「故事模式剧情详表 (移动版)」:修訂間差異

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行 1,277: 行 1,277:
 ……光依然死死地盯着她,而对立这时把目光放向了一份记忆。她发出一声冷笑。<br><br>“我们又回到这里了。”对立微微歪起头继续说道, “你还要再来一次吗?又要祈求有奇迹发生了吗?”<br><br>光没有回答。<br><br>“……奇迹之所以被称作奇迹,就是因为它们太完美了,完美到根本不可能存在。”<br><br>“你透过这些碎片……透过Arcaea见识过太多破碎的世界。所以你应该明白,<br>奇迹也只不过是另一种‘希望’罢了。”
 ……光依然死死地盯着她,而对立这时把目光放向了一份记忆。她发出一声冷笑。<br><br>“我们又回到这里了。”对立微微歪起头继续说道, “你还要再来一次吗?又要祈求有奇迹发生了吗?”<br><br>光没有回答。<br><br>“……奇迹之所以被称作奇迹,就是因为它们太完美了,完美到根本不可能存在。”<br><br>“你透过这些碎片……透过Arcaea见识过太多破碎的世界。所以你应该明白,<br>奇迹也只不过是另一种‘希望’罢了。”
 “更何况,无论有没有奇迹的存在……你都难逃一死。”<br><br>光深呼着气,而对立则逐渐挺直了身体。<br><br>黑色少女继续说道:“你应该很清楚,如果可以的话,我宁可选择忘记世间所有的一切。”<br><br>光再次试着动起来,却还是无奈意识到自己已经被完全固定住。她的肩膀被拉得紧绷,<br>脚趾也蜷缩在了一起。<br><br><br>“我要杀了你。”对立说道。 “连带着这个世界……<ruby> 「你的世界」<rp>(</rp><rt>Arcaea</rt><rp>)</rp></ruby> 也会一同灰飞烟灭。”
 “更何况,无论有没有奇迹的存在……你都难逃一死。”<br><br>光深呼着气,而对立则逐渐挺直了身体。<br><br>黑色少女继续说道:“你应该很清楚,如果可以的话,我宁可选择忘记世间所有的一切。”<br><br>光再次试着动起来,却还是无奈意识到自己已经被完全固定住。她的肩膀被拉得紧绷,<br>脚趾也蜷缩在了一起。<br><br><br>“我要杀了你。”对立说道。 “连带着这个世界……{{ruby| 「你的世界」|Arcaea}} 也会一同灰飞烟灭。”
 她的嘴角再次扬起一抹微笑。这一次,她深吸一口气,随后挤出一记诡异的笑声。<br><br>接着,她伸出一只手摸向光的脸颊。随后轻轻抬起少女的下巴。<br><br>“你说得确实没错。”对立一边说道、一边把手伸向对方。 “我确实不需要……为了你做到这种地步。”<br><br>她收回了笑容,身体也向前倾去。
 她的嘴角再次扬起一抹微笑。这一次,她深吸一口气,随后挤出一记诡异的笑声。<br><br>接着,她伸出一只手摸向光的脸颊。随后轻轻抬起少女的下巴。<br><br>“你说得确实没错。”对立一边说道、一边把手伸向对方。 “我确实不需要……为了你做到这种地步。”<br><br>她收回了笑容,身体也向前倾去。
行 1,305: 行 1,305:
...Tairitsu smirks at a memory, then. Hikari maintains her stare.<br><br>"We're back here," Tairitsu says. She tilts her head, only a little. "Are you going to do it? Are you going to<br>wish for a miracle again?"<br><br>But Hikari will not answer.<br><br>"...Miracles are miracles because they're too convenient—too perfectly timed to ever actually happen.<br>You've seen enough broken worlds through these shards... through Arcaea. You know, then, that<br>miracles are the same as 'hope'."
