小 (→16-7: 添加16-7-1cg) |
小 (→Side(支线): 给群愿英文剧情加入折叠编码) |
第4,553行: | 第4,553行: | ||
高耸的峭壁旁,她发现了一处山谷:除了钻心的严寒,这里什么也没有。<br>银装素裹之中零零散散穿插着几点星光,为这片大地和远处的地平线留下了朦胧的一抹紫色,<br>好比一沓素纸上忽然出现了一笔浓墨。要时机合适,她可得停下来细细欣赏,但今天时机不太凑巧,<br>如此美景也未能让少女沉稳而坚决的步伐怠慢一分。<br><br>夜晚的静谧不时被细微的咯吱声所打扰,调皮的风此时只敢在万籁俱寂之中微微舞动,<br>口中呼出的热气遮蔽了她的视野,温暖了她的脸颊。<br><br>尽管她可能并不会为此大惊小怪,但……<br><br>总有人,不,许多人,都会因此番奇景而感到惊叹:<br>是的,这是Arcaea的第二场雪。}} | 高耸的峭壁旁,她发现了一处山谷:除了钻心的严寒,这里什么也没有。<br>银装素裹之中零零散散穿插着几点星光,为这片大地和远处的地平线留下了朦胧的一抹紫色,<br>好比一沓素纸上忽然出现了一笔浓墨。要时机合适,她可得停下来细细欣赏,但今天时机不太凑巧,<br>如此美景也未能让少女沉稳而坚决的步伐怠慢一分。<br><br>夜晚的静谧不时被细微的咯吱声所打扰,调皮的风此时只敢在万籁俱寂之中微微舞动,<br>口中呼出的热气遮蔽了她的视野,温暖了她的脸颊。<br><br>尽管她可能并不会为此大惊小怪,但……<br><br>总有人,不,许多人,都会因此番奇景而感到惊叹:<br>是的,这是Arcaea的第二场雪。}} | ||
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A thousand small fractures beneath every footstep, all softened at once by the smothering white all <br>around them. A little interesting, a little strange to have here. Snow fills her footsteps as she leaves them <br>behind and walks into more drifts. Snow, really, drifts all around her. Slowly, under a dark sky, the world <br>is filled with white.<br><br>There, Kanae quietly considers her direction.<br><br>"It should be..." she whispers, looking toward the sky, "there... and then there." Her eyes trace something <br>beyond what most might see glinting only vaguely up above in the dark, past the little waltzes and swings <br>of thoughtless snow. She lowers her gaze after, and looks on ahead. | A thousand small fractures beneath every footstep, all softened at once by the smothering white all <br>around them. A little interesting, a little strange to have here. Snow fills her footsteps as she leaves them <br>behind and walks into more drifts. Snow, really, drifts all around her. Slowly, under a dark sky, the world <br>is filled with white.<br><br>There, Kanae quietly considers her direction.<br><br>"It should be..." she whispers, looking toward the sky, "there... and then there." Her eyes trace something <br>beyond what most might see glinting only vaguely up above in the dark, past the little waltzes and swings <br>of thoughtless snow. She lowers her gaze after, and looks on ahead. | ||
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第4,569行: | 第4,569行: | ||
一开始,它们拼了一张人脸出来,随后又变成了一柄剑;这会是一面盾牌,<br>过一会又成了一条弯曲的藤蔓……不能夸下海口说它们拼得天衣无缝,<br>但要一下子认出来是什么形状还是挺容易的。碎片在不停地变换的同时也愈发变得黯淡无光,<br>但唯独有一枚亮度丝毫不减。过了一段时间,她看向了那个独特的存在,然后转身面向它。<br> <br>她有一项还算独特的本领,而此时,她需要同样独特的向导来帮助她施展——好吧,<br>其实恐怕还是只有她自己才最够格做这名向导。这是她一直以来都可以做到的一件事:<br>Arcaea的星空和其所谓的星光于她来说,就像是指引这个世界方位的罗盘。<br> <br>对这枚发着光的碎片所指引的新方向感到颇为满意,群愿再度迈开了脚步。<br>风向此时也再度转变,狂风呼啸着刮得更加猛烈了。}} | 一开始,它们拼了一张人脸出来,随后又变成了一柄剑;这会是一面盾牌,<br>过一会又成了一条弯曲的藤蔓……不能夸下海口说它们拼得天衣无缝,<br>但要一下子认出来是什么形状还是挺容易的。碎片在不停地变换的同时也愈发变得黯淡无光,<br>但唯独有一枚亮度丝毫不减。过了一段时间,她看向了那个独特的存在,然后转身面向它。<br> <br>她有一项还算独特的本领,而此时,她需要同样独特的向导来帮助她施展——好吧,<br>其实恐怕还是只有她自己才最够格做这名向导。这是她一直以来都可以做到的一件事:<br>Arcaea的星空和其所谓的星光于她来说,就像是指引这个世界方位的罗盘。<br> <br>对这枚发着光的碎片所指引的新方向感到颇为满意,群愿再度迈开了脚步。<br>风向此时也再度转变,狂风呼啸着刮得更加猛烈了。}} | ||
