
第1行: 第1行:
FTR/ETR/BYD9 级曲目如下:
本页面的大体框架摘自[[曲目列表 (移动版)]],但将无关难度进行了清空处理。
与之相反的,若一张谱面具有较高的物量,且在难点外具有较多容易糊分的段落,如果仅在某一处失误较多的话则仍有机会在结算时取得较高分数,如9+级谱面中的[[Heavenly caress|Heavenly Caress]]。
* [[INTERNET YAMERO]][FTR]在v6.0.0的定数调整之后定级变为10级,但定数未随之进行调整,在此视为10级曲目归于10级的相应表格。
* [[dropdead]][FTR]尽管定数为9.1,但在此视为8+级谱面,因而不在该表格中列出。
== 9级物量信息表 ==
9 级曲目 的物量信息 如下 ,包括PRS、FTR、BYD以及ETR难度
{| class="wikitable sortable" border="1" cellspacing="1" cellpadding="5" style="text-align:center"
{| class="wikitable sortable" border="1" cellspacing="1" cellpadding="5" style="text-align:center"
! class="unsortable"|封面<ref>一首曲目的不同难度使用的封面有差异时,统一采用默认(一般是Future)封面</ref>
! class="unsortable" |封面<ref>一首曲目的不同难度使用的封面有差异时,统一采用默认(一般是Future)封面 ,其余表格的类似情况也适用该规则</ref>
| [[Lost Civilization]] 
|[[Lost Civilization]]
|Laur vs CK
|Laur vs CK
|75 - 210
|75 - 210
| 1.0.3Beta
|<span class="text-pst">4</span>
|<span class="text-prs">7</span>
|<span class="text-ftr">9</span>
|<span class="text-ftr">9</span>
| [[GOODTEK (Arcaea Edit)]]
[[GOODTEK (Arcaea Edit)]]
第24行: 第47行:
|<span class="text-pst">4</span>
|<span class="text-prs">6</span>
|<span class="text-ftr">9</span>
|<span class="text-ftr">9</span>
第35行: 第58行:
|<span class="text-pst">1</span>
|<span class="text-prs">3</span>
|<span class="text-ftr">7</span>
|<span class="text-byd">9</span>
|<span class="text-pst">1</span>
|<span class="text-prs">3</span>
|<span class="text-ftr">7</span>
|<span class="text-byd">9</span>
|<span class="text-byd">9</span>
第59行: 第70行:
|<span class="text-pst">2</span>
|<span class="text-prs">5</span>
|<span class="text-ftr">7</span>
|<span class="text-byd">9</span>
|<span class="text-byd">9</span>
第72行: 第83行:
|<span class="text-pst">4</span>
|<span class="text-prs">7</span>
|<span class="text-ftr">9</span>
|<span class="text-ftr">9</span>
第84行: 第95行:
|<span class="text-pst">4</span>
|<span class="text-prs">7</span>
|<span class="text-ftr">9</span>
|<span class="text-ftr">9</span>
第95行: 第106行:
|<span class="text-pst">2</span>
|<span class="text-prs">5</span>
|<span class="text-ftr">8</span>
|<span class="text-byd">9</span>
|<span class="text-byd">9</span>
第108行: 第119行:
|<span class="text-pst">2</span>
|<span class="text-prs">6</span>
|<span class="text-ftr">9</span>
|<span class="text-ftr">9</span>
第119行: 第130行:
|<span class="text-pst">1</span>
|<span class="text-prs">5</span>
|<span class="text-byd">9</span>
|<span class="text-byd">9</span>
第132行: 第143行:
|<span class="text-pst">4</span>
|<span class="text-ftr">9</span>
|<span class="text-ftr">9</span>
第144行: 第155行:
|<span class="text-pst">3</span>
|<span class="text-prs">6</span>
|<span class="text-ftr">9</span>
|<span class="text-ftr">9</span>
第156行: 第167行:
|<span class="text-pst">3</span>
|<span class="text-prs">7</span>
|<span class="text-ftr">9</span>
|<span class="text-ftr">9</span>
第168行: 第179行:
|<span class="text-pst">4</span>
|<span class="text-prs">7</span>
|<span class="text-ftr">9</span>
|<span class="text-ftr">9</span>
第180行: 第191行:
|<span class="text-pst">3</span>
|<span class="text-prs">6</span>
|<span class="text-ftr">9</span>
|<span class="text-ftr">9</span>
第192行: 第203行:
|<span class="text-pst">1</span>
|<span class="text-prs">5</span>
|<span class="text-ftr">9</span>
|<span class="text-ftr">9</span>
第204行: 第215行:
|<span class="text-pst">3</span>
|<span class="text-prs">5</span>
|<span class="text-ftr">9</span>
|<span class="text-ftr">9</span>
第216行: 第227行:
|<span class="text-pst">2</span>
|<span class="text-prs">5</span>
|<span class="text-ftr">9</span>
|<span class="text-ftr">9</span>
|[[Ignotus]]Ignotus Afterburn <span class="text-ftr">[Beyond]</span>
第228行: 第239行:
|<span class="text-pst">3</span>
|<span class="text-prs">6</span>
|<span class="text-ftr">9</span>
|<span class="text-ftr">9</span>
第240行: 第251行:
|<span class="text-pst">3</span>
|<span class="text-prs">6</span>
|<span class="text-ftr">9</span>
|<span class="text-ftr">9</span>
|Vicious Labyrinth
|Vicious Labyrinth
|<span class="text-pst">4</span>
|<span class="text-prs">7</span>
|<span class="text-ftr">9</span>
|<span class="text-ftr">9</span>
第264行: 第275行:
|<span class="text-pst">6</span>
|<span class="text-prs">9</span>
|<span class="text-prs">9</span>
|<span class="text-ftr">11</span>
第276行: 第287行:
|<span class="text-pst">4</span>
|<span class="text-prs">7</span>
|<span class="text-ftr">9</span>
|<span class="text-ftr">9</span>
|[[Red and Blue]]Red and Blue and Green <span class="text-ftr">[Beyond]</span>
|[[Red and Blue]]
第288行: 第299行:
|<span class="text-pst">4</span>
|<span class="text-ftr">9</span>
|<span class="text-ftr">9</span>
第300行: 第311行:
|<span class="text-pst">4</span>
|<span class="text-prs">7</span>
|<span class="text-ftr">9</span>
|<span class="text-ftr">9</span>
第312行: 第323行:
|<span class="text-pst">3</span>
|<span class="text-prs">6</span>
|<span class="text-ftr">9</span>
|<span class="text-ftr">9</span>
第324行: 第335行:
|<span class="text-pst">3</span>
|<span class="text-prs">6</span>
|<span class="text-ftr">9</span>
|<span class="text-ftr">9</span>
| 1096
第336行: 第347行:
|<span class="text-pst">4</span>
|<span class="text-prs">6</span>
|<span class="text-ftr">9</span>
|<span class="text-ftr">9</span>
第348行: 第359行:
|<span class="text-pst">3</span>
|<span class="text-prs">6</span>
|<span class="text-ftr">9</span>
|<span class="text-ftr">9</span>
第360行: 第371行:
|<span class="text-pst">2</span>
|<span class="text-prs">5</span>
|<span class="text-ftr">9</span>
|<span class="text-ftr">9</span>
第371行: 第382行:
|<span class="text-pst">4</span>
|<span class="text-prs">7</span>
|<span class="text-byd">9</span>
|<span class="text-byd">9</span>
第384行: 第395行:
|<span class="text-pst">4</span>
|<span class="text-prs">7</span>
|<span class="text-ftr">9</span>
|<span class="text-ftr">9</span>
第396行: 第407行:
|<span class="text-pst">4</span>
|<span class="text-ftr">9</span>
|<span class="text-ftr">9</span>
第408行: 第419行:
|<span class="text-pst">4</span>
|<span class="text-prs">7</span>
|<span class="text-ftr">9</span>
|<span class="text-ftr">9</span>
第420行: 第431行:
|<span class="text-pst">4</span>
|<span class="text-prs">7</span>
|<span class="text-ftr">9</span>
|<span class="text-ftr">9</span>
第431行: 第442行:
|<span class="text-pst">2</span>
|<span class="text-prs">4</span>
|<span class="text-byd">9</span>
|<span class="text-byd">9</span>
第444行: 第455行:
|<span class="text-pst">6</span>
|<span class="text-prs">9</span>
|<span class="text-prs">9</span>
第456行: 第467行:
|<span class="text-pst">2</span>
|<span class="text-prs">7</span>
|<span class="text-ftr">9</span>
|<span class="text-ftr">9</span>
|[[dropdead]]overdead. <span class="text-ftr">[Beyond]</span>
|Memory Archive
|Memory Archive
第468行: 第479行:
|<span class="text-pst">1</span>
|<span class="text-prs">9</span>
|<span class="text-prs">9</span>
|Memory Archive
|<span class="text-pst">3</span>
|<span class="text-prs">7</span>
|<span class="text-ftr">9</span>
第492行: 第491行:
|<span class="text-pst">3</span>
|<span class="text-prs">6</span>
|<span class="text-ftr">9</span>
|<span class="text-ftr">9</span>
第503行: 第502行:
|<span class="text-pst">2</span>
|<span class="text-prs">6</span>
|<span class="text-ftr">8</span>
|<span class="text-byd">9</span>
|<span class="text-byd">9</span>
第516行: 第515行:
|<span class="text-pst">3</span>
|<span class="text-prs">6</span>
|<span class="text-ftr">9</span>
|<span class="text-ftr">9</span>
第528行: 第527行:
|<span class="text-pst">3</span>
|<span class="text-prs">6</span>
|<span class="text-ftr">9</span>
|<span class="text-ftr">9</span>
|[[Astral tale]]
|[[Astral tale]]
| Noah
|Memory Archive
|Memory Archive
|<span class="text-pst">4</span>
|<span class="text-prs">7</span>
|<span class="text-ftr">9</span>
|<span class="text-ftr">9</span>
第552行: 第551行:
|<span class="text-pst">4</span>
|<span class="text-prs">5</span>
|<span class="text-ftr">9</span>
|<span class="text-ftr">9</span>
第564行: 第563行:
|<span class="text-pst">3</span>
|<span class="text-prs">6</span>
|<span class="text-ftr">9</span>
|<span class="text-ftr">9</span>
第575行: 第574行:
|<span class="text-pst">3</span>
|<span class="text-prs">5</span>
|<span class="text-byd">9</span>
|<span class="text-byd">9</span>
第588行: 第587行:
|<span class="text-pst">3</span>
|<span class="text-prs">6</span>
|<span class="text-ftr">9</span>
|<span class="text-ftr">9</span>
| Zekk
|Memory Archive
|Memory Archive
|<span class="text-pst">3</span>
|<span class="text-prs">5</span>
|<span class="text-ftr">9</span>
|<span class="text-ftr">9</span>
|Absolute Reason
|Absolute Reason
|<span class="text-pst">2</span>
|<span class="text-prs">5</span>
|<span class="text-byd">9</span>
|<span class="text-byd">9</span>
第624行: 第623行:
|<span class="text-pst">3</span>
|<span class="text-prs">7</span>
|<span class="text-ftr">9</span>
|<span class="text-ftr">9</span>
第636行: 第635行:
|<span class="text-pst">3</span>
|<span class="text-prs">7</span>
|<span class="text-ftr">9</span>
|<span class="text-ftr">9</span>
第648行: 第647行:
|<span class="text-pst">4</span>
|<span class="text-prs">6</span>
|<span class="text-ftr">9</span>
|<span class="text-ftr">9</span>
第660行: 第659行:
|<span class="text-pst">3</span>
|<span class="text-prs">6</span>
|<span class="text-ftr">9</span>
|<span class="text-ftr">9</span>
第672行: 第671行:
|<span class="text-pst">3</span>
|<span class="text-prs">7</span>
|<span class="text-ftr">9</span>
|<span class="text-ftr">9</span>
第684行: 第683行:
|<span class="text-pst">3</span>
|<span class="text-prs">6</span>
|<span class="text-ftr">9</span>
|<span class="text-ftr">9</span>
第696行: 第695行:
|<span class="text-pst">3</span>
|<span class="text-prs">6</span>
|<span class="text-ftr">9</span>
|<span class="text-ftr">9</span>
第708行: 第707行:
|<span class="text-pst">5</span>
|<span class="text-prs">9</span>
|<span class="text-prs">9</span>
第720行: 第719行:
|<span class="text-pst">3</span>
|<span class="text-prs">6</span>
|<span class="text-ftr">9</span>
