
第1行: 第1行:
{{ 玩法类条目导航}}
{{ 提示|本页是页面编辑格式的规范。|注意}}{{ 重要页面}}
{{ 仅NS版}}
{{类 似条目
|页面 内容=Arcaea Nintendo Switch版故事 模式 剧情
| 关于=Arcaea 移 版故事 模式 剧情
| 指向位置=[[故事模式 详表 (移动版)]]
*[[首页]]分为多个不同的模块模板,首页会读取不同的模板并放入首页预定的位置当中。一般情况下,不同的模块内容更新时间不同但大体相 ,约在游戏更新前后。
**[[模板:首页/介绍|介绍]]模块显示对Arcaea游戏的词典词 形式介绍。
本页面 存放[[Arcaea (Nintendo Switch版)]][[ 故事 模式| 故事]]内容。 除去全新 的[[ 白姬]] - [[#5-1|个 故事]], 某些故事的Nintendo Switch 故事 内容 移动版的 上略 差异
**[[模板:Version|Version]]模块 前Arcaea不同版本游戏的版本号。在每次游戏更新后编辑者应当及时更新此处<!--我也不知道为什么这个模板就是英文名而且也太格格不入了,嗯就是这样-->。
**[[模板:首页/你知道吗| 你知道吗]]模块随机显示有关Arcaea的小知识。编辑者新添小知识时可以使用不完全严谨的语言,但是内容本身当由社群共识为正确的。
{| class="wikitable" style="text-align:center;width:100%"
**[[模板:首页/定数速递|定数速递]]模块显示最近一次更新谱面中FTR/BYD难度的定数以及结尾[[潜力值]] 页面 提醒,游戏更新后及时更新即可。
**[[模板:首页/新闻|新闻]]模块显示Arcaea官方放出的新闻,编辑时采用[[模板:新闻单元|新闻单元]] 板进行编辑。编辑者需要在编辑时写明新闻类型和新闻时间,保持格 一致。需要注意的是,如果官方新闻连续几日都是有关下一次更新的,则编辑者需要在编辑时与之前的已编辑新闻进行合并并更新新闻日期。
**[[模板:首页/活动| 活动]]模块显示目前Arcaea进行的[[世界模式]]活动。在没有活动时需留空本页,在活动进行中时需在此展示活 的[[世界 模式]]地图、阶梯阶数,阶梯步数以及阶梯奖励。本模块需要配合[[模板:活动倒计时]]使用。
**[[模板:首页/快速链接| 快速链接]]模块为相关Arcaea的快速链接,包括lowiro的官网和发布消息的网站、Arcaea相关论坛、相关查询工具以及其他语言维基等,若添加需要经过社群一致同意。
*[[界面]]页面详细说明Arcaea游戏的不同界面'''本身'''。[[界面]]页面的说明对象是游戏游玩本身所产生的界面,而诸如[[世界模式]]和[[故事模式]]等机制模式的界面则在这些模式所对应的页面中阐述,[[界面]]页面本身不阐述。由于相同的原因,Arcaea未来所更新的可能的新机制的界面一般 况下将不归属于[[界面]]页面的内容而属于新机制对应页面的内容。
*{{仅|移动版||图片角标}}{{仅|NS版||图片角标}}'''双端冲突内容''':[[Arcaea (移动版)]] 与[[Arcaea (Nintendo Switch版)]]之间在[[界面]]上的差异在同一个页面中阐述。如果两者差异十分巨大的,在对应栏目下分为两个段落分别阐述移动版与NS版的栏目内容。若两者仅是细节内容不同则在一个段落内通过图片角标注明。由于NS版具有Joy-Con操作功能,每个栏目结尾都需有'''Joy-Con导航'''分栏目,使用wikitable表格展示Joy-Con导航在界面上的操作功能(下文分栏目阐述将不包含'''Joy-Con导航'''分栏目)。
*[[界面#选曲界面|选曲界面]]阐释在玩家选择曲包(包括全部曲目)后选择曲目和谱面对应难度的界面,包含'''难度选择'''、'''排名'''{{仅|移动版||图片角标}} 、'''曲包界面按钮'''、'''随机曲目按钮'''、'''曲目排序与分类'''与'''“主菜单”按钮'''六个分栏目。
*[[机制]]页面详细说明Arcaea主流程游戏游玩时的规则,游玩流程以及数据计算。诸如[[世界模式]]和[[故事模式]]等非主游戏游玩的机制则在这些模式所对应的页面中阐述,[[机制]]页面 身不阐述。由于相同的原因,Arcaea未来所更新的可能的新机制一般情况下将不归属于[[机制]] 页面 的内容而属 新机制对应页面的内容。
*{{仅|移动版||图片角标}}{{仅|NS版||图片角标}}'''双端冲突内容''':[[Arcaea (移动版)]]与[[Arcaea (Nintendo Switch版)]] 之间在[[机制]]上的差异在同一个页面中阐述。由于双端机制基本只有“有或无”的差别,因此在仅有一端拥有的分栏目下使用[[模板:仅移动版]]或[[模 板:仅NS版]]标明。若两者仅是细节内容不同则在一个段落内通过图片角标注明。
*[[机制#回忆收集条|回忆收集条]]详细阐述游戏内<!--种类繁多花式繁杂的-->左侧回忆收集条的种类,样 ,数值计算等属性。该段落包含有一个'''命中时回忆条计算'''分栏目。
*该栏目使用wikitable表格阐释所有回忆收集条的种类,包含'''通关类型''','''回忆条种类''','''说明''','''通关条件''','''技能使用此种回忆条的[[搭档]]'''和'''通关显示'''六列。前四列通过合并单元格详细阐释每一种细分回忆收集条的游玩计算与通关条件,第五列显示对应过关搭档,而第六列显示Track Complete不同样式的图标。
*{{仅|移动版||图片角标}}{{仅|NS版||图片角标}}'''双端冲突内容''':[[搭档]] 页面中的双端冲突 内容 采用文字角标注明。
*搭档列表部分采用wikitable形式展示游戏所包含的所有搭档,横行分为常驻主线搭档、常驻支线搭档、常驻联动搭档、限时原创搭档、限时联动搭档与特殊搭档六部分。每列中采用[[模板:搭档组排列]]与[[模板:搭档组排单元]]列出所有搭档 图标及其名称。
===[[ 搭档#搭档数据简表|搭档数据简表]]===
*若该部分内容并不存在,则用“- ”代替空值。
===[[ 搭档# 搭档选择界面| 搭档选择界面]]===
*单搭档页面详细标注搭档的相关信息及相关内容。页首为搭档信息表,包括立绘画师、所属曲包/单曲、类型、觉醒形态、关键等级数据、技能与更新时间等信息,随后页面在搭档信息栏目下分为'''解禁方法'''、'''技能'''、'''搭档分级数据'''与'''搭档相关'''四 分栏目。
*'''搭档相关'''介绍该搭档的相关知识、在游戏内[[ 故事 模式|剧情]] 上的重要性、常见昵称和出现该搭档的曲绘。
**由于维基不定义什么是该搭档的常见昵称 所以常见昵称不能随意添加<!--更不是你们认为是就是-->。
*{{仅|移动版||图片角标}}{{仅|NS ||图片角标}}'''双端冲突 内容''':双端的世界模式采用不同页面阐释。[[世界模式]]页面阐释 移动 端世界模式机制,而[[世界模式 (Nintendo Switch )]]页面阐释NS端世界模式机制。[[世界模式 (Nintendo Switch版)]]没有“体力”栏目。
**对Beyond章世界模式游玩机制的阐释目前<!--我觉得这个也要搬过来-->处在“各章节阶梯和奖励情况示意”中[[世界模式#失落章:Beyond(Lost Chapter: Beyond)|Beyond章部分]]阐释。
*[[世界模式#台阶类型|台阶类型]]栏目采用图片与文字阐释世界模式所可能出现 台阶类型。<!--图片来自jpwiki,并且八百年没换过了-->
*[[世界模式#各章节阶梯和奖励情况示意|各章 阶梯和奖励情况示意]]使用世界模式地图简表表格展示世界模式所出现或出现过的所 地图,以章(Chapter)为单位,为wikitable样式 表格源代码和表现效果如下:
{| class="wikitable" border="1" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="5" style="text-align:center"
! 阶梯编号
! 阶梯名称
! 解锁条件
! 阶梯阶数
! 阶梯步数
! 阶梯奖励
! 备注
! class="nomobile" colspan="11" | 目录
| ''地图1''
| ''地图名1''
| ''解锁方式1''
| ''阶数1''
| ''总步数1''
| ''总奖励1''
| ''备注1''
! class="nodesktop" colspan="9" |目录
| ''地图2''
| ''地图名2''
| ''解锁方式2''
| ''阶数2''
| ''总步数2''
| ''总奖励2''
| ''备注2''
<nowiki>{| class="wikitable" border="1" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="5" style="text-align:center"
! 阶梯编号
! 阶梯名称
! 解锁条件
! 阶梯阶数
! 阶梯步数
! 阶梯奖励
! 备注
! class="nomobile" rowspan="4" width="10%" |[[#Main(主线)| 主线故事]]
| ''地图1''
! class="nomobile" width="15%" |[[光]] - 个人故事
| ''地图名1''
| ''解锁方式1''
| ''阶数1''
| ''总步数1''
| ''总奖励1''
| ''备注1''
! class="nomobile" width="15%" |[[ 对立]] - 人故事
| ''地图2''
| ''地图名2''
| ''解锁方式2''
| ''阶数2''
| ''总步数2''
| ''总奖励2''
| ''备注2''
<nowiki>搭档, 曲目, (num) 残片, n 以太之滴, n xx核心</nowiki>
*[[ 世界模式地图详表]] 使用地图详表记录了世界模式各个地图的详细数据,表格为wikitable样式<!--讲道理现在这 页面都沦落为等正太的脚本了-->。
*{{仅| 移动版|| 图片角标}}{{仅|NS版|| 图片角标}}'''双端冲突内容''':双端的世界模式地图详表采用不同页面展现。[[ 世界模式地图详表 (移动版)]] 页面展现移动端世界模式详细地图,而[[ 世界模式地图详表 (Nintendo Switch版)]]页面展现NS端世界模式详细地图。
{| class="wikitable mw-collapsible mw-collapsed" border="1" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="5" style="text-align:center"
! scope="col"|级数 !! scope="col"|步数<br />(到下一奖励的步数) !! scope="col"|特殊阶梯 !! scope="col"| 奖励
| 0
| ''步数''(''距下一奖励步数'')
| ''特殊台阶内容''
| ''台阶奖励''
| 1
| 0(0)
| ''台阶奖励''
| 总计
| '''''总计步数'''''
| '''-'''
| '''''总计奖励'''''
{| class="wikitable mw-collapsible mw-collapsed" border="1" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="5" style="text-align:center"
! class="nomobile" width="15%" | 聚合
! scope="col"|级数 !! scope="col"| 步数<br />(到下一奖励的步数) !! scope="col"| 特殊阶梯 !! scope="col"| 奖励
|[[#V-1|V-1]]||[[#V-2|V-2]]||[[#V-3|V-3]]||[[#V-4|V-4]]||[[#V-5|V-5]]|| colspan="4" |
! class="nomobile" width="15%" |决裂
! class="nomobile" rowspan="5" width="10%" |[[#Side(支线)| 支线故事]]
| 0
! class="nomobile" width="15%" |[[咲弥]] - 个人故事
| ''步数''(''距下一奖励步数'')
|[[#3-0|3-0]]||[[#3-1|3-1]]||[[#3-2|3-2]]||[[#3-3|3-3]]||[[#3-4|3-4]]||[[#3-5|3-5]]|| colspan="3" |
| ''特殊台阶内容''
| ''台阶奖励''
! class="nomobile" width="15%" |[[红]] - 个人故事
| 1
| 0(0)
| ''台阶奖励''
! class="nomobile" width="15%" |[[白姬]] - 个人故事
|[[#5-1|5-1]]||[[#5-2|5-2]]||[[#5-3|5-3]]||[[#5-4|5-4]]|| colspan="3" | ||[[#5-5|5-5]]||[[#5-6|5-6]]
| '''''总计步数'''''
| '''-'''
! class="nomobile" width="15%" |[[忘却]] - 个人故事
| '''''总计奖励'''''
|[[#6-1|6-1]]||[[#6-2|6-2]]||[[#6-3|6-3]]||[[#6-4|6-4]]||[[#6-5|6-5]]||[[#6-6|6-6]]|| colspan="3" |
! class="nomobile" width="15%" |[[调]] - 个人故事
|[[#7-1|7-1]]||[[#7-2|7-2]]||[[#7-3|7-3]]|| colspan="6" |

==Main( 主线)==
主线故事是牵涉到[[ ]] [[ 对立]]的 故事 也是游戏世界观的精髓
<nowiki>限制 歌曲名或曲包名
随机歌曲<br>限制 曲包名
+n 体力
限速 ≤ x
限速 ≤ x <br>限制 歌曲名或曲包名</nowiki>
<nowiki>(num) 残片
[[ 搭档名]]
[[ 曲目]]
n 以太之滴
n xx核心</nowiki>
:*当且仅当在写此种表格 总计时 文字需'''加粗'''

[[文 件:Story 1-1 cg.jpg|300px|thumb|right|1-1 (cg)]]
*[[ 故事模式]]使用 字阐释游戏的剧情机制,展现NS端剧情CG,并采用wikitable表格简要展现剧情目录。页面分为[[故事模式#机制| 机制]]、[[故事模式#界面| 界面]] [[ 故事模式#全部插画|全部插画]] [[ 故事模式#Main(主线)故事简表|Main(主线)故事简表]] [[ 故事模式#Side story(支线)故事简表|Side story(支线)故事简表]] 五部分。
解锁条件:购入[[Eternal Core]] 曲包<br>解锁要求:采用[[ ]] 通过[[Lumia]]
*{{ 仅|移动版||图片角 }}{{仅|NS版|| 图片角标}}'''双端冲突 内容''':[[故事模式]]双端冲突 内容 在一 页面 阐释 [[故事模式#全部插画|全部插画]]作为NS版独占内容直接使用[[模板:仅NS版]]注明;[[故事模式#Main(主线)故事简表|Main(主线)故事简表]]和[[故事模式#Side story(支 线)故事简表|Side story(支 线)故 简表]] 中的 冲突内容采用文字角标注明
{{collapse|标 题颜色=#e7e7e7|内容 颜色=#f7f7f7|标题=中文剧情| 内容=
恢复意识的她,发现自己苏醒于这 飞舞着玻璃蝴蝶的地方。<br>“多么令人愉快啊,”她想,“这些美妙的图案居然能在空 移动呢 牵引着它们的丝 线 在哪里?”<br><br>她蹲了下来,整了整裙子,环顾四周才发现这附近没有任何丝 线 。那些 物,也并不是蝴蝶——<br>玻璃碎片,不依靠任何外力便飞舞于空 。“太美妙了!”她自心底赞叹道。<br><br>这些玻璃反射出了另一个纯洁 世界 她从中看见海洋、城市、火焰、光芒;美好的景象目不暇接。<br>她抬起了自己的手,试图去抓住它们,开心地笑了出来。<br><br>她并不知道这些玻璃碎片有个名 :Arcaea 。<br>实际上,名字对这些过于美 好的 事物来说并不重要。<br> 她触碰、旋转、观察它们;她靠这样来娱乐自己。这已经足够了,难道不是吗?<br><br>现在留给她的,有六个问题:何人、何 、何处、何时、何 故与 何情 。<br>在这些疑问的包围下,她 有问出任何一个,也不想得到任何答案。Arcaea 光芒已经使她心满意足。<br> 这是她与这个新世界的邂逅。}}
*[[故事模式#机制|机制]]使用文 阐释故事模式游玩相关机制 。<!--没啥 -->
{{collapse|状态=collapsed|标题颜色=#e7e7e7| 内容颜色=#f7f7f7| 标题=英文 剧情|内容=
===[[故 模式#界面|界面]]===
Her first impression was that she'd awakened to a cloud of glass butterflies.<br>"How pleasant," she thought, "that these figures can move as well. Where are the strings?"<br><br>She sat onto her knees, fixed her dress, and found that there were no strings, and these were not<br>butterflies. Glass shards, flying on their own. "Delightful!" she felt, and so she said it.<br><br>The glass reflected another world than the one in white surrounding her. In it she could see reflections<br>of seas, cities, fires, lights; she rose her hand to scatter them, and laughed in joy.<br><br>She didn't know these pieces of glass had a name: Arcaea.<br>To tell the truth, they were so beautiful that it didn't matter the name.<br>She entertained herself by touching them, swirling them, watching them. That was enough, no?<br><br>There were six questions to ask: who, what, where, when, why, and how.<br>Of these questions, she asked none and desired no answers, content instead to bask in the glow of Arcaea.<br>This was her meeting with a new world.}}
*[[ 事模式#机制|机制]]使用图片 文字阐释故事模式界面 。<!-- 啥好说 ×2-->
===[[故事模式# 全部插画| 全部插画]]===
*[[故事模式# 全部插画| 全部插画]]部分展现NS端 剧情 模式所拥有的的全部插画,采用[[模板:Gallery]]列出。

===[[ 故事模式#Main(主线)故事简表|Main(主线)故事简表]] [[ 故事模式#Side story(支线)故事简表|Side story(支线)故事简表]]===
解锁条件:完成[[#1-1|1-1]],购入[[Eternal Core]]曲包<br>解锁要求:采用[[光]] 通过[[memoryfactory.lzh]]
*[[ 故事模式#Main(主线)故事简表|Main(主线)故事简表]] [[ 故事模式#Side story(支线)故事简表|Side story(支线)故事简表]] 是以搭档为单位的wikitable样式表格[[ 故事模式剧情详表]] 剧情索引,仅 通过 游戏 内剧情 性质分属 分。以 具有 剧情 [[ 搭档]] 名作为次级 标题 标题 表格 表格格式如 下:
But questions come inevitably.<br><br>The girl stands amidst the spiral of glass and wonders, "But really, what are these?"<br>Portals? Windows? Memories?<br><br>This last answer, "memories", strikes a chord with her. "They're memories," she says, faintly. And like that,<br>her questions stop.<br><br>For some reason, this is a place all full of memories. Whose memories, or of what, she can't tell for certain,<br>but her questioning has already ended.<br><br>For some reason the glass follows her. She can't hold any of it, but it comes to her nonetheless. On a whim,<br>she decides she will begin gathering it.<br><br>Piece by piece.<br>For no reason at all.}}
解锁条件:完成[[#1-2|1-2]],购入[[Eternal Core]] 曲包<br>解锁要求:采用[[ ]]通过[[PRAGMATISM]]
{{collapse|标题颜色=#e7e7e7| 容颜色=#f7f7f7|标题=中文 剧情|内容=
没有时钟的情况下,她根本不清楚多少时日已经过去了。<br>同时,新的思绪正逐渐浮现于她的脑海中。<br><br>玻璃碎片中,蕴含着美好的事物——她对此深信不疑。仔细一想,回忆会随着时间的流动不断改变,<br>但却与过去有着最亲密的联系。它可以苦涩,也可以甘甜,但她认为这 者都十 迷人 <br><br>如今,她可 瞧见自己所能见到的回忆——来自于别的场所与人们——<br>并且因它们的美而感到心旷神怡。Arcaea们闪烁着,散发着完美的光芒,在这破碎的世界里<br>显得格格不入。原本这些事物就容易博得人们的喜爱,而蕴藏其中的回忆着实使它们更惹人心爱了。<br><br>她哼唱着,双手飞扬,一边踩着破碎的小道。她带上了任何可能属于这整 世界的回忆,<br>跟在一条发光的溪流之后。这些属于一个既丑陋,又美丽的世界的回忆……<br><br>“多么好啊……”她叹息着,微笑着,陷入了宁静。这一切,看上去都太过于美好了。<br>在这里,不需要担心任何事物。<br>这美好而又简简单单的世界,只需要令人感到愉快就足够了。没错,无需多求。}}
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Without a clock, she has no sense for how many days or hours she has walked, but there is a new certainty<br>in her head...<br><br>There is beauty in a memory, that's what she finds herself believing. Thinking about it, a memory is never<br>certain, can change with the times, and yet is the nearest thing to a concrete piece of the past. It can be<br>bitter or sweet, and she thinks in either case they're quite enchanting.<br><br>For now she will see what memories she can, of these other places and people, and appreciate them for<br>their beauty. In the first place, these Arcaea flicker and glow splendidly in this strange and ruined world.<br>It's easy to fancy it all, and that they show memories makes it easier.<br><br>Humming, hands aloft, and stepping down broken paths, she brings what seems to be memories fit for an<br>entire world with her, following behind in a shining stream. Memories of an ugly, pretty world...<br><br>"How nice..." She sighs, she smiles, and serenity becomes her, it seems, too well.<br>But there’s nothing to worry about.<br>A pleasant, simple world like this need only be pleasant. Nothing more.}}
解锁条件:购入[[Luminous Sky]] 曲包<br>解锁要求:采用[[光]]通过[[Maze No.9]]
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这是道使人愉快的风景线。<br>长久以来,她行走于这荒芜却又美丽的世界,赞扬着她所找到的新鲜事物。<br><br>长久以来,她带领那些玻璃碎片一同旅行,以至于天空已经变 一面弯曲的镜子 <br>反射出了她所能见到的最遥远的光茫,整体望上去就像要触碰到天际。<br>这绝妙的穹顶闪着光,从未离开过她的头顶。<br>随着她只被华丽而又美好的事物环绕,此处成为了无尽的极乐世界。<br><br>她走 那段曾经通向一座庄园的螺旋阶梯。只可惜周围的墙皆已坍塌,而回忆取代了墙体。<br>所有的事物都比从前更加美好 她从那儿跃向前方,撞得回忆飞散开来;<br>她沉浸于闪闪发光的Arcaea——在被她找寻到后,它们便飘起并融入了她头顶那片人造天空。<br>她感到无比欢欣,高兴地笑了。
A joyous landscape. For so long, she has walked through a ruined yet beautiful world, finding things and<br>admiring them.<br><br>For so long she's traveled shepherding glass that the sky has become a mirror bending light as far as she can<br>see, and shaped almost geodesically. The fantastic and glittering roof never leaves her, and with her<br>surrounded by only fancies and goodness, the world has become endless bliss.<br><br>She traipses down a spiral staircase that once led into a manor, but the walls have now all fallen and<br>memories replace them. It is all the better: she leaps out ahead and dashes the memories everywhere,<br>basking in sparkling Arcaea that, when she finds them, float up to join the others in her artificial sky. So<br>enraptured now, she laughs with cheer.
A flower, a kiss, a love, a birth: a life followed by a new life in a river of glass flies past her eyes and blends<br>into the rest. She has seen this reflected countless times, and it still pleases her.<br><br>She gazes at the wall above. As they’ve come together, they’ve grown more vibrant.<br>She smiles, satisfied, before she wanders on again. And, as ever, heedless of all consequence.}}

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 解锁条件 :完成[[#1-4|1-4]],购入[[Luminous Sky]]曲包<br> 解锁要求 :采用[[光]]通过[[Halcyon]]
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  物极必反——人们坚信这是真理。她可能并不知晓这一点,抑或是对此毫不在乎。<br><br>少女如今穿行于一间看似老旧大礼堂的地方。<br>仿佛是一种超自然力量所造成,这里的辉煌景象被完美地劈成了两半,<br>昔日的庄严感也早已黯淡乏味,<br>在这声音的坟墓中同样飘流着回忆:舞蹈、演出、希望、胜利。<br><br>她的嘴抽搐着。是因为这些事物现已变得单调无趣,还是另有其因?<br>她抬起了手,而Arcaea们靠近了她,温柔地飘舞在她的手掌之上、指尖之中。<br>她茫然地 视着它们。她已经是第几次见到那退役乐队的送别欢呼了?<br>她已经是第几次见到两兄弟间的拥抱了?<br>她见到了太多次爱的形式——过于平凡,就像是这片被忘却的陈旧世界中的日常标准。
她让这些回忆远离她,下定决心不再去想这些 。<br><br>它们升了起来,飞入她仍在收集的那些回忆之中。<br>她如今正望向它们的终点。比起她刚开始收集的时候,那地方早已明亮不少。<br>它看上去每天都在变得更耀眼夺目……<br><br>究竟已经过去了多少天?她畏缩着,脸上扭出一丝怪相。她随即把自己的坏脸色一扫而空。<br><br>也许她只是需 更多——任何遗失的部分都将会被找到。<br>她冷静下来,开始继续前行。<br>她并不想自己被一个事实所干扰——无论她怎么做,那些跟随着她的Arcaea都不愿离去。}}
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They say that this is true: anything in excess is a poison. She either didn’t know, or hadn’t cared.<br><br>The girl now walks past what seemed to have been an old concert hall, the impact of its grandness dulled<br>as it had been split perfectly in twain, as if some higher power had willed it so. Out of the tomb of sound<br>drift memories again: of dances, of performance, hopes, victories.<br><br>Her mouth twitches. Has it simply become boring, or is this something else? She lifts her hands and the<br>Arcaea come to her, gently weaving over her palms and through her fingers. Blankly she notes them. How<br>many times has she seen the last hurrah of a retiring band? How many times has she seen two brothers<br>embrace? Too many times she’s seen the formation of a love, so frequent it was apparently standard in old<br> and forgotten worlds.
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She lets the memories go, and genuinely thinks nothing of it.<br><br>They rise. They fly to join with the memories she’s still been gathering, and she looks at their destination<br>now. It’s grown much brighter since she began her collecting. It seems to grow brighter every day…<br><br>How many days has it even been? She winces, and a grimace twists onto her face. She shakes it away.<br><br>Maybe she only needs more, then whatever is missing will be found. She calms herself and carries on, not<br>letting it bother her that no matter what, she cannot push the Arcaea following her away.}}

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  解锁条件:完成[[#1-5|1-5]],购入[[Luminous Sky]]曲包<br> 解锁要求:采用[[光(Zero)|光(Zero)]]通过[[Ether Strike]]
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“Heaven” is a kind of hell.<br><br>The truth is, idle peace and thoughtless pleasure are anathema to passion. Imbibing and imbibing of happy<br>things endlessly dulls the senses and makes “happiness” indistinct, blurred, and ultimately without<br>purpose. Now nothing has a purpose. She’d never had a purpose.<br><br>The sky is almost blinding.<br><br>She may be wandering, or she may be standing still; she isn’t sure and it doesn’t matter. The sky she’s made<br>has her attention, but the memories within it can’t be sorted out.<br>It has all become an opaque and overpowering haze compelling emptiness. She is losing her self.<br><br>And as she is losing her self, she remains numb to the encroaching dissolution. Though she did not<br>remember, she invited this pleasurable and suffocating cage, and she locked herself within it. Now she<br>lacks even the will to worry.
  | '' 本故事 解锁要求''
The sky grows brighter and she loses more of herself. With little time for her left, she stares upward as if<br>waiting. Bright, bright, bliss, beauty above: effulgent memory overtakes her.<br><br>Her mind whites out.<br><br>And, without meaning, light fades away.<br><br>Without meaning, time passes.<br><br>And a girl stares up into an empty sky, her mind ended, and thus her story along with it.}}
  解锁条件:完成[[#1-5|1-5]],购入[[Luminous Sky]]曲包<br>解锁要求:需要解锁[[Fracture Ray]]
  少女跪坐在地上,微抬着下巴。她那粗糙而又极具渗透力的创造物,不久便会将她吞噬进自身的光芒,<br>诱使她忘却一切。它跃动于她头顶上方,散发着光芒,温柔却又难以忍受。<br>她未多想,任凭那东西渐渐夺走她的全部自我。<br><br>而在那浩瀚虚无之中,她的双目捕捉到了什么 物。<br><br>仅仅是那特异之处便打破少女的麻木感,少女的目光也开始在那物体上摇摆:<br>一片有些特殊的玻璃,只是有抹鲜红,却着实引人注目。<br>不知是现实或只是大脑产生的幻觉,周遭原本晦暗的天空显得越来越清楚。她认为,天空变得容易看清了。<br>她认为——她才意识到自己已经几个世纪没有思考过。<br><br>这座如今正剧烈颤动的天堂已歪曲变形,一道巨大的裂痕更是从中划过,一切都围绕着一段崭新的回忆扭曲起来:<br>一片本不该存在的回忆。它从那一切中破空而出,也破坏了整片天空。
The girl is on her knees, her chin brought up, and it is soon that her jagged and pervasive creation will<br>consume her in its light coaxing oblivion. Above her it pulses and glows, gentle but insufferable. She lets it<br>nearly take her, thoughtless.<br><br>And from that vast nothingness, something catches her eye.<br><br>Distinction alone breaks her from the lull of uniformity, and her gaze swings to it: a single, special piece<br>of glass, just a bit red, and absolutely noticeable. Perhaps in reality or through a trick of her mind, the<br>rest of the sky that it begins emerging from dulls in its intensity. She thinks, it’s becoming easier to see.<br>She thinks, and realizes she hasn’t thought at all in ages.<br><br>The heavens wobble and distort, and a crack seems to run through them, the whole thing twisting around the<br>creation of a new memory: a shard of memory that should not exist. It breaks from the whole, and breaks<br>the sky.
Both violently and calmly the roof of her making falls down, choking the air in scattering light. The spectacle<br>would be magnificent to her, but she remains stuck on the newest piece, which floats toward her amidst<br>the frightening chaos of joyous memories.<br><br>It, too, is a memory of joy: that of herself that she has forgotten.<br><br>“When was— Did I—?”<br><br>She speaks in a fractured voice, her vocal chords having been long neglected of use.<br><br>Now in her hands, the odd shard that came from zero revolves, and in it she sees the time when she awoke,<br>dancing alongside glass, traveling the mirror world, and happy. Tears fall from her eyes, and she remembers<br>that happiness left her long ago.}}
[[文件:Story 1-8 cg.jpg|300px|thumb|right|1-8 (cg)]]
 解锁条件 :完成[[#1-7|1-7]],购入[[Luminous Sky]]曲包<br>解锁要求:采用[[光]]通过[[Fracture Ray]]
Twinkling glass pieces fall in an unevenly timed rain while reflecting dead worlds as they always do. The girl<br>at the center of it all focuses on a piece reflecting something new, however, and of this world still existing.<br><br>Tears fall from her eyes, but the reason is yet grasped by her. Her mind still recovering, she agonizes over<br>the loss of everything she had before, falling all around her. But, also, she agonizes over the loss of her zeal.<br>The memory reflected shows a better and ignorant time, as she walked into a trap she’d created for herself.<br>Even if she knew where it would lead — these shiftless travels inviting senselessness — would she have<br>done it all again, just to be happy?<br><br>The red in the glass is that of the red in her clothes, and she grasps the shard tightly to add the red of her<br>hand to it, blurring past and present, running warm over the shimmering surface. She feels, again, but she<br>feels so much more than before. She feels, overwhelmingly, regret.
These were times that, almost with pride, she had moved meaninglessly. She had gathered the Arcaea to<br>enjoy them,and not thought even a bit as to why. She had brought on herself a torturous and tedious<br>hedonistic existence,a manufactured and blinding prison. She had done it all for nothing, and nearly lost<br>herself.<br><br>And to a question of “Why?” there was never an answer. Just to be happy? That hadn’t been it either.<br>Collapsed on her knees, choking through cries with the memory over her breast, she knows the weight of<br>her errors. She had surrounded herself in love and life so much that it came to disgust her, and that truth<br>grieves her.<br><br>In grief the girl cries, thinking as much as she can, about everything that has happened, and what anything<br>meant.}}
解锁条件:完成[[#1-8|1-8]],购入[[Luminous Sky]]曲包<br> 解锁要求 :采用[[光(Fracture)|光(Fracture)]]通过[[Fracture Ray]]
  她需一五一十地回答那些曾几时被她遗忘的老问题。这个世界有着怎样的意义?为什么她会在此处?<br>为什么在温柔的回忆被她吸引时,那些她曾瞥见有苦难闪现的碎片却会拒绝她?她到底是谁?<br><br>少女的双眼再度有了光泽,依靠那颤抖的双腿直立起来。在她这样做的时候,围绕着她的Arcaea忽然移动起来。<br>她好奇地 视着它们,试着高举她的手。它们跟随着她的手飘舞而起,而她陷入沉思。<br>她察觉到这与从前不太一样,但她自身也有些地方变化了。<br><br>Arcaea不再主动接近她,而她也不再放任自己被束缚于牢笼中。<br>因为手上沾满了血,她用手背抹去自己的泪水,让这些将她引领至这条崭新路途的碎片们跟随于她的身后。<br>她会让那一切成为一段回忆,而她也将重新面对这陌生的世界。<br>无论是好是坏,她将找寻到一切的谜底。<br><br>她如此发誓,矢志不渝。}}
Silence.<br><br>A few small pieces of old times falling down intermittently break this, but the girl’s anguish has settled.<br>She no longer openly weeps, sitting among shimmering glass with dried tears on her cheeks and dried<br>blood in her hands. Fear, worry, and regret have ended, so she now has to look out ahead.<br><br>What she had done was misguided. It was, in fact, not guided at all. With the idea of “more happy scenes<br>would only be better”, she had filled the sky with good memories, not wondering if there might be any<br>danger in bringing so many of the mysterious shards together in one place. She realizes now that they had<br>threatened to swallow her.<br><br>If she wants to press on, she must have a reason.
She needs to answer those old questions that she had forgotten. What does this world mean, and why is<br>she in it? Why are gentle memories attracted to her, although she sometimes saw flashes of hardship in<br>pieces that refused her? Who was she?<br><br>Light comes back to her eyes and she stands on shaking legs. As she does so, the Arcaea surrounding her<br>shift. She looks on at them curiously, and lifts her hand. They lift too, and she ponders. She realizes this is<br>different, but that there’s also something different within herself.<br><br>The Arcaea will not come to her unbidden again, and she will not allow herself to be caged. She wipes<br>away her tears with the back of her bloodied hand, and lets the shard that has turned her onto this new<br>path go to follow behind her. She will let that be a memory, and face this strange world anew, and she will<br>find all that it is for, be it good or bad.<br><br>This she swears, and she is certain.}}
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  解锁条件:购入[[Eternal Core]]曲包<br>解锁要求:采用[[对立]]通过[[cry of viyella]]
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She'd awakened in a ruined tower, first noticing pieces of glass floating in the air. They led her outside, and<br>into a world of white.<br><br>White, white, and more glass. It seemed attracted to her, so she examined the shards with piqued curiosity.<br><br>She could see glimpses of something else in them, like looking through the windows of a train car. In one<br>flash she saw rain, in another sunlight, and in another death. She grimaced, and pulled away.<br><br>Although it seemed attracted to her, at her attempts to reach out and shatter the glass the shards were<br>naturally repelled. Her grimace deepened into a glare, and she turned her attention to the pale sky.<br>However, as she gazed into it, her expression melted away. Her mouth opened, but she was too shaken to<br>speak.<br><br>Glass: churning, glinting, and turning far overhead. There seemed to be a storm of it.<br><br>She regretted giving it attention, as now it seemed to notice, and was coming down to greet her.}}
解锁条件 :完成[[#2-1|2-1]],购入[[Eternal Core]]曲包<br>解锁要求:采用[[对立]]通过[[Essence of Twilight]]
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It's difficult to describe that sensation which overwhelms her now. A riptide of glass that doesn't shatter,<br>cut, or reflect her face, pushing past her in powerful amounts, turning up and swirling as if pulled by a great<br>wind. She stands fast, and watches.<br><br>Watches... ...Memories...? ...Of a filthy world.<br>"What is this...!?" She reaches out. "This...!"<br><br>A memory of pain, betrayal, envy.<br><br>When she stops it, she stops the rest. They stand still in the air around her, frozen. She whips her head this<br>way and that. "They're only..."<br><br>Dark? Are they only dark? Wherever it is these shards reflect... she sees little light there. Whatever small<br>sparks she sees fade away in an instant. She bites her lip, and then smiles a smile with no humor. "What<br>kind of joke is that?" she mutters, "A world filled only with misery..."<br><br>As she says this, even her bitter smile fades away.}}
解锁条件:完成[[#2-2|2-2]],购入[[Eternal Core]]曲包<br> 解锁要求 :采用[[对立]]通过[[Sheriruth]]
Without a clock, she has no way of knowing how long she's picked through memories, but she's sure it's<br>been quite a long time.<br><br>For a while, she'd searched the fragments for more happy memories, just to see if they were there. They<br>were, in small number, but the more miserable shards never ceased to hound her.<br>So, she's come to know places she now loathed.<br><br>She now stands at the middle of a vast spiral of glass that turns about her slowly and resembles cosmos.<br>She thinks there are two possibilities here: either the world or perhaps worlds these shards envision were<br>entirely terrible, or since only terrible memories are here...<br>In any case, she's decided to be rid of it all.<br><br>Something inside her has switched. Now when she looks at painful memories, she looks pleased. She<br>gathers such memories, it seems, gleefully.<br><br>"If I can be rid of this trash, or even better the places it represents..."<br>These places full of chaos and even light.<br>That will make her happy.}}
  解锁条件:购入[[Vicious Labyrinth]]曲包<br>解锁要求:采用[[对立]]通过[[Iconoclast]]
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It had been a while, and so she'd grown confident.<br><br>In the time since she began she'd explored much of this glass and mirror world, and she'd gathered<br>countless shards. Like an unending scarf they formed around her neck and trailed long behind her. Now,<br>she stood atop a fallen tower and looked out ahead with a smile. The terrible memories of other places<br>twisted behind her menacingly.<br><br>She was gazing at a place that had always caught her eye, but she'd refrained from ever going toward it. It<br>was some sort of distant labyrinth turning into the sky with insane geometry. Of course, it was more glass.<br>Of course, she could feel its filth pulsing all the way out here.
Although she still had no idea how to go about it, she intended to be rid of the terrible fragments that<br>followed her eventually. To that end she was gathering them. She at least took comfort in having the bad all<br>in one place. That would make clearing it away one day all the more easier. This labyrinth was particularly<br>bad, and she felt confident in gathering its fragments too.<br><br>The maze was surrounding by a glittering and ever-shifting sea of good memories. As she made her way<br>toward the maze, the sea parted, only a few shards coming to join the trail behind her. However, while<br>walking the path and scattering the good shards she suddenly hesitated. Now flanked by hope, with<br>despair before her, she chewed on her lip...and her heart wavered.}}

