
< User:Economy666
Economy666讨论 | 贡献2024年6月28日 (五) 13:00的版本 (测试)
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关于Arcaea 移动版所收录曲目的列表,请见“曲目列表 (移动版)”。

关于Arcaea Nintendo Switch版所收录曲目的列表,请见“曲目列表 (Nintendo Switch版)”。

曲目以曲包为组合排序,曲包按照免费包、主线包、支线包、联动包、Memory Archive杂曲分类排序,每个分类内曲包按照更新顺序排序,新曲包靠前。


如需查看详细 Note 数、对应版本以及其他信息,请移步至每个歌曲单独的页面内。



平台 曲目封面[1] 标题 音乐家 所属曲包 BPM 时长 等级
Icon Smartphone.pngIcon Nintendo switch.png Songs rise.jpg Rise Combatplayer ArcaeaIcon Smartphone.png
ArcaeaIcon Nintendo switch.png
140 02:21 2 4 7+ / /
Icon Smartphone.pngIcon Nintendo switch.png Songs sayonarahatsukoi.jpg Sayonara Hatsukoi REDSHiFT ArcaeaIcon Smartphone.png
ArcaeaIcon Nintendo switch.png
178 01:55 1 4 7 8Icon Smartphone.png /
Icon Smartphone.pngIcon Nintendo switch.png Songs fairytale.jpg Fairytale chitose ArcaeaIcon Smartphone.png
ArcaeaIcon Nintendo switch.png
189 02:19 1 3 7 / 9Icon Smartphone.png
Icon Smartphone.pngIcon Nintendo switch.png Songs lucifer.jpg Lucifer chitose ArcaeaIcon Smartphone.png
ArcaeaIcon Nintendo switch.png
165 02:13 3 5 8 / /
Icon Smartphone.pngIcon Nintendo switch.png Songs snowwhite.jpg Snow White Puru ArcaeaIcon Smartphone.png
ArcaeaIcon Nintendo switch.png
150 02:29 2 5 8 / /
Icon Smartphone.pngIcon Nintendo switch.png Songs vexaria.jpg Vexaria ak+q ArcaeaIcon Smartphone.png
ArcaeaIcon Nintendo switch.png
180 02:12 2 5 7 / 9Icon Smartphone.png
Icon Smartphone.pngIcon Nintendo switch.png Songs lostcivilization.jpg Lost Civilization Laur vs CK ArcaeaIcon Smartphone.png
ArcaeaIcon Nintendo switch.png
75-210 02:04 4 7 9 / 9+Icon Smartphone.png
Icon Smartphone.pngIcon Nintendo switch.png Songs qualia.jpg qualia -ideaesthesia- nitro ArcaeaIcon Smartphone.png
ArcaeaIcon Nintendo switch.png
144 02:23 4 7 9 / 9+Icon Smartphone.png
Icon Smartphone.pngIcon Nintendo switch.png Songs goodtek.jpg GOODTEK (Arcaea Edit) EBIMAYO ArcaeaIcon Smartphone.png
ArcaeaIcon Nintendo switch.png
190 02:06 4 6 9 / 9+Icon Smartphone.png
Icon Smartphone.pngIcon Nintendo switch.png Songs shadesoflight.jpg Shades of Light in a Transcendent Realm ak+q ArcaeaIcon Smartphone.png
ArcaeaIcon Nintendo switch.png
170 02:30 3 6 8 / 9Icon Smartphone.png
Icon Smartphone.pngIcon Nintendo switch.png Songs babaroque.jpg Babaroque cYsmix ArcaeaIcon Smartphone.png
ArcaeaIcon Nintendo switch.png
136 02:29 3 6 8 / /
Icon Smartphone.pngIcon Nintendo switch.png Songs dement.jpg Dement ~after legend~ Cosmograph ArcaeaIcon Smartphone.png
ArcaeaIcon Nintendo switch.png
210 02:09 3 6 7+ / 9+Icon Smartphone.png
Icon Smartphone.pngIcon Nintendo switch.png Songs dandelion.jpg Dandelion Farhan ArcaeaIcon Smartphone.png
ArcaeaIcon Nintendo switch.png
169 02:39 2 6 8 / /
Icon Smartphone.png Songs anokumene.jpg Anökumene Jun Kuroda ArcaeaIcon Smartphone.png 186 01:54 2 6 9 / /
Icon Smartphone.pngIcon Nintendo switch.png Songs infinityheaven.jpg Infinity Heaven HyuN ArcaeaIcon Smartphone.png
ArcaeaIcon Nintendo switch.png
160 02:34 1 5 7+ / 9Icon Smartphone.png
Icon Smartphone.pngIcon Nintendo switch.png Songs brandnewworld.jpg Brand new world U-ske ArcaeaIcon Smartphone.png
ArcaeaIcon Nintendo switch.png
160 02:24 2 4 7+ / /
Icon Smartphone.pngIcon Nintendo switch.png Songs chronostasis.jpg Chronostasis 黒皇帝 ArcaeaIcon Smartphone.png
ArcaeaIcon Nintendo switch.png
196 02:13 3 7 8+ / /
Icon Smartphone.pngIcon Nintendo switch.png Songs kanagawa.jpg Kanagawa Cyber Culvert
南ゆに ArcaeaIcon Smartphone.png
ArcaeaIcon Nintendo switch.png
180 02:28 1 5 9 / 9+Icon Smartphone.png
Icon Smartphone.pngIcon Nintendo switch.png Songs clotho.jpg Clotho and the stargazer
しーけー ArcaeaIcon Smartphone.png
ArcaeaIcon Nintendo switch.png
230 02:18 2 5 7+ 8+Icon Smartphone.png /
Icon Smartphone.pngIcon Nintendo switch.png Songs ignotus.jpg Ignotus
Ignotus Afterburn [Beyond]
ak+q ArcaeaIcon Smartphone.png
ArcaeaIcon Nintendo switch.png
170 02:26 3 6 9 / 9+Icon Smartphone.png
Icon Smartphone.pngIcon Nintendo switch.png Songs harutopia.jpg Harutopia ~Utopia of Spring~
ハルトピア ~Utopia of Spring~
A-zu-ra ArcaeaIcon Smartphone.png
ArcaeaIcon Nintendo switch.png
185 02:20 1 4 8 / /
Icon Smartphone.pngIcon Nintendo switch.png Songs rabbitintheblackroom.jpg Rabbit In The Black Room Rabbit House ArcaeaIcon Smartphone.png
ArcaeaIcon Nintendo switch.png
270 02:12 2 5 8 / /
Icon Smartphone.pngIcon Nintendo switch.png Songs redandblue.jpg Red and Blue
Red and Blue and Green [Beyond]
Silentroom ArcaeaIcon Smartphone.png
ArcaeaIcon Nintendo switch.png
150 02:01 4 7+ 9 / 10Icon Smartphone.png
Icon Smartphone.pngIcon Nintendo switch.png Songs onelastdrive.jpg One Last Drive REDSHiFT ArcaeaIcon Smartphone.png
ArcaeaIcon Nintendo switch.png
154-175 02:24 2 5 8 / /
Icon Smartphone.pngIcon Nintendo switch.png Songs dreaminattraction.jpg Dreamin' Attraction!! 翡乃イス力 ArcaeaIcon Smartphone.png
ArcaeaIcon Nintendo switch.png
205 02:20 4 7 9 / /
Icon Smartphone.pngIcon Nintendo switch.png Songs syro.jpg Syro Mitomoro ArcaeaIcon Smartphone.png
ArcaeaIcon Nintendo switch.png
178 02:21 3 6 9 / /
Icon Smartphone.pngIcon Nintendo switch.png Songs reinvent.jpg Reinvent Sound Souler ArcaeaIcon Smartphone.png
ArcaeaIcon Nintendo switch.png
174 02:30 2 6 8 / /
Icon Smartphone.pngIcon Nintendo switch.png Songs blaster.jpg Blaster Massive New Krew ArcaeaIcon Smartphone.png
ArcaeaIcon Nintendo switch.png
180 02:17 4 7 9 / /
Icon Smartphone.pngIcon Nintendo switch.png Songs cyberneciacatharsis.jpg Cybernecia Catharsis Tanchiky ArcaeaIcon Smartphone.png
ArcaeaIcon Nintendo switch.png
184 02:15 4 7 9 / 9+Icon Smartphone.png
Icon Smartphone.pngIcon Nintendo switch.png Songs inkarusi.jpg inkar-usi DIA ArcaeaIcon Smartphone.png
ArcaeaIcon Nintendo switch.png
102 02:23 2 4 7+ / 9Icon Smartphone.png
Icon Smartphone.pngIcon Nintendo switch.png Songs darakunosono.jpg Illegal Paradise
gmtn. (witch's slave) ArcaeaIcon Smartphone.png
ArcaeaIcon Nintendo switch.png
168 02:34 2 7 9 / /
Icon Smartphone.pngIcon Nintendo switch.png Songs bookmaker.jpg Bookmaker (2D Version) Kobaryo ArcaeaIcon Smartphone.png
ArcaeaIcon Nintendo switch.png
175 02:29 4 6 8 / 10Icon Smartphone.png
Icon Smartphone.pngIcon Nintendo switch.png Songs suomi.jpg Suomi Aire ArcaeaIcon Smartphone.png
ArcaeaIcon Nintendo switch.png
125 02:08 2 5 7+ 8+Icon Smartphone.png /
Icon Smartphone.pngIcon Nintendo switch.png Songs nhelv.jpg Nhelv Silentroom ArcaeaIcon Smartphone.png
ArcaeaIcon Nintendo switch.png
174.59 02:50 3 6 9+ / /
Icon Smartphone.pngIcon Nintendo switch.png Songs espebranch.jpg LunarOrbit -believe in the Espebranch road-
Apo11o program ft. 大瀬良あい ArcaeaIcon Smartphone.png
ArcaeaIcon Nintendo switch.png
192 02:21 3 6 9 / /
Icon Smartphone.pngIcon Nintendo switch.png Songs purgatorium.jpg Purgatorium お月さま交響曲 ArcaeaIcon Smartphone.png
ArcaeaIcon Nintendo switch.png
150 02:31 2 6 8 / 9Icon Smartphone.png
Icon Smartphone.pngIcon Nintendo switch.png Songs rugie.jpg Rugie Feryquitous feat.Sennzai ArcaeaIcon Smartphone.png
ArcaeaIcon Nintendo switch.png
191 02:24 3 6 9 / /