...Tairitsu smirks at a memory, then. Hikari maintains her stare.<br><br>"We're back here," Tairitsu says. She tilts her head, only a little. "Are you going to do it? Are you going to<br>wish for a miracle again?"<br><br>But Hikari will not answer.<br><br>"...Miracles are miracles because they're too convenient—too perfectly timed to ever actually happen.<br>You've seen enough broken worlds through these shards... through Arcaea. You know, then, that<br>miracles are the same as 'hope'."
"And besides, with or without miracles, you live... you die."<br><br>Hikari breathes. Tairitsu gently straightens her own back.<br><br>The girl in black goes on, "You know: I would much rather just forget. Forget everything."<br><br>Another attempt to move. Another reminder that she has been brought utterly still. Her shoulders<br>strain. Her toes curl.<br><br><br>"I'm going to kill you," Tairitsu says, "and this world... <ruby> 「your world」<rp>(</rp><rt>Arcaea</rt><rp>)</rp></ruby> is going to die."
"And besides, with or without miracles, you live... you die."<br><br>Hikari breathes. Tairitsu gently straightens her own back.<br><br>The girl in black goes on, "You know: I would much rather just forget. Forget everything."<br><br>Another attempt to move. Another reminder that she has been brought utterly still. Her shoulders<br>strain. Her toes curl.<br><br><br>"I'm going to kill you," Tairitsu says, "and this world... {{ruby| 「your world」|Arcaea}} is going to die."
Again, she pushes a smile across her lips. She breathes in, and forces out a laugh.<br><br>With her other hand, she takes Hikari's cheek. She lifts the bound girl's chin.<br><br>"You really are right," says Tairitsu as she brings her palm nearer, "I really don't have to do this... for you."<br><br>Her smile disappears as she leans forward.
Again, she pushes a smile across her lips. She breathes in, and forces out a laugh.<br><br>With her other hand, she takes Hikari's cheek. She lifts the bound girl's chin.<br><br>"You really are right," says Tairitsu as she brings her palm nearer, "I really don't have to do this... for you."<br><br>Her smile disappears as she leans forward.
行 5,548: 行 5,548:
 又不知过了多久,一位善良的少女在路过时偶然发现了这两只蝙蝠,将它们捧入自己的怀中。<br><br>接着,那位少女转过身,朝<ruby> 白日<rp>(</rp><rt>Sunset Radiance</rt><rp>)</rp></ruby> 的方向走去,与怀中的凡斯和德莱姆再度回到了温暖的怀抱中。}}
 又不知过了多久,一位善良的少女在路过时偶然发现了这两只蝙蝠,将它们捧入自己的怀中。<br><br>接着,那位少女转过身,朝{{ruby| 白日|Sunset Radiance}} 的方向走去,与怀中的凡斯和德莱姆再度回到了温暖的怀抱中。}}
Snow fell once before in Arcaea. It falls again, now, over the gray land. Gentle here, and raging in the <br>distance.<br><br>Arcaea, a quiet place, grows quieter as it is covered—more quiet than it ever has been, and the pale sheet <br>is almost nostalgic—across these now-crumbling lands.<br><br>"Hahh—"<br><br>A shallow breath scatters flakes of snow.<br><br>"H-Hahmm... Ghh..."<br><br>A body shivers, not from cold, but from a deep pain in its gut. Over that body, a pair of wings fall and push <br>and push and shake. Push, push again, hold. Fans, the bat, mutters out, "A-Ayu... please get up, please."<br><br>And above the two on the ground, Drem flies, watching as the breath of its charge finally cuts short.
Snow fell once before in Arcaea. It falls again, now, over the gray land. Gentle here, and raging in the <br>distance.<br><br>Arcaea, a quiet place, grows quieter as it is covered—more quiet than it ever has been, and the pale sheet <br>is almost nostalgic—across these now-crumbling lands.<br><br>"Hahh—"<br><br>A shallow breath scatters flakes of snow.<br><br>"H-Hahmm... Ghh..."<br><br>A body shivers, not from cold, but from a deep pain in its gut. Over that body, a pair of wings fall and push <br>and push and shake. Push, push again, hold. Fans, the bat, mutters out, "A-Ayu... please get up, please."<br><br>And above the two on the ground, Drem flies, watching as the breath of its charge finally cuts short.
