小无编辑摘要 |
小 (5.0剧情) |
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! class="nomobile" rowspan=" | ! class="nomobile" rowspan="9" width="10%" |[[#Side(支线)|支线故事]] | ||
! class="nomobile" width="15%" |[[咲弥]] - 个人故事 | ! class="nomobile" width="15%" |[[咲弥]] - 个人故事 | ||
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! class="nomobile" width="15%" |[[摩耶]] - 个人故事 | ! class="nomobile" width="15%" |[[摩耶]] - 个人故事 | ||
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! class="nomobile" width="15%" |[[洞烛(至高:第八探索者)]] - 个人故事 | |||
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! class="nomobile" rowspan="23" width="10%" |[[#Short(短篇)|短篇故事]] | ! class="nomobile" rowspan="23" width="10%" |[[#Short(短篇)|短篇故事]] | ||
第4,367行: | 第4,370行: | ||
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Maya turns, and begins to step forward. | Maya turns, and begins to step forward. | ||
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“只能接受无力回天的事实,直面死亡”,这该多么令人惋惜啊,有更多的选择难道不是更好吗?<br><br>当灵魂自肉体分离,随风而去……<br><br>当它穿越了所有边界,继续漫无目的地飘荡的时候……<br><br>殊不知,有这么一个世界怀揣着相同的看法。“难道不是更好吗?啊呀,难道不会更好吗?”<br><br>所以,你看,这个世界便向你递来了橄榄枝。 | |||
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啊啊,亲爱的,你从此掉进了光芒的世界里。啊啊,难道这不好吗?你自一个灵魂中坠落,<br>如少女的眼泪般,美好而又动人。你知道吗?你坠落的时候是闪闪发光的,是那么耀眼夺目,<br>你的诞生简直如结晶的宝石一样美丽。啊啊,多么美好啊,你掉进了一个记忆的世界里;多么罕见啊,<br>你还保留着自己的记忆……<br><br>倘若有一位少女有异色的双眸,异色的头发,要觉得她不特别可真是难啊。对了,你知道吗?<br>已有另一位双发色的异瞳少女稍早于你降临于此地,不过她的“异色”属性可不是货真价实的!<br>真正货真价实的,是你。<br><br>高天之上,被遗忘的已逝之人流干了她的最后一滴眼泪,然后便从无云的高空坠落于无尽的老旧废墟之中。<br>你于夜晚坠落,在繁星点点的这个世界的另一半苍穹中醒来。 | |||
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这个世界上的群星以及这个名叫Arcaea的世界本身,都是紫罗兰色的。<br>当你醒来,淡紫色的天空在你眼前展开,光线微微刺眼,致使你眯起眼睛。<br>你盯着浮空中舞动的亮闪闪的东西——玻璃。这些神奇的东西有着同样特别的名字——「Arcaea」。<br>这些玻璃好似都以碎片的形式呈现出来,承载着他人的记忆。<br><br>你都知道的吧:你知道「Arcaea」的存在,不过你并不「记得」它——你没有关于这个地方的记忆,<br>是的,没有。<br><br>你只记得「自己」。<br><br>啊呀,你是多么地心痛啊!啊呀,你都干了些多么糟糕的事情呀!你可抛弃了一整个世界呢,是你!<br>让这个世界一步步走向灭亡的。这种感觉一定很差吧?心中巨大的愧疚感压在你的肩膀上,<br>翻搅着你的胃——这多难受呀,跟刀子划了一道伤口似的疼。你感觉你还背负着先前所要面对的一切,<br>无论好坏,就像一个永远在皮肤上留下印记的疤痕。你只能每天以泪洗面,掩面而泣。啊啊,<br>真是凄美的场面啊…… | |||
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但有一件事情你不巧忘记了:你自己的名字。你并不知道自己到底是谁。这是不是很遗憾?<br><br>但无论遗憾与否,你都擦干了眼泪,重新振作了起来。<br><br>其实,你一直都没有变……你从来都是你自己啊。<br><br>但你所感受到的也的确是真的。毕竟回忆不会出错,绝对不会。<br><br>你的新名字——等等,「新」名字?你先前真的有名字吗?啊呀。<br><br>好像是的呢。这个世界想送给你一个名字,它想用这样一个特别的名字来称呼你:<br><br>「摩耶」。 | |||
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Passing on always seems so sad, and wouldn't it be wonderful if it could be more than that?<br><br>When a soul parts from the body, and flies into the air...<br><br>When it passes all boundaries, when it is, thereafter, adrift...<br><br>There is a world that feels the same way. "Wouldn't it be wonderful? Oh, wouldn't it be wonderful..."<br><br>You see, that world called out to you. | |||
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Ah, you: you fell into a world of light. Ah, wasn't it wonderful? You fell from a soul like a tear, beautiful <br>and new. You sparkled as you fell. You crystalized, and came alive. Ah, the beauty of it as you came <br>into a world <br>of memory and, rare thing, still bore a bushel of memories yourself...<br><br>A girl with two-colored hair and two-colored eyes. Telling. There was another like that already here, <br>you know? But her two and two colors are pretended. You: you are real.<br><br>This last tear shed of a forgotten and departed life came down from on high, and down through a <br>sky without clouds, resting finally amidst endless old ruins. It was a dark night that you fell into. Half <br>this world in fact is dark, and you would wake beneath the stars. | |||
