故事模式剧情详表 (移动版):修订间差异

添加55,714字节 、​ 2022年7月13日 (星期三)
第14行: 第14行:
! class="nodesktop" colspan="12" |目录
! class="nodesktop" colspan="12" |目录
! class="nomobile" rowspan="5" width="10%" |[[#Main(主线)|主线故事]]
! class="nomobile" rowspan="6" width="10%" |[[#Main(主线)|主线故事]]
! class="nomobile" width="15%" |[[光]] - 个人故事
! class="nomobile" width="15%" |[[光]] - 个人故事
|[[#1-1|1-1]]||[[#1-2|1-2]]||[[#1-3|1-3]]||[[#1-4|1-4]]||[[#1-5|1-5]]||[[#1-ZR|1-ZR]]||[[#1-7|1-7]]||[[#1-8|1-8]]||[[#1-9|1-9]]|| colspan="3" |
|[[#1-1|1-1]]||[[#1-2|1-2]]||[[#1-3|1-3]]||[[#1-4|1-4]]||[[#1-5|1-5]]||[[#1-ZR|1-ZR]]||[[#1-7|1-7]]||[[#1-8|1-8]]||[[#1-9|1-9]]|| colspan="3" |
第29行: 第29行:
! class="nomobile" width="15%" |终焉
! class="nomobile" width="15%" |终焉
|[[#F-1|F-1]]||[[#F-2|F-2]]||[[#F-3|F-3]]||[[#F-4|F-4]]||[[#F-5|F-5]]||[[#F-6|F-6]]||[[#F-7|F-7]]|| colspan="5" |
|[[#F-1|F-1]]||[[#F-2|F-2]]||[[#F-3|F-3]]||[[#F-4|F-4]]||[[#F-5|F-5]]||[[#F-6|F-6]]||[[#F-7|F-7]]|| colspan="5" |
! class="nomobile" width="15%" |结局
|[[#E-1|E-1]]||[[#E-2|E-2]]|| colspan="10" |
! class="nomobile" rowspan="7" width="10%" |[[#Side(支线)|支线故事]]
! class="nomobile" rowspan="7" width="10%" |[[#Side(支线)|支线故事]]
第1,910行: 第1,913行:
Memories will live on, here.<br><br>All will be remembered, until and past the very end.<br><br>They will all carry on.<br><br>And none will ever forget.}}
Memories will live on, here.<br><br>All will be remembered, until and past the very end.<br><br>They will all carry on.<br><br>And none will ever forget.}}
解锁条件:完成[[#F-7|F-7]],购入[[Final Verdict]]曲包<br>解锁要求:待补充
"这世界……一点都不合理!<br>你以为我会为此死去?还是以为我会让‘其他’人为之死去……! ? "
在她哭出来之前,这世界的心脏又再次跳动。<br>Arcaea 说道:别死。
—— Arcaea 开始失去光芒。
这样做后,Arcaea 淹没了她,流入她的双手和内心。<br>她感到失落,几乎就要崩溃。
我不知道。<br> <br>……你也无从得知。
……事实上,如果她带我走,那……我还会记得每件事吗?我会明白吗?<br> <br>不……或许不会。但是……她现在似乎对自己很有信心。
我会让她的内心成为之后任何事的灯塔。<br> <br>……我深信着。你也会,不是吗?
毕竟,你是对的……<br> <br>她们俩人……是完全不一样的。
……"对立"……<br> <br>……我现在要走了。
不过别担心。<br> <br>我一定会把你带在身边。
看起来是这样没错……但事实上,身为光芒的灵魂,仍然抗拒着那灵魂和她一样的残酷的真相,<br>光唯一能做的事,就是找到另一名少女最真挚的绝望,<br>即便只是其中短暂的瞬间—— 而剩余的那些较长的时刻,则超出她的能力范围。
在光芒和暗影巨大的脉冲之下,Arcaea 开始迈向灭亡。
—— 在这世界上所有的活力都被带至一个遥远地方之时,她们也看见了尾声。
当风声平息,Arcaea 上方的天空也回归平缓后……<br>她感到头晕目眩,并在可能跌倒前尽力站稳脚步。
她现在缓缓张开双眼……<br> <br>……而那些回忆也离开了她。
而光的注意力仍放在有"什么"—— 有"谁"还在。<br>对立抬起一只手,轻轻地放在光颤抖的背上。<br>她们各自都不知道发生了什么事,在世界结束之时就这样安抚彼此。
Hikari sits amidst dust and blood.