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The winds bite at her nose, and with that bite Kanae narrows her eyes and picks up her shoulders. She <br>taps her nose tip, slightly frowning. The world is darker now, as it often becomes with distance from the <br>daylight border; and in the valley full of wind's whispers and shouts and through increasing snowfall... <br>Kanae wagers that she's beginning to lose her direction.<br><br>She promptly looks to the sky again. She looks for faint glints in the heavens.<br><br>Now it's a bit too "without light" for even her to see. So, slowly, she raises a hand... | The winds bite at her nose, and with that bite Kanae narrows her eyes and picks up her shoulders. She <br>taps her nose tip, slightly frowning. The world is darker now, as it often becomes with distance from the <br>daylight border; and in the valley full of wind's whispers and shouts and through increasing snowfall... <br>Kanae wagers that she's beginning to lose her direction.<br><br>She promptly looks to the sky again. She looks for faint glints in the heavens.<br><br>Now it's a bit too "without light" for even her to see. So, slowly, she raises a hand... | ||
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第4,588行: | 第4,588行: | ||
没见过的地方,但仍是夜里。一幢小木屋静静伫立黑暗之中,而向窗外望去,除了一望无际的夜晚,<br>什么也没有。群愿卧在地板上,呼吸浅短。耳朵和脸蛋都逐渐暖和起来了……等等,暖……起来了?<br> <br>她抬起头,看见了她身前正冒着火星苗子的壁炉。拖炉火的福,她愈发觉得温暖了起来,<br>而她此时也不禁瞪大了眼——这种温度竟是如此真实,而她竟能如此真实地感受到。是真的,<br>都是真的!她的体力逐渐恢复了,于是她站起身,走到壁炉前坐下来,与火光相对。<br> <br>“……”<br> <br>一幢小屋,被深夜的寂静簇拥——这就是她在这场暴风雪中所寻得的回忆。<br> <br>身子愈发暖和,群愿发现自己的嘴角也愈发上扬。这一切都太有意思了……<br> <br>坐在这小小奇迹之中,她不再感到寒冷,也逐渐记起了她此行的目的。}} | 没见过的地方,但仍是夜里。一幢小木屋静静伫立黑暗之中,而向窗外望去,除了一望无际的夜晚,<br>什么也没有。群愿卧在地板上,呼吸浅短。耳朵和脸蛋都逐渐暖和起来了……等等,暖……起来了?<br> <br>她抬起头,看见了她身前正冒着火星苗子的壁炉。拖炉火的福,她愈发觉得温暖了起来,<br>而她此时也不禁瞪大了眼——这种温度竟是如此真实,而她竟能如此真实地感受到。是真的,<br>都是真的!她的体力逐渐恢复了,于是她站起身,走到壁炉前坐下来,与火光相对。<br> <br>“……”<br> <br>一幢小屋,被深夜的寂静簇拥——这就是她在这场暴风雪中所寻得的回忆。<br> <br>身子愈发暖和,群愿发现自己的嘴角也愈发上扬。这一切都太有意思了……<br> <br>坐在这小小奇迹之中,她不再感到寒冷,也逐渐记起了她此行的目的。}} | ||
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She finds a storm ahead and walks on through it.<br>As it whips at her ears, as it scatters her hair...<br>She marches ahead, following a single point of light nearly hidden within the blizzard.<br><br>She holds her clothing more tightly to herself and thinks to close her eyes, but does not. Wincing, she <br>keeps her eyes steady on the glass formation ahead and above her, even as the wind almost pushes her <br>from her course—even as the snow begins to climb beyond her calves, beyond her knees. Her heavy robe <br>begins to feel thin, and her breathing begins to shorten.<br><br>Her ears feel as if they're being cut. Her nose is like ice on her face.<br><br>And she continues on. | She finds a storm ahead and walks on through it.