 以此 类推
  解锁条件:完成[[#2-4|2-4]],购入[[Vicious Labyrinth]]曲包<br>解锁要求:采用[[对立]]通过[[conflict]]
Once upon a time, surely, things had to have been better.<br><br>The girl remembered nothing. and since awaking in the world of glass she'd only ever known other<br>memories. Because of this, she'd drawn many conclusions and had few second thoughts. She'd been<br>assured of the idea that nothing in the glass and nothing in this world held any worth. Filth and awfulness,<br>tears and pain, a small smile, and death.<br><br>But once upon a time, things had to have been better. Simple rules are often true: shadows are begotten<br>from light. Shadow lurked at her back, and now she was surrounded by light.<br><br>When she'd stepped into these waves of joy and purity, she hadn't given it a second thought. She'd become<br>so absorbed in evil that she had forgotten simple good. To be honest it was more than her heart simply<br>wavering, now. She was overwhelmed. For every glint of hope that caught her eye on the way to the jagged<br>maze, she paused and questioned everything. There was an answer she did not want to acknowledge,<br>immersed in this scene of light and chaos. She didn't want to think about it. She wouldn’t allow herself to<br>think about it.
And, before she really could, she stood before the entrance to the impossible labyrinth.<br><br>On impulse, she reached out to the better glass and memories of flowering fields came to follow around<br>her in a ring. She didn't know why, nor if they would help.}}
[[文件:Story 2-D cg.jpg|300px|thumb|right|2-D (cg)]]
解锁条件:完成[[#2-5|2-5]],购入[[Vicious Labyrinth]]曲包<br>解锁要求:采用[[对立(Axium)|对立(Axium)]]通过[[Axium Crisis]]
当她兴高采烈地撕碎大片的迷宫,将走道翻入半空时,脸上的笑容扭曲了起来。<br>她畏缩了;她的脑内绝对有什么不对劲的地方。在这片迷宫的中心,有着“什么事物”,<br>比任何她曾见到的回忆都邪恶。她可 感受到那样事物——那事物如今与她十分接近,正呼喊着她。<br>她的热情已经干涸,而她的脚步也逐渐放慢。下一刻,她看见了那片散发邪恶气息的玻璃碎片在空中旋转着,<br>其中含括的是一个世界走向灭亡的回忆。<br><br>一只手搭在脸上的她,朝着那镜像世界望去。她依然记得她身下那片充满欢乐与幸福的海洋,<br>与那如今环绕在她身边的花圈。她已经掀掉了迷宫的顶端一角,而墙壁也纷纷开始崩塌。<br>阴暗的玻璃在她身边缓缓坠落,而远方的美好回忆则闪耀着明亮的光芒。<br><br>她透过指缝观看着那世界末日之景。她咽了口口水,靠着那股不知名的勇气,将手从自己的脸上移开。<br>她伸出了手,把那世界尽头收入了自己所搜集的无数回忆之中。<br>这片存在颠覆了一切,她也进而感受到心中那份货真价实的,如浪潮般的狂喜。无论之后的回忆有多么可怕,<br>与 种记忆相比都算不上一缕羽毛。她确定自己已经变得足够强大,而她理所当然地想立刻把一切都摧毁。<br>就这样,伴随着那抹真诚的微笑与疲惫的笑声,她从天空中降落到了地面上。那座古老的塔楼随着她一同陨落而下 }}
She didn't know it, but she had a name. If she knew it, perhaps she wouldn't have entered the twisted<br>black maze. It may have been a meaningful name that may have made her doubts much stronger. But she<br>didn't know, she ground her teeth, and she reaffirmed her beliefs. The light from before would not shake her,<br>the light of the flower ring would not shake her.<br>She entered the dark structure and started tearing it apart.<br><br>Each wall pulled away was made of misery, each facet held horrors, and the corners were comprised of fear.<br>This was a castle of iniquity. Simply put, it was grotesque. It was powerfully grotesque.<br><br>And that girl, her grin returned. This was it. Climbing through it, running through it, this was the kind of<br>disgusting monolith that had compelled her into action in the first place. She hadn't been wrong. The glass<br>should only be shattered. The mirrors should only be destroyed.
And as she gleefully pulled away great swathes of the maze, hallways tumbling into the air, her smile<br>became warped. She winced; something was wrong with her head. At the heart of the maze, there was<br>*something* worse than any memory before. She could feel it, close now, calling to her. Her enthusiasm<br>had drained, and her progress had slowed, and she saw a wicked shard of glass turning in space,<br>containing the memory of the end of a world.<br><br>With a hand on her face, she looked into the mirrored world. She remembered the sea of pleasant realities<br>below her and the flowers now circling around her. She'd taken down part of the maze's roof and the walls<br>had subsequently fallen away. Dark glass rained slowly around her, and in the distance the better memories<br>shone brightly.<br><br>She looked into the end of the world between her fingers. She swallowed, and with newfound strength,<br>removed the hand from her face. She reached out, and dragged the end of the world into her collection of<br>memories. With this monolith toppled, she felt an honest and genuine surge of bliss. However terrible the<br>memories she faced from now on would be, it couldn’t possibly matter. She was certain now that she was<br>strong, and she would definitely destroy them all. And so, with a genuine smile and a tired laugh, she came<br>down from the sky, and the tower along with her.}}

==[[ 故事模式剧情详表]]==
解锁条件:完成[[#2-5|2-5]],购入[[Vicious Labyrinth]] 曲包<br>解锁要求:需要解锁[[Grievous Lady]]
*[[ 故事模式剧情详表]] 记录了Arcaea游戏中剧情的详细文本及其他附属信息,以每个[[ 搭档]] 为大单位,每个剧情编号为小单位。剧情展示中英剧情,其中 中文剧情 默认展现 英文 情默认折叠
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*页首为 动编辑wikitable表格目录 编辑者 在更 新本页 面时 <!-- 记得--> 手动更新
可能她需要为自己的情况感到担忧 因为她的心忽然 痛起来 <br><br>她后退了一步, 捂着嘴 眼中是一片迷茫。她如今正站 一座 加巨大而充满苦痛的,<br>如塔楼一般的迷宫中。但她只是一个扑腾跪倒下去。<br>而在触及地 之前,地板结构土崩瓦解,先她一步向下坠落起来。<br><br>映射后悔 日的那些回忆如同披风包裹着她,而属于塔楼的回忆由一阵缓慢的雨点化作了一场<br>倾盆大雨。她与这迷宫好似石块一般下落着。本应该因极快的下坠速度而感到恐惧的她,<br>却被混乱支配了思绪。<br><br>她落入了一片由来自其他世界的欢乐回忆所组成的海洋之中。<br>她与那崩坏的迷宫所带来的浪潮巨大无比。玻璃以既丑陋又美丽的形式相撞推挤。<br>她跪坐在这场风暴的中心。
*{{ 仅|移动版|| 图片角 }}{{仅|NS版|| 图片角 }}'''双端冲突 内容''': 双端的故事模式剧情详表 采用 不同页面展现。[[ 故事模式剧情详表 (移动版)]] 页面展现移动端详细剧情,而[[ 故事模式剧情详表 (Nintendo Switch版)]] 页面展现NS端详细剧情。
=== 详细 剧情===
她心中困惑的来源是她所承受的伤痛。她的一切都承受着伤痛。她的心脏仿佛随时会炸裂开来。<br> 她所收集的回忆形成的披风化作一团古怪的球体,包覆着她 洁白的世界消失于她的视野,<br>只留下那些惨痛而邪恶的事物。她冒着汗,怀着猛烈起伏的情绪,颤抖着朝那些玻璃看去,<br>深沉地朝着Arcaea看去。这下,她意识到自己的心正在碎裂。<br><br>她的理性正在碎裂。<br><br>先前目睹的那世界尽头的回忆,缓缓地映入了她的视野。}}
*详细剧 情部分 展示该剧 情的 解锁条件 解锁要求 情内容 剧情 部分采用[[模板:collapse]]实现折叠效果。
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** 解锁条件 格式: 完成''故事编号'',购入''曲包名'' 曲包
Perhaps she should have worried, because her heart was suddenly in pain.<br /><br />She drew back, covered her mouth, and her eyes went wide in confusion. She had been standing<br />on the floor of a gigantic and bitter maze that doubled as a tower, but she now began to fall to<br />her knees. Before she hit the ground, the structure began to break and fall first.<br /><br />The memories of sorrowful days that she had gathered came around her like a cloak, and the tower's<br />memories turned from a falling slow rain into a downpour. She and the maze fell like stones, and<br />although she should have been terrified to drop so far and so fast, all she could feel was confusion.<br /><br />She splashed down into a sea of the fragmented happiness of other worlds. The waves she and<br />the crashing labyrinth caused were immense. Glass pushed against glass in a way that could be<br />described as both ugly and beautiful, and she knelt at the center of that storm.
** 解锁要求 格式: 采用''指定搭档'' 通过''指定曲目''。即使指定曲目是隐藏曲也需指明。
*次级 标题 均为本剧情在游戏 内文 内的 编号
She was confused because she was hurting. Everything hurt. Her heart was bursting.<br />The cloak of memories that she'd collected turned into a grotesque sphere and surrounded her.<br />The world of white disappeared from her vision, leaving only horrible things.<br />Heaving, sweating, and trembling, she looked into the glass, into the Arcaea, deeply.<br />And as she came to realize that her heart was breaking,<br /><br />that her sanity was breaking,<br /><br />the memory of the end of the world that she'd seen earlier slowly drifted into view.}}
*不同剧情 之间 按照剧情顺序 非解锁顺序填写 遇到相同次序 按照可能 解锁顺序编写
*从文件获得剧情 时, 将文本经 \n→<nowiki><br />,\"→" |→----</nowiki> 三次文本替换即可获得 游戏内展示 的剧情
[[文件:Story 2-8 cg.jpg|300px|thumb|right|2-8 (cg)]]
解锁条件:完成[[#2-7|2-7]],购入[[Vicious Labyrinth]]曲包<br>解锁要求 :采用[[ 对立]] 通过[[Grievous Lady]]
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*[[ 解歌系统]] 以文字阐释玩家获取和解锁游戏中的曲目和谱面的相关机制。页面分为[[ 解歌系统# 曲目获取| 曲目获取]] [[ 解歌系统#谱面 解锁| 谱面解锁]] 两部分。
少女在踏入这纯白色的荒废世界中时,曾有着多样的 感。在大 部分 时间,她所感受到的是愤怒之 ,<br>但她已经可以把那愤怒转变为一种离奇 希望。的确 她并没有任何有效的计划。<br>实际上,她向前走的动力只是因为她相信路程的尽头会有什么美好的事物。她曾经满怀希望。<br>她曾确信这些混沌会引领她前往光明。她曾确信那些她所经受的折磨、所面临的恐惧,都可以被打败。<br><br>是的,她曾经感情丰富。她如此强烈地坚信着自己的想法,<br>以至于在她发现一切——事实上——都没有任何目的之后……她感到饱受折磨。<br><br>最悲惨的命运,莫过于曾拥有希望,却眼睁睁地看着它们破灭。少女跪坐在一个诡异的死亡之圈内,<br>眼看着世界逐渐走向末路。这是她第一次感受到被称为悲伤的情感,并且这种情感很快就化作了绝望。<br>Arcaea的世界根本是个毫无意义的世界。这里只保存了各个世界走向灭亡的画面。<br>这里没有任何物质,只有反射出的影像。哪怕是她有时会在路上搜寻到的关于光明 愉快的回忆,<br>都仅仅是源于过去。就像是白昼过后终是黑夜,它们渐渐地导致了这一刻她眼前的世界末日。<br>她的眼中泪水盈眶。<br><br>自从苏醒之后,她感受到了太多事物。
*{{仅| 移动版|| 图片角标}}{{ |NS版|| 图片角 }}'''双端冲突 内容''':双端 解歌系统 面中 阐释 。若出现 双端差异则由文字角标 或者 纯文字 说明。
===[[解歌系统# 曲目获取| 曲目获取]]===
她曾经感受到欢乐。欢乐离她而去。<br><br>她曾经感受到畏惧。畏惧离她而去。<br><br>愤怒离她而去。<br><br>希望离她而去。<br><br>就是悲伤与绝望,如今也离她而去。<br><br>她的眼神转为一片黑暗,而她已经与这些玻璃起了共鸣。<br>围绕于她四周的回忆之壳开始崩裂。她就身处其中,站在那炫目的光芒前方。她已经没有任何 感了。}}
*[[解歌系统#曲目获取|曲目获取]]部分包括'''经由世界模式'''与''' 经由解锁曲包''' 两个次级标题,分别用文字简要阐释通过[[世界模式]]游玩与购买[[曲包列表|曲包]]所获得曲目的方式。
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The girl had felt many emotions since her waking into the white and ruined world. Mostly, she'd felt anger,<br>but she'd been able to turn that anger into a strange sort of hope. True, she didn't have much of a plan. In<br>fact, she was only walking forward because she believed at the end of her steps there would be something<br>good. She had hope. She was certain that this chaos was leading into light. She was certain that the<br>torments she was facing, that the horrors she was holding, could be completely shattered.<br><br>Yes, she was emotional. She felt so strongly that when faced with the idea that no, in fact, nothing had a<br>purpose...she began to suffer.<br><br>The cruelest fate is to have hope and see it crushed before your eyes. And so the girl sat on her knees in a<br>malformed circle of death, looking at a world coming to its end. This was the first time she had felt the<br>emotion of sadness, and it was quickly turning into despair. The world of Arcaea was a pointless world. It<br>was the manifestation of worlds gone. It had no substance, only the reflections of such. Even the glowing<br>and joyful memories she had sometimes encountered on her way were still only memories of the past. Like<br>night comes after day, they had to have led into the end she now saw spinning slowly in the air before her.<br>Her eyes welled with tears.<br><br>She had felt so much since waking up.
She'd felt joy. Joy left her.<br><br>She'd felt felt fear. Fear left her.<br><br>Anger left her.<br><br>Hope left her.<br><br>Even sadness and despair now left her.<br><br>Her eyes went dark and she could feel resonance with the glass. The shell of memories around her began to<br>crack and split open. She emerged from it and stood in the blinding light, and couldn't feel anything at all.}}
解锁条件 完成[[#2-8|2-8]],购入[[Vicious Labyrinth]] 曲包<br> 解锁要求 采用[[对立(Grievous Lady)|对立(Grievous Lady)]] 通过[[Grievous Lady]]
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宛如受石油污染的海洋,那受诅咒的迷宫记忆,与少女吸引而来的回忆碎片一齐摔落下来,<br>与那些抚慰着她 碎片纠缠在了一起 它们大多都搅成了灰色的糊块,<br>有些则像长钉一样从地面猛地窜起。她像个雕像一样站在原地,缓慢地注视着每一片碎片,<br>仅仅是……在计算它们的数量。就算有些尖利的碎片险些在弹起时刺到她的眼睛,<br>她依然只是继续数了下去。<br><br>终于,她抬起了一根手指,与从她面前飞过的碎片打了个招呼。就在一念 之间 ,<br>那些碎片聚集在一起,化作了一只脆弱的蝴蝶。她命令蝴蝶飞向高空,去反射那纯白的世界。<br> 当它归来并告诉了她自己的所见之物时——就在一念之间——她慢慢地撕裂了蝴蝶的翅膀 <br>并使蝴蝶化作了虚无。接着,她走向了那腐败的海洋,<br>让那些仍在她路径上伫立的,那些所有象征着遗失 梁柱,全数爆发、碎裂
……<br><br> 光逝去 她变了。<br><br>她不再激情地收集回忆。她近乎无意识地走在这世界之中。她知晓了更多关于这个世界与她自己的事——<br>只是不再抱有任何雄心壮志。<br><br>如今,她正在一个破旧坍塌的建筑旁行走着,旋转着她某天在废墟中找到的太阳伞。<br>静悄悄地,一只玻璃组成的生物倒映着痛苦,从天空中向她滑翔 来。<br> 这看上去就像是个闪闪发光的粗糙乌鸦,而她认为这只不过是个工具罢了。<br> 自塔楼倒塌的那天 她就和混乱满盈的Arcaea融为了一体 甚至已经能够随心所欲地操控它们。<br>它通过自身的方式与她细细低语,诉说着对少女而言遥不可及的苍白世界中的情况。<br>她对那物体怒目而视,使它爆裂开来,化为空气。她也继续行走起来。
她的乌鸦给她捎来的信息使她愈发厌恶。这个世界就是个空壳子——它们向来只会不断重复这个主旨。<br> 她知道,她不会找到其他人。<br><br>但她想要那么做。她需要那么做。但这并不是为了让谁 她分担 下她残酷的命运。<br><br>她想把所有 挫败感都发泄到一个活物上。她想要找到一个人来供她摧残。}}
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Like an ocean stained with oil, the memories of a cursed labyrinth and the memories she had brought with<br>her all fell and muddled into the soothing glass around her. Most of them churned into a gray mass, some<br>would suddenly jut up from the ground like spikes. She went still, and slowly looked over every shard,<br>just...counting them. Even when memories came shooting up sharply near her eyes, she continued to count.<br><br>Eventually she lifted a finger, beckoning some of the shards toward her. And, with a simple thought, the<br>fragments came together in the shape of a fragile butterfly. She commanded it into the sky, to reflect the<br>world of white, and when it came down again to tell her what it had seen, with a simple thought she slowly<br>tore off each of its wings, and let it fall into nothing. Then, she walked forward from the corrupted sea,<br>willing each pillar of lost time that entered her path to explode and shatter.
---<br><br>Time passed. She changed.<br><br>She no longer sought to collect memories. She walked through the world mostly absently. She discovered<br>things about it and about herself, but she had no ambitions.<br><br>Now she walked beside an old and crumbling building, twirling a parasol she had found in the ruins some<br>day. Silently, a creature formed of glass reflecting bitter days glided down toward her from the sky. It<br>resembled a glistening and jagged crow, and it was something she considered no more than a tool. After<br>that day at the now-fallen tower, she'd become more in-tune with the chaotic Arcaea and was able to call<br>upon things like this. In its own way, it whispered to her of places beyond her reach in the blinding white<br>world. Glaring at it, she had it burst and fall apart, and she moved on.
These crows of hers sickened her with news. The world was empty, that's all they said. That she knew.<br>She'd never find anyone else here.<br><br>She wanted to. She needed to. But, it was not because she hoped to have someone to share her fate with.<br><br>She needed to let this frustration out on something alive. She needed someone to hurt.}}
解锁条件:完成[[#1-9|1-9]],[[#2-9|2-9]],购入[[Luminous Sky]]曲包<br> 解锁 要求:采用[[光(Fracture)| 光(Fracture)]] 通过[[Grievous Lady]]<br>
[[文件:Story V-1.jpg|300px|thumb|right|V-1 (vn)]]
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这座废墟与其他废墟都呈现出相同 景象,<br>但被光芒环抱的少女仍然 路过时注意到它,走进了其中。<br><br>
她开始疑惑这些废墟究竟是何物,以及它们为何存在于此——<br>疑惑她 直以来游荡的这个世界是否也存在过往,<br>亦或者这些被严重破坏的风景线只因巧合存在。<br><br>
她认为自己必须思考此事,而不是屈服于愚昧的极乐。<br>若她想要得到一个理由,这可能也会帮助她进一步了解这个世界。<br>或许这里……是另一个世界的对立 ?<br><br>
她曾于Arcaea 目睹过类似的景象,但这也使她质疑这个世界的某处<br>存不存在尚未成为废墟、依然耸立的高塔与建筑。<br>也许她只是还没找寻到它们……<br><br>
这座废墟看起来曾经庞大而金碧辉煌。<br>这必然曾是一个美丽的地方,吸引着大量的人前来,她这样想 <br>如此光彩的过去 存在,那真的十分遗憾。<br><br>
回忆的景象之外,于这个世界之中,就在她的眼前——有一名人类。<br>一直以来她都是独自一人,而现在这里 出现 了另一个人:<br>一个活生生的,有着呼吸的人。<br><br>
另一位少女并没有 意到她,只是手握阳伞继续熟睡。<br>她那黑暗的身影显得与这闪闪发亮的世界格格不入。<br>这突兀的景象使她以为自己正处于梦境中,又 或者 瞧见了另一段苏醒的回忆。<br><br>
她张开嘴 话,而另一名少女也恢复意识,睁开了双眼。<br><br>
一股难以控制的扭曲狂喜由她心中一涌而出,但凌驾之上的是空前的渴望。<br>这份情感显现于她的面庞,而象征混沌的少女向那象征光 的少女<br>献出了一抹真诚、无法抑制的微笑
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The ruin is as common a sight as any other, but the girl in light<br>nonetheless pays it attention as she steps through.<br><br>
She's been wondering what the ruins are and why they're there—<br>wondering if this world she wanders has a past,<br>or if its decimated landscape is only coincidental.<br><br>
She feels she has to think about it, not to succumb to the bliss of ignorance.<br>If she wants a reason, then it might help to know the world, too.<br>Perhaps this is a reflection of another world?<br><br>
She has seen things like it within the Arcaea, but that also makes her wonder if in this place<br>there might be standing towers and buildings that are not in ruin.<br>Maybe she’s only yet to see them...<br><br>
This ruin seems like it was once large, grand.<br>It must have been a beautiful place where many people came, she thinks.<br>If it did have such a past, then it is a shame.<br><br>
There is only her, now, moving through pews and broken candlesticks.<br><br>
There is only her, and she blinks, seeing that there is in fact somebody else.<br><br>
Somebody else stands still at her left, before a broken wall.<br><br>
Once, she would have grinned happily, but carelessly at this person.<br>As she is now, she looks at the shadow-covered girl in confusion,<br>but certainly not without a fluttering, insuppressible feeling of elation.<br><br>
Outside of a memory, here in the world and before her eyes, is a person.<br>All this time she's walked alone, and here is somebody else:<br>one other living, breathing person.<br><br>
The other girl doesn't notice her. She is standing in place, holding her parasol, and sleeping.<br>Her dark figure cuts so strongly against the rest of the world, which shines so bright in the distance,<br>that she thinks this must be a dream or perhaps a waking memory.<br><br>
She opens her mouth to speak, and the other girl opens her eyes to consciousness.<br><br>
She who heralds sad and evil forgotten things opens her eyes<br>and witnesses the changed and white-clad girl before her.<br><br>
That breathing the light-bearer found so relieving stops short,<br>and the dark girl squints, lips parted as if she means to question.<br>But she swallows instead and raises her brow, tightening her grip of the handle.<br><br>
Her own twisted elation flows out from her heart, just as unstoppable, but so much more eager.<br>It climbs to her face, and the girl of chaos offers the girl of light an honest, irrepressible smile.}}

===[[解歌系统#谱面 解锁|谱面 解锁]]===
解锁 条件:购入[[Adverse Prelude]]曲包<br> 解锁 要求:采用[[对立]] 通过[[Particle Arts]]<br>
*[[ 解歌系统# 谱面解锁| 解锁]]部分 详细阐释解锁谱 面的 制,包 含'''要求支付 残片'''、''' 置谱 面''' 、'''要求潜力值'''、'''要求异象''' ''' 要求搭档''' 五个次级标题。
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*每部分仅是对机制的阐释,对于游戏内的关系统计需在次级标题下使用[[模板:see also]]参见至[[解歌关系列表]]对应段落。
在这座既没有墙壁,又不存在屋顶,只能靠着仅剩骨架的长椅与白色的蜡烛辨别出场所的教堂之中,<br>身着黑衣的少女伫立于那幸存的老旧大门旁,凝视着片刻前才遇到的另一人。<br><br>一切都很单纯:长久以来,她的情绪都处于低谷,直到自己的 前终于出现了一个货真价实,有血有肉的人。<br>她并没有感到过于激动。她甚至心如止水。于她脸庞上浮现的那抹微笑仅仅是道敷衍却无法制止的谎言。<br>那段谎言对身着白衣的少女打招呼道,“很高兴见到你”。毫无意义。<br><br>少女 干涸的话语声问道:“你叫什么名 ?”也许在曾经,她也如此意识到自己已经太久没有开口说过话。<br><br>“我的……名字?我……我不清楚,”散发光芒的少女如此回应,<br>“你呢?啊——我是指,记得你自己的……名字……”<br><br>她并没有给予回答。“这件事……”是她走神望向那华丽的墙壁时所说的一切。<br><br>纯白色的少女不禁露出了烦闷的表情。
**''' 要求异象''' 将参见至页面[[游玩效果]]。
这……成为了一场怪异的相会。尽管黑衣少女并不知晓,但白衣少女与她一样,心中未流淌着任何热情。<br>如同火苗忽然沐浴于寒风,她那不断黯淡的希望正在摇曳闪烁。现在,她变得不太舒服,心中焦虑而警戒。<br>一丝轻薄却无可撼动,且不合时令的气氛穿梭于二人之间。对她而言,<br>发生在这个世界的这场相遇本身便是个单纯的……“错误”。这些总是存在于四周,<br>如今已散布于破碎的地 之上 玻璃,也正体现出了这 违和之感。<br><br>正常情况下,这些碎片会朝她们无法抑 地一拥而上:“快乐”涌向白衣少女,而“悲痛”则是朝向黑衣少女。<br>这一刻,每一片碎片都仅仅是停滞于空中。或许有半百片镜面静悄悄地悬浮与少女们的身旁,<br>捕捉着她们四周大约一半的虚无景象。当白衣少女试着呼唤它们时,它们甚至都不会摇晃一下。<br>面前的一切使她感到心神不宁:幸福与恐惧并肩存在 一同闪烁,也皆无动作。<br>唯独那片她能够亲手握紧——那片曾经使她重获自由的碎片——自始至终对她锲而不舍。
她紧盯着阴霾中的少女。“如果我们两人都在这儿,”她开口道,身体前倾,<br>“那你觉得我们能不能结伴同行?我们……我们也许能互帮互助,说不定还……”<br><br>她止住了话语。另一位少女正凝视着那空旷的,如画布一般的天空,脸上空洞的神色显得毫无感情。<br>她看似并未聆听——但实际上,她已将每一个字刻入了脑海。<br><br>“说不定还……”被黑暗 裹的少女重复道。话语虚弱而又模糊……自从她于苦痛之中再生,<br>她的灵魂便感觉如同一道阴暗而冷酷的深渊。然而,当她听到这个提议时,<br>某种存在于她心中的事物仍然开始闪出微光——无比短暂,且极为微弱。<br>只是,对现在的她而言,就算是如此细小的事情,<br>也足够穿破自她再次苏醒过来便一直尝试扼杀她呼吸的失意面纱。
而少女 余的过去:那个首先苏醒于这 世界的对立,仍然违抗着这段象征“结局”的未来——<br>抵抗着彻底放弃的想法。她想 得到第二次机会。<br><br>但她并非诚心的答案还不足以激发面 那个女孩的信心。她们的相遇始终被小心翼翼的氛围所笼罩。<br>才恢复感官不久的光早已发现Arcaea的世界远超过了漂亮所能形容的范畴——当然,也远不够被形容为安全。<br><br>尽管如此,两位少女仍会开口交谈,期望局 会向某个更好的方向发展。
In the unwalled, unroofed church, known only by its skeleton chairs and white candles, the girl in black<br>stands near the remaining old gate, looking at the person she's just met.<br><br>It's actually quite simple: she’s been upset for so long, and now a true flesh-and-blood person is finally in<br>front of her. She isn't thrilled. She isn't even excited. The smile on her face is an effortless lie—but it's one<br>she can't help but tell. It says to white-clothed girl before her, "pleasure to meet you." It means nothing.<br><br>"What's your name?" she asks in a dry voice. Maybe, in the past, she'd have realized how long it had been<br>since she'd last spoken.<br><br>"My... name? I... I'm not sure," replies the radiant girl. "Do you? Oh—know your own... name, I mean... "<br><br>She doesn't answer the question. "That's something..." are her only words as she looks off toward an<br>ornate wall.<br><br>The girl in white gives a bothered expression.<br>
This... was turning out to be a strange meeting. Though the one in black doesn't know it, the one white<br>is beginning to share the darker girl's lack of enthusiasm. Like a fire in a sudden chill wind, her hope<br>flickers and wanes. Now she grows uncomfortable, anxious, and wary. A slight but unshakable atmosphere<br>drifts between them, one that feels unmistakably off. To her, it seems as though their very meeting is<br>something the world finds to be simply... "wrong". The ever-present glass, now scattered unevenly<br>throughout and above the broken grounds, reflects that strange feeling.<br><br>Ordinarily, these shards would flock to them without their bidding: "happiness" to the girl in white,<br>"tragedies" to the girl in black. Right now, every piece of glass in the air stands still. Perhaps half a<br>hundred mirrors are quietly suspended around the girls, half-catching images of the empty place that<br>surrounds them. When the girl in white tries to call out to them, they will not even waver. It unsettles her:<br>happiness placed beside horror, equally glinting and equally motionless. The only piece that will follow her<br>is the one she can hold—the one that set her free.
She stares hard at the shadow girl. "If we're in this together," she begins, leaning forward, "then what do<br>you think about staying together? We... We could help each other, and maybe..."<br><br>She stops. The other girl is staring into the empty, canvas-like sky with a blank and uninformative<br>expression. She doesn't seem to be listening, but in truth she has followed every word.<br><br>"Maybe... " the dark girl echoes. It's faint... After her reincarnation into misery, her soul itself had felt like<br>a dull, grim abyss. However, when she heard this proposal, something inside her shimmered—very briefly<br>and very weakly. However, as she is now, even something as tiny as that was able to pierce the shroud of <br>frustration that had been endlessly choking her since she'd reawakened.
And the remnant of the girl she used to be, the Tairitsu who had first woken up in this world, rebelled<br>against the prospect of “the end”—against the idea of giving up. She wanted a second chance.<br><br>But her halfhearted answer isn’t enough to inspire confidence in the girl standing opposite her.<br>Their meeting remains careful, cautious. The Hikari who recently returned to her senses now knows<br>that the world of Arcaea is far more than pretty—and far less than safe.<br><br>And yet the two girls will speak, with the hope that it will lead to something better.}}

解锁 条件:完成[[#V-2|V-2]],购入[[Adverse Prelude]] 曲包<br> 锁要求:采用[[ ]] 通过[[Vindication]]<br>
*[[解歌关系列表]]采用wikitable表格统计游戏中的所有谱面的解锁关系。根据 解锁 方式,页面分为[[ 解歌关系列表 (Nintendo Switch版)# 故事模式关系列表| 故事模式关系列表]] [[ 解歌关系列表#世界模式关系列表|世界模式关系列表]] 、[[ 歌关系列表#残片关系列表|残片关系列表]]、[[ 解歌关系列表#前置谱面关系列表|前置谱面关系列表]] 、[[解歌关系列表#潜力值关系列表|潜力值关系列表]]与[[ 解歌关系列表#搭档关系列表|搭档关系列表]] 几部分。
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*{{ 仅|移动版|| 图片角 }}{{仅|NS版|| 图片角 }}'''双端冲突 内容''':双端 解歌关系列表采 用不同 页面展现 [[解歌关系列表 (移动版)]]页 展现移动端解歌系统统计 ,而[[解歌关系列表 (Nintendo Switch版)]]页 展现NS端解歌系统统计
她们 交谈持续着。<br><br>“要是我们能够用名字相互称呼,事情的确会好很多呢,”对立 沙哑的声音说道。<br>她的双目再次开始失去象征生命的光辉。<br><br>另一位少女——光——留意到这一事后, 禁略感不适。<br>“是呢。我并不是很愿意去思考这种事:身在这个遍布回忆的世界的我们,脑海中却没有任何记忆,”<br>她承认道。<br><br>此时此刻,她们正坐在 一张长凳之上,尽管相距甚远 她们来到了这曾为第一排座椅的地方,<br>而前方的几个台阶则连接着一 宽大空旷的平台。白衣少女无精打采地注视着她的新朋友 眼中满是担忧。<br> 黑衣少女则是扫视着 前那宽敞的空间、那片天空,以及那些浮夸而又死气沉沉的建筑结构——<br>但这么做的她,其实似乎对那些事物没抱有任何兴趣。<br><br>正在仰望天空之际,她突发奇想地说起话 “这玻璃……你知道它们叫什么吗?”<br><br>“呃?喔……总之,虽然不太清楚原因,但我知道它们叫作‘Arcaea’。”
===[[解歌关系列表 (Nintendo Switch版)#故事模式关系列表|故事模式关系列表]]{{仅|NS版||图片角标}}===
*[[解歌关系列表#世界模式关系列表|世界模式关系列表]]分为'''曲包''' '''解锁条件''' 展示获得曲包须阅读 的对 应[[故事模式]]剧情
我一样,”对立如此回答,当今正朝光的方向看去,“所以,我们 个究竟哪里不同?”<br><br>光露出一抹遗憾的微笑。“我不知道哎 ”她如此说道,“除了我们外表上的不同。”<br><br>“那我们试着弄清楚吧。你在这些玻璃中见到的都是什么样的回忆?”<br><br>“基本只有令人愉快 那些。”<br><br> 立叹了口气 “那我们就是截然相反的……”她苦涩地回话道,低头瞧向她的双脚,<br>“那可以假设一下我们是唯二漫 于此的人。如果真是这样,那我们的相反特征可真是非同寻常的 素。”<br><br>“你在Arcaea之中看不到愉快地回忆吗?”光疑问 身子稍微靠向与她交谈的这位伙伴,“嗯,对不起……”
*若 戏内有曲包需 世界模式解锁 则在世界模式关系列表 需列明曲包世界模式关系列表 分为'''曲目'''、''' 图'''和'''位置/ 图总阶数'''三列
“……总之,事情就是如此,”另一位少女说道。一时间,她们陷入沉默,直到对立首先打破沉静,<br>“但根据你之 说的话……我猜 你所见的那些快乐的回忆也没有带给你多愉快的经历吧。怎样?我猜得对吗?”<br><br>对这番猜测,光点了点头:“我并不是想说自己的经历从苏醒以来便一直那么糟糕,但……<br>你知道吗,曾经我收集了足够多的碎片,以至于它们足以覆盖整片天空。<br>当我那样做了之后时,那片崭新的天空几乎将我杀死……<br>我能感觉到那时天空散发的光芒缓慢 侵蚀了我的心智……说实话,那件事情的确是我自作自受。”<br><br>少女们坚信自己该向对方阐述真相。<br><br>在光讲述完自己沉浸于光芒之中的那场天真烂漫而危险重重的旅程后,<br>对立冷冷 叙述了她于黑暗的龙卷中那几番悲惨的挣扎 <br>她们从某些方面而言,的确截然不同。但两人之间某个必然存在的共同点,此刻已变得十分显著:<br>于一个无意义的 世界 中渴求着一丝意义。她们所处的 世界 也许十 美好 但其中 残酷性质却母庸
*[[解歌关系列表# 世界 模式关系列表| 世界 模式关系列表]] 为'''曲目'''、'''地图'''和'''位置/地图总阶数'''三列 展示曲目 [[世界模式]]所处位 置。
光已重振决心 不久 前, 她“本身的存在”就逐渐被这古怪而又冷清的地方 威胁 <br>而对立,却保持着伤痕累累的模样: 暴与愤怒充盈的欲望 如同海啸般连绵不断地涌出她的身体 <br>尽管 这场谈话的过程 中, 她已尽全力试图保持友善的模样,<br> 源于胸腔的每一口疾喘却不是轻而易举就能掩饰住的。<br> 眼前这个有血有肉的人,对她而言简直是完美的施虐对象。<br> 那身着白衣的少女,一定早已注意到这位黑衣少女总是间隙性地用颤栗的双手将伞柄握得更紧。<br><br>这场谈话一点都不轻松——她们彼此都深知这一点。<br><br>但她们将全力进行抗争
*若游戏内有曲包需要残片解锁 残片关系列表 需列明曲包残片关系列表 分为'''曲包'''和''' 需残片数'''两列
*[[解歌关系列表#残片关系列表| 片关系列表]]分为'''曲目'''、'''Past'''、'''Present'''和'''Future'''四列。
“我只是觉得我……我真的很希望遇见另一个人,”对立言 心声,“甚至该说……也许是在几天前,<br>这曾是我心中唯一的期盼 只是,自从我踏出了那漆黑的外壳,我便意识到,要自己坚守如此 纯的愿望……<br>真的太艰难了。我只是单纯不知道该怎么振作自己……当我内心未感到空虚的 <br>其中涌现的却只有肮脏而扭曲的血液 都是些恶心又残破不堪的事物……”她注视着光,<br>“就算到此刻,我心中仍 思考自己究竟多么想要伤害你。”<br><br>“没 关系 的……”另一位女孩说道 “如果我有过与你同样的经历,或许真的会感同身受。<br>只是呢,我不认为你对某一 事实的认知是正确的。我不认 你的心就像你说的那样破碎不堪。”<br><br> 对立与她四 相对,仿佛在问这怎么可能。<br><br>“看吧——你退缩了哦,”光用心地分析着,“就算在现在也一样。这让我知道,就算经历过那么多的事情,<br>你仍然是个十分善良的人——始终如此。你很坚强……”从座椅 忽然站起的她,脸上挂起一抹微笑,<br>“你比我要坚强太多,“她道,不自觉地抬头瞥了一眼那明澈的天空。<br><br>“我被外界力量所拯救,”她继续说着,又一次与对立视线交汇,“而你却拯救了你自己。”
*曲目以曲包为单位按时间顺序排列 每难度列下写明解锁条件
* [[解歌关系列表#残片关系列表|残片关系列表]] 中, 解锁条件格式为:
  闪烁于黑暗少女心中的微光逐渐淡作虚弱的光芒,随之而来的是钻心的疼痛。这明明不是事实,她想到。<br>这一切经历并不是如此简单,她陷入沉思。她失败了,而过去的她早就与那迷宫一同土崩瓦解。<br>自那以后,她便失去了一切情感——就算情感再次于她心中燃起,所谓的情感却仅仅包含着蔑视。<br>甚至在与这女孩相遇之时,她唯一的渴望便是用小刀刺穿这女孩的身体。<br><br>那番话语并不正确,她根本没有拯救自己。只是……也许她的确不是单纯寻找着能供她摧残的对象。<br>也许她只是在等待一个能够给予她最后一线希望的奇迹发生。优柔寡断的光实在无法直接赋予她安慰,<br> 但这女孩的存在本身与她那毫无敌意的心灵却始终暗示着一件事:<br> 她,可能就是那一道才诞生不久的,最后的光芒。
<pre><nowiki>n 残片</nowiki></pre>
  让对立内心最 痛苦的,还 那种纯真的自我意识 <br><br>她的身躯瘫软下来。光立刻注意到这一细节,并赶紧凑 去,心 希望自己能帮上忙。<br>只是她的行为仍然是如此犹豫不决——这也注定着她完全无法 触到另一位少女。<br>她仅仅是站在对立跟前,半抬着双臂,而黑衣少女在片刻后便靠自己 力量重新站了起来。<br>光的双臂滑落至腰间 随着她的身 不自觉地后退一步。在二人的四周 <br>玻璃碎片们伴随着她们的动作而摇摆,而其中的某一片却突然散发起与其他碎片略微不同的光晕。<br>它的倒影中,存 着某样熟悉的事物,却不符合任何现实逻辑。<br><br>这显然是从未有人见过的景象:<br><br>一道转瞬即逝的邪念闪光,其中蕴含的却是这整片世界中最为诡秘的反常规记忆 }}
{{collapse|状态=collapsed|标题颜色=#e7e7e7| 内容颜色=#f7f7f7|标题= 英文剧情|内容=
*[[解歌关系列表#前置谱面关系列表|前置谱面关系列表]]分 '''曲目'''、'''Past'''、'''Present'''和'''Future'''四列
Their conversation continues.<br><br>"It would certainly be nice if we had names to share," says Tairitsu in a fraying voice. Her eyes are again <br>beginning to lose the shine of life.<br><br>The other girl, Hikari, notices that with some discomfort. "Yes, I can't say I like to think about it: not having<br>any memories in a world filled with them," she admits.<br><br>At the moment, they sit upon the same pew, though not close. They've gone to what was once the front row,<br>and a few steps in front of them lead up to a wide, flat floor. The girl in white is slouched, watching her new <br>acquaintance with worry painting her gaze. The girl in black is examining the empty place in front of them,<br>the sky, the dead and distant grandiose architecture—but she does so seemingly without concern or interest.<br><br>While watching, she begins to speak unprompted. "This glass. Do you know a name for it?"<br><br>"Huh? Oh... Well, for whatever reason, I know the name 'Arcaea'."
*曲目以曲包为 位按 间顺序排列 每难度列下写明解锁条件
* [[解歌关系列表#前置谱面关系列表|前置谱面 关系 列表]]中 解锁条 格式
"Same as me," says Tairitsu, now looking Hikari's way. "So, how are we different?"<br><br>Hikari offers an apologetic smile. "I don't know," she says, "aside from our difference in looks."<br><br>"Let's find out, then. What kind of memories do you see in the glass?"<br><br>"Almost only pleasant ones."<br><br>Tairitsu sighs. "Then we're opposites..." she remarks bitterly, looking to her feet. "Let's say we're the only two<br>walking around this place. If that's true, our opposition could matter a great deal.”<br><br>"You don't see happy memories through the Arcaea?" asks Hikari, leaning slightly toward her conversation<br>partner. "I'm sorry..."
<pre><nowiki> 以「等级」或以上成绩通关曲 [难度]
以「等级」或以 成绩通关曲目[难度]n回
"...That's just how it is," says the other girl. For a short while they remain silent, until Tairitsu speaks again.<br>"But from what you've said... I suspect even your pleasant memories haven't resulted in a happy life for you<br>here. Well? Am I correct?"<br><br>To this, Hikari nods. "I don't mean to make it sound as though I've had it rough since waking up, but...<br>You see, I once gathered enough piece that they could cover the sky. When I did, that new sky almost<br>killed me... I felt like the light was slowly eroding my mind... I think it was mainly my own fault, to be honest."<br><br>They both feel it's best to be honest.<br><br>After Hikari tells of her naive and dangerous journey bathed in light, Tairitsu coldly recounts her tragic<br>struggles through maelstroms of dark. The two are certainly different in quite a few ways, but one definite <br>commonality becomes clear between them: a want of sense in a senseless world. The world around them<br>may be beautiful, but it has also been cruel.
Hikari has resolved herself, but it wasn't long ago that her very "self" had been threatened by this strange,<br>unfeeling place. For Tairitsu, it has left her scarred: persistent, panging compulsions toward violence and<br>wrath continue to roll up from within her like tides. Even throughout their discussions here, despite her<br>desire to be amicable, smothering each urge from her breast has been no easy feat. This living, breathing<br>person beside her is too enticing a target to release her frustrations on. The girl in white doesn't fail to <br>notice how the girl in black's hold on her umbrella periodically tightens into a trembling, aggravated grip.<br><br>It hasn't been easy—a fact that holds true for the both of them.<br><br>But they continue to fight.
  上述''曲目''、''等级''、''难度''与n均为所填变量,n 正整 数。
:*当曲目难度通 条件 出现“或”用于连 可选 解锁条件时 该“或”用'''粗 文字'''加粗 该“或”之前换行
"I think I just... I really wanted to meet somebody else," Tairitsu reveals. "Even... perhaps a few months ago,<br>that may have been all I really wanted. However... ever since I stepped out of that black shell, I've found it<br>difficult to hold on to a such an innocent desire. I just can't muster it. When my chest isn’t feeling empty,<br>I can't muster anything in it that isn't vile and wicked impulse. Disgusting, broken thing..." She looks at <br>Hikari. "Even now, I keep thinking about how much I want to hurt you."<br><br>"That's fine..." says the other girl. "Maybe I'd feel that same way if I’d gone through everything that you did.<br>But I don't think you’re right about one thing. I don’t think your heart is as broken as you feel."<br><br>Tairitsu meets her eyes, as if asking how that could be.<br><br>"Look—you're holding back," explains Hikari, "even now. That tells me that even after everything, you're a<br>very good person—still. You’re strong." She smiles and stands from her seat. "You're a lot stronger than me,"<br>she says, casting a momentary glance into the brilliant sky.<br><br>"I was rescued," she continues, meeting Tairitsu's eyes once more. "You rescued yourself."
===[[解歌关系列表# 潜力值关系列表| 潜力值关系列表]]===
*[[解歌关系列表#潜力值关系列表|潜力值关系列表]]分为'''曲目''' '''Past''' '''Present''' '''Future''' 四列。
The shimmer inside the dark girl's chest becomes a faint glow, and an ache pulses through her.<br>That's not true, she thinks. It isn't that simple, she thinks. She failed, and the old her died that day when<br>the labyrinth collapsed. She'd felt nothing after that, and when feeling came back to her, it was nothing but<br>contempt. When she’d met this girl, even, it made her want to do nothing more than take a blade and run<br>her through.<br><br>No, she hasn’t rescued herself. However... perhaps she hasn't simply been seeking someone out to harm.<br>Perhaps the truth is that she’s been awaiting something impossible to give her one last ray of hope.<br>Hikari is too meek and unsure to directly comfort her, but her presence and lack of aggression signal this:<br>she may be that last, fledgling ray.
What pains Tairitsu's heart is that very innocent realization.<br><br>Her posture weakens. Hikari notices and moves to see if she can do something. But she is still unsure,<br>and so she is ultimately unable to reach out for the other girl. She stands before Tairitsu with her arms<br>half-raised, and in a few moments the girl in black stands by herself. Hikari drops her hands, and takes<br>a step back. Around them, the glass sways with their movement, and one in particular begins to shine a<br>bit differently from the others. In its reflection is something familiar, yet impossible.<br><br>It is a vision that, surely, nobody could have seen:<br><br>the briefest wicked flicker of a most strange and anomalous memory.}}
<pre><nowiki> 个人游玩潜力值x或以上</nowiki></pre>
*[[解歌关系列表#搭档关系列表|搭档关系列表]]分为'''曲目''' '''Past''' '''Present''' '''Future''' 四列。
<pre><nowiki> 获得搭档搭档名</nowiki></pre>