I see her there... Her folly has ruined her. Self-pity has ruined her.
As she gazes through her fingers, her hand still on her face,<br>she finds, once more, the sight of you, my second self, dead.
And the apathy which brought about your death—<br>the apathy which brought about this all—must be threatening to encroach again.
I know it: the girl in white and red can feel it. She can feel that she was meant for this.<br>That you were meant to die, and she was meant to kill you.
Her back relaxes...<br>The world itself... Arcaea... She can likely feel tension releasing throughout it.<br>Relief...
The disorder is gone... It's safe now...<br>But I can hear it too...<br>Something like a whisper, easing into her heart, seems to ask her to embrace this state.
To embrace herself, and embrace Arcaea.<br>...However—
...She whispers something to herself: a name. Her voice is shaking, barely audible through her crying.
"What did you mean...? That our names 'here' were those...?"
She falls silent, and seems to wonder.
The whisper comes again, telling her: if you want it, those answers will arrive.<br>This place—it is an archive to all memory...<br>...And yet still, she remains silent.
Beneath her building apathy is a sheer and shining hatred.<br>She cannot stop hating herself.
Obviously not. After all that's happened... how could she allow an ending like this?<br>What would it mean? What would it mean for her?
She... She, who walked here, could never accept it.
With nausea eating at her stomach, she clenches her jaw.
Hikari puts her hand to the dirt and sand below her and lurches up onto her knees.
And she asks,<br>"Arcaea... Were you here to heal me?"
Her arm relaxes... like a cool sensation has woven up the limb.
"...I can feel it,"
Hikari mutters as her eyes slowly close, her voice still hoarse."
"...Paradise, for someone scared, tired, and weak..."
She swallows the dry nothingness in her mouth.<br>Opening her eyes, she grabs up sand and begins to rise to her feet<br>as much of it pours out from between her fingers.
"I don't know what to do..."
Hikari goes on,<br>"...but would it be right of me to let you hold me again?""
"It... absolutely wouldn't."
"I... don't want this..."
"I don't want it...!"
Hikari suddenly bends over, gripping her stomach and pushing<br>her other hand against her mouth. She sways heavily.
Her "refusal" seems to be enough to make this world recognize her once more.<br>As she holds her mouth shut, eyes wide in fear, she suddenly winces.<br>I can hear it too: a sharp noise, flying suddenly through her ears—through her head—
And inside her heart again—no longer a whisper, but almost a vibrating bellow.<br>A silent, yet powerful voice filling her and saying: decide, and speak your heart's intent.
"Speak... my...?"
As she is...<br>...Hikari is nothing but a girl moved by her heart.<br>And it is heart that brought her here—long before she first opened her eyes.
Is it instinct? Does that "body" remember how this all happened...? How she was before...?
Ha...<br>I don't really care.<br>I just... find it very funny, and ironic, that this new heart would undo it all in a single beat.
Her answer... after her breathing has become shallow, after her heart has trembled long past a minute,<br>is ultimately clear and resonant:
"My intent... is to reverse."
"I have to bring her back."
"This world... doesn't make any sense!<br>You think I'd die for it? You think I'd let someone ELSE die for it...!?"
"I can't! I won't!<br>Whatever I need to do, whatever I need to give up... I'll sacrifice it all for that...!"
She holds the earth in her palm, firmly, before throwing her hand out and scattering the sand.
She declares,<br>"I'll die if it means I can change all this—!"
The world's heart beats, and its sound silences her cold.<br>It would never give her up. It will not.<br>The voice fills her again—
And its sentiments, and knowledge, enter her chest and run to her fingertips.
It says, You cannot die.<br>You were born here to live, and living is what you chose.
Hikari... knows this.<br>And guilt—apology—forces tears to well in her eyes.
But, the world's heart beats again before she can cry.<br>Do not die, says Arcaea.
—<br>Only let it end.
