故事模式剧情详表 (移动版):修订间差异

→‎Side(支线):​ 噫吁嚱
第948行: 第948行:
Her glass breaks through the final thin layer of clouds. The complex, graying landscape reveals itself, to its<br>farthest reaches.<br><br>She smiles...<br><br>She smiles!<br><br>This is her new life! She holds out her hand, knowing that someday, somewhere beyond that horizon, she will<br>find others who will take it. Someday, these hands will do something great.<br><br>Until then, she will look ahead.<br><br>Living in the present—in Arcaea.
Her glass breaks through the final thin layer of clouds. The complex, graying landscape reveals itself, to its<br>farthest reaches.<br><br>She smiles...<br><br>She smiles!<br><br>This is her new life! She holds out her hand, knowing that someday, somewhere beyond that horizon, she will<br>find others who will take it. Someday, these hands will do something great.<br><br>Until then, she will look ahead.<br><br>Living in the present—in Arcaea.
解锁条件:购入[[Ambivalent Vision]]曲包<br>解锁要求:采用[[搭档#5.忘却(Lethe)|忘却]]通过[[Genesis]]
The cliff overlooked it all.<br><br>At the end of the day,these who had abandoned the mortal coil left behind their souls like hermit shells for<br>other,new lives to take them.Their spirits ascended to the land's Pool,luminous and glimmering overhead.<br><br>Water-like spirits,almost formless;everything white and flowing into that vibrancy which bore through the<br>clouded sky.In the gray landscape that was her world,this sight-this unique,spectacular sight-was<br>something many could call a wonder.<br><br>To her,.it was ordinary.It was everyday.It was work.
"Any trembling on the left side?"her confr re asked from behind.She very slightly moved her head to see him<br>sitting on the ground.On his lap sat a wide,black,shallow bowl of water,used for lecanomancy,and from<br>the ripples inside it she could see that he'd just performed a divination.<br><br>She answered him lightly with,"No."Then she asked,"Why? Have you noticed something?”<br><br>"It looks like the earth shook a bit,"he explained.<br><br>"Ahh..That's not good.Should l look closer?"<br><br> "Hmm...It seems like a fissure,"he said."Go take care ofit."<br><br>With a simple"alright,"she stepped off the cliff.
The density of spirits nearby slowed her fall.She found a pair of strings that were keeping ther blouse,<br>sleeves,and skirt taut.When she tugged them,they loosened and began to dangle;a shimmer emanated<br>from the cloth and her dress began to ruffle loudly.And as it did,it dulled the influence of the dead.<br><br>Once she reached the ground,she took her scythe from her hip,unfolded it to its full height,and after<br>turning it over,rode the underside of the blade in ftlight to her far-off destination.<br><br>To mend the fissure after coaxing out the souls trapped within it.<br><br>To return to the cliff,and watch for any other aberations.<br><br>She was to do this, and things tike it day alter day. Yes. that was her responsibility.<br>And,in time,her life would join the others.
In fact,that time has already passed.<br><br>It's long ago,gone.The world and life she once knew is now only a shapeless memory.