
「故事模式剧情详表 (移动版)」:修訂間差異

增加 117,181 位元組 、​ 2019年10月8日 (星期二)
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第217行: 第217行:
<center>To be continued...</center>

第265行: 第262行:
Her own twisted elation flows out from her heart, just as unstoppable, but so much more eager.<br>It climbs to her face, and the girl of chaos offers the girl of light an honest, irrepressible smile.
Her own twisted elation flows out from her heart, just as unstoppable, but so much more eager.<br>It climbs to her face, and the girl of chaos offers the girl of light an honest, irrepressible smile.
解锁条件:完成[[#V-1|V-1]],购入[[Adverse Prelude]]曲包<br>解锁要求:采用[[搭档#2.对立(Tairitsu)|对立]]通过[[Particle Arts]]<br>
In the unwalled, unroofed church, known only by its skeleton chairs and white candles, the girl in black<br>stands near the remaining old gate, looking at the person she's just met.<br><br>It's actually quite simple: she’s been upset for so long, and now a true flesh-and-blood person is finally in<br>front of her. She isn't thrilled. She isn't even excited. The smile on her face is an effortless lie—but it's one<br>she can't help but tell. It says to white-clothed girl before her, "pleasure to meet you." It means nothing.<br><br>"What's your name?" she asks in a dry voice. Maybe, in the past, she'd have realized how long it had been<br>since she'd last spoken.<br><br>"My... name? I... I'm not sure," replies the radiant girl. "Do you? Oh—know your own... name, I mean... "<br><br>She doesn't answer the question. "That's something..." are her only words as she looks off toward an<br>ornate wall.<br><br>The girl in white gives a bothered expression.<br>
This... was turning out to be a strange meeting. Though the one in black doesn't know it, the one white<br>is beginning to share the darker girl's lack of enthusiasm. Like a fire in a sudden chill wind, her hope<br>flickers and wanes. Now she grows uncomfortable, anxious, and wary. A slight but unshakable atmosphere<br>drifts between them, one that feels unmistakably off. To her, it seems as though their very meeting is<br>something the world finds to be simply... "wrong". The ever-present glass, now scattered unevenly<br>throughout and above the broken grounds, reflects that strange feeling.<br><br>Ordinarily, these shards would flock to them without their bidding: "happiness" to the girl in white,<br>"tragedies" to the girl in black. Right now, every piece of glass in the air stands still. Perhaps half a<br>hundred mirrors are quietly suspended around the girls, half-catching images of the empty place that<br>surrounds them. When the girl in white tries to call out to them, they will not even waver. It unsettles her:<br>happiness placed beside horror, equally glinting and equally motionless. The only piece that will follow her<br>is the one she can hold—the one that set her free.
She stares hard at the shadow girl. "If we're in this together," she begins, leaning forward, "then what do<br>you think about staying together? We... We could help each other, and maybe..."<br><br>She stops. The other girl is staring into the empty, canvas-like sky with a blank and uninformative<br>expression. She doesn't seem to be listening, but in truth she has followed every word.<br><br>"Maybe... " the dark girl echoes. It's faint... After her reincarnation into misery, her soul itself had felt like<br>a dull, grim abyss. However, when she heard this proposal, something inside her shimmered—very briefly<br>and very weakly. However, as she is now, even something as tiny as that was able to pierce the shroud of <br>frustration that had been endlessly choking her since she'd reawakened.
And the remnant of the girl she used to be, the Tairitsu who had first woken up in this world, rebelled<br>against the prospect of “the end”—against the idea of giving up. She wanted a second chance.<br><br>But her halfhearted answer isn’t enough to inspire confidence in the girl standing opposite her.<br>Their meeting remains careful, cautious. The Hikari who recently returned to her senses now knows<br>that the world of Arcaea is far more than pretty—and far less than safe.<br><br>And yet the two girls will speak, with the hope that it will lead to something better.
解锁条件:完成[[#V-2|V-2]],购入[[Adverse Prelude]]曲包<br>解锁要求:采用[[搭档#1.光(Hikari)|光]]通过[[Vindication]]<br>
Their conversation continues.<br><br>"It would certainly be nice if we had names to share," says Tairitsu in a fraying voice. Her eyes are again <br>beginning to lose the shine of life.<br><br>The other girl, Hikari, notices that with some discomfort. "Yes, I can't say I like to think about it: not having<br>any memories in a world filled with them," she admits.<br><br>At the moment, they sit upon the same pew, though not close. They've gone to what was once the front row,<br>and a few steps in front of them lead up to a wide, flat floor. The girl in white is slouched, watching her new <br>acquaintance with worry painting her gaze. The girl in black is examining the empty place in front of them,<br>the sky, the dead and distant grandiose architecture—but she does so seemingly without concern or interest.<br><br>While watching, she begins to speak unprompted. "This glass. Do you know a name for it?"<br><br>"Huh? Oh... Well, for whatever reason, I know the name 'Arcaea'."
"Same as me," says Tairitsu, now looking Hikari's way. "So, how are we different?"<br><br>Hikari offers an apologetic smile. "I don't know," she says, "aside from our difference in looks."<br><br>"Let's find out, then. What kind of memories do you see in the glass?"<br><br>"Almost only pleasant ones."<br><br>Tairitsu sighs. "Then we're opposites..." she remarks bitterly, looking to her feet. "Let's say we're the only two<br>walking around this place. If that's true, our opposition could matter a great deal.”<br><br>"You don't see happy memories through the Arcaea?" asks Hikari, leaning slightly toward her conversation<br>partner. "I'm sorry..."
"...That's just how it is," says the other girl. For a short while they remain silent, until Tairitsu speaks again.<br>"But from what you've said... I suspect even your pleasant memories haven't resulted in a happy life for you<br>here. Well? Am I correct?"<br><br>To this, Hikari nods. "I don't mean to make it sound as though I've had it rough since waking up, but...<br>You see, I once gathered enough piece that they could cover the sky. When I did, that new sky almost<br>killed me... I felt like the light was slowly eroding my mind... I think it was mainly my own fault, to be honest."<br><br>They both feel it's best to be honest.<br><br>After Hikari tells of her naive and dangerous journey bathed in light, Tairitsu coldly recounts her tragic<br>struggles through maelstroms of dark. The two are certainly different in quite a few ways, but one definite <br>commonality becomes clear between them: a want of sense in a senseless world. The world around them<br>may be beautiful, but it has also been cruel.