解锁条件:完成[[#V-3|V-3]],购入[[Adverse Prelude]] 曲包<br>解锁要求:采用[[ ]] 通过[[Heavensdoor]]<br>
*[[ 游玩效果]] 运用文字详细阐释游戏内游玩时有别于一般游玩的所有过程及其相关机制。根据游玩效果性质,本页面分为[[ 游玩效果#异象曲|异象曲]] [[ 游玩效果#终末曲|终末曲]] [[ 游玩效果#其他|其他]] 三部分。
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===[[游玩效果# 异象曲| 异象曲]]===
*[[游玩效 #异象曲|异象曲]] 是对[[Grievous Lady]]、[[Fracture Ray]] [[Tempestissimo]]三首曲 游玩 文字阐释 该部分 包含有'''异象曲列表''' '''等级 件'''表格标 三曲目 异象属性 等级 锁条件
但就在她这样想着的时候,对立的心情变化了。“是什么让你说出那种话的?”<br>不断喘着粗气的她如此问道,尽管问题本身听上去更像是在责备。<br>她的双瞳空洞无光,冰冷的视线直射对面。“你应该比我更了解这种事:<br>这个地方可以在女生因鲁莽使自己被愉悦的事物包围时彻底摧毁这女生的心智。<br>“她站得笔直,边平息着自己的呼吸边宁定着视线,<br><br>她那坚定的信念使得另一位少女失落了片刻,但光却不再是一个对任何事物都漠不关心的女孩。<br>她拾起星点的自信,挺直身子,阐述了她的观点。<br><br>“我们依然活着,“她说,”而如 这世界让我们活下去,那它就绝不是最为糟糕的地方。<br><br>“哈啊……?”另一位少女眼含凌厉,“你错了……如果一个世界允许生命的存在,<br>却只是用无尽的污秽与梦魇去荼毒生灵,那这个世界根本就是不公平的。”<br><br>“好……好吧。也许的确不 那样,可是……”<br><br>“可是?!” 立质问道。
*[[游玩效果#终末曲| 末曲]] 对[[Arcahv]]游玩 文字阐释
===[[游玩效果# 其他| 其他]]===
“但那样的目光也太短浅了!你究竟想要做什么事?”<br><br>”毁灭一切。这世界,这些玻璃……我要毁灭所有东西。我会找出正确的方法。<br>这想法十分合理,不是吗?”她依照事实诉说着,“我想你一定会 这想法产生共鸣。<br>除了被当成一座过于宽敞的监狱,这世界对你而言还能是什么地方?”<br><br>“毁灭这世界……?就算……就算你办得到,这也只会让一切走向终点啊!<br>我们直到 前为止,能确定真实存在的世界也仅此而已!<br>如果我们以某种方式毁灭了它,那我们难道不是会把自己也摧毁吗?<br>难道你会……难道你宁可死在这里?为什么……这种想法简直太 分了!”<br><br>“不,不会有关系 ,”对立冷漠地说道 <br><br>并没有预料到这种回答的光立刻沉默了下来。对立的话语太过于骇人,而 包含 的更是只 悲伤……<br><br>在光沉默之际,对立继续起了她的质问:“你有任何别的想法?或者其他计划?”
“不……我没有。我只是想要和……和你一起找一个办法,<br>”另一位少女这样承认道,话语声中流淌着清晰的消沉。<br><br>在方才一番振作后,对立其实就已经认识到了这一点。这使她暂停了质问。<br>要责骂这位新认识的同伴实在是太过容易了。她知道自己的行为举止蛮横无理。<br>理所当然,不久前才搜寻到一线崭新希望的她,更是能十分容易地察觉自己在这之前是多么冷血。<br>只是,在面对另一个人心中的希望时,她却选择去摧毁那希望。说实话,她难道还不够狭隘?<br>在过去,她脑海中类似的信念使她不仅永远无法体会到满足 平静,更是离 决眼前的问题愈来愈远。<br>不,她的任性只会带领她走向一 污秽而黯淡的荆棘之路。<br>心中怀揣这样的思想,她终于扑灭了心中那 定爆燃 烈焰。<br>若她想要牵起这女孩的手……她就必须同时承担这女孩用双手竭力保护着的希望之光。<br><br>“对……对不起,”她完全抛开了自己过激的感情,低下头真挚地道了歉,<br>“我……其实也有一样的想法。我也想 你一起找出一些新办法。”<br><br>早前因对立的话语而被削弱的自信,如今又被光重拾回心中。她对自己的新朋友说:<br>“没关系的。毕竟,你的确经历过一段我不了 的时光呢
只不过,燃烧于对立心中的正义之火刚刚才恰到好处。<br><br>最 ,那道烈火也只持续了一瞬间,<br>就像 闪烁的火光一般——但却足以惹恼沉眠于那些碎片之中的某一片玻璃。<br><br>它就这样苏醒 来——并且自主性地朝着二人 所在处飘去,不引起她们的一丝注意。<br><br>“不要失去希望,”缠绕光芒的少女说道,“无论多么糟糕的事情,都有好转的那一刻。”<br><br>不断闪烁着渐变的色彩,那片碎片径直闯入两人中间。它同时引起了她们的注意——<br>但它却只向着那位身着一袭黑衣的少女呈现碎片所蕴藏的记忆 }}
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They stand apart, Tairitsu holding a hand over her chest, fingers clenched and struggling as she takes heavy<br>breaths. She is reinvigorated, in no small part thanks to the girl in white. Hikari has given her one precious,<br>final reassurance. It does not have to be the end. One last path out of this white and blinding hell still exists.<br><br>An open, albeit weak, smile cuts along her face as she exhales. "Let's do something," she says. "Let's figure<br>out this stupid, absurd world."<br><br>"I-It's not that stupid," says Hikari in mild protest, smiling herself with just as little strength. She isn't entirely<br>positive about the other girl, but she can tell at least one thing: despite appearances, she isn’t evil.<br>Quite the opposite, it seems. If anything, that alone is reason enough to join hands with this new potential<br>ally. A "good" person... is not exactly how she'd readily describe herself, after all.
However, while she thinks this, Tairitsu’s mood turns. "What makes you say that?" asks the panting girl,<br>though her delivery of the question sounds much more like an accusation. Her eyes are almost hollow as<br>they bore coldly into her opposite. "You might understand it even better than me. This is the kind of place<br>that would break a girl for the audacity of surrounding herself in pleasures and joys." She stands up<br>straight, calms her breath, and steadies her gaze, bringing the hand over her chest to the handle of her<br>parasol. "That's unconscionable. You don't agree?"<br><br>Her strength of conviction puts the other girl down for a moment, but Hikari is no longer one who is incapable<br>of any caring. Gathering a modicum of confidence, she stands up straight herself, and delivers her explanation.<br><br>"We're alive," she says, "and if a world can permit that, then it can't be the worst thing."<br><br>"Hah...?" The other girl's glare intensifies. "No... If a world can permit life, only to plague that life with ills<br>and grief, then that world is not just."<br><br>"W-Well, maybe not, but—"<br><br>"But?" demands Tairitsu.
"But that's shortsighted! What is it that you want to do, exactly?"<br><br>"Destroy everything. The world, the glass, all of it. I'll find a way. It's only fair, right?" she explains as a <br>matter of fact. "I would think you'd resonate with the idea. What has this world been for you other than<br>an expansive prison?"<br><br>"Destroy it...? Even... Even if you could, it would only end everything! This is the only world we know of<br>that exists for certain, isn't it? If we somehow destroyed it, could we not simply destroy ourselves as well?<br>Would you... You’d rather die than live here? Why, that's... that's ridiculous!"<br><br>"No, that's fine," says Tairitsu simply.<br><br>Hikari, not expecting that answer, falls silent. Tairitsu's words were too frightening, and far too sad.<br><br>In her silence, Tairitsu continues her interrogation. "Do you have some other idea? Some other plan?"
"No... I don't. I wanted to find—to find a plan with you," admits the other girl, and dismay is clear in her tone.<br><br>And Tairitsu, in her recent recovery, recognizes this. It makes her pause. It had been too easy to lash out<br>at this new acquaintance. She knew she wasn't being reasonable. Indeed, having just found herself with<br>burgeoning hope again, she could clearly see how cold she’d been until their meeting. And yet, when faced<br>with another’s hope, she'd attacked. Truly, was she that petty? In the past, this conviction of hers has never<br>brought her satisfaction or peace, much less resolution. No, her willfulness has only ever led her down a<br>dark, thorny path stained with gloom. With this in mind, she extinguishes the fire rising in her heart that<br>had been so sure of its need to burn. If she wants to take this girl's hand... she cannot reject the ideas it holds.<br><br>"I... I'm sorry," she apologizes, her passion now fully relinquished. She lowers her head for a moment.<br>"I... feel the same. I want to work to find something new as well."<br><br>Hikari regains a bit of her self-assurance, which had been brought low before Tairitsu. She tells her new<br>friend, "It's alright. You've had a time here I could probably never understand."
But that righteous fire in Tairitsu's heart had been just enough.<br><br>Ultimately, it had only burned for a short moment, like a flash—<br>but it was enough to rile a dormant shard in the flock of glass around them.<br><br>It awakens and, on its own, begins to drift down to where they are, still unseen.<br><br>"Don't lose hope," says the girl in light. "Things can always get better."<br><br>A shard, shimmering with faded color, comes directly between them.<br>It catches both their attention—but it will only show its memory to the one clad in black.}}

==[[ 成就系统]]==
解锁条件:完成[[#V-4|V-4]],购入[[Adverse Prelude]] 曲包<br>解锁要求:采 [[对立]]通过[[Ringed Genesis]]<br><br>
*[[ 成就系统]] 使 用文 字阐释游戏 成就系统机制 ,并 以wikitable 格形式列明 所有 成就
[[ 件:Story V-5.jpg|300px|thumb|right|V-5 (vn)]]
*根据成 性质 页面包含[[成 系统#非隐 藏成 就|非隐 ]] [[成 系统# 隐藏成就| 隐藏成就]]两个表格,包含'''名称''' ''' 内容''' ''' 备注''' 三列。
被阴影纠缠 少女,目光穿过那扇破碎的窗户 投射到另一段时光之中。<br>微笑,回到了她的脸上。
当然,这 不现实。<br>她所看见的是未来——那个她理应期待万分的未来,<br>那个白痴,愚蠢的梦想家。
空虚荒芜的Arcaea大地,从她的身前和身后延伸到无边无际的地平线。<br>带着缠绕双肩的那两股刺眼的炙热火焰,抬起手轻抚着长柱的,<br>是那位身披白衣,使她倍感熟悉的少女——尽管在这个角度看不到她的 情。
她已无 谓自己 没有心怀信念。<br>她已不会在这世界中找到任何对她有利的事物
在光芒中的少女 是这样。<br>在这被诅咒的终末展开中 ,就 算是她心中原先微不足道的小洞也被残暴地刨开,并迅速扩大——<br>荒废,并在刹那间彻底腐朽,只留下一道冰冷的无底深渊。
正当蕴 其中的黑暗席卷并吞噬少女,尝试扼杀她的思绪之时,<br>她清晰地看见了光。
那股愤怒扭曲 厌恶与憎恨,如同滚滚黑云般显现于她的双眼之中。
只是,这是面单向的镜子——其中蕴 的厌恶与冷淡也是相同。<br>光对这片不同寻常的碎片之中所蕴含的内容完全无从知晓。
一股突如其来的危机感扩散至身体的每一个角落。尽管她并不理解原由,她却能感受到危机 在眼前。<br>事实上,匍匐于大地的暗影如今已翻腾而起,毁灭着它所接触的一切光芒。
她伸手去拿了那片玻璃——<br>那片在她彻底迷失于低谷时,给予她慰藉 方向的玻璃。
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The girl adorned in shadows peers through the broken window into another time.<br>Her smile returns.
What a fool she was.<br>Not the girl in white, no.<br>Her.
The vision in the glass is no memory.
It cannot be, of course.<br>What she's seeing is a future: a future that she should have expected,<br>the fool, the idiot dreamer.
The glass shows an unmistakable image of herself, run through with a jagged pillar of glass,<br>the wound seeming to sear her clothing and body apart in a blistering, pale, and consuming flame.
The blank, barren lands of Arcaea stretch out far behind her, and before her,<br>coaxing the pillar with a lifted hand and a blinding, fiery glow around her shoulders,<br>is a girl clad in white, a very familiar one, though her expression is hidden from this vantage.
It is the girl standing before her now.<br>The one she has only just met.<br>This is no memory: it's a vision of what will come to be.
Faced with this, Tairitsu retreats into herself,<br>and confronts the one truth she was determined to ignore.
Her conviction didn't matter.<br>She will never find anything good for her in this world.
That last hope is dyed black now, drowned in despair, forgotten.
What else would happen?<br>What was her hope for?<br>Idiocy. Tiresome, blind idiocy.
Tiresome effort.<br>Tiresome memories.<br>Tiresome existence.
Tiresome, awful, sick of it. Sick of this, sick of herself,<br>sick of everything in this never-ending, mocking play.
Miracles? No...
She'd said it herself. This world is hell.<br>And she knows this, from the fractured ideas of worlds dead and gone:<br>even angels can one day fall and awaken to demonic form.
The girl in light is just like that.<br>In a turn final and damning, what was once a mere pit inside her chest is clawed and spread.<br>It wastes, decays all through in an instant, leaving instead a cold and endless chasm.
As the darkness within it creeps out to coat her insides and choke her thoughts,<br>she sees Hikari very clearly.
Sees her gaze darting to the shard—sees the panic, the clear knowledge in her eyes.
The girl knows.<br>And now she can't face her opposite's stare,<br>won't say a word though she sees clearly.
You're unnerved? Unsettled? Unabashed.<br>Unforgivable.
That anger twists into hate and loathing, spilling over and arriving in her eyes.
Wicked betrayer; wicked, wicked place.<br>She tightens her grasp on her parasol,<br>
looking past the shard to Hikari, who is standing still.
Frozen in place, surely, because her ill intentions have been exposed.<br>It's worth laughing about.
Tairitsu's eyes narrow, and she excises the remains of those burgeoning emotions<br>the girl had begun to cultivate within her.
With finality she is emptied,<br>and with that, she knows what she must do.
But this mirror is still one-way, and thus her anger as well.<br>Hikari is unable to see within this peculiar shard at all.
Unaware, she can only watch in confusion<br>as Tairitsu's countenance drains more and more of color.
A sense of danger wells up in her, and though she can't understand why, she can feel it there.<br>In fact, shadows now seem to be crawling up from the earth, light perishing at their touch.
Darkness nears her, and her breathing shortens. She takes a step back.<br>She almost can't believe it. She certainly doesn't want to.
Even after surviving the harrowing ordeal, that blinding light sky,<br>something terrible faces her again without reason.
But still, she had survived it.<br>And now she knows for certain that survival may not allow compromise.
With this thought in heart and mind, Hikari makes a damning mistake.
She reaches for the one piece of glass,<br>the one that gave her comfort and direction in the midst of her lowest moment.
When she raises it to her chest,<br>the hairs on the back of Tairitsu's neck rise up as well.
Fear pulsing through her, along with a conviction to never meet with tragedy again,<br>Tairitsu closes the distance to Hikari in an instant, without warning,<br>ready to once and for all firmly grab hold of her life.}}

==[[ 版本更新日志]]==
解锁条件:购入[[Black Fate]] 曲包<br>解锁要求:通过[[Equilibrium]]
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Hikari.<br>Tairitsu.<br><br>If they knew each other’s names, if they even knew their own, would that change how they had felt from<br>then until now? “Light” and “Conflict”... Names so lofty, in a world so bizarre, so outlandish...<br>Would they have considered the meanings, and found different paths?<br><br>Or would any divergence, any turn or taking of a choice, any circumstance or odd spin of fortune’s wheel<br>still have set the two girls into inevitable dissent and discord?<br><br>Hikari, who still does not know her name, would be unsure. Tairitsu, likewise, is however damned with<br>fateful knowledge, and knows dissent and discord between them will always be.<br><br>Nothing will change. Nothing would.<br><br>The girl in white and the girl in black cannot reconcile.<br><br>This, all of this, may only lead to—
“Ah!”<br><br>Hikari’s voice escapes her when the blade of her foe comes. She raises her hand at once, and with it,<br>glass strikes against glass. It holds, it shines—unbroken, and in her piece Hikari can see her own pale face,<br>agonized and frightened.<br><br>A heartfelt conversation has led to this—to a heart-pounding clash.<br><br>She takes a single step in retreat as her body bends from the force of the other girl’s strength.<br>Her skin goes cold; she finds she can’t breathe.<br><br>She realizes there, looking deep into the now-close eyes of the girl attacking her that her being attacked<br>is not the source of the fright clawing and gripping at her insides. It is not that, nor the fact she can<br>hardly resist as the push of Tairitsu’s blade inches her own nearer and nearer to her taut neck.
No. The sweat in her palm, the breath trapped in her lungs, it’s all because the person before her—the girl<br>who had felt to her a tragic and sorrowful figure only moments before—seems now so utterly changed.<br><br>She is not the person she’d spoken to like a fellow and friend. In fact, she doesn’t seem like a person at all.<br>Her stare is so purposeful, her jaw is unmoving, and those fingers of hers, clutched so tightly they’re now<br>stained red—<br><br>Nothing but a beast garbed in black. A shade, brimming with malice.}}
解锁条件:完成[[#VS-1|VS-1]] ,购入[[Black Fate]]曲包<br>解锁要求:采 [[对立]] 过[[Antagonism]]
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让这一切和平终结 <br>找寻能够妥协的台阶。<br>不能变得软弱。不能变得畏缩不前。<br><br>光稳稳地抓住了这丝信念。她反击了。<br><br>她们早已自无数的回忆中目睹并体会过战争所会带来的痛苦。<br>只可惜,那些无关二人性命的记忆,归根究底无法与此刻这场货真价实的战斗相提并论。<br><br>二人临场打造的刀刃,冷酷无情地相互撞击。<br>对立的攻击只得形容 果决而精准,其中是满溢的恶毒。<br>而光的一系列行动只是透露着一种绝望的韵味。哪怕步伐只是遭受毫厘的闪失,<br>对方的致命攻击便足以夺走自己的性命。而她却仅仅是在防卫自身;她没有做出任何多余的举动。<br>若是能够不施展蛮力解决这一切,她早会刻不容缓地完成使命。<br><br>悬挂于空中的吊灯与数排长椅——这座教堂遗址之中散乱的标志性物体,成为了二人混战时的阻碍。<br>而她们则行动于这条走道之上。对立朝着光的脚部疾冲而去。<br>尽管如此,光却没有躲闪,却是举起那片曾给予她救赎的碎片,随时准备招架即将到来的上斩。
只是斩击并未如期而至——<br>晃眼间,闪现在眼前的竟是那把漆黑的阳伞:随着刺耳的破空声,残忍地捅向她的防线。<br><br>“唔嗝 呃啊……!”<br>痛到喘不过气。整只手仿佛烈火灼烧般疼痛。小拇指——她坚信自己的小拇指一定是被折弯了。<br>异象残片瞬间便滑落出脱力的手掌。意识到自己变得手无寸铁,疼痛折磨下的她迅疾地选择朝后方闪避。<br><br>就连光自己都吃了一惊——自己居然能如此平稳地脚跟落地。<br>并未迟疑,趁此再次朝后方跃去,裙摆随着移动轨迹飞舞空中,<br>这才察觉自己在千钧一发之际躲开了对面的另一招。<br>几乎是贴着自己站立的长椅挥过,命悬一线。<br>这一场纷争,真的无法仅靠语言平息吗?
即使心中这种想法切合实际——此时的她也找不出半个合适的词语。<br>纵然她已经清楚该说些什么——届时的她也根 没有任何的发言权。<br>纵使她在此刻受到神明眷顾,获得了这两项理想的先前条件:<br>既 对手保持了足够的距离,又拥有充足的 时间 去准备发言——<br><br>一把崭新利刃,不知是从何处射来——<br><br>迅速地抵达了她的脸颊——<br><br>就这样,将她的脸 割伤 }}
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Let this end peacefully.<br><br>Find common ground.<br><br>Don’t be weak. Don’t falter.<br><br>With these thoughts in mind, Hikari pushes back.<br><br>They have both seen and felt the throes of battle within near countless memories, but vicarious<br>recollections are no substitute for a genuine struggle between life and death.<br><br>Their impromptu blades meet again, entirely without grace. Tairitsu’s strikes stay vicious and direct,<br>while Hikari’s movements are desperate, forever a hair away from a harmful, fatal slip. She only defends;<br>she does nothing more. If she could stop this without violence, she’d do so in a heartbeat.<br><br>Their flurried tussle is hampered by the peculiar surroundings of the broken church: lamps and benches<br>placed under a sky. The two move between the aisles. Tairitsu darts toward Hikari’s feet, but her target<br>remains planted. Hikari lifts the piece of glass that had once served to rescue her, bracing for the rising cut.
But a cut does not come. Instead it is that black parasol: tearing up quickly through the air and cruelly into<br>her waiting guard.<br><br>“Gh...! Hah...!” she groans, panting. It feels like fire has swallowed her hand, and her small finger—she<br>swears it must have been bent. Her anomalous piece flies from her grasp, and as soon as she is without a<br>weapon, the pained girl withdraws immediately.<br><br>To her own surprise, Hikari lands after her first leap with no waver, no fall. She leaps back again, her dress<br>fluttering, and she finds herself standing atop the pews just in time to avoid another coming blow.<br>So close... Can this not be ended with words?
Even if it could, she can’t even find a single word to say.<br>Even if she could, she isn’t given any chance to speak.<br>And even when, blessed, she is afforded both; gaining enough distance from her pursuer and time alone<br>to begin preparing her voice—<br><br>a new blade shoots out from nowhere—<br><br>it finds her cheek, swift—<br><br>and, just like that, it cuts, glancing across her skin.}}
解锁条件:完成[[#VS-2|VS-2]],购入[[Black Fate]]曲包<br>解锁要求:采用[[光]]通过[[Equilibrium]]
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光的呼吸节奏被再次打断。她下意识地飞速将手搭在了左脸前方。<br>移开手心,却只瞧见那抹沾染手指,玷污掌心的色彩。很不幸——她已经对种颜色十分熟悉。<br>又一次……如同彼时那般,浑身冰冷。<br><br>朝后方摔落而去的间隙,她紧紧地环抱住自己,试 硬生生地止住双臂剧烈的颤抖。<br>她咽下了嘴中聚积的唾液。<br><br>再接着,用那几近失去音量的话语声,哀求道:<br><br>“住手……”<br><br>尔后,仅是稍微响亮了些许:<br><br>“请住手……”<br><br>又一 尖锐无比的碎玻璃好似离弦之箭一般急射而来。光随之躲闪——尽管留给自己的反应时间并不超过一秒。<br>碎片眼看就要成功刺入她的上臂。幸好最终只是擦臂而过。<br><br>她终归大喊道:“请住手!!”
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Hikari loses her breath again. Her hand flies to the left side of her face. She withdraws it, seeing that an<br>unfortunately now-familiar color has tainted her fingers—her palm. Once more... she goes cold.<br><br>Still falling back, she grips both of her arms, trying to quell their trembling.<br>She swallows the saliva filling her mouth.<br><br>And, quietly, she pleads:<br><br>“Stop...”<br><br>And only a bit louder:<br><br>“Please, stop...”<br><br>Another shard of glass drives through the air like an arrow, and she avoids it though she was given only a<br>second for its approach. It goes past where her upper arm, its target, had been.<br><br>And she shouts, “Please stop!”
“I know what you want to do.”<br><br>Hikari stops instead, and in a moment after Tairitsu lands on a row of pews five away from hers.<br><br>“What are you? A demon invented by the world?” Tairitsu asks.<br><br>“What!?”<br><br>“Are you just another fragment from a dead place, come to hound me?”<br><br>“I... No!” Hikari yells.<br><br>“You don’t know what you are, either...” Tairitsu mutters.<br><br>There, Hikari notices: a number of pieces of Arcaea are darting behind and before the other girl like<br>patrolling wasps. She eyes them warily, and Tairitsu continues to speak, voice dipped long in woe.<br>“But, if you found me,” she says, “that means you can’t be anything good.”
And Hikari, recalling what this girl had told her of her past, is brought still upon realizing that she can<br>perfectly understand what that means.<br><br>“I’m not... that...” she mumbles in defense. Another bullet of glass comes, shooting past her ear.<br><br>She shuts her eyes, forcing tears out of them.<br><br>If she is to survive...<br><br>...she cannot give up.
Eyes downcast, Hikari calls a new piece of glass to her hand, not even realizing how strange it is that she<br>can touch it now.<br><br>A troop of shards also joins her behind her back.<br><br>She lifts her head.<br><br>Like this, she once more faces the girl she wishes she could befriend.}}
解锁条件:完成[[#VS-3|VS-3]],购入[[Black Fate]]曲包<br>解锁要求:采用[[光]]通过[[#1f1e33|#1f1e33]]
击被中途制止了。<br>并不是由于她们的任何一者。这第三股力量源自她们二人之间。<br><br>她们二人之间——是那片原先被逼出光的手掌心的异象碎片。<br>尽管面对阳伞的全力 刺,也悬停于空中纹丝不动。<br>光睁开双眼,难以置信地凝视着。<br><br>“唉!?”<br><br>“这是……”<br><br>对立举起了另一只手,顺势带起一片玻璃碎片的漩涡。<br><br>然而,光却同样未带迟疑,将手掌推向身前的异象碎片。<br>紧接着,两人身旁的每一片自由碎片都猛烈摇晃了一瞬——<br>由利刃组成的风雨接踵而至。}}
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They erupt from the gate, crashing through it as if it were a pane instead of metal. Shards of memory whirl<br>around them in chaos as the girl in black lunges at the girl in white.<br><br>Pushed back, and never pushing forth; though she has chosen to fight earnestly, there is still a hope in<br>Hikari’s heart that this does not have to end in bloodshed. Yet still, even if her sway over the glass is not<br>nearly as deft, even if she is entirely unpracticed, she truly won’t give in.<br><br>Glass shields her back in a slapdash, patchwork pattern, constantly shifting to stop Tairitsu’s roundabout<br>spears from ever hitting their marks. Hikari’s eyes are sharper than that glass, ever vigilant to pin the<br>dark girl down; to end this peacefully, through force.<br><br>Nothing about it is simple, however.
Now outside the cathedral-shell, open on the misshapen roads and hills of Arcaea, Tairitsu is free.<br>Keeping close, her movements sweep and her glass flies wide. So doggedly pursued, Hikari finds all she<br>can do is cling to her desperate defense in preservation of her own life.<br><br>Her pulse is quick, and the sweat that had begun in her hands is now permeating her entire body with an<br>awful chill. Smashing an invisible knife against an invisible dagger, crashing a swift shard into a shining<br>lance flying true before it can meet her throat.<br><br>Blow for blow, for blow, for blow, she is made to realize that their battle has gone from a tussling mess of<br>violence to a vicious clash of two formidable and absolute forces. She cannot match Tairitsu’s strength,<br>but with her wits and will kept about her, she can dampen its impact.<br><br>To the torrent of emotions before her, she will be the composed counter: the stone weathered, but never<br>broken; and she will settle this.
They’re even, each holding down her position as points and rays of light shine from the smooth faces of<br>their chosen Arcaea.<br><br>They remain even, in fact, until Tairitsu shifts her focus. Instead of aiming past the other girl’s guard, with<br>no tell she decides to redirect and send down her flock on Hikari’s right side.<br><br>The impact is massive. With an explosion of glints and glamor, it forces Hikari to stumble down to a knee.<br>Then and there, glaring darkly, Tairitsu lifts and points her black umbrella, its tip revealing the intended<br>destination: the front of her opponent’s skull.<br><br>She spares no hesitation. The strike comes in an instant.<br><br>Hikari shuts her eyes. Tairitsu’s brow twists.
The thrust is stopped, but not by either of them. Instead, it is something between them.<br><br>Between them, that anomalous shard, previously forced from Hikari’s hand, stands still in the air,<br>steady as a wall, immovable against the umbrella-spike. Hikari opens her eyes and stares, disbelieving.<br><br>“Eh!?”<br><br>“That’s...”<br><br>Tairitsu lifts her other hand, a swirl of glass rising up around it.<br><br>Not hesitating either, Hikari thrusts her hand against the anomaly, and every free piece of glass<br>surrounding them sways for just a moment before a razor-sharp rainfall begins.}}
[[文件:Story V-10 cg.jpg|300px|thumb|right|VS-5 (cg)]]
解锁条件 完成[[#VS-4|VS-4]],购入[[Black Fate]]曲包<br>解锁要求:采用[[对立]]通过[[Dantalion]]
序幕之刻,好似一场暴风。<br><br>如今这成百上千的坠落碎片均受到光的操控,却看似只是在毫无秩序地四下乱窜。<br>尽管此刻已轮到光发号施令,她却显然还没有驾轻就熟。<br><br>对立的脸上明摆着忧愤。她暂时朝后撤退起来。<br>此时的光,身形已经湮没于星罗棋布的锐利「记忆」之中。<br>她正屏气凝神地蜷缩膝盖,试图集中施展自己这股全新全异的力量。<br><br>对立迅速勘测了周身地表的情形,仰头紧盯着高空中由光制造的暴风。她将一只手掌高举过头,心中思绪涌动。<br>——若要战胜暴风,则需呼唤疾雨。<br><br>潜匿于地平线彼 的城市废墟与纯白山脉的玻璃碎片——<br>数凌千计的玻璃碎片,皆数响应着对立的号召,降临了此处。<br>相对于光手下桀骜不驯的群魔乱舞,对立的军队远远显得要 加井然有序,队 更是完美无瑕。<br><br>盘踞于纯黑之少女背后的碎片,纹理俨然是一朵巨大的玫瑰。<br>宛若旋流般,玫瑰的花瓣被一片片地剥落而下,精确而迅速地切入那层层保卫着纯白之少女的飓风。
光因而只能挺直身躯——尽管她的心中满溢着恐惧。她被迫以包含规律的弹幕加以回击。<br><br>弧光残影,千华缭乱。相距甚远的两人卷起这场雨横风狂的宿命之争。<br>若是由数里之外加以眺望,此般景象正如对立所盼,好像两场风暴彼此间的激烈冲撞。<br>风雨相争,创造电闪雷鸣,周身汹涌起伏的黯云有如一场华丽的爆炸般,于这场战斗中螺旋相缠。<br>如 凶猛乖戾的自然力量 致使风云大乱。<br><br> 这银白渲染的波涛之下,两名女孩相互对峙。<br>燃烧于她们心中的是熊熊炽焰。<br><br>凌空齐射的碎片也无法伤及对方分毫;二人在迅速躲闪攻击的 时也并未驻守原地,<br>而是开始疾跑——疾跑于Arcaea的荒原之上,穿梭在玻璃汇聚而成的枪林弹雨之中,<br>不时回避着因爆裂而产生的高速弹片。<br>碎玻璃对二人穷追不舍。<br>碎玻璃将二人阻截于半路。<br>碎玻璃不断尝试着刺入二人的双脚,这是二人试图将对方牢牢固死在原地。
狂怒:彻底失控的狂怒,混乱而又不失守序。<br>二人的步伐、 举一动……逐渐变得近乎同步。规律而刻板地重复着规律而刻板的动 。<br><br>闪避。<br>开火。<br>重复。<br><br>在这无法言传,压倒性的绚彩狂华之中,二人再度势均力敌。<br><br>继此之后,战斗轮到对立占据上风。}}
It begins like a storm.<br><br>The falling glass, now under Hikari’s command, begins to dart everywhere and every way without order.<br>Though the shards are hers to control, she cannot grasp how to truly use them for a little while.<br><br>Tairitsu, aggravation and concern plain on her face, retreats. Hikari is thus left hidden in a swarm of<br>edged memories, crouched and still as she concentrates on her newfound power.<br><br>Tairitsu surveys the land, looking to the sky and to Hikari’s storm. She holds a hand up over her head,<br>and thinks: to fight a storm, one must summon a deluge.<br><br>Thus, from distant cities and white mountains, the glass of a thousand and more memories are<br>immediately pulled by her call. Unlike Hikari’s untamed flurry, Tairitsu’s flock is a pattern,<br>immaculately composed.<br><br>Behind the girl in black, the glass assumes the shape of a giant rose, its petals falling one by one in<br>swirling descents, slicing cleanly through the squall shielding the girl in white.
And Hikari—now standing, though afraid—can only respond in patterned kind.<br><br>Bloom after bloom and chain after chain follow in their maddening, frantic, distant combat. From miles off,<br>it seems things are exactly as Tairitsu wished: a clash of two storms. Rain fighting rain, “lightning” flashing<br>throughout, and their undulating “clouds” joining the fray by bursting, spiraling, and flowing in an explosive<br>display—a sparkling tumult of furious natural powers.<br><br>And beneath the whirling and silver floods stand two girls, each with a blaze in her heart.<br><br>Each avoid volleys of shards by mere millimeters, and they begin to run as they fight rather than holding<br>their ground. Rushing through Arcaea’s plains, they cast glass artilleries and skid along the shining earth<br>as their improvised bullets fall and scatter like shrapnel. Glass pursues, glass cuts off their routes, glass<br>aims for feet in an attempt to pin the enemy in place.
It is madness: frenetic madness, chaotic yet constant. Their movements soon become nearly even,<br>steady and regular.<br><br>Evade, and fire, always.<br><br>Within this overwhelming row of beauty and violence, they once again find themselves evenly matched.<br><br>And thus it is Tairitsu’s turn to gain the upper hand.}}
解锁条件:完成[[#VS-5|VS-5]],购入[[Black Fate]]曲包<br>解锁要求:采用[[对立]]通过[[Lost Desire]]
她在此处 旅途,无异于身临地狱。<br><br>自诞生以来便已然踏入地狱中心——<br>或者说,自己也许根本就没得到过踏出第一步的机会吧?<br>苏醒而来的她冒险踏入了外 的世界,但随之邂逅的苦痛与厄运好似暗潮般唐突地毁掉了她的旅途。<br>之后,那两个灾祸的象征便紧紧地跟随着她。
那样的事实,那样的想法,让泪水无数次在她的眼眶满溢。<br><br>现在,这一切已经结束了。不管是什么事,已经结束了。<br><br>将这一思绪怀藏于心之际,面前那名自己想要杀害的少女正将另一块玻璃送向自己。<br>而就是在与那片玻璃擦肩而过时,她却忽然注意到了什么异常的画面。<br><br>正是数 钟前那种熟悉的,怪诞到让自己反胃的感觉。<br>好比「现实」本身失去了正确性。仿佛绝对不可能发生的场景在眼前出现。<br><br>而那特异感知的源头,几乎紧贴着自己的脸颊
她朝着右方看去。一枚由淡紫色点缀的,外形极度歪曲的异象碎片,映入眼帘。<br>单单是眨眼之间的相会。<br><br>却足以回答一切。<br><br>如同她所预料的 一般 ,这枚异常的碎片所包含的并不是普通的回忆——<br>但完全超乎预料,碎片中出现了本绝不可能存在的答案。<br><br>转瞬之间,快到仅仅是碎片表面的反光与视网膜相撞——<br><br>——感受到自己的颅内就像被光芒所充溢般,一眨眼的功夫便近乎通晓了有关这世界的一切:<br>所有曾经几时存在——且必定存在的事物。一眨眼的功夫,她的脑海中便已然开朗。
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Her journey in this place has been hell.<br><br>Hell from her birth to her first steps—no, even first steps were denied to her, weren’t they? <br>She’d ventured outside of where she’d first awakened, and not long after her journey was abruptly and<br>mercilessly stopped by a torrent of misery and tragedy. Ever since then, those two things had been<br>doggedly following her.
It’s a joke.<br><br>I’m a good person, she tells herself.<br><br>I am not these dark clothes I was born with. I am not these dark memories I am tormented by.<br><br>I am not a person who is “evil”, I am an ordinary person tortured by an evil world.<br><br>Without reason, without sense.<br>A completely, horribly, cruel and merciless world.<br>A nightmare one can’t wake from.<br><br>And the ending, for me, is a pathetic death.<br><br>...
That sort of thing, that kind of thinking, has brought tears to her eyes so many times before.<br><br>Now, it’s over. No matter what, it’s over.<br><br>With that thought in mind, while she grazes past glass sent at her by the girl she is trying to kill, she notes<br>the presence of something strange.<br><br>A familiar, grotesque presence she’d felt minutes before this.<br>The feeling like reality itself has lost correctness.<br>An impossible condition made manifest.<br><br>That anomalous feeling is just beside her cheek.
She looks to her right, and the violet-tinged and grossly warped glass of an anomaly comes into her sight.<br>It is only a moment, only a whim.<br><br>Yet it tells everything.<br><br>As expected of the aberrant shard, it does not hold simple memory—but beyond expectation, it holds<br>impossible answers.<br><br>In an instant, as soon as the shine of its surface has met with her eyes—<br><br>—with a sensation that the inside of her skull has been bathed in light, almost full knowledge of the<br>world, of near everything that ever and absolutely was, unlocks vivid understanding in her mind.
Their names.<br>Their pasts.<br>This world.<br>Its purpose.<br>Her: “Hikari”.<br>Her: “Tairitsu”.<br>“Eto” and “Kou”... “Saya” and “Lethe”... “Luna”, and—names; countless names.<br><br>Even facts of other worlds, destinations of other travelers, ends, beginnings, and elaborated reasons too<br> all of it.<br><br>And the truth, the whole truth, that—
Before her, Hikari stops briefly, noticing the obvious shift in her aggressor’s demeanor.<br>There’s a change. There’s fear.<br><br>So, that’s it. That’s everything.<br><br>Tairitsu glimpsed the truth of this cage dubbed “reality”. With that truth, she’s claimed power.<br>And with both, knowing everything... Knowing everything, what exactly would change?<br><br>Her feelings curdle and churn. The endless bitterness packed in her chest flows out of it and courses<br>through her—onto her tongue, into her teeth. Her lips twist into a morose and bitterly maudlin grin.<br>Morose and maudlin, but undoubtedly, strangely, mirthful.
Laugh, girl. Call forth a Tempest.<br><br>The path here was blazed by the worst recollections of mankind,<br>and what remains at the end is,<br>and ever will be,<br>the end.<br><br>At the terminus, one of the two will die.}}
解锁条件:完成[[#VS-6|VS-6]] 购入[[Black Fate]] 曲包<br>解锁要求:需要解锁[[Tempestissimo]]
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原本由光指引的风暴,毫无任何先兆地朝着对立的侧面刮去。阴影与光芒交错,层叠掩埋起那女孩的身姿。<br>就此碎片缠绕身体之际,她的双眼忽地紧紧闭上—— 就在片刻后,当双目再次睁开之际,<br>那无数错杂的回忆,在她的背后形成了六只巨大的羽翼。
位于下 的光,几乎没有任何东西可以用来抗衡即将到来的一切。至少,这就是她的第一感觉。但是……<br>不……那纯黑的少女还未拥有一切。她可以在这里活下来。必定可以!<br>那扇通往天国的窗户碎裂之际,光从中取下了二十枚记忆。
恐惧席卷了她的每个细胞。玻璃组成的激流,以庞大的数量呼啸、切割着她的身体,<br>就像被劲风牵扯般转 着身躯。她陷入了极度害怕的状 态。<br>好似一尊石像,她只是呆呆地站在原地,注视着一切。
从苏醒以来,便一直蹂躏着她。那些污秽至极的倒影——<br> 刻,她将用相同的事物去蹂躏另一个人。
就像泪水已经盈眶般,那一股情感也满溢着自己 的内 心:在人们意识到自己即将死去时,便会来临的情感。<br>这并不是畏惧。<br>“恐怖”这种词,毫无用以形 的权利。
黑色的风暴狂吼着侵袭着自己的躯体—— 带一丝怜悯地切割着她。<br>残虐,如此单纯的意图。不断地接近、接近……<br>好似这意愿本身,就足以在她身上留下致命伤痕。
这样的场面,早已超脱了她从诞生至今所亲眼见证的任何事物;<br>自己亲身经历的,抑或 属于其他人的。<br>混杂着这种令人厌恶的,面对未知事物时才会出现的感觉,但又对静候着自己的事物心知肚明……
哀求着。期望着。<br>紧紧握住那片曾经将你救赎的存在,再度 在你那染血的胸前。<br> 拯救的象征 象征着灵魂的赎身……它将必然——!

