此條目或章節需要時常更新。 |
- ID&命名等統一查找so/mo文件整理而成
- 默認排序參照SetupSkill函數
- 已更新至4.4.0
技能ID | 英文名稱 | 應用搭檔 | 觸發條件 | 通關條件 |
gauge_easy | EASY - Recollection Rate loss reduced for LOST notes |
光 Hikari |
進入遊玩界面時即時生效 | 回憶率≥70 |
gauge_hard | HARD - Track Lost when Recollection Rate reaches 0% |
對立(Grievous Lady) Tairitsu (Grievous Lady) 布麗蘭特 Brillante |
進入遊玩界面時即時生效 | 回憶率>0 |
note_mirror | MIRROR - All Notes and Arcs reversed | 忘卻(未覺醒) Lethe (Normal) 對立(夏日) Tairitsu (Summer) |
進入遊玩界面時即時生效 | 回憶率≥70 |
gauge_easy-note_mirror | EASY + All Notes and Arcs reversed | 光(夏日) Hikari (Summer) |
進入遊玩界面時即時生效 | 回憶率≥70 |
gauge_overflow | OVERFLOW - EASY Recollection Rate HARD upon reaching 100% Recollection |
光(Fracture) Hikari (Fracture) |
進入遊玩界面時即時生效 | 簡單:回憶率≥70 困難:回憶率>0 |
frag_plus_10_pack_stellights | Earn +10 Fragments when playing a Stellights song |
星 Stella |
遊玩Surrender和 Yosakura Fubuki |
回憶率≥70 |
gauge_easy-frag_plus_15_pst&prs | EASY + Earn +15 Fragments when playing a Past / Present song |
光 & 菲希卡 Hikari & Fisica |
遊玩Past或Present難度 | 回憶率≥70 |
gauge_hard-fail_frag_minus_100 | HARD + Lose 100 Fragments on Track Lost | 依莉絲(未覺醒) Ilith (Normal) |
回憶條:進入遊玩界面時 即時生效 扣除殘片:結算通關狀態為 Track Lost |
回憶率>0 |
frag_plus_5_side_light | Earn +5 Fragments when playing a Light Side song |
愛托(未覺醒) Eto (Normal) |
遊玩「光芒」側曲目 結算時生效 |
回憶率≥70 |
frag_plus_5_side_conflict | Earn +5 Fragments when playing a Conflict Side song |
調(未覺醒) Shirabe (Normal) |
遊玩「紛爭」側曲目 結算時生效 |
回憶率≥70 |
visual_hide_hp | VISUAL - Recollection Gauge is hidden | 露娜(未覺醒) Luna (Normal) |
進入遊玩界面時即時生效 | 回憶率≥70 |
challenge_fullcombo_0gauge | Recollection Gauge set to 0 for LOST notes | 光(Zero) Hikari (Zero) |
進入遊玩界面時即時生效 | 回憶率≥70 |
visual_tomato_pack_tonesphere | VISUAL - 'Nutritious' note appearance when playing a Tone Sphere song |
對立 & 托凜 Tairitsu & Trin |
遊玩Tone Sphere Collaboration的曲目,進入 遊玩界面時即時生效 |
回憶率≥70 |
audio_gcemptyhit_pack_groovecoaster | AUDIO - Ad-lib effects on hitting floor lanes when playing a Groove Coaster song |
光 & 賽依娜 Hikari & Seine |
遊玩Groove Coaster Collaboration的曲目,進入 遊玩界面時擊打無Note 軌道時生效 |
回憶率≥70 |
combo_100-frag_1 | Earn +1 Fragment(s) for each 100 combo reached |
柚梅(未覺醒) Yume (Normal) |
Combo數每達到100時, 積攢機制生效, 積攢殘片在結算時生效 |
回憶率≥70 |
frag_rng_ayu | Random Fragment bonus upon completing song |
彩夢(未覺醒) Ayu (Normal) |
結算時生效 | 回憶率≥70 |
gaugestart_30-gaugegain_70 | EASY - Recollection Gauge starts at 30% Reduced Recollection Rate gain per note |
愛托 & 露娜(冬日) Eto & Luna (Winter) |
進入遊玩界面時即時生效 | 回憶率≥70 |
gauge_saya | Increased Recollection Rate change per note No Recollection Rate gain for FAR notes |
咲彌 Saya |
進入遊玩界面時即時生效 | 回憶率≥70 |
gauge_haruna | Recollection Gauge starts at 40% Recollection Rate gain reduced to 40% |
榛名 Haruna |
進入遊玩界面時即時生效 | 回憶率≥70 |
