「User:Star0/sandbox 2」:修訂間差異

移除 3,383 位元組 、​ 2020年7月22日 (星期三)
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 您可以使用维基标记符号来格式化输入的内容。这些符号包括了诸如星号、引号、等号等在维基中有特殊功能的符号,有时这些功能取决于它们所处的位置。比如为了使一个词语变为 斜体 就需要使用一对双引号将它包裹起来, 就像 <code><nowiki>''这样''</nowiki></code>.
 您可以使用维基标记符号来格式化输入的内容。这些符号包括了诸如星号、引号、等号等在维基中有特殊功能的符号,有时这些功能取决于它们所处的位置。比如为了使一个词语变为 斜体 就需要使用一对双引号将它包裹起来, 就像 <code><nowiki>''这样''</nowiki></code>.

== Text formatting markup == 
== 文本格式化标记== 

{| class="wikitable"
{| class="wikitable"
! Description
! width=40% | You type
! width="40%" |'''用户键入'''
! width=40% | You get
! width="40%" |'''输出效果'''
! colspan="3" style="background: #ABE" | Character (inline) formatting – ''applies anywhere''
! colspan="3" style="background: #ABE" |'''文字 ( 行中) 格式化 适用于任何地方'''
| Italic text
| 斜体文本
| <pre>
'' italic''
<nowiki>'' 斜体''</nowiki>
'' italic''
'' 斜体''
| Bold text
| 粗体文字
| <pre>
''' bold'''
''' 粗体'''
''' bold'''
''' 粗体'''
| Bold and italic
| 粗斜体
| <pre>
''''' bold & italic'''''
''''' 粗斜体'''''
''''' bold & italic'''''
''''' 粗斜体'''''
| Escape wiki markup
| 注释掉wiki标记
| <pre>
&lt;nowiki&gt; no [[wiki]] ''markup''&lt;/nowiki&gt;
<nowiki>&lt;nowiki&gt; 没有 [[wiki]] '' 标记''&lt;/nowiki&gt;</nowiki>
<nowiki>no [[wiki]] ''markup''</nowiki>
 没有 <nowiki>[[wiki]]</nowiki> <nowiki>''</nowiki>标记<nowiki>''</nowiki>
! colspan="3" style="background: #ABE" | Section formatting – ''only at the beginning of the line''
! colspan="3" style="background: #ABE" |Section formatting – ''only at the beginning of the line''
| Section Headings of different levels
| 不同等级的章节标题
| <pre>
== 2级标题 ==

== Level 2 == 
=== 3级标题 ===

=== Level 3 === 
==== 4级标题 ====

==== Level 4 ====
===== 5 级标题 =====
===== Level 5 =====
====== Level 6 ====== 

====== 6级标题 ======
{{note|1= 跳过1级标题,那是页面名等级。
* [[<tvar|lv1>Special:MyLanguage/Help_talk:Formatting#Level_1</>|Skip Level 1]], it is page name level.
* Do not put any text on the same line after the ending equal signs.
*  An article with 4 or more headings automatically creates a [[wikipedia:Help:Section#Table of contents (TOC)|table of contents]] (unless setting the magic word<nowiki>__NOTOC__</nowiki>).

== 2级标题 ==

=== 3级标题 ===

<h2>Level 2</h2>
==== 4级标题 ====

===== 5级标题 =====

<h3>Level 3</h3>
====== 6 级标题 ======
<h4>Level 4</h4>
<h5>Level 5</h5>
<h6>Level 6</h6>

| Horizontal rule
| 分割线
| <pre>
  Text before
  Text after
Text before
Text after
| Bullet list
| 无序列表
* 在行的开始
* 使用一个星号(*)
* Start each line
** 更多的星号表示
* with an [[Wikipedia:asterisk|asterisk]] (*).
*** 越来越深的层次。
** More asterisks give deeper
*** and deeper levels.
* Line breaks <br />don't break levels.
*** But jumping levels creates empty space.
Any other start ends the list.
* combine bullet list
** with definition
::- definition
** creates empty space
* combine bullet list
** with definition
*:- definition
** without empty spaces
*bullet list
:- definition
:* sublist that doesn't create empty
:* spaces after definition
* 在行的开始
* 使用一个星号 (*)。
** 更多的星号表示
*** 越来越深的层次。

* Start each line
* with an [[Wikipedia:asterisk|asterisk]] (*).
** More asterisks give deeper
*** and deeper levels.
* Line breaks <br />don't break levels.
*** But jumping levels creates empty space.
Any other start ends the list.
* combine bullet list
** with definition
::- definition
** creates empty space
* combine bullet list
** with definition
*:- definition
** without empty spaces

