
故事模式剧情详表 (移动版):修订间差异

添加34,735字节 、​ 2024年1月13日 (星期六)
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Because isn't it a shame? It's a shame, you know!? You see: this world has been missing a god! Ah, it had a <br>god but for an instant! For a fleeting moment, it was whole and just after—ah, it shattered at its very core! <br>Have the people here been worried ever since?<br><br>Oh, oh, there's no more need to worry. No, no, none have need of worry at all!<br><br>This fading, sorrowful, wonderful world has been once again blessed...!<br><br>In my grace, in my providence, you will all find happiness again...<br><br>Yes... a god has come here to set everything right and well for you all.
Because isn't it a shame? It's a shame, you know!? You see: this world has been missing a god! Ah, it had a <br>god but for an instant! For a fleeting moment, it was whole and just after—ah, it shattered at its very core! <br>Have the people here been worried ever since?<br><br>Oh, oh, there's no more need to worry. No, no, none have need of worry at all!<br><br>This fading, sorrowful, wonderful world has been once again blessed...!<br><br>In my grace, in my providence, you will all find happiness again...<br><br>Yes... a god has come here to set everything right and well for you all.
解锁条件:购入[[Sunset Radiance]]曲包<br>解锁要求:通过[[Chelsea]]
A thousand small fractures beneath every footstep, all softened at once by the smothering white all <br>around them. A little interesting, a little strange to have here. Snow fills her footsteps as she leaves them <br>behind and walks into more drifts. Snow, really, drifts all around her. Slowly, under a dark sky, the world <br>is filled with white.<br><br>There, Kanae quietly considers her direction.<br><br>"It should be..." she whispers, looking toward the sky, "there... and then there." Her eyes trace something <br>beyond what most might see glinting only vaguely up above in the dark, past the little waltzes and swings <br>of thoughtless snow. She lowers her gaze after, and looks on ahead.
This a valley beyond a cliffside: it is an empty place, filled simply by empty cold. The white surrounding <br>welcomes glimpses of the purple starlight above, leaving a hazy shimmer over much of the landscape <br>and the far horizon. A plain place painted. Were this another time, she might stop to admire. Now, though, <br>her course is kept with a sure and measured gait.<br><br>The silent night air, lightly decorated with those thousands of breaks below her; wind dancing only a little <br>in the air. Her breath clouds her vision, warms her face...<br><br>Though she might treat it all unremarkably...<br><br>...so many would find it fascinating: this, the second snowfall of Arcaea.
解锁条件:购入[[Sunset Radiance]]曲包<br>解锁要求:通过[[AI[UE]OON|AI[UE]OON]]
风呼啸着撕咬着她的鼻,群愿不禁眯起眼睛,抖了抖肩。她轻点了下自己的鼻尖,微微蹙眉。<br>世界显得更暗了,就好像离那白日的边界又远了一分似的。山谷中满是风的低语和咆哮,雪越下越大,<br>大概过不了多久,她就要迷路了。<br> <br>群愿赶忙抬头看了看天空,再次寻找高空中那微微闪烁的存在。<br> <br>太“不亮堂”了,这下即使是她也看不见了。于是,她缓缓抬起一只手……