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The stars in this world – this world called "Arcaea" – are actually violet. You opened your eyes to a <br>mauve-shaded sky, and squinted at the strange shapes dancing and glinting across it. Glass, in the <br>sky: something magical, and called, too, "Arcaea". They are shards, it seems, of memory.<br><br>You knew all this; you knew the name "Arcaea" but you—you "remembered" nothing of the place. No, no...<br><br>You only remembered "yourself".<br><br>Oh, such a terrible heartache filled your chest. Oh, what dreadful things you had done. You had left <br>a world behind. You had left a world to ruin. A veil of sins felt as if it was weighing upon your shoulders <br>and blending with your body, seeping in. An ichor-like thing it was; you felt as if you carried what was <br>left after that great and terrible wound which you yourself had dealt. You cried, you sobbed into your <br>hands. Ah, ah, a beautiful sorrow... | |||
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There was one thing you forgot: your name. You do not truly know who you are. Is that a shame?<br><br>Shame or no, you dried your tears and stood to your feet.<br><br>In truth, you may have never "been" anyone at all...<br><br>But your feelings were so very real. Those memories were real—no mistaking that.<br><br>And your new name... Hm, "new name"? Were you ever even bestowed a name—? Oh.<br><br>It seems this world did indeed decide to give you a name, and what a lovely name it is.<br><br>It seems this world wished to call you "Maya". | |||
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===16-2=== | |||
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摩耶,你很厉害呢,你知道吗?你的构造可是这个世界上所有生命体里独一无二的呢。<br><br>关于你独一无二的「构造」,其实是有双重含义的:首先,组成你的物质是独一无二的,<br>跟先前来到这个世界的所有其他造访者都不一样;其次,你的构造也更为“强大”,亲爱的摩耶,<br>请注意我的用词——这意味着你的「心」是强大的。实际上,你大概是这个神奇的世界上最美好的造物。<br><br>不过,现在就下定论,还是有些为时过早。 | |||
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对于大部分人来说,这个世界一直都是明亮的。<br>由一颗看不见的恒星带来的永昼点亮了这个世界的每一个角落,但你从醒来后却一直在黑夜中漂泊。<br><br>对于你来说,黑暗如影随形,但你并没有退缩,虽然可能只是因为你没有细想,<br>但你还是勇敢地朝未知的深处走去了。这可多么叫人钦佩!所以呀,Arcaea,Arcaea……<br><br>你的旅行让你发现了很多东西,亲爱的摩耶。你发现了这个玻璃的世界本身就如镜面一般拥有两幅面孔;<br>你发现了这个世界里的人都已经失去了真正意义上的生命;<br>你发现这个世界有条边界将极昼与极夜分隔开来;<br>你发现了一处已被遗忘的地点还留有着光明与纷争之间冲突的记忆;<br>你还发现这个世界好像还有其他世界的记忆,但就是没有这个世界本身的记忆……<br>「Arcaea」是在害怕自己吗?是因为它过去做过的事情吗?这里的其他少女们会不会也同样好奇这些? | |||
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这些可都是深奥的问题呢:这个给予人二次机会的世界真的有存在的意义吗?<br>大部分人并不知道她们已经错过了一次机会了;这个封闭的世界真的有存在的意义吗?不论它如何变化,<br>它也永远不能改变任何事物。当然,这些问题可能只有哲学家或者专家学者才答得上来吧,<br>但同样不可否认的是,你也得试试去寻找答案。<br><br>你为什么会来到这里呢?你瞧,你的出身、你的地位、你的过去——你来到这里并不合理。<br>回忆浪涛般一波波朝你袭来,充斥着各种各样的悲伤,而这样做又有什么意义?<br><br>那时候的你就站在光与影的边界,显得这整件事就像是一个笑话。<br><br>但其实,这个谜题的答案十分简单。 | |||
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Arcaea本身并没有意义。<br><br>很简单的答案,对吧?但是这才是它的可爱之处啊。而你,亲爱的摩耶,你慢慢也悟到了这一点,对吧。<br><br>这个世界想安慰你。在你觉得伤心或者害怕的时候,这个世界拿出了它所珍藏的记忆,<br>小心翼翼地将它们捧到你面前……是的,尽管一开始你很反感碎片的这些举动,<br>但当你终于踏足光芒照耀的这一面的时候,啊啊……多么地富有诗韵美!多么地耐人寻味!<br>多么地精彩绝伦!<br><br>你想想啊,这个世界的心脏早已破碎不堪,它竟仍能如此向你表达它的爱意…… | |||
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你左右为难,被苦痛击垮,但你的愿望都实现了!你想要变得轻松些,你便轻松些了!<br>你想感受痛苦,世界也回应了!<br><br>所以,嘭!地一下子,一切都变了!哦……还是说,其实早就发生改变了呢?什么时候呢?<br>什么时候呢……哎呀,真不好说呀……<br><br>算了,这不重要!唰!一条阴影铺就的道路幻现在你眼前并引领你前往天堂,而你就此踏上了旅程,<br>没错吧,摩耶!<br><br>你选择直面你的愧疚,去追逐光芒的脚步,哎呀呀……<br><br>好自私啊!你本只该去接受审判,摩耶! | |||
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那样的场面,该是多么地宏大,多么地神圣!<br><br>但,还不够……<br><br>——所以!<br><br>我决定了!<br>就是在那个时候,我便下定了决心:我一定会找到你。 | |||
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Maya, you are exceptional—do you realize that? You are made of stuff that no one else here is.<br><br>"Made of stuff" can be taken two ways, in fact. You are made of stuff unusual, stuff none of the others <br>have when they come here. But, also, you are made of "stronger stuff". That is a turn of phrase, Maya. <br>It means your "heart" is strong. You are, perhaps, the most wonderful thing in a world of endless wonder.<br><br>Although, that is hard to say absolutely. | |||
