
「故事模式剧情详表 (移动版)」:修訂間差異

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She doesn’t know if she can recreate a world by piecing together memories. She doesn’t even<br>know if she can truly "connect" them at all by gathering them together like this... But she can try.<br><br>She squints lightly to the gleam of the new piece she’s brought.<br>"Let’s see how much you can show me," she says aloud.<br><br>So it opens, and the girl fades into a new time. In short order, she sees a world brimful with<br>artificial glow, crowded by endless and nigh-infinite towers of man reaching through clouds of an<br>evening sky, and dark vehicles roaring through the air. An unpleasant atmosphere flows into her<br>lungs. Cacophony fills her ears. As she assumes an identity, assumes a new past, she looks on,<br>unmoved. A hundred questions rise in her mind... She will have them answered. No matter what<br>that takes, no matter what needs to be done.}}
She doesn’t know if she can recreate a world by piecing together memories. She doesn’t even<br>know if she can truly "connect" them at all by gathering them together like this... But she can try.<br><br>She squints lightly to the gleam of the new piece she’s brought.<br>"Let’s see how much you can show me," she says aloud.<br><br>So it opens, and the girl fades into a new time. In short order, she sees a world brimful with<br>artificial glow, crowded by endless and nigh-infinite towers of man reaching through clouds of an<br>evening sky, and dark vehicles roaring through the air. An unpleasant atmosphere flows into her<br>lungs. Cacophony fills her ears. As she assumes an identity, assumes a new past, she looks on,<br>unmoved. A hundred questions rise in her mind... She will have them answered. No matter what<br>that takes, no matter what needs to be done.}}
解锁条件:解锁[[Absolute Nihil]]曲包<br>解锁要求:通过[[In Vain]]
神明,真相,目的,意义。<br> <br>不过虚无而已。<br> <br>无论生存的必要条件是什么,都跟思考这个愚蠢问题的答案毫无关系。<br>但我却经常沉浸于这些问题。<br> <br>因为,这是将我困在这片无垢花园中的那位神明、我的创造者的旨意——<br>成为一名孤独的愚者。<br>而我,会谨遵祂的意志。
欢迎来到天堂,欢迎来到地狱;欢迎来到这脆弱的彼岸,欣赏我为了寻求意义而疲于奔命的模样。<br> <br>一直以来我都不知迷茫与无知为何物。早在星空出现之前,我就知道了很多东西。<br>我知道自己的名字叫“咲弥”,但这毫无意义。<br> <br>毕竟,怎会有人想要窥视一位愚者的想法?
那时,我还未将天真摒弃……<br> <br>在这里住了一段时间后,我对这里的一切也越来越熟悉。我曾被无边无际的日光唤醒,阳光倾洒进我的眼底,<br>云朵映衬出我的笑脸——一觉醒来,这白色的世界又进入了新的一天。<br> <br>虽然不知道自己当时为什么要笑,或许那天心情难得的好;大部分时候我只觉得无力,我不停地观察周遭的<br>一切,并尝试推断其中蕴含的任何可能性。而那天——那些碎片,玻璃组成的碎片,Arcaea,也如往常一样<br>飘浮在空中,向我展示它们储存的回忆。<br>那是生活的各个方面,真实、真切,就像生活本身;伤心的与雀跃的相互交替、混杂。<br>无论是愉快的还是痛苦的回忆,它们都同等喜欢我。<br> <br>事实就是如此。在这个叫Arcaea的纯白世界中,你吸引来的回忆会与你的灵魂本质趋同。<br>我的灵魂相较于其他人的来说更加贪婪,Arcaea便想尽办法给予我我想要的。然后是我的意识,发散,<br>或是饥渴,我想我应该会这么形容它;而获得更多的碎片便是最直观的对策——填饱了肚子,你就不会再饿了。<br>
光线环绕在我的头顶和四周——啊,是的,属于「神明」的光芒,温暖而又强大,<br>超乎所有事物所能到达的境界,我就像着了迷一样追随着它。神明的力量我等鼠雀之辈怎能揣度得明白?<br>远不止如此——这个世界远没有这么简单,它怎么可能只有无穷无尽的表象?<br>这个世界本身就是一个巨大的谜,一个装满着谜团的惊喜宝箱,一个囊括了所有废墟的荒芜之地。<br> <br>但……为什么呢?<br>因为这是彼岸的世界?<br>因为这是世界的彼岸?<br>因为这是一场梦?<br>因为这是天堂?囚笼?<br>因为这或许并不算一个世界?<br>Arcaea到底是什么?<br>它是使我身陷其中的泥潭,使我不断坠入的深渊。
God. Truth. Purpose. Meaning.<br><br>Nihilism.<br><br>What do we need in order to live, and does such a stupid question even matter?<br><br>I preoccupy myself with such questions often.<br><br>I am the lonely fool in a pristine garden another god created.
Welcome to Heaven and Hell. Welcome to the fragile after-world. See me, here, striving for reason.<br><br>I have been very sure of myself for a very long time. Since before one could find stars here—though even <br>that was a very long time ago. I learned my name long after that. I learned the name "Saya", and it didn't <br>matter at all.<br><br>What would anyone even want to poke into my mind for?
