「故事模式剧情详表 (移动版)」:修訂間差異

增加 36,974 位元組 、​ 2024年10月24日 (星期四)
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! 结局
! 尾声
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![[迷尔]] - 个人故事
![[迷尔]] - 个人故事
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![[彩梦]] - 个人故事
![[彩梦]] - 个人故事
行 5,352: 行 5,352:
So she turned her head to look back along the sands, gazing at the long trail of footprints<br>stretching out behind her. She wished she knew where she was going.<br><br>Unbeknownst to her, however, that trail of footprints had already been joined by another, still quite<br>far off.<br><br>But for now, she prayed. She didn’t know to whom, but she prayed regardless, hoping that she<br>would be granted just a little bit of respite, now, on these empty, white dunes.}}
So she turned her head to look back along the sands, gazing at the long trail of footprints<br>stretching out behind her. She wished she knew where she was going.<br><br>Unbeknownst to her, however, that trail of footprints had already been joined by another, still quite<br>far off.<br><br>But for now, she prayed. She didn’t know to whom, but she prayed regardless, hoping that she<br>would be granted just a little bit of respite, now, on these empty, white dunes.}}
解锁条件:购入[[Spirit of the Dauntless]]单曲或[[Dies irae]]单曲<br>解锁要求:通过[[ReviXy]]
即使这不过是一段回忆……<br> <br>即使这仅仅是对于Arcaea这个世界而言……<br> <br>……<br> <br>人终有一死,但在这样一个地狱般的空洞世界中死去,<br>死者们的灵魂会变成什么样子,实在是不忍想象。
迷尔一遍又一遍地琢磨着这个问题。<br> <br>只要能活着就行,这是她过去一贯的想法。<br> <br>因为也没有什么人可以照顾她,她总是孤零零一个人,以剑为伴。
这个想法自然而然就产生了。<br> <br>迷尔就是这样自然而然地知道要去保护谁,谁又将因此而躲过一劫,而谁又终究逃不过死亡的命运。<br> <br>这或许就是所谓的直觉吧。
This girl was going to die.
Be it in a memory...<br><br>Be it in Arcaea...?<br><br>...<br><br>If someone were to die in this empty hell, what would become of their soul?
Mir had asked herself these questions time and time again.<br><br>Until now, she had been satisfied with just making sure she survived.<br><br>No one else would look out for her here. She was always alone, her blade her only companion.
And this girl beside her: she would die.
That idea simply came to Mir.<br><br>That idea of who she had to protect, and the idea of who would end up living, and of who would draw <br>their last breath.<br><br>It all came to her intuitively.
As Mir watched the scene unfold before her eyes, she knew.<br><br><br>The girl was meant to die.}}
解锁条件:完成[[#8-4|8-4]],购入[[Spirit of the Dauntless]]单曲或[[Dies irae]]单曲<br>解锁要求:
少女赤足站在柔软细腻的白沙中。<br> <br>仰躺在暖和的地上,迷尔过了好一会儿才反应过来发生了什么。<br>有一个人——一个女孩,正俯下身来盯着她的脸看,<br>少女的身子挡住了从永远明亮多彩的天空中降下的部分光线。<br>少女衣着奇特,留着和迷尔一样的长发,只不过她将自己银色的发丝扎了起来,留了个双马尾的造型。<br> <br> <br>即便她们两人都无法以对方的名字相称,但那位少女的确有一个名字——“调”。<br> <br>迷尔将视线落在了她随身携带的一个物件上。<br>那是……一种乐器吗?<br> <br>正当迷尔思索之时,少女率先打破了沉默。
“有什么事吗?”她说。<br> <br>迷尔并没有回应她,而是沉默着看向下方——无色的沙堆砌成绵延的小丘,不断向远处扩展。<br>她随后又抬头看向上方——白色的天空仍是那么熟悉,这是她每次返回都会看到的景象。<br>最后,她又将视线挪回至少女身上,无言对上了她关切的眼神。<br> <br>“又是一个……”迷尔喃喃道。<br> <br>突然间,脑海深处的某个回忆像是被唤起了一般,她意识到自己好似在哪里听过这首曲子。<br>……她听见的歌声,一定是这个女孩的吧。<br>   <br>“感到意外吗?其实我也一样。”银发少女继续说道,“但你真的没事吗?可以尝试站起来吗?”<br> <br>站起来?老实说,她宁愿自己做不到。<br> <br>她实在是累了。