kantandeshou | Earn +14 Fragments on Pure Memory (Max Score) |
中二企鵝 Chuni Penguin |
結算時,分數達成理論值生效 | 回憶率≥70 |
frags_nono | Earn +2525 Fragments for achieving EX grade or above |
諾諾 nono |
結算時生效 | 回憶率≥70 |
gauge_pandora | HARD - Track Lost after 20 LOST notes | 潘多拉涅墨西斯 (MTA-XXX) Pandora Nemesis (MTA-XXX) |
進入遊玩界面時即時生效 | LOST判定總數不 超過20 |
skill_toa | HARD - Track Lost after 60 FAR or LOST notes | 不來方斗亞 Toa Kozukata |
進入遊玩界面時即時生效 | FAR和LOST判定總 數不超過20 |
gauge_regulus | HARD + FAR notes slightly decrease Recollection Rate |
軒轅十四(MDA-21) Regulus (MDA-21) |
進入遊玩界面時即時生效 | 回憶率>0 |
skill_mithra | HARD + World Mode progress increased by 1 for each 150 combo reached |
密特拉·泰爾塞拉 Mithra Tercera |
Combo數每達到150時, 積攢機制, 積攢步數在世界模式結算 時生效 |
回憶率>0 |
gauge_chuni | CHUNITHM - Clear Requirement: 7 | 對立 & 中二企鵝 (Grievous Lady) Tairitsu & Chuni Penguin (Grievous Lady) |
進入遊玩界面時即時生效 | 回憶條積攢數≥7 |
omatsuri_daynight | Day / Night appearance when playing a Sunset Radiance song |
群願 Kanae |
遊玩Sunset Radiance的曲目 或位於Memory Archive的 Summer Fireworks of Love和Evening in Scarlet, 進入遊玩界面時即時生效 (根據本地時間變化) |
回憶率≥70 |
frags_kou | Earn up to +20% Fragments based on score |
紅(覺醒) Kou (Awaken) |
結算時生效 | 回憶率≥70 |
sometimes(note_mirror-frag_plus_5) | Randomly triggers MIRROR Gain +5 Fragments on MIRROR |
兮婭 Sia |
鏡像:進入遊玩界面時, 隨機生效 殘片:在鏡像狀態時, 結算時生效 |
回憶率≥70 |
scoreclear_aa-visual_scoregauge | Recollection Gauge measures Grade (Track Lost on Grade A or below) |
進入遊玩界面時即時生效 | 分數階級不低於AA |
visual_ink | Sense of Incompleteness | 忘卻(覺醒) Lethe (Awaken) |
進入遊玩界面時即時生效 | 回憶率≥70 |
gauge_tempest | HARD - Tempest Gauge | 對立(Tempest) Tairitsu (Tempest) |
進入遊玩界面時即時生效 | 回憶率>0 |
shirabe_entry_fee | Pay the chart level in Fragments on start Earn +10 Fragments on EX or above |
調(覺醒) Shirabe (Awaken) |
支付殘片:進入遊玩加載 Shutter時生效 殘片:結算評級至少為EX, 結算時生效 |
回憶率≥70 |
gauge_ilith_summer | HARD + Recollection Rate gain disabled when below 20 combo |
依莉絲(夏日) Ilith (Summer) |
進入遊玩界面時即時生效 或中途Combo數 低於20時生效 |
回憶率>0 |
frags_yume | Earn up to +10 Fragments based on Max Recall Earn +5 Fragments on Clear |
柚梅(覺醒) Yume (Awaken) |
結算時生效 | 回憶率≥70 |
note_mirror-visual_hide_far | MIRROR + FAR judgments hidden | 愛麗絲 & 坦尼爾 Alice & Tenniel |
進入遊玩界面時即時生效 | 回憶率≥70 |
frags_ongeki | O.N.G.E.K.I. - Fragment reward on dealing Overdamage |
露娜 & 美亞 Luna & Mia |
回憶率達到100時生效 「溢傷」積攢殘片結算時生效 |
回憶率≥70 |
frags_ongeki_slash | O.N.G.E.K.I. - On Track Complete, deal Overdamage based on accuracy |
咲姬 Saki |
按照frags_ongeki的規則 造成「溢傷」, 當最後一個Note物件 被判定,並且通關狀態為 Track Complete時生效 |
回憶率≥70 |
frags_ongeki_hard | HARD + O.N.G.E.K.I. (50) | 剎那 Setsuna |
進入遊玩界面時即時生效 按照frags_ongeki的規則 造成「溢傷」,但回憶率減少 至50 |
回憶率>0 |
gauge_areus | HARD + LOST notes decrease Recollection Rate based on current combo |
阿萊烏斯 Areus |
進入遊玩界面時即時生效 LOST時根據技能機制 減少回憶率 |
