
「故事模式剧情详表 (移动版)」:修訂間差異

增加 23,657 位元組 、​ 2024年6月27日 (星期四)
行 78: 行 78:
! class="nomobile" width="15%" |[[维塔]] - 个人故事
! class="nomobile" width="15%" |[[维塔]] - 个人故事
|[[#12-1|12-1]]||[[#12-2|12-2]]||[[#12-3|12-3]]|| colspan="11" |
|[[#12-1|12-1]]||[[#12-2|12-2]]||[[#12-3|12-3]]||[[#12-4|12-4]]||[[#12-5|12-5]]||[[#12-6|12-6]]|| colspan="8" |
! class="nomobile" width="15%" |[[依莉丝]] - 个人故事
! class="nomobile" width="15%" |[[依莉丝]] - 个人故事
行 121: 行 121:

[[文件:Story 0-3 cg.jpg|300px|thumb|right|0-3]]
 解锁条件:完成[[#0-2|0-2]]<br>解锁要求:通过[[Shades of Light in a Transcendent Realm]]
 解锁条件:完成[[#0-2|0-2]]<br>解锁要求:通过[[Shades of Light in a Transcendent Realm]]
行 5,075: 行 5,077:

 解锁条件:购入[[NEO WINGS]]单曲<br>解锁要求:通过[[Sakura Fubuki]]
 解锁条件: 完成[[#12-1|12-1]], 购入[[NEO WINGS]]单曲<br>解锁要求:通过[[Sakura Fubuki]]

行 5,111: 行 5,113:

 解锁条件:购入[[NEO WINGS]]单曲<br>解锁要求:通过[[NEO WINGS]]
 解锁条件: 完成[[#12-2|12-2]], 购入[[NEO WINGS]]单曲<br>解锁要求:通过[[NEO WINGS]]