Icon Smartphone.pngIcon Nintendo switch.png Songs revixy.jpg ReviXy ikaruga_nex ArcaeaIcon Smartphone.png
ArcaeaIcon Nintendo switch.png
115-185 02:38 3 7 9 / /
Icon Smartphone.pngIcon Nintendo switch.png Songs grimheart.jpg Grimheart Puru ArcaeaIcon Smartphone.png
ArcaeaIcon Nintendo switch.png
170 02:30 2 5 8+ / /
Icon Smartphone.pngIcon Nintendo switch.png Songs supernova.jpg SUPERNOVA BACO ArcaeaIcon Smartphone.png
ArcaeaIcon Nintendo switch.png
150 02:39 3 6 9+ / /
Icon Smartphone.pngIcon Nintendo switch.png Songs vector.jpg VECTOЯ WHITEFISTS ArcaeaIcon Smartphone.png
ArcaeaIcon Nintendo switch.png
200 02:22 3 7 9 / /
Icon Smartphone.pngIcon Nintendo switch.png Songs diode.jpg Diode Kolaa ArcaeaIcon Smartphone.png
ArcaeaIcon Nintendo switch.png
132 02:20 2 5 8 / /
Icon Smartphone.pngIcon Nintendo switch.png Songs freefall.jpg FREEF4LL YUKIYANAGI ArcaeaIcon Smartphone.png
ArcaeaIcon Nintendo switch.png
170 02:32 4 7 8 / 9+Icon Smartphone.png
Icon Smartphone.pngIcon Nintendo switch.png Songs monochromeprincess.jpg Monochrome Princess polysha ArcaeaIcon Smartphone.png
ArcaeaIcon Nintendo switch.png
160 02:17 4 7+ 9+ / /
Icon Smartphone.pngIcon Nintendo switch.png Songs senkyou.jpg Senkyou‎ MYTK ArcaeaIcon Smartphone.png
ArcaeaIcon Nintendo switch.png
90 02:31 3 5 8+ / /
Icon Smartphone.pngIcon Nintendo switch.png Songs worldexecuteme.jpg world.execute(me); Mili ArcaeaIcon Smartphone.png
ArcaeaIcon Nintendo switch.png
130 02:31 3 5 8 / /
Icon Smartphone.pngIcon Nintendo switch.png Songs oblivia.jpg Oblivia Saiph ArcaeaIcon Smartphone.png
ArcaeaIcon Nintendo switch.png
180 02:28 3 5 8 / 9+Icon Smartphone.png
Icon Smartphone.png Songs sakurafubuki.jpg Sakura Fubuki Street ArcaeaIcon Smartphone.png
ArcaeaIcon Nintendo switch.png
175 01:58 3 6 9 / /
Icon Smartphone.png Songs nulctrl.jpg NULCTRL Silentroom ArcaeaIcon Smartphone.png
ArcaeaIcon Nintendo switch.png
100 02:31 3 7 9 / /
Icon Smartphone.png Songs avril.jpg Ävril -Flicka i krans- Rigël Theatre ArcaeaIcon Smartphone.png
ArcaeaIcon Nintendo switch.png
130 02:42 3 6 8 / /
Icon Smartphone.png Songs ddd.jpg DDD はがね ArcaeaIcon Smartphone.png
ArcaeaIcon Nintendo switch.png
138 01:58 2 6 8 / /
Icon Smartphone.png Songs nekonote.jpg Dancin' on a Cat's Paw
Ino(chronoize) ArcaeaIcon Smartphone.png
ArcaeaIcon Nintendo switch.png
148 02:17 3 6 9 / /
Icon Smartphone.pngIcon Nintendo switch.png Songs sanskia.jpg san skia ユアミトス ArcaeaIcon Smartphone.png
ArcaeaIcon Nintendo switch.png
170 02:47 3 6 8 / /
Icon Smartphone.png Songs altair.jpg Altair (feat. *spiLa*) kamome sano & you ArcaeaIcon Smartphone.png
ArcaeaIcon Nintendo switch.png
170 02:21 2 6 8 / /
Icon Smartphone.png Songs mukishitsu.jpg Redraw the Colorless World
MisomyL ArcaeaIcon Smartphone.png
ArcaeaIcon Nintendo switch.png
155 02:32 4 6 9 / /
Icon Smartphone.png Songs trapcrow.jpg Trap Crow Puru ArcaeaIcon Smartphone.png
ArcaeaIcon Nintendo switch.png
160 02:54 4 7+ 9+ / /
Icon Smartphone.png Songs dialnote.jpg Dialnote
七草くりむ ArcaeaIcon Smartphone.png
ArcaeaIcon Nintendo switch.png
130 02:01 3 6 8+ / /
Icon Smartphone.png Songs remindthesouls.jpg Remind the Souls (Short Version) Nhato ArcaeaIcon Smartphone.png
ArcaeaIcon Nintendo switch.png
130 02:39 3 7 9 / /
Icon Smartphone.png Songs theformula.jpg The Formula Junk ArcaeaIcon Smartphone.png
ArcaeaIcon Nintendo switch.png
144 02:23 3 6 9 / /
Icon Smartphone.png Songs jingle.jpg Jingle DJ Noriken ArcaeaIcon Smartphone.png
ArcaeaIcon Nintendo switch.png
170 02:47 2 5 7+ 9 /
Icon Smartphone.pngIcon Nintendo switch.png Songs vividtheory.jpg Vivid Theory ak+q Extend Archive 1Icon Smartphone.png
ArcaeaIcon Nintendo switch.png
178 02:28 2 5 8+ / /
Icon Smartphone.pngIcon Nintendo switch.png Songs blacklotus.jpg Black Lotus wa. Extend Archive 1Icon Smartphone.png
ArcaeaIcon Nintendo switch.png
200 01:55 3 6 9+ / /
Icon Smartphone.pngIcon Nintendo switch.png Songs givemeanightmare.jpg Give Me a Nightmare アリスシャッハと魔法の楽団 Extend Archive 1Icon Smartphone.png
ArcaeaIcon Nintendo switch.png
95-190 02:37 3 5 8+ / /
Icon Smartphone.pngIcon Nintendo switch.png Songs onefr.jpg 1F√ WHITEFISTS Extend Archive 1Icon Smartphone.png
ArcaeaIcon Nintendo switch.png
130 02:20 2 6 8 / /
Icon Smartphone.pngIcon Nintendo switch.png Songs gekka.jpg Gekka (Short Version) Nhato Extend Archive 1Icon Smartphone.png
ArcaeaIcon Nintendo switch.png
132 02:45 4 6 8 / /
Icon Smartphone.pngIcon Nintendo switch.png Songs faintlight.jpg Faint Light (Arcaea Edit) Taishi Extend Archive 1Icon Smartphone.png
ArcaeaIcon Nintendo switch.png
133 02:37 3 6 9 / /
Icon Smartphone.pngIcon Nintendo switch.png Songs crossover.jpg CROSS†OVER HyuN feat. LyuU Extend Archive 1Icon Smartphone.png
ArcaeaIcon Nintendo switch.png
200 02:30 4 6 9 / /
Icon Smartphone.pngIcon Nintendo switch.png Songs lapis.jpg Lapis SHIKI Extend Archive 1Icon Smartphone.png
ArcaeaIcon Nintendo switch.png
146 02:18 2 6 9 / /
Icon Smartphone.pngIcon Nintendo switch.png Songs purpleverse.jpg Purple Verse Hommarju Extend Archive 1Icon Smartphone.png
ArcaeaIcon Nintendo switch.png
170 02:25 4 7 9 / 10Icon Smartphone.png
Icon Smartphone.pngIcon Nintendo switch.png Songs glow.jpg Glow SPACELECTRO Extend Archive 1Icon Smartphone.png
ArcaeaIcon Nintendo switch.png
165 02:18 4 7 9 / /
Icon Smartphone.pngIcon Nintendo switch.png Songs enchantedlove.jpg enchanted love linear ring Extend Archive 1Icon Smartphone.png
ArcaeaIcon Nintendo switch.png
95 02:12 2 4 8 / /
Icon Smartphone.pngIcon Nintendo switch.png Songs take.jpg Bamboo
立秋 feat. ちょこ Extend Archive 1Icon Smartphone.png
ArcaeaIcon Nintendo switch.png
5-315 02:20 3 6 10 / /
Icon Smartphone.pngIcon Nintendo switch.png Songs lifeispiano.jpg Life is PIANO Junk Extend Archive 1Icon Smartphone.png
ArcaeaIcon Nintendo switch.png
133 02:10 3 6 9 / /
Icon Smartphone.pngIcon Nintendo switch.png Songs vandalism.jpg Vandalism Ashrount Extend Archive 1Icon Smartphone.png
ArcaeaIcon Nintendo switch.png
194 02:30 3 7 9+ / /
Icon Smartphone.pngIcon Nintendo switch.png Songs turbocharger.jpg Turbocharger A/I Extend Archive 1Icon Smartphone.png
ArcaeaIcon Nintendo switch.png
128-170 02:29 2 6 9 / /
Icon Smartphone.pngIcon Nintendo switch.png Songs kyogenkigo.jpg False Embellishment
影虎。 & ikaruga_nex Extend Archive 1Icon Smartphone.png
ArcaeaIcon Nintendo switch.png
155 02:29 3 6 9 / /
Icon Smartphone.pngIcon Nintendo switch.png Songs hivemind.jpg HIVEMIND かたぎり Extend Archive 1Icon Smartphone.png
ArcaeaIcon Nintendo switch.png
252 02:13 4 8 10 / /
Icon Smartphone.pngIcon Nintendo switch.png Songs bluecomet.jpg blue comet ああああ Extend Archive 1Icon Smartphone.png
ArcaeaIcon Nintendo switch.png
100-172 02:26 3 5 8 / /
Icon Smartphone.pngIcon Nintendo switch.png Songs energysynergymatrix.jpg ENERGY SYNERGY MATRIX Tanchiky Extend Archive 1Icon Smartphone.png
ArcaeaIcon Nintendo switch.png
160 02:03 3 7 9 / /
Icon Smartphone.pngIcon Nintendo switch.png Songs gengaozo.jpg G e n g a o z o -45 Extend Archive 1Icon Smartphone.png
Memory Archive Append 2Icon Nintendo switch.png