|<span class="text-ftr">9</span>
第732行: 第731行:
|<span class="text-pst">5</span>
|<span class="text-prs">9</span>
|<span class="text-prs">9</span>
| t+pazolite
|Black Fate
|Black Fate
|<span class="text-pst">7</span>
|<span class="text-prs">9</span>
|<span class="text-prs">9</span>
第756行: 第755行:
|<span class="text-pst">3</span>
|<span class="text-prs">6</span>
|<span class="text-ftr">9</span>
|<span class="text-ftr">9</span>
第768行: 第767行:
|<span class="text-pst">3</span>
|<span class="text-prs">6</span>
|<span class="text-ftr">9</span>
|<span class="text-ftr">9</span>
第780行: 第779行:
|<span class="text-pst">3</span>
|<span class="text-prs">6</span>
|<span class="text-ftr">9</span>
|<span class="text-ftr">9</span>
| Zekk
|Memory Archive
|Memory Archive
|<span class="text-pst">3</span>
|<span class="text-prs">6</span>
|<span class="text-ftr">9</span>
|<span class="text-ftr">9</span>
第804行: 第803行:
|<span class="text-pst">4</span>
|<span class="text-prs">6</span>
|<span class="text-ftr">9</span>
|<span class="text-ftr">9</span>
第816行: 第815行:
|<span class="text-pst">2</span>
|<span class="text-prs">6</span>
|<span class="text-ftr">9</span>
|<span class="text-ftr">9</span>
第828行: 第827行:
|<span class="text-pst">4</span>
|<span class="text-prs">7</span>
|<span class="text-ftr">9</span>
|<span class="text-ftr">9</span>
|[[Alice à la mode]]
|[[Alice à la mode]]
|Masanori Akita
|Masanori Akita 
|Ephemeral Page
|Ephemeral Page
|<span class="text-pst">2</span>
|<span class="text-prs">6</span>
|<span class="text-ftr">9</span>
|<span class="text-ftr">9</span>
第852行: 第851行:
|<span class="text-pst">3</span>
|<span class="text-prs">6</span>
|<span class="text-ftr">9</span>
|<span class="text-ftr">9</span>
第864行: 第863行:
|<span class="text-pst">4</span>
|<span class="text-prs">6</span>
|<span class="text-ftr">9</span>
|<span class="text-ftr">9</span>
第876行: 第875行:
|<span class="text-pst">2</span>
|<span class="text-prs">6</span>
|<span class="text-ftr">9</span>
|<span class="text-ftr">9</span>
第888行: 第887行:
|<span class="text-pst">4</span>
|<span class="text-prs">7</span>
|<span class="text-ftr">9</span>
|<span class="text-ftr">9</span>
第900行: 第899行:
|<span class="text-pst">3</span>
|<span class="text-prs">6</span>
|<span class="text-ftr">9</span>
|<span class="text-ftr">9</span>
第912行: 第911行:
|<span class="text-pst">3</span>
|<span class="text-prs">6</span>
|<span class="text-ftr">9</span>
|<span class="text-ftr">9</span>
第924行: 第923行:
|<span class="text-pst">3</span>
|<span class="text-prs">6</span>
|<span class="text-ftr">9</span>
|<span class="text-ftr">9</span>
第936行: 第935行:
|<span class="text-pst">5</span>
|<span class="text-prs">9</span>
|<span class="text-prs">9</span>
|<span class="text-ftr">11</span>
第948行: 第947行:
|<span class="text-pst">3</span>
|<span class="text-prs">6</span>
|<span class="text-ftr">9</span>
|<span class="text-ftr">9</span>
第960行: 第959行:
|<span class="text-pst">4</span>
|<span class="text-ftr">9</span>
|<span class="text-ftr">9</span>
|Extend Archive 1
| Extend Archive 1
|<span class="text-pst">2</span>
|<span class="text-prs">6</span>
|<span class="text-ftr">9</span>
|<span class="text-ftr">9</span>
第984行: 第983行:
|<span class="text-pst">3</span>
|<span class="text-prs">6</span>
|<span class="text-ftr">9</span>
|<span class="text-ftr">9</span>
第996行: 第995行:
|<span class="text-pst">3</span>
|<span class="text-prs">6</span>
|<span class="text-ftr">9</span>
|<span class="text-ftr">9</span>
| 919
第1,008行: 第1,007行:
|<span class="text-pst">2</span>
|<span class="text-prs">6</span>
|<span class="text-ftr">9</span>
|<span class="text-ftr">9</span>
|[[Let you DIVE! (nitro rmx)]]
|Let you DIVE! (nitro rmx)
|nitro (lowiro)
|nitro (lowiro)
第1,020行: 第1,019行:
|<span class="text-pst">3</span>
|<span class="text-prs">6</span>
|<span class="text-ftr">9</span>
|<span class="text-ftr">9</span>
第1,032行: 第1,031行:
|<span class="text-pst">4</span>
|<span class="text-prs">7</span>
|<span class="text-ftr">9</span>
|<span class="text-ftr">9</span>
第1,044行: 第1,043行:
|<span class="text-pst">3</span>
|<span class="text-prs">7</span>
|<span class="text-ftr">9</span>
|<span class="text-ftr">9</span>
第1,056行: 第1,055行:
|<span class="text-pst">3</span>
|<span class="text-prs">7</span>
|<span class="text-ftr">9</span>
|<span class="text-ftr">9</span>
第1,068行: 第1,067行:
|<span class="text-pst">2</span>
|<span class="text-prs">6</span>
|<span class="text-ftr">9</span>
|<span class="text-ftr">9</span>
第1,080行: 第1,079行:
|<span class="text-pst">3</span>
|<span class="text-prs">6</span>
|<span class="text-ftr">9</span>
|<span class="text-ftr">9</span>
|[[Final Step!]]
|Muse Dash
|<span class="text-ftr">9</span>
|[[Sakura Fubuki]]
|<span class="text-ftr">9</span>
|<span class="text-ftr">9</span>
|[[Head BONK ache]]
|saaa ft. MC iwata Bros.
|Memory Archive
|<span class="text-ftr">9</span>
|[[PICO-Pico-Translation!]]<span lang="ja">-{ピコPico*とらんすれーしょんっ!}-</span>
|t+pazolite,<span lang="ja">-{ななひら}-</span>,Cranky,Pico*
|Memory Archive
|<span class="text-ftr">9</span>
|[[Dancin' on a Cat's Paw]]<span lang="ja">-{ネコノテ・カリタガール}-</span>
|<span class="text-ftr">9</span>
|[[Redraw the Colorless World]]<span lang="ja">-{無機質世界に彩を}-</span>
|<span class="text-ftr">9</span>
|void (Mournfinale) feat. <span lang="ja">-{星熊南巫}-</span>
|Final Verdict
|<span class="text-prs">9</span>
|Silent Answer
|<span class="text-ftr">9</span>
|<nowiki>Last | Moment </nowiki>&#x5B;Beyond]
|Silent Answer
|<span class="text-byd">9</span>
|[[Heart]]<span lang="ja">-{心}-</span>
|<span lang="ja">-{削除}-</span> (Violin : Katali)
|O.N.G.E.K.I. Collaboration Chapter 2
|<span class="text-ftr">9</span>
|Memory Archive
|<span class="text-ftr">9</span>
|[[MANTIS (Arcaea Ultra-Bloodrush VIP)]]
|Akira Complex feat. kiraku
|Extend Archive 2
|<span class="text-ftr">9</span>
|USAO feat. <span lang="ja">-{光吉猛修}-</span>
|CHUNITHM Collaboration Chapter 3
|<span class="text-ftr">9</span>
|[[Lost Emotion feat. nomico]]
|Masayoshi Minoshima(ALR)
|Extend Archive 2
|<span class="text-ftr">9</span>
|Extend Archive 2
|<span class="text-ftr">9</span>
|[[Galactic Love]]
|La prière
|Memory Archive
|<span class="text-ftr">9</span>
|[[Lawless Point]]<span lang="ja">-{無法地点}-</span>
|La prière
|Extend Archive 2
|<span class="text-ftr">9</span>
|[[Used to be]]
|<span class="text-ftr">9</span>
|CYTUS II Collaboration Chapter 2
|<span class="text-ftr">9</span>
|[[Raven's Pride]]<span lang="ja">-{レイヴンズ・プライド}-</span>
|<span lang="ja">-{みーに}-</span> feat. <span lang="ja">-{はらもりよしな}-</span>
|Lasting Eden
|<span class="text-ftr">9</span>
|[[Remind the Souls (Short Version)]]
|<span class="text-ftr">9</span>
|Extend Archive 2
|<span class="text-ftr">9</span>
|[[Primeval Texture]]
|<span lang="ja">-{くるぶっこちゃん}-</span>
|Lasting Eden Chapter 2
|<span class="text-ftr">9</span>
|Feryquitous vs Laur
| Lasting Eden Chapter 2
|<span class="text-prs">9</span>
|Moon Jelly & YUKIYANAGI
|Extend Archive 2
|<span class="text-ftr">9</span>
|[[Transient Space]]
|sleepless, Gardens, aspect
|Shifting Veil
|<span class="text-ftr">9</span>
|WACCA Collaboration Chapter 2
|<span class="text-ftr">9</span>
|[[Alone & Lorn]]<span lang="ja">-{アローンアンドローン}-</span>
|Ponchi♪ feat.<span lang="ja">-{はぁち}-</span>
|Extend Archive 2
|<span class="text-ftr">9</span>
|[[felys final remix]]
|Extend Archive 2
|<span class="text-ftr">9</span>
|[[On And On!! feat. Jenga]]
|Extend Archive 2
|<span class="text-ftr">9</span>
|[[The Formula]]
|<span class="text-ftr">9</span>
| DJ Noriken
|<span class="text-etr">9</span>
|<span lang="ja">-{暁}-</span>Records
|World Extend 3
|<span class="text-etr">9</span>
| Kolaa & <span lang="ja">-{熊子}-</span>
|World Extend 3
|<span class="text-ftr">9</span>
|[[Leave All Behind]]
|World Extend 3
|<span class="text-ftr">9</span>
|[[Distorted Fate]]
|Memory Archive
|<span class="text-ftr">9</span>
|[[Floating World]]
|baker feat. botan
|Memory Archive
|<span class="text-ftr">9</span>
|[[Twilight Concerto]]<span lang="ja">-{黄昏の協奏曲}-</span>
|Memory Archive
|<span class="text-ftr">9</span>
|Memory Archive
|<span class="text-ftr">9</span>
|[[Sign of "10.5km"]]
|<span lang="ja">-{渡部恭久}-</span>
|Groove Coaster Chapter 2
|<span class="text-ftr">9</span>
|[[In Vain]]
|Absolute Nihil
|<span class="text-ftr">9</span>
|Yuta Imai vs Qlarabelle
|Absolute Nihil
|<span class="text-prs">9</span>
|World Extend 3
|<span class="text-etr">9</span>
|[[Inverted World]]
|<span class="text-ftr">9</span>
|[[Rain of Conflict in a Radiant Abyss]]
|Memory Archive
|<span class="text-ftr">9</span>
|[[FURETE-MITAI]]<span lang="ja">-{フレテミタイ}-</span>
|<span lang="ja">-{みきと}-</span>P
|World Extend 3
|[[Prayer]]<span lang="ja">-{プレヤ}-</span>
|qfeileadh&<span lang="ja">-{レゾナンスもえこ}-</span>
|World Extend 3
|<span class="text-etr">9</span>
|[[Third Sun]]
|Ash Astral
|Memory Archive
|[[Dies irae]]
|<span lang="ja">-{お月さま交響曲}-</span>
|Memory Archive
|Synzak & Laxeno57
|World Extend 3
|[[Don't Fight The Music]]
|<span lang="ja">-{黒魔}-</span>
|O.N.G.E.K.I. Collaboration Chapter 3
|Lucent Historia
|Lucent Historia
|Sampling Masters AYA
|CHUNITHM Collaboration Chapter 4
|[[Straight into the lights]]
|maimai Collaboration Chapter 3
|<span class="text-ftr">9</span>
== 9+级物量信息表 ==
{| class="wikitable sortable" border="1" cellspacing="1" cellpadding="5" style="text-align:center"
! class="unsortable" |封面
|[[Lost Civilization]]
|Laur vs CK
|75 - 210
|[[GOODTEK (Arcaea Edit)]]
|[[qualia -ideaesthesia-]]
|[[Dement ~after legend~]]
|[[Kanagawa Cyber Culvert]]<span lang="ja">-{神奈川電脳暗渠}-</span>
|<span lang="ja">-{南ゆに}-</span>
|[[Ignotus]] Afterburn <span class="text-ftr">[Beyond]</span>
|Ambivalent Vision
|<span lang="ja">-{翡乃イスカ}-</span>
|Ambivalent Vision
|Memory Archive
|Vicious Labyrinth
|[[trappola bewitching]]<span lang="ja">-{妖艶魔女 -trappola bewitching-}-</span>
|Vicious Labyrinth
|[[Memory Forest]]
|Binary Enfold
|[[Cybernecia Catharsis]]
|[[The Message]]
|Jun Kuroda
|Luminous Sky
