River54610(留言 | 貢獻) 小無編輯摘要 |
(4.0主线剧情(纯文本部分)) |
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! class="nodesktop" colspan="12" |目录 | ! class="nodesktop" colspan="12" |目录 | ||
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! class="nomobile" rowspan=" | ! class="nomobile" rowspan="5" width="10%" |[[#Main(主线)|主线故事]] | ||
! class="nomobile" width="15%" |[[光]] - 个人故事 | ! class="nomobile" width="15%" |[[光]] - 个人故事 | ||
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! class="nomobile" width="15%" |决裂 | ! class="nomobile" width="15%" |决裂 | ||
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! class="nomobile" width="15%" |终焉 | |||
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! class="nomobile" rowspan="7" width="10%" |[[#Side(支线)|支线故事]] | ! class="nomobile" rowspan="7" width="10%" |[[#Side(支线)|支线故事]] | ||
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As if the world has any meaning.}} | As if the world has any meaning.}} | ||
===F-1=== | |||
解锁条件:购入[[Final Verdict]]曲包<br>解锁要求:待补充 | |||
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有那么一瞬间,她为世人所缅怀。这样就足够了。<br><br>白色火焰从染成红色的少女身体窜出,整个世界都在向她致敬。现在她被任凭意念操控的火焰紧紧包围着,<br>并开始思考事情为何会发展至如此地步。她的敌人停了下来。这场战斗有那么一瞬间静止了。然而,<br>还有更多。天空上方,还有更多。<br><br>这都是因为她触碰到了往昔的事物。当死亡的想法出现在脑海时,她并不感到惧怕。<br><br>不过,她也会尽力避免死亡的到来。现在也依然如此。她不愿就这样死去。 | |||
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在四分五裂的天际下方,这个空无一物的山谷之中,她流着鲜血,但血液却没有碰触到地面。<br>此处的另一头矗立着一座高塔,那是某个空洞教堂的钟楼,它位于分界之间,好似在提醒世人分界的存在。<br><br>结局就要来了。全部都在意料之中。<br><br>一切都是命运吗? | |||
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星光在天际乍现。帷幕被撕裂,原本藏于后方的黑暗显现而出。这也在她的预料之中吗?这重要吗?<br>周遭的景物开始放慢,最终停止。苍穹塌陷的速度开始放慢,最终停止。她的血液正在沸腾。<br>她的双眼神情呆滞。<br><br>对立知道,呆滞的双眼之下,是"灭亡"的信念。她明白这个道理。她吞下一口唾沫,<br>浸润干燥的舌头和喉咙。她看向那对眼睛。一语不发的她,暗自发誓一定要与之为敌。 | |||
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"空无"侵蚀着光的内心。不过,对立从这位安静少女的凝视中所看见的并不是空无。潜伏的"意念"<br>蠢蠢欲动,但那不是软弱。光的灵魂中有一股坚定想要活下去的意念永不磨灭。一语不发的她,<br>暗自发誓一定要活下去。<br><br>对立像条飞龙一样往前移动。<br><br>整个世界都与她为敌,但即便如此,她还是像一头狂暴的野兽反抗着这一切。难道这就是气势吗?<br>这股力量撕扯着她的皮肤,但她还是执意前进,冲向这个世界真正的野兽。那头野兽也将头转过来。 | |||
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仿佛整个世界都突然转向一般,对立瞬间倒在了地上。掉落的玻璃发出嘈杂的声音,在空气中四处喷溅。<br>她的手臂短暂失去知觉,但她凭借着意念强行唤醒了手臂。她勉强起身跪坐,<br>发现她下方的碎片里闪过一道白色火焰。她紧接着向后飞行。<br><br>整个地面都在起火燃烧。<br><br>周遭的世界再次天旋地转。<br><br>她的五脏六腑随着这股动能而感到不适,但她很快遏制住这样的感觉并站稳步伐。 | |||
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在毫无预警的情况下,白衣少女站到了她的身前,颜色同样苍白的熊熊烈火环绕在对方的肩膀四周。<br><br>对立再次准备撤退。<br><br>碎片上下起伏飞动,在她身旁形成一个巨大的稜鏡困住了她。她的身体颤抖片刻,随后便完全静止。<br><br>她再次看向光的双眸。光并没有回头。她只是静静看着她所打造的这个牢笼。<br><br>接着,她低语说了些什么,但是……<br><br>……这些话在黑衣少女的耳中听起来尤其刺耳。 | |||
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对立握紧拳头打碎了坚固的玻璃,并瞄准光的脖颈。光抬头看向对方的那只手。<br><br>七道色彩飞奔而出,时光的洪流停滞了下来。}} | |||
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For a moment, she was remembered. That was enough.<br><br>The world bowed to the girl marked by red, as white fire rose from her body. Now cloaked in flames<br>that will not burn without her say, she wonders why this has come to pass. Her foe was stopped. The<br>battle, for a moment, was stopped. And there is more. Above there is more.<br><br>All because she has touched on what once was; when faced with the thought of dying, she was not afraid.<br><br>However, dying was also the last thing that she wanted. And still, now, she refuses to die. | |||
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Now, in a valley of nothing, beneath a sundered sky, her blood falls but does not strike the ground. Only<br>beyond here can a single tower be seen: the bell tower of a hollow church, jutting there between the<br>divide as if to mark it for those below.<br><br>The conclusion approaches now. It was expected.<br><br>Was it fate? | |||
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Now, there is starlight in the heavens. The veil is rent, and the darkness behind it is glittering. Is it within<br>her notice? Does that matter? The pictures have slowed, and stopped. The fall of the firmament has<br>slowed, and stopped. Her blood is hot. Her eyes are dull.<br><br>And Tairitsu knows: despite their dullness, those eyes promise "demise". She knows. She swallows what<br>little spit dampens her otherwise dried-out tongue and throat. She meets those eyes. Wordlessly, she<br>vows to defy them. | |||
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In Hikari's heart, "emptiness" threatens. However, it isn't the emptiness that Tairitsu can view through<br>the silent girl's stare. "Will" lurks, but not in weakness. There is a sincere will to survive, unkillable in<br>Hikari's soul. It will not perish. Wordlessly, she vows to live.<br><br>Tairitsu moves forth like a dragon.<br><br>The world holds her back, and still, like an untamable beast, she resists. Is this atmosphere? It is force—<br>ripping at her skin, and yet she drives forward still, to the true beast standing on the earth. That beast<br>turns her head. | |||
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The world seems to turn on its side, and at once Tairitsu meets the ground. Glass falls in a tumultuous<br>clatter, splashing and scattering and flying out. She cannot feel her arm for a moment, but forces it to<br>return to recognition. She drags herself onto her knees, and spots a white tongue of flame flashing<br>through the shards beneath her. She flies backward then.<br><br>The earth is set ablaze.<br><br>The world turns again.<br><br>Her stomach lurches with motion, though she soon stops and stands still. | |||
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And with no warning, before her stands the girl in white, a scarf of flames of the same the same pale<br>color burning over shoulders.<br><br>Once again, Tairitsu makes to retreat.<br><br>Glass flies up—and down—to ensnare her, forming a great prism around her body. Her body trembles<br>once before not moving at all.<br><br>And so again, she looks into Hikari's eyes. Hikari does not look back. She looks only into the cage she's<br>made.<br><br>And, she whispers something, but...<br><br>...it is nothing that the girl in black wants to hear. | |||