...And so her lips tighten.<br>Tears break past her eyelid, and trace down her cheek.<br>And she nods.
A heart beats again...<br>And like that—
—Arcaea begins to lose its light.
And in so doing, it floods into her, flows into her hands and heart.<br>It drives her down. It nearly causes her to collapse.
For that while, memories flash across her eyes, but I can tell... they are memories ignored.<br>Her eyes fix upon your lifeless corpse instead.
I think all she knows now... is "what she has to do".<br>And I can feel myself being tugged there already... down, down...<br>down: to where you were slain.
...<br>Does she... truly understand what it is she's abandoning?<br>Does she truly understand what is "ending" by this?
I don't know.<br> <br>...You won't either.
...Actually, if she's taking me, then... will I remember any of this? Will I understand?<br> <br>No... probably not. But... she seems so sure of herself now.
I'm going to let that heart of hers be the beacon for whatever comes after.<br> <br>...I trust it. You would, too, wouldn't you?
After all, you were right...<br> <br>The two of them... are completely different.
..."Tairitsu"...<br> <br>...I'll be going now.
But don't worry.<br> <br>I will surely take you with me.
The skies are forced down again, and the earth rises to her will.<br>To die, and to make Tairitsu live again.
Lives and souls cannot truly be brought into this world of the dead.<br>Only their shapes, only their echoes...
And to begin with,<br>the souls of the girl of light and the girl of conflict... were never quite ordinary.
Truly, the world was not meant for this.<br>Surely, the world will shatter for this.<br>But it will do everything to rewrite it all—or at least try.
It would need both the girl in black's "first soul"
and what fragments can be found of her second self's..."
And now one fragmented soul calls out to a full other.<br>Swiftly, that other soul is torn from beyond the pale.
A tornado flies around Hikari then,<br>ripping the veil of reality around her apart in a torrent of shadow and light.
Arcaea "remembers" the other girl, and at Hikari's command those memories come rushing back as glass.<br>They seem almost instantly born. Or perhaps they have always been here.<br>...Will they even suffice? Can this world weave two fractured souls?
...It will. The rules do not matter. Hikari will make it so...<br>With these memories of the girl named Tairitsu...<br>Glinting through the storm, those glass memories come swiftly.
There was a girl here who once walked the lands in agony.<br>A girl dogged mercilessly by sorrow and grief...<br>Yet she strode onward to save herself.
To save herself and to grasp freedom.<br>She had only ever wished for one thing:<br>the chance to have some reason to smile.
To make this world a better place, she was a girl who stood and faced it,<br>even if "better" would mean turning this world over.
The memories flash across Hikari's eyes, distracting her even more<br>from her own encroaching recollections.
Few of the other girl's tears pass through the storm. Much of her pain seems to have been forgotten.
It seems so... but in truth, as a soul of light, still pushing away<br>the cruel truth of that soul as she is, it is all Hikari can do to find even the fleeting moments<br>of the other girl's sincerest despair—the rest, the longer of them, lie beyond her grasp.
...However, knowing where that truest pain had led the girl in black, Hikari gives that sorrow up,<br>and so too gives up the moment that they met, which she cannot find.
The Tairitsu born of this all... will be one who has not seen the true depths of her plight,<br>but will still know herself as one who was born and lived in the midst of struggle.
New energy booms out from Hikari. Four columns of light, immense fonts of power, erupt from the ground.<br>It is the world protecting her, as the shadow soul to which she called finally descends.
She almost fails to recognize it at its approach. What floats before her and begins to block the sky<br>is something like Death: the immense and chilling shape of a phantom. It gently slows as it nears,<br>and there, at once, the dark begins to flow into the rotating glass.
There she truly comprehends it. With a firm nod, she eases the process, guiding soul to glass.<br>The lost soul of Tairitsu "before" thus becomes the living essence of the new body to come,<br>with that of Tairitsu "after" stabilizing the rest of the shell.
The shaking beneath Hikari's feet becomes almost too much to bear.<br>Hikari remains as still as she is able, and steadfastly directs the new life between her hands.<br>With a thunderous groan, she feels the world bending in agony, and yet she holds onto her will.
Without being deterred, in her heart she reaffirms her vow.