行 5,177: 行 5,179:
...<br><br>...Had she ever known anything else?}}
...<br><br>...Had she ever known anything else?}}
解锁条件:完成[[#12-3|12-3]],购入[[HYPER VISION]]单曲<br>解锁要求:通过[[SUPERNOVA]]
Only an impression is left: some vague sense—and it is miraculous, or perhaps even a blessing, that in all <br>that hell rained down only a shadow is left. And then it is gone.<br><br>Forgotten:<br>Concentrated heat, and melting bones. Burned away ships falling from space, collapsing fortifications. Fire <br>spreading. Screams within and without. Horror.<br><br>And fleeting memories of happiness, too:<br>Forgotten.
One memory:<br>She had a little book. The medium wasn't very popular in favor of the versatility and convenience of <br>screens, but the tactile sensation was something she liked, and the unpopularity made her feel unique <br>even in uniform. She was proud of herself—for a lot of things, but this always bolstered her mood in <br>particular. In the lounge, as evening approached, she read that little paper book. One of her friends <br>approached the comfortable chair she was resting in, and perching her arms on the back asked—<br><br>"Where do you get those, anyway?"<br><br>And she explained that there was a small shop just outside of the base where an older woman sold <br>old things.<br><br>She promised to take her friend over there some time. They'd get permission and go. Not two months <br>later, she would make a terrible mistake, and everyone on that base would be dead.<br><br>All of this, she has forgotten.
She wakes with tears in her eyes, and tears fallen from her. She stares up into the night within a world of <br>white. A rare child has come here: into Arcaea. She wakes up, wipes her eyes, and only the shadow of a <br>dream is left in her head. It vanishes.<br><br>Wake into the dark of the world of light, Vita.<br><br>You, as near all the others, have been blessed.
Let us follow where the little girl goes. Let us follow her standing, and her looking out over a shadowed <br>world of glass and ruin.<br><br>Let us follow her ahead, and to where it all ends.<br><br>She will travel. She will see. She will love. She will learn.<br><br>...<br><br>All stories must end, no?}}
解锁条件:完成[[#12-4|12-4]],购入[[HYPER VISION]]单曲<br>解锁要求:
The canvas of Arcaea spreads across an unthinkable distance.<br><br>The land is a disc, and comprised of plains and mountains and barren sea beds. The disc might, still, <br>be spreading.<br><br>Daylight died over one half the land, as a pair of stars plummeted from the sky and split that sky in two.<br><br>It's more accurate to say the daylight never really ended, but that the clouds which held it were banished <br>from half the earth.<br><br>The edge of the world leads into the shadowed Void. The Void leads to the incomprehensible End.<br><br>Vita, knowing none of this, stands with a hand pressed to a pillar under the night of Arcaea, watching <br>the stars.
Arcaea is not without wind. Though it never rains, it never snows, and there is no water, a wind will blow <br>from somewhere now and then. A breeze carries past now, dancing through her hair. She continues to <br>watch the stars.<br><br>"All of them... are violet."<br><br>She whispers that, finally. It's true.<br><br>Unknown as to why, but the starlight of Arcaea is of a purple color.<br><br>"Stars are... supposed to be white, or their colors can't be seen from... here. But, from space they..."
Her eyes narrow, and she wonders aloud:<br><br>"Is that... really 'space', up there?"<br><br>In a fantastic world where shards of glass fly through the air, it is a question worth asking.<br>She does not remember herself apart from her name, but she has "knowledge". She knows <br>what a world should have. She knows this world "Arcaea", and she knows it is missing very much.<br><br>She too feels she is missing very much.<br><br>Vita lifts her other hand over her heart.<br><br>And, she asks:<br><br>"Where is everyone...?"
She's seen the glass; it never leaves Arcaea's visitors alone. In those shards, there are visions of other <br>worlds. "Memories", but not hers. So, she knows: a world needs people in it. Even to look at Arcaea: it may <br>have once had people in it. She looks up at the pillar beside her.<br><br>She is standing in a night-darkened graveyard of buildings, cracked and white and empty, like over a <br>dozen hollowed bones of dragons.<br><br>The evidence is piled up: to suggest that her being alone is some sort of mistake.<br><br>And even putting evidence aside...<br>...A shadow might remain in her heart—or it might be an echo: a notion vague of a connection she <br>specifically shared with countless others.<br><br>A natural feeling that all humans feel?<br><br>She can't know.
Vita steps away from that pale stone thing and passes out the barren shell of that town.<br><br>Reasonably, reasonably... she must be alone—it has to have been days, and she doesn't feel any need to <br>eat, drink, or sleep.<br><br>But she refuses that answer.<br><br>Vita marches on, and begins to call out for others.}}
[[文件:Story 12-6-1 cg.jpg|300px|thumb|right|12-6]]
解锁条件:完成[[#12-5|12-5]],购入[[HYPER VISION]]单曲<br>解锁要求:通过[[HYPER VISION]]
女孩穿过一个个尘土飞扬的山谷,翻越一座座桥梁,最终一无所获。一路跟随着她的Arcaea逐渐为她所用,<br>靠着碎片散发出的光亮,一直在黑暗的残垣断壁中跋涉的路途也显得不那么瘆人了。<br>至于碎片中承载的那些记忆、那些影像……那只是一种干扰,不是吗? 生活远比沉迷在那些东西里重要。<br><br>她揣度着这一阵阵吹来的风,猜想它们都从哪里来。这个世界肯定存在着一片海域,或者一个巨大的湖泊,<br>甚至是汪洋大海都有可能,而且距离她所在的地方一定非常近——只有这样,水才有可能流动循环。<br>那么,月亮必然也是存在的,也许还有太阳,因为这个世界并不寒冷。<br><br>她不知道自己猜对了多少,但……<br><br>毕竟自己已经给自己打了那么多气,还是不要放弃吧,不要紧的……她这么想着,继续向前走去。<br><br>最终,她的不懈努力终于带来了回报。