回憶率>0 |
gauge_seele | HARD + Recollection Rate gain disabled for the last 1/4 of song |
希爾 Seele |
進入遊玩界面時即時生效 (位於譜面最後1/4的Note 才會有顯著效果) |
回憶率>0 |
gauge_isabelle | HARD + Max Recollection Gauge decreases based on current Recollection Rate |
伊莎貝爾 Isabelle |
進入遊玩界面時即時生效 回憶率減少時根據技能機制 減少回憶率最大值 |
回憶率>0 |
gauge_exhaustion | Recollection Rate gain increased, but decreases with song progress |
迷爾 Mir |
進入遊玩界面時即時生效 | 回憶率≥70 |
skill_lagrange | Score displays distance to closest Grade threshold |
拉格蘭 Lagrange |
進入遊玩界面時即時生效 | 回憶率≥70 |
gauge_safe_10 | No Recollection Rate loss for the first 10 LOST notes |
凜可 Linka |
進入遊玩界面時即時生效 | 回憶率≥70 |
frags_nami | Earn 1 Fragment per 73 PURE notes Lose 1 Fragment per LOST note |
奈美 Nami |
PURE判定數每達73時, 積攢機制生效 LOST判定時,減少機制生效 積攢殘片結算時生效 |
回憶率≥70 |
skill_elizabeth | Earn +X Fragments (increases for each consecutive play with this Partner) |
咲彌 & 伊麗莎白 Saya & Elizabeth |
結算時,積攢機制生效 切換其他搭檔結算或重啟 遊戲,清空機制生效 積攢殘片在使用技能 搭檔,結算時生效 |
回憶率≥70 |
skill_lily | Earn +X Fragments (increases for each consecutive play with other Partners) |
莉莉 Lily |
使用其他搭檔結算時, 積攢機制生效 使用技能搭檔結算時, 減少機制生效 重啟遊戲時,清空機制生效 積攢殘片在使用技能 搭檔,結算時生效 |
回憶率≥70 |
skill_kanae_midsummer | EASY + Pay 10 Fragments on start This skill changes during the night |
群願(盛夏) Kanae (Midsummer) |
進入遊玩界面時即時生效 | 白天:回憶率≥70 夜晚:回憶率>0 |
HARD + Gain +5 Fragments on Track Clear This skill changes during the day | ||||
eto_uncap | World progress increased by 7 if a Fragment reward is collected |
愛托(覺醒) Eto (Awaken) |
在世界模式結算中獲得 殘片獎勵時生效 |
回憶率≥70 |
luna_uncap | World progress increased by 7 when starting on a Restriction Step |
露娜(覺醒) Luna (Awaken) |
在世界模式結算時, 開始格為限制格時生效 |
回憶率≥70 |
frags_preferred_song | Earn +10 Fragments upon clearing a preferred song |
白姬 Shirahime |
精選曲目:選用該技能時 生效 殘片:遊玩指定曲目後, 結算時生效 |
回憶率≥70 |
visual_ghost_skynotes | MUSE DASH - Sky Notes become ghosts when playing a Muse Dash song |
瑪莉嘉 Marija |
遊玩Muse Dash Collaboration的曲目, 進入遊玩界面時即時生效 |
回憶率≥70 |
ayu_uncap | World Mode progress randomly increased or decreased between +5 and -5 |
彩夢(覺醒) Ayu (Awaken) |
在世界模式結算時生效 | 回憶率≥70 |
skill_vita | HARD + MIRROR - OVER increased by up to 10 based on Recollection Rate |
維塔 Vita |
OVER加成:在Beyond章節 結算時生效 鏡像:進入遊玩界面時 即時生效 |
回憶率>0 |
skill_fatalis | HARD - Fatalis Gauge + sacrifices stamina to overload World Mode |
光(Fatalis) Hikari (Fatalis) |
宿命條:進入遊玩界面時 即時生效 犧牲體力:在世界模式 開始遊玩時生效 過載世界模式:在世界模式 結算完時生效 |
回憶率>0 |
skill_reunion | CONFLICT - Reverse the paradigms of Light and Conflict. |
光 & 對立(Reunion) Hikari & Tairitsu (Reunion) |
擁有對應反轉背景, 進入遊玩界面時即時生效 |
回憶率≥70 |
LIGHT - Rewrite the paradigms of Light and Conflict. | ||||
skill_amane | Ignore Speed and Random Restriction Steps, World progress halved below Grade EX |
天音 Amane |
