小 (→V-3) |
小 (→V-4) |
第323行: | 第323行: | ||
解锁条件:完成[[#V-3|V-3]],购入[[Adverse Prelude]]曲包<br>解锁要求:采用[[搭档#1.光(Hikari)|光]]通过[[Heavensdoor]]<br> | 解锁条件:完成[[#V-3|V-3]],购入[[Adverse Prelude]]曲包<br>解锁要求:采用[[搭档#1.光(Hikari)|光]]通过[[Heavensdoor]]<br> | ||
====中文剧情==== | ====中文剧情==== | ||
她们两人各站一方。对立单手捂住胸口,手指因连续疾喘所带来的煎熬而加倍施力。<br>她重新振作了起来,而这一切都得归功于那位白衣女孩。光赠予了她珍贵的最后一次安慰。<br>这一切并未注定走向结局。在这纯白又刺眼的地狱之中,还存在最后一条能够使她逃离一切梦魇的道路。<br><br>尽管虚弱无力,但在深吁出一口气之际,一抹真诚的微笑仍是显现于她的脸庞。<br>“让我们一起做件有意义的事吧,”她敞开心扉道,<br>“让我们搞清楚这愚蠢而又荒谬的世界究竟是怎么一回事。”<br><br>“这世界也——也没有多愚蠢啦,”光温和地反驳道,略微用力地微笑着。<br>她并不全心全意地喜欢这另一位少女,但至少能确认一件事:<br>虽然表面上看不出来,但这女生绝对不是一个邪恶的人——更是似乎……截然相反。<br>而单单这一个事实,便足以成为与她结伴而行的最佳理由。<br>总而言之,一个“好”人……这种话绝对不会被她用来形容自己。 | |||
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但就在她这样想着的时候,对立的心情变化了。“是什么让你说出那种话的?”<br>不断喘着粗气的她如此问道,尽管问题本身听上去更像是在责备。<br>她的双瞳空洞无光,冰冷的视线直射对面。“你应该比我更了解这种事:<br>这个地方可以在女生因鲁莽使自己被愉悦的事物包围时彻底摧毁这女生的心智。<br>“她站得笔直,边平息着自己的呼吸边宁定着视线,<br><br>她那坚定的信念使得另一位少女失落了片刻,但光却不再是一个对任何事物都漠不关心的女孩。<br>她拾起星点的自信,挺直身子,阐述了她的观点。<br><br>“我们依然活着,“她说,”而如果这世界让我们活下去,那它就绝不是最为糟糕的地方。<br><br>“哈啊……?”另一位少女眼含凌厉,“你错了……如果一个世界允许生命的存在,<br>却只是用无尽的污秽与梦魇去荼毒生灵,那这个世界根本就是不公平的。”<br><br>“好……好吧。也许的确不是那样,可是……”<br><br>“可是?!”对立质问道。 | |||
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“但那样的目光也太短浅了!你究竟想要做什么事?”<br><br>”毁灭一切。这世界,这些玻璃……我要毁灭所有东西。我会找出正确的方法。<br>这想法十分合理,不是吗?”她依照事实诉说着,“我想你一定会与这想法产生共鸣。<br>除了被当成一座过于宽敞的监狱,这世界对你而言还能是什么地方?”<br><br>“毁灭这世界……?就算……就算你办得到,这也只会让一切走向终点啊!<br>我们直到目前为止,能确定真实存在的世界也仅此而已!<br>如果我们以某种方式毁灭了它,那我们难道不是会把自己也摧毁吗?<br>难道你会……难道你宁可死在这里?为什么……这种想法简直太过分了!”<br><br>“不,不会有关系的,”对立冷漠地说道。<br><br>并没有预料到这种回答的光立刻沉默了下来。对立的话语太过于骇人,而包含的更是只有悲伤……<br><br>在光沉默之际,对立继续起了她的质问:“你有任何别的想法?或者其他计划?” | |||
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“不……我没有。我只是想要和……和你一起找一个办法,<br>”另一位少女这样承认道,话语声中流淌着清晰的消沉。<br><br>在方才一番振作后,对立其实就已经认识到了这一点。这使她暂停了质问。<br>要责骂这位新认识的同伴实在是太过容易了。她知道自己的行为举止蛮横无理。<br>理所当然,不久前才搜寻到一线崭新希望的她,更是能十分容易地察觉自己在这之前是多么冷血。<br>只是,在面对另一个人心中的希望时,她却选择去摧毁那希望。说实话,她难道还不够狭隘?<br>在过去,她脑海中类似的信念使她不仅永远无法体会到满足与平静,更是离解决眼前的问题愈来愈远。<br>不,她的任性只会带领她走向一条污秽而黯淡的荆棘之路。<br>心中怀揣这样的思想,她终于扑灭了心中那注定爆燃的烈焰。<br>若她想要牵起这女孩的手……她就必须同时承担这女孩用双手竭力保护着的希望之光。<br><br>“对……对不起,”她完全抛开了自己过激的感情,低下头真挚地道了歉,<br>“我……其实也有一样的想法。我也想与你一起找出一些新办法。”<br><br>早前因对立的话语而被削弱的自信,如今又被光重拾回心中。她对自己的新朋友说:<br>“没关系的。毕竟,你的确经历过一段我不了解的时光呢。” | |||
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只不过,燃烧于对立心中的正义之火刚刚才恰到好处。<br><br>最终,那道烈火也只持续了一瞬间,<br>就像是闪烁的火光一般——但却足以惹恼沉眠于那些碎片之中的某一片玻璃。<br><br>它就这样苏醒过来——并且自主性地朝着二人的所在处飘去,不引起她们的一丝注意。<br><br>“不要失去希望,”缠绕光芒的少女说道,“无论多么糟糕的事情,都有好转的那一刻。”<br><br>不断闪烁着渐变的色彩,那片碎片径直闯入两人中间。它同时引起了她们的注意——<br>但它却只向着那位身着一袭黑衣的少女呈现碎片所蕴藏的记忆。 | |||
====英文剧情==== | ====英文剧情==== | ||
They stand apart, Tairitsu holding a hand over her chest, fingers clenched and struggling as she takes heavy<br>breaths. She is reinvigorated, in no small part thanks to the girl in white. Hikari has given her one precious,<br>final reassurance. It does not have to be the end. One last path out of this white and blinding hell still exists.<br><br>An open, albeit weak, smile cuts along her face as she exhales. "Let's do something," she says. "Let's figure<br>out this stupid, absurd world."<br><br>"I-It's not that stupid," says Hikari in mild protest, smiling herself with just as little strength. She isn't entirely<br>positive about the other girl, but she can tell at least one thing: despite appearances, she isn’t evil.<br>Quite the opposite, it seems. If anything, that alone is reason enough to join hands with this new potential<br>ally. A "good" person... is not exactly how she'd readily describe herself, after all. | |||
