行 1: |
行 1: |
| local p = {} | | local p = {} |
| local slstIdx = mw.loadData "Module:沙盒/盐棋/Sandbox1".slstIdx
| | --=p.entry{plat={},id="kokoro",title="Heart",title2=" 心",artist='<span lang="ja">-{削除 (Violin : Katali)}-</span>',pack="pack",duration=148.014626,bpm="80-160",bpm_base=80,ratings={1,5,9}} |
| local unlocks = mw.text.jsonDecode(mw.getCurrentFrame():expandTemplate { title = "unlocks" }).unlocks
| | function map(iter, fn) |
| ;(function(u) local _ = u[14]; u[14] = u[16]; u[16] = u[17]; u[17] = u[15]; u[15] = _; table.insert(u, { songId = "" }) end)(unlocks)
| | -- local dict = setmetatable({}, { __index = fn }) |
| | | local ret = {} |
| p.condition = setmetatable({
| | for k, v in pairs(iter) do ret[k] = fn(v, k, ret) end |
| song_id = function(v) return "[[" .. slstIdx[v].title .. "]]" end,
| | return ret |
| song_difficulty = function(v) return "[" .. ({ [0] = "PST", "PRS", "FTR", "BYD" })[v] .. "]" end,
| | end |
| grade = function(v) return v == 0 and "" or ("以 「%s」 或以上成绩"):format(({ "C", "B", "A", "AA", "EX" })[v]) end,
| | function opt(format, value, default) |
| rating = function(v) return ("%.2f"):format(v / 100) end,
| | default = default or "" |
| id = function() return "[[拉格兰]]" end,
| | return value and format:format(tostring(value)) or default |
| [0] = "$credit 残片",
| |
| "$grade通关 $song_id $song_difficulty",
| |
| "游玩 $song_id $song_difficulty",
| |
| "$grade通关 $song_id $song_difficulty$times回",
| |
| "$1 <br>'''或''' $2",
| |
| "个人游玩潜力值 $rating 或以上",
| |
| [103] = "获得搭档「$id」"
| |
| }, { | |
| __call = function(self, args)
| |
| return string.gsub(self[args.type] or "", "%$[a-z12_]+", function(k)
| |
| k = k:sub(2)
| |
| if self[k] then return self[k](args[k]) end
| |
| if tonumber(k) then return self(args.conditions[tonumber(k)]) end
| |
| return args[k]
| |
| end)
| |
| end
| |
| })
| |
| | |
| local function unlocksIt(ware)
| |
| local i, key = 1, nil | |
| return function() | |
| if ware[i].songId == "" then return end
| |
| local arr = {}
| |
| key = ware[i].songId
| |
| repeat
| |
| table.insert(arr, ware[i].ratingClass + 1, ware[i].conditions)
| |
| i = i + 1
| |
| until ware[i].songId ~= key
| |
| if ware[i].songId == "lasteternity" then i = i + 4 end--
| |
| return key, arr
| |
| end
| |
| end | | end |
| | | function p.entry(info) |
| function p.single(id) | | if info.args then info = info.args end |
| --- unlocks song k/v : | | if not string.find(info.duration, ":") then |
| for songk, songv in unlocksIt(unlocks) do
| | -- mw.language.getContentLanguage():formatDate("i:s", "@" .. info.duration) |
| if id == songk then return songv end | | local t = tonumber(info.duration) |
| | info.duration = math.floor(t / 60) .. ":" .. math.floor(t % 60) |
| end | | end |
| | for i = 1, 4 do info.ratings[i] = opt("%s", info.ratings[i], "/") end |
| | return ("|-\n|%s||[[文件:Songs %s.jpg|75px]]||%s||%s||%s||%s||%s||%s"):format( |
| | table.concat(info.plat), info.id, |
| | "[[" .. info.title .. "]]" .. opt('<br /><span lang="ja">-{%s}-</span>', info.title2), |
| | info.artist, info.pack, |
| | opt("data-sort-value=%s|", info.bpm_base) .. info.bpm, |
| | info.duration, table.concat(info.ratings, "||") |
| | ) |
| end | | end |
| | | function p.main(frame) |
| local detail = {}
| | local slstIdx = mw.loadData "Module:songlist index".slstIdx |
| function p.detail(frame) | | local plst = mw.loadData "Module:packlist index" |
