
曲目列表 (移动版)

Wlt233讨论 | 贡献2020年3月9日 (一) 10:53的版本


如需查看详细 Note 数、对应版本以及其他信息,请移步至每个歌曲单独的页面内。



  • PST = Past 难度
  • PRS = Present 难度
  • FTR = Future 难度
标题 音乐家 谱师
BPM 时长 PST 等级 PRS 等级 FTR 等级


Songs rise.jpg Rise Combatplayer Nitro 140 02:21 2 4 7
File:Songs Sayonara Hatsukoi.jpg Sayonara Hatsukoi REDSHiFT Toaster 178 01:55 1 4 6
Songs fairytale.jpg Fairytale chitose Toaster 189 02:19 1 3 7
File:Songs Lucifer.jpg Lucifer chitose Nitro 165 02:13 3 5 8
File:Songs snow white.jpg Snow White Puru Toaster 150 02:29 2 5 8
File:Songs Vexaria.jpg Vexaria ak+q Nitro 180 02:12 2 5 7
File:Songs Lost Civilization.jpg Lost Civilization Laur vs CK Toaster 75~210 02:04 4 7 9
Songs qualia.jpg qualia -ideaesthesia- nitro -chartaesthesia- 144 02:23 5 7 9
Songs goodtek.jpg GOODTEK (Arcaea Edit) EBIMAYO Nitro 190 02:06 4 6 9
File:Songs shades.jpg Shades of Light in a Transcendent Realm ak+q Nitro 170 02:30 3 6 8
Songs babaroque.jpg Babaroque cYsmix Toaster 136 02:29 3 6 8
Songs dement.jpg Dement ~after legend~ Cosmograph Toaster 210 02:09 3 6 7
Songs dandelion.jpg Dandelion Farhan Nitro 169 02:39 2 6 8
Songs anokumene.jpg Anökumene Jun Kuroda Toaster 186 01:54 2 6 9
File:Songs heaven.jpg Infinity Heaven HyuN Nitro 160 02:34 1 5 7
Songs brandnewworld.jpg Brand new world U-ske Nitro 2.0 160 02:24 2 4 7
Songs chronostasis.jpg Chronostasis 黒皇帝 Kurorak 196 02:13 3 7 9
File:Songs Kanagawa Cyber Culvert .jpg Kanagawa Cyber Culvert 南ゆに Nitro 180 02:28 1 5 9
Songs clotho.jpg Clotho and the stargazer しーけー 小東星 230 02:18 2 5 7
Songs ignotus.jpg Ignotus ak+q Toaster 170 02:26 3 6 9
Songs harutopia.jpg Harutopia ~Utopia of Spring~ A-zu-ra トーストピア ~Utopia of Toast~ 185 02:20 1 4 8
File:Songs Rabbit In The Black Room.jpg Rabbit In The Black Room Rabbit House Toaster 270 02:12 2 5 8
File:Songs RandB.jpg Red and Blue Silentroom -chartaesthesia- LEFT=BLUE RED=RIGHT 150 02:01 4 7 9
File:Songs One Last Drive.jpg One Last Drive REDSHiFT Toaster 154~175 02:24 2 5 8
File:Songs da.jpg Dreamin' Attraction!! 翡乃イス力 Nitro 205 02:20 4 7 9
File:Songs Syro.jpg Syro Mitomoro Toaster 178 02:21 3 6 9
File:Songs Reinvent.jpg Reinvent Sound Souler k//eternal + nitro 174 02:30 2 6 8
File:Songs Blaster.jpg Blaster Massive New Krew k//urorak 180 02:17 4 6 9
File:Songs cyber.jpg Cybernecia Catharsis Tanchiky Kero + Nitro 184 02:15 4 7 9
File:Songs inkar-usi.jpg inkar-usi DIA Kurorak 102 02:23 2 4 7
File:Songs illegal paradise.jpg Illegal Paradise gmtn. (witch's slave) k//eternal + nitro 168 02:34 2 7 9
File:Songs Bookmaker(2D Version).jpg Bookmaker (2D Version) Kobaryo Kurorak 175 02:29 4 6 8
Songs suomi.jpg Suomi Aire Toastie 125 02:08 2 5 7
Songs nhelv.jpg Nhelv Silentroom Nitro「Katastrophe」 174.59 02:50 3 6 9
File:Songs lunarorbit.jpg LunarOrbit -believe in the Espebranch road- Apo11o program ft.大瀬良あい 月刊toaster 192 02:21 3 6 9
Songs purgatorium.jpg Purgatorium お月さま交響曲 Kurorak 150 02:31 2 6 8
File:Songs Rugie.jpg Rugie Feryquitous feat.Sennzai k//urorak 191 02:24 3 6 9
File:Songs ReviXy.jpg ReviXy ikaruga_nex Revoke Kurorak 115-185 02:38 3 6 8
File:Songs Grimheart.jpg Grimheart Puru Toaster 170 02:30 2 5 8
Songs supernova.jpg SUPERNOVA BACO 東超新星 150 02:39 3 6 9
Songs vector.jpg VECTOЯ WHITEFISTS Nitro 200 02:22 3 7 9
Songs diode.jpg Diode Kolaa Kurorak 132 02:20 2 5 8
File:Songs FREEF4LL.jpg FREEF4LL YUKIYANAGI N↓TRO 170 02:32 4 7 8
File:Songs Monochrome Princess.jpg Monochrome Princess polysha N↕TRO 160 02:17 4 7 9
File:Songs Senkyou.jpg Senkyou‎ MYTK k//eternal 90 02:31 3 5 8
File:Songs world.execute(me);.jpg world.execute(me); Mili toaster.chart(this); 130 02:31 3 5 8

