(未显示33个用户的71个中间版本) |
第1行: |
第1行: |
| * 在这个混沌的世界,少女开始了她的旅程……
| | {{一句话| 在这个混沌的世界,少女开始了她的旅程……}} |
| | | {{曲目信息 |
| ==Sheriruth==
| | |曲名=Sheriruth |
| | | |侧=1 |
| {| class="wikitable" align="center" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="5"
| | | 背景=sheriruth |
| |rowspan="10"|[[文件:Songs sheriruth.jpg|256px]] | | | 图片=Songs sheriruth.jpg |
| !colspan="4"|Sheriruth
| | |PastNote=611 |
| |- | | |PresentNote=832 |
| ! scope="row"|编 曲
| | |FutureNote=1151 |
| |colspan="4"|[[ 曲 师列表#Team Grimoire|Team Grimoire]] | | |note 编 写={{lang|ja|[[ 谱 师列表#Nitro| 夜浪]]}} |
| |- | | | 画师={{lang|ja|[[ 画师列表#シエラ| シエラ]]}} |
| ! scope="row"|收录曲包
| | |BPM=185 |
| |colspan="4"|[[Eternal Core ]] | | |更新 版本=v1.0.5 |
| |- | | |更新时间=2017/03/09 |
| ! scope="row"| 难度
| | | 更新时间NS=2021/05/18 |
| ! scope="row"| [Past]
| | | 更新版本NS=v1.0.0c |
| ! scope="row"| [Present]
| | }} |
| ! scope="row"| [Future]
| | ==曲目信息== |
| |-
| |
| ! scope="row"| 等级
| |
| |5
| |
| |7
| |
| |9+
| |
| |-
| |
| ! scope="row"| note数量
| |
| |611
| |
| |832
| |
| |1151
| |
| |-
| |
| ! scope="row"| note编写
| |
| |colspan="3" | 夜浪
| |
| |-
| |
| ! scope="row"| 时长
| |
| |colspan="4"| 2:17
| |
| |-
| |
| ! scope="row"| BPM
| |
| |colspan="4"| 185
| |
| |- | |
| ! scope="row"| 更新 时间
| |
| |colspan="4"| v1.0.5
| |
| (2017/03/09)
| |
| |- | |
| |} | |
| | |
| ===解禁方法=== | | ===解禁方法=== |
| 前置条件: 在World 模式第一章,[[World 模式 梯子详表#1-5|地 图1-5]], 第3 个奖励获得 | | ====移动版==== |
| {| class="wikitable" align="center" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="5" | | {{解禁方法 |
| !Past
| | |PST解禁方法= |
| !Present
| | |PRS解禁方法=通关[[Essence of Twilight]][PRS]<br>80 残片 |
| !Future
| | |FTR解禁方法=以「A」或以上成绩通关[[Essence of Twilight]][FTR]<br>180 残片 |
| |- | | }} |
| |
| | ====Nintendo Switch版==== |
| |80 Fragments
| | '' 前置条件: 在世界 模式第一章,[[ 世界 模式 (Nintendo Switch版)#NS1-3|地 图NS1-3]], 第2 个奖励获得'' |
| [[Essence of Twilight]][PRS] 通过 | | {{解禁方法 |
| |180 Fragments | | |PST解禁方法= 游玩[[Essence of Twilight]][PST]<br>25 残片 |
| [[Essence of Twilight]][FTR]A以上通过 | | |PRS解禁方法=游玩[[Essence of Twilight]][PRS]<br>50 残片 |
| |} | | |FTR解禁方法=以「AA」或以上成绩通关[[Essence of Twilight]][FTR]<br>75 残片 |
| | }} |
| | ===曲目定数=== |
| | {{曲目定数 |
| | |PST=5.5 |
| | |PRS=7.5 |
| | |FTR=10.0 |
| | }} |
| | *本曲FTR谱面定数在v3.0.0更新后由10.6改为10.2,于v4.0.0更新后调整为10.1,又于v6.0.0更新后再次调整为10.0。 |
| |
| ===游戏相关=== | | ===游戏相关=== |
| * 这曲子其实不是专供给Arcaea的 , 原 曲 名为'''Grimoire of Darkness''',是在M3-2016活动上发布的,也比游戏里的 曲 子略长,<s>当然后来Team Grimoire重新 以'''Sheriruth(from.Arcaea)'''的名义重 新发布就是了 。</s>[https://osu.ppy.sh/forum/t/573522/start=120 证据] | | * 在v3.0.0大幅改标等级之前 , 本 曲 目为PST 5,PRS 7,FTR 9+。 |
| | | *本 曲以'''Sheriruth(from.Arcaea)'''的名义 收录于[[曲师列表#Team Grimoire|Team Grimoire]]的个人专辑'''Grimoire of Darkness'''中。 |
| | *本曲的 重 混版[[Sheriruth (Laur Remix)]]亦被收录于Arcaea。 |
| | *本曲曲绘背景、[[Tutorial]]曲绘背景、游玩背景base([[:Category:采用base_light背景的曲目|光芒]]{{·}} [[:Category:采用base_conflict背景的曲目|纷争]])、[[背景列表#场景|场景]]“一切的始初”均来自同一张图——v1.5.0之前的游戏启动界面背景 。 |
| | *本曲FTR谱面在游戏早期有过微调<ref> 调整了两条音弧的颜色,[https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1iW411K7ej 旧谱面视频]。</ref>。 |
| | *本曲PRS难度v5.4.0版本后定级修改为7+(但实际测量的定数仍为7.5,而7+难度的定数均为7.8),疑似为修改定数时出现了错误,已于v6.0.0更新后修复为正确定级。 |
| | *因联动收录至CHUNITHM。 |
| | ====攻略==== |
| | {{主观提醒}} |
| | {{难度标识|Future|10}} |
| | *10级最下位之一。全谱含有大量带出张的天地交互,对协调和稳定性要求较高 |