When I was more naive...<br><br>When I had been here a little while, and gotten more familiar with it all, I woke up once to the endless <br>daylight. Sunlight streamed into my eye, and I smirked at the clouds. I woke up to another day in the <br>world of white.<br><br>I'm not sure, but I must have awoken to a rare warm mood. Most days I felt frustration. Most days I <br>watched things intensely, and thought about them. That day, fragments—glass—"Arcaea" drifted <br>around me showing memory as always. They showed me different facets of life: all of what makes <br>life real. Sad things, and joyful things. Life is real for its pains and pleasures both. Both kinds of <br>memory seemed fond of me.<br><br>Because the truth is: in this world of white—in Arcaea—memories are drawn to like-souls. My soul "wants" <br>more than most others, and so Arcaea gives me all that it can. And, putting my soul aside: consider my mind. <br>Scattered, or "hungry" I suppose. With those fragments, I always felt "fed".
Radiance streamed above and around me. The light, surely, of "God". The warmth, and the might, of <br>something greater than everything else. It drew me in, and I was spellbound. Because it was more than <br>that, even. It was more than a world of infinite imagery—the world, itself, was a puzzle-box. It was <br>mystery manifested. Arcaea is a world of every kind of ruin.<br><br>And why is that?<br>Is it a world gone?<br>Is it a grave of places?<br>Is it a dream? Is it paradise? Is it a prison? Is it, even, a world at all?<br>What is it? It's something that dragged me in.
I wandered this place with drive and passion. I was so driven in fact that in this empty place, all empty save <br>for only myself, I nearly missed the sight of another for the first time. I nearly missed a meeting with a fool <br>and stubborn woman who, much as I would come to loathe her, would nonetheless shape my life forever.}}
解锁条件:完成[[#18-1|18-1]],购入[[Absolute Nihil]]曲包<br>解锁要求:通过[[Hypnotize]]
我伸手碰了碰自己脸上那盛开的花朵上的一片花瓣,刺痛啃食着我的脸,而我只是冷冷地死盯着对面<br>那个毫不动脑、呆滞无趣而又愚蠢至极的女人。我说错话了吗?或许是吧。总之,我们之间的气氛很快<br>便僵持不下。<br> <br>那可真是一场滑稽至极的会面。
她的那些堂而皇之的大道理……只能说这人无论是身体还是脑袋都不太灵光。<br> <br>所以,我说她蠢实在是有理有据,保不准还说轻了。<br> <br>可笑,可悲,在那里大谈特谈什么“身份”“使命”……<br> <br>所以,我打断了她,告诉她这样只会显得她更蠢。<br> <br>话音刚落,脸上就差点挨上一劈,不过我反应够快,被我挡下了。<br> <br>……跟个原始人一样。
「忘却」,不仅人如其名,同时还人如其貌,倔得跟头牛似的,她头上那两只角长得可真符合设定。<br> <br>我在由漂亮的鹅卵石铺就而成的蜿蜒小道尽头发现了她,那时她正被漂亮的玻璃碎片海包围着,<br>它们散发出的琉璃般闪耀的光芒是我从未见过的。<br>玻璃是绘制这个世界的神奇画笔,而笔触所及之处,无论大气还是天空,都斑驳陆离,如梦如幻,<br>毕竟它们会通过反射或吸收这个世界光线的方式发光;但她身旁的那些碎片并不正常……<br>“温暖”确实也有,凡是我见到过的碎片海都很“温暖”,但这儿的暖并不具备神威。<br> <br>怎么描述好呢?就好似这个世界在向它的子民低头,而不是子民向其屈服一般。<br> <br>尽管我真的很讨厌这个愚笨的女人,现在也仍然如此,但看到这一幕的时候,我无法否认……<br>我竟被其深深吸引了。
这些碎片有太多太多的用处,比如能够联合起来用以创建新的世界——这一点我早就跟她说过了。<br>事实上,我想这应该就是我们会降生于此的原因,我知道我的猜想应该是对的,我能感觉得到,而我也跟她<br>分享过了;尤其是她收集起来的那堆碎片……如果能对如此特别的东西加以利用,<br>使它们之间产生某种联系,我们就能达到一个全新的高度——由其它碎片打造而成的全新“现实”。<br> <br>而她的回答呢?“它们是灵魂”。然后又在我的追问之下说什么她是在像之前一样去履行着照顾和看护的职责。<br> <br>我真是费了很大的力气才忍住不去嘲讽她。我还好声好气告诉了她,两遍:“你的想法愚蠢至极。”<br>而她对我的回应呢?只有径直朝我的面部挥砍来的镰刀。<br>在这样虚无的世界里,她非要提起什么意义和使命。<br>无中生有,慌不择路,愚蠢而又可悲。
哈,但我当时真心不这么觉得,我当时觉得自己已经参破了「真相」。没错——我如何与那庞大的<br>碎片海共鸣的「真相」,我日复一日由衷地向其表达着敬意的这个世界又是如何背离我并向忘却低头的<br>「真相」……我对我的想法曾是如此坚定。<br> <br>……既然那位神明创造了这片无垢的花园,那在这片花园中辛勤耕作的园丁们,想必也一定能<br>创造出类似的花园吧。<br><br><br>“我有我必须要完成的事,那就是将这些世界的碎片一个个都收集起来,创造出一个更加富饶,<br>更加美好,更加完美的……全新的存在。”<br> <br>这是我说过的话,也是我发过的誓。<br> <br>你可真是天真啊,咲弥。}}
I took my fingertips to one of the flower petals blooming from my face. My face itself was stinging. I glared <br>across the way to a dull, brainless woman. I must have misspoken. Immediately, the stubborn woman and I <br>did not get on.<br><br>Our meeting went on like this:
The dumb cow-woman said something stupid.<br><br>Understandably I called her a fool.<br><br>The dumb woman explained her position.<br><br>And of course, I called her moreso a fool.<br><br>She struck me across the face, and turned away.<br><br>A fool, fool brute.
