
< User:在咕咕咕的咕子
於 2024年3月30日 (六) 16:30 由 在咕咕咕的咕子留言 | 貢獻 所做的修訂

  • 本頁保持孤立!


  • 此處詳細解析的是在服務端處存儲的地圖中的各語句。
  • 地圖使用的是較為嚴格的json格式,請注意是否有沒有漏符號或多出符號
  • 地圖文件理應當被存放在對應伺服器的地圖文件夾內



    "map_id": "example",
    //地图ID string 必需字段
    "is_legacy": false,
    //是否启用Legacy地图机制 boolean
    "is_beyond": false,
    //是否启用Beyond地图机制 boolean
    "beyond_health": 100,
    //Beyond地图的总百分比 int is_beyond为true时的必需字段
    "character_affinity": [
    //Beyond地图的相性契合搭档 list [int] is_beyond为true时的必需字段
    //例:[0, 1] [0]
    "affinity_multiplier": [
    //Beyond地图的相性契合加成 list [float] is_beyond为true时的必需字段
    //例:[1.0, 1.5] [1.0]
    "chapter": 0,
    //地图章节 int 必需字段
    //0 活动 Event
    //1 失落的世界 Lost World
    //2 谜域的界外 Outer Reaches
    //3 聚合的塔尖 Spire of Convergence
    //4 沉眠的回声 Dormant Echoes
    //5 无央的决裂 Boundless Divide
    //6 遗忘的构念 Forgotten Construct
    //7 回首的天际 Horizon of Anamnesis
    //1001 Beyond
    "available_from": -1,
    //从X时开始可用 int 必需字段
    "available_to": -1,
    //从X时持续到X时后关闭 int 必需字段
    "is_repeatable": true,
    //是否启用无限地图机制 boolean 必需字段
    "require_type": "",
    //解锁时所需物品的类型 string
    //pack 曲包(配合require_id使用)
    //character 角色(616没用过,配合require_id使用)
    //single 单曲(配合require_id使用)
    //fragment 残片(配合require_value使用)
    //chart_unlock 解锁谱面(配合require_id使用,格式为[SongID]+[ratingClass]
    //chapter_step 章节步数(配合require_value使用)
    "require_id": "",
    //解锁时需要开启的对应物品ID string/list [string]
    //list [string]形式于3.10.0新增,后续在4.2.0添加普通地图的显示
    "require_value": 0,
    //解锁时需要花费的对应物品的数量 int
    "requires": [
    //解锁时所需的多个物品 list [{string: string/int}]
    //"requires": [
	//	  {
    //	    "type": "pack",
    //  	"id": "base",
    //      "value": 0
    //    }
    "require_localunlock_songid": "",
    //需要本地解锁XXX歌曲的任意难度 string
    "require_localunlock_challengeid": "",
    //需要本地通过XXX异象 string
    "coordinate": "0,0",
    //地图在对应章节应用的X/Y坐标 string 必需字段
    "step_count": 22,
    //地图总步数 int 必需字段
    "custom_bg": "",
    //地图所使用的背景 string
    "stamina_cost": 2,
    //在该地图内游玩一次所需要的体力 int
    "chain_info": "",
    //??? dictionary?
    "curr_position": 0,
    "curr_capture": 0,
    "is_locked": false,
    "steps": [
    //该地图的台阶设置 list 必需字段
			"position": 0,
			//台阶的点位 int
			"capture": 5
			//台阶的步数 int
			"position": 1,
			"capture": 5,
			"items": [{}]
			//奖励 list [{string: string/int}]
			"position": 2,
			"capture": 5,
			"items": [
					"type": "character"
					"id": "0"
					//type-string id-string
			"position": 3,
			"capture": 5,
			"items": [
					"type": "world_song",
					"id": "shadesoflight"
					//type-string id-string
			"position": 4,
			"capture": 5,
			"items": [
					"type": "single",
					"id": "auxesia"
					//type-string id-string
			"position": 5,
			"capture": 5,
			"items": [
					"type": "fragment",
					"amount": 616
					//type-string amount-int
			"position": 6,
			"capture": 5,
			"items": [
					"type": "memory",
					"amount": 616
					//type-string amount-int
			"position": 7,
			"capture": 5,
			"items": [
					"type": "core",
					"id": "core_generic",
					"amount": 1
					//type-string id-string amount-int
					//core_generic 以太之滴 Ether Drop
					//core_hollow 中空核心 Hollow Core
					//core_desolate 荒芜核心 Desolate Core
					//core_chunithm CHUNITHM 核心 CHUNITHM Core
					//core_crimson 深红核心 Crimson Core
					//core_ambivalent 悖异核心 Ambivalent Core
					//core_scarlet 绯红核心 Scarlet Core
					//core_groove 音炫核心 Groove Core
					//core_binary 双生核心 Binary Core
					//core_colorful 缤纷核心 Colorful Core
					//core_umbral 暗影核心 Umbral Core
					//core_course_skip_purchase 次元结晶 Warped Shard
			"position": 8,
			"capture": 5,
			"items": [
					"type": "pack",
					"id": "base"
					//type-string id-string
			"position": 9,
			"capture": 5,
			"items": [
					"type": "world_unlock",
					"id": "scenery_chap1"
					//type-string id-string
					//scenery_chap1 失落的世界 Lost World
					//scenery_chap2 谜域的界外 Outer Reaches
					//scenery_chap3 聚合的塔尖 Spire of Convergence
					//scenery_chap4 沉眠的回声 Dormant Echoes
					//scenery_chap5 无央的决裂 Boundless Divide
					//scenery_chap6 遗忘的构念 Forgotten Construct
					//scenery_chap7 回首的天际 Horizon of Anamnesis
			"position": 10,
			"capture": 5,
			"items": [
					"type": "anni5tix",
					"amount": 1
					//type-string amount-int
			"position": 11,
			"capture": 5,
			"restrict_id": "shadesoflight",
			"restrict_type": "song_id"
			//restrict_id-string restrict_type-string
			"position": 12,
			"capture": 5,
			"restrict_ids": [
			"restrict_type": "song_id"
			//restrict_ids-list [string] restrict_type-string
			"position": 13,
			"capture": 5,
			"restrict_id": "base",
			"restrict_type": "pack_id"
			//restrict_id-string restrict_type-string
			"position": 14,
			"capture": 5,
			"restrict_difficulty": 2
			"position": 15,
			"capture": 5,
			"step_type": [
			//step_type-list [string]
			"position": 16,
			"capture": 5,
			"step_type": [
			"speed_limit_value": 65
			//step_type-list [string] speed_limit_value-int
			"position": 17,
			"capture": 5,
			"step_type": [
			"plus_stamina_value": 12
			//step_type-list [string] plus_stamina_value-int
			"position": 18,
			"capture": 5,
			"items": [
					"type": "fragment",
					"amount": 616
					"type": "memory",
					"amount": 616
			"position": 19,
			"capture": 5,
			"restrict_id": "base",
			"restrict_type": "pack_id",
			"step_type": [
			"position": 20,
			"capture": 5,
			"restrict_ids": [
			"restrict_type": "song_id",
			"step_type": [
			"restrict_difficulty": 3,
			"plus_stamina_value": 2,
			"speed_limit_value": 25,
			"items": [
					"type": "fragment",
					"amount": 2000
			"position": 21,
			"capture": 0,
			"items": [
					"type": "core",
					"id": "core_generic",
					"amount": 5