| | *753combo开始的长天地交互为天键右起手 |
| | *681、720、800、827combo处为24分交互 |
| | *831、844combo开始的天地7连交互分别为天键左、右起手,容易被骗手 |
| | *885combo开始的大蛇有数次需要划到地面轨道最边缘,注意定位 |
| | *977、990combo开始的天地交互分别为天键左、右起手 |
| | *全曲最后的长天地交互为地面右起手 |
| | **其中1059-1077combo处地键涉及较大出张,注意定位 |
| ====试听==== | | ====试听==== |
| | | {{Empty section}} |
| ====故事====
| |
| =====英文原文=====
| |
| •Past
| |
| | |
| She'd awakened in a ruined tower,first noticing pieces of glass floating in the air,They led her outside,and into a world of white.
| |
| White,white,and more glass.It seemed attracted to her,so she examined the shards with piqued curiosity.
| |
| She could see glimpses of something else in them,like looking through the windows of a train car.In one flashshe saw rain,in another sunlight,and in another death.She grimaced,and pulled away.
| |
| Although it seemed attracted to her,at her attempts to reach out and shatter the glass the shards were naturally repelled.Her grimace deepened into a glare,and she turned her attention to the pale sky.
| |
| However,as she gazed into it,her expression melted away.Her mouth opened,but she was too shaken to speak.
| |
| Glass:churning,glinting,and turning far overhead. There seemed to be a storm of it.
| |
| She regretted giving it attention,as now it seemed to notice,and was coming down to greet her.
| |
| | |
| •Present
| |
| | |
| It's difficult to describe that sensation which overwhelms her now.A riptide of glass that doesn't shatter,cut,
| |
| or reflect her face,pushing past her in powerful amounts,turning up and swirli ng as if pulled by a great wind.
| |
| She stands fast,and watches.
| |
| Watches...memories..of a filthy world.
| |
| "What is this…!?She reaches out."This.."
| |
| A memory of pain,betrayal,envy.
| |
| When she stops it,she stops the rest.They stand still in the air around her,frozen.She whips her head this way
| |
| and that."They're only.
| |
| Dark? Are they only dark? Wherever it is these shards relflect.she sees little light there.Whatever small
| |
| sparks she sees fade away in an instant.She bites her lip,and then smiles a smile with no humor."What kind of
| |
| joke is that?" she mutters,"A world filed only with misery..
| |
| As she says this,even her bitter smile fades away.
| |
| | |
| •Future
| |
| | |
| Without a clock,she has no way of knowi ng how long she's picked through memories,but she's sure it's been quite a long time.
| |
| For a while,she'd searched the fragments for more happy memories,just to see if they were there.They were,in
| |
| small number,but the more miserable shards never ceased to hound her.
| |
| So,she's come to know places she now loathed.
| |
| She now stands at the middle of a vast spiral of glass that turns about her slowly and resembles cosmos.She thinks there are two possibilities here: either the world or perhaps worlds these shards envision were entirely
| |
| terrible,or since only terrible memories are here....
| |
| In any case,she's decided to be rid of it all.
| |
| Something inside her has switched.Now when she looks at painful memories,she looks pleased.She gathers such
| |
| memories,it seems,gleeully.
| |
| "If I can be rid of this trash,or even better the places it represents..
| |
| These places full of chaos and even light.