Her name is Lethe, and as appropriate for someone bullheaded: bull-horns sprout from her head.<br><br>I found her at the end of a charming cobblestone road. She was surrounded by beautiful glass, but it <br>shimmered in a way I had not ever seen.<br>Glass always glows, or takes the glow of light away in this world. It's a dreamlike marvel that dots the air <br>and sky, but here—here wasn't quite the same. "Warmth", which I felt all the time in crowds of glass... I felt <br>"a" warmth here, but not the heat of divinity.<br><br>How could I say... it was like the world was bowing its head, rather than demanding one lower theirs.<br><br>I might hate this dumb woman, even to this day, but to see that...<br>...I can't deny it arrested me at my core.
We could make a world from these memories—that is what I told her. Rather, that must be why we were <br>born here—I could feel it, and I told her that too. That collection of hers, in particular, was special. If we <br>could harness it, connect its parts... we could enter into it all, with a new "reality" manifesting from fragments <br>of others.<br><br>She told me the glass shards were in fact ghosts. When pressed, she explained her memories of life tending <br>to not-glass spirits as the likely explanation.<br><br>I almost laughed, told her twice she was foolish, and she slapped me across the face.<br>In a world without meaning, she went and made something up.<br>Desperate, dumb, and sad.
Oh but I thought differently. No, no: I knew the "Truth". Yes: how my heart resonated with that vast glass <br>collection—how the world I revered day to day felt like it gave reverence to Lethe's collection instead—it was <br>sure: a sure thing.<br><br>In this pristine garden another god created, other gardens can be grown by us—the gardeners.<br><br>"I will do what I must, and pick up the shattered pieces of worlds to build something more, better, perfect, <br>and new."<br><br>I said that. I swore that.<br><br>...When I was more naive.}}
解锁条件:完成[[#18-2|18-2]],购入[[Absolute Nihil]]曲包<br>解锁要求:通过[[Ashen 6oundary]]
你觉得我是一个傲慢的人吗?<br><br>我花了那么多时间和精力穿梭于回忆间,找寻那些旧世界,为的是能够创造出一个新的出来。<br> <br>我不停地在试探和突破这些世界的极限,我在其中啜饮,纵火,翱翔,杀戮。<br> <br>我在其中见过死亡,也见过新生。我曾使早已枯朽的髅骨回春,也曾让生机勃发的新音消弭。<br> <br>你问我为什么要这样做?——因为这本来就是一种“经历”,无论事情有着怎样的来龙去脉,变<br>或是不变,它们不都只是“经历”而已吗?<br> <br>无论是上帝干的,还是其他人干的,都无所谓,我只知道,作为【创造】的象征,我本该如此:<br>设计,布局,随心所欲。<br> <br>所以,你觉得呢?这是傲慢吗?
愚蠢的问题,答案显而易见。<br>   <br>在Arcaea内部的一个陌生的新世界中,我做了我的第一次尝试。<br> <br>一开始,我的收集大小仅宛若一颗古树,呈球状,但它会不断变化,因为我会不断从我沿途的<br>收获中挑选适合作为整体来“体验”的记忆并将它们输入、添加进去——所以我终究都会找到忘却<br>并和她大打一架。因为即使我不这样做,她有一天也会找上门来。 但是“建造”这个事情,我的确<br>隐瞒地比较好,这些工作大部分确实也都只有我一个人在做。<br> <br>渐渐地,我的收藏越来越多,直至堆积成山,而我随之也发现用土层内部的玻璃碎片来装饰<br>一座图书馆是一件更加梦幻的事——这正是我想要的——我想要更多。<br>我想要更多,越多越好,因为我的这些收集目前为止并不能对Arcaea起到什么作用或是影响。<br>它们不曾向这个世界发出指令,不曾向其呐喊,甚至没有对它低语过。 它们“言语能力”的极限充其量<br>也只能达到无意识的呢喃那个层级:只是字与字之间的随机组合,杂乱无章,并没有任何实际意义——<br>也许是因为我个人本来就没那么有条理吧。如果我想得到更多,如果我想得到忘却所拥有的,我就<br>需要做得更多。
那就弄得更加有条理些吧;于是我开始建造一座图书馆,把这些收集起来的碎片像收纳书籍一般<br>这里放一点,那里放一点,将生命本身和其中的各种经历按等级高低和合理与否的顺序排序。<br>我尽我所能搭建了一个属于回忆的档案馆,最终呈现出来的效果比我预想的还要好。<br>渐渐地,我能够听到“低语”了,即使它们并不连贯,并不稳定。我每天都在那里过夜,听着它们<br>说一些我不明白的“话”入睡而又醒来。<br> <br>所以……究竟是哪里差了一点点?<br>
……<br> <br>那便是我曾经的「目的」。<br> <br>不得不说,但那段时日我确实过得很快乐。我所创造的世界看起来就像一幅抽象而神圣的画作,<br>但与画作不甚相同的是,你可以行走于其中……嗯,准确来说应该是“其间”。即使我的这些收藏<br>既无法相互产生连接又无法进一步融合,因此也无法进一步创造出一个新的存在,让人在其间游走、<br>探索乃至飞翔,我仍觉得这个洞窟从哪个方面看都是一幅杰作。这些回忆都是完整的,圆满的,<br>狂野的,多样的,因此对于存放它们的这样一座“图书馆”来说,又何尝不是伟迹呢?而这样的造物<br>也只有我能够想到,做到。<br> <br>我曾对这一切都很满意,即使我嘴角的弧度从未有过什么实际的变化,但我真的那么认为。因为<br>当时的我真的觉得,能寻得「意义」,便是圆满。
我觉得……<br> <br>我确信——<br> <br>——若事态从未发生过改变,那即使是过去了上千年、上万年……<br> <br>我也仍会一直在那片无边无际的白色平地上周而复始地探索着,寻找着,而这一切都是为了优化<br>那片我所拥有的只属于我的“世界”,因为……<br><br>那便是我的毕生渴求。<br> <br>……<br> <br>又过了些许时日,天空便突然裂成了两半,而我在一处歪斜的破旧废墟的角落里遇见了正在<br>掉眼泪的维塔。}}
Can I be called arrogant?<br><br>I searched through many memories—many old worlds to craft a new place.<br><br>I bent those worlds' limits. I drank in them, made fire in them, flew in them, killed in them.<br><br>I saw men die and children born. I made corpses breathe again, and the crying young silent.<br><br>Why? Because it was all "to be experienced"—bereft of any true consequence.<br><br>And be them from God or no, I – an avatar of Creation – was designed to design on my own, and had every <br>right to do as I would.<br><br>So can I be called arrogant?
