "search_artist": {
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| "ja": [ | |
| "ひゅん",
| |
| "し ぇぴ あ す"
| |
| ],
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| "ko": [ | |
| "현",
| |
| "셰피아스"
| |
| ]
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| },
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| "chartDesigner": "k//eternal",
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| "chartDesigner": "k//eternal",
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| "jacketDesigner": "Khronetic",
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| "rating": 9
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| }
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| ]
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| }, | | }, |
| { | | { |
| "idx": 31, | | "id": "cytusii", |
| "id": "yourvoiceso", | | "section": "collab", |
| "title_localized": { | | "custom_banner": true, |
| "en": "Your voice so... feat. Such" | | "plus_character": 69, |
| | "name_localized": { |
| | "en": "CYTUS II" |
| }, | | }, |
| "artist": "PSYQUI", | | "description_localized": { |
| "search_title": {
| | "en": "Get up. You have someone to awaken.\n\nThe worlds of Cytus II and Arcaea finally meet.\n4 famous songs from Cytus II, and 1 brand new\noriginal arrive in this much awaited collaboration.\n\nLet Ilith and Ivy join you as you bring CHAOS in.", |
| "ja": [ | | "ja": "\"―― さ あ、立って。\n成すべきことがまだあるでしょう?\"\n\nArcaea × Cytus II、つ い に邂逅する2つの世界。\nCytus IIから名曲4つと、描 き 下ろし楽曲1つが収録。\n\nIlithとIvyと共に、渦巻く混沌に切り込もう!", |
| " ゆあぼいすそー"
| | "ko": " 일어나세요. 잠에서 깨워야 할 사 람 이 있으니까요.\n\nCytus II와 Arcaea의 세계가 마침내 조우합니다.\n모두가 애타게 기다리던 콜라보레이션!\nCytus II의 인기곡 4개와 더불어\n완전히 새로운 오리지널 악곡 1 개가 찾아옵니다.\nIlith, Ivy와 함께 CHAOS를 일으키세요!", |
| ],
| | "zh-Hant": " 動身吧,去喚醒那沈睡之人。\n\n名為Arcaea的世界終於與名為Cytus II的世界相遇。\n四首經典曲目及一首不曾出現於兩個遊戲中的\n全新原創曲目終於到來。\n\n讓Ilith和Ivy加入你的「CHAOS」之中吧。", |
| "ko": [
| | "zh-Hans": " 动身吧,去唤醒那沉睡之人。\n\n名为Arcaea的世界终于与名为Cytus II的世界相遇。\n四首经典曲目及一首不曾出现于两个游戏中的\n全新原创曲目终于到来。\n\n让Ilith和Ivy加入你的「CHAOS」之中吧。" |
| "유어 보이스 이즈 소"
| | } |
| ]
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| },
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| "search_artist": {
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| "ja": [ | |
| "さいき",
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| "さっち"
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| ],
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| "사이 키"
| |
| ]
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| },
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| "ratingClass": 0,
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| "jacketDesigner": "DJ Poyoshi",
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| "rating": 3
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| },
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| { | |
| "ratingClass": 1,
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| "chartDesigner": "Nitro",
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| "jacketDesigner": "DJ Poyoshi",
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| "rating": 6
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| }, | |
| {
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| "ratingClass": 2,
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| "chartDesigner": "Nitro",
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| "jacketDesigner": "DJ Poyoshi",
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| "rating": 9
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| }
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| ]
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| }, | | }, |
| { | | { |
| "idx": 32,
| | "id": "cytusii_append_1", |
| "id": "chronostasis", | | "section": "collab", |
| "title_localized": { | | "pack_parent": "cytusii", |
| "en": "Chronostasis"
| | "plus_character": -1, |
| },
| | "name_localized": { |
| "artist": " 黒皇帝", | | "en": "Collaboration Chapter 2" |
| "search_title": { | |
| "ja": [
| |
| "くろのすたしす",
| |
| "くろのすていしす"
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| "크로노스테이시스"
| |
| ]
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| "kurokotei"
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| ],
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| "くろこうてい"
| |
| ],
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| "ko": [
| |
| " 쿠로코테이",
| |
| "흑황제"
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| ]
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| }, | | }, |
| "bpm": "196", | | "description_localized": { |
| "bpm_base": 196,
| | "en": "\"Ivy...\"\nWithin a pristine world of light, Hikari happens\nacross an awakening Vanessa...\n\nReach a new, hard-earned reality. The Cytus II\ncollaboration goes on; face catastrophe in 4 powerful\nsongs. But...another lurks outside reality's bounds...", |
| "set": "base",
| | "ja": " 「Ivy......」\n降り注ぐ純白の光のなか、\n目覚めたVanessaと、Hikariは出逢うーー\n\nCytus IIコラボパック、第2弾。\n漸く叶う現実をいま、その手に。\n強大な4曲と堕ちた過去、かの1曲がアナタを待つ。", |
| "purchase": "",
| | "ko": "\"Ivy...\"\n빛의 세계를 거닐던 Hikari가,\n잠에서 깨어나려 하는 Vanessa를 발견합니다.\n\n힘들게 손에 넣은, 당신의 새로운 세계를 마주하세요.\nCytus II 콜라보레이션은 계속됩니다. 새롭게 등장하는\n4개의 신곡과, 어둠 속에 숨은 또 하나의 악곡이...", |
| "audioPreview": 79500,
| | "zh-Hant": " 「Ivy……」\n\n純淨的光之世界中,剛甦醒的Vanessa與Hikari相遇。\n與Cytus II聯動的道路還將延展:\n去探尋那來之不易的真相吧,即使那前方的路布滿荊棘。\n昭示著浩劫的四首歌曲再次襲來,\n而在那真相之後,還有一曲在等待著你……", |
| "audioPreviewEnd": 100000,
| | "zh-Hans": " “Ivy……”\n\n纯净的光之世界中,刚苏醒的Vanessa与Hikari相遇。\n与Cytus II联动的道路还将延展:\n去探寻那来之不易的真相吧,即使那前方的路布满荆棘。\n昭示着浩劫的四首歌曲再次袭来,\n而在那真相之后,还有一曲在等待着你……" |
| "side": 1,
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| "bg_inverse": "base_light",
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| "date": 1496188800,
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| "ratingClass": 0,
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| "chartDesigner": "Kurorak",
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| "rating": 7
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| "ratingClass": 2,
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| "chartDesigner": "Kurorak",
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| "jacketDesigner": "",
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| "rating": 8,
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| "ratingPlus": true
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| }
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| ]
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| }, | | }, |
| { | | { |
| "idx": 33,
| | "id": "musedash", |
| "id": "kanagawa",
| | "section": "collab", |
| "title_localized": {
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| "en": "Kanagawa Cyber Culvert",
| | "plus_character": 53, |
| "ja": "神奈川電脳暗渠"
| | "name_localized": { |
| },
| | "en": "Muse Dash" |
| "artist": "南ゆに",
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| "search_title": {
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| "ja": [
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| "かながわでんのうあんきょ"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ko": [
| |
| "카나가와 사이버 커버트",
| |
| "카나가와 덴노우 안쿄",
| |
| "카나가와 전뇌 암거"
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| "みなみゆに"
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| ],
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| "ko": [
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| "미나미유니"
| |
| ]
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| },
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| {
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| "ratingClass": 3,
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| "chartDesigner": "Exschwas↓on",
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| "date": 1639008000,
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| "version": "3.10"
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| "idx": 34,
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| "id": "moonlightofsandcastle",
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| "title_localized": {
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| "en": "Moonlight of Sand Castle"
| |
| },
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| "artist": "旅人E",
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| "search_title": {
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| "ja": [
| |
| "むーんらいとおぶさんどきゃっする"
| |
| ],
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| "ko": [
| |
| "문라이트 오브 샌드 캐슬"
| |
| ]
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| },
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| "search_artist": {
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| ],
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| "たびびといー"
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| ],
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| "ko": [
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| "타비비토 이"
| |
| ]
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| "bpm_base": 160,
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| "en": "REconstruction"
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| },
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| "artist": "Ryazan",
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| "search_title": {
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| "りこんすとらくしょん"
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| "리컨스트럭션"
| |
| ]
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| "랴잔"
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| ]
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| },
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| "bpm_base": 180,
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| "bg": "dynamix_light",
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| "bg_inverse": "dynamix_conflict",
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| "remote_dl": true,
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| "source_localized": {
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| "en": "Dynamix"
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| },
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| "source_copyright": "",
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| "no_stream": true,
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| "date": 1498176002,
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| "version": "1.1",
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| "difficulties": [
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| "ratingClass": 0,
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| "chartDesigner": "Nitro",
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| "jacketDesigner": "",
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| "rating": 2
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| },
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| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 1,
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| "chartDesigner": "Nitro",
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| "jacketDesigner": "",
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| "rating": 6
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| },
| |
| {
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| "ratingClass": 2,
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| "chartDesigner": "Nitro",
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| "jacketDesigner": "",
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| "rating": 8
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| }
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| ]
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| },
| |
| {
| |
| "idx": 36,
| |
| "id": "evoltex",
| |
| "title_localized": {
| |
| "en": "Evoltex (poppi'n mix)"
| |
| },
| |
| "artist": "Arch vs n3pu",
| |
| "search_title": {
| |
| "ja": [
| |
| "えぼるてっくすぽっぴんみっくす",
| |
| "えゔぉるてっくすぽっぴんみっくす"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ko": [
| |
| "이볼텍스 팝핀 믹스",
| |
| "",
| |
| "에볼텍스 팝핀 믹스"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| "search_artist": {
| |
| "ja": [
| |
| "あーち",
| |
| "ねぷ"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ko": [
| |
| "아치",
| |
| "네푸"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| "bpm": "205",
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| "bpm_base": 205,
| |
| "set": "dynamix",
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| "purchase": "dynamix",
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| "audioPreview": 63219,
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| "audioPreviewEnd": 92487,
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| "side": 0,
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| "bg": "dynamix_light",
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| "bg_inverse": "dynamix_conflict",
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| "remote_dl": true,
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| "source_localized": {
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| "en": "Dynamix"
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| "no_stream": true,
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| "date": 1498176003,
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| "version": "1.1",
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| {
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| "ratingClass": 0,
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| "chartDesigner": "k//eternal",
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| "jacketDesigner": "",
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| "rating": 2
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| },
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| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 1,
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| "chartDesigner": "k//eternal",
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| "jacketDesigner": "",
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| "rating": 7
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| },
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| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 2,
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| "chartDesigner": "k//eternal",
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| "jacketDesigner": "",
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| "rating": 8,
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| "ratingPlus": true
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| }
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| ]
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| },
| |
| {
| |
| "idx": 37,
| |
| "id": "oracle",
| |
| "title_localized": {
| |
| "en": "Oracle"
| |
| },
| |
| "artist": "TQ☆",
| |
| "search_title": {
| |
| "ja": [
| |
| "おらくる"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ko": [
| |
| "오라클"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| "search_artist": {
| |
| "ja": [
| |
| "てぃーきゅー"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ko": [
| |
| "티큐"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| "bpm": "152",
| |
| "bpm_base": 152,
| |
| "set": "dynamix",
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| "purchase": "dynamix",
| |
| "audioPreview": 42509,
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| "audioPreviewEnd": 69351,
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| "side": 1,
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| "bg": "dynamix_conflict",
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| "bg_inverse": "dynamix_light",
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| "remote_dl": true,
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| "source_localized": {
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| "en": "Dynamix"
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| },
| |
| "source_copyright": "",
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| "no_stream": true,
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| "date": 1498176004,
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| "version": "1.1",
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| "difficulties": [
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| {
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| "ratingClass": 0,
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| "chartDesigner": "Nitro",
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| "jacketDesigner": "",
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| "rating": 3
| |
| },
| |
| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 1,
| |
| "chartDesigner": "Nitro",
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| "jacketDesigner": "",
| |
| "rating": 5
| |
| },
| |
| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 2,
| |
| "chartDesigner": "Nitro",
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| "jacketDesigner": "",
| |
| "rating": 9
| |
| }
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| {
| |
| "idx": 38,
| |
| "id": "aterlbus", | |
| "title_localized": {
| |
| "en": "αterlβus",
| |
| "zh-Hant": "aterlbus",
| |
| "zh-Hans": "aterlbus"
| |
| },
| |
| "artist": "Aoi",
| |
| "search_title": {
| |
| "en": [
| |
| "aterlbus"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ja": [
| |
| "あーてるばす"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ko": [
| |
| "아텔버스",
| |
| "",
| |
| "아텔부스",
| |
| "",
| |
| "아테르버스",
| |
| "",
| |
| "아테르부스"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| "search_artist": {
| |
| "ja": [
| |
| "あおい"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ko": [
| |
| "아오이"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| "bpm": "202",
| |
| "bpm_base": 202,
| |
| "set": "dynamix",
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| "purchase": "dynamix",
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| "audioPreview": 29102,
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| "audioPreviewEnd": 59405,
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| "bg": "dynamix_conflict", | |
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| "source_localized": { | |
| "en": "Dynamix"
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| },
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| "no_stream": true,
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| "date": 1498176005,
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| "version": "1.1",
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| "difficulties": [
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| {
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| "ratingClass": 0,
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| "chartDesigner": "τoastεr",
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| "jacketDesigner": "",
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| "rating": 4
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| },
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| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 1,
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| "chartDesigner": "τoastεr",
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| "jacketDesigner": "",
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| "rating": 7
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| },
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| {
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| "ratingClass": 2,
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| "chartDesigner": "τoastεr",
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| "jacketDesigner": "",
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| "rating": 10,
| |
| "bg": "aterlbus"
| |
| }
| |
| ]
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| },
| |
| {
| |
| "idx": 39,
| |
| "id": "clotho",
| |
| "title_localized": {
| |
| "en": "Clotho and the stargazer",
| |
| "ja": "クロートーと星の観測者"
| |
| },
| |
| "artist": "しーけー",
| |
| "search_title": {
| |
| "ja": [
| |
| "くろーとーとほしのかんそくしゃ"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ko": [
| |
| "클로토 앤 더 스타게이저",
| |
| "",
| |
| "클로쏘 앤 더 스타게이저",
| |
| "",
| |
| "크로토토 호시노 칸소쿠샤",
| |
| "",
| |
| "클로트와 별 관측자"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| "search_artist": {
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| "en": [
| |
| "shiikei",
| |
| "ck"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ko": [
| |
| "시케이"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| "bpm": "230",
| |
| "bpm_base": 230,
| |
| "set": "base",
| |
| "purchase": "",
| |
| "audioPreview": 38399,
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| "audioPreviewEnd": 63443,
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| "side": 0,
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| "bg": "shiawase",
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| "date": 1498176000,
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| "version": "1.1",
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| "difficulties": [
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| {
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| "ratingClass": 0,
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| "chartDesigner": "小東星",
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| "jacketDesigner": "yoshimo",
| |
| "rating": 2
| |
| },
| |
| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 1,
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| "chartDesigner": "小東星",
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| "jacketDesigner": "yoshimo",
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| "rating": 5
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| },
| |
| {
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| "ratingClass": 2,
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| "chartDesigner": "小東星",
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| "jacketDesigner": "yoshimo",
| |
| "rating": 7,
| |
| "ratingPlus": true
| |
| },
| |
| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 4,
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| "chartDesigner": "eién",
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| "jacketDesigner": "yoshimo",
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| "rating": 8,
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| "ratingPlus": true,
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| "date": 1709856001,
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| "version": "5.4"
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| }
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| ]
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| },
| |
| {
| |
| "idx": 40,
| |
| "id": "impurebird",
| |
| "title_localized": {
| |
| "en": "Impure Bird",
| |
| "ja": "不浄な白い鳥"
| |
| },
| |
| "artist": "MIssionary",
| |
| "search_title": {
| |
| "ja": [
| |
| "ふじょうなしろいとり"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ko": [
| |
| "임퓨어 버드",
| |
| "후죠나 시로이 토리",
| |
| "부정한 하얀 새"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| "search_artist": {
| |
| "ja": [
| |
| "みっしょなりー"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ko": [
| |
| "미셔너리"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| "bpm": "184",
| |
| "bpm_base": 184,
| |
| "set": "single",
| |
| "category": "original",
| |
| "purchase": "impurebird",
| |
| "audioPreview": 19565,
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| "audioPreviewEnd": 41739,
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| "side": 0,
| |
| "remote_dl": true,
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| "bg": "single_light",
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| "bg_inverse": "single_conflict",
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| "date": 1500163201,
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| "version": "1.1",
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| "difficulties": [
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| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 0,
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| "chartDesigner": "Kurorak",
| |
| "jacketDesigner": "Nano Kun",
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| "rating": 2
| |
| },
| |
| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 1,
| |
| "chartDesigner": "Kurorak",
| |
| "jacketDesigner": "Nano Kun",
| |
| "rating": 5
| |
| },
| |
| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 2,
| |
| "chartDesigner": "Kurorak",
| |
| "jacketDesigner": "Nano Kun",
| |
| "rating": 9
| |
| }
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| {
| |
| "idx": 41,
| |
| "id": "ignotus",
| |
| "title_localized": {
| |
| "en": "Ignotus"
| |
| },
| |
| "artist": "ak+q",
| |
| "search_title": {
| |
| "ja": [
| |
| "いぐのたす",
| |
| "いぐのーたす",
| |
| "いのーたす",
| |
| "いぐのたすあふたーばーん",
| |
| "いぐのーたすあふたーばーん",
| |
| "いのーたすあふたーばーん"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ko": [
| |
| "이그노투스",
| |
| "",
| |
| "이그노터스"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| "search_artist": {
| |
| "ja": [
| |
| "えーけーぷらすきゅー"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ko": [
| |
| "에이케이 큐"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| "bpm": "170",
| |
| "bpm_base": 170,
| |
| "set": "base",
| |
| "purchase": "",
| |
| "audioPreview": 87176,
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| "audioPreviewEnd": 115764,
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| "side": 1,
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| "world_unlock": true,
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| "bg": "base_conflict",
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| "bg_inverse": "base_light",
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| "remote_dl": true,
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| "date": 1500163200,
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| "version": "1.1",
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| "difficulties": [
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| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 0,
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| "chartDesigner": "Toaster",
| |
| "jacketDesigner": "Khronetic",
| |
| "rating": 3
| |
| },
| |
| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 1,
| |
| "chartDesigner": "Toaster",
| |
| "jacketDesigner": "Khronetic",
| |
| "rating": 6
| |
| },
| |
| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 2,
| |
| "chartDesigner": "Toaster",
| |
| "jacketDesigner": "Khronetic",
| |
| "rating": 9
| |
| },
| |
| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 3,
| |
| "title_localized": {
| |
| "en": "Ignotus Afterburn"
| |
| },
| |
| "artist": "Arcaea Sound Team",
| |
| "audioOverride": true,
| |
| "chartDesigner": "Toaster × 石樂",
| |
| "jacketDesigner": "Khronetic",
| |
| "jacketOverride": true,
| |
| "bg": "byd_conflict",
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| "bg_inverse": "byd_light",
| |
| "rating": 9,
| |
| "ratingPlus": true,
| |
| "date": 1646784000,
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| "version": "3.12"
| |
| }
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| {
| |
| "idx": 42,
| |
| "id": "lethaeus",
| |
| "title_localized": {
| |
| "en": "Lethaeus"
| |
| },
| |
| "artist": "Silentroom",
| |
| "search_title": {
| |
| "ja": [
| |
| "れーてうす"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ko": [
| |
| "레테우스"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| "search_artist": {
| |
| "ja": [
| |
| "さいれんとるーむ"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ko": [
| |
| "사일런트 룸"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| "bpm": "155",
| |
| "bpm_base": 155,
| |
| "set": "mirai",
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| "purchase": "mirai",
| |
| "audioPreview": 89806,
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| "audioPreviewEnd": 114580,
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| "side": 1,
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| "bg": "lethaeus",
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| "remote_dl": true,
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| "date": 1502323205,
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| "version": "1.1",
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| "difficulties": [
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| {
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| "ratingClass": 0,
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| "chartDesigner": "夜浪",
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| "jacketDesigner": "softmode",
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| "rating": 3
| |
| },
| |
| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 1,
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| "chartDesigner": "夜浪",
| |
| "jacketDesigner": "softmode",
| |
| "rating": 6
| |
| },
| |
| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 2,
| |
| "chartDesigner": "夜浪",
| |
| "jacketDesigner": "softmode",
| |
| "rating": 9,
| |
| "ratingPlus": true
| |
| }
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| {
| |
| "idx": 43,
| |
| "id": "romancewars",
| |
| "title_localized": {
| |
| "en": "Romance Wars",
| |
| "ja": "vsキミ戦争"
| |
| },
| |
| "artist": "U-ske (feat. lueur)",
| |
| "search_title": {
| |
| "ja": [
| |
| "ばーさすきみせんそう"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ko": [
| |
| "로맨스 워즈",
| |
| "바사스 키미 센소",
| |
| "버서스 너 전쟁"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| "search_artist": {
| |
| "ja": [
| |
| "ゆーすけ",
| |
| "ゆうすけ",
| |
| "りゅーる"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ko": [
| |
| "유스케"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| "bpm": "187",
| |
| "bpm_base": 187,
| |
| "set": "mirai",
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| "purchase": "mirai",
| |
| "audioPreview": 51974,
| |
| "audioPreviewEnd": 73151,
| |
| "side": 0,
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| "bg": "mirai_light",
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| "bg_inverse": "mirai_conflict",
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| "remote_dl": true,
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| "date": 1502323202,
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| "version": "1.1",
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| "difficulties": [
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| {
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| "ratingClass": 0,
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| "chartDesigner": "Kurorak",
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| "jacketDesigner": "橙乃遥",
| |
| "rating": 1
| |
| },
| |
| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 1,
| |
| "chartDesigner": "Kurorak",
| |
| "jacketDesigner": "橙乃遥",
| |
| "rating": 4
| |
| },
| |
| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 2,
| |
| "chartDesigner": "Kurorak",
| |
| "jacketDesigner": "橙乃遥",
| |
| "rating": 7,
| |
| "ratingPlus": true
| |
| }
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| {
| |
| "idx": 44,
| |
| "id": "blossoms",
| |
| "title_localized": {
| |
| "en": "Blossoms"
| |
| },
| |
| "artist": "T2Kazuya",
| |
| "search_title": {
| |
| "ja": [
| |
| "ぶろっさむず",
| |
| "ぶらっさむず"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ko": [
| |
| "블로섬"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| "search_artist": {
| |
| "ja": [
| |
| "てぃーつーかずや"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ko": [
| |
| "티투케이 카즈야"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| "bpm": "138",
| |
| "bpm_base": 138,
| |
| "set": "mirai",
| |
| "purchase": "mirai",
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| "audioPreview": 70430,
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| "audioPreviewEnd": 98256,
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| "side": 0,
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| "bg": "mirai_light",
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| "bg_inverse": "mirai_conflict",
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| "remote_dl": true,
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| "date": 1502323201,
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| "version": "1.1",
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| "difficulties": [
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| {
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| "ratingClass": 0,
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| "chartDesigner": "Nitro",
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| "jacketDesigner": "T2Kazuya",
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| "rating": 1
| |
| },
| |
| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 1,
| |
| "chartDesigner": "Nitro",
| |
| "jacketDesigner": "T2Kazuya",
| |
| "rating": 4
| |
| },
| |
| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 2,
| |
| "chartDesigner": "Nitro",
| |
| "jacketDesigner": "T2Kazuya",
| |
| "rating": 7
| |
| }
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| {
| |
| "idx": 45,
| |
| "id": "moonheart",
| |
| "title_localized": {
| |
| "en": "Moonheart"
| |
| },
| |
| "artist": "翡乃イスカ",
| |
| "search_title": {
| |
| "ja": [
| |
| "むーんはーと"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ko": [
| |
| "문하트"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| "search_artist": {
| |
| "en": [
| |
| "hino isuka"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ja": [
| |
| "ひのいすか"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ko": [
| |
| "히노 이스카"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| "bpm": "180",
| |
| "bpm_base": 180,
| |
| "set": "mirai",
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| "purchase": "mirai",
| |
| "audioPreview": 66000,
| |
| "audioPreviewEnd": 85333,
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| "side": 0,
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| "bg": "mirai_light",
| |
| "bg_inverse": "mirai_conflict",
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| "remote_dl": true,
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| "date": 1502323203,
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| "version": "1.1",
| |
| "difficulties": [
| |
| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 0,
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| "chartDesigner": "Toaster",
| |
| "jacketDesigner": "VMWT",
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| "rating": 2
| |
| },
| |
| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 1,
| |
| "chartDesigner": "Toaster",
| |
| "jacketDesigner": "VMWT",
| |
| "rating": 5
| |
| },
| |
| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 2,
| |
| "chartDesigner": "Toaster",
| |
| "jacketDesigner": "VMWT",
| |
| "rating": 8
| |
| },
| |
| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 3,
| |
| "chartDesigner": "Toaster",
| |
| "jacketDesigner": "VMWT + ljc",
| |
| "jacketOverride": true,
| |
| "rating": 9,
| |
| "ratingPlus": true,
| |
| "date": 1610064000,
| |
| "version": "3.4"
| |
| }
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| {
| |
| "idx": 46,
| |
| "id": "genesis",
| |
| "title_localized": {
| |
| "en": "Genesis"
| |
| },
| |
| "artist": "Iris",
| |
| "search_title": {
| |
| "ja": [
| |
| "じぇねしす"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ko": [
| |
| "제네시스"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| "search_artist": {
| |
| "ja": [
| |
| "あいりす"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ko": [
| |
| "아이리스"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| "bpm": "132",
| |
| "bpm_base": 132,
| |
| "set": "mirai",
| |
| "purchase": "mirai",
| |
| "audioPreview": 61818,
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| "audioPreviewEnd": 90909,
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| "side": 1,
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| "bg": "mirai_conflict",
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| "bg_inverse": "mirai_light",
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| "remote_dl": true,
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| "date": 1502323204,
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| "version": "1.1",
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| "difficulties": [
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| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 0,
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| "chartDesigner": "Haruba",
| |
| "jacketDesigner": "RiceGnat",
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| "rating": 2
| |
| },
| |
| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 1,
| |
| "chartDesigner": "Haruba",
| |
| "jacketDesigner": "RiceGnat",
| |
| "rating": 5
| |
| },
| |
| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 2,
| |
| "chartDesigner": "Haruba",
| |
| "jacketDesigner": "RiceGnat",
| |
| "rating": 8
| |
| }
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| {
| |
| "idx": 47,
| |
| "id": "harutopia",
| |
| "title_localized": {
| |
| "ja": "ハルトピア ~Utopia of Spring~",
| |
| "en": "Harutopia ~Utopia of Spring~"
| |
| },
| |
| "artist": "A-zu-ra",
| |
| "search_title": {
| |
| "ja": [
| |
| "はるとぴあゆーとぴあおぶすぷりんぐ"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ko": [
| |
| "하루토피아 유토피아 오브 스프링"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| "search_artist": {
| |
| "ja": [
| |
| "あずら"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ko": [
| |
| "아즈라"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| "bpm": "185",
| |
| "bpm_base": 185,
| |
| "set": "base",
| |
| "purchase": "",
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| "audioPreview": 83191,
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| "audioPreviewEnd": 103948,
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| "side": 0,
| |
| "world_unlock": true,
| |
| "bg": "shiawase",
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| "remote_dl": true,
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| "date": 1502323200,
| |
| "version": "1.1",
| |
| "difficulties": [
| |
| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 0,
| |
| "chartDesigner": "トーストピア ~Utopia of Toast~",
| |
| "jacketDesigner": "",
| |
| "rating": 1
| |
| },
| |
| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 1,
| |
| "chartDesigner": "トーストピア ~Utopia of Toast~",
| |
| "jacketDesigner": "",
| |
| "rating": 4
| |
| },
| |
| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 2,
| |
| "chartDesigner": "トーストピア ~Utopia of Toast~",
| |
| "jacketDesigner": "",
| |
| "rating": 8
| |
| }
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| {
| |
| "idx": 48,
| |
| "id": "auxesia",
| |
| "title_localized": {
| |
| "en": "Auxesia"
| |
| },
| |
| "artist": "ginkiha",
| |
| "search_title": {
| |
| "ja": [
| |
| "あうくせしあ"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ko": [
| |
| "억세시아",
| |
| "악세시아",
| |
| "아크세시아",
| |
| "어크세시아",
| |
| "억제지아",
| |
| "악제지아",
| |
| "아크제지아",
| |
| "어크제지아"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| "search_artist": {
| |
| "ja": [
| |
| "ぎんきは"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ko": [
| |
| "긴키하"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| "bpm": "183",
| |
| "bpm_base": 183,
| |
| "set": "single",
| |
| "category": "partner",
| |
| "purchase": "auxesia",
| |
| "audioPreview": 0,
| |
| "audioPreviewEnd": 0,
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| "side": 0,
| |
| "bg": "auxesia",
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| "date": 1502323206,
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| "version": "1.1",
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| "remote_dl": true,
| |
| "difficulties": [
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| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 0,
| |
| "chartDesigner": "Nitroだー!!",
| |
| "jacketDesigner": "シエラ",
| |
| "rating": 3
| |
| },
| |
| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 1,
| |
| "chartDesigner": "Nitroだー!",
| |
| "jacketDesigner": "シエラ",
| |
| "rating": 6
| |
| },
| |
| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 2,
| |
| "chartDesigner": "Nitroだー!",
| |
| "jacketDesigner": "シエラ",
| |
| "rating": 9
| |
| }
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| {
| |
| "idx": 49,
| |
| "id": "rabbitintheblackroom",
| |
| "title_localized": {
| |
| "en": "Rabbit In The Black Room"
| |
| },
| |
| "artist": "Rabbit House",
| |
| "search_title": {
| |
| "ja": [
| |
| "らびっといんざぶらっくるーむ"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ko": [
| |
| "래빗 인 더 블랙 룸"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| "search_artist": {
| |
| "ja": [
| |
| "らびっとはうす"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ko": [
| |
| "래빗 하우스"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| "bpm": "270",
| |
| "bpm_base": 270,
| |
| "set": "base",
| |
| "purchase": "",
| |
| "audioPreview": 14665,
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| "audioPreviewEnd": 43110,
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| "side": 1,
| |
| "world_unlock": true,
| |
| "bg": "base_conflict",
| |
| "bg_inverse": "base_light",
| |
| "remote_dl": true,
| |
| "date": 1505520000,
| |
| "version": "1.1",
| |
| "difficulties": [
| |
| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 0,
| |
| "chartDesigner": "Toaster",
| |
| "jacketDesigner": "YEONIE",
| |
| "rating": 2
| |
| },
| |
| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 1,
| |
| "chartDesigner": "Toaster",
| |
| "jacketDesigner": "YEONIE",
| |
| "rating": 5
| |
| },
| |
| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 2,
| |
| "chartDesigner": "Toaster",
| |
| "jacketDesigner": "YEONIE",
| |
| "rating": 8
| |
| }
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| {
| |
| "idx": 50,
| |
| "id": "modelista",
| |
| "title_localized": {
| |
| "en": "Modelista"
| |
| },
| |
| "artist": "HiTECH NINJA",
| |
| "search_title": {
| |
| "ja": [
| |
| "もでりすた"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ko": [
| |
| "모델리스타"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| "search_artist": {
| |
| "ja": [
| |
| "はいてっくにんじゃ"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ko": [
| |
| "하이테크 닌자"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| "bpm": "165",
| |
| "bpm_base": 165,
| |
| "set": "single",
| |
| "category": "original",
| |
| "purchase": "modelista",
| |
| "audioPreview": 26181,
| |
| "audioPreviewEnd": 52363,
| |
| "side": 0,
| |
| "remote_dl": true,
| |
| "bg": "modelista",
| |
| "date": 1505520001,
| |
| "version": "1.1",
| |
| "difficulties": [
| |
| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 0,
| |
| "chartDesigner": "NITRO",
| |
| "jacketDesigner": "yusi.",
| |
| "rating": 3
| |
| },
| |
| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 1,
| |
| "chartDesigner": "NITRO",
| |
| "jacketDesigner": "yusi.",
| |
| "rating": 7
| |
| },
| |
| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 2,
| |
| "chartDesigner": "NITRO",
| |
| "jacketDesigner": "yusi.",
| |
| "rating": 9,
| |
| "ratingPlus": true
| |
| }
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| {
| |
| "idx": 51,
| |
| "id": "soundwitch",
| |
| "title_localized": {
| |
| "en": "SOUNDWiTCH"
| |
| },
| |
| "artist": "HATE",
| |
| "search_title": {
| |
| "ja": [
| |
| "さうんどうぃっち"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ko": [
| |
| "사운드위치"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| "search_artist": {
| |
| "ja": [
| |
| "へいと"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ko": [
| |
| "헤이트"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| "bpm": "170",
| |
| "bpm_base": 170,
| |
| "set": "yugamu",
| |
| "purchase": "yugamu",
| |
| "audioPreview": 52941,
| |
| "audioPreviewEnd": 79764,
| |
| "side": 1,
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| "bg": "yugamu",
| |
| "bg_inverse": "rei",
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| "remote_dl": true,
| |
| "date": 1509667204,
| |
| "version": "1.5",
| |
| "difficulties": [
| |
| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 0,
| |
| "chartDesigner": "NiTRO",
| |
| "jacketDesigner": "スズカミ",
| |
| "rating": 3
| |
| },
| |
| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 1,
| |
| "chartDesigner": "NiTRO",
| |
| "jacketDesigner": "スズカミ",
| |
| "rating": 6
| |
| },
| |
| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 2,
| |
| "chartDesigner": "NiTRO",
| |
| "jacketDesigner": "スズカミ",
| |
| "rating": 9,
| |
| "ratingPlus": true
| |
| }
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| {
| |
| "idx": 52,
| |
| "id": "trappola",
| |
| "title_localized": {
| |
| "en": "trappola bewitching",
| |
| "ja": "妖艶魔女 -trappola bewitching-"
| |
| },
| |
| "artist": "gmtn.",
| |
| "search_title": {
| |
| "ja": [
| |
| "ようえんまじょとらっぽらびーうぃっちんぐ"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ko": [
| |
| "트래폴라 비윗칭",
| |
| "",
| |
| "트라폴라 비윗칭",
| |
| "",
| |
| "요엔마죠 토랏포라 비윗칭구",
| |
| "",
| |
| "요염마녀 트래폴라 비윗칭",
| |
| "",
| |
| "요염마녀 트라폴라 비윗칭"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| "search_artist": {
| |
| "ja": [
| |
| "がむつん"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ko": [
| |
| "가무츤"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| "bpm": "190",
| |
| "bpm_base": 190,
| |
| "set": "yugamu",
| |
| "purchase": "yugamu",
| |
| "audioPreview": 36680,
| |
| "audioPreviewEnd": 66996,
| |
| "side": 1,
| |
| "bg": "yugamu",
| |
| "bg_inverse": "rei",
| |
| "remote_dl": true,
| |
| "date": 1509667205,
| |
| "version": "1.5",
| |
| "difficulties": [
| |
| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 0,
| |
| "chartDesigner": "Kurorak",
| |
| "jacketDesigner": "Shionty",
| |
| "rating": 3
| |
| },
| |
| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 1,
| |
| "chartDesigner": "Kurorak",
| |
| "jacketDesigner": "Shionty",
| |
| "rating": 6
| |
| },
| |
| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 2,
| |
| "chartDesigner": "k//urorak",
| |
| "jacketDesigner": "Shionty",
| |
| "rating": 9,
| |
| "ratingPlus": true
| |
| },
| |
| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 3,
| |
| "chartDesigner": "NITRO -mesmerize-",
| |
| "jacketDesigner": "Shionty",
| |
| "jacketOverride": true,
| |
| "rating": 10,
| |
| "date": 1677715200,
| |
| "version": "4.3"
| |
| }
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| {
| |
| "idx": 53,
| |
| "id": "iconoclast", | |
| "title_localized": {
| |
| "en": "Iconoclast"
| |
| },
| |
| "artist": "Yamajet",
| |
| "search_title": {
| |
| "ja": [
| |
| "いこのくらすと",
| |
| "あいこのくらすと"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ko": [
| |
| "아이코노클래스트",
| |
| "",
| |
| "아이코노클라스트"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| "search_artist": {
| |
| "ja": [
| |
| "やまじぇっと"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ko": [
| |
| "야마젯",
| |
| "야마제트"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| "bpm": "140",
| |
| "bpm_base": 140,
| |
| "set": "yugamu",
| |
| "purchase": "yugamu",
| |
| "audioPreview": 35996,
| |
| "audioPreviewEnd": 63425,
| |
| "side": 1,
| |
| "bg": "yugamu",
| |
| "bg_inverse": "rei",
| |
| "remote_dl": true,
| |
| "date": 1509667203,
| |
| "version": "1.5",
| |
| "difficulties": [
| |
| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 0,
| |
| "chartDesigner": "Toaster",
| |
| "jacketDesigner": "SKT",
| |
| "rating": 4
| |
| },
| |
| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 1,
| |
| "chartDesigner": "Toaster",
| |
| "jacketDesigner": "SKT",
| |
| "rating": 7
| |
| },
| |
| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 2,
| |
| "chartDesigner": "Toaster",
| |
| "jacketDesigner": "SKT",
| |
| "rating": 9
| |
| }
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| {
| |
| "idx": 54,
| |
| "id": "conflict",
| |
| "title_localized": {
| |
| "en": "conflict"
| |
| },
| |
| "artist": "siromaru + cranky",
| |
| "search_title": {
| |
| "ja": [
| |
| "こんふりくと"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ko": [
| |
| "컨플릭트"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| "search_artist": {
| |
| "ja": [
| |
| "しろまる",
| |
| "くらんきー"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ko": [
| |
| "시로마루",
| |
| "크랭키"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| "bpm": "160",
| |
| "bpm_base": 160,
| |
| "set": "yugamu",
| |
| "purchase": "yugamu",
| |
| "audioPreview": 12750,
| |
| "audioPreviewEnd": 37500,
| |
| "side": 1,
| |
| "bg": "yugamu",
| |
| "bg_inverse": "rei",
| |
| "remote_dl": true,
| |
| "date": 1509667206,
| |
| "version": "1.5",
| |
| "difficulties": [
| |
| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 0,
| |
| "chartDesigner": "Toaster",
| |
| "jacketDesigner": "horte",
| |
| "rating": 4
| |
| },
| |
| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 1,
| |
| "chartDesigner": "Nitro",
| |
| "jacketDesigner": "horte",
| |
| "rating": 7
| |
| },
| |
| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 2,
| |
| "chartDesigner": "toaster + nitro",
| |
| "jacketDesigner": "horte",
| |
| "rating": 10
| |
| }
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| {
| |
| "idx": 55,
| |
| "id": "axiumcrisis",
| |
| "title_localized": {
| |
| "en": "Axium Crisis"
| |
| },
| |
| "artist": "ak+q",
| |
| "search_title": {
| |
| "ja": [
| |
| "あくしうむくらいしす"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ko": [
| |
| "억시움 크라이시스",
| |
| "악시움 크라이시스",
| |
| "액시움 크라이시스"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| "search_artist": {
| |
| "ja": [
| |
| "えーけーぷらすきゅー"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ko": [
| |
| "에이케이 플러스 큐"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| "bpm": "170",
| |
| "bpm_base": 170,
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| "set": "yugamu",
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| "purchase": "yugamu",
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| "audioPreview": 51291,
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| "audioPreviewEnd": 78820,
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| "side": 1,
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| "world_unlock": false,
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| "bg": "axiumcrisis",
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| "remote_dl": true,
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| "date": 1509667207,
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| "version": "1.5",
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| "difficulties": [
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| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 0,
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| "chartDesigner": "The Monolith",
| |
| "jacketDesigner": "シエラ",
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| "rating": 5
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| },
| |
| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 1,
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| "chartDesigner": "The Monolith",
| |
| "jacketDesigner": "シエラ",
| |
| "rating": 8
| |
| },
| |
| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 2,
| |
| "chartDesigner": "The Monolith",
| |
| "jacketDesigner": "シエラ",
| |
| "rating": 10
| |
| }
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| ]
| |
| },
| |
| {
| |
| "idx": 56,
| |
| "id": "grievouslady",
| |
| "title_localized": {
| |
| "en": "Grievous Lady"
| |
| },
| |
| "artist": "Team Grimoire vs Laur",
| |
| "search_title": {
| |
| "ja": [
| |
| "ぐりーゔぁすでれぃー",
| |
| "ぐりーばすれでぃー"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ko": [
| |
| "그리버스 레이디"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| "search_artist": {
| |
| "ja": [
| |
| "ちーむぐりもわーる",
| |
| "ちーむぐりもあ",
| |
| "らうる"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ko": [
| |
| "팀 그리모어",
| |
| "라우르"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| "bpm": "210",
| |
| "bpm_base": 210,
| |
| "set": "yugamu",
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| "purchase": "yugamu",
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| "audioPreview": 0,
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| "audioPreviewEnd": 18285,
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| "side": 1,
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| "bg": "grievouslady",
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| "remote_dl": true,
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| "date": 1509667208,
| |
| "version": "1.5",
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| "difficulties": [
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| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 0,
| |
| "chartDesigner": "迷路第一層",
| |
| "jacketDesigner": "シエラ",
| |
| "rating": 6
| |
| },
| |
| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 1,
| |
| "chartDesigner": "迷路第二層",
| |
| "jacketDesigner": "シエラ",
| |
| "rating": 9,
| |
| "plusFingers": true
| |
| },
| |
| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 2,
| |
| "chartDesigner": "迷路深層",
| |
| "jacketDesigner": "シエラ",
| |
| "rating": 11,
| |
| "legacy11": true,
| |
| "plusFingers": true
| |
| }
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| {
| |
| "idx": 57,
| |
| "id": "dreaminattraction",
| |
| "title_localized": {
| |
| "en": "Dreamin' Attraction!!"
| |
| },
| |
| "artist": "翡乃イスカ",
| |
| "search_title": {
| |
| "ja": [
| |
| "どりーみんあとらくしょん"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ko": [
| |
| "드리밍 어트랙션"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| "search_artist": {
| |
| "en": [
| |
| "hino isuka"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ja": [
| |
| "ひのいすか"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ko": [
| |
| "히노 이스카"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| "bpm": "205",
| |
| "bpm_base": 205,
| |
| "set": "base",
| |
| "purchase": "",
| |
| "audioPreview": 39804,
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| "audioPreviewEnd": 60878,
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| "side": 0,
| |
| "world_unlock": true,
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| "bg": "base_light",
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| "bg_inverse": "base_conflict",
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| "remote_dl": true,
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| "date": 1509667201,
| |
| "version": "1.5",
| |
| "difficulties": [
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| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 0,
| |
| "chartDesigner": "Nitro",
| |
| "jacketDesigner": "",
| |
| "rating": 4
| |
| },
| |
| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 1,
| |
| "chartDesigner": "Nitro",
| |
| "jacketDesigner": "",
| |
| "rating": 7
| |
| },
| |
| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 2,
| |
| "chartDesigner": "Nitro",
| |
| "jacketDesigner": "",
| |
| "rating": 9
| |
| }
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| {
| |
| "idx": 58,
| |
| "id": "redandblue",
| |
| "title_localized": {
| |
| "en": "Red and Blue"
| |
| },
| |
| "artist": "Silentroom",
| |
| "search_title": {
| |
| "ja": [
| |
| "れっどあんどぶるー",
| |
| "れっどあんどぶるーあんどぐりーん"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ko": [
| |
| "레드 앤 블루"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| "search_artist": {
| |
| "ja": [
| |
| "さいれんとるーむ"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ko": [
| |
| "사일런트 룸"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| "bpm": "150",
| |
| "bpm_base": 150,
| |
| "set": "base",
| |
| "purchase": "",
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| "audioPreview": 14396,
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| "audioPreviewEnd": 39996,
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| "side": 1,
| |
| "world_unlock": true,
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| "bg": "base_conflict",
| |
| "bg_inverse": "base_light",
| |
| "remote_dl": true,
| |
| "date": 1509667202,
| |
| "version": "1.5",
| |
| "difficulties": [
| |
| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 0,
| |
| "chartDesigner": "-chartaesthesia- RED side",
| |
| "jacketDesigner": "Khronetic",
| |
| "rating": 4
| |
| },
| |
| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 1,
| |
| "chartDesigner": "side BLUE -chartaesthesia-",
| |
| "jacketDesigner": "Khronetic",
| |
| "rating": 7,
| |
| "ratingPlus": true
| |
| },
| |
| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 2,
| |
| "chartDesigner": "-chartaesthesia-\nLEFT=BLUE RED=RIGHT ",
| |
| "jacketDesigner": "Khronetic",
| |
| "rating": 9
| |
| },
| |
| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 3,
| |
| "title_localized": {
| |
| "en": "Red and Blue and Green"
| |
| },
| |
| "artist": "fn(ArcaeaSoundTeam)",
| |
| "bpm": "160",
| |
| "bpm_base": 160,
| |
| "audioOverride": true,
| |
| "chartDesigner": "moonquay \"retrograde\"\nBLUE=LEFT RIGHT=RED",
| |
| "jacketDesigner": "yusi.",
| |
| "jacketOverride": true,
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| "bg": "byd_conflict",
| |
| "bg_inverse": "byd_light",
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| "rating": 10,
| |
| "date": 1646784001,
| |
| "version": "3.12"
| |
| }
| |
| ]
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| },
| |
| {
| |
| "idx": 59,
| |
| "id": "onelastdrive",
| |
| "title_localized": {
| |
| "en": "One Last Drive"
| |
| },
| |
| "artist": "REDSHiFT",
| |
| "search_title": {
| |
| "ja": [
| |
| "わんらすとどらいぶ"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ko": [
| |
| "원 라스트 드라이브"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| "search_artist": {
| |
| "ja": [
| |
| "れっどしふと"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ko": [
| |
| "레드시프트",
| |
| "레드쉬프트"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| "bpm": "154 - 175",
| |
| "bpm_base": 175,
| |
| "set": "base",
| |
| "purchase": "",
| |
| "audioPreview": 49870,
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| "audioPreviewEnd": 74805,
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| "side": 0,
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| "bg": "base_light",
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| "bg_inverse": "base_conflict",
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| "date": 1509667200,
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| "version": "1.5",
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| "difficulties": [
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| {
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| "ratingClass": 0,
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| "chartDesigner": "Toaster",
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| "jacketDesigner": "",
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| "rating": 2
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| },
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| {
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| "ratingClass": 1,
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| "chartDesigner": "Toaster",
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| "jacketDesigner": "",
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| "rating": 5
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| },
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| {
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| "ratingClass": 2,
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| "chartDesigner": "Toaster",
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| "jacketDesigner": "",
| |
| "rating": 8
| |
| }
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| ]
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| },
| |
| {
| |
| "idx": 60,
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| "id": "surrender",
| |
| "title_localized": {
| |
| "en": "Surrender"
| |
| },
| |
| "artist": "void",
| |
| "search_title": {
| |
| "ja": [
| |
| "されんだー"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ko": [
| |
| "서렌더"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| "search_artist": {
| |
| "ja": [
| |
| "ぼいど",
| |
| "ゔぉいど"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ko": [
| |
| "보이드"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| "bpm": "152",
| |
| "bpm_base": 152,
| |
| "set": "single",
| |
| "category": "musicgames",
| |
| "purchase": "surrender",
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| "audioPreview": 0,
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| "audioPreviewEnd": 0,
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| "side": 0,
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| "remote_dl": true,
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| "bg": "base_light",
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| "bg_inverse": "base_conflict",
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| "source_localized": {
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| "en": "STELLIGHTS"
| |
| },
| |
| "source_copyright": "",
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| "no_stream": true,
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| "date": 1511481600,
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| "version": "1.5",
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| "difficulties": [
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| {
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| "ratingClass": 0,
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| "chartDesigner": "Nitro",
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| "jacketDesigner": "softmode",
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| "rating": 3
| |
| },
| |
| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 1,
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| "chartDesigner": "Nitro",
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| "jacketDesigner": "softmode",
| |
| "rating": 6
| |
| },
| |
| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 2,
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| "chartDesigner": "Nitro",
| |
| "jacketDesigner": "softmode",
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| "rating": 8,
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| "ratingPlus": true
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| }
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| ]
| |
| },
| |
| {
| |
| "idx": 61,
| |
| "id": "yozakurafubuki",
| |
| "title_localized": {
| |
| "en": "Yosakura Fubuki",
| |
| "ja": "夜桜吹雪"
| |
| },
| |
| "artist": "A.SAKA",
| |
| "search_title": {
| |
| "ja": [
| |
| "よざくらふぶき"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ko": [
| |
| "요자쿠라 후부키"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| "search_artist": {
| |
| "ja": [
| |
| "えーさか"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ko": [
| |
| "에이 사카"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| "bpm": "172",
| |
| "bpm_base": 172,
| |
| "set": "single",
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| "category": "musicgames",
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| "purchase": "yozakurafubuki",
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| "audioPreview": 0,
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| "audioPreviewEnd": 0,
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| "side": 0,
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| "remote_dl": true,
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| "bg": "base_light",
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| "bg_inverse": "base_conflict",
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| "date": 1511481601,
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| "version": "1.5",
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| "difficulties": [
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| {
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| "ratingClass": 0,
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| "chartDesigner": "k//eternal",
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| "jacketDesigner": "シエラ",
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| "rating": 4
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| },
| |
| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 1,
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| "chartDesigner": "k//eternal",
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| "jacketDesigner": "シエラ",
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| "rating": 7
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| },
| |
| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 2,
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| "chartDesigner": "k//eternal",
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| "jacketDesigner": "シエラ",
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| "rating": 9
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| }
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| ]
| |
| },
| |
| {
| |
| "idx": 62,
| |
| "id": "cyanine",
| |
| "title_localized": {
| |
| "en": "cyanine"
| |
| },
| |
| "artist": "jioyi",
| |
| "search_title": {
| |
| "ja": [
| |
| "しあにん"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ko": [
| |
| "시아닌"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| "search_artist": {
| |
| "ja": [
| |
| "じおい"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ko": [
| |
| "죠이"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| "bpm": "182",
| |
| "bpm_base": 182,
| |
| "set": "lanota",
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| "purchase": "lanota",
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| "audioPreview": 25542,
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| "audioPreviewEnd": 49938,
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| "side": 1,
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| "bg": "lanota-conflict",
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| "bg_inverse": "lanota-light",
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| "remote_dl": true,
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| "source_localized": {
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| "en": "Lanota"
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| },
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| "source_copyright": "",
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| "no_stream": true,
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| "date": 1517443204,
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| "version": "1.5",
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| "difficulties": [
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| {
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| "ratingClass": 0,
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| "chartDesigner": "夜浪 - Apocalypse",
| |
| "jacketDesigner": "",
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| "rating": 4
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| },
| |
| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 1,
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| "chartDesigner": "夜浪",
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| "jacketDesigner": "",
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| "rating": 7,
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| "ratingPlus": true
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| },
| |
| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 2,
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| "chartDesigner": "夜浪",
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| "jacketDesigner": "",
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| "rating": 10
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| }
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| ]
| |
| },
| |
| {
| |
| "idx": 63,
| |
| "id": "dreamgoeson",
| |
| "title_localized": {
| |
| "en": "Dream goes on"
| |
| },
| |
| "artist": "Tiny Minim",
| |
| "search_title": {
| |
| "ja": [
| |
| "どりーむごーずおん"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ko": [
| |
| "드림 고즈 온",
| |
| "드림 고스 온"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| "search_artist": {
| |
| "ja": [
| |
| "たいにーみにむ"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ko": [
| |
| "타이니 미님"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| "bpm": "174",
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| "bpm_base": 174,
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| "set": "lanota",
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| "audioPreviewEnd": 103448,
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| "side": 0,
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| "bg": "lanota-light",
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| "bg_inverse": "lanota-conflict",
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| "remote_dl": true,
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| "source_localized": {
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| "en": "Lanota"
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| },
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| "source_copyright": "",
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| "no_stream": true,
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| "date": 1517443200,
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| "difficulties": [
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| {
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| "ratingClass": 0,
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| "chartDesigner": "k//eternal",
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| "jacketDesigner": "",
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| "rating": 1
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| },
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| {
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| "ratingClass": 1,
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| "chartDesigner": "k//eternal",
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| "jacketDesigner": "",
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| "rating": 5
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| },
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| {
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| "ratingClass": 2,
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| "chartDesigner": "k//eternal",
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| "jacketDesigner": "",
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| "rating": 7,
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| "ratingPlus": true
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| }
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| ]
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| },
| |
| {
| |
| "idx": 64,
| |
| "id": "journey",
| |
| "title_localized": {
| |
| "en": "Journey"
| |
| },
| |
| "artist": "ARForest",
| |
| "search_title": {
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| "ja": [
| |
| "じゃーにー"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ko": [
| |
| "저니",
| |
| "져니"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| "search_artist": {
| |
| "ja": [
| |
| "えーあーるふぉれすと"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ko": [
| |
| "에이알 포레스트"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| "bpm": "200",
| |
| "bpm_base": 200,
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| "set": "lanota",
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| "purchase": "lanota",
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| "audioPreview": 76800,
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| "audioPreviewEnd": 96000,
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| "side": 0,
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| "bg": "lanota-light",
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| "bg_inverse": "lanota-conflict",
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| "remote_dl": true,
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| "source_localized": {
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| "en": "Lanota" | |
| },
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| "source_copyright": "",
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| "no_stream": true,
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| "date": 1517443202,
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| "version": "1.5",
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| "difficulties": [
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| {
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| "ratingClass": 0,
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| "chartDesigner": "Kurorak",
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| "jacketDesigner": "",
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| "rating": 3
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| },
| |
| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 1,
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| "chartDesigner": "Kurorak",
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| "jacketDesigner": "",
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| "rating": 6
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| },
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| {
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| "ratingClass": 2,
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| "chartDesigner": "Kurorak",
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| "jacketDesigner": "",
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| "rating": 9
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| }
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| ]
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| },
| |
| {
| |
| "idx": 65,
| |
| "id": "specta",
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| "title_localized": {
| |
| "en": "Specta"
| |
| },
| |
| "artist": "Junk",
| |
| "search_title": {
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| "ja": [
| |
| "すぺくた"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ko": [
| |
| "스펙타"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
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| "search_artist": {
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| "ja": [
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| "じゃんく"
| |
| ],
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| "ko": [
| |
| "정크"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
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| "bpm": "179",
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| "bpm_base": 179,
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| "set": "lanota",
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| "en": "Lanota"
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| },
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| "jacketDesigner": "",
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| "chartDesigner": "Toaster",
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| "rating": 6
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| "ratingClass": 2,
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| "chartDesigner": "Toaster",
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| "jacketDesigner": "",
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| "rating": 9
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| }
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| ]
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| },
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| {
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| "idx": 66,
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| "id": "quon",
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| "title_localized": {
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| "en": "Quon"
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| },
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| "artist": "Feryquitous",
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| "search_title": {
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| "ja": [
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| "くおん"
| |
| ],
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| "ko": [
| |
| "쿠온"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
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| "search_artist": {
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| "ja": [
| |
| "ふぇりきたす"
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| ],
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| "ko": [
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| "페리퀴토스",
| |
| "페리퀴타스",
| |
| "페리퀴터스"
| |
| ]
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| },
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| "bpm": "189",
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| "bpm_base": 189,
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| "set": "lanota",
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| "date": 1517443203,
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| "ratingClass": 0,
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| "chartDesigner": "Nitro",
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| "jacketDesigner": "シエラ",
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| },
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| {
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| "ratingClass": 1,
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| "chartDesigner": "Nitro",
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| "jacketDesigner": "シエラ",
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| "rating": 6
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| },
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| {
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| "ratingClass": 2,
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| "chartDesigner": "Nitro",
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| "jacketDesigner": "シエラ",
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| "rating": 9
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| }
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| ]
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| },
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| {
| |
| "idx": 67,
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| "id": "syro",
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| "title_localized": {
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| "en": "Syro"
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| },
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| "artist": "Mitomoro",
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| "search_title": {
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| "ja": [
| |
| "さいろ"
| |
| ],
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| "ko": [
| |
| "사이로"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
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| "search_artist": {
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| "ja": [
| |
| "みともろ"
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| ],
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| "ko": [
| |
| "미소모로"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
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| "bpm": "178",
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| "bpm_base": 178,
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| "date": 1513814401,
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| "ratingClass": 0,
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| "jacketDesigner": "RiceGnat",
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| "rating": 3
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| },
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| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 1,
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| "chartDesigner": "Toaster",
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| "jacketDesigner": "RiceGnat",
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| "rating": 6
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| },
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| {
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| "ratingClass": 2,
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| "chartDesigner": "Toaster",
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| "jacketDesigner": "RiceGnat",
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| "rating": 9
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| }
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| ]
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| },
| |
| {
| |
| "idx": 68,
| |
| "id": "reinvent",
| |
| "title_localized": {
| |
| "en": "Reinvent"
| |
| },
| |
| "artist": "Sound Souler",
| |
| "search_title": {
| |
| "ja": [
| |
| "りいんべんと"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ko": [
| |
| "리인벤트"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| "search_artist": {
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| "ja": [
| |
| "さうんどそうらー"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ko": [
| |
| "사운드 소울러"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
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| "bpm": "174",
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| "bpm_base": 174,
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| "date": 1513814400,
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| "difficulties": [
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| {
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| "ratingClass": 0,
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| "jacketDesigner": "Khronetic",
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| "rating": 2
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| },
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| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 1,
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| "chartDesigner": "k//eternal",
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| "jacketDesigner": "Khronetic",
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| "rating": 6
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| },
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| {
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| "ratingClass": 2,
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| "chartDesigner": "k//eternal + nitro",
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| "jacketDesigner": "Khronetic",
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| "rating": 8
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| }
| |
| ]
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| },
| |
| {
| |
| "idx": 69,
| |
| "id": "silentrush",
| |
| "title_localized": {
| |
| "en": "Silent Rush"
| |
| },
| |
| "artist": "Soleily",
| |
| "search_title": {
| |
| "ja": [
| |
| "さいれんとらっしゅ"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ko": [
| |
| "사일런트 러시",
| |
| "사일런트 러쉬"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| "search_artist": {
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| "ja": [
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| "それいりー"
| |
| ],
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| "ko": [
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| "솔레일리",
| |
| "솔라일리"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| "bpm": "158",
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| "bpm_base": 158,
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| "set": "nijuusei",
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| "remote_dl": true,
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| "date": 1521763201,
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| "version": "1.6",
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| "difficulties": [
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| {
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| "ratingClass": 0,
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| "chartDesigner": "TaroNuke",
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| "jacketDesigner": "CinEraLiA",
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| "rating": 2
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| },
| |
| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 1,
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| "chartDesigner": "TaroNuke",
| |
| "jacketDesigner": "CinEraLiA",
| |
| "rating": 5
| |
| },
| |
| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 2,
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| "chartDesigner": "TaroNuke",
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| "jacketDesigner": "CinEraLiA",
| |
| "rating": 8
| |
| }
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| {
| |
| "idx": 70,
| |
| "id": "singularity",
| |
| "title_localized": {
| |
| "en": "Singularity"
| |
| },
| |
| "artist": "ETIA.",
| |
| "search_title": {
| |
| "ja": [
| |
| "しんぎゅらりてぃ"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ko": [
| |
| "싱귤래리티"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| "search_artist": {
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| "ja": [
| |
| "えちあ"
| |
| ],
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| "ko": [
| |
| "에치아"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| "bpm": "175",
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| "bpm_base": 175,
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| "set": "nijuusei",
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| "bg_inverse": "nijuusei-light-b",
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| "remote_dl": true,
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| "date": 1521763204,
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| "version": "1.6",
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| "difficulties": [
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| {
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| "ratingClass": 0,
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| "chartDesigner": "東星",
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| "jacketDesigner": "シエラ",
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| "rating": 4
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| },
| |
| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 1,
| |
| "chartDesigner": "東星",
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| "jacketDesigner": "シエラ",
| |
| "rating": 7,
| |
| "ratingPlus": true
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| },
| |
| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 2,
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| "chartDesigner": "東星※コラプサー",
| |
| "jacketDesigner": "シエラ",
| |
| "rating": 10
| |
| },
| |
| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 3,
| |
| "title_localized": {
| |
| "en": "Singularity VVVIP"
| |
| },
| |
| "artist": "Arcaea Sound Team against. ETIA.",
| |
| "audioOverride": true,
| |
| "chartDesigner": "Exschwasion against. 絶滅",
| |
| "jacketDesigner": "yusi.",
| |
| "jacketOverride": true,
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| "bg": "byd_conflict",
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| "bg_inverse": "byd_light",
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| "rating": 10,
| |
| "date": 1646784002,
| |
| "version": "3.12"
| |
| }
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| ]
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| },
| |
| {
| |
| "idx": 71,
| |
| "id": "memoryforest",
| |
| "title_localized": {
| |
| "en": "Memory Forest"
| |
| },
| |
| "artist": "ETIA.",
| |
| "search_title": {
| |
| "ja": [
| |
| "めもりーふぉれすと"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ko": [
| |
| "메모리 포레스트"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| "search_artist": {
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| "ja": [
| |
| "えちあ"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ko": [
| |
| "에치아"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| "bpm": "178",
| |
| "bpm_base": 178,
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| "set": "nijuusei",
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| "purchase": "nijuusei",
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| "side": 0,
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| "bg": "nijuusei-light-b",
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| "bg_inverse": "nijuusei-conflict-b",
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| "remote_dl": true,
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| "date": 1521763203,
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| "version": "1.6",
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| "difficulties": [
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| {
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| "ratingClass": 0,
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| "chartDesigner": "Kurorak",
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| "jacketDesigner": "シエラ",
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| "rating": 3
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| },
| |
| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 1,
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| "chartDesigner": "Kurorak",
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| "jacketDesigner": "シエラ",
| |
| "rating": 6
| |
| },
| |
| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 2,
| |
| "chartDesigner": "Kurorak",
| |
| "jacketDesigner": "シエラ",
| |
| "rating": 9,
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| "ratingPlus": true
| |
| }
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| ]
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| },
| |
| {
| |
| "idx": 72,
| |
| "id": "strongholds",
| |
| "title_localized": {
| |
| "en": "Strongholds"
| |
| },
| |
| "artist": "Yooh",
| |
| "search_title": {
| |
| "ja": [
| |
| "すとろんぐほーるず"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ko": [
| |
| "스트롱홀드",
| |
| "스트롱홀즈"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| "search_artist": {
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| "ja": [
| |
| "ゆー"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ko": [
| |
| "유"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| "bpm": "105",
| |
| "bpm_base": 210,
| |
| "set": "nijuusei",
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| "purchase": "nijuusei",
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| "audioPreviewEnd": 66280,
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| "bg": "nijuusei-conflict-b",
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| "bg_inverse": "nijuusei-light-b",
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| "remote_dl": true,
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| "date": 1521763202,
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| "version": "1.6",
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| "difficulties": [
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| {
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| "ratingClass": 0,
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| "chartDesigner": "TaroNuke",
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| "jacketDesigner": "八葉",
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| "rating": 2
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| },
| |
| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 1,
| |
| "chartDesigner": "TaroNukeΔ",
| |
| "jacketDesigner": "八葉",
| |
| "rating": 5
| |
| },
| |
| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 2,
| |
| "chartDesigner": "TΔroNuke",
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| "jacketDesigner": "八葉",
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| "rating": 9
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| }
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| {
| |
| "idx": 73,
| |
| "id": "nexttoyou",
| |
| "title_localized": {
| |
| "en": "next to you"
| |
| },
| |
| "artist": "uma feat. 橘花音",
| |
| "search_title": {
| |
| "ja": [
| |
| "ねくすととぅーゆー"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ko": [
| |
| "넥스트 투 유"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| "search_artist": {
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| "en": [
| |
| "uma",
| |
| "tachibana kanon"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ja": [
| |
| "ゆーま",
| |
| "ゆうま",
| |
| "たちばなかのん"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ko": [
| |
| "우마",
| |
| "타치바나 카논"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| "bpm": "165",
| |
| "bpm_base": 165,
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| "set": "nijuusei",
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| "purchase": "nijuusei",
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| "audioPreview": 51636,
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| "audioPreviewEnd": 78545,
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| "side": 0,
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| "bg": "nijuusei-light-b",
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| "bg_inverse": "nijuusei-conflict-b",
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| "remote_dl": true,
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| "date": 1521763200,
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| "version": "1.6",
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| "difficulties": [
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| {
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| "ratingClass": 0,
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| "chartDesigner": "Nitro",
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| "jacketDesigner": "mins",
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| "rating": 4
| |
| },
| |
| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 1,
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| "chartDesigner": "Nitro",
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| "jacketDesigner": "mins",
| |
| "rating": 7
| |
| },
| |
| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 2,
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| "chartDesigner": "Nitro",
| |
| "jacketDesigner": "mins",
| |
| "rating": 8,
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| "ratingPlus": true
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| },
| |
| {
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| "ratingClass": 3,
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| "chartDesigner": "Toastie",
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| "jacketDesigner": "mins",
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| "jacketOverride": true,
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| "rating": 9,
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| "date": 1620691200,
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| "version": "3.6"
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| }
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| ]
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| },
| |
| {
| |
| "idx": 74,
| |
| "id": "metallicpunisher",
| |
| "title_localized": {
| |
| "en": "Metallic Punisher"
| |
| },
| |
| "artist": "INNOCENT NOIZE",
| |
| "search_title": {
| |
| "ja": [
| |
| "めたりっくぱにっしゃー"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ko": [
| |
| "메탈릭 퍼니셔"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| "search_artist": {
| |
| "ja": [
| |
| "いのせんとのいず"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ko": [
| |
| "이노센트 노이즈"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| "bpm": "165",
| |
| "bpm_base": 165,
| |
| "set": "single",
| |
| "category": "partner",
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| "purchase": "metallicpunisher",
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| "audioPreview": 0,
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| "audioPreviewEnd": 0,
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| "side": 1,
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| "bg": "yugamu",
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| "bg_inverse": "rei",
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| "remote_dl": true,
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| "date": 1518480000,
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| "version": "1.5",
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| "difficulties": [
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| {
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| "ratingClass": 0,
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| "chartDesigner": "Kurorak",
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| "jacketDesigner": "nonokuro",
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| "rating": 3
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| },
| |
| {
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| "ratingClass": 1,
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| "chartDesigner": "Kurorak",
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| "jacketDesigner": "nonokuro",
| |
| "rating": 7
| |
| },
| |
| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 2,
| |
| "chartDesigner": "Black Tea",
| |
| "jacketDesigner": "nonokuro",
| |
| "rating": 10
| |
| }
| |
| ]
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| },
| |
| {
| |
| "idx": 75,
| |
| "id": "blaster",
| |
| "title_localized": {
| |
| "en": "Blaster"
| |
| },
| |
| "artist": "Massive New Krew",
| |
| "search_title": {
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| "ja": [
| |
| "ぶらすたー"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ko": [
| |
| "블라스터"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| "search_artist": {
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| "ja": [
| |
| "まっしぶにゅーくるー"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ko": [
| |
| "매시브 뉴 크루",
| |
| "매시브 뉴 크류"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| "bpm": "180",
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| "bpm_base": 180,
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| "set": "base",
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| "purchase": "",
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| "audioPreview": 23999,
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| "audioPreviewEnd": 55999,
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| "bg": "yugamu",
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| "remote_dl": true,
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| "world_unlock": true,
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| "date": 1520553600,
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| "version": "1.5",
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| "difficulties": [
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| {
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| "ratingClass": 0,
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| "chartDesigner": "k//urorak",
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| "jacketDesigner": "LAM",
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| "rating": 4
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| },
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| {
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| "ratingClass": 1,
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| "chartDesigner": "k//urorak",
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| "jacketDesigner": "LAM",
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| "rating": 7
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| },
| |
| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 2,
| |
| "chartDesigner": "k//urorak",
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| "jacketDesigner": "LAM",
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| "rating": 9
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| }
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| ]
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| },
| |
| {
| |
| "idx": 76,
| |
| "id": "guardina",
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| "title_localized": {
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| "en": "γuarδina",
| |
| "kr": "guardina",
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| },
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| ],
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| "がーでぃな"
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| ],
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| "가디나",
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| "가르디나"
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| "jacketDesigner": "姐川 + Khronetic",
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| {
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| "ratingClass": 1,
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| "chartDesigner": "τoastεr",
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| "jacketDesigner": "姐川 + Khronetic",
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| "rating": 8
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| {
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| "ratingClass": 2,
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| "chartDesigner": "τoastεr",
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| "jacketDesigner": "姐川 + Khronetic",
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| "rating": 10
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| }
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| },
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| {
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| "idx": 77,
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| "id": "carminescythe",
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| "title_localized": {
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| "en": "carmine:scythe"
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| },
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| "artist": "かゆき",
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| "search_title": {
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| "かーまいんさいず"
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| ],
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| "ko": [
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| "카마인 사이즈",
| |
| "카마인 사이스"
| |
| ]
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| "카유키"
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| ]
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| },
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| "bpm": "165",
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| {
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| "ratingClass": 1,
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| "chartDesigner": "週刊Toaster",
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| "jacketDesigner": "未早",
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| "rating": 7,
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| "ratingClass": 2,
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| "chartDesigner": "週刊Toaster",
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| "jacketDesigner": "未早",
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| "rating": 9
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| }
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| },
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| {
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| "idx": 78,
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| "id": "bethere",
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| "title_localized": {
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| "en": "Be There"
| |
| },
| |
| "artist": "PSYQUI",
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| "びーぜあ"
| |
| ],
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| "ko": [
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| "비 데어"
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| ]
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| },
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| "ja": [
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| "さいき"
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| "사이키"
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| ]
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| },
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| "bpm": "164",
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| "bpm_base": 164,
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| "ratingClass": 0,
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| "chartDesigner": "Nitro",
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| "jacketDesigner": "hie",
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| },
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| {
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| "ratingClass": 1,
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| "chartDesigner": "Nitro",
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| "jacketDesigner": "hie",
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| "rating": 7
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| },
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| {
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| "ratingClass": 2,
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| "chartDesigner": "Be Nitro",
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| "jacketDesigner": "hie",
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| "rating": 9
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| }
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| ]
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| },
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| {
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| "idx": 79,
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| "id": "cyberneciacatharsis",
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| "en": "Cybernecia Catharsis"
| |
| },
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| "artist": "Tanchiky",
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| "search_title": {
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| "ja": [
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| "さいばーねしあかたるしす",
| |
| "さいばねしあかたるしす"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ko": [
| |
| "사이버네시아 카타르시스"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
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| "search_artist": {
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| "ja": [
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| "たんちきー"
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| ],
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| "ko": [
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| "타친키"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
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| "bpm": "184",
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| "date": 1527811200,
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| "ratingClass": 0,
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| {
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| "ratingClass": 1,
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| "chartDesigner": "Kero",
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| "jacketDesigner": "mirimo",
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| "rating": 7
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| {
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| "ratingClass": 2,
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| "chartDesigner": "Kero + Nitro",
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| "jacketDesigner": "mirimo",
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| "rating": 9
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| {
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| "ratingClass": 3,
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| "chartDesigner": "antymis",
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| },
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| {
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| "idx": 80,
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| "id": "callmyname",
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| "title_localized": {
| |
| "en": "Call My Name feat. Yukacco"
| |
| },
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| "artist": "Mameyudoufu",
| |
| "search_title": {
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| "ja": [
| |
| "こーるまいねーむ"
| |
| ],
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| "ko": [
| |
| "콜 마이 네임"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
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| "search_artist": {
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| "ja": [
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| "まめゆどうふ",
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| "ゆかっこ"
| |
| ],
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| "ko": [
| |
| "마메유도우후"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
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| "bpm": "175",
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| "bpm_base": 175,
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| "set": "single",
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| "purchase": "callmyname",
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| "ratingClass": 0,
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| "rating": 3
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| },
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| {
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| "ratingClass": 1,
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| "chartDesigner": "Kurorak",
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| "jacketDesigner": "DJ Poyoshi",
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| "rating": 6
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| },
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| {
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| "ratingClass": 2,
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| "chartDesigner": "Kuro my Nitro",
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| "jacketDesigner": "DJ Poyoshi",
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| "rating": 8,
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| "ratingPlus": true
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| }
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| },
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| "idx": 81,
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| "id": "inkarusi",
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| "title_localized": {
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| "en": "inkar-usi"
| |
| },
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| "artist": "DIA",
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| "search_title": {
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| "ja": [
| |
| "いんかるし"
| |
| ],
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| "ko": [
| |
| "인카루시"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| "search_artist": {
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| "ja": [
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| "ぢあ"
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| ],
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| "ko": [
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| "디아"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
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| "bpm": "102",
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| "bpm_base": 102,
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| "date": 1529539200,
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| {
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| "ratingClass": 0,
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| "chartDesigner": "Kurorak",
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| "jacketDesigner": "Ancy",
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| },
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| {
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| "ratingClass": 1,
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| "chartDesigner": "Kurorak",
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| "jacketDesigner": "Ancy",
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| "rating": 4
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| },
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| {
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| "ratingClass": 2,
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| "chartDesigner": "Kurorak",
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| "jacketDesigner": "Ancy",
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| "rating": 7,
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| "ratingPlus": true
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| },
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| {
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| "ratingClass": 3,
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| "chartDesigner": "CERiNG",
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| "jacketDesigner": "Ancy",
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| "rating": 9,
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| "date": 1706140800,
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| "version": "5.3"
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| }
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| ]
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| },
| |
| {
| |
| "idx": 82,
| |
| "id": "mazenine",
| |
| "title_localized": {
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| "en": "Maze No.9",
| |
| "ja": "九番目の迷路"
| |
| },
| |
| "artist": "アリスシャッハと魔法の楽団",
| |
| "search_title": {
| |
| "ja": [
| |
| "きゅうばんめのめいろ"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ko": [
| |
| "메이즈 넘버 나인",
| |
| "큐반메노 메이로",
| |
| "아홉번째 미로"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| "search_artist": {
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| "en": [
| |
| "arisushahha to mahou no gakudan",
| |
| "alice schach and the magic orchestra"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ja": [
| |
| "ありすしゃっはとまほうのがくだん"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ko": [
| |
| "아리스샤하토 마호노 가쿠단",
| |
| "앨리스 샤하와 마법의 오케스트라"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
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| "bpm": "159",
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| "bpm_base": 159,
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| "date": 1531699203,
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| "version": "1.7",
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| {
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| "ratingClass": 0,
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| "chartDesigner": "小東星",
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| "jacketDesigner": "アリスシャッハと魔法の楽団",
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| "rating": 3
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| },
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| {
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| "ratingClass": 1,
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| "chartDesigner": "小東星",
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| "jacketDesigner": "アリスシャッハと魔法の楽団",
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| "rating": 3
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| },
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| {
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| "ratingClass": 2,
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| "chartDesigner": "小東星",
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| "jacketDesigner": "アリスシャッハと魔法の楽団",
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| "rating": 8,
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| "ratingPlus": true
| |
| }
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| {
| |
| "idx": 83,
| |
| "id": "themessage",
| |
| "title_localized": {
| |
| "en": "The Message"
| |
| },
| |
| "artist": "Jun Kuroda",
| |
| "search_title": {
| |
| "ja": [
| |
| "ざめっせーじ"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ko": [
| |
| "더 메세지"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| "search_artist": {
| |
| "ja": [
| |
| "じゅんくろだ"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ko": [
| |
| "준 쿠로다",
| |
| "쥰 쿠로다"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| "bpm": "202",
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| "bpm_base": 202,
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| "set": "rei",
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| "purchase": "rei",
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| "date": 1531699204,
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| "version": "1.7",
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| "difficulties": [
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| {
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| "ratingClass": 0,
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| "chartDesigner": "Toaster",
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| "jacketDesigner": "Shionty + Khronetic",
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| "rating": 3
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| },
| |
| {
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| "ratingClass": 1,
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| "chartDesigner": "Toaster",
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| "jacketDesigner": "Shionty + Khronetic",
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| "rating": 6
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| },
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| {
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| "ratingClass": 2,
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| "chartDesigner": "Toaster",
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| "jacketDesigner": "Shionty + Khronetic",
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| "rating": 9,
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| "ratingPlus": true
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| }
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| {
| |
| "idx": 84,
| |
| "id": "sulfur",
| |
| "title_localized": {
| |
| "en": "Sulfur"
| |
| },
| |
| "artist": "ぺのれり",
| |
| "search_title": {
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| "ja": [
| |
| "さるふぁー"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ko": [
| |
| "설퍼"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| "search_artist": {
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| "en": [
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| "penoreri"
| |
| ],
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| "ko": [
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| "페노레리"
| |
| ]
| |
| }, | | }, |
| "bpm": "182", | | "description_localized": { |
| "bpm_base": 182,
| | "en": "Ready? GO!!\n\nJoin Marija in three lively songs\nfrom the parkour/music game, Muse Dash!\nAdditionally features a brand new song\ncommemorating this collaboration!", |
| "set": "rei",
| | "ja": "Ready? GO!!\n\nイキイキとした三曲、そして新パートナー\n『マリヤ』がランアクションとリズムゲーム\n『Muse Dash』から参戦!\nまた本コラボを記念 し た、\n完全新曲も一曲収録!", |
| "purchase": "rei",
| | "ko": " 레디? 고!!\n\n마리쟈와 함께 액션 러닝/리듬 게임 Muse Dash의 \n3가지 신나는 곡을 즐기세요! \n이를 기념하여 추가로 신곡도 포함됩니다!", |
| "audioPreview": 57414,
| | "zh-Hant": "Ready? GO!!\n\n和瑪莉嘉一起遊玩\n來自跑酷音樂遊戲Muse Dash的三首動感歌曲!\n除此之外這裡還包含一首\n紀念此次合作活動的全新曲目!", |
| "audioPreviewEnd": 83788,
| | "zh-Hans": "Ready? GO!!\n\n和玛莉嘉一起游玩\n来自跑酷音乐游戏Muse Dash的三首动感歌曲!\n除此之外这里还包含一首\n纪念此次联动的全新曲目!" |
| "side": 0,
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| "bg": "rei",
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| "bg_inverse": "yugamu",
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| "remote_dl": true,
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| "date": 1531699205,
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| "version": "1.7",
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| "difficulties": [
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| { | |
| "ratingClass": 0,
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| "chartDesigner": "Shirorak",
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| "jacketDesigner": "すずな し",
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| "rating": 4
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| },
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| { | |
| "ratingClass": 1,
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| "chartDesigner": "Shirorak",
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| "jacketDesigner": " すずなし",
| |
| "rating": 6
| |
| },
| |
| { | |
| "ratingClass": 2,
| |
| "chartDesigner": "Shirorak",
| |
| "jacketDesigner": "すずなし",
| |
| "rating": 9,
| |
| "ratingPlus": true
| |
| }
| |
| ]
| |
| }, | | }, |
| { | | { |
| "idx": 85, | | "id": "wacca", |
| "id": "halcyon", | | "section": "collab", |
| "title_localized": { | | "custom_banner": true, |
| "en": "Halcyon"
| | "plus_character": 48, |
| },
| | "name_localized": { |
| "artist": "xi", | | "en": "WACCA" |
| "search_title": { | |
| "ja": [ | |
| "はるしおん"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ko": [
| |
| " 할시온"
| |
| ]
| |
| }, | | }, |
| "search_artist": { | | "description_localized": { |
| "ja": [ | | "en": "Dive headfirst with Saya and Elizabeth\ninto Arcaea's collaboration with WACCA!\n\nFive songs from the hit arcade\ngame, including one brand-new\nremix, are waiting to run circles around you!", |
| "さい"
| | "ja": " 新パートナー『サヤ \u0026 エリザベス』と一緒に、\n待望のWACCAコラボへダイブ!!\n\nWACCAでおなじみの楽曲に、\nリミックス曲を加えた5曲構成!\nさあ、つなげよう、広げよう!", |
| ],
| | "ko": " 사야 \u0026 엘리자베스와 함께 머리부터 퐁당\n아르케아와 WACCA의 컬래버레이션 속으로\n다이브 하자!\n\n인기 리듬게임 왓카의 곡 다섯 곡 이 선보이며,\n특별한 새로운 리믹스가 당신을 기다리고 있다!", |
| "ko": [
| | "zh-Hant": " 和咲彌與伊莉莎白一起潛入這次\nArcaea與WACCA的合作活動吧!\n\n環繞在你周圍的,\n是來自這款火熱街機音遊的五首歌曲。\n這其中包括一首全新的remix歌曲喔!", |
| "사이"
| | "zh-Hans": " 和咲弥与伊莉莎白一起潜入这次\n韵律源点Arcaea与WACCA的联动吧!\n\n环绕在你周围的,\n是来自这款火热街机音游的五首歌曲。\n这其中包括一首全新的重混歌曲哦!" |
| ]
| | } |
| },
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| "bpm": "191",
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| "bpm_base": 191,
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| "set": "rei",
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| "purchase": "rei",
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| "audioPreview": 27629,
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| "audioPreviewEnd": 53388,
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| "bg_inverse": "yugamu",
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| "remote_dl": true,
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| "date": 1531699206,
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| "version": "1.7",
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| "difficulties": [
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| { | |
| "ratingClass": 0,
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| "chartDesigner": "東星※太陽",
| |
| "jacketDesigner": "",
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| "rating": 5
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| },
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| { | |
| "ratingClass": 1,
| |
| "chartDesigner": "東星※太陽",
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| "jacketDesigner": "",
| |
| "rating": 8
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| }, | |
| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 2,
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| "chartDesigner": " 東星※太陽",
| |
| "jacketDesigner": "",
| |
| "rating": 10
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| }
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| ]
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| }, | | }, |
| { | | { |
| "idx": 86, | | "id": "wacca_append_1", |
| "id": "etherstrike", | | "section": "collab", |
| "title_localized": { | | "pack_parent": "wacca", |
| "en": "Ether Strike" | | "plus_character": -1, |
| | "name_localized": { |
| | "en": "Collaboration Chapter 2" |
| }, | | }, |
| "artist": "Akira Complex", | | "description_localized": { |
| "search_title": {
| | "en": "Two worlds encounter each other again.\nDiscover 5 captivating songs in this next chapter\nof the WACCA collaboration!\n\nIn one, a voice resounds, \"Let's bring some fun to\nthis mundane world.\"", |
| "ja": [ | | "ja": " 再び交わる2つの世界、再度両度の巡り合い。\n新章加わるWACCAコラボにて、\n目が離せない新たな5曲を体感せよ!\n\nそして、内より響くと あ る声。\n\" こ の退屈な世界に、楽しみを加えよう!\"", |
| " えーてるすとらいく"
| | "ko": " 두 세계가 또다시 조우합니다.\n계속되는 WACCA 콜 라 보레이션!\n마음을 사로잡는 5개의 악곡을 경험해보세요!\n\n안으로부터 울려오는 목소리,\n\" 이런 세계로는 아직 부족하니까.\n나를 더 즐겁게 해줘.\"", |
| ],
| | "zh-Hant": " 兩個世界再度交匯。\n五首魅力十足的歌曲,\n於WACCA聯動的第二彈中閃亮登場!\n\n聽,從遠方傳來的聲音說道:\n「是時候給這無趣的世界,添上有趣的一筆了!」", |
| "ko": [
| | "zh-Hans": " 两个世界再度交汇。\n五首魅力十足的歌曲,\n于WACCA联动的第二弹中闪亮登场!\n\n听,从远方传来的声音说道:\n\" 是时候给这无趣的世界,添上有趣的一笔了!\"" |
| " 에테르 스트라이크"
| | } |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| "search_artist": {
| |
| "ja": [ | |
| "あ きら こ んぷれっくす"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ko": [ | |
| " 아키 라 컴플렉스"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| "bpm": "156",
| |
| "bpm_base": 156,
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| "set": "rei",
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| "purchase": "rei",
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| "audioPreview": 99142,
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| "audioPreviewEnd": 123758,
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| "side": 0,
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| "world_unlock": false,
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| "bg": "etherstrike",
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| "remote_dl": true,
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| "date": 1531699207,
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| "version": "1.7",
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| "difficulties": [
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| {
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| "ratingClass": 0,
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| "chartDesigner": "Zero Sky",
| |
| "jacketDesigner": "シエラ",
| |
| "rating": 5
| |
| },
| |
| { | |
| "ratingClass": 1,
| |
| "chartDesigner": "Zero Sky",
| |
| "jacketDesigner": "シエラ",
| |
| "rating": 8
| |
| },
| |
| { | |
| "ratingClass": 2,
| |
| "chartDesigner": "Zero Sky",
| |
| "jacketDesigner": "シエラ",
| |
| "rating": 10,
| |
| "plusFingers": true
| |
| }
| |
| ]
| |
| }, | | }, |
| { | | { |
| "idx": 87,
| | "id": "maimai", |
| "id": "fractureray",
| | "section": "collab", |
| "title_localized": {
| | "custom_banner": true, |
| "en": "Fracture Ray"
| | "plus_character": -1, |
| },
| | "name_localized": { |
| "artist": "Sakuzyo",
| |
| "search_title": {
| |
| "ja": [
| |
| "ふらくちゃーれい"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ko": [
| |
| "프랙쳐 레이"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| "search_artist": {
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| "ja": [
| |
| "さくじょ"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ko": [
| |
| "사쿠죠"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| "bpm": "200",
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| "bpm_base": 200,
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| "set": "rei",
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| "purchase": "rei",
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| "audioPreview": 5948,
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| "side": 0,
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| "bg": "fractureray",
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| "date": 1531699208,
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| "version": "1.7",
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| "difficulties": [
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| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 0,
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| "chartDesigner": "Volatile Paradox",
| |
| "jacketDesigner": "シエラ",
| |
| "rating": 6
| |
| },
| |
| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 1,
| |
| "chartDesigner": "Absolute Paradox",
| |
| "jacketDesigner": "シエラ",
| |
| "rating": 9,
| |
| "plusFingers": true
| |
| },
| |
| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 2,
| |
| "chartDesigner": "Paradox Zero",
| |
| "jacketDesigner": "シエラ",
| |
| "rating": 11,
| |
| "legacy11": true,
| |
| "plusFingers": true
| |
| }
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| ]
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| },
| |
| {
| |
| "idx": 88,
| |
| "id": "suomi",
| |
| "title_localized": {
| |
| "en": "Suomi"
| |
| },
| |
| "artist": "Aire",
| |
| "search_title": {
| |
| "ja": [
| |
| "すおみ"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ko": [
| |
| "수오미"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| "search_artist": {
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| "ja": [
| |
| "あいれ"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ko": [
| |
| "아이레"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| "bpm": "125",
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| "bpm_base": 125,
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| "remote_dl": true,
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| "date": 1531699200,
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| "version": "1.7",
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| "difficulties": [
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| {
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| "ratingClass": 0,
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| "chartDesigner": "Toastie",
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| "jacketDesigner": "雨風雪夏",
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| "rating": 2
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| },
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| {
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| "ratingClass": 1,
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| "chartDesigner": "Toastie",
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| "jacketDesigner": "雨風雪夏",
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| "rating": 5
| |
| },
| |
| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 2,
| |
| "chartDesigner": "Toastie",
| |
| "jacketDesigner": "雨風雪夏",
| |
| "rating": 7,
| |
| "ratingPlus": true
| |
| },
| |
| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 4,
| |
| "chartDesigner": "CERiNG",
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| "jacketDesigner": "雨風雪夏",
| |
| "rating": 8,
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| "ratingPlus": true,
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| "date": 1709856002,
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| "version": "5.4"
| |
| }
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| {
| |
| "idx": 89,
| |
| "id": "bookmaker",
| |
| "title_localized": {
| |
| "en": "Bookmaker (2D Version)"
| |
| },
| |
| "artist": "Kobaryo",
| |
| "search_title": {
| |
| "ja": [
| |
| "ぶっくめーかーつーでぃーばーじょん"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ko": [
| |
| "북메이커 투디 버전",
| |
| "북메이커 2D 버전",
| |
| "북메이커 투디 버전"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| "search_artist": {
| |
| "ja": [
| |
| "こばりょー"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ko": [
| |
| "코바료"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| "bpm": "175",
| |
| "bpm_base": 175,
| |
| "set": "base",
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| "purchase": "",
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| "audioPreview": 101574,
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| "audioPreviewEnd": 133488,
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| "bg": "yugamu",
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| "bg_inverse": "rei",
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| "remote_dl": true,
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| "world_unlock": true,
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| "date": 1531699201,
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| "version": "1.7",
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| "difficulties": [
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| {
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| "ratingClass": 0,
| |
| "chartDesigner": "Kurorak",
| |
| "jacketDesigner": "窓壁九真好キ",
| |
| "rating": 4
| |
| },
| |
| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 1,
| |
| "chartDesigner": "Kurorak",
| |
| "jacketDesigner": "窓壁九真好キ",
| |
| "rating": 6
| |
| },
| |
| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 2,
| |
| "chartDesigner": "Kurorak",
| |
| "jacketDesigner": "窓壁九真好キ",
| |
| "rating": 8
| |
| },
| |
| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 3,
| |
| "chartDesigner": "Toastmaker",
| |
| "jacketDesigner": "窓壁九真好キ",
| |
| "jacketOverride": true,
| |
| "rating": 10,
| |
| "date": 1625011201,
| |
| "version": "3.6"
| |
| }
| |
| ]
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| },
| |
| {
| |
| "idx": 90,
| |
| "id": "darakunosono",
| |
| "title_localized": {
| |
| "ja": "堕楽の園",
| |
| "en": "Illegal Paradise"
| |
| },
| |
| "artist": "gmtn. (witch's slave)",
| |
| "search_title": {
| |
| "ja": [
| |
| "だらくのその"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ko": [
| |
| "일리걸 파라다이스",
| |
| "일리갈 파라다이스",
| |
| "타락의 정원"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| "search_artist": {
| |
| "ja": [
| |
| "がむつん",
| |
| "うぃっちずすれいぶ",
| |
| "うぃっちずすれーぶ"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ko": [
| |
| "가무츤",
| |
| "윗치스 슬레이브",
| |
| "윗치즈 슬레이브"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| "bpm": "168",
| |
| "bpm_base": 168,
| |
| "set": "base",
| |
| "purchase": "",
| |
| "audioPreview": 35723,
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| "audioPreviewEnd": 64294,
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| "side": 1,
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| "bg": "base_conflict",
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| "bg_inverse": "base_light",
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| "remote_dl": true,
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| "world_unlock": true,
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| "date": 1531699202,
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| "version": "1.7",
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| "difficulties": [
| |
| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 0,
| |
| "chartDesigner": "k//eternal",
| |
| "jacketDesigner": "Illegal Khronetic",
| |
| "rating": 2
| |
| },
| |
| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 1,
| |
| "chartDesigner": "k//eternal",
| |
| "jacketDesigner": "Illegal Khronetic",
| |
| "rating": 7
| |
| },
| |
| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 2,
| |
| "chartDesigner": "k//eternal + nitro",
| |
| "jacketDesigner": "Illegal Khronetic",
| |
| "rating": 9
| |
| }
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| {
| |
| "idx": 91,
| |
| "id": "dropdead",
| |
| "title_localized": {
| |
| "en": "dropdead"
| |
| },
| |
| "artist": "Frums",
| |
| "search_title": {
| |
| "ja": [
| |
| "どろっぷでっど",
| |
| "おーばーでっど"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ko": [
| |
| "드롭데드",
| |
| "드랍데드"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| "search_artist": {
| |
| "ja": [
| |
| "ふらむす"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ko": [
| |
| "프럼스"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| "bpm": "50",
| |
| "bpm_base": 200,
| |
| "set": "single",
| |
| "category": "original",
| |
| "purchase": "dropdead",
| |
| "audioPreview": 36188,
| |
| "audioPreviewEnd": 63759,
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| "side": 1,
| |
| "bg": "base_conflict",
| |
| "bg_inverse": "base_light",
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| "remote_dl": true,
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| "date": 1533859201,
| |
| "version": "1.7",
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| "difficulties": [
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| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 0,
| |
| "chartDesigner": "-chartaesthesia-\nLIMITER:10%",
| |
| "jacketDesigner": "Hanamori Hiro",
| |
| "rating": 1
| |
| },
| |
| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 1,
| |
| "chartDesigner": "-chartaesthesia-\nLIMITER:100%",
| |
| "jacketDesigner": "Hanamori Hiro",
| |
| "rating": 9
| |
| },
| |
| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 2,
| |
| "chartDesigner": "-chartaesthesia-\nLIMITER:25% (OVERDRIVE:+100%)",
| |
| "jacketDesigner": "Hanamori Hiro",
| |
| "rating": 8,
| |
| "ratingPlus": true
| |
| },
| |
| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 3,
| |
| "title_localized": {
| |
| "en": "overdead."