Adverse Prelude

File:Songs Heavensdoor.jpg Heavensdoor LeaF Black Tea 240 02:11 3 5 9
File:Songs Particle Arts.jpg Particle Arts Virtual Self 小東星 162-175 02:27 3 6 8
File:Songs Ringed Genesis.jpg Ringed Genesis Edelritter 夜浪 vs Nitro 160 02:14 5 8 9+
File:Songs Vindication.jpg Vindication Laur Toaster 174 02:30 4 6 9
Songs blrink.jpg BLRINK Sta 未来の縁 115 02:44 3 7 9

Luminous Sky

File:Songs the message.jpg The Message Jun Kuroda Toaster 202 02:20 3 6 9
File:Songs Sulfur.jpg Sulfur ぺのれり Shirorak 182 02:22 4 6 9
File:Songs Maze No.9.jpg Maze No.9 アリスシャッハと魔法の楽団 小東星 159 02:25 3 3 8
Songs halcyon.jpg Halcyon xi 東星※太陽 191 02:38 5 8 9+
File:Songs ether strike.jpg Ether Strike Akira Complex Zero Sky 156 02:19 5 8 9+
File:Songs fracture ray.jpg Fracture Ray Sakuzyo Paradox Zero 160 02:33 6 9 10

Vicious Labyrinth

File:Songs SOUNDWITCH.jpg SOUNDWiTCH HATE NiTRO 170 01:47 3 6 9
File:Songs Iconoclast.jpg Iconoclast Yamajet Toaster 140 02:06 4 7 9
File:Songs trawitch.jpg trappola bewitching gmtn. k//urorak 190 02:00 3 6 9
Songs conflict.jpg conflict siromaru + cranky toaster+nitro 160 02:14 4 7 9+
File:Songs Axium Crisis.jpg Axium Crisis ak+q The Monolith 170 02:30 5 8 9+
File:Songs GL.jpg Grievous Lady Team Grimoire vs Laur 迷路深層 210 02:20 6 9 10

Eternal Core

File:Songs cry of viyella.jpg cry of viyella Laur Toaster 75~180 02:07 3 6 8
File:Songs I've heard it said.jpg I've heard it said Combatplayer Toaster 165 02:08 3 6 8
File:Songs Relentless.jpg Relentless Akira Complex Nitro 174 02:17 4 6 8
File:Songs lzh.jpg memoryfactory.lzh Frums Nitro 100 02:11 2 5 8
File:Songs Essence of Twilight.jpg Essence of Twilight ak+q Nitro 164 02:31 4 7 9
File:Songs Lumia.jpg Lumia sky_delta Toaster missing Nitro. 180 02:03 2 6 8
Songs sheriruth.jpg Sheriruth Team Grimoire 夜浪 185 02:17 5 7 9+
Songs pragmatism.jpg PRAGMATISM Laur 東星 174 02:00 4 8 9+
File:Songs Solitary Dream.jpg Solitary Dream ak+q feat. Sennzai ? 162 02:54 4 7 8

Sunset Radiance

File:Songs Chelsea.jpg Chelsea 7mai TaroNuke 174 02:10 3 6 8
File:Songs AI【UE】OON.jpg AI[UE]OON MYUKKE. N[I]TRO 145 02:22 3 6 9
File:Songs A Wandering Melody of Love.jpg A Wandering Melody of Love からとP⍺ոchii少年 feat.はるの 恋のToaster 165 02:14 3 7 9
File:Songs Tie me down gently.jpg Tie me down gently 溝口ゆうま feat. 大瀬良あい Kurorak 191 02:19 3 5 8
File:Songs Valhalla Zero.jpg Valhalla:0 Juggernaut. 夜浪 200 02:22 4 7 9+