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Tairitsu's grasp shatters through the rough glass, aimed at Hikari's open neck. Hikari lifts her eyes to<br>the hand.<br><br>Seven colors ring out, and the flow of time goes still.}} | |||
===F-2=== | |||
解锁条件:完成[[#F-1|F-1]],购入[[Final Verdict]]曲包<br>解锁要求:待补充 | |||
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这种状况先前肯定也发生过。<br><br>这种反抗的行为。这种——<br><br>光能够感受到自己身旁的一切都正在分崩离析。<br><br>在这个静止的片刻中,她能够感受到自己想要停下来的渴望。<br>沮丧的情绪随时都有可能从这样的感觉中奔泻而出。 | |||
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这是因为驱使她停下脚步的情感并非善良,而是不以为意的态度;那是一股可怕而且根深蒂固的冷漠。<br>她向来如此。她以前想必也曾经感受过这股强烈的冷漠。<br><br>在她的灵魂深处,两股意念正在交战。<br><br>她心想,我办不到。<br><br>她心想,我必须做到。<br><br>这样的思绪对抗越来越强烈。是该,还是不该?<br><br>但她也感觉到内心深处有股火焰在隐隐燃烧。没错,她真正的愿望强大到无法抹灭。 | |||
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光站在对立面前,对方双手向外,面容因为愤怒而显得扭曲。她们周围有道被撕裂的彩虹,<br>在空气中不断渗出色泽。对立无法动弹。光也无法动弹。<br><br>希望,在她内心里问道:"在你让时间重新开始流动时,直接把对方推得远远的不就好了吗?" <br>她的求生欲让她思考着其中的可行性。<br><br>她心想,这应该行得通。这种希望多少还是有它的用处。 | |||
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周遭的世界再次开始流动,对立立刻向后飞去,消失在遥远的教堂大门后方。她奋力紧握其中一根铁棍,<br>身旁的玻璃也聚在一起协助她撕裂这个金属造物的结构。在同一个瞬间,她明白了眼前这头野兽的把戏。<br>她汇聚举目所及范围内的所有玻璃,并将这些玻璃释放到空中,每片玻璃都倒映出微微闪烁的光芒。<br>她很快便找到了光的身影,接着她发动力量,使地表开始产生变化。<br><br>地表下方的一切以及这个世界的本质都开始扭曲,光则是静静的踩在地面上拒绝屈服。<br>她赫然意识到可怕的事实,那就是对立依然有动机和手段能够夺走这一切。夺走,所谓的希望? | |||
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她笑出声。<br><br>她知道希望早已消逝。<br><br>介于她们之间的空间开始扭曲变形。她们双方都已经无从判断,这一切究竟是谁挑起的。<br>她们就这样站在大教堂阴影下毁损大门的两端,相互面对着彼此。<br><br>光脸上露出微笑,再一次满不在乎地告诉对立:"我说你啊……你并不需要做到这种地步。"<br><br>这些话在黑衣少女的耳中听起来尤其刺耳。}} | |||
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Because the sentiment asking for her to stop all this is not kindness, but lack of care: a frightening and<br>deeply seated apathy. This is what she always had. This profound indifference—she must have felt<br>it before.<br><br>Within her soul, two wills are at war.<br><br>I can't, she thinks.<br><br>I have to, she thinks.<br><br>And these thoughts—they fight against those building sentiments of "should" and "shouldn't".<br><br>But she feels a fire flickering in the depths of her heart; yes, her true wishes are much too strong to lose. | |||
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Hikari stands before Tairitsu, whose hand is out and whose face is contorted with rage. Around them,<br>a rainbow has been torn apart and is bleeding through the air. Tairitsu cannot move. Hikari cannot move.<br><br>Inside of her, hope asks, "When you bring back time, can't you just push her far away?" Her will-to-be<br>considers it.<br><br>That's fair, she thinks. Hope can't be a worthless thing. | |||
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The world begins to move again, and Tairitsu is sent, in an instant, behind that distant chapel's gates.<br>Her impassioned grasp closes around one of its bars, and glass comes to help her tear the metal<br>construct from its hinges. At once, she realizes what game the beast has played. She takes hold of<br>whatever other glass can be found around her, and sends it all to the air, each flickering and each<br>reflecting. She finds Hikari soon, and then she moves the earth.<br><br>Things twist beneath that earth, and within the world's fabric, as Hikari plants down her foot in quiet<br>rebellion. In a sudden but frightening way, she realizes that Tairitsu still has the aim—and the means—<br>to take away all of this. So, to hope? | |||
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She chuckles.<br><br>She already knew that hope was gone.<br><br>The space between them warps. Which of them asked for this, neither can tell. They face each other<br>behind the broken gate, within the shadow of that cathedral.<br><br>And, with a smile, Hikari repeats herself. She tells Tairitsu, easily, "I said... you don't have to do this."<br><br>It is nothing that the girl in black wants to hear.}} | |||
===F-3=== | |||
解锁条件:完成[[#F-2|F-2]],购入[[Final Verdict]]曲包<br>解锁要求:待补充 | |||
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"要做到什么地步?你在跟我开玩笑吗?"对立说道。<br><br>"你并不知道自己为什么会来到这里,对吧?除了我之外,还有人意识到吗?"<br><br>"要做到什么地步?你说得没错,我们可以避免这一切。这个地方所发生的任何一切都不重要,<br>而你……你根本就不了解。你什么也不知道。"<br><br>"我已经坚持够久了。你以为我想要来这里吗?老实说,我说不定是这个毫无意义的故事中的英雄呢。<br>当然也有可能是反派。"<br><br>"我是什么,又不是什么……都已经无所谓了,这并不是重点。有可能只是……你命本就该绝。" | |||
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"你说得对。我不需要做到这个地步。"<br><br>"你过去也不需要。"<br><br>……尖酸刻薄的话语像是圆滑的巨石一般从她的嘴里倾泻而出,一路滚动并穿过眼前的光。 | |||
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这些话就光听起来,可说是狂人之言。如今,她感觉自己和眼前这位少女似乎已经连接在了一起……<br>但对方的内心里只有满满的疯狂。<br><br>对立知道她的心智已经变得疯狂。但她心想,那又如何?事已至此。已经没有什么好失去,<br>也没有什么好在乎的了。<br><br>她最后一次开口说道:"如果你想要活下去,那就杀了我吧。"<br><br>"但在那之前,我要告诉你……" | |||
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"我一心求死。"<br><br>她听起来很真诚,她的真诚和邪恶都表露无疑。对立的体内充满力量,双手蓄势待发。<br><br>她要强行结束一切,不论最终结果如何。 | |||
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在这股情绪的引导下,她召唤出双方都还未曾掌握过的碎片。<br><br>那些碎片是破裂天空的一部分。它们开始下坠,地平线也逐渐黯淡。}} | |||
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"What 'has' to be done? Are you joking?" says Tairitsu.<br><br>"You don't know why you're here, do you? Does anyone, other than me?"<br><br>"What has to be done? You're right: nothing has to happen. Nothing in this place matters, and you... you<br>don't even understand. You don't know anything."<br><br>"I've kept it up long enough. Do you think I care to be here? You know, honestly, maybe I'm the 'hero' of<br>this worthless story. Maybe I'm its 'villain'."<br><br>"Whether I am, whether I'm not... Honestly, whatever; it doesn't really matter. Maybe... you ought to die." | |||
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"You're right. I don't have to do this."<br><br>"Neither did you."<br><br>...The words, pointed as they are, seem to roll out of her like smooth and heavy stones, bowling over and<br>through Hikari before her. | |||