Foolish question, easy answer.<br><br>I built my try at a new world within Arcaea.<br><br>It began as a globe of glass, ever-shifting, and as large as an ancient tree. I would pluck memories from my <br>travels that were suitable to "experience" as a whole, and I would enter them—add them. I would find Lethe <br>now and then, and hiss at her as she hissed at me. But, I would largely keep to myself—building, building.<br><br>My collection became a mountain. I found that fashioning a library from glass inside of the earth was more <br>fantastical, and I wanted that. I wanted more. I wanted more, and more—because as a globe, the glass did <br>not make any demands of Arcaea. It did not scream or even whisper at the world. It murmured, at best, <br>confused words likely caused by my haphazard lack of organization. If I wanted more, if I wanted what the <br>horned-woman had, I needed to do more.
So, more organized: a library. Parts here, and parts there—specifically. Divvying life and experience by rank <br>and sense. Making an archive of memory... I did my best to do that, and it was better. I began to hear it <br>whisper now and then. I would sleep there, as it spoke words I could hear but could not understand.<br><br>But surely I was close.
...<br><br>That was my "Purpose".<br><br>And, it was indeed fantastic. The world that I was making looked out of an abstract and divine painting—<br>yet you were able to walk within it. Or... "without" it I suppose. The image of the cave was nothing short of <br>magical, even if the collection would not connect—would not let the memories merge and bring forth a new <br>"realm" of existence you could swim through, walk through, or fly through in full, wild, and blended memory. <br>At least this "library" alone... Only my hands could craft that. Only my mind could conceive it.<br><br>Without a smile on my face, I considered myself happy with it all. Satisfied with "Meaning".
...I think...<br><br>...I know:<br><br>...That if things lasted, and a thousand years went by...<br><br>...I would wander white plains endlessly throughout them and thereafter, fruitlessly changing my "world" <br>again, and again, and again.<br><br>Because... this is what I need.<br><br>...<br><br>...Some time after the sky split in two, I found Vita crying within a ramshackle ruin's corner.}}
解锁条件:完成[[#18-3|18-3]],购入[[Absolute Nihil]]曲包<br>解锁要求:采用[[咲弥]]通过[[Hypnotize]]
“一个……小孩?”<br> <br>好吧,也许我的确实有些奇怪,但这样一位比我体形小、有着淡金色头发和红宝石般的眼眸的人类<br>在我眼中……也仅是小孩罢了。<br>听到她在哭,我不由得想是不是那个蠢女人欺负了她,但看清她神情时又觉得自己或许冤枉了人。<br>她将眼泪憋了回去,而我仍不知该如何开口,于是只是沉默地向她走去。<br><br>她颤颤巍巍地开口问道:“你……不是假的?”<br> <br>我的回复简短而又生硬:“把你的眼泪擦干净吧,这个世界上有比你在这里哭更重要的事情。”<br> <br>“可我刚才……我、我实在是太……”<br> <br>“害怕”?她想说的估计是这个词吧。又一次,我不知如何回应是好,于是我什么也没有说。结果<br>她又开始掉眼泪了,而我的思绪飘忽起来,不由得想到了这个世界上的每一个人……也包括我自己。
因为直到我碰见忘却之前,我都不知道这个世界上除了我还有其他人——忘却于我而言,说难听点就是<br>我的仇人、宿敌,说好听点就是一个啥也不知道的误入歧途的蠢货——所以我觉得这个世界上肯定还有<br>其他人,除了我和她还比较有目标和行动力的人。<br> <br>结果我遇到的只是一个……小孩。<br> <br>背负着修补这个世界,甚至有可能要重新创世的重大使命的人……到头来竟是一个小孩?<br> <br>……真的没有哪里出了差错吗?
我双手抱肩倚靠在旁边的墙上,长长斗篷的一角拂过了她的耳缘,她抬头看向我。<br> <br>“你要用就用吧。”我说。她迟疑了一会,还是用我的斗篷擦干净了脸上的泪痕,擤掉了已经流出来的<br>和还没来得及流出来的鼻涕。<br> <br>我自顾自开始在这到处都是高墙、阴影和尘土的地方寻找那片合适的记忆……最好是可供两个人<br>体验的那种。过了一段时间,我抬起手,将其中一块碎片招呼了过来。<br><br>“站起来。”随后我对维塔说道,她颤抖着站起了身。我将二人中间的碎片高举起来,接着<br>指示道:“握住我的手。”<br><br>她照做了,我们二人便一同进入了碎片之中。
而在那回忆中——<br><br>在我们的回忆中……<br> <br>我和维塔席坐在一处温暖而又安静的旅馆餐桌前时,她告诉了我她的名字。<br><br><br>当我听见她提及自己的名字的时候,我感到颇为惊讶,因为我最近才得知自己叫什么名字。<br>我问她:“你有什么想吃的吗?”而她回答道:“吃不吃以及吃什么都没有关系吧,我们在回忆里啊。”<br><br>我更加惊讶了,眉毛不自觉抬了抬,接着问道:“那你知道这段回忆的主人公们最后吃了什么吗?”<br>听到她表示自己知道——实际上她甚至知道我们每个人在进入一段回忆的时候都会自然而然地知道<br>事情的来龙去脉——之时,我继续追问道:<br><br>“那么,你想要什么?”