She twists the core of the world itself. It, too, will fuel the rebirth of a fallen deity.<br>Like this, finally, once absolute rules are rewritten, and with Hikari's sound and silent order<br>new death spikes solidly into that core.
In an overwhelming pulse of light and shadow, Arcaea begins to die.
The wish that made existence is overturned. The skies run rapid overhead, and what light remains of this<br>reality cascades to her from every horizon. As she pushes the crafted soul into Tairitsu's now-floating<br>and deeply effulgent body, with sweat dripping off her brow, Hikari pushes, too, the entire world—
She channels the life of the earth.
She abandons Arcaea.
Below the now-ending daylight, twin girls watch as clouds rush past above them.
Below the half-night sky, a noble gazes at a rift slowly tearing apart the earth,<br>and gazes above to see star after star fading.
A girl who tends and cares, a girl who wanders and seeks, a girl who watches and wishes—
A soul of joy, a soul of hunger, a soul of ambition—
A heart of war, a heart of song—
—they see the end, as all the life of the world is taken now to one, distant place.
And soon...
...Hikari feels the last wisps of that life flow into the body of the girl she wishes to save.<br>Tairitsu's form begins to drift back to the earth as the life fades out from Hikari's hands,<br>and as it does...
...the girl in white feels, too, that a part of herself is being lost in the current.
...None of that concerns her.
When the winds die down, and as Arcaea's skies above are left slowed, dull...<br>she feels very lightheaded and plants her foot down before she might fall.
She tries to calm herself, trying to grasp what she, truly, has done.<br>But... she can't.<br>And overwhelmingly, her thoughts focus on this:
Is Tairitsu alive?
Dust drifts down from the sky again.
She does remember this...
...at the end, at that lowest point...
Nobody was there, and she closed her eyes to tears.
She opens them now, slowly...<br> <br>...just as those memories leave her entirely.
Hikari sees the motion in her brow.<br>The girl in white holds her own fists over her mouth and her breath catches in her throat.
For all the splendor, she thinks, it was all so simple—
Too simple—<br>Could her wish have been granted for so little as hope and effort?
Hikari shakes her head of these thoughts. She steps forward, shaking.<br>Tairitsu's eyes open fully, and blink once, before their lids fall again halfway.
Hikari rushes forward then, falls to her knees, and hugs the other girl.
"Wh... What...!? What are y—!?"
The girl is silenced as Hikari clings to her,<br>embracing her more tightly than anything else before in her life.<br>And, Hikari starts to sob.
She uncontrollably cries into the other girl's shoulder—<br>the girl who stares back in disbelief, unsure of anything.
...Many more rifts have been carved through the landscape.<br>The light which once eternally poured from the sky has been suddenly, and starkly dimmed.<br>The world... is wounded.
And yet, Hikari's focus remains on "what"—"who" remains.<br>Tairitsu lifts her hand, and places it gently upon Hikari's shaking back.<br>Each unknowing, the two comfort one another at the end of the world.
"I'm sorry... I'm so sorry..."
Hikari endlessly repeats."
"...Whatever you did,"
Tairitsu replies,<br>"you made it right, didn't you? So why are you apologizing...?""
Hikari slowly pulls herself away, though she still holds the other girl.<br>With her eyes and nose reddened, she gazes on Tairitsu with misery, and tugging elation.
She suddenly buries her face in Tairitsu's chest, and Tairitsu holds her in return, softly.<br>The scene begins to quiet, and the girl in black allows the girl in white to weep.
—<br>They set out into the gray world.
For a while, Tairitsu holds the other girl's hand to walk her forward,<br>but it doesn't take long for their paces to match.
She does not remember her tragedy—at least, not the worst of it.
And the black shards... They don't take interest in her any longer.
For Hikari too. Those white shards which were so fond of her no longer dance nearby and close.
One has lost some aspect of dark, and the other... and the world... continue to lose light.<br>Though...<br>...to smile sincerely, Hikari no longer needs the light of glass.
The girls walk to a cliff's edge.<br>They look out to see a land of lost memory, slowly falling to decay.<br>And it will decay. It will collapse, fade, and crumble to nothing.
