第1行: |
第1行: |
| == 自用:常见曲名别称(不定期更新) ==
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| === 食用提示 ===
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| *'''本列表可通过“常用别称”列的切换按钮切换成按照首字母顺序排列'''。不全面,并且可能会出错。部分曲目因为本身知名度原因即使是常用的别称也可能并不广为流传。
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| *本列表以游戏内语言选择为中文显示的曲目名称为准
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| *一般而言,曲目的常见别称有以下几种
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| **取曲名各单词首字母缩写(例:aq,ad)
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| **直译+抽象直译或为了方便而稍微错译(例:别打歌,直入光)
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| **取读音的字母或根据读音取别名(例:ttf,喷嚏门,蛋挞林)
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| **取首若干个字母(例:arg)
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| *录入规则(一般情况下)
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| **可以直接从曲绘上读出几乎完整意义的中文则一般不录入(例:蜘蛛丝,彼方之梦)
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| **切换成其他语言以后若是仍旧不能直接读出几乎完整意义的中文,则录入其常用翻译做常用别称(例:记忆森林,记忆工厂)
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| *如果有误或补充可联系笔者修改,请多包涵。
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| === 列表正文 ===
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| {| class="wikitable sortable"
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| !class="unsortable"|曲目封面
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| !曲目名称
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| !class="unsortable"|常用别称
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| !class="unsortable"|备注
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| |[[File:Songs abstrusedilemma.jpg|75px]]
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| |[[Abstruse Dilemma]]
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| *ad
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| *2112/2112112
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| *后者源自于其FTR谱面难度中最出名的配置
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| |[[file:songs aegleseeker.jpg|75px]]
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| |[[Aegleseeker]]
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| *光追
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| |[[File:songs arghena.jpg|75px]]
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| |[[Arghena]]
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| *arg
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| |[[file:songs axiumcrisis.jpg|75px]]
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| |[[Axium Crisis]]
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| *ac
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| |[[file:songs antagonism.jpg|75px]]
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| |[[Antagonism]]
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| *对立(基本完全不用,因为已有搭档[[对立]],易导致误解)
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| *对立烧烤摊/对立卖烧烤
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| *来源于其谱面后半有大量纵连配置<s> 长得和烧烤串一样</s>
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| |[[file:songs alexandrite.jpg|75px]]
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| |[[Alexandrite]]
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| *变石
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| |[[file:songs alterego.jpg|75px]]
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| |[[ALTER EGO]]
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| *绿ae
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| *白ae(一般特指本曲的ETR谱面)
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| *白ae说法来自于maimai DX的第五难度Re:Master,由于此难度色调是淡紫色并且第四难度为更深的紫色所以称为白谱。<s>实在不行就当乌蒙吃们的说法吧</s>
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| |[[file:songs arcanaeden.jpg|75px]]
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| |[[Arcana Eden]]
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| *伊甸/ae/紫ae/红ae
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| |[[file:songs astralquant.jpg|75px]]
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| |[[Astral Quantization]]
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| *aq
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| |[[file:songs breachoffaith.jpg|75px]]
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| |[[Breach of Faith]]
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| *bof
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| *有一个已经开展很多年的比赛也叫bof,请注意区分
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| |[[file:songs blrink.jpg|75px]]
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| |[[BLRINK]]
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| *流辉/对立唱情歌(均少见)
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| |[[file:songs backtobasics.jpg|75px]]
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| |[[Back to Basics]]
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| *btb/b2b
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| *b2b:back to(two) base。
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| |[[file:Songs breakbreak.jpg|75px]]
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| |[[BREaK! BREaK! BREaK!]]
