

  • 本页保持孤立!






    // map data


    "steps": [
            // step 1
            // step 2
        }, ...


  • 地图信息内可能会出现众多数据,可能会出现的数据格式如下:
    • string -- 字符串 例:"this is a string"
    • int -- 整数 例:616
    • float -- 浮点数 例:123.456
    • boolean -- 布尔值 例:true(是),false(否)
    • array -- 数组 例:[4, 2, 2]
    • object -- 对象 例:{"info": "helloworld"}


   "map_id": string,
   "is_legacy": boolean,
   "is_repeatable": boolean,
   "is_beyond": boolean,
   "beyond_health": int,
   "character_affinity": [
       int, ...
   "affinity_multiplier": [
       float, ...
   "is_breached": boolean,
   "disable_over": boolean,
   "new_law": string,
   "chapter": int,
   "available_from": int,
   "available_to": int,
   "require_type": string,
   "require_id": string,
   "require_value": int,
   "requires": [
           "type": string,
           "id": string,
           "value": int
       }, ...
   "requires_any": [
           "type": string,
           "id": string,
           "value": int
       }, ...
   "require_localunlock_songid": string,
   "require_localunlock_challengeid": string,
   "coordinate": string (x,y),
   "step_count": int,
   "custom_bg": string,
   "stamina": int,
   "chain_info": {
       "id": string,
       "index": int
   "steps": [
           "position": int,
           "capture": int,
           "items": [
                   "type": string,
                   "id": string,
                   "amount": int
               }, ...
           "restrict_id": string,
           "restrict_ids": [
               string, ...
           "restrict_type": string,
           "restrict_difficulty": int,
           "step_type": [
               string, ...
           "speed_limit_value": int,
           "plus_stamina_value": int
       }, ...