| |
| That will make her happy.
| |
| | |
| | |
| =====中文翻译=====
| |
| •Past
| |
| | |
| 她在一片废墟中醒来,在空中漂浮的一群玻璃碎片引起了她的注意。它们引领着少女来到了外面,来到了一片白茫茫的世界当中。
| |
| 这里虽然有着更多的玻璃碎片,但周围除了白色还是白色。不过这里似乎激起了少女的好奇心,她仔细地打量着这些玻璃碎片。
| |
| 就像是从在火车车厢里的窗户往外看一样,少女在碎片里看到了其他的东西。一瞬间她看见了雨,一瞬间却又看见了阳光,然后一瞬间又看见了死亡。她露出了厌恶的表情,把视线离开了碎片。
| |
| 虽然这些玻璃碎片吸引住了少女,但她看过里面所映射出的东西之后,却试图去打碎它们。可令人吃惊的是,这些碎片竟然灵巧地躲开了她的攻击。女孩脸上的厌恶感变得更深了,她把注意力转向了苍白的天空之中。少女凝视着天空,然后,她脸上厌恶的表情逐渐消失,取而代之的是她张大了嘴,却因为太过于惊讶使她话连都说不出来。
| |
| 这些玻璃碎片,在少女的头顶上疯狂地翻腾着,闪烁着,形成了一阵猛烈的风暴。
| |
| 当她正在心里后悔着自己刚才的所作所为时,这些玻璃碎片像是发现了少女一样,快速地向她冲了过来......
| |
| | |
| •Present
| |
| | |
| 少女很难描述这种被玻璃碎片所淹没的感觉。但这群碎片并没有割伤她的脸,它们所形成的激流以飞快而有力的速度穿过少女的两侧,所带过的风吹起了她的黑色长发,然后像一阵大风似的再次在空中旋转了起来。女孩迅速站起身来,惊讶地看着这一切。
| |
| 看着这些....记忆....?一个充满着混沌的世界的记忆?"这些到底是什么玩意儿啊!?"少女伸出手触碰它们,"这些是!?"
| |
| 有着痛苦,背叛,嫉妒的记忆。
| |
| 少女把手从碎片上面拿开,想要休息一下自己的大脑,玻璃碎片却停在她的四周一动也不动。她拍了拍自己的脑袋,"难道这些只是......"
| |
| 黑暗?难道它们只是单纯的黑暗吗?可不管是在哪里,这些碎片只是映射出了黑暗......但少女时不时也会看见在那片黑暗之中的某个角落,所散发出的微弱的光芒。尽管如此,无论她看见什么样的光,就连是很微弱的小火花,也都会在一瞬间消失。少女咬紧了嘴唇,苦笑道,"开什么玩笑?"她抱怨着,"这明明只就是一个充满着痛苦的世界......"
| |
| 在少女说完这些话后,她那苦涩的笑容也随之消失了。
| |
| | |
| •Future
| |
| | |
| 少女不知道自己看过了多少记忆,但她相信自己做着这种事已经过了很长一段时间。
| |
| 与此同时,少女也在努力寻找带着美好记忆的碎片,只是为了确定它们是否存在。事实证明,它们是存在的,但极少极少,然而充满着痛苦记忆的碎片却从未停止追赶她。少女十分讨厌这种感觉,可是她也没有办法阻止这一切。
| |
| 少女现在正被这些玻璃碎片所形成的巨大漩涡所包围,它们旋转着,就像是在宇宙中一样。她认为有两种可能性:要么就是因为这里是一个只充满着混沌的世界,才会有这么多痛苦的记忆,要么就是这里只存在着痛苦的记忆,没有其它......不管怎样,她已经决定有朝一日,要把它们全部清除掉,一个不留。
| |
| 可是,少女渐渐地像变了一个人似的。现在的她,看到这些痛苦的记忆时,不但不觉得厌恶,反而感到十分快乐。少女乐此不疲地收集着这样的记忆,她看起来高兴极了......
| |
| "这种感觉似乎也不错......"
| |
| 现在的她,待在在这些几乎没有光,充满着混沌的地方,能感到无尽的快乐.......
| |
| | |
| ====相关视频==== | | ====相关视频==== |
| [//www.bilibili.com/video/av11312633/ - suicide的PM 手元] | | *[https://www.bilibili.com/video/av16657948 七音的'''拇指'''PM手元] |
| | *[https://www.bilibili.com/video/av19405051 白龙- 的FR 手元] |
| |
| [//www.bilibili.com/video/av16657948 - 七音的'''拇指'''PM手元]
| | ==注释== |
| | <references /> |
| | {{Eternal Core曲目索引}} |