第105行: |
第105行: |
| "bg": "setBG", | | "bg": "setBG", |
| "date": 加入时的系统时间, | | "date": 加入时的系统时间, |
| | "remote_dl": remoteDLBoolean, |
| "difficulties": [ | | "difficulties": [ |
| { | | { |
第113行: |
第114行: |
| "plusFingers": plusFingersBoolean, | | "plusFingers": plusFingersBoolean, |
| "story": { | | "story": { |
| "en": "English Story", | | "en": "English Story [PST]", |
| "ja": "日本語の物語" | | "ja": "日本語の物語 [PST]" |
| } | | } |
| }, | | }, |
| { | | { |
| "ratingClass": 1, | | "ratingClass": 1(ratingClass), |
| "chartDesigner": "The Monolith", | | "chartDesigner": "chartDesigner", |
| "jacketDesigner": " シエラ", | | "jacketDesigner": "illustrator", |
| "rating": 8, | | "rating": rating, |
| "plusFingers": 0, | | "plusFingers": plusFingersBoolean, |
| "story": { | | "story": { |
| "en": "Once upon a time, surely, things had to have been better.\n\nThe girl remembered nothing. and since awaking in the world of glass she'd only ever known other memories. Because of this, she'd drawn many conclusions and had few second thoughts. She'd been assured of the idea that nothing in the glass and nothing in this world held any worth. Filth and awfulness, tears and pain, a small smile, and death.\n\nBut once upon a time, things had to have been better. Simple rules are often true: shadows are begotten from light. Shadow lurked at her back, and now she was surrounded by light.\n\nWhen she'd stepped into these waves of joy and purity, she hadn't given it a second thought. She'd become so absorbed in evil that she had forgotten simple good. To be honest it was more than her heart simply wavering, now. She was overwhelmed. For every glint of hope that caught her eye on the way to the jagged maze, she paused and questioned everything. There was an answer she did not want to acknowledge, immersed in this scene of light and chaos. She didn't want to think about it. She wouldn’t allow herself to think about it.|And, before she really could, she stood before the entrance to the impossible labyrinth.\n\nOn impulse, she reached out to the better glass and memories of flowering fields came to follow around her in a ring. She didn't know why, nor if they would help.", | | "en": "English Story [PRS]", |
| "ja": " かつて、確かに、今よりも良い時があった筈だ。\n\n少女は何も覚えていなかった。ガラス の 世界で目覚めて以来、知っているのは他の記憶だけだった。\nそのせいで彼女はほとんど迷いなく 物 事を断定した。\nガラスの中は無であるということ、この世界に価値など無いということ。\n汚さと恐怖。涙と痛み。少しの笑みと、死。\n\nしかし、かつて今よりも良い時があった筈なのだ。\n単純な法則というのは、大抵真実である。影は、光によって生じるのだ。\n彼女の背後には影が潜み、彼女の周囲は光で溢れていた。|喜びと純潔の波に足を踏み入れたとき、彼女に迷いは無かった。\n悪にすっかり取り込まれ、純粋な善というものを忘れてしまっていた。\n実のところ、彼女の心はもう揺り動かされるといった状態ではなかった。\n圧倒されてしまっていた。曲がりくねる迷路へと向かう途中で煌めく希望を目にする度、彼女は立ち止まり全てに疑問を呈した。\nそこには彼女の認めたくない答えがあった。この光と混沌の世界の奥底に。\n考えたくなかった。考えることを許さなかった。\n\nそして、本当に頭から取り払うことのできる前に、彼女はあの目を疑うような迷宮の前に辿り着いた。\n衝動的にガラスを見つけて手を伸ばすと、花咲く地の記憶が彼女の周囲に環を描いた。\nその理由も、それが何かの役に立つのかも、彼女には分からなかった。\n" | | "ja": " 日本語 の物 語 [PRS]" |
| } | | } |
| }, | | }, |
| { | | { |
| "ratingClass": 2, | | "ratingClass": 2(ratingClass), |
| "chartDesigner": "The Monolith", | | "chartDesigner": "chartDesigner", |
| "jacketDesigner": " シエラ", | | "jacketDesigner": "illustrator", |
| "rating": 10, | | "rating": rating, |
| "plusFingers": 0, | | "plusFingers": plusFingersBoolean, |
| "story": { | | "story": { |