Absolute Reason

File:Songs Antithese.jpg Antithese Blacklolita chaos//engine 172 02:21 2 5 8
File:Songs Corruption.jpg Corruption 3R2 ₸öα$†ε₹ 170 02:26 3 6 9
File:Songs Black Territory.jpg Black Territory DJ Myosuke NitroNukeδ 200 02:20 3 7 9
File:Songs Vicious Heroism.jpg Vicious Heroism Kobaryo Nitro vanquish Toaster. 256 02:20 4 7 9
File:Songs Cyaegha.jpg Cyaegha USAO 夜浪、旧支配者 200 02:21 5 8 9+

Binary Enfold

File:Songs memory forest.jpg Memory Forest ETIA. Kurorak 178 02:24 3 6 9
File:Songs next to you.jpg next to you uma feat. 橘花音 Nitro 165 02:14 4 7 8
File:Songs Silent Rush.jpg Silent Rush Soleily TaroNuke 158 02:38 2 5 8
Songs strongholds.jpg Strongholds Yooh TΔroNuke 105 02:17 2 5 9
Songs singularity.jpg Singularity ETIA. 東星※コラプサー 175 02:06 4 7 9+

Ambivalent Vision

File:Song blossoms.jpg Blossoms T2Kazuya Nitro 138 02:25 1 4 7
File:Songs Romance Wars.jpg Romance Wars U-ske(feat. lueur) Kurorak 187 02:05 1 4 7
File:Songs Moonheart.jpg Moonheart 翡乃イス力 Toaster 180 02:13 2 5 8
File:Songs Lethaeus.jpg Lethaeus Silentroom 夜浪 155 02:27 3 6 9
File:Songs Genesis.jpg Genesis Iris Haruba 132 02:13 2 5 8

Crimson Solace

File:Songs Paradise.jpg Paradise Sound Souler Nitro 126 02:29 1 4 7
File:Songs Flashback.jpg Flashback ARForest Nitro 195 02:07 2 5 8
File:Songs Flyburg and Endroll .jpg Flyburg and Endroll アリスシャッハと魔法の楽団 N_Helix 180 02:28 3 6 9
File:Songs party vinyl.jpg Party Vinyl モリモリあつし Party Toaster 132 01:50 4 7 9
File:Songs nirv luce.jpg Nirv lucE しーけー 東星※紅空 260 02:08 2 7 9+
Songs gloryroad.jpg GLORY:ROAD uma vs. モリモリあつし 東星※紅空 250 02:24 4 7 9+

CHUNITHM Collaboration

File:Songs GDP.jpg Garakuta Doll Play t+pazolite Arcaea Charting Teamからの挑戦状 256 02:08 4 6 9+
Songs ikazuchi.jpg Ikazuchi 光吉猛修 先史の機械神【夜浪 200 02:30 3 7 9+
File:Songs World Vanquisher.jpg World Vanquisher void (Mournfinale) 処刑人【東星 170 02:45 2 5 9+

Groove Coaster Collaboration

Songs merlin.jpg MERLIN REDALiCE Got More Taro? 180 02:09 3 5 8
Songs omakeno.jpg OMAKENO Stroke t+pazolite Kurorak 240 01:56 3 6 9
Songs dxfullmetal.jpg DX Choseinou Full Metal Shojo IOSYS TRAX (uno with.ちよこ) DX譜面作者フルメタルNitro 160 01:55 3 6 9
Songs scarletlance.jpg Scarlet Lance MASAKI (ZUNTATA) 闇運 185 02:09 4 7 9+
Songs ouroboros.jpg ouroboros -twin stroke of the end- Cranky VS MASAKI Groove 東星 188 02:29 4 7 9+

Tone Sphere Collaboration

Songs hallofmirrors.jpg Hall of Mirrors Sta Toaster 147 02:33 3 5 8
Songs hikari.jpg Hikari THB OptoNuke 130 02:21 2 6 8
Songs linearaccelerator.jpg Linear Accelerator THE SHAFT THE TOAST 200~211.9 02:04 2 6 9
File:Songs stager ftr.jpg STAGER (ALL STAGE CLEAR) Ras KURORAK 145 02:31 3 6 9
Songs tiferet.jpg Tiferet xi + Sta 夜浪[Spherical] 140? 02:27 4 7 9+

Lanota Collaboration

File:Songs Dream goes on.jpg Dream goes on Tiny Minim k//eternal 174 02:27 1 5 7
Songs journey.jpg Journey ARForest Kurorak 200 02:14 3 6 8
File:Songs Specta.jpg Specta Junk Toaster 179 02:16 3 6 9
Songs cyanine.jpg cyanine jioyi 夜浪 182 02:32 4 7 9+
File:Songs Quon.jpg Quon Feryquitous Nitro 189 02:23 4 6 9