头顶上一直在隐约闪烁的东西顿时变得更加明亮了。每一处光亮都一改原来的躲闪,亮得高调而张扬,<br>直至它们的身形清晰可辨——没错,它们其实是碎片,属于Arcaea的七块碎片。<br> <br>它们接连转向她,飘至她身前,松垮垮地在半空中浮动的同时还不忘慢悠悠地自转着。<br>皑皑白雪中的那抹紫穿插其间,而她的目光仔细地扫过每一枚碎片的表面。<br>不,她并不是在查看每个碎片中的记忆,而是在看着它们,看这一整个东西「是」什么。<br>她勾了勾手指,将它们延展开来。这七枚碎片不断移动与变化,最终在短时间内合成了一个图案。
一开始,它们拼了一张人脸出来,随后又变成了一柄剑;这会是一面盾牌,<br>过一会又成了一条弯曲的藤蔓……不能夸下海口说它们拼得天衣无缝,<br>但要一下子认出来是什么形状还是挺容易的。碎片在不停地变换的同时也愈发变得黯淡无光,<br>但唯独有一枚亮度丝毫不减。过了一段时间,她看向了那个独特的存在,然后转身面向它。<br> <br>她有一项还算独特的本领,而此时,她需要同样独特的向导来帮助她施展——好吧,<br>其实恐怕还是只有她自己才最够格做这名向导。这是她一直以来都可以做到的一件事:<br>Arcaea的星空和其所谓的星光于她来说,就像是指引这个世界方位的罗盘。<br> <br>对这枚发着光的碎片所指引的新方向感到颇为满意,群愿再度迈开了脚步。<br>风向此时也再度转变,狂风呼啸着刮得更加猛烈了。}}
The winds bite at her nose, and with that bite Kanae narrows her eyes and picks up her shoulders. She <br>taps her nose tip, slightly frowning. The world is darker now, as it often becomes with distance from the <br>daylight border; and in the valley full of wind's whispers and shouts and through increasing snowfall... <br>Kanae wagers that she's beginning to lose her direction.<br><br>She promptly looks to the sky again. She looks for faint glints in the heavens.<br><br>Now it's a bit too "without light" for even her to see. So, slowly, she raises a hand...
What has been glinting from above begins to glint now stronger, and stronger. Soon, each spot of weak <br>light from above begins to powerfully glow until each has neared enough to be made out clearly. Yes: these <br>are shards of glass, shards of Arcaea, in seven pieces.<br><br>They crawl toward her and when near enough hang loosely in the air, each little one spinning at its own <br>slow speed. The purple that the snow had caught rests within them as well, and her eyes pass over each <br>surface carefully. She looks not at the memories that they hold... she looks at them all, together, "as" <br>something. She bends her fingers, extends them, and like that the shards begin to shift. They, as seven, <br>begin to swiftly form a shape.
They shape first like a face...and after, for a moment, like a sword. Like a shield for a moment, and then <br>like a twisting vine. Imprecise, but recognizable shapes... as the glass pieces take each vague form, they <br>dull, and dull, and dull—though an especial one will never dim. After some time, she turns her eyes to <br>that last remaining bright piece... and turns as well toward it.<br><br>This is her strange touch, and her stranger guide—or it might be best to say the strange guide is herself. <br>What she can do, and always could: she can, simply, make a compass of Arcaea using these makeshift <br>stars and faux starlight.<br><br>Satisfied with the new aim of the glass, Kanae marches forward once more: just as the winds around her <br>turn again, and turn more than a touch fiercer.}}
解锁条件:购入[[Sunset Radiance]]曲包<br>解锁要求:通过[[A Wandering Melody of Love]]
风暴就在眼前,而她丝毫没有停下迈向它的脚步。风拍打着她的脸,将她的发丝毫不留情地吹散。<br>而她仍在前进,追赶着几乎要消失在暴风雪中的那一丝光亮。<br> <br>她将自己的衣服捂得更紧了点,思量着要不要闭上眼睛。最终她没有那么做,<br>而是哆嗦着死死盯着她前方上空中碎片的变化。即使是自己都快要给吹跑了,雪没过小腿,没过膝盖了,<br>她也丝毫没有移开视线。她那厚厚的长袍此时显得尤为单薄,而她的呼吸也逐渐急促了起来。<br> <br>她的耳朵此时就像被刀割一样疼,长在脸上的也仿佛不再是鼻子而只是一块冰了。<br> <br>但她仍没有停下脚步。