“……是有哪里不对劲吗?”<br> <br>不对劲?什么事都不对劲。但无所谓,她对这种状态再熟悉不过了。<br> <br>只见少女俯下身,半跪在与迷尔面前,表情逐渐凝重起来。<br>“我说,你……你甚至不打算告诉我你是谁吗?”<br> <br>她是谁?她自己都不知道。<br>她可以给出答案:浪人,狂战士,杀手,屠夫,女武神……但都不太贴切。<br> <br>无能,无知,无用。<br> <br>最终,她只是摇了摇头,没有回答。<br> <br>“你也不知道吗?原来是这样。”女孩回答道,<br>“我也不知道自己是谁。我没有在这里醒来之前的任何记忆,我甚至都不知道自己叫什么名字。”
“一个傀儡罢了。”迷尔突然开口,“这该死的世界让我做什么,我就得去做。”<br> <br>“……什么?”银发少女看着她,一脸迷茫。<br> <br>“我不知道……我只知道我必须严格遵守这些规则。”迷尔自顾自地继续讲着。<br> <br>少女沉默片刻,才回应道:“‘必须’这个词是不是有点夸张了,毕竟我们还是有选择的余地——”<br> <br>“不,我没有。”<br> <br>“……是这样的,你不需要跟我分享你的秘密,但这并不代表你也不能找个人来分担一下呀。<br>你能告诉我你到底怎么了吗?”
……就这样拉扯了一段时间,迷尔最终还是站起了身,开始向前走去。<br> <br>这便是两个少女初遇的场景。<br> <br>即使她们都不清楚自己和对方的名字,<br>但或许是双方都觉得这个空无一物的世界中孤身一人会太过孤独,<br>银发少女自那以后便固执地跟着迷尔同行,而迷尔也默许了这件事。<br>调并不沉默寡言,<br>从令人审美疲劳的无尽白沙到头顶苍白广阔的天空,从她自己的经历到失去了记忆的种种揣测,<br>她都侃侃而谈,而迷尔一如既往地沉默地听着。<br>她确实都听进去了,只是确实不知道要如何回应。<br> <br>这就是她们二人一开始的相处模式,相互熟悉需要时间,所幸,这并不需要太久。}}
Bare feet on the white sand.<br><br>Lying there on the ground with her back warmed by the earth, it took Mir a few moments to understand <br>what the sight meant. In the meantime, a person—a girl, silhouetted against the ever-radiant sky—<br>leaned down to peer at her face. She stood in strange dress, with hair the length of Mir's own, <br>though it was tied up in two tails and the strands were all silver.<br><br>...Her name was Shirabe, though neither Mir nor she knew that.<br><br>Mir's gaze drifted to something the girl was carrying.<br>An instrument?<br><br>The silence was broken as the girl spoke.
"Are you alright?"<br><br>Mir's silence remained. She looked down—endless hills of colorless sand. She looked up—at the familiar <br>white sky she always returned to. Finally, she looked at the girl—and saw her expression of concern.<br><br>"Another person..." Mir muttered.<br><br>A spark of memory lit her mind: that of the song she'd heard before.<br>...It must have been this girl's.<br><br>"Surprised? I'm as surprised as you are," said the girl. "Are you okay? Can you stand up?"<br><br>Stand up? In all honesty, she'd rather not.<br><br>She was tired. So tired.
"...Something wrong?"<br><br>Wrong? Everything was wrong. And yet, that was right.<br><br>The girl knelt in front of her, and her concern was turning to worry. "Actually, first... Who are you?"<br><br>Who was she? She didn't have a good answer for that—but there were many unsatisfying ones. Wanderer. <br>Warrior. Berserker. Slayer. Valkyrie.<br><br>Incompetent. Ignorant. Failure.<br><br>...She simply shook her head.<br><br>"Don't know...? Well, me neither..." said the girl. "I don't remember anything before waking up here. <br>Not even my name."
"I'm a puppet," Mir finally replied, "here to do whatever this damned world bids me."<br><br>The other girl looked at her, perplexed. "Uh... What?"<br><br>"I don't know..." Mir trailed off. "All I know is I have to dance to those strings."<br><br>The girl remained silent for a few moments. "'Have to' is pretty heavy... You know, I think we all have a <br>choice to—"<br><br>"I don't."<br><br>"...Hey, you don't have to say if you don't want to, but won't you tell me what's wrong? What happened <br>to you?"