| |
| },
| |
| "artist": "fn",
| |
| "bpm": "500",
| |
| "bpm_base": 500,
| |
| "audioOverride": true,
| |
| "chartDesigner": "絶滅 over 夜浪.",
| |
| "jacketDesigner": "Hanamori Hiro + yusi.",
| |
| "jacketOverride": true,
| |
| "bg": "byd_conflict",
| |
| "bg_inverse": "byd_light",
| |
| "rating": 10,
| |
| "date": 1646784003,
| |
| "version": "3.12"
| |
| }
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| {
| |
| "idx": 92,
| |
| "id": "fallensquare",
| |
| "title_localized": {
| |
| "en": "Fallensquare"
| |
| },
| |
| "artist": "Silentroom",
| |
| "search_title": {
| |
| "ja": [
| |
| "ふぉーるんすくえあ"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ko": [
| |
| "폴른스퀘어"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| "search_artist": {
| |
| "ja": [
| |
| "さいれんとるーむ"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ko": [
| |
| "사일런트 룸"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| "bpm": "99",
| |
| "bpm_base": 180,
| |
| "set": "single",
| |
| "category": "original",
| |
| "purchase": "fallensquare",
| |
| "audioPreview": 36188,
| |
| "audioPreviewEnd": 63759,
| |
| "side": 1,
| |
| "bg": "mirai_conflict",
| |
| "bg_inverse": "mirai_light",
| |
| "remote_dl": true,
| |
| "date": 1533859202,
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| "version": "1.7",
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| "difficulties": [
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| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 0,
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| "chartDesigner": "Haruba",
| |
| "jacketDesigner": "unKn",
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| "rating": 3
| |
| },
| |
| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 1,
| |
| "chartDesigner": "Haruba",
| |
| "jacketDesigner": "unKn",
| |
| "rating": 7
| |
| },
| |
| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 2,
| |
| "chartDesigner": "Haruba",
| |
| "jacketDesigner": "unKn",
| |
| "rating": 9,
| |
| "ratingPlus": true
| |
| }
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| {
| |
| "idx": 93,
| |
| "id": "nhelv",
| |
| "title_localized": {
| |
| "en": "Nhelv"
| |
| },
| |
| "artist": "Silentroom",
| |
| "search_title": {
| |
| "ja": [
| |
| "ねるふ"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ko": [
| |
| "네르프"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| "search_artist": {
| |
| "ja": [
| |
| "さいれんとるーむ"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ko": [
| |
| "사일런트 룸"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| "bpm": "174.59",
| |
| "bpm_base": 174.59,
| |
| "set": "base",
| |
| "purchase": "",
| |
| "audioPreview": 67360,
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| "audioPreviewEnd": 96600,
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| "side": 1,
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| "bg": "lethaeus",
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| "world_unlock": true,
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| "remote_dl": true,
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| "date": 1533859200,
| |
| "version": "1.7",
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| "difficulties": [
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| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 0,
| |
| "chartDesigner": "Nitro「Katastrophe」",
| |
| "jacketDesigner": "駿",
| |
| "rating": 3
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| },
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| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 1,
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| "chartDesigner": "Nitro「Katastrophe」",
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| "jacketDesigner": "駿",
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| "rating": 6
| |
| },
| |
| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 2,
| |
| "chartDesigner": "Nitro「Katastrophe」",
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| "jacketDesigner": "駿",
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| "rating": 9,
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| "ratingPlus": true
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| }
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| ]
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| },
| |
| {
| |
| "idx": 94,
| |
| "id": "espebranch",
| |
| "title_localized": {
| |
| "ja": "白道、多希望羊と信じありく。",
| |
| "en": "LunarOrbit -believe in the Espebranch road-"
| |
| },
| |
| "artist": "Apo11o program ft. 大瀬良あい",
| |
| "search_title": {
| |
| "ja": [
| |
| "びゃくどうたきぼうようとしんじありく"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ko": [
| |
| "루나오빗 빌리브 인 더 에스페브랜치 로드",
| |
| "뱌쿠도우타 키보우요토신지아리쿠",
| |
| "백도 다희망양으로 믿는다"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| "search_artist": {
| |
| "en": [
| |
| "oosera ai"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ja": [
| |
| "あぽろぷろぐらむ",
| |
| "おおせらあい"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ko": [
| |
| "아폴로 프로그램",
| |
| "오오세라 아이"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| "bpm": "192",
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| "bpm_base": 192,
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| "set": "base",
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| "purchase": "",
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| "audioPreview": 71250,
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| "audioPreviewEnd": 101250,
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| "side": 1,
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| "bg": "mirai_conflict",
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| "bg_inverse": "mirai_light",
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| "world_unlock": true,
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| "remote_dl": true,
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| "date": 1535673600,
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| "version": "1.7",
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| "difficulties": [
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| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 0,
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| "chartDesigner": "月刊Toaster",
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| "jacketDesigner": "hideo",
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| "rating": 3
| |
| },
| |
| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 1,
| |
| "chartDesigner": "月刊Toaster",
| |
| "jacketDesigner": "hideo",
| |
| "rating": 6
| |
| },
| |
| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 2,
| |
| "chartDesigner": "月刊Toaster",
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| "jacketDesigner": "hideo",
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| "rating": 9
| |
| }
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| {
| |
| "idx": 95,
| |
| "id": "purgatorium",
| |
| "title_localized": {
| |
| "en": "Purgatorium"
| |
| },
| |
| "artist": "お月さま交響曲",
| |
| "search_title": {
| |
| "ja": [
| |
| "ぷるがとりうむ"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ko": [
| |
| "퍼가토리움"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| "search_artist": {
| |
| "en": [
| |
| "otsukisamakoukyoukyoku"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ja": [
| |
| "おつきさまこうきょうきょく"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ko": [
| |
| "오츠키사마 코우쿄쿄쿠",
| |
| "달님 교향곡"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| "bpm": "150",
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| "bpm_base": 150,
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| "set": "base",
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| "purchase": "",
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| "audioPreview": 66800,
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| "side": 1,
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| "bg": "base_conflict",
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| "bg_inverse": "base_light",
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| "date": 1537142400,
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| "version": "1.7",
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| "difficulties": [
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| {
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| "ratingClass": 0,
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| "chartDesigner": "Kurorak",
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| "jacketDesigner": "michele",
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| "rating": 2
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| },
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| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 1,
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| "chartDesigner": "Kurorak",
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| "jacketDesigner": "michele",
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| "rating": 6
| |
| },
| |
| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 2,
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| "chartDesigner": "Kurorak",
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| "jacketDesigner": "michele",
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| "rating": 8
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| },
| |
| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 3,
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| "chartDesigner": "Toaster",
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| "jacketDesigner": "michele",
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| "jacketOverride": true,
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| "rating": 9,
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| "date": 1597968000,
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| "version": "3.1"
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| }
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| ]
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| },
| |
| {
| |
| "idx": 96,
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| "id": "hikari",
| |
| "title_localized": {
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| "ja": "光",
| |
| "en": "Hikari"
| |
| },
| |
| "artist": "THB",
| |
| "search_title": {
| |
| "ja": [
| |
| "ひかり"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ko": [
| |
| "히카리"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| "search_artist": {
| |
| "ja": [
| |
| "てぃーえいちびー"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ko": [
| |
| "티에이치비"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| "bpm": "130",
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| "bpm_base": 130,
| |
| "set": "tonesphere",
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| "purchase": "tonesphere",
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| "audioPreview": 96923,
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| "audioPreviewEnd": 125961,
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| "side": 1,
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| "bg": "tonesphere-darksphere",
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| "bg_inverse": "tonesphere-solarsphere",
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| "remote_dl": true,
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| "source_localized": {
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| "en": "Tone Sphere"
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| },
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| "no_stream": true,
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| "date": 1538870400,
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| "version": "1.8",
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| "difficulties": [
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| {
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| "ratingClass": 0,
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| "chartDesigner": "OptoNuke",
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| "jacketDesigner": "",
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| "rating": 2
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| },
| |
| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 1,
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| "chartDesigner": "OptoNuke",
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| "jacketDesigner": "",
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| "rating": 6
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| },
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| {
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| "ratingClass": 2,
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| "chartDesigner": "OptoNuke",
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| "jacketDesigner": "",
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| "rating": 8
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| }
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| ]
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| },
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| {
| |
| "idx": 97,
| |
| "id": "stager",
| |
| "title_localized": {
| |
| |
| },
| |
| "artist": "Ras",
| |
| "search_title": {
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| "ja": [
| |
| "すてーじゃーおーるすてーじくりあー"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ko": [
| |
| "스테이저 올 스테이지 클리어"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| "search_artist": {
| |
| "ja": [
| |
| "らす"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ko": [
| |
| "라스"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| "bpm": "145",
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| "bpm_base": 145,
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| "set": "tonesphere",
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| "purchase": "tonesphere",
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| "side": 0,
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| "bg": "tonesphere-solarsphere",
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| "bg_inverse": "tonesphere-darksphere",
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| "remote_dl": true,
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| "source_localized": {
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| "en": "Tone Sphere"
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| },
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| "no_stream": true,
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| "date": 1538870402,
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| "version": "1.8",
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| {
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| "ratingClass": 0,
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| "chartDesigner": "KURORAK",
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| "jacketDesigner": "",
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| "rating": 3,
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| "jacketOverride": true
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| },
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| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 1,
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| "chartDesigner": "KURORAK",
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| "jacketDesigner": "",
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| "rating": 6,
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| "jacketOverride": true
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| },
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| {
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| "ratingClass": 2,
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| "chartDesigner": "KURORAK",
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| "jacketDesigner": "",
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| "rating": 9
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| }
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| ]
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| },
| |
| {
| |
| "idx": 98,
| |
| "id": "hallofmirrors",
| |
| "title_localized": {
| |
| "en": "Hall of Mirrors"
| |
| },
| |
| "artist": "Sta",
| |
| "search_title": {
| |
| "ja": [
| |
| "ほーるおぶみらーず"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ko": [
| |
| "홀 오브 미러즈",
| |
| "홀 오브 미러스"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| "search_artist": {
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| "ja": [
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| "すた"
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| ],
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| "ko": [
| |
| "스타"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| "bpm": "147",
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| "bpm_base": 147.01,
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| "set": "tonesphere",
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| "purchase": "tonesphere",
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| "audioPreview": 79908,
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| "audioPreviewEnd": 112160,
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| "side": 1,
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| "bg": "tonesphere-darksphere",
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| "bg_inverse": "tonesphere-solarsphere",
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| "remote_dl": true,
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| "source_localized": {
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| "en": "Tone Sphere"
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| },
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| "no_stream": true,
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| "date": 1538870401,
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| "version": "1.8",
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| "difficulties": [
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| {
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| "ratingClass": 0,
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| "chartDesigner": "Toaster",
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| "jacketDesigner": "",
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| "rating": 3
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| },
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| {
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| "ratingClass": 1,
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| "chartDesigner": "Toaster",
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| "jacketDesigner": "",
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| "rating": 5
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| },
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| {
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| "ratingClass": 2,
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| "chartDesigner": "Toaster",
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| "jacketDesigner": "",
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| "rating": 8
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| }
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| ]
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| },
| |
| {
| |
| "idx": 99,
| |
| "id": "linearaccelerator",
| |
| "title_localized": {
| |
| "en": "Linear Accelerator"
| |
| },
| |
| "artist": "THE SHAFT",
| |
| "search_title": {
| |
| "ja": [
| |
| "りにああくせれれーたー",
| |
| "りにあーあくせれれーたー"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ko": [
| |
| "리니어 엑셀러레이터"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| "search_artist": {
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| "ja": [
| |
| "ざしゃふと"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ko": [
| |
| "더 섀프트",
| |
| "더 셰프트"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| "bpm": "200 - 211.9",
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| "bpm_base": 200,
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| "set": "tonesphere",
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| "purchase": "tonesphere",
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| "side": 0,
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| "source_localized": {
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| "en": "Tone Sphere"
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| },
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| "no_stream": true,
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| "date": 1538870403,
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| "version": "1.8",
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| "difficulties": [
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| {
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| "ratingClass": 0,
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| "chartDesigner": "THE TOAST",
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| "jacketDesigner": "",
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| },
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| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 1,
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| "chartDesigner": "THE TOAST",
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| "jacketDesigner": "",
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| "rating": 6
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| },
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| {
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| "ratingClass": 2,
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| "chartDesigner": "THE TOAST",
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| "jacketDesigner": "",
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| "rating": 9,
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| "ratingPlus": true
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| }
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| ]
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| },
| |
| {
| |
| "idx": 100,
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| "id": "tiferet",
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| "title_localized": {
| |
| "en": "Tiferet"
| |
| },
| |
| "artist": "xi + Sta",
| |
| "search_title": {
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| "ja": [
| |
| "てぃふぁれと"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ko": [
| |
| "티페리트"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| "search_artist": {
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| "ja": [
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| "さい",
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| "すた"
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| ],
| |
| "ko": [
| |
| "사이",
| |
| "스타"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| "bpm": "140?",
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| "bpm_base": 140,
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| "set": "tonesphere",
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| "purchase": "tonesphere",
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| "audioPreviewEnd": 58358,
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| "side": 1,
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| "bg": "tiferet",
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| "remote_dl": true,
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| "source_localized": {
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| "en": "Tone Sphere"
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| },
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| "no_stream": true,
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| "date": 1538870404,
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| "version": "1.8",
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| "difficulties": [
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| {
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| "ratingClass": 0,
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| "chartDesigner": "夜浪[Spherical]",
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| "jacketDesigner": "",
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| "rating": 4
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| },
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| {
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| "ratingClass": 1,
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| "chartDesigner": "夜浪[Spherical]",
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| "jacketDesigner": "",
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| "rating": 7,
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| "ratingPlus": true
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| },
| |
| {
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| "ratingClass": 2,
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| "chartDesigner": "夜浪[Spherical]",
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| "jacketDesigner": "",
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| "rating": 10
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| }
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| ]
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| },
| |
| {
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| "idx": 101,
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| "id": "alexandrite",
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| "title_localized": {
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| "en": "Alexandrite"
| |
| },
| |
| "artist": "WAiKURO",
| |
| "search_title": {
| |
| "ja": [
| |
| "あれくさんどらいと"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ko": [
| |
| "알렉산드라이트"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| "search_artist": {
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| "ja": [
| |
| "わいくろ"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ko": [
| |
| "와이쿠로"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| "bpm": "146",
| |
| "bpm_base": 146,
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| "set": "single",
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| "category": "original",
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| "purchase": "alexandrite",
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| "audioPreview": 0,
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| "audioPreviewEnd": 0,
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| "side": 1,
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| "remote_dl": true,
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| "bg": "alexandrite",
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| "date": 1537142401,
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| "version": "1.7",
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| "difficulties": [
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| {
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| "ratingClass": 0,
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| "chartDesigner": "東星※空の宝石",
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| "jacketDesigner": "シエラ",
| |
| "rating": 4
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| },
| |
| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 1,
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| "chartDesigner": "東星※空の宝石",
| |
| "jacketDesigner": "シエラ",
| |
| "rating": 7
| |
| },
| |
| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 2,
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| "chartDesigner": "東星※空の宝石",
| |
| "jacketDesigner": "シエラ",
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| "rating": 10
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| }
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| ]
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| },
| |
| {
| |
| "idx": 102,
| |
| "id": "rugie",
| |
| "title_localized": {
| |
| "en": "Rugie"
| |
| },
| |
| "artist": "Feryquitous feat.Sennzai",
| |
| "search_title": {
| |
| "ja": [
| |
| "るぎあ"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ko": [
| |
| "루기아"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| "search_artist": {
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| "ja": [
| |
| "ふぇりきたす",
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| "せんざい"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ko": [
| |
| "페리퀴토스",
| |
| "페리퀴타스",
| |
| "페리퀴터스",
| |
| "센자이"
| |
| ]
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| },
| |
| "bpm": "191",
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| "bpm_base": 191,
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| "set": "base",
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| "purchase": "",
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| "audioPreview": 96606,
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| "bg": "base_conflict",
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| "bg_inverse": "base_light",
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| "world_unlock": true,
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| "remote_dl": true,
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| "date": 1541635200,
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| "version": "1.8",
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| "difficulties": [
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| {
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| "ratingClass": 0,
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| "chartDesigner": "k//urorak",
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| "jacketDesigner": "",
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| "rating": 3
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| },
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| {
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| "ratingClass": 1,
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| "chartDesigner": "k//urorak",
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| "jacketDesigner": "",
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| "rating": 6
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| },
| |
| {
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| "ratingClass": 2,
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| "chartDesigner": "k//urorak",
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| "jacketDesigner": "",
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| "rating": 9
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| }
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| ]
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| },
| |
| {
| |
| "idx": 103,
| |
| "id": "astraltale",
| |
| "title_localized": {
| |
| "en": "Astral tale"
| |
| },
| |
| "artist": "Noah",
| |
| "search_title": {
| |
| "ja": [
| |
| "あすとらるてーる",
| |
| "あすとらるている"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ko": [
| |
| "아스트랄 테일"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| "search_artist": {
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| "ja": [
| |
| "のあ"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ko": [
| |
| "노아"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| "bpm": "134",
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| "bpm_base": 134,
| |
| "set": "single",
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| "category": "original",
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| "purchase": "astraltale",
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| "audioPreviewEnd": 0,
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| "side": 1,
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| "bg": "nijuusei-conflict-b",
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| |
| "remote_dl": true,
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| "world_unlock": false,
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| "date": 1541635201,
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| "version": "1.8",
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| "difficulties": [
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| {
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| "ratingClass": 0,
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| "chartDesigner": "Nitro",
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| "jacketDesigner": "岩十",
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| "rating": 4
| |
| },
| |
| {
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| "ratingClass": 1,
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| "chartDesigner": "Nitro",
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| "jacketDesigner": "岩十",
| |
| "rating": 7
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| },
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| {
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| "ratingClass": 2,
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| "chartDesigner": "Nitro",
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| "jacketDesigner": "岩十",
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| "rating": 9
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| }
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| ]
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| },
| |
| {
| |
| "idx": 104,
| |
| "id": "phantasia",
| |
| "title_localized": {
| |
| "en": "Phantasia"
| |
| },
| |
| "artist": "Yunosuke",
| |
| "search_title": {
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| "ja": [
| |
| "ふぁんたじあ"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ko": [
| |
| "판타지아"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| "search_artist": {
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| "ja": [
| |
| "ゆうのすけ"
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| ],
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| "ko": [
| |
| "유노스케"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
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| "bpm": "153",
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| "bpm_base": 153,
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| "set": "single",
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| "category": "partner",
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| "purchase": "phantasia",
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| "audioPreview": 0,
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| "audioPreviewEnd": 30000,
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| "side": 0,
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| "bg": "rei",
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| "bg_inverse": "yugamu",
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| "remote_dl": true,
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| "world_unlock": false,
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| "date": 1543449600,
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| "version": "1.8",
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| "difficulties": [
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| {
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| "ratingClass": 0,
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| "chartDesigner": "Toaster",
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| "jacketDesigner": "そゐち",
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| "rating": 4
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| },
| |
| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 1,
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| "chartDesigner": "Toaster",
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| "jacketDesigner": "そゐち",
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| "rating": 5
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| },
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| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 2,
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| "chartDesigner": "Toaster",
| |
| "jacketDesigner": "そゐち",
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| "rating": 9
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| }
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| ]
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| },
| |
| {
| |
| "idx": 105,
| |
| "id": "empireofwinter",
| |
| "title_localized": {
| |
| "en": "Empire of Winter"
| |
| },
| |
| "artist": "Street",
| |
| "search_title": {
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| "ja": [
| |
| "えんぱいあおぶうぃんたー",
| |
| "えんぱいあーおぶうぃんたー"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ko": [
| |
| "엠파이어 오브 윈터"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| "search_artist": {
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| "ja": [
| |
| "すとりーと"
| |
| ],
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| "ko": [
| |
| "스트릿",
| |
| "스트리트"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| "bpm": "175",
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| "bpm_base": 175,
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| "set": "single",
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| "category": "partner",
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| "purchase": "empireofwinter",
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| "audioPreview": 0,
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| "audioPreviewEnd": 0,
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| "side": 0,
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| "bg": "nijuusei-light-b",
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| "bg_inverse": "nijuusei-conflict-b",
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| "date": 1545523200,
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| "version": "1.8",
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| "difficulties": [
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| {
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| "ratingClass": 0,
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| "chartDesigner": "0°Nitro",
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| "jacketDesigner": "シエラ + Khronetic",
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| "rating": 3
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| },
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| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 1,
| |
| "chartDesigner": "0°Nitro",
| |
| "jacketDesigner": "シエラ + Khronetic",
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| "rating": 6
| |
| },
| |
| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 2,
| |
| "chartDesigner": "0°Nitro",
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| "jacketDesigner": "シエラ + Khronetic",
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| "rating": 9
| |
| }
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| {
| |
| "idx": 106,
| |
| "id": "merlin",
| |
| "title_localized": {
| |
| "en": "MERLIN"
| |
| },
| |
| "artist": "REDALiCE",
| |
| "search_title": {
| |
| "ja": [
| |
| "まーりん"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ko": [
| |
| "메를린",
| |
| "마린"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| "search_artist": {
| |
| "ja": [
| |
| "れっどありす"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ko": [
| |
| "레드앨리스"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| "bpm": "180",
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| "bpm_base": 180,
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| "set": "groovecoaster",
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| "audioPreview": 66166,
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| "audioPreviewEnd": 88000,
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| "side": 0,
| |
| "source_localized": {
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| "en": "Groove Coaster",
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| "ja": "グルーヴコースター"
| |
| },
| |
| "source_copyright": "© TAITO CORP. 1978, 2019",
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| "bg": "gc_light",
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| "bg_inverse": "gc_conflict",
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| "remote_dl": true,
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| "world_unlock": false,
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| "no_stream": true,
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| "date": 1546992000,
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| "version": "1.9",
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| "difficulties": [
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| {
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| "ratingClass": 0,
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| "chartDesigner": "Got More Taro?",
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| "jacketDesigner": "",
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| "rating": 3
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| },
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| {
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| "ratingClass": 1,
| |
| "chartDesigner": "Got More Taro?",
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| "jacketDesigner": "",
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| "rating": 5
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| },
| |
| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 2,
| |
| "chartDesigner": "Got More Taro?",
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| "jacketDesigner": "",
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| "rating": 8,
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| "ratingPlus": true
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| },
| |
| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 3,
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| "chartDesigner": "EXSCHWASiON",
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| "jacketDesigner": "",
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| "rating": 9,
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| "date": 1647993600,
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| "version": "3.12"
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| }
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| ]
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| },
| |
| {
| |
| "idx": 107,
| |
| "id": "dxfullmetal",
| |
| "title_localized": {
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| "ja": "DX超性能フルメタル少女",
| |
| "en": "DX Choseinou Full Metal Shojo"
| |
| },
| |
| "artist": "IOSYS TRAX (uno with.ちよこ)",
| |
| "search_title": {
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| "ja": [
| |
| "でらっくすちょうせいのうふるめたるしょうじょ"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ko": [
| |
| "디엑스 초세이노우 풀 메탈 쇼죠",
| |
| "DX 초성능 풀 메탈 소녀",
| |
| "디엑스 초성능 풀 메탈 소녀"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| "search_artist": {
| |
| "en": [
| |
| "chiyoko"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ja": [
| |
| "いおしすとらっくす",
| |
| "うの"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ko": [
| |
| "이오시스 트랙스",
| |
| "우노"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| "bpm": "160",
| |
| "bpm_base": 160,
| |
| "set": "groovecoaster",
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| "audioPreview": 15603,
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| "audioPreviewEnd": 39603,
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| "side": 0,
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| "ja": "グルーヴコースター"
| |
| },
| |
| "source_copyright": "© TAITO CORP. 1978, 2019",
| |
| "world_unlock": false,
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| "bg": "gc_light",
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| "bg_inverse": "gc_conflict",
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| "date": 1546992001,
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| "version": "1.9",
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| "difficulties": [
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| {
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| "ratingClass": 0,
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| "chartDesigner": "DX譜面作者フルメタルNitro",
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| "jacketDesigner": "",
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| "rating": 3
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| },
| |
| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 1,
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| "chartDesigner": "DX譜面作者フルメタルNitro",
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| "jacketDesigner": "",
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| "rating": 6
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| },
| |
| {
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| "ratingClass": 2,
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| "chartDesigner": "DX譜面作者フルメタルNitro",
| |
| "jacketDesigner": "",
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| "rating": 9,
| |
| "ratingPlus": true
| |
| }
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| {
| |
| "idx": 108,
| |
| "id": "omakeno",
| |
| "title_localized": {
| |
| "en": "OMAKENO Stroke"
| |
| },
| |
| "artist": "t+pazolite",
| |
| "search_title": {
| |
| "ja": [
| |
| "おまけのすとろーく"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ko": [
| |
| "오마케노 스트로크"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| "search_artist": {
| |
| "ja": [
| |
| "とぱぞらいと"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ko": [
| |
| "토파졸라이트"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| "bpm": "240",
| |
| "bpm_base": 240,
| |
| "set": "groovecoaster",
| |
| "purchase": "groovecoaster",
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| "audioPreview": 2701,
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| "audioPreviewEnd": 17701,
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| "side": 1,
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| "source_localized": {
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| "en": "Groove Coaster",
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| "ja": "グルーヴコースター"
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| },
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| "source_copyright": "© TAITO CORP. 1978, 2019",
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| "world_unlock": false,
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| "bg": "gc_conflict",
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| "bg_inverse": "gc_light",
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| "date": 1546992002,
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| "version": "1.9",
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| "difficulties": [
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| "ratingClass": 0,
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| "chartDesigner": "Kurorak",
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| "jacketDesigner": "",
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| "rating": 3
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| },
| |
| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 1,
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| "chartDesigner": "Kurorak",
| |
| "jacketDesigner": "",
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| "rating": 6
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| },
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| {
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| "ratingClass": 2,
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| "chartDesigner": "Kurorak",
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| "jacketDesigner": "",
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| "rating": 9
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| },
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| {
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| "ratingClass": 3,
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| "chartDesigner": "NITRO",
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| "jacketDesigner": "",
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| "rating": 10,
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| "date": 1647993601,
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| "version": "3.12"
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| }
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| ]
| |
| },
| |
| {
| |
| "idx": 109,
| |
| "id": "scarletlance",
| |
| "title_localized": {
| |
| "en": "Scarlet Lance"
| |
| },
| |
| "artist": "MASAKI (ZUNTATA)",
| |
| "search_title": {
| |
| "ja": [
| |
| "すかーれっとらんす"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ko": [
| |
| "스칼렛 랜스"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| "search_artist": {
| |
| "ja": [
| |
| "まさき"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ko": [
| |
| "마사키"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| "bpm": "185",
| |
| "bpm_base": 185,
| |
| "set": "groovecoaster",
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| "purchase": "groovecoaster",
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| "audioPreview": 9081,
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| "audioPreviewEnd": 35027,
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| "side": 0,
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| "ja": "グルーヴコースター"
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| },
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| "source_copyright": "© TAITO CORP. 1978, 2019",
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| "world_unlock": false,
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| "bg": "gc_lance",
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| "remote_dl": true,
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| "no_stream": true,
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| "date": 1546992003,
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| "version": "1.9",
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| "difficulties": [
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| {
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| "ratingClass": 0,
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| "chartDesigner": "闇運",
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| "jacketDesigner": "",
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| "rating": 4
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| },
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| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 1,
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| "chartDesigner": "闇運",
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| "jacketDesigner": "",
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| "rating": 7
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| },
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| {
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| "ratingClass": 2,
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| "chartDesigner": "闇運",
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| "jacketDesigner": "",
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| "rating": 10
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| }
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| {
| |
| "idx": 110,
| |
| "id": "ouroboros",
| |
| "title_localized": {
| |
| "en": "ouroboros -twin stroke of the end-"
| |
| },
| |
| "artist": "Cranky VS MASAKI",
| |
| "search_title": {
| |
| "ja": [
| |
| "うろぼろすついんすとろーくおぶじえんど"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ko": [
| |
| "우로보로스 트윈 스트로크 오브 디 엔드"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| "search_artist": {
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| "ja": [
| |
| "くらんきー",
| |
| "まさき"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ko": [
| |
| "크랭키",
| |
| "마사키"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| "bpm": "188",
| |
| "bpm_base": 188,
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| "set": "groovecoaster",
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| "purchase": "groovecoaster",
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| "audioPreview": 79389,
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| "audioPreviewEnd": 110028,
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| "en": "Groove Coaster",
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| "ja": "グルーヴコースター"
| |
| },
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| "source_copyright": "© TAITO CORP. 1978, 2019",
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| "bg": "gc_ouroboros",
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| "remote_dl": true,
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| "world_unlock": false,
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| "no_stream": true,
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| "date": 1546992004,
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| "version": "1.9",
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| "difficulties": [
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| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 0,
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| "chartDesigner": "Groove 東星",
| |
| "jacketDesigner": "",
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| "rating": 4
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| },
| |
| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 1,
| |
| "chartDesigner": "Groove 東星",
| |
| "jacketDesigner": "",
| |
| "rating": 7
| |
| },
| |
| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 2,
| |
| "chartDesigner": "Groove 東星",
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| "jacketDesigner": "",
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| "rating": 10,
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| "ratingPlus": true
| |
| }
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| {
| |
| "idx": 111,
| |
| "id": "libertas", | |
| "title_localized": {
| |
| "en": "Libertas"
| |
| },
| |
| "artist": "Zekk",
| |
| "search_title": {
| |
| "ja": [
| |
| "りべるたす"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ko": [
| |
| "리베르타스"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| "search_artist": {
| |
| "ja": [
| |
| "ぜっく"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ko": [
| |
| "젝",
| |
| "제크"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| "bpm": "160", | |
| "bpm_base": 160, | |
| "set": "single",
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| "category": "original",
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| "purchase": "libertas",
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| "audioPreview": 0,
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| "audioPreviewEnd": 0,
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| "side": 0,
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| "bg": "single_light",
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| "bg_inverse": "single_conflict",
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| "remote_dl": true,
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| "world_unlock": false, | |
| "date": 1549843200,
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| "version": "1.9",
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| "difficulties": [
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| {
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| "ratingClass": 0,
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| "chartDesigner": "Kurorak",
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| "jacketDesigner": "wacca",
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| "rating": 3
| |
| },
| |
| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 1,
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| "chartDesigner": "Kurorak",
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| "jacketDesigner": "wacca",
| |
| "rating": 5
| |
| },
| |
| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 2,
| |
| "chartDesigner": "Kurorak + Nitro",
| |
| "jacketDesigner": "wacca",
| |
| "rating": 9
| |
| },
| |
| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 3,
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| "chartDesigner": "Exschwasion -unbound-",
| |
| "jacketDesigner": "wacca",
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| "jacketOverride": true,
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| "rating": 10,
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| "date": 1706140803,
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| "version": "5.3"
| |
| }
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| ]
| |
| },
| |
| {
| |
| "idx": 112,
| |
| "id": "solitarydream",
| |
| "title_localized": {
| |
| "en": "Solitary Dream",
| |
| "ja": "虚空の夢"
| |
| },
| |
| "jacket_localized": {
| |
| "ja": true
| |
| },
| |
| "artist": "ak+q feat. Sennzai",
| |
| "search_title": {
| |
| "ja": [
| |
| "こくうのゆめ"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ko": [
| |
| "솔리타리 드림",
| |
| "솔리터리 드림",
| |
| "코쿠우노 유메",
| |
| "공허의 꿈"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| "search_artist": {
| |
| "ja": [
| |
| "えーけーぷらすきゅー",
| |
| "せんざい"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ko": [
| |
| "에이케이 플러스 큐",
| |
| "센자이"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| "bpm": "162",
| |
| "bpm_base": 162,
| |
| "set": "core",
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| "purchase": "core",
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| "audioPreview": 49629,
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| "audioPreviewEnd": 68148,
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| "side": 0,
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| "bg": "solitarydream",
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| "remote_dl": true,
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| "world_unlock": true,
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| "date": 1552089600,
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| "version": "1.9",
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| "difficulties": [
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| {
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| "ratingClass": 0,
| |
| "chartDesigner": "",
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| "jacketDesigner": "シエラ",
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| "rating": 4
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| },
| |
| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 1,
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| "chartDesigner": "",
| |
| "jacketDesigner": "シエラ",
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| "rating": 7
| |
| },
| |
| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 2,
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| "chartDesigner": "",
| |
| "jacketDesigner": "シエラ",
| |
| "rating": 8,
| |
| "ratingPlus": true
| |
| }
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| {
| |
| "idx": 113,
| |
| "id": "antithese",
| |
| "title_localized": {
| |
| "en": "Antithese"
| |
| },
| |
| "artist": "Blacklolita",
| |
| "search_title": {
| |
| "ja": [
| |
| "あんちてーぜ"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ko": [
| |
| "안티테제"
| |
| ]
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| },
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| "search_artist": {
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| "ja": [
| |
| "ぶらっくろりーた"
| |
| ],
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| "ko": [
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| "블랙로리타",
| |
| "블랙롤리타"
| |
| ]
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| },
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| "bpm": "172",
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| "bpm_base": 172,
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| "set": "zettai",
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| "purchase": "zettai",
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| "date": 1553126402,
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| "version": "2.0",
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| "difficulties": [
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| {
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| "ratingClass": 0,
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| "chartDesigner": "chaos//engine",
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| "jacketDesigner": "釜飯轟々丸 + Khronetic",
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| "rating": 2
| |
| },
| |
| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 1,
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| "chartDesigner": "chaos//engine",
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| "jacketDesigner": "釜飯轟々丸 + Khronetic",
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| "rating": 5
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| },
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| {
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| "ratingClass": 2,
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| "chartDesigner": "chaos//engine",
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| "jacketDesigner": "釜飯轟々丸 + Khronetic",
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| "rating": 8,
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| "ratingPlus": true
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| },
| |
| {
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| "ratingClass": 3,
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| "chartDesigner": "石樂",
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| "jacketDesigner": "釜飯轟々丸 + jht",
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| "jacketOverride": true,
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| "rating": 9,
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| "date": 1639008002,
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| "version": "3.10",
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| "hidden_until": "difficulty"
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| }
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| ]
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| },
| |
| {
| |
| "idx": 114,
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| "id": "corruption",
| |
| "title_localized": {
| |
| "en": "Corruption"
| |
| },
| |
| "artist": "3R2",
| |
| "search_title": {
| |
| "ja": [
| |
| "こらぷしょん"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ko": [
| |
| "커럽션"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
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| "search_artist": {
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| "ja": [
| |
| "すりーあーるつー"
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| ],
| |
| "ko": [
| |
| "스리 알 투",
| |
| "쓰리 알 투"
| |
| ]
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| },
| |
| "bpm": "170",
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| "bpm_base": 170,
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| "set": "zettai",
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| "date": 1553126404,
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| "difficulties": [
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| {
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| "ratingClass": 0,
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| "chartDesigner": "₸öα$†ε₹",
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| "jacketDesigner": "BerryVerrine",
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| "rating": 3
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| },
| |
| {
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| "ratingClass": 1,
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| "chartDesigner": "₸öα$†ε₹",
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| "jacketDesigner": "BerryVerrine",
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| "rating": 6
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| },
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| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 2,
| |
| "chartDesigner": "₸öα$†ε₹",
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| "jacketDesigner": "BerryVerrine",
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| "rating": 9,
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| "ratingPlus": true
| |
| }
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| {
| |
| "idx": 115,
| |
| "id": "blackterritory",
| |
| "title_localized": {
| |
| "en": "Black Territory"
| |
| },
| |
| "artist": "DJ Myosuke",
| |
| "search_title": {
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| "ja": [
| |
| "ぶらっくてりとりー"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ko": [
| |
| "블랙 테러토리",
| |
| "블랙 테리토리"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
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| "search_artist": {
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| "ja": [
| |
| "でぃーじぇーみょーすけ",
| |
| "でぃーじぇーみょうすけ",
| |
| "でぃーじぇいみょーすけ",
| |
| "でぃーじぇいみょうすけ"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ko": [
| |
| "디제이 묘스케"
| |
| ]
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| },
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| "bpm": "200",
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| "bpm_base": 200,
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| "set": "zettai",
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| "purchase": "zettai",
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| "audioPreviewEnd": 0,
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| "bg": "zettai",
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| "bg_inverse": "zettai_light",
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| "world_unlock": false,
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| "date": 1553126403,
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| "version": "2.0",
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| "difficulties": [
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| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 0,
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| "chartDesigner": "NitroNukeδ",
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| "jacketDesigner": "トロ3",
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| "rating": 3
| |
| },
| |
| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 1,
| |
| "chartDesigner": "NitroNukeδ",
| |
| "jacketDesigner": "トロ3",
| |
| "rating": 7
| |
| },
| |
| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 2,
| |
| "chartDesigner": "NitroNukeδ",
| |
| "jacketDesigner": "トロ3",
| |
| "rating": 9,
| |
| "ratingPlus": true
| |
| }
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| {
| |
| "idx": 116,
| |
| "id": "viciousheroism",
| |
| "title_localized": {
| |
| "en": "Vicious Heroism"
| |
| },
| |
| "artist": "Kobaryo",
| |
| "search_title": {
| |
| "ja": [
| |
| "ゔぃしゃすひろいずむ",
| |
| "びしゃすひろいずむ",
| |
| "ゔぃしゃすあんちひろいずむ",
| |
| "びしゃすあんちひろいずむ"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ko": [
| |
| "비셔스 히로이즘"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| "search_artist": {
| |
| "ja": [
| |
| "こばりょー"
| |
| ],
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| "ko": [
| |
| "코바료"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| "bpm": "256",
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| "bpm_base": 256,
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| "set": "zettai",
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| "audioPreviewEnd": 0,
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| "world_unlock": false,
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| "date": 1553126405,
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| "version": "2.0",
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| "difficulties": [
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| {
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| "ratingClass": 0,
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| "chartDesigner": "Nitro vanquish Toaster.",
| |
| "jacketDesigner": "吠L",
| |
| "rating": 4
| |
| },
| |
| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 1,
| |
| "chartDesigner": "Nitro vanquish Toaster.",
| |
| "jacketDesigner": "吠L",
| |
| "rating": 7
| |
| },
| |
| {
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| "ratingClass": 2,
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| "chartDesigner": "Nitro vanquish Toaster.",
| |
| "jacketDesigner": "吠L",
| |
| "rating": 10
| |
| },
| |
| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 3,
| |
| "title_localized": {
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| "en": "Vicious [ANTi] Heroism"
| |
| },
| |
| "artist": "Kobaryo",
| |
| "bpm": "271",
| |
| "bpm_base": 271,
| |
| "audioOverride": true,
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| "chartDesigner": "[FUTiLE] Defiance",
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| "jacketDesigner": "陽葉ヨウ",
| |
| "jacketOverride": true,
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| "bg": "viciousheroism3",
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| "rating": 11,
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| "legacy11": true,
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| "date": 1706140806,
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| "version": "5.3",
| |
| "hidden_until": "difficulty"
| |
| }
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| ]
| |
| },
| |
| {
| |
| "idx": 117,
| |
| "id": "cyaegha",
| |
| "title_localized": {
| |
| "en": "Cyaegha"
| |
| },
| |
| "artist": "USAO",
| |
| "search_title": {
| |
| "ja": [
| |
| "しあえが"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ko": [
| |
| "시아이가",
| |
| "시에가"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| "search_artist": {
| |
| "ja": [
| |
| "うさお"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ko": [
| |
| "우사오"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| "bpm": "200",
| |
| "bpm_base": 200,
| |
| "set": "zettai",
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| "purchase": "zettai",
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| "audioPreview": 0,
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| "audioPreviewEnd": 0,
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| "side": 1,
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| "bg": "cyaegha",
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| "date": 1553126406,
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| "version": "2.0",
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| "difficulties": [
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| {
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| "ratingClass": 0,
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| "chartDesigner": "夜浪、旧支配者",
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| "jacketDesigner": "シエラ",
| |
| "rating": 5
| |
| },
| |
| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 1,
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| "chartDesigner": "夜浪、旧支配者",
| |
| "jacketDesigner": "シエラ",
| |
| "rating": 8
| |
| },
| |
| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 2,
| |
| "chartDesigner": "夜浪、旧支配者",
| |
| "jacketDesigner": "シエラ",
| |
| "rating": 10,
| |
| "ratingPlus": true
| |
| }
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| {
| |
| "idx": 118,
| |
| "id": "revixy",
| |
| "title_localized": {
| |
| "en": "ReviXy"
| |
| },
| |
| "artist": "ikaruga_nex",
| |
| "search_title": {
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| "ja": [
| |
| "りびじー",
| |
| "りゔぃじー"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ko": [
| |
| "레비지",
| |
| "래비지"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| "search_artist": {
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| "ja": [
| |
| "いかるがねっくす"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ko": [
| |
| "이카구라 넥스"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| "bpm": "115-185",
| |
| "bpm_base": 185,
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| "purchase": "",
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| "audioPreview": 33333,
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| "bg": "base_conflict",
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| "remote_dl": true,
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| "world_unlock": true,
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| "date": 1553126401,
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| "version": "2.0",
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| "difficulties": [
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| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 0,
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| "chartDesigner": "Revoke Kurorak",
| |
| "jacketDesigner": "出前",
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| "rating": 3
| |
| },
| |
| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 1,
| |
| "chartDesigner": "Revoke Kurorak",
| |
| "jacketDesigner": "出前",
| |
| "rating": 7
| |
| },
| |
| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 2,
| |
| "chartDesigner": "Revoke Kurorak",
| |
| "jacketDesigner": "出前",
| |
| "rating": 9
| |
| }
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| {
| |
| "idx": 119,
| |
| "id": "grimheart",
| |
| "title_localized": {
| |
| "en": "Grimheart"
| |
| },
| |
| "artist": "Puru",
| |
| "search_title": {
| |
| "ja": [
| |
| "ぐりむはーと"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ko": [
| |
| "그림하트"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| "search_artist": {
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| "ja": [
| |
| "ぷる"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ko": [
| |
| "푸루"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| "bpm": "170",
| |
| "bpm_base": 170,
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| "set": "base",
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| "purchase": "",
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| "audioPreview": 103761,
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| "audioPreviewEnd": 127055,
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| "bg": "rei",
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| "bg_inverse": "yugamu",
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| "remote_dl": false,
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| "world_unlock": false,
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| "date": 1553126400,
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| "version": "2.0",
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| "difficulties": [
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| {
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| "ratingClass": 0,
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| "chartDesigner": "Toaster",
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| "jacketDesigner": "",
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| "rating": 2
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| },
| |
| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 1,
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| "chartDesigner": "Toaster",
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| "jacketDesigner": "",
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| "rating": 5
| |
| },
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| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 2,
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| "chartDesigner": "Toaster",
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| "jacketDesigner": "",
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| "rating": 8,
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| "ratingPlus": true
| |
| }
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| {
| |
| "idx": 120,
| |
| "id": "vector",
| |
| "title_localized": {
| |
| "en": "VECTOЯ"
| |
| },
| |
| "artist": "WHITEFISTS",
| |
| "search_title": {
| |
| "en": [
| |
| "vector"
| |
| ],
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| "ja": [
| |
| "べくたー",
| |
| "ゔぇくたー"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ko": [
| |
| "벡터"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| "search_artist": {
| |
| "ja": [
| |
| "ほわいとふぃすつ"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ko": [
| |
| "화이트피스트",
| |
| "화이트피스츠"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| "bpm": "200",
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| "bpm_base": 200,
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| "set": "base",
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| "purchase": "",
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| "audioPreview": 97200,
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| "bg": "mirai_conflict",
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| "bg_inverse": "mirai_light",
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| "remote_dl": true,
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| "world_unlock": true,
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| "date": 1556755200,
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| "version": "2.0",
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| "difficulties": [
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| {
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| "ratingClass": 0,
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| "chartDesigner": "Nitro",
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| "jacketDesigner": "ふぇいフリック",
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| "rating": 3
| |
| },
| |
| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 1,
| |
| "chartDesigner": "Nitro",
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| "jacketDesigner": "ふぇいフリック",
| |
| "rating": 7
| |
| },
| |
| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 2,
| |
| "chartDesigner": "Nitro",
| |
| "jacketDesigner": "ふぇいフリック",
| |
| "rating": 9
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| }
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| {
| |
| "idx": 121,
| |
| "id": "supernova",
| |
| "title_localized": {
| |
| "en": "SUPERNOVA"
| |
| },
| |
| "artist": "BACO",
| |
| "search_title": {
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| "ja": [
| |
| "すーぱーのゔぁ",
| |
| "すーぱーのば"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ko": [
| |
| "수퍼노바",
| |
| "슈퍼노바"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| "search_artist": {
| |
| "ja": [
| |
| "ばこ"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ko": [
| |
| "바코"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| "bpm": "150",
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| "bpm_base": 150,
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| "set": "base",
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| "purchase": "",
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| "audioPreview": 104000,
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| "audioPreviewEnd": 128500,
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| "bg": "nijuusei-conflict-b",
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| "bg_inverse": "nijuusei-light-b",
| |
| "remote_dl": true,
| |
| "world_unlock": true,
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| "date": 1556755201,
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| "version": "2.0",
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| "difficulties": [
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| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 0,
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| "chartDesigner": "東超新星",
| |
| "jacketDesigner": "Khronetic",
| |
| "rating": 3
| |
| },
| |
| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 1,
| |
| "chartDesigner": "東超新星",
| |
| "jacketDesigner": "Khronetic",
| |
| "rating": 6
| |
| },
| |
| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 2,
| |
| "chartDesigner": "東超新星",
| |
| "jacketDesigner": "Khronetic",
| |
| "rating": 9,
| |
| "ratingPlus": true
| |
| }
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| {
| |
| "idx": 122,
| |
| "id": "dottodot",
| |
| "title_localized": {
| |
| "en": "Dot to Dot feat. shully"
| |
| },
| |
| "artist": "Mameyudoufu",
| |
| "search_title": {
| |
| "ja": [
| |
| "どっととぅーどっと"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ko": [
| |
| "닷 투 닷",
| |
| "도트 투 도트"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| "search_artist": {
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| "ja": [
| |
| "まめゆどうふ",
| |
| "しゅりー"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ko": [
| |
| "마메유도우후"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| "bpm": "174",
| |
| "bpm_base": 174,
| |
| "set": "single",
| |
| "category": "variety",
| |
| "purchase": "dottodot",
| |
| "audioPreview": 0,
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| "audioPreviewEnd": 0,
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| "side": 0,
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| "bg": "mirai_light",
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| "bg_inverse": "mirai_conflict",
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| "remote_dl": true,
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| "world_unlock": false,
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| "date": 1556755202,
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| "version": "2.0",
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| "difficulties": [
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| {
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| "ratingClass": 0,
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| "chartDesigner": "•Nitro•",
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| "jacketDesigner": "DJ Poyoshi",
| |
| "rating": 3
| |
| },
| |
| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 1,
| |
| "chartDesigner": "•Nitro•",
| |
| "jacketDesigner": "DJ Poyoshi",
| |
| "rating": 6
| |
| },
| |
| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 2,
| |
| "chartDesigner": "•Nitro•",
| |
| "jacketDesigner": "DJ Poyoshi",
| |
| "rating": 8
| |
| }
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| {
| |
| "idx": 123,
| |
| "id": "garakuta",
| |
| "title_localized": {
| |
| "en": "Garakuta Doll Play"
| |
| },
| |
| "artist": "t+pazolite",
| |
| "search_title": {
| |
| "ja": [
| |
| "がらくたどーるぷれい",
| |
| "がらくたどーるぷれー"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ko": [
| |
| "가라쿠타 돌 플레이"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| "search_artist": {
| |
| "ja": [
| |
| "とぱぞらいと"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ko": [
| |
| "토파졸라이트"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| "bpm": "256",
| |
| "bpm_base": 256,
| |
| "set": "chunithm",
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| "purchase": "chunithm",
| |
| "audioPreview": 0,
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| "audioPreviewEnd": 0,
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| "side": 1,
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| "bg": "chuni-garakuta",
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| "remote_dl": true,
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| "source_localized": { | |
| "en": "maimai" | | "en": "maimai" |
| }, | | }, |
| "source_copyright": "©SEGA", | | "description_localized": { |
| "world_unlock": false,
| | "en": "Prepare for splashdown!\n\nThe popular rhythm game maimai\nbrings the heat to Arcaea!\nTake four iconic songs for a spin—\nbut don't get pulled under!", |
| "no_stream": true,
| | "ja": " さあ、着水に備えろ!\n\n人気リズムゲーム『maimai』から、\nArcaeaに熱狂が届く!\n乗りこなせ、maimaiらしい4曲!\n呑まれるな、この熱気に!", |
| "date": 1558573200,
| | "ko": " 스플래시다운 준비!!\n\n인기 리듬게임 마이마이가\n아르케아를 달아오르게 합니다!\n상징적인 새로운 4곡에 빠져봅시다.\n다만, 아래쪽으로 끌려가진 마세요!", |
| "version": "2.1",
| | "zh-Hant": " 做好準備讓水花四濺!\n\n超人氣節奏遊戲《maimai》\n即將引爆韻律源點Arcaea的熱浪!\n體驗四首經典曲目,\n但小心不要被拖下水!", |
| "difficulties": [
| | "zh-Hans": " 做好准备让水花四溅!\n\n大受欢迎的节奏游戏maimai\n为韵律源点Arcaea掀起了新的热浪!\n千万不要错过四首标志性的\n曲目——但不要被拖下水!" |
| { | | } |
| "ratingClass": 0,
| |
| "chartDesigner": "Arcaea Charting Team【Royal Flush】",
| |
| "jacketDesigner": "",
| |
| "rating": 4
| |
| },
| |
| { | |
| "ratingClass": 1,
| |
| "chartDesigner": "Arcaea Charting Team【Royal Flush】",
| |
| "jacketDesigner": "",
| |
| "rating": 6
| |
| }, | |
| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 2,
| |
| "chartDesigner": "Arcaea Charting Teamからの挑戦状 ",
| |
| "jacketDesigner": "",
| |
| "rating": 10
| |
| }
| |
| ]
| |
| }, | | }, |
| { | | { |
| "idx": 124,
| | "id": "maimai_append_1", |
| "id": "ikazuchi", | | "section": "collab", |
| "title_localized": { | | "pack_parent": "maimai", |
| "en": "Ikazuchi",
| | "plus_character": -1, |
| "ja": " 怒槌"
| | "name_localized": { |
| },
| | "en": "Collaboration Chapter 2" |
| "artist": "光吉猛修", | |
| "search_title": { | |
| "ja": [ | |
| "いかずち",
| |
| "いかづち"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ko": [
| |
| "이카즈치",
| |
| " 분노의 망치"
| |
| ]
| |
| }, | | }, |
| "search_artist": { | | "description_localized": { |
| "en": [ | | "en": "A new wave is approaching!\n\nFour more exhilarating songs fly in\nfrom maimai DX to spin you around!\n\nAnd here's that inseparable pair:\nMilk and Shama are coming in, too!", |
| "takenobu mitsuyoshi"
| | "ja": " 接近中!接近中!\n新たな波がやってくる!\n\n爽快感あふれる4曲が、\nmaimai でらっくすから登場だーっ!\nそして仲良し二人のパートナー、\n『 み るく』と『 し ゃま』も登場だーっ!!", |
| ],
| | "ko": " 새로운 파도가 밀려오고 있습니다!\n\nmaimai DX의 신나는 악곡이 4개나\nArcaea의 세계로 날아옵니다!\n\n떼어낼 수 없는 듀오, 밀크와 샤마도 함께군 요!", |
| "ja": [ | | "zh-Hant": " 快來迎接一波全新的 浪 潮!\n\n跟著來自maimai DX的四首新曲目飛舞盤旋吧!\n\n形影不離的一對夥伴也將加入我們,\n那就是——咪璐庫和夏瑪!", |
| "み つよ し たけのぶ"
| | "zh-Hans": " 快来迎接一波全新的 浪 潮!\n\n跟着来自maimai DX的四首新曲目飞舞盘旋吧!\n\n形影不离的一对伙伴也将加入我们,\n那就是——咪璐库和夏玛!" |
| ],
| | } |
| "ko": [ | |
| " 타케노부 미츠 요 시"
| |
| ] | |
| },
| |
| "bpm": "200",
| |
| "bpm_base": 200,
| |
| "set": "chunithm",
| |
| "purchase": "chunithm",
| |
| "audioPreview": 0,
| |
| "audioPreviewEnd": 0,
| |
| "side": 1,
| |
| "bg": "chuni-ikazuchi",
| |
| "remote_dl": true,
| |
| "source_localized": {
| |
| "en": "CHUNITHM"
| |
| },
| |
| "source_copyright": "©SEGA",
| |
| "world_unlock": false,
| |
| "no_stream": true,
| |
| "date": 1558573201,
| |
| "version": "2.1",
| |
| "difficulties": [
| |
| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 0,
| |
| "chartDesigner": "先史の機械神【夜 浪 】",
| |
| "jacketDesigner": "",
| |
| "rating": 3
| |
| }, | |
| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 1,
| |
| "chartDesigner": "先史の機械神【夜 浪 】",
| |
| "jacketDesigner": "",
| |
| "rating": 7
| |
| },
| |
| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 2,
| |
| "chartDesigner": "先史の機械神【夜浪】",
| |
| "jacketDesigner": "",
| |
| "rating": 10
| |
| }
| |
| ]
| |
| }, | | }, |
| { | | { |
| "idx": 125, | | "id": "maimai_append_2", |
| "id": "worldvanquisher", | | "section": "collab", |
| "title_localized": { | | "pack_parent": "maimai", |
| "en": "World Vanquisher" | | "plus_character": -1, |
| | "name_localized": { |
| | "en": "Collaboration Chapter 3" |
| }, | | }, |
| "artist": "void (Mournfinale)", | | "description_localized": { |
| "search_title": {
| | "en": "The kaleidoscopic journey turns once more!\n\n4 vibrant new songs circle further into the\nworld of maimai DX.\n\nYou are not alone: Salt joins the party, ready\nto make wishes under a star-filled sky!", |
| "ja": [ | | "ja": " めくるめくキラめきの瞬間、今再び!\n素敵な願 い を携えて、ソルトも い っしょに。\n\nmaimai でらっくすの世界より、\n鮮やかに輝く楽曲が4つ、燦然と。", |
| "わーるどばんきっしゃー",
| | "ko": " 총천연색의 여행을, 다시 한 번!\n\n4개의 생생한 악곡이 소용돌 이 처럼 춤추며\nmaimai DX의 세계로 빠져들어갑니다.\n\n여행길의 곁을 지키는 것은,\n별하늘 아래에서 소원을 비는 소녀, 솔트입니다!", |
| " わーるどゔぁんきっしゃー"
| | "zh-Hant": " 萬花筒般絢爛而又華麗的旅程將再度變換。\n不停傾轉,四首充滿活力的歌曲自maimai DX襲來!\n\n不會留你孤身一 人 的——\n新的旅行夥伴莎露朵加入了喲!\n璀璨 星 辰之下許願可是很靈驗的哦,要開始了喲!", |
| ],
| | "zh-Hans": " 万花筒般绚烂而又华丽的旅程将再度变换。\n不停倾转,四首充满活力的歌曲自maimai DX袭来!\n\n不会留你孤身一 人 的——\n新的旅行伙伴莎露朵加入了哟!\n璀璨 星 辰之下许愿可是很灵验的哦,要开始了哟!" |
| "ko": [
| | } |
| "월드 뱅퀴셔"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| "search_artist": {
| |
| "ja": [ | |
| " ぼ い ど",
| |
| "ゔぉ い ど"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ko": [ | |
| " 보 이 드"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| "bpm": "170",
| |
| "bpm_base": 170,
| |
| "set": "chunithm",
| |
| "purchase": "chunithm",
| |
| "audioPreview": 0,
| |
| "audioPreviewEnd": 0,
| |
| "side": 0,
| |
| "bg": "chuni-worldvanquisher",
| |
| "remote_dl": true,
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| "source_localized": {
| |
| "en": "CHUNITHM"
| |
| },
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| "source_copyright": "©SEGA",
| |
| "world_unlock": true,
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| "no_stream": true,
| |
| "date": 1558573202,
| |
| "version": "2.1",
| |
| "difficulties": [
| |
| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 0,
| |
| "chartDesigner": "処刑人【東星】",
| |
| "jacketDesigner": "",
| |
| "rating": 2
| |
| },
| |
| { | |
| "ratingClass": 1,
| |
| "chartDesigner": " 処刑 人 【東 星 】",
| |
| "jacketDesigner": "",
| |
| "rating": 5
| |
| },
| |
| { | |
| "ratingClass": 2,
| |
| "chartDesigner": "処刑 人 【東 星 】",
| |
| "jacketDesigner": "",
| |
| "rating": 10,
| |
| "ratingPlus": true
| |
| }
| |
| ]
| |
| }, | | }, |
| { | | { |
| "idx": 126,
| | "id": "ongeki", |
| "id": "dreadnought",
| | "section": "collab", |
| "title_localized": {
| | "custom_banner": true, |
| "en": "Dreadnought"
| | "plus_character": 40, |
| },
| | "name_localized": { |
| "artist": "Mastermind (xi + nora2r)",
| |
| "search_title": {
| |
| "ja": [
| |
| "どれっどのーと"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ko": [
| |
| "드레드노트",
| |
| "드레드넛"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| "search_artist": {
| |
| "ja": [
| |
| "ますたーまいんど",
| |
| "さい",
| |
| "のらつーあーる"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ko": [
| |
| "마스터마인드",
| |
| "사이",
| |
| "노라 투 알"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| "bpm": "96-384",
| |
| "bpm_base": 192,
| |
| "set": "single",
| |
| "category": "variety",
| |
| "purchase": "dreadnought",
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| "audioPreview": 0,
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| "audioPreviewEnd": 0,
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| "side": 1,
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| "bg": "nijuusei-conflict-b",
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| "bg_inverse": "nijuusei-light-b",
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| "remote_dl": true,
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| "world_unlock": false,
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| "date": 1563408000,
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| "version": "2.2",
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| "difficulties": [
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| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 0,
| |
| "chartDesigner": "Nitro",
| |
| "jacketDesigner": "",
| |
| "rating": 4
| |
| },
| |
| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 1,
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| "chartDesigner": "Nitro",
| |
| "jacketDesigner": "",
| |
| "rating": 7
| |
| },
| |
| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 2,
| |
| "chartDesigner": "Astronomer (Toaster + 東星)",
| |
| "jacketDesigner": "",
| |
| "rating": 9,
| |
| "ratingPlus": true
| |
| }
| |
| ]
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| },
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| {
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| "idx": 127,
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| "id": "particlearts",
| |
| "deleted": true
| |
| },
| |
| {
| |
| "idx": 128,
| |
| "id": "vindication",
| |
| "title_localized": {
| |
| "en": "Vindication"
| |
| },
| |
| "artist": "Laur",
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| "search_title": {
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| "ja": [
| |
| "ゔぃんでぃけーしょん"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ko": [
| |
| "빈디케이션"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| "search_artist": {
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| "ja": [
| |
| "らうる"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ko": [
| |
| "라우르"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| "bpm": "174",
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| "bpm_base": 174,
| |
| "set": "prelude",
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| "purchase": "prelude",
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| "audioPreview": 0,
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| "audioPreviewEnd": 0,
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| "side": 0,
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| "bg": "prelude_light",
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| "bg_inverse": "prelude_conflict",
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| "remote_dl": true,
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| "world_unlock": false,
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| "date": 1563408002,
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| "version": "2.2",
| |
| "difficulties": [
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| {
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| "ratingClass": 0,
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| "chartDesigner": "Toaster",
| |
| "jacketDesigner": "EB十",
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| "rating": 4
| |
| },
| |
| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 1,
| |
| "chartDesigner": "Toaster",
| |
| "jacketDesigner": "EB十",
| |
| "rating": 6
| |
| },
| |
| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 2,
| |
| "chartDesigner": "Nitro vs Toaster",
| |
| "jacketDesigner": "EB十",
| |
| "rating": 9
| |
| }
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| {
| |
| "idx": 129,
| |
| "id": "heavensdoor",
| |
| "title_localized": {
| |
| "en": "Heavensdoor"
| |
| },
| |
| "artist": "LeaF",
| |
| "search_title": {
| |
| "ja": [
| |
| "へぶんずどあー",
| |
| "へゔんずどあー"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ko": [
| |
| "헤븐즈도어"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| "search_artist": {
| |
| "ja": [
| |
| "りーふ"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ko": [
| |
| "리프"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| "bpm": "240",
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| "bpm_base": 240,
| |
| "set": "prelude",
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| "bg": "prelude_conflict",
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| "bg_inverse": "prelude_light",
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| "remote_dl": true,
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| "world_unlock": false,
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| "date": 1563408003,
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| "difficulties": [
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| {
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| "ratingClass": 0,
| |
| "chartDesigner": "Kurorak",
| |
| "jacketDesigner": "yusi. + Khronetic",
| |
| "rating": 4
| |
| },
| |
| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 1,
| |
| "chartDesigner": "Kurorak",
| |
| "jacketDesigner": "yusi. + Khronetic",
| |
| "rating": 7
| |
| },
| |
| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 2,
| |
| "chartDesigner": "Black Tea",
| |
| "jacketDesigner": "yusi. + Khronetic",
| |
| "rating": 9,
| |
| "ratingPlus": true
| |
| },
| |
| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 3,
| |
| "chartDesigner": "東星※天の門",
| |
| "jacketDesigner": "nonokuro",
| |
| "jacketOverride": true,
| |
| "rating": 10,
| |
| "ratingPlus": true,
| |
| "date": 1639008003,
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| "version": "3.10",
| |
| "hidden_until": "difficulty"
| |
| }
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| {
| |
| "idx": 130,
| |
| "id": "ringedgenesis",
| |
| "title_localized": {
| |
| "en": "Ringed Genesis"
| |
| },
| |
| "artist": "Edelritter",
| |
| "search_title": {
| |
| "ja": [
| |
| "りんぐどじぇねしす"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ko": [
| |
| "링드 제네시스"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| "search_artist": {
| |
| "ja": [
| |
| "えーでるりったー"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ko": [
| |
| "에델리터"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| "bpm": "160",
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| "bpm_base": 160,
| |
| "set": "prelude",
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| "purchase": "prelude",
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| "audioPreview": 0,
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| "audioPreviewEnd": 0,
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| "side": 0,
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| "bg": "ringedgenesis",
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| "remote_dl": true,
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| "world_unlock": false,
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| "date": 1563408004,
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| "version": "2.2",
| |
| "difficulties": [
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| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 0,
| |
| "chartDesigner": "夜浪 vs Nitro",
| |
| "jacketDesigner": "シエラ",
| |
| "rating": 5
| |
| },
| |
| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 1,
| |
| "chartDesigner": "夜浪 vs Nitro",
| |
| "jacketDesigner": "シエラ",
| |
| "rating": 8
| |
| },
| |
| {
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| "ratingClass": 2,
| |
| "chartDesigner": "夜浪 vs Nitro",
| |
| "jacketDesigner": "シエラ",
| |
| "rating": 10,
| |
| "ratingPlus": true
| |
| }
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| {
| |
| "idx": 131,
| |
| "id": "chelsea",
| |
| "title_localized": {
| |
| "en": "Chelsea"
| |
| },
| |
| "artist": "7mai",
| |
| "search_title": {
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| "ja": [
| |
| "ちぇるしー"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ko": [
| |
| "첼시"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
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| "search_artist": {
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| "ja": [
| |
| "ななまい"
| |
| ],
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| "ko": [
| |
| "나나마이"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| "bpm": "174",
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| "bpm_base": 174,
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| "set": "omatsuri",
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| "bg": "omatsuri_light",
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| "day": "omatsuri_light",
| |
| "night": "omatsuri_conflict"
| |
| },
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| "date": 1566432000,
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| "version": "2.3",
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| "difficulties": [
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| {
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| "ratingClass": 0,
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| "chartDesigner": "TaroNuke",
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| "jacketDesigner": "Refla",
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| "rating": 3
| |
| },
| |
| {
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| "ratingClass": 1,
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| "chartDesigner": "TaroNuke",
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| "jacketDesigner": "Refla",
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| "rating": 6
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| },
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| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 2,
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| "chartDesigner": "TaroNuke",
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| "jacketDesigner": "Refla",
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| "rating": 8,
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| "ratingPlus": true
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| }
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| ]
| |
| },
| |
| {
| |
| "idx": 132,
| |
| "id": "aiueoon",
| |
| "title_localized": {
| |
| "en": "AI[UE]OON"
| |
| },
| |
| "artist": "MYUKKE.",
| |
| "search_title": {
| |
| "ja": [
| |
| "あいうえおーん"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ko": [
| |
| "아이우에온"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| "search_artist": {
| |
| "ja": [
| |
| "みゅっけ"
| |
| ],
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| "ko": [
| |
| "뮤케"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| "bpm": "145",
| |
| "bpm_base": 145,
| |
| "set": "omatsuri",
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| "purchase": "omatsuri",
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| "audioPreview": 0,
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| "audioPreviewEnd": 0,
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| "side": 0,
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| "bg": "omatsuri_light",
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| "bg_inverse": "omatsuri_conflict",
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| "night": "omatsuri_conflict"
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| },
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| "remote_dl": true,
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| "world_unlock": false,
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| "date": 1566432001,
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| "version": "2.3",
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| "difficulties": [
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| {
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| "ratingClass": 0,
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| "chartDesigner": "N[I]TRO",
| |
| "jacketDesigner": "SiNoe",
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| "rating": 3
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| },
| |
| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 1,
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| "chartDesigner": "N[I]TRO",
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| "jacketDesigner": "SiNoe",
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| "rating": 6
| |
| },
| |
| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 2,
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| "chartDesigner": "N[I]TRO",
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| "jacketDesigner": "SiNoe",
| |
| "rating": 9
| |
| }
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| {
| |
| "idx": 133,
| |
| "id": "melodyoflove",
| |
| "title_localized": {
| |
| "en": "A Wandering Melody of Love",
| |
| "ja": "迷える音色は恋の唄"
| |
| },
| |
| "artist": "からとPαnchii少年 feat.はるの",
| |
| "search_title": {
| |
| "ja": [
| |
| "まよえるねいろはこいのうた"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ko": [
| |
| "어 원더링 멜로디 오브 러브",
| |
| "마요에루 이로와 코이노우타",
| |
| "망설이는 음색은 사랑의 노래"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| "search_artist": {
| |
| "en": [
| |
| "karatop",
| |
| "panchii shounen",
| |
| "haruno"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ja": [
| |
| "からと",
| |
| "ぱん",
| |
| "かぷちー",
| |
| "たけのこしょうねん",
| |
| "はるの",
| |
| "からとぱんちーしょうねん"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ko": [
| |
| "카라토",
| |
| "하루노",
| |
| "판치쇼넨"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| "bpm": "165",
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| "bpm_base": 165,
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| "set": "omatsuri",
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| "purchase": "omatsuri",
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| "audioPreview": 0,
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| "audioPreviewEnd": 0,
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| "side": 0,
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| "bg": "omatsuri_light",
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| "bg_inverse": "omatsuri_conflict",
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| "day": "omatsuri_light",
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| "night": "omatsuri_conflict"
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| },
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| "remote_dl": true,
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| "world_unlock": false,
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| "date": 1566432002,
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| "version": "2.3",
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| "difficulties": [
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| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 0,
| |
| "chartDesigner": "恋のToaster",
| |
| "jacketDesigner": "シエラ",
| |
| "jacket_night": "base_night",
| |
| "rating": 3
| |
| },
| |
| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 1,
| |
| "chartDesigner": "恋のToaster",
| |
| "jacketDesigner": "シエラ",
| |
| "jacket_night": "base_night",
| |
| "rating": 7
| |
| },
| |
| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 2,
| |
| "chartDesigner": "恋のToaster",
| |
| "jacketDesigner": "シエラ",
| |
| "jacket_night": "base_night",
| |
| "rating": 9
| |
| }
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| {
| |
| "idx": 134,
| |
| "id": "tiemedowngently",
| |
| "title_localized": {
| |
| "en": "Tie me down gently"
| |
| },
| |
| "artist": "溝口ゆうま feat. 大瀬良あい",
| |
| "search_title": {
| |
| "ja": [
| |
| "たいみーだうんじぇんとりー"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ko": [
| |
| "타이 미 다운 젠틀리"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| "search_artist": {
| |
| "en": [
| |
| "mizonokuchi yuuma",
| |
| "oosera ai"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ja": [
| |
| "みぞのくちゆうま",
| |
| "おおせらあい"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ko": [
| |
| "미조노쿠치 유우마",
| |
| "오오세라 아이"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| "bpm": "191",
| |
| "bpm_base": 191,
| |
| "set": "omatsuri",
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| "purchase": "omatsuri",
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| "audioPreview": 0,
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| "audioPreviewEnd": 0,
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| "side": 1,
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| "bg": "omatsuri_conflict",
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| "bg_inverse": "omatsuri_light",
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| "day": "omatsuri_light",
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| "night": "omatsuri_conflict"
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| },
| |
| "remote_dl": true,
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| "world_unlock": false,
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| "date": 1566432003,
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| "version": "2.3",
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| "difficulties": [
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| {
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| "ratingClass": 0,
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| "chartDesigner": "Kurorak",
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| "jacketDesigner": "kobuta",
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| "rating": 3
| |
| },
| |
| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 1,
| |
| "chartDesigner": "Kurorak",
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| "jacketDesigner": "kobuta",
| |
| "rating": 5
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| },
| |
| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 2,
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| "chartDesigner": "Kurorak",
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| "jacketDesigner": "kobuta",
| |
| "rating": 8
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| }
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| ]
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| },
| |
| {
| |
| "idx": 135,
| |
| "id": "valhallazero",
| |
| "title_localized": {
| |
| "en": "Valhalla:0"
| |
| },
| |
| "artist": "Juggernaut.",
| |
| "search_title": {
| |
| "ja": [
| |
| "ばるはらぜろ",
| |
| "ゔぁるはらぜろ"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ko": [
| |
| "발할라 제로"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| "search_artist": {
| |
| "ja": [
| |
| "じゃがーのーと"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ko": [
| |
| "저거넛",
| |
| "저거너트"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| "bpm": "200",
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| "bpm_base": 200,
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| "set": "omatsuri",
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| "audioPreview": 0,
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| "side": 1,
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| "bg": "omatsuri_conflict",
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| "day": "omatsuri_light",
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| "night": "omatsuri_conflict"
| |
| },
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| "remote_dl": true,
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| "date": 1566432004,
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| "difficulties": [
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| {
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| "ratingClass": 0,
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| "chartDesigner": "夜浪",
| |
| "jacketDesigner": "すずなし",
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| "rating": 4
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| },
| |
| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 1,
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| "chartDesigner": "夜浪",
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| "jacketDesigner": "すずなし",
| |
| "rating": 7
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| },
| |
| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 2,
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| "chartDesigner": "夜浪",
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| "jacketDesigner": "すずなし",
| |
| "rating": 10
| |
| }
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| {
| |
| "idx": 136,
| |
| "id": "mirzam",
| |
| "title_localized": {
| |
| "en": "Mirzam"
| |
| },
| |
| "artist": "Aoi vs. siqlo",
| |
| "search_title": {
| |
| "ja": [
| |
| "みるざむ"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ko": [
| |
| "미르잠"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| "search_artist": {
| |
| "ja": [
| |
| "あおい",
| |
| "さいくろ"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ko": [
| |
| "아오이",
| |
| "사이클로"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| "bpm": "201",
| |
| "bpm_base": 201,
| |
| "set": "single",
| |
| "category": "original",
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| "purchase": "mirzam",
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| "audioPreview": 118208,
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| "audioPreviewEnd": 137313,
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| "side": 1,
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| "bg": "zettai",
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| "bg_inverse": "zettai_light",
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| "remote_dl": true,
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| "world_unlock": false,
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| "date": 1568246400,
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| "version": "2.3",
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| "difficulties": [
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| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 0,
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| "chartDesigner": "東星※おおいぬ座β星",
| |
| "jacketDesigner": "すずなし",
| |
| "rating": 4
| |
| },
| |
| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 1,
| |
| "chartDesigner": "東星※おおいぬ座β星",
| |
| "jacketDesigner": "すずなし",
| |
| "rating": 7
| |
| },
| |
| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 2,
| |
| "chartDesigner": "東星※おおいぬ座β星",
| |
| "jacketDesigner": "すずなし",
| |
| "rating": 9,
| |
| "ratingPlus": true
| |
| }
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| {
| |
| "idx": 137,
| |
| "id": "diode",
| |
| "title_localized": {
| |
| "en": "Diode"
| |
| },
| |
| "artist": "Kolaa",
| |
| "search_title": {
| |
| "ja": [
| |
| "だいおーど"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ko": [
| |
| "다이오드"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| "search_artist": {
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| "ja": [
| |
| "こーらあ",
| |
| "こーらー"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ko": [
| |
| "콜라"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| "bpm": "132",
| |
| "bpm_base": 132,
| |
| "set": "base",
| |
| "purchase": "",
| |
| "audioPreview": 30000,
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| "audioPreviewEnd": 52727,
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| "side": 0,
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| "bg": "shiawase",
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| "remote_dl": true,
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| "world_unlock": true,
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| "date": 1570492800,
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| "version": "2.4",
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| "difficulties": [
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| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 0,
| |
| "chartDesigner": "Kurorak",
| |
| "jacketDesigner": "キッカイキ",
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| "rating": 2
| |
| },
| |
| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 1,
| |
| "chartDesigner": "Kurorak",
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| "jacketDesigner": "キッカイキ",
| |
| "rating": 5
| |
| },
| |
| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 2,
| |
| "chartDesigner": "Kurorak",
| |
| "jacketDesigner": "キッカイキ",
| |
| "rating": 8
| |
| }
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| {
| |
| "idx": 138,
| |
| "id": "freefall",
| |
| "title_localized": {
| |
| "en": "FREEF4LL"
| |
| },
| |
| "artist": "YUKIYANAGI",
| |
| "search_title": {
| |
| "en": [
| |
| "freefall"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ja": [
| |
| "ふりーふぉーる"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ko": [
| |
| "프리폴"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| "search_artist": {
| |
| "ja": [
| |
| "ゆきやなぎ"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ko": [
| |
| "유키야나기"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| "bpm": "170",
| |
| "bpm_base": 170,
| |
| "set": "base",
| |
| "purchase": "",
| |
| "audioPreview": 103058,
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| "audioPreviewEnd": 131294,
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| "side": 1,
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| "bg": "omatsuri_conflict",
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| "bg_inverse": "omatsuri_light",
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| "remote_dl": true,
| |
| "world_unlock": true,
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| "date": 1570492801,
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| "version": "2.4",
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| "difficulties": [
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| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 0,
| |
| "chartDesigner": "N↓TRO",
| |
| "jacketDesigner": "きらばがに",
| |
| "rating": 4
| |
| },
| |
| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 1,
| |
| "chartDesigner": "N↓TRO",
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| "jacketDesigner": "きらばがに",
| |
| "rating": 7
| |
| },
| |
| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 2,
| |
| "chartDesigner": "N↓TRO",
| |
| "jacketDesigner": "きらばがに",
| |
| "rating": 8
| |
| },
| |
| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 3,
| |
| "chartDesigner": "TO4STER",
| |
| "jacketDesigner": "きらばがに",
| |
| "jacketOverride": true,
| |
| "rating": 9,
| |
| "ratingPlus": true,
| |
| "date": 1668038400,
| |
| "version": "4.1"
| |
| }
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| {
| |
| "idx": 139,
| |
| "id": "gloryroad",
| |
| "title_localized": {
| |
| "en": "GLORY:ROAD"
| |
| },
| |
| "artist": "uma vs. モリモリあつし",
| |
| "search_title": {
| |
| "ja": [
| |
| "ぐろーりーろーど"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ko": [
| |
| "글로리 로드"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| "search_artist": {
| |
| "en": [
| |
| "morimori atsushi"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ja": [
| |
| "ゆーま",
| |
| "ゆうま"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ko": [
| |
| "유마",
| |
| "모리모리 아츠시"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| "bpm": "250",
| |
| "bpm_base": 250,
| |
| "set": "shiawase",
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| "purchase": "shiawase",
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| "audioPreview": 0,
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| "audioPreviewEnd": 0,
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| "side": 0,
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| "bg": "shiawase2",
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| "remote_dl": true,
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| "world_unlock": true,
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| "date": 1570492802,
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| "version": "2.4",
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| "difficulties": [
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| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 0,
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| "chartDesigner": "東星※紅空",
| |
| "jacketDesigner": "シエラ",
| |
| "rating": 4
| |
| },
| |
| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 1,
| |
| "chartDesigner": "東星※紅空",
| |
| "jacketDesigner": "シエラ",
| |
| "rating": 7
| |
| },
| |
| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 2,
| |
| "chartDesigner": "東星※紅空",
| |
| "jacketDesigner": "シエラ",
| |
| "rating": 10
| |
| }
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| {
| |
| "idx": 140,
| |
| "id": "monochromeprincess",
| |
| "title_localized": {
| |
| "en": "Monochrome Princess"
| |
| },
| |
| "artist": "polysha",
| |
| "search_title": {
| |
| "ja": [
| |
| "ものくろーむぷりんせす"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ko": [
| |
| "모노크롬 프린세스"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| "search_artist": {
| |
| "ja": [
| |
| "ぽりしゃ"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ko": [
| |
| "폴리샤"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| "bpm": "160",
| |
| "bpm_base": 160,
| |
| "set": "base",
| |
| "purchase": "",
| |
| "audioPreview": 37500,
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| "audioPreviewEnd": 61500,
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| "side": 1,
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| "bg": "omatsuri_conflict",
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| "bg_inverse": "omatsuri_light",
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| "remote_dl": true,
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| "world_unlock": true,
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| "date": 1572048000,
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| "version": "2.4",
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| "difficulties": [
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| {
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| "ratingClass": 0,
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| "chartDesigner": "N↕TRO",
| |
| "jacketDesigner": "GreeN",
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| "rating": 4
| |
| },
| |
| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 1,
| |
| "chartDesigner": "N↕TRO",
| |
| "jacketDesigner": "GreeN",
| |
| "rating": 7,
| |
| "ratingPlus": true
| |
| },
| |
| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 2,
| |
| "chartDesigner": "N↕TRO",
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| "jacketDesigner": "GreeN",
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| "rating": 9,
| |
| "ratingPlus": true
| |
| }
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| {
| |
| "idx": 141,
| |
| "id": "heavenlycaress",
| |
| "title_localized": {
| |
| "en": "Heavenly caress"
| |
| },
| |