They stand there, not knowing this, and only "knowing" each other,<br>foregoing the past, and foregoing memory.
Tairitsu looks to Hikari with a steady, and quietly warm expression—<br>It is the expression she wore once, whenever able, within another life.<br>Hikari, seeing it, smiles with the simplest ease.
"What awaits"...?<br>What awaits could never matter.
That sense of "completeness" they each feel... cannot be shaken.
And...<br>Implicitly, Hikari knows this journey is at its end.<br>The road to the future lies ahead, and there a new journey will begin.
...She takes the time to acknowledge that she cannot know what, precisely, that journey will bring.<br>She can never know what might happen.
She acknowledges this, and closes her eyes to another thought:<br>...Did she know, before, where her steps would take her?<br>She only, always, stepped forward.
If you've chosen life, then choose to live.<br>Live in this world. See this world. Feel it and truly accept every last moment.<br>With this sentiment, she chooses to hold firm.
She lets her eyes open and she breathes in the air.<br>The unknowable winds ahead, the girl beside her,<br>the faces she has not seen, and the hidden places beyond...
She holds all of it close to her heart.
She takes Tairitsu's hand.
Because they will go on.}}
解锁条件:完成[[#F-7|F-7]],购入[[Final Verdict]]曲包<br>解锁要求:待补充
[[文件:Story E-1_epilogue cg.jpg|300px]]
—— 但是……<br><br>……她做不到。<br><br>只靠她的意志并不能从虚无中制造力量。人可以想像得到的任何意志力她都具备,但这没有任何意义。<br><br>她明白这个真相后,开始哭泣。<br><br>神的意志更有意义。神的愿望是她和她的同类消失、坠落、化为尘土,而这个愿望很快就会被神亲手实现。<br><br>少女从她的倒影中看见自己的双眼,而那倒影因自己的泪水而变得扭曲。从那颤抖的下颚中,<br>她看见自己的悲痛,以及无力与痛苦。<br><br>一切都不重要。她一事无成,不论是现在还是过去。<br><br>当天使降临时,这名黑发少女始终低着头。天使靠近她时,祂举起了祂的手。
[[文件:Story E-2_epilogue cg.jpg|300px]]
[[文件:Story F-7-1 cg.jpg|300px]]
Arcaea 是为了拯救亡者的庇护所。<br><br>虽然她许下愿望时还活着,但她仍然强烈感到"死亡"的感觉。<br><br>对此她完全没有想法;事实上,如果她试过,她就不会如此搞不清楚状况。<br>她只想从那里为自己得到一些东西。这是有可能的,真的,如果她知道那些被Arcaea 之网抓住的命运,<br>她就会发现自己做了一件很棒的事。<br><br>这个世界跨越时间和不同的现实,延伸至其他无数地方。<br><br>它是活的,虽然它没有想法,但这世界仍"许愿"与这些亡者分享生命。
它能够带来真实的灵魂,复制它们,并将这些灵魂带入新的身体中,然后释放,<br>不管前方等着它们的是什么……不过,"光"的灵魂,被固定回其第一个世界之中。她仍然活着。<br><br>……不会思考的 Arcaea 只会尽其所能强行复制那个灵魂。<br><br>很久以后,Arcaea 发现了一个灵魂,它从未见过如此悲惨的灵魂,可以与它母亲的灵魂相似……<br><br>奇怪的是,该灵魂也无法被妥善的保管。释放时,<br>这个灵魂不会像其他灵魂一样离开这个虚假世界的边界……<br>因此它也开始目睹着自己的复制品不幸于这个全新白色大地上诞生。<br><br>对立……在一座毁灭的塔中苏醒。
[[文件:Story E-4_epilogue cg.jpg|300px]]
—<br><br>随着时光流逝……<br><br>难以想像,被救回的其中一人曾震慑着一切……<br><br>但幸运的是,造成这一切的人回来了,很快这个世界也再次变得安全……<br><br>Arcaea 只是为了存在而生。 Arcaea 呼唤了它的创造者,而这名创造者注意到了这个呼唤。<br>就像Arcaea 创造了碎片的监视者,并请求监视者吞噬一切会瓦解其脆弱存在的异常……
因此现在,Arcaea 依然存在着。<br><br>它已经存在了超过一千年了。