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To most, this world has always been bright. An endless daylight once shone down over everything <br>from an unseen star. But after you awakened, you wandered the darkened world.<br><br>For you, shadows were all around, and yet you still stepped bravely into the unknown—maybe <br>unthinking, but it was no doubt admirable. So, Arcaea, Arcaea...<br><br>You found a world of mirror meanings. You found a world of the dead, giving life. You found a world <br>of day, and also night. You found a forgotten place full of memories of light and conflict. It seemed <br>to remember elsewhere always, however—and never itself. Does "Arcaea" fear itself and what it has <br>done? Do the girls here also feel that way...? | |||
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It's a question for philosophers: is this world of second chances worth anything at all when most <br>can only see this chance as their first? Is this sealed world worth anything at all, when it can't seem <br>to progress into anything beyond itself? It is a question for scholars. It was also, indeed, a question for you.<br><br>Given what you were, who you were, what you'd done—why were you here...? Memories after memories <br>flocked to you, showing sorrow, and what point was there in that...?<br><br>At one point, when you stood between light and darkness, it seemed almost a mockery...<br><br>But the secret answer is very, very simple. | |||
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Arcaea is a meaningless world.<br><br>It is simple, yes, but that is why it is admirable. And you, Maya; you came to notice it, right?<br><br>The world came to warm you. When you felt sadness and horror, the world brought you the gentle <br>embrace of old stories, remembered here. Yes, you... found it distasteful for quite some time, but after <br>you walked into the light! Poetic! Meaningful! What a show it was!<br><br>To think this world of a shattered heart could put on such a marvelous show... | |||
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Torn between two paths, and brought low by your suffering... you wished for ease and received it! You <br>wished for pain and received it!<br><br>And so suddenly...! Everything changed! Or, had it changed long before? When did it change, <br>when...? Difficult to say, really...<br><br>Why, it doesn't matter. A burst! A shadowed path appeared before you to Heaven, and you <br>walked it, Maya!<br><br>You faced the guilt inside of you and chose to pursue the light. Ahh...<br><br>So selfish... though you deserve only judgment, Maya... | |||
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That scene, it was sublime, almost providence...<br><br>But not quite...<br><br>And so—!<br><br>I decided then, and there, to come and find you. | |||
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摩耶,我们还没见面呢,好可惜啊。是啊,你和我,我们素不相识。但我总觉得我很了解你。<br><br>唉,这下真叫人难办呀!没想到,我真正知道的原来那么少。你知道吗?我毕竟见多识广的人呢,<br>我甚至在浮在半空中的海洋里游过泳呢!那时我为了寻找一种叫「人鱼」的生物,读了好多书,<br>直到我觉得我对他们了如指掌了才出发寻觅的,结果到头来真正见着他们的时候,<br>才知道他们竟然那么平平无奇……<br><br>而你,摩耶——我知道你的名字。我知晓你的内心,明白你的苦楚,知道你还是很难过。<br>我知道即使是你睡着的时候,那些“你”所做过的事情还是会不断回来侵扰你,使你悲痛,使你哭泣。<br>可是这根本不是你的错啊!为什么要因一件跟你不相干的事而感到难过呢?为什么“你”作为罪魁祸首,<br>现在却还能笑得这么开心呢?荒谬至极!我要去见你。 | |||
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Maya, we haven't yet met—it's tragic. Yes, you and I, we are unfamiliar, but I feel like I "know" you.<br><br>And it is frustrating... Ah, it is frustrating how little that I do "know". It might be the first time—I swam <br>in floating seas once, you know? Seeking "mermaids"... I had read about them, and felt that I knew <br>them too. They were so simple when I found them, though...<br><br>You, Maya: I know your name. I know your heart, and your pain. I know that you are still sad, Maya. <br>I know that when you sleep, the remnant shadows of what "you've" done continue to haunt you <br>and you always begin to cry. But, why should you cry when you weren't even responsible? <br>How cruel! Why should you smile, when "you" were? How audacious. I need to see you. | |||
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===16-4=== | |||
