
故事模式剧情详表 (移动版):修订间差异

添加55,617字节 、​ 2024年8月29日 (星期四)
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![[奈美(暮光)]] - 个人故事
![[奈美(暮光)]] - 个人故事
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![[露娜 & 伊洛]] - 个人故事
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But that is fine...<br><br>There were so many other lives there, waiting to be seen.<br><br>Her smile is bright—brighter than the sun.<br><br>And her heart, too, is light...<br><br>This is satisfaction. This is paradise. And yes...<br><br>She could live here forever.}}
But that is fine...<br><br>There were so many other lives there, waiting to be seen.<br><br>Her smile is bright—brighter than the sun.<br><br>And her heart, too, is light...<br><br>This is satisfaction. This is paradise. And yes...<br><br>She could live here forever.}}
[[文件:Story 18-1 cg.jpg|300px|thumb|right|18-1]]
解锁条件:解锁[[Rotaeno Collaboration]]曲包
这令人哭笑不得的事,就再给你讲一遍吧。<br> <br>还记得我们一起深入黑暗那会儿吗?你看起来根本不为所动,但我一眼就能看出你是在故作镇静,<br>因为如果我自己都感到有些害怕的话,就别说你了。眼前的世界在逐渐离我们远去,最后只剩下了<br>无数的阴影和有点亮过头了的云层——这些还只是在地震频发和那束光突然显现在天空之前就发生了的,<br>所以我们根本不可能想得到后来究竟都会经历什么。露娜,我知道那个时候你其实害怕极了,但我其实<br>也和你一样,故意装成一副冷静镇定的样子。<br> <br>随着我们不断深入、越走越远——“走”更多是一种形容,而不是对我们动作的一种精确描述——<br>我们也逐渐能透过那些像窗户般透亮的云层看见之前我们在Arcaea中到访过的地方了。<br> <br>再然后,我们便发现了那飘浮在碎片中的世界:阿古亚星。<br>于是,将两人的钥匙举到那片碎片面前后,我们便一同进入了那里。
这个水体及其庞大而丰富的世界由数不尽的惊奇与科技构成,除了遍地都是的仿真机器人全天候地<br>在为人们提供全方面的便利和帮助外,人们还可以时不时抬眼望下天空,并顺带感叹一下上面那无数<br>飞驰而过的飞船和就那样浮在空中的岛群的神奇组合。<br> <br>借着白日的光亮,两人抬头望向了那座纸醉金迷的奇特之地——浮空岛的身份和地位于我们而言<br>并非秘密。你在我前头一路小跑,小手兴奋地指向天空。<br> <br>“打个赌呗,看谁在太阳落山之前能先混进去!”你说。<br> <br>我笑了笑,轻哼了一声。是啊,今天刚好有个住在地表的小屁孩企图偷摸混进去参加上头举办的<br>“夏日庆典”被发现了——看来你这次的一时兴起也不是那么没来头。<br> <br>没问题。我向你挥挥手,就这么随意地放任你溜之大吉了。<br>你还是很可爱的。
我「记得」,我是岛上出身的,而你则完全相反——你是地面出身的一个“孤儿”。但我还从来没有<br>跟你确认过你是不是也跟我一样对此有种微妙的感受。<br> <br>并不令人不安,也并非是一种“不好的预感”,我只是确信……<br> <br>这个地方,其实是一个陷阱。<br> <br>我们两个,其实都没法离开这水的星球,对吧?}}
Let's retell a funny story.<br><br>Remember when we went into the dark? You put on a strong face, but since I was a little freaked out myself <br>I knew you had to be bluffing. The world fell away and we could only find shadows and strangely bright <br>clouds. It was before that light show in the sky and those crazy earthquakes, too—we never could've <br>expected it. I know you were scared, Luna, but I also pretended not to be.<br><br>As we walked further in, where "walking" seemed more like a suggestion than something truly defined, <br>we could see through those bright clouds like windows to places we had been to before, in Arcaea.<br><br>And then we found it, floating in glass: Aquaria.<br>We held our keys up to the shard and went in together.
What we found was a world of marvels and technology beside great bodies of water, human-like robots <br>helping people out and with strange sights in the skies—with spaceships, and even giant floating islands.<br><br>We both looked up through daylight at that gilded place from the ground, knowing what was up there and <br>knowing that was a special place. You trotted ahead of me cutely, and boisterously pointed to the sky.<br><br>"Bet you I can sneak up there before the sun sets!" you said.<br><br>I smirked, and I huffed. Right—today, it'd turn out that a kid up there from the surface would be discovered, <br>having snuck in to see "The Summer Festival". That must've been how you got the idea.<br><br>Totally fine. I let you run off, waving you a lighthearted goodbye.
I could "remember", I was a person from those Floating Islands, and you were somebody from here—an <br>"orphan" from the surface. But—I never asked you. Did you feel it too?<br><br>It wasn't a sense of unease for me. It wasn't any kind of "bad feeling". I just knew, for certain...<br><br>...That this place was a trap.<br><br>You, and I, couldn't actually leave this world of water, could we?}}
[[文件:Story 18-2 cg.jpg|300px|thumb|right|18-2]]
解锁条件:完成[[#18-1|18-1]],解锁[[Rotaeno Collaboration]]曲包
哇!真的太离谱了!这个世界到底是怎么回事啊!<br> <br>来来来!快让我再给你讲一遍这令人哭笑不得的事——<br> <br>在黑暗中走了那么久之后终于发现了这样一个水资源丰富的高科技世界,就好像终于把漆黑阴森的<br>洞窟挖穿后开到了一个全是宝贝的宝箱一样啊!爱托,你怎么可以一点反应都没有啊!<br> <br>更别说还有那些浮在空中的岛屿……<br> <br>这段记忆就是关于夏日庆典的,明亮、酷炫、丰富而又精彩——我记得我看见了的,参加了的!<br>我早就想去了的!<br> <br>更重要的是……我是想要溜进去的!<br> <br>喂喂,说真的,这么难得的机会,为什么要浪费啊?那小孩是给逮着了,没错,但是她只是运气<br>差了点,她的逃票思路并没有问题啊——这么想着,我在与你匆匆道别后便立即赶往了港口。
那可是真正意义上的热闹。夏日庆典如火如荼地进行着,即使是平日管控严格的浮空岛在此时也是<br>一副车水马龙的样子。看着街上满满当当结伴出行的人们,我也能料到这段时间的治安肯定会更加<br>严格。但这可能更是一件好事,我跟你说——这反而说明我也许有空可钻,甚至有些地方还会因为<br>人手不够而疏于管理,而这样的话,混进去不就容易了吗?<br> <br>很显然,我也不是唯一一个想耍这种小聪明的人。<br>——因为我跟<br>另一个女孩撞了个人仰马翻:在某个角落转弯的时候,我和迎面而来的她来了个铁头功大赛,结果<br>就是两个人双双撞倒在地,头上的帽子还刚好易了个主。<br> <br>戴着她的白色帽子,我站起身,揉了揉自己身上新挂的彩。戴着我的蓝色帽子,她也随后站起了身,<br>冲我大声喊道:“喂,你有何贵干啊?!”我想开口让她小声点,但她头顶上戴着的我的帽子此时碰巧<br>滑落了下来,最终盖在了她脸上。<br> <br>我把自己的帽子从她脸上拿了下来,这时才注意到这个女孩是谁——她就是那个之前被抓到的<br>想偷偷摸摸溜进去的人。于是我直接开口问了:“你刚刚也是想偷偷混上去上面的飞船吗?”