*[[定数表]]页面采用wikitable表格展现定数≥8.0 所有谱面定数 其对应曲目与难度 该页面采用[[模板:组排列]]实现曲绘与曲名同 并列展 现的 效果<!--想当年我 是表格套表格现在这模板咋这么万金油 -->
又一片碎片穿透了她 身体,将那憎恶的火桩捅入了她的心脏。<br>尽管它并未直接伤 她的心脏 但它所怀揣的讯息——那终末的讯息——已经做到了。<br>从那残虐着她的女孩那里传来的,临终的讯息:简略,冷血。
*在定数表内 定数 谱面遵循如 下的 简单排序规则:同定数曲目排布顺序:Beyond,Future,Present;同定数同 度排布顺序:免费曲 [[World Extend]]曲 付费曲
那闯入光的心脏,几乎将她置于死地的利刃,届 只向她呈 出这般回忆——熊熊燃烧,吞噬一切 烈火。
触手 及的死亡。她的心脏猛地悸动 一下,让她意识到自己仍然活着
她的瞳孔缩小 墨点。
就像那映射烈火 记忆一般,她的身体仿佛被火焰灼烧。<br>伴随着流淌于空气中的邪恶高温,灼烧着。<br>疼痛。痛苦。鲜血——
尝试将手伸向那可怕的伤口时,手中的救赎碎片也摔落 去。
接着,一枚锯齿状 碎片,从暴风雨中席卷过来,刺中了她的手背。
此般现实。如此地骇人而 以想象 但确实“如此”。
她的思维 也逐渐开始消逝
The illusion of an even match shatters, and with its destruction Hikari’s hope finally begins to waver.
Without warning, Hikari’s storm flies to Tairitsu’s side, cloaking the other girl in darkness and light.<br>As they surround her, her eyes shut for a moment—and when they open again,<br>those countless memories unfurl behind her as six gargantuan wings.
Now hanging in the sky in blatant defiance of nature,<br>she lays her sharpened eyes on Hikari.
A simple look reveals to Hikari that the path to victory has been nearly closed.<br>She had thought the girl a beast before, and now she sees her as what she is:<br>above, and nigh impossible.
Glass rises up behind her like a gigantic sheet: a skylight, shimmering and clear.
Below, Hikari has little to nothing to fight what will come. At least, that’s how it feels, but...<br>No... The girl in black does not have everything. This can be survived. It can!<br>Hikari takes up twenty memories as the window to the heavens breaks.
At first, only a handful of shards hurtle down at her, but they do so rather... slowly.<br>It disarms her. She starts to think, "this is possible."<br>As though the elaborate display a moment ago was only that: a display.
As before, Hikari shields herself, quickly blocking the falling glass with unshakable focus,<br>her eyes darting this way and that to keep measure of the flitting, brilliant crowd.<br>It makes her confident—she misses nothing. She allows herself a smile.
At the least, she’ll be able to run from this. At the least, this won’t be the end.
A single piece then flies to the middle of her chest, its delivery interpretable only as a message.<br>It had flown faster than any other piece of Arcaea she’d ever seen.<br>The girl above speaks to her through this glass shard: "Enough games."
"And enough wasting time. Give up—and die."
The shard cuts through her dress, and Hikari looks into Tairitsu’s eyes.<br>The girl in black is smiling now, all the sadness and anger gone from her face.<br>And it’s the most frightful thing she’s ever witnessed in her life and in her memories.
The shard falls out without having reached her skin.
The broken pane whirls into a side-winding tornado. Its mouth barrels down onto her,<br>slicing fabric and skin, but otherwise simply passes by.<br>In this is one more message: before the end, the girl in black wants her enemy to know where this began.
Fear overwhelms her. In this riptide of glass, rushing and cutting past her in powerful amounts,<br>turning up and swirling as if pulled by a great wind, she is made absolutely afraid.<br>So petrified, she stands fast and watches.
She stands, watching memories of a filthy world.
Memories of pain, betrayal, envy.
Death, suffering, and decay.
Dark. They are only dark. Wherever it is these shards reflect... she sees little light there.<br>Whatever small sparks she sees fade away in an instant.<br>This is what the other girl described to her.
The vile reflections of places gone that had been tormenting her since her awakening—<br>she would now use them to torment another.
Glass hooks under Hikari’s sleeves and stabs into her skirt.<br>They drag her upward, up into a domain where she can no longer stand.
Tears fill her eyes as an emotion fills her heart: the emotion that comes when recognizing imminent death.<br>This is not fear.<br>"Terror" is too little to describe it.
Desperation? Hope?<br>An awful, arresting feeling.
Her own memories run through her head. It’s as if she’s searching for one that will stand out—<br>one that will inform her that she’s come across something like this in the past,<br>and this is how to escape.
But nothing comes.
The black storm rages over torso, cutting with little mercy.<br>Pure torturous intent, coming closer and closer,<br>as if the intent alone would inflict a fatal wound upon her flesh...
It is unbelievable.
The situation is so far beyond anything she’s ever borne witness to,<br>whether in her own memories of those of others.<br>This disgusting blend of facing the unknown, yet knowing precisely what awaits her on the other side...
Horror.<br>Not fear.<br>Horrific understanding.
There is no control over glass for her here.<br>Something, anything—an anomaly—a miracle.<br>If something like that appeared, she could make it out. She could step away. She could live.
If there was ever a time, it is now, and here.
The ground below bursts, as if the world itself is rising up to join the hunt.<br>It is now.<br>Now! A shard will come to save her!
She prays with all her being for the will of the world to fly to her side and spare her!
For some mechanism of fate, for the wheel of fortune itself,<br>to produce a "god" that will grant her victorious power!
Beg for it. Hope for it.<br>Hold that piece which once brought you salvation close to your bleeding chest once again.<br>That symbol of rescue, of redemption... It will surely—!

*[[曲目列表]]使用<!--超级无敌寰宇最--> 大表格展示Arcaea所拥有的所有曲目及其基本信息。表格每行即为一首曲目,分为'''平台'''、'''曲目封面'''、'''标题'''、'''音乐家'''、'''所属曲包'''、'''BPM'''、'''时长'''和'''等级'''八列,其中'''等级'''又分为'''PST'''、'''PRS'''、'''FTR'''和'''BYD'''四分列,所以一行应当总计有11列。
Another shard pierces her body, a hateful stake driving at her heart.<br>It does not reach through, does not strike the heart itself. But its message—a final message—does.<br>One last message from the girl tormenting her: a simple, merciless message.
*曲目以曲包为组合排序,曲包按照免费包、主线包、支线包、联动包、Memory Archive、杂曲分类排序,每个分类内曲包按照更新顺序排序,新曲包靠前。
*{{仅|移动版||图片角标}}{{仅|NS版||图片角标}}'''双端冲突内容''' :[[ 曲目列表]] 包含一个总表和[[ 曲目列表 (移动版)]] [[ 曲目列表 (Nintendo Switch版)]] 两个分表。对于[[ 曲目列表]] 总表中双端“有或无”区别的曲目,'''平台'''一列通过平台图 专门体现其在对应平台是否存在。若曲目在双端存在,但'''所属曲包'''双端不同/部分难度仅存在于一端时,则使用图片角 注明,不同平台的不同 内容 需要换行。若该谱面对应难度在双端均存 但在NS端的触控模式与Joy-Con模式下谱面不同 则需要换行分列两种模式下 谱面难度,以操控方式角标注明 即使两模式下难度一致 在[[曲目列表 (移动版)]]分表中 '''平台'''一列 删除,所有NS端仅有内容直接删除,且由于移动端不存在双操控模式,所以操控方式角标部分 一并无需出现 在[[曲目列表 (Nintendo Switch版)]]分表中,'''平台''' 列被删除,所有移动端仅有内容直接删除 但保留操控方式角标部分
The almost lethal blade in Hikari’s breast holds the memory of a vast and all-consuming fire.
So close to death, her heart thumps, reminding her she’s alive.
Her pupils shrink to points.
Like that memory of flame, her body burns.<br>It burns with a fluid, vicious heat.<br>Pain. Agony. Blood—
Her savior shard falls from her hand as she reaches that hand for the terrible wound.
And then, a jagged piece of glass whirls out of the tempest and finds the back of that hand.
Sound escapes her.
Run twice through, her breath has gone as well.
Her gaze is steady on the trio of unthinkable sights before her.
This reality, horrible and unimaginable as it is, nonetheless "is".
And so her thoughts, too, begin to vanish.}}
被隐藏的Story剧情,需要进行解锁才可显示<br>解锁条件 完成[[#VS-7|VS-7]] ,购入[[Black Fate]] 曲包<br>解锁要求:需要解锁[[Arcahv]]
[[ 文件:Story VS-???.jpg|300px|thumb|right|VS-??? (vn)]]
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而此刻,就 彻底失去思考能力后 求生本能终于开始运作——那种古老 曾被遗忘的本能反应
只是那些客观实用的求生本能 光悉数抛弃。它们最后 只是“开始运作”罢了 <br>她依然感到恐惧。<br>几乎是只用 根小拇指 却仍牢牢扣住的希望

几乎是莫名其妙地 她居然成功将十枚回忆召唤至 自己 身旁 <br>把那些将她身体固 于半空 中的 细针状玻璃皆数撞开
**一句话:编辑者对本谱面的吐槽性质评价 使用[[模板:一句话]]在页首编辑。除非能确认 自己 的新一句话肯定比原来的好 否则本句话的编辑权一般归属于首先写出这句话的编辑者。
**魔王前置信息:这首曲子是哪首魔王曲的前置解锁曲目。魔王曲目由社群共识决 ,一般是指曲包 中的 指定最难曲目与最终曲目
以如此不光彩 的方式, 摔落 崩裂的地面上 <br>随后 她所选中 碎片们 围着她伤痕累累的身体绕起圈来。<br>足够奇怪的是 她发现今朝的自己也同样微笑着
***若该曲目没有对应[[解歌系统#谱面解锁]] 解锁 方式, 则无需添加此表,改为添加斜体文字''本曲各难度无需额外解禁''。
她借助左臂将身子撑了起来。从 立的 击中透露的敌意清晰可辨 <br> 她过 享受摧残自己敌人 肉体 <br>以至于迟迟未下任何杀手
***若涉及 游戏中其他 如曲风联想、对比评价等 应对该曲目名称加链接处理
***“游戏相关”作为一个单独 三级标题 应将“攻略”、“试听”和“相关视频”归到此分类下 作为四级标题
哪怕是在此刻存留 光胸腔中的碎片 <br>是那么靠近她那跳动 心脏,让她经受了那么耀眼,骇人,愤怒的烈焰——<br>哪怕已经做到这一步,却仍未致命
*** 于“ 略” ,可 以写关 本曲谱面手法 一些参考 需要用{{tl|难度标识}}标明难度和难度等级
***对 “试听” 需要为曲师或lowiro官方发布 官方音源(来源为SoundCloud、专辑页面等)并在其后以括号标明来源
或许这并不是对立的初衷。<br>但不管怎么回事 楚自己仍然活着。
****若为BGA 要求 晰度尽量高,且来源最好为曲师/官方 在链接 注明 如果 存在 多个来源,则优先选择官方 的。
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她虚弱地送出了一波攻势 却被 方正翱翔于空的那位女孩轻而易举地扑灭 <br>光所听闻的古老回忆中,完全不 存在 像那女孩一般可怕 恶魔
***附加包所属曲目需要同时添加所属主包和附加包 单曲尾部索引 ,而不 处在附 包只处 主包 曲目 添加附加包曲目索引
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她是 副其实 女王 在这白昼的世界中统治着黑夜 <br>那丝展露着狂喜的微笑,却空虚得毋庸置疑……
*单曲曲目基本信息表采 {{tl|曲目信息}}进行编辑
望见这幅景象后,光也终于能体会到相同的事物 自己心中的 有情感,是如何迈向毁灭 的。
鲜明 现实只会让她变得愈发清醒 ,而不 是使她更 畏缩,<br>譬如她 几分钟前 心理状态—— ,几秒前。<br>她开始认知起当今形势中存在的每一件事实
| 长=''曲长''
缓慢地——或者说,是在条件允许 情况下 尽可能缓慢地认知着事态。对立 攻势 在此期间从未停歇
将身体左右挪移, 仅剩的回忆去保护自己肉体最脆弱的部位 。<br> ,光观察着二人如今的战场。
面前的景象是如此残败不堪。现在的这里,比从前的任何 时间 都更像一片“荒原”。<br> 被撕裂的地面 处处都只留下残亘断瓦 。这 里简直 是一 座被严重轰炸过的城镇 <br>环绕着她们二人 玻璃根本无法计数 对立所拥 的力量更是不可估 量。
光的自身,太弱小了。<br>并不只是指代自己控制玻璃碎 的能力——衣衫褴褛的她,浑身本就受满了伤。<br>她早就没剩下多少耐力——光是疲劳便足以战胜她仅剩的神智。
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*当曲目基本信息表设计谱师单元格合并/拆分时,''note编写''变量将会拆分为''PastNote编写'',''PresentNote编写'' ''FutureNote编写''三个变量 。这 三个变量合并的逻辑
#如果两个相邻的谱师变量内容完全 致,自动合并
#如果高难度谱师变量没有出现,自动顺应最近 较低难度谱师变量
#如果低难度谱师变量没 出现,自动显示''note编写''变 内容(如果有)
玻璃闪耀着光芒 冲击着她 双肩。<br>光凝视着玻璃反射的画 。<br>所以 那个女孩现在和她一样 也能控制光芒了 那好……
|图 =example.jpg
她再 企图重 思考自己所观测到的一切。<br>她明白自己可能会死在这里 但也可能 <br>留给她的只有 这两个 可能性 知晓这一事实后,她发现自己逐渐认同了自己 命运
只需刹那 的功夫,这一切就都能落幕。<br>而每当她祈求这不要变成事实的 候,她却做不了任何事。她只能重复这样的想法:<br> “别无
在丢失了思维、希望与感官之后……<br>意志是最后离开她 事物
*曲目基本信息表在Beyond情况下新添''Beyond等级'',''Beyond曲绘'',''BeyondNote编写'',''BeyondNote''四个变量 分别对应Beyond难度 难度等级,曲封 面, 谱师 物量
**如果Beyond难 更新为追加更 新, 更新时间与原三难度 同,则需额外引入''Beyond更新版本'',''Beyond更新时间''两个变量 '''如果Beyond难度与原三难度统一更新请不要加上 这两个 变量 '''
**''BeyondNote编写''的谱师单元格合并/拆分逻辑遵循原三难度谱师单元格 逻辑 。<!--但截至v3.0.5版本,BYD谱师均与前三个不同。-->
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|Beyond更新 间=20yy/mm/dd
====其 特例====
*诸如[[A Wandering Melody of Love]]和[[STAGER (ALL STAGE CLEAR)]]等单曲多封面情况,{{tl|曲目信息}}也 处理 由于此种特例较少见,关于此种特例 模板使用格式请直接查阅模板页面下说明部分

*单曲解 {{tl|解禁 }} 进行编辑。
当她将先前刺入手中的碎片狠狠拔出后,<br>燃起的纯白火舌瞬间便吞噬了她的伤口,不 使她一阵眼花目眩。<br>她并未将手按压在自己的脖子上。
光直立于刀刃的狂风之中。听从她指挥的碎片,近乎不存在。<br>她已经无 再辨认出对立的脸。<br>她所身处的区域已经骚动不堪。若想让视线穿透这些碎片,实在是过于艰难。
很有可能是地表将要再一次开裂。<br>这个念头浮现的瞬间,光便 手掌挡住脸庞,顺势用手臂护住了胸前。<br>但之后并没有任何事情发生,而她仍旧对这突发现象保持着十足的好奇心。
只是,就在周遭的场景逐渐回归正常,流动的时间也终于回到位于上 的那名女……<br>位于……上方……<br>……天空?
And now, instincts begin to lurch, old and forgotten, in the wake of those thoughts.
They haven’t yet taken hold, those discarded yet practical sensibilities. They have only stirred.<br>She is still afraid.<br>She clings to hope by a little finger.

Somehow, she manages to pull on ten memories to aid her,<br>striking out the needle-glass that had been keeping her in the sky.
Ingloriously she drops to the now-deformed ground,<br>her chosen pieces afterward hovering over her crumpled, aching body.<br>Oddly enough, she finds herself smiling now, too.
She pushes herself up with her left hand. For all the enmity evident in Tairitsu’s assault,<br>she had taken too much pleasure in inflicting torture on her enemy’s body,<br>rather than inflicting any sort of mortal blow.
Even the shard now in Hikari’s chest,<br>so near to her beating heart and flickering with horrid, wrathful flame,<br>did not do the deed.
Maybe it wasn’t intended to.<br>Regardless, Hikari is still alive.
She feebly sends forth an attack, which is quickly swatted down by the girl flying above her.<br>That girl now looks worse than any described devil Hikari has heard of in old memories.
A veritable dark queen, ruling night in a world of day.<br>That ecstatic, yet obviously empty smile...
Seeing this, Hikari can feel it: how her own feelings are beginning to slip away.
Stark reality is sobering her more and more, and rather than dread it,<br>as she had been only minutes—no, seconds ago,<br>she begins instead to register each fact present to the situation.
Slowly—or, as slowly as Tairitsu will allow. Her attack is unending.
Shifting her body left and right, guarding her weakest areas with what few memories remain to her,<br>Hikari examines their field of battle.
It has been torn asunder, and now looks more a wasteland than ever before.<br>Ripped, ruined all through, like a town in the aftermath of military bombardment.<br>The glass around them is uncountable. The power Tairitsu has is immeasurable.
Hikari herself is weak.<br>Not only in terms of strange abilities and control over glass—her body has been run ragged.<br>She doesn’t have much left before she falls from weariness alone.
Perhaps she could find an anomaly, but say she couldn’t.<br>What then?<br>She couldn’t, so "then" is "now".
So?<br>How do you go on when the way is completely obstructed?<br>Should you...? Go on?
Glass strikes her shoulder, shining with light.<br>Hikari stares into its reflection.<br>So, the other girl can control light too, now. Well...
She decides to think over what she’s observed once again.<br>She recognizes that she could die here, or she could not.<br>These are the two possibilities, and knowing that, she finds herself in acceptance.
This could be the end.
In a moment, this could all be over.<br>And while she’d rather it not, she can’t help but echo the idea:<br>"So it goes."
After thought, hope, and feeling...<br>determination is the last to fade from her.

This is not... a laying down of arms.<br>No...
When she pulls the shard from her hand,<br>her eyes briefly dazzled from the white flames licking up and searing closed her wound,<br>she does not press it to her neck.
She would certainly prefer to live... but she would not mind.<br>She wouldn’t mind, with the odds being so impossible.
Hikari stands in the wind of blades, barely a shard in her employ.<br>She can’t discern Tairitsu’s face anymore.<br>Her domain has become pandemonium, and seeing through it is too difficult.
Eventually, while trudging through the flying glass, Hikari notices that<br>some segments of the whirlwind are reversing in fits and starts.<br>The bizarre movement is so unnatural she genuinely wonders if the girl above her is doing it on purpose.
It’s reminiscent, she thinks, of a skipping video.<br>It isn’t any better or worse than the bullet curtains she’s been facing so far, but it is quite peculiar.
The earth quakes.
She utters a "Wha...?" as she feels it.<br>The earth, quaking?<br>Here?
It could be that the ground will break again.<br>Thinking that, Hikari shields her face and chest with her arms.<br>When nothing comes, she remains curious about the phenomenon.
If it wasn’t the girl above her, Tairitsu wouldn’t have noticed it—after all, she was flying now.
More of the blade storm is shifting and roiling in rough, rigid movements now.<br>She decides to throw a crew of glass the other girl’s way again.<br>It passes easily through the waves again, but then it suddenly turns very bright and breaks away.
The shards don’t break themselves... They vanish, and the space where they were looks as if it is cracked.<br>Once she sees this—once she recognizes what she’s seeing—everything around her enters stasis.
In this instant, the obsidian-glass which had been flying all around her is stuck fast within reality.<br>To her, it looks absolutely beautiful.
A smile crosses her lips without her wanting. "How pleasant," she whispers, chuckling to herself.<br>Something so beautiful here: where she could soon find her grave.<br>It’s so bizarre that it is... to laugh. So she does. She makes earnest yet sad, dry laughter...
But as motion gradually returns to the objects around her, and to the one above...<br>Above...<br>The sky...?
A fracture splits across it.<br>It widens, carving a shape out of heaven, and that immense segment begins to plummet.<br>Even more bizarrely, hundreds of images flash across it, blinking rapidly from one to the next.
The world begins to fall into strange ruin.<br>As Hikari bears witness to this, more satisfaction rises to her smile.<br>The storm is still slow, the image—too fantastic.
The sky—the genuine sky, not an artificial one—is falling, stopping, and falling again,<br>as if grand pieces of a celestial puzzle are being moved and switched by some befuddled god.
And...<br>watching it...<br>her smile begins to gradually recede.
The look in her eyes grows colder, her breath slows,<br>and the faint glimmer of excitement provided by this cataclysmic view is snuffed out,<br>replaced with objectivity. Her opinion on the disaster destroying all is delivered in a single word.
With a little appreciation, in a mostly hollow tone, she says, "Delightful."<br>As if the word has any meaning.<br>As if the fall has any meaning.
As if the world has any meaning.}}

==Side( 支线)==
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又一次 苏醒 同时也是她的第一次。<br><br>任何人于这回忆的世界 苏醒后,脑中记忆都是一片空白。她也 例外 <br><br>不 ,当光线映入她的瞳孔 时, 她感受到了不同寻常的事物。<br>她的心跳首当其冲地加快;激情四射,渐渐涌出的失落感让她近乎咆哮起来。<br>她的手紧抓着覆盖腹部的衣服,心想自己的耳朵可能要被震聋。<br>她的双眼不自觉地眯起来,而她这才意识到自己仅拥有一只眼睛。她的面庞感受到了这一切。<br><br> 什……? <br><br>她咳嗽几声 撑起身子 隔着手套,她触摸到一种可以称得上软绵绵的物质,正牢牢固定 她右眼的所在处。<br>她才发现自己带着手套。朝自己的身体看去后 她不 疑惑起自己为何会穿着这些衣服。<br>接着 她不 疑惑起自己为何知道衣服是什么东西。
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才背靠着一面墙睡觉 经过观察,她发现自己的四周是另外三堵墙,残破得不堪入目。<br>它们将她围在这没有出路的空间中。抬起头后,少女 这里并没有屋顶,<br>却紧接着对自己为什么会觉得上头理应有个屋顶一事而感 纳闷。事实上,她察觉到自己身在何处……隐约地。<br>她沿着自己曾靠在上头睡觉的墙走着,直到发现一 她能够翻越过去的地方。<br>在清 那些砖块时,她发现它们洁白无瑕。此时,她抬头仰望,发现不仅这面墙是白色的——<br>整个世界都是 片纯白。那是片一望无际的古老,溃败的人类社会遗址,也可说成是多个文明的仿制品。<br> 这太诡异了……更诡异的是:她竟然会觉得这一切很诡异。这又是 什么?<br><br>在她机缘巧合地发 那些反光的玻璃之前,她竟早已为自己目前所见的事物,以及她的身份,<br>给予了数十种推测。即使是她如今孤身一人——而且连自己的名字都不知道——的事实,<br>也为她阐述了可能性极高的推断
!表 效果
并且,随着时间流逝,她发 的许多线索都指向她脑海中某一项特定的推测。<br><br>她天生具有强烈的自信心与好奇心。这纯白的世界只有着无尽的问题,却从未出现过答案。<br>几天过去了,那些废墟中没有答案显现。几周过去了,这些玻璃内也没有答案显现。<br>可以肯定的是,这世界充斥着玻璃、它们不断地投射着其它形形色色的,<br>更具生机的场所,仿佛在借此奚落着她。源于某种真实事物的回声与痕迹,或者说是这世界本身,<br>遍布着人类发明的仿制品。在这两个月里(虽然真正的时间可能更长),<br>她觉得自己已经看了足够多的画面以坚信某个想法。
这一座破旧的阶梯离她苏醒的地点已有一段距离。<br>伫立于阶梯顶端的少女,望向了天空中那起伏不平的截断部分:<br>由数以百计的Arcaea所组建而成,那是一扇不通向任何地方的残破窗户。<br>这 刻,少女开始对自己的猜测深信不疑。她打赌自己的推理便是真相。<br><br>但光凭这点还不够——根本不可能足够。这可不是光靠猜测就能确定下来的事 。<br><br>所以她在心中郑重誓言道:这整片领域就是一个谜团,不会讲述任何事情,<br>只会给出零星线索——所以她将解决这谜题,<br>找出对应的理由来。作为这领域中唯一的活物,这仿佛成为了她第一个职责。<br><br>而就在她完全接纳Arcaea的时候……<br><br>Arcaea也完全接纳了她……<br><br> ……作为一间宽广且看似无边无际的档案室——不仅等待着被阅读,<br> 更等待着某个人来亲身经历它们。}}
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Another awakening, and her first.<br><br>Each one awakens in the world of memories with nothing in her head. She is no exception.<br><br>However, as light filters through her cornea the sensations that grip her are unusual. Her heart stirs first,<br>passionate, and she almost snarls at the building frustration. She grips the clothes over her stomach, and<br>thinks her ears might be deafened. Her eye squints involuntarily, and she realizes with that that she only has<br>a single eye rather than two. She feels around her face.<br><br>“Wha...?”<br><br>She coughs, and pushes herself up. What she felt through her glove was something almost soft, surrounding<br>something very solid in the place of her right eye. She realizes she’s wearing gloves. Looking over her body,<br>she wonders why she’s wearing these clothes. She wonders next why she knows what clothes are at all.
She had been sleeping against a wall, and upon an inspection of her surroundings sees that there are three<br>others to make a four-cornered place around her, and every one of them is in extreme disrepair. Looking up<br>she sees that there’s no roof, and questions why it is she’d expected to find one in the first place. In fact, she<br>recognizes where she is... vaguely. She trudges along the wall she’d slept against until she finds one she can<br>step over. As she clears the bricks, she notices that they are entirely white. Looking up, she sees that it isn’t<br>only this wall, but the entire world that’s white. It is an infinite landscape of an old, defeated, human society,<br>or rather a pastiche of several societies. It’s bizarre... Moreover: it is bizarre she finds it bizarre. Why?<br><br>Before she even stumbles upon any reflective glass, she has already bet on tens of theories behind what<br>she’s seeing, and who she is. Even that she is alone, and that she doesn’t know her name, tells her much<br>about the potential truth.<br><br>And, over time, she finds more reason for one theory in particular.
She was born with conviction and curiosity. The world of white presents questions but no answers. Days<br>pass, and there are no answers within the ruins. Weeks pass, and there are no answers within the glass.<br>Indeed, the world is full of glass, taunting always with views of other, more vivid and varied places. Echoes,<br>imprints of something real, exactly the world itself, so full of what must be copies of human invention.<br>After two months, though it could be more, she feels she has seen enough to believe something, and<br>with confidence.<br><br>While atop a broken stairway someplace far away now from where she’d awakened some time ago, she<br>gazes at an undulating and segmented portion of the sky: a seemingly broken window to nothing, crafted<br>from over a hundred shards of Arcaea. She becomes sure of herself in this moment. She can bet her<br>judgment is the truth.<br><br>But it’s not enough, and never enough. It can’t be settled with speculation.
So she vows: this realm is a mystery, telling nothing and offering little, so she will solve it and find its reason.<br>As the only being of this realm, it seems, this will be her first duty.<br><br>And as she fully accepts the Arcaea...<br>So too do the Arcaea fully accept her...<br><br> a vast and seemingly endless archive, not only to be read, but to be lived through.}}
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夜色将至。屋外,太阳所溢出的琥珀色暮光马不停蹄地想要从天际溜走,<br />奈何被草坪中的那几台装置捕捉并卷入,<br />转变为近似月光的柔和射线。<br /><br />这场宴会带有种独特的气氛。虽然庄园外一个人都没有,但是对上流人士来说,<br />保持形象似乎比任何事都来得重要。她了 这一切——从一开始便是。她坐在较暗一点的地 ,<br />而被捕捉的阳光则重现于她如今无 触及的天花板与阶梯。<br />少女静静地思考着潜藏于那些渊博知识之中的涵义。<br /><br />“拉薇妮雅。”<br /><br />她的视线从玻璃杯上移走。而她的未婚夫(穿着整齐,甚至能用古板来形容,<br />但是姿态相当轻松自如)正站在她的面前。<br /><br />“想好今晚喝什么了?”<br /><br />她用那只正常的眼睛注视着杯子,答道:“嗯,多纳文……我点了李子汁。”
“不错。”他笑着回应,一边环顾房间的四周。<br />少女茫然地瞧着他的表情,而他假笑着。<br />“妈妈和大家都说蔓越莓汁更健康呢,不过……”<br />他说道,并再次朝她瞥去,“喝起来也更苦,不是吗?你也不喜欢吧?”<br /><br />她想了想,畏缩道:“我不喜欢。”<br /><br />“那就好。”他轻笑一声,转过身去,“我接下来要去跟摩根聊聊,<br />不过随时欢迎你加入我们。”<br /><br />少女点了点头,多纳文就走去壁炉旁的那群老朋友们身边。
一如往常,形象的维护是必不可少的。在引线被卷起存入地上的灯笼前,<br />那凹槽中的火焰只把自身的光辉投出几英寸远。房间的其余场所一片黑暗,却使人感到安心。<br /> 挂在上方的几个灯笼刚好提供了足够让人们进行阅读、辨识各自面孔,<br /> 以及分配经过了精挑细选的食物和一瓶瓶饮料所需要的光线。在那半面为玻璃的墙壁外部,<br />如今室外景色模糊不清,隐约能够辨识出野花、石头与溪流:笼罩于深蓝夜幕之下,仿佛一条绸缎。<br />宴会上有二十位来宾,一半在这个房间里,其他人可能在大厅或是某处的书房——<br />或许是图书馆也说不定。她所知道的只有这么多。<br /><br />她细细品尝了她的果汁。她从中感受到了一丝甜味,但这李子汁依然不能让她产生多大的印象。<br />少女显然能回忆起某种更好的滋味和感觉,但现在她还是试图让思绪集中在舌尖上的味蕾。<br />可惜,这依然不足以打动她,这味道实在是平凡得出奇。<br /><br />她将玻璃杯搁在一旁那张矮桌的奇异桌布上。她坐了下来,凝听、观察着四周,<br />几分心不在焉地抚摸着于她的另一只眼中绽放的花瓣。
她听见多纳文说,“但仔细想想,他们现在已经做了那么多了。<br />我第一次听到这主意的时候,我甚至觉得这完全行不通。”<br /><br />“嗯,查尔斯对这一点十分确信。”另一位来宾说道——不是摩根,而是娜塔莉亚。<br /><br />“真让人意外,”多纳文认同道,手指游离于发梢。<br /><br />“一个完整的世界,全部由人类的双手打造……”他说,“我们人类可真了不起。”}}
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It’s early evening. Outside, the twilight amber flowing out from the sun tries to slip by without<br />pause, but the devices within the surrounding meadows catch and spool it, changing it to rays<br />more similar to what might be cast from the moon.<br /><br />The party has a certain atmosphere. Though there are no eyes without the manor, the fact is that<br />maintaining an image is paramount to those of upper echelons. She knows this, all of this, innately.<br />Sitting in a darker place, with sunlight captured and held at ceilings and staircases presently<br />beyond her reach, she considers the implications of this knowledge in calm and in silence.<br /><br />“Lavinia.”<br /><br />She looks up from her glass. The fiancé (dressed very well, almost stuffily, but in casual<br />posture) is standing before her.<br /><br />“What have you decided to drink tonight?”<br /><br />She looks at it through her one proper eye. She answers: “Plum juice… Donovan.”
“Keen,” he says with a smile, looking out toward the rest of the room. She looks at his<br />expression blankly. He smirks. ”Mum and the rest prefer cranberry—for health, they say—<br />but…” he says, glancing at her again. “It’s a bitter taste, isn’t it? You don’t like it either,<br />do you?”<br /><br />She thinks, wincing. “I don’t.”<br /><br />“And that is to the good.” He chuckles, then turns away. “I’ll go speak with Morgan.<br />Join us whenever you like.”<br /><br />She nods, and Donovan moves to their mutual childhood friend near the fireplace.
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As always, images need to be maintained. The fire throws its light only a few feet out from the pit<br />before the threads of it are wound away, stored into lanterns on the floor. The rest of the room is<br />dark, but comforting. It’s a setting to relax within. A few lanterns above give just enough illumination<br />for reading, seeing each other’s faces, and the spread of carefully selected portions of food along<br />with bottles of drink. Just outside the room, through half-glass walls, an almost untame scene of<br />wildflowers, stones, and streams is dimly visible: wrapped in a midnight blue, almost like satin.<br />There are twenty guests at the party, half in this room, the rest in the halls or somewhere in other<br />studies—perhaps the library. This is as much as she knows.<br /><br />She drinks her juice, tastes it. She notes the sweetness, not having had much experience with<br />plum juice herself. She recalls something about a better taste and sensation, but in the moment<br />now she is compelled to focus on how the liquid feels along her tongue. However, she can make<br />no true determination of it. It is remarkably unremarkable.<br /><br />She puts the glass down on the fanciful doily of the short table beside her. She sits, listens, and<br />watches, touching the flower petals blooming from her other eye rather absently.
She hears Donovan say, “But to think they’ve done so much already. When I first heard of the idea,<br />I was sure it wasn’t possible.”<br /><br />“Well, Charles is quite sure it is,” says another of the guests—not Morgan, but Nathalia.<br /><br />“Astounding,” Donovan grants, running his fingers through the top of his hair.<br /><br />“A whole entire world, made by human hands,” he says. “Mankind is quite something.”}}
|''PST 方法''
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=== 曲目定数===
解锁条件:完成[[#3-1|3-1]],购入[[Absolute Reason]] 包<br>解锁要求:通过[[Corruption]]
* 曲目 定数 只能使用[[ 模板: 曲目定数| 曲目定数]] 模板 进行 编辑 。在一 况下,BYD 量需要'''留 '''
片刻前,她的 光飘忽于灯笼摇曳的光线,现在她则找寻起自己的未婚夫来。<br>她再度伸手拿起玻璃杯,啜了一小口;这样足够让她想起为什么当初要把它搁在一旁了。<br><br>创造世界的事情,根本只是他们脑中不可靠的幻想而已。他们没有更深入地讨论。他们其实并不了解它。<br>那群人究竟说过哪些他们真正感兴趣的话题——说实话,她没法准确地回想起来。真让人心烦意乱。<br>有时候,她甚至觉得他们根本就没在说话。少女开始感到厌烦。她起身离开客厅,走去那些更豪华,<br>更有夜晚魅力的大厅;穿过几间虽有亲切感,但对她而言依然陌生的房间。她将这儿探索了一遍,<br>发现了一条未点灯的漆黑路径,以及几扇把手似乎上了锁,却看不见锁孔的门。 够打开的那些门后方,<br>是几位男女在房里,聊天的声音小到听不清楚。<br>他们虽然注意到她的存在,但 是瞥了一眼,就回到方才谈话或休息的状态。
她想去外边走走。<br><br>先进的科技遍布于这座庄园,但庄园整体却与古老的“阶级制度”理念相融。没错,那些调光器十分奇特,<br>而这整片人造的荒野也极为古怪。不果这其中让她最感兴趣的科技,是安置在花园中的那些光 转换装置。<br>她虽然知晓它们,却是初次亲眼所见。<br><br>用单个词语来形容:她很“好奇”。<br><br>人们总重复着单调乏味的社交活动, 使 今日与过去的千百天几乎毫无差别,而她对涉猎此类日子毫无兴趣。<br>生命与创造皆无比迷人,从中选出一者难如登天。
Her eye had wandered to the flickering of a lantern, and now it seeks the expectant husband. She reaches<br>for her glass and takes a sip; it’s enough to make her remember why she had put it down in the first place.<br><br>The matter of a created world is only really a fickle fancy of theirs. They do not discuss it much. They do not<br>much understand it. What little they might have to say of true interest, she can’t, in fact, properly remember.<br>Irritating. At times, it even feels to her like they aren’t speaking at all.<br><br>The girl grows impatient. She stands and passes out of the sitting room into more lavish, more evening-<br>themed halls, passing rooms with which she’s familiar, but only vaguely. She explores, finding stretches of<br>unlit, pitch-black paths, and doors that seem to be locked though their knobs bear no holes for unlocking.<br>What doors are open show rooms of a few men and women each, chatting too quietly to discern. If they<br>ever notice her presence, they only look her way a moment before returning to conversation or rest.
She wants to go outside.<br><br>The manor has some technological sophistication to it, but is married to its ideals of old “class”. Yes, the<br>dimming canisters are curious, and the manufactured wilds are peculiar, but what interests her the most<br>are the light-transforming machines in the gardens. She knows of them, but has yet to see them firsthand.<br><br>In a word, she is “curious”.<br><br>The humdrum of a social gathering so often repeated that this day feels like a thousand identical others is<br>not something she wishes to dabble in long. Lives and creations are too fascinating to ever take either for<br>granted.
But as she approaches the doors to the front driveway...<br><br>As her fingers slip upon the wood of the grand handles before her...<br><br>She knows, innately, that there is nothing past there, nothing for her. In the entire world, there is nowhere<br>else she could be. Her place is not in the meadows admiring mechanisms, it is in the sitting room with the<br>husband-to-be.<br><br>“Outside” is only an idea. A fruitless, ephemeral concept.<br><br>That is not a favorable realization.<br><br>Dropping her hand she turns and stands below the chandelier, each of its shards showing an image of<br>somewhere else in the world, at this moment. Shifting, always, and speaking of places she cannot go.<br>Fading, almost celestial illumination hangs around the fixture, giving this place and that object a too-unreal<br>quality. Her eye, her lips, say nothing. She trudges back into the mansion, with a small fire of discontent<br>born within her.}}
解锁条件:完成[[#3-2|3-2]],购入[[Absolute Reason]]曲包<br>解锁要求:采 用[[ 咲弥]]通过[[Black Territory]]
[[文件:Story 3-3.png|300px|thumb|right|3-3 (vn)]]
在过去的许多个小时中,她对这儿的边界 进行 了一番研究
窗户上了锁,阳台的落地窗门被封了起来,通风口也被用螺丝固定着。<br>她对现状抱持的唯一疑惑是:<br>"这些去路被堵住——是因为那群人堵住了去路,还是因为我被困 这里了?"
而当她在摸遍、戳遍、翻遍、绕遍这地方后,<br>她开始去找熟悉的来宾与朋友们 起闲话家常。
她最想知道的 报——机械工程、科技与发展——<br>显然在这些来宾身上是套不出来的。<br>就在她 得越来越沮丧的时候,她选择在一旁聆听对话,终于听见:
就在 中以螺旋状飞舞的花瓣要平静下来的时候,<br>她走向摆满食物的长桌,驻足于面包。
A windstorm scatters petals around terrain behind the walls.<br>Glints of white and sapphire catch the eye, and the youths of the party speak of the change favorably.<br>Like magic. Wonderful.
She comes back into the lounge and witnesses the swirl of artificial nature,<br>the splendor of a farce.
She remembers the first time those flowers were scattered and thinks:<br>she’s rather had enough of "remembering".
During the past several hours, she’s tested the boundaries.
The windows were locked, the patio doors were barred, and the ventilation ducts were bolted.<br>The question she had to all this was:<br>"Are these shut because people shut them, or because I’m trapped in here?"
Metaphor and emotion often swayed the hearts of young girls, she found.<br>It was difficult to determine the reality.
When she’d had enough of poking, prodding, turning things over, and wandering,<br>she began to prattle on with other guests she knew to be acquaintances or friends.
"The weather..."<br>"The King..."<br>"You know, the week before..."
Tedious, and uninformative too.<br>Certain lines of questions were met with incredulity or with nothing at all,<br>as if the questions hadn’t been asked—as if she hadn’t spoken.
What she mainly wanted to know about—engineering, technology, progress—<br>seemed to especially draw out nothing from the other guests.<br>With her frustration growing, she took to listening in instead, and eventually heard:
"It’s little more than a globe of dirt now. We’ll terraform it soon, I’m told."
And asking about that... led nowhere as well.<br>That was quite enough to know, however, and so she entered the lounge again.
She stands in it now, watching the storm, and relating to it.
The girl steps past the fiancé, who smiles at her presence.<br>He greets her with, "Lavinia, you’re back," and she rests her gaze on his lapel.<br>He takes no particular notice of this.
The players always seem to act in such a way.<br>What stands out, what’s unusual, is given no mind.<br>Bolder and bolder she’s gotten, but they remain always steadfast to their routines.
To maintain the image, correct?<br>She decides to ask, outright, one question she burns to have answered.
"The man-made world... it isn’t made of glass?"
"...Hm? What on...? Of course not, Lavinia. It’s not a bauble."
Her eye goes wide. Her pupil constricts.
Of all the things, that had been it.
Donovan looks over her shoulder and through the walls, saying,<br>"At any rate, isn’t it lovely? Almost as lovely as you..."
But she doesn’t reply.<br>Recognizing his answer as confirmation, she settles on a decision.
As the spiral of flowers beyond flow almost serenely through the air,<br>she moves to the table of foodstuffs, and stops before the breads.
Donovan continues.<br>"I’m told the world they’ve made will have shows like this across sprawling, endless valleys.<br>Right now, it’s only barren. A concept, you know?"
She stops her hand over a handle, listening.
"But it’ll surely be a delight in time, for those who can afford a spot on it.<br>And think of the potential, Lavinia."
She exhales. It’s been another fruitless trip.<br>Her hand closes on fine, smoothed wood.
She turns swiftly and steps to the awaiting husband,<br>swinging her hand out toward his neck.
The bread knife’s teeth stop in his skin.
Without feeling—without even a spark of animosity—she wordlessly cuts across the boy’s throat,<br>and watches closely to see what comes out.}}