*bullet list
:- definition
:* sublist that doesn't create empty
:* spaces after definition

| Numbered list
| 有序列表
# 在行的开始
# 使用一个井号(#)
# Start each line
## 更多的井号表示
# with a [[Wikipedia:Number_sign|number sign]] (#).
### 越来越深
## More number signs give deeper
### 的层次。
### and deeper
### levels.
# Line breaks <br />don't break levels.
### But jumping levels creates empty space.
# Blank lines
# end the list and start another.
Any other start also
ends the list.
# 在行的开始
# 使用一个井号 (#)。
## 更多的井号表示
### 越来越深
### 的层次。

# Start each line
<br />
# with a [[Wikipedia:Number_sign|number sign]] (#).
## More number signs give deeper
### and deeper
### levels.
# Line breaks <br />don't break levels.
### But jumping levels creates empty space.
# Blank lines
# end the list and start another.
Any other start also
ends the list.

| Definition list
| 缩进文本
| <pre>
: 缩进1字符
::  缩进2字符
;item 1
::::: 缩进多字符
: definition 1
;item 2
: definition 2-1
: definition 2-2
{{note|1= If you want for the colon to be displayed, escape it by writing <tvar|1><code>&amp;#58;</code></>.}}
;item 1
: definition 1
;item 2
: definition 2-1
: definition 2-2
| Indent text
| <pre>
: Single indent
:: Double indent
::::: Multiple indent
{{Note|1= This workaround may harm accessibility.}}
{{Note|1= 但是这样可能导致阅读困难。}}
: Single indent
:: Double indent
::::: Multiple indent
|  Mixture of different types of list


# one
: 缩进2字符
# two
: 缩进多字符
#* two point one
#* two point two
# three
#; three item one
#: three def one
# four
#: four def one
#: this looks like a continuation
#: and is often used
#: instead <br />of &lt;nowiki><br />&lt;/nowiki>
# five
## five sub 1
### five sub 1 sub 1
## five sub 2

{{note|1= The usage of <tvar|1><code>#:</code></> and <tvar|2><code>*:</code></> for breaking a line within an item may also harm accessibility.}}

# one
# two
#* two point one
#* two point two
# three
#; three item one
#: three def one
# four
#: four def one
#: this looks like a continuation
#: and is often used
#: instead <br />of <nowiki><br /></nowiki>
# five
## five sub 1
### five sub 1 sub 1
## five sub 2

| Preformatted text
| 预格式化文本
| <pre>
  Start each line with a space.
<span class="mw-translate-fuzzy">在行首使用空格。文本被''' 预格式化'''
  Text is '''preformatted''' and
   并且''''' 可以'''''
   ''markups'' '''''can''''' be done.
 使用'' 维基标记'' 。</span>
{{note|1= This way of preformatting only applies to section formatting. Character formatting markups are still effective.}}
{{note|1= 这种办法常用来给文章的某部分排版。对字符进行格式化的维基标记仍然有效。}}
  Start each line with a space.
  在行首使用空格。文本被''' 预格式化''' 并且''''' 可以''''' 使用'' 维基标记''
  Text is '''preformatted''' and
  ''markups'' '''''can''''' be done.
| Preformatted text blocks
|Preformatted text blocks
| <pre> &lt;nowiki&gt;
|<pre> <nowiki>在第一列使用空格,
Start with a space in the first column,
(在 <nowiki> 之前)。
(before the <tvar|1>&lt;nowiki&gt;</>).

Then your block format will be
This is good for copying in code blocks:
def function():
   """ documentation string"""
   if True:
     print True
     print False&lt;/nowiki&gt;
  {{#tag:nowiki| 在第一列使用空格,
Start with a space in the first column,
(在 <nowiki> 之前)。
(before the &lt;nowiki&gt;).

Then your block format will be
This is good for copying in code blocks:
def function():
   """ documentation string"""
   if True:
     print True
     print False

Mediawiki忽略单个换行。要想另起一段,请留空一行(两个换行)。您也可以使用HTML标记<code><nowiki><br /></nowiki></code>强制换行另起一段。

== Paragraphs ==
==HTML 标记== 
MediaWiki ignores single line breaks. To start a new paragraph, leave an empty line. You can force a line break within a paragraph with the HTML tag <code>&lt;br /></code>.
== HTML tags == 

MediaWiki 中允许使用一些HTML标记。比如<code><nowiki><code></nowiki></code>, <code><nowiki><div></nowiki></code> and <code><nowiki><span></nowiki></code> 等。这些标记将在你插入它们的地方生效。
Some [[wikipedia:HTML|HTML]] tags are allowed in MediaWiki, for example <tvar|1>{{tag|code|open}}</>, <tvar|2>{{tag|div|open}}</>, and <tvar|3>{{tag|span|open}}</>. These apply anywhere you insert them.

