
「故事模式剧情详表 (移动版)」:修訂間差異

移除 296,850 位元組 、​ 2022年7月7日 (星期四)
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 今天有四块残片。<br><br>在追寻过往真相的过程中,她已经探索了四块残片——毫无疑问,这件事的背后 必然隐藏着真相!<br>她对重要物品的本能熟知、毫不费力就能开口说话,以及对自己觉醒后待了不知有多久的世界的<br>认知都在齐声告诉她:她存在于这个名为Arcaea的世界中的原因绝非简单的灾祸和巧合。<br>更重要的是,即使抛开各种怀疑,这个白色的世界也太过令人迷惘。她拒绝迷惘,她要求真相。<br><br>“听着,Hamu——”<br><br>“Haru。”<br><br>“Hato。“她顿了顿,然后向两边摊手道:“我想要知道这些记忆里面哪一个有我的城堡。<br>我的‘城堡’,你能明白吗?”<br><br>“城堡,”Haru回答道,“所以,你认为自己是女王或王室贵族吗?”
今天有四块残片。<br><br>这也是总计第五十三块残片。<br><br>只要她找到哪怕有一丝共鸣的记忆,她都会把握住它并深入探索。<br><br>她继续望着Haru茫然的表情。她已经看过无数副这样茫然的表情。在四秒后,表情凝固了。<br><br>传来一道碎裂声,接着世界开始消失……<br><br>……逐渐淡去,化为 Arcaea 的一部分。
Her name, though she doesn’t know it, is “Shirahime”.<br><br>She’d awakened with a crown on her head and a scepter in hand. At once she knew what they<br>were, and she knew what they meant. The girl with white hair and two-color eyes knows that she<br>is most assuredly somebody special.<br><br>“So, bow to me!”<br><br>“Uh... What?”<br><br>“...So it isn’t this one either.”<br><br>With her arms folded and legs crossed and her gaze cast aside, the girl who knows herself to be a<br>princess leans back in her “throne”—a kitchen chair—while the memory of a friend—the friend of<br>whomever had this perspective she’s usurped through a frame of glass—looks back at her in<br>confusion.
Four shards today.<br><br>She has explored four shards as she’s sought the truth of her past—because there is most definitely<br>a truth! Her innate knowledge of the significance of items, her understanding of speech, and how<br>she has always perceived the world she awakened into however long ago informs her thusly: that<br>her existence in the world called “Arcaea” cannot simply be some trick of chaos and chance. More<br>importantly, regardless of these suspicions, far too much is confounding about the world of white.<br>Too confounding. She demands certainty.<br><br>“Listen, Hamu—”<br><br>“Haru.”<br><br>“Hato.” She pauses, then opens her palms out at her sides. “I’m looking for which of these<br>memories has my castle. My ‘castle’. You get it, right?”<br><br>“A castle,” Haru repeats. “So you think you’re a queen or something?”
She puts a loose fist against her lips and considers the notion.<br><br>“Well, princess, maybe,” she eventually replies, slouching forward.<br><br>“...Are you alright, Anri?” he asks, and she lowers her gaze as a sour mood falls over her. In short<br>order, her face reflects the mood.<br><br>As mentioned, that is not her name. She still does not know her name, but she does know it isn’t<br>Anri. She also knows she’s pushing her luck.<br><br>In moments, this memory will likely collapse. In a sense, that’s fine—that’s fast, and no waste of<br>time. But it is another dashed hope.<br><br>“And why were you talking about memories?” Haru continues. The intruding girl glances up at him<br>again.
Four shards today.<br><br>And so, that marks fifty-three in all.<br><br>With any memory she finds that resonates with her even in the slightest way, she takes hold of it<br>and dives within.<br><br>She keeps watch on Haru’s blank face. She has seen countless blank faces just like it. After four<br>seconds, it freezes.<br><br>There is a sound of fracture, and the world all falls away...<br><br>...fading out, into Arcaea.
The girl finds her scepter nearby, before the curb upon which she had been sitting.<br><br>She takes it up, stands, and twirls it about in her right hand.<br><br>And so, she goes.<br><br>The journey for discovery continues...<br><br>But the girl does not know this:<br><br>Discovery will not be hers.}}
解锁条件:完成[[#S-1|S-1]],购入[[Divided Heart]]曲包<br>解锁要求:采用[[白姬]]通过[[First Snow]]
Perhaps she can piece it together.<br><br>Perhaps, maybe, she can form a theory, and that theory may be correct.<br><br>After all, many girls have wandered into this world called Arcaea, and in time discovered<br>themselves. She does not know this. She, as do so many others in the glass landscape along with<br>her, believes herself to be alone in Arcaea. To be frank, it inflates her sense of importance. That<br>being said, it also makes her reflect on her predicament.<br><br>If she is alone, then perhaps she is a noble in exile (no). She was a wonderful ruler, loved by all (no)!<br>Until... there was a terrible rebellion (there wasn’t)! The people turned against their queen, princess,<br>and country, and purged her memories clean (quite the story)! With magic!<br><br>The girl who woke with a crown and scepter is the kind to believe in magic.
One can allow her this, however. What is the world of white if not a magical one? Her place in it is<br>strange, and the place itself is stranger still. In no memory has she ever found a world in which<br>glass flies and floats through the air as it does in this one—not in any shards, nor in her head.<br>That, and how these glass memories are experienced... this place is magic, no? And that is why<br>she must have come from magic too.<br><br>That’s what she wants to think. She is wrong—that magic is where she came from—but it is her<br>leading theory.<br><br>Therefore, she is special. Therefore, she should be admired.<br><br>“Maybe... there are ‘cool’ memories by cool-looking places,” she says to herself as she overlooks<br>the colorless lands. “Let’s go find a tower.”
She marches forward.<br><br>Indeed.<br><br>When describing her, it would be apt to say that this girl’s head is one made of stone.}}
=== S-3 ===
解锁条件:完成[[#S-2|S-2]],购入[[Divided Heart]]曲包<br>解锁要求:采用[[白姬]]通过[[Blue Rose]]
“哼嗯嗯嗯……刚才都是怎么一回事……”<br><br>……她抱怨道。<br><br> “我的城堡在哪儿!?”<br><br>她继续抱怨道。<br><br> “我的臣属呢!?我的子民呢!?都跑哪儿去了!?“<br><br>这个女孩用力跺着地面,双手握拳、咬牙切齿。<br><br> “再来一次!”她怒吼着,手伸向最靠近自己的那块记忆。<br>她不管不顾地跳入其中,一心只想要忘记她刚才站在餐厅的桌子上命令大家对她叩首跪拜时,<br>众人对她投以的那种异样眼光。
世界在她周围旋转,眼前尽是黑与白的色调,但这只过了几秒钟。<br>这次的记忆显得安静而奇异。<br><br>天幕黯淡,不见星辰。即使有月亮升起,大概也无法透过重重树影一睹它的身影。<br>她正站在一片森林里——准确地说是一块空地,篝火在她身后发出噼啪的声音。<br><br> “看到它了吗?”一个孩子问道。在这份记忆中,她知道这是她的“妹妹”。<br>她向后瞥了一眼小女孩并思考着。根据这份记忆,年长一些的姐姐正在寻找某个星座。<br><br> “不。”白发的女孩说道。“我没看到。”<br><br> “哦,好吧。那就坐下来,我们继续找。”妹妹回答道。<br><br>她只是点了点头。
妹妹的手中拿着什么东西,于是姐姐走到旁边想要看清楚。这是一面屏幕,侧面有几个按键。<br>屏幕上正播放着电影。不对——是动画?<br>她坐在小女孩旁边,斜眯着眼,跟着看了起来。<br><br>似乎她在Arcaea的其它虚幻世界中也看过这个。<br>这是一部剧情老套的动画,讲述一个拥有超能力的男孩与伙伴们一起对抗妖魔怪兽的故事。<br><br> “……你充过电了吧?”她问道,显然是指这台设备。对方则出声回应。<br> “你不是问过了嘛。”妹妹答道。<br><br> “所以呢……?”<br><br> “充好了!”<br><br> “很好……”<br><br>她发自内心地轻声道,言语间充满了喜悦。
She embarrassed herself again.<br><br>Somehow, when her declarations of nobility land on deaf ears, she experiences a deep and<br>crippling shame that courses through her. As the memory falls around her, her cheeks are always<br>dyed a perfect red.<br><br>Now, having returned to the world of glass, she presses her hand to her face.<br><br>She shuts her eyes.<br><br>And she whines with pain.
“Ghhhhhh... what was that...”<br><br>...She says.<br><br>“Where is my castle!?”<br><br>She still says.<br><br>“Where are my subjects!? My people!? Where!?”<br><br>The girl stomps her foot and balls her fists, gritting her teeth.<br><br>“Another!” she shouts, reaching for the first and nearest memory. She dives in, to whatever it is, if<br>only to stop remembering the looks she received while she stood on that restaurant table and<br>demanded obeisance.
A world swirls around her, in shades of white and black, and in seconds she has trespassed.<br>The memory she enters is quiet and quaint.<br><br>The stars are out, and it is dark. If the moon has risen, it can’t be seen through the trees.<br>She is standing in a forest—in a clearing. A fire crackles behind her.<br><br>“Can you see it?” a child asks. In this memory, she knows this is “her sister”.<br>She glances back at the little girl and thinks.<br>According to this memory, the older sister was trying to find a certain constellation.<br><br>“No,” says the white-haired girl. “I can’t see it.”<br><br>“Oh well. Sit down and let’s keep watching,” the sister replies.<br><br>She nods.
The younger girl has something in her hands. The older girl walks over to see it better. It’s a screen,<br>with buttons on its sides. A movie is playing on that screen. No—an animation? Squinting, she sits<br>down beside the girl and watches.<br><br>It seems similar to what she’s seen in other fiction across other Arcaea: a typical cartoon about a<br>boy with some power, fighting devilish monsters with his friends.<br><br>“...You charged it, right?” she asks, referring to the device. The words come from another.<br><br>“You already asked me that,” the little sister answers.<br><br>“And...?”<br><br>“I did!”<br><br>“Good...”<br><br>She whispers this honestly, as she honestly means it.
How to say...<br><br>Royalty does not watch cartoons. A royal is a statesperson, a ruler, and a guider of women and men.<br>She most definitely believes that.<br><br>Yet, she is most definitely more comfortable with this: sitting down and having nothing to say,<br>her eyes transfixed and her ears perked.<br><br>She puts her shoulder to the shoulder of the memory-child, and the child returns the gesture.<br><br>Now, she feels at ease.<br><br>The mood she had before was suddenly silenced. In the wake of her anger, it comes to her mind:<br>life is a truly horrible thing sometimes.
Barring even the horrors she has borne witness to in glass: life feels terrible, much of the time.<br><br>Frustrations, waning strength, pure inability to change one’s situation...<br><br>That’s how it is.<br><br>It is possible she had no one else before she was put in a glass cage. Perhaps she was a lonely ruler,<br>on a lonely throne.<br><br>Perhaps she only had this.<br><br>If that was so, she thinks...
If that was so, then perhaps things were alright.<br><br>Her “sister” brings a small blanket over both of their shoulders.<br><br>She glances at the child again and says, “Thanks...”<br><br>And she gazes back into the screen, saying nothing more until the memory fades away.}}
=== S-4 ===
解锁条件:完成[[#S-3|S-3]],购入[[Divided Heart]]曲包<br>解锁要求:采用[[白姬]]通过[[Blocked Library]]
Since then, her drive has faded as well.<br><br>The memory of a trip in the woods, with someone who cared, simply watching something easy to<br>whittle away the hours of the night... it, too, whittled her ambitions away entirely.<br><br>Here are the facts: she has no castle, let alone any home, and even if she found either, they would<br>merely be memories: abandoned, forgotten, and in actuality ephemeral.<br><br>If she is to walk forward, it will be to no conclusion.<br><br>It will be to no sense or end.<br><br>To say it in another way: her path is an empty one.
So, she whispers, “This hurts...”<br><br>Her voice cracks.<br><br>She looks at the endless daylight, with terse lips and warm eyes.<br><br>Frankly...<br><br>Even if she was a princess of a faraway land... a great ruler, deposed... born nobility...<br><br>The girl is human, and humans are not perfectly strong. She is stuck, and quiet, and cursed with<br>emotion and thought.
Under the unseen sun, the girl shuts her two-colored eyes and feels tears running down her cheeks.<br><br>She sobs.<br><br>The light is caught within her teardrops, and that light fades as it falls—not through any magic...<br><br>...but instead through the darkening of the sky.<br><br>As the gleam of Arcaea’s daylight ebbs from her face, the girl opens her eyes to blink. To see<br>shadows around her. To see, unmistakably, night falling on the earth.
“Eh...?”<br><br>She turns her gaze upward again.<br><br>It seems that... the heavens have been rent, and a red comet is falling.<br><br>“Huh...!?”<br><br>It flies down for a minute or more, before landing unceremoniously before her—scattering winds,<br>white sands, and the twin tails of her hair.<br><br>Dumbfounded the girl stares, mouth agape, at the crashed crimson star. The star is kneeling on a<br>pile of broken chairs, and shaking its head of dust. Her head. The star is a girl.
She opens her eyes, and opens them wide. In a short moment, a smile—wide as well—<br>spreads across her face.<br><br>This is the crimson girl who flew up to the sky.<br><br>Her name is Kou.}}
=== S-5 ===
解锁条件:完成[[#S-4|S-4]],[[#4-8|4-8]],购入[[Divided Heart]]曲包<br>解锁要求:采用[[白姬]]通过[[nέo κόsmo]]
“很高兴认识你”<br><br>红一副元气满满的样子,直接就开始打招呼。白姬身体僵硬、脸色发白。<br>这样的身体反应并不理想,因为她完全失去了行动能力。<br>红“刷”地一下从一堆家具中跳了起来,直扑向她,一把就抱住了这个双马尾女孩,<br>差点把对方撞了个底朝天。这让自称王族的某人不得不毫无风度地尖叫道:“呀!?”<br><br> “哇哦,是真人!你真的存在!”在拥抱之后,红抽出双手,欢欣鼓舞地摸着另一个女孩的脸蛋、<br>耳朵、头发,还有全身上下。<br><br>在这一切的过程中,白姬全程无言以对。<br><br>红捏了捏白姬通红的脸颊,笑问道:“这不是记忆吧?”<br><br>“如假包换!”公主大人用略显扭曲的声音强调着。
“嗯,我又没回头。”红把两手都背了起来,转身答道。<br><br>“你在那上边是做什么?”<br><br> “那里有一些记忆。”绯红的女孩解释着。“我在观看它们。”<br><br> “这么说,你也能看它们?”白姬追问道,红则热情洋溢地点头肯定。<br><br> “没错!”她是这么说的。<br><br> “你还能飞!?”<br><br>“也不能这么说。”这次她摇了摇头。“我可以让别的东西飘浮起来。”她的手指像魔杖一样舞动,<br>以一个橱柜为对象进行着展示,让它开始围绕两人旋转,并逐渐靠近她。“你做不到吗?”她反问道。<br><br>白姬夸张地摇着脑袋,双马尾前后翻飞,把红再次给逗笑了。白姬一只手抚住胸口,宣称道:<br>“我可是正常人。”
“Nice to meet you!!”<br><br>Kou booms her greeting with a voice full of life. Shirahime stiffens, and pales. This is the wrong<br>move—it affords her no mobility. Kou leaps out at her from her pile of furniture and tackles the<br>twin-tailed girl, nearly toppling her. This elicits from the self-described royal a distinctly<br>ignoble “Bwagh!?”<br><br>“Oh wow, you’re real! You’re actually here!” After hugging her, Kou removes her arms and starts<br>cheerfully patting the other girl’s face, ears, hair, and sides.<br><br>To all of this, Shirahime finds herself speechless.<br><br>Kou pulls on Shirahime’s scarlet cheeks, laughing. “This isn’t a memory, right?” she asks.<br><br>“I’m real!” the “princess” insists with a voice slightly distorted.
“Oh! Do you know your name?” Kou asks. “Oh, I don’t know mine,” she adds. “Maybe I know it now!”<br>she guesses, lifting a finger optimistically. “Aah... I don’t.” She taps her temple, and tilts her head<br>apologetically.<br><br>“Slo—...Slow down!” the other girl begs. The girl in red laughs, and Shirahime stutters on, saying<br>“I...! What!? Are you... Hey! Are you okay!?”<br><br>Although that question from her sounds more a demand.<br><br>“I’m fine,” says Kou with a smile.<br><br>“You fell from the sky!” Shirahime reminds her, pointing for emphasis.<br><br>“Yeah, I guess I di—” Kou begins, turning to see where she came from. She stops, puts a hand on<br>her hip, and points to the heavens. With this, she glances back at the other girl and declares,<br>“It’s nighttime!”<br><br>“You didn’t notice!?”
“Well, I didn’t look back,” Kou replies, now turning back around with both hands on her hips.<br><br>“What were you doing up there?”<br><br>“There were some memories,” the red girl explains. “I watched them.”<br><br>“So you can watch them too?” Shirahime asks. Kou nods with enthusiasm.<br><br>“I can!” she says.<br><br>“And you can fly!?”<br><br>“Not really,” she answers, now with a shake of the head. “I can make other stuff float.” She<br>demonstrates with her finger acting as a wand, and a cupboard being the subject, swirling around<br>the two of them to her direction. “You can’t?” she asks.<br><br>And Shirahime wildly shakes her head, which spurs laughter in Kou once again as her twin tails<br>whip to and fro. With a hand over her chest, Shirahime declares: “I’m HUMAN.”
In Arcaea, in its time, there have been moments of fate. The tides of time and reality are bent and<br>twisted by the whims of one or the convergence of two.<br><br>However, this moment is merely chance.<br><br>The girls talk—talk of glass, of purpose, and naturally of the sky. Experiments follow: can Shirahime<br>be carried by Kou’s magic? Can Shirahime learn this magic herself? Yes, and no.