Hikari has resolved herself, but it wasn't long ago that her very "self" had been threatened by this strange,<br>unfeeling place. For Tairitsu, it has left her scarred: persistent, panging compulsions toward violence and<br>wrath continue to roll up from within her like tides. Even throughout their discussions here, despite her<br>desire to be amicable, smothering each urge from her breast has been no easy feat. This living, breathing<br>person beside her is too enticing a target to release her frustrations on. The girl in white doesn't fail to <br>notice how the girl in black's hold on her umbrella periodically tightens into a trembling, aggravated grip.<br><br>It hasn't been easy—a fact that holds true for the both of them.<br><br>But they continue to fight.
"I think I just... I really wanted to meet somebody else," Tairitsu reveals. "Even... perhaps a few months ago,<br>that may have been all I really wanted. However... ever since I stepped out of that black shell, I've found it<br>difficult to hold on to a such an innocent desire. I just can't muster it. When my chest isn’t feeling empty,<br>I can't muster anything in it that isn't vile and wicked impulse. Disgusting, broken thing..." She looks at <br>Hikari. "Even now, I keep thinking about how much I want to hurt you."<br><br>"That's fine..." says the other girl. "Maybe I'd feel that same way if I’d gone through everything that you did.<br>But I don't think you’re right about one thing. I don’t think your heart is as broken as you feel."<br><br>Tairitsu meets her eyes, as if asking how that could be.<br><br>"Look—you're holding back," explains Hikari, "even now. That tells me that even after everything, you're a<br>very good person—still. You’re strong." She smiles and stands from her seat. "You're a lot stronger than me,"<br>she says, casting a momentary glance into the brilliant sky.<br><br>"I was rescued," she continues, meeting Tairitsu's eyes once more. "You rescued yourself."
The shimmer inside the dark girl's chest becomes a faint glow, and an ache pulses through her.<br>That's not true, she thinks. It isn't that simple, she thinks. She failed, and the old her died that day when<br>the labyrinth collapsed. She'd felt nothing after that, and when feeling came back to her, it was nothing but<br>contempt. When she’d met this girl, even, it made her want to do nothing more than take a blade and run<br>her through.<br><br>No, she hasn’t rescued herself. However... perhaps she hasn't simply been seeking someone out to harm.<br>Perhaps the truth is that she’s been awaiting something impossible to give her one last ray of hope.<br>Hikari is too meek and unsure to directly comfort her, but her presence and lack of aggression signal this:<br>she may be that last, fledgling ray.
What pains Tairitsu's heart is that very innocent realization.<br><br>Her posture weakens. Hikari notices and moves to see if she can do something. But she is still unsure,<br>and so she is ultimately unable to reach out for the other girl. She stands before Tairitsu with her arms<br>half-raised, and in a few moments the girl in black stands by herself. Hikari drops her hands, and takes<br>a step back. Around them, the glass sways with their movement, and one in particular begins to shine a<br>bit differently from the others. In its reflection is something familiar, yet impossible.<br><br>It is a vision that, surely, nobody could have seen:<br><br>the briefest wicked flicker of a most strange and anomalous memory.
解锁条件:完成[[#V-3|V-3]],购入[[Adverse Prelude]]曲包<br>解锁要求:采用[[搭档#1.光(Hikari)|光]]通过[[Heavensdoor]]<br>
They stand apart, Tairitsu holding a hand over her chest, fingers clenched and struggling as she takes heavy<br>breaths. She is reinvigorated, in no small part thanks to the girl in white. Hikari has given her one precious,<br>final reassurance. It does not have to be the end. One last path out of this white and blinding hell still exists.<br><br>An open, albeit weak, smile cuts along her face as she exhales. "Let's do something," she says. "Let's figure<br>out this stupid, absurd world."<br><br>"I-It's not that stupid," says Hikari in mild protest, smiling herself with just as little strength. She isn't entirely<br>positive about the other girl, but she can tell at least one thing: despite appearances, she isn’t evil.<br>Quite the opposite, it seems. If anything, that alone is reason enough to join hands with this new potential<br>ally. A "good" person... is not exactly how she'd readily describe herself, after all.
However, while she thinks this, Tairitsu’s mood turns. "What makes you say that?" asks the panting girl,<br>though her delivery of the question sounds much more like an accusation. Her eyes are almost hollow as<br>they bore coldly into her opposite. "You might understand it even better than me. This is the kind of place<br>that would break a girl for the audacity of surrounding herself in pleasures and joys." She stands up<br>straight, calms her breath, and steadies her gaze, bringing the hand over her chest to the handle of her<br>parasol. "That's unconscionable. You don't agree?"<br><br>Her strength of conviction puts the other girl down for a moment, but Hikari is no longer one who is incapable<br>of any caring. Gathering a modicum of confidence, she stands up straight herself, and delivers her explanation.<br><br>"We're alive," she says, "and if a world can permit that, then it can't be the worst thing."<br><br>"Hah...?" The other girl's glare intensifies. "No... If a world can permit life, only to plague that life with ills<br>and grief, then that world is not just."<br><br>"W-Well, maybe not, but—"<br><br>"But?" demands Tairitsu.
"But that's shortsighted! What is it that you want to do, exactly?"<br><br>"Destroy everything. The world, the glass, all of it. I'll find a way. It's only fair, right?" she explains as a <br>matter of fact. "I would think you'd resonate with the idea. What has this world been for you other than<br>an expansive prison?"<br><br>"Destroy it...? Even... Even if you could, it would only end everything! This is the only world we know of<br>that exists for certain, isn't it? If we somehow destroyed it, could we not simply destroy ourselves as well?<br>Would you... You’d rather die than live here? Why, that's... that's ridiculous!"<br><br>"No, that's fine," says Tairitsu simply.<br><br>Hikari, not expecting that answer, falls silent. Tairitsu's words were too frightening, and far too sad.<br><br>In her silence, Tairitsu continues her interrogation. "Do you have some other idea? Some other plan?"