153 02:45 4 8 10 / /
Icon Smartphone.png Songs tsukinimurakumo.jpg Tsuki ni Murakumo, Hana ni Kaze
幽閉サテライト Extend Archive 2 160 02:10 3 6 8+ / /
Icon Smartphone.png Songs mantis.jpg MANTIS (Arcaea Ultra-Bloodrush VIP) Akira Complex feat. kiraku Extend Archive 2 135 02:34 3 5 9 / /
Icon Smartphone.png Songs astrawalkthrough.jpg Astra walkthrough paraoka Extend Archive 2 225 02:21 4 7+ 9+ / /
Icon Smartphone.png Songs worldfragments.jpg World Fragments III(radio edit) xi Extend Archive 2 200 02:45 3 7 9+ / /
Icon Smartphone.png Songs chronicle.jpg Chronicle Lime Extend Archive 2 221 02:25 5 8+ 10 / /
Icon Smartphone.png Songs letsrock.jpg Let's Rock (Arcaea mix) ikaruga_nex vs FALCHiON Extend Archive 2 210 02:27 3 7 9+ / /
Icon Smartphone.png Songs gimmick.jpg GIMMICK Ms.Sill Extend Archive 2 143 02:04 2 6 9 / /
Icon Smartphone.png Songs lostemotion.jpg Lost Emotion feat. nomico Masayoshi Minoshima(ALR) Extend Archive 2 172 02:40 3 7 9 / /
Icon Smartphone.png Songs lawlesspoint.jpg Lawless Point
La prière Extend Archive 2 148 02:37 3 6 9 / /
Icon Smartphone.png Songs hybris.jpg Hybris (The one who shattered)
qfeileadh feat.のあ Extend Archive 2 158 02:42 3 7+ 9+ / /
Icon Smartphone.png Songs ultimatetaste.jpg Ultimate taste ぱらどっと Extend Archive 2 200 02:52 3 6 9+ / /
Icon Smartphone.png Songs rgb.jpg RGB MEMODEMO X AQUASINE Extend Archive 2 163 02:40 4 7+ 9+ / /
Icon Smartphone.png Songs matenrou.jpg Kanjou no Matenrou ~Arr.Demetori
感情の摩天楼 ~Arr.Demetori
Demetori Extend Archive 2 178 02:33 3 6 9+ / /
Icon Smartphone.png Songs dynitikos.jpg Dynitikós Prower Extend Archive 2 180 02:34 4 7 9 / /
Icon Smartphone.png Songs amekagura.jpg Amekagura
荒谷サトル Extend Archive 2 105 02:13 4 7 9+ / /
Icon Smartphone.png Songs fantasy.jpg FANTA5Y Moon Jelly & YUKIYANAGI Extend Archive 2 170 02:22 3 7 9 / /
Icon Smartphone.png Songs aloneandlorn.jpg Alone & Lorn
Ponchi♪ feat.はぁち Extend Archive 2 100 02:19 3 6 9 / /
Icon Smartphone.png Songs felys.jpg felys final remix onoken Extend Archive 2 180 02:50 3 6 9 / /
Icon Smartphone.png Songs onandon.jpg On And On!! feat. Jenga ETIA. Extend Archive 2 170 02:03 3 7 9 / /
Icon Smartphone.png Songs alephzero.jpg Aleph-0 LeaF Extend Archive 2 35-400 02:20 5 8+ 10 / /
Icon Smartphone.png Songs waitfordawn.jpg WAIT FOR DAWN U-ske feat. 枣いつき Lasting Eden 188 02:11 2 7+ 8+ / /
Icon Smartphone.png Songs ravenspride.jpg Raven's Pride
みーに feat. はらもりよしな Lasting Eden 165 02:31 3 7 9 / /
Icon Smartphone.png Songs riseoftheworld.jpg Rise of the World cosMo@暴走P Lasting Eden 182-212 02:20 4 8 10 / /
Icon Smartphone.png Songs unknownlevels.jpg UNKNOWN LEVELS Yuta Imai Lasting Eden 110-165 02:35 4 8 10 / /
Icon Smartphone.png Songs abstrusedilemma.jpg Abstruse Dilemma Ashrount vs. 打打だいず Lasting Eden 216 02:41 5 8+ 11 / /
Icon Smartphone.png Songs primevaltexture.jpg Primeval Texture くるぶっこちゃん Lasting Eden - Lasting Eden Chapter 2 120 02:13 3 7 9 / /
Icon Smartphone.png Songs technicolour.jpg Technicolour Maozon Lasting Eden - Lasting Eden Chapter 2 175 02:31 3 7 9+ / /
Icon Smartphone.png Songs logos.jpg Logos polysha feat. 高城みよ Lasting Eden - Lasting Eden Chapter 2 189 02:17 4 7+ 10 / /
Icon Smartphone.png Songs egoeimi.jpg Ego Eimi BlackY feat. Risa Yuzuki Lasting Eden - Lasting Eden Chapter 2 178 02:35 5 8 10 / /
Icon Smartphone.png Songs arghena.jpg Arghena Feryquitous vs Laur Lasting Eden - Lasting Eden Chapter 2 185 02:33 7 9 11 / /
Icon Smartphone.png Songs transientspace.jpg Transient Space sleepless, Gardens, aspect Lasting Eden - Shifting Veil 115-132 02:38 2 7 9 / /
Icon Smartphone.png Songs namelesspassion.jpg Nameless Passion 天束 feat. Sennzai Lasting Eden - Shifting Veil 200 02:37 3 7 9+ / /
Icon Smartphone.png Songs teravolt.jpg TeraVolt Katali Lasting Eden - Shifting Veil 154 02:22 5 8+ 10+ / /
Icon Smartphone.pngIcon Nintendo switch.png Songs defection.jpg Defection TeddyLoid feat. DELTA Final Verdict 160 02:30 3 6 9+ / /
Icon Smartphone.pngIcon Nintendo switch.png Songs infinitestrife.jpg Infinite Strife, BlackYooh vs. siromaru Final Verdict 198 02:50 4 7 9+ / 10+
Icon Smartphone.pngIcon Nintendo switch.png Songs worldender.jpg World Ender
sasakure.UK × TJ.hangneil Final Verdict 190-280 02:38 4 7+ 9+ / 11
Icon Smartphone.pngIcon Nintendo switch.png Songs pentiment.jpg Pentiment Nothing But Requiem with Museo Final Verdict 200-222 02:43 7 8+ 10 / 11
Icon Smartphone.pngIcon Nintendo switch.png Songs arcanaeden.jpg Arcana Eden Team Grimoire vs Sakuzyo vs Laur Final Verdict 211 03:00 5 8+ 10 / 11
Icon Smartphone.pngIcon Nintendo switch.png Songs testify.jpg Testify void (Mournfinale) feat. 星熊南巫 Final Verdict 178 02:56 7+ 9 10+ / 12
Icon Smartphone.pngIcon Nintendo switch.png Songs lovelessdress.jpg Loveless Dress かねこちはる Final Verdict - Silent Answer 99 02:44 3 6 9 / /
Icon Smartphone.pngIcon Nintendo switch.png Songs last.jpg Last
Last|Moment [Beyond]
Last|Eternity [Beyond]
onoken Final Verdict - Silent Answer 175 02:27 4 7 9 / 9/9+
Icon Smartphone.pngIcon Nintendo switch.png Songs callimakarma.jpg Callima Karma t+pazolite vs Feryquitous Final Verdict - Silent Answer 95 02:41 3 7 9+ / /
Icon Smartphone.pngIcon Nintendo switch.png Songs antagonism.jpg Antagonism Yooh vs. siromaru Black Fate 160 02:19 4 7+ 9+ / /
Icon Smartphone.pngIcon Nintendo switch.png Songs equilibrium.jpg Equilibrium Maozon Black Fate 180 02:17 3 6 9 / /
Icon Smartphone.pngIcon Nintendo switch.png Songs lostdesire.jpg Lost Desire Powerless feat. Sennzai Black Fate 170 02:38 4 7+ 9+ / /
Icon Smartphone.pngIcon Nintendo switch.png Songs dantalion.jpg Dantalion Team Grimoire Black Fate 186 02:32 5 8 10+触摸
/ /
Icon Smartphone.pngIcon Nintendo switch.png Songs ifi.jpg #1f1e33 かめりあ(EDP) Black Fate 181 02:43 5 9 10+ / /
Icon Smartphone.pngIcon Nintendo switch.png Songs tempestissimo.jpg Tempestissimo t+pazolite Black Fate 231 02:17 7 9 10+触摸
/ 11触摸
Icon Smartphone.pngIcon Nintendo switch.png Songs arcahv.jpg Arcahv Feryquitous Black Fate 191 02:46 4 7+ 9+ / /
Icon Smartphone.png Songs particlearts.jpg Particle Arts Virtual Self Adverse Prelude 162-175 02:27 3 6 8+ / /
Icon Smartphone.pngIcon Nintendo switch.png Songs vindication.jpg Vindication Laur Adverse Prelude 174 02:30 4 6 9 / /
Icon Smartphone.pngIcon Nintendo switch.png Songs heavensdoor.jpg Heavensdoor LeaF Adverse Prelude 240 02:11 3 5 9+触摸
/ 10+Icon Smartphone.png
Icon Smartphone.pngIcon Nintendo switch.png Songs ringedgenesis.jpg Ringed Genesis Edelritter Adverse Prelude 160 02:14 5 8 10+ / /
Icon Smartphone.pngIcon Nintendo switch.png Songs blrink.jpg BLRINK Sta Adverse Prelude 115 02:44 3 7+ 9+ / /
Icon Smartphone.pngIcon Nintendo switch.png Songs mazenine.jpg Maze No.9
アリスシャッハと魔法の楽団 Luminous Sky 159 02:25 3 3 8+ / /
Icon Smartphone.pngIcon Nintendo switch.png Songs themessage.jpg The Message Jun Kuroda Luminous Sky 202 02:20 3 6 9+ / /
Icon Smartphone.pngIcon Nintendo switch.png Songs sulfur.jpg Sulfur ぺのれり Luminous Sky 182 02:22 4 6 9+ / /
