「故事模式剧情详表 (移动版)」:修訂間差異

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So she vows: this realm is a mystery, telling nothing and offering little, so she will solve it and find<br>its reason. As the only being of this realm, it seems, this will be her first duty.<br><br>And as she fully accepts the Arcaea...<br>So too do the Arcaea fully accept her...<br><br>...as a vast and seemingly endless archive, not only to be read, but to be lived through.}}
So she vows: this realm is a mystery, telling nothing and offering little, so she will solve it and find<br>its reason. As the only being of this realm, it seems, this will be her first duty.<br><br>And as she fully accepts the Arcaea...<br>So too do the Arcaea fully accept her...<br><br>...as a vast and seemingly endless archive, not only to be read, but to be lived through.}}
 解锁条件: 购入[[Absolute Reason]]曲包<br>解锁要求:通过[[Antithese]]
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 解锁条件: 解锁[[Absolute Reason]]曲包<br>解锁要求:通过[[Antithese]]
 夜色将至。屋外,太阳所溢出的琥珀色暮光马不停蹄地想要从天际溜走,奈何被草坪中的那几台装置捕捉并卷入,<br>转变为近似月光的柔和射线。<br><br>这场宴会带有种独特的气氛。虽然庄园外一个人都没有,但是对上流人士来说,<br>保持形象似乎比任何事都来得重要。她了解这一切——从一开始便是。她坐在较暗一点的地方,<br>而被捕捉的阳光则重现于她如今无法触及的天花板与阶梯。少女静静地思考着潜藏于那些渊博知识之中的涵义。<br><br>“拉薇妮雅。”<br><br>她的视线从 葡萄酒 杯上移走。而她的未婚夫(穿着整齐,甚至能用古板来形容,<br>但是姿态相当轻松自如)正站在她的面前。<br><br>“ 这玻璃杯里装的应该不是葡萄酒,对吧 ?”<br><br>她用那只正常的眼睛注视着杯 中的液体 ,答道:“ 这是苹果酒…… 多纳文。”
 夜色将至。屋外,太阳所溢出的琥珀色暮光马不停蹄地想要从天际溜走,<br /> 奈何被草坪中的那几台装置捕捉并卷入,<br />转变为近似月光的柔和射线。<br /><br />这场宴会带有种独特的气氛。虽然庄园外一个人都没有,但是对上流人士来说,<br />保持形象似乎比任何事都来得重要。她了解这一切——从一开始便是。她坐在较暗一点的地方,<br />而被捕捉的阳光则重现于她如今无法触及的天花板与阶梯。<br /> 少女静静地思考着潜藏于那些渊博知识之中的涵义。<br /><br />“拉薇妮雅。”<br /><br />她的视线从 玻璃 杯上移走。而她的未婚夫(穿着整齐,甚至能用古板来形容,<br />但是姿态相当轻松自如)正站在她的面前。<br /><br />“ 想好今晚喝什么了 ?”<br /><br />她用那只正常的眼睛注视着杯 ,答道:“ 嗯, 多纳文 ……我点了李子汁 。”
 “不错。”他笑着回应,一边环顾房间的四周。<br>少女茫然地瞧着他的表情,而他假笑着。“妈妈 大家都说 喝少许葡萄酒对身体有好处 ……”<br>他道,再次朝她瞥去,“ 我告诉你 那些都 胡说八道。 有见过喝醉酒的人吗 ?”<br><br>她想了想,畏缩道:“ 没有 。”<br><br>“那就好 ,没见过是好事 。”他轻笑一声,转过身去,“我接下来要去跟摩根聊聊,<br>不过随时欢迎你加入我们。”<br><br>少女点了点头,多纳文就走去壁炉旁的那群老朋友们身边。
 “不错。”他笑着回应,一边环顾房间的四周。<br />少女茫然地瞧着他的表情,而他假笑着。<br /> “妈妈 大家都说 蔓越莓汁更健康呢,不过 ……”<br />他 道, 再次朝她瞥去,“ 喝起来也更苦 吗? 也不喜欢吧 ?”<br /><br />她想了想,畏缩道:“ 我不喜欢 。”<br /><br />“那就好。”他轻笑一声,转过身去,“我接下来要去跟摩根聊聊,<br />不过随时欢迎你加入我们。”<br /><br />少女点了点头,多纳文就走去壁炉旁的那群老朋友们身边。
 一如往常,形象的维护是必不可少的。在引线被卷起存入地上的灯笼前,<br>那凹槽中的火焰只把自身的光辉投出几英寸远。房间的其余场所一片黑暗,却使人感到安心。<br>挂在上方的几个灯笼刚好提供了足够让人们进行阅读、辨识各自面孔,<br>以及分配经过了精挑细选的食物和一瓶瓶饮料所需要的光线。在那半面为玻璃的墙壁外部,<br>如今室外景色模糊不清,隐约能够辨识出野花、石头与溪流:笼罩于深蓝夜幕之下,仿佛一条绸缎。<br>宴会上有二十位来宾,一半在这个房间里,其他人可能在大厅或是某处的书房——或许是图书馆也说不定。<br> 她所知道的只有这么多。<br><br>她细细品尝了她的 。从 未尝试苹果酒的她 发现 酒也只是真 有味道而已 。<br>少女回忆起某种更好的滋味和感觉,但 如今 思绪 却被迫 集中 上的 灼烧感 。<br> 总体感受:相当地 舒服。 再次肯定了自己的看法 。<br><br>她将玻璃杯搁在一旁那张矮桌的奇异桌布上。她坐了下来,凝听、观察着四周,<br>几分心不在焉地抚摸着于她的另一只眼中绽放的花瓣。