| "artist": "Noah",
| |
| "search_title": {
| |
| "ja": [
| |
| "へぶんりーかれす",
| |
| "へゔんりーかれす"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ko": [
| |
| "헤븐리 카레스",
| |
| "헤븐리 커레스"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| "search_artist": {
| |
| "ja": [
| |
| "のあ"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ko": [
| |
| "노아"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| "bpm": "241",
| |
| "bpm_base": 241,
| |
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| "bg": "omatsuri_light",
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| "ratingClass": 0,
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| "chartDesigner": "Toaster",
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| "jacketDesigner": "fixro2n",
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| "rating": 3
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| "ratingClass": 1,
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| "chartDesigner": "Toaster",
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| "jacketDesigner": "fixro2n",
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| "rating": 7
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| },
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| {
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| "ratingClass": 2,
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| "chartDesigner": "Toaster",
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| "jacketDesigner": "fixro2n",
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| "rating": 9,
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| "ratingPlus": true
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| }
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| ]
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| },
| |
| {
| |
| "idx": 142,
| |
| "id": "senkyou",
| |
| "title_localized": {
| |
| "en": "Senkyou"
| |
| },
| |
| "artist": "MYTK",
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| "search_title": {
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| "ja": [
| |
| "せんきょう"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ko": [
| |
| "센큐",
| |
| "센큐우"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| "search_artist": {
| |
| "ja": [
| |
| "まいたけ"
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| ],
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| "ko": [
| |
| "마이타케"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| "bpm": "90",
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| "bpm_base": 180,
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| "set": "base",
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| "purchase": "",
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| "audioPreview": 100000,
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| "date": 1574121600,
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| "ratingClass": 0,
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| "chartDesigner": "k//eternal",
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| "jacketDesigner": "未早",
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| "rating": 3
| |
| },
| |
| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 1,
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| "chartDesigner": "k//eternal",
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| "jacketDesigner": "未早",
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| "rating": 5
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| },
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| {
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| "ratingClass": 2,
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| "chartDesigner": "k//eternal",
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| "jacketDesigner": "未早",
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| "rating": 8,
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| "ratingPlus": true
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| }
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| ]
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| },
| |
| {
| |
| "idx": 143,
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| "id": "filament",
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| "title_localized": {
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| "en": "Filament"
| |
| },
| |
| "artist": "Puru",
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| "search_title": {
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| "ja": [
| |
| "ふぃらめんと"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ko": [
| |
| "필라멘트"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
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| "search_artist": {
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| "ja": [
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| "ぷる"
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| ],
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| "ko": [
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| "푸루"
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| ]
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| },
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| "bpm": "170",
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| "bpm_base": 170,
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| "audioPreview": 0,
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| "audioPreviewEnd": 0,
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| "bg": "omatsuri_light",
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| "remote_dl": true,
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| "date": 1574726400,
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| "version": "2.4",
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| "difficulties": [
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| {
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| "ratingClass": 0,
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| "chartDesigner": "Toaster",
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| "jacketDesigner": "Hanamori Hiro",
| |
| "rating": 4
| |
| },
| |
| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 1,
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| "chartDesigner": "Toaster",
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| "jacketDesigner": "Hanamori Hiro",
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| "rating": 7,
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| "ratingPlus": true
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| },
| |
| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 2,
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| "chartDesigner": "Toaster",
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| "jacketDesigner": "Hanamori Hiro",
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| "rating": 9,
| |
| "ratingPlus": true
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| }
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| ]
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| },
| |
| {
| |
| "idx": 144,
| |
| "id": "avantraze",
| |
| "title_localized": {
| |
| "en": "Avant Raze"
| |
| },
| |
| "artist": "Sampling Masters MEGA",
| |
| "search_title": {
| |
| "ja": [
| |
| "あばんとれいず",
| |
| "あゔぁんとれいず",
| |
| "あばんとれーず",
| |
| "あゔぁんとれーず"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ko": [
| |
| "아반트 레이즈"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| "search_artist": {
| |
| "ja": [
| |
| "さんぷりんぐますたーずめが"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ko": [
| |
| "샘플링 마스터즈 메가",
| |
| "샘플링 마스터스 메가"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
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| "bpm": "200",
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| "bpm_base": 200,
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| "audioPreview": 0,
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| "side": 1,
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| "bg": "yugamu",
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| "date": 1575849600,
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| "version": "2.4",
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| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 0,
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| "chartDesigner": "Avant Toast",
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| "jacketDesigner": "LAM",
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| "rating": 3
| |
| },
| |
| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 1,
| |
| "chartDesigner": "Avant Toast",
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| "jacketDesigner": "LAM",
| |
| "rating": 6
| |
| },
| |
| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 2,
| |
| "chartDesigner": "Avant Toast",
| |
| "jacketDesigner": "LAM",
| |
| "rating": 9
| |
| }
| |
| ]
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| },
| |
| {
| |
| "idx": 145,
| |
| "id": "battlenoone",
| |
| "title_localized": {
| |
| "en": "BATTLE NO.1"
| |
| },
| |
| "artist": "TANO*C Sound Team",
| |
| "search_title": {
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| "ja": [
| |
| "ばとるなんばーわん"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ko": [
| |
| "배틀 넘버 원"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| "search_artist": {
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| "ja": [
| |
| "たのしーさうんどちーむ"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ko": [
| |
| "타노시 사운드 팀"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
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| "bpm": "200",
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| "bpm_base": 200,
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| "side": 1,
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| "bg": "tanoc_conflict",
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| "world_unlock": false,
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| "date": 1579046400,
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| "version": "2.4",
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| "difficulties": [
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| {
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| "ratingClass": 0,
| |
| "chartDesigner": "Nitro",
| |
| "jacketDesigner": "Hanamori Hiro",
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| "rating": 3
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| },
| |
| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 1,
| |
| "chartDesigner": "Nitro",
| |
| "jacketDesigner": "Hanamori Hiro",
| |
| "rating": 6
| |
| },
| |
| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 2,
| |
| "chartDesigner": "Arcaea Team",
| |
| "jacketDesigner": "Hanamori Hiro",
| |
| "rating": 9,
| |
| "ratingPlus": true
| |
| }
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| {
| |
| "idx": 146,
| |
| "id": "laqryma",
| |
| "title_localized": {
| |
| "en": "La'qryma of the Wasteland"
| |
| },
| |
| "artist": "DJ Noriken",
| |
| "search_title": {
| |
| "ja": [
| |
| "らくりまおぶじうぇいすとらんど"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ko": [
| |
| "라크리마 오브 더 웨이스트랜드"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| "search_artist": {
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| "ja": [
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| "でぃーじぇーのりけん",
| |
| "でぃーじぇいのりけん"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ko": [
| |
| "디제이 노리켄"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| "bpm": "168",
| |
| "bpm_base": 168,
| |
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| "audioPreviewEnd": 0,
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| "side": 1,
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| "bg": "tanoc_conflict",
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| "remote_dl": true,
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| "world_unlock": false,
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| "date": 1579478400,
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| "version": "2.5",
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| "difficulties": [
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| {
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| "ratingClass": 0,
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| "chartDesigner": "Toaster",
| |
| "jacketDesigner": "和音ハカ",
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| "rating": 3
| |
| },
| |
| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 1,
| |
| "chartDesigner": "Toaster",
| |
| "jacketDesigner": "和音ハカ",
| |
| "rating": 6
| |
| },
| |
| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 2,
| |
| "chartDesigner": "Toaster",
| |
| "jacketDesigner": "和音ハカ",
| |
| "rating": 9
| |
| },
| |
| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 3,
| |
| "chartDesigner": "Nitro 「The Forsaken」",
| |
| "jacketDesigner": "和音ハカ",
| |
| "jacketOverride": true,
| |
| "rating": 10,
| |
| "date": 1625011200,
| |
| "version": "3.6"
| |
| }
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| {
| |
| "idx": 147,
| |
| "id": "einherjar",
| |
| "title_localized": {
| |
| "en": "Einherjar Joker"
| |
| },
| |
| "artist": "DJ Genki vs Gram",
| |
| "search_title": {
| |
| "ja": [
| |
| "えいんへりやるじょーかー",
| |
| "えいんへりゃるじょーかー"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ko": [
| |
| "에인헤야르 조커"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| "search_artist": {
| |
| "ja": [
| |
| "でぃーじぇーげんき",
| |
| "でぃーじぇいげんき",
| |
| "ぐらむ"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ko": [
| |
| "디제이 겐키",
| |
| "그람",
| |
| "그램"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| "bpm": "222",
| |
| "bpm_base": 222,
| |
| "set": "single",
| |
| "category": "original",
| |
| "purchase": "einherjar",
| |
| "audioPreview": 0,
| |
| "audioPreviewEnd": 0,
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| "side": 1,
| |
| "bg": "tanoc_conflict",
| |
| "bg_inverse": "tanoc_light",
| |
| "remote_dl": true,
| |
| "world_unlock": false,
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| "date": 1579478401,
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| "version": "2.5",
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| "difficulties": [
| |
| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 0,
| |
| "chartDesigner": "Requiem TaroNuke",
| |
| "jacketDesigner": "すずなし",
| |
| "rating": 4
| |
| },
| |
| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 1,
| |
| "chartDesigner": "Requiem TaroNuke",
| |
| "jacketDesigner": "すずなし",
| |
| "rating": 7
| |
| },
| |
| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 2,
| |
| "chartDesigner": "Requiem TaroNuke",
| |
| "jacketDesigner": "すずなし",
| |
| "rating": 9,
| |
| "ratingPlus": true
| |
| },
| |
| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 3,
| |
| "chartDesigner": "~REQUIEM~ 夜浪",
| |
| "jacketDesigner": "すずなし",
| |
| "jacketOverride": true,
| |
| "rating": 10,
| |
| "ratingPlus": true,
| |
| "date": 1706140805,
| |
| "version": "5.3",
| |
| "hidden_until": "difficulty"
| |
| }
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| {
| |
| "idx": 148,
| |
| "id": "izana",
| |
| "title_localized": {
| |
| "en": "IZANA"
| |
| },
| |
| "artist": "t+pazolite vs P*Light",
| |
| "search_title": {
| |
| "ja": [
| |
| "いざな"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ko": [
| |
| "이자나"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| "search_artist": {
| |
| "ja": [
| |
| "とぱぞらいと",
| |
| "ぴーらいと"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ko": [
| |
| "토파졸라이트",
| |
| "피 라이트"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| "bpm": "222",
| |
| "bpm_base": 222,
| |
| "set": "single",
| |
| "category": "original",
| |
| "purchase": "izana",
| |
| "audioPreview": 0,
| |
| "audioPreviewEnd": 0,
| |
| "side": 0,
| |
| "bg": "tanoc_light",
| |
| "bg_inverse": "tanoc_conflict",
| |
| "remote_dl": true,
| |
| "world_unlock": false,
| |
| "date": 1579478402,
| |
| "version": "2.5",
| |
| "difficulties": [
| |
| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 0,
| |
| "chartDesigner": "NITRO",
| |
| "jacketDesigner": "Nagu",
| |
| "rating": 5
| |
| },
| |
| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 1,
| |
| "chartDesigner": "NITRO",
| |
| "jacketDesigner": "Nagu",
| |
| "rating": 8
| |
| },
| |
| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 2,
| |
| "chartDesigner": "NITRO",
| |
| "jacketDesigner": "Nagu",
| |
| "rating": 10
| |
| }
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| {
| |
| "idx": 149,
| |
| "id": "saikyostronger",
| |
| "title_localized": {
| |
| |
| "ja": "最強STRONGER"
| |
| },
| |
| "artist": "REDALiCE vs USAO",
| |
| "search_title": {
| |
| "ja": [
| |
| "さいきょうすとろんがー"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ko": [
| |
| "사이쿄 스트롱거",
| |
| "최강 스트롱거"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| "search_artist": {
| |
| "ja": [
| |
| "れっどありす",
| |
| "うさお"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ko": [
| |
| "레드앨리스",
| |
| "우사오"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| "bpm": "205",
| |
| "bpm_base": 205,
| |
| "set": "single",
| |
| "category": "partner",
| |
| "purchase": "saikyostronger",
| |
| "audioPreview": 0,
| |
| "audioPreviewEnd": 0,
| |
| "side": 1,
| |
| "bg": "saikyostronger",
| |
| "remote_dl": true,
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| "world_unlock": false,
| |
| "date": 1579478403,
| |
| "version": "2.5",
| |
| "difficulties": [
| |
| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 0,
| |
| "chartDesigner": "最強FUMEN (夜浪 ft. 東星)",
| |
| "jacketDesigner": "KEI",
| |
| "rating": 5
| |
| },
| |
| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 1,
| |
| "chartDesigner": "最強FUMEN (夜浪 ft. 東星)",
| |
| "jacketDesigner": "KEI",
| |
| "rating": 9
| |
| },
| |
| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 2,
| |
| "chartDesigner": "最強FUMEN (夜浪 ft. 東星)",
| |
| "jacketDesigner": "KEI",
| |
| "rating": 11,
| |
| "legacy11": true
| |
| }
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| {
| |
| "idx": 150,
| |
| "id": "worldexecuteme",
| |
| "title_localized": {
| |
| "en": "world.execute(me);"
| |
| },
| |
| "artist": "Mili",
| |
| "search_title": {
| |
| "ja": [
| |
| "わーるどえくぜきゅーとみー"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ko": [
| |
| "월드 엑스큐트 미"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| "search_artist": {
| |
| "ja": [
| |
| "みり"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ko": [
| |
| "밀리"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| "bpm": "130",
| |
| "bpm_base": 130,
| |
| "set": "base",
| |
| "purchase": "",
| |
| "audioPreview": 105230,
| |
| "audioPreviewEnd": 134269,
| |
| "side": 0,
| |
| "bg": "prelude_light",
| |
| "bg_inverse": "prelude_conflict",
| |
| "remote_dl": false,
| |
| "world_unlock": false,
| |
| "date": 1582243200,
| |
| "version": "2.5",
| |
| "difficulties": [
| |
| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 0,
| |
| "chartDesigner": "toaster.chart(this);",
| |
| "jacketDesigner": "そゐち",
| |
| "rating": 3
| |
| },
| |
| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 1,
| |
| "chartDesigner": "toaster.chart(this);",
| |
| "jacketDesigner": "そゐち",
| |
| "rating": 5
| |
| },
| |
| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 2,
| |
| "chartDesigner": "toaster.chart(this);",
| |
| "jacketDesigner": "そゐち",
| |
| "rating": 8
| |
| }
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| {
| |
| "idx": 151,
| |
| "id": "blrink",
| |
| "title_localized": {
| |
| "en": "BLRINK"
| |
| },
| |
| "artist": "Sta",
| |
| "search_title": {
| |
| "ja": [
| |
| "ぶりんくぶりんく"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ko": [
| |
| "블링크"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| "search_artist": {
| |
| "ja": [
| |
| "すた"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ko": [
| |
| "스타"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| "bpm": "115",
| |
| "bpm_base": 115,
| |
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| "ratingClass": 0,
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| "chartDesigner": "過去の縁",
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| "jacketDesigner": "Sta",
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| "rating": 3
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| },
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| {
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| "ratingClass": 1,
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| "chartDesigner": "現在の縁",
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| "jacketDesigner": "Sta",
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| "rating": 7,
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| "ratingPlus": true
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| },
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| {
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| "ratingClass": 2,
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| "chartDesigner": "未来の縁",
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| "jacketDesigner": "Sta",
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| "rating": 9,
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| "ratingPlus": true
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| }
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| ]
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| },
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| {
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| "idx": 152,
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| "id": "oblivia",
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| "title_localized": {
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| "en": "Oblivia"
| |
| },
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| "artist": "Saiph",
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| "search_title": {
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| "ja": [
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| "おぶりびあ",
| |
| "おぶりゔぃあ"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ko": [
| |
| "오블리비아"
| |
| ]
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| },
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| "search_artist": {
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| "ja": [
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| "さいふ"
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| ],
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| "ko": [
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| "사이프"
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| ]
| |
| },
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| "bpm": "180",
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| "bpm_base": 180,
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| "set": "base",
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| "purchase": "",
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| "audioPreview": 100000,
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| "date": 1585094400,
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| "version": "2.6",
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| "ratingClass": 0,
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| "chartDesigner": "Toaster",
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| "jacketDesigner": "クルエルGZ",
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| "rating": 3
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| },
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| {
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| "ratingClass": 1,
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| "chartDesigner": "Toaster",
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| "jacketDesigner": "クルエルGZ",
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| "rating": 5
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| },
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| {
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| "ratingClass": 2,
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| "chartDesigner": "Toaster",
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| "jacketDesigner": "クルエルGZ",
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| "rating": 8
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| },
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| {
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| "ratingClass": 3,
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| "chartDesigner": "Nitro 「The Forgotten」",
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| "jacketDesigner": "クルエルGZ",
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| "rating": 9,
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| "date": 1706140802,
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| "version": "5.3"
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| }
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| },
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| "idx": 153,
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| "id": "amygdata",
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| "en": "amygdata"
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| },
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| "artist": "nitro",
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| "search_title": {
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| "ja": [
| |
| "あみぐでーた"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ko": [
| |
| "아미그다타",
| |
| "아미그데이타"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
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| "search_artist": {
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| "ja": [
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| "ないとろ",
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| "にとろ"
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| ],
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| "ko": [
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| "니트로"
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| ]
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| },
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| "bpm": "154",
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| "bpm_base": 154,
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| "set": "single",
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| "ratingClass": 0,
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| "chartDesigner": "Nitro",
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| "jacketDesigner": "久賀フーナ",
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| "rating": 4
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| },
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| {
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| "ratingClass": 1,
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| "chartDesigner": "Nitro",
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| "jacketDesigner": "久賀フーナ",
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| "rating": 7
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| },
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| {
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| "ratingClass": 2,
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| "chartDesigner": "Nitro",
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| "jacketDesigner": "久賀フーナ",
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| "rating": 9,
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| "ratingPlus": true
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| }
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| ]
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| },
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| "idx": 154,
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| "id": "corpssansorganes",
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| "title_localized": {
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| "en": "corps-sans-organes"
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| },
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| "artist": "cybermiso",
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| "search_title": {
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| "ja": [
| |
| "こーぷすさんずおーぎゃんず"
| |
| ],
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| "ko": [
| |
| "콥스 샌즈 오르가네스",
| |
| "코프스 샌즈 오르가네스"
| |
| ]
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| },
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| "search_artist": {
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| "ja": [
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| "さいばーみそ"
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| ],
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| "ko": [
| |
| "사이버미소"
| |
| ]
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| },
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| "bpm": "105",
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| "bpm_base": 105,
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| "set": "mirai",
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| "date": 1585094402,
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| "ratingClass": 0,
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| "chartDesigner": "夜浪「月食」",
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| "rating": 4
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| },
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| {
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| "ratingClass": 1,
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| "chartDesigner": "夜浪「月食」",
| |
| "jacketDesigner": "softmode",
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| "rating": 7,
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| "ratingPlus": true
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| },
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| {
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| "ratingClass": 2,
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| "chartDesigner": "夜浪「月食」",
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| "jacketDesigner": "softmode",
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| "rating": 10
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| }
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| ]
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| },
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| {
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| "idx": 155,
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| "id": "equilibrium",
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| "title_localized": {
| |
| "en": "Equilibrium"
| |
| },
| |
| "artist": "Maozon",
| |
| "search_title": {
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| "ja": [
| |
| "えくりぶりうむ"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ko": [
| |
| "이퀼리브리움"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
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| "search_artist": {
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| "ja": [
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| "まおぞん"
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| ],
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| "ko": [
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| "마오존"
| |
| ]
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| },
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| "bpm": "180",
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| "date": 1590537600,
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| {
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| "ratingClass": 0,
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| "chartDesigner": "Kurorak",
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| "jacketDesigner": "巻羊",
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| "rating": 3
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| },
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| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 1,
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| "chartDesigner": "Kurorak",
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| "jacketDesigner": "巻羊",
| |
| "rating": 6
| |
| },
| |
| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 2,
| |
| "chartDesigner": "Kurorak",
| |
| "jacketDesigner": "巻羊",
| |
| "rating": 9
| |
| }
| |
| ]
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| },
| |
| {
| |
| "idx": 156,
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| "id": "antagonism",
| |
| "title_localized": {
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| "en": "Antagonism"
| |
| },
| |
| "artist": "Yooh vs. siromaru",
| |
| "search_title": {
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| "ja": [
| |
| "あんたごにずむ"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ko": [
| |
| "안타고니즘"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
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| "search_artist": {
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| "ja": [
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| "ゆー",
| |
| "しろまる"
| |
| ],
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| "ko": [
| |
| "유",
| |
| "시로마루"
| |
| ]
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| },
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| "bg": "vs_conflict",
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| "bg_inverse": "vs_light",
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| "remote_dl": true,
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| "world_unlock": false,
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| "date": 1590537601,
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| "version": "3.0",
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| "difficulties": [
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| {
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| "ratingClass": 0,
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| "chartDesigner": "Toaster",
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| "jacketDesigner": "リウイチ",
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| "rating": 4
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| },
| |
| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 1,
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| "chartDesigner": "Toaster",
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| "jacketDesigner": "リウイチ",
| |
| "rating": 7,
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| "ratingPlus": true
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| },
| |
| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 2,
| |
| "chartDesigner": "Toaster",
| |
| "jacketDesigner": "リウイチ",
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| "rating": 9,
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| "ratingPlus": true
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| }
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| ]
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| },
| |
| {
| |
| "idx": 157,
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| "id": "lostdesire",
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| "title_localized": {
| |
| "en": "Lost Desire"
| |
| },
| |
| "artist": "Powerless feat. Sennzai",
| |
| "search_title": {
| |
| "ja": [
| |
| "ろすとでざいあ"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ko": [
| |
| "로스트 디자이어"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
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| "search_artist": {
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| "ja": [
| |
| "ぱわーれす",
| |
| "せんざい"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ko": [
| |
| "파워리스",
| |
| "센자이"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
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| "bpm": "170",
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| "bpm_base": 170,
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| "world_unlock": false,
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| "date": 1590537602,
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| "version": "3.0",
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| "difficulties": [
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| {
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| "ratingClass": 0,
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| "chartDesigner": "Darkest Dream",
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| "jacketDesigner": "シエラ",
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| "rating": 4
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| },
| |
| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 1,
| |
| "chartDesigner": "Darkest Dream",
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| "jacketDesigner": "シエラ",
| |
| "rating": 7,
| |
| "ratingPlus": true
| |
| },
| |
| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 2,
| |
| "chartDesigner": "Darkest Dream",
| |
| "jacketDesigner": "シエラ",
| |
| "rating": 9,
| |
| "ratingPlus": true
| |
| }
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| {
| |
| "idx": 158,
| |
| "id": "dantalion",
| |
| "title_localized": {
| |
| "en": "Dantalion"
| |
| },
| |
| "artist": "Team Grimoire",
| |
| "search_title": {
| |
| "ja": [
| |
| "だんたりおん"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ko": [
| |
| "단탈리온",
| |
| "단탈라이온"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| "search_artist": {
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| "ja": [
| |
| "ちーむぐりもわーる",
| |
| "ちーむぐりもあ"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ko": [
| |
| "팀 그리모어"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
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| "bpm": "186",
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| "bpm_base": 186,
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| "purchase": "vs",
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| "bg": "vs_conflict",
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| "bg_inverse": "vs_light",
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| "remote_dl": true,
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| "world_unlock": false,
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| "date": 1590537603,
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| "version": "3.0",
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| "difficulties": [
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| {
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| "ratingClass": 0,
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| "chartDesigner": "夜浪",
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| "jacketDesigner": "Rolua",
| |
| "rating": 5
| |
| },
| |
| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 1,
| |
| "chartDesigner": "東星",
| |
| "jacketDesigner": "Rolua",
| |
| "rating": 8
| |
| },
| |
| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 2,
| |
| "chartDesigner": "夜浪 X 東星 \"The Lost\"",
| |
| "jacketDesigner": "Rolua",
| |
| "rating": 10,
| |
| "ratingPlus": true
| |
| }
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| {
| |
| "idx": 159,
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| "id": "ifi",
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| "title_localized": {
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| "en": "#1f1e33"
| |
| },
| |
| "artist": "かめりあ(EDP)",
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| "search_artist": {
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| "en": [
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| "kameria",
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| "camellia"
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| ],
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| "ko": [
| |
| "카메리아"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
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| "bpm": "181",
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| "bpm_base": 181,
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| "set": "vs",
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| "bg_inverse": "vs_light",
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| "world_unlock": false,
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| "date": 1590537604,
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| "version": "3.0",
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| "difficulties": [
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| {
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| "ratingClass": 0,
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| "chartDesigner": "夜浪",
| |
| "jacketDesigner": "望月けい",
| |
| "rating": 5
| |
| },
| |
| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 1,
| |
| "chartDesigner": "夜浪",
| |
| "jacketDesigner": "望月けい",
| |
| "rating": 9
| |
| },
| |
| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 2,
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| "chartDesigner": "夜浪 VS 東星 \"Convergence\"",
| |
| "jacketDesigner": "望月けい",
| |
| "rating": 11
| |
| }
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| {
| |
| "idx": 160,
| |
| "id": "tempestissimo", | |
| "title_localized": {
| |
| "en": "Tempestissimo"
| |
| },
| |
| "artist": "t+pazolite",
| |
| "search_title": {
| |
| "ja": [
| |
| "てんぺすてぃっしも"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ko": [
| |
| "템페스티시모"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| "search_artist": {
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| "ja": [
| |
| "とぱぞらいと"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ko": [
| |
| "토파졸라이트"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| "bpm": "231",
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| "bpm_base": 231,
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| "world_unlock": false,
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| "date": 1590537605,
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| "version": "3.0",
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| {
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| "ratingClass": 0,
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| "chartDesigner": "Prelude - Ouverture",
| |
| "jacketDesigner": "シエラ",
| |
| "rating": 7
| |
| },
| |
| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 1,
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| "chartDesigner": "Convergence - Intermezzo",
| |
| "jacketDesigner": "シエラ",
| |
| "rating": 9
| |
| },
| |
| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 2,
| |
| "chartDesigner": "Onslaught - Crescendo",
| |
| "jacketDesigner": "シエラ",
| |
| "rating": 10,
| |
| "ratingPlus": true
| |
| },
| |
| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 3,
| |
| "chartDesigner": "Finale - The Tempest",
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| "jacketDesigner": "シエラ",
| |
| "rating": 11,
| |
| "legacy11": true,
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| "jacketOverride": true,
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| "hidden_until_unlocked": true,
| |
| "hidden_until": "difficulty"
| |
| }
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| ]
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| },
| |
| {
| |
| "idx": 161,
| |
| "id": "arcahv",
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| "title_localized": {
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| "en": "Arcahv"
| |
| },
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| "artist": "Feryquitous",
| |
| "search_title": {
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| "ja": [
| |
| "あーかゔ"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ko": [
| |
| "아카브"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| "search_artist": {
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| "ja": [
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| "ふぇりきたす"
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| ],
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| "ko": [
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| "페리퀴터스",
| |
| "페리퀴타스",
| |
| "페리퀴토스"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
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| "bpm": "191",
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| "bpm_base": 191,
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| "set": "vs",
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| "bg": "arcahv",
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| "date": 1590537606,
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| "version": "3.0",
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| {
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| "ratingClass": 0,
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| "chartDesigner": "∅",
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| "jacketDesigner": "シエラ",
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| "rating": 4,
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| "hidden_until_unlocked": true,
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| "hidden_until": "difficulty"
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| },
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| {
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| "ratingClass": 1,
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| "chartDesigner": "∅",
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| "jacketDesigner": "シエラ",
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| "rating": 7,
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| "ratingPlus": true,
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| "hidden_until_unlocked": true,
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| "hidden_until": "difficulty"
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| },
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| {
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| "ratingClass": 2,
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| "chartDesigner": "∅",
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| "jacketDesigner": "シエラ",
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| "rating": 9,
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| "hidden_until_unlocked": true,
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| "hidden_until": "difficulty",
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| "ratingPlus": true
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| }
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| ]
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| },
| |
| {
| |
| "idx": 162,
| |
| "id": "altale",
| |
| "title_localized": {
| |
| "en": "Altale"
| |
| },
| |
| "artist": "Sakuzyo",
| |
| "search_title": {
| |
| "ja": [
| |
| "あるてーる"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ko": [
| |
| "알테일"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| "search_artist": {
| |
| "ja": [
| |
| "さくじょ"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ko": [
| |
| "사쿠죠"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| "bpm": "83-90",
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| "bpm_base": 180,
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| "set": "single",
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| "category": "variety",
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| "purchase": "altale",
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| "audioPreview": 60000,
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| "audioPreviewEnd": 70000,
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| "side": 0,
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| "bg": "prelude_light",
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| "bg_inverse": "prelude_conflict",
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| "remote_dl": true,
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| "world_unlock": false,
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| "date": 1590537612,
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| "version": "3.0",
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| "difficulties": [
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| "ratingClass": 0,
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| "chartDesigner": "Kurorak",
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| "jacketDesigner": "",
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| "rating": 2
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| },
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| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 1,
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| "chartDesigner": "Kurorak",
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| "jacketDesigner": "",
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| "rating": 5
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| },
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| {
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| "ratingClass": 2,
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| "chartDesigner": "Kurorak",
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| "jacketDesigner": "",
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| "rating": 9,
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| "ratingPlus": true
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| }
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| ]
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| },
| |
| {
| |
| "idx": 163,
| |
| "id": "givemeanightmare",
| |
| "title_localized": {
| |
| "en": "Give Me a Nightmare"
| |
| },
| |
| "artist": "アリスシャッハと魔法の楽団",
| |
| "search_title": {
| |
| "ja": [
| |
| "ぎぶみーあないとめあ"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ko": [
| |
| "기브 미 어 나이트메어",
| |
| "깁 미 어 나이트메어"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| "search_artist": {
| |
| "en": [
| |
| "arisushahha to mahou no gakudan",
| |
| "alice schach and the magic orchestra"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ja": [
| |
| "ありすしゃっはとまほうのがくだん"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ko": [
| |
| "아리스샤하토 마호노 가쿠단",
| |
| "앨리스 샤하와 마법의 오케스트라"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| "bpm": "95-190",
| |
| "bpm_base": 190,
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| "set": "extend",
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| "purchase": "extend",
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| "bg": "nijuusei-conflict-b",
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| "bg_inverse": "nijuusei-light-b",
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| "remote_dl": true,
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| "world_unlock": true,
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| "date": 1590537610,
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| "version": "3.0",
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| "difficulties": [
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| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 0,
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| "chartDesigner": "CERiNG",
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| "jacketDesigner": "mokeo",
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| "rating": 3
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| },
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| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 1,
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| "chartDesigner": "CERiNG",
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| "jacketDesigner": "mokeo",
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| "rating": 5
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| },
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| {
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| "ratingClass": 2,
| |
| "chartDesigner": "CERiNG",
| |
| "jacketDesigner": "mokeo",
| |
| "rating": 8,
| |
| "ratingPlus": true
| |
| }
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| {
| |
| "idx": 164,
| |
| "id": "blacklotus",
| |
| "title_localized": {
| |
| "en": "Black Lotus"
| |
| },
| |
| "artist": "wa.",
| |
| "search_title": {
| |
| "ja": [
| |
| "ぶらっくろーたす"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ko": [
| |
| "블랙 로터스"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| "search_artist": {
| |
| "ja": [
| |
| "わ"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ko": [
| |
| "와"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| "bpm": "200",
| |
| "bpm_base": 200,
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| "set": "extend",
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| "purchase": "extend",
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| "audioPreview": 60000,
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| "audioPreviewEnd": 70000,
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| "side": 1,
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| "bg": "zettai",
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| "bg_inverse": "zettai_light",
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| "remote_dl": true,
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| "world_unlock": true,
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| "date": 1590537611,
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| "version": "3.0",
| |
| "difficulties": [
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| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 0,
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| "chartDesigner": "Exschwasion",
| |
| "jacketDesigner": "百舌谷",
| |
| "rating": 3
| |
| },
| |
| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 1,
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| "chartDesigner": "Exschwasion",
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| "jacketDesigner": "百舌谷",
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| "rating": 6
| |
| },
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| {
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| "ratingClass": 2,
| |
| "chartDesigner": "Exschwasion",
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| "jacketDesigner": "百舌谷",
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| "rating": 9,
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| "ratingPlus": true
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| }
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| ]
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| },
| |
| {
| |
| "idx": 165,
| |
| "id": "gekka",
| |
| "title_localized": {
| |
| "en": "Gekka (Short Version)"
| |
| },
| |
| "artist": "Nhato",
| |
| "search_title": {
| |
| "ja": [
| |
| "げっか"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ko": [
| |
| "겍카",
| |
| "겟카"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| "search_artist": {
| |
| "ja": [
| |
| "なはと"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ko": [
| |
| "나토"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| "bpm": "132",
| |
| "bpm_base": 132,
| |
| "set": "extend",
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| "audioPreview": 60000,
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| "date": 1590537609,
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| "version": "3.0",
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| "difficulties": [
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| {
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| "ratingClass": 0,
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| "chartDesigner": "Nitro",
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| "jacketDesigner": "SoU",
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| },
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| {
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| "ratingClass": 1,
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| "chartDesigner": "Nitro",
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| "jacketDesigner": "SoU",
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| "rating": 6
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| },
| |
| {
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| "ratingClass": 2,
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| "chartDesigner": "Nitro",
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| "jacketDesigner": "SoU",
| |
| "rating": 8
| |
| }
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| ]
| |
| },
| |
| {
| |
| "idx": 166,
| |
| "id": "vividtheory",
| |
| "title_localized": {
| |
| "en": "Vivid Theory"
| |
| },
| |
| "artist": "ak+q",
| |
| "search_title": {
| |
| "ja": [
| |
| "びびっどせおりー",
| |
| "ゔぃゔぃっどせおりー"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ko": [
| |
| "비비드 씨어리",
| |
| "비비드 시어리"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| "search_artist": {
| |
| "ja": [
| |
| "えーけーぷらすきゅー"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ko": [
| |
| "에이케이 플러스 큐"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| "bpm": "178",
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| "bpm_base": 178,
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| "purchase": "extend",
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| "bg": "rei",
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| "bg_inverse": "yugamu",
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| "remote_dl": true,
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| "date": 1590537607,
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| "version": "3.0",
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| "difficulties": [
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| {
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| "ratingClass": 0,
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| "chartDesigner": "TaroNuke",
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| "jacketDesigner": "Mechari",
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| "rating": 2
| |
| },
| |
| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 1,
| |
| "chartDesigner": "TaroNuke",
| |
| "jacketDesigner": "Mechari",
| |
| "rating": 5
| |
| },
| |
| {
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| "ratingClass": 2,
| |
| "chartDesigner": "TaroNuke",
| |
| "jacketDesigner": "Mechari",
| |
| "rating": 8,
| |
| "ratingPlus": true
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| }
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| {
| |
| "idx": 167,
| |
| "id": "onefr",
| |
| "title_localized": {
| |
| "en": "1F√"
| |
| },
| |
| "artist": "WHITEFISTS",
| |
| "search_title": {
| |
| "ja": [
| |
| "いふるーと"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ko": [
| |
| "이프 루트"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| "search_artist": {
| |
| "ja": [
| |
| "ほわいとふぃすつ"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ko": [
| |
| "화이트피스트",
| |
| "화이트피스츠"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| "bpm": "130",
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| "bpm_base": 130,
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| "set": "extend",
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| "purchase": "extend",
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| "audioPreview": 74769,
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| "audioPreviewEnd": 97346,
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| "side": 0,
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| "bg": "mirai_light",
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| "bg_inverse": "mirai_conflict",
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| "remote_dl": true,
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| "world_unlock": true,
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| "date": 1590537608,
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| "version": "3.0",
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| "difficulties": [
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| {
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| "ratingClass": 0,
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| "chartDesigner": "Nitro",
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| "jacketDesigner": "terry \u0026 nakanome",
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| "rating": 2
| |
| },
| |
| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 1,
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| "chartDesigner": "Nitro",
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| "jacketDesigner": "terry \u0026 nakanome",
| |
| "rating": 6
| |
| },
| |
| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 2,
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| "chartDesigner": "Nitro",
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| "jacketDesigner": "terry \u0026 nakanome",
| |
| "rating": 8
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| }
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| ]
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| },
| |
| {
| |
| "idx": 168,
| |
| "id": "scarletcage",
| |
| "title_localized": {
| |
| "en": "Scarlet Cage"
| |
| },
| |
| "artist": "Daisuke Kurosawa",
| |
| "search_title": {
| |
| "ja": [
| |
| "すかーれっとけーじ"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ko": [
| |
| "스칼렛 케이지"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| "search_artist": {
| |
| "ja": [
| |
| "だいすけくろさわ"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ko": [
| |
| "다이스카 쿠로사와"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| "bpm": "166",
| |
| "bpm_base": 166,
| |
| "set": "single",
| |
| "category": "partner",
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| "purchase": "scarletcage",
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| "audioPreview": 0,
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| "audioPreviewEnd": 0,
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| "side": 1,
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| "bg": "yugamu",
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| "bg_inverse": "rei",
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| "remote_dl": true,
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| "world_unlock": false,
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| "date": 1594166402,
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| "version": "3.0",
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| "difficulties": [
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| {
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| "ratingClass": 0,
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| "chartDesigner": "赤Nitro",
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| "jacketDesigner": "未早",
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| "rating": 4
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| },
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| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 1,
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| "chartDesigner": "赤Nitro",
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| "jacketDesigner": "未早",
| |
| "rating": 7
| |
| },
| |
| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 2,
| |
| "chartDesigner": "赤Nitro",
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| "jacketDesigner": "未早",
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| "rating": 9,
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| "ratingPlus": true
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| }
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| {
| |
| "idx": 169,
| |
| "id": "faintlight",
| |
| "title_localized": {
| |
| "en": "Faint Light (Arcaea Edit)"
| |
| },
| |
| "artist": "Taishi",
| |
| "search_title": {
| |
| "ja": [
| |
| "ふぇいんとらいと"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ko": [
| |
| "페인트 라이트",
| |
| "페인트 라잇"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| "search_artist": {
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| "ja": [
| |
| "たいし"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ko": [
| |
| "타이시"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| "bpm": "133",
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| "bpm_base": 133,
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| "remote_dl": true,
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| "date": 1594166400,
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| "version": "3.0",
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| {
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| "ratingClass": 0,
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| "chartDesigner": "Nitro",
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| "jacketDesigner": "SoU",
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| "rating": 3
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| },
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| {
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| "ratingClass": 1,
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| "chartDesigner": "Nitro",
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| "jacketDesigner": "SoU",
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| "rating": 6
| |
| },
| |
| {
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| "ratingClass": 2,
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| "chartDesigner": "Nitro",
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| "jacketDesigner": "SoU",
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| "rating": 9
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| }
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| ]
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| },
| |
| {
| |
| "idx": 170,
| |
| "id": "feelssoright",
| |
| "title_localized": {
| |
| "en": "Feels So Right feat. Renko"
| |
| },
| |
| "artist": "Mysteka",
| |
| "search_title": {
| |
| "ja": [
| |
| "ふぃーるずそーらいと"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ko": [
| |
| "필즈 소 라잇"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| "search_artist": {
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| "ja": [
| |
| "みすてか",
| |
| "れんこ"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ko": [
| |
| "미스테카"
| |
| ]
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| },
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| "bpm": "180",
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| "bpm_base": 180,
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| "side": 0,
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| "bg": "nijuusei-light-b",
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| "remote_dl": true,
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| "world_unlock": false,
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| "date": 1594166401,
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| "version": "3.0",
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| "difficulties": [
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| {
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| "ratingClass": 0,
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| "chartDesigner": "Toaster",
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| "jacketDesigner": "DJ Poyoshi",
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| "rating": 3
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| },
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| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 1,
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| "chartDesigner": "Toaster",
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| "jacketDesigner": "DJ Poyoshi",
| |
| "rating": 6
| |
| },
| |
| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 2,
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| "chartDesigner": "Toaster",
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| "jacketDesigner": "DJ Poyoshi",
| |
| "rating": 9
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| }
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| ]
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| },
| |
| {
| |
| "idx": 171,
| |
| "id": "teriqma",
| |
| "title_localized": {
| |
| "en": "Teriqma"
| |
| },
| |
| "artist": "owl*tree",
| |
| "search_title": {
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| "ja": [
| |
| "てりくま"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ko": [
| |
| "테리크마"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| "search_artist": {
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| "ja": [
| |
| "おうるつりー"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ko": [
| |
| "아울 트리"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| "bpm": "128",
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| "bpm_base": 128,
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| "set": "single",
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| "category": "musicgames",
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| "purchase": "teriqma",
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| "audioPreview": 0,
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| "side": 1,
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| "bg": "chuni-ikazuchi",
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| "remote_dl": true,
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| "source_localized": {
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| "en": "CHUNITHM"
| |
| },
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| "source_copyright": "©SEGA",
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| "world_unlock": false,
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| "no_stream": true,
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| "date": 1594857600,
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| "version": "3.0",
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| {
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| "ratingClass": 0,
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| "chartDesigner": "Nitro",
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| "jacketDesigner": "",
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| "rating": 3
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| },
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| "ratingClass": 1,
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| "chartDesigner": "Nitro",
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| "jacketDesigner": "",
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| "rating": 6
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| },
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| {
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| "ratingClass": 2,
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| "chartDesigner": "Nitro",
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| "jacketDesigner": "",
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| "rating": 9
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| },
| |
| {
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| "ratingClass": 3,
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| "chartDesigner": "én 200716",
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| "rating": 9,
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| "ratingPlus": true,
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| "date": 1679529600,
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| "version": "4.4"
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| }
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| ]
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| },
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| {
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| "idx": 172,
| |
| "id": "mahoroba",
| |
| "title_localized": {
| |
| "en": "MAHOROBA"
| |
| },
| |
| "artist": "Zekk",
| |
| "search_title": {
| |
| "ja": [
| |
| "まほろば"
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| ],
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| "ko": [
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| "마호로바"
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| ]
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| },
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| "search_artist": {
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| "ja": [
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| "ぜっく"
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| ],
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| "ko": [
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| "젝"
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| ]
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| },
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| "bpm": "195",
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| "bpm_base": 195,
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| "date": 1596758400,
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| "ratingClass": 0,
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| "chartDesigner": "Nitro",
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| "jacketDesigner": "そゐち",
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| "rating": 3
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| },
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| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 1,
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| "chartDesigner": "Nitro",
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| "jacketDesigner": "そゐち",
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| "rating": 6
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| },
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| {
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| "ratingClass": 2,
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| "chartDesigner": "TaroNuke + Nitro",
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| "jacketDesigner": "そゐち",
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| "rating": 9
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| }
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| ]
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| },
| |
| {
| |
| "idx": 173,
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| "id": "badtek",
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| "title_localized": {
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| "en": "BADTEK"
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| },
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| "artist": "EBIMAYO",
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| "search_title": {
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| "ja": [
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| "ばっどてっく"
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| ],
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| "ko": [
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| "배드텍",
| |
| "배드테크"
| |
| ]
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| },
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| "search_artist": {
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| "ja": [
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| "えびまよ"
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| ],
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| "ko": [
| |
| "에비마요"
| |
| ]
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| },
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| "bpm": "190",
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| "bpm_base": 190,
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| "date": 1597968000,
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| "version": "3.1",
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| "ratingClass": 0,
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| "chartDesigner": "Toaster",
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| "jacketDesigner": "トロ3",
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| },
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| {
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| "ratingClass": 1,
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| "chartDesigner": "Toaster",
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| "jacketDesigner": "トロ3",
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| "rating": 7
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| },
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| {
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| "ratingClass": 2,
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| "chartDesigner": "BADTOAST ft. Kurorak",
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| "jacketDesigner": "トロ3",
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| "rating": 9,
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| "ratingPlus": true
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| }
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| ]
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| },
| |
| {
| |
| "idx": 174,
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| "id": "maliciousmischance",
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| "title_localized": {
| |
| "en": "Malicious Mischance"
| |
| },
| |
| "artist": "s-don",
| |
| "search_title": {
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| "ja": [
| |
| "まりしゃすみすちゃんす"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ko": [
| |
| "말리셔스 미스챈스",
| |
| "말리셔스 미스찬스"
| |
| ]
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| },
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| "search_artist": {
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| "すうどん"
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| ],
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| "ko": [
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| "에스돈"
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| ]
| |
| },
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| "bpm": "155",
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| "bpm_base": 155,
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| "date": 1599177600,
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| "ratingClass": 0,
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| "chartDesigner": "×NITRO×",
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| "jacketDesigner": "nonokuro",
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| "rating": 4
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| },
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| {
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| "ratingClass": 1,
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| "chartDesigner": "×NITRO×",
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| "jacketDesigner": "nonokuro",
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| "rating": 7,
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| "ratingPlus": true
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| },
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| {
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| "ratingClass": 2,
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| "chartDesigner": "×NITRO×",
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| "rating": 10
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| }
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| ]
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| },
| |
| {
| |
| "idx": 175,
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| "id": "gothiveofra",
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| "title_localized": {
| |
| "en": "Got hive of Ra"
| |
| },
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| "artist": "E.G.G.",
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| "search_title": {
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| "ja": [
| |
| "ごっとはいぶおぶらー",
| |
| "ごっとはいゔおぶらー"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ko": [
| |
| "갓 하이브 오브 라"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| "search_artist": {
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| "ja": [
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| "えっぐ",
| |
| "えぶりしんぐげっとぐるーゔ"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ko": [
| |
| "에그",
| |
| "에브리씽 겟 그루브",
| |
| "에브리띵 겟 그루브"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| "bpm": "268",
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| "bpm_base": 268,
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| "set": "groovecoaster",
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| "side": 0,
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| "en": "Groove Coaster",
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| "ja": "グルーヴコースター"
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| },
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| "source_copyright": "© TAITO CORP. 1978, 2020",
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| "bg": "gc_light",
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| "bg_inverse": "gc_conflict",
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| "date": 1600214400,
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| "version": "3.2",
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| {
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| "ratingClass": 0,
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| "chartDesigner": "Groove Nitro",
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| "jacketDesigner": "",
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| "rating": 3
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| },
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| {
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| "ratingClass": 1,
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| "chartDesigner": "Groove Nitro",
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| "jacketDesigner": "",
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| "rating": 6
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| },
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| {
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| "ratingClass": 2,
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| "chartDesigner": "Groove Nitro",
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| "jacketDesigner": "",
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| "rating": 9,
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| "ratingPlus": true
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| }
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| ]
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| },
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| {
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| "idx": 176,
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| "id": "buchigireberserker",
| |
| "title_localized": {
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| "en": "BUCHiGiRE Berserker"
| |
| },
| |
| "artist": "REDALiCE vs MASAKI",
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| "search_title": {
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| "ja": [
| |
| "ぶちぎればーさーかー"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ko": [
| |
| "부치기레 버서커"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
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| "search_artist": {
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| "ja": [
| |
| "れっどありす",
| |
| "まさき"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ko": [
| |
| "레드앨리스",
| |
| "마사키"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
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| "bpm": "200",
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| "bpm_base": 200,
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| "set": "single",
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| "category": "musicgames",
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| "audioPreviewEnd": 70000,
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| "en": "Groove Coaster",
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| "ja": "グルーヴコースター"
| |
| },
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| "source_copyright": "© TAITO CORP. 1978, 2020",
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| "bg": "gc_buchigire",
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| "remote_dl": true,
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| "date": 1600214401,
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| "version": "3.2",
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| "ratingClass": 0,
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| "chartDesigner": "夜浪",
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| "jacketDesigner": "",
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| "rating": 5
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| },
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| {
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| "ratingClass": 1,
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| "chartDesigner": "夜浪",
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| "jacketDesigner": "",
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| "rating": 8
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| },
| |
| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 2,
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| "chartDesigner": "東星 vs 夜浪 《BERSERK》",
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| "jacketDesigner": "",
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| "rating": 10,
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| "ratingPlus": true
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| }
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| ]
| |
| },
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| {
| |
| "idx": 177,
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| "id": "galaxyfriends",
| |
| "title_localized": {
| |
| "en": "Galaxy Friends"
| |
| },
| |
| "artist": "Kobaryo",
| |
| "search_title": {
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| "ja": [
| |
| "ぎゃらくしーふれんず"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ko": [
| |
| "갤럭시 프렌즈"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| "search_artist": {
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| "ja": [
| |
| "こばりょー"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ko": [
| |
| "코바료"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
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| "bpm": "300",
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| "bpm_base": 300,
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| "set": "single",
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| "purchase": "galaxyfriends",
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| "audioPreview": 0,
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| "bg": "yugamu",
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| "date": 1602028800,
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| "version": "3.2",
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| "difficulties": [
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| {
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| "ratingClass": 0,
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| "chartDesigner": "Nitrome X",
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| "jacketDesigner": "",
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| "rating": 3
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| },
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| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 1,
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| "chartDesigner": "Nitrome X",
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| "jacketDesigner": "",
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| "rating": 6
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| },
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| {
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| "ratingClass": 2,
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| "chartDesigner": "Nitrome X",
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| "jacketDesigner": "",
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| "rating": 9,
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| "ratingPlus": true
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| }
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| ]
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| },
| |
| {
| |
| "idx": 178,
| |
| "id": "crossover",
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| "title_localized": {
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| "en": "CROSS†OVER"
| |
| },
| |
| "artist": "HyuN feat. LyuU",
| |
| "search_title": {
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| "ja": [
| |
| "くろすおーばー",
| |
| "くろすおーゔぁー"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ko": [
| |
| "크로스오버"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| "search_artist": {
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| "ja": [
| |
| "ひゅん",
| |
| "りゅう"
| |
| ],
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| "ko": [
| |
| "현",
| |
| "류"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| "bpm": "200",
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| "bpm_base": 200,
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| "set": "extend",
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| "purchase": "extend",
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| "side": 1,
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| "bg": "nijuusei-conflict-b",
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| "remote_dl": true,
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| "world_unlock": true,
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| "date": 1602028801,
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| "version": "3.2",
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| "difficulties": [
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| {
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| "ratingClass": 0,
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| "chartDesigner": "Exschwasion",
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| "jacketDesigner": "Aremos",
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| "rating": 4
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| },
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| {
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| "ratingClass": 1,
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| "chartDesigner": "Exschwasion",
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| "jacketDesigner": "Aremos",
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| "rating": 6
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| },
| |
| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 2,
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| "chartDesigner": "Exschwasion",
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| "jacketDesigner": "Aremos",
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| "rating": 9
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| }
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| ]
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| },
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| {
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| "idx": 179,
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| "id": "xeraphinite",
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| "title_localized": {
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| "en": "Xeraphinite"
| |
| },
| |
| "artist": "BlackY",
| |
| "search_title": {
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| "ja": [
| |
| "せらふぃないと"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ko": [
| |
| "제라파이나이트",
| |
| "세라파이나이트"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| "search_artist": {
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| "ja": [
| |
| "ぶらっきー"
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| ],
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| "ko": [
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| "블랙키",
| |
| "블래키"
| |
| ]
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| },
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| "bpm": "146",
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| "bpm_base": 146,
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| "category": "original",
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| "purchase": "xeraphinite",
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| "side": 0,
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| "bg": "zettai_light",
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| "bg_inverse": "zettai",
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| "date": 1604016001,
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| "version": "3.2",
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| "difficulties": [
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| {
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| "ratingClass": 0,
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| "chartDesigner": "東星※空の宝石",
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| "jacketDesigner": "シエラ",
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| "rating": 3
| |
| },
| |
| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 1,
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| "chartDesigner": "東星※空の宝石",
| |
| "jacketDesigner": "シエラ",
| |
| "rating": 7
| |
| },
| |
| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 2,
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| "chartDesigner": "東星※空の宝石",
| |
| "jacketDesigner": "シエラ",
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| "rating": 9,
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| "ratingPlus": true
| |
| }
| |
| ]
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| },
| |
| {
| |
| "idx": 180,
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| "id": "lapis",
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| "title_localized": {
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| "en": "Lapis"
| |
| },
| |
| "artist": "SHIKI",
| |
| "search_title": {
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| "ja": [
| |
| "らぴす"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ko": [
| |
| "라피스"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| "search_artist": {
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| "ja": [
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| "しき"
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| ],
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| "ko": [
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| "시키"
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| ]
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| },
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| "bpm": "146",
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| "bpm_base": 146,
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| "bg": "nijuusei-light-b",
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| "date": 1604016000,
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| "version": "3.2",
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| "difficulties": [
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| {
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| "ratingClass": 0,
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| "chartDesigner": "CERiNG",
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| "jacketDesigner": "Khronetic",
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| "rating": 2
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| },
| |
| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 1,
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| "chartDesigner": "CERiNG",
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| "jacketDesigner": "Khronetic",
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| "rating": 6
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| },
| |
| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 2,
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| "chartDesigner": "CERiNG",
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| "jacketDesigner": "Khronetic",
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| "rating": 9
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| }
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| ]
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| },
| |
| {
| |
| "idx": 181,
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| "id": "xanatos",
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| "title_localized": {
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| "en": "Xanatos"
| |
| },
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| "artist": "Tatsh",
| |
| "search_title": {
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| "ja": [
| |
| "ざなとす"
| |
| ],
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| "ko": [
| |
| "자나토스"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
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| "search_artist": {
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| "ja": [
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| "たっしゅ"
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| ],
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| "ko": [
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| "탓시",
| |
| "탓슈"
| |
| ]
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| },
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| "bpm": "170",
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| "bpm_base": 170,
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| "bg": "yugamu",
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| "date": 1605744000,
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| "version": "3.2",
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| "difficulties": [
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| {
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| "ratingClass": 0,
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| "chartDesigner": "XERiNG",
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| "jacketDesigner": "クリス",
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| "rating": 4
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| },
| |
| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 1,
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| "chartDesigner": "eXschwasion",
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| "jacketDesigner": "クリス",
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| "rating": 7
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| },
| |
| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 2,
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| "chartDesigner": "XERiNG × eXschwasion × NitromeX",
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| "jacketDesigner": "クリス",
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| "rating": 10
| |
| }
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| ]
| |
| },
| |
| {
| |
| "idx": 182,
| |
| "id": "purpleverse",
| |
| "title_localized": {
| |
| "en": "Purple Verse"
| |
| },
| |
| "artist": "Hommarju",
| |
| "search_title": {
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| "ja": [
| |
| "ぱーぷるばーす",
| |
| "ぱーぷるゔぁーす"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ko": [
| |
| "퍼플 버스"
| |
| ]
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| },
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| "search_artist": {
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| "ja": [
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| "おまーじゅ"
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| ],
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| "ko": [
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| "오마쥬",
| |
| "오마주"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
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| "bpm": "170",
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| "bpm_base": 170,
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| "side": 1,
| |
| "bg": "prelude_conflict",
| |
| "bg_inverse": "prelude_light",
| |
| "remote_dl": true,
| |
| "world_unlock": true,
| |
| "date": 1606953605,
| |
| "version": "3.3",
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| "difficulties": [
| |
| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 0,
| |
| "chartDesigner": "Exschwasion",
| |
| "jacketDesigner": "HakureiNeko",
| |
| "rating": 4
| |
| },
| |
| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 1,
| |
| "chartDesigner": "Exschwasion",
| |
| "jacketDesigner": "HakureiNeko",
| |
| "rating": 7
| |
| },
| |
| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 2,
| |
| "chartDesigner": "Exschwasion",
| |
| "jacketDesigner": "HakureiNeko",
| |
| "rating": 9
| |
| },
| |
| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 3,
| |
| "chartDesigner": "/ERROR/ 絶滅",
| |
| "jacketDesigner": "HakureiNeko",
| |
| "jacketOverride": true,
| |
| "rating": 10,
| |
| "date": 1706140804,
| |
| "version": "5.3",
| |
| "hidden_until": "difficulty"
| |
| }
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| {
| |
| "idx": 183,
| |
| "id": "alicealamode",
| |
| "title_localized": {
| |
| "en": "Alice à la mode",
| |
| "ko": "Alice a la mode"
| |
| },
| |
| "artist": "Masanori Akita",
| |
| "search_title": {
| |
| "en": [
| |
| "alice a la mode"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ja": [
| |
| "ありすあらもーど"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ko": [
| |
| "앨리스 아 라 모드"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| "search_artist": {
| |
| "ja": [
| |
| "まさのりあきた"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ko": [
| |
| "마사노리 아키타"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| "bpm": "80-134",
| |
| "bpm_base": 134,
| |
| "set": "alice",
| |
| "purchase": "alice",
| |
| "audioPreview": 0,
| |
| "audioPreviewEnd": 0,
| |
| "side": 0,
| |
| "bg": "alice_light",
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| "bg_inverse": "alice_conflict",
| |
| "remote_dl": true,
| |
| "world_unlock": false,
| |
| "date": 1606953600,
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| "version": "3.3",
| |
| "difficulties": [
| |
| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 0,
| |
| "chartDesigner": "Toaster",
| |
| "jacketDesigner": "シエラ",
| |
| "rating": 2
| |
| },
| |
| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 1,
| |
| "chartDesigner": "Toaster",
| |
| "jacketDesigner": "シエラ",
| |
| "rating": 6
| |
| },
| |
| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 2,
| |
| "chartDesigner": "Toaster",
| |
| "jacketDesigner": "シエラ",
| |
| "rating": 9
| |
| }
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| {
| |
| "idx": 184,
| |
| "id": "eccentrictale",
| |
| "title_localized": {
| |
| "en": "Eccentric Tale"
| |
| },
| |
| "artist": "Yamajet",
| |
| "search_title": {
| |
| "ja": [
| |
| "えきせんとりっくてーる",
| |
| "えきせんとりっくている"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ko": [
| |
| "에센트릭 테일"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| "search_artist": {
| |
| "ja": [
| |
| "やまじぇっと"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ko": [
| |
| "야마젯",
| |
| "야마제트"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| "bpm": "132",
| |
| "bpm_base": 132,
| |
| "set": "alice",
| |
| "purchase": "alice",
| |
| "audioPreview": 0,
| |
| "audioPreviewEnd": 0,
| |
| "side": 1,
| |
| "bg": "alice_conflict",
| |
| "bg_inverse": "alice_light",
| |
| "remote_dl": true,
| |
| "world_unlock": false,
| |
| "date": 1606953601,
| |
| "version": "3.3",
| |
| "difficulties": [
| |
| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 0,
| |
| "chartDesigner": "Nitro",
| |
| "jacketDesigner": "シエラ",
| |
| "rating": 2
| |
| },
| |
| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 1,
| |
| "chartDesigner": "Nitro",
| |
| "jacketDesigner": "シエラ",
| |
| "rating": 5
| |
| },
| |
| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 2,
| |
| "chartDesigner": "Nitro",
| |
| "jacketDesigner": "シエラ",
| |
| "rating": 8
| |
| }
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| {
| |
| "idx": 185,
| |
| "id": "alicessuitcase",
| |
| "title_localized": {
| |
| "en": "Alice's Suitcase"
| |
| },
| |
| "artist": "Endorfin.",
| |
| "search_title": {
| |
| "ja": [
| |
| "ありすずすーつけーす"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ko": [
| |
| "앨리스즈 수트케이스",
| |
| "앨리스 수트케이스"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| "search_artist": {
| |
| "ja": [
| |
| "えんどるふぃん"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ko": [
| |
| "엔돌핀",
| |
| "엔도르핀"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| "bpm": "190",
| |
| "bpm_base": 190,
| |
| "set": "alice",
| |
| "purchase": "alice",
| |
| "audioPreview": 0,
| |
| "audioPreviewEnd": 0,
| |
| "side": 0,
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| "bg": "alice_light",
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| "bg_inverse": "alice_conflict",
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| "remote_dl": true,
| |
| "world_unlock": false,
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| "date": 1606953602,
| |
| "version": "3.3",
| |
| "difficulties": [
| |
| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 0,
| |
| "chartDesigner": "Kurorak",
| |
| "jacketDesigner": "にんにくましまし",
| |
| "rating": 3
| |
| },
| |
| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 1,
| |
| "chartDesigner": "Kurorak",
| |
| "jacketDesigner": "にんにくましまし",
| |
| "rating": 6
| |
| },
| |
| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 2,
| |
| "chartDesigner": "Kurorak",
| |
| "jacketDesigner": "にんにくましまし",
| |
| "rating": 9
| |
| }
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| {
| |
| "idx": 186,
| |
| "id": "jump",
| |
| "title_localized": {
| |
| "en": "Jump"
| |
| },
| |
| "artist": "Rasmus Faber",
| |
| "search_title": {
| |
| "ja": [
| |
| "じゃんぷ"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ko": [
| |
| "점프"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| "search_artist": {
| |
| "ja": [
| |
| "らすますふぇいばー"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ko": [
| |
| "라스무스 페이버",
| |
| "라스머스 페이버",
| |
| "라스마스 페이버"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| "bpm": "133",
| |
| "bpm_base": 133,
| |
| "set": "alice",
| |
| "purchase": "alice",
| |
| "audioPreview": 0,
| |
| "audioPreviewEnd": 0,
| |
| "side": 0,
| |
| "bg": "alice_light",
| |
| "bg_inverse": "alice_conflict",
| |
| "remote_dl": true,
| |
| "world_unlock": false,
| |
| "date": 1606953603,
| |
| "version": "3.3",
| |
| "difficulties": [
| |
| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 0,
| |
| "chartDesigner": "Nitroだー!",
| |
| "jacketDesigner": "あるみっく",
| |
| "rating": 4
| |
| },
| |
| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 1,
| |
| "chartDesigner": "Nitroだー!",
| |
| "jacketDesigner": "あるみっく",
| |
| "rating": 6
| |
| },
| |
| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 2,
| |
| "chartDesigner": "Nitroだー!",
| |
| "jacketDesigner": "あるみっく",
| |
| "rating": 9
| |
| }
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| {
| |
| "idx": 187,
| |
| "id": "felis",
| |
| "title_localized": {
| |
| "en": "Felis"
| |
| },
| |
| "artist": "M2U",
| |
| "search_title": {
| |
| "ja": [
| |
| "ふぇりす"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ko": [
| |
| "펠리스"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| "search_artist": {
| |
| "ja": [
| |
| "えむつーゆー"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ko": [
| |
| "엠투유"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| "bpm": "155",
| |
| "bpm_base": 155,
| |
| "set": "alice",
| |
| "purchase": "alice",
| |
| "audioPreview": 0,
| |
| "audioPreviewEnd": 0,
| |
| "side": 0,
| |
| "bg": "felis",
| |
| "remote_dl": true,
| |
| "world_unlock": false,
| |
| "date": 1606953604,
| |
| "version": "3.3",
| |
| "difficulties": [
| |
| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 0,
| |
| "chartDesigner": "東星",
| |
| "jacketDesigner": "シエラ",
| |
| "rating": 4
| |
| },
| |
| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 1,
| |
| "chartDesigner": "東星",
| |
| "jacketDesigner": "シエラ",
| |
| "rating": 7
| |
| },
| |
| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 2,
| |
| "chartDesigner": "東星",
| |
| "jacketDesigner": "シエラ",
| |
| "rating": 10
| |
| }
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| {
| |
| "idx": 188,
| |
| "id": "besideyou",
| |
| "title_localized": {
| |
| "en": "Beside You"
| |
| },
| |
| "artist": "江口孝宏",
| |
| "search_title": {
| |
| "ja": [
| |
| "びさいどゆー",
| |
| "びさいじゅー"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ko": [
| |
| "비사이드 유"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| "search_artist": {
| |
| "en": [
| |
| "takahiro eguchi"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ja": [
| |
| "えぐちたかひろ"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ko": [
| |
| "타카히로 에구치"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| "bpm": "181",
| |
| "bpm_base": 181,
| |
| "set": "alice_append_1",
| |
| "purchase": "alice_append_1",
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| "audioPreview": 0,
| |
| "audioPreviewEnd": 0,
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| "side": 0,
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| "bg": "alice_light",
| |
| "bg_inverse": "alice_conflict",
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| "remote_dl": true,
| |
| "world_unlock": false,
| |
| "date": 1607558400,
| |
| "version": "3.3",
| |
| "difficulties": [
| |
| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 0,
| |
| "chartDesigner": "CERiNG",
| |
| "jacketDesigner": "にもし",
| |
| "rating": 2
| |
| },
| |
| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 1,
| |
| "chartDesigner": "CERiNG",
| |
| "jacketDesigner": "にもし",
| |
| "rating": 6
| |
| },
| |
| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 2,
| |
| "chartDesigner": "CERiNG",
| |
| "jacketDesigner": "にもし",
| |
| "rating": 8,
| |
| "ratingPlus": true
| |
| }
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| {
| |
| "idx": 189,
| |
| "id": "heartjackin",
| |
| "title_localized": {
| |
| "en": "Heart Jackin'"
| |
| },
| |
| "artist": "Yu_Asahina",
| |
| "search_title": {
| |
| "ja": [
| |
| "はーとじゃっきん"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ko": [
| |
| "하트 잭킹",
| |
| "하트 잭킨"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| "search_artist": {
| |
| "ja": [
| |
| "ゆーあさひな",
| |
| "ゆうあさひな"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ko": [
| |
| "유 아사히나"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| "bpm": "160",
| |
| "bpm_base": 160,
| |
| "set": "alice_append_1",
| |
| "purchase": "alice_append_1",
| |
| "audioPreview": 0,
| |
| "audioPreviewEnd": 0,
| |
| "side": 0,
| |
| "bg": "alice_light",
| |
| "bg_inverse": "alice_conflict",
| |
| "remote_dl": true,
| |
| "world_unlock": false,
| |
| "date": 1607558401,
| |
| "version": "3.3",
| |
| "difficulties": [
| |
| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 0,
| |
| "chartDesigner": "TaroNuke + Nitro",
| |
| "jacketDesigner": "mins",
| |
| "rating": 3
| |
| },
| |
| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 1,
| |
| "chartDesigner": "TaroNuke + Nitro",
| |
| "jacketDesigner": "mins",
| |
| "rating": 5
| |
| },
| |
| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 2,
| |
| "chartDesigner": "TaroNuke + Nitro",
| |
| "jacketDesigner": "mins",
| |
| "rating": 9,
| |
| "ratingPlus": true
| |
| }
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| {
| |
| "idx": 190,
| |
| "id": "toaliceliddell",
| |
| "title_localized": {
| |
| "en": "To: Alice Liddell",
| |
| "ja": "アリス・リデルに捧ぐ"
| |
| },
| |
| "artist": "モリモリあつし",
| |
| "search_title": {
| |
| "ja": [
| |
| "ありすりでるにささぐ"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ko": [
| |
| "투 엘리스 리들",
| |
| "아리스리데루니 사사구",
| |
| "앨리스 리들에게 바침"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| "search_artist": {
| |
| "en": [
| |
| "morimori atsushi"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ko": [
| |
| "모리모리 아츠시"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| "bpm": "222",
| |
| "bpm_base": 222,
| |
| "set": "alice_append_1",
| |
| "purchase": "alice_append_1",
| |
| "audioPreview": 0,
| |
| "audioPreviewEnd": 0,
| |
| "side": 1,
| |
| "bg": "alice_conflict",
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| "bg_inverse": "alice_light",
| |
| "remote_dl": true,
| |
| "world_unlock": false,
| |
| "date": 1607558402,
| |
| "version": "3.3",
| |
| "difficulties": [
| |
| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 0,
| |
| "chartDesigner": "Yours Sincerely, 夜浪",
| |
| "jacketDesigner": "みきさい + Khronetic",
| |
| "rating": 4
| |
| },
| |
| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 1,
| |
| "chartDesigner": "Yours Sincerely, 夜浪",
| |
| "jacketDesigner": "みきさい + Khronetic",
| |
| "rating": 7
| |
| },
| |
| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 2,
| |
| "chartDesigner": "Yours Sincerely, 夜浪",
| |
| "jacketDesigner": "みきさい + Khronetic",
| |
| "rating": 10
| |
| }
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| {
| |
| "idx": 191,
| |
| "id": "lazyaddiction",
| |
| "title_localized": {
| |
| "en": "Lazy Addiction"
| |
| },
| |
| "artist": "sky_delta",
| |
| "search_title": {
| |
| "ja": [
| |
| "れいじーあでぃくしょん"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ko": [
| |
| "레이지 애딕션",
| |
| "레이지 에딕션"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| "search_artist": {
| |
| "ja": [
| |
| "すかいでるた"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ko": [
| |
| "스카이 델타"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| "bpm": "185",
| |
| "bpm_base": 185,
| |
| "set": "ongeki",
| |
| "purchase": "ongeki", | |
| "audioPreview": 0,
| |
| "audioPreviewEnd": 0, | |
| "side": 0,
| |
| "bg": "ongeki_light",
| |
| "bg_inverse": "ongeki_conflict",
| |
| "remote_dl": true,
| |
| "source_localized": { | |
| "ja": "オンゲキ",
| |
| "en": "O.N.G.E.K.I."
| |
| },
| |
| "source_copyright": "©SEGA",
| |
| "world_unlock": false, | |
| "no_stream": true,
| |
| "date": 1608163200,
| |
| "version": "3.4",
| |
| "difficulties": [
| |
| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 0,
| |
| "chartDesigner": "Nitro without Toaster.",
| |
| "jacketDesigner": "",
| |
| "rating": 2
| |
| },
| |
| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 1,
| |
| "chartDesigner": "Nitro without Toaster.",
| |
| "jacketDesigner": "",
| |
| "rating": 6
| |
| },
| |
| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 2,
| |
| "chartDesigner": "Nitro without Toaster.",
| |
| "jacketDesigner": "",
| |
| "rating": 9
| |
| }
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| {
| |
| "idx": 192,
| |
| "id": "dazzlehop",
| |
| "title_localized": {
| |
| "en": "Dazzle hop"
| |
| },
| |
| "artist": "Sampling Masters MEGA",
| |
| "search_title": {
| |
| "ja": [
| |
| "だずるほっぷ"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ko": [
| |
| "대즐 합",
| |
| "대즐 홉"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| "search_artist": {
| |
| "ja": [
| |
| "さんぷりんぐますたーずめが"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ko": [
| |
| "샘플링 마스터즈 메가",
| |
| "샘플링 마스터스 메가"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| "bpm": "220",
| |
| "bpm_base": 220,
| |
| "set": "ongeki",
| |
| "purchase": "ongeki",
| |
| "audioPreview": 0,
| |
| "audioPreviewEnd": 0,
| |
| "side": 1,
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| "bg": "ongeki_conflict",
| |
| "bg_inverse": "ongeki_light",
| |
| "remote_dl": true,
| |
| "source_localized": {
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| "ja": "オンゲキ",
| |
| "en": "O.N.G.E.K.I."
| |
| },
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| "date": 1608163201,
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| "ratingClass": 0,
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| "chartDesigner": "Kuro rak",
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| "ratingClass": 1,
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| "chartDesigner": "Kuro rak",
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| },
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| {
| |
| "idx": 193,
| |
| "id": "viyellastears",
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| "title_localized": {
| |
| "en": "Viyella's Tears"
| |
| },
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| "artist": "Laur",
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| "search_title": {
| |
| "ja": [
| |
| "ゔぃえらずてぃあーず"
| |
| ],
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| "ko": [
| |
| "비엘라스 티어스",
| |
| "비엘라즈 티어스",
| |
| "비엘라스 티어즈",
| |
| "비엘라즈 티어즈"
| |
| ]
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| },
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| "ja": [
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| "らうる"
| |
| ],
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| "ko": [
| |
| "라우르"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
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| "bpm": "218",
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| "bpm_base": 218,
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| "bg_inverse": "ongeki_light",
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| "remote_dl": true,
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| "source_localized": {
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| "ja": "オンゲキ",
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| "en": "O.N.G.E.K.I." | | "en": "O.N.G.E.K.I." |
| }, | | }, |
| "source_copyright": "©SEGA", | | "description_localized": { |
| "world_unlock": false,
| | "en": "A new type of battle that has\nnever been seen before has come to Arcaea...\n\nFour stunning songs from O.N.G.E.K.I.\nhave landed! With Luna and Mia at your side—\n\nLet's SHOOT!", |
| "no_stream": true,
| | "ja": "Arcaeaへと訪れる、未 だ 見ぬ闘争――。\n\nオンゲキ よ り、衝撃の4曲が到来。\nルナと美亜 の コンビと一緒に、\nLet's SHOOT!", |
| "date": 1608163202,
| | "ko": " 지금껏 아르케 아 에서\n보지못한 새로운 형태의 전장...\n\nO.N.G.E.K.I. 의 멋진 4 곡 이\n루나와 미아 가 함께 착륙했습니다!\nLet's SHOOT!", |
| "version": "3.4",
| | "zh-Hant": " 前所未見的全新戰鬥\n形式即將降臨韻律源點Arcaea……\n\nO.N.G.E.K.I. 的\n四首精彩曲目現已登場!\n跟隨露娜與美亞的腳步——\n一起盛大出擊吧!", |
| "difficulties": [
| | "zh-Hans": " 一种在韵律源点Arcaea\n从未出现过的全新战斗方式……\n\n四首来自O.N.G.E.K.I.的\n精彩曲目现已登陆!\n以 露娜 \u0026 美亚 作为搭档一同出击!" |
| {
| | } |
| "ratingClass": 0,
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| "chartDesigner": "東星の涙",
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| "jacketDesigner": "",
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| "rating": 4
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| },
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| "ratingClass": 1,
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| "chartDesigner": "東星の涙",
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| "jacketDesigner": "",
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| "rating": 7,
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| "ratingPlus": true
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| },
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| "ratingClass": 2,
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| "chartDesigner": "東星の涙",
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| "jacketDesigner": "",
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| "rating": 10
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| }
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| ]
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| },
| |
| {
| |
| "idx": 194,
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| "id": "omegafour",
| |
| "title_localized": {
| |
| "en": " ω4", | |
| "zh-Hant": "w4",
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| "zh-Hans": "w4"
| |
| },
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| "artist": "穴山大輔 VS 光吉猛修 VS Kai",
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| "search_title": {
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| "en": [
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| "omega four",
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| "omega4"
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| ],
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| " おめがふぉー"
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| ],
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| "ko": [
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| "오메가 포"
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| ]
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| },
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| "ja": [
| |
| "あなやま だ いすけ",
| |
| "みつ よ したけ の ぶ",
| |
| "かい"
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| ],
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| "ko": [ | |
| "아 나야마 다이스케",
| |
| "미츠요시 타케노부",
| |
| "카이"
| |
| ]
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| },
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| "bpm": "71-192",
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| "en": "O.N.G.E.K.I."