“我能做到……吗?”她自言自语道。呼啸的风雪顷刻间掩埋了她的声音,<br>即使是她自己也听不清自己说了什么。尽管如此,她也依然坚定地补充道:“不,我必须做到。”<br> <br>但风暴并不会因此而减弱半分,她再次被狂风刮倒,跌落在地上。她单手撑地,匍匐前行,<br>直到雪逐渐漫过了她的肩膀,直到它们钻进她的衣袖,攀上她的臂膀。温度飞快地逃离了她,<br>她也因此咳嗽了几声,头顶的积雪扑扑簌簌往下掉落:很明显,雪在这场较量中占了上风,<br>而她再度向上望去。<br> <br>跌倒了的她试图站起身,但失败了。<br> <br>“站……起来。”踉跄地。<br>“站起来!”坚定地。<br> <br>她终于直起了身,却觉得顿时没了力气。疲惫感瞬间涌了上来,怂恿她停下脚步稍作歇息。<br> <br>眼皮也越来越重了……她呼出了一口温热的空气,合上了自己的左眼。<br> <br>仍然睁着的右眼还在不停地环顾着四周,她还没有放弃知觉,还没有放弃思考。<br>她睁开的右眼捕捉到了一片自由飞舞着的碎片。
群愿紧闭双唇,只用鼻子进出气。她试图去够那枚碎片,身体不断地颤抖。<br> <br>机会很渺茫……微乎其微。<br>但她一路走来,正是为了这一丝希望。没事的,没事。我说过,一切都会顺利的,一定会。<br>她伸手……<br>……碎片飘落下来,来到了她的身旁。白光慢慢包裹住她,带领她去往记忆的深处。
没见过的地方,但仍是夜里。一幢小木屋静静伫立黑暗之中,而向窗外望去,除了一望无际的夜晚,<br>什么也没有。群愿卧在地板上,呼吸浅短。耳朵和脸蛋都逐渐暖和起来了……等等,暖……起来了?<br> <br>她抬起头,看见了她身前正冒着火星苗子的壁炉。拖炉火的福,她愈发觉得温暖了起来,<br>而她此时也不禁瞪大了眼——这种温度竟是如此真实,而她竟能如此真实地感受到。是真的,<br>都是真的!她的体力逐渐恢复了,于是她站起身,走到壁炉前坐下来,与火光相对。<br> <br>“……”<br> <br>一幢小屋,被深夜的寂静簇拥——这就是她在这场暴风雪中所寻得的回忆。<br> <br>身子愈发暖和,群愿发现自己的嘴角也愈发上扬。这一切都太有意思了……<br> <br>坐在这小小奇迹之中,她不再感到寒冷,也逐渐记起了她此行的目的。}}
She finds a storm ahead and walks on through it.<br>As it whips at her ears, as it scatters her hair...<br>She marches ahead, following a single point of light nearly hidden within the blizzard.<br><br>She holds her clothing more tightly to herself and thinks to close her eyes, but does not. Wincing, she <br>keeps her eyes steady on the glass formation ahead and above her, even as the wind almost pushes her <br>from her course—even as the snow begins to climb beyond her calves, beyond her knees. Her heavy robe <br>begins to feel thin, and her breathing begins to shorten.<br><br>Her ears feel as if they're being cut. Her nose is like ice on her face.<br><br>And she continues on.
"Can I... make it?" she speaks to herself, and in the raging snow she can't hear her own voice. Despite that, <br>she affirms: "I have to."<br><br>But wind pushes down on her again. She falls to the ground, her hand pushing through fallen snow until <br>that snow reaches her shoulder. It pushes up into her sleeve and hugs her arm. The heat of her skin quickly <br>dies, and she coughs flakes from her face. Snow overtakes her, and she looks above again.<br><br>She forces herself to stand, and collapses.<br><br>"Up..." she bids.<br>"Up...!" she insists.<br><br>She rises to her feet, and feels suddenly without energy. Tired. Ready to rest.<br><br>Her eyelids feeling heavier, she breathes out a breath that feels warm, and shuts her left eye.<br><br>Her right gazes around. Still cognizant, still thinking...<br>Her right eye catches sight of a free and flying glass shard.
Kanae shuts her mouth, breathing through her nose and shaking all throughout her body as she reaches <br>out toward that piece.<br><br>It's only a chance...just a small chance...<br>But a small chance is why she is here. It will be fine. She swore that it would, and it will be.<br>She reaches out...<br>...and the glass comes to her, and overwhelms her with light as she drifts into its memory.