“蛤?!”她的回答剪短而干练,只有一个感叹词。但随即她上下打量了我一番,很快便放松了<br>警惕——我估计是因为她看我们俩差不多大。“你……你想溜进夏日庆典的会场?”她反问我。<br>我点点头表示肯定,接着她也点了点头,幅度很大那种。“那太好了!”她说道,“那我俩搭个伙吧!<br>哦对了,你可以叫我伊洛!”<br> <br>“露娜。”我回应道,抓住了她的手把她从地上拉了起来。我们挑了个隐蔽的地方再度藏了起来,一边<br>不断寻找可以突破的地方。“要抓紧时间了,我们只有一次机会。”我说。<br> <br>找了一阵子,我们注意到了在一艘飞船舱门前不停徘徊的一名守卫,看起来里面通往的是装货区,<br>而它来来回回应该是在清点什么。观察了一会,我发现这守卫来回一趟的时间都大概是二十秒。只要<br>有十秒的时间应该就够了……起码对我来说足够了。<br><br>我握紧伊洛的手:“我数到三,咱们就冲进去。”<br><br>“一、二……三!”随着最后的口令也已下达,我们二人同时跑了出去,从背对着我们的警卫身后<br>溜进了飞船内部。}}
Crazy! Absolutely crazy! What kind of world was this?<br><br>Yeah, yeah, let's retell the story—<br><br>After walking through the dark, finding a whole world of water and futuristic tech was like sneaking through <br>a dungeon to find a huge trove of treasure. It was awesome! Eto! I don't know how you could keep so calm!<br><br>And those floating islands...<br><br>This was a memory of the Summer Festival. Bright, cool, shining and wonderful—I could remember <br>seeing it, going to it. I wanted to go to it!<br><br>No, more importantly... I wanted to sneak in!<br><br>I mean why waste a chance to play stowaway? That kid got caught, sure, but she had the right idea! With <br>that in mind, after I left you, I ran to the nearest port.
There was a whole lot of hustle and bustle... With the Summer Festival going on, even though the Floating <br>Islands are usually pretty restrictive, those who could go there were going in droves. That meant... if I <br>remembered right, it meant that security would be tighter than usual... but also that it needed to be, you <br>know? There had to be gaps, and probably a lack of staff. I figured it'd be easy to slip in...<br><br>And I wasn't the only one, apparently.<br>I bumped into another girl. While I was sneaking around a corner, our heads smashed into each other hard <br>enough for us to fall to the floor and switch our hats.<br><br>With her white hat on, I got up and rubbed the thump I'd gotten. With my blue hat on, she got up and <br>shouted at me, "What's the big idea!?" Before I had even gotten the chance to shush her, the hat slid <br>down off of her head and onto her face.<br><br>When I took my hat from her face, that's when I knew who it was: that crazy kid who got caught. I asked <br>her right away, "Were you trying to sneak up on a ship, too?"
"What!?" was all she said at first, but then she got a look at me. I think we must've been around the same <br>age, since she eased up pretty quickly. She eventually asked, "You... want to sneak up to see the Summer <br>Festival?" and after I nodded, she nodded back—really strong. "Awesome!" she said. "Let's do it! Oh—<br>I'm Ilot, by the way!"<br><br>"Luna," I replied, and I took her hand to help her get up before hiding again and watching the port for an <br>opening. "Come on," I said, "we've only got one shot to do this."<br><br>A guard was wandering around a ship door that looked like it led to cargo space. He kept turning around <br>for a while to check a list, it seemed. Always for around twenty seconds. Ten... would probably be enough. F<br>or me, at least...<br><br>I held Ilot's hand tight and told her, "On three."<br><br>With a "One... two... three!" we ran behind the guard's back and rushed into the belly of the ship.}}
解锁条件:完成[[#18-2|18-2]],解锁[[Rotaeno Collaboration]]曲包<br>解锁要求:通过[[MVURBD]]
我有预感……你肯定会成功。<br> <br>怎么说呢,我不觉得这是双胞胎的心灵感应,我只是觉得你有能力做到,毕竟这只是偷偷溜上去往<br>浮空岛的一艘飞船而已。但……<br> <br>太阳马上就要落山了,而我也因此越来越焦虑。之前我们为了更好地探索记忆也分开过,但并没有<br>像这次这么久。<br> <br>而且……即使抛开我们不能随心所欲地自由离开这段记忆这点不谈,我也有充分的理由感到焦虑。<br>我们现在所处的这段记忆……可以说是乱七八糟。先前在其他记忆中会自动获得的细节信息不再<br>为我提供,而且随着时间推移,我愈发觉得很多我目前掌握的已知信息也在不断调换,比如,我<br>不再确定“自己”是谁了——一名官员?还是一位飞船驾驶员?造成记忆杂糅的原因是我们发现这段<br>记忆的地方与以往不同吗?如果确实如此,那究竟又是因为什么呢?<br> <br>哼……露娜,算你走运。<br>你这大大咧咧的性格,于你而言或许还真算一种福气。
但我确实也挺喜欢我所看到的一切。这些飞船确实很神奇,到处都是的水源也充满着浓浓的异域美感。<br>在白天,这整座城市感觉都在闪闪发光,而到了夜晚它又换了副面孔,做到了另一种意义上的<br>“熠熠生辉”。<br>这一切的一切都真的很炫酷,近乎完美。<br> <br>不过,我当时的确是很担心……<br> <br>我还向一些本地人打听了一下你。我向他们描述你大致的特征,问有没有人看到过你,但一无所获。<br>我还向机器人打听过你在这段回忆中扮演的那个角色的消息,而它们能给我的资料无一例外都只是<br>一些不痛不痒的已知信息。无论你做了什么,这个世界都不会「记得」你。我不断穿梭于大街小巷,<br>时不时还抬头望一下浮空岛。时间一分一秒地过去了,而我也越来越慌……<br> <br>然后,我便遇到了荷珀。
我差点被一个迎面冲来的孩子撂倒,所幸我及时稳住了身子,然后立马把摔倒了的她扶了起来。<br>她理了理自己的裙子,向我道了歉,却又在看到我是谁后大吸一口气,惊呼道:“你是浮空岛来<br>的吗?!有……有没……呃……”<br>“没事的,你先缓一缓。”我打断了她。<br> <br>等她稍微平复了会,我表示道,如果有什么事,慢慢跟我说就好。<br> <br>她叫荷珀,想坐船上岛,或者能让人上去看看也行,至于为什么,她并没有告诉我,但按她的说法,<br>既然“我是一个浮空岛人”,那便意味着我应该可以帮上她的忙。荷珀一边解释着,一边从她的随身<br>物品中拿了一样东西出来。她将那样东西攥在手中来回倒腾了几下,接着跟我说道:“其实,我有<br>这个,但……”她的声音极其微小,而我看向了她攥在手里的那张东西——那是张去浮空岛的<br>准许证,而我跟她一样晓得这张纸有多么珍贵,多么难弄到手……但她为什么不想用掉它呢?<br> <br>虽然我也不敢百分百确定,但是我隐约觉得……<br>我隐约觉得,那个被抓到的孩子不简单,于是我问她:<br>“请不要对我接下来要说的话感到太过惊讶,好吗?但……你是不是有位朋友偷偷溜去参加夏日<br>庆典了?”