|<span lang="ja">-{ぺのれり}-</span>
|Luminous Sky
|Memory Archive
|[[Linear Accelerator]]
|Tone Sphere
|200 - 211.9
|[[DX Choseinou Full Metal Shojo]]<span lang="ja">-{DX超性能フルメタル少女}-</span>
|IOSYS TRAX (uno with.<span lang="ja">-{ちよこ}-</span>)
|Groove Coaster
|Absolute Reason
|[[Black Territory]]
|DJ Myosuke
|Absolute Reason
{| class="wikitable sortable" border="1" cellspacing="1" cellpadding="5" style="text-align:center"
! class="unsortable" |封面<ref name=":0" />
|[[Lost Civilization]]
|Laur vs CK
|75 - 210
|<span class="text-pst">4</span>
|<span class="text-prs">7</span>
|<span class="text-ftr">9</span>
|[[GOODTEK (Arcaea Edit)]]
|Mastermind (xi + nora2r)
|Memory Archive
|<span class="text-pst">4</span>
|<span class="text-prs">6</span>
|<span class="text-ftr">9</span>
|[[qualia -ideaesthesia-]]
|Adverse Prelude
|<span class="text-pst">4</span>
|<span class="text-prs">7</span>
|<span class="text-ftr">9</span>
|[[Dement ~after legend~]]
|Aoi vs. siqlo
|Memory Archive
|<span class="text-pst">3</span>
|<span class="text-prs">6</span>
|[[Kanagawa Cyber Culvert]]<span lang="ja">-{神奈川電脳暗渠}-</span>
|<span lang="ja">-{南ゆに}-</span>
|<span class="text-pst">1</span>
|<span class="text-prs">5</span>
|<span class="text-ftr">9</span>
|[[Ignotus]]Ignotus Afterburn <span class="text-ftr">[Beyond]</span>
|[[Monochrome Princess]]
|<span class="text-pst">3</span>
|<span class="text-prs">6</span>
|<span class="text-ftr">9</span>
|[[Heavenly caress]]
|Ambivalent Vision
|Memory Archive
|<span class="text-pst">3</span>
|<span class="text-prs">6</span>
|<span lang="ja">-{翡乃イスカ}-</span>
|Ambivalent Vision
|Memory Archive
|<span class="text-pst">2</span>
|<span class="text-prs">5</span>
|<span class="text-ftr">8</span>
|[[BATTLE NO.1]]
|TANO*C Sound Team
|Vicious Labyrinth
|Memory Archive
|<span class="text-pst">3</span>
|<span class="text-prs">6</span>
|[[Memory Forest]]
|[[Einherjar Joker]]
|DJ Genki vs Gram
|Binary Enfold
|Memory Archive
|<span class="text-pst">3</span>
|<span class="text-prs">6</span>
|[[Cybernecia Catharsis]]
|Adverse Prelude
|<span class="text-pst">4</span>
|<span class="text-prs">7</span>
|<span class="text-ftr">9</span>
|[[The Message]]
|Jun Kuroda
|Luminous Sky
|<span class="text-pst">3</span>
|<span class="text-prs">6</span>
|<span lang="ja">-{ぺのれり}-</span>
|Luminous Sky
|Memory Archive
|<span class="text-pst">4</span>
|<span class="text-prs">6</span>
|Yooh vs. siromaru
|Black Fate
|<span class="text-pst">3</span>
|<span class="text-prs">6</span>
|[[Linear Accelerator]]
|[[Lost Desire]]
|Powerless feat. Sennzai
|Tone Sphere
|Black Fate
|200 - 211.9
|<span class="text-pst">2</span>
|<span class="text-prs">6</span>
|[[DX Choseinou Full Metal Shojo]]<span lang="ja">-{DX超性能フルメタル少女}-</span>
|IOSYS TRAX (uno with.<span lang="ja">-{ちよこ}-</span>)
|Groove Coaster
|Black Fate
|<span class="text-pst">3</span>
|<span class="text-prs">6</span>
|Absolute Reason
|Memory Archive
|<span class="text-pst">3</span>
|<span class="text-prs">6</span>
|[[Black Territory]]
|[[Black Lotus]]
|DJ Myosuke
|Absolute Reason
|Extend Archive 1
|<span class="text-pst">3</span>
|<span class="text-prs">7</span>
|[[Scarlet Cage]]
|Daisuke Kurosawa
|Memory Archive
|<span class="text-pst">3</span>
|<span class="text-prs">6</span>
|Mastermind (xi + nora2r)
|Memory Archive
|Memory Archive
|<span class="text-pst">4</span>
|<span class="text-prs">7</span>
|Memory Archive
|[[Got hive of Ra]]
|Adverse Prelude
|Groove Coaster
|<span class="text-pst">4</span>
|<span class="text-prs">7</span>
|[[Galaxy Friends]]
|Memory Archive
|<span class="text-pst">4</span>
|<span class="text-prs">7</span>
|<span class="text-ftr">8</span>
|[[Monochrome Princess]]
|<span class="text-pst">4</span>
|[[Heavenly caress]]
|Memory Archive
|Memory Archive
|<span class="text-pst">3</span>
|<span class="text-prs">7</span>
|[[Heart Jackin']]
|Memory Archive
|The Journey Onwards
|<span class="text-pst">4</span>
|[[BATTLE NO.1]]
|[[Dazzle hop]]
|TANO*C Sound Team
|Sampling Masters MEGA
|Memory Archive
|<span class="text-pst">3</span>
|<span class="text-prs">6</span>
|[[La'qryma of the Wasteland]]
|DJ Noriken
|<span lang="ja">-{削除}-</span>
|Memory Archive
|<span class="text-pst">3</span>
|<span class="text-prs">6</span>
|<span class="text-ftr">9</span>
|[[Einherjar Joker]]
|DJ Genki vs Gram
|Memory Archive
|<span class="text-pst">4</span>
|<span class="text-prs">7</span>
|[[Far Away Light]]
|technoplanet feat. <span lang="ja">-{はるの}-</span> & <span lang="ja">-{黒沢ダイスケ}-</span>
|Adverse Prelude
|Esoteric Order
|<span class="text-pst">3</span>
|Extend Archive 1
|<span class="text-pst">3</span>
|<span class="text-prs">5</span>
|<span class="text-ftr">8</span>
|aran vs Massive New Krew
|Memory Archive
|Memory Archive
|<span class="text-pst">4</span>
|<span class="text-prs">7</span>
|Yooh vs. siromaru
|Arik Kau Delay (<span lang="ja">-{アラ}-</span>&<span lang="ja">-{かゆき}-</span>&<span lang="ja">-{でり}-</span>)
|Black Fate
|Light of Salvation
|<span class="text-pst">4</span>
|[[Lost Desire]]
|[[Mazy Metroplex]]
|Powerless feat. Sennzai
|Black Fate
|<span class="text-pst">4</span>
|Black Fate
|Memory Archive
|<span class="text-pst">4</span>
|Memory Archive
|Shared Time
|<span class="text-pst">2</span>
|<span class="text-prs">5</span>
|[[Black Lotus]]
|[[Summer Fireworks of Love]]<span lang="ja">-{彩る夏の恋花火}-</span>
|karatoPαnchii feat.<span lang="ja">-{はるの}-</span>
|Extend Archive 1
|Memory Archive
|<span class="text-pst">3</span>
|<span class="text-prs">6</span>
|[[Scarlet Cage]]
|[[nέο κόsmo]]neo kosmo
|Daisuke Kurosawa
|ak+q × Street
|Memory Archive
|Divided Heart
|<span class="text-pst">4</span>
|<span class="text-prs">7</span>
|[[Haze of Autumn]]<span lang="ja">-{秋の陽炎}-</span>
|karatoPαnchii feat.<span lang="ja">-{はるの}-</span>
|Muse Dash
|kamome sano
|Memory Archive
|Memory Archive
|<span class="text-pst">3</span>
|<span class="text-prs">6</span>
|<span class="text-ftr">9</span>
|[[Macrocosmic Modulation]]
|Memory Archive
|Memory Archive
|<span class="text-pst">4</span>
|<span class="text-prs">7</span>
|[[Got hive of Ra]]
|Groove Coaster
|Lanota Collaboration Chapter 2
|<span class="text-pst">3</span>
|<span class="text-prs">6</span>
|[[Galaxy Friends]]
|[[ μ]]
|Memory Archive
|Memory Archive
|<span class="text-pst">3</span>
|<span class="text-prs">6</span>
|[[Trap Crow]]
|Memory Archive
|<span class="text-pst">3</span>
|<span class="text-prs">7</span>
|[[Heart Jackin']]
|TeddyLoid feat. DELTA
|The Journey Onwards
|Final Verdict
|<span class="text-pst">3</span>
|<span class="text-prs">5</span>
|[[Dazzle hop]]
|[[Infinite Strife,]]
|Sampling Masters MEGA
|BlackYooh vs. siromaru
|Final Verdict
|<span class="text-pst">3</span>
|<span class="text-prs">6</span>
|[[Loveless Dress]]
|<span lang="ja">-{ 削除}-</span>
|<span lang="ja">-{ かねこちはる}-</span>
|Silent Answer
|<span class="text-pst">3</span>
|[[Far Away Light]]
|[[Last|Last | Eternity]]
|technoplanet feat. <span lang="ja">-{はるの}-</span> & <span lang="ja">-{黒沢ダイスケ}-</span>
|Esoteric Order
|Silent Answer
|<span class="text-pst">4</span>
|[[Callima Karma]]
|t+pazolite vs Feryquitous
|Silent Answer
| 1222
|[[Ai Drew]]
|Extend Archive 1
|O.N.G.E.K.I. Collaboration Chapter 2
|O.N.G.E.K.I. Collaboration Chapter 2
|<span class="text-pst">3</span>
|<span class="text-prs">7</span>
|[[World Fragments III(radio edit)]]
|aran vs Massive New Krew
|Memory Archive
|Extend Archive 2
|<span class="text-pst">3</span>
|<span class="text-prs">7</span>
|[[Astra walkthrough]]
|Arik Kau Delay (<span lang="ja">-{アラ}-</span>&<span lang="ja">-{かゆき}-</span>&<span lang="ja">-{でり}-</span>)
|Light of Salvation
|Extend Archive 2
|<span class="text-pst">3</span>
|<span class="text-prs">6</span>
|[[Mazy Metroplex]]
|[[Let's Rock (Arcaea mix)]]
|ikaruga_nex vs FALCHiON
|Extend Archive 2
|<span class="text-pst">3</span>
|Memory Archive
|maimai Collaboration Chapter 2
|<span class="text-pst">4</span>
|<span class="text-prs">6</span>
|[[Genesis (Morrigan)|Genesis]]
|Morrigan feat.Lily
|CHUNITHM Collaboration Chapter 3
|[[The Survivor (Game Edit)]]
|Shared Time
|Memory Archive
|<span class="text-pst">3</span>
|<span class="text-prs">6</span>
|[[Summer Fireworks of Love]]<span lang="ja">-{彩る夏の恋花火}-</span>
|[[New York Back Raise]]
|karatoPαnchii feat.<span lang="ja">-{ はるの}-</span>
|saaa + kei_iwata + stuv + <span lang="ja">-{ わかどり}-</span>
|Memory Archive
|Memory Archive
|<span class="text-pst">3</span>
|<span class="text-prs">6</span>
|[[nέο κόsmo]]neo kosmo
|[[Lost in the Abyss]]
|ak+q × Street
|Divided Heart
|Memory Archive
|<span class="text-pst">4</span>
|[[Hybris (The one who shattered)]]<span lang="ja">-{ヒュブリスの頂に聳えるのは}-</span>
|qfeileadh feat.<span lang="ja">-{のあ}-</span>
|Extend Archive 2
|[[Devillic Sphere]]
|[[Ultimate taste]]
|<span lang="ja">-{ぱらどっと}-</span>
|Extend Archive 2
|[[SACRIFICE feat. ayame]]
|Masayoshi Minoshima(ALR)
|Memory Archive
|Extend Archive 2
|[[Kanjou no Matenrou ~Arr.Demetori]]<span lang="ja">-{感情の摩天楼 ~Arr.Demetori}-</span>
|Extend Archive 2
|[[To the Furthest Dream]]<span lang="ja">-{彼方の夢へと}-</span>
|ii/night feat. <span lang="ja">-{綺良雪}-</span>
|Memory Archive
|[[Amekagura]]<span lang="ja">-{雨神楽}-</span>
|<span lang="ja">-{荒谷サトル}-</span>
|Extend Archive 2
|Memory Archive
|Lasting Eden Chapter 2
|[[Nameless Passion]]
|<span lang="ja">-{天束}-</span> feat.Sennzai
|Shifting Veil
|USAO & DJ Genki feat. <span lang="ja">-{ルーン}-</span>(CV:<span lang="ja">-{河瀬茉希}-</span>)
|WACCA Collaboration Chapter 2
|<span lang="ja">-{かめりあ}-</span> feat. STΔRLIVHT
|Memory Archive
|[[Hotarubi no Yuki]]<span lang="ja">-{蛍火の雪}-</span>
|Sunset Radiance
|[[Luna Rossa]]
|Memory Archive
|Powerless feat. Sennzai
|Memory Archive
|Memory Archive
|[[Awaken In Ruins]]
|World Extend 3
|World Extend 3
|Memory Archive
|[[Old School Salvage]]
|World Extend 3
|[[Beautiful Dreamer]]
|Memory Archive
|Memory Archive
|Lite Show Magic
|Groove Coaster Chapter 2
|Memory Archive