Icon Smartphone.pngIcon Nintendo switch.png Songs halcyon.jpg Halcyon xi Luminous Sky 191 02:38 5 8 10+ / /
Icon Smartphone.pngIcon Nintendo switch.png Songs etherstrike.jpg Ether Strike Akira Complex Luminous Sky 156 02:19 5 8 10触摸
/ /
Icon Smartphone.pngIcon Nintendo switch.png Songs fractureray.jpg Fracture Ray Sakuzyo Luminous Sky 200 02:33 6 9触摸
/ /
Icon Smartphone.pngIcon Nintendo switch.png Songs iconoclast.jpg Iconoclast Yamajet Vicious Labyrinth 140 02:06 4 7 9 / /
Icon Smartphone.pngIcon Nintendo switch.png Songs soundwitch.jpg SOUNDWiTCH HATE Vicious Labyrinth 170 01:45 3 6 9+ / /
Icon Smartphone.pngIcon Nintendo switch.png Songs trappola.jpg trappola bewitching
妖艶魔女 -trappola bewitching-
gmtn. Vicious Labyrinth 190 02:00 3 6 10 / 10Icon Smartphone.png
Icon Smartphone.pngIcon Nintendo switch.png Songs conflict.jpg conflict siromaru + cranky Vicious Labyrinth 160 02:14 4 7 10 / /
Icon Smartphone.pngIcon Nintendo switch.png Songs axiumcrisis.jpg Axium Crisis ak+q Vicious Labyrinth 170 02:30 5 8 10+ / /
Icon Smartphone.pngIcon Nintendo switch.png Songs grievouslady.jpg Grievous Lady Team Grimoire vs Laur Vicious Labyrinth 210 02:20 6 9触摸
/ /
Icon Smartphone.pngIcon Nintendo switch.png Songs viyella.jpg cry of viyella Laur Eternal Core 75-180 02:07 3 6 8+ / /
Icon Smartphone.pngIcon Nintendo switch.png Songs hearditsaid.jpg I've heard it said Combatplayer Eternal Core 165 02:08 3 6 8 / /
Icon Smartphone.pngIcon Nintendo switch.png Songs relentless.jpg Relentless Akira Complex Eternal Core 174 02:17 4 6 8 / /
Icon Smartphone.pngIcon Nintendo switch.png Songs memoryfactory.jpg memoryfactory.lzh Frums Eternal Core 100 02:11 2 5 8+ / /
Icon Smartphone.pngIcon Nintendo switch.png Songs essenceoftwilight.jpg Essence of Twilight ak+q Eternal Core 164 02:31 4 7 9 / /
Icon Smartphone.pngIcon Nintendo switch.png Songs lumia.jpg Lumia sky_delta Eternal Core 180 02:03 2 6 8 / 9Icon Smartphone.png
Icon Smartphone.pngIcon Nintendo switch.png Songs sheriruth.jpg Sheriruth Team Grimoire Eternal Core 185 02:17 5 7+ 10 / /
Icon Smartphone.pngIcon Nintendo switch.png Songs pragmatism.jpg PRAGMATISM
Laur Eternal Core 174 02:00 4 8 10 / 11Icon Smartphone.png
Icon Smartphone.pngIcon Nintendo switch.png Songs solitarydream.jpg Solitary Dream
ak+q feat. Sennzai Eternal Core 162 02:54 4 7 8+ / /
Icon Smartphone.pngIcon Nintendo switch.png Songs paperwitch.jpg Paper Witch Yu-dachi Esoteric Order 130 02:29 2 5 8+ / /
Icon Smartphone.pngIcon Nintendo switch.png Songs crystalgravity.jpg Crystal Gravity Tanchiky vs. siromaru Esoteric Order 178 02:04 3 6 9 / /
Icon Smartphone.pngIcon Nintendo switch.png Songs farawaylight.jpg Far Away Light technoplanet feat. はるの & 黒沢ダイスケ Esoteric Order 180-216 02:29 4 7+ 9+ / /
Icon Smartphone.pngIcon Nintendo switch.png Songs loschen.jpg Löschen BlackY feat. Risa Yuzuki Esoteric Order 181 02:20 3 7 10 / /
Icon Smartphone.pngIcon Nintendo switch.png Songs aegleseeker.jpg Aegleseeker Silentroom vs Frums Esoteric Order 234 02:29 5 9 11 / /
Icon Smartphone.pngIcon Nintendo switch.png Songs seclusion.jpg Seclusion Laur feat. Sennzai Esoteric Order 175 02:18 4 7 10 / /
Icon Smartphone.pngIcon Nintendo switch.png Songs coastalhighway.jpg Coastal Highway Glitch Droids Esoteric Order - Pale Tapestry 110 02:29 3 6 9 / /
Icon Smartphone.pngIcon Nintendo switch.png Songs odysseia.jpg ΟΔΥΣΣΕΙΑ Sober Bear Esoteric Order - Pale Tapestry 174 02:24 4 7+ 9触摸
/ /
Icon Smartphone.pngIcon Nintendo switch.png Songs overwhelm.jpg Overwhelm xi Esoteric Order - Pale Tapestry 200 02:29 5 8 10 / /
Icon Smartphone.pngIcon Nintendo switch.png Songs smallcloud.jpg Small Cloud Sugar Candy テヅカ x Aoi feat.桃雛なの Esoteric Order - Light of Salvation 220 02:13 3 6 9 / /
Icon Smartphone.pngIcon Nintendo switch.png Songs alterale.jpg AlterAle Arik Kau Delay(アラ & かゆき & でり Esoteric Order - Light of Salvation 220-245 02:27 3 6 9+ / /
Icon Smartphone.pngIcon Nintendo switch.png Songs divinelight.jpg Divine Light of Myriad
光速神授説 - Divine Light of Myriad -
yoho Esoteric Order - Light of Salvation 172 02:22 4 7+ 10+触摸
/ /
Icon Smartphone.pngIcon Nintendo switch.png Songs firstsnow.jpg First Snow 黒魔 Divided Heart 88 02:40 2 4 7+ / /
Icon Smartphone.pngIcon Nintendo switch.png Songs bluerose.jpg Blue Rose Cosmograph Divided Heart 250-295 02:36 2 6 9 / /
Icon Smartphone.pngIcon Nintendo switch.png Songs blockedlibrary.jpg Blocked Library 影虎。 Divided Heart 148 02:14 3 6 9 / /
Icon Smartphone.pngIcon Nintendo switch.png Songs neokosmo.jpg nέο κόsmo
neo kosmo
ak+q × Street Divided Heart 190 02:13 4 7+ 9+ / /
Icon Smartphone.pngIcon Nintendo switch.png Songs lightningscrew.jpg Lightning Screw HiTECH NINJA Divided Heart 190 02:07 4 7+ 10 / /
Icon Smartphone.pngIcon Nintendo switch.png Songs alicessuitcase.jpg Alice's Suitcase Endorfin. Ephemeral Page 190 02:32 3 6 9 / /
Icon Smartphone.pngIcon Nintendo switch.png Songs jump.jpg Jump Rasmus Faber Ephemeral Page 133 02:30 4 6 9 / /
Icon Smartphone.pngIcon Nintendo switch.png Songs alicealamode.jpg Alice à la mode Masanori Akita Ephemeral Page 80-134 02:32 2 6 9 / /
Icon Smartphone.pngIcon Nintendo switch.png Songs eccentrictale.jpg Eccentric Tale Yamajet Ephemeral Page 132 02:17 2 5 8 / /
Icon Smartphone.pngIcon Nintendo switch.png Songs felis.jpg Felis M2U Ephemeral Page 155 02:19 4 7 10 / /
Icon Smartphone.pngIcon Nintendo switch.png Songs besideyou.jpg Beside You 江口孝宏 Ephemeral Page - The Journey Onwards 181 01:51 2 6 8+ / /
Icon Smartphone.pngIcon Nintendo switch.png Songs toaliceliddell.jpg To: Alice Liddell
モリモリあつし Ephemeral Page - The Journey Onwards 222 01:59 4 7 10 / /
Icon Smartphone.pngIcon Nintendo switch.png Songs heartjackin.jpg Heart Jackin' Yu_Asahina Ephemeral Page - The Journey Onwards 160 02:38 3 5 9+ / /
Icon Smartphone.pngIcon Nintendo switch.png Songs chelsea.jpg Chelsea 7mai Sunset Radiance 174 02:10 3 6 8+ / /
Icon Smartphone.pngIcon Nintendo switch.png Songs aiueoon.jpg AI[UE]OON MYUKKE. Sunset Radiance 145 02:22 3 6 9 / /
Icon Smartphone.pngIcon Nintendo switch.png Songs melodyoflove.jpg A Wandering Melody of Love
からとP⍺ոchii少年 feat.はるの Sunset Radiance 165 02:14 3 7 9 / /
Icon Smartphone.pngIcon Nintendo switch.png Songs tiemedowngently.jpg Tie me down gently 溝口ゆうま feat. 大瀬良あい Sunset Radiance 191 02:19 3 5 8 / /
Icon Smartphone.pngIcon Nintendo switch.png Songs valhallazero.jpg Valhalla:0 Juggernaut. Sunset Radiance 200 02:22 4 7 10 / /
Icon Smartphone.pngIcon Nintendo switch.png Songs hotarubinoyuki.jpg Hotarubi no Yuki
Endorfin. Sunset Radiance 159 02:40 3 7 9+ / /
Icon Smartphone.pngIcon Nintendo switch.png Songs antithese.jpg Antithese Blacklolita Absolute Reason 172 02:21 2 5 8+ / 9Icon Smartphone.png
Icon Smartphone.pngIcon Nintendo switch.png Songs corruption.jpg Corruption 3R2 Absolute Reason 170 02:26 3 6 9+ / /
Icon Smartphone.pngIcon Nintendo switch.png Songs blackterritory.jpg Black Territory DJ Myosuke Absolute Reason 200 02:20 3 7 9+ / /
Icon Smartphone.pngIcon Nintendo switch.png Songs viciousheroism.jpg Vicious Heroism
