小無編輯摘要 |
(更新摩耶剧情) |
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Smiling, the two hold one another's hands and aim their keys at the sky—at the Arcaea still<br />swimming through what remains of it.<br /><br />Light glows all around them, and they enter another memory.<br /><br />That's right, always:<br /><br />One more dance.}} | Smiling, the two hold one another's hands and aim their keys at the sky—at the Arcaea still<br />swimming through what remains of it.<br /><br />Light glows all around them, and they enter another memory.<br /><br />That's right, always:<br /><br />One more dance.}} | ||
===15-1=== | |||
解锁条件:购入[[Lasting Eden]]曲包<br>解锁要求:通过[[Rise of the World]] | |||
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星光爬上她的面颊,为她披上紫色的外衣。这是第二位诞生于星光之下的少女。<br><br>在她之前,已有许多人曾行走在这片名为Arcaea的大地上。<br>不久前,这个曾只是一片纯白色的永昼世界终于迎来了它的第一个黑夜。<br>至此,一条清晰的边界将白昼与夜晚分隔开来。<br>新生的夜空也曾被点亮两次,那是两个生命从天外漂流而来,就这样如流星般坠落,来到了这里。<br>要我说,她就像一枚硬币的反面,是早于她降临于此的那位少女的另一面。 | |||
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天空被深紫点缀,不见云与月的踪影。<br><br>刚醒过来的时候,摩耶还看不太清楚周遭的事物。泪水遮蔽了她的视线。<br>意识和知觉才刚刚恢复,悲痛便如排山倒海般袭来,致使她痛苦地捂住自己的脸,<br>泪水不受控制地流下——她被击垮了。<br><br>Arcaea世界的每一位来访者都会迎来自己的重生——「一无所有」其实是一种福气,一种善意的赠予。<br><br>但这个世界并不完美——自“一切的终结”之后,这个世界早已千疮百孔。<br>毕竟它已经遭受了不可逆的损伤,因此尽管不断倾尽全力去变得完美,最终也于事无补。<br><br>这便是她的不幸:她似乎<br>「无所不有」。}} | |||
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She was the second born under starlight.<br><br>To many of those come to Arcaea, the world once white also appeared as a world of endless day. But, <br>in time, night fell. A border between day and night formed. On the darkened side of the border, two <br>new lives drifted down to the earth like fallen stars. She was the second, and in her very form she <br>showed herself to be a mirror to the first. | |||
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A dark and purple-dotted sky, a cloudless firmament, a night with no moons...<br><br>Maya woke to all this through a blurred view. Her eyes were full of tears. When she could think, <br>when she could feel, she became overwhelmed by grief and she sobbed into her hands.<br><br>When one comes to this world of glass, they are made anew—<br>given "nothing" as a blessing, as a kindness.<br><br>But this place, found after the end, is broken—<br>in ways it tries to be perfect, but it is a broken place to its core.<br><br>She was born, it seemed, with everything.}} | |||
===15-2=== | |||
解锁条件:完成[[#15-1|15-1]],购入[[Lasting Eden]]曲包<br>解锁要求:采用[[摩耶]]通过[[WAIT FOR DAWN]] | |||
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她其实并不排斥黑暗。在死寂之中,她反而感到自在。<br><br>黑暗中偶尔会有从周遭的碎片折射出来的光束一闪而过,但在她眼里,这些都是丑陋无比的东西,<br>只会令她的双眼感到刺痛及不快。每当附近的废墟发出什么东西坍塌或者破碎的声音,<br>不论是微小细碎的摩擦声,还是大地浑厚低沉的颤动,<br>她都感觉无比刺耳,好似尖锐的风声一般在耳边不断嘶吼,愈演愈烈。<br><br>若有什么夺走了她所喜爱的夜晚与宁静,回忆的摇篮也会将她托举。<br>即使她不属于这个世界,世界也对她无比怜爱。 | |||
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这名奇特的少女嗜睡又爱哭,她异色的头发与双眸使她特别。<br><br>Arcaea怜悯她,但很可惜,她并不怎么待见这些喜爱她的碎片。<br><br>她惧怕这些亮闪闪的东西,因为她喜欢无尽黑夜的宁静与深沉。对以四海为家的她来说,高天即是她的穹顶,<br>但那时的她迫切需要一个“藏身之处”:碎片不断地从四面八方涌来,从未消停,她实在是不堪其扰了。<br>断壁残垣中,摩耶享受着片刻的喘息时间,并借此机会试图了解自身所在的洞窟——这已成为了她的习惯,<br>那就是熟悉这世界上每一个收留过她的洞穴的情况。其实即便如此,碎片也无处不在,<br>只是相对来说好忍受一些:没有了天空的广袤,碎片并不能折射多少光线,<br>而且她本就不能也不愿去知道碎片里有什么东西。<br>她不惜跋山涉水去寻找宁静,为了远离纷扰,再高的山她也敢翻越,再黑的路她也敢踏足。<br><br>她就这样走啊走,走啊走……直到有一日走出一条昏暗甬道的时候,<br>她终于看到了不远处的那一条光与影的边界。她停下了脚步。 | |||