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To Hikari, it sounds only like insanity. She feels now like she and the other girl have been connected...<br>but all that's in the other girl's mind is madness.<br><br>Tairitsu knows that her mind is madness. And what of it, she thinks? It has been driven there. There is<br>nothing to lose and nothing to gain.<br><br>She speaks one final time, saying, "If you want to live, then kill me."<br><br>"But you should know this first..." | |||
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"I want to die."<br><br>Her words are sincere, and her sincerity and wickedness are manifested. Might fills Tairitsu's stomach<br>and burns into her hands.<br><br>She will force the ending now, no matter what it will be. | |||
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With that sentiment guiding her, she calls upon the shards to which neither girl has laid claim:<br><br>The fragmented segments of the sky. They begin to fall, and the horizon darkens.}} | |||
===F-4=== | |||
解锁条件:完成[[#F-3|F-3]],购入[[Final Verdict]]曲包<br>解锁要求:待补充 | |||
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光无法控制所有的一切。<br><br>情况恰恰相反,她在取得主导权后迅速失去了控制。<br><br>这就像是一场拔河比赛……<br><br>不,倒不如说这是一次挣扎——<br><br>或者说是单方面的压制。 | |||
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天空开始逐渐下落到地表,摧毁着大教堂的一部分,漫天尘土铺天盖地而来,<br>而它则落在距离她咫尺之遥的地方。这绝不可能只是单纯的巧合,这样的机率微乎其微。<br>随着坠落地表的事物越来越多,她明白对立已经制霸了天空。<br><br>而这……荒谬至极。 | |||
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大地和天空、玻璃和狂风,所有的一切都失控而四处飞扬。她能够使其中一部分的东西消失。只要伸手一指,<br>眼前的事物就会化作苍白的火焰消散。她甚至还能够拉扯一部分的天空为自己所用。<br>对立把整个世界当作武器向她扔来,而她则可以接住这样的攻击并还以颜色。<br><br>眼前的景象犹如一场灾难,就好像是泰坦巨人从天而降践踏着大地一般。 | |||
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在一片雪白当中,存在着她无法触碰的黑色,从远处被召唤而来。其中有几个碎片对立说什么也不肯让步。<br>对方正在一点一滴夺走属于她的一切。<br><br>她尝试发起反攻,地面、大门和建筑开始震动,她的牙齿也不禁发出碰撞的嘎嘎响声。她再次扎稳步伐,<br>但她还是能够感觉到阵阵震动从她的指尖一路传递到她的头颅。无数碎块从天而降,<br>砸在她们头顶上方的大教堂,使其发出呜咽的悲鸣声。但大教堂依旧屹立不倒,而她也绝不会倒下。 | |||
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……她本可以尽早阻止这一切。她曾经有那样的机会。<br><br>她的心脏跳动着。她微微眯起双眼——<br><br>接下来要崩溃的,会是这个世界的核心吗?这就是那名少女的目的,对吧?<br><br>这样的思绪萦绕心头之时,她努力不让眼前的地貌分崩离析,同时大脑加速运转,<br>拼命思考着该如何阻止对方,但就在这时—— | |||
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她的胸口一阵郁闷。 Arcaea 的一部分从黑暗中飞奔而出,像锐利的丝线般捆住她的胸口。<br>熊熊火焰助她挣脱束缚,但紧接着立刻又有丝线缠绕在她的胸口上。<br><br>她的双臂也被束缚。她用力想要转过头去。她的双脚、膝盖和大腿也都无一幸免。<br><br>就连她体内的五脏六腑也跟着遭殃。她的身体再次燃起烈焰,但随后又被绑住。<br><br>这些暗影,这些悲伤的回忆限制了她的行动。<br><br>这样的情况……像是一场黑色幽默。 | |||
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对立慢慢靠近,光则是解开她周遭一部分的丝线,让其中一边的脚能够自由活动。她往后退一步,<br>却发现她身后有个尖刺。这个模样骇人的尖刺体笔直朝她没有受到束缚的肢体飞去。<br><br>情急之下,她双眼凝视那片玻璃,用意念企图使其燃烧。<br><br>但那片玻璃不为所动。 | |||
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她再次受到制约。她无法站直身体。突然之间,一股抓力令她跪在了地上。说不定还有一条出路。<br><br>又或者说,曾经有那么一条出路。<br><br>……这一切都是什么时候发生的呢?<br><br>光抬起头,发现对立一动不动地站在她面前。}} | |||
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Hikari cannot control everything.<br><br>Rather, her control was lost very quickly after she had gained it.<br><br>A tug of war...<br><br>No, this would be better referred to as a struggle—<br><br>This would be better called a beating. | |||
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As the first part of the sky falls to the earth, crushing a part of the cathedral and showering everything in<br>dust, it falls very near to her. This cannot be coincidence—it's too close to be chance. She understands,<br>as more comes down, that Tairitsu has the sky.<br><br>And that... can only be called absurd. | |||
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The land and the air—the glass, the wind—all of it is being heaved up, pulled down, turned and tossed.<br>She can disappear some of it. She can point at some of it, and make it vanish into nothing but pale and<br>transient fire. She can even pull parts of the sky to her thrall. When Tairitsu throws the world at her, she<br>can catch and throw it back.<br><br>It is cataclysmic: as if giants have descended, and now stomp down on the earth. | |||
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And amidst the white there is black she cannot touch, called from the distance. There are shards that<br>Tairitsu will not give back. This, everything, is now being taken.<br><br>As she battles back—as the plains and gates and buildings rumble—her teeth are forced to chatter. She<br>plants her feet again, but can still feel tremors into her fingernails—into her skull. The cathedral<br>standing over them groans as it is beaten by the debris of the heavens. But, it does not fall. Nor will she. | |||
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...She should have stopped this sooner. She had had a chance.<br><br>Her heart beats. Her eyes narrow, only a bit—<br><br>Is the core of the world going to break next? That's what the other girl wants, right?<br><br>As she thinks that, as she holds the landscape together and thinks—so quickly thinks about how<br>to stop her, if that is the case— | |||
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Her chest is leashed. A line of Arcaea flies from the darkness and wraps her chest in a pointed<br>embrace. Fire burns this away, but her chest is leashed again.<br><br>Her arms are leashed. With effort, she turns her head. Her legs, her feet, her thighs are leashed.<br><br>Her stomach is leashed. Her body burns again, and her body is bound again.<br><br>These shadows—these memories of woe are keeping her trapped.<br><br>That... There's some black humor in that. | |||
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Tairitsu approaches, and Hikari breaks some of the bonds around herself, freeing her leg. She takes<br>one step backward with it, and finds a spike just behind her. Some hideous formation, aimed at her<br>unshackled limb.<br><br>So, she simply stares into the glass, and wills it to be set ablaze.<br><br>Yet it refuses to. | |||
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She is tied down again. She is brought low. She is tugged, suddenly, down to her knees. There might<br>still be a way out.<br><br>Or, there might have been.<br><br>...When did it happen?<br><br>When she lifts her head, Hikari finds Tairitsu standing motionless before her.}} | |||