無視特殊格:在限速和 隨機限制格上遊玩時生效 降低進度:結算評級低於 EX時生效 |
回憶率≥70 |
skill_kou_winter | Partners share 25% of their Fragments with Kou, received after playing a song (Total: X) |
紅(冬日) Kou (Winter) |
使用其他搭檔結算時, 積攢機制生效 積攢殘片在使用技能 搭檔,結算時生效 |
回憶率≥70 |
gauge_hard-note_mirror | HARD + MIRROR - Track Lost when Recollection Rate reaches 0% |
忘卻(Apophenia) Lethe (Apophenia) |
進入遊玩界面時即時生效 | 回憶率>0 |
skill_shama | Pay 10 Fragments on start Gain 1 Milk on clear |
霞瑪(大~宇~宙) Shama (UNiVERSE) |
扣除殘片:進入遊玩加載 Shutter時生效 積攢牛奶:通關狀態為 Track Complete時生效 |
回憶率≥70 |
skill_milk | Use all Milk (Current: X). Each Milk grants a +11% chance to gain 100 Fragments |
米露可(大~宇~宙) Milk (UNiVERSE) |
加成殘片結算時生效 | 回憶率≥70 |
skill_shikoku | HARD + Increased Recollection Rate change per note |
紫黑 Shikoku |
進入遊玩界面時即時生效 | 回憶率>0 |
skill_mika | Stats are temporarily doubled upon clearing a maimai song |
百合咲美香 Mika Yurisaki |
遊玩maimai Collaboration以及其 擴展包的曲目,結算時 通關狀態為Track Complete時即時生效 |
回憶率≥70 |
ilith_awakened_skill | HARD + 6% chance to lose 6x Recollection Rate STEP increased by 6 on clear |
依莉絲(覺醒) Ilith (Awaken) |
流失6倍回憶率: LOST時隨機生效 步數加成:通關狀態為 Track Complete時即時生效 |
回憶率>0 |
- ID&命名等統一查找so/mo文件整理而成
- 默認排序參照SetupSkill函數
- 所有內容文本(除\n換行符)均為保持原文本
- 已更新至4.4.0
技能ID | 英文 | 日文 | 韓文 | 簡體中文 | 繁體中文 |
gauge_easy | EASY - Recollection Rate loss reduced for LOST notes |
EASY - ノートを外したときの 想起率減少を抑えます |
EASY - 노트를 놓칠 시 기억회상률을 덜 잃습니다 |
簡單 - 音符流失後的回憶率丟失程度減小 | 簡單 - 音符流失造成的回憶率降低程度減少 |
gauge_hard | HARD - Track Lost when Recollection Rate reaches 0% |
HARD - 想起率ゲージが0%時点で強制終了 Track Lostとなる |
HARD - 기억회상률이 0이 되면 Track Lost 됩니다 |
困難 - 回憶率歸零後直接判定為樂曲失敗 | 困難 - 回憶率降至 0% 時,曲目視為失敗 |
note_mirror | MIRROR - All Notes and Arcs reversed | ミラー - プレイ時、左右対称に譜面が反転 | MIRROR - 모든 노트와 아크가 좌우 반전됩니다 | 鏡像 - 所有的音符與音弧反轉 | 鏡像 - 反轉所有的音符與音弧 |
gauge_easy-note_mirror | EASY + All Notes and Arcs reversed | zh-Hant|} | |||
gauge_overflow | OVERFLOW - EASY Recollection Rate HARD upon reaching 100% Recollection |
zh-Hant|} | |||
frag_plus_10_pack_stellights | Earn +%@ Fragments when playing a Stellights song |
zh-Hant|} | |||
gauge_easy-frag_plus_15_pst&prs | EASY + Earn +%@ Fragments when playing a %2@ song |
zh-Hant|} | |||
gauge_hard-fail_frag_minus_100 | HARD + Lose %@ Fragments on Track Lost | zh-Hant|} | |||
frag_plus_5_side_light | Earn +%@ Fragments when playing a Light Side song |
zh-Hant|} | |||
frag_plus_5_side_conflict | Earn +%@ Fragments when playing a Conflict Side song |
zh-Hant|} | |||
visual_hide_hp | VISUAL - Recollection Gauge is hidden | zh-Hant|} | |||
challenge_fullcombo_0gauge | Recollection Gauge set to 0 for LOST notes | zh-Hant|} | |||
visual_tomato_pack_tonesphere | VISUAL - 'Nutritious' note appearance when playing a %2@ song |
zh-Hant|} | |||