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| *bbb
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| |[[file:songs lethaeus.jpg|75px]]
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| |[[Lethaeus]]
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| *表黄/黄魔王
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| *曲包[[Ambivalent Vision]]别称黄包,本曲为前黄包最终曲。在追加[[corps-sans-organes]]后被称为表黄。
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| |[[file:songs corpssansorganes.jpg|75px]]
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| |[[corps-sans-organes]]
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| *里黄
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| *曲包[[Ambivalent Vision]](别称黄包)的追加最终曲,因此被称为里黄。
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| |[[file:songs nullapophenia.jpg|75px]]
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| *里里黄
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| *由于[[忘却(Apophenia)]]随着本曲实装,而已经有了里黄,且[[忘却(Apophenia)]]的获取需要同时获得本曲和[[Ambivalent Vision]]而得名里里黄
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| |[[file:songs chaos.jpg|75px]]
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| |[[CHAOS]]
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| *超市(稍少见)
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| |[[file:Songs dxfullmetal.jpg|75px]]
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| |[[DX Choseinou Full Metal Shojo]]
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| *超性能(金属)少女
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| *(超性能)纵连少女
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| *纵连少女:来自于本曲FTR谱面内出现的几大串天键纵连配置
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| |[[file:songs designant.jpg|75px]]
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| |[[Designant.]]
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| *蚂蚁/设计蚂蚁
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| *来自于曲名拆分。design ant。
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| **同时,本谱面的异象版本由于带有红色天键导致谱面难度骤增,因此也被称为红火蚁
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| |[[file:songs distortedfate.jpg|75px]]
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| |[[Distorted Fate]]
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| *df
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| *扭曲的命运/拧巴的命
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| *骨折鸠
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| *骨折鸠:由于本曲和[[Fracture Ray]]同曲师,且曲绘角色为本家Phigros的女主角名为鸠,再加之曲绘上鸠的动作和[[光(Fracture)]]的搭档立绘有一定程度的相似性得来。
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| |[[file:songs viciousheroism.jpg|75px]]
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| |[[Vicious Heroism]]
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| *英雄主义
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| *vh
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| *表绿(极其少见)
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| *曲包[[Absolute Reason]]别称绿包,本曲为绿包前置曲,因而有可能被称为表绿。
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| |[[file:songs viciousheroism byd.jpg|75px]]
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| |[[Vicious Heroism|Vicious [ANTi] Heroism]]
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| *反英雄主义
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| *vah(均是特指[[Vicious Heroism]]的BYD谱面/音源)
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| |[[file:songs cyaegha.jpg|75px]]
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| |[[Cyaegha]]
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| *绿魔王/里绿(后者极其少见)
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| *曲包[[Absolute Reason]]别称绿包,本曲为绿包最终曲,因而有可能被称为里绿。
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| |[[file:songs cyberneciacatharsis.jpg|75px]]
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| |[[Cybernecia Catharsis]]
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| *cc
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| |[[file:songs dantalion.jpg|75px]]
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| |[[Dantalion]]
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| *但他林/蛋挞林/蛋挞
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| |[[file:songs divinelight.jpg|75px]]
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| |[[Divine Light of Myriad]]
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| *光速
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| |[[file:songs dontfightmusic.jpg|75px]]
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| |[[Don't Fight The Music]]
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| *别打歌
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| |[[file:songs andrevivemelody.jpg|75px]]
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| |[[And Revive The Melody]]
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| *别打歌2
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| *由于和[[Don't Fight The Music]]是同一个曲师以及曲绘角色,且本曲出现了[[Don't Fight The Music]]的部分旋律,因此被称为别打歌2
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| |[[file:songs dreaminattraction.jpg|75px]]
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| |[[Dreamin' Attraction!!]]
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| *美年达
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| *由于曲绘配色很有美年达的感觉因而得名
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| |[[file:songs dropdead.jpg|75px]]
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| |[[dropdead]]
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| *摔死
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| |[[file:songs overdead.jpg|75px]]
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| |[[overdead.]]