Vicious [ANTi] Heroism [Beyond]
Kobaryo Absolute Reason 256 02:20 4 7 10 / 11Icon Smartphone.png
Icon Smartphone.pngIcon Nintendo switch.png Songs cyaegha.jpg Cyaegha USAO Absolute Reason 200 02:21 5 8 10+ / /
Icon Smartphone.pngIcon Nintendo switch.png Songs nexttoyou.jpg next to you uma feat. 橘花音 Binary Enfold 165 02:14 4 7 8+ / 9Icon Smartphone.png
Icon Smartphone.pngIcon Nintendo switch.png Songs silentrush.jpg Silent Rush Soleily Binary Enfold 158 02:38 2 5 8 / /
Icon Smartphone.pngIcon Nintendo switch.png Songs strongholds.jpg Strongholds Yooh Binary Enfold 105 02:17 2 5 9 / /
Icon Smartphone.pngIcon Nintendo switch.png Songs memoryforest.jpg Memory Forest ETIA. Binary Enfold 178 02:24 3 6 9+ / /
Icon Smartphone.pngIcon Nintendo switch.png Songs singularity.jpg Singularity
Singularity VVVIP [Beyond]
ETIA. Binary Enfold 175 02:06 4 7+ 10+ / 10Icon Smartphone.png
Icon Smartphone.png Songs cosmica.jpg Cosmica Nhato Binary Enfold - Shared Time 110 02:25 2 5 8+ / /
Icon Smartphone.png Songs ascent.jpg Ascent TANUKI Binary Enfold - Shared Time 145 02:24 3 6 9+ / /
Icon Smartphone.png Songs livefastdieyoung.jpg Live Fast Die Young anubasu-anubasu Binary Enfold - Shared Time 153 02:16 4 8 10 / /
Icon Smartphone.pngIcon Nintendo switch.png Songs blossoms.jpg Blossoms T2Kazuya Ambivalent Vision 138 02:25 1 4 7 / /
Icon Smartphone.pngIcon Nintendo switch.png Songs romancewars.jpg Romance Wars
U-ske (feat. lueur) Ambivalent Vision 187 02:05 1 4 7+ / /
Icon Smartphone.pngIcon Nintendo switch.png Songs moonheart.jpg Moonheart 翡乃イス力 Ambivalent Vision 180 02:13 2 5 8 / 9+Icon Smartphone.png
Icon Smartphone.pngIcon Nintendo switch.png Songs genesis.jpg Genesis Iris Ambivalent Vision 132 02:13 2 5 8 / /
Icon Smartphone.pngIcon Nintendo switch.png Songs lethaeus.jpg Lethaeus Silentroom Ambivalent Vision 155 02:27 3 6 9+ / /
Icon Smartphone.pngIcon Nintendo switch.png Songs corpssansorganes.jpg corps-sans-organes cybermiso Ambivalent Vision 105 02:36 4 7+ 10 / /
Icon Smartphone.pngIcon Nintendo switch.png Songs paradise.jpg Paradise Sound Souler Crimson Solace 126 02:29 1 4 7+ / /
Icon Smartphone.pngIcon Nintendo switch.png Songs flashback.jpg Flashback ARForest Crimson Solace 195 02:07 2 5 8+ / /
Icon Smartphone.pngIcon Nintendo switch.png Songs flyburg.jpg Flyburg and Endroll
アリスシャッハと魔法の楽団 Crimson Solace 180 02:28 3 6 9 / /
Icon Smartphone.pngIcon Nintendo switch.png Songs partyvinyl.jpg Party Vinyl モリモリあつし Crimson Solace 132 01:50 4 7+ 9 / 10Icon Smartphone.png
Icon Smartphone.pngIcon Nintendo switch.png Songs nirvluce.jpg Nirv lucE しーけー Crimson Solace 260 02:08 2 7 10 / /
Icon Smartphone.pngIcon Nintendo switch.png Songs gloryroad.jpg GLORY:ROAD uma vs. モリモリあつし Crimson Solace 250 02:24 4 7 10 / /
Icon Smartphone.png Songs bulletwaiting.jpg Bullet Waiting for Me (James Landino remix) Nikki Simmons Cytus II Collaboration 107 02:30 2 4 8 / /
Icon Smartphone.png Songs devillicsphere.jpg Devillic Sphere 3R2 Cytus II Collaboration 160 02:06 4 7+ 9+ / /
Icon Smartphone.png Songs lucidtraveler.jpg Lucid Traveler Akira Complex vs 3R2 Cytus II Collaboration 170-200 02:39 4 8+ 10 / /
Icon Smartphone.png Songs chaos.jpg CHAOS Æsir Cytus II Collaboration 150 02:49 5 7 10+ / /
Icon Smartphone.png Songs usedtobe.jpg Used to be KIVΛ Cytus II Collaboration 140 03:06 4 6 9 / /
Icon Smartphone.png Songs syuten.jpg syūten Apo11o"COLLAPSAR"program ft. 大瀬良あい Cytus II Collaboration - Collaboration Chapter 2 76-96 02:28 2 5 8 / /
Icon Smartphone.png Songs drg.jpg DRG onoken Cytus II Collaboration - Collaboration Chapter 2 155 01:58 3 7 9 / /
Icon Smartphone.png Songs nnglooms.jpg 99 Glooms Sta Cytus II Collaboration - Collaboration Chapter 2 185 02:42 4 7+ 10 / /
Icon Smartphone.png Songs ii.jpg ͟͝͞Ⅱ́̕ Cytus Cytus II Collaboration - Collaboration Chapter 2 130-150 02:44 5 8+ 10+ / /
Icon Smartphone.png Songs magnolia.jpg Magnolia M2U Vocal by Guriri Cytus II Collaboration - Collaboration Chapter 2 160 02:25 4 7+ 10 / /
Icon Smartphone.pngIcon Nintendo switch.png Songs lightsofmuse.jpg Lights of Muse Ayatsugu_Otowa Muse Dash Collaboration 180 01:40 2 6 8+ / /
Icon Smartphone.pngIcon Nintendo switch.png Songs finalstep.jpg Final Step! Lime Muse Dash Collaboration 180 02:17 3 6 9 / /
Icon Smartphone.pngIcon Nintendo switch.png Songs akinokagerou.jpg Haze of Autumn
karatoPαnchii feat.はるの Muse Dash Collaboration 180 02:32 3 7 9+ / /
Icon Smartphone.pngIcon Nintendo switch.png Songs medusa.jpg Medusa HiTECH NINJA Muse Dash Collaboration 165 02:04 4 7 10 / /
Icon Smartphone.pngIcon Nintendo switch.png Songs quonwacca.jpg Quon DJ Noriken WACCA Collaboration 170 02:04 2 6 8+ / 10Icon Smartphone.png
Icon Smartphone.pngIcon Nintendo switch.png Songs letyoudivermx.jpg Let you DIVE! (nitro rmx) nitro (lowiro) WACCA Collaboration 185 02:27 3 6 9 / /
Icon Smartphone.pngIcon Nintendo switch.png Songs withu.jpg with U t+pazolite & Massive New Krew feat. リリィ(CV:青木志貴) WACCA Collaboration 155 02:20 2 6 9 / /
Icon Smartphone.pngIcon Nintendo switch.png Songs mazymetroplex.jpg Mazy Metroplex aran WACCA Collaboration 155 02:09 3 7+ 9+ / /
Icon Smartphone.pngIcon Nintendo switch.png Songs genocider.jpg GENOCIDER DJ Myosuke WACCA Collaboration 250-390 02:19 4 8+ 10+ / /
Icon Smartphone.png Songs stratoliner.jpg Stratoliner C-Show WACCA Collaboration - Collaboration Chapter 2 175 02:05 3 6 9 / /
Icon Smartphone.png Songs ouverture.jpg Ouvertüre USAO & DJ Genki feat. ルーン(CV:河瀬茉希) WACCA Collaboration - Collaboration Chapter 2 200 02:21 2 7 9+ / /
Icon Smartphone.pngIcon Nintendo switch.png Songs xtreme.jpg XTREME USAO WACCA Collaboration - Collaboration Chapter 2 205 02:20 4 7+ 10 / /
Icon Smartphone.pngIcon Nintendo switch.png Songs eden.jpg eden "漆黒"の堕天使《Gram》†Versus† "圣刻"の炽天使《Gram WACCA Collaboration - Collaboration Chapter 2 246 02:23 4 8 10 / /
Icon Smartphone.pngIcon Nintendo switch.png Songs metamysteria.jpg Meta-Mysteria DJ Noriken WACCA Collaboration - Collaboration Chapter 2 205 02:29 5 7+ 10+ / /
Icon Smartphone.png Songs aprilshowers.jpg April showers
cubesato maimai Collaboration 79 02:09 2 5 8 / /
Icon Smartphone.png Songs seventhsense.jpg 7thSense 削除 maimai Collaboration 150 02:09 3 7+ 9+ / /
Icon Smartphone.png Songs oshamascramble.jpg Oshama Scramble! t+pazolite maimai Collaboration 190 02:01 3 6 10 / /
Icon Smartphone.png Songs amazingmightyyyy.jpg AMAZING MIGHTYYYY!!!! WAiKURO maimai Collaboration 185 02:18 4 7+ 10+ / /
Icon Smartphone.png Songs cycles.jpg CYCLES Masayoshi Minoshima feat. 綾倉盟 maimai Collaboration - Collaboration Chapter 2 135 02:01 2 5 8+ / /
Icon Smartphone.png Songs maxrage.jpg MAXRAGE EBIMAYO maimai Collaboration - Collaboration Chapter 2 222 02:14 3 6 9+ / /
Icon Smartphone.png Songs infinity.jpg [X] Blacklolita maimai Collaboration - Collaboration Chapter 2 162-180 02:25 4 7+ 10 / /
Icon Smartphone.png Songs temptation.jpg TEmPTaTiON かねこちはる maimai Collaboration - Collaboration Chapter 2 160 02:26 5 8 10+ / /