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| "date": 1608163203,
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| ]
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| },
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| {
| |
| "idx": 195,
| |
| "id": "aprilshowers",
| |
| "title_localized": {
| |
| "en": "April showers",
| |
| "ja": "四月の雨"
| |
| },
| |
| "artist": "cubesato",
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| "search_title": {
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| "ja": [
| |
| "しがつのあめ"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ko": [
| |
| "에 이 프릴 샤워즈",
| |
| "시 가 츠노 아메",
| |
| "4월의 비",
| |
| "사월의 비"
| |
| ] | |
| },
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| "search_artist": {
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| "ja": [
| |
| "きゅーぶさとー",
| |
| "きゅーぶさとう"
| |
| ],
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| "ko": [
| |
| "큐브사토"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
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| "bpm": "79",
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| "bpm_base": 79,
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| "idx": 196,
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| "en": "7thSense"
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| },
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| "artist": "削除",
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| "せぶんすせんす"
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| ],
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| "ko": [
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| "세븐스 센스",
| |
| "세븐 센스"
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| ],
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| "さくじょ"
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| ],
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| "ko": [
| |
| "사쿠죠"
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| ]
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| },
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| }, | | }, |
| { | | { |
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| "title_localized": { | | "pack_parent": "ongeki", |
| "en": "Oshama Scramble!"
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| },
| | "name_localized": { |
| "artist": "t+pazolite", | | "en": "Collaboration Chapter 2" |
| "search_title": { | |
| "ja": [
| |
| "おしゃますくらんぶる"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ko": [
| |
| "오샤마 스크램블!"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
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| "search_artist": {
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| "ja": [
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| "とぱぞらいと"
| |
| ],
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| "ko": [
| |
| "토파졸라이트"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
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| "bpm": "190",
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| "bpm_base": 190,
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| "date": 1610064002,
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| "ratingClass": 0,
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| "chartDesigner": "Nitro!+9牛乳",
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| },
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| {
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| "ratingClass": 1,
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| "rating": 10
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| },
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| {
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| "idx": 198,
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| "id": "amazingmightyyyy",
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| "title_localized": {
| |
| |
| },
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| "artist": "WAiKURO",
| |
| "search_title": {
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| "ja": [
| |
| "あめいじんぐまいてぃぃいい",
| |
| "あめーじんぐまいてぃぃいい"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ko": [
| |
| "어메이징 마이티이이이이"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| "search_artist": {
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| "ja": [
| |
| "わいくろ"
| |
| ],
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| "ko": [
| |
| "와이쿠로"
| |
| ]
| |
| }, | | }, |
| "bpm": "185", | | "description_localized": { |
| "bpm_base": 185,
| | "en": "A new and menacing test approaches,\nchallenging your convictions...\n\nThis Pack Append adds five more songs\nfrom O.N.G.E.K.I. to face and overcome!\nAnd now in Chapter 2, Saki joins the fray!", |
| "set": "maimai",
| | "ja": " そして再び訪れる、さらなる試練。\n\n今登場するPack Append。\n満を持して襲来する5曲の試練。\nさらにパートナー、『咲姫』が登場!", |
| "purchase": "maimai",
| | "ko": " 당신의 신념에 도전하는 새롭고\n위협적인 시험이 다가온다...\n\n이번 Pack Append는 O.N.G.E.K.I.를\n통해 대면하고 이겨낼 다섯 곡을 추가합니다!\n두 번째 장에서는 사키가 싸움에 가담합니다!", |
| "audioPreview": 0,
| | "zh-Hant": " 一場全新的試煉已蓄勢待發,\n你的信念會因此動搖嗎?\n\n在這個Pack Append中,\n你將面對並挑戰另外5首來自O.N.G.E.K.I.的歌曲。\n而作為聯動第二彈的搭檔,咲姬也將加入這場挑戰!", |
| "audioPreviewEnd": 0,
| | "zh-Hans": " 一场全新的试炼已蓄势待发,\n你的信念会因此动摇吗?\n\n在这个Pack Append中,\n你将面对并挑战另外5首来自O.N.G.E.K.I.的歌曲。\n而作为联动第二弹的搭档,咲姬也将加入这场挑战!" |
| "side": 1,
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| "bg": "maimai_boss",
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| "date": 1610064003,
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| "ratingClass": 0,
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| "chartDesigner": "AMAZING TOASTYYYY!!!!",
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| "rating": 4
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| },
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| "ratingClass": 1,
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| "chartDesigner": "AMAZING TOASTYYYY!!!!",
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| "jacketDesigner": "",
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| "rating": 7,
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| }, | |
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| "ratingClass": 2,
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| "chartDesigner": "AMAZING TOASTYYYY!!!!",
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| "jacketDesigner": "",
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| "rating": 10,
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| "ratingPlus": true
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| }
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| ]
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| }, | | }, |
| { | | { |
| "idx": 199, | | "id": "ongeki_append_2", |
| "id": "climax", | | "section": "collab", |
| "title_localized": { | | "pack_parent": "ongeki", |
| "en": "Climax" | | "plus_character": -1, |
| | "name_localized": { |
| | "en": "Collaboration Chapter 3" |
| }, | | }, |
| "artist": "USAO", | | "description_localized": { |
| "search_title": {
| | "en": "Seal this moment: 4 vivid songs from\nO.N.G.E.K.I. are waiting to be conquered!\nAnd of these, a formidable two promise\nunforgettable, lasting memories...\n\nTsumugi too rises to the occasion. She's serious\nand ready to help! ...At least, in her own way!", |
| "ja": [ | | "ja": " オンゲキより魅惑の4曲が襲来!\n記憶に刻め、そして畏れよ――\nかの名だたる双璧を。\n\nちょっと背伸びしがちでも\n頼れるパートナー『つむぎ』も登場!", |
| " くらいまっくす"
| | "ko": " 기억을 새겨보세요.\nO.N.G.E.K.I.에서 건너온\n4개의 생생한 악곡들이 기다립니다!\n그리고 그 중에는, 결코 잊을 수 없는 순간을 선사할\n두 개의 압도적인 악곡이...\n\n파트너 츠무기 또한\n여러분을 도 우 러 등장합니다...! 좀 버겁겠지만...", |
| ],
| | "zh-Hant": " 四首來自O.N.G.E.K.I.的\n動聽歌曲等待你來征服!\n相信其中的兩首強大存在一定會\n給你帶去難忘的、永恆的回憶。\n\n紡也將挺身而出,用自己的方式幫助大家!\n她是認真的:\" 那便將此刻封存吧!\"", |
| "ko": [
| | "zh-Hans": " 四首来自O.N.G.E.K.I.的\n动听歌曲等待你来征服!\n相信其中的两首强大存在一定会\n给你带去难忘的、永恒的回忆。\n\n纺也将挺身而出,用自己的方式帮助大家!\n她是认真的:\" 那便将此刻封存吧!\"" |
| " 클라이맥스"
| | } |
| ]
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| },
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| "search_artist": {
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| "ja": [ | |
| " うさお"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ko": [ | |
| "우 사오"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| "bpm": "190",
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| "bpm_base": 190,
| |
| "set": "chunithm_append_1",
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| "bg": "chunithmthird_conflict",
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| "en": "CHUNITHM"
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| },
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| "date": 1611187200,
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| "version": "3.5",
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| "ratingClass": 0,
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| "chartDesigner": "Nitro -EXTRA ROUND-",
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| "rating": 4
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| },
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| "ratingClass": 1,
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| "chartDesigner": "Nitro -EXTRA ROUND-",
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| "jacketDesigner": "",
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| "rating": 7,
| |
| "ratingPlus": true
| |
| },
| |
| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 2,
| |
| "chartDesigner": "Nitro -EXTRA ROUND-",
| |
| "jacketDesigner": "",
| |
| "rating": 10
| |
| }
| |
| ]
| |
| }, | | }, |
| { | | { |
| "idx": 200,
| | "id": "chunithm", |
| "id": "lastcelebration", | | "section": "collab", |
| "title_localized": { | | "custom_banner": true, |
| "en": "Last Celebration"
| | "plus_character": 24, |
| },
| | "name_localized": { |
| "artist": "Laur vs CK", | |
| "search_title": {
| |
| "ja": [
| |
| "らすとせれぶれーしょん"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ko": [
| |
| "라스트 셀레브레이션"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| "search_artist": {
| |
| "ja": [
| |
| "らうる",
| |
| "しーけー"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ko": [
| |
| "라우르",
| |
| "시케이"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| "bpm": "238", | |
| "bpm_base": 238,
| |
| "set": "chunithm_append_1",
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| "purchase": "chunithm_append_1",
| |
| "audioPreview": 0,
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| "audioPreviewEnd": 0,
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| "side": 1,
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| "bg": "chunithmthird_conflict",
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| "remote_dl": true,
| |
| "source_localized": { | |
| "en": "CHUNITHM" | | "en": "CHUNITHM" |
| }, | | }, |
| "source_copyright": "©SEGA", | | "description_localized": { |
| "world_unlock": false,
| | "en": "From over the horizon come three\npowerful new songs from the arcade\nrhythm game CHUNITHM!\n\nJoin Tairitsu and Chuni Penguin as\nyou take on this monumental challenge!", |
| "no_stream": true,
| | "ja": " 地平線の向こうはアーケードから、\n3つの強力な楽曲がやってくる――。\nあのCHUNITHMとArcaeaがコラボ!\n\n対立とチュウニペンギンと共に、\n難敵たちに挑戦しよう!", |
| "date": 1611187201,
| | "ko": "3곡의 새로운 음악이\n아케이드 리듬게임 'CHUNITHM' 을 통해\n수평선 너머에서 강하게 접근 중!\n\n타이리츠와 츄니펭귄과 함께,\n기념이 될 만한 엄청난 도전에 참여하세요!", |
| "version": "3.5",
| | "zh-Hant": " 三首來自街機節奏遊戲\n《CHUNITHM》的震撼新曲\n已於天際展露鋒芒!\n\n跟隨對立與中二企鵝一起\n共同開始這一系列里程碑式的挑戰!", |
| "difficulties": [
| | "zh-Hans": " 三首来自街机节奏游戏\n《CHUNITHM》的震撼新曲\n已于天际展露锋芒!\n\n跟随对立与中二企鹅一起\n共同开始这一系列里程碑式的挑战!" |
| { | | } |
| "ratingClass": 0,
| |
| "chartDesigner": "Nitro affected by 'CHUNITHM'",
| |
| "jacketDesigner": "",
| |
| "rating": 3
| |
| },
| |
| { | |
| "ratingClass": 1,
| |
| "chartDesigner": "Nitro affected by 'CHUNITHM'",
| |
| "jacketDesigner": "",
| |
| "rating": 6
| |
| },
| |
| { | |
| "ratingClass": 2,
| |
| "chartDesigner": "Nitro affected by 'CHUNITHM'",
| |
| "jacketDesigner": "",
| |
| "rating": 10
| |
| }
| |
| ]
| |
| }, | | }, |
| { | | { |
| "idx": 201, | | "id": "chunithm_append_1", |
| "id": "gou", | | "section": "collab", |
| "title_localized": { | | "pack_parent": "chunithm", |
| "en": "Misdeed -la bonté de Dieu et l'origine du mal-",
| | "plus_character": -1, |
| "ja": " 業 -善なる神とこの世の悪について-" | | "name_localized": { |
| | "en": "Collaboration Chapter 2" |
| }, | | }, |
| "artist": " 光吉猛修 VS 穴山大輔", | | "description_localized": { |
| "search_title": {
| | "en": "Three new and unrelenting songs\nhave arrived in this major update\nto the CHUNITHM collaboration!\n\nAnd this time, even the gods\nwill show no mercy...", |
| "ja": [ | | "ja": " 新しく、容赦など な い三曲が\nCHUNITHM よ り襲来!\n\nまた一度、CHUNITHMが帰ってきた。\nそして此度は、神さえ慈悲を棄 て るだろう。", |
| " ごうぜん な るかみとこの よ のあくについ て"
| | "ko": " 신선하면서도 가혹하기 그지없는\n3곡이 츄니즘 콜라보레이션의\n메인 곡으 로 찾 아 왔습 니 다!\n\n 이 번에도 그 신 들은,\n무자비한 모습으로...", |
| ],
| | "zh-Hant": " 本次 CHUNITHM 合作活動的大型更新\n推出了三首氣勢磅礡的全新曲目!\n\n而且這次就連上帝也不會心慈手軟……", |
| "ko": [ | | "zh-Hans": " 本次 CHUNITHM 联动的大型更新\n将推出三首全新的高难度曲目!\n\n而这次,即使是众神也不再有怜悯……" |
| " 미스디드 라 봉뜨 드 듀 엣 로 히진 듀 마",
| | } |
| "고우젠나루 카미토 코노요노 아 쿠 니 츠 이 테",
| |
| "업 선한 신 과 이 세상의 악에 관하여"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| "search_artist": {
| |
| "en": [ | |
| "takenobu mitsuyoshi",
| |
| "anayama daisuke"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ja": [
| |
| "みつよしたけのぶ",
| |
| "あなやまだいすけ"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ko": [
| |
| "타케노부 미츠요시",
| |
| "아나야마 다이스케"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| "bpm": "190",
| |
| "bpm_base": 190,
| |
| "set": "chunithm_append_1",
| |
| "purchase": "chunithm_append_1",
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| "audioPreview": 0,
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| "audioPreviewEnd": 0,
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| "side": 0,
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| "bg": "gou",
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| "remote_dl": true,
| |
| "source_localized": {
| |
| "en": "CHUNITHM" | |
| }, | |
| "source_copyright": "©SEGA",
| |
| "world_unlock": false,
| |
| "no_stream": true,
| |
| "date": 1611187202,
| |
| "version": "3.5",
| |
| "difficulties": [
| |
| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 0,
| |
| "chartDesigner": "神の啓示「人類の限界」",
| |
| "jacketDesigner": "",
| |
| "rating": 5
| |
| },
| |
| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 1,
| |
| "chartDesigner": "神の啓示「人類の希望」",
| |
| "jacketDesigner": "",
| |
| "rating": 8
| |
| },
| |
| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 2,
| |
| "chartDesigner": "神の啓示「人類の未来」",
| |
| "jacketDesigner": "",
| |
| "rating": 10,
| |
| "ratingPlus": true
| |
| }
| |
| ]
| |
| }, | | }, |
| { | | { |
| "idx": 202, | | "id": "chunithm_append_2", |
| "id": "glow", | | "section": "collab", |
| "title_localized": { | | "pack_parent": "chunithm", |
| "en": "Glow" | | "plus_character": -1, |
| | "name_localized": { |
| | "en": "Collaboration Chapter 3" |
| }, | | }, |
| "artist": "SPACELECTRO", | | "description_localized": { |
| "search_title": {
| | "en": "Joy and terror both await you in this next\nCHUNITHM chapter!\n\nFive more heart-pounding songs are lying in wait...\n\nCarry with you a heart of justice.\nCarry with you a heart unafraid.", |
| "ja": [ | | "ja": " 悲喜交交のCHUNITHMコラボ、\nあらたなチャプタ ー が登場!\n\n正義の心と、恐 れ ぬ心。\n心躍る5つの曲があなたを待つ。", |
| " ぐろー",
| | "ko": " 새로운 CHUNITHM 콜라보레이션에서는\n즐거움과 공포가 동시에...!\n\n심장을 뛰게 만드는 다섯 개의 악곡 이\n여러분을 기다립니다.\n\n정의와 용기의 마음을 안고 나아가세요.", |
| "ぐろう"
| | "zh-Hant": " 與CHUNITHM聯動的下一章節,既讓人鼓舞歡欣,\n或許也同樣使人膽戰心驚……\n\n這五首令人心跳加速的曲目正等待著你!\n\n請前去吧,懷揣一顆正義的心;請邁步吧,\n沈著冷靜是最好的錦囊。", |
| ],
| | "zh-Hans": " 与CHUNITHM联动的下一章节,既让人鼓舞欢欣,\n或许也同样使人胆战心惊……\n\n这五首令人心跳加速的曲目正等待着你!\n\n请前去吧,怀揣一颗正义的心;请迈步吧,\n沉着冷静是最好的锦囊。" |
| "ko": [
| | } |
| "글로우"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| "search_artist": {
| |
| "ja": [ | |
| " すぺ ー す れ くとろ"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ko": [ | |
| " 스페 이 슬렉트로"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| "bpm": "165",
| |
| "bpm_base": 165,
| |
| "set": "extend",
| |
| "purchase": "extend",
| |
| "audioPreview": 0,
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| "audioPreviewEnd": 0,
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| "side": 1,
| |
| "bg": "prelude_conflict",
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| "bg_inverse": "prelude_light",
| |
| "remote_dl": true,
| |
| "world_unlock": true,
| |
| "date": 1611187204,
| |
| "version": "3.5",
| |
| "difficulties": [
| |
| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 0,
| |
| "chartDesigner": "Exschwasion",
| |
| "jacketDesigner": "Taiyo Yamamoto",
| |
| "rating": 4
| |
| }, | |
| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 1,
| |
| "chartDesigner": "Exschwasion",
| |
| "jacketDesigner": "Taiyo Yamamoto",
| |
| "rating": 7
| |
| },
| |
| { | |
| "ratingClass": 2,
| |
| "chartDesigner": "Exschwasion",
| |
| "jacketDesigner": "Taiyo Yamamoto",
| |
| "rating": 9
| |
| }
| |
| ]
| |
| }, | | }, |
| { | | { |
| "idx": 203,
| | "id": "chunithm_append_3", |
| "id": "attraqtia", | | "section": "collab", |
| "title_localized": { | | "pack_parent": "chunithm", |
| "en": "AttraqtiA"
| | "plus_character": -1, |
| },
| | "name_localized": { |
| "artist": " かめりあ", | | "en": "Collaboration Chapter 4" |
| "search_title": { | |
| "ja": [
| |
| "あとらくてぃあ"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ko": [
| |
| "어트랙티아"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| "search_artist": { | |
| "en": [ | |
| "kameria",
| |
| "camellia"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ko": [
| |
| " 카메리아"
| |
| ]
| |
| }, | | }, |
| "bpm": "202", | | "description_localized": { |
| "bpm_base": 202,
| | "en": "Come, bring the heat!\n\nWith the 4th chapter of the CHUNITHM\ncollaboration, 4 new songs burst onto\nthe scene to take center stage!\n\nIn this endless pursuit of trials, ready your soul.", |
| "set": "single",
| | "ja": "4回目となるCHUNITHMコラボでは、\n4つの楽曲が新たにステージへ!\n\nさあ、祭典へ。\n果てない試練を魂で超えて行け。\n", |
| "category": "original",
| | "ko": " 뜨거운 열기를, 모두와 함께!\n\nCHUNITHM 콜라보레이션 Chapter 4!\n4개의 신곡이 무대의 시선을 독차지합니다!\n\n끝없는 도전이 기다립니다.\n영혼을 단단히 붙잡으세요.", |
| "purchase": "attraqtia",
| | "zh-Hant": " 來吧,鼓動起來!\n\nCHUNITHM聯動第四章,現已推出:\n四首新曲突然登上舞台,一躍成為全部視線的焦點!\n\n探求的靈魂啊,上前來,接受那無盡的試煉吧!", |
| "audioPreview": 0,
| | "zh-Hans": " 来吧,鼓动起来!\n\nCHUNITHM联动第四章,现已推出:\n四首新曲骤然登上舞台,一跃成为全部视线的焦点!\n\n探求的灵魂啊,上前来,接受那无尽的试炼吧!" |
| "audioPreviewEnd": 0,
| | } |
| "side": 0,
| |
| "bg": "rei",
| |
| "bg_inverse": "yugamu",
| |
| "remote_dl": true,
| |
| "world_unlock": false,
| |
| "date": 1611187203,
| |
| "version": "3.5",
| |
| "difficulties": [
| |
| { | |
| "ratingClass": 0,
| |
| "chartDesigner": "Toaster affected by 'CHUNITHM'",
| |
| "jacketDesigner": "Enji",
| |
| "rating": 4
| |
| },
| |
| { | |
| "ratingClass": 1,
| |
| "chartDesigner": "Toaster affected by 'CHUNITHM'",
| |
| "jacketDesigner": "Enji",
| |
| "rating": 8
| |
| },
| |
| { | |
| "ratingClass": 2,
| |
| "chartDesigner": "Toaster affected by 'CHUNITHM'",
| |
| "jacketDesigner": "Enji",
| |
| "rating": 10
| |
| }
| |
| ]
| |
| }, | | }, |
| { | | { |
| "idx": 204, | | "id": "groovecoaster", |
| "id": "enchantedlove", | | "section": "collab", |
| "title_localized": { | | "custom_banner": true, |
| "en": "enchanted love"
| | "plus_character": 22, |
| },
| | "name_localized": { |
| "artist": "linear ring", | | "en": "Groove Coaster" |
| "search_title": { | |
| "ja": [ | |
| "えんちゃんてっどらぶ"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ko": [
| |
| " 인챈티드 러브"
| |
| ]
| |
| }, | | }, |
| "search_artist": { | | "description_localized": { |
| "ja": [ | | "en": "Six stunning new songs await you in\nArcaea's collaboration with Groove Coaster!\n\nFollow Hikari and Seine along\na new path under the starry skies!", |
| " りにありんぐ",
| | "ja": "グルーヴコースターとArcaeaの\nコラボレーションにて、\n6つの新曲が君を待つ!\n\nセイネとヒカリと共 に 、\n星降る夜空へと繰 り 出そう!", |
| " り に あー り んぐ"
| | "ko": " 여섯곡의 멋진 신곡이 Arcaea와\nGroove Coaster의 콜라보레이션으로!!\n\n별이 빛나는 하늘 아래, 히카 리 와 세 니 에를 따라\n새로운 여정을 떠나봅시다!", |
| ],
| | "zh-Hant": " 六首美妙的新樂曲\n正在Arcaea與音樂遊戲\n《節奏過山車(Groove Coaster)》\n的合作樂曲包中等待著你!\n\n跟隨光與晴音踏上\n那唯美星空之下的嶄新小徑!", |
| "ko": [ | | "zh-Hans": " 六首美妙的新歌曲正在Arcaea与音乐游戏\n《节奏过山车(Groove Coaster)》\n的合作歌曲包中等待着你!\n\n跟随光与晴音踏上\n那唯美星空之下的崭新小径!" |
| "리니 어 링"
| | } |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| "bpm": "95",
| |
| "bpm_base": 190,
| |
| "set": "extend",
| |
| "purchase": "extend",
| |
| "audioPreview": 0,
| |
| "audioPreviewEnd": 0,
| |
| "side": 0,
| |
| "bg": "rei",
| |
| "bg_inverse": "yugamu",
| |
| "remote_dl": true,
| |
| "world_unlock": true,
| |
| "date": 1613001600,
| |
| "version": "3.5",
| |
| "difficulties": [
| |
| { | |
| "ratingClass": 0,
| |
| "chartDesigner": "Toaster",
| |
| "jacketDesigner": " 百舌谷",
| |
| "rating": 2
| |
| }, | |
| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 1,
| |
| "chartDesigner": "Toaster",
| |
| "jacketDesigner": "百舌谷",
| |
| "rating": 4
| |
| },
| |
| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 2,
| |
| "chartDesigner": "Toaster",
| |
| "jacketDesigner": "百舌谷",
| |
| "rating": 8
| |
| }
| |
| ]
| |
| }, | | }, |
| { | | { |
| "idx": 205, | | "id": "groovecoaster_append_1", |
| "id": "take", | | "section": "collab", |
| "title_localized": { | | "pack_parent": "groovecoaster", |
| "en": "Bamboo",
| | "plus_character": -1, |
| "ja": " 竹" | | "name_localized": { |
| | "en": "Groove Coaster Chapter 2" |
| }, | | }, |
| "artist": "立秋 feat.ちょこ", | | "description_localized": { |
| "search_title": {
| | "en": "5 - 4 - 3 - 2 - 1\nThe groove never ends!\n\nRoar ahead with 3 more songs from\nGroove Coaster in this Append!\n\nA blastoff awaits you. Get ready to ride on!", |
| "ja": [
| | "ja": " 音楽は止まない、\nグルーヴだって止まらない!\n\nグルーヴコースターよ り 、\n追加の3曲、Pack Appendで登場!\n\n準備はOK?さあ、グルーヴを乗りこなせ!", |
| "たけ"
| | "ko": "5 - 4 - 3 - 2 - 1\n그루브는 끝나지 않는다!\n\nGroove Coaster로부터 날아온\n3개의 악곡을 이 Append로 즐겨보세요!\n\n발사 준비는 끝났습니다. 높이 날아가봅시다!", |
| ],
| | "zh-Hant": "5 - 4 - 3 - 2 - 1\n節奏永不停歇!\n\n轟隆隆——引擎的怒吼向你發出邀請:\n跟隨著此Append中的三首新曲,一路向前!\n\n準備好馳騁吧,去迎接那洶湧澎湃的音律轟擊!", |
| "ko": [
| | "zh-Hans": "5 - 4 - 3 - 2 - 1\n节奏永不停歇!\n\n轰隆隆——引擎的怒吼向你发出邀请:\n跟随着此Append中的三首新曲,一路向前!\n\n准备好驰骋吧,去迎接那汹涌澎湃的音律轰击!" |
| "뱀부",
| | } |
| "밤부",
| |
| "타케",
| |
| "대나무"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| "search_artist": {
| |
| "en": [ | |
| "rissyuu",
| |
| "choco",
| |
| "rish"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ja": [ | |
| "り っしゅう"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ko": [ | |
| "릿슈",
| |
| "쵸코",
| |
| "초코"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| "bpm": "5-315",
| |
| "bpm_base": 219,
| |
| "set": "extend",
| |
| "purchase": "extend",
| |
| "audioPreview": 0,
| |
| "audioPreviewEnd": 0,
| |
| "side": 0,
| |
| "bg": "nijuusei-light-b",
| |
| "bg_inverse": "nijuusei-conflict-b",
| |
| "remote_dl": true,
| |
| "world_unlock": true,
| |
| "date": 1613001601,
| |
| "version": "3.5",
| |
| "difficulties": [
| |
| { | |
| "ratingClass": 0,
| |
| "chartDesigner": "竹の子",
| |
| "jacketDesigner": "石王マサト",
| |
| "rating": 3
| |
| },
| |
| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 1,
| |
| "chartDesigner": "竹の子",
| |
| "jacketDesigner": "石王マサト",
| |
| "rating": 6
| |
| },
| |
| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 2,
| |
| "chartDesigner": "竹の子",
| |
| "jacketDesigner": "石王マサト",
| |
| "rating": 10
| |
| }
| |
| ]
| |
| }, | | }, |
| { | | { |
| "idx": 206,
| | "id": "tonesphere", |
| "id": "gimmedablood",
| | "section": "collab", |
| "title_localized": {
| | "custom_banner": true, |
| "en": "GIMME DA BLOOD"
| | "plus_character": 18, |
| },
| | "name_localized": { |
| "artist": "C-Show",
| | "en": "Tone Sphere" |
| "search_title": {
| |
| "ja": [
| |
| "ぎみだぶらっど",
| |
| "ぎみーだぶらっど"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ko": [
| |
| "김미 다 블러드",
| |
| "김미 더 블러드"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| "search_artist": {
| |
| "ja": [
| |
| "ししょう"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ko": [
| |
| "시 쇼"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| "bpm": "87-110",
| |
| "bpm_base": 110,
| |
| "set": "single",
| |
| "category": "partner",
| |
| "purchase": "gimmedablood",
| |
| "audioPreview": 0,
| |
| "audioPreviewEnd": 0,
| |
| "side": 1,
| |
| "bg": "yugamu",
| |
| "bg_inverse": "rei",
| |
| "remote_dl": true,
| |
| "world_unlock": false,
| |
| "date": 1615248000,
| |
| "version": "3.5",
| |
| "difficulties": [
| |
| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 0,
| |
| "chartDesigner": "夜浪",
| |
| "jacketDesigner": "すずなし",
| |
| "rating": 3
| |
| },
| |
| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 1,
| |
| "chartDesigner": "夜浪",
| |
| "jacketDesigner": "すずなし",
| |
| "rating": 7
| |
| },
| |
| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 2,
| |
| "chartDesigner": "夜浪",
| |
| "jacketDesigner": "すずなし",
| |
| "rating": 10
| |
| }
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| {
| |
| "idx": 207,
| |
| "id": "bassline",
| |
| "title_localized": {
| |
| "en": "Can I Friend You on Bassbook? Lol",
| |
| "ja": "ベースラインやってる?w"
| |
| },
| |
| "artist": "かめりあ feat. ななひら",
| |
| "search_title": {
| |
| "ko": [
| |
| "캔 아이 프렌드 유 온 베이스북 롤",
| |
| "베이스라인 얏떼루",
| |
| "베이스라인 하고있니",
| |
| "베이스라인 하니"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| "search_artist": {
| |
| "en": [
| |
| "kameria",
| |
| "nanahira",
| |
| "camellia"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ko": [
| |
| "카메리아",
| |
| "나나히라"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| "bpm": "128",
| |
| "bpm_base": 128,
| |
| "set": "single",
| |
| "category": "variety",
| |
| "purchase": "bassline",
| |
| "audioPreview": 0,
| |
| "audioPreviewEnd": 0,
| |
| "side": 0,
| |
| "bg": "prelude_light",
| |
| "bg_inverse": "prelude_conflict",
| |
| "remote_dl": true,
| |
| "world_unlock": false,
| |
| "date": 1617926400,
| |
| "version": "3.5",
| |
| "difficulties": [
| |
| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 0,
| |
| "chartDesigner": "トースト食べる?笑",
| |
| "jacketDesigner": "",
| |
| "rating": 3
| |
| },
| |
| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 1,
| |
| "chartDesigner": "トースト食べる?笑",
| |
| "jacketDesigner": "",
| |
| "rating": 6
| |
| },
| |
| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 2,
| |
| "chartDesigner": "トースト食べる?笑",
| |
| "jacketDesigner": "",
| |
| "rating": 9
| |
| }
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| {
| |
| "idx": 208,
| |
| "id": "lifeispiano",
| |
| "title_localized": {
| |
| "en": "Life is PIANO"
| |
| },
| |
| "artist": "Junk",
| |
| "search_title": {
| |
| "ja": [
| |
| "らいふいずぴあの"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ko": [
| |
| "라이프 이즈 피아노"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| "search_artist": {
| |
| "ja": [
| |
| "じゃんく"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ko": [
| |
| "정크"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| "bpm": "133",
| |
| "bpm_base": 133,
| |
| "set": "extend",
| |
| "purchase": "extend",
| |
| "audioPreview": 0,
| |
| "audioPreviewEnd": 0,
| |
| "side": 0,
| |
| "bg": "rei",
| |
| "bg_inverse": "yugamu",
| |
| "remote_dl": true,
| |
| "world_unlock": true,
| |
| "date": 1617926401,
| |
| "version": "3.5",
| |
| "difficulties": [
| |
| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 0,
| |
| "chartDesigner": "Nitro",
| |
| "jacketDesigner": "",
| |
| "rating": 3
| |
| },
| |
| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 1,
| |
| "chartDesigner": "Nitro",
| |
| "jacketDesigner": "",
| |
| "rating": 6
| |
| },
| |
| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 2,
| |
| "chartDesigner": "Nitro",
| |
| "jacketDesigner": "",
| |
| "rating": 9
| |
| }
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| {
| |
| "idx": 209,
| |
| "id": "paperwitch",
| |
| "title_localized": {
| |
| "en": "Paper Witch"
| |
| },
| |
| "artist": "Yu-dachi",
| |
| "search_title": {
| |
| "ja": [
| |
| "ぺーぱーうぃっち"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ko": [
| |
| "페이퍼 윗치",
| |
| "페이퍼 위치"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| "search_artist": {
| |
| "ja": [
| |
| "ゆうだち"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ko": [
| |
| "유다치"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| "bpm": "130",
| |
| "bpm_base": 130,
| |
| "set": "observer",
| |
| "purchase": "observer",
| |
| "audioPreview": 0,
| |
| "audioPreviewEnd": 0,
| |
| "side": 0,
| |
| "bg": "observer_light",
| |
| "bg_inverse": "observer_conflict",
| |
| "remote_dl": true,
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| "world_unlock": false,
| |
| "date": 1620691200,
| |
| "version": "3.6",
| |
| "difficulties": [
| |
| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 0,
| |
| "chartDesigner": "CERiNG",
| |
| "jacketDesigner": "桶乃かもく",
| |
| "rating": 2
| |
| },
| |
| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 1,
| |
| "chartDesigner": "CERiNG",
| |
| "jacketDesigner": "桶乃かもく",
| |
| "rating": 5
| |
| },
| |
| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 2,
| |
| "chartDesigner": "CERiNG",
| |
| "jacketDesigner": "桶乃かもく",
| |
| "rating": 8,
| |
| "ratingPlus": true
| |
| }
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| {
| |
| "idx": 210,
| |
| "id": "crystalgravity",
| |
| "title_localized": {
| |
| "en": "Crystal Gravity"
| |
| },
| |
| "artist": "Tanchiky vs. siromaru",
| |
| "search_title": {
| |
| "ja": [
| |
| "くりすたるぐらびてぃ"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ko": [
| |
| "크리스탈 그래비티"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| "search_artist": {
| |
| "ja": [
| |
| "たんちきー",
| |
| "しろまる"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ko": [
| |
| "타친키",
| |
| "시로마루"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| "bpm": "178",
| |
| "bpm_base": 178,
| |
| "set": "observer",
| |
| "purchase": "observer",
| |
| "audioPreview": 0,
| |
| "audioPreviewEnd": 0,
| |
| "side": 1,
| |
| "bg": "observer_conflict",
| |
| "bg_inverse": "observer_light",
| |
| "remote_dl": true,
| |
| "world_unlock": false,
| |
| "date": 1620691201,
| |
| "version": "3.6",
| |
| "difficulties": [
| |
| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 0,
| |
| "chartDesigner": "Exschwasion",
| |
| "jacketDesigner": "雨傘ゆん",
| |
| "rating": 3
| |
| },
| |
| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 1,
| |
| "chartDesigner": "Exschwasion",
| |
| "jacketDesigner": "雨傘ゆん",
| |
| "rating": 6
| |
| },
| |
| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 2,
| |
| "chartDesigner": "Exschwasion",
| |
| "jacketDesigner": "雨傘ゆん",
| |
| "rating": 9
| |
| }
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| {
| |
| "idx": 211,
| |
| "id": "farawaylight",
| |
| "title_localized": {
| |
| "en": "Far Away Light"
| |
| },
| |
| "artist": "technoplanet feat. はるの \u0026 黒沢ダイスケ",
| |
| "search_title": {
| |
| "ja": [
| |
| "ふぁーあうぇいらいと",
| |
| "ふぁーらうぇいらいと"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ko": [
| |
| "파 어웨이 라이트",
| |
| "파 어웨이 라잇"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| "search_artist": {
| |
| "en": [
| |
| "haruno",
| |
| "kurosawa daisuke"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ja": [
| |
| "てくのぷらねっと",
| |
| "はるの",
| |
| "くろさわだいすけ"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ko": [
| |
| "테크노플래닛",
| |
| "하루노",
| |
| "쿠로사와 다이스케"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| "bpm": "180-216",
| |
| "bpm_base": 216,
| |
| "set": "observer",
| |
| "purchase": "observer",
| |
| "audioPreview": 0,
| |
| "audioPreviewEnd": 0,
| |
| "side": 0,
| |
| "bg": "observer_light",
| |
| "bg_inverse": "observer_conflict",
| |
| "remote_dl": true,
| |
| "world_unlock": false,
| |
| "date": 1620691202,
| |
| "version": "3.6",
| |
| "difficulties": [
| |
| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 0,
| |
| "chartDesigner": "Toaster",
| |
| "jacketDesigner": "梅まろ",
| |
| "rating": 4
| |
| },
| |
| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 1,
| |
| "chartDesigner": "Toaster",
| |
| "jacketDesigner": "梅まろ",
| |
| "rating": 7,
| |
| "ratingPlus": true
| |
| },
| |
| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 2,
| |
| "chartDesigner": "Toaster",
| |
| "jacketDesigner": "梅まろ",
| |
| "rating": 9,
| |
| "ratingPlus": true
| |
| }
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| {
| |
| "idx": 212,
| |
| "id": "loschen",
| |
| "title_localized": {
| |
| "en": "Löschen"
| |
| },
| |
| "artist": "BlackY feat. Risa Yuzuki",
| |
| "search_title": {
| |
| "en": [
| |
| "loschen"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ja": [
| |
| "れっしぇん"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ko": [
| |
| "뢰셴",
| |
| "뢰센",
| |
| "레셴",
| |
| "레센"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| "search_artist": {
| |
| "ja": [
| |
| "ぶらっきー",
| |
| "りさゆずき"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ko": [
| |
| "블랙키",
| |
| "리사 유즈키",
| |
| "블래키"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| "bpm": "181",
| |
| "bpm_base": 181,
| |
| "set": "observer",
| |
| "purchase": "observer",
| |
| "audioPreview": 0,
| |
| "audioPreviewEnd": 0,
| |
| "side": 1,
| |
| "bg": "observer_conflict",
| |
| "bg_inverse": "observer_light",
| |
| "remote_dl": true,
| |
| "world_unlock": false,
| |
| "date": 1620691203,
| |
| "version": "3.6",
| |
| "difficulties": [
| |
| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 0,
| |
| "chartDesigner": "絶滅",
| |
| "jacketDesigner": "LOWRISE",
| |
| "rating": 3
| |
| },
| |
| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 1,
| |
| "chartDesigner": "絶滅",
| |
| "jacketDesigner": "LOWRISE",
| |
| "rating": 7
| |
| },
| |
| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 2,
| |
| "chartDesigner": "絶滅",
| |
| "jacketDesigner": "LOWRISE",
| |
| "rating": 10
| |
| }
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| {
| |
| "idx": 213,
| |
| "id": "aegleseeker", | |
| "title_localized": {
| |
| "en": "Aegleseeker"
| |
| },
| |
| "artist": "Silentroom vs Frums",
| |
| "search_title": {
| |
| "ja": [
| |
| "あいぐれしーかー"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ko": [
| |
| "아이글시커",
| |
| "에이글시커"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| "search_artist": {
| |
| "ja": [
| |
| "さいれんとるーむ",
| |
| "ふらむす"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ko": [
| |
| "사일런트 룸",
| |
| "프럼스"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| "bpm": "234",
| |
| "bpm_base": 234, | |
| "set": "observer",
| |
| "purchase": "observer", | |
| "audioPreview": 0,
| |
| "audioPreviewEnd": 0,
| |
| "side": 0,
| |
| "bg": "aegleseeker",
| |
| "remote_dl": true,
| |
| "world_unlock": false, | |
| "date": 1620691204,
| |
| "version": "3.6",
| |
| "difficulties": [ | |
| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 0,
| |
| "chartDesigner": "⟨RECORD START⟩ 0:",
| |
| "jacketDesigner": "シエラ",
| |
| "rating": 5
| |
| },
| |
| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 1,
| |
| "chartDesigner": "⟨OBSRV⟩ boundary(?°a,?°A)",
| |
| "jacketDesigner": "シエラ",
| |
| "rating": 9
| |
| },
| |
| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 2,
| |
| "chartDesigner": "L₆ː The Void",
| |
| "jacketDesigner": "シエラ",
| |
| "rating": 11,
| |
| "legacy11": true
| |
| }
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| {
| |
| "idx": 214,
| |
| "id": "coastalhighway",
| |
| "title_localized": {
| |
| "en": "Coastal Highway" | |
| },
| |
| "artist": "Glitch Droids",
| |
| "search_title": {
| |
| "ja": [
| |
| "こーすたるはいうぇい"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ko": [
| |
| "코스탈 하이웨이"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| "search_artist": {
| |
| "ja": [
| |
| "ぐりっちどろいず"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ko": [
| |
| "글리치 드로이드",
| |
| "글리치 드로이즈"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| "bpm": "110",
| |
| "bpm_base": 110,
| |
| "set": "observer_append_1",
| |
| "purchase": "observer_append_1",
| |
| "audioPreview": 0,
| |
| "audioPreviewEnd": 0,
| |
| "side": 0,
| |
| "bg": "observer_light",
| |
| "bg_inverse": "observer_conflict",
| |
| "remote_dl": true,
| |
| "world_unlock": false,
| |
| "date": 1620691205,
| |
| "version": "3.6",
| |
| "difficulties": [
| |
| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 0,
| |
| "chartDesigner": "Exschwasion",
| |
| "jacketDesigner": "水視ずみ",
| |
| "rating": 3
| |
| },
| |
| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 1,
| |
| "chartDesigner": "Exschwasion",
| |
| "jacketDesigner": "水視ずみ",
| |
| "rating": 6
| |
| },
| |
| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 2,
| |
| "chartDesigner": "Exschwasion",
| |
| "jacketDesigner": "水視ずみ",
| |
| "rating": 9
| |
| }
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| {
| |
| "idx": 215,
| |
| "id": "odysseia",
| |
| "title_localized": {
| |
| "en": "ΟΔΥΣΣΕΙΑ"
| |
| },
| |
| "artist": "Sober Bear",
| |
| "search_title": {
| |
| "en": [
| |
| "odysseia"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ja": [
| |
| "おでゅっせいあ"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ko": [
| |
| "오딧세이아",
| |
| "오디세이아"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| "search_artist": {
| |
| "ja": [
| |
| "そばべあ"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ko": [
| |
| "소버 베어"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| "bpm": "174",
| |
| "bpm_base": 174,
| |
| "set": "observer_append_1",
| |
| "purchase": "observer_append_1",
| |
| "audioPreview": 0,
| |
| "audioPreviewEnd": 0,
| |
| "side": 1,
| |
| "bg": "observer_conflict",
| |
| "bg_inverse": "observer_light",
| |
| "remote_dl": true,
| |
| "world_unlock": false,
| |
| "date": 1620691206,
| |
| "version": "3.6",
| |
| "difficulties": [
| |
| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 0,
| |
| "chartDesigner": "ΤΟΑΣΤΕΡ",
| |
| "jacketDesigner": "SHIROTA.",
| |
| "rating": 4
| |
| },
| |
| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 1,
| |
| "chartDesigner": "ΤΟΑΣΤΕΡ",
| |
| "jacketDesigner": "SHIROTA.",
| |
| "rating": 7,
| |
| "ratingPlus": true
| |
| },
| |
| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 2,
| |
| "chartDesigner": "ΤΟΑΣΤΕΡ",
| |
| "jacketDesigner": "SHIROTA.",
| |
| "rating": 9
| |
| }
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| {
| |
| "idx": 216,
| |
| "id": "overwhelm",
| |
| "title_localized": {
| |
| "en": "Overwhelm"
| |
| },
| |
| "artist": "xi",
| |
| "search_title": {
| |
| "ja": [
| |
| "おーばーうぇるむ"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ko": [
| |
| "오버웸",
| |
| "오버웰름"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| "search_artist": {
| |
| "ja": [
| |
| "さい"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ko": [
| |
| "사이"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| "bpm": "200",
| |
| "bpm_base": 200,
| |
| "set": "observer_append_1",
| |
| "purchase": "observer_append_1",
| |
| "audioPreview": 0,
| |
| "audioPreviewEnd": 0,
| |
| "side": 0,
| |
| "bg": "observer_light",
| |
| "bg_inverse": "observer_conflict",
| |
| "remote_dl": true,
| |
| "world_unlock": false,
| |
| "date": 1620691207,
| |
| "version": "3.6",
| |
| "difficulties": [
| |
| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 0,
| |
| "chartDesigner": "夜浪",
| |
| "jacketDesigner": "緋原ヨウ",
| |
| "rating": 5
| |
| },
| |
| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 1,
| |
| "chartDesigner": "夜浪",
| |
| "jacketDesigner": "緋原ヨウ",
| |
| "rating": 8
| |
| },
| |
| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 2,
| |
| "chartDesigner": "夜浪",
| |
| "jacketDesigner": "緋原ヨウ",
| |
| "rating": 10
| |
| }
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| {
| |
| "idx": 217,
| |
| "id": "vandalism",
| |
| "title_localized": {
| |
| "en": "Vandalism"
| |
| },
| |
| "artist": "Ashrount",
| |
| "search_title": {
| |
| "ja": [
| |
| "ばんだりずむ",
| |
| "ゔぁんだりずむ"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ko": [
| |
| "반달리즘"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| "search_artist": {
| |
| "ja": [
| |
| "あしゅらうんと"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ko": [
| |
| "애쉬라운트",
| |
| "애쉬런트",
| |
| "애시라운트",
| |
| "애시런트"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| "bpm": "194",
| |
| "bpm_base": 194,
| |
| "set": "extend",
| |
| "purchase": "extend",
| |
| "audioPreview": 0,
| |
| "audioPreviewEnd": 0,
| |
| "side": 1,
| |
| "bg": "prelude_conflict",
| |
| "bg_inverse": "prelude_light",
| |
| "remote_dl": true,
| |
| "world_unlock": true,
| |
| "date": 1620691208,
| |
| "version": "3.6",
| |
| "difficulties": [
| |
| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 0,
| |
| "chartDesigner": "Kurorak",
| |
| "jacketDesigner": "Asagon.",
| |
| "rating": 3
| |
| },
| |
| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 1,
| |
| "chartDesigner": "Kurorak",
| |
| "jacketDesigner": "Asagon.",
| |
| "rating": 7
| |
| },
| |
| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 2,
| |
| "chartDesigner": "Kurorak",
| |
| "jacketDesigner": "Asagon.",
| |
| "rating": 9,
| |
| "ratingPlus": true
| |
| }
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| {
| |
| "idx": 218,
| |
| "id": "turbocharger",
| |
| "title_localized": {
| |
| "en": "Turbocharger"
| |
| },
| |
| "artist": "A/I",
| |
| "search_title": {
| |
| "ja": [
| |
| "たーぼちゃーじゃー"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ko": [
| |
| "터보차저",
| |
| "터보챠저"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| "search_artist": {
| |
| "ja": [
| |
| "えーあい"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ko": [
| |
| "에이아이"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| "bpm": "128-170",
| |
| "bpm_base": 170,
| |
| "set": "extend",
| |
| "purchase": "extend",
| |
| "audioPreview": 0,
| |
| "audioPreviewEnd": 0,
| |
| "side": 0,
| |
| "bg": "nijuusei-light-b",
| |
| "bg_inverse": "nijuusei-conflict-b",
| |
| "remote_dl": true,
| |
| "world_unlock": true,
| |
| "date": 1623283200,
| |
| "version": "3.6",
| |
| "difficulties": [
| |
| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 0,
| |
| "chartDesigner": "Toaster",
| |
| "jacketDesigner": "志月",
| |
| "rating": 2
| |
| },
| |
| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 1,
| |
| "chartDesigner": "Toaster",
| |
| "jacketDesigner": "志月",
| |
| "rating": 6
| |
| },
| |
| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 2,
| |
| "chartDesigner": "Toaster",
| |
| "jacketDesigner": "志月",
| |
| "rating": 9
| |
| }
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| {
| |
| "idx": 219,
| |
| "id": "theultimacy",
| |
| "title_localized": {
| |
| "en": "THE ULTIMACY"
| |
| },
| |
| "artist": "aran vs Massive New Krew",
| |
| "search_title": {
| |
| "ja": [
| |
| "じうるてぃましー",
| |
| "じあるてぃましー"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ko": [
| |
| "더 울티머시",
| |
| "더 울티마시"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| "search_artist": {
| |
| "ja": [
| |
| "あらん",
| |
| "まっしぶにゅーくるー"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ko": [
| |
| "아란",
| |
| "매시브 뉴 크루",
| |
| "매시브 뉴 크류"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| "bpm": "200",
| |
| "bpm_base": 200,
| |
| "set": "single",
| |
| "category": "original",
| |
| "purchase": "theultimacy",
| |
| "audioPreview": 0,
| |
| "audioPreviewEnd": 0,
| |
| "side": 1,
| |
| "bg": "tanoc_conflict",
| |
| "bg_inverse": "tanoc_light",
| |
| "remote_dl": true,
| |
| "world_unlock": false,
| |
| "date": 1625011200,
| |
| "version": "3.6",
| |
| "difficulties": [
| |
| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 0,
| |
| "chartDesigner": "東星 vs Toaster",
| |
| "jacketDesigner": "fixro2n",
| |
| "rating": 3
| |
| },
| |
| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 1,
| |
| "chartDesigner": "東星 vs Toaster",
| |
| "jacketDesigner": "fixro2n",
| |
| "rating": 7
| |
| },
| |
| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 2,
| |
| "chartDesigner": "東星 vs Toaster",
| |
| "jacketDesigner": "fixro2n",
| |
| "rating": 9,
| |
| "ratingPlus": true
| |
| }
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| {
| |
| "idx": 220,
| |
| "id": "rekkaresonance",
| |
| "title_localized": {
| |
| |
| "ja": "烈華RESONANCE"
| |
| },
| |
| "artist": "REDALiCE vs Kobaryo",
| |
| "search_title": {
| |
| "ja": [
| |
| "れっかれぞなんす"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ko": [
| |
| "렉카 레조넌스",
| |
| "렛카 레조넌스",
| |
| "열화 레조넌스"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| "search_artist": {
| |
| "ja": [
| |
| "れっどありす",
| |
| "こばりょー"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ko": [
| |
| "레드앨리스",
| |
| "코바료"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| "bpm": "240",
| |
| "bpm_base": 240,
| |
| "set": "single",
| |
| "category": "partner",
| |
| "purchase": "rekkaresonance",
| |
| "audioPreview": 0,
| |
| "audioPreviewEnd": 0,
| |
| "side": 0,
| |
| "bg": "tanoc_red",
| |
| "remote_dl": true,
| |
| "world_unlock": false,
| |
| "date": 1625011201,
| |
| "version": "3.6",
| |
| "difficulties": [
| |
| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 0,
| |
| "chartDesigner": "夜浪 vs Nitro",
| |
| "jacketDesigner": "Nagu + yusi.",
| |
| "rating": 5
| |
| },
| |
| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 1,
| |
| "chartDesigner": "夜浪 vs Nitro",
| |
| "jacketDesigner": "Nagu + yusi.",
| |
| "rating": 8,
| |
| "ratingPlus": true
| |
| },
| |
| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 2,
| |
| "chartDesigner": "夜浪 vs Nitro",
| |
| "jacketDesigner": "Nagu + yusi.",
| |
| "rating": 10,
| |
| "ratingPlus": true
| |
| }
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| {
| |
| "idx": 221,
| |
| "id": "kyogenkigo",
| |
| "title_localized": {
| |
| "en": "False Embellishment",
| |
| "ja": "狂言綺語"
| |
| },
| |
| "artist": "影虎。 \u0026 ikaruga_nex",
| |
| "search_title": {
| |
| "ja": [
| |
| "きょうげんきご"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ko": [
| |
| "폴스 임벨리시먼트",
| |
| "쿄겐키고",
| |
| "광언기어"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| "search_artist": {
| |
| "en": [
| |
| "kagetora"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ja": [
| |
| "かげとら",
| |
| "いかるがねっくす"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ko": [
| |
| "카게토라",
| |
| "이카구라 넥스"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| "bpm": "155",
| |
| "bpm_base": 155,
| |
| "set": "extend",
| |
| "purchase": "extend",
| |
| "audioPreview": 0,
| |
| "audioPreviewEnd": 0,
| |
| "side": 1,
| |
| "bg": "nijuusei-conflict-b",
| |
| "bg_inverse": "nijuusei-light-b",
| |
| "remote_dl": true,
| |
| "world_unlock": true,
| |
| "date": 1626825604,
| |
| "version": "3.7",
| |
| "difficulties": [
| |
| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 0,
| |
| "chartDesigner": "Exschwasion",
| |
| "jacketDesigner": "あすだ",
| |
| "rating": 3
| |
| },
| |
| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 1,
| |
| "chartDesigner": "Exschwasion",
| |
| "jacketDesigner": "あすだ",
| |
| "rating": 6
| |
| },
| |
| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 2,
| |
| "chartDesigner": "Exschwasion",
| |
| "jacketDesigner": "あすだ",
| |
| "rating": 9
| |
| }
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| {
| |
| "idx": 222,
| |
| "id": "hivemind",
| |
| "title_localized": {
| |
| "en": "HIVEMIND"
| |
| },
| |
| "artist": "かたぎり",
| |
| "search_title": {
| |
| "ja": [
| |
| "はいぶまいんど",
| |
| "はいゔまいんど"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ko": [
| |
| "하이브마인드"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| "search_artist": {
| |
| "en": [
| |
| "katagiri"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ko": [
| |
| "카타기리"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| "bpm": "252",
| |
| "bpm_base": 252,
| |
| "set": "extend",
| |
| "purchase": "extend",
| |
| "audioPreview": 0,
| |
| "audioPreviewEnd": 0,
| |
| "side": 1,
| |
| "bg": "observer_conflict",
| |
| "bg_inverse": "observer_light",
| |
| "remote_dl": true,
| |
| "world_unlock": true,
| |
| "date": 1626825605,
| |
| "version": "3.7",
| |
| "difficulties": [
| |
| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 0,
| |
| "chartDesigner": "NITRO -unconnected-",
| |
| "jacketDesigner": "fixro2n",
| |
| "rating": 4
| |
| },
| |
| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 1,
| |
| "chartDesigner": "NITRO -unconnected-",
| |
| "jacketDesigner": "fixro2n",
| |
| "rating": 8
| |
| },
| |
| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 2,
| |
| "chartDesigner": "NITRO -unconnected-",
| |
| "jacketDesigner": "fixro2n",
| |
| "rating": 10
| |
| }
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| {
| |
| "idx": 223,
| |
| "id": "seclusion",
| |
| "title_localized": {
| |
| "en": "Seclusion"
| |
| },
| |
| "artist": "Laur feat. Sennzai",
| |
| "search_title": {
| |
| "ja": [
| |
| "せくりゅーじょん"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ko": [
| |
| "세클루전",
| |
| "서클루전"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| "search_artist": {
| |
| "ja": [
| |
| "らうる",
| |
| "せんざい"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ko": [
| |
| "라우르",
| |
| "센자이"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| "bpm": "175",
| |
| "bpm_base": 175,
| |
| "set": "observer",
| |
| "purchase": "observer",
| |
| "audioPreview": 0,
| |
| "audioPreviewEnd": 0,
| |
| "side": 1,
| |
| "bg": "observer_conflict",
| |
| "bg_inverse": "observer_light",
| |
| "remote_dl": true,
| |
| "world_unlock": true,
| |
| "date": 1626825603,
| |
| "version": "3.7",
| |
| "difficulties": [
| |
| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 0,
| |
| "chartDesigner": "Exschwasion",
| |
| "jacketDesigner": "海鵜げそ",
| |
| "rating": 4
| |
| },
| |
| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 1,
| |
| "chartDesigner": "Exschwasion",
| |
| "jacketDesigner": "海鵜げそ",
| |
| "rating": 7
| |
| },
| |
| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 2,
| |
| "chartDesigner": "N•Ex•T",
| |
| "jacketDesigner": "海鵜げそ",
| |
| "rating": 10
| |
| }
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| {
| |
| "idx": 224,
| |
| "id": "smallcloud",
| |
| "title_localized": {
| |
| "en": "Small Cloud Sugar Candy"
| |
| },
| |
| "artist": "テヅカ x Aoi feat.桃雛なの",
| |
| "search_title": {
| |
| "ja": [
| |
| "すもーるくらうどしゅがーきゃんでぃ"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ko": [
| |
| "스몰 클라우드 슈가 캔디"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| "search_artist": {
| |
| "en": [
| |
| "tezuka",
| |
| "momohina nano"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ja": [
| |
| "あおい",
| |
| "ももひななの"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ko": [
| |
| "테즈카",
| |
| "아오이",
| |
| "모모히나 나노"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| "bpm": "220",
| |
| "bpm_base": 220,
| |
| "set": "observer_append_2",
| |
| "purchase": "observer_append_2",
| |
| "audioPreview": 0,
| |
| "audioPreviewEnd": 0,
| |
| "side": 0,
| |
| "bg": "observer_light",
| |
| "bg_inverse": "observer_conflict",
| |
| "remote_dl": true,
| |
| "world_unlock": false,
| |
| "date": 1626825600,
| |
| "version": "3.7",
| |
| "difficulties": [
| |
| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 0,
| |
| "chartDesigner": "én",
| |
| "jacketDesigner": "のう",
| |
| "rating": 3
| |
| },
| |
| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 1,
| |
| "chartDesigner": "én",
| |
| "jacketDesigner": "のう",
| |
| "rating": 6
| |
| },
| |
| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 2,
| |
| "chartDesigner": "én",
| |
| "jacketDesigner": "のう",
| |
| "rating": 9
| |
| }
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| {
| |
| "idx": 225,
| |
| "id": "alterale",
| |
| "title_localized": {
| |
| "en": "AlterAle"
| |
| },
| |
| "artist": "Arik Kau Delay (アラ&かゆき&でり)",
| |
| "search_title": {
| |
| "ja": [
| |
| "あるたーえーる"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ko": [
| |
| "알터에일",
| |
| "얼터에일"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| "search_artist": {
| |
| "en": [
| |
| "ara",
| |
| "kayuki",
| |
| "deli"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ko": [
| |
| "아라",
| |
| "카유키",
| |
| "데리"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| "bpm": "220-245",
| |
| "bpm_base": 245,
| |
| "set": "observer_append_2",
| |
| "purchase": "observer_append_2",
| |
| "audioPreview": 0,
| |
| "audioPreviewEnd": 0,
| |
| "side": 0,
| |
| "bg": "observer_light",
| |
| "bg_inverse": "observer_conflict",
| |
| "remote_dl": true,
| |
| "world_unlock": false,
| |
| "date": 1626825601,
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| "version": "3.7",
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| "difficulties": [
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| "ratingClass": 0,
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| "chartDesigner": "CERiNG",
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| "jacketDesigner": "ちょこ庵",
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| "rating": 3
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| },
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| {
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| "ratingClass": 1,
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| "chartDesigner": "CERiNG",
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| "jacketDesigner": "ちょこ庵",
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| "rating": 6
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| },
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| {
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| "ratingClass": 2,
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| "chartDesigner": "CERiNG",
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| "jacketDesigner": "ちょこ庵",
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| "rating": 9,
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| "ratingPlus": true
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| }
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| ]
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| },
| |
| {
| |
| "idx": 226,
| |
| "id": "divinelight",
| |
| "title_localized": {
| |
| "en": "Divine Light of Myriad",
| |
| "ja": "光速神授説 - Divine Light of Myriad -"
| |
| },
| |
| "artist": "yoho",
| |
| "search_title": {
| |
| "ja": [
| |
| "こうそくしんじゅせつでぃばいんらいとおぶみりあど"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ko": [
| |
| "광속신수설",
| |
| "디바인 라이트 오브 미리아드"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| "search_artist": {
| |
| "ja": [
| |
| "よーほ"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ko": [
| |
| "요호"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| "bpm": "172",
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| "bpm_base": 172,
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| "set": "observer_append_2",
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| "purchase": "observer_append_2",
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| "audioPreviewEnd": 0,
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| "bg": "observer_light",
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| "bg_inverse": "observer_conflict",
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| "date": 1626825602,
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| "version": "3.7",
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| "difficulties": [
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| {
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| "ratingClass": 0,
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| "chartDesigner": "東星※神授",
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| "jacketDesigner": "緋原ヨウ",
| |
| "rating": 4
| |
| },
| |
| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 1,
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| "chartDesigner": "東星※神授",
| |
| "jacketDesigner": "緋原ヨウ",
| |
| "rating": 7,
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| "ratingPlus": true
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| },
| |
| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 2,
| |
| "chartDesigner": "東星※神授",
| |
| "jacketDesigner": "緋原ヨウ",
| |
| "rating": 10,
| |
| "ratingPlus": true
| |
| }
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| {
| |
| "idx": 227,
| |
| "id": "mazymetroplex",
| |
| "title_localized": {
| |
| "en": "Mazy Metroplex"
| |
| },
| |
| "artist": "aran",
| |
| "search_title": {
| |
| "ja": [
| |
| "めいじーめとろぷれくす",
| |
| "めいじーめとろぷれっくす",
| |
| "めーじーめとろぷれくす",
| |
| "めーじーめとろぷれっくす"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ko": [
| |
| "메이지 메트로플렉스"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| "search_artist": {
| |
| "ja": [
| |
| "あらん"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ko": [
| |
| "아란"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| "bpm": "155",
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| "bpm_base": 155,
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| "set": "wacca",
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| "purchase": "wacca",
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| "audioPreviewEnd": 0,
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| "side": 0,
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| "bg": "wacca_light",
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| "source_copyright": "©Marvelous Inc. / Supported by HARDCORE TANO*C",
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| "world_unlock": false,
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| "no_stream": true,
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| "date": 1628553603,
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| "version": "3.8",
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| "difficulties": [
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| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 0,
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| "chartDesigner": "Exschwasion",
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| "jacketDesigner": "",
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| "rating": 3
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| },
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| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 1,
| |
| "chartDesigner": "Exschwasion",
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| "jacketDesigner": "",
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| "rating": 7,
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| "ratingPlus": true
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| },
| |
| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 2,
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| "chartDesigner": "Exschwasion",
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| "jacketDesigner": "",
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| "rating": 9,
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| "ratingPlus": true
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| }
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| {
| |
| "idx": 228,
| |
| "id": "quonwacca",
| |
| "title_localized": {
| |
| "en": "Quon"
| |
| },
| |
| "artist": "DJ Noriken",
| |
| "search_title": {
| |
| "ja": [
| |
| "くおん"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ko": [
| |
| "쿠온"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| "search_artist": {
| |
| "ja": [
| |
| "でぃーじぇーのりけん",
| |
| "でぃーじぇいのりけん"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ko": [
| |
| "디제이 노리켄"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| "bpm": "170",
| |
| "bpm_base": 170,
| |
| "set": "wacca",
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| "purchase": "wacca",
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| "audioPreview": 0,
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| "audioPreviewEnd": 0,
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| "side": 1,
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| "bg": "wacca_conflict",
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| "bg_inverse": "wacca_light",
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| "source_copyright": "©Marvelous Inc. / Supported by HARDCORE TANO*C",
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| "world_unlock": false,
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| "no_stream": true,
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| "date": 1628553600,
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| "version": "3.8",
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| "difficulties": [
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| {
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| "ratingClass": 0,
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| "chartDesigner": "CERiNG",
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| "jacketDesigner": "",
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| "rating": 2
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| },
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| {
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| "ratingClass": 1,
| |
| "chartDesigner": "CERiNG",
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| "jacketDesigner": "",
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| "rating": 6
| |
| },
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| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 2,
| |
| "chartDesigner": "CERiNG",
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| "jacketDesigner": "",
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| "rating": 8,
| |
| "ratingPlus": true
| |
| },
| |
| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 3,
| |
| "chartDesigner": "XIII: The Journey/Nitro",
| |
| "jacketDesigner": "",
| |
| "jacketOverride": false,
| |
| "rating": 10
| |
| }
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| {
| |
| "idx": 229,
| |
| "id": "withu",
| |
| "title_localized": {
| |
| "en": "with U"
| |
| },
| |
| "artist": "t+pazolite \u0026 Massive New Krew feat. リリィ(CV:青木志貴)",
| |
| "search_title": {
| |
| "ja": [
| |
| "うぃずゆー"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ko": [
| |
| "윗 유",
| |
| "위드 유"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| "search_artist": {
| |
| "en": [
| |
| "lily",
| |
| "aoki shiki"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ja": [
| |
| "とぱぞらいと",
| |
| "まっしぶにゅーくるー",
| |
| "あおきしき"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ko": [
| |
| "토파졸라이트",
| |
| "매시브 뉴 크루",
| |
| "매시브 뉴 크류",
| |
| "리리",
| |
| "아오키 시키"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| "bpm": "155",
| |
| "bpm_base": 155,
| |
| "set": "wacca",
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| "purchase": "wacca",
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| "audioPreview": 0,
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| "audioPreviewEnd": 0,
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| "side": 0,
| |
| "bg": "wacca_light",
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| "bg_inverse": "wacca_conflict",
| |
| "remote_dl": true,
| |
| "source_copyright": "©Marvelous Inc. / Supported by HARDCORE TANO*C",
| |
| "world_unlock": false,
| |
| "no_stream": true,
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| "date": 1628553601,
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| "version": "3.8",
| |
| "difficulties": [
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| {
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| "ratingClass": 0,
| |
| "chartDesigner": "én",
| |
| "jacketDesigner": "",
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| "rating": 2
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| },
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| {
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| "ratingClass": 1,
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| "chartDesigner": "én",
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| "jacketDesigner": "",
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| "rating": 6
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| },
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| {
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| "ratingClass": 2,
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| "chartDesigner": "én",
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| "jacketDesigner": "",
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| "rating": 9
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| }
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| ]
| |
| },
| |
| {
| |
| "idx": 230,
| |
| "id": "genocider",
| |
| "title_localized": {
| |
| "en": "GENOCIDER"
| |
| },
| |
| "artist": "DJ Myosuke",
| |
| "search_title": {
| |
| "ja": [
| |
| "じぇのさいだー"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ko": [
| |
| "제노사이더"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| "search_artist": {
| |
| "ja": [
| |
| "でぃーじぇーみょーすけ",
| |
| "でぃーじぇーみょうすけ",
| |
| "でぃーじぇいみょーすけ",
| |
| "でぃーじぇいみょうすけ"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ko": [
| |
| "디제이 묘스케"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| "bpm": "250-390",
| |
| "bpm_base": 250,
| |
| "set": "wacca",
| |
| "purchase": "wacca",
| |
| "audioPreview": 0,
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| "audioPreviewEnd": 0,
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| "side": 1,
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| "bg": "wacca_boss",
| |
| "remote_dl": true,
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| "source_copyright": "©Marvelous Inc. / Supported by HARDCORE TANO*C",
| |
| "world_unlock": false,
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| "no_stream": true,
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| "date": 1628553604,
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| "version": "3.8",
| |
| "difficulties": [
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| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 0,
| |
| "chartDesigner": "Toaster",
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| "jacketDesigner": "Taiyo Yamamoto",
| |
| "rating": 4
| |
| },
| |
| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 1,
| |
| "chartDesigner": "Toaster",
| |
| "jacketDesigner": "Taiyo Yamamoto",
| |
| "rating": 8,
| |
| "ratingPlus": true
| |
| },
| |
| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 2,
| |
| "chartDesigner": "Toaster",
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| "jacketDesigner": "Taiyo Yamamoto",
| |
| "rating": 10,
| |
| "ratingPlus": true
| |
| }
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| {
| |
| "idx": 231,
| |
| "id": "letyoudivermx",
| |
| "title_localized": {
| |
| "en": "Let you DIVE! (nitro rmx)"
| |
| },
| |
| "artist": "nitro (lowiro)",
| |
| "search_title": {
| |
| "ja": [
| |
| "れっとゆーだいぶないとろりみっくす",
| |
| "れっちゅーだいぶないとろりみっくす",
| |
| "れっとゆーだいぶにとろりみっくす",
| |
| "れっちゅーだいぶにとろりみっくす"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ko": [
| |
| "렛 유 다이브 니트로 믹스"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| "search_artist": {
| |
| "ja": [
| |
| "ないとろ",
| |
| "にとろ"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ko": [
| |
| "니트로"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| "bpm": "185",
| |
| "bpm_base": 185,
| |
| "set": "wacca",
| |
| "purchase": "wacca",
| |
| "audioPreview": 0,
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| "audioPreviewEnd": 0,
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| "side": 0,
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| "bg": "wacca_light",
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| "bg_inverse": "wacca_conflict",
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| "remote_dl": true,
| |
| "world_unlock": false,
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| "no_stream": true,
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| "date": 1628553602,
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| "version": "3.8",
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| "difficulties": [
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| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 0,
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| "chartDesigner": "Nitro",
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| "jacketDesigner": "",
| |
| "rating": 3
| |
| },
| |
| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 1,
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| "chartDesigner": "Nitro",
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| "jacketDesigner": "",
| |
| "rating": 6
| |
| },
| |
| {
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| "ratingClass": 2,
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| "chartDesigner": "Nitro",
| |
| "jacketDesigner": "",
| |
| "rating": 9
| |
| }
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| {
| |
| "idx": 232,
| |
| "id": "sheriruthrmx",
| |
| "title_localized": {
| |
| "en": "Sheriruth (Laur Remix)"
| |
| },
| |
| "artist": "Laur",
| |
| "search_title": {
| |
| "ja": [
| |
| "しぇりだーらうるりみっくす",
| |
| "しぇりるすらうるりみっくす"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ko": [
| |
| "셰리다 라우르 리믹스",
| |
| "셰리루스 라우르 리믹스",
| |
| "셰리루트 라우르 리믹스",
| |
| "셰루트 라우르 리믹스",
| |
| "셰루스 라우르 리믹스"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| "search_artist": {
| |
| "ja": [
| |
| "らうる"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ko": [
| |
| "라우르"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| "bpm": "200",
| |
| "bpm_base": 200,
| |
| "set": "single",
| |
| "category": "original",
| |
| "purchase": "sheriruthrmx",
| |
| "audioPreview": 0,
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| "audioPreviewEnd": 0,
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| "side": 1,
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| "bg": "wacca_conflict",
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| "bg_inverse": "wacca_light",
| |
| "remote_dl": true,
| |
| "world_unlock": false,
| |
| "no_stream": true,
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| "date": 1628553605,
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| "version": "3.8",
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| "difficulties": [
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| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 0,
| |
| "chartDesigner": "Nitro",
| |
| "jacketDesigner": "",
| |
| "rating": 4
| |
| },
| |
| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 1,
| |
| "chartDesigner": "Nitro",
| |
| "jacketDesigner": "",
| |
| "rating": 7,
| |
| "ratingPlus": true
| |
| },
| |
| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 2,
| |
| "chartDesigner": "東星※恣意",
| |
| "jacketDesigner": "",
| |
| "rating": 10
| |
| }
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| {
| |
| "idx": 233,
| |
| "id": "eveninginscarlet",
| |
| "title_localized": {
| |
| "en": "Evening in Scarlet",
| |
| "ja": "緋纏いの宵"
| |
| },
| |
| "artist": "Freezer feat.妃苺",
| |
| "search_title": {
| |
| "ja": [
| |
| "ひまといのよい"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ko": [
| |
| "이브닝 인 스칼렛",
| |
| "히마토이노 요이",
| |
| "주홍을 두른 밤"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| "search_artist": {
| |
| "en": [
| |
| "kiichigo"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ja": [
| |
| "ふりーざー",
| |
| "きいちご"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ko": [
| |
| "프리저",
| |
| "키이치고"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| "bpm": "170",
| |
| "bpm_base": 170,
| |
| "set": "single",
| |
| "category": "partner",
| |
| "purchase": "eveninginscarlet",
| |
| "audioPreview": 0,
| |
| "audioPreviewEnd": 0,
| |
| "side": 1,
| |
| "bg": "omatsuri_conflict",
| |
| "bg_inverse": "omatsuri_light",
| |
| "bg_daynight": {
| |
| "day": "omatsuri_light",
| |
| "night": "omatsuri_conflict"
| |
| }, | | }, |
| "remote_dl": true, | | "description_localized": { |
| "world_unlock": false,
| | "en": "Experience a collision of worlds in Arcaea's\ncollaboration with sta's mobile rhythm game\nTone Sphere.\n\nLet Trin take you and Tairitsu on a journey\nthrough five iconic songs!", |
| "date": 1629849600,
| | "ja": "Arcaeaとsta氏の音楽ゲーム\n「Tone Sphere」とのコラボレ ー ションで、\nぶつかり合う2つの世界を体験しよう。\n\nトリンに導かれ、対立と一緒に5つの名曲を巡る\n旅へと出発しよう !", |
| "version": "3.8",
| | "ko": "sta의 모바일 리듬게임 Tone Sphere와\nArcaea의 콜라보레이션으로\n세계의 충돌을 경험하세요.\n\n트린이 타이리츠와 당신을 함께 이끌고\n상징적인 5곡의 음악속으로 여행을 시작합니다!", |
| "difficulties": [
| | "zh-Hant": " 經歷一場空間碰撞,\n在Arcaea的世界中體驗Sta製作的移動端節奏遊戲\n《音調領域》(Tone Sphere)。\n\n在托凛的帶領下,與對立一起\n在五首象征性的歌曲中旅行 !", |
| { | | "zh-Hans": " 经历一场空间碰撞,\n在Arcaea的世界中体验Sta制作的移动端节奏游戏\n《音调领域》(Tone Sphere)。\n\n在托凛的带领下,与对立一起\n在五首象征性的歌曲中旅行 !" |
| "ratingClass": 0,
| | } |
| "chartDesigner": "Nitroだ ー!",
| |
| "jacketDesigner": " シエラ + yusi.",
| |
| "rating": 4
| |
| },
| |
| { | |
| "ratingClass": 1,
| |
| "chartDesigner": "Nitroだー !",
| |
| "jacketDesigner": "シエラ + yusi.",
| |
| "rating": 7
| |
| },
| |
| { | |
| "ratingClass": 2,
| |
| "chartDesigner": "Nitroだー !",
| |
| "jacketDesigner": "シエラ + yusi.",
| |
| "rating": 9
| |
| }
| |
| ]
| |
| }, | | }, |
| { | | { |
| "idx": 234,
| | "id": "lanota", |
| "id": "bluecomet", | | "section": "collab", |
| "title_localized": {
| | "custom_banner": true, |
| "en": "blue comet"
| | "plus_character": 9, |
| },
| | "name_localized": { |
| "artist": "ああああ",
| |
| "search_title": {
| |
| "ja": [
| |
| "ぶるーこめっと"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ko": [
| |
| "블루 코멧"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| "search_artist": {
| |
| "en": [
| |
| "aaaa"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ko": [
| |
| "아아아아"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| "bpm": "100-172",
| |
| "bpm_base": 172,
| |
| "set": "extend",
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| "purchase": "extend",
| |
| "audioPreview": 0,
| |
| "audioPreviewEnd": 0,
| |
| "side": 0,
| |
| "bg": "nijuusei-light-b",
| |
| "bg_inverse": "nijuusei-conflict-b",
| |
| "remote_dl": true,
| |
| "world_unlock": true,
| |
| "date": 1629849601,
| |
| "version": "3.8",
| |
| "difficulties": [
| |
| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 0,
| |
| "chartDesigner": "Toaster",
| |
| "jacketDesigner": "Bison",
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| "rating": 3
| |
| },
| |
| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 1,
| |
| "chartDesigner": "Toaster",
| |
| "jacketDesigner": "Bison",
| |
| "rating": 5
| |
| },
| |
| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 2,
| |
| "chartDesigner": "Toaster",
| |
| "jacketDesigner": "Bison",
| |
| "rating": 8
| |
| }
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| {
| |
| "idx": 235,
| |
| "id": "energysynergymatrix",
| |
| "title_localized": {
| |
| |
| },
| |
| "artist": "Tanchiky",
| |
| "search_title": {
| |
| "ja": [
| |
| "えなじーしなじーまとりくす",
| |
| "えなじーしなじーまとりっくす"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ko": [
| |
| "에너지 시너지 매트릭스"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| "search_artist": {
| |
| "ja": [
| |
| "たんちきー"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ko": [
| |
| "타친키"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| "bpm": "160",
| |
| "bpm_base": 160,
| |
| "set": "extend",
| |
| "purchase": "extend",
| |
| "audioPreview": 0,
| |
| "audioPreviewEnd": 0,
| |
| "side": 1,
| |
| "bg": "nijuusei-conflict-b",
| |
| "bg_inverse": "nijuusei-light-b",
| |
| "remote_dl": true,
| |
| "world_unlock": true,
| |
| "date": 1631059200,
| |
| "version": "3.8",
| |
| "difficulties": [
| |
| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 0,
| |
| "chartDesigner": "POWER NITRO",
| |
| "jacketDesigner": "からめる",
| |
| "rating": 3
| |
| },
| |
| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 1,
| |
| "chartDesigner": "POWER NITRO",
| |
| "jacketDesigner": "からめる",
| |
| "rating": 7
| |
| },
| |
| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 2,
| |
| "chartDesigner": "POWER NITRO",
| |
| "jacketDesigner": "からめる",
| |
| "rating": 9
| |
| }
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| {
| |
| "idx": 236,
| |
| "id": "gengaozo",
| |
| "title_localized": {
| |
| "en": "G e n g a o z o"
| |
| },
| |
| "artist": "-45",
| |
| "search_title": {
| |
| "ja": [
| |
| "げんがおぞ"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ko": [
| |
| "겐가오조"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| "search_artist": {
| |
| "ja": [
| |
| "まいなすよんじゅうご",
| |
| "まいなすしこう"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ko": [
| |
| "마이너스 사십오",
| |
| "마이너스 욘쥬고"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| "bpm": "153",
| |
| "bpm_base": 153,
| |
| "set": "extend",
| |
| "purchase": "extend",
| |
| "audioPreview": 0,
| |
| "audioPreviewEnd": 0,
| |
| "side": 1,
| |
| "bg": "prelude_conflict",
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| "bg_inverse": "prelude_light",
| |
| "remote_dl": true,
| |
| "world_unlock": true,
| |
| "date": 1632873600,
| |
| "version": "3.8",
| |
| "difficulties": [
| |
| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 0,
| |
| "chartDesigner": "_ P A S T",
| |
| "jacketDesigner": "",
| |
| "rating": 4
| |
| },
| |
| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 1,
| |
| "chartDesigner": "_ P R E S E N T",
| |
| "jacketDesigner": "",
| |
| "rating": 8
| |
| },
| |
| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 2,
| |
| "chartDesigner": "_ F U T U R E",
| |
| "jacketDesigner": "",
| |
| "rating": 10
| |
| }
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| {
| |
| "idx": 237,
| |
| "id": "goldenslaughterer",
| |
| "title_localized": {
| |
| "en": "goldenslaughterer"
| |
| },
| |
| "artist": "zts",
| |
| "search_title": {
| |
| "ja": [
| |
| "ごーるでんすろーたらー"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ko": [
| |
| "골든슬러터러"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| "search_artist": {
| |
| "ja": [
| |
| "ぜっとてぃーえす",
| |
| "ぜっつ"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ko": [
| |
| "지티에스"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| "bpm": "133",
| |
| "bpm_base": 133,
| |
| "set": "single",
| |
| "category": "poprec",
| |
| "purchase": "goldenslaughterer",
| |
| "audioPreview": 0,
| |
| "audioPreviewEnd": 0,
| |
| "side": 1,
| |
| "bg": "zettai",
| |
| "bg_inverse": "zettai_light",
| |
| "remote_dl": true,
| |
| "world_unlock": false,
| |
| "date": 1632873601,
| |
| "version": "3.8",
| |
| "difficulties": [
| |
| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 0,
| |
| "chartDesigner": "Exschwasion",
| |
| "jacketDesigner": "",
| |
| "rating": 4
| |
| },
| |
| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 1,
| |
| "chartDesigner": "Exschwasion",
| |
| "jacketDesigner": "",
| |
| "rating": 6
| |
| },
| |
| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 2,
| |
| "chartDesigner": "Exschwasion",
| |
| "jacketDesigner": "",
| |
| "rating": 9,
| |
| "ratingPlus": true
| |
| }
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| {
| |
| "idx": 238,
| |
| "id": "lastendconductor",
| |
| "title_localized": {
| |
| "en": "lastendconductor"
| |
| },
| |
| "artist": "zts",
| |
| "search_title": {
| |
| "ja": [
| |
| "らすとえんどこんだくたー"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ko": [
| |
| "라스트엔드컨덕터"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| "search_artist": {
| |
| "ja": [
| |
| "ぜっとてぃーえす",
| |
| "ぜっつ"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ko": [
| |
| "지티에스"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| "bpm": "139",
| |
| "bpm_base": 139,
| |
| "set": "single",
| |
| "category": "poprec",
| |
| "purchase": "lastendconductor",
| |
| "audioPreview": 0,
| |
| "audioPreviewEnd": 0,
| |
| "side": 1,
| |
| "bg": "zettai",
| |
| "bg_inverse": "zettai_light",
| |
| "remote_dl": true,
| |
| "world_unlock": false,
| |
| "date": 1632873602,
| |
| "version": "3.8",
| |
| "difficulties": [
| |
| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 0,
| |
| "chartDesigner": "Nitro",
| |
| "jacketDesigner": "",
| |
| "rating": 3
| |
| },
| |
| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 1,
| |
| "chartDesigner": "Nitro",
| |
| "jacketDesigner": "",
| |
| "rating": 7
| |
| },
| |
| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 2,
| |
| "chartDesigner": "Nitro",
| |
| "jacketDesigner": "",
| |
| "rating": 9
| |
| },
| |
| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 3,
| |
| "chartDesigner": "Toaster",
| |
| "jacketDesigner": "",
| |
| "rating": 10
| |
| }
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| {
| |
| "idx": 239,
| |
| "id": "redolentshape",
| |
| "title_localized": {
| |
| "en": "Redolent Shape"
| |
| },
| |
| "artist": "Sanaas",
| |
| "search_title": {
| |
| "ja": [
| |
| "れどれんとしぇいぷ"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ko": [
| |
| "레돌렌트 셰이프",
| |
| "레돌렌트 쉐이프"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| "search_artist": {
| |
| "ja": [
| |
| "さなあず"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ko": [
| |
| "사나즈"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| "bpm": "150",
| |
| "bpm_base": 150,
| |
| "set": "single",
| |
| "category": "original",
| |
| "purchase": "redolentshape",
| |
| "audioPreview": 0,
| |
| "audioPreviewEnd": 0,
| |
| "side": 1,
| |
| "bg": "nijuusei2_conflict",
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| "bg_inverse": "nijuusei2_light",
| |
| "remote_dl": true,
| |
| "world_unlock": false,
| |
| "date": 1634774400,
| |
| "version": "3.8",
| |
| "difficulties": [
| |
| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 0,
| |
| "chartDesigner": "絶滅",
| |
| "jacketDesigner": "KT。",
| |
| "rating": 4
| |
| },
| |
| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 1,
| |
| "chartDesigner": "絶滅",
| |
| "jacketDesigner": "KT。",
| |
| "rating": 7
| |
| },
| |
| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 2,
| |
| "chartDesigner": "絶滅",
| |
| "jacketDesigner": "KT。",
| |
| "rating": 10
| |
| }
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| {
| |
| "idx": 240,
| |
| "id": "cosmica",
| |
| "title_localized": {
| |
| "en": "Cosmica"
| |
| },
| |
| "artist": "Nhato",
| |
| "search_title": {
| |
| "ja": [
| |
| "こすみか",
| |
| "こずみか"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ko": [
| |
| "코스미카",
| |
| "코즈미카"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| "search_artist": {
| |
| "ja": [
| |
| "なはと"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ko": [
| |
| "나하토"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| "bpm": "110",
| |
| "bpm_base": 110,
| |
| "set": "nijuusei_append_1",
| |
| "purchase": "nijuusei_append_1",
| |
| "audioPreview": 0,
| |
| "audioPreviewEnd": 0,
| |
| "side": 1,
| |
| "bg": "nijuusei2_conflict",
| |
| "bg_inverse": "nijuusei2_light",
| |
| "remote_dl": true,
| |
| "world_unlock": false,
| |
| "date": 1636588800,
| |
| "version": "3.9",
| |
| "difficulties": [
| |
| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 0,
| |
| "chartDesigner": "Nitro",
| |
| "jacketDesigner": "シエラ",
| |
| "rating": 2
| |
| },
| |
| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 1,
| |
| "chartDesigner": "Nitro",
| |
| "jacketDesigner": "シエラ",
| |
| "rating": 5
| |
| },
| |
| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 2,
| |
| "chartDesigner": "Nitro missing Toaster.",
| |
| "jacketDesigner": "シエラ",
| |
| "rating": 8,
| |
| "ratingPlus": true
| |
| }
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| {
| |
| "idx": 241,
| |
| "id": "ascent",
| |
| "title_localized": {
| |
| "en": "Ascent"
| |
| },
| |
| "artist": "TANUKI",
| |
| "search_title": {
| |
| "ja": [
| |
| "あせんと"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ko": [
| |
| "어센트"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| "search_artist": {
| |
| "ja": [
| |
| "たぬき"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ko": [
| |
| "타누키"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| "bpm": "145",
| |
| "bpm_base": 145,
| |
| "set": "nijuusei_append_1",
| |
| "purchase": "nijuusei_append_1",
| |
| "audioPreview": 0,
| |
| "audioPreviewEnd": 0,
| |
| "side": 0,
| |
| "bg": "nijuusei2_light",
| |
| "bg_inverse": "nijuusei2_conflict",
| |
| "remote_dl": true,
| |
| "world_unlock": false,
| |
| "date": 1636588801,
| |
| "version": "3.9",
| |
| "difficulties": [
| |
| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 0,
| |
| "chartDesigner": "CER↑NG",
| |
| "jacketDesigner": "小奈きなこ",
| |
| "rating": 3
| |
| },
| |
| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 1,
| |
| "chartDesigner": "CER↑NG",
| |
| "jacketDesigner": "小奈きなこ",
| |
| "rating": 6
| |
| },
| |
| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 2,
| |
| "chartDesigner": "Exschwas↑on with CER↑NG",
| |
| "jacketDesigner": "小奈きなこ",
| |
| "rating": 9,
| |
| "ratingPlus": true
| |
| }
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| {
| |
| "idx": 242,
| |
| "id": "livefastdieyoung",
| |
| "title_localized": {
| |
| "en": "Live Fast Die Young"
| |
| },
| |
| "artist": "anubasu-anubasu",
| |
| "search_title": {
| |
| "ja": [
| |
| "りぶふぁすとだいやんぐ"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ko": [
| |
| "리브 패스트 다이 영"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| "search_artist": {
| |
| "ja": [
| |
| "あぬばすあぬばす"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ko": [
| |
| "아누바스 아누바스"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| "bpm": "153",
| |
| "bpm_base": 153,
| |
| "set": "nijuusei_append_1",
| |
| "purchase": "nijuusei_append_1",
| |
| "audioPreview": 0,
| |
| "audioPreviewEnd": 0,
| |
| "side": 0,
| |
| "bg": "nijuusei2_light",
| |
| "bg_inverse": "nijuusei2_conflict",
| |
| "remote_dl": true,
| |
| "world_unlock": false,
| |
| "date": 1636588802,
| |
| "version": "3.9",
| |
| "difficulties": [
| |
| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 0,
| |
| "chartDesigner": "Nitro",
| |
| "jacketDesigner": "シエラ",
| |
| "rating": 4
| |
| },
| |
| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 1,
| |
| "chartDesigner": "Nitro",
| |
| "jacketDesigner": "シエラ",
| |
| "rating": 8
| |
| },
| |
| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 2,
| |
| "chartDesigner": "Nitro with Toaster.",
| |
| "jacketDesigner": "シエラ",
| |
| "rating": 10
| |
| }
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| {
| |
| "idx": 243,
| |
| "id": "summerfireworks",
| |
| "title_localized": {
| |
| "en": "Summer Fireworks of Love",
| |
| "ja": "彩る夏の恋花火"
| |
| },
| |
| "artist": "karatoPαnchii feat.はるの",
| |
| "search_title": {
| |
| "ja": [
| |
| "いろどるなつのこいはなび"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ko": [
| |
| "서머 파이어웍스 오브 러브",
| |
| "섬머 파이어웍스 오브 러브",
| |
| "섬머 파이어워크스 오브 러브",
| |
| "서머 파이어워크스 오브 러브",
| |
| "이로도루 나츠노 코이하나비",
| |
| "수놓아지는 여름의 사랑 불꽃놀이"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| "search_artist": {
| |
| "en": [
| |
| "haruno"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ja": [
| |
| "からと",
| |
| "ぱん",
| |
| "かぷちー",
| |
| "はるの",
| |
| "からとぱんちー"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ko": [
| |
| "카라토",
| |
| "판",
| |
| "카푸치",
| |
| "하루노",
| |
| "카라토판치"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| "bpm": "160",
| |
| "bpm_base": 160,
| |
| "set": "single",
| |
| "category": "original",
| |
| "purchase": "summerfireworks",
| |
| "audioPreview": 0,
| |
| "audioPreviewEnd": 0,
| |
| "side": 0,
| |
| "bg": "omatsuri_light",
| |
| "bg_inverse": "omatsuri_conflict",
| |
| "bg_daynight": {
| |
| "day": "omatsuri_light",
| |
| "night": "omatsuri_conflict"
| |
| },
| |
| "remote_dl": true,
| |
| "world_unlock": false,
| |
| "date": 1636588803,
| |
| "version": "3.9",
| |
| "difficulties": [
| |
| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 0,
| |
| "chartDesigner": "夏のNitro",
| |
| "jacketDesigner": "シエラ",
| |
| "rating": 3
| |
| },
| |
| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 1,
| |
| "chartDesigner": "夏のNitro",
| |
| "jacketDesigner": "シエラ",
| |
| "rating": 6
| |
| },
| |
| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 2,
| |
| "chartDesigner": "夏のNitro",
| |
| "jacketDesigner": "シエラ",
| |
| "rating": 9,
| |
| "ratingPlus": true
| |
| }
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| {
| |
| "idx": 244,
| |
| "id": "firstsnow",
| |
| "title_localized": {
| |
| "en": "First Snow"
| |
| },
| |
| "artist": "黒魔",
| |
| "search_title": {
| |
| "ja": [
| |
| "ふぁーすとすのう",
| |
| "ふぁーすとすのー"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ko": [
| |
| "퍼스트 스노우"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| "search_artist": {
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| "en": [
| |
| "kuroma",
| |
| "chroma"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ja": [
| |
| "くろま"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ko": [
| |
| "쿠로마"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| "bpm": "88",
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| "bpm_base": 88,
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| "set": "dividedheart",
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| "purchase": "dividedheart",
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| "audioPreviewEnd": 73636,
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| "side": 0,
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| "bg": "hime_light",
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| "bg_inverse": "hime_conflict",
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| "remote_dl": true,
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| "world_unlock": false,
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| "date": 1639008000,
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| "version": "3.10",
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| "difficulties": [
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| {
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| "ratingClass": 0,
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| "chartDesigner": "Nitro",
| |
| "jacketDesigner": "ヒトこもる",
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| "rating": 2
| |
| },
| |
| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 1,
| |
| "chartDesigner": "Nitro",
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| "jacketDesigner": "ヒトこもる",
| |
| "rating": 4
| |
| },
| |
| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 2,
| |
| "chartDesigner": "Nitro",
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| "jacketDesigner": "ヒトこもる",
| |
| "rating": 7,
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| "ratingPlus": true
| |
| }
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| {
| |
| "idx": 245,
| |
| "id": "bluerose",
| |
| "title_localized": {
| |
| "en": "Blue Rose"
| |
| },
| |
| "artist": "Cosmograph",
| |
| "search_title": {
| |
| "ja": [
| |
| "ぶるーろーず"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ko": [
| |
| "블루 로즈"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| "search_artist": {
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| "ja": [
| |
| "こすもぐらふ"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ko": [
| |
| "코스모그래프"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| "bpm": "250-295",
| |
| "bpm_base": 295,
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| "set": "dividedheart",
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| "purchase": "dividedheart",
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| "audioPreviewEnd": 75055,
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| "side": 0,
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| "bg": "hime_light",
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| "bg_inverse": "hime_conflict",
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| "remote_dl": true,
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| "world_unlock": false,
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| "date": 1639008001,
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| "version": "3.10",
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| "difficulties": [
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| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 0,
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| "chartDesigner": "CERiNG",
| |
| "jacketDesigner": "チェリム",
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| "rating": 2
| |
| },
| |
| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 1,
| |
| "chartDesigner": "CERiNG",
| |
| "jacketDesigner": "チェリム",
| |
| "rating": 6
| |
| },
| |
| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 2,
| |
| "chartDesigner": "CERiNG",
| |
| "jacketDesigner": "チェリム",
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| "rating": 9
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| }
| |
| ]
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| },
| |
| {
| |
| "idx": 246,
| |
| "id": "blockedlibrary",
| |
| "title_localized": {
| |
| "en": "Blocked Library"
| |
| },
| |
| "artist": "影虎。",
| |
| "search_title": {
| |
| "ja": [
| |
| "ぶろっくどらいぶらりー"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ko": [
| |
| "블록드 라이브러리",
| |
| "블락드 라이브러리"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| "search_artist": {
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| "en": [
| |
| "kagetora"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ja": [
| |
| "かげとら"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ko": [
| |
| "카게토라"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| "bpm": "148",
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| "bpm_base": 148,
| |
| "set": "dividedheart",
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| "audioPreviewEnd": 60000,
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| "side": 1,
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| "bg": "hime_conflict",
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| "bg_inverse": "hime_light",
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| "remote_dl": true,
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| "world_unlock": false,
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| "date": 1639008002,
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| "version": "3.10",
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| "difficulties": [
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| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 0,
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| "chartDesigner": "Exschwasion",
| |
| "jacketDesigner": "めとこ",
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| "rating": 3
| |
| },
| |
| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 1,
| |
| "chartDesigner": "Exschwasion",
| |
| "jacketDesigner": "めとこ",
| |
| "rating": 6
| |
| },
| |
| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 2,
| |
| "chartDesigner": "Exschwasion",
| |
| "jacketDesigner": "めとこ",
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| "rating": 9
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| }
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| {
| |
| "idx": 247,
| |
| "id": "neokosmo",
| |
| "title_localized": {
| |
| "en": "nέο κόsmo",
| |
| "ko": "neo kosmo",
| |
| "zh-Hant": "neo kosmo",
| |
| "zh-Hans": "neo kosmo"
| |
| },
| |
| "artist": "ak+q × Street",
| |
| "search_title": {
| |
| "en": [
| |
| "neo kosmo"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ja": [
| |
| "ねおこすも"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ko": [
| |
| "네오 코스모",
| |
| "네오 코즈모"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| "search_artist": {
| |
| "ja": [
| |
| "えーけーぷらすきゅー",
| |
| "すとりーと"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ko": [
| |
| "에이케이 플러스 큐",
| |
| "스트리트",
| |
| "스트릿"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| "bpm": "190",
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| "bpm_base": 190,
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| "set": "dividedheart",
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| "purchase": "dividedheart",
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| "audioPreviewEnd": 65684,
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| "bg": "hime_conflict",
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| "bg_inverse": "hime_light",
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| "remote_dl": true,
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| "world_unlock": false,
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| "date": 1639008003,
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| "version": "3.10",
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| "difficulties": [
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| {
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| "ratingClass": 0,
| |
| "chartDesigner": "Nitro × Toaster",
| |
| "jacketDesigner": "久坂んむり",
| |
| "rating": 4
| |
| },
| |
| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 1,
| |
| "chartDesigner": "Nitro × Toaster",
| |
| "jacketDesigner": "久坂んむり",
| |
| "rating": 7,
| |
| "ratingPlus": true
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| },
| |
| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 2,
| |
| "chartDesigner": "Nitro × Toaster",
| |
| "jacketDesigner": "久坂んむり",
| |
| "rating": 9,
| |
| "ratingPlus": true
| |
| }
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| {
| |
| "idx": 248,
| |
| "id": "lightningscrew",
| |
| "title_localized": {
| |
| "en": "Lightning Screw"
| |
| },
| |
| "artist": "HiTECH NINJA",
| |
| "search_title": {
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| "ja": [
| |
| "らいとにんぐすくりゅー"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ko": [
| |
| "라이트닝 스크류"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| "search_artist": {
| |
| "ja": [
| |
| "はいてっくにんじゃ"
| |
| ],
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| "ko": [
| |
| "하이테크 닌자"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| "bpm": "190",
| |
| "bpm_base": 190,
| |
| "set": "dividedheart",
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| "purchase": "dividedheart",
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| "side": 0,
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| "bg": "hime_light",
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| "bg_inverse": "hime_conflict",
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| "remote_dl": true,
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| "world_unlock": false,
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| "date": 1639008004,
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| "version": "3.10",
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| "difficulties": [
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| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 0,
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| "chartDesigner": "東星",
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| "jacketDesigner": "シエラ",
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| "rating": 4
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| },
| |
| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 1,
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| "chartDesigner": "東星",
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| "jacketDesigner": "シエラ",
| |
| "rating": 7,
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| "ratingPlus": true