 一如往常,形象的维护是必不可少的。在引线被卷起存入地上的灯笼前,<br />那凹槽中的火焰只把自身的光辉投出几英寸远。房间的其余场所一片黑暗,却使人感到安心。<br />挂在上方的几个灯笼刚好提供了足够让人们进行阅读、辨识各自面孔,<br />以及分配经过了精挑细选的食物和一瓶瓶饮料所需要的光线。在那半面为玻璃的墙壁外部,<br />如今室外景色模糊不清,隐约能够辨识出野花、石头与溪流:笼罩于深蓝夜幕之下,仿佛一条绸缎。<br />宴会上有二十位来宾,一半在这个房间里,其他人可能在大厅或是某处的书房——<br /> 或许是图书馆也说不定。她所知道的只有这么多。<br /><br />她细细品尝了她的果 中感受到了一丝甜味 李子汁依然不能让她产生多大 印象 。<br />少女 显然能 回忆起某种更好的滋味和感觉,但 现在 还是试图让 思绪集中 上的 味蕾 。<br /> 可惜,这依然 足以打动 ,这味道实在是平凡得出奇 。<br /><br />她将玻璃杯搁在一旁那张矮桌的奇异桌布上。她坐了下来,凝听、观察着四周,<br />几分心不在焉地抚摸着于她的另一只眼中绽放的花瓣。
 她听见多纳文说,“但仔细想想,他们现在已经做了那么多了。<br />我第一次听到这主意的时候,我甚至觉得这完全行不通。”<br /><br />“嗯,查尔斯对这一点十分确信。”另一位来宾说道——不是摩根,而是娜塔莉亚。<br /><br />“真让人意外,”多纳文认同道,手指游离于发梢。<br /><br />“一个完整的世界,全部由人类的双手打造……”他说,“我们人类可真了不起。”}}
It’s early evening. Outside, the twilight amber flowing out from the sun tries to slip by without<br>pause, but the devices within the surrounding meadows catch and spool it, changing it to rays<br>more similar to what might be cast from the moon.<br><br>The party has a certain atmosphere. Though there are no eyes without the manor, the fact is that<br>maintaining an image is paramount to those of upper echelons. She knows this, all of this, innately.<br>Sitting in a darker place, with sunlight captured and held at ceilings and staircases presently<br>beyond her reach, she considers the implications of this knowledge in calm and in silence.<br><br>"Lavinia."<br><br>She looks up from her wine glass. The fiancé (dressed very well, almost stuffily, but in casual<br>posture) is standing before her.<br><br>"There isn’t actually wine in that glass, is there?"<br><br>She looks at it through her one proper eye. She answers: "It’s cider... Donovan."
It’s early evening. Outside, the twilight amber flowing out from the sun tries to slip by without<br />pause, but the devices within the surrounding meadows catch and spool it, changing it to rays<br />more similar to what might be cast from the moon.<br /><br />The party has a certain atmosphere. Though there are no eyes without the manor, the fact is that<br />maintaining an image is paramount to those of upper echelons. She knows this, all of this, innately.<br />Sitting in a darker place, with sunlight captured and held at ceilings and staircases presently<br />beyond her reach, she considers the implications of this knowledge in calm and in silence.<br /><br /> “Lavinia. <br /><br />She looks up from her glass. The fiancé (dressed very well, almost stuffily, but in casual<br />posture) is standing before her.<br /><br /> “What have you decided to drink tonight? <br /><br />She looks at it through her one proper eye. She answers: “Plum juice… Donovan.