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She actually welcomed the dark, and felt at ease within silence.<br><br>Whenever a rare ray bounced from the glass fragments surrounding her, instead it seemed to her like <br>sudden intense light in horrible colors had bombarded her vision. If a nearby ruin creaked or fell apart, <br>the resulting sounds seemed more like a cacophony of wretched noise accosting her ears: lighter scraping, <br>and the heavier, guttural, almost primordial groans from the earth; with a noise all throughout like <br>high-pitched wind, rising and rising—<br><br>If anything broke the shadow and quietness of the night, memory would accost her. And while she <br>did not belong here, she was nonetheless pitied. | |||
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This unusual girl with two-toned hair and eyes—<br>This strange girl who would often sleep, yet still cry—<br><br>Arcaea pitied her. Unfortunately, she quickly grew to fear its glass.<br><br>Shards met with her often enough under the open sky that—although she liked the calm and stillness of <br>the endless night—she began to seek shelter.<br>Maya rested within the fractured shells of buildings, and made herself familiar with any cave in this world <br>she might find. Glass was always there too, yes, but without a clear view of the sky it reflected very little. <br>And besides...she could not—and would not—peer within. She would travel through mountains, only <br>seeking peace. She would step through pitch-dark tunnels following forgotten roads.<br><br>Until she stepped out of a shadowed hall one day, and her eyes caught sight of the daylight border, <br>so very near. | |||
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===15-3=== | |||
解锁条件:完成[[#15-2|15-2]],购入[[Lasting Eden]]曲包<br>解锁要求:采用[[摩耶]]通过[[Raven's Pride]] | |||
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实际上……<br><br>她听到的那些声音是人们歇斯底里的尖叫,而她所看到的那些景象便是罪魁祸首。<br>明亮的光柱自天而降,撕裂了大地:她的家园毁灭了。她多么希望那痛苦只需持续几秒钟,<br>但实际上,那是一次长达数小时的折磨。太痛苦了,好痛,好痛……<br><br>她认得世界另一端的那些人,明白他们应该都是已死之人。她听见有人在命令她,<br>令她僵在原地,但那声音很快便消散了。她与那个已逝世界的一切连接、一切羁绊,<br>都在那场缓慢且无情的灾难中化为乌有。她失去了一切,随后才在Arcaea中醒来,仍是孤单一人。<br><br>放眼望去,这个世界远处的地平线朱红一片,似夕阳,更似火海。 | |||
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终于,在无数幻听和幻觉的折磨下,摩耶跪倒在甬道的出口。尖锐的疼痛如利刃穿过心脏,令她痛哭,<br>令她哀嚎,令她反胃。难以忍受的恐慌一波接一波冲击着她的心智,没完没了,<br>而其中最令她不堪回首的更是如巨石般压得她喘不过气来。<br>那令她生不如死的可悲的事实一遍又一遍地提醒着她:<br><br>“我还在这里。”<br><br>她的痛苦,她的哀怮,无声但震耳欲聋。<br>Arcaea听见了一切。 | |||
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In fact...<br><br>Those sounds she heard were screams.<br>Those sights she saw were the cause.<br>Bright light fell from the sky in violent pillars, tearing at the earth. Her home became ravaged in what she'd <br>hoped would be seconds, but instead it had been a nightmare of hours. Agonizing, she had—she had...<br><br>She knew people on the other side of the earth, and heard they were dead. She froze under commands <br>from soon-lost voices. An entire connection she shared with an entire world was lost over a slow, <br>thorough, and merciless course. And, with it all gone, she had woken up here—alone in Arcaea.<br><br>And the horizon before her now was like sunset, or—it was like a world on fire. | |||
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Maya crumpled alone at a tunnel's exit, hearing and seeing things that weren't there. She shivered and <br>cried, feeling as if a spike was driving through her heart. Through horrid pain, nausea too began to plague <br>her. Horror after horror, all of it impossible to bear, and one thought worse than all others weighed on her <br>mind like an anchor. One truth that seemed ready to almost kill her:<br><br>"I am still here."<br><br>And her pain, and her heartache, it all cried out beyond her voice.<br>Arcaea would hear all of it. | |||