行 5,562: 行 5,562:
They find the wind nearly too much for their wings as they breach from day into night. It pummels them,<br> whips them, it tosses the two small animals down.<br><br>And they grow cold, and they go on.<br><br>With tears chilling in their eyes...<br><br>They fight toward the feeling of illness the world suffers, to cure the illness they recognize within Ayu's <br>stomach.<br><br>But—<br><br>Wanting, wanting, wanting...<br><br>... without the strength for it, is a futile thing.<br><br>In time, Fans collapses. In time, Drem carrying Fans collapses. In time, snow covers their bodies. In time, <br>their quiet tears become loud sobs.
They find the wind nearly too much for their wings as they breach from day into night. It pummels them,<br> whips them, it tosses the two small animals down.<br><br>And they grow cold, and they go on.<br><br>With tears chilling in their eyes...<br><br>They fight toward the feeling of illness the world suffers, to cure the illness they recognize within Ayu's <br>stomach.<br><br>But—<br><br>Wanting, wanting, wanting...<br><br>... without the strength for it, is a futile thing.<br><br>In time, Fans collapses. In time, Drem carrying Fans collapses. In time, snow covers their bodies. In time, <br>their quiet tears become loud sobs.
In time, a kind girl comes across them, and takes them up into her arms.<br><br>That girl turns back toward <ruby>the day<rp>(</rp><rt>Sunset Radiance</rt><rp>)</rp></ruby>, returning to warmth with Fans and Drem at her breast.}}
In time, a kind girl comes across them, and takes them up into her arms.<br><br>That girl turns back toward {{ruby|the day|Sunset Radiance}}, returning to warmth with Fans and Drem at her breast.}}

行 6,128: 行 6,128:
 你跟伊洛其实有些像,露娜。<br> <br>她总是看起来憨憨傻傻的,但是却很可爱。我觉得她和荷珀能成为很好的朋友也是意料之中的事。<br> <br>她真的很在乎她的好朋友……上岛的过程中,荷珀一直在滔滔不绝地跟我讲伊洛的事。我们两个抵达<br>港口的时候她还紧张了一番,但当我以岛民的身份成功通过验证了后她便完全放下心来了。她郑重地<br>再度向我道了谢,而我又和她聊起了她的朋友——她的话匣子也就此打开,这一路上,我听得最多的<br>便是“伊洛!”“伊洛……”“伊洛她……”<br> <br>当然啦,和朋友一起相处的漫长时光里怎么可能全是开心事呢,她也向我抱怨了很多。“不好意思,我<br>好像一直在说我朋友的不好……”她道歉道,而我只觉得她很可爱。我跟她说,有负面情绪很正常,<br>这没什么不对的。
 你跟伊洛其实有些像,露娜。<br> <br>她总是看起来憨憨傻傻的,但是却很可爱。我觉得她和荷珀能成为很好的朋友也是意料之中的事。<br> <br>她真的很在乎她的好朋友……上岛的过程中,荷珀一直在滔滔不绝地跟我讲伊洛的事。我们两个抵达<br>港口的时候她还紧张了一番,但当我以岛民的身份成功通过验证了后她便完全放下心来了。她郑重地<br>再度向我道了谢,而我又和她聊起了她的朋友——她的话匣子也就此打开,这一路上,我听得最多的<br>便是“伊洛!”“伊洛……”“伊洛她……”<br> <br>当然啦,和朋友一起相处的漫长时光里怎么可能全是开心事呢,她也向我抱怨了很多。“不好意思,我<br>好像一直在说我朋友的不好……”她道歉道,而我只觉得她很可爱。我跟她说,有负面情绪很正常,<br>这没什么不对的。