<br>As it whips at her ears, as it scatters her hair...<br>She marches ahead, following a single point of light nearly hidden within the blizzard.<br><br>She holds her clothing more tightly to herself and thinks to close her eyes, but does not. Wincing, she <br>keeps her eyes steady on the glass formation ahead and above her, even as the wind almost pushes her <br>from her course—even as the snow begins to climb beyond her calves, beyond her knees. Her heavy robe <br>begins to feel thin, and her breathing begins to shorten.<br><br>Her ears feel as if they're being cut. Her nose is like ice on her face.<br><br>And she continues on. | ||
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第4,607行: | 第4,607行: | ||
踏入一座由泥土组成的厅堂后,她抬起了头。她的视线穿过石墙上投下的斑驳阴影,<br>投向那些引导着她的碎片:她跟着它们走,因为它们一直在指引她前往正确的地方。当她离终点越来越近时,<br>她的视野也逐渐歪斜,周围的大气突然在某一刻变得既尤为沉重又尤为轻盈。她低下头,看向她的目标。<br> <br>其它碎片正往那里飘去,而四周的土墙在不自然地抖动着。什么东西在发出低沉的声音,<br>整得万事万物都好似在嗡嗡作响,而这一切的罪魁祸首却一动不动——看得出来,<br>它十分满意自己的存在能让周遭的世界扭曲。<br> <br>但它并不应该这么羸弱才对……?<br>就像……受伤了似的。<br>那么,也许真不再会有什么危险了吧……也许它真的是无能为力了……<br> <br>……<br> <br>它,这枚异常的碎片,就是群愿的目的。<br> <br>这片静止不动的东西……<br> <br>怀揣着一颗纯良无邪的心,群愿心不在焉地向前踏出了一步。}} | 踏入一座由泥土组成的厅堂后,她抬起了头。她的视线穿过石墙上投下的斑驳阴影,<br>投向那些引导着她的碎片:她跟着它们走,因为它们一直在指引她前往正确的地方。当她离终点越来越近时,<br>她的视野也逐渐歪斜,周围的大气突然在某一刻变得既尤为沉重又尤为轻盈。她低下头,看向她的目标。<br> <br>其它碎片正往那里飘去,而四周的土墙在不自然地抖动着。什么东西在发出低沉的声音,<br>整得万事万物都好似在嗡嗡作响,而这一切的罪魁祸首却一动不动——看得出来,<br>它十分满意自己的存在能让周遭的世界扭曲。<br> <br>但它并不应该这么羸弱才对……?<br>就像……受伤了似的。<br>那么,也许真不再会有什么危险了吧……也许它真的是无能为力了……<br> <br>……<br> <br>它,这枚异常的碎片,就是群愿的目的。<br> <br>这片静止不动的东西……<br> <br>怀揣着一颗纯良无邪的心,群愿心不在焉地向前踏出了一步。}} | ||
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In a great effulgence and after a rest and sleep she deemed necessary, Kanae lands outside of the glass <br>into a new quiet landscape. This was where it drifted, evidently... Here, a deep chasm sits at a distance. <br>Ice and snow spreads almost dazzling over the earth, but no new white comes to coat the place. The <br>darkness of the night seems strangely abated... She turns to the glass shard now behind her.<br><br>"Thank you," she says.<br><br>Perhaps satisfied, the glass leaves then, and she beckons seven faithful from the sky. | In a great effulgence and after a rest and sleep she deemed necessary, Kanae lands outside of the glass <br>into a new quiet landscape. This was where it drifted, evidently... Here, a deep chasm sits at a distance. <br>Ice and snow spreads almost dazzling over the earth, but no new white comes to coat the place. The <br>darkness of the night seems strangely abated... She turns to the glass shard now behind her.<br><br>"Thank you," she says.<br><br>Perhaps satisfied, the glass leaves then, and she beckons seven faithful from the sky. | ||
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第4,626行: | 第4,626行: | ||