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| },
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| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 2,
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| "chartDesigner": "東星",
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| "jacketDesigner": "シエラ",
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| "rating": 10
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| }
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| ]
| |
| },
| |
| {
| |
| "idx": 249,
| |
| "id": "lightsofmuse",
| |
| "title_localized": {
| |
| "en": "Lights of Muse"
| |
| },
| |
| "artist": "Ayatsugu_Otowa",
| |
| "search_title": {
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| "ja": [
| |
| "らいとおぶみゅーず"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ko": [
| |
| "라이츠 오브 뮤즈",
| |
| "라이트 오브 뮤즈"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| "search_artist": {
| |
| "ja": [
| |
| "あやつぐおとわ"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ko": [
| |
| "아야츠구 오토와"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| "bpm": "180",
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| "bpm_base": 180,
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| "set": "musedash",
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| "audioPreview": 0,
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| "audioPreviewEnd": 0,
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| "side": 0,
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| "bg": "musedash_light",
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| "bg_inverse": "musedash_conflict",
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| "remote_dl": true,
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| "source_localized": {
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| "en": "Muse Dash"
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| },
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| "source_copyright": "",
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| "no_stream": true,
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| "world_unlock": false,
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| "date": 1640304000,
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| "version": "3.11",
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| "difficulties": [
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| {
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| "ratingClass": 0,
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| "chartDesigner": "antymis",
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| "jacketDesigner": "",
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| "rating": 2
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| },
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| {
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| "ratingClass": 1,
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| "chartDesigner": "antymis",
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| "jacketDesigner": "",
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| "rating": 6
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| },
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| {
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| "ratingClass": 2,
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| "chartDesigner": "antymis",
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| "jacketDesigner": "",
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| "rating": 8,
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| "ratingPlus": true
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| }
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| ]
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| },
| |
| {
| |
| "idx": 250,
| |
| "id": "finalstep",
| |
| "title_localized": {
| |
| "en": "Final Step!"
| |
| },
| |
| "artist": "Lime",
| |
| "search_title": {
| |
| "ja": [
| |
| "ふぁいなるすてっぷ"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ko": [
| |
| "파이널 스텝"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| "search_artist": {
| |
| "ja": [
| |
| "らいむ"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ko": [
| |
| "라임"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| "bpm": "180",
| |
| "bpm_base": 180,
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| "set": "musedash",
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| "purchase": "musedash",
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| "audioPreview": 0,
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| "audioPreviewEnd": 0,
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| "side": 1,
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| "bg": "musedash_conflict",
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| "bg_inverse": "musedash_light",
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| "remote_dl": true,
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| "source_localized": {
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| "en": "Muse Dash"
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| },
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| "source_copyright": "",
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| "no_stream": true,
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| "world_unlock": false,
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| "date": 1640304000,
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| "version": "3.11",
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| "difficulties": [
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| {
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| "ratingClass": 0,
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| "chartDesigner": "CERiNG",
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| "jacketDesigner": "",
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| "rating": 3
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| },
| |
| {
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| "ratingClass": 1,
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| "chartDesigner": "CERiNG",
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| "jacketDesigner": "",
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| "rating": 6
| |
| },
| |
| {
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| "ratingClass": 2,
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| "chartDesigner": "CERiNG",
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| "jacketDesigner": "",
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| "rating": 9
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| }
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| ]
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| },
| |
| {
| |
| "idx": 251,
| |
| "id": "akinokagerou",
| |
| "title_localized": {
| |
| "en": "Haze of Autumn",
| |
| "ja": "秋の陽炎"
| |
| },
| |
| "artist": "karatoPαnchii feat.はるの",
| |
| "search_title": {
| |
| "ja": [
| |
| "あきのかげろう"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ko": [
| |
| "헤이즈 오브 어텀",
| |
| "아키노 카게로우",
| |
| "가을의 아지랑이"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| "search_artist": {
| |
| "en": [
| |
| "haruno"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ja": [
| |
| "からと",
| |
| "ぱん",
| |
| "かぷちー",
| |
| "はるの",
| |
| "からとぱんちー"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ko": [
| |
| "카라토",
| |
| "판",
| |
| "카푸치",
| |
| "하루노",
| |
| "카라토판치"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| "bpm": "180",
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| "bpm_base": 180,
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| "set": "musedash",
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| "purchase": "musedash",
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| "audioPreview": 0,
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| "audioPreviewEnd": 0,
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| "side": 0,
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| "bg": "musedash_light",
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| "bg_inverse": "musedash_conflict",
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| "remote_dl": true,
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| "world_unlock": false,
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| "date": 1640304000,
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| "version": "3.11",
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| "difficulties": [
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| {
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| "ratingClass": 0,
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| "chartDesigner": "秋のén",
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| "jacketDesigner": "MiyU",
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| "rating": 3
| |
| },
| |
| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 1,
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| "chartDesigner": "秋のén",
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| "jacketDesigner": "MiyU",
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| "rating": 7
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| },
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| {
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| "ratingClass": 2,
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| "chartDesigner": "秋のén",
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| "jacketDesigner": "MiyU",
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| "rating": 9,
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| "ratingPlus": true
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| }
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| {
| |
| "idx": 252,
| |
| "id": "medusa",
| |
| "title_localized": {
| |
| "en": "Medusa"
| |
| },
| |
| "artist": "HiTECH NINJA",
| |
| "search_title": {
| |
| "ja": [
| |
| "めでゅーさ"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ko": [
| |
| "메두사"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| "search_artist": {
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| "ja": [
| |
| "はいてっくにんじゃ"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ko": [
| |
| "하니테크 닌자"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| "bpm": "165",
| |
| "bpm_base": 165,
| |
| "set": "musedash",
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| "purchase": "musedash",
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| "audioPreview": 0,
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| "audioPreviewEnd": 0,
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| "side": 1,
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| "bg": "musedash_conflict",
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| "bg_inverse": "musedash_light",
| |
| "remote_dl": true,
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| "source_localized": {
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| "en": "Muse Dash"
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| },
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| "source_copyright": "",
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| "no_stream": true,
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| "world_unlock": false,
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| "date": 1640304000,
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| "version": "3.11",
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| "difficulties": [
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| {
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| "ratingClass": 0,
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| "chartDesigner": "Toaster",
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| "jacketDesigner": "",
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| "rating": 4
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| },
| |
| {
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| "ratingClass": 1,
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| "chartDesigner": "Toaster",
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| "jacketDesigner": "",
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| "rating": 7
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| },
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| {
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| "ratingClass": 2,
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| "chartDesigner": "Toaster",
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| "jacketDesigner": "",
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| "rating": 10
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| }
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| ]
| |
| },
| |
| {
| |
| "idx": 253,
| |
| "id": "init",
| |
| "title_localized": {
| |
| "en": "init()"
| |
| },
| |
| "artist": "kamome sano",
| |
| "search_title": {
| |
| "ja": [
| |
| "いにっと"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ko": [
| |
| "이닛"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| "search_artist": {
| |
| "ja": [
| |
| "かもめさの"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ko": [
| |
| "카모메 사노"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| "bpm": "180",
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| "bpm_base": 180,
| |
| "set": "single",
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| "category": "partner",
| |
| "purchase": "init",
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| "audioPreview": 0,
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| "audioPreviewEnd": 0,
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| "side": 1,
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| "bg": "prelude_conflict",
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| "bg_inverse": "prelude_light",
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| "remote_dl": true,
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| "world_unlock": false,
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| "date": 1642636800,
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| "version": "3.11",
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| "difficulties": [
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| {
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| "ratingClass": 0,
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| "chartDesigner": "Toaster",
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| "jacketDesigner": "そゐち",
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| "rating": 4
| |
| },
| |
| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 1,
| |
| "chartDesigner": "Toaster",
| |
| "jacketDesigner": "そゐち",
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| "rating": 7
| |
| },
| |
| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 2,
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| "chartDesigner": "Toaster",
| |
| "jacketDesigner": "そゐち",
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| "rating": 9,
| |
| "ratingPlus": true
| |
| }
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| {
| |
| "idx": 254,
| |
| "id": "internetoverdose",
| |
| "title_localized": {
| |
| |
| },
| |
| "artist": "Aiobahn feat. KOTOKO",
| |
| "search_title": {
| |
| "ja": [
| |
| "いんたーねっとおーばーどーず"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ko": [
| |
| "인터넷 오버도즈"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
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| "あいおばん",
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| "ことこ"
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| ],
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| "ko": [
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| "아이오반",
| |
| "코토코"
| |
| ]
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| },
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| "bpm": "163",
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| "bpm_base": 163,
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| "category": "poprec",
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| "date": 1645056003,
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| "ratingClass": 0,
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| "chartDesigner": "Nitro Ch.",
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| "jacketDesigner": "kinakobooster",
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| "rating": 3
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| },
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| "ratingClass": 1,
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| "chartDesigner": "Nitro Ch.",
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| "jacketDesigner": "kinakobooster",
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| "rating": 6
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| },
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| {
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| "ratingClass": 2,
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| "chartDesigner": "Nitro Ch.",
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| "jacketDesigner": "kinakobooster",
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| "rating": 8
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| }
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| ]
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| },
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| {
| |
| "idx": 255,
| |
| "id": "sakurafubuki",
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| "title_localized": {
| |
| "en": "Sakura Fubuki"
| |
| },
| |
| "artist": "Street",
| |
| "search_title": {
| |
| "ja": [
| |
| "さくらふぶき"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ko": [
| |
| "사쿠라 후부키"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
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| "search_artist": {
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| "ja": [
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| "すとりーと"
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| ],
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| "ko": [
| |
| "스트릿",
| |
| "스트리트"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
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| "bpm": "175",
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| "bpm_base": 175,
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| "bg": "hime_light",
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| "date": 1645056001,
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| "version": "3.12",
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| "ratingClass": 0,
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| "chartDesigner": "én",
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| "jacketDesigner": "",
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| {
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| "ratingClass": 1,
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| "chartDesigner": "én",
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| "jacketDesigner": "",
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| "rating": 6
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| },
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| {
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| "ratingClass": 2,
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| "chartDesigner": "én",
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| "jacketDesigner": "",
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| "rating": 9
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| }
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| ]
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| },
| |
| {
| |
| "idx": 256,
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| "id": "nulctrl",
| |
| "title_localized": {
| |
| "en": "NULCTRL"
| |
| },
| |
| "artist": "Silentroom",
| |
| "search_title": {
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| "ja": [
| |
| "ぬるこんとろーる"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ko": [
| |
| "널컨트롤"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
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| "search_artist": {
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| "ja": [
| |
| "さいれんとるーむ"
| |
| ],
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| "ko": [
| |
| "사일런트 룸"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
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| "bpm": "100",
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| "bpm_base": 100,
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| "purchase": "",
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| "audioPreview": 40800,
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| "world_unlock": true,
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| "date": 1645056002,
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| "version": "3.12",
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| "difficulties": [
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| "ratingClass": 0,
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| "chartDesigner": "moonquay [CON]",
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| "jacketDesigner": "",
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| "rating": 3
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| },
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| {
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| "ratingClass": 1,
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| "chartDesigner": "moonquay [AUX]",
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| "jacketDesigner": "",
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| "rating": 7
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| },
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| {
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| "ratingClass": 2,
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| "chartDesigner": "moonquay [NUL]",
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| "jacketDesigner": "",
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| "rating": 9
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| }
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| ]
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| },
| |
| {
| |
| "idx": 257,
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| "id": "macromod",
| |
| "title_localized": {
| |
| "en": "Macrocosmic Modulation"
| |
| },
| |
| "artist": "JAKAZiD",
| |
| "search_title": {
| |
| "ja": [
| |
| "まくろこずみっくもじゅれーしょん",
| |
| "まくろこすみっくもじゅれーしょん"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ko": [
| |
| "매크로코스믹 모듈레이션"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| "search_artist": {
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| "ja": [
| |
| "じゃかじっど"
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| ],
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| "ko": [
| |
| "자카지드"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
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| "bpm": "170",
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| "bpm_base": 170,
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| "bg": "single2_light",
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| "remote_dl": true,
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| "date": 1645056004,
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| "version": "3.12",
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| "difficulties": [
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| {
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| "ratingClass": 0,
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| "chartDesigner": "Exschwas↕on",
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| "jacketDesigner": "装甲枕",
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| "rating": 4
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| },
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| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 1,
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| "chartDesigner": "Exschwas↕on",
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| "jacketDesigner": "装甲枕",
| |
| "rating": 7,
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| "ratingPlus": true
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| },
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| {
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| "ratingClass": 2,
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| "chartDesigner": "Exschwas↕on",
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| "jacketDesigner": "装甲枕",
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| "rating": 9,
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| "ratingPlus": true
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| }
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| ]
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| },
| |
| {
| |
| "idx": 258,
| |
| "id": "neowings",
| |
| "title_localized": {
| |
| "en": "NEO WINGS"
| |
| },
| |
| "artist": "SOUND HOLIC feat. Nana Takahashi",
| |
| "search_title": {
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| "ja": [
| |
| "ねおうぃんぐす",
| |
| "ねおういんぐす"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ko": [
| |
| "네오 윙즈",
| |
| "네오 윙스"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| "search_artist": {
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| "ja": [
| |
| "さうんどほりっく",
| |
| "ななたかはし"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ko": [
| |
| "사운드 홀릭",
| |
| "나나 타카하시"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| "bpm": "168",
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| "bpm_base": 168,
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| "set": "single",
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| "category": "partner",
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| "bg": "single2_conflict",
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| "date": 1645056006,
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| "version": "3.12",
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| "difficulties": [
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| {
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| "ratingClass": 0,
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| "chartDesigner": "Toaster",
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| "jacketDesigner": "シエラ",
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| "rating": 4
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| },
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| {
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| "ratingClass": 1,
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| "chartDesigner": "Toaster",
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| "jacketDesigner": "シエラ",
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| "rating": 7
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| },
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| {
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| "ratingClass": 2,
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| "chartDesigner": "Toaster",
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| "jacketDesigner": "シエラ",
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| "rating": 10
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| }
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| ]
| |
| },
| |
| {
| |
| "idx": 259,
| |
| "id": "kissinglucifer",
| |
| "title_localized": {
| |
| "en": "Kissing Lucifer"
| |
| },
| |
| "artist": "ETIA.",
| |
| "search_title": {
| |
| "ja": [
| |
| "きっしんぐるしふぁー"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ko": [
| |
| "키싱 루시퍼"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| "search_artist": {
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| "ja": [
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| "えちあ"
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| ],
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| "ko": [
| |
| "에치아"
| |
| ]
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| },
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| "bpm": "170",
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| "bpm_base": 170,
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| "category": "original",
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| "purchase": "kissinglucifer",
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| "side": 1,
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| "bg": "single2_conflict",
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| "remote_dl": true,
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| "world_unlock": false,
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| "date": 1645056005,
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| "version": "3.12",
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| "difficulties": [
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| {
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| "ratingClass": 0,
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| "chartDesigner": "NITRO",
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| "jacketDesigner": "Siino",
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| "rating": 4
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| },
| |
| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 1,
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| "chartDesigner": "NITRO",
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| "jacketDesigner": "Siino",
| |
| "rating": 7,
| |
| "ratingPlus": true
| |
| },
| |
| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 2,
| |
| "chartDesigner": "NITRO",
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| "jacketDesigner": "Siino",
| |
| "rating": 10
| |
| }
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| {
| |
| "idx": 260,
| |
| "id": "avril",
| |
| "title_localized": {
| |
| "en": "Ävril -Flicka i krans-"
| |
| },
| |
| "artist": "Rigël Theatre",
| |
| "search_title": {
| |
| "en": [
| |
| "avril"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ja": [
| |
| "アエヴリルフリッカイクランス",
| |
| "アヴリルフリッカイクランス"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ko": [
| |
| "아에브릴 플릭카 이 크란스",
| |
| "아브릴 플릭카 이 크란스"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| "search_artist": {
| |
| "ja": [
| |
| "らいじぇるしあたー"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ko": [
| |
| "리젤 시어터"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| "bpm": "130",
| |
| "bpm_base": 130,
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| "set": "base",
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| "purchase": "",
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| "audioPreview": 28047,
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| "audioPreviewEnd": 65986,
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| "side": 0,
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| "bg": "alice_light",
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| "bg_inverse": "alice_conflict",
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| "remote_dl": true,
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| "world_unlock": true,
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| "date": 1645056000,
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| "version": "3.12",
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| "difficulties": [
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| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 0,
| |
| "chartDesigner": "Aster -Får i Vaaris-",
| |
| "jacketDesigner": "しいたけ",
| |
| "jacketOverride": true,
| |
| "rating": 3
| |
| },
| |
| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 1,
| |
| "chartDesigner": "Aster -Får i Vaaris-",
| |
| "jacketDesigner": "しいたけ",
| |
| "jacketOverride": true,
| |
| "rating": 6
| |
| },
| |
| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 2,
| |
| "chartDesigner": "Aster -Får i Vaaris-",
| |
| "jacketDesigner": "しいたけ",
| |
| "rating": 8
| |
| }
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| {
| |
| "idx": 261,
| |
| "id": "aurgelmir",
| |
| "title_localized": { | |
| "en": "Aurgelmir"
| |
| },
| |
| "artist": "溝口ゆうま feat. 大瀬良あい", | |
| "search_title": {
| |
| "ja": [
| |
| "あうるげるみる"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ko": [
| |
| "아울겔미르",
| |
| "아우겔미르",
| |
| "아우르겔미르"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| "search_artist": {
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| "en": [
| |
| "mizonokuchi yuuma",
| |
| "oosera ai"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ja": [
| |
| "みぞのくちゆうま",
| |
| "おおせらあい"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ko": [
| |
| "미조노쿠치 유우마",
| |
| "오오세라 아이"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| "bpm": "122-230",
| |
| "bpm_base": 180,
| |
| "set": "single",
| |
| "category": "musicgames",
| |
| "purchase": "aurgelmir",
| |
| "audioPreview": 0,
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| "audioPreviewEnd": 0,
| |
| "side": 1,
| |
| "source_localized": {
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| "en": "Groove Coaster",
| |
| "ja": "グルーヴコースター"
| |
| },
| |
| "source_copyright": "© TAITO CORP. 1978, 2022",
| |
| "bg": "gc_ouroboros",
| |
| "remote_dl": true,
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| "world_unlock": false, | |
| "date": 1647993600,
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| "version": "3.12",
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| "difficulties": [
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| {
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| "ratingClass": 0,
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| "chartDesigner": "夜浪",
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| "jacketDesigner": "",
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| "rating": 4
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| },
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| {
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| "ratingClass": 1,
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| "chartDesigner": "夜浪",
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| "jacketDesigner": "",
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| "rating": 8
| |
| },
| |
| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 2,
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| "chartDesigner": "夜浪",
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| "jacketDesigner": "",
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| "rating": 10
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| }
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| ]
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| },
| |
| {
| |
| "idx": 262,
| |
| "id": "headbonkache",
| |
| "title_localized": {
| |
| "en": "Head BONK ache"
| |
| },
| |
| "artist": "saaa ft. MC iwata Bros.",
| |
| "search_title": {
| |
| "ja": [
| |
| "へっどぼんくえいく",
| |
| "へっどぼんくえーく"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ko": [
| |
| "헤드 북 봉크 에이크"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| "search_artist": {
| |
| "ja": [
| |
| "さえさん",
| |
| "えむしーいわたぶろす"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ko": [
| |
| "사에산",
| |
| "엠씨 이와타 브로스",
| |
| "엠시 이와타 브로스"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| "bpm": "132-165",
| |
| "bpm_base": 165,
| |
| "set": "single",
| |
| "category": "variety",
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| "purchase": "headbonkache",
| |
| "audioPreview": 0,
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| "audioPreviewEnd": 0,
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| "side": 1,
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| "bg": "yugamu",
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| "bg_inverse": "rei",
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| "remote_dl": true,
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| "world_unlock": false,
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| "date": 1647993602,
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| "version": "3.12",
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| "difficulties": [
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| {
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| "ratingClass": 0,
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| "chartDesigner": "Nitro",
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| "jacketDesigner": "空読無 白眼",
| |
| "rating": 4
| |
| },
| |
| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 1,
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| "chartDesigner": "Nitro",
| |
| "jacketDesigner": "空読無 白眼",
| |
| "rating": 7
| |
| },
| |
| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 2,
| |
| "chartDesigner": "Nitro",
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| "jacketDesigner": "空読無 白眼",
| |
| "rating": 9
| |
| }
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| {
| |
| "idx": 263,
| |
| "id": "ddd",
| |
| "title_localized": {
| |
| "en": "DDD"
| |
| },
| |
| "artist": "はがね",
| |
| "search_title": {
| |
| "ja": [
| |
| "でぃーでぃーでぃー"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ko": [
| |
| "디디디"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| "search_artist": {
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| "en": [
| |
| "hagane"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ko": [
| |
| "하가네"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| "bpm": "138",
| |
| "bpm_base": 138,
| |
| "set": "base",
| |
| "purchase": "",
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| "audioPreview": 43478,
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| "audioPreviewEnd": 71304,
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| "side": 0,
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| "bg": "nijuusei2_light",
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| "bg_inverse": "nijuusei2_conflict",
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| "remote_dl": true,
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| "world_unlock": true,
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| "date": 1647993601,
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| "version": "3.12",
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| "difficulties": [
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| {
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| "ratingClass": 0,
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| "chartDesigner": "én",
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| "jacketDesigner": "わっふゑ",
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| "rating": 2
| |
| },
| |
| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 1,
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| "chartDesigner": "én",
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| "jacketDesigner": "わっふゑ",
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| "rating": 6
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| },
| |
| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 2,
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| "chartDesigner": "én",
| |
| "jacketDesigner": "わっふゑ",
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| "rating": 8
| |
| }
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| {
| |
| "idx": 264,
| |
| "id": "prism",
| |
| "title_localized": {
| |
| "en": "Prism"
| |
| },
| |
| "artist": "bermei.inazawa ft. Chata",
| |
| "search_title": {
| |
| "ja": [
| |
| "ぷりずむ"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ko": [
| |
| "프리즘"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| "search_artist": {
| |
| "ja": [
| |
| "べるめいいなざわ",
| |
| "ちゃた"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ko": [
| |
| "벨메이 이나자와",
| |
| "베르메이 이나자와",
| |
| "챠타"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| "bpm": "107-109",
| |
| "bpm_base": 109,
| |
| "set": "lanota_append_1",
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| "purchase": "lanota_append_1",
| |
| "audioPreview": 0,
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| "audioPreviewEnd": 0,
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| "side": 0,
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| "bg": "lanota-light",
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| "bg_inverse": "lanota-conflict",
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| "remote_dl": true,
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| "world_unlock": false,
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| "source_localized": { | |
| "en": "Lanota" | | "en": "Lanota" |
| }, | | }, |
| "source_copyright": "", | | "description_localized": { |
| "no_stream": true,
| | "en": "The relentless flow of time intertwines the worlds\nof Arcaea and emotional music game 'Lanota'.\n\nTravel with Hikari and Lanota's 'Fisica'\nthrough powerful songs from Lanota as well as\nthe all-new collaboration song 'Quon'!", |
| "date": 1651104000,
| | "ja": " 無情なる時の流れが、Arcaeaの世界と\n情緒的音楽ゲーム【Lanota】を絡み合わせるーー。\n\nヒカリやLanotaのフィシカと共に、\n新たなコラボレーション楽曲【Quon】の他、\nLanotaからの個性豊かな楽曲を巡りましょう。", |
| "version": "3.12",
| | "ko": " 끊임없이 흘러가는 시간의 흐름으로\nArcaea와 감성뮤직게임 'Lanota'의 세상이 이어집니다.\n\n라노타에서 찾아온 피시카와 히카리가\n함께 선보이는 파워풀한 노래들과\n새로운 콜라보 음악 'Quon'을 즐겨주세요.", |
| "difficulties": [
| | "zh-Hant": " 永不停歇的時間使得 Arcaea 的世界與擁有豐富情感的\n音樂遊戲《Lanota》糾纏在了一起。\n\n與光和來自拉諾塔的菲希卡在《Lanota》的樂曲中旅行,\n盡在全新的合作曲《Quon》!", |
| { | | "zh-Hans": " 永不停歇的时间使得 Arcaea 的世界与情感丰富的\n音樂遊戲《Lanota》纠缠在了一起。\n\n与光和來自拉诺塔的菲希卡在《Lanota》的乐曲中旅行,\n尽在全新的合作曲《Quon》!" |
| "ratingClass": 0,
| | } |
| "chartDesigner": "CERiNG",
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| "jacketDesigner": "",
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| "jacketOverride": true,
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| "rating": 2
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| },
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| "ratingClass": 1,
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| "chartDesigner": "CERiNG",
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| "jacketDesigner": "",
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| "jacketOverride": true,
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| "rating": 5
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| },
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| { | |
| "ratingClass": 2,
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| "chartDesigner": "CERiNG",
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| "jacketDesigner": "",
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| "rating": 8
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| }
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| ]
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| }, | | }, |
| { | | { |
| "idx": 265, | | "id": "lanota_append_1", |
| "id": "protoflicker", | | "section": "collab", |
| "title_localized": { | | "pack_parent": "lanota", |
| "en": "Protoflicker" | | "plus_character": -1, |
| | "name_localized": { |
| | "en": "Collaboration Chapter 2" |
| }, | | }, |
| "artist": "Silentroom", | | "description_localized": { |
| "search_title": {
| | "en": "Deeper into the silent world, echoes of old\nmachines reverberate...\n\nIn this Pack Append for the Lanota Collaboration\nfind 3 new songs that breathe life and sound\ninto the world, and with them fly into the sky!", |
| "ja": [ | | "ja": " そ れ は深く、静寂の世界にて、\n旧き機械、その残響がこだまする。\n\nLanotaのコラボパックにPack Appendが登場。\n活力と音を宿す、そ ん な三曲が新たに追加。\nさあ、空へと旅立 と う!", |
| " ぷろとふりっかー"
| | "ko": " 소리 없는 세상 속 더 깊은 곳에서 낡은\n기계들의 메어리가 울린다...\n\nLanota 콜라보 Pack Append를 통해 세상\n속에 소리가 살아 숨 쉬도록 하는 3 개의\n신곡을 만나보고 음악과 함께 비행하세요!", |
| ],
| | "zh-Hant": " 在那寂靜世界的深處,\n迴盪著古老機械的殘響……\n\n在Lanota聯動的Pack Append中,\n享受這三首為世界帶來活力音符的全新歌曲。\n現在,在空中展翅翱翔吧!", |
| "ko": [
| | "zh-Hans": " 在那寂静世界的深处,\n回荡着古老机械的残响……\n\n在Lanota联动的Pack Append中,\n享受这三首为世界带来活力音符的全新歌曲。\n现在,在空中展翅翱翔吧!" |
| " 프로토플리커"
| | } |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| "search_artist": {
| |
| "ja": [ | |
| " さい れんと るーむ"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ko": [ | |
| " 사일런트 룸"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| "bpm": "140",
| |
| "bpm_base": 140,
| |
| "set": "lanota_append_1",
| |
| "purchase": "lanota_append_1",
| |
| "audioPreview": 0,
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| "audioPreviewEnd": 0,
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| "side": 1,
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| "bg": "lanota-conflict",
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| "bg_inverse": "lanota-light",
| |
| "remote_dl": true,
| |
| "world_unlock": false,
| |
| "source_localized": {
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| "en": "Lanota"
| |
| },
| |
| "source_copyright": "",
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| "no_stream": true,
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| "date": 1651104001,
| |
| "version": "3.12",
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| "difficulties": [
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| { | |
| "ratingClass": 0,
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| "chartDesigner": "antymis \u003Cprototype\u003E",
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| "jacketDesigner": "",
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| "jacketOverride": true,
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| "rating": 3
| |
| },
| |
| { | |
| "ratingClass": 1,
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| "chartDesigner": "antymis \u003Cprototype\u003E",
| |
| "jacketDesigner": "",
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| "jacketOverride": true,
| |
| "rating": 7
| |
| },
| |
| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 2,
| |
| "chartDesigner": "antymis \u003Cprototype\u003E",
| |
| "jacketDesigner": "",
| |
| "rating": 9,
| |
| "ratingPlus": true
| |
| }
| |
| ]
| |
| }, | | }, |
| { | | { |
| "idx": 266,
| | "id": "dynamix", |
| "id": "stasis", | | "section": "collab", |
| "title_localized": { | | "custom_banner": true, |
| "en": "Stasis"
| | "plus_character": 3, |
| },
| | "name_localized": { |
| "artist": "Maozon", | | "en": "Dynamix" |
| "search_title": { | |
| "ja": [
| |
| "すていしす"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ko": [
| |
| "스태이시스"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| "search_artist": { | |
| "ja": [ | |
| "まおぞん"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ko": [
| |
| "마오존"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| "bpm": "180",
| |
| "bpm_base": 180,
| |
| "set": "lanota_append_1",
| |
| "purchase": "lanota_append_1",
| |
| "audioPreview": 0,
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| "audioPreviewEnd": 0,
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| "side": 0,
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| "bg": "quon",
| |
| "remote_dl": true,
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| "world_unlock": false,
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| "source_localized": {
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| "en": "Lanota"
| |
| },
| |
| "source_copyright": "",
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| "no_stream": true,
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| "date": 1651104002,
| |
| "version": "3.12",
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| "difficulties": [
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| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 0,
| |
| "chartDesigner": "東星",
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| "jacketDesigner": "",
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| "jacketOverride": true,
| |
| "rating": 4
| |
| },
| |
| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 1,
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| "chartDesigner": "東星",
| |
| "jacketDesigner": "",
| |
| "jacketOverride": true,
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| "rating": 7
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| },
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| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 2,
| |
| "chartDesigner": "東星",
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| "jacketDesigner": "",
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| "rating": 10,
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| "ratingPlus": true
| |
| }
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| {
| |
| "idx": 267,
| |
| "id": "picopicotranslation",
| |
| "title_localized": {
| |
| "en": "PICO-Pico-Translation!",
| |
| "ja": "ピコPico*とらんすれーしょんっ!"
| |
| },
| |
| "artist": "t+pazolite,ななひら,Cranky,Pico*",
| |
| "search_title": {
| |
| "ja": [
| |
| "ぴこぴことらんすれーしょんっ"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ko": [
| |
| "피코 피코 트랜슬레이션"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| "search_artist": {
| |
| "en": [
| |
| "nanahira"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ja": [
| |
| "とぱぞらいと",
| |
| "くらんきー",
| |
| "ぴこ"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ko": [
| |
| "토파졸라이트",
| |
| "나나히라",
| |
| "크랭키",
| |
| "피코"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| "bpm": "185",
| |
| "bpm_base": 185,
| |
| "set": "single",
| |
| "category": "variety",
| |
| "purchase": "picopicotranslation",
| |
| "audioPreview": 0,
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| "audioPreviewEnd": 0,
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| "side": 1,
| |
| "bg": "nijuusei-conflict-b",
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| "bg_inverse": "nijuusei-light-b",
| |
| "remote_dl": true,
| |
| "world_unlock": false,
| |
| "date": 1651104003,
| |
| "version": "3.12",
| |
| "difficulties": [
| |
| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 0,
| |
| "chartDesigner": "Translated by én",
| |
| "jacketDesigner": "九鳥ぱんや \u0026 t+pazolite",
| |
| "rating": 2
| |
| },
| |
| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 1,
| |
| "chartDesigner": "Translated by én",
| |
| "jacketDesigner": "九鳥ぱんや \u0026 t+pazolite",
| |
| "rating": 6
| |
| },
| |
| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 2,
| |
| "chartDesigner": "Translated by én",
| |
| "jacketDesigner": "九鳥ぱんや \u0026 t+pazolite",
| |
| "rating": 9
| |
| }
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| {
| |
| "idx": 268,
| |
| "id": "nekonote",
| |
| "title_localized": {
| |
| "en": "Dancin' on a Cat's Paw",
| |
| "ja": "ネコノテ・カリタガール"
| |
| },
| |
| "artist": "Ino(chronoize)",
| |
| "search_title": {
| |
| "ko": [
| |
| "댄싱 온 어 캣츠 포",
| |
| "네코노테 카리타가루",
| |
| "고양이 손 빌리고싶어걸"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| "search_artist": {
| |
| "ja": [
| |
| "いの"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ko": [
| |
| "이노"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| "bpm": "148",
| |
| "bpm_base": 148,
| |
| "set": "base",
| |
| "purchase": "",
| |
| "audioPreview": 38513,
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| "audioPreviewEnd": 70135,
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| "side": 0,
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| "bg": "alice_light",
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| "bg_inverse": "alice_conflict",
| |
| "remote_dl": true,
| |
| "world_unlock": true,
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| "date": 1651104004,
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| "version": "3.12",
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| "difficulties": [
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| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 0,
| |
| "chartDesigner": "antymis",
| |
| "jacketDesigner": "りゅうら + kkkfff2",
| |
| "rating": 3
| |
| },
| |
| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 1,
| |
| "chartDesigner": "antymis",
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| "jacketDesigner": "りゅうら + kkkfff2",
| |
| "rating": 6
| |
| },
| |
| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 2,
| |
| "chartDesigner": "antymis",
| |
| "jacketDesigner": "りゅうら + kkkfff2",
| |
| "rating": 9
| |
| }
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| {
| |
| "idx": 269,
| |
| "id": "mu",
| |
| "title_localized": {
| |
| "en": "μ"
| |
| },
| |
| "artist": "Frums",
| |
| "search_title": {
| |
| "en": [
| |
| "mu"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ja": [
| |
| "みゅー"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ko": [
| |
| "뮤"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| "search_artist": {
| |
| "ja": [
| |
| "ふらむす"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ko": [
| |
| "프럼스"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| "bpm": "140-190",
| |
| "bpm_base": 190,
| |
| "set": "single",
| |
| "category": "original",
| |
| "purchase": "mu",
| |
| "audioPreview": 0,
| |
| "audioPreviewEnd": 0,
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| "side": 0,
| |
| "bg": "single2_light",
| |
| "bg_inverse": "single2_conflict",
| |
| "remote_dl": true,
| |
| "world_unlock": false,
| |
| "date": 1653436801,
| |
| "version": "3.12",
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| "difficulties": [
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| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 0,
| |
| "chartDesigner": "N↕TRO v1.0.5",
| |
| "jacketDesigner": "Frums",
| |
| "rating": 3
| |
| },
| |
| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 1,
| |
| "chartDesigner": "N↕TRO v1.0.5",
| |
| "jacketDesigner": "Frums",
| |
| "rating": 7
| |
| },
| |
| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 2,
| |
| "chartDesigner": "N↕TRO v1.0.5",
| |
| "jacketDesigner": "Frums",
| |
| "rating": 9,
| |
| "ratingPlus": true
| |
| }
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| {
| |
| "idx": 270,
| |
| "id": "sanskia",
| |
| "title_localized": {
| |
| "en": "san skia"
| |
| },
| |
| "artist": "ユアミトス",
| |
| "search_title": {
| |
| "ja": [
| |
| "さんすきあ"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ko": [
| |
| "산 스키아"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| "search_artist": {
| |
| "en": [
| |
| "yuamitosu",
| |
| "yourmythos"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ko": [
| |
| "유아미토스"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| "bpm": "170",
| |
| "bpm_base": 170,
| |
| "set": "base",
| |
| "purchase": "",
| |
| "audioPreview": 48705,
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| "audioPreviewEnd": 70235,
| |
| "side": 0,
| |
| "bg": "alice_light",
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| "bg_inverse": "alice_conflict",
| |
| "remote_dl": true,
| |
| "world_unlock": true,
| |
| "date": 1653436802,
| |
| "version": "3.12",
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| "difficulties": [
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| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 0,
| |
| "chartDesigner": "CERiNG",
| |
| "jacketDesigner": "Ancy",
| |
| "rating": 3
| |
| },
| |
| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 1,
| |
| "chartDesigner": "CERiNG",
| |
| "jacketDesigner": "Ancy",
| |
| "rating": 6
| |
| },
| |
| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 2,
| |
| "chartDesigner": "CERiNG",
| |
| "jacketDesigner": "Ancy",
| |
| "rating": 8
| |
| }
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| {
| |
| "idx": 271,
| |
| "id": "altair",
| |
| "title_localized": {
| |
| "en": "Altair (feat. *spiLa*)"
| |
| },
| |
| "artist": "kamome sano \u0026 you",
| |
| "search_title": {
| |
| "ja": [
| |
| "あるたいる"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ko": [
| |
| "알타이르",
| |
| "알테어"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| "search_artist": {
| |
| "ja": [
| |
| "かもめさの",
| |
| "ゆー",
| |
| "すぴら"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ko": [
| |
| "카모메 사노",
| |
| "유",
| |
| "스피라"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| "bpm": "170",
| |
| "bpm_base": 170,
| |
| "set": "base",
| |
| "purchase": "",
| |
| "audioPreview": 103764,
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| "audioPreviewEnd": 128470,
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| "side": 0,
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| "bg": "nijuusei2_light",
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| "bg_inverse": "nijuusei2_conflict",
| |
| "remote_dl": true,
| |
| "world_unlock": true,
| |
| "date": 1657152000,
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| "version": "4.0",
| |
| "difficulties": [
| |
| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 0,
| |
| "jacketDesigner": "minamo + レク",
| |
| "chartDesigner": "antymis",
| |
| "rating": 2
| |
| },
| |
| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 1,
| |
| "jacketDesigner": "minamo + レク",
| |
| "chartDesigner": "antymis",
| |
| "rating": 6
| |
| },
| |
| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 2,
| |
| "jacketDesigner": "minamo + レク",
| |
| "chartDesigner": "antymis",
| |
| "rating": 8
| |
| }
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| {
| |
| "idx": 272,
| |
| "id": "mukishitsu",
| |
| "title_localized": {
| |
| "en": "Redraw the Colorless World",
| |
| "ja": "無機質世界に彩を"
| |
| },
| |
| "artist": "MisomyL",
| |
| "search_title": {
| |
| "ja": [
| |
| "むきしつせかいにいろどりを"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ko": [
| |
| "리드로우 더 컬러리스 월드",
| |
| "무키시츠세카이니 이로오",
| |
| "무기질 세계에 색채를"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| "search_artist": {
| |
| "ja": [
| |
| "みそみぃる"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ko": [
| |
| "미소미엘"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| "bpm": "155",
| |
| "bpm_base": 155,
| |
| "set": "base",
| |
| "purchase": "",
| |
| "audioPreview": 50709,
| |
| "audioPreviewEnd": 75870,
| |
| "side": 0,
| |
| "bg": "prelude_light",
| |
| "bg_inverse": "prelude_conflict",
| |
| "remote_dl": true,
| |
| "world_unlock": true,
| |
| "date": 1657152001,
| |
| "version": "4.0",
| |
| "difficulties": [
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| "ratingClass": 0,
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| "chartDesigner": "antymis ~無色~",
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| "jacketDesigner": "",
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| "rating": 4
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| },
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| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 1,
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| "chartDesigner": "antymis ~彩色~",
| |
| "jacketDesigner": "",
| |
| "rating": 6
| |
| },
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| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 2,
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| "chartDesigner": "antymis ~虹色~",
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| "jacketDesigner": "",
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| "rating": 9
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| }
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| ]
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| },
| |
| {
| |
| "idx": 273,
| |
| "id": "trapcrow",
| |
| "title_localized": {
| |
| "en": "Trap Crow"
| |
| },
| |
| "artist": "Puru",
| |
| "search_title": {
| |
| "ja": [
| |
| "とらっぷくろー",
| |
| "とらっぷくろう"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ko": [
| |
| "트랩 크로우"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
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| "search_artist": {
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| "ja": [
| |
| "ぷる"
| |
| ],
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| "ko": [
| |
| "푸루"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
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| "bpm": "80",
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| "bpm_base": 160,
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| "set": "base",
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| "purchase": "",
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| "audioPreview": 61125,
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| "audioPreviewEnd": 85125,
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| "side": 1,
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| "bg": "prelude_conflict",
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| "bg_inverse": "prelude_light",
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| "remote_dl": true,
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| "world_unlock": true,
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| "date": 1657152002,
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| "version": "4.0",
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| "difficulties": [
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| {
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| "ratingClass": 0,
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| "jacketDesigner": "Khronetic",
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| "chartDesigner": "CERiNG + Nitro",
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| "rating": 4
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| },
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| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 1,
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| "jacketDesigner": "Khronetic",
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| "chartDesigner": "CERiNG + Nitro",
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| "rating": 7,
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| "ratingPlus": true
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| },
| |
| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 2,
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| "jacketDesigner": "Khronetic",
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| "chartDesigner": "CERiNG + Nitro",
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| "rating": 9,
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| "ratingPlus": true
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| }
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| ]
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| },
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| {
| |
| "idx": 274,
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| "id": "pupa",
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| "title_localized": {
| |
| "en": "PUPA"
| |
| },
| |
| "artist": "モリモリあつし",
| |
| "search_title": {
| |
| "ja": [
| |
| "ぴゅーぱ"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ko": [
| |
| "퓨파"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| "search_artist": {
| |
| "en": [
| |
| "morimori atsushi"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ko": [
| |
| "모리모리 아츠시"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| "bpm": "202",
| |
| "bpm_base": 202,
| |
| "set": "single",
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| "category": "variety",
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| "purchase": "pupa",
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| "audioPreview": 0,
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| "audioPreviewEnd": 0,
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| "side": 1,
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| "bg": "single2_conflict",
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| "date": 1657152003,
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| "difficulties": [
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| "ratingClass": 0,
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| "jacketDesigner": "yoshimo",
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| "chartDesigner": "én -胡蝶の夢-",
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| "rating": 4
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| },
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| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 1,
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| "jacketDesigner": "yoshimo",
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| "chartDesigner": "én -胡蝶の夢-",
| |
| "rating": 7,
| |
| "ratingPlus": true
| |
| },
| |
| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 2,
| |
| "jacketDesigner": "yoshimo",
| |
| "chartDesigner": "én -胡蝶の夢-",
| |
| "rating": 10
| |
| }
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| {
| |
| "idx": 275,
| |
| "id": "defection",
| |
| "title_localized": {
| |
| "en": "Defection"
| |
| },
| |
| "artist": "TeddyLoid feat. DELTA",
| |
| "search_title": {
| |
| "ja": [
| |
| "でぃふぇくしょん"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ko": [
| |
| "디펙션"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| "search_artist": {
| |
| "ja": [
| |
| "でてぃーろいど",
| |
| "でるた"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ko": [
| |
| "테디로이드",
| |
| "델타"
| |
| ]
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| },
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| "bpm_base": 160,
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| "bg": "finale_light",
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| "bg_inverse": "finale_conflict",
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| "date": 1657152004,
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| "version": "4.0",
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| "difficulties": [
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| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 0,
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| "jacketDesigner": "美和野らぐ",
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| "chartDesigner": "Monolith Incarnate",
| |
| "rating": 3
| |
| },
| |
| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 1,
| |
| "jacketDesigner": "美和野らぐ",
| |
| "chartDesigner": "Monolith Incarnate",
| |
| "rating": 6
| |
| },
| |
| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 2,
| |
| "jacketDesigner": "美和野らぐ",
| |
| "chartDesigner": "Monolith Incarnate",
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| "rating": 9,
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| "ratingPlus": true
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| }
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| ]
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| },
| |
| {
| |
| "idx": 276,
| |
| "id": "infinitestrife",
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| "title_localized": {
| |
| "en": "Infinite Strife,"
| |
| },
| |
| "artist": "BlackYooh vs. siromaru",
| |
| "search_title": {
| |
| "ja": [
| |
| "いんふぃにっとすとらいふ"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ko": [
| |
| "인피니트 스트라이프"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| "search_artist": {
| |
| "ja": [
| |
| "ぶらっきー",
| |
| "ゆー",
| |
| "しろまる"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ko": [
| |
| "블랙유",
| |
| "시로마루"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| "bpm": "198",
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| "bpm_base": 198,
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| "set": "finale",
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| "purchase": "finale",
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| "audioPreview": 0,
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| "audioPreviewEnd": 0,
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| "side": 1,
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| "bg": "finale_conflict",
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| "bg_inverse": "finale_light",
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| "remote_dl": true,
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| "world_unlock": false,
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| "difficulties": [
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| "ratingClass": 0,
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| "jacketDesigner": "Enji",
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| "chartDesigner": "Inner Labyrinth",
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| "rating": 4
| |
| },
| |
| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 1,
| |
| "jacketDesigner": "Enji",
| |
| "chartDesigner": "Inner Labyrinth",
| |
| "rating": 7
| |
| },
| |
| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 2,
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| "jacketDesigner": "Enji",
| |
| "chartDesigner": "Inner Labyrinth",
| |
| "rating": 9,
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| "ratingPlus": true
| |
| },
| |
| {
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| "ratingClass": 3,
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| "jacketDesigner": "Enji",
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| "chartDesigner": "Inner Labyrinth",
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| "rating": 10,
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| "world_unlock": false,
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| "hidden_until": "none"
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| "idx": 277,
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| "id": "worldender",
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| "title_localized": {
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| "en": "World Ender",
| |
| "ja": "魔王"
| |
| },
| |
| "artist": "sasakure.UK × TJ.hangneil",
| |
| "search_title": {
| |
| "ja": [
| |
| "まおう"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ko": [
| |
| "월드 엔더",
| |
| "마오",
| |
| "마왕"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| "search_artist": {
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| "ja": [
| |
| "ささくれゆーけー",
| |
| "てぃーじぇーはんぐねいる"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ko": [
| |
| "사사쿠레 유케이",
| |
| "티제이 행네일"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| "bpm": "190-280",
| |
| "bpm_base": 280,
| |
| "set": "finale",
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| "purchase": "finale",
| |
| "audioPreview": 642,
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| "audioPreviewEnd": 33000,
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| "side": 0,
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| "bg": "finale_light",
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| "bg_inverse": "finale_conflict",
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| "date": 1657152006,
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| {
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| "ratingClass": 0,
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| "jacketDesigner": "米室",
| |
| "chartDesigner": "Imaginary Sky",
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| "rating": 4
| |
| },
| |
| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 1,
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| "jacketDesigner": "米室",
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| "chartDesigner": "Imaginary Sky",
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| "rating": 7,
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| "ratingPlus": true
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| },
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| {
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| "ratingClass": 2,
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| "jacketDesigner": "米室",
| |
| "chartDesigner": "Imaginary Sky",
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| "rating": 10
| |
| },
| |
| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 3,
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| "jacketDesigner": "米室",
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| "chartDesigner": "Imaginary Sky",
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| "rating": 11,
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| "legacy11": true,
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| "world_unlock": false,
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| "hidden_until": "none"
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| }
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| ],
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| "additional_files": [
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| },
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| {
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| "idx": 278,
| |
| "id": "pentiment",
| |
| "title_localized": {
| |
| "en": "Pentiment"
| |
| },
| |
| "artist": "Nothing But Requiem with Museo",
| |
| "search_title": {
| |
| "ja": [
| |
| "ぺんてぃめんと"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ko": [
| |
| "펜티먼트"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| "search_artist": {
| |
| "ja": [
| |
| "なっしんぐばっとれくいえむ",
| |
| "みゅぜお"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ko": [
| |
| "낫띵 벗 레퀴엠 윗 무소",
| |
| "낫씽 벗 레퀴엠 윗 무소"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| "bpm": "200-222",
| |
| "bpm_base": 222,
| |
| "set": "finale",
| |
| "purchase": "finale",
| |
| "audioPreview": 35675,
| |
| "audioPreviewEnd": 69189,
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| "side": 1,
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| "bg": "pentiment",
| |
| "remote_dl": true,
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| "world_unlock": false,
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| "byd_local_unlock": true,
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| "date": 1657152007,
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| "version": "4.0",
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| "difficulties": [
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| {
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| "ratingClass": 0,
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| "jacketDesigner": "村カルキ",
| |
| "chartDesigner": "Paradox Blight",
| |
| "rating": 7
| |
| },
| |
| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 1,
| |
| "jacketDesigner": "村カルキ",
| |
| "chartDesigner": "Paradox Blight",
| |
| "rating": 8,
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| "ratingPlus": true
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| },
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| {
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| "ratingClass": 2,
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| "jacketDesigner": "村カルキ",
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| "chartDesigner": "Paradox Blight",
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| "rating": 10
| |
| },
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| {
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| "ratingClass": 3,
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| "jacketDesigner": "村カルキ",
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| "chartDesigner": "Paradox Blight",
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| "rating": 11,
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| "legacy11": true,
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| "world_unlock": false,
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| "hidden_until": "none"
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| }
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| ],
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| },
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| {
| |
| "idx": 279,
| |
| "id": "arcanaeden",
| |
| "title_localized": {
| |
| "en": "Arcana Eden"
| |
| },
| |
| "artist": "Team Grimoire vs Sakuzyo vs Laur",
| |
| "search_title": {
| |
| "ja": [
| |
| "あるかなえでん"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ko": [
| |
| "아르카나 에덴"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| "search_artist": {
| |
| "ja": [
| |
| "ちーむぐりもあ",
| |
| "ちーむぐりもわーる",
| |
| "さくじょ",
| |
| "らうる"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ko": [
| |
| "팀 그리모어",
| |
| "사쿠죠",
| |
| "라우르"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| "bpm": "211",
| |
| "bpm_base": 211,
| |
| "set": "finale",
| |
| "purchase": "finale",
| |
| "audioPreview": 2274,
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| "audioPreviewEnd": 32985,
| |
| "side": 1,
| |
| "bg": "arcanaeden",
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| "remote_dl": true,
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| "world_unlock": false,
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| "byd_local_unlock": true,
| |
| "date": 1657152008,
| |
| "version": "4.0",
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| "difficulties": [
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| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 0,
| |
| "jacketDesigner": "シエラ",
| |
| "chartDesigner": "Eye of the Storm",
| |
| "rating": 5
| |
| },
| |
| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 1,
| |
| "jacketDesigner": "シエラ",
| |
| "chartDesigner": "Eye of the Storm",
| |
| "rating": 8,
| |
| "ratingPlus": true
| |
| },
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| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 2,
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| "jacketDesigner": "シエラ",
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| "chartDesigner": "Eye of the Storm",
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| "rating": 10
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| },
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| {
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| "ratingClass": 3,
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| "jacketDesigner": "シエラ",
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| "chartDesigner": "Eye of the Storm",
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| "rating": 11,
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| "legacy11": true,
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| "world_unlock": false,
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| "hidden_until": "none"
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| }
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| ],
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| },
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| {
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| "idx": 280,
| |
| "id": "testify",
| |
| "title_localized": {
| |
| "en": "Testify"
| |
| },
| |
| "artist": "void (Mournfinale) feat. 星熊南巫",
| |
| "search_title": {
| |
| "ja": [
| |
| "てすてぃふぁい"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ko": [
| |
| "테스티파이"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| "search_artist": {
| |
| "en": [
| |
| "hoshikuma minami"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ja": [
| |
| "ぼいど",
| |
| "ゔぉいど",
| |
| "ほしくまみなみ"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ko": [
| |
| "보이드",
| |
| "호시쿠마 미나미"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| "bpm": "178",
| |
| "bpm_base": 178,
| |
| "set": "finale",
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| "purchase": "finale",
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| "audioPreview": 66067,
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| "audioPreviewEnd": 86629,
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| "side": 2,
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| "bg": "testify",
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| "remote_dl": true,
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| "world_unlock": false,
| |
| "byd_local_unlock": true,
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| "songlist_hidden": true,
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| "date": 1657152009,
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| "version": "4.0",
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| "difficulties": [
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| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 0,
| |
| "jacketDesigner": "シエラ",
| |
| "chartDesigner": "Eternal¦PAST",
| |
| "rating": 7,
| |
| "ratingPlus": true,
| |
| "hidden_until": "song"
| |
| },
| |
| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 1,
| |
| "jacketDesigner": "シエラ",
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| "chartDesigner": "Adverse¦PRESENT",
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| "rating": 9,
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| "hidden_until": "song"
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| },
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| {
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| "ratingClass": 2,
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| "jacketDesigner": "シエラ",
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| "chartDesigner": "Black¦FUTURE",
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| "rating": 10,
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| "ratingPlus": true,
| |
| "hidden_until": "song"
| |
| },
| |
| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 3,
| |
| "jacketDesigner": "シエラ",
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| "chartDesigner": "Silent¦END",
| |
| "rating": 12,
| |
| "legacy11": true,
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| "world_unlock": false,
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| "hidden_until": "song"
| |
| }
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| ],
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| },
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| {
| |
| "idx": 281,
| |
| "id": "lovelessdress",
| |
| "title_localized": {
| |
| "en": "Loveless Dress"
| |
| },
| |
| "artist": "かねこちはる",
| |
| "search_title": {
| |
| "ja": [
| |
| "らぶれすどれす"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ko": [
| |
| "러브리스 드레스"
| |
| ]
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| },
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| "search_artist": {
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| "en": [
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| "kaneko chiharu"
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| ],
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| "ko": [
| |
| "카네코치하루"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
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| "bpm": "99",
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| "bpm_base": 99,
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| "bg": "epilogue",
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| "remote_dl": true,
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| "world_unlock": false,
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| "date": 1657756800,
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| "version": "4.0",
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| "difficulties": [
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| {
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| "ratingClass": 0,
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| "chartDesigner": "Final Prayer",
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| "jacketDesigner": "Mechari",
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| "rating": 3,
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| "hidden_until_unlocked": true,
| |
| "hidden_until": "song"
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| },
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| {
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| "ratingClass": 1,
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| "chartDesigner": "Final Prayer",
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| "jacketDesigner": "Mechari",
| |
| "rating": 6,
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| "hidden_until_unlocked": true,
| |
| "hidden_until": "song"
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| },
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| {
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| "ratingClass": 2,
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| "chartDesigner": "Final Prayer",
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| "jacketDesigner": "Mechari",
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| "rating": 9,
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| "ratingPlus": true,
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| "hidden_until_unlocked": true,
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| "hidden_until": "song"
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| }
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| },
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| {
| |
| "idx": 282,
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| "id": "last",
| |
| "title_localized": {
| |
| "en": "Last"
| |
| },
| |
| "artist": "onoken",
| |
| "search_title": {
| |
| "ja": [
| |
| "らすと",
| |
| "らすともーめんと"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ko": [
| |
| "라스트"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| "search_artist": {
| |
| "ja": [
| |
| "おのけん"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ko": [
| |
| "오노켄"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| "bpm": "175",
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| "bpm_base": 175,
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| "set": "epilogue",
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| "purchase": "finale",
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| "audioPreview": 11657,
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| "ratingClass": 0,
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| "chartDesigner": "Arcaea",
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| "jacketDesigner": "シエラ",
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| "rating": 4,
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| "hidden_until_unlocked": true,
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| "hidden_until": "song"
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| },
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| {
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| "ratingClass": 1,
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| "chartDesigner": "Arcaea",
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| "jacketDesigner": "シエラ",
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| "rating": 7,
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| "hidden_until_unlocked": true,
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| "hidden_until": "song"
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| {
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| "ratingClass": 2,
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| "chartDesigner": "Arcaea",
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| "jacketDesigner": "シエラ",
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| "rating": 9,
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| "hidden_until_unlocked": true,
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| "hidden_until": "song"
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| },
| |
| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 3,
| |
| "title_localized": {
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| "en": "Last | Moment"
| |
| },
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| "audioOverride": true,
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| "chartDesigner": "Arcaea",
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| "jacketDesigner": "シエラ",
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| "jacketOverride": true,
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| "rating": 9,
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| "world_unlock": false,
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| "hidden_until_unlocked": true,
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| "hidden_until": "difficulty"
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| }
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| ]
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| },
| |
| {
| |
| "idx": 283,
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| "id": "lasteternity",
| |
| "title_localized": {
| |
| "en": "Last | Eternity"
| |
| },
| |
| "artist": "onoken",
| |
| "search_title": {
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| "ja": [
| |
| "らすとえたにてぃー"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ko": [
| |
| "라스트 이터니티"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| "search_artist": {
| |
| "ja": [
| |
| "おのけん"
| |
| ],
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| "ko": [
| |
| "오노켄"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| "bpm": "175",
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| "bpm_base": 175,
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| "set": "epilogue",
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| "purchase": "finale",
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| "audioPreviewEnd": 32914,
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| "remote_dl": true,
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| "world_unlock": false,
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| "byd_local_unlock": true,
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| "date": 1657756802,
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| "ratingClass": 0,
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| "chartDesigner": "",
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| "jacketDesigner": "",
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| "rating": 0,
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| "hidden_until_unlocked": true,
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| "hidden_until": "always"
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| "ratingClass": 1,
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| "chartDesigner": "",
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| "jacketDesigner": "",
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| "rating": 0,
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| "hidden_until_unlocked": true,
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| "hidden_until": "always"
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| {
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| "ratingClass": 2,
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| "chartDesigner": "",
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| "jacketDesigner": "",
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| "rating": 0,
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| "hidden_until_unlocked": true,
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| "hidden_until": "always"
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| {
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| "ratingClass": 3,
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| "jacketDesigner": "シエラ",
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| "rating": 9,
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| "ratingPlus": true,
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| "world_unlock": false,
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| "hidden_until_unlocked": true,
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| "hidden_until": "difficulty"
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| }
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| ]
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| },
| |
| {
| |
| "idx": 284,
| |
| "id": "callimakarma",
| |
| "title_localized": {
| |
| "en": "Callima Karma"
| |
| },
| |
| "artist": "t+pazolite vs Feryquitous",
| |
| "search_title": {
| |
| "ja": [
| |
| "かりまかるま",
| |
| "かりーまかるま"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ko": [
| |
| "칼리마 카르마"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| "search_artist": {
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| "ja": [
| |
| "とぱぞらいと",
| |
| "ふぇりきたす"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ko": [
| |
| "토파졸라이트",
| |
| "페리퀴터스",
| |
| "페리퀴타스",
| |
| "페리퀴토스"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| "bpm": "95",
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| "bpm_base": 190,
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| "set": "epilogue",
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| "remote_dl": true,
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| "world_unlock": false,
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| "date": 1657756803,
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| "version": "4.0",
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| "difficulties": [
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| {
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| "ratingClass": 0,
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| "chartDesigner": "Forlorn Dream",
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| "jacketDesigner": "がわこ",
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| "rating": 3,
| |
| "hidden_until_unlocked": true,
| |
| "hidden_until": "song"
| |
| },
| |
| {
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| "ratingClass": 1,
| |
| "chartDesigner": "Forlorn Dream",
| |
| "jacketDesigner": "がわこ",
| |
| "rating": 7,
| |
| "hidden_until_unlocked": true,
| |
| "hidden_until": "song"
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| },
| |
| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 2,
| |
| "chartDesigner": "Forlorn Dream",
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| "jacketDesigner": "がわこ",
| |
| "rating": 9,
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| "ratingPlus": true,
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| "hidden_until_unlocked": true,
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| "hidden_until": "song"
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| }
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| ]
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| },
| |
| {
| |
| "idx": 285,
| |
| "id": "kokoro",
| |
| "title_localized": {
| |
| "en": "Heart",
| |
| "ja": "心"
| |
| },
| |
| "artist": "削除 (Violin : Katali)",
| |
| "search_title": {
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| "ja": [
| |
| "こころ"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ko": [
| |
| "하트",
| |
| "코코로",
| |
| "마음"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| "search_artist": {
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| "en": [
| |
| "sakuzyo"
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| ],
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| "ja": [
| |
| "さくじょ",
| |
| "かたり"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ko": [
| |
| "사쿠죠",
| |
| "카탈리"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| "bpm": "80",
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| "bpm_base": 160,
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| "set": "ongeki_append_1",
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| "bg": "ongeki_light",
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| "remote_dl": true,
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| "source_localized": {
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| "ja": "オンゲキ",
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| "en": "O.N.G.E.K.I."
| |
| },
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| "source_copyright": "©SEGA",
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| "no_stream": true,
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| "world_unlock": false,
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| "date": 1664409600,
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| "version": "4.1",
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| "difficulties": [
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| {
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| "ratingClass": 0,
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| "chartDesigner": "écologie (from SEGA)",
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| "jacketDesigner": "",
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| "rating": 1
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| },
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| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 1,
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| "chartDesigner": "écologie (from SEGA)",
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| "jacketDesigner": "",
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| "rating": 5
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| },
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| {
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| "ratingClass": 2,
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| "chartDesigner": "écologie (from SEGA)",
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| "jacketDesigner": "",
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| "rating": 9
| |
| }
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| ]
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| },
| |
| {
| |
| "idx": 286,
| |
| "id": "aidrew",
| |
| "title_localized": {
| |
| "en": "Ai Drew"
| |
| },
| |
| "artist": "Feryquitous",
| |
| "search_title": {
| |
| "ja": [
| |
| "あいでゅれい"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ko": [
| |
| "아이 드루",
| |
| "아이 드류"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| "search_artist": {
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| "ja": [
| |
| "ふぇりきたす"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ko": [
| |
| "페리퀴터스",
| |
| "페리퀴타스",
| |
| "페리퀴토스"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| "bpm": "175",
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| "bpm_base": 175,
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| "set": "ongeki_append_1",
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| "purchase": "ongeki_append_1",
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| "audioPreview": 0,
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| "audioPreviewEnd": 0,
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| "side": 1,
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| "bg": "ongeki_conflict",
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| "bg_inverse": "ongeki_light",
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| "remote_dl": true,
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| "source_localized": {
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| "ja": "オンゲキ",
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| "en": "O.N.G.E.K.I."