audio_gcemptyhit_pack_groovecoaster | AUDIO - Ad-lib effects on hitting floor lanes when playing a %2@ song |
zh-Hant|} | |||
combo_100-frag_1 | Earn +%@ Fragment(s) for each %2@ combo reached |
zh-Hant|} | |||
frag_rng_ayu | Random Fragment bonus upon completing song |
zh-Hant|} | |||
gaugestart_30-gaugegain_70 | EASY - Recollection Gauge starts at %@% Reduced Recollection Rate gain per note |
zh-Hant|} | |||
gauge_saya | Increased Recollection Rate change per note No Recollection Rate gain for FAR notes |
zh-Hant|} | |||
gauge_haruna | Recollection Gauge starts at %@% Recollection Rate gain reduced to %2@% |
zh-Hant|} | |||
kantandeshou | Earn +%@ Fragments on Pure Memory (Max Score) |
zh-Hant|} | |||
frags_nono | Earn +%@ Fragments for achieving %2@ grade or above |
zh-Hant|} | |||
gauge_pandora | HARD - Track Lost after %@ LOST notes | zh-Hant|} | |||
skill_toa | HARD - Track Lost after %@ FAR or LOST notes | zh-Hant|} | |||
gauge_regulus | HARD + FAR notes slightly decrease Recollection Rate |
zh-Hant|} | |||
skill_mithra | HARD + World Mode progress increased by 1 for each %@ combo reached |
zh-Hant|} | |||
gauge_chuni | CHUNITHM - Clear Requirement: 7 | zh-Hant|} | |||
omatsuri_daynight | Day / Night appearance when playing a %@ song |
zh-Hant|} | |||
frags_kou | Earn up to +%@% Fragments based on score |
zh-Hant|} | |||
sometimes(note_mirror-frag_plus_5) | Randomly triggers MIRROR Gain +%@ Fragments on MIRROR |
zh-Hant|} | |||
scoreclear_aa-visual_scoregauge | Recollection Gauge measures Grade (Track Lost on Grade A or below) |
zh-Hant|} | |||
visual_ink | Sense of Incompleteness | zh-Hant|} | |||
gauge_tempest | HARD - Tempest Gauge | zh-Hant|} | |||
shirabe_entry_fee | Pay the chart level in Fragments on start Earn +10 Fragments on EX or above |
zh-Hant|} | |||
gauge_ilith_summer | HARD + Recollection Rate gain disabled when below %@ combo |
zh-Hant|} | |||
frags_yume | Earn up to +%2@ Fragments based on Max Recall Earn +%@ Fragments on Clear |
zh-Hant|} | |||
note_mirror-visual_hide_far | MIRROR + FAR judgments hidden | zh-Hant|} | |||
frags_ongeki | O.N.G.E.K.I. - Fragment reward on dealing Overdamage |
zh-Hant|} | |||
frags_ongeki_slash | O.N.G.E.K.I. - On Track Complete, deal Overdamage based on accuracy |
zh-Hant|} | |||
frags_ongeki_hard | HARD + O.N.G.E.K.I. (50) | zh-Hant|} | |||
gauge_areus | HARD + LOST notes decrease Recollection Rate based on current combo |
zh-Hant|} | |||
gauge_seele | HARD + Recollection Rate gain disabled for the last 1/4 of song |
zh-Hant|} | |||
gauge_isabelle | HARD + Max Recollection Gauge decreases based on current Recollection Rate |
zh-Hant|} | |||
gauge_exhaustion | Recollection Rate gain increased, but decreases with song progress |
zh-Hant|} | |||