解锁条件:完成[[#3-3|3-3]],购入[[Absolute Reason]]曲包<br>解锁要求:采用[[咲弥]]通过[[Cyaegha]]
<pre><nowiki>{{ 曲目 定数
|PRS=''PRS 数''
事情原本不该这样发展。就算再怎么经历时变,一段记忆也不该成为这种模样。<br>一名妻子,在如此安逸的时刻,无缘无故地突然出手伤害了自己的丈夫……<br><br>她曾希望引起所有人的注意力。而现在看来,她的愿望已经达成了。<br>虽然房间里有少数的人面对这股骚动仍心如止水——甚至有些人就像搞丢了人脸,没法做出表情一样——<br>但是这段记忆的确是第一次经历了如此巨大的变化。至少在这一点上,她成功了。<br><br>这片世界开始崩毁,裂痕显现于她所能看见的任何一个角落。<br>其后出现的现实事物,看上去像要因这段碎裂的记忆而出现褶皱 一般
当那片映像被摧毁后,四周飞速闪烁着白色的浑浊雾影。<br>那片回忆——那片玻璃中蕴含的所有声响化作急流一涌而出。<br>她闭上双眼,站在原地,耐心等待周围混乱的光线与杂音消散。<br>过后,她张开双眼,映入眼帘的虚空中只剩下飘散的微弱荧光。<br>她的心 无比复杂。<br>在又一阵绚丽的痛苦感消散后,她再次见到了她所最为熟悉,却最无法摸透真相的世界:<br>纯白与废墟的世界。由记忆所构建而成——Arcaea的领域。<br><br>“我其实挺喜欢这一片,”,她喃喃自语道,注视着正于她手掌之上转动的碎片,“但它和这世界的诞生无关。<br> 且它现在也只是个空壳了。唉……如果我可以观看它们,也请使我能够把它们赶出我的脑袋吧……”<br><br>她放手那片玻璃,没有再去看一眼。碎片回到了当初她找寻到它的地方:从地面流过的一条锐利,闪烁的河流。<br>这名为咲弥的少女将目光投送至远处狭长宽广的地平线,一边无意识地摸着嘴唇,向前迈着步子,<br>一边回想着方才记忆中的场景,将其蕴藏的价值与数千个同类进行着比较。}}
{{collapse|状态=collapsed|标题颜色=#e7e7e7|内容颜色=#f7f7f7|标题= 英文剧情|内容=
It isn’t blood.<br><br>It isn’t anything.<br><br>The gentleman’s throat is cut in what should be an awful way... but the memory lacks a concept of what<br>“awful” would be. Instead of a shredded, vicious image, his neck now looks akin to torn and crumpled<br>paper. Inside is not “shadow” but “negative space”: a void inside his body. The edges of the wound flicker<br>weakly with some white light, and off the blade of the knife she’d used to strike him, vibrant shards float<br>aloft... simply hanging in the air.<br><br>And Donovan can’t comprehend it. Many of the patrons, too, are in awe and horror of her act. People fall,<br>women faint, and Donovan reaches for his neck. Some men leap for her, pull back her forearm and hold her<br>at her neck. She grips the knife tightly, and with a dull expression stares into the husband’s bewildered eyes.<br><br>While she hardly struggles with the guests apprehending her, she spots behind Donovan a girl in absolute<br>hysterics on the floor. The sound of her voice becomes increasingly distorted, beginning to crackle and<br>fluctuate in volume. Already, then: the memory has broken.
This wasn’t how it went. Even the most time-changed memories could not be altered so. For a wife to,<br>unprompted, attack her husband this way during a moment of peace...<br><br>She’d hoped to provoke a reaction, and is thus satisfied by this result. Although a few of the other people in<br>the room are unfazed by the commotion, and some even seem to have lost their faces entirely, alteration of<br>a memory to this extent is a veritable first. This, at least, has been a success.<br><br>The world begins to crack, fractures appearing wherever she can see. Reality afterward looks almost<br>wrinkled from it.
She says to herself, “Making entire worlds for vacation... Surely there would be better uses for that.”<br><br>She lets go of the bread knife and sighs, seeing how it can’t move from the space where she’d abandoned it.<br><br>“Not a peep about ‘memory’, ‘echoes’, ‘reflections’—importantly, not ‘glass’...”<br><br>The room constricts.<br><br>“This was another worthless dream.”<br><br>The planet divides.
White blears and obscures, briefly flashing everywhere as the image is demolished. In a rush of every<br>remembered sound contained in that recollection, in that slip of glass, she stands with her eye shut until<br>luminescence and noise fade. She opens her eye to faintly glittering empty space, her mind twists, and after<br>another wave of effulgent pain she sees again the world with which she is both most familiar, and most<br>confounded by:<br><br>The world of white and ruins. The memory-shaped realm of Arcaea.<br><br>“I’d had a good feeling about this one,” she mumbles, watching the rotation of a shard just above her palm.<br>“But it wasn’t responsible for this world’s creation, and it was almost empty to boot. Hmph. If I can watch<br>them, let me remove them too...”<br><br>She dismisses the glass, not looking as it returns to the space where she’d found it: a glinting, sharpened<br>river flowing above the ground. The girl named Saya stares off into the plain horizon, stepping forth while<br>touching her lip absently, and reviewing the events of the recent memory, comparing them all to the wealth<br>of a thousand others.}}
解锁条件:完成[[#3-0|3-0]],购入[[Absolute Reason]]曲包<br>解锁要求:采用[[咲弥]]通过[[Vicious Heroism]]
“在那些地方,人类可以成为上帝。”<br><br>这是她得出的结论。<br><br>眼中有花朵绽放的少女在脑中合上了记忆之书。这算不上完全毫无意义——顶多是一大半毫无意义罢了。<br><br>她刚开始时曾感十分沮丧:她所造访的那个世界几乎是被她立即断 为不具有任何价值,<br>但那看似无意义之处却向她展示出人类重要的潜力。不过……照目前来看……这还不是很重要。<br><br>胜过关于“如何”的假设,有关“原因”的假设更加迫使她继续前行。<br>这是她的又一场旅程,穿越这世界内大量的废墟,怀抱着没有根据的希望,只为找寻答案,<br>或者至少找到一条打了擦边球的线索。这向来都是使她走下去的重要动力。<br>但如今,她的第二个目标浮现了出来——大约在她目睹过两百段回忆之后。
她并不知道自己是否能透过拼凑回忆来重建一个世界。<br>她甚至不清楚自己能不能就靠将它们以如此形式聚于一处,便让它们“连结”在一起……但她想要尝试一下。<br><br>少女手上的新碎片所散发出的光芒使她微微眯起眼睛。“就让我看看,<br>你能展示给我多少事物吧。”她大声说道。<br><br>它打开一个通道,而少女也缓缓融入了这一段新时间中。<br>顷刻间,她看到了一个人造光芒充盈的世界,几乎无穷无尽地遍布着冲破了夜空云层的人造摩天大楼。<br>在大楼之间,暗色的车辆破空而过。一股令人不快的气体涌入了她的肺部。刺耳的噪音充斥了她的双耳。<br>她拟造了一份人格,也拟造了一段过往——面对着这一切,她泰然自若。<br> 百个问题浮现于她的脑海,而她将会对其逐个进行解答。<br>无论将要付出何等的代价,也无论需要做什么事情。}}
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“In these other places, humans can act as gods.”<br><br>That is what she learned.<br><br>The girl with a flower in her eye closes the book of that memory in her mind. It hadn’t been completely<br>worthless, only mostly.<br><br>It had frustrated her at first: the world she had visited was one she had quickly deemed frivolous, but the<br>frivolity revealed something important to her about the potential of mankind. Still... for now... that wasn’t<br>very important.<br><br>More than theories on “how”, theories of “why” compelled her onward. This had been another of her<br>journeys out through the ruins of the world in a scattershot hope of discovering that answer, or to even<br>brush against it tangentially. That was always her focal drive, but a secondary one had been made manifest<br>after she’d witnessed about two hundred of the memories.
“It didn’t have anything new for a potential reconstruction,” she whispers, beckoning a shard from a nearby,<br>sparse stream of glass, “but I suppose it’s good that it had some sort of value.”<br><br>She lets the gleam of the new piece catch her eye, and she scrutinizes the vision of the past it offers,<br>muttering absently, “Almost home...”<br><br>She carries the fragment over her palm, crossing a bridge with which she’s become very familiar. On her left<br>is a haphazard pile of what once might have been cities, on her right is a chaotic mass of glass and stone—<br>recognizable as nothing. She marches the long way back to the place where she was “born”, uncaring of<br>how many steps it takes.<br><br>She takes however long she needs to reach and stop before a place of four fallen walls, between them an<br>immense sphere of shimmering crystal—an unfinished sphere broken apart, like a cracked shell. Smiles,<br>tears, deaths, and celebrations flicker in and out its facets. Flowers, plains, deserts, oceans... Animals,<br>people, technology...
She doesn’t know if she can recreate a world by piecing together memories. She doesn’t even know if she<br>can truly “connect” them at all by gathering them together like this... But she can try.<br><br>She squints lightly to the gleam of the new piece she’s brought. “Let’s see how much you can show me,” she<br>says aloud.<br><br>So it opens, and the girl fades into a new time. In short order, she sees a world brimful with artificial glow,<br>crowded by endless and nigh-infinite towers of man reaching through clouds of an evening sky, and dark<br>vehicles roaring through the air. An unpleasant atmosphere flows into her lungs. Cacophony fills her ears. As<br>she assumes an identity, assumes a new past, she looks on, unmoved. A hundred questions rise in her<br>mind... She will have them answered. No matter what that takes, no matter what needs to be done.}}
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解锁条件:购入[[Crimson Solace]]曲包<br>解锁要求:通过[[Paradise]]
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白昼虽然美好,无尽持续下去却只会使人感到乏味。<br>无论是谁,凡是长时间待在日光之下,都会自然而然地渴望起一抹月色。<br><br>即便对她而言,也不例外。<br><br>“这段日照至少持续了八十天吧?”<br>“还是说……七个月?”<br>“或许……说不 已经有一年了……”<br><br>天空明亮的光芒又一次掠过墙壁的缝隙,倾洒在这个被她称之为家的地方。<br>睡眼惺忪的她,正在地板上懒散地翻滚着,忽然之间双眼就捕捉到了这束光线。<br><br>“唔,真是的。是时候关灯了啦……”她鼓着小脸说道。
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An endless day could be dull. Spending too long under an overeager sun—anyone would start to yearn for<br>a moon.<br><br>Even for her, that sentiment holds true.<br><br>"Eighty days of light?"<br>"Seven months of light?"<br>"A year... maybe..."<br><br>The white of the sky has once again broken through the cracks in the walls of this place she calls home,<br>and it seems her sleeping body had found the rays while rolling over the floor.<br><br>She grumbles, "Turn it off already..."
But still, she picks herself up.<br>Still, she rubs her eyes and stretches her arms.<br>She stands and finds the door, ready to face another "day" in the seemingly boundless world of Arcaea.<br><br>An adventure that hasn't always been a delight, and travels that haven't always led to discoveries.<br>Despite that, ever since she'd first awakened a tabula rasa, two things have always remained consistent:<br><br>both her heart and the sky have always been shining.<br><br>"Alright...!" she says under her breath. "Some exercise first!"<br><br>She holds out her hand before her and a section of glass flies her way.<br>Not memory glass—<br>Not "Arcaea"—<br>It is an ordinary, typical sheet, albeit a large one. When it spins close, she jumps onto it,<br>and immediately calls another.
The home she found is an old beach house on a lonely island apart from the abandoned mélange-cities<br>found everywhere else in the world. It's a beach without an ocean, houses scattered around its shores like<br>abandoned shells; and deeper inland is a field of strange, gigantic poles of white wood. The homes have been<br>picked apart over time, from within and without, in her tampering. Now she whisks away their walls and<br>windows to create a makeshift set of stairs—to make a racing track, and then a tunnel. She quickly leaps<br>and runs through the gleaming passage, if only to give her legs feeling.<br><br>All this took was a little acceptance. Days after awakening, it was a simple matter to make the world of Arcaea<br>bend to her whimsy.<br><br>But far below her, just above the sands of the phantom sea, something glints: something sparse and scattered<br>throughout the water.<br><br>Throwing a glance that way, she huffs a breath from her nose, and sports a weak smirk.}}

解锁条件:完成[[#4-1|4-1]],购入[[Crimson Solace]]曲包<br>解锁要求:采用[[红]]通过[[Party Vinyl]]
<pre><nowiki>{{曲 目定数
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位于少女脚底下的那些玻璃总是那么乖巧听话。<br> 而那些名为“Arcaea”的特异碎片,在她面前却始终展现出几分桀骜不驯。<br> 在这饱含回忆的世界之中,几乎没有多少记忆碎片愿意主动跟随她。<br>往往都是她自行靠近,并试着观赏这些顽固不化的独特存在。<br><br>少女此刻心中的怒气,却更像是孩子的抱怨。她自那面由水晶组成的平台一跃而下。<br>身后,那被她亲手组建的结构立刻坍塌成了无用的碎块。<br>在重力完全掌控她的身体前,她举起右手,将远处自己床上的毯子召唤过来,兴奋地蜷缩了进去。<br>随后,她又将某件十分笨重,却无比柔软的事物招引了过来。<br>仅是片刻过后,她的身子便跌进了这象征怠情的王位——或者说,是一张巨大而无色的沙发椅。<br>紧接着,她从座椅中坐起身,左摇右晃地飘浮在自己家上方的半空中,半凝视着眼前好比墓园的大地万物。
她再次深呼吸;愉快,但更多的是心满意足。<br>这次的“晨跑”如同往常一样使她感到十分幸福。<br>但当视线又一次落在遥远的天际时,她的心情不可避免地再次低落起来:<br>直到 前,她都无法获悉自己所在的这个世界的大致面积,更是对另一边天涯所存的事物一无所知。<br>也许她甚至未曾探索完这世界的三分之一……硬说是十六分之一也不为过。<br>这世界宽广无比,其中五花八门的回忆更是无穷无尽。<br>她飘游于无风的空气中,合上双眼,一阵沉思。<br>这个古老而巨大的场所,简直就像一锅大杂烩。<br>她认为,如此充满不确 性与怪诞事物的世界,不可能只是为她而存在着。<br><br>她再次张开双眼,面对着这片耀眼的天空。<br><br>或许世界的另一端,此刻正是满天星斗。<br>或许在那片天空之下,正有着其他的少女仰望着天空,期盼着白昼的到来。<br><br>身着红衣的少女沉默着,手指紧紧攥住了披在肩上的毛毯。<br><br>没有尽头的日子,其实正是一场永不消逝的崭新序章。而即将于今日发生的一切,也仍是个未知
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The glass beneath her feet bends so easily, but the peculiar glass—the Arcaea—has always been somewhat...<br>no, absurdly recalcitrant with her. In this world of memories, hardly any recollections will follow her,<br>and most can only be viewed or visited.<br><br>In an almost childish huff, the girl jumps from a crystal platform. Behind her, the structures she's made<br>all collapse, piece by piece. Before gravity fully takes her, she holds out her right hand, calling for the blanket<br>from her bed and swirling into it joyously. Then, she calls for something heavy, something soft. In a few<br>moments after falling, she is caught by a throne of indolence: a hefty, colorless armchair. Thus, she sits, <br>hanging in the skies above her home, half-gazing at tombstone horizons.
She exhales again; she's pleased, satisfied. Another successful lovely "morning" run. Still looking out to<br>the distance, her thoughts drift to less pleasant places: to questions about the size of this world, and what<br>else it might contain. Has she even seen a third of it? Even a sixteenth? It's a too-big place, and there are <br>too many assorted memories. As she rocks along the windless air, she lets her eyelids drop and she considers<br>that fact. It's some immense place; it's some old and mish-mash, jumbled place. She feels it probably can't<br>just be a world of wonders and oddities exclusively meant for her.<br><br>She opens her eyes to the bright sky again.<br><br>Somewhere, perhaps on the other side of the world, that sky is full of stars.<br>Under that sky, perhaps other girls are gazing upward and wishing for daylight.<br><br>The girl in red grips the front of the blanket wrapped around her shoulders.<br><br>Days without end mean it's always a new beginning, and no telling what a journey will hold.}}

=== 单曲尾部索引===
  解锁条件 完成[[#4-2|4-2]],购入[[Crimson Solace]]曲包<br>解锁要求:采用[[ 红]]通过[[Flashback]]
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“唔姆,我一直在思考着……”<br><br>她自言自语道,懒洋洋地陷入自己 飞行座椅之中。<br><br>“那上面……真的会有太阳吗?”<br><br>面对那圣洁的苍穹,她不禁眯起眼睛,苦思冥想。<br><br>到底是什么原因,使得光线如此均匀地倾洒在这个地方?<br><br>直至如今,她一直致力于笔直朝前走。那么……何不尝试朝正上方前进?
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想到这儿,她的脸上闪过顽皮的笑容。<br><br>下一秒,她已经站在了座椅之上,将毛毯抛向半空,任其自由飘落。<br>正当毛毯飘荡之际,一根从某处腾空而起的木质柱状物与其擦身而过,被她用一跟细长的金属棒拦截在了空中。<br>为了保险起见,她探出一只脚抵在木柱边沿,并久久凝视着木柱。<br>她心中明白,这根看似平平的木柱,在某些世界中却作为传递力量的象征存在着。<br>她将一只脚放置于下方的另一条长棒上——于千米高空之上,将一条腿与一条手臂腾空高举——天不怕地不怕的她,<br>就这样单脚站立于这片来自旧世界的碎块之上。<br><br>好似最后的告别一般,凝望着一路蔓延至地平线的城镇与郊野,而后终于将视野转向高空……<br>她心里对这段航程的飞行距离完全没底;倒不如说,手边没架梯子的确显得有些不太安全。<br><br>坐落于地面上的房屋又进一步崩塌起来,唯独她自己的小屋幸免于难。<br>门板、床架、衣橱、窗户……无数毁坏的事物接连不断地飞腾至高空,<br>而她曾用作手工的残羹断瓦也被抽离了沙滩。<br>所有的碎屑与零件都开始以一种确切而稳定的形式汇聚起来,逐渐 成某种特定 结构。<br>但女孩算不上一个合格的建筑师:她搭建出来的这座塔楼显得摇摇欲坠,<br>以一系列无法形容,好似突发奇想的诡异角度七歪八扭地朝着穹顶缓慢延伸着。
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不幸 是,她的小岛上根本没有足够的原材料。<br>当有限的资源用尽后,她只能对着自己面前的半成品干瞪眼,埋怨这座塔的高度甚至没有到达一千米。<br><br>一边发出不满的嘟哝身,她将 光转移至前方的地平线,朝着那方向抬起了手掌。<br>屏气凝神,试图将更多的物体吸引而来……只是过了好半天都没有发生任何事。<br><br>但这也是母庸质疑的——原本就不该有任何事情发生。<br><br>虽然身怀神通广大的力量,但她毕竟不是真正的神。
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"Hm, but you know..."<br><br>She mutters to herself, eased into her flying seat.<br><br>"Is there a sun up there, I wonder...?"<br><br>She squints at the heavens above, and quietly contemplates.<br><br>What makes the light so evenly spread throughout this place?<br><br>Until now, her travels have always been forward, so… Why not try upward?
==== 不同曲包索引格式 ====
A mischievous smile flashes across her face.<br><br>She stands in her chair and drops off the blanket, letting it fall toward the ground. As it drifts drown,<br>a wooden column launches up past it. She jumps from her chair and grabs hold of the new arrival by a short,<br>metal bar. With her feet planted against the column's side for security, she gives it a longer glance. It is a pillar,<br>she knows, used in other worlds to convey power and communications. She puts one foot down on another<br>bar below, and like that—with one leg and one arm free, far above the ground—she stands boldly on a broken<br>piece of an old world.<br><br>She gazes to the urban and suburban sprawl on the horizon one more time, and then turns her gazing upward.<br>She can't be sure how far flight will carry her: she knows she'll need a ladder to be safe.<br><br>The houses below, hers excepted, start breaking down even more. Panels, bed frames, armoires and windows<br>glide upward, and the debris she used and let collapse before is torn out of the sand. Everything begins to<br>amass, surely and steadily, into a defined structure. But the girl is not an architect. Her tower is ramshackle,<br>slowly building toward the heavens at odd, sharp, and often sudden angles.
*对于{{tl|Arcaea曲目索引}},其索引内容中,上方单元格中分别为各个[[世界模式]]要求解锁下的曲目 内容 。上方单元格曲目中,由同一[[世界模式]]地图解锁的曲目将排在一起,若这些曲目之间有[[解歌系统# 前置解歌系统| 前置解歌]]要求则用<code><nowiki>'''→'''</nowiki></code> 隔开,若无则用<code><nowiki>{{·}}&nbsp;</nowiki></code> 隔开。下方单元格为无[[世界模式]]要求的曲目+有[[世界模式]]要求的曲目。曲目之间用 <code><nowiki>{{·}}&nbsp;</nowiki></code> 隔开。
*对于{{tl|Memory Archive曲目索引}}和{{tl|World Extend曲目索引}},其索引内容分为'''独立原创曲目''','''非原创曲目''','''搭档相关曲目''' 三类。曲目之间用 <code><nowiki>{{·}}&nbsp;</nowiki></code> 隔开。
Unfortunately, her island is not replete with usable material. After running out, she frowns halfway at her design,<br>feeling annoyed that it cannot even reach a kilometer into the sky.<br><br>Grumbling, she turns her eyes on the horizon again and lifts her palm toward it.<br>She concentrates, pulls... and nothing happens.<br><br>But that's only natural. That is of course.<br><br>As powerful and masterful as she may be, she is no god.}}
**截至目前版本,[[World Extend]]曲包暂无搭档相关曲目,所以{{tl|World Extend曲目索引}}暂不添加'''搭档相关曲目'''一类。
*对于{{tl|杂曲曲目索引}},其索引内容顶格为[[Tutorial]],第二格为[[:分类:愚人节曲目|愚人节曲目]],曲目后用半角括号标注年份,并用 <code><nowiki>{{·}}&nbsp;</nowiki></code> 隔开。
*对于所有主线曲包索引、支线曲包索引和联动曲包索引,其索引内容分为'''普通曲目''','''前置曲目''','''最终曲目'''三类,或'''普通曲目''','''前置曲目''','''最终曲目''','''隐藏曲目'''四类(如果有)。下方单元格曲目中,若互相之间有[[解歌系统#前置解歌系统|前置解歌系统]]要求,则用'''→'''连接,否则用 <code><nowiki>{{·}}&nbsp;</nowiki></code> 隔开。

==[[ 曲包列表]]==
解锁条件:完成[[#4-3|4-3]],购入[[Crimson Solace]]曲包<br>解锁要求:采用[[红]]通过[[Paradise]]
*[[ 曲包列表]] 使用wikitable表格展示游戏内所有 曲包 。表格以每个曲包为行,分为'''平台''','''曲包封面''','''曲包名称''','''粗体文字''','''内含曲目数量''','''上线时间'''和'''花费'''七列。
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*{{ 仅|移动版|| 图片角 }}{{仅|NS版|| 图片角 }}'''双端冲突 内容''':对 双端“有或 ”区别 曲包 '''平台''' 列通过平台图标专门体现其 对应平台 否存 在。 若曲包 双端存 在, 但'''内含曲目数量'''/''' 线 间'''/'''花费''' 尽相同 则使 图片角标注明, 平台的不 同内容需要换 行。
她气馁地放下了手掌,心中决定亲自进行一番改造。<br>比起建造一整座高塔,还不如搭建一道通向天空的螺旋阶梯。<br> 是一个小时后——又一个小时后、又一个小时后、又两个小时……<br>她终于完成了手头的新任务,甚至连自己都不禁佩服起自己的杰作。<br>这不明所以的 规律结构看上去仍旧十分滑稽,但她坚信这种形式 结构绝对比上一次的要合理一万倍。<br>她确信自己应该被人拍着后背 好好表扬 番。<br><br>新的路径已经完工,她自然刻不容缓地登上了阶梯。<br>那把浮空座椅近距离陪伴 她身旁,随时准备接住也许会不慎失足的她。<br>当女孩往上迈进时,她更 抽走了位于最下端的梯级,接续 整体结构的最上方 <br>没过多久,她便意识到自己是 攀爬一段永无止境地延伸的螺旋长梯。<br>穿过层层云雾,直到抵达最高点。
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这次旅行意外地演变为长途跋涉,以至于她好几次需要躺 沙发椅上一觉睡到“天亮”。<br>终于 在大约四天后,天堂映入了她的眼帘,而她也随之学到一个新的知识点:<br>所谓“天堂”,根本就是一片厚厚的云层,不论什么事物都无法穿透。<br><br>当位于最底端的阶梯忽然开始拒绝被转移至阶梯最 ,她的旅途也随之停滞了;<br>面前的阶梯卡在云团之中寸步 无论 何种方式指引都纹丝 动。<br>她只得放弃尝试,任梯级悬挂在她的身旁。<br>下一刻,她的眼中闪出坚决的光,径直冲向了这段阶梯的终点。<br><br>此刻,位于阶梯顶端的少女已经将建筑碎石、窗户玻璃与断柱呈扇形展开于脚下,创造出一个安全的 平台 。<br>紧接着,她将手臂高举过头——探入了云团之中。<br>而今,她察觉到那片纯白居然正对着自己 手臂反向发力。<br>但她还是 想半途而废,踮起脚尖,直到只剩鞋尖着地,不依不饶地尝试着穿透云层。<br><br>然而,她发现自己的办法终究是完全 不通
不会吧……? 她诧异地惊呼出声。<br><br>只不过,还没等她沮丧多久,余光中就有什么事物吸引了她的注意力。<br><br>那是位 她右侧的某处角落之中的一道反光。<br>离开天堂边界时 她似乎惊动了一整团闪着光的物体,使得它们从云层之中落了下来。<br><br>她凝神一看,发现那是一整群Arcaea——二十枚,或者更多——它们正朝着她徐徐飘来。<br><br>而一袭红衣的少女也意识到了这件事。<br><br>静静地站在自己亲手修建的地面之上,在Arcaea那片 见太阳的纯白色天空下——<br>她的面前,第一次出现了会与自己产生了共鸣的回忆
She drops her hand in defeat and decides it's time to renovate. Instead of a tower, a spiral set of stairs. <br>After an hour, and another hour, and another hour, and two more, her work is finally done and she is impressed<br>with the result. It still looks ridiculous, and more than a little haphazard, but this amalgamation, she is certain,<br>is much more sensible. She figures she deserves a pat on the back.<br><br>With the new formation complete, she wastes no time in beginning her ascent. One by one, step by step, she<br>rises with her armchair floating close by, ready to catch her should she fall. As the girl makes her way, she pulls<br>from the bottom of the stairs and sends those steps to the top. Soon after, she finds herself climbing an<br>ever-building, ever-breaking staircase. Through layers of fog, to the highest point.
The trip becomes a long one, during which she sometimes must have a seat or even sleep through the "night".<br>And, maybe after what would be four days, heaven comes within her sight. And she learns this: "heaven" is an<br>immense and impenetrable wall of clouds.<br><br>Her progress is halted when a step she sends from the bottom refuses to become the top, stuck on the fluff of<br>the air and unable to move any further up. She withdraws it and leaves it to hang beside her. And, with a <br>etermined gaze, she rushes her way up the final flight.<br><br>At the top, the girl fans the pieces, panes, and pillars out underneath her for more of a platform, and she lifts<br>her hands over her head—into the clouds. Here she finds that the white resists her touch, but still she pushes<br>on, standing on the toes of her boots to see through if she can.<br><br>And here, she finds, she cannot.
"Really...?" she wonders aloud.<br><br>But in her moment of despondence, something catches her eye.<br><br>Out the corner of her right: a glint. In fact, a bevy of glints, dropping from the clouds after she's gone and <br>disturbed them.<br><br>She looks, to find a small crowd of perhaps twenty Arcaea—perhaps even more—coming toward her.<br><br>And the girl in red realizes.<br><br>In these sunless skies of Arcaea, standing on an invented ground, she has found the first group of memories<br>in this world which are inextricably attuned to her.}}

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一股温柔 香味 正弥漫于空气之 。<br><br>四周回荡着小镇居民与孩子们的嬉闹声。<br><br>天朗气清 令人心旷神怡 <br><br>视野 满是炊烟袅袅—— 街道上漫步 嗅着让人垂涎欲滴的浓郁香气,<br>她确信有谁正 做饭,或许还烘焙着甜点。<br><br>仰首 望,耀眼夺目的太阳高挂在万里无云的蓝天之上 <br><br>这是一个崭新的回忆世界 她默默地伫立在原地,正全神贯注地吸收着 有新鲜的体验感。<br><br>这段回忆属 一名少女——她是一位工匠的助手 而此时 她正值差事途中 <br>不过话说回来,这名助手正在给怎样的工匠干活?<br>拥有一头玫瑰色长发的女孩尚不 晓存于这段回忆的细节,却也对此满不 乎。
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眼前的这里——<br><br> 这个地方,实在是太……! <br><br>——也许 只有用“奇幻”才能勉强形 眼前的这个世界 <br><br>张大了嘴 却完全发不出任何惊呼声——而她那正环视着 切的双眼则是熠熠生辉 <br>头顶 分的各个屋顶上挂满了彩纸与彩带,乍一眼看,却像被细心装点过的电缆 <br>唯独的区别在 花花绿绿的彩带装饰可以带来节日庆典的欢喜气氛。<br>毫无疑问,冷冰冰的电缆当然做不到这一点。<br>石板铺成的街道路面、红砖瓦搭建的独栋房屋、房顶炊烟袅袅的烟囱……<br>一切迹象都 告诉她,自己正位于 座旧时代的小镇(对于居住于此的居民而言,或许算是座城市)。<br><br>散布于街道两旁,形形色色的摊位 上有的 陈列着雕刻成圆圈或太阳形状的奇特项链 有的整齐地摆放着护身符、<br>魔法戒指一类的商品,甚至有些小商贩正 售卖她曾于各种回忆之中 生物雕塑 <br>虽然是初印象 但她总认为此处城镇居民的衣着打扮与她略有相像 就像是要参加庆典游行,却并不花俏浮夸。<br> 这是个五彩缤纷的世界,暖色调完美地渲染了城镇的外貌,再配上蓝天的点缀,绚丽风光使人目不暇接。<br>漫步于城镇之时,女孩更是碰巧遇上了许多场演出。<br>吟游诗人周游于此,讲授着知识,传达着警醒,更是使每一个听众都感到乐此不疲。
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她在甜 试吃 域停留了一小段时 。<br>不过与其说是“一小段时间”,不如说她是在尚不被任何人怀疑身 的前提下一直徘徊于那片区域。<br>而就在她挨个品尝桌上的甜点样品时 忽然之间出现的 个红色存在让她瞬间感 眼花缭乱。<br>这种食物叫做草莓馅饼。<br><br>她毫不犹豫地从口袋中掏出属于这名学徒的硬币 换取了一块蛋糕,迫不及待地一口咬上这闪闪发光的存在——<br> 霎时间,她的内心只残留下 个想法:能够来 这个世界 真的是太幸福了!<br> 无法形容的美妙,充数幻想的空间……更重要的是,这里有着如此完美的甜蜜体验……<br><br>这段回忆之中的世界已经成为了她的最爱,就连她的脚步都溢出了大量热情。<br>一边蹦跳,一边兴奋地喘息着,一边脚趾着地翩翩起舞——城镇的 每一个 角落都出现了她幸福的身影。
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On the air, the fragrance of incense.<br><br>Resounding, the voices of townsfolk and children.<br><br>The atmosphere, light and fresh.<br><br>Someone's cooking—baking—and she can taste the savory scents drifting outside and along the streets.<br><br>Looking up, she finds a sun hanging bright in an empty and blue sky.<br><br>This is a new world of memory, and she basks in the sensations of it, remaining still to take it all in.<br><br>It's the memory of an artisan's helper: of a girl in the middle of an errand.<br>What sort of artisan was the helper an aide to?<br>The girl with the rose-colored hair hasn't grasped those details yet. But she isn't very interested in them.
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This world—<br><br>"Just look at it...!"<br><br>—it's some sort of fantasy.<br><br>Mouth agape, eyes glittering, she looks absolutely everywhere. Overhead, colored paper and fabric ties rooftop<br>to rooftop, evoking the image of frilled power lines. But they give the impression of a festival, as power lines<br>they are most definitely not. The flagstone streets, red-stone houses, and chimneys spouting black smoke tell <br>her this is an old-day town, or perhaps city, she stands in now.<br><br>Stalls offering curious circle- and sun-shaped necklaces, talismans, and rings of charms dot the walkway, <br>beside other stalls selling figures of creatures she's seen before in libraries of other memories. The townsfolk<br>dress, she thinks, a bit similar to her: as if a parade is on, but not one too bombastic. It's a colorful world,<br>favoring the warmer colors of the spectrum, though splashes of azure decoration arrest the eye here and there.<br>As the girl starts to wander, she finds performances too, and troubadours teaching, warning, and entertaining<br>whomever might listen.
! 表现效果
She spends some time during her wandering on samples of confections. More than some time, in fact:<br>as much time as she can without drawing suspicion. And as she wanders and samples, one brilliant red morsel<br>strikes her eye, and her heart, very much in particular. A strawberry tart, it's called.<br><br>She gets her hands on it with the apprentice's coin, takes a bite through its glaze, and with that she is certain of<br>this shining truth: this place is very lovely. It's incredibly nice! A fantastical world, and one with a notable<br>appreciation for the more sugary delights of life.<br><br>She finds herself particularly happy about this world of memory. Feeling zealous, she quickens the pace of<br>her steps, leaping forward, gasping, and spinning on her toes or heel as she turns each and every corner.}}