“如果我想要的东西是这里从未有过的呢?”<br> <br>“只有试试才会知道。”<br> <br>“那……这段回忆会坍塌崩溃吗?”<br> <br>“为什么这么问?”<br> <br>“因为回忆片段是不会接纳任何其他指令的……”<br> <br>“那你会害怕吗?”<br> <br>“我只是……”<br> <br>“只是怎样?”<br> <br>“……我只是还不希望这段回忆过早地结束。”
……<br> <br>不……那段回忆并没有草草结束。<br> <br>这件事情后,我更加了解了我身旁的这个女孩,也基本确定了她对她自己了解甚少的事实。<br> <br>她也时常会问我很多关于我的问题,数不胜数,不厌其烦。<br> <br>……<br> <br>不管怎样,那段回忆结束的时候……<br> <br>我们也一同离开了。<br>那片废墟与荒芜,就此不会再见到我们的身影和灵魂。}}
"... A child?"<br><br>I am that type of person, I suppose: the type to refer to a smaller half-blond and ruby-eyed human <br>as merely "child".<br>I heard her sobbing, and thought it might have been that fool Lethe. When I looked to her and saw that <br>she was not, she choked her tears back. I wasn't sure what to say beyond that. I simply... approached her.<br><br>She asked me, "You... are you real?"<br><br>I told her, "Dry your tears, this shouldn't be a world one cries in."<br><br>"I—But I... I was—I was so..."<br><br>"Scared", she seemed to want to say. I had no words in return. She began to cry again, and I wondered about <br>all of us.
Because I did not know anyone was here other than myself until I met Lethe. When I met Lethe, I considered <br>her to simply be my enemy at worst and a confused, misguided idiot at best. I wagered there must be others <br>but, surely, they were others as driven as we two.<br><br>Yet this was just... some child.<br><br>A child? Responsible for mending, or making, new worlds?<br><br>...Was that really it?
I folded my arms and leaned against the wall beside her. The cape I wear, long as it is, brushed against her <br>ear and she looked up at me.<br><br>"Use it," I told her, and after a moment's hesitation she dried her face and blew her nose with my clothing.<br><br>...In that wall-shadowed, dirt-scattered place, I started to look around until I could find some fitting memory... <br>Something, ideally, with two participants. And, when I did find it, I bid it toward me.<br><br>"Stand up," I told her, and she did—quivering. I held the glass up between us. "Take my hand," I instructed.<br><br>She did take my hand, and with her acceptance we went into the glass together.
In that memory—<br><br>...our memory:<br><br>Vita told me her name as we sat in the dining room of a warm and quiet inn.<br><br>I was surprised to hear her name—I hadn't known mine at all until at that point recently. I asked her, <br>"What do you want to eat?", and she asked me, "Does that even matter? This is a memory".<br><br>I was surprised again, enough to have my brow twitch. I asked her after, "What did the participants get in <br>this memory, then?" When she told me what we both knew by merit of having entered I asked again:<br><br>"Then, what do you want?"
"What would happen if I asked for something else?"<br><br>"It's only right that you ask, and we find out."<br><br>"Will the memory break...?"<br><br>"Why would you ask that?"<br><br>"Because the memory doesn't remember anything else being ordered..."<br><br>"Does that scare you?"<br><br>"I just..."<br><br>"You just what?"<br><br>"...I just don't want this memory to end, yet."
...<br><br>The memory did not end there.<br><br>I got to know that little girl, and what little she knew about herself.<br><br>She asked about myself as well—many, many questions.<br><br>Hm.<br><br>Well, when the memory did come to an end...<br><br>...We two left it, and that ruin, together as well.}}
解锁条件:完成[[#18-4|18-4]],购入[[Absolute Nihil]]曲包<br>解锁要求:采用[[咲弥]]通过[[Ashen 6oundary]]
我从「咲弥」那里继承来的只有这个名字。我们只是过去的残影,这是我初到这里时就知道的。<br> <br>「咲弥」已死,而咲弥仍在这里。<br> <br>当我意识到这点的时候,我一点也没有“得道”的惊喜之情。从某种程度上讲,我早就知道这个<br>地方多少有点「彼处」的味道。<br> <br>但这份答案却让我不自觉想到了在这里的其他人……<br> <br>这一切都一切,是否真的有任何逻辑可言?