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我通过我的一只“眼睛”看到了你,摩耶,我有能力在每个角落都布满我的眼线。<br>而当其中一个发现你的时候,我便对你产生了极大的兴趣。我没法移开我的视线!<br>我明明已经了解了这个世界的历史,但你仍然很吸引我。当然,不仅仅是你这个人,<br>而是你跟数字「二」的相关性。我之前说过的,对吧?你很特别。<br>两种发色与异色的眼睛都表明你不仅仅只是你自己,摩耶。你本就不该存在,但你现在就在这里。<br>塑形能力登峰造极的人也无法创造出像你一样的存在……你真是这个奇异世界中万千奇迹中的奇迹。<br><br>你知道吗?奇迹在外面的世界可是很少见的。我先前所在的地方处处都是奇迹,但我将它们抛弃了。<br>那边处处流传着一首歌,一段旋律,一个预言,而它让我坐立难安,于是我离开了那个地方。<br>我要去寻找「真正的」奇迹,而不是由命如散沙般匆忙流逝的有限之人所创造出的奇迹。<br><br>所以,等着我!我要来找你,还有她。 | |||
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I saw you through an eye I had cast through a hundred thousand veils and when it spotted you, <br>well, I couldn't help but watch. I had seen, too, this world's history, but I was so very drawn to you. <br>Of course, it wasn't only you that drew me—it is that you are "two". I said that, right? "Telling". Two-<br>colored hair, two-colored eyes—you aren't only you, Maya, and you aren't meant to exist, and yet <br>you are. You seem <br>more than what could ever be shaped... You are a miracle of miracles amidst a miraculous place.<br><br>Miracles, really, are rare outside. Where I'm from we had miracles in all our hands, but—I left there. <br>We had a song, a lullaby, a prediction—and why, I will admit that it unsettled me. Quite literally, <br>I left where I was settled. I wanted to find "true" miracles, not from hands that would one day <br>fade into dust.<br><br>So I will come in, with my aim being you and one other. | |||
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===16-5=== | |||
解锁条件:完成[[#16-4|16-4]],购入[[Lasting Eden Chapter 2]]曲包<br>解锁要求:采用[[摩耶]]通过[[Logos]] | |||
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命如散沙……你问我想表达什么?曾经有一首歌这样唱道:<br> <br>"从来没有什么天使,只有这片无垠大地<br> 我们塑造出的东西,是我们无价的珍宝<br> 一起创造奇迹,它们无穷无尽。<br> <br> 无论是天空、土地,还是海洋<br> 即使奇光降下裁决<br> 我也将拥你入怀,和从前一样。"<br><br>……挺伤感的。但凡听了的人都会难过,所以我干脆就不去想它了。那么——Arcaea,Arcaea:<br>多少灵魂来到了这苍白的大地上?嗯,它现在更加暗淡无光了呢……<br>我在边界附近盘旋的时候能很明显感觉到它的存在——可是为什么,摩耶,它好像不是非常欢迎我呢。<br><br>不过,很遗憾:Arcaea不堪一击。它根本就反抗不了我。<br>我知道我还活着,但我也一定要来。这个世界该迎来第三次革新了!<br><br>我将击碎它阻挡我进入的一切屏障,即使它会不断试图撕裂我,抗拒我,我也一定会来到这里!<br>因为,亲爱的摩耶,我很想、很想听到你的声音,就为了你一人。其他的一切都只不过是无谓的噪声而已。 | |||
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Hands fading into dust... What did I mean? There was a song...<br><br>"There are no angels, only here<br>What we shape, what we hold dear<br>We shape together, never ending.<br><br>Where ever: the sky, the earth, the meer<br>I shall hold you very close, my dear<br>Even as strange light finds us, descending."<br><br>...A sad song. It would leave anyone miserable. I try not to think of it. Now—Arcaea, Arcaea: how <br>many have come down to its pale soil? Well, a duller pale, now... And you know I feel it as I circle it, <br>near it—why, I daresay it doesn't seem to want me here at all, Maya.<br><br>But, shame of shames: Arcaea is weak, you know? Absolutely powerless to do anything about it.<br>I will "be". I am alive. That place needs to prepare for a third aberration.<br><br>I will burst into that world, even if it rips at my skin and rejects me, and when I am there:<br>I will listen only for you, Maya. | |||
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===16-6=== | |||
解锁条件:完成[[#16-5|16-5]],购入[[Lasting Eden Chapter 2]]曲包<br>解锁要求:采用[[摩耶]]通过[[Ego Eimi]] | |||
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我穿梭于各个星海与风暴之间,只是为了来见你;我扭转万象,毁天灭地,只是为了来见你,<br>我亲爱的摩耶!这一路真的太不容易了!你知道我这一路有多伤心吗?因为我没法听见你的声音,<br>亲爱的摩耶,你的声音!你肯定也很喜欢唱歌吧?反正我知道你经常一展歌喉。<br>我在来这里的路途上还总想着你的歌声,亲爱的摩耶,这些对我来说都是无比珍贵的真切回忆……<br><br>你可能是第一位能让我如此心动的女孩,这种感觉跟熊熊燃烧的烈火般强烈。真的,真的——<br>一直都如烈焰一般!我可太喜欢了!无法自拔!我喜欢我在这些仅存事物中还能找到的东西,<br>有些是死去的创造者所留下的,有些是神祇的造物,还有些出于凡人之手——<br>我深深地爱着每一片我所找到的土地,啊啊,以及那些被剥夺的鲜活的生命。太多太多,我都数不过来了。<br><br>而今天,终于,我们终于可以相见了!<br><br>我已经能看到边界了,一片有些发灰的白色薄层,简直就像巨人的一只眼睛。<br><br>那么……请等着我!<br><br>因为无论付出什么样的代价,我也一定要来到你身边! | |||
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我从外围缓缓向Arcaea的天空靠近,向这个巨大的、苍白的、充满着记忆的“毯子”靠近。<br>这些记忆黏附在上面,就像将手指嵌入闪闪发光的泥土一般。我伸出手抓住了它们,<br>然后将自己的手指狠狠扎进——<br><br>顷刻间,这个世界便做出了回应。光与云从大气中穿出,像触须一样抓住我的身体。<br>即使我不断地造出气流去填补,我身边的空气还是在不断变得越来越稀薄。<br>所有属于这个世界的东西都在使出浑身解数推挤我、排斥我,凶猛无情,仿佛驱逐我是它们的本能。<br>尽管我不断尝试将这些触须的目标吸引开来,它们还是会改向,朝我袭来,真是执拗……但别忘了,<br>这里可不再有任何「规矩」。Arcaea……你的「心」还在跳动吗?因为你显得对我极其厌恶。<br><br>就因为我还活着?凭什么?起码要让我做完自己想做的事情再试图杀掉我吧!<br><br><br>等着瞧,你一定会是我来到这里的首位见证者! | |||