Icon Smartphone.png Songs lazyaddiction.jpg Lazy Addiction sky_delta O.N.G.E.K.I. Collaboration 185 02:23 2 6 9 / /
Icon Smartphone.png Songs dazzlehop.jpg Dazzle hop Sampling Masters MEGA O.N.G.E.K.I. Collaboration 220 02:10 3 6 9+ / /
Icon Smartphone.png Songs viyellastears.jpg Viyella's Tears Laur O.N.G.E.K.I. Collaboration 218 02:37 4 7+ 10 / /
Icon Smartphone.png Songs omegafour.jpg w4
穴山大輔 vs 光吉猛修 vs Kai O.N.G.E.K.I. Collaboration 71-192 02:45 3 7+ 10+ / /
Icon Smartphone.png Songs kokoro.jpg Heart
削除 (Violin : Katali) O.N.G.E.K.I. Collaboration - Collaboration Chapter 2 80 02:29 1 5 9 / /
Icon Smartphone.png Songs aidrew.jpg Ai Drew Feryquitous O.N.G.E.K.I. Collaboration - Collaboration Chapter 2 175 02:17 3 6 9+ / /
Icon Smartphone.png Songs fluffyflash.jpg FLUFFY FLASH Kobaryo O.N.G.E.K.I. Collaboration - Collaboration Chapter 2 252 02:30 3 6 9+ / /
Icon Smartphone.png Songs goodbyemerry.jpg Good bye, Merry-Go-Round. Yooh O.N.G.E.K.I. Collaboration - Collaboration Chapter 2 185 02:12 4 7 10 / /
Icon Smartphone.png Songs lamia.jpg LAMIA BlackY O.N.G.E.K.I. Collaboration - Collaboration Chapter 2 199 02:28 5 8 10+ / /
Icon Smartphone.png Songs garakuta.jpg Garakuta Doll Play t+pazolite CHUNITHM Collaboration 256 02:08 4 6 10 / /
Icon Smartphone.png Songs ikazuchi.jpg Ikazuchi
光吉猛修 CHUNITHM Collaboration 200 02:30 3 7 10 / /
Icon Smartphone.png Songs worldvanquisher.jpg World Vanquisher void (Mournfinale) CHUNITHM Collaboration 170 02:45 2 5 10+ / /
Icon Smartphone.png Songs climax.jpg Climax USAO CHUNITHM Collaboration - Collaboration Chapter 2 190 02:30 4 7+ 10 / /
Icon Smartphone.png Songs lastcelebration.jpg Last Celebration Laur vs CK CHUNITHM Collaboration - Collaboration Chapter 2 238 02:36 3 6 10 / /
Icon Smartphone.png Songs gou.jpg Misdeed -la bonté de Dieu et l'origine du mal-
業 -善なる神とこの世の悪について-
光吉猛修 VS 穴山大輔 CHUNITHM Collaboration - Collaboration Chapter 2 190 02:44 5 8 10+ / /
Icon Smartphone.png Songs cosmopop.jpg Cosmo Pop Funclub
ナユタン星人 CHUNITHM Collaboration - Collaboration Chapter 3 129 02:20 2 6 8+ / /
Icon Smartphone.png Songs genesischunithm.jpg Genesis Morrigan feat. Lily CHUNITHM Collaboration - Collaboration Chapter 3 150 02:00 4 7 9+ / /
Icon Smartphone.png Songs impact.jpg IMPACT USAO feat. 光吉猛修 CHUNITHM Collaboration - Collaboration Chapter 3 210 02:31 3 7+ 9 / 10
Icon Smartphone.png Songs trrricksters.jpg Trrricksters!! s-don vs. 翡乃イスカ CHUNITHM Collaboration - Collaboration Chapter 3 155 02:27 4 7 10 / /
Icon Smartphone.png Songs spidersthread.jpg Spider's Thread
きくお×cosMo@暴走P feat.影縫英 CHUNITHM Collaboration - Collaboration Chapter 3 180 02:21 4 7+ 10+ / /
Icon Smartphone.pngIcon Nintendo switch.png Songs merlin.jpg MERLIN REDALiCE Groove Coaster Collaboration 180 02:09 3 5 8+ / 9Icon Smartphone.png
Icon Smartphone.pngIcon Nintendo switch.png Songs omakeno.jpg OMAKENO Stroke t+pazolite Groove Coaster Collaboration 240 01:56 3 6 9 / 10Icon Smartphone.png
Icon Smartphone.pngIcon Nintendo switch.png Songs dxfullmetal.jpg DX Choseinou Full Metal Shojo
IOSYS TRAX (uno with.ちよこ) Groove Coaster Collaboration 160 01:55 3 6 9+ / /
Icon Smartphone.pngIcon Nintendo switch.png Songs scarletlance.jpg Scarlet Lance MASAKI (ZUNTATA) Groove Coaster Collaboration 185 02:09 4 7 10 / /
Icon Smartphone.pngIcon Nintendo switch.png Songs ouroboros.jpg ouroboros -twin stroke of the end- Cranky VS MASAKI Groove Coaster Collaboration 188 02:29 4 7 10+ / /
Icon Smartphone.pngIcon Nintendo switch.png Songs gothiveofra.jpg Got hive of Ra E.G.G. Groove Coaster Collaboration 268 02:05 3 6 9+ / /
Icon Smartphone.png Songs hallofmirrors.jpg Hall of Mirrors Sta Tone Sphere Collaboration 147 02:33 3 5 8 / /
Icon Smartphone.png Songs hikari.jpg Hikari
THB Tone Sphere Collaboration 130 02:21 2 6 8 / /
Icon Smartphone.png Songs linearaccelerator.jpg Linear Accelerator THE SHAFT Tone Sphere Collaboration 200-211.9 02:04 2 6 9+ / /
Icon Smartphone.png Songs stager.jpg STAGER (ALL STAGE CLEAR) Ras Tone Sphere Collaboration 145 02:31 3 6 9 / /
Icon Smartphone.png Songs tiferet.jpg Tiferet xi + Sta Tone Sphere Collaboration 140? 02:27 4 7+ 10 / /
Icon Smartphone.pngIcon Nintendo switch.png Songs dreamgoeson.jpg Dream goes on Tiny Minim Lanota Collaboration 174 02:27 1 5 7+ / /
Icon Smartphone.pngIcon Nintendo switch.png Songs journey.jpg Journey ARForest Lanota Collaboration 200 02:14 3 6 9 / /
Icon Smartphone.pngIcon Nintendo switch.png Songs specta.jpg Specta Junk Lanota Collaboration 179 02:16 3 6 9 / /
Icon Smartphone.pngIcon Nintendo switch.png Songs cyanine.jpg cyanine jioyi Lanota Collaboration 182 02:32 4 7+ 10 / /
Icon Smartphone.pngIcon Nintendo switch.png Songs quon.jpg Quon Feryquitous Lanota Collaboration 189 02:23 4 6 9 / /
Icon Smartphone.pngIcon Nintendo switch.png Songs prism.jpg Prism bermei.inazawa ft. Chata Lanota Collaboration - Collaboration Chapter 2 107-109 02:56 2 5 8 / /
Icon Smartphone.pngIcon Nintendo switch.png Songs protoflicker.jpg Protoflicker Silentroom Lanota Collaboration - Collaboration Chapter 2 140 02:48 3 7 9+ / /
Icon Smartphone.pngIcon Nintendo switch.png Songs stasis.jpg Stasis Maozon Lanota Collaboration - Collaboration Chapter 2 180 02:34 4 7 10+ / /
Icon Smartphone.png Songs moonlightofsandcastle.jpg Moonlight of Sand Castle 旅人E Dynamix Collaboration 160 02:26 1 5 7+ / /
Icon Smartphone.png Songs reconstruction.jpg REconstruction Ryazan Dynamix Collaboration 180 01:57 2 6 8 / /
Icon Smartphone.png Songs evoltex.jpg Evoltex (poppi'n mix) Arch vs n3pu Dynamix Collaboration 205 01:46 2 7 8+ / /
Icon Smartphone.png Songs oracle.jpg Oracle TQ☆ Dynamix Collaboration 152 02:23 3 5 9 / /
Icon Smartphone.png Songs aterlbus.jpg aterlbus
Aoi Dynamix Collaboration 202 02:00 4 7 10 / /
Icon Smartphone.pngIcon Nintendo switch.png Songs dataerror.jpg DataErr0r Cosmograph Memory Archive 180 02:05 3 7 9 / /
Icon Smartphone.pngIcon Nintendo switch.png Songs crosssoul.jpg CROSS✝︎SOUL HyuN feat. Syepias Memory Archive 200 02:19 4 7 9 / /
Icon Smartphone.png Songs yourvoiceso.jpg Your voice so... feat. Such PSYQUI Memory Archive 176 02:30 3 6 9 / /
Icon Smartphone.pngIcon Nintendo switch.png Songs impurebird.jpg Impure Bird
Mlssionary Memory Archive 184 01:56 2 5 9 / /
Icon Smartphone.pngIcon Nintendo switch.png Songs auxesia.jpg Auxesia ginkiha Memory Archive 183 02:04 3 6 9 / /
Icon Smartphone.pngIcon Nintendo switch.png Songs modelista.jpg Modelista HiTECH NINJA Memory Archive 165 02:08 3 7 10 / /
Icon Smartphone.pngIcon Nintendo switch.png Songs metallicpunisher.jpg Metallic Punisher INNOCENT NOIZE Memory Archive 165 02:30 3 7 10 / /
Icon Smartphone.pngIcon Nintendo switch.png Songs carminescythe.jpg carmine:scythe かゆき Memory Archive 165 02:26 4 7+ 9 / /
Icon Smartphone.png Songs guardina.jpg guardina
Aoi Memory Archive 202 02:11 4 8 10 / /
Icon Smartphone.pngIcon Nintendo switch.png Songs bethere.jpg Be There PSYQUI Memory Archive 164 02:13 4 7 9 / /
Icon Smartphone.pngIcon Nintendo switch.png Songs callmyname.jpg Call My Name feat. Yukacco Mameyudoufu Memory Archive 175 02:28 3 6 8+ / /
