故事模式剧情详表 (移动版):修订间差异

第292行: 第292行:
 解锁条件:完成[[#V-2|V-2]],购入[[Adverse Prelude]]曲包<br>解锁要求:采用[[搭档#1.光(Hikari)|光]]通过[[Vindication]]<br>
 解锁条件:完成[[#V-2|V-2]],购入[[Adverse Prelude]]曲包<br>解锁要求:采用[[搭档#1.光(Hikari)|光]]通过[[Vindication]]<br>
Their conversation continues.<br><br>"It would certainly be nice if we had names to share," says Tairitsu in a fraying voice. Her eyes are again <br>beginning to lose the shine of life.<br><br>The other girl, Hikari, notices that with some discomfort. "Yes, I can't say I like to think about it: not having<br>any memories in a world filled with them," she admits.<br><br>At the moment, they sit upon the same pew, though not close. They've gone to what was once the front row,<br>and a few steps in front of them lead up to a wide, flat floor. The girl in white is slouched, watching her new <br>acquaintance with worry painting her gaze. The girl in black is examining the empty place in front of them,<br>the sky, the dead and distant grandiose architecture—but she does so seemingly without concern or interest.<br><br>While watching, she begins to speak unprompted. "This glass. Do you know a name for it?"<br><br>"Huh? Oh... Well, for whatever reason, I know the name 'Arcaea'."
"Same as me," says Tairitsu, now looking Hikari's way. "So, how are we different?"<br><br>Hikari offers an apologetic smile. "I don't know," she says, "aside from our difference in looks."<br><br>"Let's find out, then. What kind of memories do you see in the glass?"<br><br>"Almost only pleasant ones."<br><br>Tairitsu sighs. "Then we're opposites..." she remarks bitterly, looking to her feet. "Let's say we're the only two<br>walking around this place. If that's true, our opposition could matter a great deal.”<br><br>"You don't see happy memories through the Arcaea?" asks Hikari, leaning slightly toward her conversation<br>partner. "I'm sorry..."
"...That's just how it is," says the other girl. For a short while they remain silent, until Tairitsu speaks again.<br>"But from what you've said... I suspect even your pleasant memories haven't resulted in a happy life for you<br>here. Well? Am I correct?"<br><br>To this, Hikari nods. "I don't mean to make it sound as though I've had it rough since waking up, but...<br>You see, I once gathered enough piece that they could cover the sky. When I did, that new sky almost<br>killed me... I felt like the light was slowly eroding my mind... I think it was mainly my own fault, to be honest."<br><br>They both feel it's best to be honest.<br><br>After Hikari tells of her naive and dangerous journey bathed in light, Tairitsu coldly recounts her tragic<br>struggles through maelstroms of dark. The two are certainly different in quite a few ways, but one definite <br>commonality becomes clear between them: a want of sense in a senseless world. The world around them<br>may be beautiful, but it has also been cruel.
Hikari has resolved herself, but it wasn't long ago that her very "self" had been threatened by this strange,<br>unfeeling place. For Tairitsu, it has left her scarred: persistent, panging compulsions toward violence and<br>wrath continue to roll up from within her like tides. Even throughout their discussions here, despite her<br>desire to be amicable, smothering each urge from her breast has been no easy feat. This living, breathing<br>person beside her is too enticing a target to release her frustrations on. The girl in white doesn't fail to <br>notice how the girl in black's hold on her umbrella periodically tightens into a trembling, aggravated grip.<br><br>It hasn't been easy—a fact that holds true for the both of them.<br><br>But they continue to fight.
"I think I just... I really wanted to meet somebody else," Tairitsu reveals. "Even... perhaps a few months ago,<br>that may have been all I really wanted. However... ever since I stepped out of that black shell, I've found it<br>difficult to hold on to a such an innocent desire. I just can't muster it. When my chest isn’t feeling empty,<br>I can't muster anything in it that isn't vile and wicked impulse. Disgusting, broken thing..." She looks at <br>Hikari. "Even now, I keep thinking about how much I want to hurt you."<br><br>"That's fine..." says the other girl. "Maybe I'd feel that same way if I’d gone through everything that you did.<br>But I don't think you’re right about one thing. I don’t think your heart is as broken as you feel."<br><br>Tairitsu meets her eyes, as if asking how that could be.<br><br>"Look—you're holding back," explains Hikari, "even now. That tells me that even after everything, you're a<br>very good person—still. You’re strong." She smiles and stands from her seat. "You're a lot stronger than me,"<br>she says, casting a momentary glance into the brilliant sky.<br><br>"I was rescued," she continues, meeting Tairitsu's eyes once more. "You rescued yourself."
The shimmer inside the dark girl's chest becomes a faint glow, and an ache pulses through her.<br>That's not true, she thinks. It isn't that simple, she thinks. She failed, and the old her died that day when<br>the labyrinth collapsed. She'd felt nothing after that, and when feeling came back to her, it was nothing but<br>contempt. When she’d met this girl, even, it made her want to do nothing more than take a blade and run<br>her through.<br><br>No, she hasn’t rescued herself. However... perhaps she hasn't simply been seeking someone out to harm.<br>Perhaps the truth is that she’s been awaiting something impossible to give her one last ray of hope.<br>Hikari is too meek and unsure to directly comfort her, but her presence and lack of aggression signal this:<br>she may be that last, fledgling ray.
What pains Tairitsu's heart is that very innocent realization.<br><br>Her posture weakens. Hikari notices and moves to see if she can do something. But she is still unsure,<br>and so she is ultimately unable to reach out for the other girl. She stands before Tairitsu with her arms<br>half-raised, and in a few moments the girl in black stands by herself. Hikari drops her hands, and takes<br>a step back. Around them, the glass sways with their movement, and one in particular begins to shine a<br>bit differently from the others. In its reflection is something familiar, yet impossible.<br><br>It is a vision that, surely, nobody could have seen:<br><br>the briefest wicked flicker of a most strange and anomalous memory.
 解锁条件:完成[[#V-3|V-3]],购入[[Adverse Prelude]]曲包<br>解锁要求:采用[[搭档#1.光(Hikari)|光]]通过[[Heavensdoor]]<br>
 解锁条件:完成[[#V-3|V-3]],购入[[Adverse Prelude]]曲包<br>解锁要求:采用[[搭档#1.光(Hikari)|光]]通过[[Heavensdoor]]<br>