...After, Mir rose to her feet and began to walk.<br><br>That was how these two girls had met: two more girls who didn't even know their own names.<br><br>Owing perhaps to their mutual solitude in the empty world, the girl with white locks stubbornly remained <br>at Mir's side. She wasn't afraid of talking. About the boring sands, about the pale sky, about her experiences, <br>about not remembering anything. Mir stayed silent during her monologues. The words registered, but she <br>could never think of anything to say.<br><br>That was, at least, at first.}}
解锁条件:完成[[#8-5|8-5]],购入[[Spirit of the Dauntless]]单曲或[[Dies irae]]单曲<br>解锁要求:
在这几个小时乃至几天的时间里,她们就一直这样在沙丘与沙丘之间边跋涉边交谈。<br> <br>迷尔也在这个过程中逐渐开口接话,主动去分享一些自己的事情,<br>虽然总是关于痛苦,关于伤口,关于混沌……<br>她的谈资不外乎这些东西,要么是关于她不再能体会到的兴奋感,要么是她日渐增长的疲惫感。<br>她谈起通过这个与这个世界同名的碎片去往的那些世界的事,<br>也谈到了她认为自己所经历过的挫折和失败——比方自己的存在。<br> <br>而她的同行伙伴只是默默地听着她的分享。迷尔的确没想到这个女孩也能这么安静。<br> <br>因此迷尔也就接着讲了下去。<br> <br>等她讲完后,银发少女给她分享了一些她其实早已知晓的情报:<br>这些碎片,这些“Arcaea”,其实是回忆的一种存在形式。<br>迷尔并不清楚自己究竟是如何知道碎片是回忆这件事的,<br>但她确实一开始就清楚,这种莫名其妙就知道一些真相的经历让她觉得这一切并不简单……
“其实,我也并非总是心情好。这怎么可能呢?”<br>有一回,银发少女这么跟她说道,“其实我……我还是感到很没底。<br>‘我为什么会来到这里?’‘为什么我什么都不记得了?’……我老是问自己这种问题,<br>因为这一切都太荒诞了,对不对?”<br> <br>迷尔低着头沉默地盯着地板,不知如何回复是好。<br><br><br>“不过现在的话,我倒没有那么担心了,<br>因为我现在知道,还有人也跟我一样真真实实地活在这个世界上,还就在我旁边。”<br>她或许早已习惯了迷尔的沉默,继续补充道。<br> <br>迷尔不禁皱了皱眉。<br>她脑中的某个地方毫无征兆地刺痛了一下。
银发少女并未察觉,继续滔滔不绝地讲着,但迷尔早没心思继续听了。<br> <br>等到她终于抬起头时,才听清少女在讲些什么。<br> <br>“我觉得我算是擅长玩音乐的,所以……诶?你怎么了?”<br> <br>只见迷尔正直勾勾盯着一个刚从她身旁飞过的正在漂浮着的不明物体,完全沉浸在自己的世界里。<br> <br>又来一个。<br> <br>又得被拽进去了吗……<br> <br>……<br>怎么偏偏是现在……
她赶紧闭上眼睛,让自己不要去看,全身上下的每一个细胞都在竭尽全力将其排斥和拒绝在外。<br>她又听见了银发少女的声音。<br> <br>“你还好吗?等等,不会——不会你是被‘召唤’了吧?”<br>她语速突然快了起来,声音也显得急促了许多。<br> <br>接着,她感到有什么东西抓住了她的手臂。<br> <br>迷尔睁开了眼。<br> <br>思绪被少女打乱,迷尔转过身,目光落在了挨着她不放手的银发少女疑惑的神情上。<br> <br>然后,“召唤”便发生了。
竟然不只有她一个人。<br> <br>竟然不只是她一个人……<br> <br>那个少女竟然同她一起来到了这段回忆之中。<br> <br>迷尔想起了什么,一阵从未有过的剧烈的恐惧感随即朝她袭来。<br> <br>她……<br> <br>迷尔发觉自己又不知不觉知道了一件事情,一件她不想知道的事。<br> <br>她没办法在这里保护调。而这是板上钉钉的客观事实。
Hours passed, perhaps days—an empty time filled only with walking across the dunes, punctuated by <br>her chatter.<br><br>Mir talked about pain, blood, chaos... The thrill she had lost, and the exhaustion she had found. She <br>talked about the worlds she visited in the glass—the Arcaea. And, she talked about her failures: herself <br>among them.<br><br>The other girl listened. In fact, she stayed quieter than Mir thought was possible.<br><br>And so, Mir kept talking.<br><br>In return, the girl shared with her something she knew: those shards of glass, those so-called "Arcaea", <br>were actually memories. She didn't know how she knew this—she just did. That only raised more <br>questions...