|[[Distortion Human]]<span lang="ja">-{ディストーション・ニンゲン}-</span>
|DJ Myosuke & KAJI
|World Extend 3
|Shohei Tsuchiya(ZUNTATA)
|Memory Archive
|Absolute Nihil
|[[Ashen 6oundary]]
|Absolute Nihil
|[[Waltz for Lorelei]]
|Sobrem & <span lang="ja">-{庭師}-</span>
|Kazki Misora
|World Extend 3
|[[Crimson Quartz]]
|DiGiTAL WiNG with <span lang="ja">-{空音}-</span>
|Memory Archive
|O.N.G.E.K.I. Collaboration Chapter 3
|[[Swan Song]]
|void (Mournfinale)
|Lucent Historia
|[[Rays of Remnant]]
|May × Felysrator
|Lucent Historia
|<span lang="ja">-{パソコン音楽クラブ}-</span>
|CHUNITHM Collaboration Chapter 4
|maimai Collaboration Chapter 3
|[[yomibito_shirazu]]<span lang="ja">-{ヨミビトシラズ}-</span>
|Limonène (<span lang="ja">-{サノカモメ}-</span>+<span lang="ja">-{月島春果}-</span>)
|maimai Collaboration Chapter 3
== 10级物量信息表 ==
{| class="wikitable sortable" border="1" cellspacing="1" cellpadding="5" style="text-align:center"
! class="unsortable" |封面
|Eternal Core
|<span class="text-ftr">10</span>
|Team Grimoire
|Eternal Core
|<span class="text-ftr">10</span>
| 1151
|[[Party Vinyl]]
|<span lang="ja">-{モリモリあつし}-</span>
|Crimson Solace
|<span class="text-byd">10</span>
|[[Nirv lucE]]
|<span lang="ja">-{しーけー}-</span>
|Crimson Solace
|<span class="text-ftr">10</span>
|<span class="text-ftr">10</span>
|[[trappola bewitching]]<span lang="ja">-{妖艶魔女 -trappola bewitching-}-</span>
| Vicious Labyrinth
|<span class="text-byd">10</span>
|siromaru + cranky
|Vicious Labyrinth
|<span class="text-ftr">10</span>
|[[Axium Crisis]]
|Vicious Labyrinth
|<span class="text-ftr">10</span>
|[[Red and Blue]] and Green <span class="text-ftr">[Beyond]</span>
|<span class="text-byd">10</span>
|<span class="text-ftr">10</span>
|Binary Enfold
|<span class="text-ftr">10</span>
|[[Singularity]] VVVIP <span class="text-ftr">[Beyond]</span>
|Binary Enfold
|<span class="text-byd">10</span>
|[[Metallic Punisher]]
|Memory Archive
|<span class="text-ftr">10</span>
|Memory Archive
|<span class="text-ftr">10</span>
|Luminous Sky
|<span class="text-ftr">10</span>
|[[Ether Strike]]
|Akira Complex
|Luminous Sky
|<span class="text-ftr">10</span>
|[[Bookmaker (2D Version)]]
|<span class="text-byd">10</span>
|[[dropdead|overdead.]] <span class="text-ftr">[Beyond]</span>
|Memory Archive
|<span class="text-byd">10</span>
|xi + Sta
|Tone Sphere
|<span class="text-ftr">10</span>
|Memory Archive
|<span class="text-ftr">10</span>
|[[OMAKENO Stroke]]
|Groove Coaster
|<span class="text-byd">10</span>
|[[Scarlet Lance]]
|Groove Coaster
|<span class="text-ftr">10</span>
|Memory Archive
|<span class="text-byd">10</span>
|[[Vicious Heroism]]
|Absolute Reason
|<span class="text-ftr">10</span>
|[[Garakuta Doll Play]]
|<span class="text-ftr">10</span>
|[[Ikazuchi]]<span lang="ja">-{怒槌}-</span>
|<span lang="ja">-{光吉猛修}-</span>
|<span class="text-ftr">10</span>
|Sunset Radiance
|<span class="text-ftr">10</span>
|uma vs. <span lang="ja">-{モリモリあつし}-</span>
|Crimson Solace
|<span class="text-ftr">10</span>
|t+pazolite vs P*Light
|Memory Archive
|<span class="text-ftr">10</span>
|[[La'qryma of the Wasteland]]
|DJ Noriken
|Memory Archive
|Ambivalent Vision
|<span class="text-ftr">10</span>
|[[Malicious Mischance]]
|Memory Archive
|<span class="text-ftr">10</span>
|Memory Archive
|<span class="text-ftr">10</span>
|[[Purple Verse]]
|Extend Archive 1
|<span class="text-byd">10</span>
|Ephemeral Page
|<span class="text-ftr">10</span>
|[[To: Alice Liddell]]<span lang="ja">-{アリス・リデルに捧ぐ}-</span>
|<span lang="ja">-{モリモリあつし}-</span>
|The Journey Onwards
|<span class="text-ftr">10</span>
|[[Viyella's Tears]]
|<span class="text-ftr">10</span>
|[[Oshama Scramble!]]
| 3.4.1
|<span class="text-ftr">10</span>
|CHUNITHM Collaboration Chapter 2
|<span class="text-ftr">10</span>
|[[Last Celebration]]
| Laur vs CK
|CHUNITHM Collaboration Chapter 2
|<span class="text-ftr">10</span>
|<span lang="ja">-{かめりあ}-</span>
|Memory Archive
| 202
|<span class="text-ftr">10</span>
|[[Bamboo]]<span lang="ja">-{竹}-</span>
|<span lang="ja">-{立秋}-</span> feat.<span lang="ja">-{ちょこ}-</span>
|Extend Archive 1
|<span class="text-ftr">10</span>
|Memory Archive
|<span class="text-ftr">10</span>
|BlackY feat. Risa Yuzuki
|Esoteric Order
|<span class="text-ftr">10</span>
|Pale Tapestry
|<span class="text-ftr">10</span>
|<span lang="ja">-{かたぎり}-</span>
|Extend Archive 1
|<span class="text-ftr">10</span>
|Laur feat. Sennzai
|Esoteric Order
|<span class="text-ftr">10</span>
|[[Quon (DJ Noriken)|Quon]]
|DJ Noriken
|<span class="text-byd">10</span>
|[[Sheriruth (Laur Remix)]]
|Memory Archive
|<span class="text-ftr">10</span>
|[[G e n g a o z o]]
| -45
|Extend Archive 1
|<span class="text-ftr">10</span>
|Memory Archive
|<span class="text-byd">10</span>
|[[Redolent Shape]]
|Memory Archive
|<span class="text-ftr">10</span>
|[[Live Fast Die Young]]
|Shared Time
|<span class="text-ftr">10</span>
|[[Lightning Screw]]
|Divided Heart
|<span class="text-ftr">10</span>
|Muse Dash
|<span class="text-ftr">10</span>
|SOUND HOLIC feat. Nana Takahashi
|Memory Archive
|<span class="text-ftr">10</span>
|[[Kissing Lucifer]]
|Memory Archive
|<span class="text-ftr">10</span>
|<span lang="ja">-{溝口ゆうま}-</span> feat. <span lang="ja">-{大瀬良あい}-</span>
|Memory Archive
|<span class="text-ftr">10</span>
|<span lang="ja">-{モリモリあつし}-</span>
|Memory Archive
|<span class="text-ftr">10</span>
| 1099
|[[World Ender]]<span lang="ja">-{魔王}-</span>
|sasakure.UK × TJ.hangneil
|Final Verdict
|Nothing But Requiem with Museo
|Final Verdict
|<span class="text-ftr">10</span>
|[[Arcana Eden]]
|Team Grimoire vs Sakuzyo vs Laur
|Final Verdict
|<span class="text-ftr">10</span>
|[[Good bye, Merry-Go-Round.]]
|O.N.G.E.K.I. Collaboration Chapter 2
|<span class="text-ftr">10</span>
|[[Free Myself]]
|lapix feat. mami
|Memory Archive
|<span class="text-ftr">10</span>
|Memory Archive
|<span class="text-ftr">10</span>
|Extend Archive 2
|<span class="text-ftr">10</span>
|[[Crimson Throne]]
|Memory Archive
|<span class="text-ftr">10</span>
|[[Manic Jeer]]
|<span lang="ja">-{ルゼ}-</span>
|Memory Archive
| 195
|<span class="text-ftr">10</span>
|[[Hiiro Gekka, Kyoushou no Zetsu (nayuta 2017 ver.)]]<span lang="ja">-{緋色月下、狂咲ノ絶 (nayuta 2017 ver.)}-</span>
|nayuta x <span lang="ja">-{黒鳥}-</span>(EastNewSound)
|Memory Archive
| 4.3.0
|<span class="text-ftr">10</span>
|maimai Collaboration Chapter 2
|<span class="text-ftr">10</span>
|USAO feat. <span lang="ja">-{光吉猛修}-</span>
|CHUNITHM Collaboration Chapter 3
|<span class="text-byd">10</span>
|s-don vs. <span lang="ja">-{翡乃イスカ}-</span>
|CHUNITHM Collaboration Chapter 3
|<span class="text-ftr">10</span>
|[[To the Milky Way]]
|<span lang="ja">-{黒魔}-</span>
| Memory Archive
|<span class="text-ftr">10</span>
|[[Lucid Traveler]]
|Akira Complex vs 3R2
|<span class="text-ftr">10</span>
|Aiobahn feat. KOTOKO
|Memory Archive
|[[99 Glooms]]
| Sta
|CYTUS II Collaboration Chapter 2
|<span class="text-ftr">10</span>
|M2U Vocal by Guriri
|CYTUS II Collaboration Chapter 2
|<span class="text-ftr">10</span>
|[[Rise of the World]]
|cosMo@<span lang="ja">-{暴走}-</span>P
|Lasting Eden
|<span class="text-ftr">10</span>
|Yuta Imai
|Lasting Eden
|<span class="text-ftr">10</span>
|polysha feat. <span lang="ja">-{高城みよ}-</span>
|Lasting Eden Chapter 2
|<span class="text-ftr">10</span>
|[[Ego Eimi]]
|BlackY feat. Risa Yuzuki
|Lasting Eden Chapter 2
|<span class="text-ftr">10</span>
|WACCA Collaboration Chapter 2
|<span class="text-ftr">10</span>
|"<span lang="ja">-{漆黒}-</span>"<span lang="ja">-{の堕天使}-</span>《Gram》†Versus†"<span lang="ja">-{聖刻}-</span>"<span lang="ja">-{の熾天使}-</span>《Gram》
|WACCA Collaboration Chapter 2
|<span class="text-ftr">10</span>
|[[Wish Upon a Snow]]
|<span lang="ja">-{打打だいず}-</span>
|Memory Archive
| 218
|<span class="text-ftr">10</span>
|[[Kanbu de Tomatte Sugu Tokeru]]<span lang="ja">-{患部で止まってすぐ溶ける 〜 狂気の優曇華院}-</span>
|ARM+<span lang="ja">-{夕野ヨシミ}-</span> (IOSYS) feat. miko
|Memory Archive
|<span class="text-ftr">10</span>
|Extend Archive 2
|<span class="text-ftr">10</span>
|[[Masquerade Legion]]
|Srav3R & DJ Noriken
|Memory Archive
|<span class="text-ftr">10</span>
|Memory Archive
|<span class="text-ftr">10</span>
| 1299
|[[Lethal Voltage]]
|World Extend 3
|<span class="text-ftr">10</span>
|TAK × Zekk
|Memory Archive
|<span class="text-ftr">10</span>
|nitro (lowiro)
|Memory Archive
|<span class="text-ftr">10</span>
|<span lang="ja">-{ていぬ}-</span>
|Memory Archive
|<span class="text-ftr">10</span>
|[[Twilight Concerto]]<span lang="ja">-{黄昏の協奏曲}-</span>
|Memory Archive
|<span class="text-etr">10</span>
|[[Back to Basics]]
|Memory Archive
|<span class="text-ftr">10</span>
|Lite Show Magic
|Groove Coaster Chapter 2
|<span class="text-etr">10</span>
|Absolute Nihil
|<span class="text-ftr">10</span>
|Yuta Imai vs Qlarabelle
|Absolute Nihil
|<span class="text-ftr">10</span>
| 1466
|[[Dual Doom Deathmatch]]
|Kobaryo vs HyuN
|<span class="text-etr">10</span>
|<span class="text-ftr">10</span>
|[[Gensou no Satellite]]<span lang="ja">-{幻想のサテライト}-</span>
|<span lang="ja">-{豚乙女}-</span>
|Memory Archive
|[[Third Sun]]
|Ash Astral
|Memory Archive
|<span class="text-etr">10</span>
|[[Spirit of the Dauntless]]
|KO3 & Relect
|Memory Archive
|<span class="text-ftr">10</span>
|[[Dies irae]]
|<span lang="ja">-{お月さま交響曲}-</span>
|Memory Archive
|<span class="text-etr">10</span>
|O.N.G.E.K.I. Collaboration Chapter 3
|<span class="text-ftr">10</span>
|Lucent Historia
|[[Rays of Remnant]]
|May × Felysrator
|Lucent Historia
|[[Breach of Faith]]
|Supire feat.eili
|Lucent Historia
|<span class="text-ftr">10</span>
|[[Lament Rain]]
|Ashrount vs. <span lang="ja">-{打打だいず}-</span>
|Lucent Historia
|<span class="text-ftr">10</span>
|[[Astral Quantization]]
|Dj Grimoire
|Lucent Historia
|<span class="text-ftr">10</span>
|[[BlazinG AIR]]
|CHUNITHM Collaboration Chapter 4
|<span class="text-etr">10</span>
|Sampling Masters AYA
|CHUNITHM Collaboration Chapter 4
|<span class="text-etr">10</span>
|[[BREaK! BREaK! BREaK!]]
