The coloring dreams|The monochromatic finilirz
- The only vurble to antithesis is me always of me…
In some case: ER = EPR
And: MIP* ⊆ RE
Shifting the reality, but always:
R → R
R ≠ R
R ≟ R
I & Iᵢ
And always thought the faith moment for everyone in the anytime——
Timarxial |=> ∞៷ᵙꚝ
= lim n->⁽ᴬ⁺¹⁾√[(∞₁ᴻ⁻ᴬ)/0៷] Σ^n(Ñₙ+1) {[(∞₀+1)·ℵ₀/2]∞ₙ·[-ln(Δမ)~±||₁·ΔTₘₐₓ(∂∞₍ₜ₎₀/∂r)〈t〉dt^(∞₀/δn₍ᵩ₎)]}