"No, no, I'm not always happy. Come on..." the white-haired girl told her at one point. "Actually I'm still... <br>pretty afraid of all this. I keep asking myself, 'Why am I here?' 'Why can't I remember anything?' None of <br>it makes sense, right...?"<br><br>Mir looked down in silence, unsure how to respond.<br><br>"But...I'll admit I don't think I'm worrying as much now that I've met another living, breathing person here," <br>the other girl added.<br><br>Mir winced.<br>There was now, with no warning, an ungentle prick at the edge of her mind.
The girl continued, saying something. Something Mir couldn't hear.<br><br>She looked up. The other girl caught her ears.<br><br>"Also I think I know how to play music, and I—... Huh? What's wrong?"<br><br>Mir's eyes were fixated on an object floating just past her.<br><br>Another one.<br><br>Another one of those worlds.<br><br>...No,<br>not now...
She squeezed her eyelids shut against the sight, every fiber of her body rejecting it. <br>The girl's voice reached her again.<br><br>"Are you okay? Wait, is it—is it that 'summoning'?" she spoke quickly, hushed.<br><br>And, she felt hands grasp her arm.<br><br>Mir opened her eyes.<br><br>Her concentration broken, she turned and saw the white-haired girl clinging to her, <br>confusion clear in her eyes.<br><br>And then it happened. That "summoning".
Not just herself.<br><br>Not just alone.<br><br>She came into the memory with the other girl.<br><br>A sense of dread like nothing she'd ever felt before came over her.<br><br>The girl...<br><br>Mir didn't know how she knew, but she knew.<br><br>She wouldn't be able to protect her here. It was impossible.
This girl was going to die.}}
解锁条件:完成[[#8-6|8-6]],购入[[Spirit of the Dauntless]]单曲或[[Dies irae]]单曲<br>解锁要求:
迷尔看着仍死死抓着她不放的银发少女,她的脸上仿佛写满了无助二字。<br> <br>不过,心情什么的,已经不太重要了,对吧?<br> <br>没错,即使迷尔仍然不知道自己又是如何得知这件事情的,<br>但无论怎样,这个少女都得死在这段回忆里。<br>这就是本该发生的事情,板上钉钉的事实。<br> <br>以前迷尔觉得自己只是个旁观者,但这回……这回也许与以往不太一样……<br> <br>难道她真的什么都做不到了吗?
有什么东西成群朝女孩们袭来——<br>可怖的、畸形的、会飞的生物——迎着疾风,背着满月,黑压压一片。<br>和之前那些回忆中一样,这些生物似乎是由某种无光的暗物质构成的,<br>通体漆黑,显得唯一泛光的三只红色眼睛愈发诡异。<br> <br>迷尔身手还算可以,但很遗憾,她并不会飞。她感觉这个回忆的主人也没有这种超能力,所以……<br> <br>她甩开了银发少女的手,<br>“放开。”她说道,接着抡起大剑指向那虫群般飞来的黑影。屏气凝神,眼观四路,耳听八方——<br> <br>“你……你行吗?”<br> <br>迷尔则以沉默作为回应。
她并不想接受,所以她尝试再次唤起“兴奋感”——这种曾让她安然度过了无数次腥风血雨的快感。<br> <br>……<br> <br>但她已经无法做到。<br> <br>恰恰相反,她的身体被强烈的疲惫和绝望占据,而那遮天蔽日的敌人此时已然临近。
黑影大军横扫而来,落在了她身上。<br>她身旁的少女尖叫起来,惊动了部分敌人转移目标,朝她飞去,准备寻找时机下手。<br> <br>本能地——<br> <br>本能地,她想到这个少女终将死去的既定命运。<br> <br>先是被扯进了突兀的战斗中。<br>再是被迫在战斗中垂死挣扎。<br>命运无法忤逆,她的死显然无法避免,因此这一切毫无意义。<br> <br>就连她自己也一样。<br>……就算在这场死斗中活了下来,又如何?就算死在这里,又能如何?<br>毫无分别。<br> <br>这段回忆丝毫没有给她们任何希望。<br>拼尽全力也杀不完的源源不断地敌人,让这场战斗的结果在开始时就已注定。
她的身前是一张水泄不通的黑网,而她的身后是一个的注定会献祭的牺牲品。<br> <br>……“守护”是为了什么?为什么要去“守护”?<br>这一切有什么意义?她或许已经知道了答案,不是吗?<br> <br>这段奇特的回忆……<br> <br>是曾经活着的人留下的,也将会是她和她身旁那位少女的遗物。<br> <br>但她没料到的是……<br> <br>一声清脆而华丽的呐喊,会将她的痛苦瞬间瓦解。<br> <br>那是夹杂着信念和恼怒的一声呐喊。<br> <br>这声呐喊的音色清脆而悦耳,语气和内容却满是命令的味道。<br> <br>“别只是站在那发呆啊,你傻吗?快挥剑啊!”}}
She looked over at the other girl, still clinging to her arm. Defenseless, at least as far as Mir could tell.<br><br>But that didn't matter right now. Did it?<br><br>No. She didn't know how, and she didn't know why, but defenseless or no, the other girl was meant to <br>die in this memory. It was what was supposed to happen.<br><br>Before, Mir would have only registered her as another bystander. But this... This wasn't...<br><br>Was there anything she could do?