Of course, they also wonder how many others are out there, the same as them.<br><br>And it is with this in mind that they follow the fleeing daylight. Perhaps...there are others looking<br>up, and marveling at the new sky.<br><br>Just like that, with no fate or destiny tying them, these two begin to walk together.}}
=== S-6 ===
解锁条件:完成[[#S-5|S-5]],购入[[Divided Heart]]曲包<br>解锁要求:采用[[白姬]]通过[[Lightning Screw]]
[[文件:Story 99-6 cg.jpg|300px|thumb|right|S-6]]
她告诉红:“刚才开玩笑的……我只是有这个想法,打算碰一把运气。”<br>白姬对上了红的目光,又挺直了腰背。这位公主淡然道:<br>“我们总要做选择,而我认为你最好选我做不到的那个。”<br><br>然后……过了片刻,红点头同意。她召唤一块水泥板到脚边,然后跳了上去。<br><br> “那么,我去夜晚那边。”她说道。“有缘再相会!”她露齿一笑。<br><br> “我们会再见的。”白姬回以轻松的微笑。红眨了眨眼,笑容逐渐淡去。<br>这位白发的女孩再次让她感到了意外。但她深信着这句话,笑容又回到了脸上。
She, Kou, begins to wonder: has it been weeks, or have months passed between them?<br><br>Under the dark, these two girls have wandered together through shadow-bathed ruins: with Kou<br>leading, and with Shirahime stammering behind; Kou’s laughter ahead, and Shirahime’s hand at<br>her back. Further, the “princess’s” habit for embarrassment has escaped merely the confines of<br>memory—rare is the moment she will not stumble or stutter, and by now Kou is well-accustomed<br>to the shaking, brazen, self-proclaimed “royal”.<br><br>However, the twin-tailed girl has most definitely, of late, been shaking far less: in her voice when<br>they talk, and in her movements when they go.<br><br>Truly, the two have traveled together long. But it won’t be forever.
Now Kou and Shirahime, quite a ways into their travels, find themselves at a clear divide.<br><br>Though the clouds are torn and the stars brought out, not all of the morning light has faded.<br><br>The girls view the heavens without a word, and with awe-filled faces.<br><br>After all...<br><br>...they now stand at the division between night and day.
“Pretty...” Shirahime whispers.<br><br>“Yeah,” Kou agrees.<br><br>The stars of the night are violet. The day is white and golden. Where they meet, what might be<br>magic—might be memory—churns and twists, like a shifting and prismatic serpent. It is as if<br>they’ve found the world’s haphazard seam. Seeing it, they almost know: know what the world is,<br>and how it came to be as well.<br><br>Kou brings her eyes down first. Shirahime, however, cannot tear away hers.<br><br>“Now what?” Kou asks. “We didn’t find anyone, huh?”<br><br>“No...” Shirahime replies.<br><br>“Should we keep looking together?”
Shirahime brings down her eyes as well.<br>Before them is the new Arcaea landscape: of shadows and light.<br><br>She looks at Kou, and calmly shakes her head.<br><br>“I’m going to follow the line: I’ll find someone out there,” she says.<br>“And you should go back to the heavens and see what they’re hiding.”
Kou raises her eyebrows.<br><br>The two have walked for quite some time, and in their time together, Kou believed she had the<br>other girl figured out. That Shirahime was a boisterous sort—but that all of her flair and bombast<br>existed only to obscure a shivering heart. Therefore...<br><br>“...You’re taking charge?” Kou asks, as it’s just too surprising.<br><br>“Of course,” Shirahime says, with a dismissive and teasing glance. “You see this crown on my head,<br>right?”<br><br>Kou chuckles. “Yeah, I see it,” she answers.<br><br>And Shirahime lowers her gaze again, staring out to the glass hills.
She tells Kou, “I’m kidding... I just had the thought: I want to take a chance.” Shirahime meets Kou’s<br>red eyes and the girl straightens her back. The princess states, “We should take one, and I think<br>you’d better do what I can’t.”<br><br>And... after a few moments, Kou nods. She calls a slab of concrete to her feet, and hops on.<br><br>“I’ll go see the night, then,” she says. “Let’s meet up when we can!” She grins.<br><br>“We will,” Shirahime answers with an easy smile. Kou blinks, and loses her own. Once more the<br>white-haired girl has surprised her. Deeply, she believes those words, and her face brightens up<br>again.
Kou flies to the starlight, and at once Shirahime steps forward.<br><br>Perhaps she has forgotten her want of a kingdom.<br><br>She already knows: there are others here.<br><br>The world is vast, but she will find them.<br><br>What a crown and scepter mean is nobility, and what a noble does is draw others to her, like a<br>much-needed hearth. Maybe her blood is not noble at all.<br><br>However, it must be said: despite her whining, her wavering, and her very weak heart...<br><br>...her soul very much is.}}
解锁条件:购入[[Ambivalent Vision]]曲包<br>解锁要求:采用[[忘却]]通过[[Genesis]]
[[文件:Story 5-1 cg.jpg|300px|thumb|right|5-1]]
The cliff overlooked it all.<br><br>At the end of the day, those who had abandoned the mortal coil left behind their souls like hermit<br>shells for other, new lives to take them. Their spirits ascended to the land's Pool, luminous and<br>glimmering overhead.<br><br>Water-like spirits, almost formless; everything white and flowing into that vibrancy which bore<br>through the clouded sky. In the gray landscape that was her world, this sight—this unique,<br>spectacular sight—was something  many could call a wonder.<br><br>To her, it was ordinary. It was everyday. It was work.
"Any trembling on the left side?" her confrère asked from behind. She very slightly moved her head<br>to see him sitting on the ground. On his lap sat a wide, black, shallow bowl of water, used for<br>lecanomancy, and from the ripples inside it she could see that he'd just performed a divination.<br><br>She answered him lightly with, "No." Then she asked, "Why? Have you noticed something?"<br><br>"It looks like the earth shook a bit," he explained.<br><br>"Ahh... That's not good. Should I look closer?"<br><br>"Hmm... It seems like a fissure," he said. "Go take care of it."<br><br>With a simple "alright," she stepped off the cliff.
The density of spirits nearby slowed her fall. She found a pair of strings that were keeping her<br>blouse, sleeves, and skirt taut. When she tugged them, they loosened and began to dangle; a<br>shimmer emanated from the cloth and her dress began to ruffle loudly. And as it did, it dulled the<br>influence of the dead.<br><br>Once she reached the ground, she took her scythe from her hip, unfolded it to its full height, and<br>after turning it over, rode the underside of the blade in flight to her far-off destination.<br><br>To mend the fissure after coaxing out the souls trapped within it.<br><br>To return to the cliff, and watch for any other aberrations.<br><br>She was to do this, and things like it, day after day. Yes. That was her responsibility.<br>And, in time, her life would join the others.
In fact, that time has already passed.<br><br>It's long ago, gone. The world and life she once knew is now only a shapeless memory.}}
解锁条件:完成[[#5-1|5-1]],购入[[Ambivalent Vision]]曲包<br>解锁要求:采用[[忘却]]通过[[Moonheart]]
But this isn't what death was meant to be.<br><br>There was no mystery to it in her life: what happened to the dead was what happened. There was<br>no "next world", only that which you were born in, lived in, and died in. Something like heaven...<br>hell... even purgatory: these were moralists' tales which only seemed valid in the most ancient of<br>times.<br><br>So what is this place? What is this mysterious realm that she one day awakened to?<br>What might it be? What might it be?<br><br>Well... does it really matter?
"Hm..."<br><br>She sits knees-up on top of a lighthouse, overlooking a desert. White. White, and more white...<br>and there, glass. "Arcaea" is its name. With her chin in her hand, she casts a languid gaze toward a<br>bridge extending left. She doesn't know where that one goes.<br><br>"Phew..." She exhales and stands, taking the scythe from off her hip. It doesn't work quite the same<br>here, but she can still utilize it for travel. Unconsciously, she brushes her bangs the other way. In<br>doing so she grazes the front side of her left horn with her fingertips.<br><br>Right... right. To this day, of all the memories she can find within the Arcaea... she hasn't found a<br>single one with any horned humans represented.
With these memories being really the only attention-grabbers in this world fashioned from glass,<br>she's spent quite a bit of time watching and cataloguing them. Keeping them, like records. And<br>indeed, those records don't even hint at her race having ever existed anywhere.<br><br>Her race is... Race... Race? Is that a safe assumption to make? Was she part of a "people" when she<br>was alive, participating in spiritual horticulture? Not that it matters now, but perhaps remembering<br>more clearly will unlock more of her old self... Something like that, anyway.<br><br>For now, it's time to evaluate which shards of glass have left the part of Arcaea she calls home,<br>which have remained, and which are new. She moves to step from the lighthouse, ready for her<br>new routine.}}
解锁条件:完成[[#5-2|5-2]],购入[[Ambivalent Vision]]曲包<br>解锁要求:采用[[忘却]]通过[[Romance Wars]]
It does still fly: the scythe.<br><br>Sitting on the length of the handle as a witch might lackadaisically sit on a broom, the young<br>woman rides down a broken, shambled street. The blade sits upright beside and behind her,<br>shifting for every swivel and turn. Her movements are smooth and completely ingrained.<br><br>As she goes, she looks upon a particular jumble of flying glass. This one runs alongside and above<br>the road like a river, and since her arrival it has not once lost or gained any memories for its flock.<br>This being so peculiar, she checks it every day. Today, too, the memories that glint within each are<br>all ones she has seen before.<br><br>Unrelated, unconnected memories of play, song, sadness, strange machines both enormous and<br>fast... It's really a rather eclectic mix, making the fact that they're seemingly unconnected very<br>interesting.<br><br>She looks for the memory that she likes the most.
Of course, finding a specific memory within a crowd is similar to seeking a needle in a stack of hay.<br>But the one here—it likes her in return.<br><br>A piece of glass breaks from the chain, and it approaches her as she glides on. She smiles faintly,<br>lifting her right hand from her scythe so that the piece can come to rest over her palm.<br><br>In it is the final moment of a small hand-crafted flute's creation. Making the instrument had been<br>a labor of many minutes, hours, days and months, but the carver who'd done it had condensed all<br>his feeling into this single moment. It all came to this.<br><br>He plays a note, and the tone makes him wince. Terrible.<br><br>But it does work.
Though this memory marked the end of an arduous journey,<br>it also marked the beginning of an even grander one.<br><br>Such a curious position...<br><br>Truly—and the others it shares a crowd with are special indeed.}}
解锁条件:完成[[#5-3|5-3]],购入[[Ambivalent Vision]]曲包<br>解锁要求:采用[[忘却]]通过[[Blossoms]]
That memory is precious.<br><br>In fact, if it can be called "precious", more likely than not it has found its way to her at some point.<br>Memories of first pets, of one's survival and another's sacrifice, of first words, of inspiring speeches,<br>of important and private talks... Sometimes, when she is strolling or riding by, these significant<br>memories will just begin following her.<br><br>She doesn't mind. She likes that memories so special were kept safe in this curious place. That is a<br>good thing, but there is something better.<br><br>The world of Arcaea serves as an archive to memories of any sort. A memory of a toothache, a<br>memory of a good meal, a memory of a horse ride, a memory of spilled milk. Whatever it is, if it was<br>remembered, then it is here.
And it is really every one of those memories, along with those standouts among them, that shape<br>a man or woman, she thinks. Not only that, but they serve as the only real evidence that a person<br>ever was alive.<br><br>Monuments and graves are erected in the name of memory, and as for the loss of memory... as she<br>has seen within the Arcaea, that is something at times more tragic and difficult to accept than death.<br><br>"..."<br><br>She quietly comes to a stop, stepping down onto what looks to have once been a town square.<br>Here, innumerable pieces of glass drift through the air. It's something like... well, the appropriate<br>term for her might be a garden, though one with every "plant" brought in instead of grown natively.<br><br>She tends to them all the same. These are the memories she has found in what she considers to be<br>her "home" part of Arcaea. These specific shards are those which were not there when she first<br>awakened. They'd drifted in.
"...Hmph," she sniffs, absently taking stock of the pieces.<br>They don't usually leave, but sometimes they wander off...<br><br>And that worries her.<br><br>...Is there meaning in the Arcaea being in the form of something as fragile as glass?<br><br>...Back in life, she learned not to ask many questions.}}
解锁条件:完成[[#5-4|5-4]],购入[[Ambivalent Vision]]曲包<br>解锁要求:采用[[忘却]]通过[[corps-sans-organes]]
"Huh?"<br><br>Her gaze, still on the Arcaea above, is suddenly broken.<br><br>...Where did that come from?<br><br>Appearing on the shore of her thoughts suddenly, like a fair and gentle-seeming stranger,<br>was that little fact, in the form of a miniature memory.<br><br>She wasn't sure at first that it was even there, but as she thinks it over again and again...<br>she's sure of it.<br><br>She recalls this. This... it happened.
Sitting under a pair of quiet old trees, the Soul Stream having gone down, and night having risen,<br>she was speaking with her confrère...<br><br>"You learn to think of it in this sort of paradox," he'd said. "You think of all life as precious, but at<br>the same time the drudgery leaves it all as just numbers. Higher numbers, lower numbers. It isn't<br>like you stop caring; it's more as if, if anything, caring so much sharpens you into someone who<br>seems cold."<br><br>"But it's alright," he assured her, smiling weakly at the Stream. "Thinking too much about it will<br>probably tear you up inside. When you went to the Glen, what was the reason you gave for wanting<br>to walk this path?"<br><br>She answered.<br><br>"See? That's what we all say," he replied, and she recalls how calming his voice had been then.<br>"Just remember that, and you'll be fine."
But there it ends. That's it. Her gaze comes back to the sharp air above her. Just remember it? Just<br>remember it. Remember it. It... Remember what?<br><br>"I... don't remember," she whispers softly, but each word, each syllable falls heavily off her tongue.<br><br>He had been absolutely right. Now she can feel it, building in her eyes: the dull, warm grief that<br>comes with sad revelation. A new piece of her memory has shown itself to her, but it is crucially<br>broken, and without answers to the questions it has forced into her mind, her heart is killed.<br>The agony is nearly unbearable.<br><br>How do you put the pain of knowing you are not entirely yourself into proper words?
Under the cloud of glass, she shuts her eyes, bends her head, and puts the heel of her palm over<br>her nose, the underside of her fist against her skull. She won't cry. She can't let herself do something<br>like that. To cry here, at this, would open her to too many facets of reality she has chosen not to face.<br>She sits on the ground, sucking in her lips, tightening them.<br><br>She will not cry. Absolutely not. Okay?<br><br>So, gripping at herself and trembling in the world of white, the solitary reaper steadily breathes.<br>She tries not to dwell. She doesn't want to dwell. But, while calming herself, the thought can't help<br>but occur to her: that, if this is death...<br><br>...she would much rather have oblivion.}}
解锁条件:完成[[#5-5|5-5]],购入[[Ambivalent Vision]]曲包<br>解锁要求:采用[[忘却]]通过[[Lethaeus]]
[[文件:Story 5-6 cg.jpg|300px|thumb|right|5-6]]
The break that occurred within her left her quiet... quieter than usual for what could amount to<br>days.<br><br>The key element of that memory—the idea that one was better off not asking many questions—<br>is something that in her contemplation she realized she was attempting to adhere to all this time.<br><br>Her attempts, however, had been half-hearted. That taste of an old memory was too intoxicating<br>to forget. Indeed, she refused to forget—but having forgotten so much else… she'd realized she<br>was a broken half-shell of a person.<br><br>Forget it.
She is once again guiding vagrant memories to the square today; trying to make this into routine,<br>which will turn to habit, which will turn to nature. Perhaps tedium can rescue her from the cavern<br>always lurking just under the surface: the tar pit of miserable feelings endlessly calling to her.<br>Better oblivion, she thinks sincerely, than to feel—if feeling means only grief.<br><br>And, while conducting the shards of Arcaea, one catches the light of the sky in such a way that she<br>is reflexively bidden to look at it. Without thinking much of it, she brings this shard close.<br><br>The reflection: a crouching, slouched child covering something off the side of a road with her hands.<br>Outside her hands, ants shy away, though they seem clearly interested in whatever she's hiding.<br><br>The reaper gives the memory more of her attention, and finds that what the child is hiding is a<br>wounded jade beetle. After a moment of contemplation, the girl scoops up the small thing in both<br>of her hands and stands up.<br><br>That's all.
The young observer is motionless for a moment, but then she smirks.<br><br>That's such an... absolutely pointless memory.<br><br>Did the beetle recover? How long did that child live for? How long did she hold on to this memory?<br><br>Stupid little thing...<br><br>The girl chuckles.<br><br>It's ironic, isn't it... Remembering something had made her forget why she believed she was here.<br><br>Arcaea is a world of memories. Of the dead? Of those still alive? Who can say? Regardless, it keeps<br>old stories that anyone could forget. Past expiration of mind, body, monument, or land: however it<br>works, Arcaea steadfastly keeps all.
The girl is alone. She has no confrère here, and she was given no reason to do anything when she<br>woke up. But that doesn't mean that she was to do nothing.<br><br>She is here, now. Her old life is over. That's it.<br><br>But doesn't she still have control? She still feels responsible. She doesn't remember the answer<br>she gave, as to why she sought to be a tender of souls, but whatever it was... something tells her<br>that the broken her of now would give the same reason as the complete her from then.<br><br>There is no telling what will happen, ever.<br><br>Lives and memories can vanish in a second… but not here. Her memories may be lost, but these<br>will not be. "Tender of Souls" to "Tender of Memories"; she thinks that has a nice sound to it.
Absolutely. You will all be remembered forever.<br><br>So long as I am here.}}
解锁条件:购入[[Ephemeral Page]]曲包<br>解锁要求:通过[[Alice à la mode]]
A dark garden betwixt forest and flowers.<br><br>A silver web glints in a corner of glass. Well, is it glass? More likely it's stone, but this particular world<br>operates more strangely than any other. Reality bleeds in from elsewhere, through floating shards<br>that fill the air, projecting colorful memory into lands of ruin and white. Now there are pillars of<br>amethyst, glowing from a light beneath that fills the entire floor.<br><br>She sits in a fanciful, pale green chair, before a small and pale-green table, her hand atop her<br>suitcase which rests beside her. She drags her finger down the leather of its top. There are no other<br>people here.<br><br>"We should leave, Alice."<br><br>"No other people"—but there is at least one other person.
He's here, holding tea as he often is, having again prepared it when her eyes were turned away.<br>She lays her palm on her suitcase.<br><br>"You hear that?" she asks.<br><br>He tilts his head, listening closely before replying: "I hear nothing."<br><br>Lifting her other arm, she rests her elbow on the table, slouches forward, and props her chin up<br>with her hand. "That's right," she says, "in this one... or these ones... it's quiet."<br><br>"And what should that matter?"
"When was the last!?" she slightly raises her voice, telling him with its tone that she finds his question<br>absurd. "Silence and a pleasant view... Look at the gardens, Tenniel. This landscape is... handsome."<br>She picks up her hand from her suitcase and indicates the dark wilds fading in and out before them,<br>and to the sky-blue flowers dotting the shade.<br><br>"I," Tenniel starts, gesturing toward himself with his teacup, "am handsome."<br><br>Her brow twitches at the gall.<br><br>"Shut," Alice starts, gesturing toward him with her hand, "up."<br><br>"Terribly rude. Awfully rude," he notes. She shakes her head, grumbles, and leans back in her seat.