"No... I don't. I wanted to find—to find a plan with you," admits the other girl, and dismay is clear in her tone.<br><br>And Tairitsu, in her recent recovery, recognizes this. It makes her pause. It had been too easy to lash out<br>at this new acquaintance. She knew she wasn't being reasonable. Indeed, having just found herself with<br>burgeoning hope again, she could clearly see how cold she’d been until their meeting. And yet, when faced<br>with another’s hope, she'd attacked. Truly, was she that petty? In the past, this conviction of hers has never<br>brought her satisfaction or peace, much less resolution. No, her willfulness has only ever led her down a<br>dark, thorny path stained with gloom. With this in mind, she extinguishes the fire rising in her heart that<br>had been so sure of its need to burn. If she wants to take this girl's hand... she cannot reject the ideas it holds.<br><br>"I... I'm sorry," she apologizes, her passion now fully relinquished. She lowers her head for a moment.<br>"I... feel the same. I want to work to find something new as well."<br><br>Hikari regains a bit of her self-assurance, which had been brought low before Tairitsu. She tells her new<br>friend, "It's alright. You've had a time here I could probably never understand."
But that righteous fire in Tairitsu's heart had been just enough.<br><br>Ultimately, it had only burned for a short moment, like a flash—<br>but it was enough to rile a dormant shard in the flock of glass around them.<br><br>It awakens and, on its own, begins to drift down to where they are, still unseen.<br><br>"Don't lose hope," says the girl in light. "Things can always get better."<br><br>A shard, shimmering with faded color, comes directly between them.<br>It catches both their attention—but it will only show its memory to the one clad in black.
解锁条件:完成[[#V-4|V-4]],购入[[Adverse Prelude]]曲包<br>解锁要求:采用[[搭档#2.对立(Tairitsu)|对立]]通过[[Ringed Genesis]]<br>
<center>To be continued...</center>
The girl adorned in shadows peers through the broken window into another time.<br>Her smile returns.
What a fool she was.<br>Not the girl in white, no.<br>Her.
The vision in the glass is no memory.
It cannot be, of course.<br>What she's seeing is a future: a future that she should have expected,<br>the fool, the idiot dreamer.
The glass shows an unmistakable image of herself, run through with a jagged pillar of glass,<br>the wound seeming to sear her clothing and body apart in a blistering, pale, and consuming flame.
The blank, barren lands of Arcaea stretch out far behind her, and before her,<br>coaxing the pillar with a lifted hand and a blinding, fiery glow around her shoulders,<br>is a girl clad in white, a very familiar one, though her expression is hidden from this vantage.
It is the girl standing before her now.<br>The one she has only just met.<br>This is no memory: it's a vision of what will come to be.
Faced with this, Tairitsu retreats into herself,<br>and confronts the one truth she was determined to ignore.
Her conviction didn't matter.<br>She will never find anything good for her in this world.
That last hope is dyed black now, drowned in despair, forgotten.
What else would happen?<br>What was her hope for?<br>Idiocy. Tiresome, blind idiocy.
Tiresome effort.<br>Tiresome memories.<br>Tiresome existence.
Tiresome, awful, sick of it. Sick of this, sick of herself,<br>sick of everything in this never-ending, mocking play.
Miracles? No...
She'd said it herself. This world is hell.<br>And she knows this, from the fractured ideas of worlds dead and gone:<br>even angels can one day fall and awaken to demonic form.
The girl in light is just like that.<br>In a turn final and damning, what was once a mere pit inside her chest is clawed and spread.<br>It wastes, decays all through in an instant, leaving instead a cold and endless chasm.
As the darkness within it creeps out to coat her insides and choke her thoughts,<br>she sees Hikari very clearly.
Sees her gaze darting to the shard—sees the panic, the clear knowledge in her eyes.
The girl knows.<br>And now she can't face her opposite's stare,<br>won't say a word though she sees clearly.
You're unnerved? Unsettled? Unabashed.<br>Unforgivable.
That anger twists into hate and loathing, spilling over and arriving in her eyes.
Wicked betrayer; wicked, wicked place.<br>She tightens her grasp on her parasol,<br>
looking past the shard to Hikari, who is standing still.
Frozen in place, surely, because her ill intentions have been exposed.<br>It's worth laughing about.
Tairitsu's eyes narrow, and she excises the remains of those burgeoning emotions<br>the girl had begun to cultivate within her.
With finality she is emptied,<br>and with that, she knows what she must do.
But this mirror is still one-way, and thus her anger as well.<br>Hikari is unable to see within this peculiar shard at all.
Unaware, she can only watch in confusion<br>as Tairitsu's countenance drains more and more of color.
A sense of danger wells up in her, and though she can't understand why, she can feel it there.<br>In fact, shadows now seem to be crawling up from the earth, light perishing at their touch.
Darkness nears her, and her breathing shortens. She takes a step back.<br>She almost can't believe it. She certainly doesn't want to.
Even after surviving the harrowing ordeal, that blinding light sky,<br>something terrible faces her again without reason.
But still, she had survived it.<br>And now she knows for certain that survival may not allow compromise.
With this thought in heart and mind, Hikari makes a damning mistake.
She reaches for the one piece of glass,<br>the one that gave her comfort and direction in the midst of her lowest moment.
When she raises it to her chest,<br>the hairs on the back of Tairitsu's neck rise up as well.
Fear pulsing through her, along with a conviction to never meet with tragedy again,<br>Tairitsu closes the distance to Hikari in an instant, without warning,<br>ready to once and for all firmly grab hold of her life.
第301行: 第588行:
It’s early evening. Outside, the twilight amber flowing out from the sun tries to slip by without pause, but<br>the devices within the surrounding meadows catch and spool it, changing it to rays more similar to what<br>might be cast from the moon.<br><br>The party has a certain atmosphere. Though there are no eyes without the manor, the fact is that<br>maintaining an image is paramount to those of upper echelons. She knows this, all of this, innately. Sitting<br>in a darker place, with sunlight captured and held at ceilings and staircases presently beyond her reach, she<br>considers the implications of this knowledge in calm and in silence.<br><br>“Lavinia.”<br><br>She looks up from her wine glass. The fiancé (dressed very well, almost stuffily, but in casual posture) is<br>standing before her.<br><br>“There isn’t actually wine in that glass, is there?”<br><br>She looks at it through her one proper eye. She answers: “It’s cider... Donovan.”