“小屋”碎片乖乖来到了她面前,耐心地等待着下一步指示。虽然仍在笑着,她也不自觉隐隐担忧起来:<br>这下还能行吗?这回多了一枚异象碎片和一堆其他碎片,这些也能一并带进一段回忆里吗?<br>更别说还得进一步引导它……<br> <br>……嘛,可是,不试试怎么知道呢。<br> <br>这样想着,这位勇敢的少女便带着这一大堆“行李”——异象碎片,还有关押它的笼子,<br>以及她头顶上所有的「星座」——大踏步走进了回忆之中。<br> <br>而踏入记忆的同时,她也开始慢慢察觉到,自己与天空正在缓慢链接……<br> <br>也正因如此,自一场温暖的梦境,群愿也得以向天空呼唤,为那些碎片指引方向……<br> <br>——飞越这场风雪。}} | “小屋”碎片乖乖来到了她面前,耐心地等待着下一步指示。虽然仍在笑着,她也不自觉隐隐担忧起来:<br>这下还能行吗?这回多了一枚异象碎片和一堆其他碎片,这些也能一并带进一段回忆里吗?<br>更别说还得进一步引导它……<br> <br>……嘛,可是,不试试怎么知道呢。<br> <br>这样想着,这位勇敢的少女便带着这一大堆“行李”——异象碎片,还有关押它的笼子,<br>以及她头顶上所有的「星座」——大踏步走进了回忆之中。<br> <br>而踏入记忆的同时,她也开始慢慢察觉到,自己与天空正在缓慢链接……<br> <br>也正因如此,自一场温暖的梦境,群愿也得以向天空呼唤,为那些碎片指引方向……<br> <br>——飞越这场风雪。}} | ||
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Her heart beats faster on her approach. It quickens, really, against her wishes. However, it is only her heart. <br>Unlike her experience, her entire body is not lurching by the strange glass's influence. In her experience: <br>ordinarily this is a kind of monster of this world altogether best left avoided.<br><br>But this monster seems to be sleeping a restless sleep.<br><br>Space churns further, yet Kanae continues on toward her goal and meanwhile looks to the sky again. <br>This shard is merely a forgotten error of the world, no longer strong enough to even pick at the world's <br>seams. But just to be safe...<br><br>In her sight...<br>there are many "constellations".<br>Glass shapes dancing or still, waiting for her inquiry or her call.<br>And which would be best for this...?<br><br>That one there: in the shape of wings. | Her heart beats faster on her approach. It quickens, really, against her wishes. However, it is only her heart. <br>Unlike her experience, her entire body is not lurching by the strange glass's influence. In her experience: <br>ordinarily this is a kind of monster of this world altogether best left avoided.<br><br>But this monster seems to be sleeping a restless sleep.<br><br>Space churns further, yet Kanae continues on toward her goal and meanwhile looks to the sky again. <br>This shard is merely a forgotten error of the world, no longer strong enough to even pick at the world's <br>seams. But just to be safe...<br><br>In her sight...<br>there are many "constellations".<br>Glass shapes dancing or still, waiting for her inquiry or her call.<br>And which would be best for this...?<br><br>That one there: in the shape of wings. | ||
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第4,656行: | 第4,656行: | ||
“我希望……”<br> <br>她开口道,但她并未全然说出自己的心愿。她的目光掠过这趟旅途所经过的地方,<br>掠过仍未停歇的风暴。她抬头,看向天空。<br> <br>一束光从中划过。双眼不禁瞪大,她的笑容再度变得有力了起来。她轻声说道……<br> <br>“……我,只愿……”<br> <br>在深夜的死寂中,在逐渐黯淡的薄暮时分里,在被雪白不断浸染的灰暗大地上……<br> <br>她对自己说,对天空说……<br> <br>对大家说:<br> <br>此念,如愿以偿。}} | “我希望……”<br> <br>她开口道,但她并未全然说出自己的心愿。她的目光掠过这趟旅途所经过的地方,<br>掠过仍未停歇的风暴。她抬头,看向天空。<br> <br>一束光从中划过。双眼不禁瞪大,她的笑容再度变得有力了起来。她轻声说道……<br> <br>“……我,只愿……”<br> <br>在深夜的死寂中,在逐渐黯淡的薄暮时分里,在被雪白不断浸染的灰暗大地上……<br> <br>她对自己说,对天空说……<br> <br>对大家说:<br> <br>此念,如愿以偿。}} | ||
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