===F-5=== | |||
解锁条件:完成[[#F-4|F-4]],购入[[Final Verdict]]曲包<br>解锁要求:待补充 | |||
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沉默的她……<br><br>遇见了同样沉默的她。<br><br>虽然两名少女都没有说话,但她们都目不转睛盯着彼此。方才战斗的声音不断回响,<br>而她们一直毫无畏惧地凝视对方。<br><br>在破裂大地的轰隆声、狂风吹送的呼啸声,以及粉碎石碑所扬起的漫天尘土和碎屑砂石中……<br>两位少女皆不为所动,眼里只有对方。<br><br>但即便如此,光还是看见了:<br><br>对方的眼神深处依旧闪烁着一丝残存的热情,方才就是这股热情击败了光。对方并不是在提议休战,<br>而是无声的威胁。 | |||
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光吞了口口水,对立则是打量着对方露出在外的脖颈——那个她痛恨的脖颈,那道她痛恨的声音。<br><br>意念和渴望刺激着光的皮肤。<br><br>如今,光却又希望时间能够再次静止。但是时光依旧毫不留情的流动着。<br><br>她尝试召唤火焰烧去束缚住她的丝线。但那些丝线不为所动。<br><br>地面没有塌陷。天空也没有扭曲。<br><br>她的脑袋一片空白,只有注意到自己不自觉屏住了呼吸。 | |||
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"……"<br><br>天空已经不再继续下落……大教堂还在逐渐瓦解……<br><br>尘土在地面和空中飞扬。<br><br>对立的眼神里依旧闪烁着尖锐且邪恶的意念。<br><br>那双眼睛开始慢慢地眯成一条缝。在这个瞬间,世界虽已被毁灭,但也同时十分沉寂。 | |||
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……此时,对立对着一份记忆挑起了一边的嘴角。光的目光停留在原处没有移动。<br><br>"事情又变成这样了。"对立说道。她微微把头歪向一边。 "你又要来了吗?又要祈祷有奇迹发生了吗?"<br><br>但是光不会回答。<br><br>"……奇迹之所以被称作奇迹,就是因为它们太过完美,发生的时间点过于恰到好处。<br>你透过这些碎片……透过Arcaea 见识过太多破碎的世界。你应该知道,<br>奇迹也只不过是另一种‘希望’罢了。" | |||
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"更何况,不论有没有奇迹的存在……你都终有一死。"<br><br>光呼着气。对立慢慢站直身体。<br><br>黑衣少女继续说道:"你知道吗?我宁可直接忘记,忘记世间所有的一切。"<br><br>她再次尝试移动身体,却也再次意识到,自己的行动能力被完全制约住。她的肩膀被拉得紧绷,<br>脚趾头也蜷缩在了一起。<br><br><br>"我要杀了你。"对立说道。 "还有这个世界……%%「你的世界」%%{Arcaea}也会死去。" | |||
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她的嘴角再次扬起一抹微笑。她吸入一口气,并勉强笑出声。<br><br>接着,她伸出另一只手摸向光的脸颊。她抬起这位被困住的少女的下巴。<br><br>"你说得确实没错。"对立一边说道、一边把手掌进一步伸向对方。 "我确实不需要……<br>为了你做到这种地步。"<br><br>随着她把身子往前倾,对立脸上失去了笑容。 | |||
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对立的双眸……显现出令人熟悉的神情。<br><br>是悔恨,是同情。<br><br>她的黑色翅膀如今已经向下收起。<br><br>而头顶的夜空,依旧闪亮。 | |||
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尽管一切的怒火都已经烟消云散……光的心脏依旧猛烈跳动着。<br><br>她承认,单纯"阻止"对方是没有用的。<br><br>对立的左手慢慢往光脖颈的反方向移开,就在她逐渐收手的同时……<br><br>……她的手掌中多出了某个尖锐且闪亮的黑色物体。<br><br>为了终结这一切,对立说道:<br><br>"我要很明白的告诉你,在这里,我的名字是对立,而你则是光。" | |||
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"拜托……"<br><br>光用微弱的声音勉力挤出了一个词。<br><br>她的声音听起来很生气。 "拜托你住手……"<br><br>对立把头歪向一旁。<br><br>"……怎么又来啦?" 她思考片刻,随后说道:"一切都不会有任何改变。"<br><br>光发出耀眼夺目的光芒,并粉碎了身上的束缚。她站起身并伸出手,试图召唤武器—— | |||
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但紧接着,她的手腕、腰部和双腿又立刻被按了回去。<br><br>即便如此,她的意念并没有消失,一把利剑开始在她的手掌中逐渐成形。那是一把"全新"的武器。<br>那是某种造物。那把剑虽然同样由玻璃构成,但却并不是回忆。<br><br>这把超乎现实的剑刃……刃缘周围的空间似乎正在扭曲发光。 Arcaea 改写了其存在的本身,<br>让这把武器逐渐化为可能。 | |||
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对立心想:这真是太有趣了……<br><br>她以前也看过这种参差的长柱。<br><br>光立刻又重获自由。她旋转着手中的利剑,并将其重重插入地面。随即,<br>一股奇怪的强风把对立强行吹送到了远处。<br><br>光举起剑指向对立,但在此时,她注意到自己的手正在颤抖。 | |||
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被强风吹走的对立稳稳着陆,她的目光落在了那把熟悉的利剑上方。<br><br>她目不转睛。<br><br>她静静等待。<br><br>……她双颚紧闭。<br><br>她看向光的脸庞,发现对方完全无法集中精神。<br><br>这场一来一往的游戏,这份踌躇不定的犹豫——<br><br>她对此没有一丝一毫的耐心可言。 | |||
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玻璃高墙从光身旁的地面窜起,每面墙壁都倒映出对立步步进逼的身影。那究竟是镜像还是实体呢?<br>眼前的景象有些怪异,她感受到对方朝自己袭来,并看见对方手里的闪光,恐惧感遍布了光的全身。<br><br>对方举起手,准备不偏不倚朝着她的喉咙杀去。 | |||
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白衣少女的双手虽然不断发抖,但还是紧握着那把刀剑。<br><br>她的脑海内迸发出某个巨大的声响,先是令人痛苦的阵阵耳鸣,接着是再次萦绕在耳际的心跳声。<br><br>理性告诉她这样的情况还会反覆上演。<br><br>如果她再次收回手上的剑并将其插向地面,周围的墙壁就会散去,也能轻松击退对立。}} | |||
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Silence...<br><br>Met with silence.<br><br>Though they do not speak, the two have locked eyes tightly with one another. They stare, unflinching,<br>as the sounds of their finished battle echo.<br><br>Through the rumbling of broken earth, through the whistling of scattered wind, and through the dust<br>and debris cast and rolling out from ruined, beaten monuments... both girls are unmoving, their eyes<br>only on each other.<br><br>And yet despite that, Hikari can see it:<br><br>In that girl's eyes, an ember of the passion which had brought Hikari down still distantly burns. This is<br>not a suggestion for a truce, it is a wordless threat. | |||
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Hikari swallows, and Tairitsu eyes her open neck: eyes that throat that she hates; that voice that she hates.<br><br>Her will and her desire prick at Hikari's skin.<br><br>Now Hikari asks for time to go still. It flows on.<br><br>She tries to destroy her bindings with flames. They remain.<br><br>The earth will not yield. The sky will not bend.<br><br>With nothing else in mind, she finds herself holding her breath. | |||
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"..."<br><br>The sky has finished falling... The cathedral is still breaking...<br><br>Dust lingers between and above them.<br><br>And that sharp and wicked will is still flickering in Tairitsu's eyes.<br><br>Those eyes begin to gently narrow. In this moment, although ruined, the world is calm. | |||
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...Tairitsu smirks at a memory, then. Hikari maintains her stare.<br><br>"We're back here," Tairitsu says. She tilts her head, only a little. "Are you going to do it? Are you going to<br>wish for a miracle again?"<br><br>But Hikari will not answer.<br><br>"...Miracles are miracles because they're too convenient—too perfectly timed to ever actually happen.<br>You've seen enough broken worlds through these shards... through Arcaea. You know, then, that<br>miracles are the same as 'hope'." | |||
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"And besides, with or without miracles, you live... you die."<br><br>Hikari breathes. Tairitsu gently straightens her own back.<br><br>The girl in black goes on, "You know: I would much rather just forget. Forget everything."<br><br>Another attempt to move. Another reminder that she has been brought utterly still. Her shoulders<br>strain. Her toes curl.<br><br><br>"I'm going to kill you," Tairitsu says, "and this world... %%「your world」%%{Arcaea} is going to die." | |||