Precisely how long has she been stuck in this world, unable to travel to any others?<br><br>Forever, the ward Tenniel has been with her, steadfast in his claims of "I cannot be apart from you."<br><br>However, that largely proves itself to be a pain. She looks at him now. A black and orange butterfly<br>flutters past his eyes, and after it passes he looks into his cup. Then, he tosses the cup's contents<br>to the ground, having not drunk even a sip of it. A very, very usual habit—in fact, consistent Tenniel<br>behavior.<br><br>He opens his mouth, not to lap the dregs, but to speak. "We really should go," says Alice,<br>preempting him. "That's what you want to say, isn't it?"
"If you understand, let us take care," he says.<br><br>And she listens to him. He never seems, she thinks, entirely without reason. So she stands and follows<br>him to the white horizon. The memory fades around them as they pass. It melts and drips, all, into<br>nothing. All except the butterfly, which flies along at her shoulder. For now, Tenniel watches it again.<br>But it will fade, too—<br><br>All memories do.}}
解锁条件:购入[[Ephemeral Page]]曲包<br>解锁要求:采用[[爱丽丝 & 坦尼尔]]通过[[Eccentric Tale]]
So, what is this place? And what is "real"?<br><br>This is true: she once walked between worlds.<br><br>She still does. For her, this is an aspect of life as normal as eating or drinking, not that she has had<br>need of either since finding this latest realm. In the past, before Arcaea, it was countless how many<br>new places she'd seen, how many strange plants and people she had found.<br><br>Fantastic creatures, magic too, everything one could ever imagine: she has seen it, and recorded it.<br>For... an "inter-dimensional" encyclopedia? Whatever it was (it seems to have been lost).<br>The nature of the work keeps her profession fresh, certainly, but...
This world really is terribly unique. The memories of further worlds dance into this one, and not as<br>mere images, either. You can hear the other places... smell the foreign nature... taste from these<br>memories, and touch them as if they're real. Therefore it begs the question: what is real?<br>In a world such as Arcaea, she feels that is a very important question to ask.<br><br>If... it can be experienced fully, but only for a limited time, is it an illusion or is it valid?<br>Well-traveled though she is, nothing in her memory tells of a world like this.<br>What is the purpose of it?
So she asks her companion: without flare, without context. "So... what is reality, Tenniel? How can<br>we know that here is real?"<br><br>"It's real," he says, as he casts tea from his cup, "because every sense of yours 'knows' that it's real.<br>Why do you wonder about artifice or illusion? Why do you question even what you can touch with<br>your own hands, Alice? That should be enough."<br><br>"Fine," she replies with finality. It is worthless when he gets like this.<br><br>"If that is over with, look there," he says, and he points to the ground. They had wandered into<br>memory of a campfire, and Tenniel's tea had doused the flame.<br>"How the devil does that work?" he asked.<br><br>"You're asking me?" replies Alice, incredulous.<br><br>"I've ruined their party..." mutters her companion.<br><br>"The memory will fade soon, so there's nothing to be glum over, Tenniel."
"What we see is real, Alice. And when you stop looking at something, does it cease to be? Of course it<br>doesn't. That fire has ceased by my hand, though."<br><br>"You need to stop spilling tea everywhere."<br><br>"I will leave an apology."<br><br>"No one will see it! No one is here!"<br><br>Tenniel smirks while whipping out a pad and pen.<br>She groans, and tries not to smile herself as he writes.
It's a moment that reminds her why she never questions his company. But, it's a moment rare of late.<br>"Of late", she thinks...<br><br>In the beginning... was it different?<br><br>She ponders for a little while, but new scenery distracts her as they walk. She forgets to wonder.<br><br>And the day goes on.}}
解锁条件:购入[[Ephemeral Page]]曲包<br>解锁要求:采用[[爱丽丝 & 坦尼尔]]通过[[Alice à la mode]]
Never does he really "lie".<br><br>He knows what he knows, just as well as one knows to draw breath—though he doesn't need to<br>breathe.<br><br>Or that one knows to feed, though he needs no food; to drink, though he needs no water.<br><br>Or, to remain at her side and shelter her, though...<br><br>...There is a raw and almost perfectly unshakable comfort in reality.
What exists is what you see and sense. Knowing that what you see and sense is real means that is<br>the truth. Having truth puts the mind at ease. Without it, with unknowns, you open yourself to fear.<br>Or to, perhaps, what is worse: truths you do not need to hear.<br><br>Truths that will damage you. To know you aren't capable of everything you wish to be capable of.<br>To know that there is an end, that it is inevitable. That truth, and truths like it, can make a person<br>truly suffer.<br><br>But, he does not lie.
It's true that "he" has always watched over her.<br><br>It's true that "he" has always given her freedom, and guided her into places that were exciting, new...<br>different.<br><br>That was real. That is.<br><br>He wants nothing more than her smile.<br><br>But with heaviness inside where a heart should be, he knows that she is seeking something more:<br>beyond what can be seen.<br><br>"...You hid that?" he asks, as she presents him a flower from the garden-memory they had left.<br><br>"You know, I love its color... pale..." she reveals, gazing upon it fondly. "It's like the skies we see in<br>other worlds," she asserts. "What's its name?"<br><br>He knows.
"I don't know," he says. "It will vanish, surely, as everything does. There is no need to keep it, Alice."<br><br>"...Perhaps no need, but I like it," Alice tells him, and he already knew this. "I think that it won't<br>disappear."<br><br>His gaze drifts away. With no rhyme or reason, he dumps his tea. He also knows this very well:<br><br>She is right: it won't. And that concerns him most of all.
He tells her, "Do as you like... Alice."<br><br>And she playfully fires back, "I will!" as she slips the flower behind her ear. With pompousness, she<br>declares: "You can't decide how I live!"<br><br>Tenniel taps his chest and gazes at nothing.<br><br>How unfortunate...<br><br>She is entirely right about that as well.}}
解锁条件:购入[[Ephemeral Page]]曲包<br>解锁要求:采用[[爱丽丝 & 坦尼尔]]通过[[Alice's Suitcase]]
The world shifts and blends fantastically, fascinating her always. Tenniel, however, never seems<br>very thrilled by it.<br><br>Therefore, as they leave the scene of a horrific fire spurred by flying machines, the last burning<br>wisps of tragic memory trailing behind them, Alice confronts him with a question:<br>"Have you no passion at all, Tenniel?"<br><br>To this, he smirks and says, "I never suffer, no."<br><br>To this, she looks at him dully.<br><br>He must have something in that tied up chest of his. With that in mind, she tries to catch any<br>sparkle in his eye, any breath cut short, any sort of pleased look—as he looks upon pleasant things.
One day—if time can be so divided in a world where night never comes—they come across the<br>memory of an old workshop.<br><br>There, she decides to hatch a little plan. In a rare moment of Tenniel's distraction, she hides away<br>from him, carefully, behind a door. When he realizes he's lost her, he glances back, forth, and there<br>mutters, "Alice...? Well, you must be nearby. Never mind it, never mind it..."<br><br>From her hiding place she watches him step past dusty tables and stools... until he reaches an easel,<br>upon which is a canvas. He checks the surroundings, finds a piece of charcoal, and sits at the stool<br>before the blank sheet. And, he sketches. The ticklish joy from "teasing" him begins to fade, and she<br>instead observes him steadily.<br><br>That's right...<br><br>When she first woke up in this world...<br><br>Tenniel would often change their hats. He would tease her and be sure to always ask what she<br>wanted to do. He also recited things—poetry, prose—very often. He oriented her, when she was so<br>disoriented by waking in a caged world. He was sillier, delightful.
But... rather quickly... he stopped all of that.<br><br>The Tenniel she knew now wore a mask. It had almost become his new face, and so she'd forgotten...<br><br>He did like art, didn't he? He used to remark on it whenever they found memories of galleries...<br><br>Now he sketches his surroundings, adding to them a teacup sitting on the floor before the canvas<br>instead of a stool. An invention of his own, not a part of the scene.<br><br>She remarks from behind the door, "That's very nice, Tenniel."<br><br>He slows to nothing, and rests the charcoal back where he found it. He glances over his shoulder.<br><br>"It's only an imitation," he says.
"But you imagined that," she says, pointing toward the sketch, "the cup."<br><br>"...It is imagined, yes," he admits. "...But I believe you likely have a better imagination than me, Alice."<br><br>He smiles, again.<br><br>And she replies, "Don't let it bother you, Brother. Your technique is impressive, and comparing it to<br>my flawless mind is—"<br><br>And they stop, and meet one another's eyes, as they both realize what it is that she just said.}}
解锁条件:购入[[Ephemeral Page]]曲包<br>解锁要求:采用[[爱丽丝 & 坦尼尔]]通过[[Jump]]
“如果你看到了那里”,他说道。“你肯定就会明白的。以及,爱丽丝……”<br><br>她握住碎片,然后回应道:“什么?”<br><br>“我当然只是个仿冒品,但你能否——”他顿了顿。“能否……”<br><br>“什么?”她催促着。<br><br>“……保重”,他说道。“注意安全,爱丽丝。”<br> <br>“这根本接不上……你是个仿冒品,你自己说了……‘一个仿冒品,但是’……?
"...'Comparing it to your flawless mind,' what?" he asks.<br><br>"...Tenniel..." she addresses him.<br><br>"My name is no verb. Where precisely is this comparison going?" he teases.<br><br>But, Alice insists. "Tenniel!" She shouts, stomping into the room. "You know why it is that I called<br>you that, don't you!?"<br><br>"It is my name," he replies.<br><br>"'Brother'?" she answers, baffled.<br><br>"Tenniel," he confirms with a smile.
"Not that!!" she yells, balling her fists and stomping again—now once in place. "Are we... family!?"<br><br>"I like t—" Tenniel begins, turning 'round on his stool. He looks self-satisfied, and obnoxious, but<br>before he can say what it is he's thinking, he thinks on it again. He holds his tongue, and grimaces<br>as he turns his eyes away.<br><br>"You're shutting up, then?" she accuses him. "I knew I was right...! I noticed it... Only lately you've<br>been like this."<br><br>"Handsome?" he tries. "No, that's always—"<br><br>"Tenniel, I am being quite serious," Alice tells him coldly, cutting him off.<br><br>"Quite seriously," says Tenniel, "I would like to end this conversation."
"Because it worries you? Mysteriously? Why?" Alice persists. She steps further into the room, angrily<br>telling him, "'Brother', I called you, and I said it quite sincerely. What could that be for? You're not<br>unaware, Tenniel. Not unknowing. You're very obvious in that regard. Now, I insist! I insist that you<br>tell me!"<br><br>"I would rather not," he growls.<br><br>"Tenniel!"<br><br>"Just leave it alone!"<br><br>"I'm a grown woman. I can handle unpleasant words or truths!"<br><br>"It isn't that simple!"<br><br>"You aren't my parent!"<br><br>"He may as well have been!"
With a foot forward, the glowering Alice stops, her eyes set on Tenniel who is standing now.<br>She processes what he told her, and asks, only, "...What?"<br><br>"Ah... oh... dear me, I said it," Tenniel speaks in a near whisper. His eyes shine a moment, and he<br>bends his head so the brim of his cap might hide them. "No, Alice... I am not your brother. But I<br>remember him."<br><br>"...Go on," Alice bids, resolute.<br><br>And her companion fishes from his vest: a shining shard. A piece of Arcaea.<br><br>"A memory?" she asks. And Tenniel replies:<br><br>"Yours."<br><br>Alice is silent. She looks at the shard between his fingertips and waits.
"I don't understand this world," he says, "but I know that memories project into this place because<br>of you. None do the same for me. I believe... given what recollection I was born with... Well, though<br>it was rather... scattered, from the myriad of shards around you where you were first sleeping, I<br>strongly remembered 'him'. I 'felt' as him, though my head is... certainly a bit strange."<br><br>He smiles before going on to say, "What I knew made me wish for nothing but your ignorance."<br><br>"...I will be fine, Tenniel," Alice speaks to assure him.<br><br>A light falls from his face to the floor, scattering in a minuscule splash. He tells her, with a fluttering<br>voice, "I  might say that you aren't."
Nonetheless, he extends the shard to her.<br><br>She takes it.<br><br>In the glass, she sees a curtain waving before a window. Daylight.<br><br>She feels a hand falling down on her hat. Tenniel's sleeve obscures his face.
"If you look there," he says, "I know you will understand. Also, Alice..."<br><br>She grips the shard before answering, "Yes?"<br><br>"I am surely just an imitation, but would you—" he stops. "Would you..."<br><br>"Yes?" she prompts him.<br><br>"...Take care," he says, "and stay safe, Alice?"<br><br>"That doesn't follow... You're an imitation, you said... 'An imitation, but'...?"
"...Hmph," he makes a light and dismissive sound as he takes his hand from her hat. Or rather, he<br>takes her hat from her head, and replaces it with his own. Turning before she can glare at him, he<br>tells her, "I'm an imitation, but listen to me just this once. That's what I was going to say and<br>nothing else," he lies.<br><br>She does not push, and instead looks into the glass, activating it.<br><br>But, as color swirls around her she hears the young man say—<br><br>"Right, an imitation can't ever have their wishes heard."<br><br>But before she can ask him what he means, she enters a familiar place.}}
解锁条件:购入[[Ephemeral Page]]曲包<br>解锁要求:采用[[爱丽丝 & 坦尼尔]]通过[[Felis]]
[[文件:Story 7-6 cg.jpg|300px|thumb|right|7-6]]
“我画完了三页”,他面带微笑,自豪地答道。<br><br>“很好!”<br><br>“你呢,一个字都没动吗?”<br><br>“我写了!我写了好多!”<br> <br>“那就让我瞧瞧。我这儿也有一本书……”<br><br>“好啊!”<br><br>女孩把手伸向病床旁边的橱柜。<br>她都把笔记本和餐具放在里面,除此之外,还有一个她不怎么爱使用的平板计算机。<br>年轻人从袋子里拿出一本书。是啊……这本书其实哪里也没有去过,对吧?<br>那都只是编出来的故事……听到的传言……以及美梦。<br><br>两个人开始分享、欢笑、打趣。
She finds herself in something unremarkable, and even a little dull. It is a hospital room with white<br>walls and ceiling. To be precise: a patient's room—a quiet room, with monarch butterflies fluttering<br>outside the open window. And, to her surprise, in the moment she recognizes the place, memories<br>she hadn't realized she'd lost rush into her skull.<br><br>That there was a park outside.<br>That the nurses were friendly and kind.<br>That the weather always seemed perfect.<br>That she nearly always lived here.<br><br>She feels overwhelmed, trying to sort it all, but before she can even begin she hears footsteps<br>behind and turns. There is a person there, at the door, with a hydrangea in hand, presently<br>dressed in a thin and open, hooded sweatshirt. He wears a T-shirt beneath that, looser slacks over<br>his legs, simple and comfortable shoes... and his face. She knows his face. This man is a man who<br>looks like Tenniel. "His" name, however, is...
"...Cedric."<br><br>From the bed by the window, a weak voice calls out.<br><br>The young man passes her by, politely nodding as he goes, and he moves to the waking patient.<br>She doesn't have to see the golden hair, the thin frame, nor the kind face to know: of course, it is her.<br>This is her memory. Her name is Alice.<br><br>Cedric puts the flower he bought in a vase. A true bouquet of them sits beside her original self.<br>He pulls over a chair and sits down beside her. He has no tea in his hands, nor does he ask for any.<br><br>"Cedric..." the girl repeats, groggily, as she sits up in bed. "I thought you were at the studio today."<br><br>"No, not there. And I work on my own time, Alice," says Tenn—... Cedric. It sounds like him.
"How are you? You're alright?"<br><br>They both look at her, and smile.<br><br>The words had just come out of her without thinking. Well, she could barely think, for what it was<br>worth. A new world of truth, here to process, and it seems that as an observer in a place of one<br>part of this memory she merely recited what was said at the time automatically.<br><br>"Have you been writing?" asks Cedric.<br><br>"Have you been drawing?" asks the sickly girl, grinning in light mockery.<br><br>"'Have I been drawing'," he echoes, looking to the ceiling and then rolling his eyes.<br><br>"You came here!" she fires back with a laugh. "I swear, I thought you were busy!"
"Three pages I finished," he answers with pride and a smile.<br><br>"Good!"<br><br>"And you've got no pages?"<br><br>"I've written! I've written plenty!"<br><br>"Then let's see it, then. I've this other book, too..."<br><br>"'Lright!"<br><br>The girl reaches to a cupboard beside the bed. She keeps her notebooks and utensils there,<br>as well as a tablet she could probably use more often. The young man fishes out a tome from his<br>bag. Right... it never had been traveling, had it?<br>It was always written stories... told tales... dreams.<br><br>They begin to share. Laughter, teasing.
Four days.<br><br>In four days, all of this ended. They both believed that, if not forever, she had at least three hundred<br>and sixty-five. She didn't get to see him in the end. In the early morning she felt a pain and faded.<br>Then, nothing. She remembered hearing them yelling to call. That was it.<br><br>Tenniel knew this.<br><br>The memory is long. She feels it. It encompasses these last days, but she doesn't want to see it.<br><br>Strong though she is, facing such a thing terrifies her. No part of it can change. Her health was<br>always failing, they were always alone, and he couldn't be there: the end. Dreams and stories...<br>can't become real by wishing.<br><br>She leaves the memory while they're smiling.<br>She doesn't remember if it was their last time together.<br>She doesn't want to know.
You will die. You have died.<br><br>Standing in the memory of the workshop, this is what Alice remembers.<br><br>"Tenn—" she starts, looking up.<br><br>But Tenniel is gone.<br><br>And there, the memory fades. She can guess... As he'd said, he was only an imitation, and with the<br>truth revealed, his time was up.
Alice stands in the void of Arcaea, staring forward with unseeing eyes.<br><br>And everything screams at her at once.<br><br>This "plane" is false. This "body": a shell. The "memories" were distorted.<br>Her "life" was not hers; her life ended with no arc, no culmination, no brother beside her.<br><br>You are alone, Alice.<br><br>And you died alone.
Alice eventually finds herself on her knees, her gloved fingers dug through the earth.<br><br>She feels very cold. She wants to cry, but tears wouldn't come.<br><br>She feels...<br><br>She feels.<br><br>"It's real,<br><br>"because every sense of you 'knows' that it's real."<br><br>Tenniel's words reflect in her head.