人终会死去,但并非所有死去的人都来到了这里,而来到这里的这些人……他们的终局也各不相同。<br>我们都各怀心愿,但这并不是我们来到这里的原因。已死之人在将死之时往往都会祈求上天赐予<br>自己新生,但大部分人都不在这里。<br> <br>甚至,有些来到这里的人并没有「心」愿。比如维塔,比如红。<br> <br>我们被带到这里的原因并不是它。<br>也不是命运。<br>更不是任何具象化的东西。<br>而是「神明」。对不对?是您,还有您那一闪而过的突发奇想。<br> <br>您不曾欢喜,不曾心悦。<br> <br>因为我们的「神明」……兴许并无实体。
我与维塔相处已有一段时间了。她一直在给我帮忙,所以若是用“共事”二字来形容这些日子里我俩的<br>相处模式,还真不一定不合适。<br> <br>一路走来真的很不简单。<br>她真的很爱哭,思虑又很重。<br>她一定要靠着我才能睡着;她的问题又多又杂,有时最终目的还不仅是知晓答案。<br>她的呼噜声<br>真的很大,看着小小一个,却比想象中要重。她很聪慧,悟性也高。<br> <br>一路走来真的非常不简单,但我永远也不会因此而后悔。<br>……<br> <br>不过我确实也会感到后悔。<br>我时常让自己沉浸于这些问题。
“姐姐,那是什么……?”<br> <br>在世界迎来终局的时候,维塔问我。<br> <br>那时,我们一起注视着光芒自大地喷涌而出,一切活物都被连根拔起、卷入天空。<br>那时,我们一起看着Arcaea咽下了最后一口气,然后又看着它所有的“气息”都最终汇聚到了<br>一个遥远的地方。<br> <br>我不知道为什么会发生那样的事。<br>我甚至不知道到底发生了什么事,我只知道结果:定局,一个残酷无情的定局,一如我们最初知<br>晓这个定局时的糟糕心情。<br> <br>而当她看向我,问我都发生了些什么的时候,我却这样回答她:<br> <br>“……没什么,不过是一些奇怪的现象而已,这世界上稀奇古怪的事多了去了。”
我开始了咲弥世界建造计划的新一期工程,不过这一次我显得有些急躁,因为「终局」来了:<br>光明的终局,Arcaea的终局。而在那之后,大地便开始分崩离析。<br> <br>一开始,分解的只是一小粒一小粒,一小片一小片……而后是一大块一大块,再到一大层<br>一大层……剥脱,解离,而后滑向底处什么都没有的「无」地之地,那片永久在世界边缘<br>挣扎的边陲深渊。<br><br>其名曰「虚无」。<br> <br>……<br> <br>我构筑的档案馆在这期间一直还算稳定,但「稳定」并不是我想要的,也不是我们想要的;<br>在这里的任何一个人都不需要稳定。<br> <br>我们需要的是「更多」,需要能够超越现状的存在。<br> <br>我们需要的是一个完美的宜居之地。<br> <br>而我现在已不敢保证自己是能做到这种事的人了。
……是什么时候,我又开始有了心愿呢?<br> <br>有时,在结束了一天的奔波劳碌,返回住处后,那个天天跟着我的小女孩便会追上来问我一些<br>新的问题,而每每那时,我无法回答的难题又会多一分。<br> <br>问题,问题,问题,无休止的问题……<br>现在已经没有琢磨那些问题的闲情雅致了。<br>我和她之间的话开始变得越来越少,两个人之间的气氛也变得越来越尴尬,有时横亘在我们之间的<br>沉默就像在山谷中一遍遍回荡的呐喊般震耳欲聋。<br>   <br>但我知道我在那时候来到之前就已有心愿了,即使那只是不温不火地希望,我所有的疑问<br>都能够得到解答。
……<br> <br>关于我自己的事,我没什么可说的。我的故事是静默的。<br> <br>准确来说是说了也没用,因为没人能够听见。每次开口,声音就会像这个世界的秃山枯海一样<br>很快就消亡,别人根本就无法察觉它们,铭记更是无从谈起。<br> <br>但是故事就有特点,比如「虚无」——茫然空洞,自我吹嘘,毫无价值。只有故事的讲者<br>才知晓它的真相。<br><br>偷窃,掠夺,最后拉她下水——这就是真相。
回答我,你觉得我是一个傲慢的人吗?<br> <br>我觉得我是。<br> <br>因为我对自己深信不疑。<br> <br>我对超越极限以及极限之外的东西深信不疑,对创建一个新的现实深信不疑,对“人比天高”深信不疑。<br> <br>对未来,深信不疑。<br> <br>对未来,满怀期许。<br> <br>……<br>我前行着,身后跟着一个无论我走到哪里都会跟着的女孩。<br> <br>我还是希望,我的心愿能够响彻这世界的每一处角落,即使我自己目前并没有能让大家听见的资格。
我只相信使出全力,我只相信最后一搏。<br>我只相信能让这个世界俯首称臣的碎片。<br>所以……<br> <br>神明也好,忘却也好,维塔也好……<br> <br>当我走过去并将那个愚蠢之人手中的碎片尽数夺来之时……<br> <br>便请将我逐出天堂,流放至地狱吧。}}
The only name I have left is "Saya", and I have learned since coming here that we are only shadows of things <br>that once were.<br><br>Saya is dead. Saya lives on, here.<br><br>When I learned that, it was no awesome revelation. In a way, I had always felt this place to be something <br>"after".<br><br>But it made me think on the others...<br><br>It made me think on whether there was any reason to any of this at all.
People have died, but not all of them are here. Those who are here... travel toward various ends. We all <br>have different wishes, but it was not wishes that brought us here. The dead often wish for life in the end; <br>near none of them are here.<br><br>Some of us come without a wish. No wish was held in Vita's heart. No wish was held in "Kou's".<br><br>It isn't that that brought us here.<br>It isn't fate.<br>It isn't anything in specific.<br>It is that: "God", isn't it? God, and its whims.<br><br>And that god is neither laughing nor smiling.<br><br>That god may not even have a face.
I have been with Vita for very long now, with her acting as my assistant and... I suppose "colleague", in a way.<br><br>It has been trying. She's prone to tears—prone to worry.<br>She clings to me when she sleeps. She asks more often than simply seeking answers.<br>Her sneezes are alarming. She is heavier than she looks to be. She has a sharp mind.<br><br>It has been trying, but would never be something I regret.<br>For I regret...<br><br>I regret, and ask questions of myself often.