skill_lagrange | Score displays distance to closest Grade threshold |
zh-Hant|} | |||
gauge_safe_10 | No Recollection Rate loss for the first %@ LOST notes |
zh-Hant|} | |||
frags_nami | Earn 1 Fragment per %@ PURE notes Lose 1 Fragment per LOST note |
zh-Hant|} | |||
skill_elizabeth | Earn +%@ Fragments (increases for each consecutive play with this Partner) |
zh-Hant|} | |||
skill_lily | Earn +%@ Fragments (increases for each consecutive play with other Partners) |
zh-Hant|} | |||
skill_kanae_midsummer | EASY + Pay %@ Fragments on start This skill changes during the night |
{lang|zh-Hant|} | |||
HARD + Gain +%@ Fragments on Track Clear This skill changes during the day | |||||
eto_uncap | World progress increased by %@ if a Fragment reward is collected |
zh-Hant|} | |||
luna_uncap | World progress increased by %@ when starting on a Restriction Step |
zh-Hant|} | |||
frags_preferred_song | Earn +%@ Fragments upon clearing a preferred song |
zh-Hant|} | |||
visual_ghost_skynotes | MUSE DASH - Sky Notes become ghosts when playing a Muse Dash song |
zh-Hant|} | |||
ayu_uncap | World Mode progress randomly increased or decreased between %2@ and %3@ |
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skill_vita | HARD + MIRROR - OVER increased by up to %@ based on Recollection Rate |
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skill_fatalis | HARD - Fatalis Gauge + sacrifices stamina to overload World Mode |
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skill_reunion | CONFLICT - Reverse the paradigms of Light and Conflict. |
{lang|zh-Hant|} | |||
LIGHT - Rewrite the paradigms of Light and Conflict. | |||||
skill_amane | Ignore Speed and Random Restriction Steps, World progress halved below Grade EX |
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skill_kou_winter | Partners share %@% of their Fragments with Kou, received after playing a song (Total: %2@) |
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gauge_hard-note_mirror | HARD + MIRROR - Track Lost when Recollection Rate reaches 0% |
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skill_shama | Pay 10 Fragments on start Gain 1 Milk on clear |
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skill_milk | Use all Milk (Current: %@). Each Milk grants a +11% chance to gain 100 Fragments |
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skill_shikoku | HARD + Increased Recollection Rate change per note |
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skill_mika | Stats are temporarily doubled upon clearing a maimai song |
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ilith_awakened_skill | HARD + 6% chance to lose 6x Recollection Rate STEP increased by 6 on clear |
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