| if next(detail) then return detail[frame.args[1]] end | | local durs = mw.text.jsonDecode(mw.title.new "Template:duration.json":getContent()) |
| local inter = { fragment = {}, previous = {}, potential = {}, partner = {} } | | local details = {} |
| function type2Key(t)
| | for _, song in ipairs(mw.loadData "Module:songlist index".slst) do |
| if t == 0 then return "fragment"
| | if song.id ~= "lasteternity" then |
| elseif t < 5 then return "previous"
| | table.insert(details, { |
| elseif t == 5 then return "potential"
| | plat = { "[[文件:Icon Smartphone.png|16px|link=曲目列表 (移动版)]]" }, id = song.id, |
| elseif t == 103 then return "partner"
| | title = slstIdx[song.id].name, title2 = song.title_localized.ja or song.title_localized["zh-Hans"], |
| | artist = '<span lang="ja">-{' .. song.artist .. "}-</span>", pack = plst[song.id], |
| | bpm = song.bpm, bpm_base = tonumber(song.bpm) ~= song.bpm_base and song.bpm_base or nil, |
| | duration = durs[song.id], |
| | ratings = map(song.difficulties, function(v) return v.rating .. opt("+", v.ratingPlus) end), |
| | date = song.date |
| | }) |
| end | | end |
| end | | end |
| for songk, songv in unlocksIt(unlocks) do | | table.sort(details, function(a, b) |
| local row = { fragment = {}, previous = {}, potential = {}, partner = {} }
| | local d = math.abs(a.pack.idx) - math.abs(a.pack.idx) |
| for rate = 1, 3 do
| | if d ~= 0 then return d < 0 else return a.date < b.date end |
| for _, cond in ipairs(songv[rate] or {}) do
| | end) |
| local key = type2Key(cond.type)
| | for _, song in ipairs(details) do |
| if key then
| | song.pack = "[[" .. song.pack.name .. "]]" |
| row[key][rate] = row[key][rate] or {}
| | local ride = frame.args[song.id] |
| table.insert(row[key][rate], (p.condition(cond)))
| | if ride then for k, v in pairs(mw.text.jsonDecode(ride)) do song[k] = v end end |
| end
| |
| end
| |
| end
| |
| for key, kind in pairs(row) do
| |
| if kind[3] then
| |
| table.insert(inter[key], {
| |
| table.concat(kind[1] or { " " }, "<br>"),
| |
| table.concat(kind[2] or { " " }, "<br>"),
| |
| table.concat(kind[3], "<br>"), id = songk
| |
| })
| |
| end
| |
| end
| |
| end
| |
| local slst = mw.loadData "Module:沙盒/盐棋/Sandbox1".slst
| |
| local plst = mw.loadData "Module:沙盒/盐棋/Sandbox2"
| |
| for key, songs in pairs(inter) do
| |
| table.sort(songs, function(a, b)
| |
| local d = plst[slst[slstIdx[a.id].idx].set].idx - plst[slst[slstIdx[b.id].idx].set].idx
| |
| if d ~= 0 then return d < 0 else return slst[slstIdx[a.id].idx].date < slst[slstIdx[b.id].idx].date end
| |
| end)
| |
| --- wikitable
| |
| local wtb, pid = {}, ""
| |
| for _, song in ipairs(songs) do
| |
| if pid ~= slst[slstIdx[song.id].idx].set then
| |
| pid = slst[slstIdx[song.id].idx].set
| |
| table.insert(wtb, '|-\n| colspan="4" |[[' .. plst[pid].name .. "]]")
| |
| end
| |
| table.insert(wtb, table.concat({ "|-\n|[[" .. slstIdx[song.id].title .. "]]", unpack(song) }, "||"))
| |
| end | |
| detail[key] = table.concat({
| |
| '{| class="wikitable mw-collapsible mw-collapsed" style="text-align:center"',
| |
| "|-\n!曲目!!Past!!Present!!Future",
| |
| table.concat(wtb, "\n"),
| |
| "|}"
| |
| }, "\n")
| |
| end | | end |
| return detail[frame.args[1]] | | return table.concat(map(details, function(v) return select(2, xpcall(p.entry, function() return "" end)) end)) |
| end | | end |
| return p | | return p |