"Good," he says with a smile, looking out toward the rest of the room. She looks at his expression<br>blankly. He smirks. "Mum and the rest say a little wine is good..." he says, glancing at her again.<br>"It’s a load of nonsense, I tell you. Have you ever seen a drunk man?"<br><br>She thinks, wincing. "I haven ’t."<br><br>"Well then, let it remain that way." He chuckles, then turns away. "I ’ll go speak with Morgan.<br>Join us whenever you like."<br><br>She nods, and Donovan moves to their mutual childhood friend near the fireplace.
“Keen, he says with a smile, looking out toward the rest of the room. She looks at his<br />expression blankly. He smirks. ”Mum and the rest prefer cranberry—for health, they say —<br />but…” he says, glancing at her again. “It’s a bitter taste, isn’t it? You don’t like it either,<br />do you? <br /><br />She thinks, wincing. “I don ’t. <br /><br /> “And that is to the good. He chuckles, then turns away. “I ’ll go speak with Morgan.<br />Join us whenever you like. <br /><br />She nods, and Donovan moves to their mutual childhood friend near the fireplace.
As always, images need to be maintained. The fire throws its light only a few feet out from the pit<br>before the threads of it are wound away, stored into lanterns on the floor. The rest of the room is<br>dark, but comforting. It’s a setting to relax within. A few lanterns above give just enough illumination<br>for reading, seeing each other’s faces, and the spread of carefully selected portions of food along<br>with bottles of drink. Just outside the room, through half-glass walls, an almost untame scene of<br>wildflowers, stones, and streams is dimly visible: wrapped in a midnight blue, almost like satin.<br>There are twenty guests at the party, half in this room, the rest in the halls or somewhere in other<br>studies—perhaps the library. This is as much as she knows.<br><br>She drinks her cider, tastes it. She notes that it has a taste at all, not having had much experience<br>with cider herself. She recalls something about a better taste and sensation, but in the moment<br>now she is compelled to focus on the burn along her tongue. Overall: quite unpleasant. That is her<br>determination.<br><br>She puts the glass down on the fanciful doily of the short table beside her. She sits, listens, and<br>watches, touching the flower petals blooming from her other eye rather absently.
As always, images need to be maintained. The fire throws its light only a few feet out from the pit<br />before the threads of it are wound away, stored into lanterns on the floor. The rest of the room is<br />dark, but comforting. It’s a setting to relax within. A few lanterns above give just enough illumination<br />for reading, seeing each other’s faces, and the spread of carefully selected portions of food along<br />with bottles of drink. Just outside the room, through half-glass walls, an almost untame scene of<br />wildflowers, stones, and streams is dimly visible: wrapped in a midnight blue, almost like satin.<br />There are twenty guests at the party, half in this room, the rest in the halls or somewhere in other<br />studies—perhaps the library. This is as much as she knows.<br /><br />She drinks her juice, tastes it. She notes the sweetness, not having had much experience with<br />plum juice herself. She recalls something about a better taste and sensation, but in the moment<br />now she is compelled to focus on how the liquid feels along her tongue. However, she can make<br />no true determination of it. It is remarkably unremarkable.<br /><br />She puts the glass down on the fanciful doily of the short table beside her. She sits, listens, and<br />watches, touching the flower petals blooming from her other eye rather absently.
She hears Donovan say, "But to think they’ve done so much already. When I first heard of the idea,<br>I was sure it wasn’t possible."<br><br>"Well, Charles is quite sure it is," says another of the guests—not Morgan, but Nathalia.<br><br>"Astounding," Donovan grants, running his fingers through the top of his hair.<br><br>"A whole entire world, made by human hands," he says. "Mankind is quite something."}}
She hears Donovan say, “But to think they’ve done so much already. When I first heard of the idea,<br />I was sure it wasn’t possible. <br /><br /> “Well, Charles is quite sure it is, says another of the guests—not Morgan, but Nathalia.<br /><br /> “Astounding, Donovan grants, running his fingers through the top of his hair.<br /><br /> “A whole entire world, made by human hands, he says. “Mankind is quite something. }}
 解锁条件:完成[[#3-1|3-1]],购入[[Absolute Reason]]曲包<br>解锁要求:通过[[Corruption]]
 解锁条件:完成[[#3-1|3-1]],购入[[Absolute Reason]]曲包<br>解锁要求:通过[[Corruption]]