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| },
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| "source_copyright": "©SEGA",
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| "no_stream": true,
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| "date": 1664409601,
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| "version": "4.1",
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| "difficulties": [
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| {
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| "ratingClass": 0,
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| "chartDesigner": "moonquay【新入生】",
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| "jacketDesigner": "",
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| "rating": 3
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| },
| |
| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 1,
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| "chartDesigner": "moonquay v.EXPERT",
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| "jacketDesigner": "",
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| "rating": 6
| |
| },
| |
| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 2,
| |
| "chartDesigner": "moonquay v.MASTER",
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| "jacketDesigner": "",
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| "rating": 9,
| |
| "ratingPlus": true
| |
| }
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| ]
| |
| },
| |
| {
| |
| "idx": 287,
| |
| "id": "fluffyflash",
| |
| "title_localized": {
| |
| "en": "FLUFFY FLASH"
| |
| },
| |
| "artist": "Kobaryo",
| |
| "search_title": {
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| "ja": [
| |
| "ふらっふぃーふらっしゅ"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ko": [
| |
| "플러피 플래시",
| |
| "플러피 플래쉬"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| "search_artist": {
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| "ja": [
| |
| "こばりょー"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ko": [
| |
| "코바료"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| "bpm": "252",
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| "bpm_base": 252,
| |
| "set": "ongeki_append_1",
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| "purchase": "ongeki_append_1",
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| "audioPreview": 0,
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| "audioPreviewEnd": 0,
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| "side": 0,
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| "bg": "ongeki_light",
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| "bg_inverse": "ongeki_conflict",
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| "remote_dl": true,
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| "source_localized": {
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| "ja": "オンゲキ",
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| "en": "O.N.G.E.K.I."
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| },
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| "source_copyright": "©SEGA",
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| "no_stream": true,
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| "world_unlock": false,
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| "date": 1664409602,
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| "version": "4.1",
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| "difficulties": [
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| {
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| "ratingClass": 0,
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| "chartDesigner": "Toaster",
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| "jacketDesigner": "",
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| "rating": 3
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| },
| |
| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 1,
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| "chartDesigner": "Toaster",
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| "jacketDesigner": "",
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| "rating": 6
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| },
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| {
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| "ratingClass": 2,
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| "chartDesigner": "Toaster",
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| "jacketDesigner": "",
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| "rating": 9,
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| "ratingPlus": true
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| }
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| ]
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| },
| |
| {
| |
| "idx": 288,
| |
| "id": "goodbyemerry",
| |
| "title_localized": {
| |
| "en": "Good bye, Merry-Go-Round."
| |
| },
| |
| "artist": "Yooh",
| |
| "search_title": {
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| "ja": [
| |
| "ぐっどばいめりーごーらんど",
| |
| "ぐっどばいめりーごーらうんど",
| |
| "ぐっばいめりーごーらんど",
| |
| "ぐっばいめりーごーらうんど"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ko": [
| |
| "굿바이 메리 고 라운드"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| "search_artist": {
| |
| "ja": [
| |
| "ゆー"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ko": [
| |
| "유"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
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| "bpm": "185",
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| "bpm_base": 185,
| |
| "set": "ongeki_append_1",
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| "purchase": "ongeki_append_1",
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| "audioPreview": 0,
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| "audioPreviewEnd": 0,
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| "side": 1,
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| "bg": "ongeki_conflict",
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| "en": "O.N.G.E.K.I."
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| },
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| "source_copyright": "©SEGA",
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| "no_stream": true,
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| "world_unlock": false,
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| "date": 1664409603,
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| "version": "4.1",
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| "difficulties": [
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| {
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| "ratingClass": 0,
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| "chartDesigner": "絶滅",
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| "jacketDesigner": "",
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| "rating": 4
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| },
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| {
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| "ratingClass": 1,
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| "chartDesigner": "絶滅",
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| "jacketDesigner": "",
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| "rating": 7
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| },
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| {
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| "ratingClass": 2,
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| "chartDesigner": "絶滅",
| |
| "jacketDesigner": "",
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| "rating": 10
| |
| }
| |
| ]
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| },
| |
| {
| |
| "idx": 289,
| |
| "id": "lamia",
| |
| "title_localized": {
| |
| "en": "LAMIA"
| |
| },
| |
| "artist": "BlackY",
| |
| "search_title": {
| |
| "ja": [
| |
| "らみあ"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ko": [
| |
| "라미아"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| "search_artist": {
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| "ja": [
| |
| "ぶらっきー"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ko": [
| |
| "블래키",
| |
| "블랙키"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| "bpm": "199",
| |
| "bpm_base": 199,
| |
| "set": "ongeki_append_1",
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| "purchase": "ongeki_append_1",
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| "audioPreview": 0,
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| "audioPreviewEnd": 0,
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| "side": 1,
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| "bg": "lamia",
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| "remote_dl": true,
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| "source_localized": {
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| "ja": "オンゲキ",
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| "en": "O.N.G.E.K.I."
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| },
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| "source_copyright": "©SEGA",
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| "no_stream": true,
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| "world_unlock": false,
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| "date": 1664409604,
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| "version": "4.1",
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| "difficulties": [
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| {
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| "ratingClass": 0,
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| "chartDesigner": "夜浪",
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| "jacketDesigner": "",
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| "rating": 5
| |
| },
| |
| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 1,
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| "chartDesigner": "夜浪「ノブレス・オブリージュ」",
| |
| "jacketDesigner": "",
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| "rating": 8
| |
| },
| |
| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 2,
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| "chartDesigner": "[漆黒の執行者] 夜浪",
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| "jacketDesigner": "",
| |
| "rating": 11
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| }
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| {
| |
| "idx": 290,
| |
| "id": "freemyself",
| |
| "title_localized": {
| |
| "en": "Free Myself"
| |
| },
| |
| "artist": "lapix feat. mami",
| |
| "search_title": {
| |
| "ja": [
| |
| "ふりーまいせるふ"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ko": [
| |
| "프리 마이셀프"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
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| "search_artist": {
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| "ja": [
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| "らぴす",
| |
| "まみ"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ko": [
| |
| "라피스",
| |
| "마미"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| "bpm": "153",
| |
| "bpm_base": 153,
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| "set": "single",
| |
| "category": "partner",
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| "purchase": "freemyself",
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| "audioPreview": 0,
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| "audioPreviewEnd": 0,
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| "side": 0,
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| "bg": "single2_light",
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| "bg_inverse": "single2_conflict",
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| "remote_dl": true,
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| "world_unlock": false,
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| "date": 1668038400,
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| "version": "4.1",
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| "difficulties": [
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| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 0,
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| "chartDesigner": "Exschwasion",
| |
| "jacketDesigner": "裕",
| |
| "rating": 4
| |
| },
| |
| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 1,
| |
| "chartDesigner": "Exschwasion",
| |
| "jacketDesigner": "裕",
| |
| "rating": 7
| |
| },
| |
| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 2,
| |
| "chartDesigner": "Exschwasion -unbound-",
| |
| "jacketDesigner": "裕",
| |
| "rating": 10
| |
| }
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| {
| |
| "idx": 291,
| |
| "id": "cocorocosmetic",
| |
| "title_localized": {
| |
| "en": "cocoro*cosmetic"
| |
| },
| |
| "artist": "KOTONOHOUSE",
| |
| "search_title": {
| |
| "ja": [
| |
| "こころこすめてぃっく"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ko": [
| |
| "코코로 코스메틱"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| "search_artist": {
| |
| "ja": [
| |
| "ことのはうす"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ko": [
| |
| "코토노하우스"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| "bpm": "144",
| |
| "bpm_base": 144,
| |
| "set": "single",
| |
| "category": "original",
| |
| "purchase": "cocorocosmetic",
| |
| "audioPreview": 0,
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| "audioPreviewEnd": 0,
| |
| "side": 0,
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| "bg": "single2_light",
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| "bg_inverse": "single2_conflict",
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| "remote_dl": true,
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| "world_unlock": false,
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| "date": 1668038400,
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| "version": "4.1",
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| "difficulties": [
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| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 0,
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| "chartDesigner": "Nitro",
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| "jacketDesigner": "wacca",
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| "rating": 3
| |
| },
| |
| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 1,
| |
| "chartDesigner": "Nitro",
| |
| "jacketDesigner": "wacca",
| |
| "rating": 7
| |
| },
| |
| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 2,
| |
| "chartDesigner": "Nitro",
| |
| "jacketDesigner": "wacca",
| |
| "rating": 9
| |
| }
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| {
| |
| "idx": 292,
| |
| "id": "capella",
| |
| "title_localized": {
| |
| "en": "Capella"
| |
| },
| |
| "artist": "ARForest",
| |
| "search_title": {
| |
| "ja": [
| |
| "かぺら"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ko": [
| |
| "카펠라"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| "search_artist": {
| |
| "ja": [
| |
| "えーあーるふぉれすと"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ko": [
| |
| "에이알 포레스트"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| "bpm": "210",
| |
| "bpm_base": 210,
| |
| "set": "single",
| |
| "category": "partner",
| |
| "purchase": "capella",
| |
| "audioPreview": 0,
| |
| "audioPreviewEnd": 0,
| |
| "side": 0,
| |
| "bg": "hime_light",
| |
| "bg_inverse": "hime_conflict",
| |
| "remote_dl": true,
| |
| "world_unlock": false,
| |
| "date": 1671667200,
| |
| "version": "4.1",
| |
| "difficulties": [
| |
| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 0,
| |
| "chartDesigner": "0°Nitro",
| |
| "jacketDesigner": "シエラ",
| |
| "rating": 4
| |
| },
| |
| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 1,
| |
| "chartDesigner": "0°Nitro",
| |
| "jacketDesigner": "シエラ",
| |
| "rating": 7,
| |
| "ratingPlus": true
| |
| },
| |
| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 2,
| |
| "chartDesigner": "0°Nitro",
| |
| "jacketDesigner": "シエラ",
| |
| "rating": 10
| |
| }
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| {
| |
| "idx": 293,
| |
| "id": "dialnote",
| |
| "title_localized": {
| |
| "en": "Dialnote",
| |
| "ja": "だいあるのーと"
| |
| },
| |
| "artist": "七草くりむ",
| |
| "search_title": {
| |
| "ko": [
| |
| "다이얼노트",
| |
| "다이아루노토"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| "search_artist": {
| |
| "en": [
| |
| "nanakusa kurimu",
| |
| "nanakusa crim"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ja": [
| |
| "ななくさくりむ"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ko": [
| |
| "나나쿠사 쿠리무"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| "bpm": "130",
| |
| "bpm_base": 130,
| |
| "set": "base",
| |
| "purchase": "",
| |
| "audioPreview": 16153,
| |
| "audioPreviewEnd": 31384,
| |
| "side": 0,
| |
| "bg": "nijuusei2_light",
| |
| "bg_inverse": "nijuusei2_conflict",
| |
| "remote_dl": false,
| |
| "world_unlock": false,
| |
| "date": 1671667201,
| |
| "version": "4.1",
| |
| "difficulties": [
| |
| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 0,
| |
| "chartDesigner": "Nitroです。",
| |
| "jacketDesigner": "七草くりむ",
| |
| "rating": 3
| |
| },
| |
| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 1,
| |
| "chartDesigner": "Nitroです。",
| |
| "jacketDesigner": "七草くりむ",
| |
| "rating": 6
| |
| },
| |
| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 2,
| |
| "chartDesigner": "Nitroです。",
| |
| "jacketDesigner": "七草くりむ",
| |
| "rating": 8,
| |
| "ratingPlus": true
| |
| }
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| {
| |
| "idx": 294,
| |
| "id": "tsukinimurakumo",
| |
| "title_localized": {
| |
| "en": "Tsuki ni Murakumo, Hana ni Kaze",
| |
| "ja": "月に叢雲華に風"
| |
| },
| |
| "artist": "幽閉サテライト",
| |
| "search_title": {
| |
| "ja": [
| |
| "つきにむらくもはなにかぜ"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ko": [
| |
| "츠키니 무라쿠모 하나니 카제",
| |
| "달에 구름 꽃에 바람"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| "search_artist": {
| |
| "en": [
| |
| "yuuhei sateraito",
| |
| "yuuhei satellite"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ja": [
| |
| "ゆうへいさてらいと"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ko": [
| |
| "유우헤이 사테라이토",
| |
| "유우헤이 새틀라이트"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| "bpm": "160",
| |
| "bpm_base": 160,
| |
| "set": "extend_2",
| |
| "purchase": "extend_2",
| |
| "audioPreview": 0,
| |
| "audioPreviewEnd": 0,
| |
| "side": 1,
| |
| "bg": "touhou_conflict",
| |
| "bg_inverse": "touhou_light",
| |
| "remote_dl": true,
| |
| "world_unlock": true,
| |
| "date": 1674691200,
| |
| "version": "4.2",
| |
| "source_copyright": "©上海アリス幻樂団",
| |
| "difficulties": [
| |
| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 0,
| |
| "chartDesigner": "Lovely Visitor「Toaster」",
| |
| "jacketDesigner": "",
| |
| "rating": 3
| |
| },
| |
| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 1,
| |
| "chartDesigner": "Lovely Visitor「Toaster」",
| |
| "jacketDesigner": "",
| |
| "rating": 6
| |
| },
| |
| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 2,
| |
| "chartDesigner": "Lovely Visitor「Toaster」",
| |
| "jacketDesigner": "",
| |
| "rating": 8,
| |
| "ratingPlus": true
| |
| }
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| {
| |
| "idx": 295,
| |
| "id": "mantis",
| |
| "title_localized": {
| |
| "en": "MANTIS (Arcaea Ultra-Bloodrush VIP)"
| |
| },
| |
| "artist": "Akira Complex feat. kiraku",
| |
| "search_title": {
| |
| "ja": [
| |
| "まんてぃす"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ko": [
| |
| "맨티스",
| |
| "만티스"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| "search_artist": {
| |
| "ja": [
| |
| "あきらこんぷれっくす",
| |
| "きらく"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ko": [
| |
| "아키라 컴플렉스",
| |
| "키라쿠"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| "bpm": "135",
| |
| "bpm_base": 135,
| |
| "set": "extend_2",
| |
| "purchase": "extend_2",
| |
| "audioPreview": 0,
| |
| "audioPreviewEnd": 0,
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| "side": 1,
| |
| "bg": "prelude_conflict",
| |
| "bg_inverse": "prelude_light",
| |
| "remote_dl": true,
| |
| "world_unlock": true,
| |
| "date": 1674691201,
| |
| "version": "4.2",
| |
| "difficulties": [
| |
| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 0,
| |
| "chartDesigner": "ANTyMIS",
| |
| "jacketDesigner": "N²/ANTIREAL",
| |
| "rating": 3
| |
| },
| |
| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 1,
| |
| "chartDesigner": "ANTyMIS",
| |
| "jacketDesigner": "N²/ANTIREAL",
| |
| "rating": 7
| |
| },
| |
| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 2,
| |
| "chartDesigner": "ANTyMIS",
| |
| "jacketDesigner": "N²/ANTIREAL",
| |
| "rating": 9
| |
| }
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| {
| |
| "idx": 296,
| |
| "id": "worldfragments",
| |
| "title_localized": {
| |
| "en": "World Fragments III(radio edit)"
| |
| },
| |
| "artist": "xi",
| |
| "search_title": {
| |
| "ja": [
| |
| "わーるどふらぐめんつすりー"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ko": [
| |
| "월드 프래그먼트 쓰리",
| |
| "월드 프래그먼츠 스리"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| "search_artist": {
| |
| "ja": [
| |
| "さい"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ko": [
| |
| "사이"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| "bpm": "200",
| |
| "bpm_base": 200,
| |
| "set": "extend_2",
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| "purchase": "extend_2",
| |
| "audioPreview": 0,
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| "audioPreviewEnd": 0,
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| "side": 0,
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| "bg": "prelude_light",
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| "bg_inverse": "prelude_conflict",
| |
| "remote_dl": true,
| |
| "world_unlock": true,
| |
| "date": 1674691202,
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| "version": "4.2",
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| "difficulties": [
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| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 0,
| |
| "chartDesigner": "én",
| |
| "jacketDesigner": "",
| |
| "rating": 3
| |
| },
| |
| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 1,
| |
| "chartDesigner": "én",
| |
| "jacketDesigner": "",
| |
| "rating": 7
| |
| },
| |
| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 2,
| |
| "chartDesigner": "én supported by Nitro",
| |
| "jacketDesigner": "",
| |
| "rating": 9,
| |
| "ratingPlus": true
| |
| }
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| {
| |
| "idx": 297,
| |
| "id": "astrawalkthrough",
| |
| "title_localized": {
| |
| "en": "Astra walkthrough"
| |
| },
| |
| "artist": "paraoka",
| |
| "search_title": {
| |
| "ja": [
| |
| "あすとらうぉーくするー"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ko": [
| |
| "아스트라 워크스루"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| "search_artist": {
| |
| "ja": [
| |
| "ぱらおか"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ko": [
| |
| "파라오카"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| "bpm": "225",
| |
| "bpm_base": 225,
| |
| "set": "extend_2",
| |
| "purchase": "extend_2",
| |
| "audioPreview": 0,
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| "audioPreviewEnd": 0,
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| "side": 1,
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| "bg": "nijuusei2_conflict",
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| "bg_inverse": "nijuusei2_light",
| |
| "remote_dl": true,
| |
| "world_unlock": true,
| |
| "date": 1674691203,
| |
| "version": "4.2",
| |
| "difficulties": [
| |
| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 0,
| |
| "chartDesigner": "Aster",
| |
| "jacketDesigner": "八重幸",
| |
| "rating": 4
| |
| },
| |
| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 1,
| |
| "chartDesigner": "Aster",
| |
| "jacketDesigner": "八重幸",
| |
| "rating": 7,
| |
| "ratingPlus": true
| |
| },
| |
| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 2,
| |
| "chartDesigner": "Aster join Toaster.",
| |
| "jacketDesigner": "八重幸",
| |
| "rating": 9,
| |
| "ratingPlus": true
| |
| }
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| {
| |
| "idx": 298,
| |
| "id": "chronicle",
| |
| "title_localized": {
| |
| "en": "Chronicle"
| |
| },
| |
| "artist": "Lime",
| |
| "search_title": {
| |
| "ja": [
| |
| "くろにくる"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ko": [
| |
| "크로니클"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| "search_artist": {
| |
| "ja": [
| |
| "らいむ"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ko": [
| |
| "라임"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| "bpm": "221",
| |
| "bpm_base": 221,
| |
| "set": "extend_2",
| |
| "purchase": "extend_2",
| |
| "audioPreview": 0,
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| "audioPreviewEnd": 0,
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| "side": 0,
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| "bg": "vs_light",
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| "bg_inverse": "vs_conflict",
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| "remote_dl": true,
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| "world_unlock": true,
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| "date": 1674691204,
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| "version": "4.2",
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| "difficulties": [
| |
| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 0,
| |
| "chartDesigner": "夜浪 -Annales Historiae-",
| |
| "jacketDesigner": "fixro2n",
| |
| "rating": 5
| |
| },
| |
| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 1,
| |
| "chartDesigner": "夜浪 -Annales Historiae-",
| |
| "jacketDesigner": "fixro2n",
| |
| "rating": 8,
| |
| "ratingPlus": true
| |
| },
| |
| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 2,
| |
| "chartDesigner": "夜浪 -Annales Historiae-",
| |
| "jacketDesigner": "fixro2n",
| |
| "rating": 10
| |
| }
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| {
| |
| "idx": 299,
| |
| "id": "nullapophenia",
| |
| "title_localized": {
| |
| |
| },
| |
| "artist": "N²",
| |
| "search_title": {
| |
| "ja": [
| |
| "ぬるあぽふぇにあ"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ko": [
| |
| "널 아포페니아",
| |
| "눌 아포페니아"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| "search_artist": {
| |
| "ja": [
| |
| "えぬつー"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ko": [
| |
| "엔투"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| "bpm": "177",
| |
| "bpm_base": 177,
| |
| "set": "single",
| |
| "category": "partner",
| |
| "purchase": "nullapophenia",
| |
| "audioPreview": 0,
| |
| "audioPreviewEnd": 0,
| |
| "side": 1,
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| "bg": "apophenia",
| |
| "remote_dl": true,
| |
| "world_unlock": false,
| |
| "date": 1674691205,
| |
| "version": "4.2",
| |
| "difficulties": [
| |
| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 0,
| |
| "chartDesigner": "夜浪",
| |
| "jacketDesigner": "softmode",
| |
| "rating": 4
| |
| },
| |
| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 1,
| |
| "chartDesigner": "夜浪",
| |
| "jacketDesigner": "softmode",
| |
| "rating": 8,
| |
| "ratingPlus": true
| |
| },
| |
| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 2,
| |
| "chartDesigner": "東星 vs 夜浪《APOPHÄNIE》",
| |
| "jacketDesigner": "softmode",
| |
| "rating": 10,
| |
| "ratingPlus": true
| |
| }
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| {
| |
| "idx": 300,
| |
| "id": "crimsonthrone",
| |
| "title_localized": {
| |
| "en": "Crimson Throne"
| |
| },
| |
| "artist": "Dimier√Lisb",
| |
| "search_title": {
| |
| "ja": [
| |
| "くりむぞんすろーん"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ko": [
| |
| "크림슨 스론",
| |
| "크림슨 쓰론"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| "search_artist": {
| |
| "ja": [
| |
| "でぃみあるーとりしぶ"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ko": [
| |
| "디미에르 루트 리시브"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| "bpm": "210",
| |
| "bpm_base": 210,
| |
| "set": "single",
| |
| "category": "partner",
| |
| "purchase": "crimsonthrone",
| |
| "audioPreview": 0,
| |
| "audioPreviewEnd": 0,
| |
| "side": 1,
| |
| "bg": "observer_conflict",
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| "bg_inverse": "observer_light",
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| "world_unlock": false,
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| "date": 1677715200,
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| "version": "4.3",
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| "ratingClass": 0,
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| "chartDesigner": "Toaster",
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| "jacketDesigner": "nonokuro",
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| "rating": 4
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| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 1,
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| "chartDesigner": "Toaster",
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| "jacketDesigner": "nonokuro",
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| "rating": 8
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| },
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| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 2,
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| "chartDesigner": "Toaster",
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| "jacketDesigner": "nonokuro",
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| "rating": 10
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| }
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| ]
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| },
| |
| {
| |
| "idx": 301,
| |
| "id": "manicjeer",
| |
| "title_localized": {
| |
| "en": "Manic Jeer"
| |
| },
| |
| "artist": "ルゼ",
| |
| "search_title": {
| |
| "ja": [
| |
| "まにっくじあー"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ko": [
| |
| "매닉 지어",
| |
| "마닉 지어"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
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| "search_artist": {
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| "en": [
| |
| "luze"
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| ],
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| "ko": [
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| "루제"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
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| "bpm": "195",
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| "bpm_base": 195,
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| "set": "single",
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| "purchase": "manicjeer",
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| "audioPreview": 0,
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| "audioPreviewEnd": 0,
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| "side": 1,
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| "bg": "yugamu",
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| "bg_inverse": "rei",
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| "world_unlock": false,
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| "date": 1677715201,
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| "version": "4.3",
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| "difficulties": [
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| {
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| "ratingClass": 0,
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| "chartDesigner": "NITR\u003CO\u003E",
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| "jacketDesigner": "トロ3",
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| "rating": 4
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| },
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| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 1,
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| "chartDesigner": "NITR\u003CO\u003E",
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| "jacketDesigner": "トロ3",
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| "rating": 7,
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| "ratingPlus": true
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| },
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| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 2,
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| "chartDesigner": "NITR\u003CO\u003E",
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| "jacketDesigner": "トロ3",
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| "rating": 10
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| }
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| ]
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| },
| |
| {
| |
| "idx": 302,
| |
| "id": "hiirogekka",
| |
| "title_localized": {
| |
| "en": "Hiiro Gekka, Kyoushou no Zetsu (nayuta 2017 ver.)",
| |
| "ja": "緋色月下、狂咲ノ絶 (nayuta 2017 ver.)"
| |
| },
| |
| "artist": "nayuta x 黒鳥(EastNewSound)",
| |
| "search_title": {
| |
| "ja": [
| |
| "ひいろげっかきょうしょうのぜつ"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ko": [
| |
| "히이로 겍카 쿄슈노 제츠",
| |
| "비색월하 광소의 절"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| "search_artist": {
| |
| "en": [
| |
| "kokuchou"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ja": [
| |
| "こくちょう",
| |
| "なゆた",
| |
| "いーすとにゅーさうんど"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ko": [
| |
| "나유타",
| |
| "코쿠쵸",
| |
| "흑조",
| |
| "이스트 뉴 사운드"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| "bpm": "150",
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| "bpm_base": 150,
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| "set": "single",
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| "category": "poprec",
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| "purchase": "hiirogekka",
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| "audioPreview": 0,
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| "side": 1,
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| "bg": "touhou_conflict",
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| "bg_inverse": "touhou_light",
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| "remote_dl": true,
| |
| "source_copyright": "©上海アリス幻樂団",
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| "world_unlock": false,
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| "date": 1677715202,
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| "version": "4.3",
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| "difficulties": [
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| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 0,
| |
| "chartDesigner": "絶滅 Exschwasion 絶滅 Exschwasion",
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| "jacketDesigner": "ぃやまと",
| |
| "rating": 3
| |
| },
| |
| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 1,
| |
| "chartDesigner": "絶滅 Exschwasion 絶滅 Exschwasion",
| |
| "jacketDesigner": "ぃやまと",
| |
| "rating": 6
| |
| },
| |
| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 2,
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| "chartDesigner": "絶滅 Exschwasion 絶滅 Exschwasion",
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| "jacketDesigner": "ぃやまと",
| |
| "rating": 10
| |
| }
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| {
| |
| "idx": 303,
| |
| "id": "letsrock",
| |
| "title_localized": {
| |
| "en": "Let's Rock (Arcaea mix)"
| |
| },
| |
| "artist": "ikaruga_nex vs FALCHiON",
| |
| "search_title": {
| |
| "ja": [
| |
| "れっつろっく"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ko": [
| |
| "렛츠 락"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| "search_artist": {
| |
| "ja": [
| |
| "いかるがねっくす",
| |
| "ふぁるしおん"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ko": [
| |
| "이카구라 넥스",
| |
| "팔시온"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| "bpm": "210",
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| "bpm_base": 210,
| |
| "set": "extend_2",
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| "purchase": "extend_2",
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| "audioPreview": 0,
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| "audioPreviewEnd": 0,
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| "date": 1677715203,
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| "difficulties": [
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| {
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| "ratingClass": 0,
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| "chartDesigner": "Luxance",
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| "jacketDesigner": "虎硬 + 無想りんね",
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| "rating": 3
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| },
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| {
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| "ratingClass": 1,
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| "chartDesigner": "Luxance",
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| "jacketDesigner": "虎硬 + 無想りんね",
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| "rating": 7
| |
| },
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| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 2,
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| "chartDesigner": "Luxance",
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| "jacketDesigner": "虎硬 + 無想りんね",
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| "rating": 9,
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| "ratingPlus": true
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| }
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| ]
| |
| },
| |
| {
| |
| "idx": 304,
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| "id": "cycles",
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| "title_localized": {
| |
| "en": "CYCLES"
| |
| },
| |
| "artist": "Masayoshi Minoshima feat. 綾倉盟",
| |
| "search_title": {
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| "ja": [
| |
| "さいくるす",
| |
| "さいくるず"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ko": [
| |
| "사이클즈",
| |
| "사이클",
| |
| "사이클스"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| "search_artist": {
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| "en": [
| |
| "ayakura mei"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ja": [
| |
| "まさよしみのしま",
| |
| "あやくらめい"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ko": [
| |
| "마사요시 미노시마",
| |
| "아야쿠라 메이"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| "bpm": "135",
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| "bpm_base": 135,
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| "set": "maimai_append_1",
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| "purchase": "maimai_append_1",
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| },
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| "source_copyright": "©SEGA",
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| "date": 1677715204,
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| "version": "4.3",
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| "ratingClass": 0,
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| "chartDesigner": "Nitro",
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| "jacketDesigner": "",
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| },
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| {
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| "ratingClass": 1,
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| "chartDesigner": "N-Helix",
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| "jacketDesigner": "",
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| "rating": 5
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| },
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| {
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| "ratingClass": 2,
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| "chartDesigner": "N-Helix",
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| "jacketDesigner": "",
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| "rating": 8,
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| "ratingPlus": true
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| }
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| ]
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| },
| |
| {
| |
| "idx": 305,
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| "id": "maxrage",
| |
| "title_localized": {
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| "en": "MAXRAGE"
| |
| },
| |
| "artist": "EBIMAYO",
| |
| "search_title": {
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| "ja": [
| |
| "まっくすれいじ",
| |
| "まっくすれーじ"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ko": [
| |
| "맥스레이지"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| "search_artist": {
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| "ja": [
| |
| "えびまよ"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ko": [
| |
| "에비마요"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| "bpm": "222",
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| "bpm_base": 222,
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| "set": "maimai_append_1",
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| "purchase": "maimai_append_1",
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| },
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| "date": 1677715205,
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| "version": "4.3",
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| "ratingClass": 0,
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| "chartDesigner": "EXSCHWASION",
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| "jacketDesigner": "",
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| "rating": 3
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| },
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| {
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| "ratingClass": 1,
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| "chartDesigner": "EXSCHWASION",
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| "jacketDesigner": "",
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| "rating": 6
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| },
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| {
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| "ratingClass": 2,
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| "chartDesigner": "EXSCHWASION",
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| "jacketDesigner": "",
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| "rating": 9,
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| "ratingPlus": true
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| }
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| ]
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| },
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| {
| |
| "idx": 306,
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| "id": "infinity",
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| "title_localized": {
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| "en": "[X]"
| |
| },
| |
| "artist": "Blacklolita",
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| "search_title": {
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| "ja": [
| |
| "いんふぃにてぃ"
| |
| ],
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| "ko": [
| |
| "인피니티"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| "search_artist": {
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| "ja": [
| |
| "ぶらっくろりーた"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ko": [
| |
| "블랙로리타",
| |
| "블랙롤리타"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
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| "bpm": "162-180",
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| "bpm_base": 162,
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| "set": "maimai_append_1",
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| "purchase": "maimai_append_1",
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| },
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| "source_copyright": "©SEGA",
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| "date": 1677715206,
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| "version": "4.3",
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| "difficulties": [
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| {
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| "ratingClass": 0,
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| "chartDesigner": "Nitro",
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| "jacketDesigner": "",
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| "rating": 4
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| },
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| {
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| "ratingClass": 1,
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| "chartDesigner": "Nitro",
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| "jacketDesigner": "",
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| "rating": 7,
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| "ratingPlus": true
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| },
| |
| {
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| "ratingClass": 2,
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| "chartDesigner": "東星",
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| "jacketDesigner": "",
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| "rating": 10
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| }
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| ]
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| },
| |
| {
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| "idx": 307,
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| "id": "temptation",
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| "title_localized": {
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| "en": "TEmPTaTiON"
| |
| },
| |
| "artist": "かねこちはる",
| |
| "search_title": {
| |
| "ja": [
| |
| "てんぷてーしょん"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ko": [
| |
| "템테이션"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| "search_artist": {
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| "en": [
| |
| "kaneko chiharu"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ko": [
| |
| "카네코치하루"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| "bpm": "160",
| |
| "bpm_base": 160,
| |
| "set": "maimai_append_1",
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| "purchase": "maimai_append_1",
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| "audioPreview": 0,
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| "audioPreviewEnd": 0,
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| "side": 0,
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| "bg": "temptation",
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| "remote_dl": true,
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| "source_localized": {
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| "en": "maimai"
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| },
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| "source_copyright": "©SEGA",
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| "world_unlock": false,
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| "date": 1677715207,
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| "version": "4.3",
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| "difficulties": [
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| {
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| "ratingClass": 0,
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| "chartDesigner": "EXtINcTiON",
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| "jacketDesigner": "",
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| "rating": 5
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| },
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| {
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| "ratingClass": 1,
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| "chartDesigner": "EXtINcTiON",
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| "jacketDesigner": "",
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| "rating": 8
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| },
| |
| {
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| "ratingClass": 2,
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| "chartDesigner": "EXtINcTiON",
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| "jacketDesigner": "",
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| "rating": 10,
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| "ratingPlus": true
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| }
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| ]
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| },
| |
| {
| |
| "idx": 308,
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| "id": "primitivelights",
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| "title_localized": {
| |
| |
| },
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| "artist": "TAG",
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| "search_title": {
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| "ja": [
| |
| "ぷりみてぃぶらいつ"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ko": [
| |
| "프리미티브 라이츠",
| |
| "프리미티브 라이트"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| "search_artist": {
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| "ja": [
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| "たぐ"
| |
| ],
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| "ko": [
| |
| "태그"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
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| "bpm": "205",
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| "bpm_base": 205,
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| "bg": "vs_light",
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| "date": 1678320000,
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| {
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| "ratingClass": 0,
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| "chartDesigner": "東星※原初の灯",
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| "jacketDesigner": "Waterswing",
| |
| "rating": 5
| |
| },
| |
| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 1,
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| "chartDesigner": "東星※原初の灯",
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| "jacketDesigner": "Waterswing",
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| "rating": 8,
| |
| "ratingPlus": true
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| },
| |
| {
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| "ratingClass": 2,
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| "chartDesigner": "東星※原初の灯",
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| "rating": 10,
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| "ratingPlus": true
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| }
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| ]
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| },
| |
| {
| |
| "idx": 309,
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| "id": "cosmopop",
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| "title_localized": {
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| "en": "Cosmo Pop Funclub",
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| "ja": "コスモポップファンクラブ"
| |
| },
| |
| "artist": "ナユタン星人",
| |
| "search_title": {
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| "ko": [
| |
| "코스모 팝 펀클럽"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| "search_artist": {
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| "en": [
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| "nayutan seijin",
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| "nayutalien"
| |
| ],
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| "ja": [
| |
| "なゆたんせいじん"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ko": [
| |
| "나유탄 성인",
| |
| "나유탄 세이진"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| "bpm": "129",
| |
| "bpm_base": 129,
| |
| "set": "chunithm_append_2",
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| "purchase": "chunithm_append_2",
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| "audioPreview": 0,
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| "audioPreviewEnd": 0,
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| "side": 0,
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| "bg": "chunithmnew_light",
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| "bg_inverse": "chunithmnew_conflict",
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| "source_localized": {
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| "en": "CHUNITHM"
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| },
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| "source_copyright": "©SEGA",
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| "date": 1679529600,
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| "ratingClass": 0,
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| "chartDesigner": "Nitro NEW!!",
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| "jacketDesigner": "",
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| },
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| {
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| "ratingClass": 1,
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| "chartDesigner": "Nitro NEW!!",
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| "jacketDesigner": "",
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| "rating": 6
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| },
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| "ratingClass": 2,
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| "chartDesigner": "Nitro NEW!!",
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| "ratingPlus": true
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| }
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| ]
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| },
| |
| {
| |
| "idx": 310,
| |
| "id": "impact",
| |
| "title_localized": {
| |
| "en": "IMPACT"
| |
| },
| |
| "artist": "USAO feat. 光吉猛修",
| |
| "search_title": {
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| "ja": [
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| "いんぱくと"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ko": [
| |
| "임팩트"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| "search_artist": {
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| "en": [
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| "takenobu mitsuyoshi"
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| ],
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| "ja": [
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| "うさお",
| |
| "みつよしたけのぶ"
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| ],
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| "ko": [
| |
| "우사오",
| |
| "타케노부 미츠요시"
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| "bpm": "210",
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| "chartDesigner": "ÉCOLOGIE IMPACT",
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| "chartDesigner": "ÉN IMPACT",
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| "rating": 7,
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| {
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| "ratingClass": 2,
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| "chartDesigner": "én feat. écologie",
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| {
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| "ratingClass": 3,
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| "jacketDesigner": "",
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| "rating": 10
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| }
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| },
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| {
| |
| "idx": 311,
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| "id": "genesischunithm",
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| "title_localized": {
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| "en": "Genesis"
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| },
| |
| "artist": "Morrigan feat.Lily",
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| "search_title": {
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| "ja": [
| |
| "じぇねしす"
| |
| ],
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| "ko": [
| |
| "제네시스"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
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| "search_artist": {
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| "ja": [
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| "もりがん",
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| "りりー",
| |
| "りりぃ"
| |
| ],
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| "ko": [
| |
| "모리건",
| |
| "릴리"
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| ]
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| },
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| "bpm": "150",
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| "bpm_base": 150,
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| "set": "chunithm_append_2",
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| "ratingClass": 1,
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| "chartDesigner": "Exschwasion",
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| "ratingClass": 2,
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| "jacketDesigner": "",
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| "rating": 9,
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| "ratingPlus": true
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| },
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| {
| |
| "idx": 312,
| |
| "id": "trrricksters",
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| "title_localized": {
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| "en": "Trrricksters!!"
| |
| },
| |
| "artist": "s-don vs. 翡乃イスカ",
| |
| "search_title": {
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| "ja": [
| |
| "とりっくすたーず"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ko": [
| |
| "트릭스터즈",
| |
| "트릭스터스"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| "search_artist": {
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| "en": [
| |
| "hino isuka"
| |
| ],
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| "ja": [
| |
| "すうどん",
| |
| "ひのいすか"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ko": [
| |
| "에스돈",
| |
| "히노스이카"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| "bpm": "155",
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| "bpm_base": 155,
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| "set": "chunithm_append_2",
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| "audioPreview": 0,
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| "audioPreviewEnd": 0,
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| "side": 1,
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| "bg": "chunithmnew_conflict",
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| "date": 1679529603,
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| "version": "4.4",
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| "ratingClass": 0,
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| "chartDesigner": "絶滅",
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| "jacketDesigner": "",
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| {
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| "ratingClass": 1,
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| "chartDesigner": "絶滅",
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| "jacketDesigner": "",
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| "rating": 7
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| "ratingClass": 2,
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| "chartDesigner": "絶滅",
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| "jacketDesigner": "",
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| "rating": 10
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| }
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| ]
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| },
| |
| {
| |
| "idx": 313,
| |
| "id": "spidersthread",
| |
| "title_localized": {
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| "en": "Spider's Thread",
| |
| "ja": "蜘蛛の糸"
| |
| },
| |
| "artist": "きくお×cosMo@暴走P feat.影縫英",
| |
| "search_title": {
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| "ja": [
| |
| "くものいと"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ko": [
| |
| "스파이더스 스레드",
| |
| "스파이더즈 스레드",
| |
| "스파이더스 쓰레드",
| |
| "스파이더즈 쓰레드",
| |
| "쿠모노 이토",
| |
| "거미줄"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| "search_artist": {
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| |
| "kikuo",
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| "bousou",
| |
| "kagenui hana"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ja": [
| |
| "こすも",
| |
| "かげぬいはな",
| |
| "こすもぼうそうぴー",
| |
| "こすもあっとぼうそうぴー"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ko": [
| |
| "키쿠오",
| |
| "코스모 폭주 피",
| |
| "카게누이 하나"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| "bpm": "180",
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| "bpm_base": 180,
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| "ratingClass": 0,
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| },
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| {
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| "ratingClass": 1,
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| "chartDesigner": "夜浪 \u003C-\u003E",
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| "jacketDesigner": "",
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| "rating": 7,
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| "ratingClass": 2,
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| "chartDesigner": "夜浪 \u003C-\u003E",
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| "rating": 10,
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| "ratingPlus": true
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| }
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| ]
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| },
| |
| {
| |
| "idx": 314,
| |
| "id": "lostemotion",
| |
| "title_localized": {
| |
| "en": "Lost Emotion feat. nomico"
| |
| },
| |
| "artist": "Masayoshi Minoshima(ALR)",
| |
| "search_title": {
| |
| "ja": [
| |
| "ろすとえもーしょん"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ko": [
| |
| "로스트 이모션"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| "search_artist": {
| |
| "ja": [
| |
| "まさよしみのしま",
| |
| "のみこ"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ko": [
| |
| "마사요시 미노시마",
| |
| "노미코"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| "bpm": "172",
| |
| "bpm_base": 172,
| |
| "set": "extend_2",
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| "ratingClass": 0,
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| "chartDesigner": "ポーカーフェイスのToaster",
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| "rating": 3
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| },
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| {
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| "ratingClass": 1,
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| "chartDesigner": "ポーカーフェイスのToaster",
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| "jacketDesigner": "SoU(wavforme)",
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| "rating": 7
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| },
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| {
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| "ratingClass": 2,
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| "chartDesigner": "ポーカーフェイスのToaster",
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| "jacketDesigner": "SoU(wavforme)",
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| "rating": 9
| |
| }
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| ]
| |
| },
| |
| {
| |
| "idx": 315,
| |
| "id": "gimmick",
| |
| "title_localized": {
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| "en": "GIMMICK"
| |
| },
| |
| "artist": "Ms.Sill",
| |
| "search_title": {
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| "ja": [
| |
| "ぎみっく"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ko": [
| |
| "기믹"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| "search_artist": {
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| "ja": [
| |
| "みすしる"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ko": [
| |
| "미스 실"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| "bpm": "143",
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| "bpm_base": 143,
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| "bg": "prelude_conflict",
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| "world_unlock": true,
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| "date": 1682553601,
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| "version": "4.4",
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| "ratingClass": 0,
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| "chartDesigner": "Nitro",
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| "jacketDesigner": "",
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| "rating": 2
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| },
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| {
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| "ratingClass": 1,
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| "chartDesigner": "Nitro",
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| "jacketDesigner": "",
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| "rating": 6
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| },
| |
| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 2,
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| "chartDesigner": "antymis + Nitro",
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| "jacketDesigner": "",
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| "rating": 9
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| }
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| ]
| |
| },
| |
| {
| |
| "idx": 316,
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| "id": "thesurvivor",
| |
| "title_localized": {
| |
| "en": "The Survivor (Game Edit)"
| |
| },
| |
| "artist": "Taishi",
| |
| "search_title": {
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| "ja": [
| |
| "ざさばいばー"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ko": [
| |
| "더 서바이버"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
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| "search_artist": {
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| "ja": [
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| "たいし"
| |
| ],
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| "ko": [
| |
| "타이시"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| "bpm": "132",
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| "bpm_base": 132,
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| "set": "single",
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| "category": "variety",
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| "purchase": "thesurvivor",
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| "audioPreview": 0,
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| "audioPreviewEnd": 0,
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| "side": 1,
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| "bg": "nijuusei2_conflict",
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| "world_unlock": false,
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| "date": 1682553602,
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| "version": "4.4",
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| "difficulties": [
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| {
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| "ratingClass": 0,
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| "chartDesigner": "Nitro",
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| "jacketDesigner": "12d",
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| "rating": 3
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| },
| |
| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 1,
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| "chartDesigner": "Nitro",
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| "jacketDesigner": "12d",
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| "rating": 6
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| },
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| {
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| "ratingClass": 2,
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| "chartDesigner": "Nitro",
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| "jacketDesigner": "12d",
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| "rating": 9,
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| "ratingPlus": true
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| }
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| ]
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| },
| |
| {
| |
| "idx": 317,
| |
| "id": "newyorkbackraise",
| |
| "title_localized": {
| |
| "en": "New York Back Raise"
| |
| },
| |
| "artist": "saaa + kei_iwata + stuv + わかどり",
| |
| "search_title": {
| |
| "ja": [
| |
| "にゅーよーくばっくれいず"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ko": [
| |
| "뉴욕 백 레이즈"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| "search_artist": {
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| "en": [
| |
| "wakadori"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ja": [
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| "さえさん",
| |
| "けいいわた"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ko": [
| |
| "사에산",
| |
| "케이 이와타",
| |
| "스터브",
| |
| "와카도리"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| "bpm": "160",
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| "bpm_base": 160,
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| "set": "single",
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| "category": "variety",
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| "purchase": "newyorkbackraise",
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| "audioPreview": 0,
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| "audioPreviewEnd": 0,
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| "side": 1,
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| "bg": "single2_conflict",
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| "world_unlock": false,
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| "date": 1682553603,
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| "version": "4.4",
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| "difficulties": [
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| {
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| "ratingClass": 0,
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| "chartDesigner": "Exschwasion 「CHECK」",
| |
| "jacketDesigner": "すずあ",
| |
| "rating": 4
| |
| },
| |
| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 1,
| |
| "chartDesigner": "Exschwasion 「RAISE」",
| |
| "jacketDesigner": "すずあ",
| |
| "rating": 7
| |
| },
| |
| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 2,
| |
| "chartDesigner": "Exschwasion 「ALL IN」",
| |
| "jacketDesigner": "すずあ",
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| "rating": 9,
| |
| "ratingPlus": true
| |
| }
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| {
| |
| "idx": 318,
| |
| "id": "galacticlove",
| |
| "title_localized": {
| |
| "en": "Galactic Love"
| |
| },
| |
| "artist": "La prière",
| |
| "search_title": {
| |
| "ja": [
| |
| "ぎゃらくてぃっくらぶ"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ko": [
| |
| "갤럭틱 러브"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| "search_artist": {
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| "en": [
| |
| "la priere"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ja": [
| |
| "らぷりえーる"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ko": [
| |
| "라 피에르"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| "bpm": "145",
| |
| "bpm_base": 145,
| |
| "set": "single",
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| "category": "poprec",
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| "purchase": "galacticlove",
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| "audioPreview": 0,
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| "audioPreviewEnd": 0,
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| "side": 0,
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| "bg": "single2_light",
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| "bg_inverse": "single2_conflict",
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| "remote_dl": true,
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| "world_unlock": false,
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| "date": 1684972800,
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| "version": "4.4",
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| {
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| "ratingClass": 0,
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| "chartDesigner": "én",
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| "jacketDesigner": "",
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| "rating": 3
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| },
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| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 1,
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| "chartDesigner": "én",
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| "jacketDesigner": "",
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| "rating": 6
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| },
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| {
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| "ratingClass": 2,
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| "chartDesigner": "én",
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| "jacketDesigner": "",
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| "rating": 9
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| }
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| ]
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| },
| |
| {
| |
| "idx": 319,
| |
| "id": "lawlesspoint",
| |
| "title_localized": {
| |
| "en": "Lawless Point",
| |
| "ja": "無法地点"
| |
| },
| |
| "artist": "La prière",
| |
| "search_title": {
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| "ja": [
| |
| "むほうちてん"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ko": [
| |
| "로우리스 포인트",
| |
| "로리스 포인트"
| |
| ]
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| },
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| "search_artist": {
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| "en": [
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| "la priere"
| |
| ],
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| "ja": [
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| "らぷりえーる"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ko": [
| |
| "라 피에르"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| "bpm": "148",
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| "bpm_base": 148,
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| "set": "extend_2",
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| "audioPreview": 0,
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| "audioPreviewEnd": 0,
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| "side": 1,
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| "bg": "single2_conflict",
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| "bg_inverse": "single2_light",
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| "date": 1684972801,
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| "version": "4.4",
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| "ratingClass": 0,
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| "chartDesigner": "Luxance",
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| "jacketDesigner": "",
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| "rating": 3
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| },
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| {
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| "ratingClass": 1,
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| "chartDesigner": "Luxance",
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| "jacketDesigner": "",
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| "rating": 6
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| },
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| "ratingClass": 2,
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| "chartDesigner": "Luxance",
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| "jacketDesigner": "",
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| "rating": 9
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| }
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| ]
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| },
| |
| {
| |
| "idx": 320,
| |
| "id": "lostintheabyss",
| |
| "title_localized": {
| |
| "en": "Lost in the Abyss"
| |
| },
| |
| "artist": "FELT",
| |
| "search_title": {
| |
| "ja": [
| |
| "ろすといんじあびす"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ko": [
| |
| "로스트 인 디 어비스"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| "search_artist": {
| |
| "ja": [
| |
| "ふぇると"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ko": [
| |
| "펠트"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| "bpm": "183",
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| "bpm_base": 183,
| |
| "set": "single",
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| "category": "poprec",
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| "purchase": "lostintheabyss",
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| "audioPreview": 0,
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| "audioPreviewEnd": 0,
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| "side": 1,
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| "bg": "touhou_conflict",
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| "bg_inverse": "touhou_light",
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| "remote_dl": true,
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| "source_copyright": "©上海アリス幻樂団",
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| "world_unlock": false,
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| "date": 1684972802,
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| "version": "4.4",
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| "difficulties": [
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| {
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| "ratingClass": 0,
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| "chartDesigner": "Nitro",
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| "jacketDesigner": "AO",
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| "rating": 3
| |
| },
| |
| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 1,
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| "chartDesigner": "Nitro",
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| "jacketDesigner": "AO",
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| "rating": 6
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| },
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| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 2,
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| "chartDesigner": "Nitro",
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| "jacketDesigner": "AO",
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| "rating": 9,
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| "ratingPlus": true
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| }
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| ]
| |
| },
| |
| {
| |
| "idx": 321,
| |
| "id": "hybris",
| |
| "title_localized": {
| |
| "en": "Hybris (The one who shattered)",
| |
| "ja": "ヒュブリスの頂に聳えるのは"
| |
| },
| |
| "artist": "qfeileadh feat.のあ",
| |
| "search_title": {
| |
| "ja": [
| |
| "ひゅぶりすのいただきにそびえるのは"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ko": [
| |
| "휴브리스의 끝에 솟아오른 것은",
| |
| "휴브리스노 이타다키니 소비에루노와"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| "search_artist": {
| |
| "en": [
| |
| "noa"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ja": [
| |
| "ふぇいりあ",
| |
| "のあ"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ko": [
| |
| "페일리아",
| |
| "노아"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| "bpm": "158",
| |
| "bpm_base": 158,
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| "set": "extend_2",
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| "purchase": "extend_2",
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| "audioPreview": 0,
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| "audioPreviewEnd": 0,
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| "bg": "vs_conflict",
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| "remote_dl": true,
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| "world_unlock": true,
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| "date": 1684972803,
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| "version": "4.4",
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| "difficulties": [
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| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 0,
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| "chartDesigner": "Exschwasion",
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| "jacketDesigner": "",
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| "rating": 4
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| },
| |
| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 1,
| |
| "chartDesigner": "Exschwasion",
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| "jacketDesigner": "",
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| "rating": 7,
| |
| "ratingPlus": true
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| },
| |
| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 2,
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| "chartDesigner": "Exschwasion",
| |
| "jacketDesigner": "",
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| "rating": 9,
| |
| "ratingPlus": true
| |
| }
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| ]
| |
| },
| |
| {
| |
| "idx": 322,
| |
| "id": "tothemilkyway",
| |
| "title_localized": {
| |
| "en": "To the Milky Way"
| |
| },
| |
| "artist": "黒魔",
| |
| "search_title": {
| |
| "ja": [
| |
| "とぅーざみるきーうぇい"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ko": [
| |
| "투 더 밀키 웨이"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| "search_artist": {
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| "en": [
| |
| "kuroma",
| |
| "chroma"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ja": [
| |
| "くろま"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ko": [
| |
| "쿠로마"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| "bpm": "186",
| |
| "bpm_base": 186,
| |
| "set": "single",
| |
| "category": "partner",
| |
| "purchase": "tothemilkyway",
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| "audioPreview": 0,
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| "audioPreviewEnd": 0,
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| "side": 0,
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| "bg": "nijuusei2_light",
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| "bg_inverse": "nijuusei2_conflict",
| |
| "remote_dl": true,
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| "world_unlock": false,
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| "date": 1684972804,
| |
| "version": "4.4",
| |
| "difficulties": [
| |
| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 0,
| |
| "chartDesigner": "Nitroだー!",
| |
| "jacketDesigner": "Bison",
| |
| "rating": 5
| |
| },
| |
| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 1,
| |
| "chartDesigner": "Nitroだー!",
| |
| "jacketDesigner": "Bison",
| |
| "rating": 8,
| |
| "ratingPlus": true
| |
| },
| |
| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 2,
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| "chartDesigner": "Nitroだー!",
| |
| "jacketDesigner": "Bison",
| |
| "rating": 10
| |
| }
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| {
| |
| "idx": 323,
| |
| "id": "internetyamero",
| |
| "title_localized": {
| |
| |
| },
| |
| "artist": "Aiobahn feat. KOTOKO",
| |
| "search_title": {
| |
| "ja": [
| |
| "いんたーねっとやめろ"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ko": [
| |
| "인터넷 야메로",
| |
| "인터넷 그만둬",
| |
| "인터넷 그만해",
| |
| "인터넷 하지마",
| |
| "인타넷또 야메로"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| "search_artist": {
| |
| "ja": [
| |
| "あいおばん",
| |
| "ことこ"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ko": [
| |
| "아이오반",
| |
| "코토코"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| "bpm": "185",
| |
| "bpm_base": 185,
| |
| "set": "single",
| |
| "category": "poprec",
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| "purchase": "internetyamero",
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| "audioPreview": 0,
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| "side": 1,
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| "world_unlock": false,
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| "date": 1687910400,
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| "version": "4.5",
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| "difficulties": [
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| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 0,
| |
| "chartDesigner": "該当チャンネルが停止されたため、\nこの譜面は再生できません。",
| |
| "jacketDesigner": "",
| |
| "rating": 4
| |
| },
| |
| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 1,
| |
| "chartDesigner": "該当チャンネルが停止されたため、\nこの譜面は再生できません。",
| |
| "jacketDesigner": "",
| |
| "rating": 7,
| |
| "ratingPlus": true
| |
| },
| |
| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 2,
| |
| "chartDesigner": "該当チャンネルが停止されたため、\nこの譜面は再生できません。",
| |
| "jacketDesigner": "",
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| "rating": 10
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| }
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| {
| |
| "idx": 324,
| |
| "id": "bulletwaiting",
| |
| "title_localized": {
| |
| "en": "Bullet Waiting for Me (James Landino remix)"
| |
| },
| |
| "artist": "Nikki Simmons",
| |
| "search_title": {
| |
| "ja": [
| |
| "ばれっとうぇいてぃんぐふぉーみーじぇーむずらんでぃーのりみっくす"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ko": [
| |
| "불렛 웨이팅 포 미 제임스 란디노 리믹스"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| "search_artist": {
| |
| "ja": [
| |
| "にっきしもんず"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ko": [
| |
| "니키 시몬스"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| "bpm": "107",
| |
| "bpm_base": 107,
| |
| "set": "cytusii",
| |
| "purchase": "cytusii",
| |
| "audioPreview": 0,
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| "audioPreviewEnd": 0,
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| "side": 0,
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| "bg": "cytus_light",
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| "bg_inverse": "cytus_conflict",
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| "source_localized": {
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| "en": "CYTUS II®"
| |
| },
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| "source_copyright": "© Rayark Inc.",
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| "world_unlock": false,
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| "date": 1687910401,
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| "version": "4.5",
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| "difficulties": [
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| {
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| "ratingClass": 0,
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| "chartDesigner": "CERiNG",
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| "jacketDesigner": "",
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| "rating": 2
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| },
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| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 1,
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| "chartDesigner": "CERiNG",
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| "jacketDesigner": "",
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| "rating": 4
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| },
| |
| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 2,
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| "chartDesigner": "CERiNG",
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| "jacketDesigner": "",
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| "rating": 8
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| }
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| {
| |
| "idx": 325,
| |
| "id": "devillicsphere",
| |
| "title_localized": {
| |
| "en": "Devillic Sphere"
| |
| },
| |
| "artist": "3R2",
| |
| "search_title": {
| |
| "ja": [
| |
| "でびりっくすふぃあ"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ko": [
| |
| "데빌릭 스피어"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| "search_artist": {
| |
| "ja": [
| |
| "すりーあーるつー"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ko": [
| |
| "삼알이",
| |
| "쓰리 알 투",
| |
| "스리 알 투"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| "bpm": "160",
| |
| "bpm_base": 160,
| |
| "set": "cytusii",
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| "purchase": "cytusii",
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| "audioPreview": 0,
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| "audioPreviewEnd": 0,
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| "side": 1,
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| "bg": "cytus_conflict",
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| "bg_inverse": "cytus_light",
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| "remote_dl": true,
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| "source_localized": {
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| "en": "CYTUS II®"
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| },
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| "source_copyright": "© Rayark Inc.",
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| "world_unlock": false,
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| "date": 1687910402,
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| "version": "4.5",
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| "difficulties": [
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| {
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| "ratingClass": 0,
| |
| "chartDesigner": "₸öα$†ε₹",
| |
| "jacketDesigner": "",
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| "rating": 4
| |
| },
| |
| {
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| "ratingClass": 1,
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| "chartDesigner": "₸öα$†ε₹",
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| "jacketDesigner": "",
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| "rating": 7,
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| "ratingPlus": true
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| },
| |
| {
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| "ratingClass": 2,
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| "chartDesigner": "₸öα$†ε₹",
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| "jacketDesigner": "",
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| "rating": 9,
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| "ratingPlus": true
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| }
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| {
| |
| "idx": 326,
| |
| "id": "lucidtraveler",
| |
| "title_localized": {
| |
| "en": "Lucid Traveler"
| |
| },
| |
| "artist": "Akira Complex vs 3R2",
| |
| "search_title": {
| |
| "ja": [
| |
| "るーしっどとらべらー",
| |
| "るしっどとらべらー"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ko": [
| |
| "루시드 트래블러"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| "search_artist": {
| |
| "ja": [
| |
| "あきらこんぷれっくす",
| |
| "すりーあーるつー"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ko": [
| |
| "아키라 컴플렉스",
| |
| "아키라 콤플렉스",
| |
| "삼알이",
| |
| "쓰리 알 투",
| |
| "스리 알 투"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| "bpm": "170-200",
| |
| "bpm_base": 170,
| |
| "set": "cytusii",
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| "purchase": "cytusii",
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| "audioPreview": 0,
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| "audioPreviewEnd": 0,
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| "side": 1,
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| "bg": "cytus_conflict",
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| "bg_inverse": "cytus_light",
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| "remote_dl": true,
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| "world_unlock": false,
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| "date": 1687910403,
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| "version": "4.5",
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| "difficulties": [
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| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 0,
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| "chartDesigner": "Toaster vs ₸öα$†ε₹",
| |
| "jacketDesigner": "NC帝國",
| |
| "rating": 4
| |
| },
| |
| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 1,
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| "chartDesigner": "Toaster vs ₸öα$†ε₹",
| |
| "jacketDesigner": "NC帝國",
| |
| "rating": 8,
| |
| "ratingPlus": true
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| },
| |
| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 2,
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| "chartDesigner": "Toaster vs ₸öα$†ε₹",
| |
| "jacketDesigner": "NC帝國",
| |
| "rating": 10,
| |
| "jacketOverride": true
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| }
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| ]
| |
| },
| |
| {
| |
| "idx": 327,
| |
| "id": "chaos",
| |
| "title_localized": {
| |
| "en": "CHAOS"
| |
| },
| |
| "artist": "Æsir",
| |
| "search_title": {
| |
| "ja": [
| |
| "かおす",
| |
| "けいおす"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ko": [
| |
| "카오스"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| "search_artist": {
| |
| "en": [
| |
| "aesir"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ja": [
| |
| "あしーる",
| |
| "えーしる",
| |
| "あーしる",
| |
| "えしーる"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ko": [
| |
| "에시르",
| |
| "애시르"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| "bpm": "150",
| |
| "bpm_base": 150,
| |
| "set": "cytusii",
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| "purchase": "cytusii",
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| "audioPreview": 0,
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| "audioPreviewEnd": 0,
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| "side": 1,
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| "bg": "cytus_boss",
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| "source_localized": {
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| "en": "CYTUS II®"
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| },
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| "source_copyright": "© Rayark Inc.",
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| "world_unlock": false,
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| "date": 1687910404,
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| "version": "4.5",
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| "difficulties": [
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| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 0,
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| "chartDesigner": "絶滅",
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| "jacketDesigner": "",
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| "rating": 5
| |
| },
| |
| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 1,
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| "chartDesigner": "絶滅",
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| "jacketDesigner": "",
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| "rating": 7
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| },
| |
| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 2,
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| "chartDesigner": "絶滅",
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| "jacketDesigner": "",
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| "rating": 10,
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| "ratingPlus": true
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| }
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| ]
| |
| },
| |
| {
| |
| "idx": 328,
| |
| "id": "usedtobe",
| |
| "title_localized": {
| |
| "en": "Used to be"
| |
| },
| |
| "artist": "KIVΛ",
| |
| "search_title": {
| |
| "ja": [
| |
| "ゆーすどとぅーびー",
| |
| "ゆーすどとぅびー"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ko": [
| |
| "유즈 투 비",
| |
| "유즈드 투 비"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| "search_artist": {
| |
| "en": [
| |
| "kiva"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ja": [
| |
| "きば",
| |
| "きゔぁ"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ko": [
| |
| "키바"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| "bpm": "140",
| |
| "bpm_base": 140,
| |
| "set": "cytusii",
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| "purchase": "cytusii",
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| "audioPreview": 0,
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| "audioPreviewEnd": 0,
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| "side": 0,
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| "bg": "cytus_light",
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| "bg_inverse": "cytus_conflict",
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| "source_localized": {
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| "en": "CYTUS II®"
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| },
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| "source_copyright": "© Rayark Inc.",
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| "world_unlock": false,
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| "date": 1687910405,
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| "version": "4.5",
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| "difficulties": [
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| {
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| "ratingClass": 0,
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| "chartDesigner": "Luxance",
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| "jacketDesigner": "",
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| "rating": 4
| |
| },
| |
| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 1,
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| "chartDesigner": "Luxance",
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| "jacketDesigner": "",
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| "rating": 6
| |
| },
| |
| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 2,
| |
| "chartDesigner": "Luxance + Nitro",
| |
| "jacketDesigner": "",
| |
| "rating": 9
| |
| }
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| {
| |
| "idx": 329,
| |
| "id": "ultimatetaste",
| |
| "title_localized": {
| |
| "en": "Ultimate taste"
| |
| },
| |
| "artist": "ぱらどっと",
| |
| "search_title": {
| |
| "ja": [
| |
| "あるてぃめっとていすと"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ko": [
| |
| "언리미티드 테이스트"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| "search_artist": {
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| "en": [
| |
| "paradot",
| |
| "paradotto"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ko": [
| |
| "파라돗토"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
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| "bpm": "200",
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| "ratingClass": 0,
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| "chartDesigner": "Arcaea Charting Team",
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| "jacketDesigner": "ぱらどっと",
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| "rating": 3
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| },
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| {
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| "ratingClass": 1,
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| "chartDesigner": "Arcaea Charting Team",
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| "jacketDesigner": "ぱらどっと",
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| "rating": 6
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| },
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| {
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| "ratingClass": 2,
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| "chartDesigner": "Arcaea Charting Team【Full Flavor】",
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| "jacketDesigner": "ぱらどっと",
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| "rating": 9,
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| "ratingPlus": true
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| }
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| ]
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| },
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| {
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| "idx": 330,
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| "id": "syuten",
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| "title_localized": {
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| "en": "syūten"
| |
| },
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| "artist": "Apo11o\"COLLAPSAR\"program ft. 大瀬良あい",
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| "search_title": {
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| "en": [
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| "syuten"
| |
| ],
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| "ja": [
| |
| "しゅうてん"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ko": [
| |
| "슈텐"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
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| "search_artist": {
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| "en": [
| |
| "apollo collapsar program",
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| "oosera ai"
| |
| ],
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| "ja": [
| |
| "あぽろこらぷさーぷろぐらむ",
| |
| "おおせらあい"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ko": [
| |
| "아폴로 콜랍사 프로그램",
| |
| "오오세라 아이"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
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| "bpm": "76-96",
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| "bpm_base": 96,
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| "set": "cytusii_append_1",
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| "ratingClass": 0,
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| "chartDesigner": "antymīs",
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| "jacketDesigner": "",
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| {
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| "ratingClass": 1,
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| "chartDesigner": "antymīs",
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| "jacketDesigner": "",
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| "rating": 5
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| },
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| "ratingClass": 2,
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| "chartDesigner": "antymīs",
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| "jacketDesigner": "",
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| "rating": 8
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| }
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| },
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| {
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| "idx": 331,
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| "id": "drg",
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| "en": "DRG"
| |
| },
| |
| "artist": "onoken",
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| "search_title": {
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| "ja": [
| |
| "でぃーあーるじー"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ko": [
| |
| "디알지"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
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| "search_artist": {
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| "ja": [
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| "おのけん"
| |
| ],
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| "ko": [
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| "오노켄"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
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| "bpm": "155",
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| "bpm_base": 155,
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| "set": "cytusii_append_1",
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| "purchase": "cytusii_append_1",
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| "source_localized": {
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| "en": "CYTUS II®"
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| },
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| "date": 1689724802,
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| "ratingClass": 0,
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| "chartDesigner": "_NITRO",
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| "jacketDesigner": "",
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| },
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| {
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| "ratingClass": 1,
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| "chartDesigner": "_HARD",
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| "jacketDesigner": "",
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| "rating": 7
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| },
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| {
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| "ratingClass": 2,
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| "chartDesigner": "_CHAOS",
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| "rating": 9
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| },
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| {
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| "idx": 332,
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| "id": "nnglooms",
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| "title_localized": {
| |
| "en": "99 Glooms"
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| },
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| "artist": "Sta",
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| "search_title": {
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| "en": [
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| "ninetynine glooms"
| |
| ],
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| "ja": [
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| "ないんてぃないんぐるーむ",
| |
| "ないんてぃーないんぐるーむ"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ko": [
| |
| "나인티나인 글룸즈",
| |
| "나인티나인 글룸스"
| |
| ]
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| },
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| "search_artist": {
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| "ko": [
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| "스타"
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| ]
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| },
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| "bpm": "185",
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| "ratingClass": 0,
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| "chartDesigner": "終点",
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| "jacketDesigner": "",
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| "ratingClass": 1,
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| "chartDesigner": "終点",
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| "rating": 7,
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| "ratingClass": 2,
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| "rating": 10
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| },
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| "zh-Hans": "II",
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| "ko": "II"
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| },
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| "artist": "Cytus",
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| "search_title": {
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| "en": [
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| "ii"
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| ],
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| "つー",
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| "とぅー"
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| ],
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| "ko": [
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| "투"
| |
| ]
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| },
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| "search_artist": {
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| |
| "さいたす"
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| ],
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| "ko": [
| |
| "사이터스"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| "bpm": "130-150",
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| "bpm_base": 150,
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| "set": "cytusii_append_1",
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| "source_copyright": "© Rayark Inc.",
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| "side": 1,
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| "bg": "cytus_boss",
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| "date": 1689724804,
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| "version": "4.6",
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| "difficulties": [
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| {
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| "ratingClass": 0,
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| "chartDesigner": "Corrupted data\nRecovery progress......100%",
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| "jacketDesigner": "",
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| "rating": 5,
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| "jacketOverride": true
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| },
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| {
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| "ratingClass": 1,
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| "chartDesigner": "Main_Log_702_10_25",
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| "rating": 8,
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| "jacketOverride": true
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| "ratingClass": 2,
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| "chartDesigner": "Cam_Library_702_12_29",
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| "jacketDesigner": "",
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| "rating": 10,
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| "ratingPlus": true
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| }
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| ]
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| },
| |
| {
| |
| "idx": 334,
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| "id": "magnolia",
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| "title_localized": {
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| "en": "Magnolia"
| |
| },
| |
| "artist": "M2U Vocal by Guriri",
| |
| "search_title": {
| |
| "ja": [
| |
| "まぐのりあ"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ko": [
| |
| "매그놀리아"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| "search_artist": {
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| "ja": [
| |
| "えむつーゆー",
| |
| "ぐりり"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ko": [
| |
| "엠투유",
| |
| "구리리"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
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| "bpm": "160",
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| "bpm_base": 160,
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| "set": "cytusii_append_1",
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| "source_localized": {
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| "en": "DEEMO®"
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| },
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| "bg": "magnolia",
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| "date": 1689724805,
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| {
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| "ratingClass": 0,
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| "chartDesigner": "Lacrimosa",
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| "jacketDesigner": "",
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| "rating": 4
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| },
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| {
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| "ratingClass": 1,
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| "chartDesigner": "Lacrimosa",
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| "jacketDesigner": "",
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| "rating": 7,
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| },
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| {
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| "ratingClass": 2,
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| "chartDesigner": "Lacrimosa",
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| "jacketDesigner": "",
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| "rating": 10
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| }
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| ]
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| },
| |
| {
| |
| "idx": 335,
| |
| "id": "sacrifice",
| |
| "title_localized": {
| |
| "en": "SACRIFICE feat. ayame"
| |
| },
| |
| "artist": "Masayoshi Minoshima(ALR)",
| |
| "search_title": {
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| "ja": [
| |
| "さくりふぁいす"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ko": [
| |
| "새크리파이스"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| "search_artist": {
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| "ja": [
| |
| "まさよしみのしま",
| |
| "あやめ"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ko": [
| |
| "마사요시 미노시마"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| "bpm": "180",
| |
| "bpm_base": 180,
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| "set": "single",
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| "category": "poprec",
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| "audioPreview": 0,
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| "side": 1,
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| "bg": "touhou_conflict",
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| "bg_inverse": "touhou_light",
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| "remote_dl": true,
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| "date": 1692230400,
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| "version": "4.7",
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| "source_copyright": "©上海アリス幻樂団",
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| "difficulties": [
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| {
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| "ratingClass": 0,
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| "chartDesigner": "Luxance",
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| "jacketDesigner": "宵野コタロー + SoU(wavforme)",
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| "rating": 3
| |
| },
| |
| {
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| "ratingClass": 1,
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| "chartDesigner": "Luxance",
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| "jacketDesigner": "宵野コタロー + SoU(wavforme)",
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| "rating": 7
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| },
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| {
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| "ratingClass": 2,
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| "chartDesigner": "Luxance",
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| "jacketDesigner": "宵野コタロー + SoU(wavforme)",
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| "rating": 9,
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| "ratingPlus": true
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| }
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| ]
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| },
| |
| {
| |
| "idx": 336,
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| "id": "rgb",
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| "title_localized": {
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| "en": "RGB"
| |
| },
| |
| "artist": "MEMODEMO X AQUASINE",
| |
| "search_title": {
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| "ja": [
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| "あーるじーびー"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ko": [
| |
| "알지비"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| "search_artist": {
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| "ja": [
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| "めもでも",
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| "あくあさいん"
| |
| ],
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| "ko": [
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| "메모데모",
| |
| "아쿠아사인"
| |
| ]
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| },
| |
| "bpm": "163",
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| "bpm_base": 163,
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| "set": "extend_2",
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| "audioPreview": 0,
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| "bg": "observer_light",
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| "bg_inverse": "observer_conflict",
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| "date": 1692230401,
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| "difficulties": [
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| {
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| "ratingClass": 0,
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| "chartDesigner": "NO₂",
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| "jacketDesigner": "いわこ脳",
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| "rating": 4
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| },
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| {
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| "ratingClass": 1,
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| "chartDesigner": "NO₂",
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| "jacketDesigner": "いわこ脳",
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| "rating": 7,
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| },
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| {
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| "ratingClass": 2,
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| "chartDesigner": "NO₂",
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| "jacketDesigner": "いわこ脳",
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| "rating": 9,
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| "ratingPlus": true
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| }
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| ]
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| },
| |
| {
| |
| "idx": 337,
| |
| "id": "waitfordawn",
| |
| "title_localized": {
| |
| "en": "WAIT FOR DAWN"
| |
| },
| |
| "artist": "U-ske feat. 棗いつき",
| |
| "search_title": {
| |
| "ja": [
| |
| "うぇいとふぉーどーん"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ko": [
| |
| "웨잇 포 던",
| |
| "웨잇 폴 던"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
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| "search_artist": {
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| "en": [
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| "natsume itsuki"
| |
| ],
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| "ja": [
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| "ゆーすけ",
| |
| "ゆうすけ",
| |
| "なつめいつき"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ko": [
| |
| "유스케",
| |
| "나츠메 이츠키"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| "bpm": "188",
| |
| "bpm_base": 188,
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| "set": "eden",
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| "purchase": "eden",
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| "audioPreview": 0,
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| "audioPreviewEnd": 0,
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| "bg": "eden_light",
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| "world_unlock": false,
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| "date": 1692230402,
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| "version": "4.7",
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| "difficulties": [
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| {
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| "ratingClass": 0,
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| "chartDesigner": "én",
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| "jacketDesigner": "子期安NANA_ANN",
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| "rating": 2
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| },
| |
| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 1,
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| "chartDesigner": "én",
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| "jacketDesigner": "子期安NANA_ANN",
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| "rating": 7,
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| },
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| {
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| "ratingClass": 2,
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| "chartDesigner": "én",
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| "jacketDesigner": "子期安NANA_ANN",
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| "rating": 8,
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| "ratingPlus": true
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| }
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| ]
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| },
| |
| {
| |
| "idx": 338,
| |
| "id": "ravenspride",
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| "title_localized": {
| |
| "en": "Raven's Pride",
| |
| "ja": "レイヴンズ・プライド"
| |
| },
| |
| "artist": "みーに feat. はらもりよしな",
| |
| "search_title": {
| |
| "ko": [
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| "레이븐즈 프라이드",
| |
| "레이븐스 프라이드"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
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| "search_artist": {
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| "en": [
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| "mini",
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| "haramori yoshina"
| |
| ],
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| "ko": [
| |
| "미니",
| |
| "하라모리 요시나"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| "bpm": "165",
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| "bpm_base": 165,
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| "set": "eden",
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| "audioPreview": 0,
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| "audioPreviewEnd": 0,
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| "remote_dl": true,
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| "world_unlock": false,
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| "date": 1692230403,
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| "difficulties": [
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| {
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| "ratingClass": 0,
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| "chartDesigner": "Exschwasion",
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| "jacketDesigner": "めとこ",
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| "rating": 3
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| },
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| {
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| "ratingClass": 1,
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| "chartDesigner": "Exschwasion",
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| "jacketDesigner": "めとこ",
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| "rating": 7
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| },
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| {
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| "ratingClass": 2,
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| "chartDesigner": "Exschwasion",
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| "jacketDesigner": "めとこ",
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| "rating": 9
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| }
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| ]
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| },
| |
| {
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| "idx": 339,
| |
| "id": "riseoftheworld",
| |
| "title_localized": {
| |
| "en": "Rise of the World"
| |
| },
| |
| "artist": "cosMo@暴走P",
| |
| "search_title": {
| |
| "ja": [
| |
| "らいずおぶざわーるど"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ko": [
| |
| "라이즈 오브 더 월드"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| "search_artist": {
| |
| "en": [
| |
| "bousou"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ja": [
| |
| "こすもぼうそうぴー",
| |
| "こすもあっとぼうそうぴー"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ko": [
| |
| "코스모폭주피",
| |
| "코스모앳폭주피",
| |
| "코스모폭주P",
| |
| "코스모앳폭주P"
| |
| ]
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| },
| |
| "bpm": "182-212",
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| "bpm_base": 212,
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| "set": "eden",
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| "purchase": "eden",
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| "audioPreview": 0,
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| "side": 0,
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| "bg": "eden_light",
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| "bg_inverse": "eden_conflict",
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| "remote_dl": true,
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| "world_unlock": false,
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| "date": 1692230404,
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| "version": "4.7",
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| "difficulties": [
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| {
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| "ratingClass": 0,
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| "chartDesigner": "N⇑TRO",
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| "jacketDesigner": "Asgard",
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| "rating": 4
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| },
| |
| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 1,
| |
| "chartDesigner": "N⇑TRO",
| |
| "jacketDesigner": "Asgard",
| |
| "rating": 8
| |
| },
| |
| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 2,
| |
| "chartDesigner": "N⇑TRO",
| |
| "jacketDesigner": "Asgard",
| |
| "rating": 10
| |
| }
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| {
| |
| "idx": 340,
| |
| "id": "unknownlevels",
| |
| "title_localized": {
| |
| |
| },
| |
| "artist": "Yuta Imai",
| |
| "search_title": {
| |
| "ja": [
| |
| "あんのうんれべるす",
| |
| "あんのうんれべるず"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ko": [
| |
| "언노운 레벨즈",
| |
| "언노운 레벨스"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| "search_artist": {
| |
| "ja": [
| |
| "ゆうたいまい"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ko": [
| |
| "유타 이마이",
| |
| "유우타 이마이"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| "bpm": "110-165",
| |
| "bpm_base": 165,
| |
| "set": "eden",
| |
| "purchase": "eden",
| |
| "audioPreview": 0,
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| "audioPreviewEnd": 0,
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| "side": 1,
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| "bg": "eden_conflict",
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| "bg_inverse": "eden_light",
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| "remote_dl": true,
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| "world_unlock": false,
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| "date": 1692230405,
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| "version": "4.7",
| |
| "difficulties": [
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| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 0,
| |
| "chartDesigner": "Toaster",
| |
| "jacketDesigner": "ひと和",
| |
| "rating": 4
| |
| },
| |
| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 1,
| |
| "chartDesigner": "Toaster",
| |
| "jacketDesigner": "ひと和",
| |
| "rating": 8
| |
| },
| |
| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 2,
| |
| "chartDesigner": "⇓ 東星 vs Toaster ⇓",
| |
| "jacketDesigner": "ひと和",
| |
| "rating": 10
| |
| }
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| {
| |
| "idx": 341,
| |
| "id": "abstrusedilemma",
| |
| "title_localized": {
| |
| "en": "Abstruse Dilemma"
| |
| },
| |
| "artist": "Ashrount vs. 打打だいず",
| |
| "search_title": {
| |
| "ja": [
| |
| "あぶすとぅるすじれんま",
| |
| "あぶすとぅるーすじれんま"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ko": [
| |
| "업스트루스 딜레마",
| |
| "앱스트루스 딜레마"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| "search_artist": {
| |
| "en": [
| |
| "dadadaizu",
| |
| "dddice"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ja": [
| |
| "あしゅらうんと",
| |
| "だだだいず"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ko": [
| |
| "애쉬라운트",
| |
| "애쉬런트",
| |
| "다다다이즈"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| "bpm": "216",
| |
| "bpm_base": 216,
| |
| "set": "eden",
| |
| "purchase": "eden",
| |
| "audioPreview": 0,
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| "audioPreviewEnd": 0,
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| "side": 0,
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| "bg": "eden_boss",
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| "remote_dl": true,
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| "world_unlock": false,
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| "date": 1692230406,
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| "version": "4.7",
| |
| "difficulties": [
| |
| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 0,
| |
| "chartDesigner": "Remnant ⇐ Guilt",
| |
| "jacketDesigner": "おぐち",
| |
| "rating": 5
| |
| },
| |
| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 1,
| |
| "chartDesigner": "Remnant ⇒ Doubt",
| |
| "jacketDesigner": "おぐち",
| |
| "rating": 8,
| |
| "ratingPlus": true
| |
| },
| |
| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 2,
| |
| "chartDesigner": "Remnant ⇑⇓ Volition",
| |
| "jacketDesigner": "おぐち",
| |
| "rating": 11,
| |
| "legacy11": true
| |
| }
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| {
| |
| "idx": 342,
| |
| "id": "matenrou",
| |
| "title_localized": {
| |
| "en": "Kanjou no Matenrou ~Arr.Demetori",
| |
| "ja": "感情の摩天楼 ~Arr.Demetori"
| |
| },
| |
| "artist": "Demetori",
| |
| "search_title": {
| |
| "en": [
| |
| "kanjou no matenrou"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ja": [
| |
| "かんじょうのまてんろうあれんじ"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ko": [
| |
| "감정의 마천루",
| |
| "칸죠노 마텐로우"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| "search_artist": {
| |
| "ja": [
| |
| "でめとり"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ko": [
| |
| "데메토리"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| "bpm": "178",
| |
| "bpm_base": 178,
| |
| "set": "extend_2",
| |
| "purchase": "extend_2",
| |
| "audioPreview": 0,
| |
| "audioPreviewEnd": 0,
| |
| "side": 1,
| |
| "bg": "touhou_conflict",
| |
| "bg_inverse": "touhou_light",
| |
| "remote_dl": true,
| |
| "world_unlock": true,
| |
| "source_copyright": "©上海アリス幻樂団",
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| "date": 1694664000,
| |
| "version": "4.7",
| |
| "difficulties": [
| |
| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 0,
| |
| "chartDesigner": "Exschwasion",
| |
| "jacketDesigner": "",
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| "rating": 3
| |
| },
| |
| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 1,
| |
| "chartDesigner": "Exschwasion",
| |
| "jacketDesigner": "",
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| "rating": 6
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| },
| |
| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 2,
| |
| "chartDesigner": "N•Ex•T",
| |
| "jacketDesigner": "",
| |
| "rating": 9,
| |
| "ratingPlus": true
| |
| }
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| {
| |
| "idx": 343,
| |
| "id": "tothefurthestdream",
| |
| "title_localized": {
| |
| "en": "To the Furthest Dream",
| |
| "ja": "彼方の夢へと"
| |
| },
| |
| "artist": "ii/night feat. 綺良雪",
| |
| "search_title": {
| |
| "ja": [
| |
| "かなたのゆめへと"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ko": [
| |
| "저 편의 꿈으로",
| |
| "투 더 퍼디스트 드림"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| "search_artist": {
| |
| "en": [
| |
| "yuki kira"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ja": [
| |
| "とぅないと",
| |
| "きらゆき"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ko": [
| |
| "투나잇",
| |
| "투나이트",
| |
| "키라 유키"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| "bpm": "183",
| |
| "bpm_base": 183,
| |
| "set": "single",
| |
| "category": "original",
| |
| "purchase": "tothefurthestdream",
| |
| "audioPreview": 0,
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| "audioPreviewEnd": 0,
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| "side": 2,
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| "bg": "epilogue",
| |
| "remote_dl": true,
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| "world_unlock": false,
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| "date": 1694664001,
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| "version": "4.7",
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| "difficulties": [
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| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 0,
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| "chartDesigner": "",
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| "jacketDesigner": "Bison",
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| "rating": 4,
| |
| "jacketOverride": true
| |
| },
| |
| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 1,
| |
| "chartDesigner": "",
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| "jacketDesigner": "Bison",
| |
| "rating": 8,
| |
| "jacketOverride": true
| |
| },
| |
| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 2,
| |
| "chartDesigner": "",
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| "jacketDesigner": "Bison",
| |
| "rating": 9,
| |
| "ratingPlus": true
| |
| }
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| {
| |
| "idx": 344,
| |
| "id": "remindthesouls",
| |
| "title_localized": {
| |
| "en": "Remind the Souls (Short Version)"
| |
| },
| |
| "artist": "Nhato",
| |
| "search_title": {
| |
| "ja": [
| |
| "りまいんどざそうるす"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ko": [
| |
| "리마인드 더 소울즈"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| "search_artist": {
| |
| "ja": [
| |
| "なはと"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ko": [
| |
| "나하토"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| "bpm": "130",
| |
| "bpm_base": 130,
| |
| "set": "base",
| |
| "purchase": "",
| |
| "audioPreview": 27692,
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| "audioPreviewEnd": 64615,
| |
| "side": 0,
| |
| "bg": "hime_light",
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| "bg_inverse": "hime_conflict",
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| "remote_dl": false,
| |
| "world_unlock": false,
| |
| "date": 1695772800,
| |
| "version": "5.0",
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| "difficulties": [
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| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 0,
| |
| "chartDesigner": "Nitro",
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| "jacketDesigner": "",
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| "rating": 3
| |
| },
| |
| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 1,
| |
| "chartDesigner": "Nitro",
| |
| "jacketDesigner": "",
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| "rating": 7
| |
| },
| |
| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 2,
| |
| "chartDesigner": "Nitro",
| |
| "jacketDesigner": "",
| |
| "rating": 9
| |
| }
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| ]
| |
| },
| |
| {
| |
| "idx": 345,
| |
| "id": "dynitikos",
| |
| "title_localized": {
| |
| "en": "Dynitikós"
| |
| },
| |
| "artist": "Prower",
| |
| "search_title": {
| |
| "en": [
| |
| "dynitikos"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ja": [
| |
| "でぃにてぃこす",
| |
| "でぃにてぃこーす"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ko": [
| |
| "디니티코스"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| "search_artist": {
| |
| "ja": [
| |
| "ぷらわー"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ko": [
| |
| "프라우어",
| |
| "프로워"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| "bpm": "180",
| |
| "bpm_base": 180,
| |
| "set": "extend_2",
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| "purchase": "extend_2",
| |
| "audioPreview": 0,
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| "audioPreviewEnd": 0,
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| "side": 1,
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| "bg": "nijuusei2_conflict",
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| "bg_inverse": "nijuusei2_light",
| |
| "remote_dl": true,
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| "world_unlock": true,
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| "date": 1695772801,
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| "version": "5.0",
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| "difficulties": [
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| {
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| "ratingClass": 0,
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| "chartDesigner": "Exschwasión",
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| "jacketDesigner": "AT基調",
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| "rating": 4
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| },
| |
| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 1,
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| "chartDesigner": "Exschwasión",
| |
| "jacketDesigner": "AT基調",
| |
| "rating": 7
| |
| },
| |
| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 2,
| |
| "chartDesigner": "Exschwasión",
| |
| "jacketDesigner": "AT基調",
| |
| "rating": 9
| |
| }
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| ]
| |
| },
| |
| {
| |
| "idx": 346,
| |
| "id": "amekagura",
| |
| "title_localized": {
| |
| "en": "Amekagura",
| |
| "ja": "雨神楽"
| |
| },
| |
| "artist": "荒谷サトル",
| |
| "search_title": {
| |
| "ja": [
| |
| "あめかぐら"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ko": [
| |
| "아메카구라",
| |
| "우신락",
| |
| "우신낙"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| "search_artist": {
| |
| "en": [
| |
| "satoru aratani"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ja": [
| |
| "あらたにさとる"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ko": [
| |
| "아라타니 사토루"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| "bpm": "105",
| |
| "bpm_base": 210,
| |
| "set": "extend_2",
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| "purchase": "extend_2",
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| "audioPreview": 0,
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| "audioPreviewEnd": 0,
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| "side": 0,
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| "bg": "omatsuri_light",
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| "bg_inverse": "omatsuri_conflict",
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| "remote_dl": true,
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| "world_unlock": true,
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| "date": 1695772802,
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| "version": "5.0",
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| "difficulties": [
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| {
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| "ratingClass": 0,
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| "chartDesigner": "antymis",
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| "jacketDesigner": "英エイスト",
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| "rating": 4
| |
| },
| |
| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 1,
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| "chartDesigner": "antymis",
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| "jacketDesigner": "英エイスト",
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| "rating": 7
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| },
| |
| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 2,
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| "chartDesigner": "antymis",
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| "jacketDesigner": "英エイスト",
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| "rating": 9,
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| "ratingPlus": true
| |
| }
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| ]
| |
| },
| |
| {
| |
| "idx": 347,
| |
| "id": "bbkkbkk",
| |
| "title_localized": {
| |
| "en": "B.B.K.K.B.K.K."