她们一定很开心。她们需要变得开心。<br><br>Arcaea 除了那个选择没什么能够给她们。这个世界仍然埋藏在"缝隙之间",而解脱方法也是——<br><br>—— 而且……这世界以外的任何领域……是在外部的另一个地方,且无法再次看见。<br><br>因此,双胞胎少女、带着利剑的少女、旅行者、贵族、歌之少女……<br><br>她们和其他人善良到如同天使一般。<br><br>而 Arcaea 的玻璃碎片现在也经常休止。它们沿着墙壁和柱子集结,压实成又大又多的样子,就像结晶一样。<br><br>就像生锈了一样。
—— 这个美丽的世界是由神所看护的。光在这一切之上,毫不关心地看照着……<br><br>……并且记得……
她记得所有旧世界已经遗忘的事。她有点热情,或着是有点兴趣的看着它们。<br>这可称得上是那位衰弱且无精打采的神所拥有的一种放纵。<br><br>或许……她已经不一样了。她过去是怎样的人,现在的她又是怎样……她现在层次一定"更高"了。<br><br>她珍惜着一个真相,对此她只能祈祷其他人能理解—— 虽然即使他们不能……<br>她也只不过选择了去看着这世界。<br><br>但……即便她毫不关心地看着这世界,她也知道自己给了它们"一切"。
……<br><br>……在她的范围之外,一名哲学家和卫星在游荡。<br><br>在此之下,一个长角的女人正照料着珍贵的回忆。<br><br>眼中有花朵的女人……在寂静的大地上跋涉。<br><br>这是空虚的,是没有意义的。<br><br>Arcaea 现在成为了虚无。<br><br>而那样……比另外一种型态还好。<br><br>好过一个藐视你的世界。好过那个瞧不起你生存方式的自己。<br><br>为爱上活着而活,并臣服在虚无之下……
毕竟,现实前进时,没人知道等待着的"结束"是什么样子。<br>而 Arcaea,具体来说,从来就只是记忆的载体。<br><br>无形、限制、沉默的记忆—— 然而外面看不见,注意不到,也不会在乎。<br><br>而这些记忆,与光所拯救的那些生命,将沉静地永存在此,而至于那些生命,<br>她也如往常一样不会看过去一眼。<br><br>因为在这里,没有看不到的记忆,没有感觉不到的情感。这就是光芒照耀,<br>且授予的"一切"。<br><br>为了永远的快乐,为了永远的平安。与你可能已经抛弃的任何生命不同,<br>这,就是她所爱。这,就是Arcaea ——<br><br>—— 迷失的生命不会受到偏袒,也不会受到责备。<br><br>因此,就像这样,命运的齿轮在这里继续运转……<br><br>……而远方不会再有等候着的命运。}}
[[文件:Story E-1_epilogue cg.jpg|300px]]
It wasn't long ago...<br><br>Somewhere dark and cold...<br><br>A barren, empty land rested in silence; newly cold, and newly empty, under a sky<br>leaden with dense clouds. The green leaves and red flowers had turned gray, and<br>only the footsteps of the living remained to tell that they all had once been<br>there. White now fell from the heavens and covered up their steps. No snow fell; only ash.<br><br>All had frozen, and winter had yet to come.
On the ash and ice-covered earth, on her knees, was a girl with her neck craned up to face what light<br>now bled through the gray. Her eyes were wide and staring. Before that light was an angel or, maybe, a god.<br><br>There was no home to turn to. Her mother and father were dead. Her guardians were dead. Her fellow<br>fledgling Shapers were dead. Her people, who had always scorned her, were all dead. All that remained<br>of what she knew was a shard of glass in her hand—a fragment from her window. But still, perhaps,<br>there was a chance—
She was chosen, and special.<br><br>She was young, but learned.<br><br>She only had to try.<br><br>If she tried, very hard, there was perhaps the smallest chance... to reverse time's flow. To strike back.<br><br>To even, maybe, turn into a sort of "god" herself.
Thinking she could stop all of this.<br><br>Thinking she could bring everyone back.<br><br>The girl looked at the shard of glass in her hand, and wished to save the world.