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| *超死
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| *2021首次实装的愚人节现时游玩曲目和[[dropdead]]的常驻BYD的音源和曲绘均是本曲目,但是谱面并不一样。现提到超死往往是指[[dropdead]]的BYD谱面
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| |[[file:songs einherjar.jpg|75px]]
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| |[[Einherjar Joker]]
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| *ej
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| |[[file:songs dualdoom.jpg|75px]]
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| |[[Dual Doom Deathmatch]]
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| *新DDD/DDD(注意结合语境与[[DDD]]进行区分)
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| |[[file:songs etherstrike.jpg|75px]]
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| |[[Ether Strike]]
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| *以太冲击
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| *es
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| *零光吹喇叭(稍少见)
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| *表白(非常古早的别称)
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| *表白:曲包[[Luminous Sky]]别称白包,本曲为此曲包的前置曲。
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| |[[file:songs fractureray.jpg|75px]]
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| |[[Fracture Ray]]
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| *骨折光
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| *fr(相对少见)
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| *碎光(非常古早的别称)
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| *里白(古早别称*2)
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| *Fracture,意为折碎,破碎(动词);骨折,破裂(名词)。Ray,光线,射线。
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| **由于曲绘搭档[[光(Fracture)]]本身也会被称为骨折光,因此在一定情况下请注意区分。
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| *里白:曲包[[Luminous Sky]]别称白包,本曲为白包最终曲。
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| *由于游戏内达成全连之后是Full Recall,也会被简称为fr,所以特定情况下需要做出区别。但是大部分情况下fr都是指Full Recall。
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| |[[file:songs felis.jpg|75px]]
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| |[[Felis]]
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| *牌魔王
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| *因曲绘出现许多扑克牌元素而得名
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| |[[file:songs fallensquare.jpg|75px]]
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| |[[Fallensquare]]
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| *塌方
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| |[[file:songs nirvluce.jpg|75px]]
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| |[[Nirv lucE]]
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| *表红/红魔王(后者已很少见)
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| *曲包[[Crimson Solace]]别称红包,本曲为红包前最终曲。在追加[[GLORY:ROAD]]后被称为表红。
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| |[[file:songs gloryroad.jpg|75px]]
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| *王道征途/王道
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| *里红
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| *曲包[[Crimson Solace]](别称红包)的追加最终曲,因而被称为里红。
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| |[[file:songs grievouslady.jpg|75px]]
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| |[[Grievous Lady]]
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| *病女
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| *gl(相对少见)
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| *由于曲绘角色[[对立(Grievous Lady)]]也有被称为病女的可能,因此在一定情况下需要区别二者。但本曲曲绘角色一般会被称为伞对立或伞黑。
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| |[[file:songs galaxyfriends.jpg|75px]]
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| |[[Galaxy Friends]]
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| *银河朋友
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| |[[file:songs badtek.jpg|75px]]
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| |[[BADTEK]]
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| *坏锤子
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| |[[file:songs goodtek.jpg|75px]]
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| |[[GOODTEK(Arcaea Edit)]]
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| *良锤/好锤子
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| |[[file:songs halcyon.jpg|75px]]
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| |[[Halcyon]]
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| *翡翠鸡/翡翠鸟
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| |[[file:songs heavensdoor.jpg|75px]]
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| |[[Heavensdoor]]
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| *天堂门
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| *黑蚊子多/黑蚊子
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| |[[file:songs infinitestrife.jpg|75px]]
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| |[[Infinite Strife,]]
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| *is
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| *无尽的斗争(直译,极少见)
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| |[[file:songs gou.jpg|75px]]
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| |[[Misdeed -la bonté de Dieu et l'origine du mal-]]
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| *业善/业
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| |[[file:songs goodbyemerry.jpg|75px]]
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| |[[Good bye,Merry-Go-Round.]]