A new place, though not a new time. A cabin of somewhere, and from a look through the windows: in the <br>dead of the night. Kanae is upon the floor, her breath shallow and her ears and face warming... Warming?<br><br>She picks up her chin and finds a fireplace blazing before her. As her head grows warmer from its heat, her <br>eyes widen. That this would be something she would feel...that this would be something that seems so <br>real. It is real, it's real. She eventually finds strength and crawls up to sit before the flame.<br><br>"..."<br><br>A quiet cabin on a quiet night, in a memory caught in a storm...<br><br>Letting her body warm, Kanae lets a small smile find its way across her lips as well.<br>There is some poetry to all this...<br><br>Sat in a little miracle, Kanae keeps warm and remembers what brought her here.}}
解锁条件:购入[[Sunset Radiance]]曲包<br>解锁要求:通过[[Tie me down gently]]
她需要休息,所以她美美睡了一觉,养精蓄锐了一番,然后才动身离开了这段记忆。<br>在流光溢彩的拥抱下,她来到了一个安静的地方……它定是从这飘向远方的。幽深的峡谷坐落在远处,<br>一眼望去茫茫一片——所幸覆盖了广袤大地的冰雪不会再变得更高了。夜色貌似并没有原来那么深了……<br>群愿转过身,面向那枚碎片。<br> <br>“谢谢你。”她说。<br> <br>许是心满意足了,碎片缓缓飘离了她,离她远去。群愿挥手,将空中漂浮着的先前那七枚碎片招呼了下来。
风暴仍未停歇——她的朋友只是将她带离了寒冷;饕风虐雪丝毫没有减弱的意思,<br>风的咆哮自她来的方向不断传来,而她对此并不介意,只是专注地把玩着这七枚碎片组成的图案,<br>观察着最后依然明亮的那一片。片刻后,她得出了结论:自己必须在这个巨大的缝隙中找到一条下去的路。<br> <br>“快了……”她说出了心中所想。这回,风雪没有掩盖住她的声音。她找到了一条平缓的斜坡,<br>开始沿坡下行,向峡谷的更深处走去。
踏入一座由泥土组成的厅堂后,她抬起了头。她的视线穿过石墙上投下的斑驳阴影,<br>投向那些引导着她的碎片:她跟着它们走,因为它们一直在指引她前往正确的地方。当她离终点越来越近时,<br>她的视野也逐渐歪斜,周围的大气突然在某一刻变得既尤为沉重又尤为轻盈。她低下头,看向她的目标。<br> <br>其它碎片正往那里飘去,而四周的土墙在不自然地抖动着。什么东西在发出低沉的声音,<br>整得万事万物都好似在嗡嗡作响,而这一切的罪魁祸首却一动不动——看得出来,<br>它十分满意自己的存在能让周遭的世界扭曲。<br> <br>但它并不应该这么羸弱才对……?<br>就像……受伤了似的。<br>那么,也许真不再会有什么危险了吧……也许它真的是无能为力了……<br> <br>……<br> <br>它,这枚异常的碎片,就是群愿的目的。<br> <br>这片静止不动的东西……<br> <br>怀揣着一颗纯良无邪的心,群愿心不在焉地向前踏出了一步。}}
In a great effulgence and after a rest and sleep she deemed necessary, Kanae lands outside of the glass <br>into a new quiet landscape. This was where it drifted, evidently... Here, a deep chasm sits at a distance. <br>Ice and snow spreads almost dazzling over the earth, but no new white comes to coat the place. The <br>darkness of the night seems strangely abated... She turns to the glass shard now behind her.<br><br>"Thank you," she says.<br><br>Perhaps satisfied, the glass leaves then, and she beckons seven faithful from the sky.