Awful, malformed, flying creatures—a whole flock of them soared toward the two girls on the wind, the <br>full moon at their backs. Like many of the enemies in previous memories, they seemed to be made of <br>some kind of dark substance that gave off almost no light, save for their sets of three red eyes.<br><br>Mir could fight, but she couldn't fly. She doubted the memory's owner could have flown either. And thus...<br><br>She shook the girl's arm off. "Let go," she said, brandishing her sword at the swarm of birdlike shadows. <br>She focused. She heard—<br><br>"You...You can beat them?"<br><br>But Mir said nothing in reply.
She didn't want to accept this, and so she tried to rally "thrill" again. That thrill which had gotten her <br>through so much battle and bloodshed.<br><br>...<br><br>...It wouldn't come.<br><br>No: instead she faced down the approaching enemies, swinging, with weariness and despair permeating <br>her body.
As they fell over her, the other girl cried out. A group of them had shifted over toward her, and now they <br>circled overhead.<br><br>And instinct—<br><br>—it reminded her that this was set in stone.<br><br>Like fighting on sudden battlefields...<br>Like fighting losing battles.<br>The girl's death was inevitable, and so it was of no concern.<br><br>Her life, too...<br>...there was no significance whether it went on beyond here, or ended soon.<br><br>This memory had presented Mir with an impossible scenario. Slaughter twenty and soon find a hundred.
A wall stood before her, and a sacrifice behind her.<br><br>...What purpose, what meaning was there in "protecting"? What worth? No, for worth... She had found <br>what had worth already, hadn't she?<br><br>This strange memory...<br><br>...would be the memento of the dead who'd left it, of her, and of the girl all the same.<br><br>And yet, to her surprise...<br><br>A golden cry shattered that bitterness in an instant.<br><br>A voice of faith. A voice of irritation...<br><br>A forceful command from a beautiful voice.<br><br>"Don't just stand there, you idiot—swing your sword!"}}
解锁条件:完成[[#8-7|8-7]],购入[[Spirit of the Dauntless]]单曲或[[Dies irae]]单曲<br>解锁要求:通过[[LunarOrbit -believe in the Espebranch road-]]
银发少女不知何时来到了她身后,与迷尔背对背站着,她娇小的身影被飞扬的尘土包围。<br> <br>一把斧状物从迷尔眼前俯冲而过,半途还正好搞定了一个怪物。<br> <br>……少女纤细的手臂紧握住斧柄,不,原来……<br> <br>原来,那可不是什么斧头……<br> <br>而是一把吉他。
她用那胜似武器的琴头击飞了一只怪物,又在新的一波怪物黑压压地从天而降时把琴狠狠往地上砸去。<br>她双膝跪地,双臂、两腿,乃至全身都在颤抖。<br>她险些完全瘫倒在地,但还是勉强保持了姿势。<br>她回过头,盯了一眼身后那个正瞪着眼睛看呆了的人。<br> <br>她再度朝那人喊话,声线一如既往地优美、华丽:<br> <br>“看前面啊!看我干嘛!”<br> <br>“把、你、的、剑、给、我、挥、起、来!”