| "en": "She didn't know it, but she had a name. If she knew it, perhaps she wouldn't have entered the twisted black maze. It may have been a meaningful name that may have made her doubts much stronger. But she didn't know, she ground her teeth, and she reaffirmed her beliefs. The light from before would not shake her, the light of the flower ring would not shake her. She entered the dark structure and started tearing it apart.\n\nEach wall pulled away was made of misery, each facet held horrors, and the corners were comprised of fear. This was a castle of iniquity. Simply put, it was grotesque. It was powerfully grotesque.\n\nAnd that girl, her grin returned. This was it. Climbing through it, running through it, this was the kind of disgusting monolith that had compelled her into action in the first place. She hadn't been wrong. The glass should only be shattered. The mirrors should only be destroyed.|And as she gleefully pulled away great swathes of the maze, hallways tumbling into the air, her smile became warped. She winced; something was wrong with her head. At the heart of the maze, there was *something* worse than any memory before. She could feel it, close now, calling to her. Her enthusiasm had drained, and her progress had slowed, and she saw a wicked shard of glass turning in space, containing the memory of the end of a world.\n\nWith a hand on her face, she looked into the mirrored world. She remembered the sea of pleasant realities below her and the flowers now circling around her. She'd taken down part of the maze's roof and the walls had subsequently fallen away. Dark glass rained slowly around her, and in the distance the better memories shone brightly.\n\nShe looked into the end of the world between her fingers. She swallowed, and with newfound strength, removed the hand from her face. She reached out, and dragged the end of the world into her collection of memories. With this monolith toppled, she felt an honest and genuine surge of bliss. However terrible the memories she faced from now on would be, it couldn’t possibly matter. She was certain now that she was strong, and she would definitely destroy them all. And so, with a genuine smile and a tired laugh, she came down from the sky, and the tower along with her.", | | "en": "English Story [FTR]", |
| "ja": " 彼女は知らなかったが、彼女には名前があった。もし知っていたら、\n彼女はこのねじれた黒い迷路に足を踏み入れなかったかも知れない。\nもしかするとその名前の持つ意味は大きく、\n彼女の疑念もより強いものになっていたかも知れない。\nしかし彼女は知らなかった。歯ぎしりをして、自らの信念を確かめた。\n彼女は目の前の光にも、花の環の光にも揺らぐことはない。\n暗い構造物へと足を踏み入れると、乱暴に破壊を始めた。\n\n引き離された壁は苦悩から成り、全ての面は恐怖を含み、全ての角は不安でできていた。\nここは、罪悪の城だった。率直に言って、不気味だった。\n強い気味の悪さを含んでいた。\n\nそして彼女はというと、笑みを取り戻していた。\n間違ってなかった。登って、走って、その気味の悪いモノリスのようなものが、\nかつての彼女を取り戻させたのだった。彼女は間違っていなかった。\nガラスは砕かれるためにあるのだ。鏡は壊されるためにあるのだ。|彼女が喜びとともに派手に迷路を破壊すると、\n廊下は宙へと崩れ落ち、彼女の笑みは歪んだ。彼女は顔をしかめた。\n頭の中で、何かが起こっていた。迷路の中心には、今までのどんな記憶よりも酷い\n「何か」があった。彼女は感じた。\nもっと近くで、彼女を呼ぶものを。\n彼女は熱意を失い、動きも鈍くなった。\nそして彼女は、宙を舞う邪悪なガラスの破片を見た。この世界の終わりの記憶を。\n\n顔に手を当てて、彼女は鏡の世界を覗き込んだ。\n彼女は下にある幸せな現実の海と、彼女の周りを回っている花を思い出した。\n彼女が迷路の屋根の一部を壊すと、それに続いて壁が崩れていった。\n暗いガラスがゆっくりと彼女の周りに降り、\n遠くに良い思い出が眩しく輝いているのが見えた。|彼女はその世界の終わりを、指の隙間から見た。\n彼女は唾を飲むと、新しい力をもって、その手を顔から離した。\n手を伸ばし、その世界の終わりを彼女 の 集めてきた記憶へと引き寄せた。\nそしてモノリスが倒れた時、彼女は正直な、本 物 の幸せの高まりを感じた。\nこれから立ち向かう記憶がどんなに酷いものであっても、どうでもよかった。\n彼女には強いという自信があった。そして、確実に全てを破壊するだろう。\nそして、純粋な笑みと疲れた笑い声とともに、彼女は空から降りてきた。\n塔も彼女に続き倒れようとしていた。\n" | | "ja": " 日本語 の物 語 [FTR]" |
| } | | } |
| } | | } |
| ] | | ] |
| } | | } |