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千万不能忘乎所以地四处乱跑——她不断提醒着自己。<br> 倒不是害怕什么,她只是想要仔细 观察这座小镇的每一个细节。<br>广场楼房的侧墙上贴满了各种告示;她认真阅读着上面的文字,这才发觉此处原来是一片 仰之地。<br>这座小镇的人相信着圣灵与精灵,信奉着上帝……同时,也深信着恶魔与妖怪的存在。<br>她眼前的表演者们,演绎的尽是展现出“幻想”、“怪奇”与“超常”色彩的事物。<br>事实上,他们之中的每一个人都清楚自己正在表演的正是所谓的魔法:<br>点燃活力四射的火药粉末,制造火焰与烟雾以“吟唱魔咒”;<br>向着平静的水面说话,解析相随的波纹以“占卜命运”;<br>在她的面前以乍一看根本不知原理的方式玩弄着光线,被华丽地称作“与其他灵魂进行心灵交流”。<br><br>不容 疑,这个世界洋溢着完整浓厚的 仰氛围:一切都像是一场奇妙,纯粹而完美的戏剧。<br><br>正漫步于古色古香的大道之际,回忆本身开始慢慢地提醒她,<br>于此处发生的一切都是人为计划的演戏——一场弥天大谎。<br>这里的传统文化虽然深邃可贵,却终究不是真实存在的事物。
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然而,就在她抵达城镇的边缘后(实际上,由于自己无法再往外踏出哪怕一步,<br>她才意识到这里也是整个回忆世界的边缘)——当她自那低矮且简陋的木栅栏后朝远处郁郁葱葱的山丘眺望之时,<br>映入眼帘的是高耸的老橡树林,以及遥远的湖泊那片波光粼粼的水面……<br>不知何故,她逐渐开始理解为何有些 分明知晓一系列确凿的反证,却仍会对某些事情深 不疑。<br>她自己便来自于那飞舞着玻璃碎片的古怪世界;<br>既然如此,她又怎能一口咬定这世界中并不存在神秘的精灵——又怎能否认超越自然与逻辑定理的想法?<br><br>这段回忆属于某 工匠的助手,而那位工匠便是名货真价实的巫师,没日没夜地研究着超幻想概念的存在性。<br>作为助手的她,其实早已能够借助自己的认知判断出他的一切研究都终会遇到死胡同。<br>她揣摩着,也许研究这一切的目的根本不是为了证明任何事情——<br>研究这些概念,仅仅是为了巩固且加深这些神秘的 仰,别无他意。
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此刻,少女忍不住憋笑出声——还算是个有点意思的猜想。<br>微风轻轻拂过她的长发,柔和地衬托着她那抹若有所思的微笑;<br>她将手搭在一根柱子上,静静地远望着西方那显然是原始森林的地带。<br>完成工匠拜托的差事,而不是无端地离开镇子……这段回忆似乎只允许这篇故事以固有的流程进行下去。<br><br>但是她确信自己会从别的回忆之中再次到达此处。<br>她认定这片遍布技艺、魔法与街头表演的世界与自己的内心不谋而合。<br> 她感到于Arcaea世界的一切碎片之中,只有在穹顶与她相遇的那些玻璃碎片映照着这世界更美妙的一面。<br>她抓紧了自己的裙摆,一时兴奋得头晕目眩。<br><br>这一切都太不可思议了——!她上扬的嘴角迫切地颤抖着。至今为止,她从未如此般欣喜若狂。
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She must be careful not to run. She thinks, she really must observe every little part of this town closely.<br>Reading signs posted outside of square buildings, she learns that this is a spiritual place. It's a land that believes<br>in fairies and spirits; in gods, daemons, and youkai. The performers she sees are performing the "fantastic",<br>the "strange", the "impossible". Indeed, every one of them is absolutely certain that what they are performing<br>is magic: "casting spells" by igniting vibrant powders in their hands to flame, smoke, and clouds; "divining fates"<br>by speaking toward still pools of water and interpreting the ripples within; "communing with other beings",<br>they say, by manipulating lights before her eyes in a way she can't actually determine the mechanics of<br>in a glance.<br><br>This world is rich and full of belief: it is marvelous, wondrous, and all an unmistakable act.<br><br>While strolling down the quaint avenues, the memory itself slowly informs her that every part of this place is <br>truly performance, artificial, untruth. Deeply valued tradition, but absolutely not truth.
Yet when she reaches the city's outer limits (and the memory's, with any attempts to cross a small barrier<br>met with resistant reality) —when she gazes out to the verdant hills beyond the low and easy wood fence that<br>has stopped her; to the few but imposing old oak trees, and the clear sparkle of some distant lake... she<br>understands, somehow, why one might believe in something even with sound evidence to the contrary.<br>She herself comes from a strange world of flying glass; why deny the belief that a world like this could be<br>inhabited by trickster fairies? Why reject the idea of things surpassing nature and logic?<br><br>This is the memory of an artisan's helper, and the artisan is a so-called sorcerer who researches the existence of<br>fantastical things. As the help, the girl she is living through has long known that all his research leads to dead<br>ends. The purpose, she speculates, is not to really prove anything. It is to embolden one's beliefs and be better<br>for it.
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Now the girl in red puffs a joking breath and smiles wistfully. That's a funny idea. With her hand on a post and<br>wind flowing through her hair, she spots what she knows to be an ancient forest west from here. This is the<br>memory of completing a simple errand, and perhaps that's why she is unable to travel too far.<br><br>But she's sure she will be back in another memory. She thinks this land of artifice, magic, and show very much<br>suits her, and that crowd of glass she'd come across at the top of the world of Arcaea reflected more facets of<br>the world than this within its other fragments. With a giddy feeling, she grips at the front of her dress.<br><br>It's truly incredible. The smile on her face starts to wriggle anxiously. Somehow, she has never felt exhilaration<br>quite like this before.}}
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Twenty times? More? She's stopped keeping count.<br><br>"Al...right..."<br><br>With that whisper under her breath, she crouches in front on a chest made of unfinished wood, swiping her palm<br>across the top. A wave of dust rises off of it and falls to the floor. She unclasps the front and opens it up.<br><br>Today she is an archivist, exploring one of the old castles in the North, where they had lost land to flooding.<br>Thankfully, the papers inside this chest were spared from moisture by the chest itself. Hearing the creak of<br>ancient hinges, her partner calls from another room inquiring about her discovery. "Scrolls from the fourth<br>era," she answers over her shoulder. She takes one of them and unfurls it, revealing the history of her people's<br>dealings with the Unseelie.
Stories like these amuse her, especially as she tries to guess at what the previous generations might have<br>confused for fairies and the like in the past. Yesterday, while working as a storyteller, she had the pleasure of<br>recounting an old passed-down yarn of the teller's ancestors. Some forefather had once gathered a vast<br>treasure on a faraway shore. On the return across the lake a sylph rocked his boat with wind, and a passing<br>naiad capsized it with waves. Afterward, the two shared his fallen wealth. It was quite an excuse for a bout of<br>clumsiness.<br><br>But still, she knows it proves nice to think these creatures are around, malevolent and benevolent both.<br>When her day as an archivist is done and she's returned to the world of Arcaea to rest on the platform which is<br>now her temporary base camp, she visits the memory of a school instructor and teaches lessons and rules that<br>would keep any child or adult safe in a world replete with chaotic nature, sudden perils, and careless people.<br><br>The context of magic makes these lessons very interesting to impart and to hear. It really is just a joyous and<br>fascinating place, and she cannot stop visiting. Its people, whose faces become increasingly familiar between<br>each shard of Arcaea; its places which become engraved in her own memory throughout others; the sounds<br>and the sights, everything—
It's marvelous, and nostalgic.<br><br>When she's been to every other memory she could find in Heaven, when she's explored (as far as she knows)<br>every part of the land, she at last comes to a bustling, rambunctious festival day—or rather, a night celebration.<br>It is to give thanks to the gods of birth and harvest, and to dissuade darker spirits.<br><br>She spots the townsfolk named Lancaster and Shia, two gentlemen architects, and they've gotten on in years<br>from the last memory she met them. But they greet her with vigor and treat her to a candied apple, which<br>makes her happier than anything else. They point to the sky. It lights up in a show of a thousand brilliant colors.<br>To those gods. To life, and living it.<br><br>However, seeing such a wonderful thing… it doesn't strike her. Her heart does not swell; not with wistfulness,<br>nor the joy of new experience.
She remembers this. She knows why everyone is here.<br><br>So, on this final night in these familiar memories, she witnesses the firework sky entirely satisfied.<br>With tears in her eyes, and a spot of pain in her heart, she finds herself entirely content.}}

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多久以来,这些回忆都持续激励着她 内心 总是让她感到如 欣慰。<br>她已经与这些回忆共同渡过了无数个日月,也曾无数次下定决心,想着“自己永远不会离开这里”;<br>其实她比任何人都要清楚,这 切的结局终会到来——尽管她也比任何人都害怕承认这 事实 <br><br>而且她知晓,这些回忆之中不可能存在真正属于自己的未来。<br><br>在清楚自己终要与那梦幻的世界分别后 她回到了那纯白色的世界。<br> 子正是像这样一天天地流逝:再美好的故事也总会迎来终章 生命与爱情终将走向消逝的那一刻。<br><br>但她从来都不会后悔自己所做的一切。<br>当缓缓降落 地面,抬头朝曾经呼唤着自己的云端仰望之时,<br>她深深地感觉到,自己在那些回忆中度过的每一分、每一秒,都是无价的追忆。<br>此刻心中的感情,好似自己从未提出的疑问得到了完美无瑕的答案。<br>她的 心,已被那股幸福的满足感所填满。
*{{仅|移动版||图片角标}}{{ |NS版|| 图片角 }}'''双端冲突 内容''' :在双端供曲的曲师并列排布,无需表现差异。
少女周身的整片苍穹都好似要崩塌一般。<br>她临时建造的家开始解体,或快或慢地于她的身旁落下。<br>她的胸腔之中浮现出一丝疼痛的情感。<br><br>因此,那片天空——那片仰首可见,货真价实的天空——逐渐开始四分五裂。<br><br>她平静地伫立于窗台之上,于微风中飘逸的长发轻柔地掠过她的脸颊。<br>眼前那片闪闪发亮的玻璃,正悬挂于远处的半空中一动不动。<br>而在那片碎片的 方,是一片她曾未见过的,全新全异的夜空。<br>远处天边的云层逐渐地散去,就像一片无形的虚空取代了它们的位置。<br>仿佛丝绒 织的广阔天空,无边无际地延伸着 <br>随后,一道薰衣草色的波浪在昏暗的夜空中扩散开来,摇曳着,散发着迷人的光晕。<br>群星显现于天空。白昼结束了。<br><br>她的心隐隐作痛。<br><br>她低声道出一 ……也是最后一次这么做。接着,她抬起手背,轻轻揉着自己 双眼。
眼前的那片玻璃终于穿透了最后 层薄云。<br>尘蒙的大地悉数展现于她的视野,错综而连绵不断地蔓延 天际。<br><br>她微笑了起来……<br><br>她微笑了起来!<br><br>放眼望去,这便是她的新生!<br>她将手朝前伸去——她知晓总有一天,在那遥远的地平线 处, 将会有愿意牵住这只手的人出现。<br>总有一天,依靠这双手,她将能够办成大事。<br><br>直到那一刻到来,她都会义无反顾地前行。<br><br>活在当下——活在Arcaea的怀抱之中
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The memories were heartening; they were comforting. She'd spent months within them, and at times, she<br>would think, "I never want to leave." Still, she knew they had an ending, and she didn't want to see it.<br><br>Besides, the future cannot be found within memories.<br><br>She returned to the world of white knowing she may never visit those days again. Days gone are just that:<br>stories told and over, lives and loves finished.<br><br>She doesn't regret it. As she slowly descends to the surface, looking up to the clouds that had once called her<br>there, she knows every moment, every second spent in those memories was worth everything. It's like a<br>question she never asked has been answered, and so her heart is full.
The sky seems to be falling around her, all the pieces of her temporary home dropping faster or slower<br>around her, and in her chest, she feels a twinge of emotion.<br><br>Thus, the sky, the true sky above, begins to part.<br><br>Standing on a window platform, her hair whipping up past her face, she sees the glittering glass above is<br>standing still, and behind the pieces, a new night sky is entering her sight. One she's never seen before.<br>The clouds scatter and drop, disappear and dash away, as a sparkling void of shadows takes their place.<br>This velvet plane, reaching far and darkening, before a deep lavender wave of color spreads out over it,<br>swaying, glowing. The stars are out. The day is over.<br><br>Her heart aches.<br><br>She whispers a name, this name for the last time, and she wipes her eyes with the back of her hand.
Her glass breaks through the final thin layer of clouds. The complex, graying landscape reveals itself, to its<br>farthest reaches.<br><br>She smiles...<br><br>She smiles!<br><br>This is her new life! She holds out her hand, knowing that someday, somewhere beyond that horizon, she will<br>find others who will take it. Someday, these hands will do something great.<br><br>Until then, she will look ahead.<br><br>Living in the present—in Arcaea.}}

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! style="width: 20%;"|曲目名称
她的名字是“白姬”,虽然她本人并 知晓。<br><br>苏醒时的她头带王冠,手持权杖,而她瞬间就认出了它们的样貌和代表的意义。<br>这位白发异瞳的女孩完全可以 确定 ,自己的身世非同寻常。<br><br>“来,向我行礼吧!”<br><br>“呃……什么?”<br><br>“……看来也不是这个。”<br><br>认为自己是公主的这位女孩仰身靠着她的“王座”——一把用餐椅。<br>她双臂环抱,双腿盘坐,专注地凝视着身侧——她通过一块玻璃篡夺了某人的回忆视角,<br>在其中,这个人的朋友正迷惑地回头望着她。
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今天有四块残片。<br><br>在追寻过往真相的过程中,她已经探索了四块残片——毫无疑问,这件事的背后必然隐藏着真相!<br>她对重要物品的本能熟知、毫不费力就能开口说话,以及对自己觉醒后待了不知有多久的世界的<br>认知都在齐声告诉她:她存在于这个名为Arcaea的世界中的原因绝非简单的灾祸和巧合。<br>更重要的是,即使抛开各种怀疑,这个白色的世界也太过令人迷惘。她拒绝迷惘,她要求真相。<br><br>“听着,Hamu——”<br><br>“Haru。”<br><br>“Hato。“她顿了顿,然后向两边摊手道:“我想要知道这些记忆里面哪一个有我的城堡。<br>我的‘城堡’,你能明白吗?”<br><br>“城堡,”Haru回答道,“所以,你认为自己是女王 王室贵族吗?”
! style="width: 12.5%;"|曲风
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她一手轻轻握拳,抵在唇边思考了一会儿。<br><br>“哦,也可能是公主。”她终于应声,身子没精打采地往前一怂。<br><br>“……你没事吧,Anri?”他问道,而她的眼眸愈发低垂,心中一阵低落。<br>她的心情也立刻反映在了她的脸上。<br><br>之前说过,这并不是她的名字。她仍然不知道自己的名字,但肯定不是什么“Anri”。<br>她也知道,自己只是纯粹地在碰运气。<br><br>再过片刻,这块记忆可能也要崩毁了。某种意义上来说,这是好事——很快就结束了, 没有 浪费 间。<br>但这意味着又一份希望的溃灭。<br><br>“你怎么突然提起记忆的事情了?”Haru还在继续追问。闯入这份记忆的女孩再次抬头瞥了他一眼。
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! style="width: 20%;"|备注
今天有四块残片。<br><br>这也是总计第五十三块残片。<br><br>只 她找到哪怕有一丝共鸣的记忆,她都会把握住它并深入探索。<br><br>她继续望着Haru茫然的表情。她已经看过无数副这样茫然的表情。在四秒后,表情凝固了。<br><br> 传来一道碎裂声,接着世界开始消失……<br><br>……逐渐淡去,化为 Arcaea 的一部分。
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Her name, though she doesn’t know it, is “Shirahime”.<br><br>She’d awakened with a crown on her head and a scepter in hand. At once she knew what they<br>were, and she knew what they meant. The girl with white hair and two-color eyes knows that she<br>is most assuredly somebody special.<br><br>“So, bow to me! ”<br><br>“Uh... What?”<br><br>“...So it isn’t this one either.”<br><br>With her arms folded and legs crossed and her gaze cast aside, the girl who knows herself to be a<br>princess leans back in her “throne”—a kitchen chair—while the memory of a friend—the friend of<br>whomever had this perspective she’s usurped through a frame of glass—looks back at her in<br>confusion.
Four shards today.<br><br>She has explored four shards as she’s sought the truth of her past—because there is most definitely<br>a truth! Her innate knowledge of the significance of items, her understanding of speech, and how<br>she has always perceived the world she awakened into however long ago informs her thusly: that<br>her existence in the world called “Arcaea” cannot simply be some trick of chaos and chance. More<br>importantly, regardless of these suspicions, far too much is confounding about the world of white.<br>Too confounding. She demands certainty.<br><br>“Listen, Hamu—”<br><br>“Haru.”<br><br>“Hato.” She pauses, then opens her palms out at her sides. “I’m looking for which of these<br>memories has my castle. My ‘castle’. You get it, right?”<br><br>“A castle,” Haru repeats. “So you think you’re a queen or something?”
She puts a loose fist against her lips and considers the notion.<br><br>“Well, princess, maybe,” she eventually replies, slouching forward.<br><br>“...Are you alright, Anri?” he asks, and she lowers her gaze as a sour mood falls over her. In short<br>order, her face reflects the mood.<br><br>As mentioned, that is not her name. She still does not know her name, but she does know it isn’t<br>Anri. She also knows she’s pushing her luck.<br><br>In moments, this memory will likely collapse. In a sense, that’s fine—that’s fast, and no waste of<br>time. But it is another dashed hope.<br><br>“And why were you talking about memories?” Haru continues. The intruding girl glances up at him<br>again.
Four shards today.<br><br>And so, that marks fifty-three in all.<br><br>With any memory she finds that resonates with her even in the slightest way, she takes hold of it<br>and dives within.<br><br>She keeps watch on Haru’s blank face. She has seen countless blank faces just like it. After four<br>seconds, it freezes.<br><br>There is a sound of fracture, and the world all falls away...<br><br>...fading out, into Arcaea.
The girl finds her scepter nearby, before the curb upon which she had been sitting.<br><br>She takes it up, stands, and twirls it about in her right hand.<br><br>And so, she goes.<br><br>The journey for discovery continues...<br><br>But the girl does not know this:<br><br>Discovery will not be hers.}}
解锁条件:完成[[#5-1|5-1]]<br>解锁要求:采用[[白姬]]通过[[First Snow]]
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不过,她的臆想还是情有可原。如果这个世界不是魔法世界,还能是什么呢<br>她存在于此的事实着实怪异,这个地方 身就更加怪异了<br>她从不记得有这么个玻璃在空中飞来飞去的世界——无论是在残片的记忆中,还是在自己的记忆中。<br>这一点,以及这些玻璃记忆的体验方式……还说这里不是魔法世界?这说明她肯定也是通过魔法过来的。<br><br>这就是她想要认定的真相。她错了,魔法不是她来此的原因——不过,现下的她对此推测深信不疑。<br><br>因此,她是特别的。因此,她应该受到敬仰。<br><br>“也许……在看起来酷炫的地方也会有‘酷炫’的记忆。”她眺望着无色的大地,自言自语道。<br>“来寻找高处吧。”
她不断向前。<br><br>确实。<br><br>在形容她的 候,完全可以说这个女孩真的是头铁。}}
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Perhaps she can piece it together.<br><br>Perhaps, maybe, she can form a theory, and that theory may be correct.<br><br>After all, many girls have wandered into this world called Arcaea, and in time discovered<br>themselves. She does not know this. She, as do so many others in the glass landscape along with<br>her, believes herself to be alone in Arcaea. To be frank, it inflates her sense of importance. That<br>being said, it also makes her reflect on her predicament.<br><br>If she is alone, then perhaps she is a noble in exile (no). She was a wonderful ruler, loved by all (no)!<br>Until... there was a terrible rebellion (there wasn’t)! The people turned against their queen, princess,<br>and country, and purged her memories clean (quite the story)! With magic!<br><br>The girl who woke with a crown and scepter is the kind to believe in magic.
One can allow her this, however. What is the world of white if not a magical one? Her place in it is<br>strange, and the place itself is stranger still. In no memory has she ever found a world in which<br>glass flies and floats through the air as it does in this one—not in any shards, nor in her head.<br>That, and how these glass memories are experienced... this place is magic, no? And that is why<br>she must have come from magic too.<br><br>That’s what she wants to think. She is wrong—that magic is where she came from—but it is her<br>leading theory.<br><br>Therefore, she is special. Therefore, she should be admired.<br><br>“Maybe... there are ‘cool’ memories by cool-looking places,” she says to herself as she overlooks<br>the colorless lands. “Let’s go find a tower.”
She marches forward.<br><br>Indeed.<br><br>When describing her, it would be apt to say that this girl’s head is one made of stone.}}

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解锁条件:完成[[#5-2|5-2]]<br>解锁要求:采用[[白姬]]通过[[Blue Rose]]
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! style="width: 12.5%;"| 曲风
“哼嗯嗯嗯……刚才都是怎么一回事……”<br><br>……她抱怨道。<br><br> “我的城堡在哪儿!?”<br><br>她继续抱怨道。<br><br> “我的臣属呢!?我的子民呢!?都跑哪儿去了!?“<br><br>这个女孩用力跺着地面,双手握拳、咬牙切齿。<br><br> “再来一次!”她怒吼着,手伸向最靠近自己的那块记忆。<br>她不管不顾地跳入其中,一心只想要忘记她刚才站在餐厅的桌子上命令大家对她叩首跪拜 ,<br>众人对她投以的那种异样眼光。
! style="width: 18.5%;"| 曲包
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世界在她周围旋转,眼前尽是黑与白的色调,但这只过了几秒钟。<br>这次的记忆显得安静而奇异。<br><br>天幕黯淡,不见星辰。即使有月亮升起,大概也无法透过重重树影一睹它的身影。<br>她正站在一片森林里——准确地说是一块空地,篝火在她身后发出噼啪的声音。<br><br> “看到它了吗?”一个孩子问道。在这份记忆中,她知道这是她的“妹妹”。<br>她向后瞥了一眼小女孩并思考着。根据这份记忆,年长一些的姐姐正在寻找某个星座。<br><br> “不。”白发的女孩说道。“我没看到。”<br><br> “哦,好吧。那就坐下来,我们继续找。”妹妹回答道。<br><br>她只是点了点头。
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妹妹的手中拿着什么东西,于是姐姐走到旁边想要看清楚。这是一面屏幕,侧面有几个按键。<br>屏幕上正播放着电影。不对——是动画?<br>她坐在小女孩旁边,斜眯着眼,跟着看了起来。<br><br>似乎她在Arcaea的其它虚幻世界中也看过这个。<br>这是一部剧情老套的动画,讲述一个拥有超能力的男孩与伙伴们一起对抗妖魔怪兽的故事。<br><br> “……你充过电了吧?”她问道,显然是指这台设备。对方则出声回应。<br> “你不是问过了嘛。”妹妹答道。<br><br> “ 以呢……?”<br><br> “充好了!”<br><br> “很好……”<br><br>她发自内心地轻声道,言语间充满了喜悦。
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该怎么说呢……<br><br>王族才不会看动画。王族得是政治家、是统治者,是万千子民的引导者。显然她是如此认为的。<br><br>不过,显然她也觉得现在的这样子要 快乐:坐在一旁,一言不发,眼睛紧盯,耳朵直竖。<br><br>她将肩膀靠向这个记忆中的女孩,女孩也回以同样的姿势。<br><br>现在,她感到无比的放松。<br><br>她之前的所有情绪突然消失了。在愤怒之后,她意识到:有时候,人生真是可怕。
| ''曲名2'' ||'' 长2''||''BPM2''||''曲风2''||''所属曲包2''||''更新版本(yyyy/mm/dd)2''||''备注2''
即便不去理会她在玻璃的世界里所亲眼见识到的种种恐惧,大部分的 间里,<br>人生都让人觉得非常糟糕。<br><br>丧气、体衰、无法改变现状……<br><br>但生命就是如此。<br><br>可能在被关入这个玻璃牢笼之前,她只是孤家寡人。也许她是一个寥落的君主,坐在孤零的王座上。<br><br>也许这是她仅存的东西。<br><br>如果是这样,她觉得……
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She embarrassed herself again.<br><br>Somehow, when her declarations of nobility land on deaf ears, she experiences a deep and<br>crippling shame that courses through her. As the memory falls around her, her cheeks are always<br>dyed a perfect red.<br><br>Now, having returned to the world of glass, she presses her hand to her face.<br><br>She shuts her eyes.<br><br>And she whines with pain.
“Ghhhhhh... what was that...”<br><br>...She says.<br><br>“Where is my castle!?”<br><br>She still says.<br><br>“Where are my subjects!? My people!? Where!?”<br><br>The girl stomps her foot and balls her fists, gritting her teeth.<br><br>“Another!” she shouts, reaching for the first and nearest memory. She dives in, to whatever it is, if<br>only to stop remembering the looks she received while she stood on that restaurant table and<br>demanded obeisance.
A world swirls around her, in shades of white and black, and in seconds she has trespassed.<br>The memory she enters is quiet and quaint.<br><br>The stars are out, and it is dark. If the moon has risen, it can’t be seen through the trees.<br>She is standing in a forest—in a clearing. A fire crackles behind her.<br><br>“Can you see it?” a child asks. In this memory, she knows this is “her sister”.<br>She glances back at the little girl and thinks.<br>According to this memory, the older sister was trying to find a certain constellation.<br><br>“No,” says the white-haired girl. “I can’t see it.”<br><br>“Oh well. Sit down and let’s keep watching,” the sister replies.<br><br>She nods.
The younger girl has something in her hands. The older girl walks over to see it better. It’s a screen,<br>with buttons on its sides. A movie is playing on that screen. No—an animation? Squinting, she sits<br>down beside the girl and watches.<br><br>It seems similar to what she’s seen in other fiction across other Arcaea: a typical cartoon about a<br>boy with some power, fighting devilish monsters with his friends.<br><br>“...You charged it, right?” she asks, referring to the device. The words come from another.<br><br>“You already asked me that,” the little sister answers.<br><br>“And...?”<br><br>“I did!”<br><br>“Good...”<br><br>She whispers this honestly, as she honestly means it.
How to say...<br><br>Royalty does not watch cartoons. A royal is a statesperson, a ruler, and a guider of women and men.<br>She most definitely believes that.<br><br>Yet, she is most definitely more comfortable with this: sitting down and having nothing to say,<br>her eyes transfixed and her ears perked.<br><br>She puts her shoulder to the shoulder of the memory-child, and the child returns the gesture.<br><br>Now, she feels at ease.<br><br>The mood she had before was suddenly silenced. In the wake of her anger, it comes to her mind:<br>life is a truly horrible thing sometimes.
Barring even the horrors she has borne witness to in glass: life feels terrible, much of the time.<br><br>Frustrations, waning strength, pure inability to change one’s situation...<br><br>That’s how it is.<br><br>It is possible she had no one else before she was put in a glass cage. Perhaps she was a lonely ruler,<br>on a lonely throne.<br><br>Perhaps she only had this.<br><br>If that was so, she thinks...
If that was so, then perhaps things were alright.<br><br>Her “sister” brings a small blanket over both of their shoulders.<br><br>She glances at the child again and says, “Thanks...”<br><br>And she gazes back into the screen, saying nothing more until the memory fades away.}}

  解锁条件:完成[[#5-3|5-3]]<br>解锁要求:采用[[白姬]]通过[[Blocked Library]]
Since then, her drive has faded as well.<br><br>The memory of a trip in the woods, with someone who cared, simply watching something easy to<br>whittle away the hours of the night... it, too, whittled her ambitions away entirely.<br><br>Here are the facts: she has no castle, let alone any home, and even if she found either, they would<br>merely be memories: abandoned, forgotten, and in actuality ephemeral.<br><br>If she is to walk forward, it will be to no conclusion.<br><br>It will be to no sense or end.<br><br>To say it in another way: her path is an empty one.
So, she whispers, “This hurts...”<br><br>Her voice cracks.<br><br>She looks at the endless daylight, with terse lips and warm eyes.<br><br>Frankly...<br><br>Even if she was a princess of a faraway land... a great ruler, deposed... born nobility...<br><br>The girl is human, and humans are not perfectly strong. She is stuck, and quiet, and cursed with<br>emotion and thought.
Under the unseen sun, the girl shuts her two-colored eyes and feels tears running down her cheeks.<br><br>She sobs.<br><br>The light is caught within her teardrops, and that light fades as it falls—not through any magic...<br><br>...but instead through the darkening of the sky.<br><br>As the gleam of Arcaea’s daylight ebbs from her face, the girl opens her eyes to blink. To see<br>shadows around her. To see, unmistakably, night falling on the earth.
“Eh...?”<br><br>She turns her gaze upward again.<br><br>It seems that... the heavens have been rent, and a red comet is falling.<br><br>“Huh...!?”<br><br>It flies down for a minute or more, before landing unceremoniously before her—scattering winds,<br>white sands, and the twin tails of her hair.<br><br>Dumbfounded the girl stares, mouth agape, at the crashed crimson star. The star is kneeling on a<br>pile of broken chairs, and shaking its head of dust. Her head. The star is a girl.
She opens her eyes, and opens them wide. In a short moment, a smile—wide as well—<br>spreads across her face.<br><br>This is the crimson girl who flew up to the sky.<br><br>Her name is Kou.}}

==[[ 谱师列表]]==
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“很高兴认识妳”<br><br>红一副元气满满 样子,直接就开始打招呼。白姬身体僵硬、脸色发白。<br>这样的身体反应 不理想 因为她完全失去了行动能力。<br>红“刷”地一下从一堆家具中跳了起来,直扑向她,一把就抱住了这个双马尾女孩,<br> 点把对方撞了个底朝天 这让自称王族的某人不得不毫无风度地尖叫道:“呀!?”<br><br> “哇哦,是真人!你真的存在!”在拥抱之后,红抽出双手,欢欣鼓舞地摸着另 个女孩 脸蛋、<br>耳朵、头发,还 全身上下。<br><br>在这一切的过程中,白姬全程无言以对。<br><br>红捏了捏白姬通红的脸颊,笑问道 “这不是记忆吧?”<br><br>“如假 换!”公主大人用略显扭曲的声音强调着。
*每 表格内容 有:
“对了!你知道自己的名字吗?”红问道。“我还不知道自己叫什么呢。”她又补充了一句。<br>“我好像知道了!”她猜测着 乐观地竖起一根手指。“啊……不对。”<br>她敲了敲自己的太阳穴,歪着头道歉道。<br><br>“停——停!”另一位女孩 示无奈。绯红的女孩笑了起来,白姬则结结巴巴地又道:<br>“我……什么!?你是……嘿!你还 吗!?”<br><br>她 声调让这句询问听起来更像是祈求。<br><br>“我没事。”红回以笑容。<br><br>“你可是从天上掉 来了!”白姬提醒道,并以手指天强调着。<br><br>“对,差不多是那样——”红开口道,转头望向她来时的 向。<br>她停下来, 只手背过去,另一只手指向天边 这么做的时候,她瞄了 眼另一位女孩,高呼道:<br>“这都晚上了呀!”<br><br> “妳到现在才发现吗?”
  “嗯,我又没回头。”红把两手都背了起来,转身答道。<br><br>“你在那上边是做什么?”<br><br> “那里有一些记忆。”绯红的女孩解释着。“我在观看它们。”<br><br> “这么说,你也能看它们?”白姬追问道,红则热情洋溢地点头肯定。<br><br> “没错!”她是这么说的。<br><br> “你还能飞!?”<br><br>“也不能这么说。”这次她摇了摇头。“我可以让别的东西飘浮起来。”她的手指像魔杖一样舞动,<br>以一个橱柜为对象进行着展示,让它开始围绕两人旋转, 逐渐靠近她。“你做不到吗?”她反问道。<br><br>白姬夸张地摇着脑袋,双马尾前后翻飞,把红再次给逗笑了。白姬一只手抚住胸口,宣称道:<br>“我可是正常人。”
**备注<!-- :这里到底要填些啥?-->
*表格采用[[模板:谱师列表单元]]进行'''增量性质'''编辑 相当于在[[谱师列 ]]页面内写 好的 表格头 下方 新添 行单元格
在Arcaea世界中,在漫长的 光中 有一些命运的瞬间 <br>某人的臆想和某两人 相遇让时间和现实都遭到了扭 。<br><br> 这种瞬间也只是纯属偶然。<br><br> 两个 女孩开始聊天,聊起了玻璃 世界 聊起了存在的目的,当然还有那片天空。<br>随后便是实验:红的魔法能带走白姬吗?白姬 己也能学会这种魔法吗?答案是“能”和“不能”
=== 般情况===
当然,她们也感到好奇:外面的世界里还有多少像她们一样的人呢?<br><br> 怀着这种思绪,她们开始追逐消逝的日光。<br>也许……还有其他人在抬头仰望,并为这片新天地感到惊奇。<br><br>就这样,也没有什么命运的羁绊,两人开始了同行。}}
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  “Nice to meet you!!”<br><br>Kou booms her greeting with a voice full of life. Shirahime stiffens, and pales. This is the wrong<br>move—it affords her no mobility. Kou leaps out at her from her pile of furniture and tackles the<br>twin-tailed girl, nearly toppling her. This elicits from the self-described royal a distinctly<br>ignoble “Bwagh!?”<br><br>“Oh wow, you’re real! You’re actually here!” After hugging her, Kou removes her arms and starts<br>cheerfully patting the other girl’s face, ears, hair, and sides.<br><br>To all of this, Shirahime finds herself speechless.<br><br>Kou pulls on Shirahime’s scarlet cheeks, laughing. “This isn’t a memory, right?” she asks.<br><br>“I’m real!” the “princess” insists with a voice slightly distorted.
“Oh! Do you know your name?” Kou asks. “Oh, I don’t know mine,” she adds. “Maybe I know it now!”<br>she guesses, lifting a finger optimistically. “Aah... I don’t.” She taps her temple, and tilts her head<br>apologetically.<br><br>“Slo—...Slow down!” the other girl begs. The girl in red laughs, and Shirahime stutters on, saying<br>“I...! What!? Are you... Hey! Are you okay!?”<br><br>Although that question from her sounds more a demand.<br><br>“I’m fine,” says Kou with a smile.<br><br>“You fell from the sky!” Shirahime reminds her, pointing for emphasis.<br><br>“Yeah, I guess I di—” Kou begins, turning to see where she came from. She stops, puts a hand on<br>her hip, and points to the heavens. With this, she glances back at the other girl and declares,<br>“It’s nighttime!”<br><br>“You didn’t notice!?”
  “Well, I didn’t look back,” Kou replies, now turning back around with both hands on her hips.<br><br>“What were you doing up there?”<br><br>“There were some memories,” the red girl explains. “I watched them.”<br><br>“So you can watch them too?” Shirahime asks. Kou nods with enthusiasm.<br><br>“I can!” she says.<br><br>“And you can fly!?”<br><br>“Not really,” she answers, now with a shake of the head. “I can make other stuff float.” She<br>demonstrates with her finger acting as a wand, and a cupboard being the subject, swirling around<br>the two of them to her direction. “You can’t?” she asks.<br><br>And Shirahime wildly shakes her head, which spurs laughter in Kou once again as her twin tails<br>whip to and fro. With a hand over her chest, Shirahime declares: “I’m HUMAN.”
===谱师单元格合 /拆分===
In Arcaea, in its time, there have been moments of fate. The tides of time and reality are bent and<br>twisted by the whims of one or the convergence of two.<br><br>However, this moment is merely chance.<br><br>The girls talk—talk of glass, of purpose, and naturally of the sky. Experiments follow: can Shirahime<br>be carried by Kou’s magic? Can Shirahime learn this magic herself? Yes, and no.
*当谱师列表谱师单元格合并/拆分 时,''谱师''变量将 拆分为''PST谱师'',''PRS谱师'',''FTR谱师''三个变量 这三个变量合并 逻辑与 目基本信息表 仅有如果 两个 相邻 谱师变量内容完全一致 ,自 动合并
Of course, they also wonder how many others are out there, the same as them.<br><br>And it is with this in mind that they follow the fleeing daylight. Perhaps...there are others looking<br>up, and marveling at the new sky.<br><br>Just like that, with no fate or destiny tying them, these two begin to walk together.}}
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她和红开始疑惑 两人相遇后又过去多久了呢?几周,还是几个月?<br><br> 昏暗中,两位女孩正在穿越夜幕笼罩 废墟 前面探路,白姬在后面结巴 说着话,<br>红的笑声从 飘来,背后牵着白姬的一只手。<br>此外,这位“公主”惯例的丢人行为早已不再局限于记忆世界——<br>她不是磕磕绊绊,就是结结巴巴,根本停不 来。<br>事到如今,红已经完全习惯了这位自称王室贵胄的家伙一边打颤一边强撑的表现。<br><br>不过 双马尾 女孩最近显然不怎么打颤了 无论是聊天时的语调,还是行进时的动作。<br><br>她们真的已经同行很久了,但这不会永远继续下去。
*{{ 仅|移动版||图片角 }}{{仅|NS版|| 图片角 }}'''双端冲突 内容''' :在 双端供画 画师并列排布 无需表现差异。
* 确认信息真实 的前 下, 标题下 格式为
**其 时为Arcaea供曲曲师 ,如 则需链接 [[曲师列表]]对 应一 级标题 不需要写简介(因为 已经在[[曲师列表]]中注明)
“好美……”白姬喃喃道。<br><br>“ 啊。”红表示赞 。<br><br>夜间的星幕是紫色的,日间的天穹则是亮得发白的金色。<br>于两者相遇之地,或是魔法、或是记忆的东西正百转千回 ,如 变幻闪烁的神话巨蛇<br>。她们发现的地方就好像 这个世界上意外出现的间隙。<br>光是看着它,两人就几乎明白了世界的本质和由来。<br><br>红首先转回了目光,但白姬却陷入了凝望。<br><br>“现在怎么办?”红问道。“我们还是没找 人呀?”<br><br>“不……”白姬答道。<br><br>“我们还要一起找下去吗?”
白姬也转回了目光。两人的面前是Arcaea的新领域:一边是光,一边是暗。<br><br>她看向红,冷静地摇了摇头。<br><br>“我会沿着这条线前进。我会找到其他人。“她说道。”<br>而你 该回到天上,看看那里都藏着些什么。”
红的眉头 抬。<br><br>两人已经同行了很久 在相处的 光里,红觉得她 已经 完全搞懂了另一位女孩。<br>白姬是一个闹腾的家伙,但她的装腔作势只是为了掩盖一颗颤抖的心灵。所以……<br><br>“……你 发号施令?”红难以置信地问道。<br><br>“当然。”白姬抛出轻蔑而嘲讽的一瞥。“你没看见我头上的这顶王冠吗?”<br><br>红笑呵呵地答道:“嗯,我看见了。”<br><br>于是白姬再次低垂眼眸,看向远处的玻璃之丘。
她告诉红:“刚才开玩笑的……我只是有这个想法,打算碰一把运气。”<br>白姬对上了红的目光,又挺直了腰背。这位公主淡然道:<br>“我们总要做选择,而我认为你最好选我做不到的那个。”<br><br>然后……过了片刻,红点头同意。她召唤一块水泥板到脚边,然后跳了上去。<br><br> “那么,我去夜晚那边。”她说道。“有缘再相会!”她露齿一笑。<br><br> “我们会再见的。”白姬回以轻松的微笑。红眨了眨眼,笑容逐渐淡去。<br>这位白发的女孩再次让她感到了意外。但她深信着这句话,笑容又回到了脸上。
红飞往星光所在,白姬也随即迈向前方。<br><br>也许她已经忘了自己的复国大业。<br><br>她所知道的是:这个世界上还 其他人。<br><br>世界是如此广阔,但她终将找到这些人。<br><br>王冠和权杖意味着高贵的身份,高贵的身份意味着将他人汇聚到身边,如众星捧月。<br>也许她的血脉一点儿也不高贵。<br><br>不过,必须要说的是,尽管她爱发牢骚、意志不坚、心灵脆弱……<br><br>……她的灵魂是高贵无疑的。}}
She, Kou, begins to wonder: has it been weeks, or have months passed between them?<br><br>Under the dark, these two girls have wandered together through shadow-bathed ruins: with Kou<br>leading, and with Shirahime stammering behind; Kou’s laughter ahead, and Shirahime’s hand at<br>her back. Further, the “princess’s” habit for embarrassment has escaped merely the confines of<br>memory—rare is the moment she will not stumble or stutter, and by now Kou is well-accustomed<br>to the shaking, brazen, self-proclaimed “royal”.<br><br>However, the twin-tailed girl has most definitely, of late, been shaking far less: in her voice when<br>they talk, and in her movements when they go.<br><br>Truly, the two have traveled together long. But it won’t be forever.
Now Kou and Shirahime, quite a ways into their travels, find themselves at a clear divide.<br><br>Though the clouds are torn and the stars brought out, not all of the morning light has faded.<br><br>The girls view the heavens without a word, and with awe-filled faces.<br><br>After all...<br><br>...they now stand at the division between night and day.
“Pretty...” Shirahime whispers.<br><br>“Yeah,” Kou agrees.<br><br>The stars of the night are violet. The day is white and golden. Where they meet, what might be<br>magic—might be memory—churns and twists, like a shifting and prismatic serpent. It is as if<br>they’ve found the world’s haphazard seam. Seeing it, they almost know: know what the world is,<br>and how it came to be as well.<br><br>Kou brings her eyes down first. Shirahime, however, cannot tear away hers.<br><br>“Now what?” Kou asks. “We didn’t find anyone, huh?”<br><br>“No...” Shirahime replies.<br><br>“Should we keep looking together?”
Shirahime brings down her eyes as well.<br>Before them is the new Arcaea landscape: of shadows and light.<br><br>She looks at Kou, and calmly shakes her head.<br><br>“I’m going to follow the line: I’ll find someone out there,” she says.<br>“And you should go back to the heavens and see what they’re hiding.”
Kou raises her eyebrows.<br><br>The two have walked for quite some time, and in their time together, Kou believed she had the<br>other girl figured out. That Shirahime was a boisterous sort—but that all of her flair and bombast<br>existed only to obscure a shivering heart. Therefore...<br><br>“...You’re taking charge?” Kou asks, as it’s just too surprising.<br><br>“Of course,” Shirahime says, with a dismissive and teasing glance. “You see this crown on my head,<br>right?”<br><br>Kou chuckles. “Yeah, I see it,” she answers.<br><br>And Shirahime lowers her gaze again, staring out to the glass hills.
She tells Kou, “I’m kidding... I just had the thought: I want to take a chance.” Shirahime meets Kou’s<br>red eyes and the girl straightens her back. The princess states, “We should take one, and I think<br>you’d better do what I can’t.”<br><br>And... after a few moments, Kou nods. She calls a slab of concrete to her feet, and hops on.<br><br>“I’ll go see the night, then,” she says. “Let’s meet up when we can!” She grins.<br><br>“We will,” Shirahime answers with an easy smile. Kou blinks, and loses her own. Once more the<br>white-haired girl has surprised her. Deeply, she believes those words, and her face brightens up<br>again.
Kou flies to the starlight, and at once Shirahime steps forward.<br><br>Perhaps she has forgotten her want of a kingdom.<br><br>She already knows: there are others here.<br><br>The world is vast, but she will find them.<br><br>What a crown and scepter mean is nobility, and what a noble does is draw others to her, like a<br>much-needed hearth. Maybe her blood is not noble at all.<br><br>However, it must be said: despite her whining, her wavering, and her very weak heart...<br><br>...her soul very much is.}}