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我朝这个世界投下一道无形的视线,透过它我抬起头,看向我要去的地方,见证自己的降临——<br><br>一次伟大而华丽的登场!<br><br>就让我来让大家见识下什么是「真正的希望」吧! | |||
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I've traveled across starlight to see you. I've traversed stormful skies for you. I have bent so many <br>realities and torn others asunder to reach you, Maya! And it is awful! The journey here has been <br>awful, for while I have traveled I could never hear your voice, Maya! Your voice—! You like to sing, <br>too, right? Or, you always sing so it feels safe to assume. I've remembered your songs while going <br>to you, Maya. Those sincere, driving memories...<br><br>You may be the first to set my heart this much to flame, but a flame, a flame—it really is always like <br>this. I love—so very much. I love with all of my being. I love what I can find amidst what has been <br>left throughout All by dead creators, by pantheons, by human hands—I love these worlds that I find, <br>and oh, those lives which one may pluck out of them...<br>I have lost count.<br><br>And finally, it will be today... Ah, today we will finally meet!<br><br>A graying white film like the surface of a giant's eye is before me now!<br><br>Just you wait...<br><br>Whatever it takes, I shall make my way in...! | |||
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I draw closer to Arcaea's sky from outside; to this pale and too-massive sheet, crawling with some <br>queer feeling of "memory", like fingers running through shining, blissful dirt... I grab hold of it with <br>my own fingers, and dig deeply in—<br><br>The world at once rises against me. Light and clouds launch out the atmosphere and latch onto <br>my body as tendrils. The air around me vanishes, even as I create more to replace it. I am pushed, <br>rejected—rather strongly, too, I'll add. Automatic, fierce, and the trajectory always remains true no <br>matter how I cast it away, my... But, I could swear that "rule" was abandoned, here. Arcaea... might <br>it still have its own heart? And a heart that seems to hate me...<br><br>Because I'm not dead? Why, let me make my case before you try to take my life!<br><br>I'll have you hear it once I'm on the other side... | |||
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I will open eyes again on the other side. I bring an invisible gaze to life, staring up to above.<br><br>After all, I really want to see this...<br><br>A grand and splendid entrance...<br><br>Let me show all here a ray of hope! | |||
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===16-7=== | |||
解锁条件:完成[[#16-6|16-6]],[[#15-6|15-6]],购入[[Lasting Eden Chapter 2]]曲包<br>解锁要求:采用[[摩耶]]通过[[Arghena]] | |||
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天空现在好似团缩聚集在了一个点。一组漩涡形成了,好似天空那么大,像一个巨大的漏斗。<br>现在这天空好似在由上至下地流淌,然后又突然变换了千百遍,直到各种色彩从中迸出,覆盖了整个天空。<br><br>噼里啪啦,由色彩组成的漩涡倾泻而下!<br><br>纯净的光芒不断变化,最终幻化出比棱镜还要丰富的色彩……<br><br>是新的颜色!从来没有过的充满力量的颜色!<br><br>啊啊,没错!就是现在,让我们呼风唤雨吧! | |||
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在我的脚下,摩耶见证着我的降临,她眼睁睁地看着红色一步步晕染了这个世界的整个天空。<br><br>然后,这红色突然变了色,随后又变了,瞬息万状,直至我的手终于能够轻松穿过。<br><br>雷暴咆哮着呼啸而来。风暴,风暴!狂风袭来,吹倒了高塔,推倒了墙体,刮倒了建筑!<br>风雪也在顷刻间掩埋了大地。天空不断地翻涌着,我周遭的所有色彩开始奔涌,包裹住我。<br><br>……<br>我就这样降临在了Arcaea,以天气的形式,以生命的姿态,以自然的形象;我不禁笑了。<br>瞧瞧,我是多么地厉害!如此华丽的进场也未让天空损伤分毫,哼哼……<br><br>狂风骤雨之间,我轻轻地落在你的面前。当然,我十分注意自己的礼节,先屈膝行了礼并浅浅掬了个躬。<br>起风了,风将我们两个人的头发吹得有些散乱。呼啸的风声中此时响起了我的声音:<br><br>“嗨,嗨!亲爱的摩耶——<br><br>我终于见到你啦。” | |||
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你问我是什么时候来的?我可是一刻也没有耽搁,恨不得再提早一点来到你面前,就这样搂着你,<br>拥抱你,感受你……<br><br>你的肩膀,你的脊骨……<br>你的腹部,你的侧身,你的指尖……你长长的头发,啊呀……<br><br>啊啊,当然,还有你的脸……我轻轻地捧起你满是泪痕的脸颊……<br><br>当你抬着头,用你那双异色的眼眸盯着我的时候,你都在想什么呢?<br><br>反正我可是很想拔出你的那只红色的眼睛,仔细研究一下呢。那只红色的眼睛是多么漂亮啊,<br>尤为漂亮,尤为迷人。哎呀,别担心,我不会这么做的。我倒一定会去会会它原来的主人……<br><br>摩耶,我亲爱的摩耶,你到底是什么人呢?为什么如此特殊的你会出现在已经如此不寻常的地方?<br>我必须得得到“你”。<br><br>一只手从背后将你抓住,另一只手同时打了个响指——啪!时间就这么静止了。 | |||