{| class="wikitable"
{| class="wikitable"
! Description
! width=40% | You type
! width="40%" |You type
! width=40% | You get
! width="40%" |You get
| Inserted <br />(Displays as underline in most browsers)
| 插入标记
| <pre>
<ins> Inserted</ins>
<ins> 插入标记</ins>


<u> Underline</u>
<u> 下划线</u>
<ins> Inserted</ins>
<ins> 插入标记</ins>


<u> Underline</u>
<u> 下划线</u>
| Deleted <br />(Displays as strike-through in most browsers)
| 删除标记
| <pre>
<s> Strike-through</s>
<s> 划掉</s>

<del> Deleted</del>

<s> Strike-through</s>
<s> 划掉</s>


<del> Deleted</del>
<s> 删除线</s>
| Fixed width text
| 等宽字体
| <pre><code> Source code</code></pre>
|<pre><code> 源代码</code></pre>
| <code> Source code</code>
|<code> 源代码</code>
| Blockquotes
| 引用的内容
| <pre>
Text before
<blockquote> 引用的内容</blockquote>
<blockquote> Blockquote</blockquote>
Text after
Text before
<blockquote> Blockquote</blockquote>
Text after
| Quotes
| 引号
| <pre>&lt;q&gt; This is a quotation&lt;&#47;q&gt;</pre>
|<pre><q> 这是一个带引号的句子(引用句)。</q></pre>
{{Note|1= The q element '''must not''' be used in place of quotation marks that do not represent quotes; for example, it is inappropriate to use the q element for marking up sarcastic statements.<ref>[<tvar|url>https://html.spec.whatwg.org/multipage/text-level-semantics.html#the-q-element</> HTML Living Standard—The <tvar|q>&lt;'''q'''&gt;</> element]</ref>}}
| <q> This is a quotation</q>
|<q> 这是一个带引号的句子(引用句)。</q>
| Comment
| 注释
| <pre>
<!-- 这行是注释 -->
Comments are visible only
in the edit zone.
Comments are visible only
in the edit zone.

| Completely preformatted text
| 完全预格式化文本
| <pre>
<pre>文本被'''预格式化'''并且''标记'' '''''不能''''' 起作用&lt;/pre>

Text is '''preformatted''' and
''markups'' '''''cannot''''' be done&lt;/pre>
{{note|1= For marking up of preformatted text, check the "Preformatted text" entry at the end of the previous table.}}
文本被''' 预格式化''' 并且'' 标记'' ''''' 不能''''' 起作用
Text is '''preformatted''' and
''markups'' '''''cannot''''' be done
| '''Customized''' preformatted text
|''' 自定义''' 预格式化文本
| <pre>
<pre style="color: red">
<pre style="color: red"> 文本被某种样式''' 预格式化''' 并且'' 标记'' ''''' 不能''''' 起作用&lt;/pre>
Text is '''preformatted''' 
with a style and
''markups'' '''''cannot''''' be done
{{note|1= A CSS style can be named within the <code>style</code> attribute.}}
{{note|1= CSS 样式能够用<code>style</code> 属性来命名。}}
<pre style="color: red">
<pre style="color: red">
文本被某种样式''' 预格式化''' 并且'' 标记'' ''''' 不能''''' 起作用
Text is '''preformatted''' 
with a style and
''markups'' '''''cannot''''' be done
{| class="wikitable" | style="table-layout: fixed; width: 100%"
!  Description
! width=40% |  You type
! width=40% |  You get
| '''Default''' preformatted text has a CSS attribute (<code>white-space: pre-wrap;</code>) to wrap the text according to available width
|''' 默认''' 预格式化文本有CSS属性(<code>white-space: pre-wrap;</code> )来根据可用宽度包裹文本
| <pre>
  This long sentence is used to demonstrate text wrapping. This additional sentence makes the text even longer. This additional sentence makes the text even longer.
  This long sentence is used to demonstrate text wrapping. This additional sentence makes the text even longer. This additional sentence makes the text even longer.
| '''Customized''' preformatted text with '''disabled''' text wrapping
|''' 自定义''' 预格式化文本,带''' 被禁用的''' 文本包装
| <pre>
<pre style="white-space: pre;">
<pre style="white-space: pre;">
  This long sentence is used to demonstrate text wrapping. This additional sentence makes the text even longer. This additional sentence makes the text even longer.
|<pre style="white-space: pre;">
<pre style="white-space: pre;">
  This long sentence is used to demonstrate text wrapping. This additional sentence makes the text even longer. This additional sentence makes the text even longer.