Black Fate:修订间差异

添加2字节 、​ 2020年5月27日 (星期三)
@Sxy62146214 ()
(@Sxy62146214 ())
第1行: 第1行:
'' A storm fast approaches. Reconciliation may not be possible. Is this the only destiny afforded them? What truth will they find at the end of their paths?<br>A continuation of the main story of Arcaea. It's suggested to play other main story packs first. ''
'' A storm fast approaches. Reconciliation may not be possible. Is this the only destiny afforded them? What truth will they find at the end of their paths?<br>A continuation of the main story of Arcaea. It's suggested to play other main story packs first. ''<br>''一场暴风雨正呼啸而来。 妥协的可能性,或许并不存在。 一切,真的只是命中注定吗? 在终点站等待着少女们的,究竟是怎样的真理?<br>韵律源点主线故事的下一篇章。 在此之前,强烈建议先游玩过去的故事包。''
''一场暴风雨正呼啸而来。 妥协的可能性,或许并不存在。 一切,真的只是命中注定吗? 在终点站等待着少女们的,究竟是怎样的真理?<br>韵律源点主线故事的下一篇章。 在此之前,强烈建议先游玩过去的故事包。''
==Black Fate==
==Black Fate==