“Good,” he says with a smile, looking out toward the rest of the room. She looks at his expression blankly.<br>He smirks. ”Mum and the rest say a little wine is good...” he says, glancing at her again. “It’s a load of<br>nonsense, I tell you. Have you ever seen a drunk man?”<br><br>She thinks, wincing. “I haven’t.”<br><br>“Well then, let it remain that way.” He chuckles, then turns away. “I’ll go speak with Morgan. Join us<br>whenever you like.”<br><br>She nods, and Donovan moves to their mutual childhood friend near the fireplace.
As always, images need to be maintained. The fire throws its light only a few feet out from the pit before the<br>threads of it are wound away, stored into lanterns on the floor. The rest of the room is dark, but comforting.<br>It’s a setting to relax within. A few lanterns above give just enough illumination for reading, seeing each<br>other’s faces, and the spread of carefully selected portions of food along with bottles of drink. Just outside<br>the room, through half-glass walls, an almost untame scene of wildflowers, stones, and streams is dimly<br>visible: wrapped in a midnight blue, almost like satin. There are twenty guests at the party, half in this room,<br>the rest in the halls or somewhere in other studies—perhaps the library. This is as much as she knows.<br><br>She drinks her cider, tastes it. She notes that it has a taste at all, not having had much experience with cider<br>herself. She recalls something about a better taste and sensation, but in the moment now she is compelled<br>to focus on the burn along her tongue. Overall: quite unpleasant. That is her determination.<br><br>She puts the glass down on the fanciful doily of the short table beside her. She sits, listens, and watches,<br>touching the flower petals blooming from her other eye rather absently.
She hears Donovan say, “But to think they’ve done so much already. When I first heard of the idea, I was<br>sure it wasn’t possible.”<br><br>“Well, Charles is quite sure it is,” says another of the guests—not Morgan, but Nathalia.<br><br>“Astounding,” Donovan grants, running his fingers through the top of his hair.<br><br>“A whole entire world, made by human hands,” he says. “Mankind is quite something.”
解锁条件:完成[[#3-1|3-1]],购入[[Absolute Reason]]曲包<br>解锁要求:通过[[Corruption]]
Her eye had wandered to the flickering of a lantern, and now it seeks the expectant husband. She reaches<br>for her glass and takes a sip; it’s enough to make her remember why she had put it down in the first place.<br><br>The matter of a created world is only really a fickle fancy of theirs. They do not discuss it much. They do not<br>much understand it. What little they might have to say of true interest, she can’t, in fact, properly remember.<br>Irritating. At times, it even feels to her like they aren’t speaking at all.<br><br>The girl grows impatient. She stands and passes out of the sitting room into more lavish, more evening-<br>themed halls, passing rooms with which she’s familiar, but only vaguely. She explores, finding stretches of<br>unlit, pitch-black paths, and doors that seem to be locked though their knobs bear no holes for unlocking.<br>What doors are open show rooms of a few men and women each, chatting too quietly to discern. If they<br>ever notice her presence, they only look her way a moment before returning to conversation or rest.
She wants to go outside.<br><br>The manor has some technological sophistication to it, but is married to its ideals of old “class”. Yes, the<br>dimming canisters are curious, and the manufactured wilds are peculiar, but what interests her the most<br>are the light-transforming machines in the gardens. She knows of them, but has yet to see them firsthand.<br><br>In a word, she is “curious”.<br><br>The humdrum of a social gathering so often repeated that this day feels like a thousand identical others is<br>not something she wishes to dabble in long. Lives and creations are too fascinating to ever take either for<br>granted.
But as she approaches the doors to the front driveway...<br><br>As her fingers slip upon the wood of the grand handles before her...<br><br>She knows, innately, that there is nothing past there, nothing for her. In the entire world, there is nowhere<br>else she could be. Her place is not in the meadows admiring mechanisms, it is in the sitting room with the<br>husband-to-be.<br><br>“Outside” is only an idea. A fruitless, ephemeral concept.<br><br>That is not a favorable realization.<br><br>Dropping her hand she turns and stands below the chandelier, each of its shards showing an image of<br>somewhere else in the world, at this moment. Shifting, always, and speaking of places she cannot go.<br>Fading, almost celestial illumination hangs around the fixture, giving this place and that object a too-unreal<br>quality. Her eye, her lips, say nothing. She trudges back into the mansion, with a small fire of discontent<br>born within her.
解锁条件:完成[[#3-2|3-2]],购入[[Absolute Reason]]曲包<br>解锁要求:采用[[搭档#23.咲弥(Saya)|咲弥]]通过[[Black Territory]]
A windstorm scatters petals around terrain behind the walls.<br>Glints of white and sapphire catch the eye, and the youths of the party speak of the change favorably.<br>Like magic. Wonderful.
She comes back into the lounge and witnesses the swirl of artificial nature,<br>the splendor of a farce.
She remembers the first time those flowers were scattered and thinks:<br>she’s rather had enough of "remembering".
During the past several hours, she’s tested the boundaries.
The windows were locked, the patio doors were barred, and the ventilation ducts were bolted.<br>The question she had to all this was:<br>"Are these shut because people shut them, or because I’m trapped in here?"
Metaphor and emotion often swayed the hearts of young girls, she found.<br>It was difficult to determine the reality.
When she’d had enough of poking, prodding, turning things over, and wandering,<br>she began to prattle on with other guests she knew to be acquaintances or friends.
"The weather..."<br>"The King..."<br>"You know, the week before..."
Tedious, and uninformative too.<br>Certain lines of questions were met with incredulity or with nothing at all,<br>as if the questions hadn’t been asked—as if she hadn’t spoken.
What she mainly wanted to know about—engineering, technology, progress—<br>seemed to especially draw out nothing from the other guests.<br>With her frustration growing, she took to listening in instead, and eventually heard:
"It’s little more than a globe of dirt now. We’ll terraform it soon, I’m told."
And asking about that... led nowhere as well.<br>That was quite enough to know, however, and so she entered the lounge again.
She stands in it now, watching the storm, and relating to it.
The girl steps past the fiancé, who smiles at her presence.<br>He greets her with, "Lavinia, you’re back," and she rests her gaze on his lapel.<br>He takes no particular notice of this.
The players always seem to act in such a way.<br>What stands out, what’s unusual, is given no mind.<br>Bolder and bolder she’s gotten, but they remain always steadfast to their routines.