"Saya, what is that...?"<br><br>Vita asked me that during the end of the world.<br><br>We looked on together as light cascaded from the earth, and life was drawn into the sky.<br>We watched as Arcaea gasped a final time, all its "breath" converging on one distant place.<br><br>I don't know for what reason it happened.<br>I don't even know what happened precisely, only the result: a horrible certainty, that I was certain we could <br>both feel.<br><br>When she looked to me and asked what it all was, I answered:<br><br>"...Some phenomenon, but phenomena are nothing new in this place."
I began to try to build a new world more desperately, because with that "end"—of light, of Arcaea—the lands <br>began to crumble.<br><br>In bits and pieces at first... and then greater and greater slabs—great sheets of earth, sliding down into a <br>vast "nothing" underneath: into that abyssal place forever scratching at the world's edges...<br><br>Into the Void.<br><br>...<br><br>The archive I had built remained stable through it all, but "stability"... that isn't what we need. It isn't what <br>any of us need.<br><br>We need more. We need something "beyond" here.<br><br>We need to live in a proper, perfect place.<br><br>I cannot say that I am the one who will make that place anymore.
...I can't say when it was that I began wishing again.<br><br>Sometimes, at the end of a day of travel, I would return and be given new questions from the little girl who <br>follows me that I had no answers for.<br><br>Questions, questions, questions...<br>There is simply no time for them anymore.<br>And in uncomfortable silences between us, it feels like that is being screamed throughout the caverns.<br><br>But I know I began wishing before that—subtly, for answers to questions I myself have.
...<br><br>This story of mine is silent. I may only speak it to myself.<br><br>Nobody hears it. It will quietly die like the hills and mountains and dried seas of this world, with nobody <br>to notice or remember them.<br><br>And there, there will be "Nihil": a vacuous, self-aggrandizing, and worthless story. A story untold to anyone <br>but the teller.<br><br>A story that stole another's, and clinging to it brought the other to drown.
Tell me: am I arrogant?<br><br>The answer is that I am.<br><br>I believe in myself.<br><br>I believe in finding what lies past limits, in forging new reality, in doing "anything".<br><br>I believe in the future.<br><br>And I wish for the future.<br><br>As I walk from here, with a young girl following behind me by stepping in those footsteps that I leave <br>wherever I may go...<br><br>I want my wish to ring out, though I can't bring myself to say it.
I believe in a last stand. I believe in that glass that made the world bow down.<br><br>God, Lethe, Vita...<br><br>Expel me from Heaven and straight into Hell...<br><br>...As I walk to tear that glass all away from that horned fool's hands.}}
解锁条件:完成[[#18-5|18-5]],购入[[Absolute Nihil]]曲包<br>解锁要求:采用[[咲弥]]通过[[Judgement]]
“可你为什么不试试其他办法呢?”她质问道。听到这个质问时,我笑了。<br>“你好歹要试过才知道啊!” 她的面部表情开始因愤怒和不解而扭曲,她握紧拳,越攥越死,直到指节发白。
"It's raining..."
Vita came to me in a corner of my glass library, and told me that.<br>In the bright and dark cave, I looked up to her from where I sat, and then I looked away.<br>Rain...
In all my years in this place, I had never seen rain, and now rain and snow<br>and thunder and lightning all had been seen by us on the horizons every so often.<br>And now it was there.
I stood.<br>"Vita..." I began,<br>"we will be going, and when you follow: you will follow and hide behind."
"'Going'...? Where?"
"To Lethe," I said, "to kill her."
I walked past her and, after descending,<br>made my way to the mountain's lowest exit.<br>Vita was delayed, but followed just as instructed.
"...'Kill'—what!? No!"
She shouted at my back, followed me all the way down,<br>and trotted out behind me as I went into the rain.
She protested, protested.
She grabbed my cape and I pulled it from her hands.
She picked up a stone, and threw it at my back.<br>I kept on, and finally she screamed:
Rain fell on and between us as I stopped and turned to face her.<br>She met my eye. Her red and white eyes were shimmering.
"Vita..." I said, "this world is dying."
"Yes..." she muttered and at the time I thought—Ah, so she knows.<br>"So... So why would you want to... kill...?"
"I felt something in what she gathered, something I have never felt in what we have built," I explained.
"If... I want to rescue us all, I reason that I must discover what that something was,<br>and take and use it. With it, I might make the miracle that will build a new world.<br>Lethe, however, won't understand the theory, and we have no time to try with her."
"Her belief... How she lies to herself would never let her reason. Her heart is a fire.<br>She will aim those feelings at me, and we will come to blows."
"You won't try?" she accused me, and I smiled.<br>"You should at least try!" Her face bunched up, and her fists balled.
And, when I turned from her again—<br>as the rains around us slowed, and then stopped—<br>I said, lightly: "Fair. Watch safely away when I do."
I have taken much of my own glass to Lethe's place.<br>As I approach there, our collections almost meet,<br>but never blend together.
It is bright. On this cliff's edge, the world is bright from glass.<br>Lethe, beneath it, is cloaked in shadows.<br>Over the edge, the Void yawns.
"Reaper," I call to her, "let's put pettiness aside. Help me."
"Help you?" she spits. "After you've done all this!?"
Ah.<br>She must think I'm responsible for cracking this world at its core.<br>...She thinks so little of me.
I glance behind myself and, unable to see Vita, I turn back to Lethe<br>and continue our conversation.
It goes, and ends, as terribly as one can imagine.