    "map_id": "example",
    //地图ID string 必需字段
    "is_legacy": false,
    //是否启用Legacy地图的机制 boolean
    "is_repeatable": true,
    //是否启用无限地图的机制 boolean
    "is_beyond": false,
    //是否启用Beyond地图的机制 boolean
    "beyond_health": 100,
    //Beyond/Breach地图的总百分比 int
    "character_affinity": [
    //Beyond地图的相性契合搭档 array[int]
    //填写格式: [CharacterID]
    "affinity_multiplier": [
    //Beyond地图的相性契合加成 array[float]
    //设character_affinity为[0, 1],character_affinity为[1.0, 1.5]
    //那么该地图的相性契合信息为: {0: 1.0, 1: 1.5}
    "is_breached": false,
    //是否启用Breach地图的机制 boolean
    "disable_over": false,
    //是否禁止搭档超量加成参与进度计算 boolean
    "new_law": "",
    //Breach地图的法则 string
    //    over100_step50: PROG = OVER + STEP/2
    //    frag50: PROG x= FRAG
    //    lowlevel: PROG x= max(1.0, 2.0 - 0.1 x LEVEL)
    //    antiheroism: PROG = OVER - ||OVER-FRAG|-|OVER-STEP||
    "chapter": 0,
    //地图章节 int 必需字段
    //    0: 活动 Event
    //    1001: Beyond
    //    普通章节: 
    //        1: 第一章
    //        2: 第二章
    //        往后的章节以此类推
    //    陷落章节: 
    //        2001: 陷落第一章
    "available_from": -1,
    //该地图从X时开始可用 int 必需字段
    "available_to": -1,
    //该地图从X时开始关闭 int 必需字段
    "require_type": "",
    //解锁地图时所需物品的类型 string
    //    pack 曲包(配合require_id使用)
    //    character 角色(616没用过,配合require_id使用)
    //    single 单曲(配合require_id使用)
    //    fragment 残片(配合require_value使用)
    //    chart_unlock 解锁谱面(配合require_id使用,格式为SongID+ratingClass)
    //    chapter_step 章节内达到一定步数(配合require_value使用)
    //    chapter_maps 完成章节内数张地图(配合require_value使用,目前只出现在Beyond背景的地图中)
    "require_id": "",
    //解锁地图时需要解锁的物品ID string / array[string]
    //格式 array[string, ...] 3.10.0新增
    "require_value": 0,
    //解锁地图时需要花费的对应物品的数量 int
    "requires": [
		    "type": "",
		    "id": "",
		    "value": 0
    //解锁地图时需要解锁的多个物品 array[object]
    //type, id, value三键效果与require_type, require_id, require_value效果相同
    "requires_any": [
		    "type": "",
		    "id": "",
		    "value": 0
    //解锁地图时需要解锁其中之一的多个物品 array[object]
    //    require三键: 即require_type, require_id, require_value
    //    存在requires时,优先使用requires中的条件
    //    不存在requires,存在require三键时,使用require三键中的条件
    //    不存在requires,也不存在require三键时,使用requires_any中的条件
    //    如果requires,requires三键,requires_any均不存在,则不设置解锁条件
    "require_localunlock_songid": "",
    //解锁地图前需要解锁的曲目 string
    //填写格式: SongID
    "require_localunlock_challengeid": "",
    //解锁地图前需要通过的曲目异象 string
    //填写格式: SongID
    //    寻找本地"un"文件中SongID_challenge|0|102解锁条件,判断"complete"是否为通过值
    //    如果"complete"被设定为0或条件不存在,默认锁定地图
    "coordinate": "0,0",
    //地图在对应章节应用的X/Y坐标 string 必需字段
    //    X: 负则左移,正则右移
    //    Y: 负则下移,正则上移
    "step_count": 25,
    //地图总步数 int 必需字段
    "custom_bg": "",
    //地图的自定义背景 string
    //填写格式: FilePath
    //    如果不填写,则默认使用章节背景
    //    is_beyond为true时无效果
    "stamina_cost": 2,
    //在地图内游玩一次所需要的体力 int
    "chain_info": {
        "id": "",
        "index": 0
    //声明该地图所在的链式解锁 object{string: string / int}
    //    id: ChainID
    //    index: UnlockIndex
    "steps": [
    //该地图的台阶设置 array[object] 必需字段
			"position": 0,
			//台阶的位置 int 必需字段
			"capture": 5
			//台阶的步数 int 必需字段
			"position": 1,
			"capture": 5,
			"items": [
			        "type": "",
			        "id": "",
			        "amount": 0
			//台阶的奖励 array[object]
			//    type: string
			//    id: string
			//    amount: int
			//    character: 搭档,id格式为CharacterID
			//    world_song: 世界解锁类型的曲目/难度,id格式为SongID(曲目) / SongID+ratingClass(难度)
			//    single: 单曲,id格式为SongID
			//    fragment: 残片
			//    memory: 记忆源点
			//    core: 核心,id格式为CoreID
			//    pack: 曲包,id格式为PackID
			//    world_unlock: 世界解锁相关奖励,目前只有背景
			"restrict_type": ""
			//限制游玩的类型 string
			//    song_id: 限制游玩曲目
			//    pack_id: 限制游玩曲包
			"restrict_id": "",
			//限制游玩指定的曲目/曲包 string
			"restrict_ids": [
			//限制游玩指定的多首曲目 array[string]
			"restrict_difficulty": 0,
			//限制游玩指定难度 int
			"step_type": [
			//台阶的类型 array[string]
			//    randomsong: 随机曲目台阶
			//    speedlimit: 限速台阶
			//    plusstamina: 体力奖励台阶
			//    wall_nell: 假哀寂地图的灰色台阶
			//    wall_impossible: 假哀寂地图的破裂灰色台阶
			//    special_lament_rain: 假哀寂地图的Lament Rain异象台阶
			"speed_limit_value": 0,
			//限速台阶限制的最大流速 int
			"plus_stamina_value": 0,
			//体力奖励台阶奖励的体力数量 int
			"position": 2,
			"capture": 5,
			"items": [
					"type": "character"
					"id": "0"
					//id: CharacterID
			"position": 3,
			"capture": 5,
			"items": [
					"type": "world_song",
					"id": "shadesoflight"
					//id: SongID(曲目) / SongID+ratingClass(难度)
			"position": 4,
			"capture": 5,
			"items": [
					"type": "single",
					"id": "auxesia"
					//id: SongID
			"position": 5,
			"capture": 5,
			"items": [
					"type": "fragment",
					"amount": 616
			"position": 6,
			"capture": 5,
			"items": [
					"type": "memory",
					"amount": 616
			"position": 7,
			"capture": 5,
			"items": [
					"type": "core",
					"id": "core_generic",
					"amount": 1
					//id: CoreID
					//    core_generic: 以太之滴 Ether Drop
					//    core_hollow: 中空核心 Hollow Core
					//    core_desolate: 荒芜核心 Desolate Core
					//    core_chunithm: CHUNITHM 核心 CHUNITHM Core
					//    core_crimson: 深红核心 Crimson Core
					//    core_ambivalent: 悖异核心 Ambivalent Core
					//    core_scarlet: 绯红核心 Scarlet Core
					//    core_groove: 音炫核心 Groove Core
					//    core_binary: 双生核心 Binary Core
					//    core_colorful: 缤纷核心 Colorful Core
					//    core_course_skip_purchase: 次元结晶 Warped Shard
					//    core_umbral: 暗影核心 Umbral Core
					//    core_sunset: 暮色核心 Sunset Core
			"position": 8,
			"capture": 5,
			"items": [
					"type": "pack",
					"id": "base"
					//id: PackID
			"position": 9,
			"capture": 5,
			"items": [
					"type": "world_unlock",
					"id": "scenery_chap1"
					//    scenery_chap1: 失落的世界 Lost World
					//    scenery_chap2: 谜域的界外 Outer Reaches
					//    scenery_chap3: 聚合的塔尖 Spire of Convergence
					//    scenery_chap4: 沉眠的回声 Dormant Echoes
					//    scenery_chap5: 无央的决裂 Boundless Divide
					//    scenery_chap6: 遗忘的构念 Forgotten Construct
					//    scenery_chap7: 回首的天际 Horizon of Anamnesis
					//    scenery_beyond: Beyond
			"position": 10,
			"capture": 5,
			"items": [
					"type": "anni5tix",
					"amount": 1
			"position": 11,
			"capture": 5,
			"restrict_id": "shadesoflight",
			"restrict_type": "song_id"
			//restrict_id: SongID
			"position": 12,
			"capture": 5,
			"restrict_ids": [
			"restrict_type": "song_id"
			//restrict_ids: [SongID]
			"position": 13,
			"capture": 5,
			"restrict_id": "base",
			"restrict_type": "pack_id"
			//restrict_id: PackID
			"position": 14,
			"capture": 5,
			"restrict_difficulty": 2
			//restrict_difficulty: ratingClass
			"position": 15,
			"capture": 5,
			"step_type": [
			"position": 16,
			"capture": 5,
			"step_type": [
			"speed_limit_value": 65
			//speed_limit_value: 对应流速x10
			"position": 17,
			"capture": 5,
			"step_type": [
			"plus_stamina_value": 12
			//plus_stamina_value: 体力数量
			"position": 18,
			"capture": 5,
			"step_type": [
			"position": 19,
			"capture": 5,
			"step_type": [
			"position": 20,
			"capture": 5,
			"step_type": [
			//假哀寂地图的Lament Rain异象台阶
			"position": 21,
			"capture": 5,
			"items": [
					"type": "fragment",
					"amount": 616
					"type": "memory",
					"amount": 616
			"position": 22,
			"capture": 5,
			"restrict_id": "base",
			"restrict_type": "pack_id",
			"step_type": [
			//限制曲包 + 随机曲目
			"position": 23,
			"capture": 5,
			"restrict_ids": [
			"restrict_type": "song_id",
			"step_type": [
			"restrict_difficulty": 3,
			"plus_stamina_value": 2,
			"speed_limit_value": 25,
			"items": [
					"type": "fragment",
					"amount": 2000
			//限制曲目 + 限制难度 + 随机曲目 + 体力奖励 + 流速限制 + 残片奖励
			"position": 24,
			"capture": 0,
			"items": [
					"type": "core",
					"id": "core_generic",
					"amount": 5