听我这么说,荷珀还是慌了,但她貌似还挺坚定,守口如瓶的,感觉大概率不会轻易就这么承认<br>我说对了。<br> <br>不过没关系。<br> <br>“别担心,如果你的朋友现在在岛上的话,我会去帮你找到她并确定她没事。我在上面认识人,”<br>我安抚她道,“你不需要把这张证用掉。”<br>“……啊?不、不是的!我不是想溜进去!”她磕磕绊绊地说道。<br>“我不是这个意思,”我说,“我不只是一名普通的浮空岛人,我是一位乐于助人的官员!好啦,<br>振作起来,我这就带你上去,没有任何条件哦!”<br> <br>说着,我把她的证轻轻往外推,放回了她的口袋里。接着我握住了她的手,笑了笑。<br>实不相瞒,我想起了你,亲爱的露娜——我接着说道:<br> <br>“我叫瑞琳,”——这是我在这段记忆中的名字,也是另一个人的名字——“但你可以叫我爱托,大家<br>都是这么称呼我的。”<br> <br>“荷珀,”我轻柔地补充道,“想听听我的看法吗?我觉得我或许知道你的朋友现在在哪哦。”}}
I had a feeling you'd made it.<br><br>It's not like Twin Sense. I just figured you could do at least that much—sneak on board a ship to a floating <br>island. But, still...<br><br>The sun was setting, and I was actually getting anxious. We'd split up to explore in memories before—but <br>never for that long.<br><br>And what was more...I'd gotten more reasons to be worried aside from the fact that we couldn't leave this <br>memory at will. This memory... was all mixed up, somehow. Details I usually had were missing, and it felt <br>like facts were switching in my head as hours passed. For instance... who was "I"? Was I an official? A pilot...? <br>Was all the mixing in my head because of where we'd found the memory? If so... why?<br><br>Hmph...lucky you, Luna.<br>You're kind of blessedly ignorant, y'know.
I did like seeing what I could, though. Spaceships were interesting, and the large amount of water <br>everywhere was otherworldly... beautiful. It felt like the whole city was glittering in the day, and as <br>night closed in the city outright and actually glowed. It was all really cool. Almost fantastic...<br><br>I was just really anxious...<br><br>I spoke to some locals about you. Tried to describe you, tried to ask if anyone had seen you. They weren't <br>any help, and if I went to robots to ask about the person whose place you were taking in the memory—<br>they'd only give me facts outlined by the memory. Whatever you were doing, it wasn't "remembered" here. <br>I kept wandering the streets and glancing up at the island above, my worries building just a bit more and <br>more with every minute's passing...<br><br>That was when I ran into Hoppe.
A young kid slammed into me and almost knocked me down. She fell herself and I hurried to help her up. <br>As she fixed her dress, she apologized, saw who I was, and gasped. "Are you from the Floating Islands!? <br>Has... Has there been...! Any... um..." was what she said. I answered her with a simple, "Calm down, it's alright."<br><br>I asked her what was the matter, and she explained.<br><br>Her name was Hoppe, and she said that she had to get to the Floating Islands, or at least get someone to <br>look around up there. She wouldn't tell me why but I, "as a Floating Islander", seemed like I could potentially <br>help. Hoppe withdrew a ticket from her things and fiddled with it in her hands. "Actually, I have this... but..." <br>she muttered. It was a ticket to go up to the Islands. I knew all about that, too—how hard it was to get, and <br>how precious. But... why didn't she want to use it?<br><br>It was just a guess, but...<br>That kid getting caught was a big deal, so, I had a feeling:<br>"Don't be shocked, alright?" I told her. "You... do you think you have a friend who snuck up there to see the <br>Summer Festival?"