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| *旋转木马<s>/旋转墓妈/good bye,mother-not-found<s/>
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| *删除线部分来自于曲绘p出来的一张龙图表情包,在此不展示
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| |[[file:songs heavenlycaress.jpg|75px]]
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| |[[Heavenly caress]]
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| *圣抚
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| |[[file:songs ifi.jpg|75px]]
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| |[[#1f1e33]]
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| *色号
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| *本曲名为色号命名格式,按照曲师本人所说取自于一张夜空的照片
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| |[[file:songs ikazuchi.jpg|75px]]
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| |[[Ikazuchi]]
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| *怒锤
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| |[[file:songs infinity.jpg|75px]]
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| |[[[X]|[X]]]
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| *x
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| *其实曲名本身是X和两边的方括号组成了一个无限符号
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| |[[file:songs infinityheaven.jpg|75px]]
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| |[[Infinity Heaven]]
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| *无限天堂
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| *叠键天堂
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| *叠键天堂:由于本曲的BYD谱面的中段和尾端含有两端较长的叠键配置而得名。
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| |[[file:songs invertedworld.jpg|75px]]
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| |[[Inverted World]]
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| *颠倒世界/翻转世界
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| *iw
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| |[[file:songs izana.jpg|75px]]
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| |[[IZANA]]
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| *功夫高
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| *源自于曲目中的采样I be gone for goal,空耳成“哪里功夫高”
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| |[[file:songs kanagawa.jpg|75px]]
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| |[[Kanagawa Cyber Culvert]]
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| *神奈川
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| |[[file:songs lamentrain.jpg|75px]]
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| |[[Lament Rain]]
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| *拉面/拉面雨
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| *哀叹雨/哀叹之雨
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| *由于在日本lament读音也和拉面类似,因此曲师之一的[[曲师列表#Ashrount|Ashrount]]本人在推特也玩拉面雨的梗
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| |[[file:Songs laqryma.jpg|75px]]
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| |[[La'qryma of the Wasteland]]
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| *废土/废土之泪
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| |[[file:songs lastcelebration.jpg|75px]]
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| |[[Last Celebration]]
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| *大LC
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| *由于曲师之一的[[曲师列表#Laur|Laur]]有以曲目名称对应曲师的取名习惯,且曲师和[[Lost Civilization]]是相同的,而以更高的定数被称为大LC
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| |[[file:songs lostcivilization.jpg|75px]]
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| |[[Lost Civilization]]
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| *小LC
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| *失落文明
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| *由于曲师之一的[[曲师列表#Laur|Laur]]有以曲目名称对应曲师的取名习惯,且曲师和[[Last Celebration]]是相同的,而以更高的定数被称为小LC
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| |[[file:songs lovelessdress.jpg|75px]]
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| |[[Loveless Dress]]
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| *无爱嫁衣
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| |[[file:songs lethalvoltage.jpg|75px]]
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| |[[Lethal Voltage]]
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| *致命电压
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| |[[file:songs leaveallbehind.jpg|75px]]
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| |[[Leave All Behind]]
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| *lab
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| |[[file:songs lightningscrew.jpg|75px]]
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| |[[Lightning Screw]]
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| *闪电螺丝
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| |[[file:songs livefastdieyoung.jpg|75px]]
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| |[[Live Fast Die Young]]
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| *活快死早
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| |[[file:songs loschen.jpg|75px]]
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| |[[Löschen]]
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| *螺丝陈/老陈(后者少见)
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| |[[file:songs lostdesire.jpg|75px]]
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| |[[Lost Desire]]
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| *失欲<s>/阳痿</s>
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| *<s>其实笔者只在部分mai玩家群体听说过后者这个别名<s/>
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| |[[file:songs manicjeer.jpg|75px]]
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| |[[Manic Jeer]]
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| *jeer/mj
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| |[[file:songs maxrage.jpg|75px]]
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| |[[MAXRAGE]]
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| *满怒/极怒
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| |[[file:songs medusa.jpg|75px]]
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| |[[Medusa]]
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| *美杜莎
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| |[[file:songs memoryfactory.jpg|75px]]
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| |[[Memoryfactory.lzh]]
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| *记忆工厂
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| *老字号(稍少见)
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| *老字号:曲名最后三个字母得来
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| |[[file:songs memoryforest.jpg|75px]]
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| |[[Memory Forest]]
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| *记忆森林
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| |[[file:songs monochromeprincess.jpg|75px]]
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| |[[Monochrome Princess]]
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| *单色公主
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| *纵连公主(少见)
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| *纵连公主:来自于FTR谱面里出现较多纵连配置
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| |[[file:songs mvurbd.jpg|75px]]
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| |[[MVURBD]]
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| *史莱姆大叔
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| *紫色心情
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| |[[file:songs neowings.jpg|75px]]
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| |[[NEO WINGS]]
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| *新生羽翼/新生之翼
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| |[[file:songs newyorkbackraise.jpg|75px]]
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| |[[New York Back Raise]]
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| *纽约赌场
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| |[[file:songs nhelv.jpg|75px]]
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| |[[Nhelv]]
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| *你和驴
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| |[[file:songs nnglooms.jpg|75px]]
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| |[[99 Glooms]]
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| *99感冒灵
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| |[[file:songs oldschoolsalvage.jpg|75px]]
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| |[[Old School Salvage]]
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| *oss
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| *<s>老学校抢救</s>(均少见)
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| |[[file:songs oshamascramble.jpg|75px]]
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| |[[Oshama Scramble!]]