 既然已经察觉到了同行伙伴有些别扭,我便开始想办法逗她开心。我问她,伊洛一般喜欢去哪些地方。<br> <br>她说,她的好朋友一般喜欢到河边去——准确来说,如果伊洛已经成功登岛的话,她此时应该就在<br>岛上的一处河岸附近。而我则纠正了她:“你忘记了吗?她早就成功登岛了。”<br> <br>“什么……你当时不是在和我开玩笑,而是正经的吗?”荷珀震惊道。<br> <br>我确实在跟她胡扯,但我却说:“当然不是啊,我怎么会随随便便开那样的玩笑呢。”我朝她笑<br>了笑,但她好像并没有因此而被我说服。<br> <br>但巧合的是,当我们的飞船越来越快到站时,我的钥匙突然开始发光了……我很好奇,你的钥匙<br>那时也在发光吗?<br> <br>那时,我真的有种我们会在岛上重逢的预感。<br> <br>而且……说不定呢?<br> 说不定呢……在遥远的某处,在那另一篇故事、另一个视角中……<br> <br>……命运的音律,确实是在<ruby> 旋转<rp>(</rp><rt>Rotaeno</rt><rp>)</rp></ruby> 呢。}}
 既然已经察觉到了同行伙伴有些别扭,我便开始想办法逗她开心。我问她,伊洛一般喜欢去哪些地方。<br> <br>她说,她的好朋友一般喜欢到河边去——准确来说,如果伊洛已经成功登岛的话,她此时应该就在<br>岛上的一处河岸附近。而我则纠正了她:“你忘记了吗?她早就成功登岛了。”<br> <br>“什么……你当时不是在和我开玩笑,而是正经的吗?”荷珀震惊道。<br> <br>我确实在跟她胡扯,但我却说:“当然不是啊,我怎么会随随便便开那样的玩笑呢。”我朝她笑<br>了笑,但她好像并没有因此而被我说服。<br> <br>但巧合的是,当我们的飞船越来越快到站时,我的钥匙突然开始发光了……我很好奇,你的钥匙<br>那时也在发光吗?<br> <br>那时,我真的有种我们会在岛上重逢的预感。<br> <br>而且……说不定呢?<br> 说不定呢……在遥远的某处,在那另一篇故事、另一个视角中……<br> <br>……命运的音律,确实是在{{ruby| 旋转|Rotaeno}} 呢。}}
Ilot kind of sounds like you, Luna.<br><br>She seems pretty stupid, but in a cute way. I could understand why she and Hoppe were friends.<br><br>You see... after she came up in conversation Hoppe wouldn't stop talking about her on our ride up to an <br>island. She was nervous when we went to the port, relieved when I proved my status as a resident, and <br>endlessly thankful that I would allow her to come up. And when we were talking I brought up her friend <br>again and, "Ilot!" "Ilot..." "Well, Ilot, she..." went this girl.<br><br>It wasn't all happy. There were a lot of complaints—but I told her it was fine to complain <br>after she told me "Sorry, all I'm doing is complaining." Cute.
Ilot kind of sounds like you, Luna.<br><br>She seems pretty stupid, but in a cute way. I could understand why she and Hoppe were friends.<br><br>You see... after she came up in conversation Hoppe wouldn't stop talking about her on our ride up to an <br>island. She was nervous when we went to the port, relieved when I proved my status as a resident, and <br>endlessly thankful that I would allow her to come up. And when we were talking I brought up her friend <br>again and, "Ilot!" "Ilot..." "Well, Ilot, she..." went this girl.<br><br>It wasn't all happy. There were a lot of complaints—but I told her it was fine to complain <br>after she told me "Sorry, all I'm doing is complaining." Cute.