To maintain the image, correct?<br>She decides to ask, outright, one question she burns to have answered.
"The man-made world... it isn’t made of glass?"
"...Hm? What on...? Of course not, Lavinia. It’s not a bauble."
Her eye goes wide. Her pupil constricts.
Of all the things, that had been it.
Donovan looks over her shoulder and through the walls, saying,<br>"At any rate, isn’t it lovely? Almost as lovely as you..."
But she doesn’t reply.<br>Recognizing his answer as confirmation, she settles on a decision.
As the spiral of flowers beyond flow almost serenely through the air,<br>she moves to the table of foodstuffs, and stops before the breads.
Donovan continues.<br>"I’m told the world they’ve made will have shows like this across sprawling, endless valleys.<br>Right now, it’s only barren. A concept, you know?"
She stops her hand over a handle, listening.
"But it’ll surely be a delight in time, for those who can afford a spot on it.<br>And think of the potential, Lavinia."
She exhales. It’s been another fruitless trip.<br>Her hand closes on fine, smoothed wood.
She turns swiftly and steps to the awaiting husband,<br>swinging her hand out toward his neck.
The bread knife’s teeth stop in his skin.
Without feeling—without even a spark of animosity—she wordlessly cuts across the boy’s throat,<br>and watches closely to see what comes out.
解锁条件:完成[[#3-3|3-3]],购入[[Absolute Reason]]曲包<br>解锁要求:采用[[搭档#23.咲弥(Saya)|咲弥]]通过[[Cyaegha]]
It isn’t blood.<br><br>It isn’t anything.<br><br>The gentleman’s throat is cut in what should be an awful way... but the memory lacks a concept of what<br>“awful” would be. Instead of a shredded, vicious image, his neck now looks akin to torn and crumpled<br>paper. Inside is not “shadow” but “negative space”: a void inside his body. The edges of the wound flicker<br>weakly with some white light, and off the blade of the knife she’d used to strike him, vibrant shards float<br>aloft... simply hanging in the air.<br><br>And Donovan can’t comprehend it. Many of the patrons, too, are in awe and horror of her act. People fall,<br>women faint, and Donovan reaches for his neck. Some men leap for her, pull back her forearm and hold her<br>at her neck. She grips the knife tightly, and with a dull expression stares into the husband’s bewildered eyes.<br><br>While she hardly struggles with the guests apprehending her, she spots behind Donovan a girl in absolute<br>hysterics on the floor. The sound of her voice becomes increasingly distorted, beginning to crackle and<br>fluctuate in volume. Already, then: the memory has broken.
This wasn’t how it went. Even the most time-changed memories could not be altered so. For a wife to,<br>unprompted, attack her husband this way during a moment of peace...<br><br>She’d hoped to provoke a reaction, and is thus satisfied by this result. Although a few of the other people in<br>the room are unfazed by the commotion, and some even seem to have lost their faces entirely, alteration of<br>a memory to this extent is a veritable first. This, at least, has been a success.<br><br>The world begins to crack, fractures appearing wherever she can see. Reality afterward looks almost<br>wrinkled from it.
She says to herself, “Making entire worlds for vacation... Surely there would be better uses for that.”<br><br>She lets go of the bread knife and sighs, seeing how it can’t move from the space where she’d abandoned it.<br><br>“Not a peep about ‘memory’, ‘echoes’, ‘reflections’—importantly, not ‘glass’...”<br><br>The room constricts.<br><br>“This was another worthless dream.”<br><br>The planet divides.
White blears and obscures, briefly flashing everywhere as the image is demolished. In a rush of every<br>remembered sound contained in that recollection, in that slip of glass, she stands with her eye shut until<br>luminescence and noise fade. She opens her eye to faintly glittering empty space, her mind twists, and after<br>another wave of effulgent pain she sees again the world with which she is both most familiar, and most<br>confounded by:<br><br>The world of white and ruins. The memory-shaped realm of Arcaea.<br><br>“I’d had a good feeling about this one,” she mumbles, watching the rotation of a shard just above her palm.<br>“But it wasn’t responsible for this world’s creation, and it was almost empty to boot. Hmph. If I can watch<br>them, let me remove them too...”<br><br>She dismisses the glass, not looking as it returns to the space where she’d found it: a glinting, sharpened<br>river flowing above the ground. The girl named Saya stares off into the plain horizon, stepping forth while<br>touching her lip absently, and reviewing the events of the recent memory, comparing them all to the wealth<br>of a thousand others.
解锁条件:完成[[#3-0|3-0]],购入[[Absolute Reason]]曲包<br>解锁要求:采用[[搭档#23.咲弥(Saya)|咲弥]]通过[[Vicious Heroism]]
“In these other places, humans can act as gods.”<br><br>That is what she learned.<br><br>The girl with a flower in her eye closes the book of that memory in her mind. It hadn’t been completely<br>worthless, only mostly.<br><br>It had frustrated her at first: the world she had visited was one she had quickly deemed frivolous, but the<br>frivolity revealed something important to her about the potential of mankind. Still... for now... that wasn’t<br>very important.<br><br>More than theories on “how”, theories of “why” compelled her onward. This had been another of her<br>journeys out through the ruins of the world in a scattershot hope of discovering that answer, or to even<br>brush against it tangentially. That was always her focal drive, but a secondary one had been made manifest<br>after she’d witnessed about two hundred of the memories.
“It didn’t have anything new for a potential reconstruction,” she whispers, beckoning a shard from a nearby,<br>sparse stream of glass, “but I suppose it’s good that it had some sort of value.”<br><br>She lets the gleam of the new piece catch her eye, and she scrutinizes the vision of the past it offers,<br>muttering absently, “Almost home...”<br><br>She carries the fragment over her palm, crossing a bridge with which she’s become very familiar. On her left<br>is a haphazard pile of what once might have been cities, on her right is a chaotic mass of glass and stone—<br>recognizable as nothing. She marches the long way back to the place where she was “born”, uncaring of<br>how many steps it takes.<br><br>She takes however long she needs to reach and stop before a place of four fallen walls, between them an<br>immense sphere of shimmering crystal—an unfinished sphere broken apart, like a cracked shell. Smiles,<br>tears, deaths, and celebrations flicker in and out its facets. Flowers, plains, deserts, oceans... Animals,<br>people, technology...