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亲爱的,听我说:我知道每个世界的诞生都是有原因的,但唯独Arcaea不是。<br><br>不是有一句话广为流传吗?——“Arcaea是「心」的产物。”<br><br>不过有三样东西是我在每个世界里都找到了的,那就是表层的世界、中层的法则和底层的愿望。<br>这些愿望的种子被播撒和种植于每个世界的最根部,然后生根发芽,长出愿望的藤蔓和枝条。<br><br>我将Arcaea的时间静止的时候顺带回顾了一眼这个世界的表中两层,证实了我之前一直以来的猜测:<br>构成这个世界的东西并没有任何被「编织」过的痕迹。<br><br>比起细腻柔软的布料,这个世界更像是难以捉摸的大海,<br>组成Arcaea的东西无时无刻不在以令人难以理解的方式变化。<br>很多人也许会用描述情感的词来形容这种变化:冷静的,或是愤怒的;阴暗的,或是柔和的。<br><br>潮水般,时涨,时落…… | |||
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在表层之下你一般会看到很多漂亮的丝线在引导着世界运行的法则,<br>但在这群黄金和钴蓝之下再也不见其身影。<br><br>过了第二层后,已成形的线则杂乱地相互交织在一起,远看像一团奇怪的聚合体——<br>狂乱的白色涂鸦隐约展示着像黑色画布般近乎无边无际的边界。<br>这里的每一个看似扭曲或出格的事物其实都明确表明了它们的「心愿」。<br>一切的一切都是关于悲伤……还有希望。这两个概念定义了这个世界的全部。<br><br>而我对它的感情就像对你一样,只有欣赏及喜爱。摩耶,因为你们都是如此这般美好。<br><br>但当我想以丝线的形式向其中注入新的想法时,当我想从这里获取一些真正的控制权时,<br>Arcaea便再度拒绝了我。真扫兴,这只能让我的领域愈发难以创建……<br><br>Arcaea抓住了我的手,使我的臂膀变得僵硬,它甚至还想重写「我」的存在。有那么一瞬间,它真的做到了:<br>它成功消除了我正在痉挛的手臂,只见它们离开了我的身体,变成了颜色诡异的正在抖动不停的东西,<br>在半空中迅速消散又重新浮现、消散又重新浮现。有那么一瞬间静止的时间仿佛又重新流动了起来……<br>而你不幸目睹了这所有的混沌。<br><br>……十分抱歉。 | |||
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Arcaea是如此地想赶我离开,以至于做出将我的全身同时间与空间都分隔开来这种事,<br>但我亲爱的摩耶,为了你我愿意献上一切:无论是献祭我漂亮的手臂,还是忍受胃内搅动的恶心感,<br>抑或是抵抗更为强大的力量,我都会献上我的一切,而我也有能力做到这一点。<br><br>我的脑海此刻正充斥着一种自己不在「这里」而是在「那里」的感觉,伴随着巨大的断裂声、钻心的疼痛感、<br>前所未有的恶心感,脑子里一闪而过的正午时刻一个黑暗房间内出现的各种怪象的画面,<br>我成功地用意念将自己的手臂收回身体,并将其伸向Arcaea的"地基"。伸手……伸手,伸手!<br><br>让「我」!留在!这里!<br>记忆的世界啊!我在此发誓:从今以后,你会永远记得我的存在!<br><br>以Arcaea迄今最为精美的一缕新丝线作为媒介,我将最后一个、也是最为美好的想法嵌进这个世界里:<br>我那最为崇高的真名。<br><br>至此,结束了,一切都结束了。永恒的巨变就此诞生:我现在永远都是「这里」的一部分了。<br>那么这个绝佳的时机我也绝不会浪费。<br><br>我开始将时间和空间分离——它们都被我抛诸身后,然后我打开了一扇通往属于我的「彼处」的门,而你,<br>摩耶,尽管你的表情还是那么地诧异、恐惧和困惑,我还是选择就在此刻将你拥入它的怀抱。 | |||
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开始了,这美妙的过程:你开始一步步支离解体。<br><br>当你的指尖触碰到边界的时候,你失去了自己的声音,并开始解体成千万条由玻璃组成的丝线。<br><br>从你的手开始,经过你的手臂,再到你的胸口和全身,你全部的皮肤、内脏曾在的位置——银色的、<br>唯美的景象……整个过程十分精巧,没有让你流一滴血。最后,在无数绚烂夺目、几乎如棱镜般的丝线中,<br>你成功进入了我先前打开的无光洞口。<br><br>摩耶,你的形态现在就像一把正在融化的、在空中浮荡的竖琴,可真美啊,<br>它的“琴弦”就像是用世界上最美丽的白色被褥,将其一根根分开制成。<br><br>啊啊……<br><br>这下,你去到了最好的地方呢,我亲爱的摩耶……<br><br>就跟这里做最后的道别吧。<br><br><br>属于你的最后一根丝线也终于完整穿过了时间和空间,那么,是时候该把门关上了。 | |||
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白色再度成为了天空的主导色。<br><br>暴风雨降下之时,我抬起头向上看了看。<br><br>直到最后一滴雨水也已坠落于地面,我开口,向这个憎恨我的世界说道:<br><br>“Arcaea,我亲爱的Arcaea……<br><br>“也跟你说声‘嗨!’吧!” | |||
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The skies all converge on one point. A vortex—a funnel forms, as vast as that sky itself. The firmament <br>is shaped as if it is draining downward, and then suddenly it shifts entirely in a hundred, thousand <br>ways. Color spreads out across the heavens.<br><br>A maelstrom of color, all draining downward and crackling!<br><br>The purity of light finally and utterly shifts to colors more than prismatic...<br><br>New color! Heretofore unknown and powerful color!<br><br>And ah, yes—I think it's the perfect timing! Let's start a storm! | |||
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Below, Maya witnesses my entrance, until the whole world's sky turns red.<br><br>That color inverts. Shifts—Shifts—Shifts! And finally, my hand passes through.<br><br>Lightning and rain begin to fall with might. A storm, a storm! Winds turn and throw towers down—<br>throw walls and buildings down! Snow and ice pelt the earth. The sky ripples as my own colors <br>bleed all around me—coat me.<br><br>I descend into Arcaea, as weather—as life—as nature all come with me, and I grin. For I will leave <br>the sky unbroken, hmhm...<br><br>Amidst the chaos and storms I have brought, I land gently to the earth before you and of course <br>I curtsy, and I bow. As my hair and yours are cast all around in the gale I say—<br><br>"Hello, hello, Maya—<br><br>I have so wished to meet you." | |||