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===15-4=== | |||
解锁条件:完成[[#15-3|15-3]],购入[[Lasting Eden]]曲包<br>解锁要求:采用[[摩耶]]通过[[Rise of the World]] | |||
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她现正处于一个边缘,坐在光与影的交界处。脑内的声音仍没有停止,撕扯着她的鼓膜,叫嚣着。<br>她的双眼无神地盯着远处,乞求自己不再需要思考。<br><br>太迟了,错误已经犯下,悲剧已经酿成。造成的再多痛苦和损失,也都成为了历史。<br>时光无法倒流,过去无法改变。但……真的什么都做不到吗?可否拭去她的泪痕,抚平她的伤疤?<br>一片碎片自上空飘落,缓缓来到她的身边。两片、三片……越来越多,如细雨般,<br>最终形成了一个茧房般的屏障,将她隔绝于阳光之外。 | |||
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让她喧闹的想法平静下来?<br>不,不行。<br>分散她的注意力?抑或是好好哄哄她?<br>她的注意力已经很涣散了。<br>怎么办?该怎么办……<br><br>碎片一反常态地暗了下来,由它们组成的屏障像细腻柔软的布料开始朝下折叠,直到将她完全包住。<br>真是令人哭笑不得啊,怎么会有玻璃觉得自己是柔软的呢。但奇怪的是,摩耶抬起了头。<br>尽管畏缩了一下,她最终还是抬起了头……她看到了碎片中的那些东西:记忆。 | |||
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碎片中承载的那些记忆的主角都另有其人,她看到了所承载的那些悲伤和苦痛,<br>看到了人们所犯下的那些错误。Arcaea没有其他能给她看的回忆了,而她就这样静静地看着……<br><br>没有血流成河,没有刀山火海,也没有枪林弹雨。<br><br>只有痛苦、孤独而又无助的人们,无依无靠,无人可以诉说,更无从谈起抚慰。<br>是啊,孤独这样的绝症,又怎会有药可医? | |||
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她思索着。她看到了形形色色的人,男女老少,无一不是泪流满面。<br>她看见了那些大限将至的人们,无力地笑着,手中还攥着早已褪色的相片。<br><br>这便是这个世界想要向她传达的:<br>你觉得自己再也不会感到开心了。你觉得不如就此放弃。<br>但何必要如此呢?<br><br>过去确已过去,它的烙印并不会消失,不过有一些、甚至说大部分“烙印”,<br>其实是你自己给自己上的枷锁。你不是还活着吗?那个世界的确毁灭了,但你仍在这里。 | |||
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……<br><br>求求你……<br><br>留下来吧。 | |||
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She sits now at a precipice. Outside, she sits between darkness and light. Inside, a tone blares through <br>her ears as she stares wide-eyed and wanting, wishing to no longer think.<br><br>It is too late now. These made mistakes are set and done. The suffering caused, the damage caused—it is <br>all finished. The past cannot be reset. But can something be done to heal? Can anything, anything at all, <br>be done for a crying girl? A single piece of glass drifts down from above. Another. Another. A slow rain of <br>glass falls, until it is a solid wall before and around her, blocking the unseen sun. | |||
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Take her mind away?<br>No, it can't be done.<br>Distract her, coax her?<br>She is too distracted by herself.<br>What to do for her? What to do, what to do...<br><br>The glass uncharacteristically dims. Parts of its shard wall fold down almost like fabric with innumerable <br>parts until she is covered. What a silly thing—for glass to think itself soft. But, odd...But, still: Maya flinches <br>once, and she lifts her head. She finds memory in these shards. | |||
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These shards hold memories of others. She finds memories of sorrow, of hurting, and of humans' faults. <br>It is all that Arcaea can show to her, and she watches...<br><br>...not bloodshed, not battle, not war...<br><br>...but people alone in their pain, nobody there to share it or understand.<br>What can one do when they know they are alone? | |||
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She thinks. She sees men and women, girls and boys, all crying. She sees people near the end, with faded <br>photographs in their hands and faint smiles on their faces.<br><br>That is the message from this world to her.<br>You may feel you will never smile again. You may feel you want to quit.<br>But what is the point in that?<br><br>The past is behind you, but it has left marks upon you that you cannot erase. Some, perhaps many, are <br>marks that you left there yourself. But you are still here. A world is gone, and you are still here. | |||