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| *牛奶
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| |[[file:songs ouroboros.jpg|75px]]
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| |[[ouroboros -twin stroke of the end-]]
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| *衔尾蛇
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| |[[file:songs overwhelm.jpg|75px]]
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| |[[Overwhelm]]
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| *ow
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| |[[file:songs pentiment.jpg|75px]]
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| |[[Pentiment]]
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| *喷嚏门/喷嚏
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| |[[file:songs pragmatism.jpg|75px]]
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| *白魔王
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| *实用主义
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| *白魔王:本曲为[[Eternal Core]](别称黑白包/永恒核/ec包)的两首最终曲中代表[[光]]的曲目,因而被称为白魔王。
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| |[[file:songs pragmatism byd.jpg|75px]]
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| *白复生/白byd(特指本曲的BYD难度谱面/音源)
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| |[[file:songs primitivelights.jpg|75px]]
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| *原光/原初光/原初灯
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| |[[file:songs pupa.jpg|75px]]
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| |[[PUPA]]
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| *蝴蝶
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| *需要考虑某些情况下与[[Groove Coaster Collaboration#1]]中收录的曲目[[Got hive of Ra]]做出区分。但是[[Got hive of Ra]]也会被叫做gc蝴蝶
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| |[[file:songs gothiveofra.jpg|75px]]
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| |[[Got hive of Ra]]
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| *gc蝴蝶
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| *需要考虑某些情况下与[[Memory Archive]]中收录的曲目[[PUPA]]做出区分
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| |[[file:songs purpleverse.jpg|75px]]
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| |[[Purple Verse]]
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| *紫诗
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| |[[file:songs purpleverse byd.jpg|75px]]
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| |[[Purple Verse]]
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| *红诗(特指[[Purple Verse]]的BYD谱面)
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| |[[file:songs rabbitintheblackroom.jpg|75px]]
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| |[[Rabbit In The Black Room]]
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| *黑兔
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| |[[file:songs rainofconflict.jpg|75px]]
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| |[[Rain of Conflict in a Radiant Abyss]]
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| *深渊之雨/深渊雨/对立雨
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| |[[file:songs rekkaresonance.jpg|75px]]
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| *烈华
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| |[[file:songs ringedgenesis.jpg|75px]]
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| |[[Ringed Genesis]]
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| *环状起源
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| *rg
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| *砖魔王
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| *砖魔王:因FTR谱面存在拍砖配置而得名
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| |[[file:songs riseoftheworld.jpg|75px]]
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| |[[Rise of the World]]
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| *上升世界
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| |[[file:songs saikyostronger.jpg|75px]]
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| *最强
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| *血魔王
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| |[[file:songs scarletcage.jpg|75px]]
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| |[[Scarlet Cage]]
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| *红笼
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| |[[file:songs scarletlance.jpg|75px]]
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| |[[Scarlet Lance]]
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| *红枪
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| |[[file:songs sakurafubuki.jpg|75px]]
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| |[[Sakura Fubuki]]
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| *樱吹雪
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| |[[file:songs sayonarahatsukoi.jpg|75px]]
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| |[[Sayonara Hatsukoi]]
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| *再见初恋
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| |[[file:songs sheriruth.jpg|75px]]
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| |[[Sheriruth]]
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| *黑魔王
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| *拒绝(直译,少见)
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| *射日如桃花
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| *黑魔王:本曲为[[Eternal Core]](别称黑白包/永恒核/ec包)的两首最终曲中代表[[对立]]的曲目,因而被称为黑魔王。
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| *射日如桃花:直接用拼音输入法输出曲名
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| |[[file:songs sheriruthrmx.jpg|75px]]
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| |[[Sheriruth (Laur Remix)]]
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| *黑老二
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| *病女2.0(少见)
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| *黑老二:[[曲师列表#Laur|Laur]]有时被玩家戏称为老二(读法导致),而原曲[[Sheriruth]]有别称黑魔王,因此得名黑老二。
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| *病女2.0:[[Sheriruth]]原曲师是[[曲师列表#Team Grimoire|Team Grimoire]],[[Grievous Lady]]别称病女,为[[曲师列表#Laur|Laur]]和[[曲师列表#Team Grimoire|Team Grimoire]]的合作曲,因此得名病女2.0.