|HiTECH NINJA vs Cranky
|maimai Collaboration Chapter 3
|<span class="text-etr">10</span>
|[[Straight into the lights]]
|maimai Collaboration Chapter 3
==注释 ==
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2025年2月4日 (二) 11:31的最新版本



本页面的大体框架摘自曲目列表 (移动版),但将无关难度进行了清空处理。





与之相反的,若一张谱面具有较高的物量,且在难点外具有较多容易糊分的段落,如果仅在某一处失误较多的话则仍有机会在结算时取得较高分数,如9+级谱面中的Heavenly Caress


  • INTERNET YAMERO[FTR]在v6.0.0的定数调整之后定级变为10级,但定数未随之进行调整,在此视为10级曲目归于10级的相应表格。
  • dropdead[FTR]尽管定数为9.1,但在此视为8+级谱面,因而不在该表格中列出。



封面[1] 标题 作曲家 所属曲包 BPM 时长 收录版本 PRS FTR 难度4 物量
Songs lostcivilization.jpg Lost Civilization Laur vs CK Arcaea 75 - 210 02:04 1.0.3Beta 9 986
Songs goodtek.jpg

GOODTEK (Arcaea Edit)

EBIMAYO Arcaea 190 02:06 1.0.4Beta 9 968
Songs fairytale.jpg Fairytale chitose Arcaea 189 02:19 3.0.0 9 932
Songs vexaria.jpg Vexaria ak+q Arcaea 180 02:12 3.0.0 9 785
Songs essenceoftwilight.jpg Essence of Twilight ak+q Eternal Core 164 02:31 1.0.5 9 1204
Songs qualia.jpg qualia -ideaesthesia- nitro Arcaea 144 02:23 1.0.3Beta 9 1022
Songs lumia.jpg Lumia sky_delta Eternal Core 180 02:03 3.2.3 9 814
Songs anokumene.jpg AnökumeneAnokumene Jun Kuroda Arcaea 186 01:54 1.0.10 9 851
Songs infinityheaven.jpg Infinity Heaven HyuN Arcaea 160 02:34 3.0.0 9 986
Songs partyvinyl.jpg Party Vinyl モリモリあつし Crimson Solace 132 01:50 1.0.11 9 800
Songs flyburg.jpg Flyburg and Endrollフライブルクとエンドロウル アリスシャッハと魔法の楽団 Crimson Solace 180 02:28 1.0.11 9 930
Songs dataerror.jpg DataErr0r Cosmograph Memory Archive 180 02:05 1.1.0 9 955
Songs crosssoul.jpg CROSS†SOUL HyuN feat. Syepias Memory Archive 200 02:19 1.1.0 9 1081
Songs yourvoiceso.jpg Your voice so... feat. Such PSYQUI Memory Archive 176 02:30 1.1.0 9 1013
Songs kanagawa.jpg Kanagawa Cyber Culvert神奈川電脳暗渠 南ゆに Arcaea 180 02:28 1.1.0 9 1111
Songs oracle.jpg Oracle TQ☆ Dynamix 152 02:23 1.1.2 9 963
Songs impurebird.jpg Impure Bird不浄な白い鳥 MIssionary Memory Archive 184 01:56 1.1.3 9 805
Songs ignotus.jpg Ignotus ak+q Arcaea 170 02:26 1.1.3 9 1225
Songs auxesia.jpg Auxesia ginkiha Memory Archive 183 02:04 1.1.4 9 1000
Songs iconoclast.jpg Iconoclast Yamajet Vicious Labyrinth 140 02:06 1.5.0 9 795
Songs grievouslady.jpg Grievous Lady Team Grimoire vs Laur Vicious Labyrinth 210 02:20 1.5.0 9 1076
Songs dreaminattraction.jpg Dreamin' Attraction!! 翡乃イスカ Arcaea 205 02:20 1.5.0 9 1129
Songs redandblue.jpg Red and Blue Silentroom Arcaea 150 02:01 1.5.0 9 845
Songs yozakurafubuki.jpg Yosakura Fubuki夜桜吹雪 A.SAKA Memory Archive 172 02:14 1.5.2 9 931
Songs journey.jpg Journey ARForest Lanota 200 02:14 1.5.5 9 997
Songs specta.jpg Specta Junk Lanota 179 02:16 1.5.5 9 1096
Songs quon.jpg Quon Feryquitous Lanota 189 02:23 1.5.5 9 991
Songs syro.jpg Syro Mitomoro Arcaea 178 02:21 1.5.3 9 1150
Songs strongholds.jpg Strongholds Yooh Binary Enfold 105 02:17 1.6.0 9 922
Songs nexttoyou.jpg next to you uma feat. 橘花音 Binary Enfold 165 02:14 3.6.0 9 954
Songs blaster.jpg Blaster Massive New Krew Arcaea 180 02:17 1.5.7 9 1002
Songs carminescythe.jpg carmine:scythe かゆき Memory Archive 165 02:26 1.6.2 9 1164
Songs bethere.jpg Be There PSYQUI Memory Archive 164 02:13 1.6.4 9 982
Songs cyberneciacatharsis.jpg Cybernecia Catharsis Tanchiky Arcaea 184 02:15 1.6.4 9 946
Songs inkarusi.jpg inkar-usi DIA Arcaea 102 02:23 5.3.0 9 857
Songs fractureray.jpg Fracture Ray Sakuzyo Luminous Sky 200 02:33 1.7.0 9 1343
Songs darakunosono.jpg Illegal Paradise堕楽の園 gmtn. (witch's slave) Arcaea 168 02:34 1.7.0 9 1061
Songs dropdead.jpg dropdead Frums Memory Archive 50 02:17 1.7.2 9 1323
Songs espebranch.jpg LunarOrbit -believe in the Espebranch road-白道、多希望羊と信じありく。 Apo11o program ft. 大瀬良あい Arcaea 192 02:21 1.7.4 9 1058
Songs purgatorium.jpg Purgatorium お月さま交響曲 Arcaea 150 02:31 3.1.0 9 1051
Songs stager.jpg STAGER (ALL STAGE CLEAR) Ras Tone Sphere 145 02:31 1.8.0 9 1004
Songs rugie.jpg Rugie Feryquitous feat.Sennzai Arcaea 191 02:24 1.8.1 9 975
Songs astraltale.jpg Astral tale Noah Memory Archive 134 02:28 1.8.1 9 884
Songs phantasia.jpg Phantasia Yunosuke Memory Archive 153 02:32 1.8.2 9 952
Songs empireofwinter.jpg Empire of Winter Street Memory Archive 175 02:20 1.8.3 9 920
Songs merlin.jpg MERLIN REDALiCE Groove Coaster 180 02:09 3.12.4 9 881
Songs omakeno.jpg OMAKENO Stroke t+pazolite Groove Coaster 240 01:56 1.9.0 9 869
Songs libertas.jpg Libertas Zekk Memory Archive 160 02:11 1.9.2 9 947
Songs antithese.jpg Antithese Blacklolita Absolute Reason 172 02:21 3.10.0 9 968
Songs revixy.jpg ReviXy ikaruga_nex Arcaea 115-185 02:38 2.0.0 9 1047
Songs vector.jpg VECTOЯ WHITEFISTS Arcaea 200 02:22 2.0.3 9 1299
Songs vindication.jpg Vindication Laur Adverse Prelude 174 02:30 2.2.0 9 1075
Songs aiueoon.jpg AI[UE]OON MYUKKE. Sunset Radiance 145 02:22 2.3.0 9 989
Songs melodyoflove.jpg A Wandering Melody of Love迷える音色は恋の唄 からとPαnchii少年 feat.はるの Sunset Radiance 165 02:14 2.3.0 9 931
Songs avantraze.jpg Avant Raze Sampling Masters MEGA Memory Archive 200 02:14 2.4.7 9 1125
Songs laqryma.jpg La'qryma of the Wasteland DJ Noriken Memory Archive 168 02:23 2.5.0 9 956
Songs saikyostronger.jpg SAIKYO STRONGER最強STRONGER REDALiCE vs USAO Memory Archive 205 02:22 2.5.0 9 1067
Songs equilibrium.jpg Equilibrium Maozon Black Fate 180 02:17 3.0.0 9 951
Songs ifi.jpg #1f1e33 かめりあ(EDP) Black Fate 181 02:43 3.0.0 9 1144
Songs tempestissimo.jpg Tempestissimo t+pazolite Black Fate 231 02:17 3.0.0 9 1034
Songs faintlight.jpg Faint Light (Arcaea Edit) Taishi Extend Archive 1 133 02:37 3.0.3 9 809
Songs feelssoright.jpg Feels So Right feat. Renko Mysteka Memory Archive 180 02:15 3.0.3 9 947
Songs teriqma.jpg Teriqma owl*tree Memory Archive 128 02:27 3.0.5 9 873
Songs mahoroba.jpg MAHOROBA Zekk Memory Archive 195 02:00 3.0.6 9 828
Songs crossover.jpg CROSS†OVER HyuN feat. LyuU Extend Archive 1 200 02:30 3.2.1 9 1094
Songs lapis.jpg Lapis SHIKI Extend Archive 1 146 02:18 3.2.2 9 920
Songs purpleverse.jpg Purple Verse Hommarju Extend Archive 1 170 02:25 3.3.0 9 1023
Songs alicealamode.jpg Alice à la mode Masanori Akita Ephemeral Page 80-134 02:32 3.3.0 9 872
Songs alicessuitcase.jpg Alice's Suitcase Endorfin. Ephemeral Page 190 02:32 3.3.0 9 999
Songs jump.jpg Jump Rasmus Faber Ephemeral Page 133 02:30 3.3.0 9 841
Songs lazyaddiction.jpg Lazy Addiction sky_delta O.N.G.E.K.I. 185 02:23 3.4.0 9 1031
Songs glow.jpg Glow SPACELECTRO Extend Archive 1 165 02:18 3.5.0 9 916
Songs bassline.jpg Can I Friend You on Bassbook? Lolベースラインやってる?w かめりあ feat. ななひら Memory Archive 128 02:26 3.5.4 9 861
Songs lifeispiano.jpg Life is PIANO Junk Extend Archive 1 133 02:10 3.5.4 9 674
Songs crystalgravity.jpg Crystal Gravity Tanchiky vs. siromaru Esoteric Order 178 02:04 3.6.0 9 872
Songs aegleseeker.jpg Aegleseeker Silentroom vs Frums Esoteric Order 234 02:29 3.6.0 9 1235
Songs coastalhighway.jpg Coastal Highway Glitch Droids Pale Tapestry 110 02:29 3.6.0 9 732
Songs odysseia.jpg ΟΔΥΣΣΕΙΑ Sober Bear Pale Tapestry 174 02:24 3.6.0 9 1092
Songs turbocharger.jpg Turbocharger A/I Extend Archive 1 128-170 02:29 3.6.2 9 979
Songs kyogenkigo.jpg False Embellishment狂言綺語 影虎。 & ikaruga_nex Extend Archive 1 155 02:29 3.7.0 9 969
Songs smallcloud.jpg Small Cloud Sugar Candy テヅカ x Aoi feat.桃雛なの Light of Salvation 220 02:13 3.7.0 9 919
Songs withu.jpg with U t+pazolite & Massive New Krew feat. リリィ(CV:青木志貴) WACCA 155 02:20 3.8.0 9 932
Songs letyoudivermx.jpg Let you DIVE! (nitro rmx) nitro (lowiro) WACCA 185 02:27 3.8.0 9 1049
Songs eveninginscarlet.jpg Evening in Scarlet緋纏いの宵 Freezer feat.妃苺 Memory Archive 170 02:08 3.8.2 9 922
Songs energysynergymatrix.jpg ENERGY SYNERGY MATRIX Tanchiky Extend Archive 1 160 02:03 3.8.4 9 922
Songs lastendconductor.jpg lastendconductor zts Memory Archive 139 03:04 3.8.6 9 1209
Songs bluerose.jpg Blue Rose Cosmograph Divided Heart 250-295 02:36 3.10.0 9 955
Songs blockedlibrary.jpg Blocked Library 影虎 Divided Heart 148 02:14 3.10.0 9 850
Songs finalstep.jpg Final Step! Lime Muse Dash 180 02:17 3.11.0 9 1056
Songs sakurafubuki.jpg Sakura Fubuki Street Arcaea 175 01:58 3.12.0 9 837
Songs nulctrl.jpg NULCTRL Silentroom Arcaea 100 02:31 3.12.0 9 715
Songs headbonkache.jpg Head BONK ache saaa ft. MC iwata Bros. Memory Archive 132-165 02:25 3.12.4 9 1061
Songs picopicotranslation.jpg PICO-Pico-Translation!ピコPico*とらんすれーしょんっ! t+pazolite,ななひら,Cranky,Pico* Memory Archive 185 02:20 3.12.8 9 1049