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解锁条件:购入[[Ambivalent Vision]]曲包<br>解锁要求:采用[[忘却]]通过[[Genesis]]
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! 属曲包
周遭的灵魂密集到足以减缓她的下落速度。<br>在此情形下,她将手探向了那对用来束紧自己上衣、袖口与短裙的丝线,将其拉扯几许。<br>少女身上的衣装立刻莲松开来,于空气中悠悠飘扬。<br>一团光晕自她的服装中逐渐显形。光辉点亮之际,四周死灵 带来的干涉也随之黯淡无数。<br><br>在抵达地面后,她将悬在腰后的镰刀举向身前,展开到原有的长度后便翻转过来,<br>斜坐于刀刃旁侧,朝着自己遥远的目的地高速驶去。<br><br>将受困于裂隙的迷途之灵引领出来,再着手修复裂隙。<br><br>默默无言地返回悬崖,康续留意其他的异常现象。<br><br>过去的她,正是这样活着——<br>重复着如上所述的任务,或是一概肖似之事。<br>日复一日,年复一年。这便是她的职责,她的义务所在;这般周而复始,直到她再也不是孤单一人。
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到底,那段 光也早就褪色逝去。<br><br>那些日子,很早以前便不复存在了。<br>不复存在——<br>她脑海中生活于那片世界的「记忆」,早已化作无形。
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The cliff overlooked it all.<br><br>At the end of the day,these who had abandoned the mortal coil left behind their souls like hermit shells for<br>other,new lives to take them.Their spirits ascended to the land's Pool,luminous and glimmering overhead.<br><br>Water-like spirits,almost formless;everything white and flowing into that vibrancy which bore through the<br>clouded sky.In the gray landscape that was her world,this sight-this unique,spectacular sight-was<br>something many could call a wonder.<br><br>To her,.it was ordinary.It was everyday.It was work.
"Any trembling on the left side?"her confr re asked from behind.She very slightly moved her head to see him<br>sitting on the ground.On his lap sat a wide,black,shallow bowl of water,used for lecanomancy,and from<br>the ripples inside it she could see that he'd just performed a divination.<br><br>She answered him lightly with,"No."Then she asked,"Why? Have you noticed something?”<br><br>"It looks like the earth shook a bit,"he explained.<br><br>"Ahh..That's not good.Should l look closer?"<br><br> "Hmm...It seems like a fissure,"he said."Go take care ofit."<br><br>With a simple"alright,"she stepped off the cliff.
The density of spirits nearby slowed her fall.She found a pair of strings that were keeping ther blouse,<br>sleeves,and skirt taut.When she tugged them,they loosened and began to dangle;a shimmer emanated<br>from the cloth and her dress began to ruffle loudly.And as it did,it dulled the influence of the dead.<br><br>Once she reached the ground,she took her scythe from her hip,unfolded it to its full height,and after<br>turning it over,rode the underside of the blade in ftlight to her far-off destination.<br><br>To mend the fissure after coaxing out the souls trapped within it.<br><br>To return to the cliff,and watch for any other aberations.<br><br>She was to do this, and things tike it day alter day. Yes. that was her responsibility.<br>And,in time,her life would join the others.
In fact,that time has already passed.<br><br>It's long ago,gone.The world and life she once knew is now only a shapeless memory.}}

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  解锁条件:完成[[#6-1|6-1]],购入[[Ambivalent Vision]]曲包<br> 解锁要求:采用[[忘却]]通过[[Moonheart]]
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!曲绘 时间
“嗯……”<br><br>她蹲坐在灯塔之巅,俯视着脚下的无尽荒漠。纯白、无际的纯白、整片大地延伸着纯白……<br>而就在那边,有着玻璃碎片:那些 叫「Arcaea」的碎片。<br>她逍遥地用手托着下巴,慵懒的目光投向那座朝左面延伸而去的桥梁。少女并不清楚那座桥会通向何处。<br><br>“呼……”她长呼出一口气,站起身的同时将手探向了臀部后方的那把长镰。<br>时过境迁,这把镰刀的用途已不尽相同,但辅助她四处游走仍旧不在话下。<br>——无意识地挥手抚弄着刘海,指尖轻轻碰触到左角的前段。<br><br>对啊……差点都忘了这件事。<br>迄今为止,她于Arcaea之中见证了如此多的回忆……<br>但自始至终,她都未曾寻找到哪怕一片能够代表头顶长着双角的人类。
在这片由玻璃碎片而点缀的世界之中,她确 花了不少的 时间 去观察、分类那些回忆。<br>毕竟说到底,那些碎片中的各种回忆是这世界里唯一能够吸引住她的事物。<br>她就这样保存它们,像是记录情报一般。<br>不容置疑的是,这些记录根本丝毫无法证实她所属的种族位于任何领域的存在性。<br><br>她所属的种族是……?<br>种族……种族?如此假设究竟合理吗?<br>难道说,她活着的时候也曾身为“哪一种族的成员”,参与着某种不可告人的心灵园艺?<br>这也并不意味着那些过往要放在此时还会显得有多重要,<br>但说不定尝试弄清那些往事就能离彻底唤醒旧时的“她”更进一步。<br>……也就是诸如此类的想法。管它那么多呢。<br><br>此时此刻,该去尝试对那几团玻璃碎片做一番鉴定了一一<br>那片被她称之为「家」的Arcaea究竟处在何方,有哪些碎片仍旧残存,又有哪些是新出现的……<br>这样想着的她从灯塔上踱步而下,随时准 开始新一轮的例行公事。
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But this isn't what death was meant to be.<br><br>There was no mystery to it in her life:what happened to the dead was what happened.There was no "next<br>world",only that which you were born in,lived in,and died in.Something like heaven…hell…even purgatory:<br>these were moralists' tales which only seemed valid in the most ancient of times.<br><br>So what is this place? What is this mysterious realm that she one day awakened to? What might it be? What<br>might it be? <br><br>Well…does it really matter?
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"Hm…"<br><br>She sits knees-up on top of a lighthouse,overlooking desert.White.White,and more white…and there,<br>glass."Arcaea"is its name.With her chin in her hand,she casts a languid gaze toward a bridge extending left.<br>She doesn't know where that one goes.<br><br>"Phew…"She exhales and stands,taking the scythe from off her hip.It doesn't work quite the same here,but<br>she can still utilize it for travel.Unconsciously,she brushes her bangs the other way.In doing so she grazes<br>the front side of her left horn with her fingertips.
Right…right.To this day,of all the memories she can find within the Arcaea…she hasn't found a single one<br>with any horned humans represented.
With these memories being really the only attention-grabbers in this world fashioned from glass,she's spent<br>quite a bit of time watching and cataloguing them.Keeping them,like records.And indeed,those records<br>don't even hint at her race having ever existed anywhere.<br><br>Her race is…Race…Race? Is that a safe assumption to make? Was she part of a"people"when she was alive,<br>participating in spiritual horticulture? Not that it maters now,but perhaps remembering more clearly will<br>unlock more of her old self..Something like that,anyway.<br><br>For now,it's time to evaluate which shards of glass have left the part of Arcaea she calls home,which have <br>remained,and which are new.She moves to step from the lighthouse,ready for her new routine.}}

  解锁条件:完成[[#6-2|6-2]],购入[[Ambivalent Vision]]曲包<br>解锁要求:采用[[忘却]]通过[[Romance Wars]]

:*对 于一 曲对多曲绘 情况 编辑者需要使用 竖向 合并单元格(rowspan)合并 有相同信息
那把镰刀,——确实仍能用 飞行。<br><br>
:*''备注'' 般仅填写曲绘 应合作信息、 示时 间, 对应难度和历史版本介绍
若联想女巫总无精打采地横坐在扫帚柄上四处飞行,这 场景用于形容少女现在 模样简直在合适不过。<br>
:**若其 名义 需要写 出其 可能来源
这位年轻的女孩沿着下方那条破败不堪的残毁大街飞驰而下 <br>
身体斜后方那 直立起的长刃随着飞行方 的改变而挪动。<br>
她早已能够随心 欲地操纵镰刀飞行 <br><br>
在飞行途中,她望向了某 团紊乱无章的飞舞碎片。这群玻璃碎片宛若一条悬河,也顺着大路流淌向前。<br>
每日都 此进行检查的少女,认为这种情况难免 得异乎寻常。<br>
尽是些彼此之 毫无联系 也丝毫无法衔接的各种回忆 <br>
当然,在 数回忆中寻找自己正在渴求的那一段,无疑是海底捞针。<br>
尽管如此,那位雕刻 却将全部的情感凝聚在了这最后时刻。这一刻终于要来临了。<br><br>
他试着吹奏了一个音符 随之奏响的音符不禁让他眉头一皱。简直糟透了。<br><br>
好,至少能顺利奏 音色。
实不相瞒——隶属于同一团块的 他碎片所蕴含的特殊性质,自然也是毫不逊色。
It does still fly:the scythe.<br><br>
Sitting on the length of the handle as a witch might lackadaisically sit on a broom,the young woman rides<br>
down a broken,shambled street.The blade sits upright beside and behind her,shifting for every swivel and<br>
turn.Her movements are smooth and completely ingrained.<br><br>
As she goes,she looks upon a particular jumble oftlying glass.This one runs alongside and above the road<br>
like a river,and since her arrival it has not once lost or gained any memories for its flock.This being so<br>
peculiar,she checks it every day.Today,too,the memories that glint within each are all ones she has seen before.<br><br>
Unrelated,unconnected memories of play,song,sadness,strange machines both enormous and fast...<br>
It's really a rather eclectic mix,making the fact that they're seemingly unconnectedvey interesting.<br><br>
She looks for the memory that she likes the most.
Of course,finding a specific memory within a crowd is similar to seeking a needle in a stack of hay.<br>
But the one here-it likes her in return.<br><br>
A piece of glass breaks from the chain,and it approaches her as she glides on.She smiles faintly,lifting her<br>
right hand from her scythe so that the piece can come to rest over her palm.<br><br>
In it is the final moment of a small hand-crafted flute's creation.Making the instrument had been a labor of<br>
many minutes,hurs,days and months,but the carver who'd done it had condensed all his feeling into this<br>
single moment.It all came to this.<br><br>
He plays a note,and the tone makes him wince.Terible.<br><br>
But it does work.
Though this memory marked the end of an arduous journey,it also marked the beginning ofan even grander one.<br><br>
Such a curious position...<br><br>
Truly--and the others it shares a crowd with are special indeed.}}

=== 搭档立绘表格===
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!立绘 装时
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Arcaea的世界就好像是一座储存着各类回忆的宏大 案馆。<br>
不仅如此,这些碎片更是那些故往世人曾切切 实活过的唯一证明。<br><br>
纪念碑与坟墓以回忆之名于大地建造而起,也以逝去的记忆为名继续留在世 ……<br>
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That memory is precious.<br><br>
In fact,if it can be called"precious",more likely than not it has found its way to her at some point.Memories<br>
of first pets,of one's survival and another's sacrifice,of first words,of inspiring speeches,of important and<br>
private talks…Sometimes,when she is strolling or riding by, these significant memories will just begin<br>
following her.<br><br>
She doesn't mind.She likes that memories so special were kept safe in this curious place.That is a good<br>
thing,but there is something better.<br><br>
The world of Arcaea serves as an archive to memories of any sort.A memory of a toothache,a memory of a<br>
good meal,a memory of a horse ride,a memory of spilled milk.Whatever it is,if it was remembered,then it is here.
And it is really every one of those memories,along with those standouts among them,that shape a man or<br>
woman,she thinks.Not only that,but they seve as the only real evidence that a person ever was alive.<br><br>
Monuments and graves are erected in the name of memory,and as for the loss of memory…as she has seen<br>
within the Arcaea,that is something at times more tragic and difficult to accept than death.<br><br>
She quietly comes to a stop,stepping down onto what looks to have once been a town square.Here,<br>
innumerable pieces of glass drift through the air.It's something like…well,the appropriate term for her<br>
might be a garden,though one with every"plant"brought in instead of grown natively.<br><br>
She tends to themall the same.These are the memories she has found in what she considers to be her<br>
"home"part of Arcaea.These specific shards are those which were not there when she first awakened.<br>
They'd drifted in.
"…Hmph,"she sniffs,absently taking stock of the pieces.They don't usually leave,but sometimes they<br>
wander off…<br><br>
And that worries her.<br><br>
ls there meaning in the Arcaea being in the form of something as fragile as glass?<br><br>
…Back in life,she learned not to ask many questions.}}

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  解锁条件:完成[[#6-4|6-4]],购入[[Ambivalent Vision]]曲包<br> 解锁要求:采用[[忘却]]通过[[corps-sans-organes]]
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夜幕悠然。倾听灵魂溪流的潺潺流水声,她正端坐一对远古巨树之下,与自己的那位同事进行畅谈。<br><br>“身处此类悖论中,你终将学会对它进行深刻思考,”他讲述道,<br>“或许你固然会认为每一条生命都是无价的;<br>可与此同时,繁琐沉闷的日常工作还是会让那些事物逐渐褪色为单纯的数字。<br>不论那些数字是相对比较高的,抑或是比较低的……<br>这并不意味着你就该停止为此倾注心意——倒不如说……过量地眷注所有事情,<br>你的外在却反而会被打磨得愈加冰冷。”<br><br>“但这并没有关系啊,”他信誓旦旦地向她说道,朝那溪流露出一抹疲倦的笑容,<br>“过分存眷于那些事情,确 会把你的内心撕裂得狼狈不堪。在你前往「山谷」的那 候,<br>究竟是什么理由促使你决心踏上这条道路?”<br><br>她对此做出了回答。<br><br>“看吧?其实我们每个人都会这样说。”<br>他给予了答复。而她,始终未曾忘却下一刻他那格外平静的话语声。<br>“将那一点永远铭记于心,你就不会再迷茫。”
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"Huh?"<br><br>Her gaze, still on the Arcaea above, is suddenly broken.<br><br>...Where did that come from?<br><br>Appearing on the shore of her thoughts suddenly, like a fair and gentle-seeming stranger, was that little fact,<br>in the form of a miniature memory.<br><br>She wasn't sure at first that it was even there, but as she thinks it over again and again... she's sure of it.<br><br>She recalls this. This... it happened.
Sitting under a pair of quiet old trees, the Soul Stream having gone down, and night having risen, she was<br>speaking with her confrère...<br><br>"You learn to think of it in this sort of paradox," he'd said. "You think of all life as precious, but at the same<br>time the drudgery leaves it all as just numbers. Higher numbers, lower numbers. It isn't like you stop caring;<br>it's more as if, if anything, caring so much sharpens you into someone who seems cold."<br><br>"But it's alright," he assured her, smiling weakly at the Stream. "Thinking too much about it will probably tear<br>you up inside. When you went to the Glen, what was the reason you gave for wanting to walk this path?"<br><br>She answered.<br><br>"See? That's what we all say," he replied, and she recalls how calming his voice had been then. "Just<br>remember that, and you'll be fine."
But there it ends. That's it. Her gaze comes back to the sharp air above her. Just remember it? Just<br>remember it. Remember it. It... Remember what?<br><br>"I... don't remember," she whispers softly, but each word, each syllable falls heavily off her tongue.<br><br>He had been absolutely right. Now she can feel it, building in her eyes: the dull, warm grief that comes with<br>sad revelation. A new piece of her memory has shown itself to her, but it is crucially broken, and without<br>answers to the questions it has forced into her mind, her heart is killed. The agony is nearly unbearable.<br><br>How do you put the pain of knowing you are not entirely yourself into proper words?
Under the cloud of glass, she shuts her eyes, bends her head, and puts the heel of her palm over her nose, the<br>underside of her fist against her skull. She won't cry. She can't let herself do something like that. To cry here,<br>at this, would open her to too many facets of reality she has chosen not to face. She sits on the ground,<br>sucking in her lips, tightening them.<br><br>She will not cry. Absolutely not. Okay?<br><br>So, gripping at herself and trembling in the world of white, the solitary reaper steadily breathes. She tries<br>not to dwell. She doesn't want to dwell. But, while calming herself, the thought can't help but occur to her:<br>that, if this is death...<br><br>...she would much rather have oblivion.}}

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  解锁条件:完成[[#6-5|6-5]],购入[[Ambivalent Vision]]曲包<br>解锁要求:采用[[忘却]]通过[[Lethaeus]]
心智的崩坏终于使她平静了下来……多久,她都比从前的任何时候表现得更加安静。<br><br>“不要将过多的疑问牵挂于心头。”<br>这一思想,便是那段记忆的核心要素——而她在一番深思后才觉察到,<br>这更是她往昔至今始终尝试追循的信条守则。<br><br>然而时至今日,她的那些尝试都未免显得心不在焉。那一段古老的回忆始终令她魂牵梦绕,难 忘怀。<br>她固然完全不打算去遗忘那段故事——却还是忘记了过多除此之外的事物……她终究意识到,<br>自己已经变成了一具残缺的躯壳。<br><br>这种事情,还是忘却为好。
The break that occurred within her left her quiet... quieter than usual for what could amount to days.<br><br>The key element of that memory—the idea that one was better off not asking many questions—is something<br>that in her contemplation she realized she was attempting to adhere to all this time.<br><br>Her attempts, however, had been half-hearted. That taste of an old memory was too intoxicating to forget.<br>Indeed, she refused to forget—but having forgotten so much else… she'd realized she was a broken half-shell<br>of a person.<br><br>Forget it.
She is once again guiding vagrant memories to the square today; trying to make this into routine, which will<br>turn to habit, which will turn to nature. Perhaps tedium can rescue her from the cavern always lurking just<br>under the surface: the tar pit of miserable feelings endlessly calling to her. Better oblivion, she thinks<br>sincerely, than to feel—if feeling means only grief.<br><br>And, while conducting the shards of Arcaea, one catches the light of the sky in such a way that she is<br>reflexively bidden to look at it. Without thinking much of it, she brings this shard close.<br><br>The reflection: a crouching, slouched child covering something off the side of a road with her hands.<br>Outside her hands, ants shy away, though they seem clearly interested in whatever she's hiding.<br><br>The reaper gives the memory more of her attention, and finds that what the child is hiding is a wounded<br>jade beetle. After a moment of contemplation, the girl scoops up the small thing in both of her hands and<br>stands up.<br><br>That's all.
The young observer is motionless for a moment, but then she smirks.<br><br>That's such an... absolutely pointless memory.<br><br>Did the beetle recover? How long did that child live for? How long did she hold on to this memory?<br><br>Stupid little thing...<br><br>The girl chuckles.<br><br>It's ironic, isn't it... Remembering something had made her forget why she believed she was here.<br><br>Arcaea is a world of memories. Of the dead? Of those still alive? Who can say? Regardless, it keeps old<br>stories that anyone could forget. Past expiration of mind, body, monument, or land: however it works,<br>Arcaea steadfastly keeps all.
The girl is alone. She has no confrère here, and she was given no reason to do anything when she woke up.<br>But that doesn't mean that she was to do nothing.<br><br>She is here, now. Her old life is over. That's it.<br><br>But doesn't she still have control? She still feels responsible. She doesn't remember the answer she gave, as<br>to why she sought to be a tender of souls, but whatever it was... something tells her that the broken her of<br>now would give the same reason as the complete her from then.<br><br>There is no telling what will happen, ever.<br><br>Lives and memories can vanish in a second… but not here. Her memories may be lost, but these will not be.<br>"Tender of Souls" to "Tender of Memories"; she thinks that has a nice sound to it.
Absolutely. You will all be remembered forever.<br><br>So long as I am here.}}

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解锁条件:购入[[Scarlet Cage]]单曲<br>解锁要求:通过[[Purgatorium]]
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她期望着能在这里见 其他人 <br /><br />她不知道自己为何这么想。她的周围是一片白色的荒芜,只有褪色已久的废墟,<br />却毫无生灵的迹象——只有她独自一人。<br /><br />她 以前所发生 没有任何记忆,只知道自己几天前在这个地方苏醒,之后便不断四处游荡探索。<br />眼前的这片破败的建筑并没有办法为她解惑。<br />所有的建筑都空荡荡的……虽然她觉得这些建筑本身看着眼熟,<br />却无法回忆起她究竟在何时得知了它们的名字、形状和作用。<br /><br />她一次又一次地遇到这种状 :知道“是什么” 却不知“为什么”。<br />也许这样的想法只是她让自己分心的一种手段,与其去注意这个世界的沉重和内心的孤寂,<br />不如把注意力放在这种事情上。<br /><br />不过必须得说的是:这可真是个令人抓狂的怪地方呀。
她紧紧地抓住肩膀上的吉他背带,但是问题来了:她是在哪儿拿到它的?她到底为什么 带着它?<br />虽然醒来时它就在她的身边,她却无法解答这些问题。<br />她只知道拨动琴弦可以奏响旋律,然后在音品上方按住琴弦可以作出更多旋律。<br />只要适时地弹奏它,就可以创作出节奏、音调、和弦以及和声。<br />更重要的是,当她手中握着吉他的时候,似乎能感觉到一种油然而生的...惬意。<br /><br />但为什么会这样?她 没有头绪。可是为什么她又想不起来呢?<br /><br />她陷入了一片沙漠中,这是亘古岁月中的水流侵蚀 形成的。<br />然而周围并没 水,甚至连液体都不存在。这里怎么会有沙漠?她就这样走着。<br />她当然知道如何行走,可是你问为什么?她并不知道,她从来就没有知晓过答案。<br /><br />这些知识,哪怕是货真价实的知识,到底是不是来自于她的“记忆”?<br />她真的“记得”这些东西吗?她是否已经“忘却”了别的东西?<br />她感觉自己患了失忆症,但却是...选择性的失忆?
她知晓事物,却不清楚事物的由来,这一切让她陷入了深深的失落。这让她显得不完整。<br />就好像自己的皮肉与骨头被放在一具不 称的身体里, 时又忘记了把其他重要的东西一并放进去。<br />这样的躯体,就像一个空壳一般,很快就会被遗忘。<br /><br />她讨厌无知。<br /><br />她的脑海中有无数的疑问如万花筒般流转不 息。 她强迫自己把 意力放在那些转瞬即逝的画面。<br />但答案呢?还是没有。这里没有答案。<br /><br />在她的赤足探险中(她很早就决定把鞋挂在脖子上,因为高高的鞋跟在这样的地形上走路不方便),<br />她几乎毫无收获。实际上,她看到的越多,就越是感受到自己的无知。<br /><br />她讨厌无知。她知道自己周围的很多事物,却感觉对自己 无所知。<br /><br />她看到的大多数东西都令人迷惑、毫无意义——尤其 那些莫名奇妙地飞舞在空中的玻璃。<br />那些玻璃向她展现了其他的人、其他的时代、其他的世界。<br />这些倒影发出了怪异的共鸣,而她也认 自己一定对倒影中的事物非常熟悉。
不过,所谓的熟悉终究也只是一种感 觉。 玻璃展示的倒影中从来没有她自己的身影。<br />这些场景并不是她所记得的过去。它们并不是回忆……<br />至少并不是她的回忆。这些Arcaea,都不属于她。<br /><br />她的情绪陷入消沉。<br />这种消沉逐渐催生出焦虑、茫然、困惑和孤寂,并让她感觉自己的内心缺失了某个重要的东西。<br />她一点儿也不喜欢这种感觉。<br /><br />她又开始了行走。行走好像总是能缓解她的情绪。<br />这让她能够转而关注自己周围的东西,或者说,外界。}}
She kept expecting there to be more people here.<br><br>She wasn’t sure why. All around her was a white wasteland, filled with nothing but faded, ruined buildings,<br>bereft of all life—all except for her.<br><br>In these few days since waking up in this place, without any recollection of what happened before,<br>she walked quite far and explored what she could. The tattered structures did little to answer her questions.<br>Each of them was empty... and while she found the architecture itself familiar, she seemed to have no<br>memory of when she’d learned their names, their shapes, their functions.<br><br>Time and again, that was the idea she’d come back to: knowing “what”, but not “why”. It could be the idea<br>was just a distraction for her, something to ponder in favor of the more obvious, weightier things regarding<br>this world—and inside herself.<br><br>She had to say, though: this was certainly a bizarre and bewildering place.
She pulled her guitar’s strap tightly over her shoulder, and the questions returned. Where had she gotten it?<br>Why in the world was it with her? Despite having woken up alongside it, she couldn’t answer those questions.<br>She only knew to pluck the strings to make sounds, to hold the strings over the frets to create others.<br>To strum them in time, to create rhythms, melodies, chords, harmonies.<br>More than that, it was almost... comforting, when she held in her hands.<br><br>But why? No, she did not know why. Why didn’t she?<br><br>The sand around her—eroded over eons by water. No water here. No liquid, even. How was there sand?<br>Walking. She knew how to do that. Why? She had no answer. She never had any answers.<br><br>For what it was worth, was any of this knowledge even “memory” at all?<br>Was she “remembering” these things? Had she “forgotten” other things?<br>It seemed to her she had amnesia, but was amnesia this... selective?
Knowing things, but not knowing why that knowledge existed within her, had her deeply and fundamentally<br>upset. It made her feel like an incomplete person. Like someone had removed her skin and muscles and<br>bones and placed them into some false container, but had forgotten to put in all the other important things,<br>leaving her hollow, forgotten.<br><br>She hated not knowing.<br><br>A kaleidoscope of questions shifted and rotated in her mind. She forced herself to focus on all the sudden<br>and overwhelming turns and angles. But answers? Again, no. There were no answers.<br><br>During her barefooted expeditions (she decided early on to keep her shoes looped around her neck, since<br>the large heels were inconvenient for the terrain) she’d learned next to nothing. In fact, the more she saw,<br>the less she felt that she knew.<br><br>She hated not knowing. She knew so many things about what was around her, and yet she felt like she<br>knew nothing of herself. So much of what she saw was baffling nonsense—not least of all the glass wandering<br>through the air for seemingly no reason. Glass that showed her other people, other times, other worlds.<br>Reflections, resonating in the oddest ways. Reflections, she thought, which were undoubtedly familiar.
Yet the familiarity was but a feeling. The glass never showed her in their reflections.<br>These were not scenes of a remembered past.<br>These were not memories... or, at least, they were not hers, these Arcaea. Nothing was hers.<br><br>Deep down, her emotions shifted. With that shift came a growing sense of concern, of being out of place,<br>of confusion, of faint loneliness, of something crucial being missing somewhere inside her.<br>And she didn’t like it one bit.<br><br>She started walking again. Walking always seemed to help.<br>It let her focus on what was around her instead. On what was outside.}}

==[[ 背景列表]]==
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不过她终究无法始终回避那股不好的预感。<br /><br />最终,她坐在了一块稍显平整的岩石上,有些焦虑地用手摆弄着头发。<br />她转过头,看到自己在沙尘中留下的脚印,竟已延伸到远方看不清的地平线。<br />这片沙漠怎么会这么漫长?她开始有些感到厌恶了。<br /><br />在片刻的思绪之后,她拿起了自己的吉他,再次握在了手中。<br />她瞬间又感受到了那股令人安心的惬意,就好像……来自父母或者友人的安慰。<br />她叹了口气。说实话,她能够继续前 行的 动力完全来自于此。<br /><br />她很自然地开始哼起一首曲调。<br />她的指尖抚过琴弦 电吉他不插电时发出的那种轻声细致的和弦音 旋律赋予了一丝难得的和谐。<br />她记得如何行走,记得如何弹奏。<br />她的嘴角闪过一丝微笑,这两种行动对她来说就像是呼吸一样自然。<br /><br />然而片刻过后,她的嘴角再次垂下,失去了笑意。<br />歌词已经在她的唇齿之间蠢蠢欲动,随时准备伴随歌曲倾泻而出。<br />它们起初是断断续续 吐露不清的,挣扎着编织出一幅完整而有意义的 象。
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于是,身着红黑礼服的她唱起了歌——在这个白色的世界里,在这个看似单调而无尽的牢笼里。<br /><br />逐渐地,她的歌声愈发响亮。她的情感在心中不断澎湃,变得愈发地猛烈。<br />这些发自本能的辞藻并非新的歌词,却也不是被遗忘的旧调。<br />它们一直都在她的心里,只是现在变得蠢蠢欲动,想要冲出她的胸膛。<br />光是唱出来还不够,必须要高声呼喊,竭力嘶吼,才能让它们响彻在这个死寂世界的每个角落。<br />她竭尽全力地高喊着。<br /><br />似乎这就是她最该做的事情。<br /><br />她放声呼喊,困惑的心绪 的未知、凄凉的景色、<br />以及那小小的玻璃碎片中折射出来的那些转瞬即逝的回忆,她向着这一切放声呼喊着 <br /><br />她声嘶力竭,宣泄着——<br /><br />恐惧
**'''通常用途'''采用文字阐释该背景 应用范围 若文字无 概括则需列 所有使用该背景 的曲
在弹奏中 那个瞬间,她终于明白了自己心中的那个感觉是什么 <br />这个空虚的世界,她那空虚的记忆……<br /><br />让她感到害怕。<br /><br />她是谁?这片死寂的地方是哪里?她曾遭遇什么样的命运?她的过去曾经发生过什么?<br />不过她已经知道,自己大概永远也没 知道答案了。至少在这里不行。<br /><br />她的声音出现了些许的嘶哑,但她催促着喉咙、压迫着心肺,<br />就像它们还存在着一样,想 把自己推向极限。<br /><br />她的手指在六根琴弦上疯狂地舞动。<br />她能在脑中清晰地聆听到空气的轰隆、尖啸与震荡,感受到其中蕴含的力量。<br /><br />这是一股灵魂和音乐的风暴——在她的歌词下,一股令人恐惧的气息从暗中涌动,<br />随后又变为强劲的热浪,从她的双眼奔流而 。<br /><br />但不知为什么,这让她稍微好受了一些,尽管原由连她自己也说不上来。<br />至少,这让她不再那么迷惑,也不再那么恐惧。
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一段时间后,吼叫的回声终于淡去。她 右手最后拨动了几下,随即从琴弦上垂下。她的歌 结束了 <br />她的歌声消逝在明亮的天空中,这首歌曲曾经存在的证 ,如今成为了她几近空白的回忆的一部分。<br /><br />她用另一只手擦了擦双眼,一边颤抖着,一边拒绝望向那带走了歌声的天空。<br /><br />但她随后就笑了。这让她自己也很惊讶。这 发自 心的笑 ——是实现成就后 笑容 <br />她用裙子抹了抹手,又自顾自地叹了口气。<br /><br />老天啊,这鬼地方真是太讨厌了。}}
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But she could only ignore that creeping feeling for so long.<br><br>Eventually, she sat down on a relatively smooth chunk of stone and anxiously ran a hand through her hair.<br>Looking back, she could see a long set of footprints through the faded sand, stretching all the way to the<br>horizon. How was it possible there was this much sand? She was starting to get sick of it.<br><br>After a moment’s thought, she brought her guitar around and held it, again, in her hands.<br>And there it was again, instantly: that comfort. It was like... a reassuring parent, or a friend.<br>She sighed. Really, that was all that she needed to keep going.<br><br>Without thinking, she began to hum a tune. Her fingers strummed the strings, their quiet, tinny chords<br>adding that precious harmony to her melody. She could remember how to walk, and she could remember<br>how to play. It brought a momentary smile to her lips: how both of these acts came about as natural as<br>breathing.<br><br>Her lips turned down again a moment later, however, losing their humor. Words were coming to her<br>tongue, her teeth, her lips, wanting to be added to this song. At first they were scattered, whirling,<br>trying to form a complete, sensible picture.
And so, dressed in black and scarlet, she sang—in this world of white:<br>this colorless and seemingly infinite cage.<br><br>Gradually, her words gained volume. Her feelings roiled within her, wild, building in intensity.<br>These instinctive words weren’t new, nor were they old and forgotten.<br>They were always with her, and now they were clawing, screaming their way out of her chest.<br>Just speaking them wouldn’t be enough. They needed to be shouted, roared so that they resounded in<br>the furthest corners of this dead world. She yelled them as loud as she possibly could.<br><br>It just seemed like the right thing to do.<br><br>She shouted about confusion. She shouted about the unknown, about the bleak landscapes, about the<br>bounteous memories in tiny glass shards flitting past for brief moments before disappearing again.<br><br>She shouted about—<br><br>Fear.
For that one critical moment as she played, she realized what she’d been feeling, deep down.<br>This empty world, her empty memories...<br><br>They terrified her.<br><br>Who was she? What was this quiet place? What was going to happen to her? What HAD happened to her?<br><br>But she already knew that she might never know. Not here.<br><br>Her voice broke for a note, but she pushed past and forced her lungs, should they exist, to their limits.<br><br>Her fingers flew madly across the six strings.<br>She could hear it vividly in her mind, the power, the weaving together of rumbles, screeches, and vibrations.<br><br>A storm of her soul and of music—a tumultuous undercurrent rushing beneath her lyrics along with the<br>simmering dread, growing into a powerful heat, which reached her eyes as well.<br><br>But somehow, in some way she couldn't pinpoint, it made her feel a little better.<br>A little less confused, a little less afraid.
After a time, the echoes of her shouting faded out. A few final plucks with her right hand, and she dropped<br>it from the strings, her work finished. Her song vanished into the bright sky, the evidence it had ever<br>happened now residing within her near-empty memories.<br><br>She put her other hand to her eyes and rubbed them, shivering, refusing to look at the heavens that had<br>taken her song away.<br><br>But then she gave a laugh. It surprised her. It was an honest laugh—and the smile of a job well done.<br>She wiped her hand on her dress and sighed to herself.<br><br>Man, she hated this place.}}