| |
| },
| |
| "artist": "nora2r",
| |
| "search_title": {
| |
| "en": [
| |
| "bbkkbkk"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ja": [
| |
| "びーびーけーけーびーけーけー"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ko": [
| |
| "비비케이케이비비케이케이"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| "search_artist": {
| |
| "ja": [
| |
| "のらつーあーる"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ko": [
| |
| "노라 투 알"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| "bpm": "170",
| |
| "bpm_base": 170,
| |
| "set": "single",
| |
| "category": "variety",
| |
| "purchase": "bbkkbkk",
| |
| "audioPreview": 0,
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| "audioPreviewEnd": 0,
| |
| "side": 1,
| |
| "bg": "single2_conflict",
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| "bg_inverse": "single2_light",
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| "remote_dl": true,
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| "world_unlock": false,
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| "date": 1695772803,
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| "version": "5.0",
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| "difficulties": [
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| {
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| "ratingClass": 0,
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| "chartDesigner": "E.E.X.X.E.X.X.",
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| "jacketDesigner": "",
| |
| "rating": 4
| |
| },
| |
| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 1,
| |
| "chartDesigner": "E.E.X.X.E.X.X.",
| |
| "jacketDesigner": "",
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| "rating": 7
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| },
| |
| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 2,
| |
| "chartDesigner": "E.E.X.X.E.X.X.",
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| "jacketDesigner": "",
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| "rating": 9,
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| "ratingPlus": true
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| }
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| {
| |
| "idx": 348,
| |
| "id": "primevaltexture",
| |
| "title_localized": {
| |
| "en": "Primeval Texture"
| |
| },
| |
| "artist": "くるぶっこちゃん",
| |
| "search_title": {
| |
| "ja": [
| |
| "ぷらいみーばるてくすちゃ",
| |
| "ぷらいみーゔぁるてくすちゃ",
| |
| "ぷらいみばるてくすちゃ",
| |
| "ぷらいみゔぁるてくすちゃ"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ko": [
| |
| "프라이미벌 텍스쳐"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| "search_artist": {
| |
| "en": [
| |
| "kurubukkochan"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ko": [
| |
| "쿠루봇코쨩",
| |
| "쿠루보코쨩",
| |
| "쿠루봇코짱",
| |
| "쿠루보코짱"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| "bpm": "120",
| |
| "bpm_base": 120,
| |
| "set": "eden_append_1",
| |
| "purchase": "eden_append_1",
| |
| "audioPreview": 0,
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| "audioPreviewEnd": 0,
| |
| "side": 0,
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| "bg": "eden_append_light",
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| "bg_inverse": "eden_append_conflict",
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| "remote_dl": true,
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| "world_unlock": false,
| |
| "date": 1695772804,
| |
| "version": "5.0",
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| "difficulties": [
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| {
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| "ratingClass": 0,
| |
| "chartDesigner": "CERiNG",
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| "jacketDesigner": "LOWRISE",
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| "chartDesigner": "CERiNG",
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| "rating": 9
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| "idx": 349,
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| "id": "technicolour",
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| "title_localized": {
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| "en": "Technicolour"
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| },
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| "artist": "Maozon",
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| "search_title": {
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| "ja": [
| |
| "てくにからー"
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| ],
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| "ko": [
| |
| "테크니컬러"
| |
| ]
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| },
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| "まおぞん"
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| "마오존"
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| ]
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| "jacketDesigner": "Keizou",
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| "rating": 3
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| {
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| "ratingClass": 1,
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| "chartDesigner": "KLMNOP",
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| "jacketDesigner": "Keizou",
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| "rating": 7
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| {
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| "ratingClass": 2,
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| "chartDesigner": "KLMNOP",
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| "jacketDesigner": "Keizou",
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| "rating": 9,
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| "id": "logos",
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| "en": "Logos"
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| },
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| "artist": "polysha feat. 高城みよ",
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| "search_title": {
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| "ja": [
| |
| "ろごす"
| |
| ],
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| "ko": [
| |
| "로고스"
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| ]
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| },
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| "search_artist": {
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| "en": [
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| "miyo takashiro"
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| ],
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| "ぽりしゃ",
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| "たかしろみよ"
| |
| ],
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| "ko": [
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| "폴리샤",
| |
| "타카시로 미요"
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| "chartDesigner": "絶滅",
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| {
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| "ratingClass": 1,
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| "chartDesigner": "絶滅",
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| "jacketDesigner": "majamari",
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| "rating": 7,
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| },
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| {
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| "ratingClass": 2,
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| "chartDesigner": "絶滅",
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| "rating": 10
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| }
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| |
| "idx": 351,
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| "id": "egoeimi",
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| "title_localized": {
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| "en": "Ego Eimi"
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| },
| |
| "artist": "BlackY feat. Risa Yuzuki",
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| "search_title": {
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| "ja": [
| |
| "えごえいみ",
| |
| "えごーえいみ"
| |
| ],
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| "ko": [
| |
| "에고 에이미"
| |
| ]
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| "りさゆずき"
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| "블랙키",
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| "ratingClass": 0,
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| "chartDesigner": "東星",
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| "jacketDesigner": "Khronetic - At the Horizon",
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| "rating": 5
| |
| },
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| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 1,
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| "chartDesigner": "東星",
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| "jacketDesigner": "Khronetic - At the Horizon",
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| "rating": 8
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| },
| |
| {
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| "ratingClass": 2,
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| "chartDesigner": "東星",
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| "jacketDesigner": "Khronetic - At the Horizon",
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| "rating": 10
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| }
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| ]
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| },
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| {
| |
| "idx": 352,
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| "id": "arghena",
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| "title_localized": {
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| "en": "Arghena"
| |
| },
| |
| "artist": "Feryquitous vs Laur",
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| "search_title": {
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| "ja": [
| |
| "あーげな",
| |
| "あげな"
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| ],
| |
| "ko": [
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| "아르게나",
| |
| "아게나"
| |
| ]
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| },
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| "search_artist": {
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| "ja": [
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| "ふぇりきたす",
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| "らうる"
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| ],
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| "ko": [
| |
| "페리퀴토스",
| |
| "라우르"
| |
| ]
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| },
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| "bpm": "185",
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| "bpm_base": 185,
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| "date": 1695772808,
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| "version": "5.0",
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| "difficulties": [
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| "ratingClass": 0,
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| "chartDesigner": "第一識 \"Reality\"",
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| "jacketDesigner": "すずなし",
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| "rating": 7
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| },
| |
| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 1,
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| "chartDesigner": "第二識 \"Causality\"",
| |
| "jacketDesigner": "すずなし",
| |
| "rating": 9
| |
| },
| |
| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 2,
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| "chartDesigner": "第三識 \"Pluriversality\"",
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| "jacketDesigner": "すずなし",
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| "rating": 11,
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| }
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| "idx": 353,
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| "id": "fantasy",
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| "title_localized": {
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| "en": "FANTA5Y"
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| },
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| "artist": "Moon Jelly \u0026 YUKIYANAGI",
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| "search_title": {
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| "en": [
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| "fantasy"
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| ],
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| "ja": [
| |
| "ふぁんたじー"
| |
| ],
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| "ko": [
| |
| "판타지"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| "search_artist": {
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| "ja": [
| |
| "むーんじぇりー",
| |
| "ゆきやなぎ"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ko": [
| |
| "문 젤리",
| |
| "유키야나기"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| "bpm": "170",
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| "bpm_base": 170,
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| "set": "extend_2",
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| "audioPreviewEnd": 0,
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| "bg": "hime_light",
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| "bg_inverse": "hime_conflict",
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| "remote_dl": true,
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| "world_unlock": true,
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| "date": 1698278400,
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| "version": "5.1",
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| {
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| "ratingClass": 0,
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| "chartDesigner": "TOA5TIE",
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| "jacketDesigner": "nep",
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| "rating": 3
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| },
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| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 1,
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| "chartDesigner": "TOA5TIE",
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| "jacketDesigner": "nep",
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| "rating": 7
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| },
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| {
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| "ratingClass": 2,
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| "chartDesigner": "TOA5TIE",
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| "jacketDesigner": "nep",
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| "rating": 9
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| }
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| ]
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| },
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| {
| |
| "idx": 354,
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| "id": "transientspace",
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| "en": "Transient Space"
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| },
| |
| "artist": "sleepless, Gardens, aspect",
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| "search_title": {
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| "ja": [
| |
| "とらんしえんとすぺーす"
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| ],
| |
| "ko": [
| |
| "트랜시언트 스페이스",
| |
| "트랜지언트 스페이스"
| |
| ]
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| },
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| "search_artist": {
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| "ja": [
| |
| "すりーぷれす",
| |
| "がーでんず",
| |
| "あすぺくと"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ko": [
| |
| "슬립리스",
| |
| "가든즈",
| |
| "가든스",
| |
| "에스펙트",
| |
| "어스펙트"
| |
| ]
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| },
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| "bpm": "115-132",
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| "bpm_base": 132,
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| "set": "eden_append_2",
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| {
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| "ratingClass": 0,
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| "chartDesigner": "CERiNG -liminal-",
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| "rating": 2
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| },
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| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 1,
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| "chartDesigner": "CERiNG -liminal-",
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| "jacketDesigner": "PAZZi",
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| "rating": 7
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| },
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| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 2,
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| "chartDesigner": "CERiNG -liminal-",
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| "jacketDesigner": "PAZZi",
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| "rating": 9
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| }
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| ]
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| },
| |
| {
| |
| "idx": 355,
| |
| "id": "namelesspassion",
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| "title_localized": {
| |
| "en": "Nameless Passion"
| |
| },
| |
| "artist": "天束 feat.Sennzai",
| |
| "search_title": {
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| "ja": [
| |
| "ねーむれすぱっしょん"
| |
| ],
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| "ko": [
| |
| "네임리스 패션"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
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| "search_artist": {
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| "en": [
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| "amatsuka"
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| ],
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| "ja": [
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| "あまつか",
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| "せんざい"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ko": [
| |
| "아마츠카",
| |
| "센자이"
| |
| ]
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| },
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| "bpm": "200",
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| "bpm_base": 200,
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| "ratingClass": 0,
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| "chartDesigner": "Luxance",
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| "jacketDesigner": "こたろう",
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| "rating": 3
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| },
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| {
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| "ratingClass": 1,
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| "chartDesigner": "Luxance",
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| "jacketDesigner": "こたろう",
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| "rating": 7
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| },
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| {
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| "ratingClass": 2,
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| "chartDesigner": "Luxance",
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| "rating": 9,
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| "ratingPlus": true
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| }
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| ]
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| },
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| {
| |
| "idx": 356,
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| "id": "teravolt",
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| "title_localized": {
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| "en": "TeraVolt"
| |
| },
| |
| "artist": "Katali",
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| "search_title": {
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| "ja": [
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| "てらぼると"
| |
| ],
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| "ko": [
| |
| "테라볼트"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
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| "search_artist": {
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| "ja": [
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| "かたり"
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| ],
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| "ko": [
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| "카타리"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
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| "bpm": "154",
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| "bpm_base": 154,
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| "set": "eden_append_2",
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| "bg": "eden_append_conflict",
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| "date": 1698278403,
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| "difficulties": [
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| "ratingClass": 0,
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| "chartDesigner": "夜浪",
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| "jacketDesigner": "hiro",
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| "rating": 5
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| },
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| {
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| "ratingClass": 1,
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| "chartDesigner": "夜浪",
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| "jacketDesigner": "hiro",
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| "rating": 8,
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| "ratingPlus": true
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| },
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| {
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| "ratingClass": 2,
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| "chartDesigner": "超東星 × 雷夜浪",
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| "jacketDesigner": "hiro",
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| "rating": 10,
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| "ratingPlus": true
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| }
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| ]
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| },
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| {
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| "idx": 357,
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| "id": "stratoliner",
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| "en": "Stratoliner"
| |
| },
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| "artist": "C-Show",
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| "search_title": {
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| "ja": [
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| "すとらとらいなー"
| |
| ],
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| "ko": [
| |
| "스트라토라이너"
| |
| ]
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| },
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| "search_artist": {
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| "ja": [
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| "ししょう"
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| ],
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| "ko": [
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| "시쇼"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
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| "bpm": "175",
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| "bpm_base": 175,
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| "set": "wacca_append_1",
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| "bg": "wacca_conflict",
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| "source_copyright": "©Marvelous Inc. / Supported by HARDCORE TANO*C",
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| "date": 1701302400,
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| "ratingClass": 1,
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| "chartDesigner": "Exschwasion",
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| "ratingClass": 2,
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| "chartDesigner": "Exschwasion",
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| },
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| {
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| "idx": 358,
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| "id": "ouverture",
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| |
| },
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| "Ouverture"
| |
| ],
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| "ja": [
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| "おばーちゅあ"
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| ],
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| "오버쳐"
| |
| ]
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| },
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| "うさお",
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| "でぃーじぇーげんき",
| |
| "でぃーじぇいげんき",
| |
| "かわせまき"
| |
| ],
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| "ko": [
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| "우사오",
| |
| "디제이 겐키",
| |
| "룬",
| |
| "카와세 마키"
| |
| ]
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| },
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| "bpm": "200",
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| "bpm_base": 200,
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| "set": "wacca_append_1",
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| "date": 1701302401,
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| "ratingClass": 0,
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| "chartDesigner": "るくあんす",
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| "jacketDesigner": "",
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| "rating": 2
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| {
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| "ratingClass": 1,
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| "chartDesigner": "るくあんす",
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| "jacketDesigner": "",
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| "rating": 7
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| "ratingClass": 2,
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| "chartDesigner": "るくあんす",
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| "jacketDesigner": "",
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| "rating": 9,
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| "ratingPlus": true
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| }
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| ]
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| },
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| {
| |
| "idx": 359,
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| "id": "xtreme",
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| "title_localized": {
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| "en": "XTREME"
| |
| },
| |
| "artist": "USAO",
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| "search_title": {
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| "ja": [
| |
| "えくすとりーむ"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ko": [
| |
| "익스트림",
| |
| "엑스트림"
| |
| ]
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| },
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| "search_artist": {
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| "ja": [
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| "うさお"
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| ],
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| "ko": [
| |
| "우사오"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
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| "bpm": "205",
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| "bpm_base": 205,
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| "set": "wacca_append_1",
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| "source_copyright": "©Marvelous Inc. / Supported by HARDCORE TANO*C",
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| "date": 1701302402,
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| "ratingClass": 0,
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| "chartDesigner": "絶滅",
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| "rating": 7,
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| "ratingClass": 2,
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| "rating": 10
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| },
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| {
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| "idx": 360,
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| "id": "edenwacca",
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| "title_localized": {
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| "en": "eden"
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| },
| |
| "artist": "\"漆黒\"の堕天使《Gram》†Versus†\"聖刻\"の熾天使《Gram》",
| |
| "search_title": {
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| "ja": [
| |
| "えでん"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ko": [
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| "에덴"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
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| "search_artist": {
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| "en": [
| |
| "shikkoku no datenshi",
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| "seikoku no shitenshi"
| |
| ],
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| "ja": [
| |
| "しっこくのだてんしぐらむ",
| |
| "せいこくのしてんしぐらむ"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ko": [
| |
| "싯코쿠노 다텐시 그라무",
| |
| "세이코쿠노 시텐시 그라무",
| |
| "칠흑의 타천사 그람",
| |
| "성각의 치천사 그람",
| |
| "칠흑의 타천사 그램",
| |
| "성각의 치천사 그램"
| |
| ]
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| },
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| "bpm": "246",
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| "bpm_base": 246,
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| "set": "wacca_append_1",
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| "side": 1,
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| "bg": "wacca_conflict",
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| "source_copyright": "©Marvelous Inc. / Supported by HARDCORE TANO*C",
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| "world_unlock": false,
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| "date": 1701302403,
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| "ratingClass": 0,
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| "jacketDesigner": "",
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| "ratingClass": 1,
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| "chartDesigner": "反水",
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| "jacketDesigner": "",
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| "rating": 8
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| "ratingClass": 2,
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| "chartDesigner": "反水",
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| "jacketDesigner": "",
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| "rating": 10
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| }
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| ]
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| },
| |
| {
| |
| "idx": 361,
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| "id": "metamysteria",
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| "title_localized": {
| |
| "en": "Meta-Mysteria"
| |
| },
| |
| "artist": "DJ Noriken",
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| "search_title": {
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| "ja": [
| |
| "めたみすてりあ"
| |
| ],
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| "ko": [
| |
| "메타 미스테리아"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| "search_artist": {
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| "ja": [
| |
| "でぃーじぇーのりけん",
| |
| "でぃーじぇいのりけん"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ko": [
| |
| "디제이 노리켄"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
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| "bpm": "205",
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| "bpm_base": 205,
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| "set": "wacca_append_1",
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| "date": 1701302404,
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| "difficulties": [
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| "ratingClass": 0,
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| "chartDesigner": "夜浪",
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| "jacketDesigner": "Taiyo Yamamoto",
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| {
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| "ratingClass": 1,
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| "chartDesigner": "夜浪",
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| "jacketDesigner": "Taiyo Yamamoto",
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| "rating": 7,
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| },
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| {
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| "ratingClass": 2,
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| "chartDesigner": "VII: THE CHARIOT/夜浪",
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| "jacketDesigner": "Taiyo Yamamoto",
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| "rating": 10,
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| "ratingPlus": true
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| }
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| ]
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| },
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| {
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| "idx": 362,
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| "id": "aloneandlorn",
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| "title_localized": {
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| "en": "Alone \u0026 Lorn",
| |
| "ja": "アローンアンドローン"
| |
| },
| |
| "artist": "Ponchi♪ feat.はぁち",
| |
| "search_title": {
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| "ko": [
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| "얼론 앤 론",
| |
| "얼론 앤드 론"
| |
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| |
| },
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| "search_artist": {
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| "en": [
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| "haachi",
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| "haxchi"
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| ],
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| "ja": [
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| "ぽんち"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ko": [
| |
| "폰치",
| |
| "하아치"
| |
| ]
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| },
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| "bpm": "100",
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| "bpm_base": 200,
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| "bg": "eden_light",
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| "date": 1701302405,
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| "ratingClass": 0,
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| "chartDesigner": "én",
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| "jacketDesigner": "のり恋",
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| },
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| {
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| "ratingClass": 1,
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| "chartDesigner": "én",
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| "jacketDesigner": "のり恋",
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| "rating": 6
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| },
| |
| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 2,
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| "chartDesigner": "én \u0026 KLMNOP",
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| "jacketDesigner": "のり恋",
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| "rating": 9
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| }
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| ]
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| },
| |
| {
| |
| "idx": 363,
| |
| "id": "wishuponasnow",
| |
| "title_localized": {
| |
| "en": "Wish Upon a Snow"
| |
| },
| |
| "artist": "打打だいず",
| |
| "search_title": {
| |
| "ja": [
| |
| "うぃっしゅあぽんあすのー",
| |
| "うぃっしゅあぽんあすのう"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ko": [
| |
| "위시 어폰 어 스노우"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
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| "search_artist": {
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| "en": [
| |
| "dadadaizu",
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| "dddice"
| |
| ],
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| "ja": [
| |
| "だだだいず"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ko": [
| |
| "다다다이즈"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| "bpm": "218",
| |
| "bpm_base": 218,
| |
| "set": "single",
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| "purchase": "wishuponasnow",
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| "audioPreview": 0,
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| "audioPreviewEnd": 0,
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| "bg": "eden_light",
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| "date": 1701302406,
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| "ratingClass": 0,
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| "chartDesigner": "0°絶滅",
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| "jacketDesigner": "桶乃かもく",
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| "rating": 4
| |
| },
| |
| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 1,
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| "chartDesigner": "0°絶滅",
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| "jacketDesigner": "桶乃かもく",
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| "rating": 7
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| },
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| {
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| "ratingClass": 2,
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| "chartDesigner": "0°絶滅",
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| "jacketDesigner": "桶乃かもく",
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| "rating": 10
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| }
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| ]
| |
| },
| |
| {
| |
| "idx": 364,
| |
| "id": "overdrive",
| |
| "title_localized": {
| |
| "en": "Kanbu de Tomatte Sugu Tokeru",
| |
| "ja": "患部で止まってすぐ溶ける 〜 狂気の優曇華院"
| |
| },
| |
| "artist": "ARM+夕野ヨシミ (IOSYS) feat. miko",
| |
| "search_title": {
| |
| "en": [
| |
| "kyouki no udongein"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ja": [
| |
| "かんぶでとまってすぐとけるきょうきのうどんげいん"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ko": [
| |
| "칸부데 토맛테 스구 토케루 쿄우키노 우동게인",
| |
| "환부에서 멈춰서 바로 녹는다 광기의 우동게인"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| "search_artist": {
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| "en": [
| |
| "yuuno yoshimi"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ja": [
| |
| "あーむ",
| |
| "ゆうのよしみ",
| |
| "みこ",
| |
| "いおしす"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ko": [
| |
| "이오시스",
| |
| "암",
| |
| "미코",
| |
| "유우노 요시미"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| "bpm": "200",
| |
| "bpm_base": 200,
| |
| "set": "single",
| |
| "category": "poprec",
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| "purchase": "overdrive",
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| "audioPreview": 0,
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| "audioPreviewEnd": 0,
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| "side": 0,
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| "bg": "touhou_light",
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| "date": 1703116800,
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| "version": "5.2",
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| "difficulties": [
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| {
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| "ratingClass": 0,
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| "chartDesigner": "C7H11NO配合!!!!!!",
| |
| "jacketDesigner": "モタ",
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| "rating": 4
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| },
| |
| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 1,
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| "chartDesigner": "C7H11NO配合!!!!!!",
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| "jacketDesigner": "モタ",
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| "rating": 7
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| },
| |
| {
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| "ratingClass": 2,
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| "chartDesigner": "C7H11NO配合!!!!!!",
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| "jacketDesigner": "モタ",
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| "rating": 10
| |
| }
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| ]
| |
| },
| |
| {
| |
| "idx": 365,
| |
| "id": "felys",
| |
| "title_localized": {
| |
| "en": "felys final remix"
| |
| },
| |
| "artist": "onoken",
| |
| "search_title": {
| |
| "ja": [
| |
| "ふぇりすふぁいなるりみっくす"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ko": [
| |
| "펠리스 파이널 리믹스"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| "search_artist": {
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| "ja": [
| |
| "おのけん"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ko": [
| |
| "오노켄"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| "bpm": "180",
| |
| "bpm_base": 180,
| |
| "set": "extend_2",
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| "purchase": "extend_2",
| |
| "audioPreview": 0,
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| "audioPreviewEnd": 0,
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| "side": 1,
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| "bg": "prelude_conflict",
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| "remote_dl": true,
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| "date": 1703116801,
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| "version": "5.2",
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| "difficulties": [
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| {
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| "ratingClass": 0,
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| "chartDesigner": "Dec18",
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| "jacketDesigner": "Ta-k",
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| "rating": 3
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| },
| |
| {
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| "ratingClass": 1,
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| "chartDesigner": "Dec18",
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| "jacketDesigner": "Ta-k",
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| "rating": 6
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| },
| |
| {
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| "ratingClass": 2,
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| "chartDesigner": "Dec18",
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| "jacketDesigner": "Ta-k",
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| "rating": 9
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| }
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| ]
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| },
| |
| {
| |
| "idx": 366,
| |
| "id": "onandon",
| |
| "title_localized": {
| |
| "en": "On And On!! feat. Jenga"
| |
| },
| |
| "artist": "ETIA.",
| |
| "search_title": {
| |
| "ja": [
| |
| "おんあんどおん"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ko": [
| |
| "온 앤 온"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| "search_artist": {
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| "ja": [
| |
| "えちあ",
| |
| "じぇんが"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ko": [
| |
| "에치아",
| |
| "젠가"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| "bpm": "170",
| |
| "bpm_base": 170,
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| "bg": "nijuusei2_light",
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| "date": 1703116802,
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| "version": "5.2",
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| "difficulties": [
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| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 0,
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| "chartDesigner": "én and én!!",
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| "jacketDesigner": "Keizou",
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| "rating": 3
| |
| },
| |
| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 1,
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| "chartDesigner": "én and én!!",
| |
| "jacketDesigner": "Keizou",
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| "rating": 7
| |
| },
| |
| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 2,
| |
| "chartDesigner": "én and én!!",
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| "jacketDesigner": "Keizou",
| |
| "rating": 9
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| }
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| ]
| |
| },
| |
| {
| |
| "idx": 367,
| |
| "id": "lightmyway",
| |
| "title_localized": {
| |
| "en": "LIVHT MY WΔY"
| |
| },
| |
| "artist": "かめりあ feat. STΔRLIVHT",
| |
| "search_title": {
| |
| "en": [
| |
| "light my way"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ja": [
| |
| "らいとまいうぇい"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ko": [
| |
| "라이트 마이 웨이",
| |
| "라잇 마이 웨이"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| "search_artist": {
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| "en": [
| |
| "kameria",
| |
| "camellia",
| |
| "starlight"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ja": [
| |
| "すたーらいと"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ko": [
| |
| "카메리아",
| |
| "카멜리아",
| |
| "스타라이트"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| "bpm": "190",
| |
| "bpm_base": 190,
| |
| "set": "single",
| |
| "category": "musicgames",
| |
| "purchase": "lightmyway",
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| "audioPreview": 0,
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| "audioPreviewEnd": 0,
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| "side": 1,
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| "bg": "single2_conflict",
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| "bg_inverse": "single2_light",
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| "remote_dl": true,
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| "source_localized": {
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| },
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| "source_copyright": "©Anarch Ent. 2022",
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| "world_unlock": false,
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| "date": 1703116802,
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| "version": "5.2",
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| "difficulties": [
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| {
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| "ratingClass": 0,
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| "chartDesigner": "k//eternal + nitro\n\"ephemeral past\"",
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| |
| "rating": 4
| |
| },
| |
| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 1,
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| "chartDesigner": "k//eternal + nitro\n\"recursive present\"",
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| "jacketDesigner": "fruitsrabbit",
| |
| "rating": 7
| |
| },
| |
| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 2,
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| "chartDesigner": "k//eternal + nitro\n\"convergent future\"",
| |
| "jacketDesigner": "fruitsrabbit",
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| "rating": 9,
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| "ratingPlus": true
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| }
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| ]
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| },
| |
| {
| |
| "idx": 368,
| |
| "id": "hotarubinoyuki",
| |
| "title_localized": {
| |
| "en": "Hotarubi no Yuki",
| |
| "ja": "蛍火の雪"
| |
| },
| |
| "artist": "Endorfin.",
| |
| "search_title": {
| |
| "ja": [
| |
| "ほたるびのゆき"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ko": [
| |
| "호타루비노 유키",
| |
| "반딧불의 눈"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| "search_artist": {
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| "ja": [
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| "えんどるふぃん"
| |
| ],
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| "ko": [
| |
| "엔돌핀",
| |
| "엔도르핀"
| |
| ]
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| },
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| "bpm": "159",
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| "bpm_base": 159,
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| "bg": "omatsuri_light",
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| "bg_inverse": "omatsuri_conflict",
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| "day": "omatsuri_light",
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| "night": "omatsuri_conflict"
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| },
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| "remote_dl": true,
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| "world_unlock": true,
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| "date": 1705017600,
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| "version": "5.2",
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| "difficulties": [
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| {
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| "ratingClass": 0,
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| "chartDesigner": "0°Nitro",
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| "jacketDesigner": "Bison",
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| "rating": 3
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| },
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| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 1,
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| "chartDesigner": "0°Nitro",
| |
| "jacketDesigner": "Bison",
| |
| "rating": 7
| |
| },
| |
| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 2,
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| "chartDesigner": "0°Nitro",
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| "jacketDesigner": "Bison",
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| "rating": 9,
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| "ratingPlus": true
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| }
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| ]
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| },
| |
| {
| |
| "idx": 369,
| |
| "id": "theformula",
| |
| "title_localized": {
| |
| "en": "The Formula"
| |
| },
| |
| "artist": "Junk",
| |
| "search_title": {
| |
| "ja": [
| |
| "ざふぉーみゅら"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ko": [
| |
| "더 포뮬라"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| "search_artist": {
| |
| "ja": [
| |
| "じゃんく"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ko": [
| |
| "정크"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| "bpm": "144",
| |
| "bpm_base": 144,
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| "set": "base",
| |
| "purchase": "",
| |
| "audioPreview": 98333,
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| "audioPreviewEnd": 125000,
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| "side": 0,
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| "bg": "nijuusei2_light",
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| "bg_inverse": "nijuusei2_conflict",
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| "remote_dl": false,
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| "world_unlock": false,
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| "date": 1706140807,
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| "version": "5.3",
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| "difficulties": [
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| {
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| "ratingClass": 0,
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| "chartDesigner": "Dec18",
| |
| "jacketDesigner": "鑓田 (alpha complex)",
| |
| "rating": 3
| |
| },
| |
| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 1,
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| "chartDesigner": "Dec18",
| |
| "jacketDesigner": "鑓田 (alpha complex)",
| |
| "rating": 6
| |
| },
| |
| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 2,
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| "chartDesigner": "Dec18",
| |
| "jacketDesigner": "鑓田 (alpha complex)",
| |
| "rating": 9
| |
| }
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| ]
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| },
| |
| {
| |
| "idx": 370,
| |
| "id": "lunarossa",
| |
| "title_localized": {
| |
| "en": "Luna Rossa"
| |
| },
| |
| "artist": "r0y",
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| "bpm": "174",
| |
| "bpm_base": 174,
| |
| "set": "single",
| |
| "category": "musicgames",
| |
| "purchase": "lunarossa",
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| "audioPreview": 0,
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| "audioPreviewEnd": 0,
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| "side": 1,
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| "bg": "yugamu",
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| "bg_inverse": "rei",
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| "remote_dl": true,
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| "source_localized": {
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| "en": "Shinobi Slash",
| |
| "ja": "シノビスラッシュ"
| |
| },
| |
| "search_title": {
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| "ja": [
| |
| "るなろっさ"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ko": [
| |
| "루나 로사",
| |
| "루나 롯사"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| "search_artist": {
| |
| "ja": [
| |
| "ろい"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ko": [
| |
| "로이"
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| ]
| |
| },
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| "source_copyright": "©Drossel/Studio",
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| "world_unlock": false,
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| "date": 1706140808,
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| "version": "5.3",
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| "difficulties": [
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| {
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| "ratingClass": 0,
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| "chartDesigner": "Luxance",
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| "jacketDesigner": "未早",
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| "rating": 3
| |
| },
| |
| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 1,
| |
| "chartDesigner": "Luxance",
| |
| "jacketDesigner": "未早",
| |
| "rating": 6
| |
| },
| |
| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 2,
| |
| "chartDesigner": "Luxance",
| |
| "jacketDesigner": "未早",
| |
| "rating": 9,
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| "ratingPlus": true
| |
| }
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| {
| |
| "idx": 371,
| |
| "id": "jingle",
| |
| "title_localized": {
| |
| "en": "Jingle"
| |
| },
| |
| "artist": "DJ Noriken",
| |
| "search_title": {
| |
| "ja": [
| |
| "じんぐる"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ko": [
| |
| "징글"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| "search_artist": {
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| "ja": [
| |
| "でぃーじぇーのりけん",
| |
| "でぃーじぇいのりけん"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ko": [
| |
| "디제이 노리켄"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| "bpm": "170",
| |
| "bpm_base": 170,
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| "set": "base",
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| "purchase": "",
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| "bg": "single2_light",
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| "bg_inverse": "single2_conflict",
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| "remote_dl": false,
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| "world_unlock": false,
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| "date": 1709856003,
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| "version": "5.4",
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| "difficulties": [
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| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 0,
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| "chartDesigner": "Exschwasion",
| |
| "jacketDesigner": "黒兎 + Hitomasu Modoru",
| |
| "rating": 2
| |
| },
| |
| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 1,
| |
| "chartDesigner": "Exschwasion",
| |
| "jacketDesigner": "黒兎 + Hitomasu Modoru",
| |
| "rating": 5
| |
| },
| |
| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 2,
| |
| "chartDesigner": "Exschwasion",
| |
| "jacketDesigner": "黒兎 + Hitomasu Modoru",
| |
| "rating": 7,
| |
| "ratingPlus": true
| |
| },
| |
| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 4,
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| "chartDesigner": "KLMNOP",
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| "jacketDesigner": "黒兎 + Hitomasu Modoru",
| |
| "rating": 9
| |
| }
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| {
| |
| "idx": 372,
| |
| "id": "innocence",
| |
| "title_localized": {
| |
| "en": "Innocence"
| |
| },
| |
| "artist": "Powerless feat. Sennzai",
| |
| "search_title": {
| |
| "ja": [
| |
| "いのせんす"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ko": [
| |
| "이노센스"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| "search_artist": {
| |
| "ja": [
| |
| "ぱわーれす",
| |
| "せんざい"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ko": [
| |
| "파워리스",
| |
| "센자이"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| "bpm": "190",
| |
| "bpm_base": 190,
| |
| "set": "single",
| |
| "category": "original",
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| "purchase": "",
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| "audioPreview": 0,
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| "audioPreviewEnd": 0,
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| "side": 0,
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| "bg": "vs_light",
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| "bg_inverse": "vs_conflict",
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| "remote_dl": true,
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| "world_unlock": true,
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| "date": 1709856004,
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| "version": "5.4",
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| "difficulties": [
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| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 0,
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| "chartDesigner": "First Dawn",
| |
| "jacketDesigner": "すずなし",
| |
| "rating": 3
| |
| },
| |
| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 1,
| |
| "chartDesigner": "First Dawn",
| |
| "jacketDesigner": "すずなし",
| |
| "rating": 6
| |
| },
| |
| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 2,
| |
| "chartDesigner": "First Dawn",
| |
| "jacketDesigner": "すずなし",
| |
| "rating": 8
| |
| },
| |
| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 4,
| |
| "chartDesigner": "First Dawn",
| |
| "jacketDesigner": "すずなし",
| |
| "rating": 9,
| |
| "ratingPlus": true
| |
| }
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| {
| |
| "idx": 373,
| |
| "id": "ionostream",
| |
| "title_localized": {
| |
| "en": "IONOSTREAM"
| |
| },
| |
| "artist": "Tatsh",
| |
| "search_title": {
| |
| "ja": [
| |
| "あいおのすとりーむ"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ko": [
| |
| "아이오노스트림"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| "search_artist": {
| |
| "ja": [
| |
| "たっしゅ"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ko": [
| |
| "탓쉬",
| |
| "탯쉬",
| |
| "탓시",
| |
| "탯시"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| "bpm": "220-254",
| |
| "bpm_base": 254,
| |
| "set": "single",
| |
| "category": "musicgames",
| |
| "purchase": "ionostream",
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| "audioPreview": 0,
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| "audioPreviewEnd": 0,
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| "side": 1,
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| "bg": "nijuusei2_conflict",
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| "bg_inverse": "nijuusei2_light",
| |
| "remote_dl": true,
| |
| "source_localized": {
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| "en": "RESONARK"
| |
| },
| |
| "world_unlock": false,
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| "date": 1709856005,
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| "version": "5.4",
| |
| "difficulties": [
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| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 0,
| |
| "chartDesigner": "Nitro",
| |
| "jacketDesigner": "Cem, septem47",
| |
| "rating": 3
| |
| },
| |
| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 1,
| |
| "chartDesigner": "Nitro",
| |
| "jacketDesigner": "Cem, septem47",
| |
| "rating": 6
| |
| },
| |
| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 2,
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| "chartDesigner": "Dec18 + Nitro",
| |
| "jacketDesigner": "Cem, septem47",
| |
| "rating": 8,
| |
| "ratingPlus": true
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| },
| |
| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 4,
| |
| "chartDesigner": "Dec18 + Nitro",
| |
| "jacketDesigner": "Cem, septem47",
| |
| "rating": 9,
| |
| "ratingPlus": true
| |
| }
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| {
| |
| "idx": 374,
| |
| "id": "alephzero",
| |
| "title_localized": {
| |
| "en": "Aleph-0"
| |
| },
| |
| "artist": "LeaF",
| |
| "search_title": {
| |
| "ja": [
| |
| "あれふぜろ"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ko": [
| |
| "알레프 제로"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| "search_artist": {
| |
| "ja": [
| |
| "りーふ"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ko": [
| |
| "리프"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| "bpm": "35-400",
| |
| "bpm_base": 250,
| |
| "set": "extend_2",
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| "bg": "single2_conflict",
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| "bg_inverse": "single2_light",
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| "remote_dl": true,
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| "world_unlock": true,
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| "date": 1709856006,
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| "version": "5.4",
| |
| "difficulties": [
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| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 0,
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| "chartDesigner": "ə₀",
| |
| "jacketDesigner": "Optie",
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| "rating": 5
| |
| },
| |
| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 1,
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| "chartDesigner": "ə₀",
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| "jacketDesigner": "Optie",
| |
| "rating": 8,
| |
| "ratingPlus": true
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| },
| |
| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 2,
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| "chartDesigner": "ə₀",
| |
| "jacketDesigner": "Optie",
| |
| "rating": 10
| |
| }
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| {
| |
| "idx": 375,
| |
| "id": "masqueradelegion",
| |
| "title_localized": {
| |
| "en": "Masquerade Legion"
| |
| },
| |
| "artist": "Srav3R \u0026 DJ Noriken",
| |
| "search_title": {
| |
| "ja": [
| |
| "ますかれーどれぎおん"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ko": [
| |
| "마스커레이드 리전",
| |
| "마스커레이드 레기온"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| "search_artist": {
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| "ja": [
| |
| "すれいばー",
| |
| "でぃーじぇーのりけん",
| |
| "でぃーじぇいのりけん"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ko": [
| |
| "슬레이버",
| |
| "디제이 노리켄"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| "bpm": "175",
| |
| "bpm_base": 175,
| |
| "set": "single",
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| "category": "original",
| |
| "purchase": "masqueradelegion",
| |
| "audioPreview": 0,
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| "audioPreviewEnd": 0,
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| "side": 1,
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| "bg": "tanoc_conflict",
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| "bg_inverse": "tanoc_light",
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| "remote_dl": true,
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| "world_unlock": false,
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| "date": 1709856007,
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| "version": "5.4",
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| "difficulties": [
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| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 0,
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| "chartDesigner": "Nitro 「The Veiled」",
| |
| "jacketDesigner": "KEI",
| |
| "rating": 3
| |
| },
| |
| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 1,
| |
| "chartDesigner": "Nitro 「The Veiled」",
| |
| "jacketDesigner": "KEI",
| |
| "rating": 6
| |
| },
| |
| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 2,
| |
| "chartDesigner": "Nitro 「The Veiled」",
| |
| "jacketDesigner": "KEI",
| |
| "rating": 10
| |
| }
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| {
| |
| "idx": 376,
| |
| "id": "kyorenromance",
| |
| "title_localized": {
| |
| |
| "ja": "狂恋ROMANCE"
| |
| },
| |
| "artist": "REDALiCE vs DJ Myosuke feat. DELUTAYA",
| |
| "search_title": {
| |
| "ja": [
| |
| "きょうれんろまんす"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ko": [
| |
| "쿄렌 로맨스",
| |
| "광연 로맨스"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| "search_artist": {
| |
| "ja": [
| |
| "れっどありす",
| |
| "でぃーじぇーみょーすけ",
| |
| "でぃーじぇーみょうすけ",
| |
| "でぃーじぇいみょーすけ",
| |
| "でぃーじぇいみょうすけ",
| |
| "でるたや"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ko": [
| |
| "레드 앨리스",
| |
| "디제이 묘스케"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| "bpm": "205",
| |
| "bpm_base": 205,
| |
| "set": "single",
| |
| "category": "partner",
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| "purchase": "kyorenromance",
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| "audioPreview": 0,
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| "audioPreviewEnd": 0,
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| "side": 1,
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| "bg": "saikyostronger",
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| "world_unlock": false,
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| "date": 1709856008,
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| "version": "5.4",
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| "difficulties": [
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| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 0,
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| "chartDesigner": "Dec18 + Nitro",
| |
| "jacketDesigner": "イカダ",
| |
| "rating": 4
| |
| },
| |
| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 1,
| |
| "chartDesigner": "Dec18 + Nitro",
| |
| "jacketDesigner": "イカダ",
| |
| "rating": 7,
| |
| "ratingPlus": true
| |
| },
| |
| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 2,
| |
| "chartDesigner": "Dec18 + Nitro",
| |
| "jacketDesigner": "イカダ",
| |
| "rating": 10,
| |
| "ratingPlus": true
| |
| }
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| ]
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| },
| |
| {
| |
| "idx": 377,
| |
| "id": "qovat",
| |
| "title_localized": {
| |
| "en": "Qovat"
| |
| },
| |
| "artist": "owl*tree",
| |
| "search_title": {
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| "ja": [
| |
| "こばっと",
| |
| "こゔぁっと"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ko": [
| |
| "쿠오밧",
| |
| "쿼밧",
| |
| "코밧"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| "search_artist": {
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| "ja": [
| |
| "おうるつりー"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ko": [
| |
| "아울트리"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| "bpm": "122",
| |
| "bpm_base": 122,
| |
| "set": "single",
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| "category": "original",
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| "purchase": "qovat",
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| "audioPreview": 0,
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| "audioPreviewEnd": 0,
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| "side": 1,
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| "bg": "hime_conflict",
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| "bg_inverse": "hime_light",
| |
| "remote_dl": true,
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| "world_unlock": false,
| |
| "date": 1709856009,
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| "version": "5.4",
| |
| "difficulties": [
| |
| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 0,
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| "chartDesigner": "ex*tree",
| |
| "jacketDesigner": "Watersnake",
| |
| "rating": 4
| |
| },
| |
| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 1,
| |
| "chartDesigner": "ex*tree",
| |
| "jacketDesigner": "Watersnake",
| |
| "rating": 8
| |
| },
| |
| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 2,
| |
| "chartDesigner": "ny*tree",
| |
| "jacketDesigner": "Watersnake",
| |
| "rating": 10
| |
| }
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| {
| |
| "idx": 378,
| |
| "id": "hellohell",
| |
| "title_localized": {
| |
| "en": "HELLOHELL"
| |
| },
| |
| "artist": "暁Records",
| |
| "search_title": {
| |
| "ja": [
| |
| "はろーへる"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ko": [
| |
| "헬로헬"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| "search_artist": {
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| "en": [
| |
| "akatsuki records"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ja": [
| |
| "あかつきれこーず"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ko": [
| |
| "아카츠키 레코드"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| "bpm": "155",
| |
| "bpm_base": 155,
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| "set": "extend_3",
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| "purchase": "extend_3",
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| "audioPreview": 0,
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| "audioPreviewEnd": 0,
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| "side": 1,
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| "bg": "touhou_conflict",
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| "bg_inverse": "touhou_light",
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| "source_copyright": "©上海アリス幻樂団",
| |
| "remote_dl": true,
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| "world_unlock": true,
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| "date": 1711324800,
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| "version": "5.5",
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| "difficulties": [
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| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 0,
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| "chartDesigner": "én",
| |
| "jacketDesigner": "原之",
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| "rating": 2
| |
| },
| |
| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 1,
| |
| "chartDesigner": "én",
| |
| "jacketDesigner": "原之",
| |
| "rating": 5
| |
| },
| |
| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 2,
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| "chartDesigner": "én",
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| "jacketDesigner": "原之",
| |
| "rating": 7
| |
| },
| |
| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 4,
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| "chartDesigner": "eién",
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| "jacketDesigner": "原之",
| |
| "rating": 9
| |
| }
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| {
| |
| "idx": 379,
| |
| "id": "ichirin",
| |
| "title_localized": {
| |
| "en": "〇、"
| |
| },
| |
| "artist": "Kolaa \u0026 熊子",
| |
| "search_title": {
| |
| "en": [
| |
| "ichirin"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ja": [
| |
| "いちりん"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ko": [
| |
| "이치린"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| "search_artist": {
| |
| "ja": [
| |
| "こーらー",
| |
| "くまこ"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ko": [
| |
| "콜라아"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| "bpm": "145",
| |
| "bpm_base": 145,
| |
| "set": "extend_3",
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| "purchase": "extend_3",
| |
| "audioPreview": 0,
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| "audioPreviewEnd": 0,
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| "side": 0,
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| "bg": "prelude_light",
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| "bg_inverse": "prelude_conflict",
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| "remote_dl": true,
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| "world_unlock": true,
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| "date": 1711324801,
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| "version": "5.5",
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| "difficulties": [
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| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 0,
| |
| "chartDesigner": "CERiNG、",
| |
| "jacketDesigner": "毛腿猪兔子 \u0026 Kolaa",
| |
| "rating": 2
| |
| },
| |
| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 1,
| |
| "chartDesigner": "CERiNG、",
| |
| "jacketDesigner": "毛腿猪兔子 \u0026 Kolaa",
| |
| "rating": 6
| |
| },
| |
| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 2,
| |
| "chartDesigner": "CERiNG、",
| |
| "jacketDesigner": "毛腿猪兔子 \u0026 Kolaa",
| |
| "rating": 9
| |
| }
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| {
| |
| "idx": 380,
| |
| "id": "awakeninruins",
| |
| "title_localized": {
| |
| "en": "Awaken In Ruins"
| |
| },
| |
| "artist": "Supa7onyz",
| |
| "search_title": {
| |
| "ja": [
| |
| "あうぇーくんいんるいんず"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ko": [
| |
| "어웨이큰 인 루인즈"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| "search_artist": {
| |
| "ja": [
| |
| "すーぱーとにーず"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ko": [
| |
| "스파 토니즈",
| |
| "수파 토니즈",
| |
| "수퍼 토니즈",
| |
| "슈퍼 토니즈"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| "bpm": "125",
| |
| "bpm_base": 125,
| |
| "set": "extend_3",
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| "purchase": "extend_3",
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| "audioPreview": 0,
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| "audioPreviewEnd": 0,
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| "side": 1,
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| "bg": "prelude_conflict",
| |
| "bg_inverse": "prelude_light",
| |
| "remote_dl": true,
| |
| "world_unlock": true,
| |
| "source_localized": {
| |
| "en": "Paradigm: Reboot"
| |
| },
| |
| "source_copyright": "© TunerGames",
| |
| "date": 1711324802,
| |
| "version": "5.5",
| |
| "difficulties": [
| |
| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 0,
| |
| "chartDesigner": "antymis",
| |
| "jacketDesigner": "人間蛋",
| |
| "rating": 3
| |
| },
| |
| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 1,
| |
| "chartDesigner": "antymis",
| |
| "jacketDesigner": "人間蛋",
| |
| "rating": 7
| |
| },
| |
| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 2,
| |
| "chartDesigner": "antymis",
| |
| "jacketDesigner": "人間蛋",
| |
| "rating": 9,
| |
| "ratingPlus": true
| |
| }
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| {
| |
| "idx": 381,
| |
| "id": "morningloom",
| |
| "title_localized": {
| |
| |
| },
| |
| "artist": "saaa",
| |
| "search_title": {
| |
| "ja": [
| |
| "もーにんぐるーむ"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ko": [
| |
| "모닝글룸"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| "search_artist": {
| |
| "ja": [
| |
| "さえさん"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ko": [
| |
| "사아아아"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| "bpm": "102",
| |
| "bpm_base": 204,
| |
| "set": "extend_3",
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| "purchase": "extend_3",
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| "audioPreview": 0,
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| "audioPreviewEnd": 0,
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| "side": 0,
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| "bg": "rei",
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| "bg_inverse": "yugamu",
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| "remote_dl": true,
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| "world_unlock": true,
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| "date": 1711324803,
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| "version": "5.5",
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| "difficulties": [
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| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 0,
| |
| "chartDesigner": "Exschwasion • 8:00",
| |
| "jacketDesigner": "すずあ",
| |
| "rating": 3
| |
| },
| |
| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 1,
| |
| "chartDesigner": "Exschwasion • 8:21",
| |
| "jacketDesigner": "すずあ",
| |
| "rating": 6
| |
| },
| |
| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 2,
| |
| "chartDesigner": "Exschwasion • 8:45",
| |
| "jacketDesigner": "すずあ",
| |
| "rating": 8,
| |
| "ratingPlus": true
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| },
| |
| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 4,
| |
| "chartDesigner": "Exschwasion • 8:46",
| |
| "jacketDesigner": "すずあ",
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| "rating": 9,
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| "ratingPlus": true
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| }
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| {
| |
| "idx": 382,
| |
| "id": "lethalvoltage",
| |
| "title_localized": {
| |
| "en": "Lethal Voltage"
| |
| },
| |
| "artist": "siqlo",
| |
| "search_title": {
| |
| "ja": [
| |
| "りーさるぼるてーじ"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ko": [
| |
| "리썰 볼티지",
| |
| "리썰 볼테이지"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| "search_artist": {
| |
| "ja": [
| |
| "さいくろ"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ko": [
| |
| "사이클로"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| "bpm": "190",
| |
| "bpm_base": 190,
| |
| "set": "extend_3",
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| "purchase": "extend_3",
| |
| "audioPreview": 0,
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| "audioPreviewEnd": 0,
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| "side": 1,
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| "bg": "single2_conflict",
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| "bg_inverse": "single2_light",
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| "remote_dl": true,
| |
| "world_unlock": true,
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| "date": 1711324804,
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| "version": "5.5",
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| "difficulties": [
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| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 0,
| |
| "chartDesigner": "moonquay [EMP]",
| |
| "jacketDesigner": "mochi’s pizza",
| |
| "rating": 4
| |
| },
| |
| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 1,
| |
| "chartDesigner": "moonquay [FLASH]",
| |
| "jacketDesigner": "mochi’s pizza",
| |
| "rating": 7,
| |
| "ratingPlus": true
| |
| },
| |
| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 2,
| |
| "chartDesigner": "moonquay [SHOCK]",
| |
| "jacketDesigner": "mochi’s pizza",
| |
| "rating": 10
| |
| }
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| {
| |
| "idx": 383,
| |
| "id": "mirinae",
| |
| "title_localized": {
| |
| "en": "MIRINAE"
| |
| },
| |
| "artist": "TAK × Zekk",
| |
| "search_title": {
| |
| "ja": [
| |
| "みりね",
| |
| "みりねー"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ko": [
| |
| "미리내"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| "search_artist": {
| |
| "ja": [
| |
| "たっく",
| |
| "ぜっく"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ko": [
| |
| "탁",
| |
| "젝",
| |
| "제크"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| "bpm": "180",
| |
| "bpm_base": 180,
| |
| "set": "single",
| |
| "category": "original",
| |
| "purchase": "mirinae",
| |
| "audioPreview": 0,
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| "audioPreviewEnd": 0,
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| "side": 0,
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| "bg": "nijuusei2_light",
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| "bg_inverse": "nijuusei2_conflict",
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| "remote_dl": true,
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| "world_unlock": false,
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| "date": 1711324805,
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| "version": "5.5",
| |
| "difficulties": [
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| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 0,
| |
| "chartDesigner": "N↑TRO",
| |
| "jacketDesigner": "すずなし",
| |
| "rating": 4
| |
| },
| |
| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 1,
| |
| "chartDesigner": "N↑TRO",
| |
| "jacketDesigner": "すずなし",
| |
| "rating": 8
| |
| },
| |
| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 2,
| |
| "chartDesigner": "N↑TRO",
| |
| "jacketDesigner": "すずなし",
| |
| "rating": 10
| |
| }
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| {
| |
| "idx": 384,
| |
| "id": "ultradiaxon",
| |
| "title_localized": {
| |
| "en": "ultradiaxon-N3"
| |
| },
| |
| "artist": "nitro (lowiro)",
| |
| "search_title": {
| |
| "ja": [
| |
| "うるとらでぃあくそんえぬすりー",
| |
| "うるとらじあくそんえぬすりー",
| |
| "うるとらだいあくそんえぬすりー",
| |
| "あるとれじあくそんえぬすりー",
| |
| "あるとれでぃあくそんえぬすりー"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ko": [
| |
| "울트라디악손 엔쓰리",
| |
| "울트라다이악손 엔쓰리",
| |
| "울트레이디악손 엔쓰리",
| |
| "울트레이디악손 엔쓰리"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| "search_artist": {
| |
| "ja": [
| |
| "にとろ",
| |
| "ないとろ"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ko": [
| |
| "니트로"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| "bpm": "150",
| |
| "bpm_base": 150,
| |
| "set": "single",
| |
| "category": "partner",
| |
| "purchase": "ultradiaxon",
| |
| "audioPreview": 0,
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| "audioPreviewEnd": 0,
| |
| "side": 1,
| |
| "bg": "single2_conflict",
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| "bg_inverse": "single2_light",
| |
| "remote_dl": true,
| |
| "world_unlock": false,
| |
| "date": 1712016000,
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| "version": "5.5",
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| "difficulties": [
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| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 0,
| |
| "chartDesigner": "Nitro",
| |
| "jacketDesigner": "MiyU",
| |
| "rating": 4
| |
| },
| |
| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 1,
| |
| "chartDesigner": "Nitro",
| |
| "jacketDesigner": "MiyU",
| |
| "rating": 8
| |
| },
| |
| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 2,
| |
| "chartDesigner": "Nitro",
| |
| "jacketDesigner": "MiyU",
| |
| "rating": 10
| |
| }
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| {
| |
| "idx": 385,
| |
| "id": "leaveallbehind",
| |
| "title_localized": {
| |
| "en": "Leave All Behind"
| |
| },
| |
| "artist": "rider",
| |
| "search_title": {
| |
| "ja": [
| |
| "りーぶおーるびはいんど",
| |
| "りーゔおーるびはいんど"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ko": [
| |
| "리브 올 비하인드"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| "search_artist": {
| |
| "ja": [
| |
| "らいだー"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ko": [
| |
| "라이더"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| "bpm": "150",
| |
| "bpm_base": 150,
| |
| "set": "extend_3",
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| "purchase": "extend_3",
| |
| "audioPreview": 0,
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| "audioPreviewEnd": 0,
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| "side": 1,
| |
| "bg": "prelude_conflict",
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| "bg_inverse": "prelude_light",
| |
| "remote_dl": true,
| |
| "world_unlock": true,
| |
| "date": 1714003200,
| |
| "source_localized": {
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| "en": "Phigros"
| |
| },
| |
| "source_copyright": "© Pigeon Games",
| |
| "version": "5.6",
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| "difficulties": [
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| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 0,
| |
| "chartDesigner": "Luxance",
| |
| "jacketDesigner": "NoteRE",
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| "rating": 2
| |
| },
| |
| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 1,
| |
| "chartDesigner": "Luxance",
| |
| "jacketDesigner": "NoteRE",
| |
| "rating": 5
| |
| },
| |
| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 2,
| |
| "chartDesigner": "Luxance",
| |
| "jacketDesigner": "NoteRE",
| |
| "rating": 9
| |
| }
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| {
| |
| "idx": 386,
| |
| "id": "distortedfate",
| |
| "title_localized": {
| |
| "en": "Distorted Fate"
| |
| },
| |
| "artist": "Sakuzyo",
| |
| "search_title": {
| |
| "ja": [
| |
| "でぃすとーてっどふぇいと"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ko": [
| |
| "디스토디드 페이트"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| "search_artist": {
| |
| "ja": [
| |
| "さくじょ"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ko": [
| |
| "사쿠죠"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| "bpm": "150",
| |
| "bpm_base": 200,
| |
| "set": "single",
| |
| "category": "musicgames",
| |
| "purchase": "distortedfate",
| |
| "audioPreview": 0,
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| "audioPreviewEnd": 0,
| |
| "side": 1,
| |
| "bg": "vs_conflict",
| |
| "bg_inverse": "vs_light",
| |
| "remote_dl": true,
| |
| "world_unlock": false,
| |
| "date": 1714003201,
| |
| "source_localized": {
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| "en": "Phigros"
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| },
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| "source_copyright": "© Pigeon Games",
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| "version": "5.6",
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| "difficulties": [
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| {
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| "ratingClass": 0,
| |
| "chartDesigner": "Toaster",
| |
| "jacketDesigner": "knife美工刀",
| |
| "rating": 4
| |
| },
| |
| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 1,
| |
| "chartDesigner": "Toaster",
| |
| "jacketDesigner": "knife美工刀",
| |
| "rating": 7,
| |
| "ratingPlus": true
| |
| },
| |
| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 2,
| |
| "chartDesigner": "Toaster",
| |
| "jacketDesigner": "knife美工刀",
| |
| "rating": 9
| |
| },
| |
| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 4,
| |
| "chartDesigner": "TOASTER DATA PATCHER",
| |
| "jacketDesigner": "knife美工刀",
| |
| "rating": 10,
| |
| "ratingPlus": true
| |
| }
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| {
| |
| "idx": 387,
| |
| "id": "floatingworld",
| |
| "title_localized": {
| |
| "en": "Floating World"
| |
| },
| |
| "artist": "baker feat. botan",
| |
| "search_title": {
| |
| "ja": [
| |
| "ふろーてぃんぐわーるど"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ko": [
| |
| "플로팅 월드"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| "search_artist": {
| |
| "ja": [
| |
| "べいかー",
| |
| "ぼたん"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ko": [
| |
| "베이커",
| |
| "보탄"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
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| "bpm": "174",
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| "bpm_base": 174,
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| "set": "single",
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| "category": "partner",
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| "purchase": "floatingworld",
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| "audioPreview": 0,
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| "audioPreviewEnd": 0,
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| "side": 0,
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| "bg": "nijuusei2_light",
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| "remote_dl": true,
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| "world_unlock": false,
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| "date": 1714003202,
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| "version": "5.6",
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| "difficulties": [
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| {
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| "ratingClass": 0,
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| "chartDesigner": "én",
| |
| "jacketDesigner": "チェリ藻",
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| "rating": 3
| |
| },
| |
| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 1,
| |
| "chartDesigner": "én",
| |
| "jacketDesigner": "チェリ藻",
| |
| "rating": 7
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| },
| |
| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 2,
| |
| "chartDesigner": "én",
| |
| "jacketDesigner": "チェリ藻",
| |
| "rating": 9
| |
| }
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| {
| |
| "idx": 388,
| |
| "id": "chromafill",
| |
| "title_localized": {
| |
| "en": "Chromafill"
| |
| },
| |
| "artist": "ていぬ",
| |
| "search_title": {
| |
| "ja": [
| |
| "くろまふぃる",
| |
| "くろーまふぃる"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ko": [
| |
| "크로마필"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| "search_artist": {
| |
| "en": [
| |
| "teinu"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ko": [
| |
| "테이누"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| "bpm": "179",
| |
| "bpm_base": 179,
| |
| "set": "single",
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| "category": "partner",
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| "purchase": "chromafill",
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| "audioPreview": 0,
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| "audioPreviewEnd": 0,
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| "side": 0,
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| "bg": "observer_light",
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| "bg_inverse": "observer_conflict",
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| "remote_dl": true,
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| "world_unlock": false,
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| "date": 1714003203,
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| "version": "5.6",
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| "difficulties": [
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| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 0,
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| "chartDesigner": "exschwasion -彩色-",
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| "jacketDesigner": "イチゼンリュウ",
| |
| "rating": 4
| |
| },
| |
| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 1,
| |
| "chartDesigner": "exschwasion -彩色-",
| |
| "jacketDesigner": "イチゼンリュウ",
| |
| "rating": 7
| |
| },
| |
| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 2,
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| "chartDesigner": "exschwasion -彩色-",
| |
| "jacketDesigner": "イチゼンリュウ",
| |
| "rating": 10
| |
| }
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| {
| |
| "idx": 389,
| |
| "id": "desive",
| |
| "title_localized": {
| |
| "en": "Désive",
| |
| "ko_dialog": "Desive"
| |
| },
| |
| "artist": "MisomyL",
| |
| "search_title": {
| |
| "en": [
| |
| "desive"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ja": [
| |
| "でぃざいゔ"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ko": [
| |
| "디자이브"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| "search_artist": {
| |
| "ja": [
| |
| "みそみぃる"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ko": [
| |
| "미소밀"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| "bpm": "180-230",
| |
| "bpm_base": 230,
| |
| "set": "single",
| |
| "category": "partner",
| |
| "purchase": "",
| |
| "audioPreview": 0,
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| "audioPreviewEnd": 0,
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| "side": 0,
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| "bg": "rei",
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| "bg_inverse": "yugamu",
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| "remote_dl": true,
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| "world_unlock": true,
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| "date": 1714003204,
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| "version": "5.6",
| |
| "difficulties": [
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| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 0,
| |
| "chartDesigner": "Yearning Call",
| |
| "jacketDesigner": "そゐち",
| |
| "rating": 5
| |
| },
| |
| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 1,
| |
| "chartDesigner": "Yearning Call",
| |
| "jacketDesigner": "そゐち",
| |
| "rating": 8
| |
| },
| |
| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 2,
| |
| "chartDesigner": "Yearning Call",
| |
| "jacketDesigner": "そゐち",
| |
| "rating": 9,
| |
| "ratingPlus": true
| |
| },
| |
| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 4,
| |
| "chartDesigner": "Yearning Call",
| |
| "jacketDesigner": "そゐち",
| |
| "rating": 10,
| |
| "ratingPlus": true
| |
| }
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| {
| |
| "idx": 390,
| |
| "id": "epicurus",
| |
| "title_localized": {
| |
| "en": "Hidden Rainbows of Epicurus",
| |
| "ja": "エピクロスの虹はもう見えない"
| |
| },
| |
| "artist": "SYNC.ART'S feat.Misato",
| |
| "search_title": {
| |
| "ja": [
| |
| "えぴくろすのにじはもうみえない"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ko": [
| |
| "히든 레인보우즈 오브 에피쿠로스",
| |
| "히든 레인보우 오브 에피쿠로스",
| |
| "에피쿠로스의 무지개는 이제 보이지 않아",
| |
| "에피쿠로스노 니지와 모 미에나이"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| "search_artist": {
| |
| "ja": [
| |
| "しんくあーつ",
| |
| "みさと"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ko": [
| |
| "싱크아츠",
| |
| "미사토"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| "bpm": "155",
| |
| "bpm_base": 155,
| |
| "set": "base",
| |
| "purchase": "",
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| "audioPreview": 91354,
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| "side": 0,
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| "source_copyright": "©上海アリス幻樂団",
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| "bg": "touhou_light",
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| "bg_inverse": "touhou_conflict",
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| "remote_dl": false,
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| "world_unlock": false,
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| "date": 1717027200,
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| "version": "5.7",
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| "difficulties": [
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| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 0,
| |
| "chartDesigner": "Dec18",
| |
| "jacketDesigner": "ののこ",
| |
| "rating": 2
| |
| },
| |
| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 1,
| |
| "chartDesigner": "Dec18",
| |
| "jacketDesigner": "ののこ",
| |
| "rating": 5
| |
| },
| |
| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 2,
| |
| "chartDesigner": "Dec18",
| |
| "jacketDesigner": "ののこ",
| |
| "rating": 7
| |
| },
| |
| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 4,
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| "chartDesigner": "Dec18",
| |
| "jacketDesigner": "ののこ",
| |
| "rating": 8,
| |
| "ratingPlus": true
| |
| }
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| {
| |
| "idx": 391,
| |
| "id": "tasogare",
| |
| "title_localized": {
| |
| "en": "Twilight Concerto",
| |
| "ja": "黄昏の協奏曲"
| |
| },
| |
| "artist": "Scarlette",
| |
| "search_title": {
| |
| "ja": [
| |
| "たそがれのきょうそうきょく"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ko": [
| |
| "트와일라잇 콘체르토",
| |
| "황혼의 협주곡",
| |
| "타소가레노 쿄소쿄쿠"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| "search_artist": {
| |
| "ja": [
| |
| "すかーれって"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ko": [
| |
| "스칼렛테",
| |
| "스칼레테"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| "bpm": "194",
| |
| "bpm_base": 194,
| |
| "set": "single",
| |
| "category": "musicgames",
| |
| "purchase": "tasogare",
| |
| "audioPreview": 0,
| |
| "audioPreviewEnd": 0,
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| "side": 1,
| |
| "bg": "nijuusei2_conflict",
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| "bg_inverse": "nijuusei2_light",
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| |
| "world_unlock": false,
| |
| "date": 1717027201,
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| "source_copyright": "© QueseraGames Co., Ltd.",
| |
| "source_localized": {
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| "en": "KALPA"
| |
| },
| |
| "version": "5.7",
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| "difficulties": [
| |
| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 0,
| |
| "chartDesigner": "Exschwasion",
| |
| "jacketDesigner": "",
| |
| "rating": 4
| |
| },
| |
| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 1,
| |
| "chartDesigner": "Exschwasion",
| |
| "jacketDesigner": "",
| |
| "rating": 7,
| |
| "ratingPlus": true
| |
| },
| |
| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 2,
| |
| "chartDesigner": "Exschwasion",
| |
| "jacketDesigner": "",
| |
| "rating": 9
| |
| },
| |
| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 4,
| |
| "chartDesigner": "Exschwasion",
| |
| "jacketDesigner": "",
| |
| "rating": 10
| |
| }
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| {
| |
| "idx": 392,
| |
| "id": "oldschoolsalvage",
| |
| "title_localized": {
| |
| "en": "Old School Salvage"
| |
| },
| |
| "artist": "DJ SHARPNEL",
| |
| "search_title": {
| |
| "ja": [
| |
| "おーるどすくーるさるべーじ"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ko": [
| |
| "올드 스쿨 샐비지"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| "search_artist": {
| |
| "ja": [
| |
| "でぃーじぇいしゃーぷねる",
| |
| "でぃーじぇいしゃーぷねる"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ko": [
| |
| "디제이 샤프넬",
| |
| "디제이 슈라프넬"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| "bpm": "205",
| |
| "bpm_base": 205,
| |
| "set": "extend_3",
| |
| "purchase": "extend_3",
| |
| "audioPreview": 0,
| |
| "audioPreviewEnd": 0,
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| "side": 1,
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| "bg": "prelude_conflict",
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| "bg_inverse": "prelude_light",
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| "remote_dl": true,
| |
| "world_unlock": true,
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| "date": 1717027202,
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| "version": "5.7",
| |
| "difficulties": [
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| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 0,
| |
| "chartDesigner": "antymis",
| |
| "jacketDesigner": "tvchany",
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| "rating": 4
| |
| },
| |
| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 1,
| |
| "chartDesigner": "antymis",
| |
| "jacketDesigner": "tvchany",
| |
| "rating": 7,
| |
| "ratingPlus": true
| |
| },
| |
| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 2,
| |
| "chartDesigner": "antymis + Nitro",
| |
| "jacketDesigner": "tvchany",
| |
| "rating": 9,
| |
| "ratingPlus": true
| |
| }
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| {
| |
| "idx": 393,
| |
| "id": "beautifuldreamer",
| |
| "title_localized": {
| |
| "en": "Beautiful Dreamer"
| |
| },
| |
| "artist": "M-Project",
| |
| "search_title": {
| |
| "ja": [
| |
| "びゅーてぃふるどりーまー"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ko": [
| |
| "뷰티풀 드리머"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| "search_artist": {
| |
| "ja": [
| |
| "えむぷろじぇくと"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ko": [
| |
| "엠 프로젝트"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| "bpm": "188",
| |
| "bpm_base": 188,
| |
| "set": "single",
| |
| "category": "original",
| |
| "purchase": "beautifuldreamer",
| |
| "audioPreview": 0,
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| "audioPreviewEnd": 0,
| |
| "side": 0,
| |
| "bg": "single2_light",
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| "bg_inverse": "single2_conflict",
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| "remote_dl": true,
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| "world_unlock": false,
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| "date": 1717027203,
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| "version": "5.7",
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| "difficulties": [
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| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 0,
| |
| "chartDesigner": "CERiNG",
| |
| "jacketDesigner": "さんぱち",
| |
| "rating": 4
| |
| },
| |
| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 1,
| |
| "chartDesigner": "CERiNG",
| |
| "jacketDesigner": "さんぱち",
| |
| "rating": 7,
| |
| "ratingPlus": true
| |
| },
| |
| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 2,
| |
| "chartDesigner": "CERiNG",
| |
| "jacketDesigner": "さんぱち",
| |
| "rating": 9,
| |
| "ratingPlus": true
| |
| }
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| {
| |
| "idx": 394,
| |
| "id": "backtobasics",
| |
| "title_localized": {
| |
| "en": "Back to Basics"
| |
| },
| |
| "artist": "m1dy",
| |
| "search_title": {
| |
| "ja": [
| |
| "ばっくとぅべーしっくす",
| |
| "ばっくとぅーべーしっくす"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ko": [
| |
| "백 투 베이직",
| |
| "백 투 베이직스"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| "search_artist": {
| |
| "ja": [
| |
| "みでぃ"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ko": [
| |
| "미디"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| "bpm": "420",
| |
| "bpm_base": 420,
| |
| "set": "single",
| |
| "category": "original",
| |
| "purchase": "backtobasics",
| |
| "audioPreview": 0,
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| "audioPreviewEnd": 0,
| |
| "side": 1,
| |
| "bg": "single2_conflict",
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| "bg_inverse": "single2_light",
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| "remote_dl": true,
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| "world_unlock": false,
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| "date": 1717027204,
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| "version": "5.7",
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| "difficulties": [
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| {
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| "ratingClass": 0,
| |
| "chartDesigner": "夜浪 THE FUMEn ANARCHIST",
| |
| "jacketDesigner": "TKKsn.",
| |
| "rating": 5
| |
| },
| |
| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 1,
| |
| "chartDesigner": "夜浪 THE FUMEn ANARCHIST",
| |
| "jacketDesigner": "TKKsn.",
| |
| "rating": 8,
| |
| "ratingPlus": true
| |
| },
| |
| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 2,
| |
| "chartDesigner": "夜浪 THE FUMEn ANARCHIST",
| |
| "jacketDesigner": "TKKsn.",
| |
| "rating": 10
| |
| }
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| {
| |
| "idx": 395,
| |
| "id": "stargateextreme",
| |
| "title_localized": {
| |
| |
| },
| |
| "artist": "KARUT",
| |
| "search_title": {
| |
| "ja": [
| |
| "すたーげーとえくすとりーむ"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ko": [
| |
| "스트레인지 익스트림"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| "search_artist": {
| |
| "ja": [
| |
| "かると"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ko": [
| |
| "카루트",
| |
| "카룻"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| "bpm": "150",
| |
| "bpm_base": 150,
| |
| "set": "single",
| |
| "category": "musicgames",
| |
| "purchase": "stargateextreme",
| |
| "audioPreview": 0,
| |
| "audioPreviewEnd": 0,
| |
| "side": 1,
| |
| "bg": "nijuusei2_conflict",
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| "bg_inverse": "nijuusei2_light",
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| "remote_dl": true,
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| "world_unlock": false,
| |
| "date": 1719446400,
| |
| "version": "5.8",
| |
| "source_copyright": "© Starlike",
| |
| "source_localized": {
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| "en": "Sixtar Gate: STARTRAIL"
| |
| },
| |
| "difficulties": [
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| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 0,
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| "chartDesigner": "én",
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| "jacketDesigner": "SARYN",
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| "rating": 4
| |
| },
| |
| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 1,
| |
| "chartDesigner": "én",
| |
| "jacketDesigner": "SARYN",
| |
| "rating": 6
| |
| },
| |
| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 2,
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| "chartDesigner": "én",
| |
| "jacketDesigner": "SARYN",
| |
| "rating": 9
| |
| },
| |
| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 4,
| |
| "chartDesigner": "eién",
| |
| "jacketDesigner": "SARYN",
| |
| "rating": 9,
| |
| "ratingPlus": true
| |
| }
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| {
| |
| "idx": 396,
| |
| "id": "signof",
| |
| "title_localized": {
| |
| "en": "Sign of \"10.5km\""
| |
| },
| |
| "artist": "渡部恭久",
| |
| "search_title": {
| |
| "en": [
| |
| "yasuhisa watanabe"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ja": [
| |
| "さいんおぶてんぽいんとふぁいぶきろめーとる"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ko": [
| |
| "사인 오브 텐 포인트 파이브 킬로미터"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| "search_artist": {
| |
| "ja": [
| |
| "わたなべやすひさ"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ko": [
| |
| "와타나베 야스히사"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| "bpm": "160",
| |
| "bpm_base": 160,
| |
| "set": "groovecoaster_append_1",
| |
| "purchase": "groovecoaster_append_1",
| |
| "audioPreview": 0,
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| "audioPreviewEnd": 0,
| |
| "side": 0,
| |
| "bg": "gc_light",
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| "bg_inverse": "gc_conflict",
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| "remote_dl": true,
| |
| "world_unlock": false,
| |
| "source_localized": {
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| "en": "Groove Coaster",
| |
| "ja": "グルーヴコースター"
| |
| },
| |
| "source_copyright": "© TAITO CORPORATION",
| |
| "date": 1719446401,
| |
| "version": "5.8",
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| "difficulties": [
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| "ratingClass": 0,
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| "jacketDesigner": "",
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| "rating": 3
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| },
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| "ratingClass": 1,
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| "chartDesigner": "Dec18",
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| "jacketDesigner": "",
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| "jacketDesigner": "",
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| "rating": 9
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| }
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| ]
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| },
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| {
| |
| "idx": 397,
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| "id": "temptationgc",
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| "title_localized": {
| |
| "en": "10pt8ion"
| |
| },
| |
| "artist": "Lite Show Magic",
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| "search_title": {
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| "en": [
| |
| "temptation"
| |
| ],
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| "ja": [
| |
| "てんぷてーしょん"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ko": [
| |
| "템테이션"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
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| "search_artist": {
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| "ja": [
| |
| "らいとしょーまじっく"
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| ],
| |
| "ko": [
| |
| "라이트 쇼 매직"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| "bpm": "128-185",
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| "bpm_base": 185,
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| "set": "groovecoaster_append_1",
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| "purchase": "groovecoaster_append_1",
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| "audioPreview": 0,
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| "audioPreviewEnd": 0,
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| "side": 1,
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| "bg": "gc_conflict",
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| "bg_inverse": "gc_light",
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| "remote_dl": true,
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| "world_unlock": false,
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| "source_localized": {
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| "en": "Groove Coaster",
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| "ja": "グルーヴコースター"
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| },
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| "source_copyright": "© TAITO CORPORATION",
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| "date": 1719446402,
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| "version": "5.8",
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| "difficulties": [
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| "ratingClass": 0,
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| "chartDesigner": "Nitro",
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| "jacketDesigner": "",
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| "rating": 4
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| },
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| {
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| "ratingClass": 1,
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| "chartDesigner": "Nitro",
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| "jacketDesigner": "",
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| "rating": 7,
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| "ratingPlus": true
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| },
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| {
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| "ratingClass": 2,
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| "chartDesigner": "Nite Schwa Power",
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| "jacketDesigner": "",
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| "rating": 9,
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| "ratingPlus": true
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| },
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| {
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| "ratingClass": 4,
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| "chartDesigner": "Nite Schwa Power",
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| "jacketDesigner": "",
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| "rating": 10
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| }
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| ]
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| },
| |
| {
| |
| "idx": 398,
| |
| "id": "blackmind",
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| "title_localized": {
| |
| "en": "Black MInD"
| |
| },
| |
| "artist": "COSIO",
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| "search_title": {
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| "ja": [
| |
| "ぶらっくまいんど"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ko": [
| |
| "블랙 마인드"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
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| "search_artist": {
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| "ja": [
| |
| "こしお"
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| ],
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| "ko": [
| |
| "코시오"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| "bpm": "192",
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| "bpm_base": 192,
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| "set": "groovecoaster_append_1",
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| "purchase": "groovecoaster_append_1",
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| "audioPreview": 0,
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| "audioPreviewEnd": 0,
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| "side": 1,
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| "bg": "gc_ouroboros",
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| "world_unlock": false,
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| "en": "Groove Coaster",
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| "ja": "グルーヴコースター"
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| },
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| "source_copyright": "© TAITO CORPORATION",
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| "date": 1719446403,
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| "version": "5.8",