Shouting.<br>Insults.<br>And her scythe: swinging down on me.
I travel from shard to shard with a little trick of the flower at my eye.<br>I refrain. I turn around her. I try. I am trying.<br>Until I no longer can.
I swear to her I will take her memories.<br>She swears to me she will mend Arcaea's shattered core.
I feel disgusted...
It begins to rain again.
Blade clashes against glass. Water sprays between us.
I dance a violent dance alongside hers, vicious.
She swings, aiming to kill me. I cut across her face with glowing glass.
My head is pounding.
Sickness twists inside my stomach.
I have failed, and nothing I am doing here matters at all.}}
解锁条件:完成[[#18-6|18-6]],购入[[Absolute Nihil]]曲包<br>解锁要求:通过[[ALTER EGO]]
This is no clash of great powers. This is no immense and weighty battle.
In this struggle between myself and Lethe...
When I win, I will win "nothing".<br>And when I lose, I will lose "nothing".<br>I know it.
We are only two misguided women believing in a better ending for us,<br>but it is not to be.
We are nothing. Our lives have meant nothing.
But I still want to try, and nausea is plaguing me for feeling so.
As Lethe pulls back, and with surreal strength drags her scythe toward me again—<br>As I cast glass upward and downward to stop the blade and pierce her chest—
Our battle is ended by a finger falling between us.
A slender, gloved hand touches down where our edges were ready to meet.
When it does, my entire body pulsates and pain almost cripples me.
My glass scatters, Lethe's scythe flies from her hand. We both are blown horribly backward.
The earth itself pounds as if it is a great drum being beat once by an immense rod.
We are then stopped in the air—
The air itself violently pulls back—
And I strike against the ground as Lethe's scythe flies forward<br>and cuts me deeply across my side before skidding down behind me.
For her, for Lethe, several shards of my glass burrow into her left arm.
We both crash down on our knees, being made to bow.
And though I feel torn apart...<br>I raise my head, I do not let it fall.
Standing still between us is a strange new woman, with long and pale hair,<br>and strangely piercing eyes.
She looks to me, she looks to Lethe.<br>She is smiling.
"Enough of all of that, you two," she says.
"If you play so roughly, you might hurt something precious in your process."
I step up, best as I can, still only able to kneel and now breathing raggedly.<br>Her way of speaking worries me...
She looks at me again.
"Now... hello stubborn girls," she says.
"It isn't nice to meet you."}}

行 5,258: 行 5,809:
The canvas of Arcaea spreads across an unthinkable distance.<br><br>Across that distance, physical voices do not carry well. Some may wake here and never find, nor even notice <br>the presence of, another.<br><br>As Vita calls out "Someone!" and "Anyone?" through quiet alleys and past vacuous caverns, her returning <br>voice is a constant confirmation. A creeping, and then pounding sensation that her fate is the fate of so <br>many others in this place:<br><br>Life, alone.<br><br>And even she, even this little one...<br>...can comprehend the indifferent oppression of time.<br><br>After she has wandered over a month's time, with hope left barely as dregs within her chest, little Vita <br>crawls to the corner of a nondescript ruin and hides herself from nobody to cry.
The canvas of Arcaea spreads across an unthinkable distance.<br><br>Across that distance, physical voices do not carry well. Some may wake here and never find, nor even notice <br>the presence of, another.<br><br>As Vita calls out "Someone!" and "Anyone?" through quiet alleys and past vacuous caverns, her returning <br>voice is a constant confirmation. A creeping, and then pounding sensation that her fate is the fate of so <br>many others in this place:<br><br>Life, alone.<br><br>And even she, even this little one...<br>...can comprehend the indifferent oppression of time.<br><br>After she has wandered over a month's time, with hope left barely as dregs within her chest, little Vita <br>crawls to the corner of a nondescript ruin and hides herself from nobody to cry.
She breathes in fits and starts. She growls in pain. She says, "No", and "No, no". She hugs her knees, <br>and she sobs.<br><br>She fills the petal-hearts of her dress with her tears.<br><br>And as she hiccups, as her chest hurts from the steady thoughts and the terrible weight of knowledge...<br><br>Her loud crying deafens her to the sounds of another's footsteps.
She breathes in fits and starts. She growls in pain. She says, "No", and "No, no". She hugs her knees, <br>and she sobs.<br><br>She fills the petal-hearts of her sleeve with her tears.<br><br>And as she hiccups, as her chest hurts from the steady thoughts and the terrible weight of knowledge...<br><br>Her loud crying deafens her to the sounds of another's footsteps.
A woman steps out from the light.<br><br>As her foot falls one last time, the sharp sound of it reaches Vita's ear. She hurriedly picks up her head, <br>suddenly afraid.<br><br>With the brightness of the day behind her, the woman is a figure enshrouded in void. The right of <br>her face—her eye?—it catches light and shines through the shade. Curious if it's glass catching that light, <br>Vita lifts her head higher and can there see the woman's left eye blinking.<br><br>Vita's breath stops in her throat.<br><br>Not only is it another person, here and now...<br>... it is a person with a flower blooming from her right eye.}}
A woman steps out from the light.<br><br>As her foot falls one last time, the sharp sound of it reaches Vita's ear. She hurriedly picks up her head, <br>suddenly afraid.<br><br>With the brightness of the day behind her, the woman is a figure enshrouded in void. The right of <br>her face—her eye?—it catches light and shines through the shade. Curious if it's glass catching that light, <br>Vita lifts her head higher and can there see the woman's left eye blinking.<br><br>Vita's breath stops in her throat.<br><br>Not only is it another person, here and now...<br>... it is a person with a flower blooming from her right eye.}}