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Again, she pushes a smile across her lips. She breathes in, and forces out a laugh.<br><br>With her other hand, she takes Hikari's cheek. She lifts the bound girl's chin.<br><br>"You really are right," says Tairitsu as she brings her palm nearer, "I really don't have to do this... for you."<br><br>Her smile disappears as she leans forward. | |||
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Tairitsu's eyes... have a familiar look.<br><br>It is regret, and sympathy.<br><br>Her wings of black have folded down.<br><br>Above, the night sky continues to glitter. | |||
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Although all the fury has passed... Hikari's heart continues to pound.<br><br>She admits to herself: it won't be enough to just "stop" her.<br><br>Tairitsu begins to bring her left hand away from Hikari's throat, and as she drags it back...<br><br>...something black and pointed glitters in her palm.<br><br>To end this, Tairitsu says this:<br><br>"I'll let you know clearly: my name here was Tairitsu, and yours was Hikari." | |||
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"Please..."<br><br>Hikari whispers a word forced.<br><br>She almost hisses: "Please stop..."<br><br>And Tairitsu tilts her head.<br><br>"...This again?" She thinks for a moment, and adds, "Nothing's going to change."<br><br>Hikari breaks her bonds with a show of blinding light. She stands and holds out<br>her hand to wish for a weapon— | |||
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Her wrist, her waist, her legs are all pulled back down.<br><br>Still, she wishes, and within her palm a sword begins to manifest. It is something "new". Something<br>created. Not a memory: though still made of glass.<br><br>An impossible blade... Along its edge, space seems to be bending, glistening. Arcaea rewrites itself,<br>and slowly allows the weapon to be. | |||
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Tairitsu thinks: How funny this is...<br><br>She has seen that jagged pillar before.<br><br>And immediately once more, Hikari breaks free. She turns her sword in her palm, and thrusts it into the<br>earth. With this, Tairitsu is forced backward by a queer gust—pushed so far away.<br><br>Hikari brings the blade back up, raising it toward Tairitsu, and as she does she sees her own hand shaking. | |||
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Tairitsu lands despite still being pushed away, and her gaze falls again on the familiar sword.<br><br>She stares.<br><br>She waits.<br><br>...Her teeth grind together.<br><br>She looks into Hikari's face, and sees that the girl can't focus at all.<br><br>The game of bounding back and forth, the hesitation—<br><br>She has no patience for even a bit of it. | |||
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Glass walls push up from the earth around Hikari, each bearing Tairitsu's approaching figure. Reflections,<br>or maybe true images—? Something is strange about them, and to see them, to feel them coming and<br>see the glinting in their palms, fear pulses through Hikari's body.<br><br>That hand is lifted, and it will land nowhere else but her waiting throat. | |||
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With both hands now trembling, the girl in white holds onto her sword.<br><br>Something sounds off loudly in her head: a painful ringing, followed by the sound of her heart once<br>more in her ears.<br><br>Reason tells her that this can go on forever.<br><br>If she turns her sword back and thrusts it down again, the walls will fall away, and Tairitsu will be<br>easily pushed.}} | |||
===F-6=== | |||
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===F-7=== | |||
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乐园。<br>在生命结束后,人们会来到"天堂"这个死亡的国度。<br>大多数人都听说过,死去的灵魂在离开世界之后会来到这样的地方,至少会继续存在一段时间。又或者,<br>死去的灵魂会萦绕在死亡的国度上方。<br><br>那就是我所在的地方。那也是你所在的地方。 | |||
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[[文件:Story F-7 cg.jpg|300px]] | |||
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"……就这样吗?我的手搭在她脸颊上?她拿着玻璃刺穿我的身躯?我两者都已经感受不到了。<br>我什么也感受不到——我感受不到她……<br>……<br>……让我走吧……"<br><br><br>为什么?你人在这里,但是……你的心里应该还有着澎湃汹涌的感情吧?你的生命还有些许脉搏……<br>还能再撑一会儿。<br><br><br>"不……" | |||
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不,这件事还没有结束……<br>听着……快想起来。<br>快想起来你自己是谁……<br>时间比这一切还要长久,对吧?你已经见识过更糟糕的事。<br>快站起身来,战斗吧。再次战——<br><br><br>"住手。"<br><br><br>……那好吧。<br>那我们不动手,好好聊聊。<br><br><br>"你没有把我的话听进去。我并不想要聊。我已经说过了,我只想要……想要……"<br><br><br>我想要你记住。 | |||
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<br>"……你这个人还挺烦的,你知道吗?<br>你又记得什么了?如果你真的记得,那么你应该知道为什么我……<br>……<br><br>……呃……<br>……这些记忆……在意识到这些记忆之后,它们可不会再轻易离开。<br>就算我不想要这样,我也开始一点一滴逐渐回忆起每一件事。<br>而且……如果我没有记错的话…… 哈,这件事情我以前也曾经想过,但……这是在跟我开玩笑吗?" | |||
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……<br><br><br>"我过去的人生……我很享受能够活着,但是……<br>活着……是一件很糟糕的事。<br>我被践踏过多少次?我又被唾弃过多少次?我们所到之处,憎恨如影随形,但我想要的明明只是……<br>只是运用这股力量来……<br>来……帮助他人。"<br><br><br>我们吓到了她们。<br><br><br>"‘我们’?你是哪位?"<br><br><br>那,你又是哪位? | |||
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"说来有趣……只有这件事情我一直想不起来。<br>……<br>……我想干脆你就叫我‘对立’吧。"<br><br><br>这样的话……你也这样称呼我吧。<br><br><br>"你在开玩笑吧……真的假的?你的意思……该不会是我说对了吧?"<br><br><br>说对什么?<br><br><br>"就是当她建造这个世界时,她并没有经过任何思考。如果你是……如果我在这里度过的人生是……<br>……那她……真是糟糕。" | |||
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……我认为她只是没有学过这些。<br><br><br>"……如果你是想问这个的话,我并不为她感到遗憾。我们虽然来自不同的现实世界,<br>但我想她肯定清楚自己的能力所及。她一定是知道的,她只是不在乎。也正是因为如此……<br>她的成长过程与我不同我也不在乎。我是说……你看,我跟塑形者训练了这么久给我带来了什么。<br>我跟她的不同是与生俱来,并非后天学习所导致。要是我力量足够的话……<br>要是我的力量足以为这整个世界改变一切——"<br><br><br>我本来会这个做,但是我办不到,也没有采取行动。<br><br><br>"……最终结果就是那样:我又获得一次机会,因为这符合她的渴望,<br>而且愚蠢的她也赋予其他每个人第二次机会。这真是……愚昧。<br>很愚昧对吧?真是让人想笑。笑啊!快笑啊!"<br><br><br>…… | |||
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"怎样?你不会笑是不是?是啊,你当然笑不出来,毕竟这样子的第二次机会到底算什么啊?<br>这只是某种……糟糕……讽刺的倒影。<br>活着痛苦挣扎,感受周遭一切对你的残害。<br>即便身心憔悴、血流不止,也还是得站起来。我就是这样啊!<br>我不断重新站起来,即便我深知这一切都没有意义,却还是不断奋战!<br>为什么她要逼我重新经历所有的一切?快回答我啊!为什么?我……!<br>我想要做出改变……<br>我从来都不想要……就这样放弃……"<br><br><br>……那这次呢?你第二次的时候有放弃吗? | |||