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When do I reach you...? I take no time stepping over to you... holding you, embracing you...<br>Feeling you...<br><br>These shoulders, your spine...<br>Your stomach and side, your fingertips... this hair of yours, oh...<br>Don't you tremble, now. I am only looking.<br><br>Ah, and of course, your face... I softly hold your breaking, crying face.<br><br>What might you be thinking as you look upon me with those quivering, two-colored eyes?<br><br>I am thinking about plucking out your red eye, and examining it more closely. It, in particular, is <br>intriguing and beautiful. Oh—don't worry, I will leave it there, and instead simply find who you <br>took it from...<br><br>But what are you, Maya...? What are you in this world already so incomprehensible...? I simply <br>must have "you".<br><br>Holding you with one hand at your back, I snap the fingers of my other and take "time" away. | |||
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Listen now: every world is made with something in mind, but I already knew that Arcaea <br>stood out with exception.<br><br>It has been said and said: Arcaea was made with "heart".<br><br>Still, without fail, within every world I have been able to find three "parts":<br>The surface world, the law underneath, and underneath both of those the seed of a wish and <br>its tangent desires spreading like roots.<br><br>As I stop time in Arcaea, and look past the first and second layers, all suspicions are solidly <br>confirmed that this world's fabric has no "weaving" at all.<br><br>No, it is instead more like a sea. Arcaea's fabric exists as an ever-shifting, almost <br>incomprehensible thing which one tends to describe with terms of emotion: calm or raging, <br>dark or peaceful.<br><br>Ebbing, and flowing... | |||
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You would ordinarily see gorgeous lines of order establishing a world's rules beneath the first layer, <br>and yet there are none in that gold and cobalt underneath.<br><br>The only establishing lines there are a strange and sketched mess past the second layer—frenzied <br>white scrawlings vaguely marking the bounds of an almost infinite black canvas. Each twisted and <br>errant thing there is a clear-cut "wanting". It is all sorrow... and hope. Only these define this world.<br><br>And like you, Maya, I love it. It is wonderful...<br><br>But as I try to add a new idea as a line amidst all the others, perhaps to wrest some true control <br>here, Arcaea rejects me again. Why? That makes it tougher and tougher to manifest my domain...<br><br>It seizes my fingers and stiffens my arm. It even seems to want to rewrite "my" existence—until <br>in fact it removes my whole spasming limb. My arm separates from me and begins color-shifting, <br>dithering in midair, rapidly vanishing and unvanishing... Time even resumes, and in this new <br>chaos you, Maya, witness a very terrifying sight.<br><br>My apologies... | |||
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It takes great effort as Arcaea tries to pull me out of this reality, and even sever my body along space <br>and time, but I would do anything for you, Maya. Through any storm, through any sickness, through <br>any power overwhelming I would and can do anything...<br><br>With snaps and pain and nausea, feeling not "here" but "there" and with a strange vision of a dark <br>room in midday filling my head, I will my arm back to my body and reach out to Arcaea's fabric. <br>Reach out... Reach, reach!<br><br>Leave "me" here!<br>World of memories! From this day forth, you shall never forget me!<br><br>I carve the last and most beautiful idea—the most beautiful line in Arcaea's fabric:<br>I carve into Arcaea my own true and hallowed name.<br><br>And it's set, and it's done: an eternal and immutable change. I am now "here", forever. So, I'll <br>waste not a second more.<br><br>I begin to split time and space apart myself—behind me. At last I open a black and shining gate <br>to "mine" and gently, Maya, while you're so still from shock and fear and confusion, I begin to pull you in. | |||