She looks at her hand, and she sees it.<br><br>She pulls her glove taut, and she feels it.<br><br>She takes the flower from her hair and hears it. Smells it. She opens her mouth over the petals.<br><br>What is reality? Is it what you see? What you taste? What you touch?<br><br>If that is so...<br><br>"Alice" is dead, and Alice is alive.<br><br>And if Tenniel was a memory, then he must remain as well.<br><br>In reality, she knows herself to be a wanderer of worlds.<br><br>She made it here, didn't she? Regardless of the "truth".<br><br>And if that is so... there is a way out.
She'll find it.<br><br>The way back: to the one who cared for her the most in life.<br><br>And for the other...<br><br>If she cannot find him again on her journey, she knows a fragment of him will be there with her,<br>remaining in her heart. Perhaps she'll start making and never drinking tea. The thought... makes her<br>smile and laugh once again.<br><br>Alice decides then and there, feet on the ground and holding the shard of "truth" between her<br>fingers: even if she may always look forward, to the horizon that marks a new way...<br><br>...she will never, ever, forget what brought her there. }}
解锁条件:购入[[Esoteric Order]]曲包<br>解锁要求:通过[[Paper Witch]]
“果然。”她一面自言自语,一面抱着它的顶部,同时转过身看着眼前空旷的世界:<br>“我想要是接近……啊,我决定叫它‘最低世界(lowest world)’…<br>我想没准这样接近最低世界能慢慢为你注入记忆和今后生活的…目标?<br>……但你还是什么都不知道,卡戎。”<br><br>这个失败的实验品慢慢摆动尾巴,形成一个波浪状的“S”形。<br>耳朵像是若有所思地,无意识地抖动了几下。<br><br>拉格兰抬起她的手:“还是很可爱的嘛。”她发自内心地,开心地评价道。
她在白色世界里用玻璃制作的卫星最终回到了仿佛是它最喜欢的位置——她的左肩头。<br>她则转身看向一条正在形成的新道路。<br><br>不同以往,这条道路比她以前看过的道路还要来得宽敞许多,甚至可说是一个区域了,<br>至少以目前来说是这样。 Arcaea开始在她的右侧聚集,对她充满疑虑:她的心里究竟有没有它们?<br>当她开始无视它们往前走时,它们判断她和她的心都不是为它们而来,于是便散开了。<br><br>记忆不是她来这里的原因,记忆的领域不过是一堆过去的记录。<br>在这之外,还有更多的东西需要学习,更多的东西需要探索。<br><br>这是织锦绽裂的边缘。当她继续沿着这条变幻莫测的路向远方探索,她希望能遇到这幅织锦的编织者,<br>并让他们的双手能再一次游走于这条挂毯之上。<br><br>所以她继续向前走,走进她选择的世界,走进黑色的世界,走进虚无。}}
The scene shifts.<br><br>With every step until now, the scene has shifted. Her steps shift the ground—shift space.<br>She nears the tapestry’s edges, only to find that the cloth had never been entirely sewn.<br>Glass glides past her quietly, and then moves suddenly, as if startled. The world around her<br>has become black, rather than white. In the air, stars hang. The way is fractured...<br><br>The tapestry of memories, Arcaea, has a fraying hem. These are the neglected and forgotten<br>threads. The girl standing before and within it all now is the first to have borne witness.<br><br>Now, truly, she is alone.<br><br>"...It seems," she whispers—a confirmation.
"If anyone else reaches here..." she goes on, stepping along this dusty and twisted path,<br>"they won’t follow the same path. Isn’t that right? The road broke apart too long ago—<br>and the way ahead keeps changing."<br><br>She observes exactly that happening at a distance to her right: a way of white spirals upward,<br>and then downward, until it shatters into mere particles. Those pieces then begin to float toward<br>her, and they glitter through the dark.<br><br>"Another," she notes. "Don’t you have anything to say?" she asks Charon.<br><br>The satellite makes no movements. She pats its useless head. "Speak," she commands.<br><br>The halo of triangles floating over its body spins worthlessly.
"Of course," she answers. Still holding its head, she turns and witnesses the empty world ahead.<br>"I guessed nearing the... ah, I’ve decided to call it the ‘lowest world’... I imagined that nearing it<br>like this might instill you with memory and further life. Purpose, maybe... But you still don’t know<br>anything, Charon."<br><br>The failed experiment’s tail moves in a slowly waving "S" shape. Its ears shift, thoughtfully.<br>Thoughtlessly.<br><br>And Lagrange lifts her hand. "That is cute, though," she admits, blithely. She means it, wholly.
The glass satellite that she crafted back where the world was still white is eventually returned to<br>its seemingly preferred place above her left shoulder, and she turns to face a new path forming<br>already.<br><br>Unusually, this path is much wider than others she’s seen thus far—an area, really, at least for now.<br>Arcaea begin to gather at her right, to guess at her. Is she, and her heart, for them? When she<br>moves on, ignoring them, they decide she is not and disperse.<br><br>Memories are not why she is here, and the land of memories is a matter of past record. Beyond the <br>ounds, there is more to be learned, and more to be discovered.<br><br>This is the frayed edge of the tapestry. As she continues along this capricious road, she hopes to<br>meet the tapestry’s weaver, and bring their hands to the cloth once more.<br><br>And so she continues on, into the world she’s chosen. Into the world of black: the Void.}}
解锁条件:完成[[#9-1|9-1]],购入[[Esoteric Order]]曲包<br>解锁要求:通过[[Crystal Gravity]]
There is no sense here.<br><br>Not only "here"—the Void—but here, Arcaea itself. And this out-of-bounds space is telling, yes, but<br>in truth all aspects of this world have been telling from the beginning, ever since she first woke up.<br><br>Firstly, it should be remembered that Arcaea made itself known to her before she could come<br>around to knowing herself (and it should be remembered: "knowing herself" has never actually<br>occurred). It was insistent, practically, to introduce itself. As if it had said, "Welcome. You’re here<br>now, and this is what ‘here’ is:"<br><br>An abstract library dedicated solely to memory, a series of ruins haphazard and unseemly, a name<br>without meaning, and a girl without a name: herself, alone and otherwise unaware. The first thing<br>to do was read what "books" the library provided, and so she’d looked into the glass.
She could find nothing resembling a "theme" between any of them—nothing like a "connection".<br>A proper library had a system in place to categorize, organize, and sort—that much she’d learned<br>from what memories she’d witnessed.<br><br>Memories in Arcaea, however, were arbitrary: in where they were placed, and in where they drifted<br>about. Her existence in this world, too, felt coincidental. It felt like happenstance. After all, she<br>knew what Arcaea was upon awakening, but not why she was there.<br><br>"Really," she says suddenly, "consider the worlds I’ve seen, Charon."<br><br>Charon’s eyes turn to her, and in them she sees not even a spark of consideration. The two of them,<br>master and pet, are still in the Void. They are still walking to nowhere.
"Consider the worlds you’re made of," she continues, touching the satellite’s ear lightly. "In any of<br>them, is ‘existence’ so clearly directed? I haven’t seen, nor are you made of, any memories of<br>anywhere similar to this... A world so evidently built with purpose, and yet also so obviously<br>purposeless..."<br><br>She pauses.<br><br>"What do you think of that?" she asks.<br><br>Charon’s eyes now face the winding and still-white path out ahead.<br><br>She lets him go.<br><br>"I think it’s half-baked," she says. She thinks Charon nods. They move along silently, while she<br>thinks still of the past.
And then, the past shows itself to her.<br><br>...Or is this the present?<br><br>"What...?"<br><br>She speaks, genuinely confused.<br><br>A cloud has entered her vision.<br><br>A cloud, where before there was nothing other than floating roads.<br><br>Shimmering in space is a surreal and sudden formation, which seems to have appeared without<br>her notice...<br><br>And through it, she can see it once again: the world of ruins, white, and floating glass.<br>It is the only world she remembers. That world she left behind...}}
=== 9-3 ===
解锁条件:完成[[#9-2|9-2]],购入[[Esoteric Order]]曲包<br>解锁要求:通过[[Far Away Light]]
It’s the present.<br><br>If it’s a memory, it isn’t showing anything like the memories she’s seen since awakening.<br>There is no point of perspective: no view to usurp.<br><br>It is simply, only, the old and barren world.<br><br>"..."<br><br>She stares in silence.<br><br>"I wonder if this place is mocking me..." she says.<br><br>And then she moves on.
Thinking of the first world, that world decided to show itself to her. Is that how it is?<br>She determines that yes, it certainly seems to be mocking her.<br><br>Along the way, more of these views to the world of white open. Most empty, and a few with others<br>within them—<br><br>Expected, but uninteresting. Testing them, these windows to the old world seem to have impassible<br>panes anyway...<br><br>Really, if she wanted to think about, or spend more time in, the core Arcaea world, wouldn’t she<br>have stayed behind there?<br><br>And yet despite herself, she lingers on thoughts of what her life here used to be.
There were many memories she’d viewed, and for a time she assumed she might find a memory<br>that offered some truth of this place. No such memories existed. Mostly, she saw what could be<br>succinctly described as frivolous normalcy: day-to-day happenings—from waking in the morning<br>to dying in the night. All cycles: all over and gone. She’d certainly learned very much, but not the<br>slightest about the world she’d awakened in.<br><br>However, when she decided to leave in order to learn more at the limits of space, she thought she<br>might take a part of the first world with her. Rather, she thought to make something from it...<br>perhaps "the best" of it.<br><br>So now she glances at Charon. With windows to the old world shining all around her, she lays her<br>eyes only on her satellite.<br><br>All that said... hadn’t she made it on a whim?
A what-if had come to mind. What if this place of memories—of worlds and peoples gone—could<br>be used to craft something new?<br><br>She’d pulled shards of Arcaea together, and wished them bound, and with effort and will Charon<br>had taken shape.<br><br>"..."<br><br>But nothing was ever said by Charon. Nothing was ever done.<br><br>Nonetheless, it has remained with her like a moon ought remain with its mother planet.<br><br>...So she does not need the old world.<br><br>Charon is the true reflection: of how little that world ever meant.}}
=== 9-4 ===
解锁条件:完成[[#9-3|9-3]],购入[[Esoteric Order]]曲包<br>解锁要求:通过[[Löschen]]
她在白色世界里遭遇过几次,还有,当少女周围还有窗户的时候,她在废墟中看到过更多。<br>这些对现在的她来说已经习以为常。不过,那些事件让一切变得古怪又破败不堪。<br><br>这个空间就是这些情况的集合,据她所知,它们的出现不带有任何意图。<br>据她所知,它们只是一种“征兆”。<br><br>因此,她开始怀疑,创造这个世界的“神明” ……
She has continued on into the dark: quiet, and with a quiet partner. Once more, her thoughts drift<br>here and there...<br><br>That persistent idea returns...<br><br>That there is a god who designed all of this.<br><br>At least, it would only be accurate to call whoever was responsible a god.<br><br>As said, that is why she walks: to find this god.
"It is called ‘intelligent design’... typically," the girl says, speaking from what she’s learned through<br>the memories archived here. "However, this..." she continues before trailing off.<br><br>And she looks out ahead of herself.<br><br>The world’s distortions have become unfathomable. Lateral has become diagonal, the horizontal<br>reversed. To move, she walks where she wants to walk—and without concentration, she might float<br>or fall.<br>It seems, absent the creator, the world has decided to shape itself to her wants instead, resulting<br>in invisible steps on an invisible earth and tiring traipses through solid space.<br><br>And so there it is: that fact she already noted.<br><br>...She gazes above.<br><br>"...It would be better to say this world was born out of emotion."<br><br>It is the only way to make sense of a world so senselessly created.
There is a sun here, although in the world of white the light of the sky seemed to come instead from<br>Heaven itself. Here, hiding in the dark, the sun shines weakly, forgotten. Or... has its light<br>simply been taken away by Arcaea’s endless day?<br><br>"...Though it ended, recently," she mutters to herself, dropping her gaze to what’s before her<br>instead. There are no clouds anymore. Starlight, as ever, is plentiful.<br><br>Since hours, or perhaps days ago, vortices have begun to tear away at reality in the Void, as if<br>to take the place of those old clouds as a new and strange thing to see...<br><br>The lost sun and unfinished world are greatly indicative; the vortices too, of course, and <br>ertainly the clouds. The entire space here is telling.<br><br>Back in the world of white, as well: every so often "it" would manifest. What was here, and<br>everywhere: "it" would manifest, and disturb existence.<br><br>In a word: "anomalies".
She’d met with a few in the world of white, and when there were still windows around the girl, she<br>had seen even more throughout the ruins. They were instances of what has now become<br>commonplace for her, turning things queer and wreaking senseless havoc.<br><br>This space was a concentration of those instances, and as far as she could tell, there was never any<br>intent in their appearances. As far as she could tell, all they were was a symptom.<br><br>She suspects, therefore, that the god who made this world...
"..."<br><br>She stops before a vortex of black. Glass memory flows into it—the few shards of them left in this<br>place, slipping through and thinning, splitting.<br><br>The true edge is most definitely near.<br><br>She lifts her hand...<br><br>When she awakened with no preconceived notions, no memories, no instilled ideas and only,<br>instead, her personality and simple knowledge of the world itself...<br><br>...it had sickened her.----Despite everything she has since thought and said...<br><br>She imagined that there couldn’t possibly be any way the mock and scattered world of Arcaea had<br>no purpose.<br><br>It dripped with purpose. It was full of purpose.<br><br>Of memories. Of buildings. Of glass.<br><br>Of girls...<br><br>Why?
"...Charon."<br><br>She addresses her crafted satellite. It shows no signs of noticing, and yet she continues.<br><br>"You still can’t think for yourself...? You follow me, though... Do you believe I am your master?<br>Charon."<br><br>She says its name again. The eyes in its head sparkle.<br><br>"You were born here, and so was I. In light of that, I believe I’ve noticed something."<br><br>So casually, she enters her arm into the spiral before her.<br><br>...And Charon watches as the limb turns into glass threads.<br><br>"...What do you think? Is this a trick, Charon? Or are we the same? There’s no blood in you.<br>Is there any in me?"
Her body begins to unravel.<br><br>...She has a heart, and it beats.<br><br>She has thoughts. She is real.<br><br>Then why is she here? Why is anyone?<br><br>...There may be blood in her veins, but now she can’t see any of it.<br><br>Her "body" is unlike any she has seen in memory.<br><br>The silvery strands of her once-limb—of her once-chest, now...<br><br>...Confirmation at last: this flesh was invented.<br><br>"...!?"
She jumps with shock as Charon strikes her side, knocking her back.<br>At once, the threads reconnect. Her body becomes whole...<br><br>She witnesses her empty palm. She glances at Charon, who, as ever, says nothing.<br><br>...But she sets her shoulders.<br><br>...She is the master, after all.<br><br>She looks at her staring servant, and asks...<br><br>"...Shall we go and see the end?"}}
=== 9-5 ===
解锁条件:完成[[#9-4|9-4]],购入[[Esoteric Order]]曲包<br>解锁要求:采用[[拉格兰]]通过[[Aegleseeker]]
[[文件:Story 9-5 cg.jpg|300px|thumb|right|9-5]]
如果我还有指甲的话,我说不定会把它们通通咬光。<br><br>你懂的……<br><br>虽然你可能是用一片指甲把我创造出来的……<br><br>我 不 是 一具空壳。<br><br>我能感受到这一切。我 不 想 要这样。<br><br>你能听到我的想法吗?<br><br>这里的一丝一毫我 都 不 想 要。----我想要 知 道 真相。<br><br>真 相 就是 这 样?<br><br>这里,一 无 所 有——<br><br>......<br><br>……知道了这一切都是虚无……<br><br>我可以感觉到某种不安的感觉在我的肚子里翻搅……肚子?肚子?而且……我的双手在哪里?<br><br>好吧……我早就失去它们了……<br><br>——
当我再次靠近它时,我的指尖恢复了知觉。而且我发誓,我能看见自己的呼吸。<br><br>我想,我应该会“返回”了。<br><br>如果回去了,我相信我不会紧抓着真相不放。 <br><br>我不会忘记,但我也不会时刻惦记。<br><br>我相信着,不是吗?<br><br>我能比那位“神明”做得更出色。<br><br>但是,首先,我需要更多人的帮助。
When did it happen?<br><br>When did the dark fall away... into this?<br><br>The dark fell away. The world fell away.<br><br>Outside of Arcaea, nothing exists.<br><br>She moves her lips, but no atmosphere carries her words.<br><br>Nothing is here to vibrate. Sound has gone.<br><br>What she sees is... a blurred and strange plane.<br><br>It’s as if moving her eyes bleeds space itself.<br><br>As if I wasn’t meant to see this.
I thought, for a while, about returning. Perhaps if I’d considered that more seriously, as soon as I<br>came here, I might have still been able to go back out.<br><br>But now, I’ve become lost.<br><br>No...<br><br>Being "lost" still carries a sense of "place", doesn’t it?<br><br>Up, down, left, and right—in fact, the common and cardinal directions...<br><br>Those no longer exist. Rather, they stopped existing quite a while ago, and it simply hadn’t<br>completely registered to me until now... And on that subject ("me"): I don’t believe "I" exist any<br>longer, either.<br><br>You see, my hands have gone. My feet have gone. My legs have gone. My tongue has gone.<br><br>Perhaps I’ve become only my eyes, and some lingering shadow of my brain.
That said, that’s... going...<br><br>I find that it doesn’t take long to start feeling as if your mind is tearing apart once your motions and<br>senses have been stripped away. I need to focus—something the god of this world apparently<br>never did.<br><br>......<br><br>...Hm.<br><br>Yes... the reality created here was truly thoughtless... a design without a blueprint.<br>A vague impression.
There is earth. There is daylight. After daylight, the night sky and the stars within it.<br>After that, who knows? You didn’t, evidently.<br><br>Honestly...<br><br>You. What did you want out of this place? Why did you take me here?<br>Why did you hide whatever I was before?<br><br>I WAS something before. You’ve snatched whatever that was away.<br><br>......
Did I die like the others?<br><br>Did I die like the girl who loved her brother? Did I die like the girl in red?<br><br>Do you think I was afraid of that, perhaps?<br><br>This... ha.<br><br>What am I meant to take from this? Well?<br><br>What am I meant to take from being trapped in this thing that you manifested for yourself?<br>It was for you, wasn’t it? A paradise... an escape, maybe. How did you do it? Does it matter?<br><br>What matters?
...I’m fraying again.<br><br>It’s nonsense.<br><br>Ha, I... really understand it now: why she hates this world.<br><br>Anyone who figures this world out should want to see it gone.<br><br>Maybe you think you saved me? You never saved me. Even if you had... it seems I’ve damned<br>myself, haven’t I? What for?<br><br>What do I DO with this?<br><br><br>Charon...