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"我……放弃了。<br>……<br>嘿……<br>我知道我快死了。你能够告诉我吗?在我离开之前,还能再看一眼外面的世界吗?透过我的鸟儿……<br>我还能够再看她的那个小小牢笼最后一眼吗?"<br><br><br>……可以。<br><br><br>"太好了。<br>……<br>受困的灵魂在许多不为人知的小角落徘徊。<br>我想它们不能被称为灵魂。这里的一切都只是回忆,就连我们也不例外。<br>他们在想什么呢……?我只瞥见一眼那个碎片,但它没有告诉我全部。" | |||
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大多数的少女都是快乐的。非常,非常快乐。<br><br><br>"……真是邪恶啊,哈哈……<br>我……<br>……你知道吗?……我感觉要哭了。这一切的一切,都让我好想要哭。为什么我要这么做?为什么我死了?"<br><br><br>……<br><br><br>"……你的脸色看起来很不错。你有答案可以告诉我吗?啧……我……我只是……<br>好痛苦……这一切都好痛苦。我好像终于彻底明白了,而且……事情的真相好残酷。<br>而我却已经无法再哭泣了……" | |||
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没错,就是这样。<br><br><br>"……?"<br><br><br>你其实并不想死,所以你为什么会死呢?<br><br><br>"……在我第一次的人生当中,前方的道路是黯淡无光的……<br>但我知道那个人生会引向其他无数的可能性。没错,有些方向最终会引领我走向死亡,<br>但只要我能够选择正确的道路,就能够找到其他任何的事物。<br>但是这里的情况截然不同,现在回想起来,我真不敢相信以前的我居然天真地相信这些。<br>这些道路荒芜贫脊,而且根本没有能停下来的地方。<br>不论是踏上哪一条道路的人,都只能盲目的一直前行,直到双腿无力再也走不动,才能看清真相。<br>而真相就是,无论路途多么坎坷,每一条路的终点,都是虚无。" | |||
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……我其实并不这么认为。我认为……那里必然有条道路会引领你走向其它地方。<br><br><br>"你为什么这样认为?你明明也被困在这里,只能跟死人说话。你是脑袋不灵光了吗?<br>你到底有没有细心观察过这个世界啊?"<br><br><br><br>……我只是不敢置信。我必须心存希望……<br>我不想要相信那样的……那样的真相……<br><br><br>"这就是我刚才说的。你不想知道真相吗?真相就是这里的一切都毫无意义。" | |||
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不。<br>真相不该如此。<br>真相不能是如此,我不允许。<br>你知道的,如果真相确实如此,那岂不是……太恶心,太令人难过了吗?<br><br><br>"……<br>……这点我倒是还记得,那是来自我生前的记忆。那样的想法是我坚持活下去的动力。<br>你真的是跟我一模一样呢。看来她真的是彻底复制了我……真相确实是如此没错,<br>我们大家都是被复制出来的空洞灵魂。<br>没错……<br>她还活着。但我们都死了。" | |||
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……<br><br><br>"但话又说回来……为什么你会在这里?大家的原始本体都到哪里去了?他们的灵魂呢?"<br><br><br>……我不知道,我什么都不知道。<br><br><br>"好吧,但是……<br>嘿,你还没说过对吧?……这样的话……你就……直接跟我说了吧?你真的是真正的我吗?<br>你就是我的灵魂吗?"<br><br><br>是的……我就是你的灵魂。没错,我一直以来都孤身一人待在这个地方,一直以来都在观察。<br>你还挺烦的呢,你知道吗?<br>对立,你不也是真正的我吗?我们大家都是。 | |||
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"或许是吧。或许我曾经是。"<br><br><br>是啊,烦死人了。<br>像你这么烦人的家伙,一定不可能是假的。<br><br><br>"哈……<br>……<br>谢谢你。"<br><br><br>我从来没有想过,自己会在在第二段人生中看着自己再一次经历同样悲惨的命运,<br>然而事情的走向却不尽相同。 | |||
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"改变什么?"<br><br><br>你自己也说了。<br>你当时放弃了。<br>你想要你去……我也不知道。<br>我真的很想要做出……好的改变。 | |||
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……<br>你还是觉得这一切没有希望吗?毕竟"反派"都已经死了……<br><br><br>"我知道你是在跟我开玩笑,但……我很抱歉。<br>我当时气坏了。<br>我也不想要完全放弃。<br>我认为这件事还有希望。我的意思是,即便在一切结束之后,你也依然在这里,对吧?说不定等我离开之后,<br>你也还是会继续待在这里……<br>而且……如果在我离开之后,你也还在继续观察的话……<br>……我真心认为你不该像我一样放弃希望。<br>或许吧,我也不知道……<br>……不,我心里明白。<br>那些还在这里的少女,说不定有办法拯救自己。我想要如此相信。<br>就像你说的一样,做出改变……<br>那就是我想要的一切。<br>如果我没有就这样永远离去、如果你在这一切过后还有办法找到我,请告诉我那些少女的去向。" | |||
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我会的。<br><br><br>"这其实还挺有趣的,呵……<br>我还活着的时候、当其他人还不在的时候,我记得我每次都会……自言自语。<br>但是你知道……我从来不感到孤单。"<br><br><br>活着的每个人,都不会真正孤单。<br><br><br>"没错,就是这句话……<br>我每次都这样告诉自己……<br>……我想要再次见证这个世界。<br><br>倾颓的高塔、飘浮在空中的玻璃碎片。辽阔的白色世界。<br>无尽的雪白,和越来越多的玻璃,飞向死去的灵魂……<br>但我从她们的脸庞能够看出:<br>这些少女都已不再迷惘。" | |||
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……"都已不再迷惘"?看样子你终于忘掉她了。<br><br><br>"‘她’……?<br>噢,你说得对,她啊……其实我也看得见她,她对于这件事情感到很伤心……<br>……但这难道不是好消息吗?事情变得……不一样了。她情绪低落、内心受创……<br>但总比没有反应好。"<br><br><br>嗯……是啊。 | |||
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"不知道她是否平安无恙,但我相信她会带着这个一起离开的。老实说……现在仔细想想,<br>我什至还愿意向她道歉。我想我做了对的事情,但是——"<br><br><br>你什么事情也没做对。<br><br><br>"噗……!哈。,好吧,但是……我不认为自己有做错什么。<br>我愿意向她道歉。我的意思是……为什么不呢?我们都是真实存在的。如果她是真实存在的……<br>那么她就只是另一个傻鬼魂,一无所知,无端受害。<br>……<br>看来,我们要到此为止了,对吧……?"<br><br><br>很遗憾,但……没错,我很确定。<br>……<br>别走。 | |||
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"很遗憾,但是……我没办法就这么做。老实说,我其实不能算是……真的在这里……"<br><br><br>……<br><br><br>告诉她吧。<br><br><br>"……是啊。<br>……光……<br>我真的很抱歉。我没有任何悔恨,但……我刚才心中的憎恨,其实对象……并不是你。而是……<br>另外一个你……她至今仍然……逍遥法外。至今仍然……还活着……<br>我到现在也还是……憎恨着她。<br>但你……<br>……<br>我希望你明白……你比她更加强大。<br>光,正是因为如此……<br>……我知道你一定还会再站起来。" | |||
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闭上你的眼睛。<br><br><br>"我已经闭上眼睛了。"<br><br><br>不要再有任何担忧……<br><br><br>"我心中并没有担忧。"<br><br><br>我们后会有期。 | |||
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"我不觉得会。<br>但是没关系。<br>我欣然接受。<br><br>我受尽苦难,但即便如此,我还是想要做出改变,让一切变得更好……<br><br>我不顾一切、不畏艰难……为了某个事物而奋斗。<br>不论我有……多么的迷失方向……我变得……<br><br>……<br><br>很抱歉……我选择了死亡。<br>很抱歉我把一切都抛在脑后。<br>……即便我浪费了这个机会……我还是很幸运地获得了第二次机会。<br>所以说……我接受这样的命运。" | |||
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我知道。<br><br><br>"我希望她知……知道……我不……我不想要……可悲的……<br>我不想要……自己在这个世界……唯一留下的足迹……是个愚蠢的结局。<br><br>……如果你听得见我的话,我想要你知道……光……<br>我是认真的。请不要……忘记……<br>……<br>……<br>我接受这样的人生。" | |||
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少女在她的遗体面前哭泣。<br><br>痛苦如此强烈,少女因为悲伤而不能自已,她想念着对方脸上最后挂着的笑容。<br><br>这则故事的一部分仍旧不为人们所知。事实是,有些故事一直到结局都没有被完整搬上台面。<br><br>这些故事只剩下残块和碎片,必须加以拼凑之后才能看清全貌。 | |||
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这个世界向来都是由支离破碎的碎片所组成。<br><br>这些少女的命运注定是要拾起这样的碎片。<br><br>她们相信,倒影之中存在意义;她们相信,她们的存在本身,自有存在的意义。<br><br>白衣少女踉跄跌落在地上,身心受创,孤身一人。<br><br>但她也将寻找并乘载碎片。 | |||
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此地的记忆还会继续下去。<br><br>一切的一切都会留下记忆,直到永恒的尽头。<br><br>记忆会不断传承下去。<br><br>不会有任何事物被遗忘。}} | |||
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Paradise.<br>After life, "heaven", the world of the dead.<br>It should come as no surprise that the departed might linger in a place like that, at least for<br>a little while. Or perhaps they will linger just above it.<br><br>That's where I am. That's where you are. | |||
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"...So that's it? My hand on her cheek? Her running me through with glass? I can't feel either anymore.<br>I can't feel anything—can't feel her...<br>...<br>...Let me go... "<br><br><br>Why? You're here, but... isn't there something still stirring inside of you? You've got a few little pulses of<br>life left... a little more to go.<br><br><br>"No... " | |||
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No, it's not quite over yet...<br>Listen... remember.<br>Remember yourself...<br>It's been much longer than this, hasn't it? You've already seen so much worse.<br>Now get up, fight. Fight agai—<br><br><br>"Stop it."<br><br><br>...Alright.<br>Let's just talk, instead.<br><br><br>"You're not listening. I don't want to talk. I already said, I just want to... to..."<br><br><br>I want you to remember. | |||