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...<br><br>...Please.<br><br>Stay here. | |||
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===15-5=== | |||
解锁条件:完成[[#15-4|15-4]],购入[[Lasting Eden]]曲包<br>解锁要求:采用[[摩耶]]通过[[UNKNOWN LEVELS]] | |||
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“‘留下来’……?”<br><br>一声低语回答了另一声低语——这是她自来到这个世界后第一次开口讲话。<br>虽然声音因为喉咙的干涩和疼痛而显得十分沙哑,<br>虽然只是用几不可闻的声音重复部分她所听到的低语……<br><br>她用力咬紧了牙,她的表情因此扭曲。<br><br>这个世界给予了她许多关爱……<br><br>而她对此的回应只有忿恨。 | |||
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她的眼神变得锐利,怒视着面前那块用碎片组成的屏障,碎片中的景象正随着碎片的移动而更替:<br>Arcaea发觉她心境的变化后也随之改变了。现在,阴郁或温婉的情绪都被抛掷一旁……<br><br>碎片之海荡起了涟漪,仿佛受到了冲击般不再光滑平坦。摩耶看着那些记忆——<br><br>那是一个男人,正在镜中回望自己,他的眼前一片漆黑。<br>那是一个女人,站在夜晚的海边,双脚浸入不断拍打着她的水中。她盯着手中的项链看了好一会儿,<br>最后将它一掷,扔进了海中。<br>那是一个孩子,身着黑色的西装,她的姐姐正准备挽起她的手,却被不耐烦地一巴掌拍开。<br><br>摩耶笑了。那是一抹无声却纵情的笑容。<br>这些碎片好似在试图与她共鸣般,想想就觉得可悲。 | |||
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这些碎片确实在与她共鸣。<br><br>这些尝试,这些举动……<br>她真想狠狠朝它们啐一口唾沫。<br><br>随着她破碎而扭曲的心愈发破碎,碎片所感知到的她的痛苦也越来越强烈,<br>并开始一片片翻转,向她聚集、靠拢——<br><br>越来越多,越来越亮……<br>……它们开始像她展示那些人的生活是如何一步步分崩离析的。 | |||
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他人的苦难、愚蠢和失败一闪而过,将她的心紧紧攥住。<br>她的世界毁于一旦,这份属于自己的回忆让她更加苦不堪言。<br>碎片毒藤般爬上她的肢体,蔓延、弯折、扭曲,像不怀好意的铁链将她死死缠绕并不断收紧,<br>直至那尖锐的枝条终于抵着她脆弱的脖颈。<br><br>但她只是嗤笑着。<br><br>那颗在不断跳动的虚弱的心脏……<br>根本就不是她的。 | |||
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碎片颤抖了一下,好似一个人打了个哆嗦。碎片中的光亮在一瞬间熄灭了,<br>捆绑着少女的玻璃锁链也正不断收紧,挤压着她的躯体……<br><br>突然,黑夜闪烁了起来,一阵扭曲猛烈的气旋迅速掠过,她周围的玻璃顷刻间全部碎裂开来。<br>她就这么跌落在地上,得以再次沐浴在远处黎明温和的霞光中。 | |||
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摩耶抬头望向漆黑的天空,随后低头朝远处明亮的地平线看去,然后闭上了眼。<br><br>“为什么……?”<br><br>困惑,愤怒,失落。<br><br>温暖的光打在她的肩膀上,让她的身子暖和了起来。<br>这些情感也都毫无保留地灌注进她握紧拳头的颤抖的双手。<br><br>但是,她很快便不再觉得温暖。<br><br>她小心翼翼地再次睁开眼,望向周遭的黑暗。<br><br>此时,Arcaea又找到了她,又形成了一堵全新的高墙。<br><br>阴影与玻璃,它们组成了一条全新的通道。<br><br>在那通道的尽头,是星星点点的日光。 | |||
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"'Stay'...?"<br><br>A whisper for a whisper. Her voice cracks with this: her first word within Arcaea. Through a stinging, dry <br>throat, she repeats half of what she heard.<br><br>She bites down and grimaces.<br>She drags teeth against teeth.<br><br>Her response to the care the world has shown her...<br><br>...is resentment. | |||
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She sharpens her gaze, peering more closely into the mirrored wall before her. The images shift as the <br>glass moves. Shards of Arcaea find her new glare and present themselves. Moods somber or gentle are <br>all pushed aside...<br><br>The sheet of glass ripples as if struck. Maya watches memories—<br><br>—of a man looking back at himself in a mirror with darkness beneath his eyes.<br>—of a woman standing at a shore at night, her feet dipped into lapping, shallow water. She stares at a <br>necklace in her hand for some time, then eventually holds it out before her and drops it into the sea.<br>—of a young child dressed in a small black suit. Her sister reaches for her hand, only for it to be struck away.<br><br>Maya smiles. She laughs, quietly.<br>It's as if these shards are resonating with her—and how terrible if they are. | |||
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And of course, they are.<br><br>The attempt, the gesture...<br>She wants to spit at it.<br><br>As her breaking, twisted heart twists and breaks all the more, the glass hears her misery all the more well, <br>and brings itself closer—<br>turns itself over, piece by single piece—<br>each reflecting more memory than only one: the shards show the other halves of these shattered lives.<br><br>One by one, growing brighter and brighter...<br>...they begin to show how those lives shattered to begin with. | |||