She doesn’t know if she can recreate a world by piecing together memories. She doesn’t even know if she<br>can truly “connect” them at all by gathering them together like this... But she can try.<br><br>She squints lightly to the gleam of the new piece she’s brought. “Let’s see how much you can show me,” she<br>says aloud.<br><br>So it opens, and the girl fades into a new time. In short order, she sees a world brimful with artificial glow,<br>crowded by endless and nigh-infinite towers of man reaching through clouds of an evening sky, and dark<br>vehicles roaring through the air. An unpleasant atmosphere flows into her lungs. Cacophony fills her ears. As<br>she assumes an identity, assumes a new past, she looks on, unmoved. A hundred questions rise in her<br>mind... She will have them answered. No matter what that takes, no matter what needs to be done.
解锁条件:购入[[Crimson Solace]]曲包<br>解锁要求:通过[[Paradise]]
An endless day could be dull. Spending too long under an overeager sun—anyone would start to yearn for<br>a moon.<br><br>Even for her, that sentiment holds true.<br><br>"Eighty days of light?"<br>"Seven months of light?"<br>"A year... maybe..."<br><br>The white of the sky has once again broken through the cracks in the walls of this place she calls home,<br>and it seems her sleeping body had found the rays while rolling over the floor.<br><br>She grumbles, "Turn it off already..."
But still, she picks herself up.<br>Still, she rubs her eyes and stretches her arms.<br>She stands and finds the door, ready to face another "day" in the seemingly boundless world of Arcaea.<br><br>An adventure that hasn't always been a delight, and travels that haven't always led to discoveries.<br>Despite that, ever since she'd first awakened a tabula rasa, two things have always remained consistent:<br><br>both her heart and the sky have always been shining.<br><br>"Alright...!" she says under her breath. "Some exercise first!"<br><br>She holds out her hand before her and a section of glass flies her way.<br>Not memory glass—<br>Not "Arcaea"—<br>It is an ordinary, typical sheet, albeit a large one. When it spins close, she jumps onto it,<br>and immediately calls another.
The home she found is an old beach house on a lonely island apart from the abandoned mélange-cities<br>found everywhere else in the world. It's a beach without an ocean, houses scattered around its shores like<br>abandoned shells; and deeper inland is a field of strange, gigantic poles of white wood. The homes have been<br>picked apart over time, from within and without, in her tampering. Now she whisks away their walls and<br>windows to create a makeshift set of stairs—to make a racing track, and then a tunnel. She quickly leaps<br>and runs through the gleaming passage, if only to give her legs feeling.<br><br>All this took was a little acceptance. Days after awakening, it was a simple matter to make the world of Arcaea<br>bend to her whimsy.<br><br>But far below her, just above the sands of the phantom sea, something glints: something sparse and scattered<br>throughout the water.<br><br>Throwing a glance that way, she huffs a breath from her nose, and sports a weak smirk.
解锁条件:完成[[#4-1|4-1]],购入[[Crimson Solace]]曲包<br>解锁要求:采用[[搭档#3.红(Kou)|红]]通过[[Party Vinyl]]
The glass beneath her feet bends so easily, but the peculiar glass—the Arcaea—has always been somewhat...<br>no, absurdly recalcitrant with her. In this world of memories, hardly any recollections will follow her,<br>and most can only be viewed or visited.<br><br>In an almost childish huff, the girl jumps from a crystal platform. Behind her, the structures she's made<br>all collapse, piece by piece. Before gravity fully takes her, she holds out her right hand, calling for the blanket<br>from her bed and swirling into it joyously. Then, she calls for something heavy, something soft. In a few<br>moments after falling, she is caught by a throne of indolence: a hefty, colorless armchair. Thus, she sits, <br>hanging in the skies above her home, half-gazing at tombstone horizons.
She exhales again; she's pleased, satisfied. Another successful lovely "morning" run. Still looking out to<br>the distance, her thoughts drift to less pleasant places: to questions about the size of this world, and what<br>else it might contain. Has she even seen a third of it? Even a sixteenth? It's a too-big place, and there are <br>too many assorted memories. As she rocks along the windless air, she lets her eyelids drop and she considers<br>that fact. It's some immense place; it's some old and mish-mash, jumbled place. She feels it probably can't<br>just be a world of wonders and oddities exclusively meant for her.<br><br>She opens her eyes to the bright sky again.<br><br>Somewhere, perhaps on the other side of the world, that sky is full of stars.<br>Under that sky, perhaps other girls are gazing upward and wishing for daylight.<br><br>The girl in red grips the front of the blanket wrapped around her shoulders.<br><br>Days without end mean it's always a new beginning, and no telling what a journey will hold.
解锁条件:完成[[#4-2|4-2]],购入[[Crimson Solace]]曲包<br>解锁要求:采用[[搭档#3.红(Kou)|红]]通过[[Flashback]]
"Hm, but you know..."<br><br>She mutters to herself, eased into her flying seat.<br><br>"Is there a sun up there, I wonder...?"<br><br>She squints at the heavens above, and quietly contemplates.<br><br>What makes the light so evenly spread throughout this place?<br><br>Until now, her travels have always been forward, so… Why not try upward?
A mischievous smile flashes across her face.<br><br>She stands in her chair and drops off the blanket, letting it fall toward the ground. As it drifts drown,<br>a wooden column launches up past it. She jumps from her chair and grabs hold of the new arrival by a short,<br>metal bar. With her feet planted against the column's side for security, she gives it a longer glance. It is a pillar,<br>she knows, used in other worlds to convey power and communications. She puts one foot down on another<br>bar below, and like that—with one leg and one arm free, far above the ground—she stands boldly on a broken<br>piece of an old world.<br><br>She gazes to the urban and suburban sprawl on the horizon one more time, and then turns her gazing upward.<br>She can't be sure how far flight will carry her: she knows she'll need a ladder to be safe.<br><br>The houses below, hers excepted, start breaking down even more. Panels, bed frames, armoires and windows<br>glide upward, and the debris she used and let collapse before is torn out of the sand. Everything begins to<br>amass, surely and steadily, into a defined structure. But the girl is not an architect. Her tower is ramshackle,<br>slowly building toward the heavens at odd, sharp, and often sudden angles.