Songs nekonote.jpg Dancin' on a Cat's Pawネコノテ・カリタガール Ino(chronoize) Arcaea 148 02:17 3.12.8 9 891
Songs mukishitsu.jpg Redraw the Colorless World無機質世界に彩を MisomyL Arcaea 155 02:32 4.0.0 9 886
Songs testify.jpg Testify void (Mournfinale) feat. 星熊南巫 Final Verdict 178 02:56 4.0.0 9 1225
Songs last.jpg Last onoken Silent Answer 175 02:27 4.0.255 9 831
Songs last.jpg Last | Moment [Beyond] onoken Silent Answer 175 02:27 4.0.255 9 888
Songs kokoro.jpg Heart 削除 (Violin : Katali) O.N.G.E.K.I. Collaboration Chapter 2 80 02:29 4.1.0 9 872
Songs cocorocosmetic.jpg cocoro*cosmetic KOTONOHOUSE Memory Archive 144 02:40 4.1.4 9 1025
Songs mantis.jpg MANTIS (Arcaea Ultra-Bloodrush VIP) Akira Complex feat. kiraku Extend Archive 2 135 02:34 4.2.0 9 1014
Songs impact.jpg IMPACT USAO feat. 光吉猛修 CHUNITHM Collaboration Chapter 3 210 02:31 4.4.0 9 1231
Songs lostemotion.jpg Lost Emotion feat. nomico Masayoshi Minoshima(ALR) Extend Archive 2 172 02:40 4.4.4 9 1123
Songs gimmick.jpg GIMMICK Ms.Sill Extend Archive 2 143 02:04 4.4.4 9 733
Songs galacticlove.jpg Galactic Love La prière Memory Archive 145 02:42 4.4.6 9 813
Songs lawlesspoint.jpg Lawless Point無法地点 La prière Extend Archive 2 148 02:37 4.4.6 9 838
Songs usedtobe.jpg Used to be KIVΛ CYTUS II 140 03:06 4.5.0 9 799
Songs drg.jpg DRG onoken CYTUS II Collaboration Chapter 2 155 01:58 4.6.0 9 872
Songs ravenspride.jpg Raven's Prideレイヴンズ・プライド みーに feat. はらもりよしな Lasting Eden 165 02:31 4.7.0 9 1030
Songs remindthesouls.jpg Remind the Souls (Short Version) Nhato Arcaea 130 02:39 5.0.0 9 945
Songs dynitikos.jpg Dynitikós Prower Extend Archive 2 180 02:34 5.0.0 9 986
Songs primevaltexture.jpg Primeval Texture くるぶっこちゃん Lasting Eden Chapter 2 120 02:13 5.0.0 9 810
Songs arghena.jpg Arghena Feryquitous vs Laur Lasting Eden Chapter 2 185 02:33 5.0.0 9 1082
Songs fantasy.jpg FANTA5Y Moon Jelly & YUKIYANAGI Extend Archive 2 170 02:22 5.1.0 9 965
Songs transientspace.jpg Transient Space sleepless, Gardens, aspect Shifting Veil 115-132 02:38 5.1.0 9 805
Songs stratoliner.jpg Stratoliner C-Show WACCA Collaboration Chapter 2 175 02:05 5.2.0 9 877
Songs aloneandlorn.jpg Alone & Lornアローンアンドローン Ponchi♪ feat.はぁち Extend Archive 2 100 02:19 5.2.0 9 970
Songs felys.jpg felys final remix onoken Extend Archive 2 180 02:50 5.2.2 9 1130
Songs onandon.jpg On And On!! feat. Jenga ETIA. Extend Archive 2 170 02:03 5.2.2 9 836
Songs theformula.jpg The Formula Junk Arcaea 144 02:23 5.3.0 9 957
Songs jingle.jpg Jingle DJ Noriken Arcaea 170 02:47 5.4.0 9 1047
Songs hellohell.jpg HELLOHELL Records World Extend 3 155 02:20 5.5.0 9 770
Songs ichirin.jpg 〇、 Kolaa & 熊子 World Extend 3 145 02:18 5.5.0 9 708
Songs leaveallbehind.jpg Leave All Behind rider World Extend 3 150 02:07 5.6.0 9 828
Songs distortedfate.jpg Distorted Fate Sakuzyo Memory Archive 150 02:42 5.6.0 9 1172
Songs floatingworld.jpg Floating World baker feat. botan Memory Archive 174 02:39 5.6.0 9 1047
Songs tasogare.jpg Twilight Concerto黄昏の協奏曲 Scarlette Memory Archive 194 01:41 5.7.0 9 803
Songs stargateextreme.jpg STARGATE EXTREME KARUT Memory Archive 150 02:03 5.8.0 9 724
Songs signof.jpg Sign of "10.5km" 渡部恭久 Groove Coaster Chapter 2 160 02:14 5.8.0 9 735
Songs invain.jpg In Vain ryhki Absolute Nihil 165 02:33 5.9.0 9 1111
Songs alterego.jpg ALTER EGO Yuta Imai vs Qlarabelle Absolute Nihil 195 02:40 5.9.0 9 1213
Songs epitaxy.jpg epitaxy Camellia World Extend 3 183 02:50 5.10.0 9 1410
Songs invertedworld.jpg Inverted World ARForest Rotaeno 180 02:14 5.10.0 9 940
Songs rainofconflict.jpg Rain of Conflict in a Radiant Abyss ak+q Memory Archive 195 @ 5.10.2 9 1164
Songs furetemitai.jpg FURETE-MITAIフレテミタイ みきとP World Extend 3 155 02:01 5.10.4 9 841
Songs prayer.jpg Prayerプレヤ qfeileadh&レゾナンスもえこ World Extend 3 132 02:31 5.10.6 9 714
Songs thirdsun.jpg Third Sun Ash Astral Memory Archive 75-225 02:38 5.10.6 9 811
Songs diesirae.jpg Dies irae お月さま交響曲 Memory Archive 172 02:32 5.10.6 9 1052
Songs astralexe.jpg astral.exe Synzak & Laxeno57 World Extend 3 174 02:35 6.0.0 9 1059
Songs dontfightmusic.jpg Don't Fight The Music 黒魔 O.N.G.E.K.I. Collaboration Chapter 3 190-200 02:39 6.0.0 9 1043
Songs renegade.jpg Renegade sky_delta Lucent Historia 186 02:25 6.0.0 9 994
Songs designant.jpg Designant. Designant Lucent Historia 200 02:58 6.0.0 9 1426
Songs eightem.jpg 8-EM Sampling Masters AYA CHUNITHM Collaboration Chapter 4 168 02:28 6.1.0 9 1081
Songs straightintolights.jpg Straight into the lights Cosmograph maimai Collaboration Chapter 3 90 02:29 6.2.0 9 1226



封面 标题 作曲家 所属曲包 BPM 时长 收录版本 FTR 难度4 物量
Songs lostcivilization.jpg Lost Civilization Laur vs CK Arcaea 75 - 210 02:04 3.6.0 9+ 1061
Songs goodtek.jpg GOODTEK (Arcaea Edit) EBIMAYO Arcaea 190 02:06 3.0.0 9+ 1103
Songs qualia.jpg qualia -ideaesthesia- nitro Arcaea 144 02:23 3.10.0 9+ 1288
Songs dement.jpg Dement ~after legend~ Cosmograph Arcaea 210 02:09 3.1.0 9+ 1040
Songs kanagawa.jpg Kanagawa Cyber Culvert神奈川電脳暗渠 南ゆに Arcaea 180 02:28 3.10.0 9+ 1121
Songs ignotus.jpg Ignotus Afterburn [Beyond] ak+q Arcaea 170 02:26 3.12.2 9+ 1077
Songs lethaeus.jpg Lethaeus Silentroom Ambivalent Vision 155 02:27 1.1.4 9+ 900
Songs moonheart.jpg Moonheart 翡乃イスカ Ambivalent Vision 180 02:13 3.4.1 9+ 1139
Songs modelista.jpg Modelista HiTECH NINJA Memory Archive 165 02:08 1.1.6 9+ 1010
Songs soundwitch.jpg SOUNDWiTCH HATE Vicious Labyrinth 170 01:45 1.5.0 9+ 785
Songs trappola.jpg trappola bewitching妖艶魔女 -trappola bewitching- gmtn. Vicious Labyrinth 190 02:00 1.5.0 9+ 1044
Songs memoryforest.jpg Memory Forest ETIA. Binary Enfold 178 02:24 1.6.0 9+ 978
Songs cyberneciacatharsis.jpg Cybernecia Catharsis Tanchiky Arcaea 184 02:15 5.3.0 9+ 991
Songs themessage.jpg The Message Jun Kuroda Luminous Sky 202 02:20 1.7.0 9+ 992
Songs sulfur.jpg Sulfur ぺのれり Luminous Sky 182 02:22 1.7.0 9+ 1045
Songs nhelv.jpg Nhelv Silentroom Arcaea 174.59 02:50 1.7.2 9+ 1108
Songs fallensquare.jpg Fallensquare Silentroom Memory Archive 99 02:33 1.7.2 9+ 703
Songs linearaccelerator.jpg Linear Accelerator THE SHAFT Tone Sphere 200 - 211.9 02:04 1.8.0 9+ 905
Songs dxfullmetal.jpg DX Choseinou Full Metal ShojoDX超性能フルメタル少女 IOSYS TRAX (uno with.ちよこ) Groove Coaster 160 01:55 1.9.0 9+ 808
Songs corruption.jpg Corruption 3R2 Absolute Reason 170 02:26 2.0.0 9+ 1293
Songs blackterritory.jpg Black Territory DJ Myosuke Absolute Reason 200 02:20 2.0.0 9+ 1195
Songs supernova.jpg SUPERNOVA BACO Arcaea 150 02:39 2.0.3 9+ 1123
Songs dreadnought.jpg Dreadnought Mastermind (xi + nora2r) Memory Archive 96-384 02:20 2.2.0 9+ 1099
Songs heavensdoor.jpg Heavensdoor LeaF Adverse Prelude 240 02:11 2.2.0 9+ 1101
Songs mirzam.jpg Mirzam Aoi vs. siqlo Memory Archive 201 02:29 2.3.2 9+ 1303
Songs freefall.jpg FREEF4LL YUKIYANAGI Arcaea 170 02:32 4.1.4 9+ 1336
Songs monochromeprincess.jpg Monochrome Princess polysha Arcaea 160 02:17 2.4.3 9+ 974
Songs heavenlycaress.jpg Heavenly caress Noah Memory Archive 241 02:15 2.4.3 9+ 1560
Songs filament.jpg Filament Puru Memory Archive 170 02:23 2.4.5 9+ 991
Songs battlenoone.jpg BATTLE NO.1 TANO*C Sound Team Memory Archive 200 02:12 2.4.9 9+ 1042
Songs einherjar.jpg Einherjar Joker DJ Genki vs Gram Memory Archive 222 02:18 2.5.0 9+ 1159
Songs blrink.jpg BLRINK Sta Adverse Prelude 115 02:44 2.5.3 9+ 1015
Songs oblivia.jpg Oblivia Saiph Arcaea 180 02:28 5.3.0 9+ 1021
Songs amygdata.jpg amygdata nitro Memory Archive 154 02:38 2.6.0 9+ 1199
Songs antagonism.jpg Antagonism Yooh vs. siromaru Black Fate 160 02:19 3.0.0 9+ 1142
Songs lostdesire.jpg Lost Desire Powerless feat. Sennzai Black Fate 170 02:38 3.0.0 9+ 1154
Songs arcahv.jpg Arcahv Feryquitous Black Fate 191 02:46 3.0.0 9+ 1065
Songs altale.jpg Altale Sakuzyo Memory Archive 83-90 02:32 3.0.0 9+ 690
Songs blacklotus.jpg Black Lotus wa. Extend Archive 1 200 01:55 3.0.0 9+ 965
Songs scarletcage.jpg Scarlet Cage Daisuke Kurosawa Memory Archive 166 02:38 3.0.3 9+ 1195
Songs teriqma.jpg Teriqma owl*tree Memory Archive 128 02:27 4.4.0 9+ 954
Songs badtek.jpg BADTEK EBIMAYO Memory Archive 190 01:57 3.1.0 9+ 916
Songs gothiveofra.jpg Got hive of Ra E.G.G. Groove Coaster 268 02:05 3.2.0 9+ 794
Songs galaxyfriends.jpg Galaxy Friends Kobaryo Memory Archive 300 02:09 3.2.1 9+ 1013
Songs xeraphinite.jpg Xeraphinite BlackY Memory Archive 146 02:26 3.2.2 9+ 1048
Songs heartjackin.jpg Heart Jackin' Yu_Asahina The Journey Onwards 160 02:38 3.3.1 9+ 1112