她听起来是如此的笃定而又充满觉悟……<br> <br>没来得及细想,迷尔下意识地再度握紧了她的剑柄。<br> <br>少女又瞪了她一眼,目光坚定,好似不再害怕,而是感到愤怒。<br> <br>“如果你觉得你无路可走了的话,”少女喊道,<br>“那就想想我!我给你一个选择,行吗?!——我给你开了一条路了,给我动起来啊!”<br> <br>她说的没错……<br> <br>“自由要靠自己去争取——如果你没这个斗志,那好歹为了我努力一下行吗?!该死!”
迷尔咬紧了牙关。又一团直冲着她袭来,差点将她撞倒在地。<br> <br>但她上扬的嘴角和因此而露出的部分牙齿却将她此刻的心情表露无遗——她笑了。<br>或许,真像她说的这样……<br> <br>我确实拥有选择的权利。<br> <br>远处,层层黑影逐渐迫近,但这已不再是一场无谓的挣扎。
“也不是不行,”迷尔在调整气息之余穿插着回复道,“那就由我来搞定它们,你赶紧把头低下!”<br> <br>她站起身向低处奔去,在合适的位置站好,摆好进攻的姿势。<br> <br>她将大剑往回收了收,长呼了一口气……<br> <br>温热的气息如滚烫的蒸汽般,炙热的火舌般……<br> <br>肌肉收缩、发力,她黑曜石般的大剑随即向前挥去——
只见一道强光自剑中迸发,与此同时一股奇特而惊人的力量也爆发出来。<br>等等,刚才这……难道这是她的力量?<br> <br>……她聚精会神,尝试向剑中注入更多。<br> <br>然后,将其再度举起……<br> <br>接着,双臂和双手一齐发力,就像呼风唤雨一般——<br> <br>她的大剑挥舞而下,朝前劈去。
带着一股威力巨大的狂风,利刃从银发少女的头顶迅速擦过。<br>她瞪大了眼睛,看着不远处的迷尔随着挥刀的动作摆动身体,<br>以及先前那些杀不光的黑影被横扫而过的狂风通通撕碎。<br> <br>黑红的大剑猛地撞击大地,而它的主人拖拽着它,又向左侧和天空掷出一系列威力巨大的风刃。<br> <br>稍作调整之后,一道清晰明确的界限便又将右侧的天空顷刻划成了两半……<br> <br>狂野而优雅的进攻,天空又逐渐恢复了明朗。
迷尔的心鼓动着,过了一会儿,她不禁浅浅笑出了声。<br> <br>原来,这和战斗毫无干系……<br> <br>原来,她的意义……<br> <br>不只是当一把进攻的剑,而是要同时做一个守护的盾。<br> <br>最后一次,迷尔将自己的剑收回自己手中。<br> <br>所有的阴影此时汇聚在一块,她又莫名得知了一件“事实”——<br> <br>“这就是最后了。”那个恼人的声音说道。<br> <br>她看向身旁挨着自己的少女,心想:<br> <br>没错,这就是最后了。<br>也是全新的开始。
迷尔将剑向前挥去,巨大的力量刺过黑影,令最后的阴影也消灭殆尽。<br> <br>这股力量,穿透了云层,越过了天空……<br> <br>然后,赶上了被掩盖住了的太阳……<br> <br>最终突破了回忆设好的枷锁。<br> <br>“命运”?“既定”?不。<br> <br>这便是她的选择,而她当然可以做出自己的选择。
她们所处的回忆开始凝结。“这里”的现实逐渐扭转,破碎。<br>一切都撕裂开来,昭示着一个令这个世界无法接受的结局——<br>忤逆命运的搅局者,给一个既定的悲剧画上了美好的句号。<br>玻璃和大气逐渐瓦解,这个小小的世界慢慢消散殆尽。<br> <br>一切都结束后,她环顾四周,眼前的景象颠覆了她的一切想象和认知。<br>数以万计的敌人被尽数击溃,她们又回到了Arcaea广袤而又荒芜的大地上,<br>而随着记忆的消失,她周围的“空间”也在不断闪烁。<br> <br>而另外一名少女则保住了性命……这实在是……<br> <br>迷尔笑了,这是自她来到Arcaea后第一次发自内心的笑。<br>她就这么放任自己笑着,直到眼泪打湿了自己的眼眶。<br>在这个纯白的世界中,她终于得以自在地大笑,释怀地啜泣。}}
The girl was before her, surrounded by a cloud of dust.<br><br>An axe flew before Mir's eyes, catching a beast mid-dive...<br><br>...That girl's weak arms were choked around that axe's neck—no, in fact...<br><br>It was no "axe"...<br><br>It was a guitar.