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She is gripped by their flashing memories of disaster, folly, and failure.<br>She is gripped in turn by her own memories of a ravaged world.<br>She is gripped—physically—by the glass itself as it crawls to her body and binds all around it, twisting about <br>it, tightening and linking like glinting chains until its sharp edges slide up to press at her throat.<br><br>She grins wryly.<br><br>A weak heart beats...<br>...but it is not hers. | |||
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The glass shivers. It almost even seems to undulate. The light of the shards is all snuffed out in a second, <br>and as the chain pieces tighten, and tighten over her body—<br><br>Suddenly, in an abrupt burst of black glitter and a twisting rush of air, the glass all breaks around her, <br>leaving her to fall to the earth and be once more bathed by the far-off dawn. | |||
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Maya looks up into the dark sky. She looks out at the glowing horizon. She shuts her eyes.<br><br>"What...?"<br><br>Confusion. Anger. Disappointment.<br><br>The feelings pour into her shaking fist as the distant light warms her shoulders...<br><br>However, her shoulders soon go cold.<br><br>Cautiously, she opens her eyes once more to darkness.<br><br>Fragments of Arcaea have found her again, and formed new walls.<br><br>A tunnel of shade, a tunnel of glass...<br><br>...leading to distant daylight. | |||
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===15-6=== | |||
解锁条件:完成[[#15-5|15-5]],购入[[Lasting Eden]]曲包<br>解锁要求:采用[[摩耶]]通过[[Abstruse Dilemma]] | |||
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“……”<br><br>摩耶支起身子,半起身地看着远处的那个光点,过去的记忆已不再冲击着她的脑海。<br>她回头,看见了自己几分钟前刚刚从中走出的巨大豁口,比之前更加深不见底,像一张正在打哈欠的大嘴。<br>什么东西在那漆黑一团中依稀闪烁——碎片吧,不然还能是什么呢。<br>卡在两个选择之间的她再一次被迫陷入了思考。 | |||
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该做出选择了。<br><br>总要做出选择的。<br><br>要么让安逸的虚无就这么吞噬你,要么就主动拥抱那令人胆寒的光芒。<br><br>摩耶双膝跪地,思考着。<br><br>“你到底想要我干什么?面对一切,还是就此放弃?”她愤怒地问道。<br><br>回答她的是另一个问题。她隐隐约约能听见那个声音,它问道:<br><br>你想要什么?<br><br>对此,她的回答是…… | |||
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以前,她觉得自己起码能够回答这个问题。<br><br>比方说,“我想让自己纷繁复杂的思绪安静下来。”<br>又比方说,“我想忘记这一切。”<br>“我想从这个世界上消失。”<br>“我想感受痛苦。”<br>“我想被别人伤害。”<br>“我想变得快乐。”<br>……<br><br>现在,当她再次面临这个问题的时候,她觉得当时给出的答案中的其中一个很可能仍然正确。 | |||
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她所记得的可不仅仅只有“结局”。她所经历的一切,她都记得。<br><br>那短暂人生中的大部分时光是快乐的,但就是如此,这个损失才显得尤为惨重。<br><br>还有负罪感……自己是将一切都夺走的人的这种感觉永远都将折磨着她。<br><br>“……”<br><br>她沉默不语,再次将视线投向前方。 | |||
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你可以选择变得开心起来,但快乐并不是你应得的。<br><br>你也可以选择接受审判,但它让你感到恐惧。<br><br>当你身处这种两难的境地,你只会觉得自己实际上并没有选择权。<br><br>不过,假设你必须做出选择的话,假设你真能看到摆在你面前的是两条清晰但不同的道路,<br>而不是一条路蒙眼走到黑,这个时候……<br><br>你会做何选择? | |||
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前路不明的时代结束了。飘渺不定与悲天悯人的时代已是历史,由一位愚者一手造就的时代已经过去。<br><br>视野不再狭窄,飞过半边天的云也已变得稀薄。<br><br>星光黯淡了下来,阳光也不再明媚。<br><br>受束缚的她最大的心愿,便是在绝望的高崖之上饱受苦痛折磨,但这样的愿望并不会实现。<br><br>相反地,她得到了选择的权利。<br><br>因为这才是Arcaea想看到的。 | |||
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她站起身,面前是一堵由玻璃筑成的高墙。墙上的碎片开始变得暗淡无光,<br>从中不再有记忆的片段显现。碎片现在所能映射的,便是她的脸庞。<br>她看着镜子里自己异色的双瞳,随后又看向她胸前镶着红边的花瓣……<br><br>她的左右两侧各有一条蜿蜒开来的小路。风从她身边拂过,从她的发间逃走。<br><br>她现在觉得自己焕然一新了。<br><br>像有人终于察觉了她,像有一只稳重的手轻轻搭在她的背上。<br><br>想要快乐并不是什么令人羞耻的事……<br>而感到悲伤也同样不是。<br><br>直视你的心,直面现实,然后做出选择,这样就好。 | |||
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摩耶转身,向前迈出了第一步。 | |||