    "map_id": "example",
    "is_beyond": true,
    "beyond_health": 150,
    "character_affinity": [
    "affinity_multiplier": [
    "chapter": 1001,
    "available_from": -1,
    "available_to": -1,
    "require_id": "shadesoflight2",
    "require_type": "chart_unlock",
    "coordinate": "0,0",
    "step_count": 5,
    "stamina_cost": 3,
    "curr_position": 0,
    "curr_capture": 0,
    "is_locked": false,
    "steps": [
			"position": 0,
			"capture": 50
			"position": 1,
			"capture": 25,
			"items": [
					"type": "fragment",
					"amount": 616
			"position": 2,
			"capture": 25,
			"items": [
					"type": "core",
					"id": "core_generic",
					"amount": 1
			"position": 3,

			"capture": 50,
			"restrict_id": "shadesoflight",
			"restrict_type": "song_id"
			"position": 4,
			"capture": 0,
			"items": [
					"type": "world_song",
					"id": "shadesoflight3"


    "map_id": "example",
    "is_beyond": true,
    "beyond_health": 200,
    "character_affinity": [
    "affinity_multiplier": [
    "is_breached": true,
    "disable_over": true,
    "new_law": "over100_step50",
    "chapter": 2001,
    "available_from": -1,
    "available_to": -1,
    "require_type": "chart_unlock",
    "require_id": "inkarusi2",
    "coordinate": "0,0",
    "step_count": 6,
    "stamina_cost": 3,
    "curr_position": 0,
    "curr_capture": 0,
    "is_locked": false,
    "steps": [
        // 打印出每个点百分比的Python代码示例:
        // current_health = 0
        // steps = [dict, ...]  # 即为地图的steps
        // for step in steps:
        //     current_health += step['capture']
        //     print(f"Position {step['position']}: {current_health}%")
            "position": 0,
            "capture": 50
            //因为此点为地图的起始点,所以此点百分比固定为0%,已知下一点的百分比为50%,50 - 0 = 50
            "position": 1
            "capture": 50,
            //已知此点的capture50%,下一点的百分比为100%,100 - 50 = 50
            "items": [
                    "type": "core",
                    "id": "core_generic",
                    "amount": 2
            "position": 2,
            "capture": 50,
            //已知此点的capture150%,下一点的百分比为100%,150 - 100 = 50
            "items": [
                    "type": "fragment",
                    "amount": 500
            "restrict_ids": [
            "restrict_type": "song_id",
            "restrict_difficulty": 2
            "position": 4,
            "capture": 50
            //已知此点的capture200%,下一点的百分比为150%,200 - 150 = 50
            "items": [
                    "type": "core",
                    "id": "core_generic",
                    "amount": 2
            "restrict_ids": [
            "restrict_type": "song_id",
            "restrict_difficulty": 2
            "position": 5,
            "capture": 0,
            "items": [
                    "type": "world_song",
                    "id": "inkarusi3"