Hoppe panicked, but she seemed pretty loyal... she wouldn't easily admit it.<br><br>...But I don't care for tact!<br><br>"If you've got a friend up there, don't worry, I'll help you find her safe and sound. I've got connections," I said. <br>"You don't have to use the ticket."<br>"Huh...? No—No, I wasn't going to sneak in!" she stammered.<br>"That's not when I meant," I said. "I'm not just any Islander. I'm a kind and helpful official! Come on, I'll take <br>you up there for free—"<br><br>Saying this, I gently pushed her hand with the ticket low, and back to her pockets. I held her other hand <br>instead, and smiled. I thought about you, Luna.<br>And I said—<br><br>"My name is Relin"—the name I had taken from there, the name of somebody else—"but you can just call <br>me Eto. Everyone does."<br><br>"Listen, Hoppe," I lightly continued, "I have a feeling I know exactly where your friend is."}}
解锁条件:完成[[#18-3|18-3]],解锁[[Rotaeno Collaboration]]曲包<br>解锁要求:采用[[露娜 & 伊洛]]通过[[Waltz for Lorelei]]
这可怜的飞船给塞得满满当当的,关键是还没有窗户,令人恼火。<br>十分,令人,恼火。要是能目睹飞行过程中的景色该多好……<br> <br>这种心情肯定不会只有我一个人有,就好比我旁边那位——<br> <br>“为什么连扇窗户都没有啊!!”伊洛没来由地吼了这么一句。<br> <br>而我赶紧捂住了她的嘴:“嘘!因为这是货舱啦……”<br> <br>一片黑暗中,我要眯着眼睛才能看清她,而她则耸了耸肩:“我溜进来前没注意到嘛……”这家伙……
“嗯……对了,露娜,我觉得你这身打扮挺奇葩的。”<br> <br>“你当真这么想?”<br> <br>“你是浮空岛人么?”<br> <br>我踌躇了下。“我”不是,但爱托,“你”是。我是一名孤儿……而那天,我会偷偷溜去参加夏日庆典……<br>但具体发生了什么我并不记得了。<br> <br>无论如何,我还是老实承认了:我不是。<br> <br>她指了指我腰上的钥匙,接着问我:“那你是剑士么?”我说不是。“那你难道是……偶像?!”<br>……我不知道她说的“偶像”是什么东西,但她问这个问题的时候,眼里好像有不同寻常的光。
“‘偶像’是什么?……一种雕像吗?”我问道。<br> <br>“啊?!你不知——”她的惊呼声被我眼疾手快地盖住了。<br> <br>“嘘——喂,小声点啊!”我提醒道。<br> <br>我把捂着她嘴的手撤掉的那一瞬间,她便迫不及待地再度开口:“好的好的,但你不知道什么是<br>偶像?这不应该啊?”<br> <br>就算是我在这段记忆中扮演的角色本身好像也不知道什么是偶像呢……于是我回答道:“我确实<br>不知道。嗯……要么你给我简短介绍一下吧。”<br> <br>“……我的老天爷,好吧!那我开始了!是这样,如果你认识接下来我说的这些人的话,你要知道<br>他们都是偶像:露露娅、奥兰,还有四十四世……”<br> <br>“四四……?”<br> <br>“歌手啦!他们是歌手!”
所以……原来只是音乐家的一种小众叫法吗?<br> <br>就像那时你跟我讲的那样……如果我记得没错的话,你跟我解释过类似的概念,爱托,其实就是<br>人们所崇拜的事物或人物吧?那也许说得通……因为伊洛给我的感觉就是很虔诚的那种。<br> <br>“所以其实是关于音乐的概念吗?”我说,“那我其实略懂一二。”说着,我指了指自己。要说音乐<br>的话,你和我还指不定谁更厉害一点呢!<br> <br>“真的吗!?你也会唱歌吗?那你该试一试去当个偶像啊。”<br> <br>“感觉……不太适合我吧。”毕竟我不想让很多人都对我很狂热。<br> <br>“为什么不想当偶像啊?谁不想当偶像啊!光是看见偶像都会感到满足,就更别说自己就是偶像了!<br>哎呀你等会,我这就给你找他们的视频——停,我知道你想说什么,我会把声音调小的啦,别再捂<br>我的嘴了!……好,找到了!看,就是这个,你听这首歌……”
说实话……<br> <br>唱得还真不错!这可是大实话。<br> <br>虽然,我个人可能还是更倾向于听交响乐吧。<br> <br>不管怎样,能跟人稍微聊聊音乐还是挺让我开心的,即使我和她只能在伸手不见五指的狭小空间里<br>压着嗓门说话。<br> <br>……那你的想法呢,爱托?<br>我们俩要试试做“偶像”吗?}}
The ship was cramped, and there weren't any windows.<br>That annoyed me. A lot. I really wanted to look outside while we were flying up...<br><br>Of course, I wasn't alone. It annoyed that girl, too—<br><br>Ilot, she suddenly shouted:<br>"Why aren't there any windows in here!?"<br><br>I shushed her ASAP, going, "Shhh! ...Because this is storage."<br>"Oh. It is?"<br>"You didn't notice...?"<br><br>I squinted hard at her in the dark, and she shrugged, saying, "I wasn't paying attention when we went in." <br>What a character...
"Hmmm... Hey, Luna. You dress funny."<br><br>"I do?"<br><br>"Are you from the Floating Islands?"<br><br>I thought about that. "I" wasn't, but "you" were, Eto. I was some orphan... I'd gotten to go to the Summer <br>Festival that day... but I can't say I remember how...<br><br>Anyway, I told her no.<br><br>She asked, "Are you a sword fighter?" while pointing at the key on my hip. I told her no. "Are you... an idol!?" <br>I... didn't know what that was. Whatever it meant, her eyes were glittering when she asked me.
"What do you mean, 'idol'... A statue?" I asked.<br><br>"YOU DON'T KNOW ABOUT IDO—!?" I covered her mouth.<br><br>"Quiet! Quiet!" I whispered. When I removed my hand:<br><br>"I'll whisper... You don't know about idols? How?"<br><br>The person in this memory didn't seem to know about anything like that... I answered, "Well... tell me about <br>them."<br><br>"Oh gosh! Okay! So! There's Lulua, there's Orlan, O-Uber On The..."<br><br>"Ohwha...?"<br><br>"They're singers!"
So... it was a bizarre name for musicians?<br><br>Like... Eto, I kind of remember you talking about idols as maybe... things people worshiped? I mean... it did <br>seem like if that was the case, Ilot was among the faithful...<br><br>"So it's music?" I replied. "I play music." I said that, pointing at myself. I'm better than you at music, even!<br><br>"Really!? Can you sing too? Maybe you should be an idol."<br><br>"It... doesn't sound like it'd be for me." I wouldn't want people revering me...<br><br>"Who wouldn't like the idol life!? Just watching them is fulfilling... imagine getting to be one! Look—Look, <br>I'll show you some videos—oh. I'll keep the volume down so stop getting mad already! Okay... Look, look <br>at this. Listen to it."