Dynamix Collaboration

File:Songs Moonlight of Sand Castle.jpg Moonlight of Sand Castle 旅人E Kurorak 160 02:26 1 5 7
File:Songs REconstruction.jpg REconstruction Ryazan Nitro 180 01:57 2 6 8
File:Songs Evoltex(poppi'n mix).jpg Evoltex(poppi'n mix) Arch vs n3pu k//eternal 205 01:46 2 7 8
File:Songs Oracle.jpg Oracle TQ☆ Nitro 152 02:23 3 5 9
File:Songs ab.jpg αterlβus Aoi τoastεr 202 02:00 4 7 9+

Memory Archive

File:Songs dataerr0r.jpg DataErr0r Cosmograph ToastErr0r 180 02:05 3 7 9
File:Songs Cross Soul.jpg CROSS✝︎SOUL HyuN feat. Syepias k//eternal 200 02:19 4 7 9
File:Songs your voice so.jpg Your voice so... feat. Such PSYQUI Nitro 176 02:30 3 6 9
File:Songs Impure Birds.jpg Impure Bird Mlssionary Kurorak 184 01:56 2 5 9
File:Songs Auxesia.jpg Auxesia ginkiha Nitroだ一! 183 02:04 3 6 9
Songs modelista.jpg Modelista HiTECH NINJA NITRO 165 02:08 3 7 9
File:Songs Metallic Punisher.jpg Metallic Punisher INNOCENT NOIZE Black Tea 165 02:30 3 7 9+
File:Songs carmine scythe.jpg carmine:scythe かゆき 週刊toaster 165 02:26 4 7 9
File:Songs gd.jpg γuarδina Aoi τoastεr 202 02:11 4 7 9+
File:Songs Be There.jpg Be There PSYQUI Be Nitro 164 02:13 4 7 9
File:Songs call my name.jpg Call My Name feat. Yukacco Mameyudoufu Kuro my Nitro 175 02:28 3 6 8
Songs fallensquare.jpg Fallensquare Silentroom Haruba 99 02:33 3 7 9
Songs dropdead.jpg dropdead Frums -chartaesthesia-
50 02:17 1 9 8
Songs alexandrite.jpg Alexandrite WAiKURO 東星※空の宝石 146 02:23 4 7 9
File:Songs Astral Tale.jpg Astral tale Noah Nitro 134 02:28 4 7 9
File:Songs Phantasia.jpg Phantasia Yunosuke Toaster 153 02:32 4 5 9
Songs empireofwinter.jpg Empire of Winter Street 0°Nitro 175 02:20 3 6 9
File:Songs libertas.png Libertas Zekk Kurorak + Nitro 160 02:11 3 5 9
Songs dottodot.jpg Dot to Dot feat. shully Mameyudoufu •Nitro• 174 02:12 3 6 8
File:Songs Dreadnought.jpg Dreadnought Mastermind (xi + nora2r) Astronomer (Toaster + 東星) 96-384 02:20 4 7 9
File:Songs Mirzam.jpg Mirzam Aoi vs. siqlo 東星※おおいぬ座β星 201 02:29 4 7 9
Songs surrender.jpg Surrender void Nitro 152 02:27 3 6 8
Songs yozakurafubuki.jpg Yosakura Fubuki A.SAKA k//eternal 172 02:14 4 7 9
File:Songs Heavenly Caress.jpg Heavenly caress Noah Toaster 241 02:15 3 7 9
File:Songs Filament.jpg Filament Puru Toaster 170 02:23 4 7 9
File:Songs Avant Raze.jpg Avant Raze Sampling Master MEGA Avant Toast 200 02:14 3 6 9
Songs battlenoone.jpg BATTLE NO.1 TANO*C Sound Team Arcaea Team 200 02:12 3 6 9
File:Songs Einherjar Joker.jpg Einherjar Joker DJ Genki vs Gram Requiem TaroNuke 222 02:18 4 7 9
File:Songs IZANA.jpg IZANA t+pazolite vs P*Light NITRO 222 02:03 5 8 9+
File:Songs La'qryma of the Wasteland.jpg La'qryma of the Wasteland DJ Noriken Toaster 168 02:23 3 6 9
File:Songs Saikyo Stronger.jpg SAIKYO STRONGER REDALiCE vs USAO 最強FUMEN(夜浪 ft. 東星) 205 02:22 5 9 10

Other Songs(杂曲)

Songs tutorial.jpg Tutorial ak+q / 128 02:07 1 4 /
Songs ignotus afterburn.png Ignotus Afterburn Arcaea Sound Team 《WARNING》

TaroNuke vs Arcaea Charting Team

170 02:19 / / ?
Songs Red and Blue and Green.jpg Red and Blue and Green fn(ArcaeaSoundTeam) 《WARNING》
-chartaesthesia- and
✝︎chartaesthesia✝︎ UNCHAINED
160 02:31 / / ?