Icon Smartphone.pngIcon Nintendo switch.png Songs fallensquare.jpg Fallensquare Silentroom Memory Archive 99 02:33 3 7 9 / /
Icon Smartphone.pngIcon Nintendo switch.png Songs dropdead.jpg dropdead
overdead. [Beyond]
Frums Memory Archive 50 02:17 1 9 8+ / 10Icon Smartphone.png
Icon Smartphone.pngIcon Nintendo switch.png Songs alexandrite.jpg Alexandrite WAiKURO Memory Archive 146 02:23 4 7 10 / /
Icon Smartphone.pngIcon Nintendo switch.png Songs astraltale.jpg Astral tale Noah Memory Archive 134 02:28 4 7 9 / /
Icon Smartphone.pngIcon Nintendo switch.png Songs phantasia.jpg Phantasia Yunosuke Memory Archive 153 02:32 4 5 9 / /
Icon Smartphone.pngIcon Nintendo switch.png Songs empireofwinter.jpg Empire of Winter Street Memory Archive 175 02:20 3 6 9 / /
Icon Smartphone.pngIcon Nintendo switch.png Songs libertas.jpg Libertas Zekk Memory Archive 160 02:11 3 5 9 / 10Icon Smartphone.png
Icon Smartphone.pngIcon Nintendo switch.png Songs dottodot.jpg Dot to Dot feat. shully Mameyudoufu Memory Archive 174 02:12 3 6 8 / /
Icon Smartphone.pngIcon Nintendo switch.png Songs dreadnought.jpg Dreadnought Mastermind (xi + nora2r) Memory Archive 96-384 02:20 4 7 9+ / /
Icon Smartphone.pngIcon Nintendo switch.png Songs mirzam.jpg Mirzam Aoi vs. siqlo Memory Archive 201 02:29 4 7 10 / /
Icon Smartphone.png Songs surrender.jpg Surrender void Memory Archive 152 02:27 3 6 8+ / /
Icon Smartphone.png Songs yozakurafubuki.jpg Yosakura Fubuki
A.SAKA Memory Archive 172 02:14 4 7 9 / /
Icon Smartphone.pngIcon Nintendo switch.png Songs heavenlycaress.jpg Heavenly caress Noah Memory Archive 241 02:15 3 7 9+ / /
Icon Smartphone.pngIcon Nintendo switch.png Songs filament.jpg Filament Puru Memory Archive 170 02:23 4 7+ 9+ / /
Icon Smartphone.pngIcon Nintendo switch.png Songs avantraze.jpg Avant Raze Sampling Master MEGA Memory Archive 200 02:14 3 6 9 / /
Icon Smartphone.pngIcon Nintendo switch.png Songs battlenoone.jpg BATTLE NO.1 TANO*C Sound Team Memory Archive 200 02:12 3 6 9+ / /
Icon Smartphone.pngIcon Nintendo switch.png Songs einherjar.jpg Einherjar Joker DJ Genki vs Gram Memory Archive 222 02:18 4 7 9+ / 10+Icon Smartphone.png
Icon Smartphone.pngIcon Nintendo switch.png Songs izana.jpg IZANA t+pazolite vs P*Light Memory Archive 222 02:03 5 8 10 / /
Icon Smartphone.pngIcon Nintendo switch.png Songs laqryma.jpg La'qryma of the Wasteland DJ Noriken Memory Archive 168 02:23 3 6 9 / 9+Icon Smartphone.png
Icon Smartphone.pngIcon Nintendo switch.png Songs saikyostronger.jpg SAIKYO STRONGER
REDALiCE vs USAO Memory Archive 205 02:22 5 9 11 / /
Icon Smartphone.pngIcon Nintendo switch.png Songs amygdata.jpg amygdata nitro Memory Archive 154 02:38 4 7 9+ / /
Icon Smartphone.pngIcon Nintendo switch.png Songs altale.jpg Altale Sakuzyo Memory Archive 83-90 02:32 2 5 9+ / /
Icon Smartphone.pngIcon Nintendo switch.png Songs scarletcage.jpg Scarlet Cage Daisuke Kurosawa Memory Archive 166 02:38 4 7 9+ / /
Icon Smartphone.pngIcon Nintendo switch.png Songs feelssoright.jpg Feels So Right feat. Renko Mysteka Memory Archive 180 02:15 3 6 9 / /
Icon Smartphone.png Songs teriqma.jpg Teriqma owl*tree Memory Archive 128 02:27 3 6 9 / 9+
Icon Smartphone.pngIcon Nintendo switch.png Songs mahoroba.jpg MAHOROBA Zekk Memory Archive 195 02:00 3 6 9 / /
Icon Smartphone.pngIcon Nintendo switch.png Songs badtek.jpg BADTEK EBIMAYO Memory Archive 190 01:57 4 7 9+ / /
Icon Smartphone.pngIcon Nintendo switch.png Songs maliciousmischance.jpg Malicious Mischance s-don Memory Archive 155 02:18 4 7+ 10 / /
Icon Smartphone.pngIcon Nintendo switch.png Songs buchigireberserker.jpg BUCHiGiRE Berserker REDALiCE vs MASAKI Memory ArchiveIcon Smartphone.png
Groove Coaster CollaborationIcon Nintendo switch.png
200 02:27 5 8 10+ / /
Icon Smartphone.pngIcon Nintendo switch.png Songs galaxyfriends.jpg Galaxy Friends Kobaryo Memory Archive 300 02:09 3 6 9+ / /
Icon Smartphone.pngIcon Nintendo switch.png Songs xeraphinite.jpg Xeraphinite BlackY Memory ArchiveIcon Smartphone.png
Memory Archive Append 2Icon Nintendo switch.png
146 02:26 3 7 9+ / /
Icon Smartphone.pngIcon Nintendo switch.png Songs xanatos.jpg Xanatos Tatsh Memory ArchiveIcon Smartphone.png
Memory Archive Append 1Icon Nintendo switch.png
170 02:38 4 7 10 / /
Icon Smartphone.pngIcon Nintendo switch.png Songs attraqtia.jpg AttraqtiA かめりあ Memory ArchiveIcon Smartphone.png
Memory Archive Append 1Icon Nintendo switch.png
202 02:38 4 8 10 / /
Icon Smartphone.png Songs gimmedablood.jpg GIMME DA BLOOD C-Show Memory Archive 87-110 02:13 3 7 10 / /
Icon Smartphone.pngIcon Nintendo switch.png Songs bassline.jpg Can I Friend You on Bassbook? Lol
かめりあ feat. ななひら Memory ArchiveIcon Smartphone.png
Memory Archive Append 2Icon Nintendo switch.png
128 02:26 3 6 9 / /
Icon Smartphone.pngIcon Nintendo switch.png Songs theultimacy.jpg THE ULTIMACY Massive New Krew vs aran Memory ArchiveIcon Smartphone.png
Memory Archive Append 1Icon Nintendo switch.png
200 02:32 3 7 9+ / /
Icon Smartphone.pngIcon Nintendo switch.png Songs rekkaresonance.jpg REKKA RESONANCE
REDALiCE vs Kobaryo Memory ArchiveIcon Smartphone.png
Memory Archive Append 1Icon Nintendo switch.png
240 02:22 5 8+ 10+ / /
Icon Smartphone.pngIcon Nintendo switch.png Songs sheriruthrmx.jpg Sheriruth (Laur Remix) Laur Memory ArchiveIcon Smartphone.png
WACCA CollaborationIcon Nintendo switch.png
200 02:04 4 7+ 10 / /
Icon Smartphone.png Songs eveninginscarlet.jpg Evening in Scarlet
Freezer feat.妃苺 Memory Archive 170 02:08 4 7 9 / /
Icon Smartphone.png Songs goldenslaughterer.jpg goldenslaughterer zts Memory Archive 133 03:04 4 6 9+ / /
Icon Smartphone.png Songs lastendconductor.jpg lastendconductor zts Memory Archive 139 03:04 3 7 9 / 10
Icon Smartphone.png Songs redolentshape.jpg Redolent Shape Sanaas Memory Archive 150 02:12 4 7 10 / /
Icon Smartphone.pngIcon Nintendo switch.png Songs summerfireworks.jpg Summer Fireworks of Love
karatoPαnchii feat.はるの Memory ArchiveIcon Smartphone.png
Memory Archive Append 2Icon Nintendo switch.png
160 02:26 3 6 9+ / /
Icon Smartphone.png Songs init.jpg init() kamome sano Memory Archive 180 02:24 4 7 9+ / /
Icon Smartphone.png Songs neowings.jpg NEO WINGS SOUND HOLIC feat.Nana Takahashi Memory Archive 168 02:30 4 7 10 / /
Icon Smartphone.png Songs kissinglucifer.jpg Kissing Lucifer ETIA. Memory Archive 170 02:26 4 7+ 10 / /
Icon Smartphone.png Songs internetoverdose.jpg INTERNET OVERDOSE Aiobahn feat. KOTOKO Memory Archive 163 01:58 3 6 8 / /
Icon Smartphone.png Songs macromod.jpg Macrocosmic Modulation JAKAZiD Memory Archive 170 02:27 4 7+ 9+ / /
Icon Smartphone.png Songs headbonkache.jpg Head BONK ache saaa ft. MC iwata Bros. Memory Archive 132-165 02:25 4 7 9 / /
Icon Smartphone.pngIcon Nintendo switch.png Songs aurgelmir.jpg Aurgelmir 溝口ゆうま feat. 大瀬良あい Memory ArchiveIcon Smartphone.png
Groove Coaster CollaborationIcon Nintendo switch.png
122-230 02:17 4 8 10 / /
Icon Smartphone.png Songs picopicotranslation.jpg PICO-Pico-Translation!