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"..."<br><br>Maya pushes herself partway from the ground. She looks into the dot of far light, and no old memories <br>come to her. She turns her head to gaze behind, and the yawning maw where she stepped from only <br>minutes ago gazes back more dark than ever before. In that darkness, something glints now and then. <br>More glass, surely. She lies between, forced to think. | |||
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There is a choice.<br><br>There is a choice here.<br><br>Let easeful nothingness consume you, or welcome the frightening light.<br><br>Maya climbs to her knees and thinks on it.<br><br>Angrily, she mutters, "What do you want from me...? To face everything, or to go?"<br><br>Her question is answered with a question. Faintly, just faintly she can hear it:<br><br>What do you want?<br><br>To that... | |||
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...Once, at least, she thought she had answers.<br><br>I want to stop thinking, she'd thought.<br>I want to stop remembering.<br>I want to disappear.<br>I want to suffer.<br>I want to be hurt.<br>I want to be happy.<br><br>Now that she's been asked again, she finds one of these answers is likely still true. | |||
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Her memory is not only of the end. Everything she'd had in life is with her.<br><br>Most of that short life had been wonderful. Every happy moment added that much more weight <br>to the miserable loss.<br><br>And guilt... Guilt seems to eternally stain her for being the one to take it all away.<br><br>"..."<br><br>Silent, she looks ahead again. | |||
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Say that you have the chance to be happy, but don't deserve it.<br><br>Say that you have the chance to face judgment, but deeply fear it.<br><br>In that dilemma, you may not even feel you ought to have the right to choose.<br><br>But, still, say you came to a choice... To some miracle, where the future for you is presented as two clear <br>paths rather than having you blindly walk only one.<br><br>What then? | |||
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A nebulous age has passed. An age of uncertainty and empathy—an age brought about by a fool—is over.<br><br>Eyes are open, and what clouds flew under half the sky have thinned.<br><br>The stars have faded. The unseen sun's light has dimmed.<br><br>And what Maya wanted as she was bound – to be inflicted with pain at the precipice of despair – was <br>summarily rejected.<br><br>She was instead presented with a choice...<br><br>...for Arcaea wanted this. | |||
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She stands up to face a wall of glass. The shards comprising it have all gone black again; no memory is <br>cast out from any one of them. Instead, her own face stares back at her. She stares into her two-color eyes, <br>and those eyes drift to the red-bordered petals over her chest...<br><br>To her right lies one path, and to her left another. Wind passes over her, running through her hair.<br><br>Inside she feels...new.<br><br>As if someone has seen her. As if a steady hand has been placed at her back.<br><br>There isn't any shame in wanting to be happy...<br>And there isn't any shame in sadness.<br><br>Weigh your heart, weigh reality, and decide. | |||
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Maya turns, and begins to step forward. | |||
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==Short(短篇)== | ==Short(短篇)== |