    "map_id": "example",
    "is_legacy": false,
    "is_beyond": true,
      //是否启用Beyond地图机制 boolean
    "beyond_health": 150,
      //Beyond地图的总百分比 int
    "character_affinity": [0, 1],
      //Beyond地图的相性契合搭档 list [int]
    "affinity_multiplier": [1.0, 1.5],
      //Beyond地图的相性契合加成 list [float]
    "chapter": 1001,
      //地图章节 int
    "available_from": -1,
    "available_to": -1,
    "is_repeatable": false,
    "require_id": "shadesoflight2",
      //解锁时需要开启的对应物品ID string/list [string]
    "require_type": "chart_unlock",
      //解锁时所需物品的类型 string/list [string]
    "require_value": 0,
    "coordinate": "0,0",
    "step_count": 5,
      //地图总步数 int
    "custom_bg": "",
    "stamina_cost": 3,
      //在该地图内游玩一次所需要的体力 int
    "curr_position": 0,
    "curr_capture": 0,
    "is_locked": false,
    "steps": [{	
        "position": 0,
        "capture": 50
    }, {
        "position": 1,
        "capture": 25,
        "items": [{"type": "fragment", "amount": 616}]
    }, {
        "position": 2,
        "capture": 25,
        "items": [{
            "type": "core",
            "id": "core_generic",
            "amount": 1
    }, {
        "position": 3,

        "capture": 50,
        "restrict_id": "shadesoflight",
        "restrict_type": "song_id"
   }, {
        "position": 4,
        "capture": 0,
        "items": [{
            "type": "world_song",
            "id": "shadesoflight3"