
< User:在咕咕咕的咕子
於 2023年4月16日 (日) 23:11 由 在咕咕咕的咕子留言 | 貢獻 所做的修訂
  1. 據說在這裡還有一些隱藏的東西……
  2. 建表格挺有趣的,不是嗎?
  3. As if the word has any meaning.
    As if the fall has any meaning.
    As if the world has any meaning.
  4. She'd awakened in a ruined tower, first noticing pieces of glass floating in the air.
  5. 你又在這看什麼呢?
  6. The girl in white and the girl in black cannot reconcile.
  7. 真人面對面收割,美女角色在線掉分,發狂玩蛇新天地
  8. Sure! You might want to try playing the song called 「Testify」 by 「void (Mournfinale) feat. 星熊南巫」.
  9. She once more faces the girl she wishes she could befriend.
  10. 點擊查看:神秘的頁面
  11. She spares no hesitation. The strike comes in an instant.
  12. Her first impression was that she'd awakened to a cloud of glass butterflies.
  13. 一生呪うぜノイローゼ!
  14. 喔!你能刷到這段話也是很幸運的呢!
  15. 對自己負責了,你又有什麼理由去怪罪自己不好的地方呢?
  16. And thus it is Tairitsu's turn to gain the upper hand.
  17. 啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊!我沒有外賣!
  18. One last message from the girl tormenting her: a simple, merciless message.
  19. 每天都逃避現實,那樣不太好吧?總得面對一些事情的……
  20. 體驗生病也不是不行,主要是我還沒得甲乙流想試試看
  21. 對立打復活賽用了7天左右,就是打的太激烈把其他搭檔帶下來了)
  22. 筆,作業,人,夜晚。所以呢?
  23. If she knew it, perhaps she wouldn't have entered the twisted black maze.
  24. 靈感枯竭啦,你能幫我想想我還能寫什麼嗎?
  25. She emerged from it and stood in the blinding light, and couldn't feel anything at all.
  26. Darkness nears her, and her breathing shortens.
  27. 4.0.11111111(?)