Well...it was...<br><br>Pretty good, if I'm being honest...!<br><br>Though I usually like orchestras more...<br><br>It was neat to talk with someone else about music for a while, even if we could only whisper, and even if the <br>place we were talking in was small and dark.<br><br>...What do you think?<br>Should we become idols?}}
解锁条件:完成[[#18-4|18-4]],解锁[[Rotaeno Collaboration]]曲包<br>解锁要求:采用[[露娜 & 伊洛]]通过[[Dual Doom Deathmatch]]
路上,荷珀这样问我:“对了,爱托小姐,你真的是浮空岛人吗……?感觉你比我想象中的要<br>好相处得多。”<br> <br>我笑了笑,打趣道:“哈哈,怎么感觉自己被内涵了呢?但我确实是浮空岛人。等会你跟你朋友<br>汇合后我会让他们放你们俩回地面的。”<br> <br>我跟荷珀往乘坐前往浮空岛的飞船的地方走去——对,“走”,因为阿古亚星实在有太多监控了。<br>就算事态再紧张,我们也不想一不小心就触发了什么警报。一路上我东张西望,仍觉得这个世界的<br>一切依然那么令人惊叹。我估计她多少注意到我身上不合常理的地方了,因为我这一路老在傻乐,<br>有些过于频繁。<br> <br>于是,她后来又问了我两个问题:“你为什么要下来地面呢?……是来办什么事吗?”<br> <br>嗯……<br>……我确实应该弄一个什么调查来着,但是……<br>你跟我都是那种讨厌照着剧本一成不变地演戏的那种人,所以……<br> <br>“只是来随便逛下!”我回答道。
“哦,那还挺少见的,我还以为所有浮空岛人没事都不愿意下来呢,不然他们干嘛一天到晚都在<br>上头待着……”<br> <br>“怎么说呢,‘每一个人’首先是每‘一’个人,”我说,“我有个双胞胎妹妹,就算是我跟她之间也有不同呢。“<br> <br>“哇!双胞胎妹妹吗……我听说双胞胎能心灵相通,互相知道对方的想法,就好像两个人之间有一种<br>神奇的心灵感应一样,这是真的吗?”<br> <br>“……你用词还怪高深的呢,嗯……我觉得,确实有那么一点吧。”<br>“真神奇啊……”
……这下好了,搞得我突然想逗逗她!<br> <br>我咧嘴一笑,赶紧补充道:“实际上,我现在就知道我妹妹在想什么哦!”<br> <br>她直接跳了起来,双手捂着嘴惊呼道:“真的吗!?”<br> <br>“那是当然啦,我现在能看见一片广袤的天空,还有一座巨大都市的全景,以及一望无际的水域……”<br> <br>“你这个描述……是浮空岛的视角?!”<br> <br>“是的哦……对了,我还能看见我的妹妹在哪里呢!她正和你的朋友在一起哦!”我逐渐来了劲,开始<br>胡编乱造了。<br> <br>“啊?那我的朋友不会很烦人吧……”<br> <br>没料到她会这么接话,我一下噎住了,还差点一个趔趄把自己绊倒。<br> <br>“啊哈……啊哈哈哈……”我干笑了两声,“不、不会吧……我妹妹才更烦人呢。”<br> <br>(啊——对不起露娜,我只是不想伤害到她!)
她立马松了口气,继续说道:“那就好……啊不对,我没有在说你妹妹很讨人嫌的意思!”——对吧,<br>你看,露娜,她也这么说,我刚才瞎说的,我真的不觉得你很烦人!<br> <br>不过……我并不知道你在那段记忆中得知了多少信息,露娜,但那时候我不禁开始想,或许荷珀就是<br>他们本地人口中的「精英」那类人吧。我知道你总是摆出一副洋洋得意的样子,自称自己就是一<br>名精英,但对于这个星球和这个星球上的居民来说,这个概念还有更重要的意义……<br> <br>我其实本想直接问她的,但我最终没有开口,而是评价道:“你的求知欲还挺强的嘛。”<br> <br>“那是因为我总觉得自己还有太多东西要学习——我是认真的。因为我觉得……这个世界真的很大。”<br> <br>“我也有同感。我同样来自一个很宏大的世界。”<br> <br>“可是,你不是说过你是阿古亚星人吗?”<br> <br>“呃,对、对喔,啊哈哈!”<br> <br>完了,露馅了……跟她聊着聊着,竟然不自觉就松懈了下来……
“这样子……”荷珀没有继续追问下去,而是看向了天空,“不过,我本来也不光是在说我们脚下的<br>这块地方。”我顺着她的目光向上看去,而她的视线越过了浮空岛,落在了比它更远的地方。<br> <br>宇宙吗……我不由得想到了我们两人的名字……我承认,我一直以来都对宇宙感到十分好奇,自然<br>也包括那次我们看到的天空中的那对红与黑的彗星……你说我们会不会哪天真研究出了它们的真面目<br>呢?还有,为什么自那以后,天空就完全变了……<br> <br>“……或许最终我们会找到答案的。”我说道。<br> <br>“‘我们’?你说我们两个吗?”<br> <br>我摇了摇头。<br> <br>“不,我们每个人,”我回答道,“所有人。”<br> <br>我们就快要到港口了,这时,她停了下来,扭过头给了我一个诚挚无邪到极点的微笑。<br> <br>“所有人啊……”她向我说道,“那真是再好不过了。”}}
Hoppe asked me:<br>"So, Miss Eto, you really are from the Floating Islands...? Wow, you're... nicer than I've started to expect."<br><br>I laughed and answered, "That's pretty rude! But, yes, I am. I'll let them know to let you and your friend back <br>down after you find her."<br><br>I was walking with Hoppe to a place where we could take a ship up to an island. Walking, because—well, <br>there's so much monitoring in Aquaria. we didn't want to set off any alarm bells that "something was wrong", <br>even if the matter was pretty urgent. Mostly, as we walked I was looking around still very fascinated by <br>everything. I was smiling a lot, and I guess that she noticed and was curious.<br><br>She asked me another two questions: "Why did you come down from the Islands...? Did you have <br>something to do?"<br><br>I...think...<br>...I may have had to do some sort of survey, but...<br>Well, you and I both hate following the plot, so...<br><br>"I'm sightseeing!" I told her that.
"That's surprising. I thought all the people on the Floating Islands must prefer it so much more than down <br>here. Otherwise, why would they stay up there so much?"<br><br>"Well, everyone is every 'one'," I replied. "I have a twin, and even she's not exactly like me."<br><br>"Wow...! A twin... I've read that twins can read each other's thoughts, or rather... you have a strong empathic <br>connection. Is that true?"<br><br>"...You know some impressive words. Hmm, it's... true, a bit."<br><br>"Incredible..."
And... hmmm... I wanted to tease her...!<br><br>I grinned a little and told her, "Actually... I can see my sister Luna's thoughts right now!"<br><br>She actually jumped! "You can!?" she said with a gasp, bringing her hands over her mouth in shock.<br><br>"Yes, yes, I can see a vast sky, a view of an enormous city and almost infinite water..."<br><br>"The Floating Islands!?"<br><br>"Yes... Yeah! I can see Luna there!" I lied. "With your friend!"<br><br>"Is my friend being annoying!?"<br><br>Hearing this, I sputtered and almost tripped.<br><br>"Hahaha..." I laughed. "No, no... Luna is way more annoying."<br><br>(Sorry, Luna—I was just trying to be nice!)