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However, while she thinks this, Tairitsu’s mood turns. "What makes you say that?" asks the panting girl,<br>though her delivery of the question sounds much more like an accusation. Her eyes are almost hollow as<br>they bore coldly into her opposite. "You might understand it even better than me. This is the kind of place<br>that would break a girl for the audacity of surrounding herself in pleasures and joys." She stands up<br>straight, calms her breath, and steadies her gaze, bringing the hand over her chest to the handle of her<br>parasol. "That's unconscionable. You don't agree?"<br><br>Her strength of conviction puts the other girl down for a moment, but Hikari is no longer one who is incapable<br>of any caring. Gathering a modicum of confidence, she stands up straight herself, and delivers her explanation.<br><br>"We're alive," she says, "and if a world can permit that, then it can't be the worst thing."<br><br>"Hah...?" The other girl's glare intensifies. "No... If a world can permit life, only to plague that life with ills<br>and grief, then that world is not just."<br><br>"W-Well, maybe not, but—"<br><br>"But?" demands Tairitsu. | |||
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"But that's shortsighted! What is it that you want to do, exactly?"<br><br>"Destroy everything. The world, the glass, all of it. I'll find a way. It's only fair, right?" she explains as a <br>matter of fact. "I would think you'd resonate with the idea. What has this world been for you other than<br>an expansive prison?"<br><br>"Destroy it...? Even... Even if you could, it would only end everything! This is the only world we know of<br>that exists for certain, isn't it? If we somehow destroyed it, could we not simply destroy ourselves as well?<br>Would you... You’d rather die than live here? Why, that's... that's ridiculous!"<br><br>"No, that's fine," says Tairitsu simply.<br><br>Hikari, not expecting that answer, falls silent. Tairitsu's words were too frightening, and far too sad.<br><br>In her silence, Tairitsu continues her interrogation. "Do you have some other idea? Some other plan?" | |||
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"No... I don't. I wanted to find—to find a plan with you," admits the other girl, and dismay is clear in her tone.<br><br>And Tairitsu, in her recent recovery, recognizes this. It makes her pause. It had been too easy to lash out<br>at this new acquaintance. She knew she wasn't being reasonable. Indeed, having just found herself with<br>burgeoning hope again, she could clearly see how cold she’d been until their meeting. And yet, when faced<br>with another’s hope, she'd attacked. Truly, was she that petty? In the past, this conviction of hers has never<br>brought her satisfaction or peace, much less resolution. No, her willfulness has only ever led her down a<br>dark, thorny path stained with gloom. With this in mind, she extinguishes the fire rising in her heart that<br>had been so sure of its need to burn. If she wants to take this girl's hand... she cannot reject the ideas it holds.<br><br>"I... I'm sorry," she apologizes, her passion now fully relinquished. She lowers her head for a moment.<br>"I... feel the same. I want to work to find something new as well."<br><br>Hikari regains a bit of her self-assurance, which had been brought low before Tairitsu. She tells her new<br>friend, "It's alright. You've had a time here I could probably never understand." | |||
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But that righteous fire in Tairitsu's heart had been just enough.<br><br>Ultimately, it had only burned for a short moment, like a flash—<br>but it was enough to rile a dormant shard in the flock of glass around them.<br><br>It awakens and, on its own, begins to drift down to where they are, still unseen.<br><br>"Don't lose hope," says the girl in light. "Things can always get better."<br><br>A shard, shimmering with faded color, comes directly between them.<br>It catches both their attention—but it will only show its memory to the one clad in black. | |||
===V-5=== | ===V-5=== | ||
解锁条件:完成[[#V-4|V-4]],购入[[Adverse Prelude]]曲包<br>解锁要求:采用[[搭档#2.对立(Tairitsu)|对立]]通过[[Ringed Genesis]]<br> | 解锁条件:完成[[#V-4|V-4]],购入[[Adverse Prelude]]曲包<br>解锁要求:采用[[搭档#2.对立(Tairitsu)|对立]]通过[[Ringed Genesis]]<br> |