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"...You're pretty annoying, you know.<br>Then do you remember? If you do, you should know why I...<br>...<br><br>...Ugh...<br>...These memories... aren't going to leave me easily, now that I know them.<br>Even if I don't want to, I really am starting to remember every little thing.<br>And... if I'm remembering right... Ha, I've thought this before, but... is this a joke?" | |||
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...<br><br><br>"My old life... I loved being alive, but...<br>Living... was awful.<br>How many times was I thrown down? How many times was I spat on? Hate followed us everywhere<br>even though we just wanted to... to take our powers and...<br>Just... help."<br><br><br>We scared them.<br><br><br>"'We'? And who are you?"<br><br><br>Well, who are YOU? | |||
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"Well funny thing... that's actually the one thing I don't remember.<br>...<br>...I guess you might as well call me 'Tairitsu'."<br><br><br>Then... call me that, too.<br><br><br>"You're kidding... Really? Are you... Are you telling me that I'm right?"<br><br><br>About what?<br><br><br>"That when she made this world, she didn't think about a single part<br>of it. If you're... If the life I had here was...<br>...She's... awful." | |||
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...I'd say she just never learned.<br><br><br>"...I don't feel sorry for her, if that's what you're getting at. We may have come from different realities, but<br>she must have understood what she could do. She had to know, and she just didn't care. And that's why...<br>I don't care that she wasn't brought up and taught like I was. Just... look. Look at what all my training with<br>the Shapers got me. I was different from her because of who I was, not what I learned. If I'd had the<br>strength... If I'd really had the power to change things, for the whole world—"<br><br><br>I would've, but I couldn't, and I didn't.<br><br><br>"...And that's what I got: another go, because that's what she wanted, and in her stupidity she gave that<br>to everyone else, too. So... dumb. It's dumb, right? You have to laugh. Come on! Laugh!"<br><br><br>... | |||
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"What, you can't? Of course you can't, I mean—what kind of second chance was this? Just some<br>kind of... terrible... ironic reflection.<br>Struggling while alive, while everything claws and rips at you.<br>Getting up when you're broken and bleeding—I DID that!<br>I kept standing up, kept fighting even though I KNEW it was pointless!<br>Why would she make me live all of that again!? Answer me—why!? I...!<br>I wanted things to change...<br>I never wanted... to give up..."<br><br><br>...Did you? This second time around? | |||
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"I... did.<br>...<br>Hey...<br>I know I'm dying. Could you tell me something? Can I still see outside, before I go? Through my birds...<br>Can I see her little prison, one last time?"<br><br><br>...You can.<br><br><br>"Great.<br>...<br>So many small and unknown corners, with trapped souls wandering around them.<br>I guess you can't call them souls. Everything here is only a memory—even us.<br>What are they thinking...? I only caught a glimpse of that shard, and it didn't tell me everything." | |||
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Most of them are happy. Very, very happy.<br><br><br>"...Now that's just evil, haha...<br>I...<br>...I feel like crying... you know? I just want to cry—about everything. Why'd I do all this? Why did I die?"<br><br><br>...<br><br><br>"...That's a good look on your face. Have you got an answer for me? Tch... I'm... I just...<br>It all hurts... Everything hurts. It's like I finally, really get it, and it's...<br>It's just horrible. I can't even cry anymore..." | |||
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Well, that's it.<br><br><br>"...?"<br><br><br>You didn't really want to die, so why did you?<br><br><br>"...When I first lived, the road ahead was dark...<br>But I knew that it would branch into countless others. I could find death somewhere, sure, but I could find<br>anything else if I just walked down the right path.<br>It was never like that here, and looking back, I feel sick for ever thinking that it was.<br>These roads are barren, and there's no place to stop.<br>Anyone, no matter their path, will march and march on blindly, until<br>their legs give out and they see the truth of it:<br>that it doesn't matter what turns they take. Every single path leads to nothing at all." | |||
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...I actually don't think so. I think... there must be a road here that leads to something else.<br><br><br>"What makes you say that, when you're trapped out here only able to talk to the dead? Are you stupid?<br>Were you paying attention, even once?"<br><br><br><br>...I just can't believe that. I have to have hope...<br>I don't want to believe that... that...<br><br><br>"This is just what I was saying. You don't want to see the truth? Nothing here mattered at all." | |||
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No.<br>It can't be the truth.<br>I can't let it be the truth.<br>You understand. If that's the truth, wouldn't it be... gross? Wouldn't it be too sad?<br><br><br>"...<br>...I do remember that, from back when I was living. Thinking like that was what kept me alive.<br>You really are me. She really copied me out and... it really is true for all of us—we're all hollow, copied souls.<br>It's true...<br>She's still alive. We're all dead." | |||