She breathed a sigh of relief and went, "That's good... Oh! Not that your sister is annoying!" Uhhh, just to be <br>clear, Luna, you're not!<br><br>That said...<br>I don't know how much you got from entering that memory, Luna, but I was starting to think then that <br>Hoppe was what they called "elite" here. Now, you say you're elite quite a lot with a really smug face, but <br>it means something more in Aquaria...<br><br>I thought about asking her if she was, but told her instead, "You're pretty inquisitive, huh?"<br><br>"I have a lot to learn—I mean, literally. It's... big, I guess. The whole world is big."<br><br>"I get it. I come from a very big world, too."<br><br>"...Hm? Are you not originally from Aquaria?"<br><br>"Oh... right, I am, ahaha!"<br><br>I'd messed up. Talking with her was too relaxing for me...
"Hm, well," Hoppe went on, looking up at the sky. "I didn't just mean here, anyway." I followed her eyes. <br>She was looking past the Floating Islands.<br><br>Space... huh? With these names we were given... I'll admit I've always been pretty fascinated with the <br>cosmos. Like that red and black pair of comets we saw in the skies, once... I wonder if we'll ever find out <br>what they were, and why the sky changed completely ever since.<br><br>...I said, "Maybe we can figure things out, eventually."<br><br>"'We'? You mean you and I?"<br><br>And I shook my head.<br><br>"All of us, everyone," I said, "together."<br><br>As we neared the port, she gave me a wonderful and innocent smile.<br><br>"All of us..." she said, "that would be nice."}}
[[文件:Story 18-6 cg.jpg|300px|thumb|right|18-6]]
解锁条件:完成[[#18-5|18-5]],解锁[[Rotaeno Collaboration]]曲包<br>解锁要求:采用[[露娜 & 伊洛]]通过[[MVURBD]]
我不记得我们的家乡是否举办过庆典了。<br>我还记得不少东西,比如大家在满丛的鲜花中、斑驳的天空下载歌载舞,但我确实不再记得我们<br>是否有过庆典这种东西了。<br> <br>倒不是说我「忘记」了,倒还没那么严重。<br>我只是觉得自己好像不记得了。因为我们在Arcaea待的时间或许已经多过我们在家里度过的<br>时光了吧……<br> <br>不过……<br>就事论事的话,这个夏日庆典还真的挺好玩的,爱托。
那是我第一次吃到刨冰,也是我第一次玩到不是我自己“开发”的游戏。我的确不是第一次吃冰淇淋<br>和西瓜,但……那段时光真的很美妙。<br> <br>而且,站在岛的边缘俯瞰整座城市的复杂构造,眺望汪洋大海的无尽风光,将这整个世界一览无遗的<br>时候,你就会觉得……<br> <br>……这一切的一切,都真的太棒了。<br>即使伊洛也是第一次来到岛上,她却能够像本地人一样带我去各个地方打卡。<br>这么一想,<br>我好像确实忘记当面感谢她了……真的很感谢你,伊洛!
但其实,她好像并没有玩得十分尽兴……尤其是那天后面的时间里,她的心不在焉愈发明显。<br>刚从飞船的储藏室里溜出来赶着参加庆典的时候她可兴奋了,但慢慢地她便越来越显得不那么开心;<br>后来,我将手里的棉花糖递到她面前的时候,她甚至正紧皱着眉头,一副愁容满面的模样。<br> <br>当我问她她怎么了的时候,她才坦白说,她生朋友的气了——因为她的好朋友荷珀不愿意跟她一起<br>上来浮空岛玩。她觉得在荷珀眼里,一张通行证比她这个朋友更重要。很显然,这两个人闹矛盾了……<br>而我和你一般不会闹矛盾,所以其实我没有太明白为什么她会这么生气。<br>我跟她支了个招,说到时候她回到地面上可以好好给她朋友炫耀一番。现在看来或许这并不是个<br>好主意……<br> <br>不过爱托,起码我有在旁边陪着她,聆听她的烦恼,不是吗?<br>……于是,那天就那么过去了,夜幕低垂时,我们终于开始意识到,好像“回到地面”并不是一件<br>那么容易的事情。}}
I don't remember if we had festivals back home.<br><br>I remember a lot of things, like flowers and dancing, and lights in the sky—but I'm not sure if we had festivals, <br>not anymore.<br><br>It's not like "I forgot". It isn't that serious.<br>I just don't think I remember. We've probably spent more time here in Arcaea than we ever did there...<br><br>Well...<br>That being said, the Summer Festival was a lot of fun, Eto.
It was the first time I had the taste of shaved ice. It was the first time I played little games that, for once, I <br>hadn't made up myself. It wasn't my first time eating ice cream or having watermelon... but it was really, <br>really nice all the same.<br><br>And looking out over the world at the island's edge... the vast sprawl of the city, the immense sight of the <br>oceans...<br><br>It was all pretty amazing...!<br>Though it was her first time there, Ilot showed me around the place like an expert.<br>And... I never thanked her for it... Thanks, Ilot.
