故事模式剧情详表 (移动版):修订间差异

第1,141行: 第1,141行:

< 待填坑>
The break that occurred within her left her quiet... quieter than usual for what could amount to days.<br><br>The key element of that memory—the idea that one was better off not asking many questions—is something<br>that in her contemplation she realized she was attempting to adhere to all this time.<br><br>Her attempts, however, had been half-hearted. That taste of an old memory was too intoxicating to forget.<br>Indeed, she refused to forget—but having forgotten so much else… she'd realized she was a broken half-shell<br>of a person.<br><br>Forget it.
She is once again guiding vagrant memories to the square today; trying to make this into routine, which will<br>turn to habit, which will turn to nature. Perhaps tedium can rescue her from the cavern always lurking just<br>under the surface: the tar pit of miserable feelings endlessly calling to her. Better oblivion, she thinks<br>sincerely, than to feel—if feeling means only grief.<br><br>And, while conducting the shards of Arcaea, one catches the light of the sky in such a way that she is<br>reflexively bidden to look at it. Without thinking much of it, she brings this shard close.<br><br>The reflection: a crouching, slouched child covering something off the side of a road with her hands.<br>Outside her hands, ants shy away, though they seem clearly interested in whatever she's hiding.<br><br>The reaper gives the memory more of her attention, and finds that what the child is hiding is a wounded<br>jade beetle. After a moment of contemplation, the girl scoops up the small thing in both of her hands and<br>stands up.<br><br>That's all.
The young observer is motionless for a moment, but then she smirks.<br><br>That's such an... absolutely pointless memory.<br><br>Did the beetle recover? How long did that child live for? How long did she hold on to this memory?<br><br>Stupid little thing...<br><br>The girl chuckles.<br><br>It's ironic, isn't it... Remembering something had made her forget why she believed she was here.<br><br>Arcaea is a world of memories. Of the dead? Of those still alive? Who can say? Regardless, it keeps old<br>stories that anyone could forget. Past expiration of mind, body, monument, or land: however it works,<br>Arcaea steadfastly keeps all.
The girl is alone. She has no confrère here, and she was given no reason to do anything when she woke up.<br>But that doesn't mean that she was to do nothing.<br><br>She is here, now. Her old life is over. That's it.<br><br>But doesn't she still have control? She still feels responsible. She doesn't remember the answer she gave, as<br>to why she sought to be a tender of souls, but whatever it was... something tells her that the broken her of<br>now would give the same reason as the complete her from then.<br><br>There is no telling what will happen, ever.<br><br>Lives and memories can vanish in a second… but not here. Her memories may be lost, but these will not be.<br>"Tender of Souls" to "Tender of Memories"; she thinks that has a nice sound to it.
Absolutely. You will all be remembered forever.<br><br>So long as I am here.