She had bludgeoned the beast away with what had looked like the head of a weapon. Now, she slammed <br>it to the earth as a new wave of dark creatures approached from the sky. On her knees, arms—legs—body <br>trembling—quaking, she almost entirely collapsed, but forced an...almost steady posture. She turned her <br>head around to stare at the wide-eyed one behind her.<br><br>And once again, she shouted out: golden and beautiful.<br><br>"Look out ahead of you, right now...!<br><br>"And swing. Your. Sword!"
That resolve, that determination in her voice...<br><br>Against her better judgment, Mir's grip on her blade's handle tightened once more.<br><br>The girl stared back, her gaze set, seeming more angry than afraid.<br><br>"If you don't believe that you have any choice," said the girl, "then I'm giving you one—I'm giving you a <br>path! Look forward!"<br><br>She did...<br><br>"Carve out your freedom—if not for you, then at least for me, damn it!"
Mir gritted her teeth. Another shadow slammed into her, nearly knocking her off balance.<br><br>Her lips turned upward, and so her teeth were soon bared in a grin.<br><br>Maybe, just maybe...<br><br>...this was a choice to make indeed.<br><br>Shadows began to descend once more...
"Fine, then," murmured Mir under her breath. "I'll swing, so bow your head...!"<br><br>She righted herself, and stomped down—setting her feet in place.<br><br>She drew her sword back, and she breathed out long...<br><br>...Like steam, like breath of fire...<br><br>Her muscles tightened, and her obsidian blade seemed to—no, it did...<br><br>It glowed with a strange energy. Hers?<br><br>...She focused, and filled it more.<br><br>She began to raise the sword...<br><br>And like hurling forth a typhoon—a tornado through her arms, her hands—<br><br>She swung, and carved forth.
The other girl's hair danced as the blade flew over her head and a great gale was cast out of it. She gazed <br>wide-eyed as the shadows were ripped away, and as Mir spiraled over her body as she followed the swing.<br><br>The blade slammed against the earth, and Mir dragged it through, hurling another storm of cutting wind <br>to her left and skyward.<br><br>She stopped only a moment, and thus carved away the skies to their right...<br><br>It was at once all grace, and all fury. Those dark skies began to clear...
Mir's heart beat, and shortly a chuckle escaped her lips.<br><br>This... was never about the fighting, was it?<br><br>No, her purpose...<br><br>...was to play the role of both sword, and shield.<br><br>Mir drew her blade back one last time.<br><br>The shadows coalesced, and a "knowing" came again.<br><br>"This is the end", said that aggravating idea.<br><br>But, as the other girl clung to her, she knew this too:<br><br>This was the beginning.
Mir thrust her blade forth, the force blasting through the last of shades...<br><br>Through the clouds, and the sky...<br><br>To the hidden sun...<br><br>And beyond the bounds of memory.<br><br>"Fate"? "Certainty"? No.<br><br>This was her choice.
The memory itself froze. The fabric of reality "here" twisted, and frayed. It all ripped apart. An <br>unacceptable ending—a happy end to a told tragedy—had ruined fate's plan. With crippled <br>glass and air, this small world slowly fell to nothing.<br><br>And, when it was over, she looked around herself. The sight defied all her intuition, all her <br>previous knowledge.<br><br>An army had been defeated, and so they were returned to the barren lands of Arcaea—<br>"space" around them flickering as the memory around them ceased.<br><br>And the other girl...was alive. Seeing that...<br><br>...For the first time since waking up in the world of Arcaea, Mir truly laughed. She laughed, <br>in fact, until tears filled her eyes. She laughed, and cried, in this world of white.}}