That being said, she wasn't entirely into it... especially as the day ended. She was so excited after we rolled <br>out of the storage room in the ship and hurried to the festival itself, but her smile got weaker and weaker <br>over time. Actually, I caught her frowning sometimes before I'd push cotton candy into her face.<br><br>When I asked her what the matter was, she told me she was mad her friend—Hoppe—wouldn't come up <br>here with her. She was mad that Hoppe cared more about a ticket than a friend. Apparently, the two of <br>them had gotten into a fight. I don't really get into fights with you, so... I didn't really get it.<br>I told her she could brag to her friend after we went back down. Maybe that was bad of me...<br><br>At least I kept her company, Eto.<br>...As that day ended... and we realized we couldn't find an easy way back down.}}
[[文件:Story 18-7 cg.jpg|300px|thumb|right|18-7]]
解锁条件:完成[[#18-6|18-6]],解锁[[Rotaeno Collaboration]]曲包<br>解锁要求:采用[[露娜 & 伊洛]]通过[[Inverted World]]
你跟伊洛其实有些像,露娜。<br> <br>她总是看起来憨憨傻傻的,但是却很可爱。我觉得她和荷珀能成为很好的朋友也是意料之中的事。<br> <br>她真的很在乎她的好朋友……上岛的过程中,荷珀一直在滔滔不绝地跟我讲伊洛的事。我们两个抵达<br>港口的时候她还紧张了一番,但当我以岛民的身份成功通过验证了后她便完全放下心来了。她郑重地<br>再度向我道了谢,而我又和她聊起了她的朋友——她的话匣子也就此打开,这一路上,我听得最多的<br>便是“伊洛!”“伊洛……”“伊洛她……”<br> <br>当然啦,和朋友一起相处的漫长时光里怎么可能全是开心事呢,她也向我抱怨了很多。“不好意思,我<br>好像一直在说我朋友的不好……”她道歉道,而我只觉得她很可爱。我跟她说,有负面情绪很正常,<br>这没什么不对的。
既然已经察觉到了同行伙伴有些别扭,我便开始想办法逗她开心。我问她,伊洛一般喜欢去哪些地方。<br> <br>她说,她的好朋友一般喜欢到河边去——准确来说,如果伊洛已经成功登岛的话,她此时应该就在<br>岛上的一处河岸附近。而我则纠正了她:“你忘记了吗?她早就成功登岛了。”<br> <br>“什么……你当时不是在和我开玩笑,而是正经的吗?”荷珀震惊道。<br> <br>我确实在跟她胡扯,但我却说:“当然不是啊,我怎么会随随便便开那样的玩笑呢。”我朝她笑<br>了笑,但她好像并没有因此而被我说服。<br> <br>但巧合的是,当我们的飞船越来越快到站时,我的钥匙突然开始发光了……我很好奇,你的钥匙<br>那时也在发光吗?<br> <br>那时,我真的有种我们会在岛上重逢的预感。<br> <br>而且……说不定呢?<br> 说不定呢……在遥远的某处,在那另一篇故事、另一个视角中……<br> <br>……命运的音律,确实是在<ruby>旋转<rp>(</rp><rt>Rotaeno</rt><rp>)</rp></ruby>呢。}}
Ilot kind of sounds like you, Luna.<br><br>She seems pretty stupid, but in a cute way. I could understand why she and Hoppe were friends.<br><br>You see... after she came up in conversation Hoppe wouldn't stop talking about her on our ride up to an <br>island. She was nervous when we went to the port, relieved when I proved my status as a resident, and <br>endlessly thankful that I would allow her to come up. And when we were talking I brought up her friend <br>again and, "Ilot!" "Ilot..." "Well, Ilot, she..." went this girl.<br><br>It wasn't all happy. There were a lot of complaints—but I told her it was fine to complain <br>after she told me "Sorry, all I'm doing is complaining." Cute.
Since she was so miserable, I tried to cheer her up in a tricky way... I asked her what kind of places Ilot liked.<br><br>She said her friend liked rivers. Ilot would probably be by a river—on a Floating Island. If, of course, she was <br>there—and I told her: "Did you already forget? She is."<br><br>"You mean... you weren't messing with me when you said that?" asked Hoppe.<br><br>I was. "I wasn't." I said with a smile—and she didn't look like she believed me...<br><br>But actually... my key was beginning to glow as the ship got closer to the Floating Islands. Did yours too?<br><br>I really did have a feeling we might meet there.<br><br>And maybe?<br><br>Maybe... in some other story...<br><br>...fate would <ruby>turn over<rp>(</rp><rt>Rotaeno</rt><rp>)</rp></ruby>.}}
[[文件:Story 18-8 cg.jpg|300px|thumb|right|18-8]]
解锁条件:完成[[#18-7|18-7]],解锁[[Rotaeno Collaboration]]曲包<br>解锁要求:采用[[露娜 & 伊洛]]通过[[Vulcānus]]
太阳开始落山了,而我们仍然没有找到离开浮空岛的方法,此时庆典也早已结束了。<br> <br>伊洛忍不住哭了起来,而我甚至不知道要说什么才能安慰到她。<br> <br>我的天,她甚至跑掉了!我赶紧去追她,一路穿过公园,追到了河岸边。她跑到河岸边便不再跑了,<br>而是自顾自坐了下来继续哭。<br> <br>我走到她旁边,也坐了下来。我蹙了蹙眉,伸出手轻轻拍了拍她的头。要是坐在河边哭的人是我,<br>你又会怎么做呢,姐姐……
让我想想……你有时候会唱歌给我听;于是我便给她唱了一段摇篮曲,也不知道她喜不喜欢……<br>不过,她好像确实哭得没那么厉害了。<br> <br>橙色的暖光下,宁静的小河边,我注意到,挂在自己腰侧的那把钥匙正散发着柔和的光芒。<br> <br>于是,我跟伊洛说,一切都会好起来的。<br>于是,我静静地等待着,等着你来。
那段记忆的确与以往不大相同,对不对?<br> <br>当我们拿出自己的剑形钥匙合力解除那段记忆的时候,确实有什么不同寻常的事情发生了。<br> <br>那,究竟是什么呢?<br> <br>你知道吗?<br><br>我不敢笃定,所以,我想问问你。<br><br>我之所以会犹豫,是因为……这次的体验真的太过真实、太过美好了……并不仅仅让人觉得反常。<br><br>这不应该是记忆体验中事情发展的寻常轨迹,关于这点,我很确信……<br>但我觉得,这次不仅仅是不同以往,兴许……奇迹真的发生在我们身边了。
爱托……当你跟荷珀终于出现,她们二人奔跑着最终紧紧拥抱在一起的时候,你默默朝我比了个<br>“嘘”的手势——那时我便突然意识到……<br>你绝对知道些什么!!<br> <br>那时,我正想让你好好给我解释一下为什么你要暗示我噤声,但还没来得及开口,你就蹦蹦跳跳地<br>来到了我面前,叉着腰,手臂揽上我的肩膀,得意洋洋地笑道:“别问,问就是奇迹发生啦。”<br> <br>而我伸出手,在你的双眉之间弹了个脑瓜崩。
“谢谢,真的谢谢!”荷珀快要哭出来了,不断地在向我道谢。<br> <br>“诶,可是,你是谁啊?!”伊洛看向了你,问道——她也快要忍不住哭了,但我此时已经没法确定<br>她是因为生气、伤心还是开心才哭的了。<br> <br>我记得我当时真的差点没忍住想给你来一下,因为你竟然说自己是“一名‘事了拂衣去,深藏功与名’<br>的无名英雄”。<br> <br>“她叫爱托,是我的姐姐,我们是一对双胞胎。”我说。<br> <br>“你有个双胞胎姐姐!?”伊洛大惊失色,而我不禁皱了皱眉,心里有种不好的预感……“你为什么<br>不跟我讲啊!你唱歌那么好听,你们两个就应该马上出道啊!偶像组合、双胞胎组合啊!”<br><br>荷珀迟疑地小声开了口:“伊洛,这能说吗……”晚了……我咬紧了牙关,默默等待着那一刻的到来;<br>我的脸肯定也一下就红了,因为——<br> <br>“啊——?露娜,你唱歌给她听了?!”<br> <br>……我就知道。
当一切事情都解决了之后……<br><br>道别的时刻终于来临,荷珀向我们鞠了个端正无比的躬,而伊洛在朝我们不断地挥手,仿佛使出了<br>全身的力气。我们跟她们说了再见后,回程的路上你便一直用手指戳我,即使我已经因为不堪其扰<br>而不满地拧起了眉毛你也没有善罢甘休。好吧,我现在才想起来,我那时还忘记在你面前吹嘘一番了,<br>毕竟可是我赌赢了……<br> <br>于是,我们和那两位女孩正式道了别。<br> <br>随后,就像是正在坍塌的纸牌堆一样,那段记忆开始自我们周遭层层剥落。最后,我们又回到了<br>完全的黑暗中。