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...<br><br><br>"But then... why are you here? Where are the originals for everyone else? Where are their souls?"<br><br><br>...I don't know, and I don't know.<br><br><br>"Alright, but...<br>Actually, you still haven't said so... so, just... just tell me, alright? Are you really the real me? Are you my soul?"<br><br><br>Yes... that's what I am. Yes, I've been all alone out here, and yes, I've been watching.<br>And you're pretty annoying, huh?<br>Aren't you also real, Tairitsu? Aren't we all? | |||
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"Maybe we are. Maybe I was."<br><br><br>Yeah, annoying.<br>I doubt someone as annoying as you could be fake.<br><br><br>"Ha...<br>...<br>Thank you."<br><br><br>I'd never have guessed I'd be watching myself experience a terrible fate again in a second life,<br>only for things to change. | |||
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"What changed?"<br><br><br>You said it yourself.<br>You gave up.<br>I wanted you to... I don't know.<br>I really wanted the change to be... good. | |||
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...<br>Do you really think it still can't be? The "villain" is dead, after all...<br><br><br>"I know you're joking, but... I'm sorry.<br>I was just angry.<br>I don't want to completely give up on it either.<br>I don't think it's hopeless. I mean, you're still here after the end, aren't you? Maybe you'll still be here<br>after I'm gone...<br>And... if you still are watching after I'm gone...<br>...I really think you shouldn't give up hope like I did. <br>Maybe, I don't know...<br>...No, I know it:<br>The girls left here might be able to save themselves. I want to believe that.<br>A change, just like you said...<br>That's all I want.<br>If I don't go away forever, if you can find me after all of this, let me know when they do." | |||
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I will.<br><br><br>"This is funny too, huh...<br>When I was alive, when the others weren't there, I remember I always... talked to myself.<br>But, you know... I never felt alone."<br><br><br>No one alive is really alone.<br><br><br>"That was it...<br>That's what I always told myself...<br>...I want to see the world again.<br><br>A ruined tower, and pieces of glass floating in the air. A wide world of white.<br>White, white, and more glass. Drawn to departed souls...<br>But I can see it on their faces:<br>None of these girls are lost anymore." | |||
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..."None of them"? Looks like you finally forgot about her.<br><br><br>"'Her'...?<br>Oh, you're right, her... I actually can see her, too—well, she's really torn up about this...<br>...But isn't that a good thing? It's... different. She's upset, she's hurt...<br>It's better than 'nothing'."<br><br><br>Hm... Yeah. | |||
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"I'm not sure if she'll be okay, but I am sure she'll take this with her. Honestly... I'd even apologize to her,<br>thinking about it now. I think I did the right thing, but—"<br><br><br>You didn't do anything right.<br><br><br>"Pff...! Hah. Okay. but... I don't think I did anything wrong.<br>I'd apologize to her. I mean... Why wouldn't I? We're real. And if she's real... then she's just another fool<br>ghost, punished for nothing and knowing nothing.<br>...<br>This is really it, huh...?"<br><br><br>I'm sorry to say, but... yes, I'm sure.<br>...<br>Don't go. | |||
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"Sorry to say, but... I can't just do that. I'm honestly... barely here..."<br><br><br>...<br><br><br>Tell her.<br><br><br>"...Yeah.<br>...Hikari...<br>Honestly, I'm sorry. I don't have any regrets, but... the hate I felt wasn't even... for you. The other... you...<br>She's still out... there. Still a...live...<br>I still... hate her.<br>But you...<br>...<br>You should know that... you're stronger than her.<br>That's why, Hikari...<br>...I know you'll stand up again." | |||
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Close your eyes.<br><br><br>"They're already closed."<br><br><br>Don't worry anymore...<br><br><br>"I'm not worried."<br><br><br>I'll see you again. | |||
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"I don't think so.<br>But that's okay.<br>I accept it.<br><br>I had everything to suffer, but I still wanted to change everything for the better...<br><br>I fought FOR something... no matter what it was I had to face.<br>No matter... how misguided... I became...<br><br>...<br><br>I'm sorry... that I chose to die.<br>I'm sorry for throwing it all away.<br>...Even if I wasted it... I was lucky to get another chance.<br>So... I accept it." | |||
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I know.<br><br><br>"I want her to kn... tha... I don't... don't want a... pathetic...<br>I don't want a... stupid finale... to be all I'm remembered... for.<br><br>...If you can hear me, I want you to know this, Hi... Hikari...<br>I mean it. Don't... forget...<br>...<br>...<br>I accept this life." | |||
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[[文件:Story F-7-2 cg.jpg|300px]] | |||
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A girl weeps before her remains now.<br><br>So anguished, so crippled with grief, the girl misses the final smile on her face before it fades.<br><br>Some of this tale remains untold. The truth is, some tales end without ever being fully told.<br><br>And their pieces—their shards are what remain, to be put together and understood. | |||
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This has always been a world of shards, a world of pieces.<br><br>The girls have always been left to pick those pieces up.<br><br>Believing that reflections have meaning. Believing that being, at all, is why anyone would ever be.<br><br>Now the girl in white crumples down to the earth, hurt and alone.<br><br>But she will find and carry pieces too. | |||
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Memories will live on, here.<br><br>All will be remembered, until and past the very end.<br><br>They will all carry on.<br><br>And none will ever forget.}} | |||
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