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| "difficulties": [
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| "ratingClass": 0,
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| "chartDesigner": "聖輪",
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| "jacketDesigner": "",
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| },
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| {
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| "ratingClass": 1,
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| "chartDesigner": "聖輪",
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| "jacketDesigner": "",
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| "rating": 8
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| },
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| {
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| "ratingClass": 2,
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| "chartDesigner": "聖輪",
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| "jacketDesigner": "",
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| "rating": 10,
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| "ratingPlus": true
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| }
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| ]
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| },
| |
| {
| |
| "idx": 399,
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| "id": "hypervision",
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| "title_localized": {
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| "en": "HYPER VISION"
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| },
| |
| "artist": "VOLTA",
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| "search_title": {
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| "ja": [
| |
| "はいぱーびじょん",
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| "はいぱーゔぃじょん"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ko": [
| |
| "하이퍼 비전"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| "search_artist": {
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| "ja": [
| |
| "ぼるた"
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| ],
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| "ko": [
| |
| "볼타"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| "bpm": "155",
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| "bpm_base": 155,
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| "set": "single",
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| "category": "original",
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| "purchase": "hypervision",
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| "audioPreview": 0,
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| "audioPreviewEnd": 0,
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| "side": 1,
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| "bg": "single2_conflict",
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| "bg_inverse": "single2_light",
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| "remote_dl": true,
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| "world_unlock": false,
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| "date": 1719446404,
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| "version": "5.8",
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| "difficulties": [
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| {
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| "ratingClass": 0,
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| "chartDesigner": "NITRO",
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| "jacketDesigner": "洗濯メン",
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| "rating": 4
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| },
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| {
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| "ratingClass": 1,
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| "chartDesigner": "NITRO",
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| "jacketDesigner": "洗濯メン",
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| "rating": 7
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| },
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| {
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| "ratingClass": 2,
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| "chartDesigner": "NITRO",
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| "jacketDesigner": "洗濯メン",
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| "rating": 9,
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| "ratingPlus": true
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| }
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| ]
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| },
| |
| {
| |
| "idx": 401,
| |
| "id": "distortionhuman",
| |
| "title_localized": {
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| "en": "Distortion Human",
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| "ja": "ディストーション・ニンゲン"
| |
| },
| |
| "artist": "DJ Myosuke \u0026 KAJI",
| |
| "search_title": {
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| "ko": [
| |
| "디스토션 휴먼"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
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| "search_artist": {
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| "ja": [
| |
| "でぃーじぇーみょーすけ",
| |
| "でぃーじぇーみょうすけ",
| |
| "でぃーじぇいみょーすけ",
| |
| "でぃーじぇいみょうすけ",
| |
| "かじ"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ko": [
| |
| "디제이 묘스케",
| |
| "카지"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| "bpm": "200",
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| "bpm_base": 200,
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| "set": "extend_3",
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| "purchase": "extend_3",
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| "audioPreview": 0,
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| "audioPreviewEnd": 0,
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| "side": 1,
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| "bg": "yugamu",
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| "date": 1722297600,
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| "version": "5.9",
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| "difficulties": [
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| {
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| "ratingClass": 0,
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| "chartDesigner": "ディストーション・ルクアンス",
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| "jacketDesigner": "",
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| "rating": 3
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| },
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| {
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| "ratingClass": 1,
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| "chartDesigner": "ディストーション・ルクアンス",
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| "jacketDesigner": "",
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| "rating": 6
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| },
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| {
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| "ratingClass": 2,
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| "chartDesigner": "ディストーション・ルクアンス",
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| "jacketDesigner": "",
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| "ratingPlus": true
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| }
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| ]
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| },
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| {
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| "idx": 402,
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| "id": "shrink",
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| "title_localized": {
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| "en": "shrink"
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| },
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| "artist": "Shohei Tsuchiya(ZUNTATA)",
| |
| "search_title": {
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| "ja": [
| |
| "しゅりんく"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ko": [
| |
| "슈링크",
| |
| "쉬링크"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
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| "search_artist": {
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| "ja": [
| |
| "しょうへいつちや",
| |
| "つちやしょうへい"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ko": [
| |
| "쇼헤이 츠치야",
| |
| "츠치야 쇼헤이",
| |
| "즌타타"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| "bpm": "180",
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| "bpm_base": 180,
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| "set": "single",
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| "purchase": "shrink",
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| "category": "musicgames",
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| "audioPreview": 0,
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| "audioPreviewEnd": 0,
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| "side": 0,
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| "en": "MUSIC DIVER"
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| },
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| "source_copyright": "© TAITO CORPORATION",
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| "bg": "single2_light",
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| "bg_inverse": "single2_conflict",
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| "remote_dl": true,
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| "world_unlock": false,
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| "date": 1722297601,
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| "version": "5.9",
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| "ratingClass": 0,
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| "chartDesigner": "Dec18",
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| "ratingClass": 1,
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| "chartDesigner": "Dec18",
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| "jacketDesigner": "",
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| "rating": 7
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| },
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| "ratingClass": 2,
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| "chartDesigner": "Dec18",
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| "rating": 9,
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| "ratingPlus": true
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| }
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| ]
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| },
| |
| {
| |
| "idx": 403,
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| "id": "invain",
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| "title_localized": {
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| "en": "In Vain"
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| },
| |
| "artist": "ryhki",
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| "search_title": {
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| "ja": [
| |
| "いんべいん",
| |
| "いんゔぇいん"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ko": [
| |
| "인 베인"
| |
| ]
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| },
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| "search_artist": {
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| "ja": [
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| "りゅーき"
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| ],
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| "ko": [
| |
| "류우키"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| "bpm": "165",
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| "bpm_base": 165,
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| "set": "nihil",
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| "purchase": "nihil",
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| "audioPreviewEnd": 0,
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| "bg_inverse": "nihil",
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| "remote_dl": true,
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| "date": 1722297602,
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| "version": "5.9",
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| {
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| "ratingClass": 0,
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| "chartDesigner": "CERiNG",
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| "jacketDesigner": "トロ3",
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| "rating": 3
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| },
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| {
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| "ratingClass": 1,
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| "chartDesigner": "CERiNG",
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| "jacketDesigner": "トロ3",
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| "rating": 6
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| },
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| {
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| "ratingClass": 2,
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| "chartDesigner": "CERiNG",
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| "jacketDesigner": "トロ3",
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| "rating": 9
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| }
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| ]
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| },
| |
| {
| |
| "idx": 404,
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| "id": "hypnotize",
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| "title_localized": {
| |
| "en": "Hypnotize"
| |
| },
| |
| "artist": "rejection",
| |
| "search_title": {
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| "ja": [
| |
| "ひぷのたいず"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ko": [
| |
| "히프노타이즈"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| "search_artist": {
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| "ja": [
| |
| "りじぇくしょん"
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| ],
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| "ko": [
| |
| "리젝션"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
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| "bpm": "160",
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| "bpm_base": 160,
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| "set": "nihil",
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| "bg": "nihil",
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| "date": 1722297603,
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| "version": "5.9",
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| {
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| "ratingClass": 0,
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| "chartDesigner": "én",
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| "jacketDesigner": "つくだ煮",
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| "rating": 3
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| },
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| {
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| "ratingClass": 1,
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| "chartDesigner": "én",
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| "jacketDesigner": "つくだ煮",
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| "rating": 7
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| },
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| {
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| "ratingClass": 2,
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| "chartDesigner": "én",
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| "jacketDesigner": "つくだ煮",
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| "rating": 8,
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| "ratingPlus": true
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| },
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| {
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| "ratingClass": 4,
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| "chartDesigner": "én × nitro「The Radical」",
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| "jacketDesigner": "つくだ煮",
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| "rating": 9,
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| "ratingPlus": true
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| }
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| ]
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| },
| |
| {
| |
| "idx": 405,
| |
| "id": "ashenboundary",
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| "title_localized": {
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| "en": "Ashen 6oundary"
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| },
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| "artist": "YUKIYANAGI",
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| "search_title": {
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| "en": [
| |
| "ashen boundary"
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| ],
| |
| "ja": [
| |
| "あっしぇんばうんだりー"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ko": [
| |
| "애쉰 바운더리"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| "search_artist": {
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| "ja": [
| |
| "ゆきやなぎ"
| |
| ],
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| "ko": [
| |
| "유키야나기"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| "bpm": "172",
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| "bpm_base": 172,
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| "set": "nihil",
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| "audioPreview": 0,
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| "audioPreviewEnd": 0,
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| "bg": "nihil",
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| "date": 1722297604,
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| "version": "5.9",
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| "difficulties": [
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| "ratingClass": 0,
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| "chartDesigner": "[NITRO]",
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| "jacketDesigner": "AT基調",
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| "rating": 4
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| },
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| {
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| "ratingClass": 1,
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| "chartDesigner": "[NITRO]",
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| "jacketDesigner": "AT基調",
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| "rating": 7,
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| },
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| {
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| "ratingClass": 2,
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| "chartDesigner": "[NITRO]",
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| "rating": 9,
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| }
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| ]
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| },
| |
| {
| |
| "idx": 406,
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| "id": "judgement",
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| "title_localized": {
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| "en": "Judgement"
| |
| },
| |
| "artist": "Tatsunoshin",
| |
| "search_title": {
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| "ja": [
| |
| "じゃっじめんと"
| |
| ],
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| "ko": [
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| "저지멘트",
| |
| "저지먼트"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
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| "search_artist": {
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| "ja": [
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| "たつのしん"
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| ],
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| "ko": [
| |
| "타츠노신"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| "bpm": "200",
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| "bpm_base": 200,
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| "set": "nihil",
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| "purchase": "nihil",
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| "audioPreviewEnd": 0,
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| "date": 1722297605,
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| "version": "5.9",
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| "difficulties": [
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| "ratingClass": 0,
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| "chartDesigner": "絶滅 » collapse",
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| "jacketDesigner": "辷",
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| "rating": 5
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| },
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| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 1,
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| "chartDesigner": "絶滅 » collapse",
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| "jacketDesigner": "辷",
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| "rating": 8
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| },
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| {
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| "ratingClass": 2,
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| "chartDesigner": "絶滅 » collapse",
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| "jacketDesigner": "辷",
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| "rating": 10
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| }
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| ]
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| },
| |
| {
| |
| "idx": 400,
| |
| "id": "alterego",
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| "title_localized": {
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| "en": "ALTER EGO"
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| },
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| "artist": "Yuta Imai vs Qlarabelle",
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| "search_title": {
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| "ja": [
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| "おるたーえご"
| |
| ],
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| "ko": [
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| "얼터 에고",
| |
| "알터 에고"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| "search_artist": {
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| "ja": [
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| "ゆうたいまい",
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| "くららべる"
| |
| ],
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| "ko": [
| |
| "유타 이마이",
| |
| "클라라벨"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| "bpm": "195",
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| "bpm_base": 195,
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| "bg": "alterego",
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| "date": 1722297606,
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| "ratingClass": 0,
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| "chartDesigner": "Article V《Observation》",
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| "rating": 6
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| },
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| "えぴたくしー"
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| "id": "waltzforlorelei",
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| "title_localized": {
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| "en": "Waltz for Lorelei"
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| },
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| "artist": "Sobrem \u0026 庭師",
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| "ja": [
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| "わるつふぉーろーれらい"
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| "왈츠 포 로렐라이"
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| "니와시"
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| "현"
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| "いんゔぁーてっどわーるど"
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| "에이알 포레스트"
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| "むーぶゆあぼでぃ"
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| "artist": "Team Grimoire vs Aoi",
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| "うるかぬす",
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| "うるかーぬす"
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| |
| "불카누스"
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| ]
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| },
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| "search_artist": {
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| "ja": [
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| "ちーむぐりもあ",
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| "ちーむぐりもわーる",
| |
| "あおい"
| |
| ],
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| "ko": [
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| "팀 그리모어",
| |
| "아오이"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
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| {
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| "れいんおぶこんふりくといんあれでぃあんとあびす",
| |
| "れいんおぶこんふりくといんあらじあんとあびす",
| |
| "れいんおぶこんふりくといんあらでぃあんとあびす",
| |
| ""
| |
| ],
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| "ko": [
| |
| "레인 오브 컨플릭트 인 어 래디언트 어비스"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
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| "えーけーぷらすきゅー"
| |
| ],
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| "에이케이 플러스 큐"
| |
| ]
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| "ratingClass": 4,
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| "chartDesigner": "Nitro meets Toaster “v20170309”",
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| "rating": 10
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| }
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| "idx": 414,
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| "id": "saintorsinner",
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| "en": "Saint or Sinner"
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| },
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| "artist": "crayvxn",
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| "search_title": {
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| "せいんとおあしんなー"
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| ],
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| "세인트 오어 시너"
| |
| ]
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| },
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| "search_artist": {
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| "ja": [
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| "くれいぶん"
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| ],
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| "ko": [
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| "크레이븐"
| |
| ]
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| },
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| "bpm": "164",
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| "bpm_base": 164,
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| "set": "prelude",
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| "date": 1727308800,
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| "ratingClass": 1,
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| ]
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| },
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| {
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| "idx": 415,
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| "id": "hailstone",
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| "title_localized": {
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| "en": "Hailstone"
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| },
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| "artist": "Kazki Misora",
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| "へいるすとーん"
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| ],
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| "헤일스톤"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
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| "ja": [
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| "かずきみそら"
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| ],
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| "ko": [
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| "카즈키 미소라"
| |
| ]
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| "bpm": "180",
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| "bpm_base": 180,
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| "ratingClass": 1,
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| "title_localized": {
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| "en": "FURETE-MITAI",
| |
| "ja": "フレテミタイ"
| |
| },
| |
| "artist": "みきとP",
| |
| "search_title": {
| |
| "en": [
| |
| "furetemitai"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ko": [
| |
| "닿고싶어"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| "search_artist": {
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| "en": [
| |
| "mikitop"
| |
| ],
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| "ja": [
| |
| "みきとぴー"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ko": [
| |
| "미키토피"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| "bpm": "155",
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| "bpm_base": 155,
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| "set": "extend_3",
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| "purchase": "extend_3",
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| "audioPreview": 0,
| |
| "audioPreviewEnd": 0,
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| "side": 0,
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| "bg": "hime_light",
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| "bg_inverse": "hime_conflict",
| |
| "remote_dl": true,
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| "world_unlock": true,
| |
| "source_localized": {
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| |
| "ja": "テトテコネクト"
| |
| },
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| "source_copyright": "© TAITO CORPORATION",
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| "date": 1727308802,
| |
| "version": "5.10",
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| "difficulties": [
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| "ratingClass": 0,
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| "chartDesigner": "nora::neko",
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| "jacketDesigner": "",
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| "rating": 2
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| },
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| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 1,
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| "chartDesigner": "nora::neko",
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| "jacketDesigner": "",
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| "rating": 6
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| },
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| {
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| "ratingClass": 2,
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| "chartDesigner": "nora::neko",
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| "jacketDesigner": "",
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| "rating": 8
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| },
| |
| {
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| "ratingClass": 4,
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| "chartDesigner": "nora::neko",
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| "jacketDesigner": "",
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| "rating": 9
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| }
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| ]
| |
| },
| |
| {
| |
| "idx": 417,
| |
| "id": "gensounosatellite",
| |
| "title_localized": {
| |
| "en": "Gensou no Satellite",
| |
| "ja": "幻想のサテライト"
| |
| },
| |
| "artist": "豚乙女",
| |
| "search_title": {
| |
| "en": [
| |
| "gensounosateraito"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ja": [
| |
| "げんそうのさてらいと"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ko": [
| |
| "겐소우노 사토라이토",
| |
| "겐소노 사토라이토",
| |
| "환상의 새틀라이트"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| "search_artist": {
| |
| "ja": [
| |
| "ぶたおとめ"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ko": [
| |
| "부타오토메"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| "bpm": "230",
| |
| "bpm_base": 230,
| |
| "set": "single",
| |
| "purchase": "gensounosatellite",
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| "category": "poprec",
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| "audioPreview": 0,
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| "audioPreviewEnd": 0,
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| "side": 1,
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| "bg": "touhou_conflict",
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| "bg_inverse": "touhou_light",
| |
| "remote_dl": true,
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| "world_unlock": false,
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| "source_copyright": "©上海アリス幻樂団",
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| "date": 1727308803,
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| "version": "5.10",
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| "difficulties": [
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| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 0,
| |
| "chartDesigner": "Luxance",
| |
| "jacketDesigner": "ランコの姉 (豚乙女)",
| |
| "rating": 2
| |
| },
| |
| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 1,
| |
| "chartDesigner": "Luxance",
| |
| "jacketDesigner": "ランコの姉 (豚乙女)",
| |
| "rating": 6
| |
| },
| |
| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 2,
| |
| "chartDesigner": "Luxance",
| |
| "jacketDesigner": "ランコの姉 (豚乙女)",
| |
| "rating": 8,
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| "ratingPlus": true
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| },
| |
| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 4,
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| "chartDesigner": "Luxance",
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| "jacketDesigner": "ランコの姉 (豚乙女)",
| |
| "rating": 10
| |
| }
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| {
| |
| "idx": 418,
| |
| "id": "prayer",
| |
| "title_localized": {
| |
| "en": "Prayer",
| |
| "ja": "プレヤ"
| |
| },
| |
| "artist": "qfeileadh\u0026レゾナンスもえこ",
| |
| "search_title": {
| |
| "en": [
| |
| "pureya"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ko": [
| |
| "프레이어"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| "search_artist": {
| |
| "en": [
| |
| "rezonansumoeko",
| |
| "resonance moeko"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ja": [
| |
| "ふぇいりあ"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ko": [
| |
| "레조넌스 모에코"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| "bpm": "132",
| |
| "bpm_base": 132,
| |
| "set": "extend_3",
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| "purchase": "extend_3",
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| "audioPreview": 0,
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| "audioPreviewEnd": 0,
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| "side": 0,
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| "bg": "nijuusei2_light",
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| "bg_inverse": "nijuusei2_conflict",
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| "remote_dl": true,
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| "date": 1729728000,
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| "version": "5.10",
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| "difficulties": [
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| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 0,
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| "chartDesigner": "nora::neko",
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| "jacketDesigner": "自動車 原付\u0026なぎのにちこ",
| |
| "rating": 2
| |
| },
| |
| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 1,
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| "chartDesigner": "nora::neko",
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| "jacketDesigner": "自動車 原付\u0026なぎのにちこ",
| |
| "rating": 5
| |
| },
| |
| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 2,
| |
| "chartDesigner": "nora::neko",
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| "jacketDesigner": "自動車 原付\u0026なぎのにちこ",
| |
| "rating": 8
| |
| },
| |
| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 4,
| |
| "chartDesigner": "nora::neko",
| |
| "jacketDesigner": "自動車 原付\u0026なぎのにちこ",
| |
| "rating": 9
| |
| }
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| {
| |
| "idx": 419,
| |
| "id": "crimsonquartz",
| |
| "title_localized": {
| |
| "en": "Crimson Quartz"
| |
| },
| |
| "artist": "DiGiTAL WiNG with 空音",
| |
| "search_title": {
| |
| "ja": [
| |
| "くりむぞんくぉーつ"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ko": [
| |
| "크림슨 쿼츠"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| "search_artist": {
| |
| "en": [
| |
| "sorane"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ja": [
| |
| "でじたるうぃんぐ",
| |
| "そらね"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ko": [
| |
| "디지털 윙",
| |
| "소라네"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| "category": "poprec",
| |
| "source_copyright": "©上海アリス幻樂団",
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| "bpm": "145",
| |
| "bpm_base": 145,
| |
| "set": "single",
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| "purchase": "crimsonquartz",
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| "audioPreview": 0,
| |
| "audioPreviewEnd": 0,
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| "side": 1,
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| "bg": "touhou_conflict",
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| "bg_inverse": "touhou_light",
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| "remote_dl": true,
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| "world_unlock": false,
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| "date": 1729728001,
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| "version": "5.10",
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| "difficulties": [
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| {
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| "ratingClass": 0,
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| "chartDesigner": "raycast",
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| "jacketDesigner": "雨音くるみ",
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| "rating": 3
| |
| },
| |
| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 1,
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| "chartDesigner": "raycast",
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| "jacketDesigner": "雨音くるみ",
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| "rating": 6
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| },
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| {
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| "ratingClass": 2,
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| "chartDesigner": "raycast",
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| "jacketDesigner": "雨音くるみ",
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| "rating": 8,
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| "ratingPlus": true
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| },
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| {
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| "ratingClass": 4,
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| "chartDesigner": "raycast",
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| "jacketDesigner": "雨音くるみ",
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| "rating": 9,
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| "ratingPlus": true
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| }
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| ]
| |
| },
| |
| {
| |
| "idx": 420,
| |
| "id": "thirdsun",
| |
| "title_localized": {
| |
| "en": "Third Sun"
| |
| },
| |
| "artist": "Ash Astral",
| |
| "search_title": {
| |
| "ja": [
| |
| "さーどさん"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ko": [
| |
| "서드 선",
| |
| "써드 선"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| "search_artist": {
| |
| "ja": [
| |
| "あっしゅあすとらる"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ko": [
| |
| "애쉬 아스트랄"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| "category": "musicgames",
| |
| "bpm": "75-225",
| |
| "bpm_base": 150,
| |
| "set": "single",
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| "purchase": "thirdsun",
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| "audioPreview": 0,
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| "audioPreviewEnd": 0,
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| "side": 1,
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| "bg": "nijuusei-conflict-b",
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| "bg_inverse": "nijuusei-light-b",
| |
| "remote_dl": true,
| |
| "world_unlock": false,
| |
| "source_localized": {
| |
| "en": "A Dance of Fire and Ice"
| |
| },
| |
| "source_copyright": "© 7th Beat Games",
| |
| "date": 1729728002,
| |
| "version": "5.10",
| |
| "difficulties": [
| |
| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 0,
| |
| "chartDesigner": "NEO NITRO",
| |
| "jacketDesigner": "Ash Astral",
| |
| "rating": 3
| |
| },
| |
| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 1,
| |
| "chartDesigner": "NEO NITRO",
| |
| "jacketDesigner": "Ash Astral",
| |
| "rating": 7
| |
| },
| |
| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 2,
| |
| "chartDesigner": "NEO NITRO",
| |
| "jacketDesigner": "Ash Astral",
| |
| "rating": 9
| |
| },
| |
| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 4,
| |
| "chartDesigner": "NEO NITRO",
| |
| "jacketDesigner": "Ash Astral",
| |
| "rating": 10
| |
| }
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| {
| |
| "idx": 421,
| |
| "id": "spiritdauntless",
| |
| "title_localized": {
| |
| "en": "Spirit of the Dauntless"
| |
| },
| |
| "artist": "KO3 \u0026 Relect",
| |
| "search_title": {
| |
| "ja": [
| |
| "すぴりっとおぶざどーんとれす"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ko": [
| |
| "스피릿 오브 더 던틀리스"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| "search_artist": {
| |
| "ja": [
| |
| "こみ",
| |
| "りれくと"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ko": [
| |
| "코미",
| |
| "릴렉트"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| "bpm": "180",
| |
| "bpm_base": 180,
| |
| "set": "single",
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| "category": "original",
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| "purchase": "spiritdauntless",
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| "audioPreview": 0,
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| "audioPreviewEnd": 0,
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| "side": 1,
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| "bg": "zettai",
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| "bg_inverse": "zettai_light",
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| "remote_dl": true,
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| "world_unlock": false,
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| "date": 1729728003,
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| "version": "5.10",
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| "difficulties": [
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| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 0,
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| "chartDesigner": "絶滅",
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| "jacketDesigner": "てるオ実",
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| "rating": 4
| |
| },
| |
| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 1,
| |
| "chartDesigner": "絶滅",
| |
| "jacketDesigner": "てるオ実",
| |
| "rating": 7,
| |
| "ratingPlus": true
| |
| },
| |
| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 2,
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| "chartDesigner": "絶滅",
| |
| "jacketDesigner": "てるオ実",
| |
| "rating": 10
| |
| }
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| {
| |
| "idx": 422,
| |
| "id": "diesirae",
| |
| "title_localized": {
| |
| "en": "Dies irae"
| |
| },
| |
| "artist": "お月さま交響曲",
| |
| "search_title": {
| |
| "ja": [
| |
| "でぃえすいれ",
| |
| "でぃえすいらえ"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ko": [
| |
| "디에스 이레"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| "search_artist": {
| |
| "en": [
| |
| "otsukisamakoukyoukyoku"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ja": [
| |
| "おつきさまこうきょうきょく"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ko": [
| |
| "오츠키사마코우쿄우쿄쿠",
| |
| "달님 교향곡"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| "bpm": "172",
| |
| "bpm_base": 172,
| |
| "set": "single",
| |
| "purchase": "diesirae",
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| "category": "original",
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| "audioPreview": 0,
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| "audioPreviewEnd": 0,
| |
| "side": 1,
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| "bg": "hime_conflict",
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| "bg_inverse": "hime_light",
| |
| "remote_dl": true,
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| "world_unlock": false,
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| "date": 1729728004,
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| "version": "5.10",
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| "difficulties": [
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| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 0,
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| "chartDesigner": "M理論",
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| "jacketDesigner": "michele",
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| "rating": 4
| |
| },
| |
| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 1,
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| "chartDesigner": "M理論",
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| "jacketDesigner": "michele",
| |
| "rating": 7
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| },
| |
| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 2,
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| "chartDesigner": "M理論",
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| "jacketDesigner": "michele",
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| "rating": 9
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| },
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| {
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| "ratingClass": 4,
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| "chartDesigner": "M理論",
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| "jacketDesigner": "michele",
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| "rating": 10
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| }
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| {
| |
| "idx": 423,
| |
| "id": "astralexe",
| |
| "title_localized": {
| |
| "en": "astral.exe"
| |
| },
| |
| "artist": "Synzak \u0026 Laxeno57",
| |
| "search_title": {
| |
| "ja": [
| |
| "あすとらるどっとえぐぜ"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ko": [
| |
| "아스트랄 이엑스이"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| "search_artist": {
| |
| "ja": [
| |
| "しんざっく",
| |
| "らぜのっち",
| |
| "らぜのおっち"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ko": [
| |
| "신작",
| |
| "라지노 오칠",
| |
| "라제노 오칠",
| |
| "라지놋치",
| |
| "라제놋치"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| "bpm": "174",
| |
| "bpm_base": 174,
| |
| "set": "extend_3",
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| "purchase": "extend_3",
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| "audioPreview": 0,
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| "audioPreviewEnd": 0,
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| "side": 0,
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| "bg": "nijuusei2_light",
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| "bg_inverse": "nijuusei2_conflict",
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| "remote_dl": true,
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| "world_unlock": true,
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| "date": 1732147200,
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| "version": "6.0",
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| "difficulties": [
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| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 0,
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| "chartDesigner": "antymis.exe",
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| "jacketDesigner": "kkmfd",
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| "rating": 3
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| },
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| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 1,
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| "chartDesigner": "antymis.exe",
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| "jacketDesigner": "kkmfd",
| |
| "rating": 6
| |
| },
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| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 2,
| |
| "chartDesigner": "antymis.exe",
| |
| "jacketDesigner": "kkmfd",
| |
| "rating": 9
| |
| }
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| {
| |
| "idx": 424,
| |
| "id": "liftoff",
| |
| "title_localized": {
| |
| "en": "LiftOff"
| |
| },
| |
| "artist": "MAYA AKAI",
| |
| "search_title": {
| |
| "ja": [
| |
| "りふとおふ"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ko": [
| |
| "리프트오프"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| "search_artist": {
| |
| "ja": [
| |
| "まやあかい"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ko": [
| |
| "마야 아카이"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| "bpm": "137",
| |
| "bpm_base": 137,
| |
| "source_localized": {
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| "ja": "オンゲキ",
| |
| "en": "O.N.G.E.K.I."
| |
| },
| |
| "source_copyright": "©SEGA",
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| "set": "ongeki_append_2",
| |
| "purchase": "ongeki_append_2",
| |
| "audioPreview": 0,
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| "audioPreviewEnd": 0,
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| "side": 1,
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| "bg": "ongeki_conflict",
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| "bg_inverse": "ongeki_light",
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| "remote_dl": true,
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| "world_unlock": false,
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| "date": 1732147201,
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| "version": "6.0",
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| "difficulties": [
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| {
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| "ratingClass": 0,
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| "chartDesigner": "Luxance's Case-Book",
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| "jacketDesigner": "",
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| "rating": 3
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| },
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| {
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| "ratingClass": 1,
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| "chartDesigner": "Luxance's Case-Book",
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| "jacketDesigner": "",
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| "rating": 6
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| },
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| {
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| "ratingClass": 2,
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| "chartDesigner": "Luxance's Case-Book",
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| "jacketDesigner": "",
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| "rating": 8
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| },
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| {
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| "ratingClass": 4,
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| "chartDesigner": "Luxance's Case-Book",
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| "jacketDesigner": "",
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| "rating": 9,
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| "ratingPlus": true
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| }
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| ]
| |
| },
| |
| {
| |
| "idx": 425,
| |
| "id": "superambulance",
| |
| "title_localized": {
| |
| |
| },
| |
| "artist": "AJURIKA",
| |
| "search_title": {
| |
| "ja": [
| |
| "すーぱーあんびゅらんす"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ko": [
| |
| "슈퍼 앰뷸런스",
| |
| "수퍼 앰뷸런스"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| "search_artist": {
| |
| "ja": [
| |
| "あじゅりか"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ko": [
| |
| "아쥬리카",
| |
| "아주리카"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| "bpm": "200",
| |
| "bpm_base": 200,
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| "source_localized": {
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| "ja": "オンゲキ",
| |
| "en": "O.N.G.E.K.I."
| |
| },
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| "source_copyright": "©SEGA",
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| "set": "ongeki_append_2",
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| "purchase": "ongeki_append_2",
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| "side": 0,
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| "bg": "ongeki_light",
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| "bg_inverse": "ongeki_conflict",
| |
| "remote_dl": true,
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| "world_unlock": false,
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| "date": 1732147202,
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| "version": "6.0",
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| "difficulties": [
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| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 0,
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| "chartDesigner": "moonquay【新入生】",
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| "jacketDesigner": "",
| |
| "rating": 4
| |
| },
| |
| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 1,
| |
| "chartDesigner": "moonquay v.EXPERT",
| |
| "jacketDesigner": "",
| |
| "rating": 7
| |
| },
| |
| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 2,
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| "chartDesigner": "moonquay v.MASTER",
| |
| "jacketDesigner": "",
| |
| "rating": 10
| |
| }
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| {
| |
| "idx": 426,
| |
| "id": "dontfightmusic",
| |
| "title_localized": {
| |
| "en": "Don't Fight The Music"
| |
| },
| |
| "artist": "黒魔",
| |
| "search_title": {
| |
| "ja": [
| |
| "どんとふぁいとざみゅーじっく"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ko": [
| |
| "돈 파이트 더 뮤직",
| |
| "돈 파잇 더 뮤직"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| "search_artist": {
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| "en": [
| |
| "kuroma",
| |
| "chroma"
| |
| ],
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| "ja": [
| |
| "くろま"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ko": [
| |
| "쿠로마",
| |
| "크로마"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| "bpm": "190-200",
| |
| "bpm_base": 200,
| |
| "source_localized": {
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| "ja": "オンゲキ",
| |
| "en": "O.N.G.E.K.I."
| |
| },
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| "source_copyright": "©SEGA",
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| "set": "ongeki_append_2",
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| "purchase": "ongeki_append_2",
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| "bg": "ongeki_conflict",
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| "bg_inverse": "ongeki_light",
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| "remote_dl": true,
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| "world_unlock": false,
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| "date": 1732147203,
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| "version": "6.0",
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| "difficulties": [
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| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 0,
| |
| "chartDesigner": "絶滅 (AQUA) Lv.70",
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| "jacketDesigner": "",
| |
| "rating": 4
| |
| },
| |
| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 1,
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| "chartDesigner": "絶滅 (AQUA) Lv.70",
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| "jacketDesigner": "",
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| "rating": 7,
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| "ratingPlus": true
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| },
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| {
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| "ratingClass": 2,
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| "chartDesigner": "絶滅 (AQUA) Lv.70",
| |
| "jacketDesigner": "",
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| "rating": 9
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| },
| |
| {
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| "ratingClass": 4,
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| "chartDesigner": "絶滅 (AQUA) Lv.70",
| |
| "jacketDesigner": "",
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| "rating": 10,
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| "ratingPlus": true
| |
| }
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| {
| |
| "idx": 427,
| |
| "id": "andrevivemelody",
| |
| "title_localized": {
| |
| "en": "And Revive The Melody"
| |
| },
| |
| "artist": "黒魔",
| |
| "search_title": {
| |
| "ja": [
| |
| "あんどりばいぶざめろでぃ"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ko": [
| |
| "앤 리바이브 더 멜로디"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| "search_artist": {
| |
| "en": [
| |
| "kuroma",
| |
| "chroma"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ja": [
| |
| "くろま"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ko": [
| |
| "쿠로마",
| |
| "크로마"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| "bpm": "210-220",
| |
| "bpm_base": 220,
| |
| "source_localized": {
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| "ja": "オンゲキ",
| |
| "en": "O.N.G.E.K.I."
| |
| },
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| "source_copyright": "©SEGA",
| |
| "set": "ongeki_append_2",
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| "purchase": "ongeki_append_2",
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| "audioPreview": 0,
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| "audioPreviewEnd": 0,
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| "side": 1,
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| "bg": "lamia",
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| "remote_dl": true,
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| "world_unlock": false,
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| "date": 1732147204,
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| "version": "6.0",
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| "difficulties": [
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| {
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| "ratingClass": 0,
| |
| "chartDesigner": "夜浪 (FIRE) Lv.75",
| |
| "jacketDesigner": "",
| |
| "rating": 5
| |
| },
| |
| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 1,
| |
| "chartDesigner": "夜浪 (FIRE) Lv.75",
| |
| "jacketDesigner": "",
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| "rating": 8
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| },
| |
| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 2,
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| "chartDesigner": "夜浪 (FIRE) Lv.75",
| |
| "jacketDesigner": "",
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| "rating": 10,
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| "ratingPlus": true
| |
| }
| |
| ]
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| },
| |
| {
| |
| "idx": 428,
| |
| "id": "swansong",
| |
| "title_localized": {
| |
| "en": "Swan Song"
| |
| },
| |
| "artist": "void (Mournfinale)",
| |
| "search_title": {
| |
| "ja": [
| |
| "すわんそんぐ"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ko": [
| |
| "스완 송"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| "search_artist": {
| |
| "ja": [
| |
| "ぼいど",
| |
| "ゔぉいど"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ko": [
| |
| "보이드"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| "bpm": "148",
| |
| "bpm_base": 148,
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| "set": "lephon",
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| "purchase": "lephon",
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| "audioPreview": 0,
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| "audioPreviewEnd": 0,
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| "side": 3,
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| "bg": "lephon",
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| "bg_inverse": "lephon",
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| "remote_dl": true,
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| "world_unlock": false,
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| "date": 1732147205,
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| "version": "6.0",
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| "difficulties": [
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| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 0,
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| "chartDesigner": "小終点",
| |
| "jacketDesigner": "Noyu",
| |
| "rating": 3
| |
| },
| |
| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 1,
| |
| "chartDesigner": "小終点",
| |
| "jacketDesigner": "Noyu",
| |
| "rating": 7
| |
| },
| |
| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 2,
| |
| "chartDesigner": "小終点",
| |
| "jacketDesigner": "Noyu",
| |
| "rating": 9,
| |
| "ratingPlus": true
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| }
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| ]
| |
| },
| |
| {
| |
| "idx": 429,
| |
| "id": "renegade",
| |
| "title_localized": {
| |
| "en": "Renegade"
| |
| },
| |
| "artist": "sky_delta",
| |
| "search_title": {
| |
| "ja": [
| |
| "れねげーど"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ko": [
| |
| "레니게이드"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| "search_artist": {
| |
| "ja": [
| |
| "すかいでるた"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ko": [
| |
| "스카이 델타"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| "bpm": "186",
| |
| "bpm_base": 186,
| |
| "set": "lephon",
| |
| "purchase": "lephon",
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| "audioPreview": 0,
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| "audioPreviewEnd": 0,
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| "side": 3,
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| "bg": "lephon",
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| "remote_dl": true,
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| "world_unlock": false,
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| "byd_local_unlock": true,
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| "date": 1732147206,
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| "version": "6.0",
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| "difficulties": [
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| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 0,
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| "chartDesigner": "raycast, The Devout",
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| "jacketDesigner": "辷",
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| "rating": 4
| |
| },
| |
| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 1,
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| "chartDesigner": "raycast, The Devout",
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| "jacketDesigner": "辷",
| |
| "rating": 7,
| |
| "ratingPlus": true
| |
| },
| |
| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 2,
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| "chartDesigner": "raycast, The Devout",
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| "jacketDesigner": "辷",
| |
| "rating": 9
| |
| },
| |
| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 3,
| |
| "chartDesigner": "raycast, The Irresolute",
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| "jacketDesigner": "辷",
| |
| "rating": 10,
| |
| "hidden_until": "none"
| |
| }
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| {
| |
| "idx": 430,
| |
| "id": "raysofremnant",
| |
| "title_localized": {
| |
| "en": "Rays of Remnant"
| |
| },
| |
| "artist": "May × Felysrator",
| |
| "search_title": {
| |
| "ja": [
| |
| "れいずおぶれむなんと"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ko": [
| |
| "레이즈 오브 렘넌트"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| "search_artist": {
| |
| "ja": [
| |
| "めい",
| |
| "ふぇりすらとーる"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ko": [
| |
| "메이",
| |
| "펠리스레이터"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| "bpm": "200",
| |
| "bpm_base": 200,
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| "set": "lephon",
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| "purchase": "lephon",
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| "audioPreview": 0,
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| "audioPreviewEnd": 0,
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| "byd_local_unlock": true,
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| "date": 1732147207,
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| "difficulties": [
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| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 0,
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| "chartDesigner": "nora::nue",
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| "jacketDesigner": "はむメロン",
| |
| "rating": 4
| |
| },
| |
| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 1,
| |
| "chartDesigner": "nora::nue",
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| "jacketDesigner": "はむメロン",
| |
| "rating": 7
| |
| },
| |
| {
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| "ratingClass": 2,
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| "chartDesigner": "nora::nue",
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| "jacketDesigner": "はむメロン",
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| "rating": 9,
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| "ratingPlus": true
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| },
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| {
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| "ratingClass": 3,
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| "chartDesigner": "nora::nue",
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| "jacketDesigner": "はむメロン",
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| "rating": 10,
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| "hidden_until": "none"
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| }
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| ]
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| },
| |
| {
| |
| "idx": 431,
| |
| "id": "breachoffaith",
| |
| "title_localized": {
| |
| "en": "Breach of Faith"
| |
| },
| |
| "artist": "Supire feat.eili",
| |
| "search_title": {
| |
| "ja": [
| |
| "ぶりーちおぶふぇいす"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ko": [
| |
| "브리치 오브 페이스"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| "search_artist": {
| |
| "ja": [
| |
| "すぱいあ",
| |
| "えいり"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ko": [
| |
| "스파이어",
| |
| "에일리"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| "bpm": "172",
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| "bpm_base": 172,
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| "set": "lephon",
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| "audioPreview": 0,
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| "audioPreviewEnd": 0,
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| "world_unlock": false,
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| "byd_local_unlock": true,
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| "date": 1732147208,
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| "version": "6.0",
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| "difficulties": [
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| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 0,
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| "chartDesigner": "夜浪「perfidulo」",
| |
| "jacketDesigner": "おにねこ",
| |
| "rating": 5
| |
| },
| |
| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 1,
| |
| "chartDesigner": "夜浪「perfidulo」",
| |
| "jacketDesigner": "おにねこ",
| |
| "rating": 8
| |
| },
| |
| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 2,
| |
| "chartDesigner": "夜浪「perfidulo」",
| |
| "jacketDesigner": "おにねこ",
| |
| "rating": 10
| |
| },
| |
| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 3,
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| "chartDesigner": "夜浪「perfidulo」",
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| "jacketDesigner": "おにねこ",
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| "hidden_until": "none"
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| }
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| ]
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| },
| |
| {
| |
| "idx": 432,
| |
| "id": "lamentrain",
| |
| "title_localized": {
| |
| "en": "Lament Rain"
| |
| },
| |
| "artist": "Ashrount vs. 打打だいず",
| |
| "search_title": {
| |
| "ja": [
| |
| "らめんとれいん"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ko": [
| |
| "라멘트 레인"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| "search_artist": {
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| "en": [
| |
| "dadadaizu",
| |
| "dddice"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ja": [
| |
| "あしゅらうんと",
| |
| "だだだいず"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ko": [
| |
| "애쉬라운트",
| |
| "애쉬런트",
| |
| "다다다이즈"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| "bpm": "200",
| |
| "bpm_base": 200,
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| "set": "lephon",
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| "purchase": "lephon",
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| "audioPreview": 0,
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| "audioPreviewEnd": 0,
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| "side": 3,
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| "bg": "lamentrain",
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| "remote_dl": true,
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| "world_unlock": false,
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| "byd_local_unlock": true,
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| "date": 1732147209,
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| "difficulties": [
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| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 0,
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| "chartDesigner": "⇆ Fixation",
| |
| "jacketDesigner": "ああもんど",
| |
| "rating": 6
| |
| },
| |
| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 1,
| |
| "chartDesigner": "⇆ Sublimation",
| |
| "jacketDesigner": "ああもんど",
| |
| "rating": 8,
| |
| "ratingPlus": true
| |
| },
| |
| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 2,
| |
| "chartDesigner": "⇆ Separation",
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| "jacketDesigner": "ああもんど",
| |
| "rating": 10
| |
| },
| |
| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 3,
| |
| "chartDesigner": "⇆ Projection",
| |
| "jacketDesigner": "ああもんど",
| |
| "rating": 11,
| |
| "legacy11": true,
| |
| "hidden_until": "none"
| |
| }
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| {
| |
| "idx": 433,
| |
| "id": "designant",
| |
| "title_localized": {
| |
| "en": "Designant."
| |
| },
| |
| "artist": "Designant",
| |
| "search_title": {
| |
| "ja": [
| |
| "でじぐなんと"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ko": [
| |
| "데지그넌트"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| "search_artist": {
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| "ja": [
| |
| "でじぐなんと"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ko": [
| |
| "데지그넌트"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| "bpm": "200",
| |
| "bpm_base": 200,
| |
| "set": "lephon",
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| "purchase": "lephon",
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| "audioPreview": 0,
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| "audioPreviewEnd": 0,
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| "side": 3,
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| "bg": "designant",
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| "remote_dl": true,
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| "world_unlock": false,
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| "byd_local_unlock": true,
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| "date": 1732147210,
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| "version": "6.0",
| |
| "difficulties": [
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| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 0,
| |
| "chartDesigner": "1st Command ≒ Legacy",
| |
| "jacketDesigner": "すずなし",
| |
| "rating": 7,
| |
| "hidden_until_unlocked": true,
| |
| "hidden_until": "song"
| |
| },
| |
| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 1,
| |
| "chartDesigner": "2nd Command ≒ Perfection",
| |
| "jacketDesigner": "すずなし",
| |
| "rating": 9,
| |
| "hidden_until_unlocked": true,
| |
| "hidden_until": "song"
| |
| },
| |
| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 2,
| |
| "chartDesigner": "3rd Command ≒ Ascendance",
| |
| "jacketDesigner": "すずなし",
| |
| "rating": 10,
| |
| "ratingPlus": true,
| |
| "hidden_until_unlocked": true,
| |
| "hidden_until": "song"
| |
| },
| |
| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 3,
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| "chartDesigner": "Final Command. Infinity",
| |
| "jacketDesigner": "すずなし",
| |
| "rating": 11,
| |
| "legacy11": true,
| |
| "ratingPlus": true,
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| "hidden_until_unlocked": true,
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| "hidden_until": "song"
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| },
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| {
| |
| "idx": 434,
| |
| "id": "astralquant",
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| "title_localized": {
| |
| "en": "Astral Quantization"
| |
| },
| |
| "artist": "Dj Grimoire",
| |
| "search_title": {
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| "ja": [
| |
| "あすとらるくおんたいぜーしょん"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ko": [
| |
| "아스트랄 퀀티제이션"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| "search_artist": {
| |
| "ja": [
| |
| "でぃーじぇーぐりもあ",
| |
| "でぃーじぇいぐりもあ",
| |
| "でぃーじぇーぐりもわーる",
| |
| "でぃーじぇいぐりもわーる"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ko": [
| |
| "디제이 그리모어"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
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| "bpm": "185",
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| "bpm_base": 185,
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| "set": "lephon",
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| "purchase": "lephon",
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| "date": 1732147211,
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| "jacketDesigner": "Enji",
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| "rating": 5,
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| "hidden_until_unlocked": true,
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| "hidden_until": "song"
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| {
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| "ratingClass": 1,
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| "chartDesigner": "Ψ",
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| "jacketDesigner": "Enji",
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| "rating": 8,
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| "hidden_until_unlocked": true,
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| "hidden_until": "song"
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| },
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| {
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| "ratingClass": 2,
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| "chartDesigner": "Ψ",
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| "jacketDesigner": "Enji",
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| "rating": 10,
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| "hidden_until_unlocked": true,
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| "hidden_until": "song"
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| }
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| ]
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| },
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| {
| |
| "idx": 435,
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| "id": "ignition",
| |
| "title_localized": {
| |
| "en": "Ignition"
| |
| },
| |
| "artist": "パソコン音楽クラブ",
| |
| "search_title": {
| |
| "ja": [
| |
| "いぐにしょん"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ko": [
| |
| "이그니션"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| "search_artist": {
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| "en": [
| |
| "pasocom ongaku kurabu",
| |
| "pasocon ongaku kurabu",
| |
| "pasocom music club"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ja": [
| |
| "ぱそこんおんがくくらぶ"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ko": [
| |
| "파소콘 온가쿠 쿠라부"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
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| "bpm": "160",
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| "bpm_base": 160,
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| "set": "chunithm_append_3",
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| "source_copyright": "©SEGA",
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| "date": 1734566400,
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| "ratingClass": 0,
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| "chartDesigner": "るくあんす",
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| "jacketDesigner": "",
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| "ratingClass": 1,
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| "chartDesigner": "るくあんす",
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| "jacketDesigner": "",
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| "rating": 6
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| "ratingClass": 2,
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| "chartDesigner": "るくあんす",
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| "jacketDesigner": "",
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| "rating": 9,
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| "ratingPlus": true
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| }
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| ]
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| },
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| |
| "idx": 436,
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| "id": "blazingair",
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| "title_localized": {
| |
| "en": "BlazinG AIR"
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| },
| |
| "artist": "kanone",
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| "search_title": {
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| "ja": [
| |
| "ぶれいじんぐえあー"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ko": [
| |
| "블레이징 에어"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| "search_artist": {
| |
| "ja": [
| |
| "かのね"
| |
| ],
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| "ko": [
| |
| "카노네"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| "bpm": "150",
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| "bpm_base": 150,
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| "set": "chunithm_append_3",
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| "ratingClass": 0,
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| "chartDesigner": "BlazinG ÉND",
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| "ratingClass": 1,
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| "chartDesigner": "BlazinG ÉND",
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| "jacketDesigner": "",
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| "rating": 6
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| "ratingClass": 2,
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| "chartDesigner": "BlazinG ÉND",
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| "jacketDesigner": "",
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| "rating": 8,
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| "ratingClass": 4,
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| "chartDesigner": "BlazinG ÉND",
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| "jacketDesigner": "",
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| "rating": 10
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| }
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| },
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| {
| |
| "idx": 437,
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| "id": "eightem",
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| "title_localized": {
| |
| "en": "8-EM"
| |
| },
| |
| "artist": "Sampling Masters AYA",
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| "search_title": {
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| "ja": [
| |
| "えいてぃーえむ"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ko": [
| |
| "에이티엠"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| "search_artist": {
| |
| "ja": [
| |
| "さんぷりんぐますたーずあや"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ko": [
| |
| "샘플링 마스터스 아야"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| "bpm": "168",
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| "bpm_base": 168,
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| "set": "chunithm_append_3",
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| "date": 1734566402,
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| "ratingClass": 0,
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| "chartDesigner": "Exschwasion",
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| "jacketDesigner": "",
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| "ratingClass": 1,
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| "chartDesigner": "Exschwasion",
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| "jacketDesigner": "",
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| "rating": 7,
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| {
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| "ratingClass": 2,
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| "chartDesigner": "Rave Gallery",
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| "rating": 9
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| "ratingClass": 4,
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| "chartDesigner": "X-SCHWASION",
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| "rating": 10
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| {
| |
| "idx": 438,
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| "id": "daat",
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| "title_localized": {
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| "en": "DA'AT -The First Seeker of Souls-"
| |
| },
| |
| "artist": "水野健治 VS 大国奏音",
| |
| "search_title": {
| |
| "ja": [
| |
| "だぁとざふぁーすとしーかーおぶそうるず"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ko": [
| |
| "다아트 더 퍼스트 시커 오브 소울즈"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| "search_artist": {
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| "en": [
| |
| "mizuno kenji",
| |
| "oguni kanon"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ja": [
| |
| "みずのけんじ",
| |
| "おおぐにかのん"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ko": [
| |
| "미즈노 켄지",
| |
| "오오구니 카논"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| "bpm": "222",
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| "bpm_base": 222,
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| "set": "chunithm_append_3",
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| "date": 1734566402,
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| "ratingClass": 0,
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| "chartDesigner": "夜浪 -Revolutions-",
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| "rating": 5
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| {
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| "ratingClass": 1,
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| "chartDesigner": "夜浪 -Revolutions-",
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| "jacketDesigner": "",
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| "rating": 8
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| },
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| {
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| "ratingClass": 2,
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| "chartDesigner": "夜浪 -Revolutions-",
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| "jacketDesigner": "",
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| "rating": 10,
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| "ratingPlus": true
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| }
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| ]
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| },
| |
| {
| |
| "idx": 439,
| |
| "id": "breakbreak",
| |
| "title_localized": {
| |
| "en": "BREaK! BREaK! BREaK!"
| |
| },
| |
| "artist": "HiTECH NINJA vs Cranky",
| |
| "search_title": {
| |
| "ja": [
| |
| "ぶれいくぶれいくぶれいく"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ko": [
| |
| "브레이크 브레이크 브레이크"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| "search_artist": {
| |
| "ja": [
| |
| "はいてっくにんじゃ",
| |
| "くらんきー"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ko": [
| |
| "하이테크 닌자",
| |
| "크랭키"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
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| "bpm": "165",
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| "bpm_base": 165,
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| "set": "maimai_append_2",
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| "date": 1737417600,
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| "ratingClass": 0,
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| "chartDesigner": "écologie",
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| "jacketDesigner": "",
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| "ratingClass": 2,
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| "rating": 8,
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| {
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| "ratingClass": 4,
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| "chartDesigner": "EXSCHWASiON vs 絶滅",
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| "jacketDesigner": "",
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| "rating": 10
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| }
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| ]
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| },
| |
| {
| |
| "idx": 440,
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| "id": "straightintolights",
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| "title_localized": {
| |
| "en": "Straight into the lights"
| |
| },
| |
| "artist": "Cosmograph",
| |
| "search_title": {
| |
| "ja": [
| |
| "すとれーといんとぅざらいつ"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ko": [
| |
| "스트레이트 인투 더 라이츠"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| "search_artist": {
| |
| "ja": [
| |
| "こすもぐらふ"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ko": [
| |
| "코스모그래프"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
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| "bpm": "90",
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| "bpm_base": 180,
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| "set": "maimai_append_2",
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| "ratingClass": 0,
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| "chartDesigner": "nora::kuma",
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| "jacketDesigner": "",
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| "rating": 4
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| },
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| "ratingClass": 1,
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| "chartDesigner": "nora::kuma",
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| "rating": 7
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| {
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| "ratingClass": 2,
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| "jacketDesigner": "",
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| "rating": 9
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| },
| |
| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 4,
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| "chartDesigner": "反水 × 夜浪",
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| "jacketDesigner": "",
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| "rating": 10
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| }
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| ]
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| },
| |
| {
| |
| "idx": 441,
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| "id": "virtus",
| |
| "title_localized": {
| |
| "en": "ViRTUS"
| |
| },
| |
| "artist": "Hiro",
| |
| "search_title": {
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| "ja": [
| |
| "うぃるとす"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ko": [
| |
| "버투스",
| |
| "비르투스"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| "search_artist": {
| |
| "ja": [
| |
| "ひろ"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ko": [
| |
| "히로"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| "bpm": "225",
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| "bpm_base": 225,
| |
| "set": "maimai_append_2",
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| "purchase": "maimai_append_2",
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| "date": 1737417602,
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| "ratingClass": 0,
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| "chartDesigner": "NiTRO",
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| "ratingClass": 1,
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| "chartDesigner": "NiTRO",
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| "rating": 8
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| "ratingClass": 2,
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| "chartDesigner": "NiTRO",
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| "rating": 9,
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| "ratingClass": 4,
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| "jacketDesigner": "",
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| "rating": 10,
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| "ratingPlus": true
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| }
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| ]
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| },
| |
| {
| |
| "idx": 442,
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| "id": "yomibitoshirazu",
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| "title_localized": {
| |
| "en": "yomibito_shirazu",
| |
| "ja": "ヨミビトシラズ"
| |
| },
| |
| "artist": "Limonène (サノカモメ+月島春果)",
| |
| "search_title": {
| |
| "en": [
| |
| "yomibito shirazu"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ko": [
| |
| "어나니머스",
| |
| "요미비토시라즈",
| |
| "익명"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
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| "search_artist": {
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| "en": [
| |
| "limonene",
| |
| "sano kamome",
| |
| "kamome sano",
| |
| "tsukishima haruka"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ja": [
| |
| "りもねん",
| |
| "つきしまはるか"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ko": [
| |
| "리모네네",
| |
| "카모메 사노",
| |
| "사노 카모메",
| |
| "츠키시마 하루카"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
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| "bpm": "188",
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| "bpm_base": 188,
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| "set": "maimai_append_2",
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| "chartDesigner": "\u003C!-- raycast --\u003E",
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| "ratingClass": 1,
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| "chartDesigner": "\u003C!-- raycast --\u003E",
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| "jacketDesigner": "",
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| "rating": 8
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| },
| |
| {
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| "ratingClass": 2,
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| "chartDesigner": "\u003C!-- raycast --\u003E",
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| "jacketDesigner": "",
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| "rating": 9,
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| "ratingPlus": true
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| }
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| ]
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| },
| |
| {
| |
| "idx": 443,
| |
| "id": "aethercrest",
| |
| "title_localized": {
| |
| "en": "Aether Crest: Astral"
| |
| },
| |
| "artist": "void (Mournfinale) × 水野健治",
| |
| "search_title": {
| |
| "ja": [
| |
| "えーてるくれすとあすとらる"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ko": [
| |
| "에테르 크레스트 아스트랄"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| "search_artist": {
| |
| "en": [
| |
| "mizuno kenji"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ja": [
| |
| "ぼいど",
| |
| "ゔぉいど",
| |
| "みずのけんじ"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ko": [
| |
| "보이드",
| |
| "미즈노 켄지"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| "bpm": "180",
| |
| "bpm_base": 180,
| |
| "set": "chunithm_append_3",
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| "purchase": "chunithm_append_3",
| |
| "audioPreview": 0,
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| "audioPreviewEnd": 0,
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| "side": 0,
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| "bg": "aethercrest",
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| "bg_inverse": "aethercrest",
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| "remote_dl": true,
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| "world_unlock": false,
| |
| "date": 1740700800,
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| "version": "6.2",
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| "difficulties": [
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| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 0,
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| "chartDesigner": "Nitro",
| |
| "jacketDesigner": "すずなし",
| |
| "rating": 6
| |
| },
| |
| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 1,
| |
| "chartDesigner": "Empyrean",
| |
| "jacketDesigner": "すずなし",
| |
| "rating": 8,
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| "ratingPlus": true
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| },
| |
| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 2,
| |
| "chartDesigner": "M理論 《Quintessence》",
| |
| "jacketDesigner": "すずなし",
| |
| "rating": 10
| |
| },
| |
| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 4,
| |
| "chartDesigner": "夜浪 × 絶滅「αἴθων」",
| |
| "jacketDesigner": "すずなし",
| |
| "rating": 11
| |
| }
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| {
| |
| "idx": 444,
| |
| "id": "heartache",
| |
| "title_localized": {
| |
| "en": "Heartache",
| |
| "ja": "心の痛み"
| |
| },
| |
| "artist": "Toby Fox",
| |
| "search_title": {
| |
| "ja": [
| |
| "はーとえいく",
| |
| "こころのいたみ"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ko": [
| |
| "하트에이크"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| "search_artist": {
| |
| "ja": [
| |
| "とびーふぉっくす"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ko": [
| |
| "토비 폭스"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| "bpm": "239",
| |
| "bpm_base": 239,
| |
| "set": "undertale",
| |
| "source_localized": {
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| "en": "UNDERTALE®"
| |
| },
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| "purchase": "undertale",
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| "audioPreview": 0,
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| "audioPreviewEnd": 0,
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| "side": 0,
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| "bg": "undertale_light",
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| "bg_inverse": "undertale_conflict",
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| "remote_dl": true,
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| "world_unlock": false,
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| "date": 1741478400,
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| "version": "6.3",
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| "difficulties": [
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| {
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| "ratingClass": 0,
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| "chartDesigner": "sidewaves",
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| "jacketDesigner": "",
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| "rating": 1
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| },
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| {
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| "ratingClass": 1,
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| "chartDesigner": "sidewaves",
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| "jacketDesigner": "",
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| "rating": 4
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| },
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| {
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| "ratingClass": 2,
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| "chartDesigner": "sidewaves",
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| "jacketDesigner": "",
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| "rating": 7
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| },
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| {
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| "ratingClass": 4,
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| "chartDesigner": "sidewaves",
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| "jacketDesigner": "",
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| "rating": 8,
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| "ratingPlus": true
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| }
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| ]
| |
| },
| |
| {
| |
| "idx": 445,
| |
| "id": "deathbyglamour",
| |
| "title_localized": {
| |
| "en": "Death By Glamour",
| |
| "ja": "華麗なる死闘"
| |
| },
| |
| "artist": "Toby Fox",
| |
| "bpm": "148",
| |
| "bpm_base": 148,
| |
| "set": "undertale",
| |
| "source_localized": {
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| "en": "UNDERTALE®"
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| },
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| "purchase": "undertale",
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| "audioPreview": 0,
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| "audioPreviewEnd": 0,
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| "side": 0,
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| "bg": "undertale_light",
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| "bg_inverse": "undertale_conflict",
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| "remote_dl": true,
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| "world_unlock": false,
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| "date": 1741478401,
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| "version": "6.3",
| |
| "difficulties": [
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| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 0,
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| "chartDesigner": "RYCT QUIZ SHOW",
| |
| "jacketDesigner": "",
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| "rating": 2
| |
| },
| |
| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 1,
| |
| "chartDesigner": "RYCT COOKING",
| |
| "jacketDesigner": "",
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| "rating": 5
| |
| },
| |
| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 2,
| |
| "chartDesigner": "RYCT NEWS",
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| "jacketDesigner": "",
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| "rating": 7,
| |
| "ratingPlus": true
| |
| },
| |
| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 4,
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| "chartDesigner": "RYCT THE MUSICAL",
| |
| "jacketDesigner": "",
| |
| "rating": 9
| |
| }
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| {
| |
| "idx": 446,
| |
| "id": "yourbestnightmare",
| |
| "title_localized": {
| |
| "en": "Your Best Nightmare",
| |
| "ja": "最高の悪夢"
| |
| },
| |
| "artist": "Toby Fox",
| |
| "search_title": {
| |
| "ja": [
| |
| "ゆあべすとないとめあ",
| |
| "さいこうのあくむ"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ko": [
| |
| "유어 베스트 나이트메어"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| "search_artist": {
| |
| "ja": [
| |
| "とびーふぉっくす"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ko": [
| |
| "토비 폭스"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
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| "bpm": "190",
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| "bpm_base": 190,
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| "set": "undertale",
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| "source_localized": {
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| "en": "UNDERTALE®"
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| },
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| "purchase": "undertale",
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| "audioPreview": 0,
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| "audioPreviewEnd": 0,
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| "side": 1,
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| "bg": "undertale_conflict",
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| "bg_inverse": "undertale_light",
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| "remote_dl": true,
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| "world_unlock": false,
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| "byd_local_unlock": true,
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| "date": 1741478402,
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| "version": "6.3",
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| "difficulties": [
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| {
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| "ratingClass": 0,
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| "chartDesigner": "Nitro",
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| "jacketDesigner": "",
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| "rating": 3
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| },
| |
| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 1,
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| "chartDesigner": "Nitro",
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| "jacketDesigner": "",
| |
| "rating": 6
| |
| },
| |
| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 2,
| |
| "chartDesigner": "Arcaea Charting Team【The Six Souls】",
| |
| "jacketDesigner": "",
| |
| "rating": 8,
| |
| "ratingPlus": true
| |
| },
| |
| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 3,
| |
| "chartDesigner": "Arcaea Charting Team【The Six Souls】",
| |
| "jacketDesigner": "",
| |
| "rating": 10,
| |
| "hidden_until": "none"
| |
| }
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| {
| |
| "idx": 447,
| |
| "id": "lastgoodbye",
| |
| "title_localized": {
| |
| "en": "Last Goodbye",
| |
| "ja": "これでホントにサヨナラ"
| |
| },
| |
| "artist": "Toby Fox",
| |
| "search_title": {
| |
| "ja": [
| |
| "らすとぐっばい",
| |
| "らすとぐっどばい",
| |
| "これでほんとにさよなら"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ko": [
| |
| "라스트 굿바이"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| "search_artist": {
| |
| "ja": [
| |
| "とびーふぉっくす"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ko": [
| |
| "토비 폭스"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| "bpm": "180",
| |
| "bpm_base": 180,
| |
| "set": "undertale",
| |
| "source_localized": {
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| "en": "UNDERTALE®"
| |
| },
| |
| "purchase": "undertale",
| |
| "audioPreview": 0,
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| "audioPreviewEnd": 0,
| |
| "side": 0,
| |
| "bg": "undertale_light",
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| "bg_inverse": "undertale_conflict",
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| "remote_dl": true,
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| "world_unlock": false,
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| "date": 1741478403,
| |
| "version": "6.3",
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| "difficulties": [
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| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 0,
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| "chartDesigner": "Luxance",
| |
| "jacketDesigner": "",
| |
| "rating": 2
| |
| },
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| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 1,
| |
| "chartDesigner": "Luxance",
| |
| "jacketDesigner": "",
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| "rating": 6
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| },
| |
| {
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| "ratingClass": 2,
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| "chartDesigner": "Luxance",
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| "jacketDesigner": "",
| |
| "rating": 8
| |
| },
| |
| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 4,
| |
| "chartDesigner": "Good night.",
| |
| "jacketDesigner": "",
| |
| "rating": 9,
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| "ratingPlus": true
| |
| }
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| {
| |
| "idx": 448,
| |
| "id": "megalovania",
| |
| "title_localized": {
| |
| |
| },
| |
| "artist": "Toby Fox",
| |
| "search_title": {
| |
| "ja": [
| |
| "めがろばにあ",
| |
| "めがろゔぁにあ"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ko": [
| |
| "메갈로바니아",
| |
| "메갈로베니아"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| "search_artist": {
| |
| "ja": [
| |
| "とびーふぉっくす"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ko": [
| |
| "토비 폭스"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| "bpm": "240",
| |
| "bpm_base": 240,
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| "set": "undertale",
| |
| "source_localized": {
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| "en": "UNDERTALE®"
| |
| },
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| "purchase": "undertale",
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| "audioPreview": 0,
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| "audioPreviewEnd": 0,
| |
| "side": 1,
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| "bg": "undertale_conflict",
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| "bg_inverse": "undertale_light",
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| "remote_dl": true,
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| "world_unlock": false,
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| "date": 1741478404,
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| "version": "6.3",
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| "difficulties": [
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| {
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| "ratingClass": 0,
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| "chartDesigner": "瑞獣 LV3",
| |
| "jacketDesigner": "",
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| "rating": 4
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| },
| |
| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 1,
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| "chartDesigner": "瑞獣 LV8",
| |
| "jacketDesigner": "",
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| "rating": 7
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| },
| |
| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 2,
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| "chartDesigner": "瑞獣 LV15",
| |
| "jacketDesigner": "",
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| "rating": 9
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| },
| |
| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 4,
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| "chartDesigner": "瑞獣 LV19",
| |
| "jacketDesigner": "",
| |
| "rating": 10
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| }
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| {
| |
| "idx": 449,
| |
| "id": "megalovaniarmx",
| |
| "title_localized": {
| |
| "en": "MEGALOVANIA (Camellia Remix)"
| |
| },
| |
| "artist": "Camellia",
| |
| "search_title": {
| |
| "ja": [
| |
| "めがろゔぁにあかめりありみっくす",
| |
| "めがろばにあかめりありみっくす"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ko": [
| |
| "메갈로바니아 카멜리아 리믹스",
| |
| "메갈로베니아 카멜리아 리믹스"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| "search_artist": {
| |
| "ja": [
| |
| "かめりあ"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ko": [
| |
| "카멜리아"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| "bpm": "242",
| |
| "bpm_base": 242,
| |
| "set": "single",
| |
| "category": "poprec",
| |
| "source_localized": {
| |
| "en": "UNDERTALE®"
| |
| },
| |
| "purchase": "megalovaniarmx",
| |
| "audioPreview": 0,
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| "audioPreviewEnd": 0,
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| "side": 1,
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| "bg": "megalovaniarmx",
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| "bg_inverse": "megalovaniarmx",
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| "remote_dl": true,
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| "world_unlock": false,
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| "date": 1741478405,
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| "limitedSaleEndTime": 1773014400,
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| "version": "6.3",
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| "difficulties": [
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| {
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| "ratingClass": 0,
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| "chartDesigner": "M理論",
| |
| "jacketDesigner": "夏生",
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| "rating": 5
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| },
| |
| {
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| "ratingClass": 1,
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| "chartDesigner": "M理論",
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| "jacketDesigner": "夏生",
| |
| "rating": 8
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| },
| |
| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 2,
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| "chartDesigner": "M理論",
| |
| "jacketDesigner": "夏生",
| |
| "rating": 9,
| |
| "ratingPlus": true
| |
| },
| |
| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 4,
| |
| "chartDesigner": "* do you wanna have a bad time?",
| |
| "jacketDesigner": "夏生",
| |
| "rating": 10,
| |
| "ratingPlus": true
| |
| }
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| {
| |
| "idx": 450,
| |
| "id": "placebobattler",
| |
| "title_localized": {
| |
| "en": "Placebo♥Battler",
| |
| "ja": "プラシイボ♥バトラー"
| |
| },
| |
| "artist": "OSTER project",
| |
| "search_title": {
| |
| "en": [
| |
| "purashiibo batora"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ko": [
| |
| "플라시보 배틀러"
| |
| ]
| |
| },
| |
| "search_artist": {
| |
| "ja": [
| |
| "おすたーぷろじぇくと"
| |
| ],
| |
| "ko": [
| |
| "오스터 프로젝트"
| |
| ]
| |
| }, | | }, |
| "bpm": "270", | | "description_localized": { |
| "bpm_base": 270,
| | "en": "Travel through incredible songs\nfrom the popular Mobile Rhythm Game\n'Dynamix' together with their character:\nSapphire.\n\nExperience an energetic new sound\nnot yet found in Arcaea!", |
| "set": "single",
| | "ja": "'Dynamix'の素晴らしい楽曲の海を\nゲームの垣根を超えてはるばるやってきた\nマスコットのサファイアと共に冒険しよう。\n\nArcaeaにはなかった、エネルギーに溢れる\n新しいサウンドを体感せよ!", |
| "category": "original",
| | "ko": " 지금껏 없었던 놀라운 음악을 체험하세요.\n인기있는 모바일 리듬게임 'Dynamix'의\n'Sapphire'가 여러분을 만나러 찾아왔습니다.\n\n 지금껏 없었던 에너지 넘치는 사운드를\nArcaea에서 즐기실 수 있습니다!", |
| "purchase": "placebobattler",
| | "zh-Hant": " 與人氣音樂手遊 Dynamix \n的薩菲亞一起徜徉于這些動人心弦的曲目,\n揭開沉睡在秘術之地裡的全新樂章!", |
| "audioPreview": 0,
| | "zh-Hans": " 与来自著名音乐手游Dynamix \n的萨菲亚一起欣赏精彩而又动人的乐曲,\n揭开沉睡在Arcaea世界中的全新乐章!" |
| "audioPreviewEnd": 0,
| | } |
| "side": 0,
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| "bg": "vs_light",
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| "bg_inverse": "vs_conflict",
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| "remote_dl": true,
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| "world_unlock": false,
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| "date": 1741478406,
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| "version": "6.3",
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| "difficulties": [
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| { | |
| "ratingClass": 0,
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| "chartDesigner": "絶滅【再構築】",
| |
| "jacketDesigner": "cyawa",
| |
| "rating": 5
| |
| }, | |
| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 1,
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| "chartDesigner": " 絶滅【再構築】",
| |
| "jacketDesigner": "cyawa",
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| "rating": 8
| |
| }, | |
| {
| |
| "ratingClass": 2,
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| "chartDesigner": " 絶滅【再構築】",
| |
| "jacketDesigner": "cyawa",
| |
| "rating": 10
| |
| }
| |
| ]
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| } | | } |
| ] | | ] |
| } | | } |