一回到原来那个阴森可怖的地方,我便忍不住开口问你:<br> <br>“喂……爱托……事情一般不会这样发展的吧,对吧?”<br> <br>而我得到的答复只是一个轻描淡写的“难道不会吗?”<br> <br>“可是……好像她们还是会遇上麻烦的吧!荷珀确实有那张证,但她……还有伊洛……”<br> <br>“别担心,我已经安排好了。”<br> <br>“安排好了啥?”<br> <br>“就是安排好了啊,哈哈啊哈!”<br> <br>“唉……算了,那只是一段记忆,所以也无所谓了吧?”<br> <br>“是吗?当真无所谓吗?”<br> <br>“啧……你有时候真的挺招人烦的。”
听到这话,你笑了。你哈哈笑了一会儿,最后长吁了一口气——那是如释重负的信号。说真的,如果<br>你真的在乎一件事情,你可以跟我坦白的,爱托。<br> <br>唉……无所谓了,都过去了。<br>我知道你也只是不想我老是思虑过度。<br> <br>但你好像挺乐意看见我皱着眉头啊?——好好好,一切都结束了,我们又在一起了,这才是最<br>重要的,我同意。<br> <br>坦白讲,也正因为如此,即使我并不「知晓」一切,我也仍然能够感到如释重负。<br> <br>你突然往回了几步,抓住我的手就拼命往前拽。<br>“哎?你干什么啊——”我喊道,“你今天到底怎么了啊!别再拽我了!”<br><br><br>你笑了,那是一个极其宠溺的笑。“好啦。”你轻声说道。<br> <br>“走吧,是时候回去那<ruby>光芒<rp>(</rp><rt>Arcaea</rt><rp>)</rp></ruby>之地了。”}}
The sun was starting to set, and we'd been stuck on that Floating Island for a good while... The festival was <br>well over.<br><br>Ilot was starting to cry, and I didn't really know what to say to her.<br><br>She even ran away from me, Eto! I chased her down—all the way into a park, all the way to a river where <br>she sat herself down and sobbed.<br><br>I sat with her and patted her head, frowning. I don't know how you deal with me when I do things <br>like this, Sis.
Well, you will sing sometimes. I sang a lullaby to her, a bit. I don't know if she liked it...<br>...but she did cry a little less.<br><br>Under orange light, and with the ambience of the flowing river, I noticed that the key on my hip was <br>starting to softly glow.<br><br>I told Ilot things were going to be okay, and I waited for you.
Something changed that day, didn't it?<br><br>Something more than usual, when we use our keys to unlock a memory.<br><br>What was it?<br><br>Do you know?<br><br>I'm not saying I know. Do you?<br><br>Because... it just felt much better... it didn't just feel whimsical.<br><br>This wasn't how things played out, yeah...<br>But more than that, I think... there might've been a miracle.
Eto... when you came there with Hoppe and the two of them ran to each other and hugged, you looked at <br>me with a finger across your lips. I knew it then... You definitely know something!!<br><br>I wanted to ask you what that was all about, but you just trotted over to me, put your arm around my <br>shoulders and a hand on your hip, smirked at my side and said, "Miracles happen."<br><br>I flicked you between your eyes for that.
"Thank you!" said Hoppe with tears in her eyes.<br><br>"Who are you!?" said Ilot, looking your way (her eyes were also full of tears, but I couldn't tell if she was mad, <br>sad, or happy...).<br><br>I remember wanting to hit you, since you answered, "I'm a mysterious hero..."<br><br>I said, "She's my twin sister. Her name is Eto."<br><br>"You had a twin!?" Ilot shouted, and I winced. "Why didn't you tell me!? You can sing so well—you definitely <br>should both be idols! An idol duo! Twin idols!"<br><br>Hoppe whispered, "Ilot, you're bothering them..." and I grit my teeth. I know I was blushing because—<br><br>"You sang for her, Luna!?"<br><br>—I knew you would say that.
When things finally settled down...<br>Hoppe bowed. Ilot waved at us with all the energy in her body. We said our goodbyes and you kept poking <br>me in my side with your finger while I scowled. You know, it's only now I realize I missed the opportunity to <br>brag to you that I'd won the bet...<br><br>We parted ways with the girls.<br><br>And, like a collapsing house of cards, the memory started to disappear around us. When it was down, we <br>found ourselves back in the dark.
Once we'd gotten back to that spooky place, I asked you—<br><br>"...Eto... things don't usually change like that, do they?"<br><br>And, "Don't they?" is what you said back.<br><br>"Wait... they're still gonna get in trouble. Hoppe... had a ticket, but she... and Ilot..."<br><br>"Don't worry, I figured something out."<br><br>"Figured... what?"<br><br>"Something, ahaha!"<br><br>"Ugh... Anyway, that was a memory, so it doesn't even matter, does it!?"<br><br>"Oh...? Does it?"<br><br>"I hate you sometimes."
You laughed at that, and after laughing, and laughing, and laughing you sighed—with relief. You know... <br>you can tell me if something's worrying you.<br><br>Well... whatever. It's fine.<br>I know you just don't want me to worry, too.<br><br>Why would you want me to frown—that's it, right? We were together again, after all.<br><br>And honestly... just because of that, even if I didn't really "know" everything, I felt relieved too.<br><br>You suddenly grabbed my hand and pulled me forward as you skipped back. "What?" I asked. "What's up <br>with you...! Quit pulling!"<br><br>And you grinned. "Come on," you said with a brilliant smile.<br><br>"Let's go: back to <ruby>the light<rp>(</rp><rt>Arcaea</rt><rp>)</rp></ruby>."}}