Charon isn’t here, right? Is my body here? I want to—<br><br>Let me...<br><br>LET me vanish... Why did Charon STOP me then? Looking back—<br><br>Am I looking back?<br><br>Are my eyes still here?<br><br>I can’t see it.<br>Where was I?<br>No, no, no.<br>No, no, I really can’t return?<br>I can’t get out of here?<br>I can’t move?<br>No, really, I can’t?
I could bite through the entirety of my nails, if I still had them.<br><br>You know...<br><br>Although you might have crafted me from one...<br><br>I am NOT a husk.<br><br>I feel this. I do not WANT this.<br><br>Can you hear my thoughts?<br><br>I wanted NONE of this.
I wanted to KNOW.<br><br>KNOWING means THIS?<br><br>There is NOTHING—<br><br>......<br><br>...Knowing it’s nothing...<br><br>It feels like scum is building in my stomach... Stomach? Stomach? And... where are my hands?<br><br>Right... I lost them...<br><br>——
You cannot call this light.<br><br>What exists around me is indescribable.<br><br>I think, when I left the ruined world and entered the Void, I welcomed the dark.<br><br>It was different. It wasn’t blinding. It wasn’t "obvious".<br><br>Light, darkness: basic things I’ve seen in countless worlds.<br>The light is warm and welcoming; the darkness is frightful and unknown.<br><br>But still, I wished to know the dark.<br><br>......
I felt it implicitly, and learned it soon: that this world was made as a sanctuary for a weak heart.<br><br>But that is not me.<br><br>I am not the weak-hearted person who created this refuge.<br><br>And if I had created it, I would have done it better...<br><br>Charon showed... shows that.<br><br>I marched ahead into the dark because I wanted to find a better truth.<br>However, the truth is as bitter and merciless as I’d always assumed.<br><br>I’ve been in this state for too long to count. I have lost the minutes and hours.<br><br>And every so often I will see it again:<br><br>Light—true light—in the distance.
......<br><br>Perhaps it has been guiding me.<br><br>I wouldn’t admit this, to anyone.<br><br>It’s like a loss: relinquishing myself to what I’ve long criticized.<br><br>However, I feel it for certain: that light is now beckoning me.<br><br>That light of the old world is shining, and wants me.<br><br>And in that light I find deliverance...
......<br><br>Fine, then. I will take your hand.
As I near it again, I feel my fingertips more, and I swear that I can see my breath.<br><br>I think I’m going to return.<br><br>If I do, I don’t believe I will take the truth with me.<br><br>I will not forget it, but I will surely leave it behind.<br><br>I believe it, don’t I?<br><br>I could do the job better than that god.<br><br>But, I will need hands again for it first.
I shouldn’t simply think or talk that I might be better. I’ll do it. I will.<br><br>But really... I am not swelling with pride as I escape here.<br><br>Instead, take this as revenge.<br><br>I’ll change this world, or craft a better one.<br><br>You’ve left this one broken so badly. Isn’t anything possible?<br><br>I think so.<br><br>No...<br><br>I know it.<br><br>——}}
=== 9-6 ===
解锁条件:完成[[#9-5|9-5]],购入[[Esoteric Order]]曲包<br>解锁要求:采用[[拉格兰]]通过[[Far Away Light]]
The plane of Arcaea is impossible. Although she came to know much of it, she did not learn all<br>there was to know. There are still questions—however, that is no matter.<br><br>Lagrange finds herself in the Void again: whole, and back with Charon.<br><br>How she reached the End, she is still unsure. She is unsure of much, however—<br><br>The truth is: in this broken and anomalous prison, crafted by a frail soul...<br>there is no act truly outside of "reason".<br><br>Even returning from the End. Even returning from the Void.<br><br>Even finding others. Even reaching through a "window".<br><br>For what is impossible in a world that is itself the same?
She takes Charon into both of her hands. Light glances off its eye.<br><br>Seeing it, she asks, "...Were you my beacon, then?"<br><br>And the dull Charon says nothing in reply.<br><br>...However, a smile crosses her lips.<br><br>"Don’t give me that look," she says. "'I told you so'? You never even speak, do you?"<br><br>To that, Charon wiggles its ears.<br><br>"Ha..."
She walks ahead.<br><br>She lets her satellite go, and it takes its place over her shoulder.<br><br>Now they walk, toward Arcaea, watching clouds of light along the way.<br><br>...Until one in particular catches her attention.<br><br>It shimmers a little more oddly than the others. The surface ripples.<br>In it, the flow of time is bending back on itself, and leaping forward.<br><br>For now she sees this: a split in reality.<br>The sky is being again divided, but not as it was by the girl in red.<br><br>The girl chased by shadows... she is there.<br><br>And there is a girl cloaked in light.
Yes...<br><br>Another "end" is manifesting.<br><br>With a sense that she might fall through the crack through which she bears witness,<br>Lagrange watches that ending transpire.<br><br>Beyond, to its conclusion. To the fall.<br><br>To dissolution.<br><br>It makes her smile again, although she can see... what progresses now is a tragedy.<br><br>This is a dance of light and conflict...<br><br>Arcaea.}}
解锁条件:购入[[Binary Enfold]]曲包<br>解锁要求:采用[[爱托]]通过[[Next to you]]
你在沉睡。<br /><br />随着你现在逐渐隐没,我开始想到一些比较久远的东西。<br /><br />如果我们在此创造的记忆可以成为结晶,我一定会将它们好好收集。<br /><br />你大概会为此笑我吧。每次我捡起一块玻璃说要带走,你都想着要笑我。<br />我觉得你只是不懂,但我也觉得那样没什么不好。<br /><br />我无法把你收拢在记忆里。你就是你,现在到永远都是如此。<br /><br />但随着你现在逐渐隐没,我开始想到一些比较久远的东西。<br /><br />那个玻璃中的房间。那一场音乐会。
你像烈火,像暴风。<br /><br />无论你的双脚何时踩踏在地面,感觉都像是震动了整座建筑。<br /><br />空气为之震荡,地面为之低鸣。<br /><br />那样看着你总让我无法呼吸。接着,你带来的旋律响彻整个房间。<br /><br />充满了努力,充满了坚持。那真的很美妙。<br /><br />那样的节奏……
那时我想着:我爱你。<br /><br />在胜利中,在苦难中——<br /><br />我一直都爱着你,露娜。
乐曲在掌声中结束。对手什么都不能做,只能优雅接受自己的落败。<br /><br />你举起了乐器,深深一鞠躬。<br /><br />你看着我,说了那句话。人群太吵杂,我无法听见,但你双唇间流泻出的字非常清楚:<br /><br />“我比你厉害,对吧?”<br /><br />我皱了皱眉。转了转眼珠。记忆已然休止。
白色的世界在我们四周降临,你开始朝我走来——乐器已不在你的手中,取而代之的是你的剑。<br />我仍然看着你,说:<br /><br />“你就赢这一次,那么开心吗?”<br /><br />“对我来说这可是又多了一次。数数总共多少次吧。”<br /><br />“唔,但是我们没有能用来数的东西。”<br /><br />“自己想办法数。”你这样说着,然后敲了敲头,“用用你的脑袋。”<br /><br />我会想出来的,露娜。
好吧,我猜总共有三次。有三次做得比我好…虽然你从未让我提醒你。<br />我的表现更好的时候…好,我相信是五次。<br />是——我在心里算着,我一只手举起了五只手指,另一只手是三只。<br /><br />然后你的手拍了过我张开的手掌。<br /><br />“五次!?”你兴奋地大喊。“那才比三次多一点点!” 没错!<br /><br />你合起我的手,手指紧扣。你变得狂喜,但随后开始在我身旁开始冷静下来。<br />你保持着微笑,眯起眼睛对我说:“再来一次?”
我必须拒绝。这有点难过,你知道吗?<br />我可以用我的剑指向任何记忆,无论哪段记忆我都会表现得比你好。<br />但你太开心了以至于根本不会想到这么多。<br />你更用力地握住我的手,大笑着,逐渐放松下来。<br /><br />你变回平时更熟悉的,比较冷静的样子,然后问道:<br /><br />“所以,要往哪去?”<br /><br />我闷哼一声,带着你走向我之前提到的那座塔。<br /><br />我知道你很清楚要去那里……<br /><br />所以我很感谢你还是问了。}}
You're asleep.<br /><br />Now that you've faded off, I've started thinking of something older.<br /><br />If the memories that we made here could be crystallized, these are the ones I would collect.<br /><br />You'd probably mock me for it. Every time I pick a piece of glass to "carry" around, you're ready<br />to mock me. I think you just don't understand it, but I also think that's just fine.<br /><br />I can't capture you in a memory. You're you, now and forever.<br /><br />But, now that you've faded off, I've started thinking of something older.<br /><br />That one room in glass. That one concert.
You were like a fire, a storm.<br /><br />Whenever your foot beat down on the flooring, it felt like the entire building shook.<br /><br />The air quaked, and the ground rumbled.<br /><br />Watching you like that always leaves me breathless. The melody you carried then swayed the<br />whole room.<br /><br />Effort. Persistence. It was wonderful. <br /><br />That beat... That smile... How you pulled the bow over those strings, perspired, laughed.
I thought: I love you.<br /><br />In victory, in struggle—<br /><br />I've always loved you, Luna.
The song ended to applause. The opposite player could do nothing but graciously accept defeat.<br /><br />You raised your instrument and took a bow.<br /><br />You looked at me, and you said it. I couldn't hear it over the crowd, but the words on your lips<br />were clear:<br /><br />"Better than you, wasn't I?"<br /><br />I frowned. I rolled my eyes. The memory ended.
A world of white came up all around us, and you started walking toward me—the instrument gone<br />from your grasp and replaced by your sword. Still eyeing you, I said:<br /><br />"Are you enjoying winning once that much?"<br /><br />"Once makes one more for me. Now count them up."<br /><br />"Well, we don't have anything to count on."<br /><br />"Count on yourself," you said, and you tapped the side of your head. "Use your head." <br /><br />I'd figured that out, Luna.
Well, that marked three times, I guessed. Three better performances than me... though you'd<br />never let me remind you. My showing was better... right, I believe it was five times. Yes—after<br />finishing the count in my head, I raised five fingers on one hand, and three on the other.<br /><br />And then you hit my opened palm with your own.<br /><br />"Five!?" you shouted, beaming. "That's barely more than three!" Not wrong!<br /><br />Your hand closed over mine, fingers tightly interlocking. You were feverish, but you were starting<br />to cool near me. Still wearing a smile, you narrowed your eyes at me and offered, "Again?"
I had to refuse. It was a little sad, you know? I could point my blade at near any memory, and<br />inside it I'd do better than you. But you were too cheerful in the moment to bother thinking that.<br />You squeezed my hand tighter. You laughed. You relaxed.<br /><br />You returned to your preferred, calmer mien, and not long after you said:<br /><br />"So, where to?"<br /><br />I huffed, and led you toward the tower I'd mentioned before.<br /><br />I knew that you knew it...<br /><br />that I still always appreciated you asking.}}
解锁条件:完成[[#10-1|10-1]],购入[[Binary Enfold]]曲包<br>解锁要求:采用[[露娜]]通过[[Silent Rush]]
你醒了吗?<br /><br />我觉得我在作梦。有点烦的是,我开始梦到你。<br /><br />你的脸、你的片刻、与你有关的场景一幕幕出现在我脑海里。<br />你演奏过的每一首曲子都让我窒息;你看起来完美而沉稳的掌控每一个动作。<br />当我想起你时,我倾向于想到一些“完美”的东西。<br /><br />让人心烦的是你每一部分都给人不同的看法。<br /><br />我知道你有多容易分心。我知道你一路上是怎么磕磕绊绊走过来的。说实话?你真的、真的很怪……
你知道,我讨厌我们在这里醒来。<br /><br />这么说吧,我们两个都觉得这样太快了,没有人想过这里就已经是终点了。<br />我们学过、读过的一切——没有哪本书、哪个老师、哪个家庭或任何东西、<br />任何人提到过一个玻璃做的世界。当我的眼睛在这些光芒中睁开,你在那里看着它们开始发出微光。<br /><br />你只是说着:“这全都是玻璃做的!”而一瞬之间,你便理所当然地看着一切。
我有阵子非常确定,那个时候你为了让我收回眼泪而说着你可以想到的最蠢的话……<br />像是说,或许因为我们是双胞胎,你在从我的眼中看到忧虑以前已经先感受到了我的内心,<br />而你知道该要大喊什么才能让我心情好点。但你接着开始对那些玻璃蝴蝶挥手,要它们跟着你。<br /><br />不管你想不想这样,你都让我想起了你一直以来的样子;<br />当你握住我的手,就像是在告诉我你永远不会改变,而且……
嗯,我爱你。<br /><br />当你在我身边时,无论你何时离开——<br /><br />我会永远爱着你,爱托。<br /><br />但你永远不要指望我会把这话说出口。
嘿…你还记得我们去过那座塔吗?或许我们那时早已看过……<br />一半的世界,而且你对那个地方很满意。我还记得,当我们接近那座塔时,我问你:<br /><br />“为什么选一座塔?”<br /><br />你回答:“那是我们第一个看见的东西!”<br /><br />……这回答让我有点错愕。<br /><br />“……就这样?我们去那座塔就只是因为你……看到它?”
“是‘我们’看到它。”你强调着。<br /><br />“我不记得了。”我撒了谎。“你已经疯了吗?”<br /><br />你的嘴边露出一丝轻笑。你问我:“你说‘疯’的意思究竟是什么?”<br /><br />我是说,你的确疯了,对吧?如果没有玻璃,你可能会继续收集弹珠或树叶。<br />如果你不能演奏音乐,你可能会拿起画笔画画。<br />如果我们没有一趟旅程要完成,你也无论如何都会带我前往某个地方。<br /><br />你曾说我很“狂野”,但现在看看你自己。
那座“塔”甚至称不上是塔…那是一座灯塔,矗立在一望无际的大海上。<br /><br />我在灯塔前坐了下来,因为我累了;你也因此在我身后坐了下来。<br />当我环顾四周时,我突然有个想法。我向你问道:“等等——等等,这里有贝壳吗!?”<br /><br />你说道:“我们就在海边,露娜。”<br /><br />我说:“是啊,但这里没有海…。” 我记得说完后就丢下你,为的是让你无精打采。<br />我坚持道:“我们来找贝壳吧!这样我们就能从贝壳中倾听大海的声音!”
你说我很幼稚。嗯哼,抱歉。<br /><br />但你记得吗?你就是引领我们到沙滩上的人。<br /><br />我们曾在那里度过一段时间,并透过我们发现的东西回到我们自己的记忆中。}}
Are you awake?<br /><br />I think that I'm dreaming. It's kind of annoying that I'm starting to dream of you.<br /><br />Your face, your moments; scenes of you are running through my head. How every song you've<br />ever played has stolen my breath away; how every movement you ever make looks controlled and<br />composed. When I think of you, I tend to think of something "perfect".<br /><br />What's annoying is every part of you that begs a different take.<br /><br />I know how easily you lose track. I know you trip and fall sometimes. And honestly? You're really,<br />really weird…
You know, I hated how we woke up here.<br /><br />I think it's fair to say. Both of us thought this was definitely too soon, that this was a last stop<br />nobody ever would've guessed. Everything we were taught, everything that we read—no books or<br />teachers or family or anything or anyone ever mentioned a world made out of glass. And, when<br />my eyes opened up to all this light here, you were there and saw them starting to shimmer.<br /><br />You just said, "It's all made of glass!" And in an instant, you took to everything like it was nothing.
For a while, I was pretty sure that back then, you were just saying the dumbest thing you could<br />think of to turn my tears away... Like maybe, because we're twins, you saw into my heart before<br />you saw the worry in my eyes, and you knew exactly what to shout out to make me feel better.<br />But then you started waving for those butterflies of glass to follow you.<br /><br />Whether you were trying to or not, you reminded me of how you always were, and when you<br />grabbed my hand, it was like you were telling me you'd never change, and...
Well, I love you.<br /><br />When you're beside me, whenever you're away—<br /><br />I will always love you, Eto.<br /><br />Though good luck ever getting me to say that.
Hey... do you remember when we went to that tower? Maybe we'd seen... about half of the world<br />by then, and you were pretty set on that one place. I remember that, when we were kind of<br />nearing it, I asked you:<br /><br />"Why a tower, anyway?"<br /><br />You said, "It was the first thing we saw!"<br /><br />...I felt a little dumbfounded.<br /><br />"...That's it? We're going there because you... saw it?"
"WE saw it," you insisted.<br /><br />"I don't remember it," I lied. "You're going crazy already?"<br /><br />A quiet laugh escaped your lips. You asked me, "What's really 'crazy', anyway?"<br /><br />And I mean, you definitely are, right? If it wasn't glass, you'd probably keep collecting marbles or<br />leaves. If you couldn't make music, you'd take up a paintbrush. If we didn't have a path for a<br />journey, you'd find somewhere to bring us anyway.<br /><br />You've called me "wild" before, but look at you.
The "tower" wasn't even a tower... The thing was a lighthouse, standing over a totally empty sea.<br /><br />I sat down in front of it because I was tired; you sat down behind me because I sat down. And,<br />while I looked around where we were I suddenly got this idea. I asked you, "Wait—wait, are there<br />any shells here!?"<br /><br />You told me, "We are where we are, Luna."<br /><br />And I told you, "Yeah, but there's no sea..." I remember dropping against you after saying that,<br />just to make you slouch. I insisted, "Let's look for shells! Then we can hear what's left of it!"