Since she was so miserable, I tried to cheer her up in a tricky way... I asked her what kind of places Ilot liked.<br><br>She said her friend liked rivers. Ilot would probably be by a river—on a Floating Island. If, of course, she was <br>there—and I told her: "Did you already forget? She is."<br><br>"You mean... you weren't messing with me when you said that?" asked Hoppe.<br><br>I was. "I wasn't." I said with a smile—and she didn't look like she believed me...<br><br>But actually... my key was beginning to glow as the ship got closer to the Floating Islands. Did yours too?<br><br>I really did have a feeling we might meet there.<br><br>And maybe?<br><br>Maybe... in some other story...<br><br>...fate would <ruby>turn over<rp>(</rp><rt>Rotaeno</rt><rp>)</rp></ruby>.}}
Since she was so miserable, I tried to cheer her up in a tricky way... I asked her what kind of places Ilot liked.<br><br>She said her friend liked rivers. Ilot would probably be by a river—on a Floating Island. If, of course, she was <br>there—and I told her: "Did you already forget? She is."<br><br>"You mean... you weren't messing with me when you said that?" asked Hoppe.<br><br>I was. "I wasn't." I said with a smile—and she didn't look like she believed me...<br><br>But actually... my key was beginning to glow as the ship got closer to the Floating Islands. Did yours too?<br><br>I really did have a feeling we might meet there.<br><br>And maybe?<br><br>Maybe... in some other story...<br><br>...fate would {{ruby|turn over|Rotaeno}}.}}

行 6,153: 行 6,153:
 一回到原来那个阴森可怖的地方,我便忍不住开口问你:<br> <br>“喂……爱托……事情一般不会这样发展的吧,对吧?”<br> <br>而我得到的答复只是一个轻描淡写的“难道不会吗?”<br> <br>“可是……好像她们还是会遇上麻烦的吧!荷珀确实有那张证,但她……还有伊洛……”<br> <br>“别担心,我已经安排好了。”<br> <br>“安排好了啥?”<br> <br>“就是安排好了啊,哈哈啊哈!”<br> <br>“唉……算了,那只是一段记忆,所以也无所谓了吧?”<br> <br>“是吗?当真无所谓吗?”<br> <br>“啧……你有时候真的挺招人烦的。”
 一回到原来那个阴森可怖的地方,我便忍不住开口问你:<br> <br>“喂……爱托……事情一般不会这样发展的吧,对吧?”<br> <br>而我得到的答复只是一个轻描淡写的“难道不会吗?”<br> <br>“可是……好像她们还是会遇上麻烦的吧!荷珀确实有那张证,但她……还有伊洛……”<br> <br>“别担心,我已经安排好了。”<br> <br>“安排好了啥?”<br> <br>“就是安排好了啊,哈哈啊哈!”<br> <br>“唉……算了,那只是一段记忆,所以也无所谓了吧?”<br> <br>“是吗?当真无所谓吗?”<br> <br>“啧……你有时候真的挺招人烦的。”
 听到这话,你笑了。你哈哈笑了一会儿,最后长吁了一口气——那是如释重负的信号。说真的,如果<br>你真的在乎一件事情,你可以跟我坦白的,爱托。<br> <br>唉……无所谓了,都过去了。<br>我知道你也只是不想我老是思虑过度。<br> <br>但你好像挺乐意看见我皱着眉头啊?——好好好,一切都结束了,我们又在一起了,这才是最<br>重要的,我同意。<br> <br>坦白讲,也正因为如此,即使我并不「知晓」一切,我也仍然能够感到如释重负。<br> <br>你突然往回了几步,抓住我的手就拼命往前拽。<br>“哎?你干什么啊——”我喊道,“你今天到底怎么了啊!别再拽我了!”<br><br><br>你笑了,那是一个极其宠溺的笑。“好啦。”你轻声说道。<br> <br>“走吧,是时候回去那<ruby> 光芒<rp>(</rp><rt>Arcaea</rt><rp>)</rp></ruby> 之地了。”}}
 听到这话,你笑了。你哈哈笑了一会儿,最后长吁了一口气——那是如释重负的信号。说真的,如果<br>你真的在乎一件事情,你可以跟我坦白的,爱托。<br> <br>唉……无所谓了,都过去了。<br>我知道你也只是不想我老是思虑过度。<br> <br>但你好像挺乐意看见我皱着眉头啊?——好好好,一切都结束了,我们又在一起了,这才是最<br>重要的,我同意。<br> <br>坦白讲,也正因为如此,即使我并不「知晓」一切,我也仍然能够感到如释重负。<br> <br>你突然往回了几步,抓住我的手就拼命往前拽。<br>“哎?你干什么啊——”我喊道,“你今天到底怎么了啊!别再拽我了!”<br><br><br>你笑了,那是一个极其宠溺的笑。“好啦。”你轻声说道。<br> <br>“走吧,是时候回去那{{ruby| 光芒|Arcaea}} 之地了。”}}
The sun was starting to set, and we'd been stuck on that Floating Island for a good while... The festival was <br>well over.<br><br>Ilot was starting to cry, and I didn't really know what to say to her.<br><br>She even ran away from me, Eto! I chased her down—all the way into a park, all the way to a river where <br>she sat herself down and sobbed.<br><br>I sat with her and patted her head, frowning. I don't know how you deal with me when I do things <br>like this, Sis.