Songs dazzlehop.jpg Dazzle hop Sampling Masters MEGA O.N.G.E.K.I. 220 02:10 3.4.0 9+ 1022
Songs seventhsense.jpg 7thSense 削除 maimai 150 02:09 3.4.1 9+ 925
Songs farawaylight.jpg Far Away Light technoplanet feat. はるの & 黒沢ダイスケ Esoteric Order 180-216 02:29 3.6.0 9+ 1322
Songs vandalism.jpg Vandalism Ashrount Extend Archive 1 194 02:30 3.6.0 9+ 1087
Songs theultimacy.jpg THE ULTIMACY aran vs Massive New Krew Memory Archive 200 02:32 3.6.4 9+ 1304
Songs alterale.jpg AlterAle Arik Kau Delay (アラかゆきでり Light of Salvation 220-245 02:27 3.7.0 9+ 1277
Songs mazymetroplex.jpg Mazy Metroplex aran WACCA 155 02:09 3.8.0 9+ 952
Songs goldenslaughterer.jpg goldenslaughterer zts Memory Archive 133 03:04 3.8.6 9+ 1326
Songs ascent.jpg Ascent TANUKI Shared Time 145 02:24 3.9.0 9+ 1023
Songs summerfireworks.jpg Summer Fireworks of Love彩る夏の恋花火 karatoPαnchii feat.はるの Memory Archive 160 02:26 3.9.0 9+ 1088
Songs neokosmo.jpg nέο κόsmoneo kosmo ak+q × Street Divided Heart 190 02:13 3.10.0 9+ 979
Songs akinokagerou.jpg Haze of Autumn秋の陽炎 karatoPαnchii feat.はるの Muse Dash 180 02:32 3.11.0 9+ 1077
Songs init.jpg init() kamome sano Memory Archive 180 02:24 3.11.2 9+ 1204
Songs macromod.jpg Macrocosmic Modulation JAKAZiD Memory Archive 170 02:27 3.12.0 9+ 1117
Songs protoflicker.jpg Protoflicker Silentroom Lanota Collaboration Chapter 2 140 02:48 3.12.8 9+ 1042
Songs mu.jpg μ Frums Memory Archive 140-190 02:30 3.12.10 9+ 1256
Songs trapcrow.jpg Trap Crow Puru Arcaea 80 02:54 4.0.0 9+ 1074
Songs defection.jpg Defection TeddyLoid feat. DELTA Final Verdict 160 02:30 4.0.0 9+ 1141
Songs infinitestrife.jpg Infinite Strife, BlackYooh vs. siromaru Final Verdict 198 02:50 4.0.0 9+ 1511
Songs lovelessdress.jpg Loveless Dress かねこちはる Silent Answer 99 02:44 4.0.255 9+ 850
Songs lasteternity.jpg Last | Eternity onoken Silent Answer 175 02:27 4.0.255 9+ 790
Songs callimakarma.jpg Callima Karma t+pazolite vs Feryquitous Silent Answer 95 02:41 4.0.255 9+ 1222
Songs aidrew.jpg Ai Drew Feryquitous O.N.G.E.K.I. Collaboration Chapter 2 175 02:17 4.1.0 9+ 1066
Songs fluffyflash.jpg FLUFFY FLASH Kobaryo O.N.G.E.K.I. Collaboration Chapter 2 252 02:30 4.1.0 9+ 1329
Songs worldfragments.jpg World Fragments III(radio edit) xi Extend Archive 2 200 02:45 4.2.0 9+ 1387
Songs astrawalkthrough.jpg Astra walkthrough paraoka Extend Archive 2 225 02:21 4.2.0 9+ 1191
Songs letsrock.jpg Let's Rock (Arcaea mix) ikaruga_nex vs FALCHiON Extend Archive 2 210 02:27 4.3.0 9+ 1177
Songs maxrage.jpg MAXRAGE EBIMAYO maimai Collaboration Chapter 2 222 02:14 4.3.0 9+ 1184
Songs genesischunithm.jpg Genesis Morrigan feat.Lily CHUNITHM Collaboration Chapter 3 150 02:00 4.4.0 9+ 867
Songs thesurvivor.jpg The Survivor (Game Edit) Taishi Memory Archive 132 03:09 4.4.4 9+ 1100
Songs newyorkbackraise.jpg New York Back Raise saaa + kei_iwata + stuv + わかどり Memory Archive 160 02:32 4.4.4 9+ 1091
Songs lostintheabyss.jpg Lost in the Abyss FELT Memory Archive 183 02:49 4.4.6 9+ 1179
Songs hybris.jpg Hybris (The one who shattered)ヒュブリスの頂に聳えるのは qfeileadh feat.のあ Extend Archive 2 158 02:42 4.4.6 9+ 1196
Songs devillicsphere.jpg Devillic Sphere 3R2 CYTUS II 160 02:06 4.5.0 9+ 1129
Songs ultimatetaste.jpg Ultimate taste ぱらどっと Extend Archive 2 200 02:52 4.6.0 9+ 1405
Songs sacrifice.jpg SACRIFICE feat. ayame Masayoshi Minoshima(ALR) Memory Archive 180 02:14 4.7.0 9+ 958
Songs rgb.jpg RGB MEMODEMO X AQUASINE Extend Archive 2 163 02:40 4.7.0 9+ 1131
Songs matenrou.jpg Kanjou no Matenrou ~Arr.Demetori感情の摩天楼 ~Arr.Demetori Demetori Extend Archive 2 178 02:33 4.7.2 9+ 1294
Songs tothefurthestdream.jpg To the Furthest Dream彼方の夢へと ii/night feat. 綺良雪 Memory Archive 183 02:36 4.7.2 9+ 1102
Songs amekagura.jpg Amekagura雨神楽 荒谷サトル Extend Archive 2 105 02:13 5.0.0 9+ 1076
Songs bbkkbkk.jpg B.B.K.K.B.K.K. nora2r Memory Archive 170 02:18 5.0.0 9+ 976
Songs technicolour.jpg Technicolour Maozon Lasting Eden Chapter 2 175 02:31 5.0.0 9+ 1140
Songs namelesspassion.jpg Nameless Passion 天束 feat.Sennzai Shifting Veil 200 02:37 5.1.0 9+ 1223
Songs ouverture.jpg Ouvertüre USAO & DJ Genki feat. ルーン(CV:河瀬茉希) WACCA Collaboration Chapter 2 200 02:21 5.2.0 9+ 913
Songs lightmyway.jpg LIVHT MY WΔY かめりあ feat. STΔRLIVHT Memory Archive 190 02:01 5.2.2 9+ 954
Songs hotarubinoyuki.jpg Hotarubi no Yuki蛍火の雪 Endorfin. Sunset Radiance 159 02:40 5.2.6 9+ 991
Songs lunarossa.jpg Luna Rossa r0y Memory Archive 174 01:59 5.3.0 9+ 920
Songs innocence.jpg Innocence Powerless feat. Sennzai Memory Archive 190 02:34 5.4.0 9+ 1157
Songs ionostream.jpg IONOSTREAM Tatsh Memory Archive 220-254 02:12 5.4.0 9+ 871
Songs awakeninruins.jpg Awaken In Ruins Supa7onyz World Extend 3 125 02:17 5.5.0 9+ 754
Songs morningloom.jpg MORNINGLOOM saaa World Extend 3 102 02:18 5.5.0 9+ 1035
Songs desive.jpg Désive MisomyL Memory Archive 180-230 02:46 5.6.0 9+ 1340
Songs oldschoolsalvage.jpg Old School Salvage DJ SHARPNEL World Extend 3 205 02:46 5.7.0 9+ 1316
Songs beautifuldreamer.jpg Beautiful Dreamer M-Project Memory Archive 188 02:22 5.7.0 9+ 1139
Songs stargateextreme.jpg STARGATE EXTREME KARUT Memory Archive 150 02:03 5.8.0 9+ 915
Songs temptationgc.jpg 10pt8ion Lite Show Magic Groove Coaster Chapter 2 128-185 02:09 5.8.0 9+ 906
Songs hypervision.jpg HYPER VISION VOLTA Memory Archive 155 02:37 5.8.0 9+ 1040
Songs distortionhuman.jpg Distortion Humanディストーション・ニンゲン DJ Myosuke & KAJI World Extend 3 200 02:29 5.9.0 9+ 1317
Songs shrink.jpg shrink Shohei Tsuchiya(ZUNTATA) Memory Archive 180 02:02 5.9.0 9+ 939
Songs hypnotize.jpg Hypnotize rejection Absolute Nihil 160 02:33 5.9.0 9+ 1164
Songs ashenboundary.jpg Ashen 6oundary YUKIYANAGI Absolute Nihil 172 02:28 5.9.0 9+ 1183
Songs waltzforlorelei.jpg Waltz for Lorelei Sobrem & 庭師 Rotaeno 220 02:13 5.10.0 9+ 999
Songs hailstone.jpg Hailstone Kazki Misora World Extend 3 180 02:09 5.10.4 9+ 1002
Songs crimsonquartz.jpg Crimson Quartz DiGiTAL WiNG with 空音 Memory Archive 145 02:43 5.10.6 9+ 1200
Songs liftoff.jpg LiftOff MAYA AKAI O.N.G.E.K.I. Collaboration Chapter 3 137 02:15 6.0.0 9+ 988
Songs swansong.jpg Swan Song void (Mournfinale) Lucent Historia 148 02:43 6.0.0 9+ 1225
Songs raysofremnant.jpg Rays of Remnant May × Felysrator Lucent Historia 200 02:11 6.0.0 9+ 982
Songs ignition.jpg Ignition パソコン音楽クラブ CHUNITHM Collaboration Chapter 4 160 02:16 6.1.0 9+ 994
Songs virtus.jpg ViRTUS Hiro maimai Collaboration Chapter 3 225 02:25 6.2.0 9+ 1222
Songs yomibitoshirazu.jpg yomibito_shirazuヨミビトシラズ Limonène (サノカモメ+月島春果) maimai Collaboration Chapter 3 188 02:26 6.2.0 9+ 1075



封面 标题 作曲家 所属曲包 BPM 时长 收录版本 FTR 难度4 物量
Songs pragmatism.jpg PRAGMATISM Laur Eternal Core 174 02:00 1.0.5 10 942
Songs sheriruth.jpg Sheriruth Team Grimoire Eternal Core 185 02:17 1.0.5 10 1151
Songs partyvinyl.jpg Party Vinyl モリモリあつし Crimson Solace 132 01:50 4.1.6 10 946
Songs nirvluce.jpg Nirv lucE しーけー Crimson Solace 260 02:08 1.0.11 10 980
Songs aterlbus.jpg αterlβusaterlbus Aoi Dynamix 202 02:00 1.1.2 10 1030
Songs trappola.jpg trappola bewitching妖艶魔女 -trappola bewitching- gmtn. Vicious Labyrinth 190 02:00 4.3.0 10 1086
Songs conflict.jpg conflict siromaru + cranky Vicious Labyrinth 160 02:14 1.5.0 10 1056
Songs axiumcrisis.jpg Axium Crisis ak+q Vicious Labyrinth 170 02:30 1.5.0 10 1094
Songs redandblue.jpg Red and Blue and Green [Beyond] Silentroom Arcaea 150 02:01 3.12.2 10 1194
Songs cyanine.jpg cyanine jioyi Lanota 182 02:32 1.5.5 10 1171
Songs singularity.jpg Singularity ETIA. Binary Enfold 175 02:06 1.6.0 10 1105
Songs singularity.jpg Singularity VVVIP [Beyond] ETIA. Binary Enfold 175 02:06 3.12.2 10 1114
Songs metallicpunisher.jpg Metallic Punisher INNOCENT NOIZE Memory Archive 165 02:30 1.5.6 10 1238
Songs guardina.jpg γuarδinaguardina Aoi Memory Archive 202 02:11 1.6.2 10 1120
Songs halcyon.jpg Halcyon xi Luminous Sky 191 02:38 1.7.0 10 1227
Songs etherstrike.jpg Ether Strike Akira Complex Luminous Sky 156 02:19 1.7.0 10 1170
Songs bookmaker.jpg Bookmaker (2D Version) Kobaryo Arcaea 175 02:29 3.6.4 10 1287
Songs dropdead.jpg overdead. [Beyond] Frums Memory Archive 50 02:17 3.12.2 10 1503
Songs tiferet.jpg Tiferet xi + Sta Tone Sphere 140? 02:27 1.8.0 10 1086
Songs alexandrite.jpg Alexandrite WAiKURO Memory Archive 146 02:23 1.7.5 10 1040
Songs omakeno.jpg OMAKENO Stroke t+pazolite Groove Coaster 240 01:56 3.12.4 10 931
Songs scarletlance.jpg Scarlet Lance MASAKI (ZUNTATA) Groove Coaster 185 02:09 1.9.0 10 1130