Unfortunately, her island is not replete with usable material. After running out, she frowns halfway at her design,<br>feeling annoyed that it cannot even reach a kilometer into the sky.<br><br>Grumbling, she turns her eyes on the horizon again and lifts her palm toward it.<br>She concentrates, pulls... and nothing happens.<br><br>But that's only natural. That is of course.<br><br>As powerful and masterful as she may be, she is no god.
解锁条件:完成[[#4-3|4-3]],购入[[Crimson Solace]]曲包<br>解锁要求:采用[[搭档#3.红(Kou)|红]]通过[[Paradise]]
She drops her hand in defeat and decides it's time to renovate. Instead of a tower, a spiral set of stairs. <br>After an hour, and another hour, and another hour, and two more, her work is finally done and she is impressed<br>with the result. It still looks ridiculous, and more than a little haphazard, but this amalgamation, she is certain,<br>is much more sensible. She figures she deserves a pat on the back.<br><br>With the new formation complete, she wastes no time in beginning her ascent. One by one, step by step, she<br>rises with her armchair floating close by, ready to catch her should she fall. As the girl makes her way, she pulls<br>from the bottom of the stairs and sends those steps to the top. Soon after, she finds herself climbing an<br>ever-building, ever-breaking staircase. Through layers of fog, to the highest point.
The trip becomes a long one, during which she sometimes must have a seat or even sleep through the "night".<br>And, maybe after what would be four days, heaven comes within her sight. And she learns this: "heaven" is an<br>immense and impenetrable wall of clouds.<br><br>Her progress is halted when a step she sends from the bottom refuses to become the top, stuck on the fluff of<br>the air and unable to move any further up. She withdraws it and leaves it to hang beside her. And, with a <br>etermined gaze, she rushes her way up the final flight.<br><br>At the top, the girl fans the pieces, panes, and pillars out underneath her for more of a platform, and she lifts<br>her hands over her head—into the clouds. Here she finds that the white resists her touch, but still she pushes<br>on, standing on the toes of her boots to see through if she can.<br><br>And here, she finds, she cannot.
"Really...?" she wonders aloud.<br><br>But in her moment of despondence, something catches her eye.<br><br>Out the corner of her right: a glint. In fact, a bevy of glints, dropping from the clouds after she's gone and <br>disturbed them.<br><br>She looks, to find a small crowd of perhaps twenty Arcaea—perhaps even more—coming toward her.<br><br>And the girl in red realizes.<br><br>In these sunless skies of Arcaea, standing on an invented ground, she has found the first group of memories<br>in this world which are inextricably attuned to her.<br>
解锁条件:完成[[#4-4|4-4]],购入[[Crimson Solace]]曲包<br>解锁要求:通过[[Flyburg and Endroll]]
On the air, the fragrance of incense.<br><br>Resounding, the voices of townsfolk and children.<br><br>The atmosphere, light and fresh.<br><br>Someone's cooking—baking—and she can taste the savory scents drifting outside and along the streets.<br><br>Looking up, she finds a sun hanging bright in an empty and blue sky.<br><br>This is a new world of memory, and she basks in the sensations of it, remaining still to take it all in.<br><br>It's the memory of an artisan's helper: of a girl in the middle of an errand.<br>What sort of artisan was the helper an aide to?<br>The girl with the rose-colored hair hasn't grasped those details yet. But she isn't very interested in them.
This world—<br><br>"Just look at it...!"<br><br>—it's some sort of fantasy.<br><br>Mouth agape, eyes glittering, she looks absolutely everywhere. Overhead, colored paper and fabric ties rooftop<br>to rooftop, evoking the image of frilled power lines. But they give the impression of a festival, as power lines<br>they are most definitely not. The flagstone streets, red-stone houses, and chimneys spouting black smoke tell <br>her this is an old-day town, or perhaps city, she stands in now.<br><br>Stalls offering curious circle- and sun-shaped necklaces, talismans, and rings of charms dot the walkway, <br>beside other stalls selling figures of creatures she's seen before in libraries of other memories. The townsfolk<br>dress, she thinks, a bit similar to her: as if a parade is on, but not one too bombastic. It's a colorful world,<br>favoring the warmer colors of the spectrum, though splashes of azure decoration arrest the eye here and there.<br>As the girl starts to wander, she finds performances too, and troubadours teaching, warning, and entertaining<br>whomever might listen.
She spends some time during her wandering on samples of confections. More than some time, in fact:<br>as much time as she can without drawing suspicion. And as she wanders and samples, one brilliant red morsel<br>strikes her eye, and her heart, very much in particular. A strawberry tart, it's called.<br><br>She gets her hands on it with the apprentice's coin, takes a bite through its glaze, and with that she is certain of<br>this shining truth: this place is very lovely. It's incredibly nice! A fantastical world, and one with a notable<br>appreciation for the more sugary delights of life.<br><br>She finds herself particularly happy about this world of memory. Feeling zealous, she quickens the pace of<br>her steps, leaping forward, gasping, and spinning on her toes or heel as she turns each and every corner.
解锁条件:完成[[#4-5|4-5]],购入[[Crimson Solace]]曲包<br>解锁要求:采用[[搭档#3.红(Kou)|红]]通过[[Nirv lucE]]
She must be careful not to run. She thinks, she really must observe every little part of this town closely.<br>Reading signs posted outside of square buildings, she learns that this is a spiritual place. It's a land that believes<br>in fairies and spirits; in gods, daemons, and youkai. The performers she sees are performing the "fantastic",<br>the "strange", the "impossible". Indeed, every one of them is absolutely certain that what they are performing<br>is magic: "casting spells" by igniting vibrant powders in their hands to flame, smoke, and clouds; "divining fates"<br>by speaking toward still pools of water and interpreting the ripples within; "communing with other beings",<br>they say, by manipulating lights before her eyes in a way she can't actually determine the mechanics of<br>in a glance.<br><br>This world is rich and full of belief: it is marvelous, wondrous, and all an unmistakable act.<br><br>While strolling down the quaint avenues, the memory itself slowly informs her that every part of this place is <br>truly performance, artificial, untruth. Deeply valued tradition, but absolutely not truth.