解锁条件:完成[[#8-8|8-8]],购入[[Spirit of the Dauntless]]单曲或[[Dies irae]]单曲<br>解锁要求:
她们就这么安静地坐了一会儿。<br>迷尔不禁陷入了沉思,银发少女则静静地缝补着手中的一片东西。<br>红色的方形布料上织着一个眼熟的黑色图案。<br>看了一会儿,迷尔突然明白了这种熟悉感从何而来。<br>那个图案就是她们在记忆中击败的其中一个怪物……<br>只不过在这个女孩的手下,它看起来仿佛可爱了许多。<br>迷尔不禁轻笑起来。<br> <br>她可真是将自己看得清清楚楚……<br>又或许,她自己当时的绝望感真的太过明显,很难不被察觉到吧。<br> <br>少女终于完成了她手中的针线活,将工具收了起来。<br> <br>迷尔往着天空出神,原来被自己赶走的思想又通通回到了脑海中。<br>明明是不可能的事,她究竟是怎么做到的?更重要的是,那个世界究竟是什么来头?她又是谁?<br>难道她之前就知道这一切了?不,真的存在“之前”这个东西吗?<br> <br>迷尔早就不是第一次有这些疑问了,但如今这个节点,答案是什么可能比以往更加重要。
迷尔回头,忍不住问道:“不打算继续和我一起了吗?”<br> <br>银发少女的嘴微微张开,却没有发出声音,仿佛还没想好要如何回答。<br>过了一会儿,她终于回应道:“啊……不是的。”<br> <br>“嗯。”迷尔应道,然后转过身继续朝前走去。<br> <br>“……你这是终于肯向前看了?”<br> <br>“哼,差不多吧……”迷尔笑着说道,<br>“毕竟,有人愿意保护我,关心我,帮助我,我确实会轻松不少。”
迷尔往身后瞥了一眼,只见银发少女白皙的脸颊上出现了些许红晕。<br> <br>“真的吗……”只见她回答道,<br>“那,如果你下次还莫名其妙一个人卷进了一些奇奇怪怪的危险的回忆中的话——”<br> <br>“我自己会处理好。“<br> <br>“好,好的,但……你不是说……那我会在后方……在这边看看能不能帮上什么忙。”<br> <br>“……如果我回不来了呢?”
“那我就只好继续向前了。”少女坦率地回答道,“我会继续向前,然后找到你,不惜一切代价。”<br> <br>“如果我恰巧被困在了世界的另一端了呢?或是什么悬崖最低处、群山山顶呢?”<br> <br>“那又如何?对我来说没什么区别。”<br> <br>……原来如此华丽的嗓音,也可以如此率真而又纯粹吗?<br> <br>迷尔并不会怀疑她;她感到自己的肩膀终于放松下来,表情也逐渐变得柔软……<br> <br>“嗯,我相信你。”她轻声应道。<br> <br>于是,两名少女肩并肩,向前迈步——来日方长,而她们会一直前行。}}
They sat for a while, Mir in deep thought and the other girl quietly stitching something onto a patch <br>within her hands. A familiar dark shape being sewn into a red square of fabric... While watching for a <br>moment, Mir understood that familiarity. That shape was one of the memory's monsters... though it <br>was certainly looking cuter in this girl's hands. A puff of air escaped from Mir's nose.<br><br>This girl had read her like an open book...<br>Or maybe, Mir's despair had been more obvious than she'd realized.<br><br>Eventually, the other girl finished her work in silence and put away her needle and thread.<br><br>Mir stared up at the sky, thoughts she'd once brushed aside now filling her mind. How had she done <br>the impossible in that memory? More importantly, what was this world? Who was she? Was she <br>someone before all this? Had there even been a "before"?<br><br>Old questions, perhaps worth considering now more than ever.
She now glanced at the other girl, and stood up to take a few steps forward. A few more, a few more... <br>silence behind her. Mir turned back and asked, "Aren't you coming?"<br><br>The other girl's mouth hung open for a moment, as if trying to gauge her intent. Then she said, "Yeah... Yes."<br><br>"Alright," said Mir, and she turned back around and continued on.<br><br>"You're finally looking forward, huh?"<br><br>"Hmph, yeah..." Mir began, smirking lightly. "Someone watching after me from behind, well... it really puts <br>a lot of ease on my heart and mind."
On glancing behind herself, she caught a reddening hue on the pale girl's cheeks.<br><br>"Right," said the girl, "and, if you ever look like you'll get sucked into another one of those, alone—"<br><br>"I'll handle it."<br><br>"Right. Right, but... like you said, I'll stay back... and I'll watch for you."<br><br>"...And if I don't return?"
"Then I'll move forward," said the girl, "and find you, no matter what it takes".<br><br>"Even if I appear on some other side of the world? Down some cliff, on some mountain..."<br><br>"Yeah... Doesn't matter."<br><br>That golden voice...could be quiet too, eh?<br><br>Once more, Mir believed in it. Her shoulders relaxed, her face warmed...<br><br>She replied:<br><br>"You're right, it doesn't."<br><br>And there, they began their trek onward, side by side.}}