—However...<br><br>...she could not.<br><br>Will alone cannot create strength from nothing. She had all the will that one could imagine,<br>and her will was worthless.<br><br>Knowing that, she began to cry.<br><br>The will of the god above was worth more. Its wish had been for her and her kind to vanish, fall,<br>and fade into dust, and that wish would be granted, in moments, by its hand.<br><br>The girl saw her eyes in her own reflection, and watched as the image became distorted<br>with her tears. She could see her grief through her shaking jaw, and her impotent, overwhelming pain.<br><br>Nothing mattered at all. Nothing she had ever done, and nothing now.<br><br>The black-haired girl kept her head bowed as the angel descended. When it reached her, it raised its hand.
And shortly, she was gone.
That child's name is forgotten.<br><br>The reasons for her death... were beyond her.<br><br>Her life would not be remembered by anyone.<br><br>But when she died, another wish took her away.
[[文件:Story E-2_epilogue cg.jpg|300px]]
—<br><br>It wasn't much longer ago than that...<br><br>Somewhere warm, though still dark...<br><br>She had made it dark. Another girl in another time and another place, with all names forgotten. She had<br>drawn her curtains. She had locked her door. A chair was beneath the knob. She sat on her bed, and kept<br>her eyes wide and staring.<br><br>She hugged her knees.<br><br>Staring.<br><br>She stared into nothingness.
She was overwhelmed by "herself".
A memory played endlessly in her head. She could see the view from atop the stairs, and vividly hear<br>her parents' words, whispered from beyond her sight.<br><br>They weren't saying anything against her, but they were still discussing her.<br><br>It wasn't that they didn't love her.<br><br>She could not love herself, and she felt that inside of her, something was missing that would allow her<br>to love them.<br><br>She very well could still see the view from atop the stairs. She had felt everything tugging at her to<br>let go of the banister then, and fly to the marble foyer below.<br><br>But what if it didn't work?<br><br>The girl had managed to return to her room after that and quietly lock herself away.
Why couldn't she disappear?<br>Why couldn't she walk off into nowhere?<br>Why were her thoughts like this?<br>Why was her mind like this?<br>Why couldn't she disappear...?<br><br>Her nails dug into her calves.<br><br>Her stare widened. Her breathing quickened.<br><br>And she wished that she could run away.
The girl with white hair was troubled. The girl with white hair was a god.<br><br>She was not troubled because she was a god—her godhood was a fact she never knew.<br><br>In her heart, she made a sullen wish for refuge, and that wish was granted:<br><br>"Somewhere else, where I can be happy."
[[文件:Story F-7-1 cg.jpg|300px]]
—<br><br>The girl with black hair died, and a wish called her soul away.<br><br>In a distant world, in another reality, a girl more powerful than her had made that wish.<br><br>The white-haired girl was so powerful that her wish had created a world.<br><br>A world with a meaningless name: "Arcaea".
Arcaea was a sanctuary meant to save the dead.<br><br>Though she'd been alive when she'd made her wish, she still keenly felt that sense of "death".<br><br>She'd given it no consideration, none at all—in fact, she couldn't have thought straight if she'd<br>tried. She only wanted something there for herself. It's possible, really, that if she knew the fate<br>of those caught in Arcaea's web, she would see herself as having done a very good thing.<br><br>The world reached out to countless other places across time, across separate realities.<br><br>It was alive, and though it had no thought it nonetheless "wished" to share life with those dead.
Unguided, it caught any it could that spoke to its "heart".<br><br>In a space crafted between the seams of the real, in darkness spotted with soft and distant purple starlight...<br><br>...so many souls were wrapped into the weave, and brought to a new and shining border beyond the black.<br><br>The world of white...<br><br>From there, the world made a perfect imprint of each, and also released each. It gave each imprint a warm<br>place, gave them a new shape...<br><br>It gave them infinity, to view and relive endless life in safety.<br><br>But it could not truly save its maker...