The storm has not passed; her friend only carried her out of it. Howling from whence she came, the great <br>and dark vortex of snow that had nearly taken her continues unabated. She pays it no mind, she only twists <br>the seven shards' formations, and watches for what is left brightest in the end. With that, she knows she <br>must find a way down the wide crevice she spotted on her exit.<br><br>"Should be close now..." she thinks aloud, now able to hear herself properly again. She finds a gentle slope <br>into the deeper valley, and descends.
-Entering a natural hall of earth, Kanae looks above those shadowing rock walls to the shards guiding her, <br>and finds and heads the right way. As she nears her destination, her vision subtly begins to skew. The air <br>seems to at once grow both heavy and light. She drops her gaze and looks out to her goal.<br><br>Other glass is drifting toward it. The walls of earth beside it are trembling with unnatural instability. There <br>is a sound, also, humming low throughout everything. The culprit itself is still and firm where it exists—glad <br>enough to be twisting the world around it, evidently.<br><br>But it seems weaker than it ought to be...<br>It seems, almost, wounded.<br>Then it might just be safe... it might, truly, be powerless...<br><br>...<br><br>This, this anomalous shard: this is Kanae's aim.<br><br>For this inert thing...<br><br>Now, pure and heedless, Kanae steps forward.}}
解锁条件:购入[[Sunset Radiance]]曲包<br>解锁要求:通过[[Valhalla:0]]
靠近碎片的一瞬间,她的心跳便立刻加快了——确实是更快了,<br>只是不太能够反映真实的情况,因为变快的也仅仅只有她的心跳而已:不同于她以往的经历,<br>这一回她的身体并没有因受到这片奇异碎片的影响而出现异常。过往的经验告诉她,<br>她现正经历的一切是这个世界上如怪物般可怕的存在,没事最好还是离这类东西远点。<br> <br>问题是,眼下这只怪物睡得好像并不安稳。<br> <br>剧烈搅动着的空间仍在加剧翻滚,但群愿仍坚定不移地朝着她的目标走去。与此同时,她又一次抬头,<br>望向天空。这枚碎片不过是仍存在于这个世界上的一个被遗忘的错误,尽管仍未消散,<br>它也不再具有玩弄这个世界的绸缎的能力了。但是,以防万一嘛……<br> <br>目光所及之处,她能看见许多「星座」。<br>组成各种星座形状的碎片时动时静,等待着她的请求,等待着她的召唤。<br>那么,哪一个最符合她的要求呢……?<br> <br>毫无疑问,答案是:翅膀形状的那一个。
她开始呼唤碎片,而异象阻止了它们。她不满地皱眉,神情坚毅地再次向那个「星座」发出邀请。<br>十枚碎片应声而落,在那枚奇特碎片的影响下上下浮动。果断地,她操控着它们来回穿行,<br>直至它们都如尖刺般环绕着它。<br> <br>接着,十枚碎片调整了各自的位置,它们的尖端最终都对准了异象,然后便径直刺去。<br>这些「星座」的碎片引发碰撞的那一瞬间,一股能量从中迸发,即使几乎微不可见,<br>但这枚碎片对这个世界的最后一丝威胁也都在那一刻起尽数消散。<br> <br>异象的怪力于此刻终于被完全压制,禁锢在了球形的牢笼之中。群愿示意笼子再靠近些,<br>直至它来到她的跟前。<br> <br>但她并没有读取碎片中的记忆,而只是将它带在身旁,随后转过身,毅然地继续向前走。
“这暴风雪肯定还得刮一阵子……”当她走出峡谷,通过看向高空来决定下一个去处时,她评论道,<br>“那我该怎么回去啊?或许还是……”<br> <br>这句话并没有说完。当她低头看向底下绮丽的风景时,她轻哼了一声,不禁咧嘴笑了。<br> <br>是熟悉的面孔,她一看便认出了它:她的那位碎片朋友又回来了。她随即叫住了它。
“小屋”碎片乖乖来到了她面前,耐心地等待着下一步指示。虽然仍在笑着,她也不自觉隐隐担忧起来:<br>这下还能行吗?这回多了一枚异象碎片和一堆其他碎片,这些也能一并带进一段回忆里吗?<br>更别说还得进一步引导它……<br> <br>……嘛,可是,不试试怎么知道呢。<br> <br>这样想着,这位勇敢的少女便带着这一大堆“行李”——异象碎片,还有关押它的笼子,<br>以及她头顶上所有的「星座」——大踏步走进了回忆之中。<br> <br>而踏入记忆的同时,她也开始慢慢察觉到,自己与天空正在缓慢链接……<br> <br>也正因如此,自一场温暖的梦境,群愿也得以向天空呼唤,为那些碎片指引方向……<br> <br>——飞越这场风雪。}}
Her heart beats faster on her approach. It quickens, really, against her wishes. However, it is only her heart. <br>Unlike her experience, her entire body is not lurching by the strange glass's influence. In her experience: <br>ordinarily this is a kind of monster of this world altogether best left avoided.<br><br>But this monster seems to be sleeping a restless sleep.<br><br>Space churns further, yet Kanae continues on toward her goal and meanwhile looks to the sky again. <br>This shard is merely a forgotten error of the world, no longer strong enough to even pick at the world's <br>seams. But just to be safe...<br><br>In her sight...<br>there are many "constellations".<br>Glass shapes dancing or still, waiting for her inquiry or her call.<br>And which would be best for this...?<br><br>That one there: in the shape of wings.