[[文件:Story 12-6-2 cg.jpg|300px]]
属于Arcaea的这张蓝图不断向远处延展,其所覆盖的疆域范围超乎想象。<br><br>隔着那么远的距离,声音的传播往往会大打折扣,<br>因此有不少在这里醒来的人可能永远都无法找到甚至是注意到这里还有其他人的存在。<br><br>“喂,有人吗?” “到底有没有人啊?”……<br>维塔带着心里隐约的不安在死气沉沉的小巷和空无一人的洞穴中一遍遍呼喊,<br>而传回来的回声不断地将她引导至一个令她毛骨悚然的推论——她的命运,<br>或许和这个世界上许许多多人的命运一样:<br><br>孑然一身。<br><br>而即使是维塔这么小的孩子也能明白……时间的无情和因此而加诸众生的折磨,<br>是多么令人难以忍受的一件事。<br><br>将近一个月的时间,小维塔就这样风餐露宿,四处流浪。这个可怜的女孩心里的希望越来越稀薄,<br>终于令她无法忍受。于是,她躲进了废墟中的一个不起眼的小角落里,默默哭泣起来。
她抽噎着,呼吸时断时续,不停发出痛苦的呜咽。“我不要……” “不要!”“不要!!”她哽咽道,<br>将自己的脸埋在双腿间,抱膝痛哭。<br><br>小女孩漂亮裙袖上的心形花瓣此时浸满了眼泪。<br><br>她打了个嗝,胸口被沉重的思绪和推断压得喘不过气来。<br><br>她哭得实在是太过大声,以至于盖过了某人的脚步声。
The child marches through valleys of dust and over bridges to nothing. She trudges through wreckage <br>and, being in the deep dark all the time, uses the light of what Arcaea follow her to make her way more <br>safely. And as for their memories? As for their visions? They're merely a distraction, aren't they...? <br>Life is more than being lost to visions.<br><br>She considers the winds, imagining that they must be coming from somewhere. That, in fact, there <br>must be a sea, or immense lake, or ocean very, very close. There must be something shifting water. <br>There must be a moon, and perhaps there's a sun. The world is not cold, so... there must be a sun.<br><br>She can't know how little of that is correct to assume, and yet...<br><br>...giving herself so many reassurances, and voicing them too in comforting whispers, Vita marches on.<br><br>And for her dedication she is rewarded.
[[文件:Story 12-6-2 cg.jpg|300px]]
It's still a time of fate, but this isn't fated. It's still a time of feeling, but her desires aren't heard. Sometimes, <br>merely trying is all something takes to be done. Vita crests a hill, and finds not an ocean, but the sun.<br><br>"W—Wow—What..."<br><br>She whispers in surprise and innocence as light fills her eyes. A true world of light with glass dancing <br>through the sky. A brilliant sea of clouds in the sky, and a strange seam overhead where night and day <br>beautifully and melting meet.<br><br>Although she had held her head high until now, refusing the part of "the child", Vita unabashedly <br>scrambles over the hill in her excitement, looking back to the night as she reaches the spectacular border.
"How is it like this!? This... This is crazy!"<br><br>Ecstatic, she shouts through the quiet world, her voice carrying far—being heard by no one. She hops <br>around the border, looking up at the silvery and bleeding clash between darkness and daylight—<br>her mouth agape as she gasps in awe.<br><br>She giddily theorizes. She climbs nearby stones and structures to try to gain a better look. She is, for the <br>first time since waking, happy.
Wonder isn't lost very quickly, either. When she is done looking the border over, and at the strange vista <br>that is gazing into "night" from a side of "day", she finds wonder in the newly lit landscapes of Arcaea <br>instead. She finds new sights: cathedrals and coliseums, lake houses and new, wired and wooden pillars...<br><br>Wonder is not lost quickly. She enjoys what she can see and find. She enjoys the adventure of exploring.<br><br>But, when wonder does begin to drift away from her...<br>When her happiness begins to ebb—only a little at first, but then quite a lot...<br>...Her worries rapidly encroach on her stomach.<br><br>Thinking of night and day, and ruins, and vast emptiness—she begins to think too much.<br>She thinks too much, and she begins to ask:<br><br>"I'm not really all alone, am I...?"<br><br>And with the worry in her heart beginning to take the shape of fright, Vita once more starts to shout <br>into the world for anyone else to hear—with only echoes answering.
The canvas of Arcaea spreads across an unthinkable distance.<br><br>Across that distance, physical voices do not carry well. Some may wake here and never find, nor even notice <br>the presence of, another.<br><br>As Vita calls out "Someone!" and "Anyone?" through quiet alleys and past vacuous caverns, her returning <br>voice is a constant confirmation. A creeping, and then pounding sensation that her fate is the fate of so <br>many others in this place:<br><br>Life, alone.<br><br>And even she, even this little one...<br>...can comprehend the indifferent oppression of time.<br><br>After she has wandered over a month's time, with hope left barely as dregs within her chest, little Vita <br>crawls to the corner of a nondescript ruin and hides herself from nobody to cry.
She breathes in fits and starts. She growls in pain. She says, "No", and "No, no". She hugs her knees, <br>and she sobs.<br><br>She fills the petal-hearts of her dress with her tears.<br><br>And as she hiccups, as her chest hurts from the steady thoughts and the terrible weight of knowledge...<br><br>Her loud crying deafens her to the sounds of another's footsteps.
A woman steps out from the light.<br><br>As her foot falls one last time, the sharp sound of it reaches Vita's ear. She hurriedly picks up her head, <br>suddenly afraid.<br><br>With the brightness of the day behind her, the woman is a figure enshrouded in void. The right of <br>her face—her eye?—it catches light and shines through the shade. Curious if it's glass catching that light, <br>Vita lifts her head higher and can there see the woman's left eye blinking.<br><br>Vita's breath stops in her throat.<br><br>Not only is it another person, here and now...<br>... it is a person with a flower blooming from her right eye.}}