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And there, there, you begin to unravel.<br><br>As your fingertips meet with the boundary, your voice is lost and you start to unravel into glass threads.<br><br>You unspool from your hand, past your arm, and to your chest and your body in a beautiful, silvery sight. <br>Little wondrous splits without a single spot of blood continue all throughout your skin and where there <br>might be inner parts... In waves of countless, brilliant, almost prismatic threads, you are drawn through <br>the dark hole I have opened.<br><br>Your shape now is like a melting harp waving through the air; its strings made of the prettiest white <br>quilt being split down slowly at its seams...<br><br>Ah, ah...<br>Fall into the best place, Maya...<br><br>And stay away from here forever.<br><br><br>When the last thread of you passes time and space, I close the gate shut. | |||
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White begins to overtake the sky once more.<br><br>I gaze up above as the storm begins to die down.<br><br>And watching it fade, I remark to this world that hates me:<br><br>"Arcaea, Arcaea...<br><br>"Hello to you as well." | |||
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===16-8=== | |||
解锁条件:完成[[#16-7|16-7]],购入[[Lasting Eden Chapter 2]]曲包<br>解锁要求:采用[[摩耶]]通过[[Abstruse Dilemma]] | |||
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我召唤的风暴终于彻底停歇了。我残留在天堂的最后一抹色彩也已死去。<br><br>但是,但是,我还在这哦,Arcaea——我,还在这里。<br><br>这是一场多么漫长而又艰辛的旅途啊。 | |||
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是的,我来了,我终于来了。我穿梭于星海之间之时偶然发见了这个世界,便下定决心一定要来到这里。<br><br>其实不只如此,我还想留下来。<br><br>这个世界早已破碎不堪,但它仍然没有崩塌消散,这让我刮目相看。<br>我还从来没有见过如此精湛又糟糕的「造物」,所以我一定要好好看看这个地方,好好研究一下,<br>我必须这么做——我需要找到在这里得到了第二次生命的人们,以及唯一一位第三次活着的人!<br>因为她们太有魅力了!啊啊,想想,第三次生命……多么美的一个故事啊!<br><br>边这么想着,我将手指插入发间。雨滴顺着我的肌肤缓缓流下,我禁不住再次大笑起来。<br>我给了自己一个拥抱,微笑起来,随后大笑起来,不停地笑,直到我的身体都笑疼了! | |||
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因为,难道这不是很可笑吗?真的很可笑,不是吗?!你想:这个世界缺少了什么呢?一个神!<br>是的,它的确曾经拥有过一位神明!很完美,但是很短暂,转瞬即逝——啊啊,这个世界已经病入膏肓了!<br>难道这里的人们从来都不会为此担心吗?<br><br>啊呀,啊呀,不用再担心啦。是吧,是吧,没有再担心的必要了!<br><br>因为这个痛苦又美好的、正在消逝的世界,将再次得到祝福!<br><br>因为我的恩典,我的旨意,你们会重新寻得幸福……<br><br>没错,是神帮你们纠正了一切错误与悔恨!祂,已然降临。 | |||
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My storm finally and completely disappears. The last vestiges of the color I left in heaven die.<br><br>But oh no, no, I am still here, Arcaea—still here.<br><br>What an agonizingly long journey it has been. | |||
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Yes... I am here now. I, who saw this place through a passing glance between realities and simply had to visit.<br><br>I am thinking, even, of staying.<br><br>You know, this world is broken now... but it's still here. That is beyond incredible. I have never seen <br>something "shaped" this terribly and this greatly; I really need to dig into it—I need to know more <br>about it. I need to learn about it, I need to find those who live their second lives here. In one case: <br>a third! So, so incredible! And ah, what a lovely story of three lives!<br><br>I run my hand through my hair as I think of it. Rainwater runs down over my skin, and I cannot help <br>but laugh again. I hug myself, and soon find myself chuckling, and laughing, and laughing all the <br>more until it almost hurts...! | |||
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Because isn't it a shame? It's a shame, you know!? You see: this world has been missing a god! Ah, it had a <br>god but for an instant! For a fleeting moment, it was whole and just after—ah, it shattered at its very core! <br>Have the people here been worried ever since?<br><br>Oh, oh, there's no more need to worry. No, no, none have need of worry at all!<br><br>This fading, sorrowful, wonderful world has been once again blessed...!<br><br>In my grace, in my providence, you will all find happiness again...<br><br>Yes... a god has come here to set everything right and well for you all. | |||
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