You told me I was being childish. Uh-huh. Sorry.<br /><br />But remember? You were the one who led us out onto the sands yourself.<br /><br />We'd spend some time there, and through what we'd find return to memories of our own.}}
=== 10-3 ===
解锁条件:完成[[#10-2|10-2]],购入[[Binary Enfold]]曲包<br>解锁要求:采用[[爱托]]通过[[Strongholds]]
露娜,还记得我们在下面发现更多的贝壳碎片吗?我们连一个完整的贝壳都找不到…我想这说得通。<br />嗯,我对这个发现很高兴。此外,我们解锁了关于一片海岸和大海的记忆…<br />我们在那里发现的贝壳也很有用。<br /><br />在其中,我们知道记忆中的人已快速离开了海滩。我们没有在意,并决定留下来。<br /><br />“我们可以下水游泳吗…?”你好奇的问道,同时一只手拿着海螺放在耳边,眯着眼睛看着海浪。<br /><br />我提醒你:“呃,我们不能游泳,但你…可能可以。”
“哦对了,没错,”你看着我,嘴角憋着笑(而我已皱起了眉头)。“你不会游泳!”<br /><br />“别说了,否则我丢沙子到你头发里。”我威胁道。并用手指着你。<br /><br />“我们来学啊!”你大叫,指着我们前方的海洋。<br /><br />我抱怨着我们没有泳衣可穿。<br />你告诉我那只是一段回忆,我们会没事的,并在我意识到之前,你已握住了我的手。
水感觉起来很真实。冰冷的感觉也很真实。你把我拉进大海。你引导着我胡乱摆动的双腿。<br /><br />你享受着你少数可以夸耀的事物,游泳这件事显然你比我更擅长。<br /><br />你知道吗,当时我的脑袋里充满了各种思绪和疑惑。那种感觉难以形容。<br />分心?有点害怕,但很好玩?我原本有成千上万的疑问,但这些最终都在我脑海中被搁置一旁。
当记忆结束后,你拖着我到白色沙滩上。你在搔我痒。你真的太过分了。你简直无可救药。<br /><br />虽然我不喜欢这样,但我发现自己正在微笑。<br /><br />很快的,我想起来我是你的姐姐。<br /><br />我抓住你的脸,捏你的脸颊。<br /><br />“住手,你这个小屁孩。”我严厉地说道。
对此,你得意地看着我,还捏了捏我的鼻子。<br /><br />“不要挠那里!” 当你继续进行搔痒攻击时,我开始哀号,尽管我知道这仍无法阻止你。<br /><br />事实是,我从一开始就不会阻止你。}}
Luna, remember how all we found down below were more shards? We couldn't even find one<br />shell... I guess it made sense. Well, I was delighted by the find. And besides, we unlocked a<br />memory that reflected a shore and a sea... and the shells we found there worked for us just as well.<br />In it, we knew that the person remembering had left the beach quickly. We ignored that, and<br />decided to stay.<br />"Can we swim in it...?" you wondered aloud, squinting into the waves with a conch up to your ear.<br />And I reminded you, "Well, we can't, though you... might."
"Oh yeah, that's right," you said, looking my way as you held back a smile from your lips (as for<br />me, I was already frowning). "You can't swim!"<br />"Stop it right now or I'll put sand in your hair," I threatened. I pointed right at you, too.<br />"Let's learn!" you cried, and you pointed to the ocean before us.<br />I whined that we wouldn't have any swimming clothes in there. You told me it was only a<br />memory—we'd be fine—and before I knew it, you had my hand in yours.
The water felt real. That cold was real. You pulled me into the sea. You guided my wobbling legs.<br />You enjoyed one of the few things you could say, definitively, that you had the better of me at.<br />You know, back then my head was full of thoughts and questions. The feeling was indescribable.<br />Distracting? A little fearful, but having fun? I could've asked a hundred, a million things, but they<br />all ended up brushed aside in my mind.
When the memory was over, you tackled me down to the now-white sands. You were tickling me.<br />You're really so ruthless. You're incorrigible.<br />Even though I hadn't wanted to, I found myself smiling.<br />Soon enough, I remembered I'm your older sister.<br />I grabbed your face and stretched out your cheeks.<br />"Cut this out, you brat," I said sternly.
To this you looked down upon me smugly, and proceeded to pinch my nose.<br />"Not there!" I whined as you resumed your tickle assault, knowing that whining couldn't stop you<br />whatsoever.<br />The truth is I'd never stop you in the first place.}}
=== 10-4 ===
解锁条件:完成[[#10-3|10-3]],购入[[Binary Enfold]]曲包<br>解锁要求:采用[[露娜]]通过[[Next to you]]
爱托,我想知道你是否一直那么轻。<br /><br />在吵闹过后你累了,因此我不得不背着你上灯塔。<br /><br />我把你背在身后。你知道我更喜欢你背我。<br />我们两个人中,你的触感更像枕头般柔软。你也知道这并不公平。
虽然世界是白色的,但这座塔里面还是太暗了——因为螺旋楼梯上没有任何窗户,更何况你睡着了…<br />好吧,这段时间我都是自己一人了。<br /><br />我只能听到你的呼吸声,还有我脚步的回音。我只能勉强看到远处顶端的光芒。<br /><br />…我想起了我们的小时候,还有…我在想,每次睡觉前,你不是都会唱歌给我听吗?<br />我想着你是怎么做的,然后我张开口——
“哼—哼—哼—哼,小星星…我想知道你究竟为何物,可以高出世界如此之多……”<br /><br />“有如天空中的钻石?”<br /><br />……随之而来的是你的歌声。<br /><br />我继续爬着楼梯,但不再唱着那首属于孩子的曲调。<br /><br />你问道:“那是儿歌吗,露娜?”你的声音听起来昏昏沉沉——但绝对是清醒的。<br /><br />我什么也没说。我可以感受到脸上和耳朵的炙热,是我从未希望你看见的景象。
“你还没唱到太阳下山的部分,”你说着,一头埋进我的头发里。我回道:<br /><br />“闭嘴。”<br /><br />你咯咯地笑了,你的气息搅动着周遭的空气。<br /><br />“反正这边也没有夜晚可言。”我提醒着你:“算了吧。”<br /><br />你说:“其实,那首曲子从未提过月亮,不是吗……”。<br /><br />我对自己重复道:“算了吧。”
你回道:“再说……你还是要带我到上面吧?”。<br /><br />“一旦我落入你的手中,你就真的不肯放手了……” 我嘀咕着。<br />我可以感受到你脸上的笑容。<br />想到这点,我似乎也可以感受到你的胸膛……<br />接着心想着:好了,你要下来了。<br /><br />我把你放在后方,就待在我的身旁。<br /><br />你拍拍我的背,再来是我的头。
我想告诉你,不要再这样了……<br /><br />但我只是撇开我的眼睛,摆出一副鬼脸。<br /><br />“来嘛,露娜。”你哄着我,甚至抬起我的下巴。“我们几乎就要到最顶端了……或许吧!”<br /><br />我想,也对,我是这里的妹妹……<br /><br />那好吧——也就这一次了。}}
Eto, I wonder if you were always that light.<br /><br />You tired out after our roughhousing, which meant I was the one who had to bring you up the<br />lighthouse.<br /><br />I had you against my back. You know I prefer the reverse. You're the more pillow-like of the<br />two of us. You knew it wasn't fair.
Although the world was white, the tower—without any windows on its spiral staircase—was too<br />dark. And with you nearly asleep... well, it'd been a while since I'd found myself alone.<br /><br />I could only hear your breath and the echoes of my own steps. I could only see the distant glow of<br />the top... barely.<br /><br />...I thought about back when we were a little younger, and... I was thinking, didn't you always<br />sing something for me at bedtime? I wondered how it went, and I started—
"...Hmm-hmm hmm-hmm... little star... How I wonder what you are. Up above the world so high..."<br /><br />"Like a diamond in the sky?"<br /><br />...Your voice followed.<br /><br />I continued up the stairs, but I stopped the children's tune.<br /><br />"A baby song, Luna?" you asked. Your voice sounded groggy—but definitely awake.<br /><br />I said nothing. I could feel heat in my face and in my ears that I never wanted you to see.
"You didn't get to the part about the sun going down," you said, nuzzling into the back of my hair.<br />To that I replied:<br /><br />"Shut up."<br /><br />You giggled, your breath tossing the strands.<br /><br />"There's no night in this place anyway," I reminded you. "Forget it."<br /><br />"Actually, that song never mentions the Moon, does it...?" you said.<br /><br />I repeated myself: "Forget it."
"Also... you're still going to carry me up there, hm?" you asked.<br /><br />"You really don't let go once you've got your fangs in me, huh..." I muttered. I could feel the smile<br />on your face. Thinking on it, I could feel your chest, too...<br />And I thought: alright, you're coming down.<br /><br />I set you down behind and beside me.<br /><br />You patted my back, then my head.
I wanted to tell you to stop that...<br /><br />But I only turned my eyes away and grimaced.<br /><br />"Come on, Luna," you coaxed me, even lifting my chin. "We're almost at the top... probably!"<br /><br />I thought: right, I'm the little sister here...<br /><br />So I'd allow it—just this once.}}
=== 10-5 ===
解锁条件:完成[[#10-4|10-4]],购入[[Binary Enfold]]曲包<br>解锁要求:采用[[露娜]]通过[[Memory Forest]]
[[文件:Story 10-5 cg.jpg|300px|thumb|right|10-5]]
我们已经登上灯塔,通常那会有一盏灯在那扇窗台不断闪烁着——<br />我们其中一人把手放在膝盖上跨坐在那里。<br />另一人则站在她的身旁,一手扶在那个窗台上,用一种从未听过的的节奏拍打着。<br /><br />在看向其他事物前,我们就这样看着彼此。<br />而我们另一只手,指尖碰着指尖;有时一只,有时则是两只,<br />漫不经心地玩着除了按压对方的指头外毫无规则的游戏。
“如果我真的开始变得比你更好,你会怎么做?”妹妹问道。<br />“如果我开始每次都获得更多的掌声,或是每次都在卡牌游戏上击败你,或是——”<br /><br />姐姐回道:“你的假设真多。”“很多如果——而且都是很大而空的如果,不是吗?”<br /><br />“这个嘛……”另一人开始说道,一边心不在焉看着我们身后那盏破碎的灯。“嗯,是这样没错。”<br /><br />我们继续那场漫无目的的游戏。
“但你不该就此放弃。何况真的不必由我来告诉你这点,对吧?”<br /><br />……我们一起笑了。<br /><br />我们携手一起将目光转向那片景色。
世界早已干枯。而我们唯一发现的生命就仅剩彼此。<br />那无形的太阳无情地击垮所有的一切。我们依然相互连接着,看着这一切,保持放松。<br /><br />悄然无声之间,我们似乎达成了共识——<br /><br />“我想要再试着种种看花草……”<br /><br />“对,我也是……”<br /><br />我们凝视着Arcaea,没有再多说什么。
一颗红色彗星划破天际。<br /><br />我们看向天空……<br /><br />……黑夜早已降临。}}
We'd summited the lighthouse, and where a lamp would usually be shining—on that sill, one of us<br />sat with a hand across her knee. The other stood beside her, one hand on that same sill, tapping<br />to an unheard rhythm.<br /><br />We looked at one another before looking at anything else. With our free hands we touched our<br />fingers together, one and sometimes two at a time, inattentively playing a rule-less game of<br />matching pad presses.
"What will you do if I really start getting better than you?" the younger of us asked. "If I start always<br />getting louder applause, or I start always beating you at cards, or—"<br /><br />"That's a lot of speculation there," the older of us replied. "So many ifs—and they're BIG ifs, aren't<br />they?"<br /><br />"Well..." the other began, staring absently at the broken light behind us, "yeah, they are."<br /><br />We continued our purposeless game.
"But you shouldn't give up. And I don't really have to tell you that, do I?"<br /><br />...We smiled at that.<br /><br />We joined hands, and turned our attention to the landscape.
The world was dry. The only life we'd found in it had been one another's. The sun, unseen, beat<br />down mercilessly on everything. We remained connected. We watched, and we relaxed.<br /><br />Quietly, we kind of suddenly agreed—<br /><br />"I want to try planting a garden again..."<br /><br />"Yeah, me too..."<br /><br />We stared out at Arcaea, saying nothing more.
A red comet cut the sky.<br /><br />We looked out at the day…<br /><br />...and night began to fall.}}
=== 10-6 ===
解锁条件:完成[[#10-5|10-5]],购入[[Binary Enfold]]曲包<br>解锁要求:采用[[爱托]]通过[[Singularity]]
那都是很久以前的事了。<br /><br />当夜幕降临,天空再度被划破以前——<br /><br />……其实,当她们握着那把随身携带的剑时,总是能感觉到……<br /><br />……感觉到,即便这已是来世,事情依旧会再度走到尽头。<br /><br />Arcaea 会发生不可逆转的改变,就在一瞬间,就这样糟糕地开始了。
然而,当现在一切真的就要发生的时候,她们反而从容以对。<br /><br />毕竟,当人们知道自己时间所剩不多时,还会说些什么呢?<br /><br />“我会说,剩下的时间我想好好玩一玩——”<br /><br />“我会说,剩下的时间我想变开心一点——”<br /><br />“——但说实话,剩下的时间我只想和你一起度过。”
……现在,她们再度踏上旅行。<br /><br />“露娜,来吧。”年长的那位这么说。<br /><br />年轻的则是顺着被毁的楼梯往下走了几步。她不断回头看着已经摧毁的一切。<br />她才刚踏出几步,阶梯就开始瓦解了。<br /><br />她跳了下去,她的姐姐接住了她,她们脚下的地面也随之裂开和晃动。<br /><br />她们紧抱着彼此,看向那碎裂的地平线。<br /><br />天空破裂了。大地破裂了。在世界某个深处,有什么东西已经完全碎裂,从而全世界都开始瓦解了。<br /><br />然而,她们也只能继续前进。
我们可以随时回去。我们也可以随时回来。<br /><br />女孩们再度踏上旅程,跳跃在白色世界的破败碎片上时,或许会这样想。<br /><br />那么,只要再踏出一步,再经过一次旅行……<br /><br />只要再看一眼,再唱一首歌曲……<br /><br />她们现在向上空飞去。她们正腾空在一切万物之上。
两人微笑着并握住彼此的手,将她们的钥匙瞄准天空——对准依旧以残余之姿游荡的Arcaea。<br /><br />她们在周围绽放的光芒中进入了另一片记忆。<br /><br />那就对了,一直都是如此:<br /><br />只要再来一支舞。}}
That was all a long time ago.<br /><br />When the night fell, before the sky was shattered again—<br /><br />...Actually, when they gripped the blades they always had with them, they always got the sense...<br /><br />...The sense that, although this was after life, things would still come to an end again.<br /><br />Arcaea would irreversibly change—and quite suddenly, and quite terribly, it began to.
However, now that it is actually coming to pass, they took it in stride.<br /><br />After all, what does one say when they learn they haven't got much longer?<br /><br />"I could say that I'll spend this playing around—"<br /><br />"I could say that I'll spend this trying to be happy—"<br /><br />"—But honestly, I'd just want to spend however long we have with you."
...They're traveling again, now.<br /><br />"Luna, come on," says the older one.<br /><br />The younger takes some steps down a ruined staircase. She's been looking back where everything<br />had fallen down. When she walks only a little, the stairs begin to crumble.<br /><br />She leaps down; her sister catches her as the earth splits and shifts below them as well.<br /><br />Hugging one another, they look out to the broken horizon.<br /><br />The sky is broken. The land has broken. In some deep part of the world, something has utterly<br />fractured, and so it has begun to collapse.<br /><br />And yet, they merely continue on.
We can always go back. We can always return.<br /><br />Perhaps the girls are thinking that as they set off once more—as they leap over the decaying<br />pieces of the world of white.<br /><br />So, one more step, one more trip...<br /><br />One more sight, one more song...<br /><br />They take flight now. They rise above it all.
Smiling, the two hold one another's hands and aim their keys at the sky—at the Arcaea still<br />swimming through what remains of it.<br /><br />Light glows all around them, and they enter another memory.<br /><br />That's right, always:<br /><br />One more dance.}}
解锁条件:购入[[Scarlet Cage]]单曲<br>解锁要求:通过[[Purgatorium]]
She kept expecting there to be more people here.<br><br>She wasn’t sure why. All around her was a white wasteland, filled with nothing but faded, ruined<br>buildings, bereft of all life—all except for her.<br><br>In these few days since waking up in this place, without any recollection of what happened before,<br>she walked quite far and explored what she could. The tattered structures did little to answer her<br>questions. Each of them was empty... and while she found the architecture itself familiar, she<br>seemed to have no memory of when she’d learned their names, their shapes, their functions.<br><br>Time and again, that was the idea she’d come back to: knowing "what", but not "why". It could be<br>the idea was just a distraction for her, something to ponder in favor of the more obvious, weightier<br>things regarding this world—and inside herself.<br><br>She had to say, though: this was certainly a bizarre and bewildering place.
She pulled her guitar’s strap tightly over her shoulder, and the questions returned. Where had she<br>gotten it? Why in the world was it with her? Despite having woken up alongside it, she couldn’t<br>answer those questions. She only knew to pluck the strings to make sounds, to hold the strings<br>over the frets to create others. To strum them in time, to create rhythms, melodies, chords,<br>harmonies. More than that, it was almost... comforting, when she held in her hands.<br><br>But why? No, she did not know why. Why didn’t she?<br><br>The sand around her—eroded over eons by water. No water here. No liquid, even. How was there<br>sand? Walking. She knew how to do that. Why? She had no answer. She never had any answers.<br><br>For what it was worth, was any of this knowledge even "memory" at all?<br>Was she "remembering" these things? Had she "forgotten" other things?<br>It seemed to her she had amnesia, but was amnesia this... selective?
Knowing things, but not knowing why that knowledge existed within her, had her deeply and<br>fundamentally upset. It made her feel like an incomplete person. Like someone had removed her<br>skin and muscles and bones and placed them into some false container, but had forgotten to put<br>in all the other important things, leaving her hollow, forgotten.<br><br>She hated not knowing.<br><br>A kaleidoscope of questions shifted and rotated in her mind. She forced herself to focus on all the<br>sudden and overwhelming turns and angles. But answers? Again, no. There were no answers.<br><br>During her barefooted expeditions (she decided early on to keep her shoes looped around her<br>neck, since the large heels were inconvenient for the terrain) she’d learned next to nothing.<br>In fact, the more she saw, the less she felt that she knew.<br><br>She hated not knowing. She knew so many things about what was around her, and yet she felt<br>like she knew nothing of herself. So much of what she saw was baffling nonsense—not least of all<br>the glass wandering through the air for seemingly no reason. Glass that showed her other people,<br>other times, other worlds. Reflections, resonating in the oddest ways. Reflections, she thought,<br>which were undoubtedly familiar.
Yet the familiarity was but a feeling. The glass never showed her in their reflections.<br>These were not scenes of a remembered past.<br>These were not memories... or, at least, they were not hers, these Arcaea. Nothing was hers.<br><br>Deep down, her emotions shifted. With that shift came a growing sense of concern, of being out of<br>place, of confusion, of faint loneliness, of something crucial being missing somewhere inside her.<br>And she didn’t like it one bit.<br><br>She started walking again. Walking always seemed to help.<br>It let her focus on what was around her instead. On what was outside.}}
解锁条件:完成[[#6-1|6-1]],购入[[Scarlet Cage]]单曲<br>解锁要求:通过[[Scarlet Cage]]
But she could only ignore that creeping feeling for so long.<br><br>Eventually, she sat down on a relatively smooth chunk of stone and anxiously ran a hand through<br>her hair. Looking back, she could see a long set of footprints through the faded sand, stretching all<br>the way to the horizon. How was it possible there was this much sand? She was starting to get sick<br>of it.<br><br>After a moment’s thought, she brought her guitar around and held it, again, in her hands.<br>And there it was again, instantly: that comfort. It was like... a reassuring parent, or a friend.<br>She sighed. Really, that was all that she needed to keep going.<br><br>Without thinking, she began to hum a tune. Her fingers strummed the strings, their quiet, tinny<br>chords adding that precious harmony to her melody. She could remember how to walk, and she<br>could remember how to play. It brought a momentary smile to her lips: how both of these acts<br>came about as natural as breathing.<br><br>Her lips turned down again a moment later, however, losing their humor. Words were coming to her<br>tongue, her teeth, her lips, wanting to be added to this song. At first they were scattered, whirling,<br>trying to form a complete, sensible picture.