She calls to its shards, and the anomaly stifles their motion. She frowns and steadfastly calls to the <br>constellation again. Ten shards fall from the sky, starting and stopping in their fall from the strange <br>shard's effects. She resolutely commands them through, and like spikes they surround the aberrant glass.<br><br>The ends of the ten shards aim toward the anomaly, and shortly the ten shards fire forth. Almost invisible,<br>an energy lifts up all around them. And, as these "star"-shards lock into place, whatever strangeness <br>the odd piece could threaten... soundly stops.<br><br>This anomaly's influence is thus contained, left in a spherical cage. And in that cage she calls it closer—<br>calls it to float before her.<br><br>But she wastes no time gazing into its memory. She turns away and continues on—bringing the imprisoned <br>shard by her side.
"That storm is definitely still going..." she remarks as she leaves the canyon, looking up at the sky to grasp <br>her next direction. "How will I make it back through? Could I, maybe..."<br><br>Her words taper off as she lowers her gaze and begins looking around the pretty landscape...until she <br>huffs through her nose and smiles.<br><br>Back again, she knows it by its sight: her new glass friend. She calls it toward her.
After arriving the cabin memory patiently awaits her and, still smiling, she wonders—Will this really work? <br>Will she be able to bring an anomaly and other shards into a memory...? And what's more, attempt to <br>guide it...<br><br>...Well, she will need to try.<br><br>The intrepid girl enters the memory with the anomaly and its cage in tow, calling to every constellation of <br>glass above her as she does so.<br><br>And as she does so, she feels herself being connected to the heavens...<br><br>Thus, from within a warm dream, Kanae calls to those heavens and sets the shard's course...<br><br>...To fly through that storm of snow.}}
解锁条件:购入[[Sunset Radiance]]曲包<br>解锁要求:通过[[Hotarubi no Yuki‎‎]]
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这次旅途大概耗费了她三天三夜,全为了达成一个动机真诚而思路清晰的目标。<br>在悄然落下的飞雪中,静谧无声的雪地里,这段旅途最终于回归起点之时到达了终点。<br><br>群愿回到了地表,满眼尽是玉树琼枝,跟随她的步伐一起窸窣作响,<br>夺目的强光也自她离开那段回忆后一并消散。再次听完她的感谢,它又一次离开了她,<br>又一次踏上了自己前途未卜的旅程。她们……一定还会再度相遇。<br> <br>她身旁的异象碎片一路跟随着她,毫发无伤。或许实际上正是因为它的存在,她才得以顺利返回……<br>不管怎样,一切都结束了。<br> <br>群愿回到了原来刚出发时自己所在的那面峭壁,开始一步步往上攀爬。她使尽浑身解数,<br>一路紧赶慢赶,不敢耽搁哪怕一点时间。<br> <br>到达顶端后,荒芜而又熟悉的广袤地表尽收眼底。<br>群愿此时听到了什么东西在拍打着空气的声音——原来是两只扑扇着翅膀的蝙蝠。
她转过身,看到了一只白黑相间(还有橘色和绿色)、长得像蝙蝠的生物正心急火燎地向她赶来,<br>而它的身后还紧随着另一只黑白相间(还有绿色和橘色)、长得像蝙蝠的生物。<br>当看清楚她带回来的东西是什么的时候,这两只小东西顿时显得尤为兴奋,<br>急不可耐地几乎是立即扑到了她面前。<br><br>“就是它了!”其中一只开口道。<br>“就是它了!”另一只附和道。<br>“就是它了?”群愿问道。<br> <br>“就是它了!”两只蝙蝠异口同声,大声答道,“就是它了!就是它了!感谢!感谢!太感谢了!”<br> <br>“喏,”群愿将那枚被禁锢的异象碎片拿到跟前给它俩看,说道,“之前你们跟我说,你们的好朋友病了,<br>因此需要它,我没拿错吧?”