The sun was starting to set, and we'd been stuck on that Floating Island for a good while... The festival was <br>well over.<br><br>Ilot was starting to cry, and I didn't really know what to say to her.<br><br>She even ran away from me, Eto! I chased her down—all the way into a park, all the way to a river where <br>she sat herself down and sobbed.<br><br>I sat with her and patted her head, frowning. I don't know how you deal with me when I do things <br>like this, Sis.
行 6,169: 行 6,169:
Once we'd gotten back to that spooky place, I asked you—<br><br>"...Eto... things don't usually change like that, do they?"<br><br>And, "Don't they?" is what you said back.<br><br>"Wait... they're still gonna get in trouble. Hoppe... had a ticket, but she... and Ilot..."<br><br>"Don't worry, I figured something out."<br><br>"Figured... what?"<br><br>"Something, ahaha!"<br><br>"Ugh... Anyway, that was a memory, so it doesn't even matter, does it!?"<br><br>"Oh...? Does it?"<br><br>"I hate you sometimes."
Once we'd gotten back to that spooky place, I asked you—<br><br>"...Eto... things don't usually change like that, do they?"<br><br>And, "Don't they?" is what you said back.<br><br>"Wait... they're still gonna get in trouble. Hoppe... had a ticket, but she... and Ilot..."<br><br>"Don't worry, I figured something out."<br><br>"Figured... what?"<br><br>"Something, ahaha!"<br><br>"Ugh... Anyway, that was a memory, so it doesn't even matter, does it!?"<br><br>"Oh...? Does it?"<br><br>"I hate you sometimes."
You laughed at that, and after laughing, and laughing, and laughing you sighed—with relief. You know... <br>you can tell me if something's worrying you.<br><br>Well... whatever. It's fine.<br>I know you just don't want me to worry, too.<br><br>Why would you want me to frown—that's it, right? We were together again, after all.<br><br>And honestly... just because of that, even if I didn't really "know" everything, I felt relieved too.<br><br>You suddenly grabbed my hand and pulled me forward as you skipped back. "What?" I asked. "What's up <br>with you...! Quit pulling!"<br><br>And you grinned. "Come on," you said with a brilliant smile.<br><br>"Let's go: back to <ruby>the light<rp>(</rp><rt>Arcaea</rt><rp>)</rp></ruby>."}}
You laughed at that, and after laughing, and laughing, and laughing you sighed—with relief. You know... <br>you can tell me if something's worrying you.<br><br>Well... whatever. It's fine.<br>I know you just don't want me to worry, too.<br><br>Why would you want me to frown—that's it, right? We were together again, after all.<br><br>And honestly... just because of that, even if I didn't really "know" everything, I felt relieved too.<br><br>You suddenly grabbed my hand and pulled me forward as you skipped back. "What?" I asked. "What's up <br>with you...! Quit pulling!"<br><br>And you grinned. "Come on," you said with a brilliant smile.<br><br>"Let's go: back to {{ruby|the light|Arcaea}}."}}