And so, dressed in black and scarlet, she sang—in this world of white:<br>this colorless and seemingly infinite cage.<br><br>Gradually, her words gained volume. Her feelings roiled within her, wild, building in intensity.<br>These instinctive words weren’t new, nor were they old and forgotten.<br>They were always with her, and now they were clawing, screaming their way out of her chest.<br>Just speaking them wouldn’t be enough. They needed to be shouted, roared so that they<br>resounded in the furthest corners of this dead world. She yelled them as loud as she possibly could.<br><br>It just seemed like the right thing to do.<br><br>She shouted about confusion. She shouted about the unknown, about the bleak landscapes,<br>about the bounteous memories in tiny glass shards flitting past for brief moments before<br>disappearing again.<br><br>She shouted about—<br><br>Fear.
For that one critical moment as she played, she realized what she’d been feeling, deep down.<br>This empty world, her empty memories...<br><br>They terrified her.<br><br>Who was she? What was this quiet place? What was going to happen to her?<br>What HAD happened to her?<br><br>But she already knew that she might never know. Not here.<br><br>Her voice broke for a note, but she pushed past and forced her lungs, should they exist, to their<br>limits.<br><br>Her fingers flew madly across the six strings. She could hear it vividly in her mind, the power, the<br>weaving together of rumbles, screeches, and vibrations.<br><br>A storm of her soul and of music—a tumultuous undercurrent rushing beneath her lyrics along<br>with the simmering dread, growing into a powerful heat, which reached her eyes as well.
But somehow, in some way she couldn't pinpoint, it made her feel a little better.<br>A little less confused, a little less afraid.<br><br>After a time, the echoes of her shouting faded out. A few final plucks with her right hand, and she<br>dropped it from the strings, her work finished. Her song vanished into the bright sky, the evidence<br>it had ever happened now residing within her near-empty memories.<br><br>She put her other hand to her eyes and rubbed them, shivering, refusing to look at the heavens<br>that had taken her song away.<br><br>But then she gave a laugh. It surprised her. It was an honest laugh—and the smile of a job well<br>done. She wiped her hand on her dress and sighed to herself.<br><br>Man, she hated this place.}}
解锁条件:完成[[#6-2|6-2]],购入[[Scarlet Cage]]单曲<br>解锁要求:通过[[VECTOЯ]]
The world was no less confusing now—no less intimidating, no less empty, no less merciless.<br><br>But now, she felt like she could deal with it.<br><br>She couldn’t be sure, but she could have sworn that fear was something she was familiar with.<br>She knew things about it—how it could make your legs weak, how it could make you run away,<br>how it could prevent you from making decisions, how it could control you.<br>The fear of the unknown. The fear of failure.<br><br>And she could only assume it had been instinct that had led her to play that song.<br>Maybe she’d done it before. Maybe she’d shouted through her fear before, in much the same way.<br><br>Maybe she had. At least, now she felt like she could handle it.<br>She had a firmer grip on that twisted little emotion now.<br>If she wanted to stay sane in this baffling world, she needed to keep it in check, keep it from<br>controlling her.<br>But it would always be there.
She exhaled, then turned in her seat and carefully put her guitar aside, laying it onto the stone.<br>Then she heard a soft clink.<br><br>A small cloth bag had fallen out of her inside pocket to the stone sticking out above the sand.<br>In it were several needles, a little pair of scissors, a thimble, a few spools of thread, and a measure.<br>A sewing kit. It had been with her when she’d first woken up. She could only assume it was hers.<br><br>When she’d first found the pouch, it had just confused her. She knew what it was for, but had no<br>clue why she was carrying it. Each of the accoutrements within was, of course, "known" to her, but<br>like the guitar she carried with her... it hadn’t come with any helpful little notes explaining where<br>it came from.<br><br>But now, when she reached down to retrieve the pouch, upon seeing her sleeve, she froze.<br><br>She... knew, didn’t she? How that sleeve was made. She knew the stitches, she knew all of the folds.<br>She knew the exact colors. She knew those threads were in the sewing kit.
But any further connection escaped her. She could easily draw conclusions based on logic,<br>but her mind still felt closed. That cruel disconnect between knowledge and experience...<br>It was agonizing.<br><br>Now, though... Now she wouldn’t let herself be overwhelmed by the fear caused by that disconnect.<br>She would recognize it, use it. So what if she didn’t remember? What mattered was that she knew.<br><br>A concrete goal would certainly help, though. She didn’t have one yet, but maybe, in time,<br>she could find one.<br><br>A grin crossed her face as she started off again, still thinking of the kit which had just made her<br>shiver. Pretty convenient, huh? She could at least keep her clothing intact on this inane journey.<br>And with that thought... her outfit certainly wasn’t practical, but it was hers, and she wouldn’t<br>give it up for the world.<br><br>Yes. It was hers.<br><br>That, her guitar, and her sewing kit—in this wasteland of memory, they were all hers.
Knowing that helped a little, and a little help could go a long way.<br><br>...A few steps later, something below her caught her eye.<br><br>Footprints in the sand...<br><br>But they didn’t belong to her.<br><br>Crossing her path, leading off to the left, they were definitely a few sizes off.<br>She stared the way they headed, and saw that they disappeared behind a few gentle hills.<br><br>Another genuine, familiar grin crossed her face.<br><br>Huh...<br><br>Maybe she’d had an audience after all.}}
解锁条件:购入[[GIMME DA BLOOD]]单曲<br>解锁要求:通过[[GIMME DA BLOOD]]
A moonless night blanketed the forest, trying to smother the fires blazing throughout its sprawling<br>verdure and the village nestled within.<br><br>Crashes and screams. Horrible sounds from horrible shapes, dark against the flames. For some, the<br>smoke-filled air was inundated with panic, driving them to run as fast as their legs could carry them.<br><br>She, however, felt enveloped in something now familiar to her: an unadulterated thrill of battle.<br><br>Her obsidian-colored sword glinted as it cleaved another of the shadowy figures. They were shaped<br>like malformed beasts, running on all fours yet fighting dexterously on hind legs. Her cut severed<br>its shoulders from the rest of its body—but before it could hit the ground, the body dissipated, as<br>though becoming smoke, before rising into the air to join the smoke from the fire.
Save for how the beasts appeared to materialize from the smoke of the forest blaze itself, she didn’t<br>know much else about them. There was little to distinguish one from another. For all she knew,<br>killing one would simply send its essence back into the clouds, only for it to come back again as<br>though nothing had happened.<br><br>As she stabbed her ornate blade into another of the shadow-beasts, she spared a glance behind her.<br><br>The villagers were nearly through the forest to the safety of the advancing forward line of some<br>nation or other.<br><br>She needed to protect them—needed to let the thrill within her run its course.<br><br>She jumped, spanning almost a field’s length in a single leap, long hair fluttering behind her, to<br>behead another beast as it raised a smoky claw to gore a fleeing farmer.<br><br>The short, muscular woman paused her escape for just a moment to offer a gesture the<br>sword-wielder wasn’t familiar with—perhaps a sign of gratitude—before scrambling away again.
It wouldn’t be much longer now. No matter where she found herself, no matter how advanced the<br>world’s technology and no matter what the philosophy of its people, she always had one objective:<br>slay, slay, slay—until, presumably, the enemy was gone.<br><br>Finally, the last straggler from the village made it to the line of spear-wielding soldiers. She could<br>see from here the sweat on the troops’ brows, the fear in their eyes… but she could see the<br>determination in their postures as well.<br><br>Letting down her sword at last, she exhaled a breath she hadn’t realized she’d kept, knowing what<br>was to come next. She felt the weariness hitting her quickly—and, once again, sooner than the last<br>time.<br><br>The world around her began to fracture, as though it had merely been a projected image made of<br>glass. She closed her eyes and smiled an empty smile. Slowly, she let the pale light engulf her...<br><br>...and welcome her back into the world of Arcaea.}}
解锁条件:完成[[#8-1|8-1]],购入[[GIMME DA BLOOD]]单曲<br>解锁要求:通过[[Bookmaker (2D Version)]]
迷尔并不知道自己的名字,即使她在来到这个死寂世界之前有什么记忆,现在也都遗失了。<br><br>一块玻璃碎片——就是这次将她卷入其中的那块——绕着她转了一圈,然后就飞向了远处。<br>从经验来看,她再也见不着它了。<br>它们叫作Arcaea——这是它们的名字,她在苏醒后就不知为何地知道这一点——<br>它们似乎展示着处于某些特定状况的纷纷世界。 <br><br>她没法触碰这些碎片,但它们能对自己起效。<br>至今以来,它们已经将自己卷入其中十多次,让她参与到各种世界和事件当中,<br>并且都有着明显相同的目标:击败——不,应该是将敌人碾碎在脚下。<br><br>在每一次的经历中,都不可避免地出现一些无法与她并肩作战的人……<br>不过,比起保护他们的念头,还是战斗的渴望更让人热血上涌。
Mir did not know her name, and if she had any memories from before this dead world to<br>remember, they were lost to her now.<br><br>A glass shard—the one that had pulled her this time—briefly spun around her before shooting<br>away into the distance. She knew from experience she wouldn’t see it again. They were called<br>Arcaea—their name a fragment of knowledge from her awakening of which she did not know the<br>origin—and they seemed to show other worlds in the midst of certain situations.<br><br>She couldn’t touch the shards, but they could act on her. Over a dozen times now, they had pulled<br>her inside, bringing her into those worlds and situations, with the apparent reason always the<br>same: to defeat—no, to crush her enemies underfoot.<br><br>Inevitably, each time, there would be those unable to fight behind her... though the idea of<br>shielding them paled in comparison to the driving, blood-racing thrill of the fight.
She was skilled with this blade she had woken up with—wherever it had come from. And something<br>told her that she was too skilled. She could clearly do things that others in these worlds couldn’t.<br>In fact, even her enemies didn’t pose much challenge for her in person-to-person combat. The true<br>challenge, she was learning, was in the protection of others.<br><br>But when she was in the fray, such concerns meant nothing to her. She reveled in the battle—let the<br>mirth of violence course through her.<br><br>That mirth, however, seemed to be draining from her more quickly after the fact, leaving naught<br>but emptiness and exhaustion that took what felt like hours, if not days, to restore. And it seemed<br>to be taking longer and longer each time.<br><br>The absence of adrenaline led her to ponder these other worlds she was being tossed into. Even<br>what had previously seemed to her to be fact, that these were other worlds at all, didn’t feel quite<br>right of late. It was almost more like... she was being shown images, ones that for some reason she<br>could act within. The answer was obvious, she sensed, as though she should have known it, yet it<br>was just beyond her grasp...
Tired, she hefted her sword onto her shoulder and took a look around. White sand, as far as the<br>eye could see. A desert, drained of its color, mirroring how drained she herself felt upon returning to<br>it. The trail of footprints behind her were exactly as they were before the "spiriting away". Without<br>any wind, it was impossible to tell how much time had passed.<br><br>Not that time seemed to have much meaning here.<br><br>Another calling. Everything turned white again.<br><br>Abruptly, she stood somewhere else. Fields charred brown, smoke in the sky, makeshift fences<br>erected on land and trenches dug into the ground.<br><br>She looked around, suddenly exhausted. The callings had never happened this close together<br>before. And where were the weak ones—that throng of faceless actors on the stage, pointless yet<br>also perhaps the sole reason for being thrown into battle? More importantly, where were her<br>enemies?<br><br>Where was her fight?}}
解锁条件:完成[[#8-2|8-2]],购入[[GIMME DA BLOOD]]单曲<br>解锁要求:通过[[Illegal Paradise]]
她立刻就瘫倒在了地上,大口喘着气。<br>她的剑本来在几小时前就被扔上了天,此刻却也横着掉在她身旁, 在沙子上发出干瘪的碰撞声。<br><br>她闭着眼坐了起来,试图忘记一切,试图放空心神,试图不再理会这片纯白世界。<br><br>她来这里是干嘛的?她为什么会出现在这里?<br><br>自从她苏醒后,她的时间只足够拿来睡眠和思考自己之所以被召唤至此的问题。<br>但她缺失的记忆一直是心头挥之不去的阴霾。<br><br>她本来是想要干嘛的?<br><br>她想了又想,还是想不出来。
War.<br><br>Mir had experienced battle before—but never war.<br><br>She now watched people kill one another with deadly efficiency, run for their lives in fear, engage<br>in feats of true heroism, engage in displays of utter dishonor...<br><br>Every way she turned, she found those weaker than her. Innocent, terrified faces, and all too many<br>of them young. They would see her, then look away, as if recognizing her only as a hallucination, a<br>trick of the light. She nonetheless tried to protect them. They would then run to their deaths.<br><br>Every way she turned, she found enemies. Soldiers leveling weapons at disarmed foes. Terrible<br>armaments, disassociated from humanity, delivering death faster than she could have ever believed<br>possible. She destroyed them, and then more would appear on the other side.
She jumped to yet another group of people, blue uniforms fighting against red, before making a<br>quick judgement and taking down the red ones. Behind, those people she had just protected were<br>wiped out in an instant from a strike she hadn’t seen coming.<br><br>Fading.<br><br>Vessels soared overhead, raining pure destruction down upon the lands. The vessels bore the same<br>insignias as those in the blue uniforms. Their fire swiftly took so many lives. Were they the true<br>enemy?<br><br>Taking a deep breath, she swung her arm back. After a mere moment’s pause to take aim, she spun,<br>hurling her sword into the air with a shout. The blade screamed upward at the small formation—<br>then tore through them, sending wild oranges and reds scattering through the firmament.<br><br>Then she saw the people jumping, and realized her mistake. White flared above and behind them,<br>and their descent slowed—parachutes? But they were easy targets against the red side’s weaponry.<br><br>The thrill was fading. Quickly.
Exhaustion crept back in.<br><br>And with it, despair—hopelessness at this situation over which she seemed to hold no power.<br><br>Indecision—the uncertainty of knowing what to do after the errors she’d made, and of who it was,<br>exactly, she needed to defeat.<br><br>Fright—the fear that her decisions would lead to something even worse.<br><br>The thrill was gone.<br><br>It felt like a trusted partner had betrayed her. Left her in her moment of need. She reached out with<br>her hands, searching for it. It had to be here. She had no fuel without it. Nothing to give her the<br>strength to take another step.<br><br>Unable to find it, eventually she, like those wounded soldiers, fell to her knees.
Hours passed. The raging battle was now dwindling, leaving behind the true horror of warfare.<br><br>She put her hands over her ears to protect herself from their moans, their yells. She shut her eyes<br>to block out the sights and smells.<br><br>It’s not my fault. It’s not my fault, she told herself.<br><br>And yet... it was, still, her fault. She surely could have done something, she thought. She could<br>have changed something—anything to prevent this.<br><br>When she tried to think about what she could have done, however, she found she couldn’t.<br><br>And that process repeated, as it had done the last dozen times. She felt her nerves fraying, panic<br>setting in.<br><br>Eventually, her surroundings whitened, and she was sent back into the world of Arcaea in the same<br>manner as all the other times.
Immediately, she crumpled to the ground, breathing heavily. Her sword, which she’d thrown into<br>the air hours before, dropped down beside her, hitting the sand lengthwise with a dry clap.<br><br>She sat there, eyes closed, trying to forget, trying to make her mind go blank, trying to keep out the<br>sheer whiteness of this damned world’s sky.<br><br>What was she doing here? What did this world want from her?<br><br>Ever since her awakening, she’d only been given the time to ponder her summonings and to sleep.<br>But her lack of memories hung there in the back of her mind like a haunting phantom.<br><br>What did SHE want to do?<br><br>She thought, and thought, and realized she didn’t know.
So she turned her head to look back along the sands, gazing at the long trail of footprints<br>stretching out behind her. She wished she knew where she was going.<br><br>Unbeknownst to her, however, that trail of footprints had already been joined by another, still quite<br>far off.<br><br>But for now, she prayed. She didn’t know to whom, but she prayed regardless, hoping that she<br>would be granted just a little bit of respite, now, on these empty, white dunes.}}
Between her teeth,the flat,hard surfaces feel-they FEEL right,and comfortable.
The sharp and jagged edge tickles her tongue.
A memory of loss: of desperation, failure, and ultimately anguish. These aren't the words she'd use... She would describe this memory as "sad", herself. In anticipation, her lips tug upward with a giddiness she cannot hide.
She already knows-this will be savory. Now,she bites into the glass.
"Ahh," utters the white and black (and orange, and green), bat-like creature at her right. "Well,that's fine."
This is Fans.
"Were you hungry?" asks the black and white (and green, and orange), bat-like creature at her left. "Tell us when you are!"
This is Drem.
"Mmm!" she moans with glee, holding her cheek. The glass has broken between her teeth. The shards and dust coat her tongue. It feels warm. It tastes like a fine dinner: like meat,with flowing,salt-kissed juices.
But her vocabulary is,again, somewhat limited. All she has to say to describe the taste, as a bit of saliva drops from the cormer of her mouth, is "Delicious!"
"That's great, Ayu!" Fans exclaims, flapping its wings excitedly.
"It's yummy!" she declares before swallowing the remaining fragments.
Drem hovers behind her with some curiosity. "Huh, 'yummy'." It repeats. "What sort of 'yummy', Ayu?"
"Like... steak!"With this stated, she begins to march forward,and her "bat" familiars follow.
"What does steak taste like?"
"Oh,Drem..." she sighs,with the same intonation that she might use for a lost child. "You're so dumb!"
"I just don't know what steak tastes like," Drem asserts. "Like what?" it asks.
"Like meat!" she declares, and-spotting something unusual-she plucks a shining piece of glass from the air.
"So,salty?" asks Drem.
"And yummy!" she reminds it, popping the new glass between her lips. It is a memory of celebration: accomplishment,new life,and mirth.She would call it "happy".
And Fans announces,"Yeah! Having something sweet after something salty is common sense!