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| |[[file:songs singularity.jpg|75px]]
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| |[[Singularity]]
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| *奇点/寄点
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| |[[file:songs soundwitch.jpg|75px]]
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| *音巫
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| |[[file:songs stasis.jpg|75px]]
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| |[[Stasis]]
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| *船
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| *收掉这首歌往往被称为炸船
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| |[[file:songs straightintolights.jpg|75px]]
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| |[[Straight into the lights]]
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| *直入光
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| |[[file:songs sulfur.jpg|75px]]
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| |[[Sulfur]]
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| *硫磺
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| |[[file:songs superambulance.jpg|75px]]
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| *救护车/超级救护车
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| |[[file:songs supernova.jpg|75px]]
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| *超新星
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| |[[file:songs tempestissimo.jpg|75px]]
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| |[[Tempestissimo]]
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| *风暴
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| |[[file:songs temptation.jpg|75px]]
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| |[[TEmPTaTiON]]
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| *tpt
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| |[[file:songs temptationgc.jpg|75px]]
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| |[[10pt8ion]]
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| *tptgc
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| *(Ten)pt(eight)ion,正常读法和[[TEmPTaTiON]]是一样的。
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| *tpt gc。因本曲来自于[[Groove Coaster Collaboration#1]],所以加上gc来起辨别作用。
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| |[[file:songs testify.jpg|75px]]
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| |[[Testify]]
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| *ttf
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| *见证
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| *测试如果歪
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| *测试如果歪:来自于曲名拆分。Test if y
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| |[[file:songs themessage.jpg|75px]]
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| |[[The Message]]
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| *马杀鸡
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| |[[file:songs thirdsun.jpg|75px]]
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| |[[Third Sun]]
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| *第三太阳
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| |[[file:songs tiferet.jpg|75px]]
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| |[[Tiferet]]
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| *体罚
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| |[[file:songs tothemilkyway.jpg|75px]]
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| |[[To the Milky Way]]
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| *去银河
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| |[[file:songs tothefurthestdream.jpg|75px]]
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| |[[To the Furthest Dream]]
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| *后日谈/婚曲
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| *彼方之梦
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| *后日谈:本曲是自[[Final Verdict]]以后实装的唯一一首消色侧曲目。
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| **<s>婚曲:无论是曲绘还是歌词都有一种婚后度蜜月的感觉</s>
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| |[[file:songs valhallazero.jpg|75px]]
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| |[[Valhalla:0]]
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| *v0
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| |[[file:songs vindication.jpg|75px]]
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| |[[Vindication]]
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| *辩护
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| |[[file:songs virtus.jpg|75px]]
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| |[[ViRTUS]]
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| *水神2
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| *本曲为[[maimai Collaboration#Collaboration Chapter 3]]联动曲,其在本家被称为水神2
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| |[[file:songs vulcanus.jpg|75px]]
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| |[[Vulcānus]]
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| *火神
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| |[[file:songs waltzforlorelei.jpg|75px]]
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| |[[Waltz for Lorelei]]
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| *华尔兹(可能稍少见)
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| |[[file:songs worldvanquisher.jpg|75px]]
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| |[[World Vanquisher]]
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| *世征
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| |[[file:songs xeraphinite.jpg|75px]]
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| |[[Xeraphinite]]
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| *绿龙晶/绿龙晶石
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| |[[file:songs yomibitoshirazu.jpg|75px]]
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| |[[Yomibito shirazu]]
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| *咏人不知
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| *<s>东雪莲</s>
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| |[[file:songs yozakurafubuki.jpg|75px]]
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| |[[Yosakura Fubuki]]
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| *夜樱吹雪
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| == 编辑测试 ==
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