Yet when she reaches the city's outer limits (and the memory's, with any attempts to cross a small barrier<br>met with resistant reality)—when she gazes out to the verdant hills beyond the low and easy wood fence that<br>has stopped her; to the few but imposing old oak trees, and the clear sparkle of some distant lake... she<br>understands, somehow, why one might believe in something even with sound evidence to the contrary.<br>She herself comes from a strange world of flying glass; why deny the belief that a world like this could be<br>inhabited by trickster fairies? Why reject the idea of things surpassing nature and logic?<br><br>This is the memory of an artisan's helper, and the artisan is a so-called sorcerer who researches the existence of<br>fantastical things. As the help, the girl she is living through has long known that all his research leads to dead<br>ends. The purpose, she speculates, is not to really prove anything. It is to embolden one's beliefs and be better<br>for it.
Now the girl in red puffs a joking breath and smiles wistfully. That's a funny idea. With her hand on a post and<br>wind flowing through her hair, she spots what she knows to be an ancient forest west from here. This is the<br>memory of completing a simple errand, and perhaps that's why she is unable to travel too far.<br><br>But she's sure she will be back in another memory. She thinks this land of artifice, magic, and show very much<br>suits her, and that crowd of glass she'd come across at the top of the world of Arcaea reflected more facets of<br>the world than this within its other fragments. With a giddy feeling, she grips at the front of her dress.<br><br>It's truly incredible. The smile on her face starts to wriggle anxiously. Somehow, she has never felt exhilaration<br>quite like this before.
解锁条件:完成[[#4-6|4-6]],购入[[Crimson Solace]]曲包<br>解锁要求:采用[[搭档#3.红(Kou)|红]]通过[[Diode]]
Twenty times? More? She's stopped keeping count.<br><br>"Al...right..."<br><br>With that whisper under her breath, she crouches in front on a chest made of unfinished wood, swiping her palm<br>across the top. A wave of dust rises off of it and falls to the floor. She unclasps the front and opens it up.<br><br>Today she is an archivist, exploring one of the old castles in the North, where they had lost land to flooding.<br>Thankfully, the papers inside this chest were spared from moisture by the chest itself. Hearing the creak of<br>ancient hinges, her partner calls from another room inquiring about her discovery. "Scrolls from the fourth<br>era," she answers over her shoulder. She takes one of them and unfurls it, revealing the history of her people's<br>dealings with the Unseelie.
Stories like these amuse her, especially as she tries to guess at what the previous generations might have<br>confused for fairies and the like in the past. Yesterday, while working as a storyteller, she had the pleasure of<br>recounting an old passed-down yarn of the teller's ancestors. Some forefather had once gathered a vast<br>treasure on a faraway shore. On the return across the lake a sylph rocked his boat with wind, and a passing<br>naiad capsized it with waves. Afterward, the two shared his fallen wealth. It was quite an excuse for a bout of<br>clumsiness.<br><br>But still, she knows it proves nice to think these creatures are around, malevolent and benevolent both.<br>When her day as an archivist is done and she's returned to the world of Arcaea to rest on the platform which is<br>now her temporary base camp, she visits the memory of a school instructor and teaches lessons and rules that<br>would keep any child or adult safe in a world replete with chaotic nature, sudden perils, and careless people.<br><br>The context of magic makes these lessons very interesting to impart and to hear. It really is just a joyous and<br>fascinating place, and she cannot stop visiting. Its people, whose faces become increasingly familiar between<br>each shard of Arcaea; its places which become engraved in her own memory throughout others; the sounds<br>and the sights, everything—
It's marvelous, and nostalgic.<br><br>When she's been to every other memory she could find in Heaven, when she's explored (as far as she knows)<br>every part of the land, she at last comes to a bustling, rambunctious festival day—or rather, a night celebration.<br>It is to give thanks to the gods of birth and harvest, and to dissuade darker spirits.<br><br>She spots the townsfolk named Lancaster and Shia, two gentlemen architects, and they've gotten on in years<br>from the last memory she met them. But they greet her with vigor and treat her to a candied apple, which<br>makes her happier than anything else. They point to the sky. It lights up in a show of a thousand brilliant colors.<br>To those gods. To life, and living it.<br><br>However, seeing such a wonderful thing… it doesn't strike her. Her heart does not swell; not with wistfulness,<br>nor the joy of new experience.
She remembers this. She knows why everyone is here.<br><br>So, on this final night in these familiar memories, she witnesses the firework sky entirely satisfied.<br>With tears in her eyes, and a spot of pain in her heart, she finds herself entirely content.
解锁条件:完成[[#4-7|4-7]],购入[[Crimson Solace]]曲包<br>解锁要求:采用[[搭档#3.红(Kou)|红]]通过[[GLORY:ROAD]]
The memories were heartening; they were comforting. She'd spent months within them, and at times, she<br>would think, "I never want to leave." Still, she knew they had an ending, and she didn't want to see it.<br><br>Besides, the future cannot be found within memories.<br><br>She returned to the world of white knowing she may never visit those days again. Days gone are just that:<br>stories told and over, lives and loves finished.<br><br>She doesn't regret it. As she slowly descends to the surface, looking up to the clouds that had once called her<br>there, she knows every moment, every second spent in those memories was worth everything. It's like a<br>question she never asked has been answered, and so her heart is full.
The sky seems to be falling around her, all the pieces of her temporary home dropping faster or slower<br>around her, and in her chest, she feels a twinge of emotion.<br><br>Thus, the sky, the true sky above, begins to part.<br><br>Standing on a window platform, her hair whipping up past her face, she sees the glittering glass above is<br>standing still, and behind the pieces, a new night sky is entering her sight. One she's never seen before.<br>The clouds scatter and drop, disappear and dash away, as a sparkling void of shadows takes their place.<br>This velvet plane, reaching far and darkening, before a deep lavender wave of color spreads out over it,<br>swaying, glowing. The stars are out. The day is over.<br><br>Her heart aches.<br><br>She whispers a name, this name for the last time, and she wipes her eyes with the back of her hand.
Her glass breaks through the final thin layer of clouds. The complex, graying landscape reveals itself, to its<br>farthest reaches.<br><br>She smiles...<br><br>She smiles!<br><br>This is her new life! She holds out her hand, knowing that someday, somewhere beyond that horizon, she will<br>find others who will take it. Someday, these hands will do something great.<br><br>Until then, she will look ahead.<br><br>Living in the present—in Arcaea.