“没错!就是它!它能让我们的朋友好起来!”其中一只答道。那枚异象碎片悬浮在它俩中间,<br>组成它囚笼的十枚碎片幽幽发着亮光。<br> <br>“它必须得让我们的朋友好起来!”另一只附和道,夸张地点了点头。<br> <br>“能带我去见见她吗?”群愿温柔地开口询问道。<br> <br>“啊,那个,可能不太方便……”听起来更稳重成熟的蝙蝠回答道。<br> <br>“啊,可能……可能有些危险……”听起来更孩子气的另一只蝙蝠回答道。<br> <br>“好的,没关系,那麻烦告诉我后续她怎么样了呀!”
“好哦!我们到时会来找你的,好不好?”其中一只答应道,笃定地在空中盘旋,<br>碎片和它的球形牢笼随着它的动作上下移动,这一举动貌似打扰到了另一只蝙蝠。<br> <br>群愿轻轻一笑,点了点头,回应道:“好。”<br> <br>“谢谢你,善良的好心人!你是世界上最好的人!你是……”蝙蝠停顿了,它模糊不清的脸转了过来。<br>只见那张脸抽动了一下,好似泪珠的东西从两只眼睛一般所在的地方滴落下来。<br> <br>……它哭了。<br> <br>“好了,德莱姆,该出发了。”第一只蝙蝠飞回来跟它说道。它再度朝群愿点了点头,<br>又一次向她道谢:“谢谢你。”<br> <br>“不用客气。”她说。<br> <br>随后,两只蝙蝠便飞远了。
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“……”<br> <br>群愿目视着它们,直至它们的身影逐渐消失于远处的地平线。她轻哼了一声,微笑着转过身,<br>面对着这峭壁的边缘,坐了下来,两条腿懒散地悬在半空。<br> <br>……这是来到Arcaea的第几天了?<br>或许,几年都过去了吧……<br>见过了裂开的天空,见过了破碎的穹顶,见过了无光的世界后……<br>唯独没见过的,是脸,属于生命的、活生生的脸。就连这两只蝙蝠的“脸”也只能用“模糊”来形容。<br> <br>“真是的……”她感叹道,同时笑了笑。她皱了皱鼻子,微笑着的脸微微抽搐起来。“真是的,哈哈……”<br> <br>她捂住自己的脸,将自己湿润的双眼隔绝于夜空之外。<br> <br>仍在颤抖着,她告诉自己:<br>她不清楚它们要救谁,但……<br>……她做出了正确的决定。
“我希望……”<br> <br>她开口道,但她并未全然说出自己的心愿。她的目光掠过这趟旅途所经过的地方,<br>掠过仍未停歇的风暴。她抬头,看向天空。<br> <br>一束光从中划过。双眼不禁瞪大,她的笑容再度变得有力了起来。她轻声说道……<br> <br>“……我,只愿……”<br> <br>在深夜的死寂中,在逐渐黯淡的薄暮时分里,在被雪白不断浸染的灰暗大地上……<br> <br>她对自己说,对天空说……<br> <br>对大家说:<br> <br>此念,如愿以偿。}}
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A journey that may have taken three days, a goal sincere and clear.<br>That journey ends where it began: amidst quiet snowfall, amidst quiet snow fields.<br><br>Kanae lands to the ground, two thousand small fractures crackling, smothered in white, beneath her feet. <br>The cabin memory loses the light of her exit and, after she thanks it again, it returns to its wayward journey. <br>They will meet again.<br><br>The anomaly stayed, and is still with her at her side. Perhaps, in fact, it being there for the return was what <br>made that return possible at all...<br>Regardless, it is all done.<br><br>Kanae makes her way to the cliff from where she'd first left. She climbs it steadily and quickly. Hurriedly. <br>She needs all her speed, she needs to not wait a single minute longer.<br><br>And at the cliff's top, facing a familiar and barren expanse, she hears two pairs of beating wings before she <br>can spot the two bats they belong to.