t+pazolite,ななひら,Cranky,Pico* Memory Archive 185 02:20 2 6 9 / /
Icon Smartphone.png Songs mu.jpg μ Frums Memory Archive 140-190 02:30 3 7 9+ / /
Icon Smartphone.png Songs pupa.jpg PUPA モリモリあつし Memory Archive 202 02:08 4 7+ 10 / /
Icon Smartphone.png Songs freemyself.jpg Free Myself lapix feat. mami Memory Archive 153 02:33 4 7 10 / /
Icon Smartphone.png Songs cocorocosmetic.jpg cocoro*cosmetic KOTONOHOUSE Memory Archive 144 02:40 3 7 9 / /
Icon Smartphone.png Songs capella.jpg Capella ARForest Memory Archive 210 02:17 4 7+ 10 / /
Icon Smartphone.png Songs nullapophenia.jpg NULL APOPHENIA Memory Archive 177 03:03 4 8+ 10 / /
Icon Smartphone.png Songs manicjeer.jpg Manic Jeer ルゼ Memory Archive 195 02:32 4 7+ 10 / /
Icon Smartphone.png Songs crimsonthrone.jpg Crimson Throne Dimier√Lisb Memory Archive 210 02:15 4 8 10 / /
Icon Smartphone.png Songs hiirogekka.jpg Hiiro Gekka, Kyoushou no Zetsu (nayuta 2017 ver.)
緋色月下、狂咲ノ絶 (nayuta 2017 ver.)
nayuta × 黒鳥(EastNewSound) Memory Archive 150 02:40 3 6 10 / /
Icon Smartphone.png Songs primitivelights.jpg PRIMITIVE LIGHTS TAG Memory Archive 205 02:45 5 8+ 10+ / /
Icon Smartphone.png Songs newyorkbackraise.jpg New York Back Raise saaa + kei_iwata + stuv + わかどり Memory Archive 160 02:32 4 7 9+ / /
Icon Smartphone.png Songs thesurvivor.jpg The Survivor (Game Edit) Taishi Memory Archive 132 03:09 3 6 9+ / /
Icon Smartphone.png Songs tothemilkyway.jpg To the Milky Way 黒魔 Memory Archive 186 02:46 5 8+ 10 / /
Icon Smartphone.png Songs lostintheabyss.jpg Lost in the Abyss FELT Memory Archive 183 02:49 3 6 9+ / /
Icon Smartphone.png Songs galacticlove.jpg Galactic Love La prière Memory Archive 145 02:42 3 6 9 / /
Icon Smartphone.png Songs internetyamero.jpg INTERNET YAMERO Aiobahn feat. KOTOKO Memory Archive 185 03:01 4 7+ 9+ / /
Icon Smartphone.png Songs sacrifice.jpg SACRIFICE feat. ayame Masayoshi Minoshima(ALR) Memory Archive 180 02:14 3 7 9+ / /
Icon Smartphone.png Songs tothefurthestdream.jpg To the Furthest Dream
ii/night feat. 绮良雪 Memory Archive 183 02:36 4 8 9+ / /
Icon Smartphone.png Songs bbkkbkk.jpg B.B.K.K.B.K.K. nora2r Memory Archive 170 02:18 4 7 9+ / /
Icon Smartphone.png Songs wishuponasnow.jpg Wish Upon a Snow 打打だいず Memory Archive 218 02:39 4 7 10 / /
Icon Smartphone.png Songs overdrive.jpg Kanbu de Tomatte Sugu Tokeru
ARM+夕野ヨシミ (IOSYS) feat. miko Memory Archive 200 02:13 4 7 10 / /
Icon Smartphone.png Songs lightmyway.jpg LIVHT MY WΔY かめりあ feat. STΔRLIVHT Memory Archive 190 02:01 4 7 9+ / /
Icon Smartphone.png Songs lunarossa.jpg Luna Rossa r0y Memory Archive 174 01:59 3 6 9+ / /
Icon Smartphone.png Songs ionostream.jpg IONOSTREAM Tatsh Memory Archive 220-254 02:12 3 6 8+ 9+ /
Icon Smartphone.png Songs innocence.jpg Innocence Powerless feat. Sennzai Memory Archive 190 02:34 3 6 8 9+ /
Icon Smartphone.png Songs masqueradelegion.jpg Masquerade Legion Srav3R vs DJ Noriken Memory Archive 175 02:25 3 6 10 / /
Icon Smartphone.png Songs kyorenromance.jpg KYOREN ROMANCE
REDALiCE vs DJ Myosuke feat. DELUTAYA Memory Archive 205 02:42 4 7+ 10+ / /
Icon Smartphone.png Songs qovat.jpg Qovat owl*tree Memory Archive 122 02:41 4 8 10 / /
Icon Smartphone.png Songs morningloom.jpg MORNINGLOOM saaa World Extend 3 102 02:18 3 6 8+ 9+ /
Icon Smartphone.png Songs hellohell.jpg HELLOHELL 暁Records World Extend 3 155 02:20 2 5 7 9 /
Icon Smartphone.png Songs ichirin.jpg 〇、 Kolaa & 熊子 World Extend 3 145 02:18 2 6 9 / /
Icon Smartphone.png Songs awakeninruins.jpg Awaken In Ruins Supa7onyz World Extend 3 125 02:17 3 7 9+ / /
Icon Smartphone.png Songs lethalvoltage.jpg Lethal Voltage siqlo World Extend 3 190 02:42 4 7+ 10 / /
Icon Smartphone.png Songs mirinae.jpg MIRINAE TAK × Zekk Memory Archive 180 02:37 4 8 10 / /
Icon Smartphone.png Songs ultradiaxon.jpg ultradiaxon-N3 nitro (lowiro) Memory Archive 150 02:34 4 8 10 / /
Icon Smartphone.png Songs leaveallbehind.jpg Leave All Behind rider World Extend 3 150 02:07 2 5 9 / /
Icon Smartphone.png Songs distortedfate.jpg Distorted Fate Sakuzyo Memory Archive 150 02:42 4 7+ 9 10+ /
Icon Smartphone.png Songs desive.jpg Désive MisomyL Memory Archive 180-230 02:46 5 8 9+ 10+ /
Icon Smartphone.png Songs chromafill.jpg Chromafill ていぬ Memory Archive 179 02:32 4 7 10 / /
Icon Smartphone.png Songs floatingworld.jpg Floating World baker feat. botan Memory Archive 174 02:39 3 7 9 / /
Icon Smartphone.png Songs tasogare.jpg Twilight Concerto Scarlette Memory Archive 194 01:41 4 7+ 9 10 /
Icon Smartphone.png Songs beautifuldreamer.jpg Beautiful Dreamer M-Project Memory Archive 188 02:21 4 7+ 9+ / /
Icon Smartphone.png Songs backtobasics.jpg Back to Basics m1dy Memory Archive 420 02:31 5 8+ 10 / /
Icon Smartphone.png Songs oldschoolsalvage.jpg Old School Salvage DJ SHARPNEL World Extend 3 205 02:46 4 7+ 9+ / /
Icon Smartphone.png Songs epicurus.jpg Hidden Rainbows of Epicurus SYNC.ART'S feat. Misato ArcaeaIcon Smartphone.png
ArcaeaIcon Nintendo switch.png
155 02:24 2 5 7 8+ /


平台 曲目封面[1] 标题 音乐家 所属曲包 BPM 时长 等级
Icon Smartphone.pngIcon Nintendo switch.png Songs tutorial.jpg Tutorial ak+q / 128 02:07 1 4 / /
Icon Smartphone.png Songs ignotusafterburn.jpg Ignotus Afterburn Arcaea Sound Team / 170 02:19 / / ? /
Icon Smartphone.png Songs Red and Blue and Green.jpg Red and Blue and Green fn(ArcaeaSoundTeam) / 160 02:31 / / ? /
Icon Smartphone.png Songs Singularity VVVIP.jpg Singularity VVVIP Arcaea Sound Team against. ETIA. / 175 02:17 / / ? /
Icon Smartphone.png Songs overdead.jpg overdead. fn / -500 - 500 02:37 / / ? /
Icon Smartphone.png Songs mistemperedmalignance.jpg Mistempered Malignance s-don vs nitro (lowiro) / 155 02:38 / / ? /
Icon Smartphone.png Songs 0xe0e1ccull.jpg 0xe0e1ccull fn / 198-216 02:45 / / ? /
Icon Smartphone.png Songs HIVEMIND INTERLINKED.jpg HIVEMIND INTERLINKED かたぎり / 252 02:37 / / ? /


  1. 1.0 1.1 一首曲目的不同难度使用的封面有差异时,统一采用Future谱面下的曲目封面