It was able to take true souls, double them, and bring the doubles into new bodies, releasing those<br>first souls to whatever else awaited them... However, the soul of the one who would be known as "Hikari"<br>was fixed back in its first world. She was still alive.<br><br>...Arcaea, always unthinking, instead forced a copy of that soul as best as it could.<br><br>And much later, it found a soul more tragic than any other it had yet to find, similar to its mother's...<br><br>Strangely, that soul could not be properly kept either. When released, it could not leave the false<br>world's border like the rest... and so began to watch its star-crossed copy on the new, white earth instead.<br><br>Tairitsu... woke in a ruined tower.
[[文件:Story E-4_epilogue cg.jpg|300px]]
—<br><br>And time passed...<br><br>Unthinkably, one of the saved had threatened everything...<br><br>But mercifully, the one who had made this all returned, and soon the world was safe again...<br><br>Arcaea was only crafted to exist. It had called out to its maker, and that maker had heeded that call. Like<br>Arcaea had made a monitor for the shards... like it bid that monitor to swallow up any anomalies that<br>fractured its fragile existence...
So now, it exists, and has existed.<br><br>It has existed, ever since, for over one thousand years.
The red blood that stained the earth was erased, leaving behind pure, white land. Tairitsu's body<br>was burned away...<br><br>Warmth filled everything. The sky grew bright.<br><br>The pearl and nearly endless landscape came together again.<br><br>And now, it is a truly beautiful world...<br><br>Dotted in figures: of girls who chose to rest in a land of endless travel. They chose to be frozen, and to<br>stare eternally into this world of the lost. And if they are thinking at all... it is of a very distant past.<br><br>And that was surely the better choice…<br><br>That was surely better than walking and watching other places forever...
They must be happy. They need to be.<br><br>Arcaea had nothing else to give them but that choice. The world was<br>still buried "inbetween", and escape was—<br><br>—and... any realms outside of it... were outside, and away, and could<br>never be seen again.<br><br>So, the twins, the girl with a blade, the traveler, the noble, the girl with a song...<br><br>They and others are angelic figures.<br><br>And the glass shards of Arcaea often come to rest now, too. They gather along<br>walls and pillars, compacting in great and plentiful formations. Like crystals.<br><br>Like corrosion.
—This beautiful world is overseen by a god. Above it all, Hikari watches passively...<br><br>...and remembers…
She remembers everything old worlds have forgotten. She sees them, with marginal warmth<br>or interest. An indulgence, of sorts, for the mind of a faded and listless god.<br><br>Maybe... she has transformed. Who she was and who she is... She must be "higher" now.<br><br>She cherishes a truth she can only pray that others would understand—though if they<br>will not... She has only chosen to watch the world.<br><br>Yet... though she watches it passively, she knows she has given them "everything".
...<br><br>...Outside her purview, a philosopher and satellite wander.<br><br>Beneath it, a horned woman tends to precious memories.<br><br>A woman with a flower in her eye... trudges through silent lands.<br><br>It is vain. It is vanity.<br><br>Arcaea now—is vanity.<br><br>And that... is better than the alternative.<br><br>Better than the world which spits at you. Better than yourself, who loathes your very way of being.<br><br>Living to love being alive, and succumbing to vanity...
...Reality, in all of its facets, is an empty, worthless, and inconsequential thing. The only thing one could<br>ever want would be to take what one can out of it.<br><br>Take pleasure. Take love. Take hope. Take power.<br><br>And with it...<br><br>...<br><br>Hikari believes this: one has no need to do anything.
Take. Live. And, sincerely, love being alive.<br><br>Love that...<br><br>Though not even for a thousand years, nor even a thousand more... will life ever mean a thing.
After all, reality marches on with no discernable "end" in store. And Arcaea, specifically,<br>was never anything more than a vessel for memories.<br><br>Incorporeal, contained, silent memories—while the outside remains unseen, unnoticed, and uncared for.<br><br>And those memories will exist forever here in that silence, together with those lost lives Hikari has saved,<br>and with her turning no eye to those lives, as always.<br><br>Because here there is no memory unseen—no emotion not felt. This is "all", which Light shines down upon,<br>and which Light grants.<br><br>It is for happiness. It is for eternal peace; unlike in any life you might have left behind.<br>This: she loves. This: Arcaea—<br><br>—Given to lost lives with neither favor nor condemnation.<br><br>And so, like this, the wheels of fate here continue to turn...<br><br>...while no destiny waits beyond.}}