Songs libertas.jpg Libertas Zekk Memory Archive 160 02:11 5.3.0 10 1048
Songs viciousheroism.jpg Vicious Heroism Kobaryo Absolute Reason 256 02:20 2.0.0 10 1150
Songs garakuta.jpg Garakuta Doll Play t+pazolite CHUNITHM 256 02:08 2.1.0 10 1035
Songs ikazuchi.jpg Ikazuchi怒槌 光吉猛修 CHUNITHM 200 02:30 2.1.0 10 1347
Songs valhallazero.jpg Valhalla:0 Juggernaut. Sunset Radiance 200 02:22 2.3.0 10 1173
Songs gloryroad.jpg GLORY:ROAD uma vs. モリモリあつし Crimson Solace 250 02:24 2.4.0 10 1479
Songs izana.jpg IZANA t+pazolite vs P*Light Memory Archive 222 02:03 2.5.0 10 976
Songs laqryma.jpg La'qryma of the Wasteland DJ Noriken Memory Archive 168 02:23 3.6.4 10 1161
Songs corpssansorganes.jpg corps-sans-organes cybermiso Ambivalent Vision 105 02:36 2.6.0 10 1077
Songs maliciousmischance.jpg Malicious Mischance s-don Memory Archive 155 02:18 3.1.2 10 1126
Songs xanatos.jpg Xanatos Tatsh Memory Archive 170 02:38 3.2.3 10 1232
Songs purpleverse.jpg Purple Verse Hommarju Extend Archive 1 170 02:25 5.3.0 10 1202
Songs felis.jpg Felis M2U Ephemeral Page 155 02:19 3.3.0 10 1153
Songs toaliceliddell.jpg To: Alice Liddellアリス・リデルに捧ぐ モリモリあつし The Journey Onwards 222 01:59 3.3.1 10 998
Songs viyellastears.jpg Viyella's Tears Laur O.N.G.E.K.I. 218 02:37 3.4.0 10 1403
Songs oshamascramble.jpg Oshama Scramble! t+pazolite maimai 190 02:01 3.4.1 10 1073
Songs climax.jpg Climax USAO CHUNITHM Collaboration Chapter 2 190 02:30 3.5.0 10 1367
Songs lastcelebration.jpg Last Celebration Laur vs CK CHUNITHM Collaboration Chapter 2 238 02:36 3.5.0 10 1475
Songs attraqtia.jpg AttraqtiA かめりあ Memory Archive 202 02:38 3.5.0 10 1433
Songs take.jpg Bamboo 立秋 feat.ちょこ Extend Archive 1 5-315 02:20 3.5.1 10 1050
Songs gimmedablood.jpg GIMME DA BLOOD C-Show Memory Archive 87-110 02:13 3.5.2 10 1093
Songs loschen.jpg Löschen BlackY feat. Risa Yuzuki Esoteric Order 181 02:20 3.6.0 10 1235
Songs overwhelm.jpg Overwhelm xi Pale Tapestry 200 02:29 3.6.0 10 1251
Songs hivemind.jpg HIVEMIND かたぎり Extend Archive 1 252 02:13 3.7.0 10 1252
Songs seclusion.jpg Seclusion Laur feat. Sennzai Esoteric Order 175 02:18 3.7.0 10 1132
Songs quonwacca.jpg Quon DJ Noriken WACCA 170 02:04 3.8.0 10 1044
Songs sheriruthrmx.jpg Sheriruth (Laur Remix) Laur Memory Archive 200 02:04 3.8.0 10 1134
Songs gengaozo.jpg G e n g a o z o -45 Extend Archive 1 153 02:45 3.8.6 10 1353
Songs lastendconductor.jpg lastendconductor zts Memory Archive 139 03:04 3.8.6 10 1339
Songs redolentshape.jpg Redolent Shape Sanaas Memory Archive 150 02:12 3.8.8 10 1088
Songs livefastdieyoung.jpg Live Fast Die Young anubasu-anubasu Shared Time 153 02:16 3.9.0 10 1292
Songs lightningscrew.jpg Lightning Screw HiTECH NINJA Divided Heart 190 02:07 3.10.0 10 1192
Songs medusa.jpg Medusa HiTECH NINJA Muse Dash 165 02:04 3.11.0 10 931
Songs neowings.jpg NEO WINGS SOUND HOLIC feat. Nana Takahashi Memory Archive 168 02:30 3.12.0 10 1328
Songs kissinglucifer.jpg Kissing Lucifer ETIA. Memory Archive 170 02:26 3.12.0 10 1183
Songs aurgelmir.jpg Aurgelmir 溝口ゆうま feat. 大瀬良あい Memory Archive 122-230 02:17 3.12.4 10 1100
Songs pupa.jpg PUPA モリモリあつし Memory Archive 202 02:08 4.0.0 10 1099
Songs worldender.jpg World Ender魔王 sasakure.UK × TJ.hangneil Final Verdict 190-280 02:38 4.0.0 10 1225
Songs pentiment.jpg Pentiment Nothing But Requiem with Museo Final Verdict 200-222 02:43 4.0.0 10 1345
Songs arcanaeden.jpg Arcana Eden Team Grimoire vs Sakuzyo vs Laur Final Verdict 211 03:00 4.0.0 10 1792
Songs goodbyemerry.jpg Good bye, Merry-Go-Round. Yooh O.N.G.E.K.I. Collaboration Chapter 2 185 02:12 4.1.0 10 1084
Songs freemyself.jpg Free Myself lapix feat. mami Memory Archive 153 02:33 4.1.4 10 1132
Songs capella.jpg Capella ARForest Memory Archive 210 02:17 4.1.6 10 1159
Songs chronicle.jpg Chronicle Lime Extend Archive 2 221 02:25 4.2.0 10 1264
Songs crimsonthrone.jpg Crimson Throne Dimier√Lisb Memory Archive 210 02:15 4.3.0 10 1313
Songs manicjeer.jpg Manic Jeer ルゼ Memory Archive 195 02:32 4.3.0 10 1286
Songs hiirogekka.jpg Hiiro Gekka, Kyoushou no Zetsu (nayuta 2017 ver.)緋色月下、狂咲ノ絶 (nayuta 2017 ver.) nayuta x 黒鳥(EastNewSound) Memory Archive 150 02:40 4.3.0 10 1126
Songs infinity.jpg [X] Blacklolita maimai Collaboration Chapter 2 162-180 02:25 4.3.0 10 1190
Songs impact.jpg IMPACT USAO feat. 光吉猛修 CHUNITHM Collaboration Chapter 3 210 02:31 4.4.0 10 1392
Songs trrricksters.jpg Trrricksters!! s-don vs. 翡乃イスカ CHUNITHM Collaboration Chapter 3 155 02:27 4.4.0 10 1183
Songs tothemilkyway.jpg To the Milky Way 黒魔 Memory Archive 186 02:46 4.4.6 10 1392
Songs lucidtraveler.jpg Lucid Traveler Akira Complex vs 3R2 CYTUS II 170-200 02:39 4.5.0 10 1341
Songs internetyamero.jpg INTERNET YAMERO Aiobahn feat. KOTOKO Memory Archive 185 03:01 4.5.0 10 1222
Songs nnglooms.jpg 99 Glooms Sta CYTUS II Collaboration Chapter 2 185 02:42 4.6.0 10 1294
Songs magnolia.jpg Magnolia M2U Vocal by Guriri CYTUS II Collaboration Chapter 2 160 02:25 4.6.0 10 895
Songs riseoftheworld.jpg Rise of the World cosMo@暴走P Lasting Eden 182-212 02:20 4.7.0 10 1176
Songs unknownlevels.jpg UNKNOWN LEVELS Yuta Imai Lasting Eden 110-165 02:35 4.7.0 10 1149
Songs logos.jpg Logos polysha feat. 高城みよ Lasting Eden Chapter 2 189 02:17 5.0.0 10 1040
Songs egoeimi.jpg Ego Eimi BlackY feat. Risa Yuzuki Lasting Eden Chapter 2 178 02:35 5.0.0 10 1223
Songs xtreme.jpg XTREME USAO WACCA Collaboration Chapter 2 205 02:20 5.2.0 10 1258
Songs edenwacca.jpg eden "漆黒"の堕天使《Gram》†Versus†"聖刻"の熾天使《Gram》 WACCA Collaboration Chapter 2 246 02:23 5.2.0 10 1365
Songs wishuponasnow.jpg Wish Upon a Snow 打打だいず Memory Archive 218 02:39 5.2.0 10 1309
Songs overdrive.jpg Kanbu de Tomatte Sugu Tokeru患部で止まってすぐ溶ける 〜 狂気の優曇華院 ARM+夕野ヨシミ (IOSYS) feat. miko Memory Archive 200 02:13 5.2.2 10 1108
Songs alephzero.jpg Aleph-0 LeaF Extend Archive 2 35-400 02:20 5.4.0 10 919
Songs masqueradelegion.jpg Masquerade Legion Srav3R & DJ Noriken Memory Archive 175 02:25 5.4.0 10 1064
Songs qovat.jpg Qovat owl*tree Memory Archive 122 02:41 5.4.0 10 1299
Songs lethalvoltage.jpg Lethal Voltage siqlo World Extend 3 190 02:42 5.5.0 10 1497
Songs mirinae.jpg MIRINAE TAK × Zekk Memory Archive 180 02:37 5.5.0 10 1277
Songs ultradiaxon.jpg ultradiaxon-N3 nitro (lowiro) Memory Archive 150 02:34 5.5.8 10 1228
Songs chromafill.jpg Chromafill ていぬ Memory Archive 179 02:32 5.6.0 10 1130
Songs tasogare.jpg Twilight Concerto黄昏の協奏曲 Scarlette Memory Archive 194 01:41 5.7.0 10 962
Songs backtobasics.jpg Back to Basics m1dy Memory Archive 420 02:31 5.7.0 10 1544
Songs temptationgc.jpg 10pt8ion Lite Show Magic Groove Coaster Chapter 2 128-185 02:09 5.8.0 10 1087
Songs judgement.jpg Judgement Tatsunoshin Absolute Nihil 200 02:52 5.9.0 10 1432
Songs alterego.jpg ALTER EGO Yuta Imai vs Qlarabelle Absolute Nihil 195 02:40 5.9.0 10 1466
Songs dualdoom.jpg Dual Doom Deathmatch Kobaryo vs HyuN Rotaeno 222 02:22 5.10.0 10 1292
Songs mvurbd.jpg MVURBD ETIA. Rotaeno 175 02:50 5.10.0 10 1497
Songs gensounosatellite.jpg Gensou no Satellite幻想のサテライト 豚乙女 Memory Archive 230 02:32 5.10.4 10 1139
Songs thirdsun.jpg Third Sun Ash Astral Memory Archive 75-225 02:38 5.10.6 10 1043
Songs spiritdauntless.jpg Spirit of the Dauntless KO3 & Relect Memory Archive 180 02:29 5.10.6 10 1207
Songs diesirae.jpg Dies irae お月さま交響曲 Memory Archive 172 02:32 5.10.6 10 1263
Songs superambulance.jpg SUPER AMBULANCE AJURIKA O.N.G.E.K.I. Collaboration Chapter 3 200 02:31 6.0.0 10 1371
Songs renegade.jpg Renegade sky_delta Lucent Historia 186 02:25 6.0.0 10 1165
Songs raysofremnant.jpg Rays of Remnant May × Felysrator Lucent Historia 200 02:11 6.0.0 10 1118
Songs breachoffaith.jpg Breach of Faith Supire feat.eili Lucent Historia 172 02:38 6.0.0 10 1373
Songs lamentrain.jpg Lament Rain Ashrount vs. 打打だいず Lucent Historia 200 02:45 6.0.0 10 1380
Songs astralquant.jpg Astral Quantization Dj Grimoire Lucent Historia 185 02:35 6.0.0 10 1388
Songs blazingair.jpg BlazinG AIR kanone CHUNITHM Collaboration Chapter 4 150 02:20 6.1.0 10 1129
Songs eightem.jpg 8-EM Sampling Masters AYA CHUNITHM Collaboration Chapter 4 168 02:28 6.1.0 10 1201
Songs breakbreak.jpg BREaK! BREaK! BREaK! HiTECH NINJA vs Cranky maimai Collaboration Chapter 3 165 02:28 6.2.0 10 1251
Songs straightintolights.jpg Straight into the lights Cosmograph maimai Collaboration Chapter 3 90 02:29 6.2.0 10 1280


  1. 一首曲目的不同难度使用的封面有差异时,统一采用默认(一般是Future)封面,其余表格的类似情况也适用该规则