解锁条件:完成[[#7-2|7-2]],购入[[Scarlet Cage]]单曲<br>解锁要求:通过[[VECTOЯ]]
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**'''名称'''为其 游戏 内的 名称
这个世界还是那么令人迷惑——那么可怕 那么空虚,那么冷漠。<br /><br />但现在,她觉得自己已经能够面对它们了。<br /><br />她的心里并没有底,但可以肯定,那种恐惧也是她熟悉的东西。<br />她了解这种东西——它会让你双腿打颤 让你吓得跑开 让你无法做出决定 <br />让你成为被它掌控的傀儡。那是对未知的恐惧,是对失败的恐惧。<br /><br />她现在只能假设,弹奏这首歌是自己的本能。<br />也许她以前就弹奏过,也许她以前就用过相同的 方式 以咆哮宣泄着恐惧。<br /><br />也许这些事情都曾经发生过,但至少现在,她觉得自己能应付恐惧了。<br />她现在能更好地掌控这种扭曲的情感。<br />如果她希望在这个令人困惑的世界中保持理智,就需要时刻注意这种恐惧,<br />防止自己被 所掌控。不过,恐惧总是如影随形。
**{{仅|移动版||图片角 }}{{仅|NS版||图片角 }}'''双端冲突 内容''': 对于 双端“ 或无”区别 场景 '''平台''' 列通 平台图标专门体现其在对应平台是否存 在。
她呼出一口气,然后调整了一下坐姿,将吉 小心地放在身边,靠在了岩石上。<br />然后,她听到了一声轻轻的叮当声。<br /><br />一个小布包从她衣服内侧的口袋里掉了出来,落在了从沙中刺出的岩石上。<br />里面是几根针、一把小剪刀、一个顶针、几卷纺线以及一个卷尺。这是一个针线包。<br />她在刚苏醒时身上就带着它。她只能猜测这个东西是属于自己的。<br /><br />她刚发现这个包的时候,心中充满了迷惑。她知道它是干什么 的,但不知道为什么自己会带着它。<br />当然,她“知道”里面的所有东西,但就像自己带着的吉他那样……<br />并没有什么有用的线索能指出它的由来。<br /><br />不过现在,当她伸出手想要捡起包时,她看到了自己的袖口,然后身形一凝。<br /><br />她……是知道的,不是吗?她知道怎么织出这样的袖口。她知道该如何落下针脚。<br />她知道每一个褶皱的做法。她知道这些颜色具体叫什么。她知道这些衣线就来自于这个针线包
但除此之外就没有然后了。她可以轻松地根据逻辑得出结论,但她的回忆仍然被封锁着。<br />知识与记忆之间存在着残酷的断层……这简直是一种折磨。<br />\t<br />不过现 ……她不会让这种断层所造成的恐惧席卷自己的 心了。她会承认它,利用它。<br />就算不记得了又怎样呢?重要 是她知道这些东西 <br /><br />但是,有一个切实的目 总归是好的。<br />她目前并没有目 ,但也许到了某个时候,她也会找到目标。<br /><br />她重新动了起来,露出一个发自 心的笑 ,一边还在想着这个刚才让她整个人都僵住的针线包。<br />这还挺便利的不是么?至少在这令人抓狂的旅行中,她能保持最佳的着装状态了。<br />想到这里……她的外套并不是很实用,但这是属于她的,她不会因为任何东西而抛弃它。<br /><br /> ,这是属 她的。<br /><br />这身衣服,还 吉他、针线包——在这片记忆的荒漠,这些都是属于她 。<br /><br />知道这些对她来说帮助很大 而这些帮助足以让她在这个世界的道路上充实了许多。
……走过 段路之后,身下的某个东西吸引了她的注意。<br /><br />沙中的脚印……<br /><br />但这些脚印并不属于她。<br /><br />足迹穿 了她的路线,向着左边延伸,尺码显然和她脚下的不同。<br /><br />她开始沿着脚印走去,然后看到足迹消失 一个小坡后面。<br /><br />她的脸上又露出了一个发自内心的笑容。<br /><br />嗯……<br /><br />到头来,自己好像还真有一个观众哎 }}
The world was no less confusing now—no less intimidating, no less empty, no less merciless.<br><br>But now, she felt like she could deal with it.<br><br>She couldn’t be sure, but she could have sworn that fear was something she was familiar with.<br>She knew things about it—how it could make your legs weak, how it could make you run away,<br>how it could prevent you from making decisions, how it could control you.<br>The fear of the unknown. The fear of failure.<br><br>And she could only assume it had been instinct that had led her to play that song.<br>Maybe she’d done it before. Maybe she’d shouted through her fear before, in much the same way.<br><br>Maybe she had. At least, now she felt like she could handle it.<br>She had a firmer grip on that twisted little emotion now.<br>If she wanted to stay sane in this baffling world, she needed to keep it in check, keep it from controlling her.<br>But it would always be there.
She exhaled, then turned in her seat and carefully put her guitar aside, laying it onto the stone.<br>Then she heard a soft clink.<br><br>A small cloth bag had fallen out of her inside pocket to the stone sticking out above the sand.<br>In it were several needles, a little pair of scissors, a thimble, a few spools of thread, and a measure.<br>A sewing kit. It had been with her when she’d first woken up. She could only assume it was hers.<br><br>When she’d first found the pouch, it had just confused her. She knew what it was for, but had no clue why<br>she was carrying it. Each of the accoutrements within was, of course, “known” to her, but like the guitar<br>she carried with her... it hadn’t come with any helpful little notes explaining where it came from.<br><br>But now, when she reached down to retrieve the pouch, upon seeing her sleeve, she froze.<br><br>She... knew, didn’t she? How that sleeve was made. She knew the stitches, she knew all of the folds.<br>She knew the exact colors. She knew those threads were in the sewing kit.
But any further connection escaped her. She could easily draw conclusions based on logic,<br>but her mind still felt closed. That cruel disconnect between knowledge and experience... It was agonizing.<br><br>Now, though... Now she wouldn’t let herself be overwhelmed by the fear caused by that disconnect.<br>She would recognize it, use it. So what if she didn’t remember? What mattered was that she knew.<br><br>A concrete goal would certainly help, though. She didn’t have one yet, but maybe, in time, she could find one.<br><br>A grin crossed her face as she started off again, still thinking of the kit which had just made her shiver.<br>Pretty convenient, huh? She could at least keep her clothing intact on this inane journey.<br>And with that thought... her outfit certainly wasn’t practical, but it was hers, and she wouldn’t<br>give it up for the world.<br><br>Yes. It was hers.<br><br>That, her guitar, and her sewing kit—in this wasteland of memory, they were all hers.<br><br>Knowing that helped a little, and a little help could go a long way.
...A few steps later, something below her caught her eye.<br><br>Footprints in the sand...<br><br>But they didn’t belong to her.<br><br>Crossing her path, leading off to the left, they were definitely a few sizes off.<br>She stared the way they headed, and saw that they disappeared behind a few gentle hills.<br><br>Another genuine, familiar grin crossed her face.<br><br>Huh...<br><br>Maybe she’d had an audience after all.}}

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2021年7月15日 (四) 16:35的最新版本




  • 首页分为多个不同的模块模板,首页会读取不同的模板并放入首页预定的位置当中。一般情况下,不同的模块内容更新时间不同但大体相似,约在游戏更新前后。
    • 介绍模块显示对Arcaea游戏的词典词条形式介绍。
    • Version模块目前Arcaea不同版本游戏的版本号。在每次游戏更新后编辑者应当及时更新此处。
    • 你知道吗模块随机显示有关Arcaea的小知识。编辑者新添小知识时可以使用不完全严谨的语言,但是内容本身当由社群共识为正确的。
    • 定数速递模块显示最近一次更新谱面中FTR/BYD难度的定数以及结尾潜力值页面提醒,游戏更新后及时更新即可。
    • 新闻模块显示Arcaea官方放出的新闻,编辑时采用新闻单元模板进行编辑。编辑者需要在编辑时写明新闻类型和新闻时间,保持格式一致。需要注意的是,如果官方新闻连续几日都是有关下一次更新的,则编辑者需要在编辑时与之前的已编辑新闻进行合并并更新新闻日期。
    • 新闻图模块显示Arcaea官方放出的新闻图片,一般只放最重要的新闻图片。什么新闻图片最重要由社群决定。
    • 活动模块显示目前Arcaea进行的世界模式活动。在没有活动时需留空本页,在活动进行中时需在此展示活动的世界模式地图、阶梯阶数,阶梯步数以及阶梯奖励。本模块需要配合模板:活动倒计时使用。
    • 快速链接模块为相关Arcaea的快速链接,包括lowiro的官网和发布消息的网站、Arcaea相关论坛、相关查询工具以及其他语言维基等,若添加需要经过社群一致同意。


  • 界面页面详细说明Arcaea游戏的不同界面本身界面页面的说明对象是游戏游玩本身所产生的界面,而诸如世界模式故事模式等机制模式的界面则在这些模式所对应的页面中阐述,界面页面本身不阐述。由于相同的原因,Arcaea未来所更新的可能的新机制的界面一般情况下将不归属于界面页面的内容而属于新机制对应页面的内容。
  • 界面页面包含主界面顶栏选曲界面曲包界面设定界面游玩时界面五部分。
  • Icon Smartphone.pngIcon Nintendo switch.png双端冲突内容Arcaea (移动版)Arcaea (Nintendo Switch版)之间在界面上的差异在同一个页面中阐述。如果两者差异十分巨大的,在对应栏目下分为两个段落分别阐述移动版与NS版的栏目内容。若两者仅是细节内容不同则在一个段落内通过图片角标注明。由于NS版具有Joy-Con操作功能,每个栏目结尾都需有Joy-Con导航分栏目,使用wikitable表格展示Joy-Con导航在界面上的操作功能(下文分栏目阐述将不包含Joy-Con导航分栏目)。


  • 主界面阐释游戏的最开始界面,包含主按钮其他内容两个分栏目。两个栏目按照按钮所处的方位分类阐述。


  • 顶栏阐释游戏上方条形栏,按照内容所处位置分为中央左侧右侧三个分栏目。


  • 选曲界面阐释在玩家选择曲包(包括全部曲目)后选择曲目和谱面对应难度的界面,包含难度选择排名Icon Smartphone.png曲包界面按钮随机曲目按钮曲目排序与分类“主菜单”按钮六个分栏目。


  • 曲包界面阐释在玩家选择曲包前,即在选曲界面点击顶部曲包界面按钮所出现的界面,包含曲包选择“全部曲目”按钮“主菜单”按钮三个分栏目。


  • 设定界面阐释玩家口中的游戏设置界面。该界面采用简单的wikitable表格形式表示游戏设置的三部分。
  • 表格横向分为模块,设定项,功能,备注四个部分。表格细节内容即设置本身所包含的所有选项。若该选项可调范围或有其他需要额外说明的内容则在备注单元格中说明。
  • 表格通过竖向合并单元格分为玩法音频视觉三部分,也即游戏内设置所分的三部分。


  • 游玩时界面阐释玩家在进行游戏主体游玩部分时所见得的游戏界面,包含谱面加载游玩区域回忆收集条暂停游玩信息游玩效果六个分栏目。
  • 需要注意游玩时界面仅仅是对游玩时界面的阐释,而这个界面内容所包含的所有机制本身应当在机制页面中阐述。



  • 难度部分介绍游戏谱面的难度机制(即Past-Present-Future-Beyond)。
  • 每个难度分别介绍其在目前最新版本下所涵盖的难度等级和定数范围,以及谱面特征。


  • 物件类型部分阐释游戏游玩时所遇见的四种物件类型,包含其特点和判定计算。
  • 栏目下方使用wikitable表格展现所有物件在游戏内的效果图片,包含任何皮肤下的显示效果。
    • 愚人节谱面中出现的新物件类型也应当被阐释与展现。


  • 判定部分阐释游戏点击物件时所出现的判定种类,采用wikitable形式,包含各个判定的名称判定区间效果备注


  • 计分方式部分阐释游戏内的计分计算方式与得分评级。
  • 计分计算方式由文字阐述,而得分评级则由wikitable表格阐述,展示评级的范围与评级图片。


  • 回忆收集条详细阐述游戏内左侧回忆收集条的种类,样式,数值计算等属性。该段落包含有一个命中时回忆条计算分栏目。
  • 由于通过评级系统与回忆收集条相关,该栏目首先文字阐释游玩谱面的通过评级机制。
  • 该栏目使用wikitable表格阐释所有回忆收集条的种类,包含通关类型回忆条种类说明通关条件技能使用此种回忆条的搭档通关显示六列。前四列通过合并单元格详细阐释每一种细分回忆收集条的游玩计算与通关条件,第五列显示对应过关搭档,而第六列显示Track Complete不同样式的图标。
  • 命中时回忆条计算属于自探究性内容,阐释单个物件的回忆率回复量计算。


  • 残片部分简要阐释游戏内“残片”货币的用法,详细阐释游玩谱面后获得的残片量和不同搭档对获取残片量的影响。
  • 游玩谱面后获得的残片量由wikitable表格展现,详细展现各个难度和游玩状态下所获得的残片量。
    • 尽管所获得的的残片量很吻合与难度级数相关的线性函数,仍需以表格形式单独列出,游戏中不存在的组合不应列出。


  • 记忆源点部分简要阐释游戏内记忆源点的用途与获取方式。


  • 在线功能部分简要阐释移动端账号系统及其相关功能。


  • 游戏指法简要介绍游玩该游戏的推荐用指方法。由于该部分历史悠久且具有很强主观性,对于该部分是否应当被保留仍在讨论当中,请暂时不要编辑。



  • 搭档及属性部分使用文字详细阐释游戏的搭档机制及相关机制,包括本身三属性机制、搭档经验值机制和觉醒机制。
    • 在觉醒部分中,编辑者需使用wikitable展示所有搭档觉醒所需觉醒道具及所有觉醒道具的获得方式。


  • 搭档列表部分采用wikitable形式展示游戏所包含的所有搭档,横行分为常驻主线搭档、常驻支线搭档、常驻联动搭档、限时原创搭档、限时联动搭档与特殊搭档六部分。每列中采用模板:搭档组排列模板:搭档组排单元列出所有搭档的图标及其名称。
    • 特殊搭档目前仅指专辑获得搭档,其他五部分搭档分类标准非常明显。


  • 搭档数据简表部分展现所有搭档的类型、关键节点数据与技能,使用wikitable表格。表格每行为每个搭档,分为#(排序用编号)、搭档名称类型Lv.1Lv.20Lv.30技能七部分、Lv.1/Lv.20/Lv.30各分列FragStepOver三属性。
  • 若该部分内容并不存在,则用“-”代替空值。


  • 搭档选择界面栏目阐释游戏内的选择搭档的界面。根据界面分栏,该部分分为界面中部界面右部界面左部三部分。


  • 单搭档页面详细标注搭档的相关信息及相关内容。页首为搭档信息表,包括立绘画师、所属曲包/单曲、类型、觉醒形态、关键等级数据、技能与更新时间等信息,随后页面在搭档信息栏目下分为解禁方法技能搭档分级数据搭档相关四个分栏目。
  • Icon Smartphone.pngIcon Nintendo switch.png双端冲突内容:单搭档页面中,鉴于所有的差异均可总结在如下的分栏目中,在对应分栏目下添加以版本为名的次级标题文字阐明即可。




  • 解禁方法分为“搭档”与“觉醒形态”两部分,“搭档”部分阐释如何获得本搭档,“觉醒形态”部分阐释如何觉醒本搭档以及所需觉醒道具的数量。


  • 技能阐述搭档的技能及其特点。技能文本严格遵循游戏内文本。
    • 若该搭档无技能,则技能部分无需且不应出现。


  • 搭档分级数据使用wikitable详细注明每一等级的搭档数据。
    • 根据该搭档有无觉醒形态,表格分为30级和20级两种。
    • 若尚未获得该等级的对应数据,对应数据需留空。


  • 搭档相关介绍该搭档的相关知识、在游戏内剧情上的重要性、常见昵称和出现该搭档的曲绘。
    • 由于维基不定义什么是该搭档的常见昵称,所以常见昵称不能随意添加。
    • 出现该搭档的曲绘采用模板:组排列模板:组排单元列出。当曲封面的搭档特征不完全与已知任何版本的该搭档完全一致时,将该曲封面归属于最初版本该搭档页面下。


  • 潜力值详细阐释Arcaea游戏的潜力值算法。由于该机制的复杂性和探究难度,在能够确保所编辑内容正确的前提下编辑者可机动更改该页面的结构以适应最新潜力值算法和/或提升可读性。



  • 机制栏目用文字阐释一般游玩世界模式的机制和相关计算公式。
    • 对Beyond章世界模式游玩机制的阐释目前处在“各章节阶梯和奖励情况示意”中Beyond章部分阐释。


  • 台阶类型栏目采用图片与文字阐释世界模式所可能出现的台阶类型。


  • 体力部分阐释世界模式的体力机制和体力用途,包括“Play+”功能源韵强化恢复体力三部分。


  • 各章节阶梯和奖励情况示意使用世界模式地图简表表格展示世界模式所出现或出现过的所有地图,以章(Chapter)为单位,为wikitable样式。表格源代码和表现效果如下:
阶梯编号 阶梯名称 解锁条件 阶梯阶数 阶梯步数 阶梯奖励 备注
地图1 地图名1 解锁方式1 阶数1 总步数1 总奖励1 备注1
地图2 地图名2 解锁方式2 阶数2 总步数2 总奖励2 备注2
{| class="wikitable" border="1" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="5" style="text-align:center"
! 阶梯编号
! 阶梯名称
! 解锁条件
! 阶梯阶数
! 阶梯步数
! 阶梯奖励
! 备注
| ''地图1''
| ''地图名1''
| ''解锁方式1''
| ''阶数1''
| ''总步数1''
| ''总奖励1''
| ''备注1''
| ''地图2''
| ''地图名2''
| ''解锁方式2''
| ''阶数2''
| ''总步数2''
| ''总奖励2''
| ''备注2''
  • 总奖励仅限表述以下格式,用逗号(,)隔开:
搭档, 曲目, (num) 残片, n 以太之滴, n xx核心


  • 世界模式地图详表使用地图详表记录了世界模式各个地图的详细数据,表格为wikitable样式。
    • 页首为wikitable样式自编辑目录,添加新地图后编辑者需手动更新。
  • Icon Smartphone.pngIcon Nintendo switch.png双端冲突内容:双端的世界模式地图详表采用不同页面展现。世界模式地图详表 (移动版)页面展现移动端世界模式详细地图,而世界模式地图详表 (Nintendo Switch版)页面展现NS端世界模式详细地图。
  • 二级标题格式为“x-y”(常规地图)或“限时:地图名”(限时地图)
  • 在地图详细数据表格前需注明该地图的解禁方法。
  • 地图信息表格式如下:
级数 步数
特殊阶梯 奖励
0 步数距下一奖励步数 特殊台阶内容 台阶奖励
1 0(0) 台阶奖励
总计 总计步数 - 总计奖励
{| class="wikitable mw-collapsible mw-collapsed" border="1" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="5" style="text-align:center"
! scope="col"|级数 !! scope="col"|步数<br />(到下一奖励的步数) !! scope="col"|特殊阶梯 !! scope="col"|奖励
| 0
| ''步数''(''距下一奖励步数'')
| ''特殊台阶内容''
| ''台阶奖励''
| 1
| 0(0)
| ''台阶奖励''
| 总计
| '''''总计步数'''''
| '''-'''
| '''''总计奖励'''''
  • 限制台阶仅限表述如下格式:
限制 歌曲名或曲包名
随机歌曲<br>限制 曲包名
+n 体力
限速 ≤ x 
限速 ≤ x <br>限制 歌曲名或曲包名
  • 奖励台阶仅限表述如下格式:
(num) 残片
n 以太之滴
n xx核心
  • 当且仅当在写此种表格的总计时,文字需加粗



  • 机制使用文字阐释故事模式游玩相关机制。


  • 机制使用图片与文字阐释故事模式界面。


Main(主线)故事简表Side story(支线)故事简表

故事编号 解锁条件 解锁要求 备注
0-编号 本故事解锁条件 本故事解锁要求
{| class="wikitable" border="1" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="5" style="text-align:center"
 ! 故事编号
 ! 解锁条件
 ! 解锁要求
 ! 备注
 | 0-编号
 | ''本故事解锁条件''
 | ''本故事解锁要求''



  • 故事模式剧情详表记录了Arcaea游戏中剧情的详细文本及其他附属信息,以每个搭档为大单位,每个剧情编号为小单位。剧情展示中英剧情,其中中文剧情默认展现,英文剧情默认折叠。
  • 页首为手动编辑wikitable表格目录,编辑者在更新本页面时请手动更新。
  • Icon Smartphone.pngIcon Nintendo switch.png双端冲突内容:双端的故事模式剧情详表采用不同页面展现。故事模式剧情详表 (移动版)页面展现移动端详细剧情,而故事模式剧情详表 (Nintendo Switch版)页面展现NS端详细剧情。


  • 详细剧情部分展示该剧情的解锁条件,解锁要求与剧情内容。剧情部分采用模板:collapse实现折叠效果。
    • 解锁条件格式:完成故事编号,购入曲包名曲包
    • 解锁要求格式:采用指定搭档通过指定曲目。即使指定曲目是隐藏曲也需指明。
  • 次级标题均为本剧情在游戏内文件内的编号。
  • 不同剧情之间按照剧情顺序而非解锁顺序填写,遇到相同次序时按照可能的解锁顺序编写。
  • 从文件获得剧情时,将文本经过\n→<br />,\"→",|→----三次文本替换即可获得与游戏内展示一致的剧情。


  • 解歌系统以文字阐释玩家获取和解锁游戏中的曲目和谱面的相关机制。页面分为曲目获取谱面解锁两部分。
  • Icon Smartphone.pngIcon Nintendo switch.png双端冲突内容:双端的解歌系统在同一页面中阐释。若出现双端差异则由文字角标注明或者纯文字说明。


  • 曲目获取部分包括经由世界模式经由解锁曲包两个次级标题,分别用文字简要阐释通过世界模式游玩与购买曲包所获得曲目的方式。


  • 谱面解锁部分用文字详细阐释解锁谱面的各种机制,包含要求支付残片要求前置谱面要求潜力值要求异象要求搭档五个次级标题。
  • 每部分仅是对机制的阐释,对于游戏内的关系统计需在次级标题下使用模板:see also参见至解歌关系列表对应段落。


故事模式关系列表Icon Nintendo switch.png


  • 若游戏内有曲包需要世界模式解锁,则在世界模式关系列表前需列明曲包世界模式关系列表,分为曲目地图位置/地图总阶数三列。
  • 世界模式关系列表分为曲目地图位置/地图总阶数三列,展示曲目的世界模式所处位置。


  • 若游戏内有曲包需要残片解锁,则在残片关系列表前需列明曲包残片关系列表,分为曲包所需残片数两列。
  • 残片关系列表分为曲目PastPresentFuture四列。
  • 曲目以曲包为单位按时间顺序排列,每难度列下写明解锁条件。
  • 残片关系列表中,解锁条件格式为:
n 残片





  • 当曲目难度通过条件中出现“或”用于连接可选的解锁条件时,该“或”用粗体文字加粗,并在该“或”之前换行。




搭档关系列表Icon Smartphone.png

  • 搭档关系列表分为曲目PastPresentFuture四列。
  • 曲目以曲包为单位按时间顺序排列,每难度列下写明解锁条件。
  • 搭档关系列表中,解锁条件格式为:



  • 游玩效果运用文字详细阐释游戏内游玩时有别于一般游玩的所有过程及其相关机制。根据游玩效果性质,本页面分为异象曲终末曲其他三部分。





  • 成就系统使用文字阐释游戏的成就系统机制,并以wikitable表格形式列明所有成就。
  • 根据成就性质,页面包含非隐藏成就隐藏成就两个表格,包含名称内容备注三列。


  • 版本更新日志使用普通表格记载游戏更新的内容详情。表格分为更新梗概版本号更新时间三部分。
  • Icon Smartphone.pngIcon Nintendo switch.png双端冲突内容:双端更新分列不同表格,处在同一页面作为版本更新日志的两部分。
  • 一般情况下,版本更新日志所填内容为模板:首页/新闻的填写内容而非官方新闻动态。编辑者需概括此次更新的真正内容。


  • 定数表页面采用wikitable表格展现定数≥8.0的所有谱面定数及其对应曲目与难度。该页面采用模板:组排列实现曲绘与曲名同时并列展现的效果。
  • 在定数表内,相同定数的谱面遵循如下的简单排序规则:同定数曲目排布顺序:Beyond,Future,Present;同定数同难度排布顺序:免费曲,World Extend曲,付费曲。


  • 曲目列表使用大表格展示Arcaea所拥有的所有曲目及其基本信息。表格每行即为一首曲目,分为平台曲目封面标题音乐家所属曲包BPM时长等级八列,其中等级又分为PSTPRSFTRBYD四分列,所以一行应当总计有11列。
    • 时长采用mm:ss格式,需要用0补全两位。
  • 曲目以曲包为组合排序,曲包按照免费包、主线包、支线包、联动包、Memory Archive、杂曲分类排序,每个分类内曲包按照更新顺序排序,新曲包靠前。
  • Icon Smartphone.pngIcon Nintendo switch.png双端冲突内容曲目列表包含一个总表和曲目列表 (移动版)曲目列表 (Nintendo Switch版)两个分表。对于曲目列表总表中双端“有或无”区别的曲目,平台一列通过平台图标专门体现其在对应平台是否存在。若曲目在双端存在,但所属曲包双端不同/部分难度仅存在于一端时,则使用图片角标注明,不同平台的不同内容需要换行。若该谱面对应难度在双端均存在但在NS端的触控模式与Joy-Con模式下谱面不同,则需要换行分列两种模式下的谱面难度,以操控方式角标注明,即使两模式下难度一致。在曲目列表 (移动版)分表中,平台一列被删除,所有NS端仅有内容直接删除,且由于移动端不存在双操控模式,所以操控方式角标部分也一并无需出现。在曲目列表 (Nintendo Switch版)分表中,平台一列被删除,所有移动端仅有内容直接删除,但保留操控方式角标部分。


  • 单曲页面展现曲目的详细信息,一般页面结构如下:
    • 一句话:编辑者对本谱面的吐槽性质评价,使用模板:一句话在页首编辑。除非能确认自己的新一句话肯定比原来的好,否则本句话的编辑权一般归属于首先写出这句话的编辑者。
    • 魔王前置信息:这首曲子是哪首魔王曲的前置解锁曲目。魔王曲目由社群共识决定,一般是指曲包中的指定最难曲目与最终曲目。
    • 曲目基本信息表
    • 解禁方法表
      • 若该曲目没有对应解歌系统#谱面解锁的解锁方式,则无需添加此表,改为添加斜体文字本曲各难度无需额外解禁
    • 曲目定数简表
    • 游戏相关:可以写本曲来源和歌词等相关的客观内容。
      • 若涉及到游戏中其他曲目,如曲风联想、对比评价等,应对该曲目名称加链接处理
      • “游戏相关”作为一个单独的三级标题,应将“攻略”、“试听”和“相关视频”归到此分类下,作为四级标题。
      • 对于“攻略”,可以写关于本曲谱面手法的一些参考,需要用{{难度标识}}标明难度和难度等级。
      • 对于“试听”,需要为曲师或lowiro官方发布的官方音源(来源为SoundCloud、专辑页面等)并在其后以括号标明来源。
      • 对于“相关视频”要求如下:
        • 若为BGA,要求清晰度尽量高,且来源最好为曲师/官方,在链接上注明。如果存在多个来源,则优先选择官方的。
        • 若为玩家手打视频,请标明玩家名和成绩(玩家名FR/PM/理论值手元),对于玩家视频需要获得授权。
    • 单曲尾部索引:以单曲页面单曲所属曲包为单位快速导航的索引。
      • 附加包所属曲目需要同时添加所属主包和附加包的单曲尾部索引,而不处在附加包只处在主包的曲目不添加附加包曲目索引。
    • 曲目相应分类


  • 单曲曲目基本信息表采用{{曲目信息}}进行编辑。




  • 当曲目基本信息表设计谱师单元格合并/拆分时,note编写变量将会拆分为PastNote编写PresentNote编写FutureNote编写三个变量。这三个变量合并的逻辑是:
  1. 如果两个相邻的谱师变量内容完全一致,自动合并。
  2. 如果高难度谱师变量没有出现,自动顺应最近的较低难度谱师变量。
  3. 如果低难度谱师变量没有出现,自动显示note编写变量内容(如果有)。


  • 曲目基本信息表在Beyond情况下新添Beyond等级Beyond曲绘BeyondNote编写BeyondNote四个变量,分别对应Beyond难度的难度等级,曲封面,谱师,物量。
    • 如果Beyond难度更新为追加更新,更新时间与原三难度不同,则需额外引入Beyond更新版本Beyond更新时间两个变量。如果Beyond难度与原三难度统一更新请不要加上这两个变量。
    • BeyondNote编写的谱师单元格合并/拆分逻辑遵循原三难度谱师单元格的逻辑。
|Beyond曲绘=example byd.jpg








  • 若曲目需要爬梯解锁,则需要在“解禁方法”表格上方注明“前置条件:在世界模式第x章,地图x-y,第z个奖励获得”(参考FANDOM wiki-unlocking(past)格式)
  • 在解禁方法的表格内,仅允许出现以下格式内容:
(num) 残片
  • 以上表格中的斜体文字代表你需要填写的部分,真实填写中不需要斜体。
  • 当曲目难度通过条件中出现“或”时,“或”用粗体文字加粗,且前后加空格。
  • 由于历史遗留原因,仍有部分页面使用表格源代码表示解禁方法,下面展示解禁方法表格源代码。编辑者若见到历史遗留代码请将其改为模板表现形式。
适用情况 源代码 表现效果
{| class="wikitable" style="text-align:center" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="5"
Past Present Future
PST解禁方法 PRS解禁方法 FTR解禁方法
{| class="wikitable" style="text-align:center" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="5"
Past Present Future Beyond
PST解禁方法 PRS解禁方法 FTR解禁方法 BYD解禁方法


  • 曲目定数能且只能使用曲目定数模板进行编辑。在一般情况下,BYD变量需要留空










  • 对于{{Arcaea曲目索引}},其索引内容中,上方单元格中分别为各个世界模式要求解锁下的曲目内容。上方单元格曲目中,由同一世界模式地图解锁的曲目将排在一起,若这些曲目之间有前置解歌要求则用'''→'''隔开,若无则用{{·}} 隔开。下方单元格为无世界模式要求的曲目+有世界模式要求的曲目。曲目之间用 {{·}}  隔开。
  • 对于{{Memory Archive曲目索引}}和{{World Extend曲目索引}},其索引内容分为独立原创曲目非原创曲目搭档相关曲目三类。曲目之间用 {{·}}  隔开。
  • 对于{{杂曲曲目索引}},其索引内容顶格为Tutorial,第二格为愚人节曲目,曲目后用半角括号标注年份,并用 {{·}}  隔开。
  • 对于所有主线曲包索引、支线曲包索引和联动曲包索引,其索引内容分为普通曲目前置曲目最终曲目三类,或普通曲目前置曲目最终曲目隐藏曲目四类(如果有)。下方单元格曲目中,若互相之间有前置解歌系统要求,则用连接,否则用 {{·}}  隔开。


  • 曲包列表使用wikitable表格展示游戏内所有曲包。表格以每个曲包为行,分为平台曲包封面曲包名称粗体文字内含曲目数量上线时间花费七列。
  • Icon Smartphone.pngIcon Nintendo switch.png双端冲突内容:对于双端“有或无”区别的曲包,平台一列通过平台图标专门体现其在对应平台是否存在。若曲包在双端存在,但内含曲目数量/上线时间/花费不尽相同,则使用图片角标注明,不同平台的不同内容需要换行。
    • 对于NS端花费,“购买游戏本体”属于默认内容,不注明。


  • 单曲包页面用于展示本曲包的类型,价格,更新日期与所含内容及其他相关内容。每个页面格式如下:
    • 曲包购买文字:购买曲包界面显示的说明文字,写明在页面顶端,中英双语,文字斜体。游戏中文本的一次换行在页面中显示为不换行,两次换行在页面中显示为一次换行。
    • 曲包信息表格。
      • 特殊:由于所含曲目内容过于丰富,Arcaea曲包的曲包信息表内容需要使用模板:Multicol分栏。
    • 你知道吗:处在“曲包信息”二级标题下,展示本曲包相关内容。
  • 若该曲包有append扩展包,则扩展包需在主曲包页面下以另一个二级标题显示。二级标题下内容格式仍如上述所述。
  • Icon Smartphone.pngIcon Nintendo switch.png双端冲突内容:对于仅在一个平台上拥有的曲包,页首需使用模板:仅移动版模板:仅NS版注明。曲包在双端均存在但所含内容不同的需用图片角标注明。


|价格=x记忆源点 (x为数字)
|版本号=vx.y.z (x y z均为数字)
|更新日期=yyyy/mm/dd (4位年份,2位月份,2位日子,一位数用0补齐)
|所含歌曲=链接到相应歌曲页面,用<br />分开每一首曲子
|搭档名称=链接到相应搭档条目,用<br />分开每一个搭档

  • 由于可能的历史遗留或者特例化表格拓展缘故,仍有可能用到表格源代码编辑曲包信息表格,下为曲包信息表格基础源代码。
曲包信息表格源代码 表现效果
{| class="wikitable" style="text-align:center" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="5"
! colspan=2|''曲包名''
| rowspan=6| [[File:example.jpg|200px]]
| '''类型'''
| '''价格'''
| '''更新日期'''
|''版本号''<br />''(yyyy/mm/dd)''
|''曲目1''<br />''曲目2''(World地图信息,World奖励位置信息)

曲包名 Example.jpg
类型 曲包类型
价格 num记忆源点/(包/曲)
更新日期 版本号
内容 曲目1


  • 曲师列表记录了为此游戏供曲的所有曲师信息,此页面以二级标题表示每一个曲师。曲师以罗马音字典序排序,日文名需用模板:lang更换字体,并在源代码内用注释标明日文名罗马音方便日后排序编辑。
    • 每个罗马音字母的第一个曲师需要将对应锚点移动至标题处,适配页首导航目录。
  • Icon Smartphone.pngIcon Nintendo switch.png双端冲突内容:在双端供曲的曲师并列排布,无需表现差异。
  • 在可以确认信息的真实性的前提下,每个标题下的格式为:
    • 国籍
    • 其在主流音游圈的地位
    • 收录曲表格
  • 收录曲表格格式如下(在曲风不确定或没有备注时需要使用--填充对应单元格)
曲目名称 曲目长度 BPM 曲风 曲包 发布时间 备注
曲名1 时长1 BPM1 曲风1 所属曲包1 更新版本(yyyy/mm/dd)1 备注1
曲名2 时长2 BPM2 曲风2 所属曲包2 更新版本(yyyy/mm/dd)2 备注2
{| class="wikitable" border="1" cellspacing="1" cellpadding="5" style="text-align:center"
! style="width: 20%;"|曲目名称
! style="width: 8%;"|曲目长度
! style="width: 6%;"|BPM
! style="width: 12.5%;"|曲风
! style="width: 18.5%;"|曲包
! style="width: 15%;"|发布时间
! style="width: 20%;"|备注
| ''曲名1'' ||''时长1''||''BPM1''||''曲风1''||''所属曲包1''||''更新版本(yyyy/mm/dd)1''||''备注1''
| ''曲名2'' ||''时长2''||''BPM2''||''曲风2''||''所属曲包2''||''更新版本(yyyy/mm/dd)2''||''备注2''



  • 谱师列表是对全游谱师的统计,以每个在游戏内出现的确定名义的谱师+所有未确定谱师名义为单位列出表格
  • Icon Smartphone.pngIcon Nintendo switch.png双端冲突内容:在双端供谱的谱师及其供谱内容并列排布,无需表现差异。
  • 每一行的表格内容有:
    • 曲名
    • 曲目所属曲包
    • 谱师名义
    • 备注
  • 表格采用模板:谱师列表单元进行增量性质编辑,相当于在谱师列表页面内写好的表格头下方新添一行单元格。




  • 当谱师列表谱师单元格合并/拆分时,谱师变量将会拆分为PST谱师PRS谱师FTR谱师三个变量。这三个变量合并的逻辑与曲目基本信息表不同,仅有如果两个相邻的谱师变量内容完全一致,自动合并。


  • 谱师列表在Beyond情况下新添BYD谱师变量,合并逻辑与上述情况一致。


  • 画师列表记录了为此游戏供曲绘的所有画师信息,此页面以二级标题表示每一个画师。画师以罗马音字典序排序,日文名需用模板:lang更换字体,并在源代码内用注释标明日文名罗马音方便日后排序编辑。
    • 每个罗马音字母的第一个画师需要将对应锚点移动至标题处,适配页首导航目录。
  • Icon Smartphone.pngIcon Nintendo switch.png双端冲突内容:在双端供画的画师并列排布,无需表现差异。
  • 在确认信息真实的前提下,每个标题下的格式为:
    • 画师简介(可选)
    • 其是否同时为Arcaea供曲曲师,如果是则需链接到曲师列表对应一级标题,此时不需要写简介(因为已经在曲师列表中注明)
    • 曲绘表格
    • 搭档立绘表格(如果有)


曲绘 曲名 所属曲包 曲绘实装时间 备注
Example.jpg 曲名 所属曲包 更新版本
{| class="wikitable" border="1" cellspacing="1" cellpadding="5" style="text-align:center" width="900px"
! width="128px" |曲绘
|''更新版本''<br />(yyyy/mm/dd)


  • 对于一曲对多曲绘的情况,编辑者需要使用竖向合并单元格(rowspan)合并所有相同信息。
  • 备注一般仅填写曲绘对应合作信息、显示时间,对应难度和历史版本介绍。
    • 若其无画师名义,则还需要写出其可能来源


搭档立绘 搭档 立绘实装时间 备注
Example.png 搭档名称 更新版本
{| class="wikitable" border="1" cellspacing="1" cellpadding="5" style="text-align:center" width="900px"
! width="150px" |搭档立绘
|''更新版本''<br />(yyyy/mm/dd)


  • 搭档名称须链接到对应搭档页面。
  • 对于搭档觉醒的双立绘情况,编辑者需要使用竖向合并单元格(rowspan)合并所有相同信息。
  • 备注一般仅填写是否为觉醒立绘。


  • 背景列表是对全游游玩背景及主界面背景(场景)的统计,采用普通表格。
    • 由于大图片美观性原因,背景列表不使用wikitable。


  • 游玩背景部分大表格每行即为单独的游玩背景及其相关信息,分为平台背景图名称通常用途文件名/内容考据五列。
    • 名称为其包内文件名。
    • 通常用途采用文字阐释该背景的应用范围。若文字无法简要概括则需列出所有使用该背景的曲目。
    • 文件名/内容考据是偏主观内容,阐释文件名的命名原因。
    • Icon Smartphone.pngIcon Nintendo switch.png双端冲突内容:对于双端“有或无”区别的背景,平台一列通过平台图标专门体现其在对应平台是否存在。


  • 场景部分大表格每行即为场景图片及其相关信息,从左至右依次分为平台场景图名称获取方式其他用途五列。
    • 名称为其在游戏内的名称。
    • Icon Smartphone.pngIcon Nintendo switch.png双端冲突内容:对于双端“有或无”区别的场景,平台一列通过平台图标专门体现其在对应平台是否存在。


  • 技术型隐藏页面是本维基的隐藏页面,由于这些页面的特殊性质,它们被允许存在但是不能被引用,引用者相关内容删除,多次引用将会招致封禁。
  • 对技术型隐藏页面的更新应当减少频率,每次更改之后应当对最近更改中相关记录实施清除操作。
  • 技术型隐藏页面首尾的{{Usercheck}}和{{Usercheck-end}}不能删除,删除会导致页面内容对非编辑者完全可见。