"See? Fans is smarter than you, Drem," she says, laughing once through her nose.
"I was going to say that," says Drem. "I knew that, and I was going to say it."
Sucking on her new glass,she absently answers "Uh-huh" and begins to hum, swinging her arms to her chosen time. The glass tastes and feels like sugar.
A world of white stretches out before them.Behind them, the land is filled with ruins. Before and behind are the same-
And everywhere,there is glass.
Everywhere,a waiting meal.
She splits the memory apart with her molars. Its history dies.
The world is full of food, and ever since she awakened, she has been ceaselessly hungry.}}
[[文件:Story 11-2 cg.jpg|300px|thumb|right|11-2]]
而她则问道:“ ‘什么’ 不是怎样?”。
They never tire: not her, nor her bats.
Drem sits on her head and beats its wings into her face. Fans is flying high, and shouting about crowds-
"Crowds of... white!" the familiar cries. "White glass, Ayu!"
"Sweets?" Ayu asks through the still-beating wings. As it continues to thump her mouth and nose,her second bat enunciates:
Fans adds, "Yeah! The right!"
"More sweets?" Ayu asks once more. "More sweets..." she groans as her shoulders sink.Wings continue to strike her forehead softly."You already know I like it more with some, y'know... That I like VARIETY more, guys..."
"That's not how it works," Fans tells her.
And she asks, "It's not how 'what' works?"
Finally,Drem lifts from her head.
"Ayu," it addresses her, flapping now in front of her face rather than into it, "aren't you hungry?"
"I'm always hungry," she replies. And, she rolls her eyes, saying, "Come on, Drem."
"Then it's better if you have a big meal!" Drem cries, beating its wings enthusiastically.She recognizes the motions, slouches slowly, and her gaze begins to drift. "There's a lot of gla-.. if you ea-...Have a better...That's...And..."
She spots a menagerie of shards on a path between two houses from two cultures.She can tell at a glance that memories of pleasures and memories of pains await her there.She glances at Drem, then starts wandering toward the path.
"Mm-hmm?" she replies, hearing the upward inflection of a question from her more pestering bat. "That's right!" it shouts. "So-"
She continues to walk, and soon finds herself along the path proper, queer glass floating overhead. She sees old days in the reflections.Her stomach growls.
And she grabs an opposing pair.
With light in one hand, and conflict in the other, Ayu brings both pieces of glass toward her mouth... and chomps down.
The mixture is at once a delight.
"Aaah...there you go again," Drem sighs, finally realizing that it has lost her attention.
"Wrong,wrong,wrong," bemoans her bat Fans. "It's not HERE that's a problem,it's the... The big mess we were telling you to...! Hahhh..." It sighs. It relents. And, it admits:"At least she looks happy."
"Well," Drem begins, pausing a little while before it says, "yes. At least she looks happy."
It is only the truth: these are two tastes that taste great together. It is a rare thing to find them side by side, and so she always feels coaxed by the opportunity.What this is is a treasure trove.Now,her smile is interminable.
But after, her bats will beckon her again. Next time,she will listen.Like glass between her teeth,she finds that hearing them,sometimes, feels altogether"correct".And that correctness is satisfying.She is driven by satisfaction-she acts to the end of satiation. It is a simple existence, but does existence need to be anything more?
Ultimately,if listening might let her be sated...
And if silence will sate her too,now and then...
Then her ears will be open, and her tongue will, for a time, be still.}}
They lose sight of the swarm of sweets,but soon find themselves at something wide, dark, and most probably very delicious.
Ayu,Fans, and Drem stand at a fractured ledge leering above a pit of black glass, which swirls, churns,and kills light.Its pieces scrape against one another,and the sound produced is reminiscent of a wail.Those confined memories of ends and falls seem to be screaming in agony. Ayu looks upon it all-in a word-curiously.The world feels odd.
"Ayu," says Drem, causing her to glance its way. "Fly into it," the bat bids.
She answers, "'Kay," and she steps from the ledge.
With her arms held out,her descent slows immediately.Glass whips around her carelessly, unbidden and unrepelled.She holds her hand out, and the vortex ceases.She calls the shards to her hand.
And so,she begins to eat.
She smiles.She frowns.
Colorful Dream Truly,the hunger never fades.
The shards,the fragments,the dust-they all seem to vanish into nothing when she gulps them down.
It is for that reason she values taste.Cracking glass between her teeth accomplishes little else.In fact, what she thinks is a stomach often merely feels like a void she is continually compelled to feed.
For the feeling.For the ache.And,of course,for her waiting tongue. She bites,she feasts,and light slowly returns.
Her curiosity fades, and the odd sensation of the world along with it. Inlittle time, the vortex is gone, and she is running her tongue along the edge of her teeth.
She grins brightly.
"That was great!" she shouts.
"Yeah!" Fans agrees.
"It looked delicious," Drem affirms.
She does not hate her bats. They want her to smile,and she knows that.
And they know her stomach is always empty.
She lands on the earth and frolics ahead.They chat about colors.They chat about flight,and food.
This is the world to them, and this is why they are here.
"What's that?" Drem speaks up suddenly.
"Oh... What is it?" Fans adds, looking to where its fellow familiar is staring.
Ayu lifts her gaze to the skies.
Above,a shard of glass, entirely alone, floats still and steady in the air. It shifts that air. Its reflection is unreadable.
"Eat that,Ayu,"says Fans.
"Go eat it," says Drem.
And easily,Ayu agrees with a strong and cheerful nod. Her bats take flight, and she does too.With a smile,she faces the aberrant glass.
"Who knows?" she says as they approach. "Maybe it'll fill me up."}}
解锁条件:购入[[NEO WINGS]]单曲<br>解锁要求:通过[[Snow White]]
那里还有神经/心灵通道/网格测量(统称 NMPGM),仅些微的力量便能造成干扰,
What does it mean to "know"?
Is it what one thinks? What one sees? What one feels? What one hears?
Is perception what grants certainty?
Certainly the "known" is what one perceives, through their senses or through whatever they're told.
For a child especially, that is certainly true.
I want to talk about somebody here: somebody whom I've never met, but whom I feel sure that I know.
Once, I gathered all of her memories and lined them up, and in a way it created a story...
This is how it began...
...In the terribly far reaches of an unremarkable universe existed a typical celestial body. Upon it,
its people were united. From the age of ten, the children here had a chance to awaken to something
they may have been born with, which would stay with them until their seventeenth year: something
remarkable within the unremarkable universe. What they wished and what they thought could
manifest within reality.
They weren't gods, but they were unusual architects. And with their magnificent
abilities, they could protect their world.
Of the few boys and girls born so special, our child was another.
The country's name... I don't remember. The world's, too—I don't recall. Her
name, though, was... is "Vita".
Vita woke up in her room one day, and saw above her the night sky through a
dimmed window. As she woke, so did her friends around her. They each wished
one another a good "morning" and rose for the evening. They had done so every
night for the past two years. They went to ready themselves in the washrooms.
They talked about audio dramas they followed, and about books and comics they
would read. They talked about their dreams.
Vita and the rest, dressed in their uniforms, walked toward the central command room, still
speaking frivolously.
The universe was at war.
Powers vying for things beyond the children's understanding would occasionally try to breach
their territory in space, but largely, those powers fought amongst themselves. Her planet
represented neutrality, and she and the other children were one of several essential bodies
tasked for maintaining that neutrality..
There were the men and women who fought in and above the skies. There were the other adults
who used their words and acumen to broker good relations between her world and others. There
were the expat soldiers and diplomats who would ensure whatever stability could be ensured in
those times of violence and decay. And there was the Nerve/Mind Pathway/Grid Measure—in small
applications a nuisance, and in large-scale invincible and, in the opinion of many outside of
her world, a sleeping terror.
I will curb the exposition and narrate.
Vita entered central command taking no pause at its grandiosity and majesty—no hesitation at the
cacophony of thoughts and wills swirling throughout the massive, several-storied atrium. She and
her friends had a part to play, and as they neared their assigned seats, their chatter naturally
dying, they could all hear one another's minds pulling away from the frivolous as they attuned
instead to their vital responsibility.
For a world of worth, for peace and prosperity beyond any other throughout all the reaches of
space—beyond any other within any land.
She connected to the NMPGM. She focused down, quieted the others in her mind...and began to tend
to her part of the pathways.
She let nothing bother her. She did her work.
...Until it came about that she received an unknown signal.}}
解锁条件:购入[[NEO WINGS]]单曲<br>解锁要求:通过[[Sakura Fubuki]]
“等等!你应该是NMPGM 的其中一位建筑师,对吧?你来自那个中立国家……!”
“这不是大家都知道的事情吗?”她回覆道,扰人的情绪开始在指尖蔓延开来。 “开始转接——”
“我并不自大狂妄。”她回覆道。 “我不清楚你是用什么方法入侵的,但他们一定会查清真相。
“我要切断这次通讯了。”对方说道。 “但我还会回来。你们的网络这么发达,
...The night before:
Through their briefings, they were informed of what they needed to know.
About the disorder continuing on another planet, about the hijackings of their vessels within foreign
space, about the entertainment planned for later in the week...
They tended to ignore the death, and discuss coming concerts—or they tended to talk happily of
accomplishments. For example...
A friendlier system beside the fourth planet out always seemed to help their own. They had a simple
deal with that system: allowing this other society to utilize the NMPGM while they provided resources
from that perpetually dangerous planet with a turbulent atmosphere.
Her society was magnanimous, mostly: give, receive—such relationships served them well. Often,
people tried to use or infiltrate the psychically guarded networks quietly, for their own gain.
She did not know much, but Vita at least knew that if you wanted something, you were better off
simply asking for it.
She sometimes asked what that other planet's disorder—the planet she'd been briefed on again the
night before—what its disorder truly stemmed from. To her, their fighting over what sounded like
lost and easily forgettable grudges sounded foolish, stupid, needless.
She'd often say...
"...It's not like it's hard to find things in this world to be happy about."
Keep this in mind.
That day she received an unknown signal...
As she fortified the part of the path she was charged with, she heard, "west and
seeking aid. Coordinates are—"
And as she flinched, and as she looked around her at the other seated children,
she realized that she was the only person hearing this voice.
As she entered the coordinates she was given into the computer beside her<br>workstation, she steeled herself and sent out a thought:
"Rank and designation? Are you in Engineering or Communications? Why are you
Her questions were answered with silence. She nervously continued her duties,
ever mindful of the source of the transmission.
And eventually, it answered again.
"You can hear me? Wait—it actually works?"
"If I can hear you, you should know how to 'talk'. Are you not a Psychic?"
She paused. That was... a rather unsettling notion.
She told the other voice, "I'll be keeping your signal open and bridging<br>you to the commanders of—"
"Wait! You have to be one of the architects of the NMPGM, right!? From
that neutral country...!"
"There's nowhere that wouldn't know that," she answered, irritation creeping
over her fingers.
"Initiating bridge—"
"J-Just like I thought! The whole lot of you are arrogant—I knew this wouldn't work!
Why'd they assign me for it..."
Unintentionally, she slowly pinched at her armrest.
"I'm not arrogant," she replied. "Whatever infiltration methods you're using, they're
going to be found out. I must inform you that our network and people aren't things you
want to play with. If you break us out of neutrality, we break you. U-Understood?"
"What happens when you break it first?" asked the voice.
And her voice was delivered with a hiss: a sharply sent, "What?"<br>
"I said, what happens when you break your neutrality first?"
"That's never happened, and it wouldn't happen."
"So you've never heard of Petorh."
And when she made to reply—she realized that she hadn't.
"I'm closing this transmission," said the voice, "but I'll open it again. Use your vast
networks to search 'Petorh'—they don't censor everything over there, right? You're
supposed to be a good place. Goodbye."
And so the transmission ended.
With her heart beating, she returned to her work before any disruption could be noticed.
She hadn't heard of Petorh, but she would look into it when the sun rose again.}}
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我并不记得我来自哪里。我只“记得”其他 Arcaea 居住者的记忆,
在她出生的二十年前,正值 NMPGM 的扩张时期,当时的人们发现了名为彼得罗的小行星,
于是便使用 NMPGM 的力量迅速摧毁了大半的小行星。而这个决定的结果就像是……
他们动用 NMPGM 使某个星区塌缩,杀死了残存的彼得罗人,连一部分的帝国人也跟着陪葬。”
“我是最后仅存的彼得罗人之一。”对方说道。 “我们只不过是想要逃离罢了。”
“我听说他们的孩童能透过心灵建立通道。我…我们……”对方的声音在颤抖。 “我们就在想,
对方给出答覆:“我们只想要一条出路。我们……我们听说…这…这个 NMPGM 区通常很安静,
打算监视那些维护 NMPGM 的头脑。他们当时窃取了那个技术。在走投无路、山穷水尽的情况下,
NMPGM 过去被用来使星区塌缩,杀死残存的彼得罗人,根本就没有任何漏网之鱼。
在战争飞船进入 NMPGM 后,对方发动迅速且全面的攻势,她的星球根本无力抵抗。
An important fact that any living and thinking being should keep in mind...
...is that "truth", and "knowledge"... are not always necessarily the same thing.
It had been the day before an ease of hours—the "weekend"—when Vita received
the signal. For the following two days, she spent her free time within the base's
library and searching through the inter-network through a signal encryption she and
her friends typically used to find games, artwork, and videos forbidden to them
without leaving a trace. It was never for anything serious at all...
The story of Petorh, though, made her appreciate that tool they thought of as a "toy"
far more than ever, for never had a more serious subject become known to her, nor ever
one so dangerous.
I'd like to make a note here.
I don't remember where it was I came from. I only "remember" the memories of others
within Arcaea, and particularly within the Void. Still from this, it's easy to gather...
It isn't hard at all to find something to call "dreadful" in any world you can think of.
Twenty years before her birth, during the NMPGM's expansion, a planetoid named Petorh had been
discovered and pushed aside.
About four hundred years prior, the planetoid had been discovered by an Exodus-class starship
fleeing a dissipating atmosphere on their home world. The ship docked there and established
"Petorh"... unofficially.
Without documentation or declaration, and with an irregular orbit, within desolate space,
Petorh wasn't forgotten—for it was never known.
Her world then discovered the planetoid itself, and without knowing of its habitation, used
the might of NMPGM to swiftly devastate half of it. The result was something like... the
utilization of dynamite. Half the planetoid was vaporized, and with it went two-thirds of
the native population.
The Petorhans sought counsel with her world. Sources from Vita's planet lacked records of
these pleas. Other planets spoke of theories suggesting the involvement of clandestine
organizations from her world silencing any petitions. The Petorhans formed an alliance with
an imperial planet, known for adopting cultures at their surrender...
And Vita did remember that. Her world had supposedly engaged in a... "skirmish" on some
distant edge of space. Supposedly the Imperium had struck force against the forces from her
However, source, after source, after source from anywhere other than her homeland claimed
something very different: "Because of the Imperium's alliance with an unregistered group of
squatters, and in order to eliminate information of their existence/the existence of their
world's 'mistake', they used the NMPGM to collapse a sector of space, killing the remaining
Petorhans—and some of the Imperium for good measure".
And while those many sources told this tale, it took two pages from the deepest sections of
her own world's inter-network to convince her of the truth.
The... beginning of truth: the reality that her neutral world merely wore a neutral mask. In its
reach for "peace", stories like "Petorh's"... were not at all few in number. Most, even, did not
begin "accidentally"—and there were some who thought the tale of Petorh, too, had started in the
same way.
...Naturally, she kept this all to herself.
Naturally, she returned to work when usual working days began once more...
Naturally, she engaged the unknown signal again.
"I am among the last Petorhans," it said. "We only want escape."
From an alliance that had in fact brought them into what amounted to slavery—
From the chaos of this entire galaxy—
From, especially, her planet and its overwhelming reach.
"I heard that they had children minding the pathways. I—we—" the voice stammered,
"we thought maybe a kid could understand... what people at the top wouldn't ever bother to."
She asked, "What do you want?"
To which the voice replied, "Just one way out. What we... We've heard—this—this part of
the NMPGM is usually quiet, and we know it's very far out. We could... We have enough
ships that we could probably find another place with other stars, or..."
The voice told her that during their alliance—really just enslavement—to the Imperium,
the Petorhans had discovered that the Imperium had been developing technology to spy on
the minds supporting the NMPGM. They'd stolen that technology, and being so desperate and
so burned, they had no issue sharing that fact with Vita—who, of course, would need to report
this information.
But the "alliance" the Petorhans had made with the Imperium now meant nothing. Nothing
here meant anything; as the voice insisted, they only wanted to escape.
And she could easily grant it. Modern-day ships could travel with almost instantaneous speed,
especially with the faster-than-light travel provided by the pathways...
One quick opening, and a quick jump—off the record...?
She would allow it.
But—did you know? This is true:
The NMPGM was, in fact, used to collapse a sector of space, killing the remaining Petorhans.
None at all were left.
Vita's "sight" outside of the pathways could certainly see ships—but could she, with her power,
identify the KIND of ships? The true, non-vague shape? The size, even?
What could she have known?
When Vita opened the path for "Petorhan" escapees...
...those paths were flooded instead with Imperium warships.
And do you remember how fast ships could move through those paths?
This is also true...
Modern-day ships could travel at an almost instantaneous speed,
especially with the faster-than-light travel provided by the pathways...
Once the warships had navigated the NMPGM, the attack on her planet was swift,
thorough, and unable to defend against.
It seemed the Imperium had plenty of intelligence informing them of the locations of
Psychic bases, as they mostly destroyed those first.
The surface of her world was bombarded quickly. There was little time to react, and in
a matter of hours, nearly everything had been.
Though they did try—
There was an attempt—to fight back in time, to reach that other signal, to destroy as
much of the invading fleet as possible—
But, mostly, there was only despair...
Amidst fire, fear, terror, and Hell itself...
They "fought" in a game where their own first move had already sealed their defeat.
A cannon from above marked the position of her base...
...and ended the lives of her, her superiors, and her friends.
The girl woke up in a world of white after, with tears brimming in her eyes.
...However, she had no knowledge that might prompt them—no known
reason in her head for the pain inside her chest.
She was dead, like all of us. She didn't remember, like most of us.
So I wonder what it was she thought of her tears.
I wonder if, as she wiped them away and stood, she felt anything other than sorrow.
Guilt, maybe. Responsibility.
...I don't think that's the case. Or maybe what I mean to say is: she should not feel that way.
She shouldn't consider herself to have been in the wrong.
After all, what does it even mean to "know"?
What she "knows" now is...nothing.
And...as this story comes to a close, as we think of her getting up and facing the world of glass,
I think it's very pertinent to ask...
...Had she ever known anything else?}}