She turns to the sound to find a curious little white and black (and orange, and green) bat hurrying toward <br>her. It is closely followed by a curious little black and white (and green, and orange) bat keeping up well. <br>The two flap worriedly, excitedly, before her once they've neared enough to see what she's brought.<br><br>"That's it!" says one.<br>"That's it!" says the other.<br>"That's it?" asks Kanae.<br><br>"That's it!!" the two exclaim—shout. "That's it! That's it! Thank you! Thank you, thank you!!"<br><br>"Here," Kanae replies, bringing the bound-anomaly forward and presenting it to the two. "This is what you <br>need to help your sick friend, right?"
"Yes! It will!" says one, as the anomaly hangs between them, the shards containing it shining.<br><br>"It has to!" says the other, nodding fiercely.<br><br>"Can I see her?" she asks kindly.<br><br>"Oh, um, maybe not..." says the one that sounds a bit mature.<br><br>"Oh, um, it's maybe dangerous..." says the other that sounds a bit childish.<br><br>"Alright... tell me how it goes after, then!"
"Yeah! We'll find you, okay!?" One of the bats moves with insistence as it speaks, the sphere of shards <br>bounding with its movements and seeming to bother the other bat.<br><br>And with a soft smile and nod, Kanae answers, "Okay."<br><br>"Thanks, lady! You're the best! Y-You're..." the bat pauses, and its indefinite face turns. That face tightens, <br>and where eyes might be droplets of water begin to form.<br><br>...The bat begins to cry.<br><br>"Let's go, Drem," says the first bat, beating its wings to bring itself backward. It nods to Kanae again. <br>"Thank you," again.<br><br>"You're welcome," she says.<br><br>Thus, the two bats fly off.
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"..."<br><br>Kanae watches as their shapes recede into the horizon. She huffs again, and turns with a smile. She returns <br>to the cliff's edge, and sits with her feet hanging over it.<br><br>How long has she been in Arcaea?<br>It has to have been years now...<br>Past a sky dividing, past a sky shattering, and after lost light...<br>...Never has she found another face within this land. Even those bats' "faces" could only be called..."abstract".<br><br>"...Damn," she says with a laugh. Her nose bunches, and the smile on her face quivers. "Damn, haha..."<br><br>She covers her face, and hides her brimming eyes from the sky.<br><br>She shakes. She tells herself:<br>She can't see who it was that they meant to save, but...<br>...It was right to help those two.
"I hope..."<br><br>She begins to say, but she doesn't say it. She looks out over where she went instead. She looks at the still <br>swirling storm. She looks up at the sky.<br><br>A single light dashes across it. Her eyes widen. Her smile finds strength again. She whispers...<br><br>"...I wish..."<br><br>In the quiet of the half-night, on a fading side of day and with white drifting down onto the gray land...<br><br>To herself, to the sky...<br><br>To everyone:<br><br>let this wish come true.}}
